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NeuroImage, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, May 2004
- Gui Xue
, Qi Dong, Zhen Jin, Chuansheng Chen
Mapping of verbal working memory in nonfluent Chinese-English bilinguals with functional MRI. 1-10 - R. Todd Constable, Kenneth R. Pugh, Ella Berroya, W. Einar Mencl, Michael Westerveld, Weijia Ni, Donald Shankweiler:
Sentence complexity and input modality effects in sentence comprehension: an fMRI study. 11-21 - Giovanni Lucignani
, Andrea Panzacchi, Laura Bosio, Rosa Maria Moresco, Laura Ravasi, Isabella Coppa, Giuseppe Chiumello, Kirk Frey, Robert A. Koeppe, Ferruccio Fazio:
GABAA receptor abnormalities in Prader-Willi syndrome assessed with positron emission tomography and [11C]flumazenil. 22-28 - Margaret A. Naeser, Paula I. Martin, Errol Baker, Steven M. Hodge, Susan E. Sczerzenie, Marjorie Nicholas, Carole L. Palumbo, Harold Goodglass, Arthur Wingfield, Ranji Samaraweera, Gordon J. Harris, Abigail Baird, Perry F. Renshaw, Deborah A. Yurgelun-Todd:
Overt propositional speech in chronic nonfluent aphasia studied with the dynamic susceptibility contrast fMRI method. 29-41 - Katrin Amunts
, Peter H. Weiss
, Hartmut Mohlberg, Peter Pieperhoff, Simon B. Eickhoff
, Jennifer M. Gurd, John C. Marshall, Nadim Joni Shah
, Gereon R. Fink
, Karl Zilles
Analysis of neural mechanisms underlying verbal fluency in cytoarchitectonically defined stereotaxic space - The roles of Brodmann areas 44 and 45. 42-56 - Claudio Babiloni
, Giuliano Binetti
, Emanuele Cassetta
, Daniele Cerboneschi, Gloria Dal Forno, Claudio Del Percio, Florinda Ferreri
, Raffaele Ferri
, Bartolo Lanuzza
, Carlo Miniussi
, Davide V. Moretti
, Flavio Nobili
, Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui
, Guido Rodriguez, Gian Luca Romani, Serenella Salinari, Franca Tecchio
, Paolo Vitali, Orazio Zanetti
, Filippo Zappasodi, Paolo Maria Rossini:
Mapping distributed sources of cortical rhythms in mild Alzheimer's disease. A multicentric EEG study. 57-67 - Jen-Kai Chen, Karen M. Johnston, Stephen Frey, Michael Petrides, Keith Worsley, Alain Ptito:
Functional abnormalities in symptomatic concussed athletes: an fMRI study. 68-82 - Christoph Mulert
, Lorenz Jäger, Robert Schmitt, Patrick Bussfeld, Oliver Pogarell, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Georg Juckel, Ulrich Hegerl
Integration of fMRI and simultaneous EEG: towards a comprehensive understanding of localization and time-course of brain activity in target detection. 83-94 - Brent R. Logan, Daniel B. Rowe:
An evaluation of thresholding techniques in fMRI analysis. 95-108 - Kâmil Uludag
, Jens Steinbrink
, Matthias Kohl-Bareis, Rüdiger Wenzel, Arno Villringer
, Hellmuth Obrig:
Cytochrome-c-oxidase redox changes during visual stimulation measured by near-infrared spectroscopy cannot be explained by a mere cross talk artefact. 109-119 - Matthias Schulz, Wilkin Chau, Simon J. Graham, Anthony R. McIntosh
, Bernhard Ross
, Ryouhei Ishii
, Christo Pantev:
An integrative MEG-fMRI study of the primary somatosensory cortex using cross-modal correspondence analysis. 120-133 - Kewei Chen
, Eric M. Reiman, Gene E. Alexander, Daniel Bandy, Rosemary A. Renaut
, William R. Crum, Nick C. Fox
, Martin Rossor
An automated algorithm for the computation of brain volume change from sequential MRIs using an iterative principal component analysis and its evaluation for the assessment of whole-brain atrophy rates in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. 134-143 - Wei Wen
, Perminder S. Sachdev
The topography of white matter hyperintensities on brain MRI in healthy 60- to 64-year-old individuals. 144-154 - Yasuomi Ouchi, Etsuji Yoshikawa, Masami Futatsubashi, Hiroyuki Okada, Tatsuo Torizuka, Mitsuo Kaneko:
Activation in the premotor cortex during mental calculation in patients with Alzheimer's disease: relevance of reduction in posterior cingulate metabolism. 155-163 - Uta Noppeney
, Cathy J. Price:
Retrieval of abstract semantics. 164-170 - Eleanor A. Maguire, Christopher D. Frith
The brain network associated with acquiring semantic knowledge. 171-178 - Masayuki Kamba, Yul-Wan Sung, Seiji Ogawa:
A dynamic system model-based technique for functional MRI data analysis. 179-187 - T. William J. Moorhead, Dominic Edward Job
, Heather C. Whalley
, Tracy L. Sanderson, Eve C. Johnstone, Stephen M. Lawrie:
Voxel-based morphometry of comorbid schizophrenia and learning disability: analyses in normalized and native spaces using parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. 188-202 - Simon Robinson
, Christian Windischberger
, Alexander Rauscher
, Ewald Moser
Optimized 3 T EPI of the amygdalae. 203-210 - Susan M. Landau, Eric H. Schumacher, Hugh Garavan, T. Jason Druzgal
, Mark D'Esposito
A functional MRI study of the influence of practice on component processes of working memory. 211-221 - Minna Mäkiranta, Jyrki Ruohonen, Kalervo Suominen, Eila Sonkajarvi, Timo Salomäki, Vesa Kiviniemi, Tapio Seppänen, Seppo Alahuhta, Ville Jäntti, Osmo Tervonen:
BOLD-contrast functional MRI signal changes related to intermittent rhythmic delta activity in EEG during voluntary hyperventilation - simultaneous EEG and fMRI study. 222-231 - Evelyn Eger
, Philippe G. Schyns
, Andreas Kleinschmidt
Scale invariant adaptation in fusiform face-responsive regions. 232-242 - Yoko Nagai
, Hugo D. Critchley
, Eric Featherstone, M. R. Trimble, Raymond J. Dolan
Activity in ventromedial prefrontal cortex covaries with sympathetic skin conductance level: a physiological account of a "default mode" of brain function. 243-251 - Vince D. Calhoun
, Michael C. Stevens
, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Kent A. Kiehl:
fMRI analysis with the general linear model: removal of latency-induced amplitude bias by incorporation of hemodynamic derivative terms. 252-257 - Martin Kavec, Jussi-Pekka Usenius, Pasi I. Tuunanen, Aimo Rissanen, Risto A. Kauppinen:
Assessment of cerebral hemodynamics and oxygen extraction using dynamic susceptibility contrast and spin echo blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging: applications to carotid stenosis patients. 258-267 - Felix Carbonell
, Lídice Galán, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
, Keith J. Worsley, Rolando J. Biscay, L. Díaz-Comas, Maria Antonieta Bobes, Mario Parra-Rodriguez
Random Field-Union Intersection tests for EEG/MEG imaging. 268-276 - Kylie J. Wheaton, James C. Thompson
, Ari Syngeniotis, David F. Abbott
, Aina Puce:
Viewing the motion of human body parts activates different regions of premotor, temporal, and parietal cortex. 277-288 - John A. Agnew, Thomas A. Zeffiro, Guinevere F. Eden:
Left hemisphere specialization for the control of voluntary movement rate. 289-303 - Christina S. Konen, Raimund Kleiser, Hans-Jörg Wittsack, Frank Bremmer
, Rüdiger J. Seitz:
The encoding of saccadic eye movements within human posterior parietal cortex. 304-314 - Jennifer T. Coull
, Matt E. P. Jones, Talmage D. Egan
, Chris D. Frith
, Mervyn Maze:
Attentional effects of noradrenaline vary with arousal level: selective activation of thalamic pulvinar in humans. 315-322 - Seppo P. Ahlfors
, Gregory V. Simpson:
Geometrical interpretation of fMRI-guided MEG/EEG inverse estimates. 323-332 - C. Nicholas Riddle, Mark R. Baker
, Stuart N. Baker
The effect of carbamazepine on human corticomuscular coherence. 333-340 - Matthias L. Schroeter, Stefan Zysset, D. Yves von Cramon:
Shortening intertrial intervals in event-related cognitive studies with near-infrared spectroscopy. 341-346 - Christina Maier, Michaela Riedl, Martin Clodi, Christian Bieglmayer, Vladimir Mlynarik
, Siegfried Trattnig, Anton Luger:
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging of the stimulated pituitary gland. 347-352 - Jaume Sastre-Garriga
, Gordon T. Ingle, Declan T. Chard
, Lluís Ramió-Torrentà, David H. Miller, Alan J. Thompson
Grey and white matter atrophy in early clinical stages of primary progressive multiple sclerosis. 353-359 - Paul M. Macey
, Katherine E. Macey, Rajesh Kumar, Ronald M. Harper:
A method for removal of global effects from fMRI time series. 360-366 - Patrick S. Carmack, Jeffrey S. Spence, Richard F. Gunst, William R. Schucany, Wayne A. Woodward, Robert W. Haley
Improved agreement between Talairach and MNI coordinate spaces in deep brain regions. 367-371 - J. S. Morris, Raymond J. Dolan
Dissociable amygdala and orbitofrontal responses during reversal fear conditioning. 372-380 - Elfar Adalsteinsson, Ralph E. Hurd
, Dirk Mayer, N. Sailasuta, Edith V. Sullivan
, Adolf Pfefferbaum:
In vivo 2D J-resolved magnetic resonance spectroscopy of rat brain with a 3-T clinical human scanner. 381-386 - Cristina Simões, Stephan Salenius, Gabriel Curio
Short-term (≈600 ms) prediction of perturbation dynamics for 10- and 20-Hz MEG rhythms in human primary sensorimotor hand cortices. 387-393 - Yufeng Zang
, Tianzi Jiang, Yingli Lu, Yong He, Lixia Tian
Regional homogeneity approach to fMRI data analysis. 394-400 - Stephen R. Arnott, Malcolm A. Binns, Cheryl L. Grady, Claude Alain:
Assessing the auditory dual-pathway model in humans. 401-408 - David A. Seminowicz
, Helen S. Mayberg, Anthony R. McIntosh
, K. Goldapple, S. Kennedy, Z. Segal, Shahryar Rafi-Tari:
Limbic-frontal circuitry in major depression: a path modeling metanalysis. 409-418 - Andreas M. Bartels
, Semir Zeki:
The chronoarchitecture of the human brain - natural viewing conditions reveal a time-based anatomy of the brain. 419-433 - Jiri Cizek, Karl Herholz, Stefan Vollmar, Rainer Schrader, Johannes Klein, Wolf-Dieter Heiss:
Fast and robust registration of PET and MR images of human brain. 434-442 - Ching-Mei Feng, Shalini Narayana
, Jack L. Lancaster, Paul Jerabek, Thomas L. Arnow, Fang Zhu, Li-Hai Tan, Peter T. Fox
, Jia-Hong Gao:
CBF changes during brain activation: fMRI vs. PET. 443-446 - Matthew D. Lieberman, Johanna M. Jarcho
, Steve M. Berman, Bruce D. Naliboff, Brandall Y. Suyenobu, Mark A. Mandelkern, Emeran A. Mayer:
The neural correlates of placebo effects: a disruption account. 447-455 - David A. Kareken
, Merav Sabri
, Alexander J. Radnovich, Eric Claus, Brian Foresman, Dwight Hector, Gary D. Hutchins:
Olfactory system activation from sniffing: effects in piriform and orbitofrontal cortex. 456-465 - Laurent Cohen
, Stanislas Dehaene:
Specialization within the ventral stream: the case for the visual word form area. 466-476 - Cathy J. Price, Joseph T. Devlin
The pro and cons of labelling a left occipitotemporal region: "the visual word form area". 477-479
Volume 22, Number 2, June 2004
- Thomas R. Barrick
, Chris A. Clark:
Singularities in diffusion tensor fields and their relevance in white matter fiber tractography. 481-491 - Stefan J. Kiebel
, Karl J. Friston
Statistical parametric mapping for event-related potentials: I. Generic considerations. 492-502 - Stefan J. Kiebel
, Karl J. Friston
Statistical parametric mapping for event-related potentials (II): a hierarchical temporal model. 503-520 - Alexander N. Sokolov, Marina Pavlova, Werner Lutzenberger, Niels Birbaumer
Reciprocal modulation of neuromagnetic induced gamma activity by attention in the human visual and auditory cortex. 521-529 - Christoph Bledowski, David Prvulovic, Rainer Goebel
, Friedhelm E. Zanella, David E. J. Linden:
Attentional systems in target and distractor processing: a combined ERP and fMRI study. 530-540 - Oliver Zafiris, Gerald Kircheis, Hermann A. Rood, Frank Boers, Dieter Häussinger, Karl Zilles
Neural mechanism underlying impaired visual judgement in the dysmetabolic brain: an fMRI study. 541-552 - Atsuko Nagano-Saito, Takashi Kato, Yutaka Arahata, Yukihiko Washimi, Akinori Nakamura
, Yuji Abe, Takako Yamada, Katsushige Iwai, Kentaro Hatano, Yasuhiro Kawasumi, Teruhiko Kachi, Alain Dagher, Kengo Ito:
Cognitive- and motor-related regions in Parkinson's disease: FDOPA and FDG PET studies. 553-561 - Susan M. Ravizza, Mauricio R. Delgado, Jason M. Chein, James T. Becker
, Julie A. Fiez:
Functional dissociations within the inferior parietal cortex in verbal working memory. 562-573 - Jens-Max Hopf, Tömme Noesselt, Claus Tempelmann
, Jochen Braun
, Mircea Ariel Schoenfeld
, Hans-Jochen Heinze:
Popout modulates focal attention in the primary visual cortex. 574-582 - Kâmil Uludag
, Jens Steinbrink
, Arno Villringer
, Hellmuth Obrig:
Separability and cross talk: optimizing dual wavelength combinations for near-infrared spectroscopy of the adult head. 583-589 - Juliana Yordanova
, Michael Falkenstein, Joachim Hohnsbein, Vasil Kolev
Parallel systems of error processing in the brain. 590-602 - Barbara Cerf-Ducastel, Claire Murphy:
Improvement of fMRI data processing of olfactory responses with a perception-based template. 603-610 - Dharmesh R. Tailor, James E. Baumgardner, Ravinder R. Regatte
, John S. Leigh, Ravinder Reddy
Proton MRI of metabolically produced H217O using an efficient 17O2 delivery system. 611-618 - Gordon D. Waiter
, Justin H. G. Williams
, Alison D. Murray
, Anne Gilchrist, David I. Perrett
, Andrew Whiten
A voxel-based investigation of brain structure in male adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder. 619-625 - Rebecca E. Blanton, Jennifer G. Levitt, Jeffrey R. Peterson, David Fadale, Mike L. Sporty, Mimi Lee, Dennis To, Elizabeth C. Mormino, Paul M. Thompson
, James T. McCracken, Arthur W. Toga:
Gender differences in the left inferior frontal gyrus in normal children. 626-636 - Mathias Schreckenberger, Christian Lange-Asschenfeldt, Matthias Lochmann, Klaus Mann, Thomas Siessmeier, Hans-Georg Buchholz, Peter Bartenstein, Gerhard Gründer:
The thalamus as the generator and modulator of EEG alpha rhythm: a combined PET/EEG study with lorazepam challenge in humans. 637-644 - Ola Friman, Magnus Borga
, Peter Lundberg, Hans Knutsson:
Detection and detrending in fMRI data analysis. 645-655 - Eileen Luders, Christian Gaser
, Lutz Jäncke, Gottfried Schlaug:
A voxel-based approach to gray matter asymmetries. 656-664 - Alison Rowan, Frédérique Liégeois, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem
, David G. Gadian, Alan Connelly, Torsten Baldeweg:
Cortical lateralization during verb generation: a combined ERP and fMRI study. 665-675 - Satoru Hayasaka, K. Luan Phan, Israel Liberzon
, Keith J. Worsley, Thomas E. Nichols
Nonstationary cluster-size inference with random field and permutation methods. 676-687 - J. R. Foucher, H. Otzenberger, D. Gounot:
Where arousal meets attention: a simultaneous fMRI and EEG recording study. 688-697 - Taku Ochiai, Stephan Grimault, Didier Scavarda, Roch Giorgi
, Tomokatsu Hori
, Denis Rivière, Jean-François Mangin, Jean Régis:
Sulcal pattern and morphology of the superior temporal sulcus. 706-719 - Hidenori Yamasue, Haruyasu Yamada, Masato Yumoto, Satoru Kamio, Noriko Kudo, Miki Uetsuki, Osamu Abe, Rin Fukuda, Shigeki Aoki, Kuni Ohtomo, Akira Iwanami, Nobumasa Kato, Kiyoto Kasai
Abnormal association between reduced magnetic mismatch field to speech sounds and smaller left planum temporale volume in schizophrenia. 720-727 - Anders H. Andersen, William S. Rayens:
Structure-seeking multilinear methods for the analysis of fMRI data. 728-739 - H. W. Robert Powell, Maxime Guye, Geoffrey J. M. Parker
, Mark R. Symms, Philip A. Boulby, Matthias J. Koepp, Gareth J. Barker
, John S. Duncan
Noninvasive in vivo demonstration of the connections of the human parahippocampal gyrus. 740-747 - Yuhong Jiang:
Resolving dual-task interference: an fMRI study. 748-754 - Alexander Gutschalk, Roy D. Patterson, Michael Scherg, Stefan Uppenkamp, André Rupp:
Temporal dynamics of pitch in human auditory cortex. 755-766 - Silke Anders, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Dorothée Lulé, Niels Birbaumer
Infrared oculography - validation of a new method to monitor startle eyeblink amplitudes during fMRI. 767-770 - Bojana Stefanovic
, Jan M. Warnking, G. Bruce Pike
Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to neuronal inhibition. 771-778 - Karim Jerbi, Sylvain Baillet
, John C. Mosher, G. Nolte, Line Garnero, Richard M. Leahy:
Localization of realistic cortical activity in MEG using current multipoles. 779-793 - Hans Olsson, Christer Halldin, Lars Farde
Differentiation of extrastriatal dopamine D2 receptor density and affinity in the human brain using PET. 794-803 - Robert D. Gibbons, Nicole A. Lazar, Dulal K. Bhaumik, Stanley L. Sclove, Hua Yun Chen, Keith R. Thulborn
, John A. Sweeney
, Kwan Hur, Dave Patterson:
Estimation and classification of fMRI hemodynamic response patterns. 804-814 - Jussi Numminen, Martin Schürmann
, Jaana Hiltunen, Raimo Joensuu, Veikko Jousmäki
, Seppo Koskinen, Riitta Salmelin
, Riitta Hari:
Cortical activation during a spatiotemporal tactile comparison task. 815-821 - Marius V. Peelen
, Dirk J. Heslenfeld, Jan Theeuwes
Endogenous and exogenous attention shifts are mediated by the same large-scale neural network. 822-830 - Jong-Min Lee, Sun Hyung Kim, Dong Pyo Jang, Tae Hyon Ha, Jae-Jin Kim
, In Young Kim, Jun Soo Kwon, Sun I. Kim:
Deformable model with surface registration for hippocampal shape deformity analysis in schizophrenia. 831-840 - Gabriele Wurm, Franz A. Fellner:
Implementation of T2*-weighted MR for multimodal image guidance in cerebral cavernomas. 841-846 - Mohammed Shoaib, Andrew S. Lowe
, Steven C. R. Williams
Imaging localised dynamic changes in the nucleus accumbens following nicotine withdrawal in rats. 847-854 - Baxter P. Rogers
, John D. Carew, Mary Elizabeth Meyerand:
Hemispheric asymmetry in supplementary motor area connectivity during unilateral finger movements. 855-859 - Takashi Watanabe
, Jelena Radulovic
, Joachim Spiess, Oliver Natt, Susann Boretius
, Jens Frahm, Thomas Michaelis:
In vivo 3D MRI staining of the mouse hippocampal system using intracerebral injection of MnCl2. 860-867 - Andrew P. R. Smith, Richard N. A. Henson, Raymond J. Dolan
, Michael D. Rugg:
fMRI correlates of the episodic retrieval of emotional contexts. 868-878 - Kevin Murphy
, Hugh Garavan:
An empirical investigation into the number of subjects required for an event-related fMRI study. 879-885 - Isabelle Merlet
, Philippe Ryvlin
, Nicolas Costes
, Damien Dufournel, Jean Isnard, Isabelle Faillenot
, Karine Ostrowsky, Franck Lavenne
, Didier Le Bars, François Mauguière
Statistical parametric mapping of 5-HT1A receptor binding in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal ictal onset on intracranial EEG. 886-896 - Jesús Pujol, Anna López-Sala, Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Joan Deus, Narcís Cardoner
, Carles Soriano-Mas
, Angel Moreno, Anna Sans:
Delayed myelination in children with developmental delay detected by volumetric MRI. 897-903 - Kenji Kansaku
, Takashi Hanakawa, Tao Wu, Mark Hallett:
A shared neural network for simple reaction time. 904-911 - Tormod Thomsen, Karsten Specht, Åsa Hammar, Jarle Nyttingnes, Lars Ersland, Kenneth Hugdahl:
Brain localization of attentional control in different age groups by combining functional and structural MRI. 912-919 - Rebecca Landes McNamee, Nicole A. Lazar:
Assessing the sensitivity of fMRI group maps. 920-931 - Seung-Schik Yoo, Eng-Keat Teh, Russell A. Blinder, Ferenc A. Jolesz:
Modulation of cerebellar activities by acupuncture stimulation: evidence from fMRI study. 932-940 - Taylor W. Schmitz
, Tisha N. Kawahara-Baccus, Sterling C. Johnson:
Metacognitive evaluation, self-relevance, and the right prefrontal cortex. 941-947 - Katharina von Kriegstein
, Anne-Lise Giraud:
Distinct functional substrates along the right superior temporal sulcus for the processing of voices. 948-955 - Myles Jones
, Nicola Hewson-Stoate
, John Martindale, Peter Redgrave, John E. W. Mayhew:
Nonlinear coupling of neural activity and CBF in rodent barrel cortex. 956-965 - Manouchehr S. Vafaee, Karen Ostergaard, N. Sunde, Albert Gjedde
, E. Dupont, Paul Cumming
Focal changes of oxygen consumption in cerebral cortex of patients with Parkinson's disease during subthalamic stimulation. 966-974 - Kristin K. Wenger, Kristina M. Visscher
, Francis M. Miezin, Steven E. Petersen, Bradley L. Schlaggar:
Comparison of sustained and transient activity in children and adults using a mixed blocked/event-related fMRI design. 975-985 - Suk-Tak Chan
, Kwok-wing Tang, Kwok-cheung Lam, Lap-kong Chan, Janine D. Mendola, Kenneth K. Kwong
Neuroanatomy of adult strabismus: a voxel-based morphometric analysis of magnetic resonance structural scans. 986-994 - Predrag Petrovic
, Karl Magnus Petersson
, Per Hansson
, Martin Ingvar
Brainstem involvement in the initial response to pain. 995-1005 - Wataru Sato
, Sakiko Yoshikawa, Takanori Kochiyama
, Michikazu Matsumura:
The amygdala processes the emotional significance of facial expressions: an fMRI investigation using the interaction between expression and face direction. 1006-1013 - Nikolai Axmacher
, Jochen Winterer
, Patric K. Stanton
, Andreas Draguhn, Wolfgang Müller:
Two-photon imaging of spontaneous vesicular release in acute brain slices and its modulation by presynaptic GABAA receptors. 1014-1021
Volume 22, Number 3, July 2004
- Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
, Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Robin I. Goldman, Mark S. Cohen
Concurrent EEG/fMRI analysis by multiway Partial Least Squares. 1023-1034 - Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
, Nobuaki Nishiyama, Hiroaki Mizuhara
, Yoko Yamaguchi:
Decomposing EEG data into space-time-frequency components using Parallel Factor Analysis. 1035-1045 - Ichio Aoki
, Yi-Jen Lin Wu, Afonso C. Silva, Ronald M. Lynch, Alan P. Koretsky
In vivo detection of neuroarchitecture in the rodent brain using manganese-enhanced MRI. 1046-1059 - Florent Ségonne, Anders M. Dale, Evelina Busa, Maureen Glessner, David H. Salat, Horst Karl Hahn, Bruce Fischl:
A hybrid approach to the skull stripping problem in MRI. 1060-1075 - Pedro Rosa-Neto
, Doris J. Doudet, Paul Cumming
Gradients of dopamine D1- and D2/3-binding sites in the basal ganglia of pig and monkey measured by PET. 1076-1083 - Andrew H. Kemp
, Marcus A. Gray
, Richard B. Silberstein, Stuart M. Armstrong, Pradeep J. Nathan:
Augmentation of serotonin enhances pleasant and suppresses unpleasant cortical electrophysiological responses to visual emotional stimuli in humans. 1084-1096 - Xun Liu
, Marie T. Banich
, Benjamin L. Jacobson, Jody L. Tanabe:
Common and distinct neural substrates of attentional control in an integrated Simon and spatial Stroop task as assessed by event-related fMRI. 1097-1106 - Jens Gisselgård, Karl Magnus Petersson
, Martin Ingvar:
The irrelevant speech effect and working memory load. 1107-1116 - David A. Soltysik
, Kyung K. Peck, Keith D. White
, Bruce Crosson, Richard W. Briggs:
Comparison of hemodynamic response nonlinearity across primary cortical areas. 1117-1127 - Alice H. D. Chan, Ho-Ling Liu, Virginia Yip, Peter T. Fox, Jia-Hong Gao, Li-Hai Tan:
Neural systems for word meaning modulated by semantic ambiguity. 1128-1133 - Luis C. Maas, Pratik Mukherjee
, Julio Carballido-Gamio, Srivathsa Veeraraghavan, Steven P. Miller
, Savannah C. Partridge, Roland G. Henry, A. James Barkovich, Daniel B. Vigneron:
Early laminar organization of the human cerebrum demonstrated with diffusion tensor imaging in extremely premature infants. 1134-1140 - Nouchine Hadjikhani
, Robert M. Joseph
, Josh Snyder, Christopher F. Chabris, Jill Clark, Shelly Steele, Lauren McGrath
, Mark G. Vangel, Itzhak Aharon, Eric Feczko, Gordon J. Harris, Helen Tager-Flusberg:
Activation of the fusiform gyrus when individuals with autism spectrum disorder view faces. 1141-1150 - Scott C. Matthews, Martin P. Paulus, Alan N. Simmons
, Richard A. Nelesen, Joel E. Dimsdale:
Functional subdivisions within anterior cingulate cortex and their relationship to autonomic nervous system function. 1151-1156 - William D. Penny
, Klaas E. Stephan
, Andrea Mechelli, Karl J. Friston
Comparing dynamic causal models. 1157-1172 - Eunjoo Kang, Dong Soo Lee, Hyejin Kang, Jae Sung Lee, Seung-Ha Oh, Myung Chul Lee, Chong Sun Kim:
Neural changes associated with speech learning in deaf children following cochlear implantation. 1173-1181 - Daniel E. Callan
, Jeffery A. Jones, Akiko M. Callan, Reiko Akahane-Yamada:
Phonetic perceptual identification by native- and second-language speakers differentially activates brain regions involved with acoustic phonetic processing and those involved with articulatory-auditory/orosensory internal models. 1182-1194 - Yu Shimizu, Markus Barth
, Christian Windischberger
, Ewald Moser
, Stefan Thurner:
Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of fMRI time series. 1195-1202 - Jonathan Marchini, Anne Presanis
Comparing methods of analyzing fMRI statistical parametric maps. 1203-1213 - Johan Himberg, Aapo Hyvärinen, Fabrizio Esposito
Validating the independent components of neuroimaging time series via clustering and visualization. 1214-1222 - B. A. Frauenfelder, D. Schuepbach, R. W. Baumgartner, D. Hell:
Specific alterations of cerebral hemodynamics during a planning task: a transcranial Doppler sonography study. 1223-1230 - Hae-Jeong Park, James J. Levitt, Martha Elizabeth Shenton
, Dean F. Salisbury, Marek Kubicki, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Robert W. McCarley
An MRI study of spatial probability brain map differences between first-episode schizophrenia and normal controls. 1231-1246 - Hidehiko Takahashi
, Michihiko Koeda
, Kenji Oda, Tetsuya Matsuda, Eisuke Matsushima, Masato Matsuura, Kunihiko Asai, Yoshiro Okubo:
An fMRI study of differential neural response to affective pictures in schizophrenia. 1247-1254 - Kristi Boesen, Kelly Rehm, Kirt Schaper, Sarah E. Stoltzner, Roger P. Woods, Eileen Luders, David A. Rottenberg:
Quantitative comparison of four brain extraction algorithms. 1255-1261 - Kelly Rehm, Kirt Schaper, Jon R. Anderson, Roger P. Woods, Sarah E. Stoltzner, David A. Rottenberg:
Putting our heads together: a consensus approach to brain/non-brain segmentation in T1-weighted MR volumes. 1262-1270 - Jose Luis Cantero, Mercedes Atienza
, Joseph R. Madsen, Robert Stickgold:
Gamma EEG dynamics in neocortex and hippocampus during human wakefulness and sleep. 1271-1280 - David J. Turk, Jane F. Banfield, Bobbi R. Walling, Todd F. Heatherton, Scott T. Grafton, Todd C. Handy
, Michael S. Gazzaniga, C. Neil Macrae:
From facial cue to dinner for two: the neural substrates of personal choice. 1281-1290 - Kazutoshi Kudo
, Makoto Miyazaki, Toshitaka Kimura, Kentaro Yamanaka
, Hiroshi Kadota, Masaya Hirashima, Yasoichi Nakajima, Kimitaka Nakazawa, Tatsuyuki Ohtsuki:
Selective activation and deactivation of the human brain structures between speeded and precisely timed tapping responses to identical visual stimulus: an fMRI study. 1291-1301 - Savannah C. Partridge, Pratik Mukherjee
, Roland G. Henry, Steven P. Miller
, Jeffrey I. Berman, Hua Jin, Ying Lu, Orit A. Glenn, Donna M. Ferriero, A. James Barkovich, Daniel B. Vigneron:
Diffusion tensor imaging: serial quantitation of white matter tract maturity in premature newborns. 1302-1314 - Mujeeb U. Shad
, Sri Muddasani, Konasale M. Prasad
, John A. Sweeney
, Matcheri S. Keshavan:
Insight and prefrontal cortex in first-episode Schizophrenia. 1315-1320 - Peter Walla
, Dagmar Mayer, Lüder Deecke, Stefan Thurner:
The lack of focused anticipation of verbal information in stutterers: a magnetoencephalographic study. 1321-1327 - Feng Luo, Zheng-Xiong Xi, Gaohong Wu, Chuang Liu, Eliot L. Gardner, Shi-Jiang Li:
Attenuation of brain response to heroin correlates with the reinstatement of heroin-seeking in rats by fMRI. 1328-1335 - Susan Köneke, Kai Lutz, Torsten Wüstenberg
, Lutz Jäncke
Bimanual versus unimanual coordination: what makes the difference? 1336-1350 - Marta Bianciardi, Antonio Cerasa
, Fabiana Patria, Gisela E. Hagberg
Evaluation of mixed effects in event-related fMRI studies: impact of first-level design and filtering. 1351-1370 - Pascale Piolino
, Gaëlle Giffard-Quillon, Béatrice Desgranges
, Gaël Chételat
, Jean-Claude Baron
, Francis Eustache
Re-experiencing old memories via hippocampus: a PET study of autobiographical memory. 1371-1383 - Stephen Frey, Penelope Kostopoulos, Michael Petrides:
Orbitofrontal contribution to auditory encoding. 1384-1389 - Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts
, Reetta Kivisaari, Eero Pekkonen
, Risto J. Ilmoniemi
, Seppo Kähkönen:
Local and remote functional connectivity of neocortex under the inhibition influence. 1390-1406 - John J. Sidtis, Stephen C. Strother
, David A. Rottenberg:
The effect of set on the resting state in functional imaging: a role for the striatum? 1407-1413 - Vincent J. Schmithorst, Rhonda Douglas Brown
Empirical validation of the triple-code model of numerical processing for complex math operations using functional MRI and group Independent Component Analysis of the mental addition and subtraction of fractions. 1414-1420 - Luc Zimmer, Mustapha Riad, Latifa Rbah
, A. Belkacem-Kahlouli, Didier Le Bars, B. Renaud, Laurent Descarries:
Toward brain imaging of serotonin 5-HT1A autoreceptor internalization. 1421-1426 - Thomas T. Liu
, Lawrence R. Frank:
Erratum to "Efficiency, power, and entropy in event-related FMRI with multiple trial types: Part I: theory" [NeuroImage 21 (2004) 387-400]. 1427 - Emanuela Keller, Andreas Nadler, Hatem Alkadhi, Spyros S. Kollias, Yasuhiro Yonekawa, Peter Niederer:
Erratum to "Noninvasive measurement of regional cerebral blood flow and regional cerebral blood volume by near-infrared spectroscopy and indocyanine green dye dilution" [NeuroImage 20 (2003) 828-839]. 1428 - Qian Luo, Danling Peng, Zhen Jin, Duo Xu, Lihui Xiao, Guosheng Ding:
Corrigendum to "Emotional valence of words modulates the subliminal repetition priming effect in the left fusiform gyrus: an event-related fMRI study" [NeuroImage 21 (2004) 414-421]. 1429
Volume 22, Number 4, August 2004
- Arthur W. Toga, John C. Mazziotta:
Editorial. 1431 - Keith S. Cover, Cornelis J. Stam
, Bob W. van Dijk:
Detection of very high correlation in the alpha band between temporal regions of the human brain using MEG. 1432-1437 - Stefania Della Penna
, K. Torquati, Vittorio Pizzella
, Claudio Babiloni
, Raffaella Franciotti, Paolo Maria Rossini, Gian Luca Romani:
Temporal dynamics of alpha and beta rhythms in human SI and SII after galvanic median nerve stimulation. A MEG study. 1438-1446 - Paul L. Furlong
, A. R. Hobson, Q. Aziz
, Gareth R. Barnes
, Krish D. Singh
, Arjan Hillebrand
, David G. Thompson, Shaheen Hamdy
Dissociating the spatio-temporal characteristics of cortical neuronal activity associated with human volitional swallowing in the healthy adult brain. 1447-1455 - Michael W. L. Chee
, Joshua Oon Soo Goh, Yanhong Lim, Steven Graham, Kerry Lee
Recognition memory for studied words is determined by cortical activation differences at encoding but not during retrieval. 1456-1465 - Ian J. Deary
, Enrico Simonotto, Martin Meyer
, Alan Marshall, Ian Marshall, Nigel H. Goddard, Joanna M. Wardlaw
The functional anatomy of inspection time: an event-related fMRI study. 1466-1479 - Manuel Rodriguez
, Ramón Muñiz, Belén González, Magdalena Sabaté:
Hand movement distribution in the motor cortex: the influence of a concurrent task and motor imagery. 1480-1491 - Lauren A. Dade, F. Q. Gao, Natasa Kovacevic, P. Roy, C. Rockel, C. M. O'Toole, Nancy J. Lobaugh, Anthony Feinstein, Brian Levine
, Sandra E. Black
Semiautomatic brain region extraction: a method of parcellating brain regions from structural magnetic resonance images. 1492-1502 - Olga Meulenbroek, Karl Magnus Petersson
, Nicol Voermans, Bernd Weber
, Guillén Fernández:
Age differences in neural correlates of route encoding and route recognition. 1503-1514 - Tracy L. Luks, Gregory V. Simpson:
Preparatory deployment of attention to motion activates higher-order motion-processing brain regions. 1515-1522 - Mary E. Spilker, Till Sprenger
, Michael Valet
, Gjermund Henriksen, Klaus Wagner, Hans-Jürgen Wester, Thomas R. Tölle, Henning Boecker
Quantification of [18F]diprenorphine kinetics in the human brain with compartmental and non-compartmental modeling approaches. 1523-1533 - Michael L. Ellingson, Einat Liebenthal
, Marianna V. Spanaki, Thomas E. Prieto, Jeffrey R. Binder
, Kristina M. Ropella:
Ballistocardiogram artifact reduction in the simultaneous acquisition of auditory ERPS and fMRI. 1534-1542 - Eunjoo Kang, Dong Soo Lee, Hyejin Kang, Jae Sung Lee, Seung-Ha Oh, Myung Chul Lee, Chong Sun Kim:
Age-associated changes of cerebral glucose metabolic activity in both male and female deaf children: parametric analysis using objective volume of interest and voxel-based mapping. 1543-1553 - Jane E. Herron
, Edward L. Wilding
An electrophysiological dissociation of retrieval mode and retrieval orientation. 1554-1562 - Cyril R. Pernet
, Xavier Franceries
, S. Basan, Emmanuelle Cassol
, Jean-François Démonet, Pierre Celsis:
Anatomy and time course of discrimination and categorization processes in vision: an fMRI study. 1563-1577 - Koji Jimura, Seiki Konishi, Yasushi Miyashita
Dissociable concurrent activity of lateral and medial frontal lobe during negative feedback processing. 1578-1586 - Silvina G. Horovitz
, Bruno Rossion
, Pawel Skudlarski, John C. Gore:
Parametric design and correlational analyses help integrating fMRI and electrophysiological data during face processing. 1587-1595 - Philippe Fossati, Stephanie J. Hevenor, Martin D. Lepage, Simon J. Graham, Cheryl L. Grady, Michelle L. Keightley, Fergus I. M. Craik
, Helen S. Mayberg:
Distributed self in episodic memory: neural correlates of successful retrieval of self-encoded positive and negative personality traits. 1596-1604 - Mairéad MacSweeney
, Ruth Campbell, Bencie Woll, Vincent Giampietro
, Anthony S. David
, Philip K. McGuire
, Gemma A. Calvert
, Michael J. Brammer:
Dissociating linguistic and nonlinguistic gestural communication in the brain. 1605-1618 - Bradley J. MacIntosh
, Richard Mraz, Nicole M. Baker, Fred Tam, W. Richard Staines, Simon J. Graham:
Optimizing the experimental design for ankle dorsiflexion fMRI. 1619-1627 - Maria Ida Gobbini
, Ellen Leibenluft, Neil Santiago, James V. Haxby:
Social and emotional attachment in the neural representation of faces. 1628-1635 - Kyoko Koshibu
, Pat Levitt, Eric T. Ahrens:
Sex-specific, postpuberty changes in mouse brain structures revealed by three-dimensional magnetic resonance microscopy. 1636-1645 - Kenneth P. Smith, Sushil Jajodia, Vipin Swarup, Jeffrey Hoyt, Gail Hamilton, Donald B. Faatz, Todd Cornett:
Enabling the sharing of neuroimaging data through well-defined intermediate levels of visibility. 1646-1656 - Xiaojian Kang, Olivier Bertrand
, Kimmo Alho
, E. William Yund, Timothy J. Herron
, David L. Woods
Local landmark-based mapping of human auditory cortex. 1657-1670 - Dorota Kozinska, Christopher M. Holland, Karl Krissian, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Charles R. G. Guttmann
A method for the analysis of the geometrical relationship between white matter pathology and the vascular architecture of the brain. 1671-1678 - Tor D. Wager, John Jonides, Susan Reading:
Neuroimaging studies of shifting attention: a meta-analysis. 1679-1693 - James K. Rilling, Alan G. Sanfey
, Jessica A. Aronson, Leigh E. Nystrom
, Jonathan D. Cohen:
The neural correlates of theory of mind within interpersonal interactions. 1694-1703 - Frederic A. Bernard, Edward T. Bullmore
, Kim S. Graham
, Sian A. Thompson, John R. Hodges, Paul C. Fletcher
The hippocampal region is involved in successful recognition of both remote and recent famous faces. 1704-1714 - Masaki Kameyama, Masato Fukuda, Toru Uehara, Masahiko Mikuni:
Sex and age dependencies of cerebral blood volume changes during cognitive activation: a multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy study. 1715-1721 - Klaus Jahn
, Angela Deutschländer, Thomas Stephan, Michael Strupp, Martin Wiesmann, Thomas Brandt:
Brain activation patterns during imagined stance and locomotion in functional magnetic resonance imaging. 1722-1731 - Michael P. Sanfilipo, Ralph H. B. Benedict, Robert Zivadinov, Rohit Bakshi:
Correction for intracranial volume in analysis of whole brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis: the proportion vs. residual method. 1732-1743 - Ian M. Devonshire
, Jason Berwick, Myles Jones
, John Martindale, David Johnston, Paul G. Overton
, John E. W. Mayhew:
Haemodynamic responses to sensory stimulation are enhanced following acute cocaine administration. 1744-1753 - Paul M. Thompson
, Kiralee M. Hayashi, Greig I. de Zubicaray
, Andrew L. Janke
, Stephen E. Rose, James Semple, Michael S. Hong, David H. Herman
, David Gravano, David M. Doddrell, Arthur W. Toga:
Mapping hippocampal and ventricular change in Alzheimer disease. 1754-1766 - Götz Thomalla
, Volkmar Glauche, Martin A. Koch, Christian Beaulieu
, Cornelius Weiller
, Joachim Röther:
Diffusion tensor imaging detects early Wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract after ischemic stroke. 1767-1774 - Rachael D. Seidler
, Douglas C. Noll
, G. Thiers:
Feedforward and feedback processes in motor control. 1775-1783 - Marjan Zaletel, Martin Strucl, Zoran Rodi, Bojana Zvan:
The relationship between visually evoked cerebral blood flow velocity responses and visual-evoked potentials. 1784-1789 - Tianming Liu, Dinggang Shen, Christos Davatzikos
Deformable registration of cortical structures via hybrid volumetric and surface warping. 1790-1801 - Jane Lawrence
, Patrick W. Stroman
, Saro Bascaramurty, Larry M. Jordan, Krisztina L. Malisza:
Correlation of functional activation in the rat spinal cord with neuronal activation detected by immunohistochemistry. 1802-1807 - Gaëlle Raboyeau, Nathalie Marie, Sébastien Balduyck, Hélène Gros, Jean-François Démonet
, Dominique Cardebat:
Lexical learning of the English language: a PET study in healthy French subjects. 1808-1818 - Kristen Pammer
, Peter C. Hansen
, Morten L. Kringelbach
, Ian E. Holliday, Gareth R. Barnes
, Arjan Hillebrand
, Krish D. Singh
, Piers L. Cornelissen:
Visual word recognition: the first half second. 1819-1825 - Seung-Koo Lee
, Dong Ik Kim, Susumu Mori, Jinna Kim
, Heung Dong Kim
, Kyoung Heo, Byung In Lee:
Diffusion tensor MRI visualizes decreased subcortical fiber connectivity in focal cortical dysplasia. 1826-1829

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