Bingham's Fauna of British India (Butterflies)
- This wiki page shows the images taken from Bingham's Fauna of British India (Butterflies) and uploaded by User:Nature Loader into Wikimedia Commons.
- The list of Bingham images uploaded into Wikimedia can be seen here.
- The work, Fauna of British India - Butterflies (Vols 1 & 2), by C. T. Bingham (1905-07), is in the public domain due to copyright being expired.
- They may be found at :-
Allotinus horsfieldi, a Lycaenid, seen attending to an aphid.
Sketch and part venation of Anaphaeis mesentina.
Sketch and part venation of the Great Blackvein Aporia agathon, a pierid.
Aporia soracte, a pierid.
Aulocera swaha Common Satyr
Sketch of both UP and UN of Castalius decida, a lycaenid.
Castalius elna, a lycaenid.
Female Castalius ethion race airavati, a lycaenid.
Common Pierrot Castalius rosimon, (Family Lycaenidae).
Colotis valatis, a pierid.
Curetis bulis, a lycaenid.
Male and female Common Sunbeams Curetis thetis, Family Lycaenidae.
Tailed Sulphur, Dercas verhuelli, a pierid.
Desert Apollo Hypermnestra helios with venation of the FW and comparison of antenna of this butterfly with the Snow Apollos (Parnassius).
Sketch of Lade lalassis with view of the apex abdominal segments.
Sketch of Lampides pura, a lycaenid butterfly.
sketch of Lampides pura, a lycaenid butterfly (without figure number).
Nytha parisatis
Common Raven Papilio castor with venation of the anterior portion of its forewings and that of Common Mime, Papilio (Chilasa) clytia.
Common Mime Papilio (Chilasa) clytia, a papilionid, and the apical portion of forewing of its race panope.
Sketch of Lesser Mime Papilio (Chilasa) epicyides of Family Papilionidae.
Red Helen Papilio helenus, a swallowtail butterfly, and the venation of anterior portion of hindwing.
'Rose Windmill Atrophaneura latreillei, a swallowtail butterfly from India and venation of anterior portion of hindwing.
Male Common Mormon, Papilio polytes, a swallowtail butterfly.
Great Zebra Papilio xenocles, a swallowtail from India.
Karakoram Banded Apollo, Parnassius delphius race hunza, now Parnassius hunza, with details of the female anal pouch.
Banded Apollo, Parnassius delphius race whitei, a high altitude swallowtail.
Blackedged Apollo, Parnassius simo, a high altitude swallowtail butterfly.
Green Banded White , Pieris kreuperi, subspecies devta, a small pierid butterfly found in India.
Green-veined White butterfly Pieris napi race melete of Family Pieridae.
A pierid butterfly Synchloe belia race daphalis with venation of the apex of forewing.
A lycaenid butterfly Taraka hamada with venation of forewing and sketch of antenna and palpus.
A pierid butterfly Terias sari with comparison of the typical dry and wet season forms.
A pierid butterfly Terias silhetana with sketch of underside of the forewing.
Tirumala septentrionis
Tirumala limniace
Plum judy
Dodona longicaudata
Dodona durga
Cethosia cyane
Symbrenthia lucina
A Pierid, Common Jezebel Delias eucharis a pierid, (in jpg format).
Common Jezebel Delias eucharis (in png format here).
Appias hippo, a pierid
Venation of Catopsilia (Emigrants) of Family Pieridae.
Venation of Colias (Clouded Yellows) of Family Pieridae.
Venation of Colotis (Arabs) of Family Pieridae.
Venation of genus Gonepteryx, the Brimstones, of family Pieridae.
Venation of Great Orangetip, Hebomoia glaucippe, a pierid.
Venation of Huphina genus of Family Pieridae.
Venation of White Orangetip, Ixias pyrene, a pierid.
Venation of genus Pareronia, the Wanderers, of Family Pieridae.
Venation of the Spotted Sawtooth, Prioneris thestylis of Family Pieridae.
Venation of Synchloe, a genus of Family Pieridae.
Species comparisons
Venation of Baltia spp (Family Pieridae) and comparison of hindwings of both Baltia spp, ie B. butleri and B.shawi.
Comparison of underside of forewings of 4 spp of genus 'Lampides (Family Lycaenidae).
Comparison of forewings of two races of Spot Puffin Appias lalage, a Pierid.
Comparing two Emigrants - African Emigrant (Catopsilia florella), now defunct taxon, and the Common Emigrant (C. pyranthe).
Underside of forewings of 4 species of genus Lampides, Family Lycaenidae.
Underside of forewings of 2 species of genus Lampides, Family Lycaenidae - L. celeno race kinkurka and L. kondulana.
Comparison of venation of two genera of Family Lycaenidae, Lycaena and Cyaniris.
Comparison of the underside of hindwings of two swordtails Papilio glycerion and Papilio kashmiriensis.
Comparison of the underside of hindwings of two swordtails Papilio glycerion and Papilio kashmiriensis (with figure number).
Sketch of female anal poches of 3 species of genus Parnassius, (Snow Apollos), of Family Papilionidae.
Comparison of 6 varieties of Terias (now Eurema) hecabe, the 'Common Grass Yellow, a pierid butterfly from India.