'Full House' Cast: Where Are They Now; Interviews With Dave Coulier, Jodie Sweetin, Lori Loughlin And More (PHOTOS)

'Full House' Turns 25: Where Is The Cast Now?

"Full House" fans have long wondered whatever happened to predictability and though the answer to that question remains unclear, HufPost TV can tell you whatever happend to cast of the ABC hit family sitcom.

In honor of the 25th anniversary of "Full House," which debuted on September 22, 1987, HuffPost TV chatted with "Full House" alumni Dave Coulier, Jodi Sweetin, Lori Loughlin and more about their experiences on the show, favorite episodes, the awful late '80s hair and wardrobe, and what they're up to these days.

Take a look at the "Full House" cast then-and-now below and then, read on to find out which "Full House" role Dave Coulier also auditioned for, which castmember guest star Little Richard slapped, who slept on Bob Saget's couch before "Full House" ever debuted, where John Stamos and Lori Loughlin originally met, what Kurt Cobain has to do with "Full House" and how the cast reacted to its cancellation in 1995 after eight seasons.

Dave Coulier (Joey Gladstone)

Since "Full House" came to an end, Coulier used his awesome ability to do impressions (as "Full House" fans saw with Uncle Joey and his Popeye, Bullwinkle, etc. ) to do some voice acting. He also hosted "America’s Funniest People" for four seasons and tried two reality TV shows: he was part of VH1's "The Surreal Life" in 2003 and he partnered with former Olympic skater Nancy Kerrigan on "Skating with Celebrities" in 2006. Coulier has one son Luc, who is 11 years old. He's still doing standup -- and selling "Cut it out" t-shirts. Find out more about what he's up to below.

Can you tell me how you got cast on "Full House"?
I went in and auditioned -- it was one of those auditions where they were inviting every comedian in town and every comedic actor. So I went in and auditioned for Tom Miller, Bob Boyett and Jeff Franklin and then, after my audition, and I was walking out and they said, "Thank you very much." You know, the usual.

But then Tom Miller stopped me and said, "Wait a second. Can you read for the father role as well?" And I said, "Yeah. Sure. Give me five minutes." So I went out, looked at the father's lines, came back in, read for the father and they said, "Thank you very much" again. [Laughs.]

Then Jeff Franklin, who was good friends with Garry Shandling, walked me out and said, "Hey. I'll let Garry know you did a great job." And I said, "Oh, thanks! I appreciate that!"

And then I went home and those were the days of answering machines and there was a message from my manager Brad Grey, who's now the chairman of Paramount Studios, and it said, "Dave. You got the 'Full House' pilot. Give me a call."

The show had very a less than auspicious start. [Laughs.] We shot the pilot with another actor, John Posey, playing the father role. So we shot the full pilot and then Bob Saget was in New York doing a CBS morning program and they let him go. Jeff Franklin said, "Hey, Dave. I'd like you and Stamos to do a screen test with Saget." And I said, "What are you talking about it?" And he said, "I'd really like to hire him for the father role and I want to send it to the network." And I was like, "You gotta be kidding me because I was an usher in Bob's wedding."

Oh really? How did you guys know each other?
I met Bob when I was still a teenager. I was 18 years old and he was on a comedy short tour. He walked into a little comedy club in Detroit and I hadn't even done much stand-up. I think I had been on stage two or three times. So Saget came in on this comedy short tour and did a guest set with two other comedians from the West Coast and I watched them and I said, "Oh man. These guys are so good. That's what I want to be." So I talked to Bob after that show and he said, "I'll tell you what. You seem like a nice kid. Why don't you give me a call when you get to LA?" and I thought, "Oh sure. This is how it works." And he gave his phone number and I got to LA about six months later and called Bob. The irony of all of this is that when I didn't have an apartment, I slept on Bob's couch. [Laughs.] It's just too weird.

Oh my god. That's so funny. So it's just a coincidence that you two starred on the show together?
Total, total, total coincidence. And then, you know, we do "Full House" and I end up basically sleeping on a couch on the show and I was just like, "OK. This is life imitating art, which is really weird."

That is! Do you remember, in either watching it or filming it, a favorite "Full House" episode?
Well, I think we all had our favorite. Mine was probably the hockey episode with Stonewall [played by Dan Moriarty]. [Laughs.] It was just because I'm a big hockey fan and I played hockey. It gave me an opportunity to do something -- other than comedy -- that I really, truly love. And I got to hire a bunch of my hockey player knucklehead friends as extras and we just had such a blast. It was really fun.

The show was filled with a lot kids and there were plenty of pets and animal guest stars. But in Hollywood, they always say never to work with kids or animals.
How true. "Full House" is like W.C. Fields' nightmare because we had a family dog, we had an elephant on the show, we had a turtle -- I know. It was just craziness.

But we really bonded together as this dysfunctional family off-camera as well so. I think Mary-Kate and Ashley were 8 months old when we started so there were tedious times trying to get them to do certain things on camera and for good reason: They weren't professional actors, they were little babies.

And Jodie and Candace were just spectacular. I remember when we first got together for a table read for the pilot, Jodie Sweetin killed. She filled the room with laughter and Stamos and I went, "Well, she's the star of the show." At four years old, she's reading her script in front of executives and hugely successful producers and she took the room over. I just said, "Oh. There's no way. There's no way I'm going to top this four-year-old girl."

And the parents were great. We just became so close and we really bonded together and made lifelong friends. It's crazy that a TV show does that, but we really do truly care about each other like family members.

That's so nice. And I'm sure you guys had fun on set. Which co-stars made it most difficult to keep a straight face while shooting scenes? Lori Loughlin said you, by the way.
[Laughs.] Yeah, I was the prankster on set. I was always doing really silly things to get everybody to laugh. There was one where I couldn't look at Saget. We never got it.

Do you remember what it was?
I was with Bob in this scene and I had to look at him and say, "Uncle Jesse ran away from home?" We couldn't get the take and I remember the director freaking out, saying, "We gotta get this, you guys!" It just made us laugh even harder.

And there was another time with me, Stamos and Saget. I think it was the episode where there was a van in our backyard for some reason, and we were just having trouble getting what we needed and it was a really difficult scene.

John and Bob and I had to walk around the van and it was about 10 at night, but the kids were all there -- they still had stuff to shoot. Everybody had monitors in their dressing rooms so you could watch what's happening on stage.

And I remember, we all pulled our pants down, just to make the crew laugh. When we walked out onto the scene, we all had our pants down to our ankles and everybody cracked up and was laughing. And then all of sudden, here come the moms. And the moms are all looking at us with folded arms going, "Really, guys? Really? We're back there. The girls are coloring and you guys have your pants off? We can see everything you're doing."

That's so funny. Do you have a favorite guest star that you had fun working with?
We had many, but Little Richard was on the show and he was just so bizarrely weird and funny and sweet and kind and out of his mind. It was just so fun to be around this musical icon who was so flamboyantly overt with every comment. It was just bizarre. And the Beach Boys were always really great. They just really embraced us and us them and it was a lot of fun for us.

Do you remember how you felt when you found out the show was ending?
I think we were all pretty sad. I also was perplexed because we were still pulling in huge numbers. It was very perplexing to be a hit and for the network to say, "Oh, by the way, we love you guys. You're a huge hit. But we're really going in a different direction." I thought, "You're going in a different direction from a huge hit? OK. I guess I don't get network television."

Then, we were possibly going to go to The WB network, which was really just establishing itself in its first year. What I had heard was that we were gioing to get picked up for two more years and go over to The WB and try to be a flagship show for them.

But I think there were a couple of the actors -- like, I think John and Bob -- who were ready to move on to other things. I can't speak for everybody, for the rest of us, but it was just so much fun. It was like going to a comedy playground every week -- and having the best equipment to play on. So I loved being there. I could have done another five years. It was so much fun.

Looking back, which was worse -- the hair or the clothes?
Oh man. [Laughs.] Well, I think they're equally bad. Here's the thing: Everybody wore their hair like that back then so there really wasn't that much of an excuse for that.

The clothes? I remember, they would bring these outfits in and I would say, "You know what? That is not tacky enough. You better bring in something worse." I would just try to wear the weirdest, loudest, most awful stuff. The wardrobe guy would go, "You're going to pick the ugliest thing, aren't you?" And I'm like, "You got it!" [Laughs.]

That's hilarious. I know Joey had a lot of catchphrases, but out of all the ones on "Full House," which was your favorite?
Well, mine was "Cut it out." It's kind of funny how this story is kind of convoluted. My friend Mark Cendrowski and I had been friends since we were eight years old back in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He and I always wrote comedy bits. His dad gave us an 8 mm movie camera and we used to shoot little funny movies. I was always the comedian and he was always the director.

And now, Mark directs "The Big Bang Theory." So it's just so funny because I'll visit him and we'll sit there in the directors chairs and look at him and say, "We've been doing this since we were eight years old. Isn't it just too weird that we're both here? Don't you feel like at any moment someone's going to tap us shoulder and go, 'Hey. You two. Get out of show business'?"

So I stole "Cut it out" from Mark. He used to do this Mark Suave character and I said, "I'm gonna steal that from you." I started using it on a Nickelodeon show I hosted called "Out of Control." And I thought, "You know what? I'm gonna start working it in here to 'Full House." And it really stuck. I do comedy gigs now and sell these "Cut it out" t-shirts and I can't bring enough of 'em.

I can imagine. If you were going to do "Full House" karaoke, which would you sing the theme songor "Forever," Jesse and the Rippers style?

Lori didn't remember "Forever," which was upsetting to me.
Oh, I used to make fun of John for singing "Forever." I used to stand up in the stands by myself when the other actors were on the stage rehearsing and I used to be this character, a huge Japanese fan of the show that I named Haroki. I would laugh too hard at everything the actors did and when John would walk out, I would sing "Forever." I would never get the lyrics right -- it was always half-Japanese, half-American. So, I would sing the "Full House" theme song because I would start laughing way too hard if I sang "Forever."

Where do you think Joey Gladstone would be now?
[Laughs.] Wow. Me and Andrea Barber teamed up with some producers from Funny or Die and we did this thing of where would Joey and Kimmy be, which is that they're now married and they still have Comet.

Yes! That was amazing. And it doesn't sound that unreasonable besides the Comet factor.
[Laughs.] I think Joey would probably be like, the manager of some Comedy Club.

Still wearing the loud shirts?
Still wearing the shirts, but he's now about 450 pounds.

[Laughs.] OK. That sounds possible, too. I'm sure "Full House" fans come up to you often. What do you hear most?
Well, a lot of them think I'm Jeff Daniels first of all.

They do? Do they ask you about "The Newsroom"?
I don't even fight it anymore. People used to come up to me and say, "Hey. Are you 'dumb' or 'dumber'?" And I used to go, "Oh. I'm actually the 'Full House' guy." I kind of look like Jeff and we're both from Michigan. But now, people come up and they're like, "We love your new show 'The Newsroom.'" And I'm like, "Oh. Great. Let's get a picture." So then I hope they show it to their friends and they say, "You idiot. That's the 'Full House' guy, not the HBO guy."

Have you talked to Jeff about it?
Well, years ago, when we first met -- we're both from Detroit -- we were at a Detroit Redwing charity outing. So, we see each other coming around the corner and he starts pointing at me and I start pointing at him. And he goes, "If one more person comes up to me and says, 'Cut it out,' I'm gonna explode." And I said, "I feel same way about people asking me if I'm 'dumb' or 'dumber'?"

I mean, I can see a resemblance, but ...
Believe me. It happens a lot.

OK. Fair enough. Since "Full House" is on in syndication all over, do you ever watch reruns?
I don't. People ask me if I watch the show and I've only see a couple of them when my son was young. He used to call it "Daddy's Show." So I watched a couple episodes and it was just too soon and then, I guess I got so far away from it that I thought, "Someday I'll sit down and watch all 192 episodes." So I really haven't seen the show that often.

I know a lot of the former castmembers keep in touch. You do you speak with the most?
I talk to Lori quite a bit and I talk to John and Candace. Well, I talk to everybody. But I'm talking to Lori right now because we have a series idea that we're hoping to sell where we're both on it. But that's such secret agent information. So we try to get lunch, but I do the same thing with Jodie, Candace, Bob and John too.

Well, there was a hint in there, but what are working on? What's next for you?
Over the years, I've continued to do standup. When I do a performing arts center or a theater or a college, people say, "You don't swear, do ya?" And I really never have. I don't go on stage with that MO, but I came up the ranks of "The Tonight Show" and you had to work clean and I never forgot that. So I said, "You know, there must be something to this." So I started this thing called "Clean Guys" and I did a bunch of shows that test the waters to see if people would respond and they did.

So I'm putting together a deal with National CineMedia and they're this huge company that controls the time in movie theaters. We're going to have our first show on January 24, 2013.

It's impressive that you managed to keep your standup clean having worked with Bob who's known for being so dirty.
I always tell people that Bob is my filthy Jewish sister.

That's hilarious. Well, there are always rumors about the cast getting together for a reunion. Would you participate?
I think it would be really difficult to recreate what was so popular in a generation. So I think the show stands for itself for what it was and still is for a lot of people. I for one wouldn't really want to mess with that because I think people have such a strong vision in their heads as to what the show means to them, that if we came back, I just don't think we could recreate that.

John Stamos (Jesse "Hermes" Katsopolis)

Since playing the hottest man with a mullet ever to exist on TV, John Stamos has lost the party in the back, but not his career in Hollywood. He continued to do guest stints on the small screen ("Friends" included) after saying goodbye to Uncle Jesse.

Stamos also worked on the stage, appearing in "Cabaret," "Nine," "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying," "Bye Bye Birdie" and "Hairspray." He married model Rebecca Romijn in 1998, but the couple divorced in 2005. In the late 2000s, Stamos joined the cast of "ER" and after its cancellation, Stamos headed to "Glee" for a multi-episode arc as a sexy, singing dentist.

Throughout his career, he also continued to perform with the Beach Boys and recently made an appearance during their 50th Anniversary Tour, singing "Forever," which he popularized on "Full House."

Stamos can currently be seen on Broadway in Gore Vidal's "The Best Man" and though it's been a quarter century, he can't shake Jesse Katsopolis, for better or worse. "It's 25 years this September since ['Full House'] first started airing, and no matter what I do, that's how people think of me," Stamos recently told Vulture. "I've tried in the past to forget it and not be associated with it, but I've since learned to embrace it."

Lori Loughlin (Rebecca Donaldson-Katsopolis)

After getting her start in modeling and on daytime TV -- she spent three years on ABC soap opera "The Edge of Night" -- Lori Loughlin earned her big break on "Full House." She joined the series in Season 2 as Rebecca "Becky" Donaldson, Danny's new co-host on "Wake Up, San Francisco," and became a regular the following season.

Within months of the series' cancellation in 1995, Loughlin landed the leading role in a new ABC sitcom called "Hudson Street," co-starring Tony Danza. The series only lasted one season, but Loughlin went on to guest star on shows like "Suddenly Susan," "Spin City" and "Seinfeld." During this time, she also married fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli and had two daughters, 14-year-old Isabella and soon-to-be-13-year-old Olivia.

In 2004, Loughlin returned to TV full force -- co-creating, producing and starting in "Summerland" on The WB. The show lasted two seasons, but Loughlin got another regular gig on The CW's "Beverly Hills, 90210" spinoff "90210." She appeared on the first three seasons of the show and will return for "90210's" Season 5 premiere. Below, she talks about where she first met John Stamos, acting with twins, and more.

Can you tell me how you got cast on the show?
Well, I needed to figure out a way to pay my next rent check and I went to my agent and asked if he had anything. He said he had this six-episode arc on a new show called "Full House" that one of his other clients, John Stamos, was starring on. And I'd known John since we'd both done soap operas back in the day. Actually, when he won a Daytime Emmy for his role as Blackie on "General Hospital," I presented it to him so that's how we met.

So I went through the audition process -- I auditioned for the casting director, the executive producers and finally with John. I was supposed to play Danny's co-worker and Jesse's potential love interest. But I remember being on the set the first day and just getting along so well with the guys -- John, Dave and Bob -- and I knew it wasn't going to be just six episodes. I could tell it would go on for a long time.

What was your favorite episode?
There are so many that I loved -- our wedding, the one where we had our twins -- but the one where Stephanie drove the car through the house, that one made me laugh a lot.

What was it like working with your TV twins Nicky and Alex?
Oh I loved it. I love kids. All those things that people say, "Never work with kids or animals," I just love it. I loved the kids, I loved the dog.

You had a lot of animals on that show. Even a monkey.
Yes! That monkey. The scene where he was in bed with Jesse was really funny.

Which co-stars made it most difficult to keep a straight face when doing scenes?
Probably Dave. He's just so funny. And Bob too, but Dave would purposefully do something to make me laugh when he knew the cameras were on me.

Who was your favorite guest star?
That's hard. I'd have to say Scott Baio because I had such a crush on him growing up on "Happy Days." I loved Chachi.

What did you think about how the series ended?
I thought it was abrupt. ABC just kind of decided that they wanted to take the channel in a new direction with more urban programming so they decided to end the show, even though it was still doing really well in the ratings. I think their decision backfired.

If you were going to do "Full House" karaoke, which would you rather sing, Jesse and the Rippers' "Forever" or the show's theme song?
Which is "Forever" again?

The one Jesse sings for Becky. There was that music video with the candles.
[Laughs.] Oh my gosh. Sometimes I forget how cheesy the show was. This is so hard to choose, but I'd have to go with the theme song.

Looking back, which was worse -- the hair or the clothes?
The hair. It was so big. And mine wasn't even the worst. I think John's was. But my friends will still joke when it's on and say, "Oh my god. Look at Lori's hair."

Which catch phrase was your favorite?
I think I have to go with "Have Mercy" since Jesse would say it Becky.

Where do you think Rebecca Donaldson-Katsapolis would be now?
I think they'd still be living in that house and she'd probably have grandkids. It'd be the "Over-Full House."

Do you ever watch reruns of "Full House"?
Sometimes when I'm changing channels and it's on, I'll watch it.

Do your daughters watch the show?
They'll turn it on every now and then and they'll call me in the room and ask me to tell them what happens in each episode. I don't even remember most of the time. It was so long ago. I'll usually have to watch a few minutes until I remember.

They never really watched it when they were younger even though some of their friends did. I don't know. Maybe it was weird for them to see me on TV. But they'll watch it sometimes.

Who do you keep in touch with from the cast?
Definitely John. I went to see him on Broadway a couple weeks ago and Bob Boyett, who was one of the executive producers, was there. It was really nice to see him. And Dave and Bob. I see Candace and Jodie around too, but mostly John and Dave.

Would you do a reunion?
I don't know. It depends -- if everyone else was doing it, I wouldn't be a stick in the mud. Sometimes those things just ... I was a big fan of "Happy Days" and I remember watching some of those reunion shows and it just made me a little sad. Sometimes, I think it's best to just preserve it and remember it how it was in its heyday. You can watch "Full House" 100 times a day in syndication anyway. [Laughs.]

What's next for you?
I'm returning to "90210" and next week, I'm starting an indie film that I'm excited about. It's exciting for me because my character is psychotic. [Laughs.] And I'm also working on a reality show with Go Go Luckey. You just can't beat reality TV these days so I figured, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

Bob Saget (Danny Tanner)

The dirty-mouthed standup comedian got his first national television gig co-hosting CBS' "The Morning Program" in 1987 and soon enough, life imitated art. Saget was cast as Danny Tanner, the patriarch of "Full House," who started off as the sportscaster for "Channel 8 News" and later earned a gig co-hosting "Wake Up, San Francisco." As a single dad to three young girls, Danny kept it clean -- literally -- both verbally and with his OCD. "I always thought my character was gay," Saget told People. "He lived with two guys in San Francisco and dust-busted all the time."

Saget hosted "America's Funniest Home Videos" partially while filming the show and two years after it was canceled. In the years thereafter, he directed a bit and then, in 2001, he starred in the TV sitcom "Raising Dad," in which Kat Dennings played his daughter.

He returned to hosting in 2006 with the game show "1 vs. 100" on NBC and the same year it ended in 2008, Saget was honored with a Comedy Central Roast. He's appeared as himself on "Entourage" and "Louie" and recently guest starred on "How I Met Your Mother." Saget has mocked his "Full House" fame with a College Humor video in which he cuddles with John Stamos.

Jodie Sweetin (Stephanie Judith Tanner)

Jodie Sweetin spent most of her childhood life on "Full House" and was 13 went the series was canceled. She went on to graduate from Los Alamitos High School in 1999 and then attended Chapman University in California. But the end of "Full House" was tough on Sweetin, who ended up turning to drugs and alcohol, as she revealed in her book "unSweetined."

The actress also hosted the second season of the Fuse TV show "Pants-Off Dance-Off" and now is happily married with two daughters -- four-year-old Zoie and two-year-old Beatrix. Over the past few years, Sweetin has also appeared in a couple independent films and turned her substance struggles into a positive, as she explains below.

Can you tell me how you got cast on "Full House"?
I actually didn't audition for "Full House." I did an episode of another Miller-Boyett show called "Valerie" and I played the next door neighbor's niece Pamela Pool. They had "Full House" in development at the time and thought I would be perfect for Stephanie and that's how I got cast.

I spoke to Dave Coulier and he said you stole the show at the first table read and he was basically like, "Oh crap."

Do you remember what that was like? Were you intimidated at all?

No, you know, for me, acting was fun and it was like playtime. It was never intimidating for me. But I started reading at a really early age -- I started reading when I was about three and a half. So I went to the table reading and I could read all my lines on my own and for a barely five year old, that was pretty rare.

Do you remember, in either watching it or filming it, a favorite "Full House" episode?

You know, I didn't watch the show a lot when I was younger, but the fun ones always to film were the ones where we got to travel, like to Hawaii or Walt Disney World. Those were sort of like a big family trip slash field trip. But I also loved the ones where Stephanie got to dance. I got to bring in my dance teacher and a lot of the girls that I danced with outside of "Full House" and we would choreograph routines. That was always fun for me.

I think every time I hear "Motown Philly," I think about Stephanie's dance recital.

Yeah. That and "Love Shack." People always say, "Oh my god! That's your song!" [Laughs.]

You had such a big cast with so many kids and on top of it, you had Comet, there were monkeys, elephants. Did you like working with the animals?
Oh my god. I loved working with the animals. It was super fun. The best part was that the animal trainers would bring all different kinds of animals for us. I was always really interested in them. I remember they brought in a wolf once. I have a picture of me with a raccoon on my shoulder. They brought in some of the larger spiders from "Arachnophobia" because it was the same trainers that we were working with and it was shooting on the stage next door to us. It was always really fun. I think there was one episode where I had a parrot on my shoulder. I'm pretty sure it pooped on me, of course. That's what happens. But I always seemed to get stuck with weird animal scenes.

You had so many comedians on set. Which co-stars made it most difficult to keep a straight face when you were doing scenes?
Bob and Dave for sure. They would just sort of play off of each other and then it was always the kids that got in trouble because we couldn't stop laughing. They'd pull it together and be ready to go and I was six or seven years old still giggling. It was definitely fun, but that always made it a little more difficult.

Oh yeah. Do you have a favorite guest star that you had fun working with?
I remember Little Richard was on and accidentally slapped me.

What?! How'd that happen?
[Laughs.] I was standing next to him and we were doing this scene where he was playing the piano and he did a big finish with his hands and it was just like, "Boom." He felt so bad. But I'm on a fairly short list of people who can say they've been slapped by Little Richard. [Laughs.]

Do you remember how you felt when you found out the show was ending?
Oh my god. I think we were all completely devastated. There was a period of a few weeks there where we were sort of in limbo and we didn't know if we were going to get picked up by a different network or what was going to happen. And then it finally came through that the series was ending and we were getting canceled and we were just devastated. It was a really close-knit set, not just the cast, but a lot of the crew and everything. A lot of them had worked on the series the entire time so it was a very family-like environment. It was like saying goodbye to people that you've known and loved and been around for eight years. It was really hard. It was devastating.

... Especially for you and the other young actors who had started on the show at such an early age and really grown up on "Full House."
Oh yeah. For the kids on the show -- Candace was about 10 when the show started, I was five, and obviously, Ashley and Mary-Kate were like nine months old -- so this was for most of us, the majority of our lives. That was a huge chunk of my life and I was like, "Now what?"

Yeah, that must of been scary. Looking back, which was worse -- the hair or the clothes on "Full House"?
Oh god. Well, you can't really do one without the other so I think the combination was pretty horrific.

Some people had it worse than others though.
Yeah. Some people did have it worse than others. I would say the clothes. My hair wasn't too bad, except I had the occasional side ponytail and maybe a bad perm for a season. But the clothes ...

There was one clip on YouTube and my husband was watching it with the kids and they thought it was hilarious. It was me wearing bright blue, shiny leggings and like, a leotard or a sweater or something and my curly hair and I'm doing the running man. I looked like a muppet. I had these skinny blue legs and a giant top and huge hair.

In your defense, that was the look.
Oh totally. It's sort of coming back unfortunately. I try to avoid it at all costs. But the clothes were pretty ... umm ... bright.

For sure. I know Stephanie had some catchphrases, but out of them all, what was your favorite?
Of course I'm gonna say, "How rude!" I gotta stick with the classic. I mean, there's a t-shirt from Urban Outfitters for God's sakes that says "How rude." [Laughs.] My friend called me the other day and said, "I'm at the gym and there's this really muscly older guy with your t-shirt on." I was like, "That's awesome."

That it! And where do you think Stephanie would be now?
She probably went to college and then opened a dance studio and has a couple daughters in dance. That was always what I imagined, like, "Oh, Stephanie moved on and had a cute little life." [Laughs.]

That sounds possible. I'm sure "Full House" fans come up to you often. What do you hear most?
What I hear all the time is like, "Oh my god. Me and my sisters, we totally pretended to be you guys." People reenacted "Full House" constantly in their lives, [they're] like, "I was Stephanie, my little sister was Michelle and my big sister was D.J. and we had Mr. Bear." You know, the whole thing. That's definitely what I hear the most.

You mentioned your husband and kids watching "Full House" on YouTube a little. The show is on in syndication all over. Do you ever watch reruns?
Not all the time, but my husband DVR'd a couple episodes the other day because it was on. And my four-year-old Zoie loves to watch it. She's like, "I want to watch 'Mommy's Show.'" She thinks it's really funny that I'm on TV and I'm little.

That's so cute. And Dave said his son called it "Daddy's Show."
Yeah. It's cute. My two year old doesn't really what it is, but they know it's me.

And your daughter is almost the age that you were when you started "Full House."
I know. It's crazy! She's coming up on four and a half so I'm like, "Oh my god." It seems like forever ago.

If your kids wanted to act, would you be OK with it? The entertainment industry has changed so much since you started. Would you be hesitant?
Yeah, not hesitant in a bad way, just hesitant to take time to weigh the pros and the cons. But if my kids wanted to do it, I would encourage them. Maybe I'd be more likely to encourage theatre or something like that that's a little less intrusive into your life, but they can still get that creative expression. You know, now it's like everyone has a reality show and there's just a bunch of bullshit that goes along with it. But if they really were dying to do it, fine. I don't think my four year old really wants to do it. She loves performing, but she always wants to do it her way. She gets kind of shy and if you tell her to do something, she says, "No. I don't want to." She would be a director, not an actor. [Laughs.]

I know a lot of the former castmembers keep in touch. Who do you speak with the most?
You know, probably Dave Coulier because I'm very close with his girlfriend Melissa so we see them a lot and go over there for barbecues and stuff. And you know, Jeff Franklin, who created the show, I talk to him a lot. We went over to his house on Labor Day for a barbecue. I mean, we all still see each other, but those are the ones I talk to most often.

There are always rumors about the cast getting together for a reunion. Would you participate?
Sure! Why not? You know, I think the thing that everyone says is, "Yeah. Sure. I'd do one, but everybody else wouldn't do one." I don't know if that's even true or not, but that's what everyone says in every interview I've seen. [Laughs.]

And what's next for you?
I just shot a pilot for a show called "Singled Out" that we're shopping to networks right now. And other than that, I started working recently in the drug and alcohol treatment field. I just finished going to school for my drug and alcohol counseling certificate. I'm working in treatment right now and I'm really loving it. I sort of have my feet in two different worlds and I really love both of them.

Candace Cameron-Bure (D.J. "Donna Joe" Tanner)

The Cameron family dominated late '80s/early '90s television. While her older brother Kirk was starring on "Growing Pains," Candace won the role of Danny Tanner's eldest daughter D.J. on "Full House."

During the show's eight-year run, Cameron won roles in numerous made-for-TV movies and after the series came to an end in 1995, she made guest appearances in "Cybill" and "Boy Meets World." But when she had her first child with hockey player Valeri Bure -- who she was introduced to by Dave Coulier -- Camerone-Bure took a break from Hollywood. She had two more children and then returned to TV in 2006 with a stint on "That's So Raven."

In 2009, she earned the part of Summer Van Horne in ABC Family's "Make It or Break It." She played a gymnastics coach who got engaged to a Steve Tanner (Anthony Starke), which would have been the name of Steve on "Full House" if he and D.J. had gotten married and he took her name. It's not that much of a long shot. Just sayin'.

Cameron-Bure recently launched an online magazine for women called www.roomag.com and appeared in a 2012 Hallmark Original Movie called "Puppy Love" about pet adoption.

She tweeted this week about watching an episode of "Full House," the one in which D.J. buttered the head of the child she was babysitting. "I love it. I would never try to steer myself away from it," Cameron-Bure said earlier this year of her "Full House" past, noting her children love the show.

Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (Michelle Tanner)

Arguably the most famous faces to have emerged from the beloved '90s family series, the fraternal actresses formerly known as "The Olsen Twins" landed the gig as Danny Tanner's youngest daughter Michelle at the age of just six months. They took turns in the part to adhere with child labor laws and soon enough, they created a phenomenon.

Some of their "Full House" co-stars appeared (Saget and Cameron-Bure included) in their first made-for-TV movie "To Grandmother's House We Go" and in 1993, they established their company Dualstar, which first produced their Halloween-themed "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" (co-starring Cloris Leachman and Eric McCormick). The went on to produce "The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley" series, "You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's ..." series and the year "Full House" ended, the debuted their feature film "It Takes Two," co-starring Steve Guttenberg and Kirstie Alley.

Mary-Kate and Ashley went on to have two more sitcoms -- "Two of a Kind" and "So Little Time," which earned Mary-Kate a Daytime Emmy nod -- and an animated series called "Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action!" That marked the end of their small screen career for the most part (though Mary-Kate has since had stints on "Weeds" and "Samantha Who?"). The young women have dolls, clothing lines (from high-fashion to budget and everything in between) and pretty much any type of merchandise you could imagine.

In 2007, Forbes ranked them (collectively) as the 11th-richest women in entertainment, with an estimated net worth of $100 million. Both Mary-Kate -- who once struggled with anorexia -- and Ashley told Elle UK that they've quit acting, but they continue to pursue their fashion careers.

Scott Weinger (Steve Hale)

A young Scott Weinger earned his first regular series role in CBS' "The Family Man," produced by Miller-Boyett Productions, from 1990 to 1991. Clearly, the producers liked him because the next year, he won the role of Steve Hale on "Full House" and appeared on the show until 1995. While starring on "Full House" as D.J.'s studly boyfriend, Weinger earned his first motion picture role as the voice of "Aladdin" and reprised the role numerous times in video games, animated series, made-for-TV movies and the like.

In 1994, he left LA to study at Harvard, where he studied English and served as "Good Morning America's" youth correspondent. Weinger graduated magna cum laude in 1998 and then did a few guest stints, but turned his attention to writing. Weinger has written for "What I Like About You," where he also made appearances, and The CW's "Privileged." He's currently writing and producing "90210," which starred "Full House" alum Lori Loughlin, which he talks about below.

Can you tell me how you got cast on "Full House"?
What happened was, I had done a guest spot in one season as Steve Something-or-other, playing the hunky guy from high school. Now that I'm an old man, I can call myself the hunky guy in high school. But they had cast me just for this one episode where I think D.J. was supposed to be babysitting, but she really wanted to go out with this guy so she took the kids with her or something. But it was just supposed to be that one episode and then, they wanted to add a character for the following season as D.J.'s permanent boyfriend, a regular character, and they asked me to play him. Of course, I was very excited.

I think I had done a pilot that year or had been asked to do a pilot that year and I remember it feeling like this huge momentous decision. I was like, "Do I do the pilot or 'Full House'?" And then I realized, "What am I? An idiot?" It's this hugely successful show so it was an obvious choice and it ended up being great.

Awesome. Do you remember, in either watching it or filming it, a favorite episode?
You know, I really enjoyed doing the two episodes we did down in Florida at Walt Disney World. And that was a lot of fun for me because I'd been down there a lot because of doing Aladdin. It sort of felt like a second home at that point. So we got to spend nearly a month down there in Orlando and I remember really enjoying the episodes and production. It was a lot of fun.

In one of them, didn't D.J. keep seeing Steve's face on every Disney prince?
Yeah, that's exactly right. Then we did an inside joke one when she saw him as Aladdin. We did Indiana Jones, Prince Charming ... it was really fun. It was fun because of the work and it was fun because it was a huge ensemble thing and I didn't have to be shooting too much so I got to spend all this time in Disney World. [Laughs.]

I'm jealous. You had so many comedians on the "Full House" set too. Which co-stars made it most difficult to keep a straight face when doing scenes?
Bob Saget and Dave Coulier were very, very funny -- I mean, hilarious on the set. And there were plenty of scenes where they would try to tank your take by whispering a joke under their breath. They had a series of recurring jokes that we knew, so even if they just whispered it in a barely audible way and no one else knew, we knew what they were saying. They ruined a lot of takes by making us laugh hysterically.

That's funny. Do you have a favorite guest star that you had fun working with?
God, you know, that question makes me realize how long it's been because I can't even remember ...

Some people said Little Richard.
I think I was there for Little Richard. I think the episode was called like "Too Little Richard Too Late" and I think I was in it. [Editor's note: Weinger was right on both fronts.]

It's really funny. You know, I never do this, but the other day I did a talk at this thing for Disney fan and they showed a clip of "Full House" before I went up to talk. I couldn't remember shooting that scene and I realized, "Wow. I'm freaking old!" [Laughs.]

Lori Loughlin said her kids will be watching and they'll ask her what happens in an episode and she has to watch a little before she can remember.
That's exactly right. You know, Lori is on "90210." She used to be a regular so it's fun that I get to see her periodically.

You left LA to go to Harvard, which is really impressive. Were you ever filming and going to school simultaneously?
Well, thank you. Yeah, it's funny. I had a great college experience, but I had to leave to work a lot. The only "Full House" episode I shot during that time was when I was a freshman or sophomore -- they flew me out to be in the finale where I showed up -- it was a big surprise -- to take D.J. to the prom. That was a lot of fun because they literally surprised everybody. I was hiding out in the trailer and then, when she opened the door, I was her prom date.

And I continued to work when I was in college. I had a really cool job as the youth news correspondent for "Good Morning America." It was amazing. It was so cool. My roommates would always see me throw a bunch of stuff in a backpack and head out and after a while they stopped asking where I was going. [Laughs.]

I also continued to do "Aladdin" recording stuff while I was in Boston. You're making me miss college.

[Laughs.] Did you every think you would do something besides working in Hollywood?
I thought about going into journalism after my experience with "Good Morning America." I got into Columbia and had put down a deposit, but at the last minute, I changed my mind. I wanted to go into writing and I'm glad now because I really love what I do. There were times when I was starting my writing career where I thought, "Man, why didn't I go to law school?" But I don't regret it.

Looking back, which was worse on "Full Houe" -- the hair or the clothes?

Now that I'm in my mid 30s -- I'm 36 -- I would do anything to have that hair back, even though it was sort of a 'fro. You know, I get a kick out of watching the show once in a while, I'll catch a minute of it and I think the clothes were pretty ridiculous, especially the jeans up to my armpits. I think I went through a cowboy boots phase too. But Steve was sort of the classic American boyfriend with the letterman jacket and everything so that's sort of timeless. It holds up. But that big giant head of air that I had was pretty awesome.

I'm sure "Full House" fans come up to you often. What do you hear the most?

You know, the "Full House" thing I understand. It's a live action show so I get it if people recognize me, even though I look like I could be Steve's dad now. [Laughs.] I'm exaggerating a little, but it always freaks me out when people say, "Hey. You're Aladdin!" And it happens, weirdly, all the time ... even at supermarkets. I have no clue how people look at me and recognize me as a voice.

That's so funny. And where do you think Steve would be now? Do you think he would still be with D.J.?

I hope so. She was really good for him. They would've been a good couple. They broke up so that I could go off to college. She was a smart kid with a good head on her shoulders and a bright future and he was a little bit dense and really fell back on his athletic ability. So I think, if he was a smart man, he would've stuck with D.J. He would have hitched his wagon to her star.

I know a lot of the former castmembers keep in touch. Who do you still talk you?

Oh yeah. The group actually does a pretty good job of keeping in touch. I was especially close for a while with Bob. But I think everybody's still really good friends. We have a lot of fun email chains going around all the time. And every few years, we have a bit of a reunion and get together and hang out and it's like no time has passed. I gotta say, I've worked on a lot of shows, and that closeness is definitely unique. After tape nights, we would always go out to dinner. Dave would push the check in Bob's direction. [Laughs.] He'd go, "Bob. You got this one." [Laughs.] And it's really funny. On rare occasion that we all are together, you wouldn't believe the looks that we get.

Oh I bet. The show really means a lot to people .

The funny thing, as we get more distance from it, "Full House" really has come to represent an era. It went from being a very popular family TV show and has become something else altogether. I feel like it's up there with Kurt Cobain, flannel shirts and "Reality Bites."

And what's next for you?

I'm writing for "90210" and we're shooting the 100th episode right now, which I wrote so I'm stuck on the set this week. It's going really well so far ... it's only been an hour. [Laughs.] And I have a movie that I'm working on. There are definitely some exciting things coming up around the corner, but I don't want to say too much because I'm superstitious.

Andrea Barber (Kimmy Gibbler)

Rivaling Steve Urkel for TV's most annoying neighbor, Andrea Barber portrayed the Tanner's token pain in the neck and D.J.'s best friend Kimmy Gibler on "Full House." It was her second major TV role after playing the original Carrie Brady on "Days of our Lives" from 1982 to 1986.

After "Full House" ended in 1995, Barber retired from acting and started focusing on her personal life. She attended California's Whittier College and, like Weinger, majored in English. After graduating in 1999, she spent that summer interning with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, she told People in 2000. She then earned her MA in Women's Studies at the University of York in England.

In 2002, Barber married Jeremy Rytky. The couple now lives in California with their two children, eight-year-old Tate and daughter five-year-old Felicity.

Barber did come out of retirement earlier this year for a Funny or Die video with "Full House" co-star Dave Coulier, in which their characters had married, Mr. Woodchuck returns and Comet is still alive.

One thing Barber wasn't a fan of on "Full House" was the running joke about Kimmy's feet. "I always hated the foot joke! I mean maybe it was funny the first time. But it ran waaaay too long and it wasn't even really that creative of a joke, in my opinion," she told TheVine. "The foot gimmick haunts me to this day -- people STILL ask me to this very day if I have stinky feet."

But Barber doesn't shy away from the show entirely ... her Twitter profile description reads, "Ex-Gibbler. The neon tights are officially retired, people!"

Blake & Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit (Alex & Nicky Katsopolis)

Unlike the Olsens, the Tuomy-Wilhoit twins were able to play twins on screen as Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse's first and only children. Though "Full House" fans first saw them in their terrible two's when they joined the show in 1992, Blake and Dylan are now 22 years old and leading normal lives the last we've heard. They retired from show business after "Full House" came to an end in 1995. Blake is currently living in Georgia and Dylan is in California, according to their respective Twitter accounts.

Blake McIver Ewing (Derek Boyd)

Blake McIver Ewing -- who's since dropped the Ewing -- had been typecast as the stuck-up snot on both the small and big screens at a young age. He played obnoxious rich kid and girlfriend stealer Waldo in 1994's "The Little Rascals" feature film and on "Full House," he was Michelle's know-it-all, perfectionist friend Derek Boyd. McIver's on-screen stints often allowed him to sing and he was impressive, considering he won "Star Search" in 1983.

After "Full House," he had some small screen roles -- both live action and animated -- on series like "Clueless," "The Nanny," "Recess" and "Home Improvement." But eventually, he turned his attention to theater. McIver has appeared in touring and local productions of musicals like "Ragtime," "Aida," "Hairspray" and "The Light in the Piazza."

The now 27-year-old actor has also performed on albums with Natalie Cole and Phil Collins and is currently working on his own music. On his website, McIver describes his sound as "mixing Beatles-esque melodies with the rhythm of Michael Jackson and lyrical self-empowerment of Lady Gaga." Listen to his single, "Stand and Fight" here.

Miko Hughes (Aaron Bailey)
If Blake McIver Ewing was Hollywood's snot in the early '90s, Miko Hughes played the token brat. From "Kindergarten Cop" to Michelle's classmate on "Full House," his characters had attitude for miles. When Hughes wasn't giving lip to adults and teachers, he was appearing in horror films -- "Stephen King's Pet Sematary" and "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" -- and it looks like his career has come full circle. Find out what the now 26-year-old is up to these days.

Can you tell me how you got cast on "Full House"?
I think my character was originally supposed to be in only one episode, but it worked and they kept bringing me back. I did 13 episodes over the years.

Who did you get along with on set?
Man, I was so young. John Stamos, his character and my character were always butting heads, but I thought he was pretty cool.

Around the same time as "Full House," you were playing quite a number of bratty little kids. Did you like playing those types of characters?

Yeah, I think I did. It was kind of fun. It was an escape because I don't think I was like that in real life.

Do you remember, in either watching it or filming it, a favorite episode?

Oh man. It's funny -- a lot of times people will tell me, "Oh. I saw you on this episode and this happened. And I'll catch reruns. Actually, today was the first time I'd seen an episode in ages. But there's a lot of episodes that I've completely forgotten.

I think one that I do remember we were super heroes and we all wore headbands and we got to jump on the beds. It was something like the Mighty Morphin' Kids Club. [Editor's note: Close enough. It was the Mighty Mutant Super Kids Club.]

Do you remember the kids hanging out a lot on set?

I remember that's when pogs were like huge and Jodie Sweetin taught me how to play pogs. She was kicking my butt because I didn't know what I was doing at all. [Laughs.] We would trade pogs and at lunch we would play. It was fun.

What's been your most interesting fan encounter?
Actually, I had a friend from Germany who was a big "Full House" fan and I think she found me on MySpace when that was a thing. We slowly became friends and we ending up hanging out. She and her boyfriend flew out from Germany and hung out for two weeks with me and girlfriend.

So how often do you watch reruns?
If it's on, I'll try to see if it's one of my episodes and watch it for nostalgia, but usually I'm on a time constraint and I don't have time for a full episodes.

IWhere do you think Aaron would be now?
[Laughs.] He's be on parole probably. He's a trouble maker so I assume he'd be in trouble these days.

I know a lot of the former castmembers keep in touch. Who do you still talk you?

I've run into Tahj Mowry and Blake Ewing over the years just randomly. They're great guys and it's always a pleasure to run into them. We have a connection. Even if we haven't seen each other for years, the "Full House" crowd kind of picks up where we left of.

And what's next for you?
I did a zombie movie last year and I'm trying my hand for my first time at directing. I wrote and am going to direct a short film next month. It's a whole new scenario, something I've never tried before. It's scary, but very exciting. It's going to be part of an anthology series and it's five different writers and directors. It'll be on Chiller sometime next year.

Tahj Mowry (Teddy)

Without "Full House," there'd be no "Sister, Sister." Tahj Mowry played one of Michelle's best friends (and later, boyfriend) on "Full House" and when his older twin sisters Tia and Tamera stopped by to visit the set, a producer spotted them and thus, their show was born.

After saying goodbye to the Tanners, Mowry had guest stints on his sisters' show, "Friends" and "Star Trek: Voyager" before getting his next big role: starring on "Smart Guy" as child prodigy T.J. Henderson. He also voiced Wade Load on Disney's animated series "Kim Possible."

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All the while, Mowry played varsity football at California's Westlake High School. He also played one season at Savannah State University and the University of Wyoming and then attended Pepperdine University in Malibu.

After some more guest stints on the small screen, Mowry won another steady gig playing Tucker Dobbs in the new ABC Family sitcom "Baby Daddy" about a twentysomething who becomes a single father when an ex-girlfriend leaves her baby at his doorstep. Mowry's Tucker is the protagonist's best friend and roommate on the series, which has been renewed for a second season, set to premiere in spring 2013.

But despite the quarter century that's passed, Mowry is still up for revisiting "Full House." "I would totally be on board for a 'Full House' reunion," Mowry told Hollyscoop in July. "I just did a special for TV Guide a couple months back and I finally realized how big that show really was ... I actually talk to Jodie every now and then on Twitter and I see Candace all the time, because she's a good friend of my sister Tamera."

Jurnee Smollett (Denise Frazer)

Coming from a family of six children, Jurnee Smollett didn't have to adjust much when joining the Tanner clan on "Full House." On the beloved series, she played Denise, Michelle's best friend with some serious sass.

Two years after "Full House" ended, Smollett garnered critical acclaim for her performance as the titular 10-year-old character in the independent film "Eve's Bayou." She went on to work opposite Robin Williams, Sharon Stone and Angela Bassett. In 2007, actor/director Denzel Washington cast Smollett in his starring/directorial vehicle "The Great Debaters," which was produced by Oprah Winfrey and Harvey Weinstein.

Throughout her career, Smollett appeared on "Hangin' with Mr. Cooper," "NYPD Blue," "Cosby," "House," "Grey's Anatomy" and she co-starred in the last two seasons of fan favorite "Friday Night Lights" as cheerleader Jess Merriweather. From September 2010 to March 2011, she appeared in the CBS legal drama "The Defenders" as stripper-turned-lawyer Lisa Tyler.

Smollett has been married to musician Josiah Bell for almost two years and was recently named one of the latest Proactiv spokespeople.

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