Indisce Casererīce
(Edlǣded of Brittisce Indea)
Ðæt Indisce Casererīce oferƿrēag brāde land in Asie sūðdæle of 1877 oþ 1947 and ƿæs in ðissum rīce gegaderung of Bryttisces ƿeald in þissum landum. Þis Casererīce land sind todæg Indea, Bængladesc, Pacistan, Tāprabane, Burma, þā Geānedan Arabiscan Bregorīcu and ēac in his ylde Singapore.
In þǣm Indiscan Casererīce ƿæs missenlicum underrīcu and bregorīcu:
- Bryttiscu Indea ƿæs eall þæt lande in Indea under rihte Bryttiscum rīcesƿeald, and hēo ƿæs bedæled in manigum underrīcum
- Ðā Æþelinga rīcu ƿæron bregorīcu þærof sƿāron þā æðeliningas and bregas hiera mannrǣden þæs Brrytiscan ƿealdend
- Tāprabane, Burma and Singapore ƿæron landbūnessa