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ACIS 2010: Brisbane, Australia
- Australasian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2010, Brisbane, Australia, December 1-3, 2010. 2010
- Nurul Nuha Abdul Molok, Atif Ahmad, Shanton Chang:
Understanding the Factors of Information Leakage through Online Social Networking to Safeguard Organizational Information. - Balsam Al-Dabbagh, Eusebio Scornavacca, Hartmut Hoehle:
User Perceived Requirements for a Mobile Accounting Information System. - Yousuf S. AlHinai, Sherah Kurnia, Stephen P. Smith:
The adoption of mobile commerce services by individuals: A Current State of the Literature. - Mazen Ali, Sherah Kurnia, Graeme G. Shanks:
The role of relationships in the adoption of Interorganisational Information Systems (IOS). - Mazen Ali, Sherah Kurnia, Talib Janahi:
Exploring Interorganisational Systems (IOS) adoption in Bahrain. - Jebrin Al-Sharawneh, Mary-Anne Williams:
Credibility-based Social Network Recommendation: Follow the Leader. - Susanne Altendorfer, Thomas Aschauer, Gerd Dauenhauer, Wolfgang Pree:
Alignment: A New Software Architecture Approach to Support Streamlining Business Processes. - Chadi Aoun, Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Yanning Li:
AIS in Australia: UTAUT application & cultural implication. - Noreen Izza Arshad, Rachelle Bosua, Simon K. Milton:
Facilitating Information Sharing in Organizations using Electronic Content Management Systems (ECMS): Towards a Model. - Jörg Becker, Dominic Breuker, Burkhard Weiß, Axel Winkelmann:
Exploring the Status Quo of Business Process Modelling Languages in the Banking Sector - An Empirical Insight into The Usage of Methods in Banks. - Jenine P. Beekhuyzen, Liisa von Hellens, Sue H. Nielsen:
Collaboration in Online Communities: Reconceptualising the Complex Problem of Unauthorised Music File Sharing. - Rui Bi, Booi Hon Kam, Kosmas X. Smyrnios:
E-Supply Chain Capability: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Operationalization. - Jacqueline Blake, Don V. Kerr, Raj Gururajan:
Development of knowledge management support for the sleep disorder diagnosis proces. - Amaya Booker, Alan Sixsmith:
Vendor Transition and the Impact on In-flight Projects. - Rachelle Bosua, Antonette Mendoza:
The Role of Social Networks and Artefacts in Technology Appropriation. - Jan vom Brocke, Sonia Lippe:
Towards Creativity-Aware Project Management - An Initial Study on Creativity in Research Projects. - Peter Busch:
Business Process Management, Social Network Analysis and Knowledge Management: A Triangulation of Sorts? - Kevin Daniel Andre Carillo:
Introspection within the IS discipline - Social Cognitive Theory as a Reference Theory for Future Research. - Amy Y. C. Chan, Peter Caputi, Suzanne Hilellis, Zi Zhu, Rohan Jayasuriya:
Applying an Error Taxonomy to Examine Inexperienced Spreadsheet Users' Planning and Execution Errors. - Yeah Teck Chen, Gaye Lewis:
IBA Performance and Usability for Mobile Phones. - Christopher Cheong, Raghav Tandon, France Cheong:
The Effects of Project-based Learning Environments on Social Networking Site Usage: A Case Study. - Christy M. K. Cheung, Bo Sophia Xiao, Dimple R. Thadani:
Assessing the Quality and Knowledge Contribution of MIS Quarterly: A Citation Analysis. - Peter Clutterbuck, Terry Rowlands, Murray Stubbs:
A Security Framework for Managing the Host-based Collection of End- User Information. - Sophie Cockcroft, Hanna Stelmaszewska:
Can Semantic Mapping Be Used to Model Information Seeking Behaviour in Resource Discovery Systems? - Jason F. Cohen:
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural Responses to an ERP Implementation: A Dual Perspective of Technology Acceptance and Organisational Change. - Darryl Coulthard, Susan Keller:
A Social Ecological Model of ICT Cooption: Surveillance Creep in the Information Age. - Stefan Cronholm, Hannes Göbel, Mikael Lind, Daniel Rudmark:
The Need for Systems Development Capability in Design Science Research - Investigating the Role of An Innovation Lab as Part of The Academy. - Houra Delavari, Wasana Bandara, Olivera Marjanovic, Paul Mathiesen:
Business Process Management (BPM) Education in Australia: A Critical Review Based on Content Analysis. - Saif Dewan:
Past, Present and Future of M-Banking Research: A Literature Review. - Sharmistha Dey, Darshana Sedera:
Identifying Experts in Information Systems for System Evaluations. - Kieren Diment, Ping Yu, Karin Garrety:
Electronic Documentation in Residential Aged Care Facilities - A Review of the Literature on Organisational Issues and Early Findings on Initial Conditions from a Case Study. - Sneza Dojkovski, Sharman Lichtenstein, Matthew J. Warren:
Enabling Information Security Culture: Influences and Challenges for Australian SMEs. - Sophia Xiaoxia Duan, Hepu Deng, Brian J. Corbitt:
An Empirical Investigation of the Critical Determinants for the Adoption of E-Market in Australian Small-and-Medium Sized Enterprises. - Hanmei Fan, Stephen P. Smith, Reeva Lederman, Shanton Chang:
Why People Trust in Online Health Communities: An Integrated Approach. - Anthony Griffin, Dennis Viehland:
Perceived Risk and Risk Relievers Associated with Online Shopping. - Haslinda Hassan, Alexei Tretiakov, Dick Whiddett:
Extent of Adoption as Opposed to Adoption: Case of E-Procurement. - Paul Hawking, Carmine Sellitto:
Business Intelligence (BI) Critical Success Factors. - Riitta Hekkala, Cathy Urquhart, Michael Newman, Ari Heiskanen:
Understanding Governance issues in an Inter-Organizational IS project. - Alexander Bogislav Herzfeldt, Michael Schermann, Helmut Kremar:
Towards A Set of Requirements for A Holistic IT Solution Engineering Approach. - Kevin K. W. Ho, Eric Wing Kuen See-To, Xin Xu:
The Impacts of Information Privacy, Monetary Reward, and Buyers' Protection Excess on Consumers' Utility Using E-payment Gateways: A Conjoint Analysis. - Dirk S. Hovorka, Michael J. Rees, Amjad H. Alkilani:
A Design Framework for Researching Collaborative Learning Environments. - Nicole L. Howard, Peter Marshall, Paul A. Swatman:
Reconceptualising Motivation in Adoption and Acceptance Research: Back to Basics. - Christian Janiesch, Axel Korthaus:
Validation of a Generic Service Governance Meta Model based on the Comparison of Major Governance Frameworks. - Stan Karanasios, Vanessa A. Cooper, Hepu Deng, Alemayehu Molla, Siddhi Pittayachawan:
Antecedents to Greening Data Centres: A Conceptual Framework and Exploratory Case Study. - Kanishka Karunasena, Hepu Deng:
Testing and Validating a Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Public Value of e-Government using Structural Equation Modelling. - Richard M. Kim, Simon M. Kaplan:
Preparing for Research Assessment: Co-evolution and Gamesmanship. - Shirlee-ann Knight, Georgia K. B. Halkett:
Living Systems, Complexity & Information Systems Science. - Thomas Kohlborn, Simon Weiss, Jens Poeppelbuss, Axel Korthaus, Erwin Fielt:
Online Service Delivery Models - An International Comparison in the Public Sector. - Tim Kraemer, Oliver Hinz, Bernd Skiera:
Return on IT Investments in Two-Sided Markets. - Simone Krug, Axel Korthaus, Erwin Fielt, Michael Leyer:
Co-Creation in Business Service Lifecycle Management. - Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Julie Fisher, Kathleen Bennetts, Helen Forgasz:
Dualisms: what women say about working in ICT. - Kate Lazarenko, Frada Burstein, Julie Fisher:
Exploring Personalised Features of Health Information Websites - an Empirical Review. - Chia Yao Lee, Dilal Saundage, Craig M. Parker:
Helping Businesses Leverage Web 2.0 to Generate Social Capital. - Lam-Son Lê, Hoa Khanh Dam, Aditya Ghose:
On Business Services Representation - The 3 x 3 x 3 Approach. - Michael Leyer, Jürgen Moormann:
Facilitating Operational Control of Business Services: A Method for Analysing and Structuring Customer Integration. - Markus Lilienthal, Christian M. Messerschmidt, Bernd Skiera:
The Utility of TAM-Perceptions: Integration of Technology Perceptions into Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis. - Manning Li, Shirley Gregor:
IT Empowerment or Exclusion? The Dilemma of Online Government Advisory Services. - Huairen Lin, Joseph G. Davis, Ying Zhou:
Ontological Services Using Crowdsourcing. - Julian Lin:
One-dimensional, Multidimensional and Unidimensional Perspectives in a Multifunctional Device: Comparison of Three Models. - Arthur Glenn Maail, Sherah Kurnia, Shanton Chang:
A Framework for Exploring Conditional Factors Affecting User Participation in Information Systems Development. - Judy McKay, Nick Grainger, Peter Marshall, Rudy Hirschheim:
Artefaction as Communication: Redesigning Communication Models. - Antonette Mendoza, Linda Stern, Jennie Carroll:
Support Mechanisms for Early, Medium and Longer-Term Use of Technologies. - Shah Jahan Miah, Justin C. W. Debuse, Don V. Kerr, Valerie Debuse:
A Practitioner-Oriented Decision Support Process for Forestry Pest Management. - Simon K. Milton, Chris D. Keen, Sherah Kurnia:
Understanding the Benefits of Ontology Use for Australian Industry: A Conceptual Study. - Lemai Nguyen, Shaheen Evans, W. David Wilde, Graeme G. Shanks:
Supporting Information Needs of Senior Citizens in Community Aged Care. - Siti Hajar Othman, Ghassan Beydoun:
Metamodelling Approach To Support Disaster Management Knowledge Sharing. - Chun Ouyang, Moe Thandar Wynn, Colin J. Fidge, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Jan-Christian Kuhr:
Modelling Complex Resource Requirements in Business Process Management Systems. - Fei Pang, Rajeev Sharma, Reeva Lederman, Suelette Dreyfus:
Organisational Culture and Organisational Impacts of Information Systems: A Review of the Empirical Literature. - David Piessens, Moe Thandar Wynn, Michael Adams, Boudewijn F. van Dongen:
Performance Analysis of Business Process Models with Advanced Constructs. - Ahmad A. Rabaa'i:
A Framework for Successful Enterprise Systems Implementation: Preliminary Findings from a Case Study. - Ahmad A. Rabaa'i:
Cultural Influences on IS Service Quality Perceptions. - Nicolas Racz, Johannes C. Panitz, Michael Amberg, Edgar R. Weippl, Andreas Seufert:
Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Status Quo and Software Use: Results from A Survey Among Large Enterprises. - Eduardo Ramos, Flávia Maria Santoro, Fernanda Baião:
Process Improvement Based on External Knowledge Context. - Debbie Richards, Peter Busch, Krishna Venkitachalam:
An Analysis by Gender of Differences in Responses to Workplace Scenarios in the Australian ICT Sector. - Kai Riemer, Alexander Richter:
Social Software: Agents for Change or Platforms for Social Reproduction? A Case Study on Enterprise Microblogging. - Moritz Riesner, Günther Pernul:
Supporting Compliance through Enhancing Internal Control Systems by Conceptual Business Process Security Modeling. - Michael Rosemann, Peter Green, Fiona H. Rohde:
ACIS2010 Index Proceedings. - Anne C. Rouse:
A Preliminary Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing. - Kemas Rahmat Saleh Wiharja, Paulus Insap Santosa, Ari Cahyono:
Extending the Chin and Lee's End User Computing Satisfaction Model with the Task-Technology Fit Model. - Dilal Saundage, Rodney Carr:
Effective Coordination of Vertical IS Standardisation Initiatives. - Thimo Schulze, Christian Thum, Markus Klems:
Towards Providing Lightweight Access to Legacy Applications as Cloud-Based Services. - Anna Sell, Pirkko Walden, Christer Carlsson:
An Exploratory Three Year Segmentation of Finnish Mobile Service Users. - Alexander Serenko, Brian Detlor, Heidi Julien, Lorne D. Booker:
An Empirical Investigation of Student Learning Outcomes of Information Literacy Instruction in a Business School. - Graeme G. Shanks, Rajeev Sharma, Peter B. Seddon, Peter Reynolds:
The Impact of Strategy and Maturity on Business Analytics and Firm Performance: A Review and Research Agenda. - Arisa Shollo, Karlheinz Kautz:
Towards an Understanding of Business Intelligence. - Harminder Singh:
Selecting IT Control Objectives and Measuring IT Control Capital. - Suku Sinnappan, Cathy Farrell, Elizabeth Stewart:
Priceless Tweets! A Study on Twitter Messages Posted During Crisis: Black Saturday. - Michelle Soakell, Michael D. Myers:
Knowledge Management Challenges for Nongovernment Organizations: The Health and Disability Sector in New Zealand. - Sam Solaimani, Harry Bouwman, Mark de Reuver:
Smart Home: Aligning Business Models and Providers Processes; A case survey. - Joo Hee Song, Ying Zhou, Hyungsoo Jung, Joseph G. Davis:
Adding Context to Social Tagging Systems. - Layla Soroush, Abdul Hafeez-Baig, Raj Gururajan:
Clinicians' Perception of Using Digital Stethoscopes in Telehealth Platform: Queensland Telehealth Preliminary Study. - Peter F. Summons, Isabel Higgins, Caroline Phelan, Fiona Hodson, Jeanene Douglas, Linda Ritchard, Pauline Dobson, Deborah Bruce, Glody Mabbott:
Targeting Older Patient's Pain within the Acute Care Setting: Development and Organisational Aspects of Health Innovations. - Felix Ter Chian Tan, Darshana Sedera:
Introducing a Small and Medium Enterprises Syllabi Design: An Enterprise Systems Hands-On Approach. - Maija Tenhunen, Esko Penttinen:
Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Paper vs. Electronic Invoicing. - Say Yen Teoh, Leon Kok Yang Teo:
ES Implementations - A Model of Panoptical Empowerment. - Luba Torlina, Gerlinde Koeglreiter, Ross Smith:
Methodology Pursuit for Complex KM Project: Applying Structured-Case with Action Interventions. - Thao Trinh-Phuong, Alemayehu Molla, Konrad J. Peszynski:
Enterprise Systems and Organisational Agility: Conceptualizing the Link. - Indrit Troshani, Cate Jerram, Michael Gerrard:
Exploring the organizational adoption of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) in the Australian public sector. - Mark Vanderklei, Ulrich Remus, Trevor Nesbit, Martin Wiener:
Controls for Managing Risks Across Different Stages of ERP Projects. - Rajiv Vashist, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall:
The Roles and Practices of Business Analysts: A Boundary Practice Perspective. - Jan vom Brocke, Theresa Sinnl:
Applying the BPM-Culture-Model - The Hilti Case. - Wei Wang, Steve Elliot, Mary-Anne Williams:
An IS contribution to the UN Millennium Development Goals: Next Generation Vaccination Management in the Developing World. - Lawrence Yao, Fethi A. Rabhi:
Modelling Exploratory Analysis Processes for eResearch. - Nor Hidayati Zakaria, Darshana Sedera:
Developing a Knowledge Base for Enterprise System Success: The Role of Management and Operational Staff. - Michael zur Muehlen, Dennis E. Wisnosky, James Kindrick:
Primitives: Design Guidelines and Architecture for BPMN Models.

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