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16. AIED 2013: Memphis, TN, USA
- H. Chad Lane, Kalina Yacef, Jack Mostow, Philip I. Pavlik:
Artificial Intelligence in Education - 16th International Conference, AIED 2013, Memphis, TN, USA, July 9-13, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7926, Springer 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-39111-8
Affective Computing and Engagement
- Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Joseph B. Wiggins, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric N. Wiebe
, James C. Lester:
Embodied Affect in Tutorial Dialogue: Student Gesture and Posture. 1-10 - Nigel Bosch
, Sidney K. D'Mello, Caitlin Mills:
What Emotions Do Novices Experience during Their First Computer Programming Learning Session? 11-20 - Sylvie Girard, Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray, Javier Gonzalez Sanchez, Yoalli Hidalgo-Pontet, Lishan Zhang
, Winslow Burleson, Kurt VanLehn:
Defining the Behavior of an Affective Learning Companion in the Affective Meta-tutor Project. 21-30 - Lakshmi S. Doddannara, Sujith M. Gowda, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Supreeth M. Gowda, Adriana M. J. B. de Carvalho:
Exploring the Relationships between Design, Students' Affective States, and Disengaged Behaviors within an ITS. 31-40 - Maria Ofelia Clarissa Z. San Pedro, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Sujith M. Gowda, Neil T. Heffernan:
Towards an Understanding of Affect and Knowledge from Student Interaction with an Intelligent Tutoring System. 41-50 - Blair Lehman, Sidney K. D'Mello, Arthur C. Graesser:
Who Benefits from Confusion Induction during Learning? An Individual Differences Cluster Analysis. 51-60 - Jason M. Harley, François Bouchet
, Roger Azevedo:
Aligning and Comparing Data on Emotions Experienced during Learning with MetaTutor. 61-70 - Caitlin Mills, Sidney K. D'Mello, Blair Lehman, Nigel Bosch
, Amber Chauncey Strain, Arthur C. Graesser:
What Makes Learning Fun? Exploring the Influence of Choice and Difficulty on Mind Wandering and Engagement during Learning. 71-80
Learning Together
- David Adamson, Divyanshu Bhartiya, Biman Gujral, Radhika Kedia, Ashudeep Singh, Carolyn P. Rosé
Automatically Generating Discussion Questions. 81-90 - Huy V. Nguyen, Diane J. Litman:
Identifying Localization in Peer Reviews of Argument Diagrams. 91-100 - Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Judy Kay, Kalina Yacef:
An Automatic Approach for Mining Patterns of Collaboration around an Interactive Tabletop. 101-110 - Kazuhisa Miwa, Hitoshi Terai, Shoma Okamoto, Ryuichi Nakaike:
A Learning Environment That Combines Problem-Posing and Problem-Solving Activities. 111-120 - Dimoklis Despotakis, Vania Dimitrova, Lydia Lau, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Antonio Ascolese, Lucia Pannese:
ViewS in User Generated Content for Enriching Learning Environments: A Semantic Sensing Approach. 121-130 - Nesra Yannier
, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Scott E. Hudson:
Tangible Collaborative Learning with a Mixed-Reality Game: EarthShake. 131-140
Student Modeling and Personalisation
- Nathalie Guin
, Marie Lefèvre:
From a Customizable ITS to an Adaptive ITS. 141-150 - Yutao Wang, Joseph Beck:
Class vs. Student in a Bayesian Network Student Model. 151-160 - Sébastien Lallé
, Jack Mostow, Vanda Luengo, Nathalie Guin:
Comparing Student Models in Different Formalisms by Predicting Their Impact on Help Success. 161-170 - Michael Yudelson, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Geoffrey J. Gordon:
Individualized Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Models. 171-180 - Yutao Wang, Neil T. Heffernan:
Extending Knowledge Tracing to Allow Partial Credit: Using Continuous versus Binary Nodes. 181-188 - Jaclyn K. Maass, Philip I. Pavlik Jr.:
Using Learner Modeling to Determine Effective Conditions of Learning for Optimal Transfer. 189-198
Open-Learner Modeling
- Susan Bull
, Matthew D. Johnson, Mohammad Alotaibi, William Byrne, Gabi Cierniak:
Visualising Multiple Data Sources in an Independent Open Learner Model. 199-208 - Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Discovering Behavior Patterns of Self-Regulated Learners in an Inquiry-Based Learning Environment. 209-218 - Yanjin Long, Vincent Aleven:
Supporting Students' Self-Regulated Learning with an Open Learner Model in a Linear Equation Tutor. 219-228
Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning
- Daria Bondareva, Cristina Conati, Reza Feyzi-Behnagh
, Jason M. Harley, Roger Azevedo, François Bouchet
Inferring Learning from Gaze Data during Interaction with an Environment to Support Self-Regulated Learning. 229-238 - Minghui Tai
, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly Park Woolf:
Teammate Relationships Improve Help-Seeking Behavior in an Intelligent Tutoring System. 239-248 - Yanjin Long, Vincent Aleven:
Skill Diaries: Improve Student Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System with Periodic Self-Assessment. 249-258
Natural Language Processing
- Rod D. Roscoe, Erica L. Snow, Danielle S. McNamara:
Feedback and Revising in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Writing Strategies. 259-268 - Scott A. Crossley, Laura K. Varner, Rod D. Roscoe, Danielle S. McNamara:
Using Automated Indices of Cohesion to Evaluate an Intelligent Tutoring System and an Automated Writing Evaluation System. 269-278 - Myroslava O. Dzikovska, Elaine Farrow, Johanna D. Moore:
Combining Semantic Interpretation and Statistical Classification for Improved Explanation Processing in a Tutorial Dialogue System. 279-288
Pedagogical Agents
- Anton Axelsson, Erik Anderberg, Magnus Haake:
Can Preschoolers Profit from a Teachable Agent Based Play-and-Learn Game in Mathematics? 289-298 - Kasia Muldner, Cecil Lozano, Victor Girotto, Winslow Burleson, Erin Walker:
Designing a Tangible Learning Environment with a Teachable Agent. 299-308 - H. Chad Lane, Clara Cahill, Susan Foutz, Daniel Auerbach, Dan Noren, Catherine Lussenhop, William R. Swartout
The Effects of a Pedagogical Agent for Informal Science Education on Learner Behaviors and Self-efficacy. 309-318
Designed Learning Activities
- Albert T. Corbett, Benjamin A. MacLaren, Angela Z. Wagner, Linda R. Kauffman, Aaron P. Mitchell, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker:
Differential Impact of Learning Activities Designed to Support Robust Learning in the Genetics Cognitive Tutor. 319-328 - Martina A. Rau, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel
Complementary Effects of Sense-Making and Fluency-Building Support for Connection Making: A Matter of Sequence? 329-338 - Amir Shareghi Najar, Antonija Mitrovic:
Examples and Tutored Problems: How Can Self-Explanation Make a Difference to Learning? 339-348
Educational Games and Narrative
- Mark Floryan, Beverly Park Woolf:
Improving the Efficiency of Automatic Knowledge Generation through Games and Simulations. 349-358 - Erica L. Snow, G. Tanner Jackson, Laura K. Varner, Danielle S. McNamara:
Expectations of Technology: A Factor to Consider in Game-Based Learning Environments. 359-368 - Wookhee Min, Jonathan P. Rowe
, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Personalizing Embedded Assessment Sequences in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments: A Collaborative Filtering Approach. 369-378
Educational Data Mining
- Mihai Dascalu, Philippe Dessus, Stefan Trausan-Matu
, Maryse Bianco, Aurélie Nardy:
ReaderBench, an Environment for Analyzing Text Complexity and Reading Strategies. 379-388 - Tanja Käser
, Alberto Giovanni Busetto, Barbara Solenthaler, Juliane Kohn, Michael von Aster, Markus H. Gross
Cluster-Based Prediction of Mathematical Learning Patterns. 389-399 - Nan Li, Yuandong Tian, William W. Cohen, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Integrating Perceptual Learning with External World Knowledge in a Simulated Student. 400-410 - Graham Erickson, Stephanie Frost, Scott Bateman
, Gordon I. McCalla:
Using the Ecological Approach to Create Simulations of Learning Environments. 411-420 - Kenneth R. Koedinger, John C. Stamper
, Elizabeth A. McLaughlin, Tristan Nixon:
Using Data-Driven Discovery of Better Student Models to Improve Student Learning. 421-430 - Joseph E. Beck, Yue Gong:
Wheel-Spinning: Students Who Fail to Master a Skill. 431-440 - Michel C. Desmarais, Rhouma Naceur:
A Matrix Factorization Method for Mapping Items to Skills and for Enhancing Expert-Based Q-Matrices. 441-450
Assessment and Evaluation
- Takatoshi Ishii, Pokpong Songmuang
, Maomi Ueno:
Maximum Clique Algorithm for Uniform Test Forms Assembly. 451-462 - Amali Weerasinghe, Antonija Mitrovic, Amir Shareghi Najar, Jay Holland:
The Effect of Interaction Granularity on Learning with a Data Normalization Tutor. 463-472 - R. Charles Murray, Steven Ritter
, Tristan Nixon, Ryan Schwiebert
, Robert G. M. Hausmann, Brendon Towle, Stephen E. Fancsali, Annalies Vuong:
Revealing the Learning in Learning Curves. 473-482
Outreach and Scaling Up
- Alyssa M. Alcorn, Judith Good
, Helen Pain:
Deliberate System-Side Errors as a Potential Pedagogic Strategy for Exploratory Virtual Learning Environments. 483-492 - Samantha L. Finkelstein, Evelyn Yarzebinski, Callie Vaughn, Amy Ogan, Justine Cassell:
The Effects of Culturally Congruent Educational Technologies on Student Achievement. 493-502 - Benjamin D. Nye:
ITS and the Digital Divide: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. 503-511
Feedback and Scaffolding
- Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez, David Arnau:
A Hypergraph Based Framework for Intelligent Tutoring of Algebraic Reasoning. 512-521 - Ilya M. Goldin, Ryan Carlson:
Learner Differences and Hint Content. 522-531 - James Segedy, Gautam Biswas, Emily Feitl Blackstock, Akailah Jenkins:
Guided Skill Practice as an Adaptive Scaffolding Strategy in Open-Ended Learning Environments. 532-541 - Giles Westerfield, Antonija Mitrovic, Mark Billinghurst
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks. 542-551
Invited Talks
- Maria Roussou:
Users at the Center of Designing Informal Learning Experiences. 552-553 - Douglas B. Clark:
Games, Motivation, and Integrating Intuitive and Formal Understanding. 554-556 - Jack Mostow:
Lessons from Project LISTEN: What Have We Learned from a Reading Tutor That Listens? 557-558
Industry and Innovation Track
- W. Lewis Johnson, Ari Bader-Natal:
The AIED Industry and Innovation Track. 559-560 - Karen L. Myers, Melinda T. Gervasio, Christian Jones, Kyle McIntyre, Kellie Keifer:
Drill Evaluation for Training Procedural Skills. 561-570 - Jeremiah T. Folsom-Kovarik, Robert E. Wray
, Laura Hamel:
Adaptive Assessment in an Instructor-Mediated System. 571-574
- Thor Collin S. Andallaza, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo
Development of an Affect-Sensitive Agent for Aplusix. 575-578 - Matthew Ventura, Valerie J. Shute, Yoon Jeon Kim:
Assessment and Learning of Qualitative Physics in Newton's Playground. 579-582 - Dinesha Weragama, Jim Reye:
The PHP Intelligent Tutoring System. 583-586 - Arnon Hershkovitz
, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Gregory R. Moore, Lisa M. Rossi, Martin Van Velsen:
The Interplay between Affect and Engagement in Classrooms Using AIED Software. 587-590 - Nancy L. Green:
Towards Automated Analysis of Student Arguments. 591-594 - Petr Boros, Juraj Niznan, Radek Pelánek, Jirí Rihák:
Automatic Detection of Concepts from Problem Solving Times. 595-598 - Annika Silvervarg, Magnus Haake, Agneta Gulz:
Educational Potentials in Visually Androgynous Pedagogical Agents. 599-602 - Oriel Uzan, Reuth Dekel, Ya'akov (Kobi) Gal
Plan Recognition for ELEs Using Interleaved Temporal Search. 603-606 - Stephen Bruce Blessing, Jeffrey S. Skowronek, Ana-Alycia Quintana:
ExploreIT! An Adaptive Tutor in an Informal Learning Environment. 607-610 - Luc Paquette
, Jean-François Lebeau, André Mayers
Diagnosing Errors from Off-Path Steps in Model-Tracing Tutors. 611-614 - Keejun Han, Mun Yong Yi, Gahgene Gweon, Jae-Gil Lee:
Understanding the Difficulty Factors for Learning Materials: A Qualitative Study. 615-618 - Yoshimitsu Miyasawa, Maomi Ueno:
Mobile Testing for Authentic Assessment in the Field. 619-623 - Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Steven Gaudino, Matthew J. Labrum
, Travis Dezendorf:
Field Observations of Engagement in Reasoning Mind. 624-627 - Tsukasa Hirashima, Megumi Kurayama:
Analyzer of Sentence Card Set for Learning by Problem-Posing. 628-631 - Susanne P. Lajoie, Eric G. Poitras
, Laura Naismith, Geneviève Gauthier, Christina Summerside, Maedeh Kazemitabar
, Tara Tressel, Lila Lee, Jeffrey Wiseman:
Modelling Domain-Specific Self-regulatory Activities in Clinical Reasoning. 632-635 - Sandra Katz, Patricia L. Albacete, Michael Ford, Pamela W. Jordan, Michael Lipschultz, Diane J. Litman, Scott Silliman, Christine Wilson:
Pilot Test of a Natural-Language Tutoring System for Physics That Simulates the Highly Interactive Nature of Human Tutoring. 636-639 - Mark Floryan, Beverly Park Woolf:
Authoring Expert Knowledge Bases for Intelligent Tutors through Crowdsourcing. 640-643 - Sebastian Gross, Bassam Mokbel, Barbara Hammer, Niels Pinkwart:
Towards Providing Feedback to Students in Absence of Formalized Domain Models. 644-648 - Emmanuel G. Blanchard
, Alin Nicolae Zanciu, Haydar Mahmoud, James S. Molloy:
Enhancing In-Museum Informal Learning by Augmenting Artworks with Gesture Interactions and AIED Paradigms. 649-652 - Manuel Hernando, Eduardo Guzmán
, Ricardo Conejo:
Measuring Procedural Knowledge in Problem Solving Environments with Item Response Theory. 653-656 - Yu-Han Chang, Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Jihie Kim, Linwei Zhu:
Analysis of Emotion and Engagement in a STEM Alternate Reality Game. 657-660 - Alan Carlin, Danielle Dumond, Jared Freeman, Courtney Dean:
Higher Automated Learning through Principal Component Analysis and Markov Models. 661-665 - Lishan Zhang
, Winslow Burleson, Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray, Sylvie Girard, Javier Gonzalez Sanchez, Yoalli Hidalgo-Pontet, Kurt VanLehn:
Evaluation of a Meta-tutor for Constructing Models of Dynamic Systems. 666-669 - Paul Salvador Inventado, Roberto Sebastian Legaspi, Rafael Cabredo, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, Satoshi Kurihara, Masayuki Numao:
Identification of Effective Learning Behaviors. 670-673 - Shitian Shen, Jihie Kim:
Modeling the Process of Online Q&A Discussions Using a Dialogue State Model. 674-678 - Baptiste Cable, Nathalie Guin
, Marie Lefèvre:
An Authoring Tool for Semi-automatic Generation of Self-assessment Exercises. 679-682 - Andrew Clayphan, Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Judy Kay:
Open Learner Models to Support Reflection on Brainstorming at Interactive Tabletops. 683-686 - Huy V. Nguyen, Diane J. Litman:
Predicting Low vs. High Disparity between Peer and Expert Ratings in Peer Reviews of Physics Lab Reports. 687-691 - Laura K. Varner, G. Tanner Jackson, Erica L. Snow, Danielle S. McNamara:
Linguistic Content Analysis as a Tool for Improving Adaptive Instruction. 692-695 - Lucy R. Shores, John L. Nietfeld
Situational Interest and Informational Text Comprehension: A Game-Based Learning Perspective. 696-699 - Akihiro Kashihara, Naoto Akiyama:
Learner-Created Scenario for Investigative Learning with Web Resources. 700-703 - Jody Clarke-Midura
, Michael Yudelson:
Towards Identifying Students' Causal Reasoning Using Machine Learning. 704-707 - Lei Shi, George Gkotsis, Karen Stepanyan, Dana Al Qudah
, Alexandra I. Cristea
Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning Environment: Topolor - Implementation and Evaluation. 708-711 - Maomi Ueno:
Adaptive Testing Based on Bayesian Decision Theory. 712-716 - Shaikhah Alotaibi, Julita Vassileva:
Trust-Based Recommendations for Scientific Papers Based on the Researcher's Current Interest. 717-720 - Mayya Sharipova, Gordon I. McCalla:
Modelling Students' Knowledge of Ethics. 721-724 - Natalie B. Steinhauser, Gwendolyn E. Campbell, Sarah Dehne, Myroslava O. Dzikovska, Johanna D. Moore:
System Comparisons: Is There Life after Null? 725-728 - Michael Wißner, Floris Linnebank, Jochem Liem, Bert Bredeweg, Elisabeth André:
Question Generation and Adaptation Using a Bayesian Network of the Learner's Achievements. 729-732 - Ginevra Castellano, Ana Paiva, Arvid Kappas, Ruth Aylett, Helen F. Hastie, Wolmet Barendregt
, Fernando Nabais, Susan Bull
Towards Empathic Virtual and Robotic Tutors. 733-736 - Oluwabunmi Adewoyin, Julita Vassileva:
Can Online Peer-Review Systems Support Group Mentorship? 737-741 - Olga C. Santos, Sergio Salmeron-Majadas, Jesus Boticario:
Emotions Detection from Math Exercises by Combining Several Data Sources. 742-745 - Michael Lipschultz, Diane J. Litman:
Illustrations or Graphs: Some Students Benefit from One over the Other. 746-749 - Jesse D. Thomason, Huy V. Nguyen, Diane J. Litman:
Prosodic Entrainment and Tutoring Dialogue Success. 750-753 - Sébastien Lallé
, Vanda Luengo, Nathalie Guin:
Assistance in Building Student Models Using Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning. 754-757 - Kahina Amokrane-Ferka, Domitile Lourdeaux, Georges Michel:
Tracking and Dynamic Scenario Adaptation System in Virtual Environment. 758-761 - Martina A. Rau, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel
How to Use Multiple Graphical Representations to Support Conceptual Learning? Research-Based Principles in the Fractions Tutor. 762-765 - Sylvie Girard, Lishan Zhang
, Yoalli Hidalgo-Pontet, Kurt VanLehn, Winslow Burleson, Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray, Javier Gonzalez Sanchez:
Using HCI Task Modeling Techniques to Measure How Deeply Students Model. 766-769 - Janice D. Gobert, Juelaila J. Raziuddin, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Auto-scoring Discovery and Confirmation Bias in Interpreting Data during Science Inquiry in a Microworld. 770-773 - Carla Limongelli, Matteo Lombardi, Alessandro Marani, Filippo Sciarrone:
A Teaching-Style Based Social Network for Didactic Building and Sharing. 774-777 - Zahra Rahimi, Homa B. Hashemi:
Turn-Taking Behavior in a Human Tutoring Corpus. 778-782 - Foteini Grivokostopoulou, Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis
An Automatic Marking System for Interactive Exercises on Blind Search Algorithms. 783-786 - Matthew W. Easterday, Yelee Jo:
Game Penalties Decrease Learning and Interest. 787-790 - Robert G. M. Hausmann, Annalies Vuong, Brendon Towle, Scott H. Fraundorf, R. Charles Murray, John Connelly:
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Just-In-Time Hints. 791-794 - Dovan Rai, Ivon Arroyo, A. Lynn Stephens, Cecil Lozano, Winslow Burleson, Beverly Park Woolf, Joseph E. Beck:
Repairing Deactivating Negative Emotions with Student Progress Pages. 795-798 - Janice D. Gobert, Ermal Toto, Michael Brigham, Michael Sao Pedro:
Searching for Predictors of Learning Outcomes in Non Abstract Eye Movement Logs. 799-802 - Deanne Adams, Bruce M. McLaren, Richard E. Mayer, George Goguadze, Seiji Isotani
Erroneous Examples as Desirable Difficulty. 803-806 - Fernando J. Rodríguez, Natalie D. Kerby, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer:
Repairing Disengagement in Collaborative Dialogue for Game-Based Learning. 807-810 - Tom Murray, Xiaoxi Xu, Beverly Park Woolf:
An Exploration of Text Analysis Methods to Identify Social Deliberative Skill. 811-814 - François Bouchet
, Jason M. Harley, Roger Azevedo:
Impact of Different Pedagogical Agents' Adaptive Self-regulated Prompting Strategies on Learning with MetaTutor. 815-819 - Xiaolu Xiong, Joseph E. Beck, Shoujing Li:
Class Distinctions: Leveraging Class-Level Features to Predict Student Retention Performance. 820-823 - Kim M. Kelly, Neil T. Heffernan, Cristina Heffernan, Susan R. Goldman, James Pellegrino, Deena Soffer Goldstein:
Estimating the Effect of Web-Based Homework. 824-827 - Christopher Michael Mitchell, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James C. Lester:
A Markov Decision Process Model of Tutorial Intervention in Task-Oriented Dialogue. 828-831 - Carol Forsyth
, Arthur C. Graesser, Breya Walker, Keith K. Millis, Philip I. Pavlik Jr., Diane F. Halpern:
Didactic Galactic: Types of Knowledge Learned in a Serious Game. 832-835 - Yutao Wang, Neil T. Heffernan:
A Comparison of Two Different Methods to Individualize Students and Skills. 836-839 - Reva Freedman, Nathalie Japkowicz
On the Benefits (or Not) of a Clustering Algorithm in Student Tracking. 840-843 - Marcelo Worsley, Paulo Blikstein:
Programming Pathways: A Technique for Analyzing Novice Programmers' Learning Trajectories. 844-847 - Roya Hosseini, Peter Brusilovsky
, Julio Guerra:
Knowledge Maximizer: Concept-Based Adaptive Problem Sequencing for Exam Preparation. 848-851 - Barbara Di Eugenio, Lin Chen, Nick Green, Davide Fossati, Omar AlZoubi
Worked Out Examples in Computer Science Tutoring. 852-855 - Engin Bumbacher, Alfredo Sandes, Amit Deutsch, Paulo Blikstein:
Student Coding Styles as Predictors of Help-Seeking Behavior. 856-859 - Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko:
Search-Based Estimation of Problem Difficulty for Humans. 860-863 - Pierre-Yves Gicquel
, Dominique Lenne, Claude Moulin:
Using Semantic Proximities to Control Contextualized Activities during Museum Visits. 864-867
Young Researchers Track
- Eric G. Poitras
, Kevin Bradley Kee, Susanne P. Lajoie, Dana Cataldo:
Towards Evaluating and Modelling the Impacts of Mobile-Based Augmented Reality Applications on Learning and Engagement. 868-871 - Elizabeth Carter, Glenn D. Blank:
An Intelligent Tutoring System to Teach Debugging. 872-875 - Carrie Demmans Epp:
Mobile Adaptive Communication Support for Vocabulary Acquisition. 876-879 - Jaclyn K. Maass, Philip I. Pavlik Jr.:
Utilizing Concept Mapping in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 880-883 - Alyssa M. Alcorn:
Discrepancy-Detection in Virtual Learning Environments for Young Children with ASC. 884-887 - Edmon Begoli
, Cristi L. Ogle, David F. Cihak
, Bruce J. MacLennan:
Towards an Integrative Computational Foundation for Applied Behavior Analysis in Early Autism Interventions. 888-891 - James Segedy:
Adaptive Scaffolds in Open-Ended Learning Environments. 892-895 - Caitlin Mills, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Sorry, I Must Have Zoned Out: Tracking Mind Wandering Episodes in an Interactive Learning Environment. 896-899 - Jennifer K. Olsen, Daniel M. Belenky, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel
Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Collaborative Learning: Enhancements to Authoring Tools. 900-903 - Robert Bixler, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Towards Automated Detection and Regulation of Affective States During Academic Writing. 904-907 - Nigel Bosch
, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Programming with Your Heart on Your Sleeve: Analyzing the Affective States of Computer Programming Students. 908-911 - David Edgar K. Lelei:
Supporting Lifelong Learning: Recommending Personalized Sources of Assistance to Graduate Students. 912-915 - Eliane Stampfer, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Conceptual Scaffolding to Check One's Procedures. 916-919 - Satabdi Basu, Gautam Biswas:
A Computational Thinking Approach to Learning Middle School Science. 920-923 - Dovan Rai:
Modes and Mechanisms of Game-Like Interventions in Computer Tutors. 924-927
Interactive Events
- Pamela W. Jordan, Patricia L. Albacete, Michael Ford, Sandra Katz, Michael Lipschultz, Diane J. Litman, Scott Silliman, Christine Wilson:
Interactive Event: The Rimac Tutor - A Simulation of the Highly Interactive Nature of Human Tutorial Dialogue. 928-929 - Qinyu Cheng, Keli Cheng, Haiying Li, Zhiqiang Cai, Xiangen Hu, Arthur C. Graesser:
AutoTutor 2013: Conversation-Based Online Intelligent Tutoring System with Rich Media (Interactive Event). 930-931 - Carrie Demmans Epp, Stephen Tsourounis, Justin Djordjevic, Ronald M. Baecker:
Interactive Event: Enabling Vocabulary Acquisition while Providing Mobile Communication Support. 932-933 - Luc Paquette
, Jean-François Lebeau, André Mayers:
Authoring Problem-Solving ITS with ASTUS: An Interactive Event. 934-935 - Susan Bull
, Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust, Gerhilde Meissl-Egghart, Matthew D. Johnson, Barbara Wasson
, Mohammad Alotaibi, Cecilie Hansen
Interactive Event: From a Virtual Village to an Open Learner Model with Next-TELL. 936-937 - Ya'akov (Kobi) Gal
Interactive Event Visualization of Students' Activities Using ELEs. 938-939 - Jin Wang, Haiying Li, Zhiqiang Cai, Fazel Keshtkar
, Arthur C. Graesser, David Williamson Shaffer:
AutoMentor: Artificial Intelligent Mentor in Educational Game. 940-941 - Cecily Heiner:
Practical Ultra-Portable Intelligent Tutoring Systems(PUPITS): An Interactive Event. 942-943
- Jihie Kim, Rohit Kumar:
2nd Workshop on Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups. 944 - Robert A. Sottilare
, Heather K. Holden:
Towards the Development of a Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT). 945 - Ilya M. Goldin, Taylor Martin, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Vincent Aleven, Tiffany Barnes:
Formative Feedback in Interactive Learning Environments. 946 - Nguyen-Thinh Le, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Beenish Chaudry, Barbara Di Eugenio, Sharon I-Han Hsiao, Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser:
The First Workshop on AI-supported Education for Computer Science (AIEDCS). 947-948 - Emmanuel G. Blanchard, Isabela Gasparini
The Fourth International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems. 949 - Zachary A. Pardos, Emily Schneider:
First Annual Workshop on Massive Open Online Courses. 950 - Ivon Arroyo, Imran A. Zualkernan
, Beverly Park Woolf:
Cross-Cultural Differences and Learning Technologies for the Developing World. 951 - Gautam Biswas, Roger Azevedo, Valerie Shute, Susan Bull
Workshop on Scaffolding in Open-Ended Learning Environments (OELEs). 952-953 - Gordon I. McCalla, John Champaign:
AIED 2013 Simulated Learners Workshop. 954-955 - Amali Weerasinghe, Benedict du Boulay, Gautam Biswas:
Workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies (SRL@ET): Supporting, Modeling, Evaluating, and Fostering Metacognition with Computer-Based Learning Environments. 956

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