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51st Allerton Conference 2013: Monticello, IL, USA
- 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2013, Allerton Park & Retreat Center, Monticello, IL, USA, October 2-4, 2013. IEEE 2013
- Tamer Basar, Olgica Milenkovic:
Foreword. 1 - Himanshu Tyagi, Shun Watanabe
Secret key capacity for multipleaccess channel with public feedback. 1-7 - Mark Braverman:
A hard-to-compress interactive task? 8-12 - Venkat Anantharam, Amin Aminzadeh Gohari
, Sudeep Kamath, Chandra Nair:
On hypercontractivity and the mutual information between Boolean functions. 13-19 - Emmanuel Abbe, Andrea Montanari:
The mutual information of a class of graphical channels. 20-25 - Yury Polyanskiy:
On dispersion of compound DMCs. 26-32 - Eric C. Hall, Rebecca Willett
Online optimization in parametric dynamic environments. 33-38 - Javad Lavaei:
Optimal decentralized control problem as a rank-constrained optimization. 39-45 - Shizhen Zhao, Xiaojun Lin, Minghua Chen
Peak-minimizing online EV charging. 46-53 - Yue Zhao, Junjie Qin, Ram Rajagopal, Andrea Goldsmith, H. Vincent Poor:
Risky power forward contracts for wind aggregation. 54-61 - Desmond W. H. Cai, Yunjian Xu, Steven H. Low:
Optimal investment of conventional and renewable generation assets. 62-69 - Seungho Lee, Elijah Polak, Jean C. Walrand:
A receding horizon control law for harbor defense. 70-77 - Naci Saldi
, Tamás Linder, Serdar Yüksel:
Approximation of stationary control policies by quantized control in Markov decision processes. 78-84 - Yuanzhang Xiao, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Spectrum sharing policies for heterogeneous delay-sensitive users: A novel design framework. 85-92 - Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Emanuel Todorov, Maryam Fazel:
Convex control design via covariance minimization. 93-99 - Xu Ma, Nicola Elia:
A distributed continuous-time gradient dynamics approach for the active power loss minimizations. 100-106 - Avhishek Chatterjee
, Ankit Singh Rawat
, Sriram Vishwanath, Sujay Sanghavi:
Learning the causal graph of Markov time series. 107-114 - Jiyun Yao, Parv Venkitasubramaniam
On the privacy-cost tradeoff of an in-home power storage mechanism. 115-122 - Martin Zubeldia, Andrés Ferragut
, Fernando Paganini:
Proportional fairness in heterogeneous peer-to-peer networks through reciprocity and Gibbs sampling. 123-130 - Mathieu Leconte:
Double hashing thresholds via local weak convergence. 131-137 - Veeraruna Kavitha, Nandyala Hemachandra, Debayan Das:
Fairness via priority scheduling. 138-145 - Abhinav Sinha, Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Generalized proportional allocation mechanism design for multi-rate multicast service on the Internet. 146-153 - Marco F. Duarte, Mario Parente:
Non-homogeneous hidden Markov chain models for wavelet-based hyperspectral image processing. 154-159 - Lishuai Jing, Troels Pedersen
, Bernard H. Fleury:
Pilot signal design via constrained optimization with application to delay-Doppler shift estimation in OFDM systems. 160-166 - Meysam Asadi, Ramezan Paravi Torghabeh, Narayana P. Santhanam:
Markov processes: Estimation in the undersampled regime. 167-172 - Roy Dong, Lillian J. Ratliff
, Henrik Ohlsson, S. Shankar Sastry:
Energy disaggregation via adaptive filtering. 173-180 - Aseem Wadhwa, Upamanyu Madhow:
Blind phase/frequency synchronization with low-precision ADC: A Bayesian approach. 181-188 - Gireeja Ranade, Anant Sahai:
Non-coherence in estimation and control. 189-196 - Sefa Demirtas, Alan V. Oppenheim:
Modular filters based on filter sharpening and optimal minimax design. 197-202 - Can Karakus, I-Hsiang Wang, Suhas N. Diggavi:
An achievable rate region for Gaussian interference channel with intermittent feedback. 203-210 - Deepesh Data, Vinod M. Prabhakaran:
Communication requirements for secure computation. 211-217 - Sina Lashgari, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Changho Suh
A rank ratio inequality and the linear degrees of freedom of X-channel with delayed CSIT. 218-225 - Liangbin Li, Alexei E. Ashikhmin, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Pilot contamination precoding for interference reduction in large scale antenna systems. 226-232 - Feng Xue:
A new upper-bounding technique for a primitive relay channel based on channel simulation. 233-239 - Alejandro Cohen, Asaf Cohen:
Wiretap channel with causal state information and secure rate-limited feedback. 240-247 - Georgios Kotsalis, Jeff S. Shamma:
Fragility and robust design of optimal auctions. 248-253 - Jean-Pierre de la Croix, Magnus Egerstedt:
A separation signal for heterogeneous networks. 254-261 - Andres Cortes, Sonia Martínez:
Optimal plug-in electric vehicle charging with schedule constraints. 262-266 - Shaoshuai Mou, Ji Liu, A. Stephen Morse:
A distributed algorithm for solving a linear algebraic equation. 267-274 - Jie Lu, Mikael Johansson:
A multi-agent projected dual gradient method with primal convergence guarantees. 275-281 - Or Ordentlich, Uri Erez, Bobak Nazer:
Successive integer-forcing and its sum-rate optimality. 282-292 - Hien Quoc Ngo, Erik G. Larsson, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Massive MU-MIMO downlink TDD systems with linear precoding and downlink pilots. 293-298 - Yair Yona, Meir Feder:
Complex low density lattice codes for the 2×2 MIMO fading channel. 299-306 - Jing Xu, Jiangyuan Li, Yizhai Zhang:
Statistical CSI based zero-forcing beamforming for cooperative two-cell downlink transmission. 307-314 - Henry P. Romero, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Approximate capacity of the K-user fading MIMO MAC with common information. 315-319 - Zhao Li, Tracey Ho, Derek Leong
, Hongyi Yao:
Distributed storage allocation for heterogeneous systems. 320-326 - Yunkai Wei, Tracey Ho:
On prioritized coding for real-time streaming under packet erasures. 327-334 - Md. Noor-A-Rahim
, Khoa D. Nguyen
, Gottfried Lechner
Anytime characteristics of spatially coupled code. 335-341 - Vahid Aref, Laurent Schmalen, Stephan ten Brink:
On the convergence speed of spatially coupled LDPC ensembles. 342-349 - Morteza Hashemi
, Ari Trachtenberg, Yuval Cassuto:
Delete-and-Conquer: Rateless coding with constrained feedback. 350-357 - Federico Rossi
, Marco Pavone:
Decentralized decision-making on robotic networks with hybrid performance metrics. 358-365 - Hans-Bernd Durr, Milos S. Stankovic
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Christian Ebenbauer:
Examples of distance-based synchronization: An extremum seeking approach. 366-373 - Naumaan Nayyar, Dileep M. Kalathil, Rahul Jain
Optimal decentralized control in unidirectional one-step delayed sharing pattern. 374-380 - Parv Venkitasubramaniam
Privacy in stochastic control: A Markov Decision Process perspective. 381-388 - Yu Zhang, Mihaela van der Schaar
Strategic information dissemination in endogenous networks. 389-396 - Thành Nguyen, Vijay G. Subramanian
, Randall Berry
Searching and bargaining with middlemen. 397 - Shuvomoy Das Gupta, Lacra Pavel
A Stackelberg game model for Plug-in Electric Vehicles in a Smart Grid. 398-405 - I-Hong Hou, Yu-Pin Hsu
, Alex Sprintson
Truthful and non-monetary mechanism for direct data exchange. 406-412 - Marco Polverini
, Shaolei Ren
, Antonio Cianfrani
CApacity provisioning and PRIcing for cloud computing with energy capping. 413-420 - Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, Urs Niesen:
Decentralized coded caching attains order-optimal memory-rate tradeoff. 421-427 - Po-Kai Huang, Xiaojun Lin, Ness B. Shroff, David J. Love:
Fast multi-channel Gibbs-sampling for low-overhead distributed resource allocation in OFDMA cellular networks. 428-435 - Mihalis G. Markakis
, Eytan H. Modiano, John N. Tsitsiklis:
Delay analysis of the Max-Weight policy under heavy-tailed traffic via fluid approximations. 436-444 - Andreas Buja, Zongming Ma, Dan Yang:
Optimal denoising of simultaneously sparse and low rank matrices in high dimensions. 445-447 - Farhad Farokhi
, Walid Krichene, Alexandre M. Bayen, Karl Henrik Johansson
A heterogeneous routing game. 448-455 - Christos G. Cassandras
, Yanfeng Geng:
Adaptive traffic light control. 456-463 - Ketan Savla, Enrico Lovisari, Giacomo Como
On maximally stabilizing adaptive traffic signal control. 464-471 - Benedetto Piccoli
, Ke Han
, Terry L. Friesz
, Tao Yao:
Estimating fuel consumption and emissions via traffic data from mobile sensors. 472-477 - Yanning Li, Edward S. Canepa
, Christian G. Claudel
Exact solutions to robust control problems involving scalar hyperbolic conservation laws using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. 478-485 - Edgar D. Klenske, Melanie Nicole Zeilinger, Bernhard Schölkopf
, Philipp Hennig:
Nonparametric dynamics estimation for time periodic systems. 486-493 - Vaibhav Srivastava, Paul Reverdy, Naomi Ehrich Leonard:
On optimal foraging and multi-armed bandits. 494-499 - Vincent Gripon, Vitaly Skachek, Michael G. Rabbat:
Sparse structured associative memories as efficient set-membership data structures. 500-505 - Sumit Bam Shrestha
, Qing Song:
Weight convergence of SpikeProp and adaptive learning rate. 506-511 - Jie Xu
, Cem Tekin, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Learning optimal classifier chains for real-time big data mining. 512-519 - Guodong Shi, Alexandre Proutière, Karl Henrik Johansson
Continuous-time distributed optimization of homogenous dynamics. 520-527 - Laurent Lessard
A separation principle for decentralized state-feedback optimal control. 528-534 - Ashish Ranjan Hota
, Siddharth Garg, Shreyas Sundaram
Resource sharing games with failures and heterogeneous risk attitudes. 535-542 - Stephen D. Patek, Sanjian Chen, Patrick Keith-Hynes, Insup Lee:
Distributed aspects of the artificial pancreas. 543-550 - He Hao, Borhan Molazem Sanandaji, Kameshwar Poolla, Tyrone L. Vincent:
A generalized battery model of a collection of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for providing ancillary service. 551-558 - Sudheer Poojary
, Vinod Sharma
Approximate theoretical models for TCP connections using different high speed congestion control algorithms in a multihop network. 559-566 - Flávio P. Calmon, Mayank Varia, Muriel Médard, Mark M. Christiansen, Ken R. Duffy
, Stefano Tessaro:
Bounds on inference. 567-574 - Alexander L. Stolyar, Yuan Zhong:
An infinite server system with general packing constraints: Asymptotic optimality of a greedy randomized algorithm. 575-582 - Ebrahim MolavianJazi, J. Nicholas Laneman:
On the second-order coding rate of non-ergodic fading channels. 583-587 - Jonathan Scarlett, Alfonso Martinez
, Albert Guillen i Fabregas
Second-order rate region of constant-composition codes for the multiple-access channel. 588-593 - Igal Sason:
On the corner points of the capacity region of a two-user Gaussian interference channel. 594-598 - Yimin Pang, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Bounds on the capacity region of a class of multiple access interference channels. 599-606 - Hamed Mirghasemi, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
On the capacity of the modulo lattice channels. 607-614 - Henry P. Romero, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Capacity of the K-user discrete memoryless multiple access channel with common information and with or without state. 615-620 - Mochan Shrestha, Lihao Xu:
On the poset structure of floating codes. 621-628 - Sinan Kahraman
, Emanuele Viterbo
, Mehmet Ertugrul Çelebi
Folded tree maximum-likelihood decoder for Kronecker product-based codes. 629-636 - Artyom Sharov, Ron M. Roth:
Improved bounds and constructions for granular media coding. 637-644 - Magnus Sandell, Filippo Tosato:
Lowest density MDS array codes on incomplete graphs. 645-652 - Michael Carosino, Yiming Chen, Benjamin Belzer, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Jacob Murray, Paul Wettin:
Iterative detection and decoding for the four-rectangular-grain TDMR model. 653-659 - Qing Li, Anxiao Jiang:
Polar codes are optimal for write-efficient memories. 660-667 - Hong Yang, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Capacity performance of multicell large-scale antenna systems. 668-675 - Jeffrey Wildman, Steven Weber:
On the incompatibility of connectivity and local pooling in Erdős-Rényi Graphs. 676-683 - Kanghee Lee, Hyuck M. Kwon, M. Edwin Sawan, Hyuncheol Park, Yong-Hwan Lee:
Half-duplex and full-duplex distributed relay systems under power constraints. 684-689 - Md Saifur Rahman, Aaron B. Wagner:
Multicasting for wireless video-on-demand. 690-697 - Andrea Munari, Michael Heindlmaier, Gianluigi Liva, Matteo Berioli:
The throughput of slotted aloha with diversity. 698-706 - Luca Canzian, Yuanzhang Xiao, Michele Zorzi, Mihaela van der Schaar
Game theoretic design of MAC protocols: Pricing and intervention in slotted-Aloha. 707-714 - Wei Si, David Starobinski:
On the channel-sensitive delay behavior of LIFO-backpressure. 715-722 - David Ohmann, Albrecht J. Fehske, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Transient flow level models for interference-coupled cellular networks. 723-730 - Nihar B. Shah, Kangwook Lee, Kannan Ramchandran:
When do redundant requests reduce latency ? 731-738 - Dibakar Das, Alhussein A. Abouzeid
, Marian Codreanu
Scheduling in cooperative cognitive radio networks. 739-746 - Shaolei Ren
Batch job scheduling for Reducing Water footprints in data center. 747-754 - Mehrnaz Tavan, Roy D. Yates, Waheed U. Bajwa:
Bits through bufferless queues. 755-762 - Quanyan Zhu, Linda Bushnell
Networked cyber-physical systems: Interdependence, resilience and information exchange. 763-769 - Anelia Somekh-Baruch:
On the secure interference channel. 770-773 - Mohamed S. Nafea, Aylin Yener:
How many antennas does a cooperative jammer need for achieving the degrees of freedom of multiple antenna Gaussian channels in the presence of an eavesdropper? 774-780 - Galina Schwartz, Nikhil Shetty, Jean C. Walrand:
Why cyber-insurance contracts fail to reflect cyber-risks. 781-787 - Birenjith Sasidharan, P. Vijay Kumar:
On the interior points of the storage-repair bandwidth tradeoff of regenerating codes. 788-795 - Congduan Li, John MacLaren Walsh, Steven Weber:
Matroid bounds on the region of entropic vectors. 796-803 - Nadya Markin, Eldho K. Thomas
, Frédérique E. Oggier:
Groups and information inequalities in 5 variables. 804-809 - Hye Won Chung
, Lizhong Zheng:
Superadditivity of quantum channel coding rate with finite blocklength quantum measurements. 810-817 - Ronen Dar, Mark Shtaif, Meir Feder:
Information rates in the optical nonlinear phase noise channel. 818-823 - Po-Hsiang Lai, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
An outer bound of the capacity region of biometric systems under keys, secrets, and privacy requirements. 824-831 - Amir Salimi, Tie Liu, Shuguang Cui
Generalized cut-set bounds for broadcast networks. 832-838 - Vijay Venkateswaran, Irwin O. Kennedy:
How to sleep, control and transfer data in an energy constrained wireless sensor network. 839-846 - Sabina Zejnilovic, João Gomes, Bruno Sinopoli:
Network observability and localization of the source of diffusion based on a subset of nodes. 847-852 - Xiao Li, H. Vincent Poor, Anna Scaglione
The Central Detection Officer problem: SALSA detector and performance guarantees. 853-860 - Richard J. La, Maya Kabkab:
A new graph model with random edge values: Connectivity and diameter. 861-868 - Oron Sabag
, Asaf Cohen, Haim H. Permuter
Correlated sources with actions. 869-874 - Masahito Hayashi
, Shun Watanabe
Non-asymptotic bounds on fixed length source coding for Markov chains. 875-882 - Idoia Ochoa
, Amir Ingber, Tsachy Weissman:
Efficient similarity queries via lossy compression. 883-889 - Ahmad Beirami, Mohsen Sardari, Faramarz Fekri
Results on the optimal memory-assisted universal compression performance for mixture sources. 890-895 - Farideh Ebrahim Rezagah, Elza Erkip
Interactive function computation with reconstruction constraints. 896-900 - Alon Kipnis, Andrea J. Goldsmith, Tsachy Weissman, Yonina C. Eldar:
Distortion rate function of sub-Nyquist sampled Gaussian sources corrupted by noise. 901-908 - Qingsi Wang, Mingyan Liu
Joint control of transmission power and channel switching against adaptive jamming. 909-916 - Lillian J. Ratliff
, Samuel Burden, S. Shankar Sastry:
Characterization and computation of local Nash equilibria in continuous games. 917-924 - Maximilian Balandat, Claire J. Tomlin:
A dynamic VCG mechanism for random allocation spaces. 925-931 - Yuanzhang Xiao, Mihaela van der Schaar
Nonstationary resource sharing with imperfect binary feedback: An optimal design framework for cost minimization. 932-939 - Se Yong Park, Anant Sahai:
Queue length as an implicit communication channel. 940-947 - Xiaoqing Fan, Aaron B. Wagner, Ebad Ahmed:
Polytope codes for large-alphabet channels. 948-955 - Jonathan Scarlett, Alfonso Martinez
, Albert Guillen i Fabregas
A derivation of the asymptotic random-coding prefactor. 956-961 - Danielle C. Tarraf:
On exploiting algebraic structure in control of finite state machines. 962-965 - Jan Komenda, Tomás Masopust
A bridge between decentralized and coordination control. 966-972 - Guilherme Ramos
, Sérgio Daniel Pequito, A. Pedro Aguiar
, Jaime Ramos, Soummya Kar
A model checking framework for linear time invariant switching systems using structural systems analysis. 973-980 - Fei Wang, Shaolong Shu, Feng Lin:
Robust supervisory control of networked discrete event systems. 981-988 - Bin Hu, Peter J. Seiler
Probability bounds for false alarm analysis of fault detection systems. 989-995 - Brian D. Ziebart:
Robust structure estimation of maximum causal entropy processes. 996-1001 - Samet Oymak, Christos Thrampoulidis, Babak Hassibi:
The squared-error of generalized LASSO: A precise analysis. 1002-1009 - Raphael Louca, Peter J. Seiler
, Eilyan Bitar:
A rank minimization algorithm to enhance semidefinite relaxations of Optimal Power Flow. 1010-1020 - Alexander R. Borden, Daniel K. Molzahn, Bernard C. Lesieutre, Parmeswaran Ramanathan:
Power system structure and confidentiality preserving transformation of Optimal Power Flow problem. 1021-1028 - Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Yuanzhang Xiao, Anna Scaglione
, Mihaela van der Schaar
Incentive design for Direct Load Control programs. 1029-1036 - Chengdi Lai, Steven H. Low:
The redistribution of power flow in cascading failures. 1037-1044 - David Qiu, Thomas C. Royster IV, Frederick J. Block:
Phase and power estimation for per-hop multi-user detection in frequency-hopping systems. 1045-1051 - David Qiu, Frederick J. Block:
Non-coherent multi-user detection of DPSK signals after differential demodulation. 1052-1058 - Alexander Fish
, Shamgar Gurevich:
The Incidence and Cross methods for efficient radar detection. 1059-1066 - Aamir Ishaque, Pranav Sakulkar, Gerd Ascheid:
Capacity analysis of uplink multi-user SC-FDMA system with frequency-dependent I/Q imbalance. 1067-1074 - Mainak Chowdhury, Andrea Goldsmith, Tsachy Weissman:
Reliable uncoded communication in the underdetermined SIMO MAC with low-complexity decoding. 1075-1081 - Michael J. Neely:
A Lyapunov optimization approach to repeated stochastic games. 1082-1089 - Chinmoy Mandayam, Balaji Prabhakar:
Road traffic networks: Optimal transport and incentives. 1090-1097 - George K. Atia, Shuchin Aeron:
Asymptotic optimality results for controlled sequential estimation. 1098-1105 - Pritam Mukherjee, Ravi Tandon, Sennur Ulukus:
Even symmetric parallel linear deterministic interference channels are inseparable. 1106-1113 - Marcos M. Vasconcelos, Nuno C. Martins:
Estimation over the collision channel: Structural results. 1114-1119 - Subhro Das
, José M. F. Moura:
Distributed linear estimation of dynamic random fields. 1120-1125 - Devi Parikh:
Visual attributes for enhanced human-machine communication. 1126-1127 - Mohammad Naghshvar, Tara Javidi
, Kamalika Chaudhuri:
Extrinsic Jensen-Shannon divergence and noisy Bayesian active learning. 1128-1135 - Alireza Vahid, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, Amir Salman Avestimehr:
Approximate capacity of the two-user MISO Broadcast Channel with delayed CSIT. 1136-1143 - Jingwen Bai, Chris Dick, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
K-user symmetric MIMO distributed full-duplex network via wireless side-channels. 1144-1151 - Mehdi Ashraphijuo, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Xiaodong Wang:
Degrees of freedom region for MIMO interference channel with limited receiver cooperation. 1152-1158 - Sung Ho Chae, Changho Suh
, Sae-Young Chung:
Degrees of freedom of the MIMO rank-deficient interference channel with feedback. 1159-1165 - Chunhua Geng, Navid Naderializadeh
, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Syed Ali Jafar
On the optimality of treating interference as noise. 1166-1173 - Vasileios Ntranos, Viveck R. Cadambe
, Bobak Nazer, Giuseppe Caire:
Asymmetric compute-and-forward. 1174-1181 - Soumya Sen:
Smart data pricing for the Internet: Agenda & research directions. 1182-1187 - Randall Berry
, Michael L. Honig, Vijay G. Subramanian
, Thành Nguyen, Rakesh Vohra:
Market structures for wireless services with shared spectrum. 1188-1191 - Murat Yuksel, Thomas Quint, Ismail Güvenç, Walid Saad, Naim Kapucu:
Fostering wireless spectrum sharing via subsidization. 1192-1199 - Ozgur Dalkilic, Atilla Eryilmaz, Xiaojun Lin:
Stable real-time pricing and scheduling for serving opportunistic users with deferrable loads. 1200-1207 - Matthew Andrews:
Implementing sponsored content in wireless data networks. 1208-1212 - Nicolas Bitouze, Frederic Sala, S. M. Sadegh Tabatabaei Yazdi, Lara Dolecek:
A practical framework for efficient file synchronization. 1213-1220 - Mojtaba Rahmati, Tolga M. Duman:
An improvement of the deletion channel capacity upper bound. 1221-1225 - Ramji Venkataramanan, Vasuki Narasimha Swamy, Kannan Ramchandran:
Efficient interactive algorithms for file synchronization under general edits. 1226-1233 - Sheng Cai, Mohammad Jahangoshahi, Mayank Bakshi
, Sidharth Jaggi:
GROTESQUE: Noisy Group Testing (Quick and Efficient). 1234-1241 - Nikolaos M. Freris, Orhan Öçal, Martin Vetterli
Compressed sensing of streaming data. 1242-1249 - Robin Scheibler
, Saeid Haghighatshoar, Martin Vetterli
A fast Hadamard transform for signals with sub-linear sparsity. 1250-1257 - Badih Ghazi, Haitham Hassanieh
, Piotr Indyk, Dina Katabi, Eric Price, Lixin Shi:
Sample-optimal average-case sparse Fourier Transform in two dimensions. 1258-1265 - Jian-Feng Cai
, Weiyu Xu:
Guarantees of total variation minimization for signal recovery. 1266-1271 - Zaid J. Towfic, Ali H. Sayed:
Adaptive stochastic convex optimization over networks. 1272-1277 - Yi Ouyang, Demosthenis Teneketzis:
A routing problem in a simple queueing system with non-classical information structure. 1278-1284 - Nicolò Michelusi
, Urbashi Mitra:
Fusion center feedback for quasi-decentralized estimation in Sensor Networks. 1285-1291 - Prathyusha V, Srikrishna Bhashyam
, Andrew Thangaraj
The Gaussian two-way diamond channel. 1292-1299 - Germán Bassi
, Pablo Piantanida, Sheng Yang:
Capacity to within a constant gap for a class of Interference Relay Channels. 1300-1306 - Lior Dikstein, Haim H. Permuter
, Yossef Steinberg:
The state-dependent broadcast channel with cooperation. 1307-1313 - Brett Hern, Krishna R. Narayanan:
An analysis of the joint compute-and-forward decoder for the binary-input two-way relay channel. 1314-1320 - Soheyl Gherekhloo, Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin
The generalized degrees of freedom of the interference relay channel with strong interference. 1321-1328 - Emrah Akyol
, Kenneth Rose:
Optimal jamming Over additive noise: Vector source-channel case. 1329-1335 - Nicolaos Manitara, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Distributed stopping in average consensus via event-triggered strategies. 1336-1343 - Daniel Bienstock, Jose H. Blanchet, Juan Li:
Stochastic models and control for electrical power line temperature. 1344-1348 - Evgeniy Goldis, Xiaoguang Li, Michael C. Caramanis, Bhavana Keshavamurthy, Mahendra Patel, Aleksandr Rudkevich, Pablo A. Ruiz:
Applicability of topology control algorithms (TCA) to a real-size power system. 1349-1352 - Liyan Jia, Qing Zhao, Lang Tong:
Retail pricing for stochastic demand with unknown parameters: An online machine learning approach. 1353-1358 - Sairaj V. Dhople, Brian B. Johnson, Abdullah O. Hamadeh:
Virtual Oscillator Control for voltage source inverters. 1359-1363 - Yoram Bachrach, Moez Draief, Sanjeev Goyal:
Contagion and observability in security domains. 1364-1371 - Prasanna Chaporkar, Alexandre Proutière:
Optimal distributed scheduling in wireless networks under SINR interference model. 1372-1379 - Veeraruna Kavitha, Véronique Capdevielle, Manu K. Gupta
Small cell networks: Speed based power allocation. 1380-1387 - Ahmed Farhan Hanif, Hamidou Tembine
, Mohamad Assaad, Djamal Zeghlache
Distributed power control in femto cells using Bayesian density tracking. 1388-1393 - Zhe Wang, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Xiaodong Wang:
Renewable energy scheduling for fading channels with maximum power constraint. 1394-1400 - Xiangwei Zhou, Hayder Al-Hraishawi
, Yupeng Jia:
Analysis and design of spectrum sharing in cognitive femtocell networks. 1401-1407 - Yuan Lu, Alexandra Duel-Hallen:
Channel-adaptive spectrum detection and sensing strategy for Cognitive Radio ad-hoc networks. 1408-1414 - Deepan Palguna, David J. Love, Ilya Pollak:
Quantized auction schemes for secondary spectrum markets. 1415-1421 - Xiaohua Li, Chengyu Xiong:
Performance analysis of coexisting secondary users in heterogeneous cognitive radio network. 1422-1426 - Adel Javanmard, Andrea Montanari:
Nearly optimal sample size in hypothesis testing for high-dimensional regression. 1427-1434 - Cem Tekin, Mihaela van der Schaar
Distributed online Big Data classification using context information. 1435-1442 - Weiyu Xu, Lifeng Lai:
Compressed hypothesis testing: To mix or not to mix? 1443-1449 - Delaram Motamedvaziri, Mohammad H. Rohban, Venkatesh Saligrama
Sparse signal recovery under Poisson statistics. 1450-1457 - Thijs Laarhoven
Efficient probabilistic group testing based on traitor tracing. 1458-1465 - Amadou Ba
, Sean McKenna:
Time-variant regularization in affine projection algorithms. 1466-1473 - Haroon Raja, Waheed U. Bajwa:
Cloud K-SVD: Computing data-adaptive representations in the cloud. 1474-1481 - Vincent Conitzer:
The maximum likelihood approach to voting on social networks. 1482-1487 - Thomas E. Allen:
CP-nets with indifference. 1488-1495 - Xiaowen Gong, Xu Chen, Junshan Zhang
Social group utility maximization game with applications in mobile social networks. 1496-1500 - Kishwar Ahmed
, Shaolei Ren
, Vance Turnewitsch, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Credibility optimization and power control for secure mobile crowdsourcing. 1501-1508 - Yang Liu, Mingyan Liu
Group learning and opinion diffusion in a broadcast network. 1509-1516 - László Czap, Christina Fragouli, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Suhas N. Diggavi:
Secure network coding with erasures and feedback. 1517-1524 - Karthikeyan Shanmugam
, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Giuseppe Caire:
Index coding problem with side information repositories. 1525-1530 - Albert No, Amir Ingber, Tsachy Weissman:
Complexity and rate-distortion tradeoff via successive refinement. 1531-1536 - Ming Fai Wong, Michael Langberg, Michelle Effros:
On a capacity equivalence between multiple multicast and multiple unicast. 1537-1544 - Brijesh Kumar Rai
, Niladri Das
On the capacity of sum-networks. 1545-1552 - Hao Yu, Michael J. Neely:
Duality codes and the integrality gap bound for index coding. 1553-1560 - Siddhartha Brahma, Christina Fragouli, Ayfer Özgür
On the structure of approximately optimal schedules for half-duplex diamond networks. 1561-1566 - Anthony M. Bloch, François Gay-Balmaz
, Tudor S. Ratiu:
Double bracket flows, toda flows and rigid body toda. 1567-1572 - Abdol-Reza Mansouri:
Topological obstructions to distributed feedback stabilization. 1573-1575 - Uwe Helmke, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Equivariant Morse theory and formation control. 1576-1583 - Andrei A. Furtuna, Weifu Wang, Yu-Han Lyu, Devin J. Balkcom:
Structure and geometry of minimum-time trajectories for planar rigid bodies. 1584-1591 - John C. Duchi, Michael I. Jordan
, Martin J. Wainwright
Local privacy and statistical minimax rates. 1592 - Aaron Roth
Differential privacy, equilibrium, and efficient allocation of resources. 1593-1597 - Pedram Pedarsani, Daniel R. Figueiredo
, Matthias Grossglauser:
A Bayesian method for matching two similar graphs without seeds. 1598-1607 - Arpita Ghosh, Katrina Ligett
Privacy as a coordination game. 1608-1615 - Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan
, Farid Movahedi Naini:
De-anonymizing private data by matching statistics. 1616-1623 - Moritz Hardt:
Robust subspace iteration and privacy-preserving spectral analysis. 1624-1626 - Ali Makhdoumi, Nadia Fawaz
Privacy-utility tradeoff under statistical uncertainty. 1627-1634

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