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9th ASCC 2013: Istanbul, Turkey
- 9th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, June 23-26, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-5767-8
- Ali S. Yildiz, Selim Sivrioglu, Erkan Zergeroglu
, Saban Cetin:
Adaptive control of semiactive quarter car model with MR damper. 1-6 - Chris Manzie
, Prakash Dewangan, Gilles Corde, Olivier Grondin, Antonio Sciarretta
State of charge management for plug in hybrid electric vehicles with uncertain distance to recharge. 1-6 - Chakour Chouaib, Mohamed Faouzi Harkat
, Djeghaba Messaoud:
Adaptive kernel principal component analysis for nonlinear dynamic process monitoring. 1-6 - Navid Mohsenizadeh
, Hazem N. Nounou
, Mohamed N. Nounou, Aniruddha Datta, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
A measurement based approach to mechanical systems. 1-6 - Khaled Alshehri
, Moustafa Elshafei, Anwar K. Sheikh:
Maximum power point tracking of directly driven PV-RO systems. 1-5 - Griswald Brooks, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami
Humanoid robot navigation and obstacle avoidance in unknown environments. 1-6 - Manuel A. Jiménez-Lizárraga
, Michael V. Basin
, Victoria Celeste Rodríguez Carreón
, Pablo Cesar Rodriguez-Ramirez
Open-loop Nash equilibrium problem in polynomial stochastic differential games with incomplete information. 1-6 - Phuc Thinh Doan, Thanh Luan Bui, Hak Kyeong Kim, Sang Bong Kim:
Sliding-mode observer design for sensorless vector control of AC induction motor. 1-5 - Ion Necoara, Valentin Nedelcu, Dragos N. Clipici:
Feasible distributed MPC scheme for network systems based on an inexact dual gradient method. 1-6 - Abhijit G. Kallapur, Ian R. Petersen:
Robust smoothing for discrete-time uncertain nonlinear systems. 1-6 - Myeong-Jin Park, O. M. Kwon, Ju H. Park, Sang-Moon Lee
, Eun-Jong Cha, Tae H. Lee
Leader-following consensus control for Markovian switching multi-agent systems with interval time-varying delays. 1-6 - Amit Bhaya
, Eugenius Kaszkurewicz
Duopolistic dynamics in markets with competitive advertising and churn. 1-6 - Yuki Sugiyama, Masakazu Naito, Gan Chen, Isao Takami:
H∞ loop shaping for positioning control system with nonlinear friction. 1-6 - Gonçalo Cabrita, Lino Marques
Divergence-based odor source declaration. 1-6 - Youngjun Yoo
, K. J. Oh, Yong Joon Choi, Sangchul Won:
Obstacle avoidance for redundant manipulator without information of the joint angles. 1-6 - Xiaoling Wang, Bo Liu, Housheng Su, Xiaofan Wang:
Second-order leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics and time delay via periodically intermittent pinning control. 1-6 - Chang Tan, Gang Tao, Xuelian Yao, Bin Jiang:
A Lyapunov method based multiple-model adaptive actuator failure compensation scheme for control of near-space vehicles. 1-6 - Jinna Qin, François Léonard, Gabriel Abba
Experimental external force estimation using a non-linear observer for 6 axes flexible-joint industrial manipulators. 1-6 - Syed Ussama Ali, Muhammad Zamurad Shah, Raza Samar, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti
Lateral control of UAVs: Trajectory tracking via Higher-Order Sliding Modes. 1-6 - Yu Jin Cheon, Donghyun Lee, In-Beum Lee, Su Whan Sung:
A new PID auto-tuning strategy with operational optimization for MCFC systems. 1-6 - Hyun Chul Roh, Taekjun Oh, Yungeun Choe, Myung Jin Chung:
Satellite map based quantitative analysis for 3D world modeling of urban environment. 1-6 - Deepak Kumar
, S. K. Nagar:
Improved results on frequency weighted optimal Hankel norm model reduction. 1-4 - Kyung-Hyun Oh, Hae-Yeong Gwon:
Pitch/yaw momentum position control of roll momentum biased satellite system. 1-5 - Byung-Hun Lee, Seung-Ju Lee, Myoung-Chul Park
, Kwang-Kyo Oh, Hyo-Sung Ahn
Nonholonomic control of distance-based cyclic polygon formation. 1-4 - Xia-Yu Li, Hui-Liang Jin, Qing-Chang Zhong:
On design of multi-rate sampled-data output feedback by maximizing RSR. 1-6 - Anugrah K. Pamosoaji
, Keum-Shik Hong
, Pham Thuong Cat:
Sliding-mode control of a wheeled vehicle using neural network estimator. 1-6 - Basem Fayez Yousef, Farah M. T. Aiash:
A mechanism for surgical tool manipulation. 1-5 - Hasan Mehrjerdi, Serge Lefebvre, Dalal Asber, Maarouf Saad:
Graph partitioning of power network for emergency voltage control. 1-6 - Pinar Boyraz
, Cihat Bora Yigit, H. Okan Bicer:
UMAY1: A modular humanoid platform for education and rehabilitation of children with autism spectrum disorders. 1-6 - Anthony Jubien, Maxime Gautier, Alexandre Janot
Effectiveness of the DIDIM method with respect to the usual CLOE method. Application to the dynamic parameters identification of an industrial robot. 1-6 - Mostafa I. Yacoub
, Dan S. Necsulescu, Jurek Z. Sasiadek:
Energy consumption optimization for mobile robots in three-dimension motion using predictive control. 1-6 - Ting-Kuo Wang, Li-Chen Fu
A guidance strategy for multi-player pursuit and evasion game in maneuvering target interception. 1-6 - Fady Christophy, Roy Abi Zeid Daou, Riad Assaf, Xavier Moreau:
Approximation of a thermal diffusive interface fractional-order system - Part 2: Application to a finite plane medium. 1-6 - Tatsuya Sakanushi, Yun Zhao, Jie Hu, Satoshi Tohnai, Kou Yamada:
The parameterization of all stabilizing two-degree-of-freedom simple multi-period repetitive controllers with specified frequency characteristic. 1-6 - Quan Jia, Yaoyu Li:
On-line schedule model for reusable equipment maintenance and support resource in wartime. 1-6 - Renan Lima Pereira
, Karl Heinz Kienitz
Design and application of gain-scheduling control for a Hover: Parametric H∞ loop shaping approach. 1-6 - Ugur Tasdelen, Hitay Özbay
On Smith predictor-based controller design for systems with integral action and time delay. 1-6 - Bo Chai, Zaiyue Yang, Jiming Chen:
Optimal residential load scheduling in smart grid: A comprehensive approach. 1-6 - Jianqiang Hu
, Jinling Liang, Fangbin Sun, Ping Li:
Dynamical average consensus in networked linear multi-agent systems with communication delays. 1-7 - Hui Yu
, Xiaohua Xia
Adaptive consensus of multi-agent systems with unknown nonlinear dynamics. 1-6 - Yoon Heo, Eung-Pyo Hong, Mu-Seong Mun:
Development of power add on drive wheelchair and its evaluation. 1-6 - Guanghui Wen
, Wenwu Yu, Jinde Cao, Guoqiang Hu
, Guanrong Chen
Consensus control of switching directed networks with general linear node dynamics. 1-6 - Takuya Soga, Naohisa Otsuka, Genki Nakayama, Akihiro Tojo:
Stabilization for polytopic uncertain switched linear systems with constant input. 1-6 - Shuochen Liu, Junyong Sun, Zhiyong Geng:
Passivity-based finite-time attitude control problem. 1-6 - Quanrui Wei, Jiuqiang Han, Jun Liu
A linearization reference node selection strategy for accurate multilateration localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Boe-Shong Hong
, Chia-Yu Chou, Tsu-Yu Lin:
Energy transfer modelling of thermoacoustic engines with boundary resonant control. 1-8 - Yingfei Diao, Zhiyun Lin
, Minyue Fu
, Huanshui Zhang
A new distributed localization method for sensor networks. 1-6 - Kazuyoshi Mori:
Full and partial parametrizations of stabilizing controllers with two-stage compensator designs. 1-6 - Bao-Zhu Guo
, Cui-Zhen Yao, Zhi-Liang Zhao:
The active disturbance rejection control for nonlinear systems using time-varying-gain. 1-6 - Wei Shi, Zhongliang Jing, Yongsheng Yang, Hui Ge:
A pseudospectral approach to ascent trajectory optimization for hypersonic air-breathing vehicles. 1-6 - Zhengtao Ding
Consensus control of a class of nonlinear systems. 1-6 - Marvin Leung, Gunhyung Park, Verica Radisavljevic-Gajic
Control of solid oxide fuel cells: An overview. 1-6 - Mehmet Eren Ahsen
, M. Vidyasagar:
On the computation of mixing coefficients between discrete-valued random variables. 1-5 - Mehmet Karaköse
, Semiha Makinist:
Image processing based defuzzification method for type-2 fuzzy systems. 1-5 - Sang Mok Jung, Nam Kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park
A bias-compensated affine projection algorithm for noisy input data. 1-5 - Qingzhe Wang, Ping Wang, Linli Guo, Zhi-Hong Deng:
On initial alignment methods for manned Lunar Ascent Module. 1-4 - Mohamed Benhayoun, Abdellah Benzaouia, Fouad Mesquine, Ahmed El Hajjaji:
System stabilization by unsymmetrical saturated state feedback control. 1-5 - Michael Z. Q. Chen, Chanying Li, Kai Wang, Zhiqiang Zuo, Minghui Yin, Guanrong Chen
Realizability of n-port resistive networks with 2n terminals. 1-6 - Lulu Li, Daniel W. C. Ho
, Yuanyuan Zou, Chi Huang, Jianquan Lu
Event-trigged control for discrete-time multi-agent networks. 1-6 - Jungang Li, Yuanxin Zhang, Hang Zhang, Chen Li, Aimin Zhang, Yingsan Geng:
Wide area equipment protection system based on substation panoramic information. 1-6 - Tianqi Liu, Danwei Wang, Ronghu Chi, Qiang Shen:
Neural network based terminal iterative learning control for tracking run-varying reference point. 1-5 - Ming-Yang Zhou, Shi-Min Cai, Zhao Zhuo, Zhong-Qian Fu:
The influence of degree mixing patterns on synchronization paths. 1-6 - M. S. Rana
, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Ian R. Petersen, Habibullah
Control of resonant modes of a smart structure using OMPC. 1-6 - Ya-Fu Peng, Chih-Hui Chiu, Hsing-Yueh Cho, Hsin-Min Wen:
Adaptive TSKCMAC-identification-based intelligent backstepping control for nonlinear chaotic systems. 1-6 - Masoud Samadi
, Mohd Fauzi Othman, Shamsudin H. M. Amin:
Stereo vision based robots: Fast and robust obstacle detection method. 1-5 - Kelvin Chen Chih Peng, William Singhose:
Low-oscillation command switch-times for relay-driven cranes with asymmetrical acceleration and deceleration. 1-6 - Takahiko Mori, Yuya Tanaka:
Development of power assist system with motion estimation using model predictive control. 1-6 - Dan V. Nicolae, Jaco A. Jordaan:
Control algorithm of a smart grid device for optimal radial feeder load reconfiguration. 1-5 - Quanbo Ge, Chenglin Wen, Xiangfeng Wang, Xingfa Shen:
VB-AQKF-STF: A novel linear state estimator for stochastic quantized measurements systems. 1-6 - Daizhan Cheng, Fenghua He, Tingting Xu
On networked non-cooperative games - A semi-tensor product approach. 1-6 - Tao Li, Fuke Wu, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Consensus conditions of continuous-time multi-agent systems with relative-state-dependent measurement noises and matrix-valued intensity functions. 1-6 - Xiaorong Shen, Yueming Wang, Rongsheng Dong:
Implementation of micro-inertial measurement/GPS combinatorial attitude measurement system. 1-4 - Pavel Zítek, Jaromír Fiser
, Tomás Vyhlídal
Dominant three pole placement in PID control loop with delay. 1-6 - Jie Yang, Qinglin Wang, Yuan Li:
Finite time stability control based on higher-order sliding mode for TORA system. 1-5 - Xiufeng Li, Hu Haizhen:
Study on the operating mode of SNS in EC environment of China. 1-6 - Paolo Mercorelli
Velocity planning to optimize traction losses in a City-Bus Equipped with Permanent Magnet Three-Phase Synchronous Motors. 1-5 - Yue-E Wang, Xi-Ming Sun, Wei Wang, Jun Zhao, Zili Zhan:
Input-to-state stability for switched nonlinear time-delay systems. 1-4 - Yeong Geol Bae, Seul Jung
Compensation for a long arm payload by a non model-based disturbance observer. 1-5 - Young-Ho Choi, Jung-Woo Lee, Sung-Jo Yun, Jin-Ho Suh, Sung-Ho Hong, Jongdeuk Lee:
FA system integration using robotic intelligent componets. 1-5 - Chao Jia, Xiaoli Li, De-Xin Liu, Dawei Ding:
Adaptive control using multiple parallel dynamic neural networks. 1-6 - Mu Li, Lihua Dou, Haoyuan Sun, Jian Sun:
Stability analysis of dynamic quantized systems With time-varying delay. 1-6 - Ching-Tsan Chiang, Wen-Lung Lu, Hao-An Jhuang:
Extremely short-term wind speed prediction based on RSCMAC. 1-6 - Zhiqiang Zhu, Kun Liu, Yuqing He, Juntong Qi, Jianda Han:
Model free analysis and tuning of PID controller. 1-7 - Mojtaba Ahmadieh Khanesar
, Erdal Kayacan
, Okyay Kaynak
, Wouter Saeys
Sliding mode type-2 fuzzy control of robotic arm using ellipsoidal membership functions. 1-6 - Guan Sun, Dan Feng, Youtong Zhang, Dongdong Weng:
Detection and control of a wheeled mobile robot based on magnetic navigation. 1-6 - Ahmad Safaee, Hamid D. Taghirad
System identification and robust controller design for the autopilot of an unmanned helicopter. 1-6 - Robert Sutton, Sanjay K. Sharma
Nonlinear model predictive control of an uninhabited surface vehicle. 1-6 - Mohammad Sleiman, Bachir Kedjar, Abdelhamid Hamadi, Kamal Al-Haddad, Hadi Youssef Kanaan:
Modeling, control and simulation of DFIG for maximum power point tracking. 1-6 - Fenghua He, Long Wang, Jiawei Wang, Yu Yao, Denggao Ji, Weishan Chen:
A finite-time generalized H2 gain measure and its performance criterion. 1-6 - Woo-Young Jeong, Hak Kyeong Kim, Sang Bong Kim, Bong-Huan Jun:
Path tracking controller design of hexapod robot for omni-directional gaits. 1-6 - Zhe Gao
, Xiaozhong Liao, Bo Shan, Hong Huang:
A stability criterion for fractional-order systems with α-order in frequency domain: The 1 < α < 2 case. 1-6 - Akira Abe
Minimum energy trajectory planning method for robot manipulator mounted on flexible base. 1-7 - Giang Hoang, Hak Kyeong Kim, Sang Bong Kim:
Control of omini-directional mobile vehicle for obstacle avoidance using potential function method. 1-6 - Zhanquan Wang, Xuanhuang Peng, Chunhua Gu, Bingqiang Huang:
Mining at most top-K% mixed-drove spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns. 1-5 - Yuan Zhou, Zhi-Hong Deng, Bo Wang, Mengyin Fu, Shunting Wang, Xuan Xiao:
Moving base disturbance suppression method of rotary INS based on rotation angular rate. 1-5 - Mümin Tolga Emirler, Bilin Aksun Güvenç
, Levent Güvenç
Communication disturbance observer approach to control of integral plant with time delay. 1-6 - Chao Wang, Weiwei Mao, Xiaobo Li, Weisheng Chen, Jing Li:
Quantized-data consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with directed topology. 1-6 - Gyung-bum Kim:
Micro defect detection in solar cell wafer based on hybrid illumination and near-infrared optics. 1-5 - Ya Zhang, Yu-Ping Tian:
H∞ consensus tracking in sensor networks with time-varying sensing period. 1-6 - Roy Abi Zeid Daou, Fady Christophy, Riad Assaf, Xavier Moreau:
Approximation of a thermal diffusive interface fractional-order system - Part 1: Application to a semi-infinite plane. 1-6 - Ivan Buzurovic
, D. Lj. Debeljkovic, A. M. Jovanovic:
An efficient method for finite time stability calculation of continuous time delay systems. 1-5 - Mojtaba Kordestani, Majid Soleimani Khoshro, Alireza Mirzaee
Predictive control of large steam turbines. 1-6 - Jiuqiang Han, Yucheng Ma
, Jun Liu, Rong Bao, Jiguang Zheng:
An effective SNR gene prediction algorithm based on merge of nucleotide segments (MNS). 1-6 - Ferenc Tajti, Géza Szayer, Bence Kovács, Péter Korondi
Shop-floor controller based on RT-middleware technology. 1-6 - Ian R. Petersen:
Robust stability analysis of an optical parametric amplifier quantum system. 1-5 - Lianhua Zhang, Hao Liu, Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong:
Velocity estimation and control of 3-DOF lab helicopter based on optical flow. 1-6 - Yasuaki Kaneda, Yasuharu Irizuki, Masaki Yamakita:
Robust unscented Kalman filter via l1 regression and design method of its parameters. 1-6 - Yuan Zhang, Jing Wu, Ning Li, Shaoyuan Li, Kang Li:
Data-driven water supply systems modelling. 1-6 - Yu Jiang, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Robust adaptive dynamic programming for optimal nonlinear control design. 1-6 - Hazlina Selamat, Siti Duranni Arang Bilong:
Optimal controller design for a railway vehicle suspension system using Particle Swarm Optimization. 1-5 - Joshua Vaughan
Modeling and control of rocking in cable-riding systems. 1-6 - Abdel Rodríguez
, Peter Vrancx, Ann Nowé, Erik Hostens:
Model-free learning of wire winding control. 1-6 - Songtao Sun, Qiuhua Zhang, Ying Chen:
Numerical solution for a class of pursuit-evasion problem in low earth orbit. 1-6 - Michael V. Basin
, Pablo Cesar Rodriguez-Ramirez
Mean-square filtering problem for stochastic polynomial systems with Gaussian and Poisson noises. 1-6 - Yue Yu, Abdelkader El Kamel, Guanghong Gong:
Modeling overtaking behavior in virtual reality traffic simulation system. 1-6 - Mashitah Che Razali, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab
, Pedro Balaguer, Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat, Sharatul Izah Samsudin:
Multivariable PID controllers for dynamic process. 1-5 - Ming-Can Fan, Zhiyong Chen, Hai-Tao Zhang:
Position feedback pinning control for nonlinear multi-agent systems. 1-5 - Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami
A self-aligning underwater navigation system based on fusion of multiple sensors including DVL and IMU. 1-6 - Ahmet Cezayirli
A new technique in multi-model adaptive control: Sequential parameter discrimination and hybrid parameter vector. 1-5 - Shuai Liu, Lihua Xie, Huanshui Zhang
Containment control of discrete-time multi-agent systems based on delayed neighbours' information. 1-6 - Zhenlong Xiao
, Xing Jian Jing
, Li Cheng
Computation of Parametric Convergence Bound and Parametric Convergence Margin for Volterra series expansion. 1-5 - Bor-Jeng Chen, Cheng-Ming Huang, An-Sheng Liu, Ting-En Tseng, Li-Chen Fu
Hands tracking with self-occlusion handling in cluttered environment. 1-8 - Evrim Onur Ari, Erol Kocaoglan:
Investigation of interactions between mechanical and electrical components of a motion platform. 1-6 - Sei Zhen Khong, Ying Tan
, Dragan Nesic
, Chris Manzie
On sampled-data extremum seeking control via stochastic approximation methods. 1-6 - Tanvir Ahammad, Abdul Rahiman Beig, Khalifa Al-Hosani
Sliding mode based DTC of three-level inverter fed induction motor using switching vector table. 1-6 - Samet Güler
, Nasrettin Koksal, Baris Fidan:
Adaptive control of a three-agent surveillance swarm with constant speed constraint. 1-6 - Przemyslaw Ignaciuk
Nonlinear inventory control with discrete sliding modes in systems with multiple delayed supply options. 1-6 - Akbar Tohidi, Ali Shamsaddinlou, Ali Khaki-Sedigh
Multivariable input-output linearization sliding mode control of DFIG based wind energy conversion system. 1-6 - Xiaoli Li, Shuguang Zhao, HaiQin Xu:
Cooperative coverage of mobile robots with distributed estimation and control of connectivity. 1-6 - Lequn Zhang, Jun-e Feng, Min Meng:
Controllability of higher order switched boolean control networks. 1-6 - Ovunc Elbir, Anil Ufuk Batmaz
, Cosku Kasnakoglu
Improving quadrotor 3-axes stabilization results using empirical results and system identification. 1-5 - Huijun Gao, Xiaochen Xie
, Shen Yin
, Okyay Kaynak
Stabilization of uncertain discrete time-delayed systems via delta operator approach. 1-6 - Shou-Han Zhou, Ying Tan
, Denny Oetomo
, Chris T. Freeman
, Iven Mareels
On on-line sampled-data optimal learning for dynamic systems with uncertainties. 1-7 - Chiao-Min Wu, Kai-Tai Song:
A sensory data tracking approach to bipedal gait compensation control on slope surfaces. 1-6 - Iman Fadakar, Baris Fidan, Jan Paul Huissoon:
Robust adaptive attitude synchronization of rigid body networks with unknown inertias. 1-6 - Jianning Hua, Yujie Cui, Pu Shi, Fangping Yang, Xuezhu Wang:
Manual control of inverted pendulum with different input from joystick. 1-6 - Hong-Liu Yu, Jin-Hua Yi, Ping Shi:
Compound control for intelligent artificial Leg based on Fuzzy-CMAC. 1-6 - Gholamreza Sari, Ouassima Akhrif, Lahcen Saydy:
Robust passivity-based surge control of compressors via feedback linearization. 1-5 - Qingkai Yang, Hao Fang, Yutian Mao, Jie Huang, Jian Sun:
Distributed tracking for networked Euler-Lagrange systems using only relative position measurements. 1-6 - Leopoldo Jetto, Valentina Orsini
, Raffaele Romagnoli
A spline-based technique for optimal set point regulation through pseudo-inversion of nonminimum phase linear systems. 1-8 - Chien-Shu Hsieh:
Robust state estimation via the descriptor Kalman filtering method. 1-6 - Mourad Hasni
, S. Hamdani
, Z. M. Taïbi, Omar Touhami, Rachid Ibtiouen, Abderrezak Rezzoug:
Faults diagnosis of induction machine by using feed-forward neural networks and genetic algorithms. 1-6 - Yutian Mao, Hao Fang, Lihua Dou, Jie Chen:
Rendezvous of nonholonomic multiple unicycles with connectivity maintenance. 1-6 - Yuebin Yang, Guodong Feng
, Shaoxian Wang, Xuemei Guo, Guoli Wang:
Using bearing-sensitive infrared sensor arrays in Motion localization for human-following robots. 1-5 - Tatsuo Kitajima, Zhonggang Feng:
Contribution of voltage-dependent ion channels to subthreshold resonance. 1-6 - Zhong Zhao, Feng Song, Hailiang Yang:
Model predictive controller performance monitoring based on impulse response identification. 1-6 - YeonWook Choe:
A method for performance improvement of PID control by dual-input describing function (DIDF) method. 1-6 - Norhazimi Hamzah, Yahaya Md. Sam, Hazlina Selamat, M. Khairi Aripin:
GA-based sliding mode controller for yaw stability improvement. 1-6 - Mathieu Hobon, Nafissa Lakbakbi Elyaaqoubi, Gabriel Abba
Influence of frictions on gait optimization of a biped robot with an anthropomorphic knee. 1-6 - Iyad Hashlamon
, Kemalettin Erbatur
Simple Virtual Slip Force Sensor for walking biped robots. 1-5 - Rong-Jong Wai, Shih-Jie Jhung:
Design of intelligent optimal energy management system for hybrid power sources. 1-6 - Thanh Luan Bui, Phuc Thinh Doan, Hak Kyeong Kim, Sang Bong Kim:
Trajectory tracking controller design for AGV using laser sensor based positioning system. 1-5 - Dung-Rung Hsieh, De-Jhen Huang, Jen-Yuan Hsu, Chieh-Yu Kao, Ming-Che Lin, Chun-Nan Liu, Pangan Ting:
Baseband design and software-defined-radio implementation for LTE femtocell. 1-6 - Teturo Itami:
Mathematical model of group robots. 1-4 - Przemyslaw Ignaciuk
Combating the effects of delay in periodic-review perishable inventory systems. 1-6 - Erkan Kayacan
, Erdal Kayacan
, Herman Ramon, Wouter Saeys
Modeling and identification of the yaw dynamics of an autonomous tractor. 1-6 - Chang-Nho Cho, Young-Loul Kim, Jae-Bok Song:
Adaptation-and-collision detection scheme for safe physical human-robot interaction. 1-6 - Seyyed Hamid R. Ebrahimi Motlagh, Hadi Moradi, Hamidreza Pouretemad:
Using general sound descriptors for early autism detection. 1-5 - Nazli Khalili Zadeh Mahani, Ali Khaki-Sedigh
, Farshad Merrikh-Bayat:
Performance evaluation of non-minimum phase linear control systems with fractional order partial pole-zero cancellation. 1-4 - Miki Shimada, Kenko Uchida:
A gain scheduling model of temperature compensation for circadian rhythm of cyanobacteria. 1-6 - Dabo Xu, Jie Huang, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Adaptive output regulation for general output feedback nonlinear systems with integral ISS inverse dynamics. 1-6 - Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi
, Teh Chuan Enn, Khairuddin Osman
, Zool Hilmi Ismail
Linearized mathematical model of intelligent pneumatic actuator system: Position, force and viscosity controls. 1-6 - Houbao Xu, Weiwei Hu:
Numerical analysis of a reparable multi-state device. 1-5 - Wenjing Cao, Masakazu Mukai, Taketoshi Kawabe, Hikaru Nishira, Noriaki Fujiki:
Automotive longitudinal speed pattern generation with acceleration constraints aiming at mild merging using model predictive control method. 1-6 - Iyad Hashlamon
, Kemalettin Erbatur
Ground reaction force sensor fault detection and recovery method based on virtual force sensor for walking biped robots. 1-6 - Tae H. Lee
, Myeong-Jin Park, O. M. Kwon, Ju H. Park, Sang-Moon Lee
State estimation for genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delay using stochastic sampled-data. 1-6 - Sung-Mo Kang, Yun-Tae Kim, Hyo-Sung Ahn
Sliding mode controller design for spacecraft with manipulator. 1-5 - Mahmut Reyhanoglu
, Juan Alvarado, Avishy Carmi:
Estimation of debris hazard areas due to a space vehicle breakup at high altitudes. 1-6 - Rahib H. Abiyev, Nurullah Akkaya, Ersin Aytac:
Control of soccer robots using behaviour trees. 1-6 - Manh-Tuan Ha
, Chul-Goo Kang:
A novel apparatus for motion control experiments. 1-5 - Rou-Yong Duan, Ming-Jui Wu, Jeng-Dao Lee:
Adaptive sliding mode control strategy design for DSP-based maglev driving and control system. 1-6 - Jaroslaw Goslinski, Wojciech Giernacki
, Stanislaw Gardecki
Unscented Kalman Filter for an orientation module of a quadrotor mathematical model. 1-6 - Hao Liu, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong:
Real-time implementation of a robust hierarchical controller for a laboratory helicopter. 1-6 - Bing Liu, Zhen Chen, Xiangdong Liu, Jie Geng, Fan Yang:
A new method based on the Polytopic Linear Differential Inclusion for the nonlinear filter. 1-6 - Yusuf Altun
, Kayhan Gulez, Tarik Veli Mumcu
Static LPV feedforward controller synthesis for Linear Parameter Varying systems. 1-4 - Harun Yetkin, Ümit Özgüner:
Stabilizing control of an autonomous bicycle. 1-6 - Jarissa Maselyne
, Robin De Keyser:
Control of the relative movement of hydraulically driven linear moving parts. 1-6 - Rongmin Cao, Heshuai Jia:
Iterative learning control method for permanent magnet synchronous liner motor based on vector control. 1-6 - Tomoaki Hashimoto, Yu Takiguchi, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka
Output Feedback receding horizon control for spatiotemporal dynamic systems. 1-6 - Zhichao Liu, Jianliang Wang
, Eng Kee Poh, Suresh Sundaram:
Depth and normal vector identification of an unknown slope from a UAV using a single camera. 1-6 - Dhiadeen Mohammed Salih, Samsul Bahari Mohd Noor, M. Hamiruce Marhaban
, Raja Kamil Raja Ahmad
Wavelet network based online sequential extreme learning machine for dynamic system modeling. 1-5 - Saad Mekhilef
, Mohamad N. Abdul Kadir:
Novel voltage control of 18 level multilevel inverter. 1-6 - Tawfiqur Rahman
, Hao Zhou, Wanchun Chen:
Bézier approximation based inverse dynamic guidance for entry glide trajectory. 1-6 - Xiaohong Yin, Shaoyuan Li, Jing Wu, Ning Li, Wenjian Cai, Kang Li:
Data-driven based predictive controller design for vapor compression refrigeration cycle systems. 1-6 - Tian Zheng, Abdelkader El Kamel, EcoleCentrale de Lille, Shaoping Wang:
Node performance model of wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Jimmie Lawson:
Optimization via characteristic functions of cones. 1-4 - Seyyed Vahid Ghoushkhanehee, Alireza Alfi:
Model Predictive Control of transparent bilateral teleoperation systems under uncertain communication time-delay. 1-6 - Alexandra-Iulia Stînean
, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup
, Claudia-Adina Dragos
, Mircea-Bogdan Radac
, Emil M. Petriu:
Modeling and control of an Electric drive system with continuously variable reference, moment of inertia and load disturbance. 1-6 - Ismail Ilhan
, Mehmet Karaköse
Type-2 fuzzy based quadrotor control approach. 1-6 - Hasan A. Poonawala, Aykut C. Satici, Mark W. Spong:
Leader-follower formation control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots using only position measurements. 1-6 - Henry R. Concepción, Darko Vrecko, Montserrat Meneses
, Ramón Vilanova
Control strategies for removing nitrogen compounds in wastewater treatment plants. 1-6 - Merve Acer
, Asif Sabanoviç
Micro position control of a designed 3-PRR compliant mechanism using experimental models. 1-6 - Habibullah
, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Ian R. Petersen:
Developing a spiral scanning method using atomic force microscopy. 1-6 - Xiaoting Li, Feng Pan, Qi Gao, Weixing Li, Xiaofeng Lian:
A novel ASM2 and SVM compensation method for the effluent quality prediction model of A2O process. 1-5 - Jung Hoon Kim, Tomomichi Hagiwara
, Kentaro Hirata:
A study on the spectrum of monodromy operator for a time-delay system. 1-6 - Yang-Yang Chen, Yu-Ping Tian:
Coordinated adaptive control for formation flying vehicles with a time-varying orbital velocity. 1-6 - Sofiane Khadraoui, Hazem N. Nounou, Mohamed N. Nounou, Aniruddha Datta, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
A control design method for unknown systems using frequency domain data. 1-6 - Eugenia Minca
, Adrian Filipescu, Alina Voda:
A theoretical approach of the generalized hybrid model based control of repetitive processes. 1-6 - Tian Qi, Li Qiu
, Jie Chen
Consensus over directed graph: Output feedback and topological constraints. 1-6 - Jeong Hoon Lee, Jong Hyeon Park:
Control for quadruped robots in trotting on horizontal and slanted surfaces. 1-6 - Yu-Ping Tian, Di Xin, Ouya Tian:
Stabilization of multi-agent systems via distributed difference feedback control. 1-6 - Shen Yin
, Fangzhou Liu, Huijun Gao, Jianbin Qiu, Tianyou Chai, Jialu Fan, Hamid Reza Karimi:
Setpoints compensation in industrial processes via multirate output feedback control. 1-6 - Meiling Wang, Yong Yu, Qizhen Wang, Yi Yang, Tong Liu:
The construction method of GIS for autonomous vehicles. 1-5 - M. Karimi, Mohammad Bozorg
, Alireza Khayatian
Localization of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using a decentralized fusion architecture. 1-5 - Peng Shi, Hamid Reza Karimi, Bo Wang:
Chaos synchronization for a class of chaotic systems via H∞ control technique. 1-6 - Mehmet Itik
Repetitive control of an Artificial Muscle actuator. 1-5 - Vangelis Petratos, Dimitrios Dimogianopoulos, Fotis Kopsaftopoulos
, Spilios D. Fassois
A novel robust MPC based aircraft auto-throttle for performing 4D contract flights. 1-6 - Jidong Jin, Yufan Zheng:
Necessary and sufficient condition of consensus for affine multi-agent cooperative systems under time-varying directed networks. 1-6 - Ronghao Zheng, Zhiyun Lin
, Minyue Fu
, Dong Sun
Distributed circumnavigation by unicycles with cyclic repelling strategies. 1-6 - Masaki Inoue, Jun-ichi Imura
, Kenji Kashima, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Instability of uncertain large-scale networks. 1-6 - Hiroyasu Shigemori:
Mechanical property control system for cold rolled steel sheet through locally weighted regression model. 1-6 - Wen-Xiao Zhao, Han-Fu Chen, Er-Wei Bai, Kang Li:
A local information criterion for order identification of nonlinear ARX systems. 1-6 - Gelin Chen, Hongsheng Xia:
Marketing capabilities of IT listed company in China: A empirical study based on stochastic frontier method. 1-5 - Zhiyong Yang, Kaide Huang, Guoli Wang:
A new sparse reconstruction algorithm for device-free localization with sensor network. 1-6 - Yunjin Gu, Doo Yong Lee:
Caterpillar mechanism for a portable haptic interface of endoscopy simulation. 1-6 - Bahador Makki, Baharak Makki, Hamid Reza Karimi:
Non-fragile fuzzy control design for nonlinear time-delay systems. 1-6 - Guohua Jiang, Li Yu, Yuan Wu, Wen-Zhan Song
Cooperative electricity consumption scheduling and pricing for future residential smart grid. 1-6 - Daisuke Tsubakino
, Taiki Yoshioka, Shinji Hara
An algebraic approach to hierarchical LQR synthesis for large-scale dynamical systems. 1-6 - Tadashi Ishihara, Hai-Jiao Guo:
Design of optimal disturbance cancellation controllers for sinusoidal output disturbances via loop transfer recovery. 1-7 - Heqing Sun, Zhongsheng Hou:
An iterative predictive learning control approach with application to train trajectory tracking. 1-6 - Xin Liu, Bo Wang, Zhi-Hong Deng, Shunting Wang, Hua Liu:
Rapid alignment method of INS with large initial azimuth error under uncertain flexure disturbances. 1-5 - Ilhan Aydin, Mehmet Karaköse
, Erhan Akin
A new approach based on boundary analysis of reconstructed phase space for fault diagnosis. 1-6 - M. Liu, Bruno Depraetere
, Gregory Pinte, Ivo Grondman, Robert Babuska:
Model-free and model-based time-optimal control of a badminton robot. 1-6 - Saleh Al-Takrouri
, Andrey V. Savkin, Vassilios G. Agelidis
A decentralized control algorithm based on the DC power flow model for avoiding cascaded failures in power networks. 1-6 - Yue Zhang, Bo Yang, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan:
Pricing-based resource allocation with security requirements for OFDM networks in real-time electricity market. 1-6 - Yu-Lun Huang, Ya-Hsuan Wang:
Investigating the security control of a water system: An overview. 1-5 - Inyoung Ko, Beobkyoon Kim, Frank Chongwoo Park:
VF-RRT: Introducing optimization into randomized motion planning. 1-5 - Jianbo Lu, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi:
Stabilization of linear discrete-time periodic systems with uncertain period. 1-6 - Veysel Gazi
Distributed adaptive output agreement in a class of multi-agent systems. 1-6 - Nirvana Popescu, Decebal Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu:
A weighted error controller for a class of distributed parameter systems. 1-6 - Yuanhua Yang, Minyue Fu
, Huanshui Zhang
State estimation subject to random network delays without time stamping. 1-6 - Jianxin Ren, Xingmei Zhao, Bin Xu:
Adaptive discrete-time control with dual neural networks for HFV via back-stepping. 1-6 - Pinakpani Biswas, Amar Nath Samanta
Backstepping control of polymerization reactor. 1-5 - Jimoh O. Pedro, Muhammed Dangor, Olurotimi Akintunde Dahunsi
, M. Montaz Ali
CRS and PS-optimised PID controller for nonlinear, electrohydraulic suspension systems. 1-6 - Jung-Min Yang:
Model matching of input/state asynchronous sequential machines using a one-step corrective controller. 1-6 - Ilker Altay, Bilin Aksun Güvenç
, Levent Güvenç
A simulation study of GPS/INS integration for use in ACC/CACC and HAD. 1-8 - Jinming Du, Bin Wu, Long Wang
Evolutionary game dynamics of multi-agent cooperation driven by self-learning. 1-6 - Aykut C. Satici, Mark W. Spong:
Connectivity control on Lie groups. 1-6 - Nikola Georgiev Shakev, Andon V. Topalov
, Kostadin Borisov Shiev, Okyay Kaynak
Stabilizing multiple sliding surface control of quad-rotor rotorcraft. 1-6 - Nirvana Popescu, Decebal Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Dorin Popescu
, Ionel Cristian Vladu
, Ileana Vladu:
Force observer-based control for a rehabilitation hand exoskeleton system. 1-6 - Dongmei Shen, Musheng Wei:
All solutions and pole assignments for the regular triangular decoupling problem. 1-4 - Jing Wang, Wei Jiang, Liulin Cao, Qibing Jin, Wei Wang:
A dynamical search space harmony search for unconstrained optimization problems. 1-6 - Qiugang Lu, Witold Pawlus
, Hamid Reza Karimi, Kjell Gunnar Robbersmyr:
Data-based modeling of vehicle collision by LPV-ARMAX model approach. 1-6 - Youmin Hu, Bo Wu, Joshua Vaughan
, William Singhose:
Oscillation suppressing for an energy efficient bridge crane using input shaping. 1-5 - Fouzi Harrou, Mohamed N. Nounou, Hazem N. Nounou
A statistical fault detection strategy using PCA based EWMA control schemes. 1-4 - Jeng-Tze Huang, Tran Van Hung:
Singularity-free adaptive control for uncertain omnidirectional mobile robots. 1-5 - Selim Solmaz
A novel method for indirect estimation of tire pressure. 1-6 - Hyun Wook Kim, Seul Jung
Fuzzy control for balancing of a two-wheel transportation robotic vehicle: Experimental studies. 1-5 - Ramon da Fonseca, Eric Bideaux
, Ali Sari, Mathias Gérard, Matthieu Desbois-Renaudin, Didier Buzon, Bruno Jeanneret
Flatness control strategy for the air subsystem of a hydrogen fuel cell system. 1-6 - Ilker Tanyer
, Enver Tatlicioglu, Erkan Zergeroglu
A robust dynamic inversion technique for asymptotic tracking control of an aircraft. 1-6 - Kai Ma, Guoqiang Hu
, Costas J. Spanos:
Energy consumption scheduling in smart grid: A non-cooperative game approach. 1-6 - Dorin Sendrescu, Monica Roman
Parameter identification of bacterial growth bioprocesses using particle swarm optimization. 1-6 - Saeed Varzandian, Hasan Zakeri, Sadjaad Ozgoli:
Locating WiFi access points in indoor environments using non-monotonic signal propagation model. 1-5 - Selim Ozel, Sefik Emre Eskimez, Kemalettin Erbatur
Humanoid robot orientation stabilization by shoulder joint motion during locomotion. 1-6 - Alper Bayrak
, Enver Tatlicioglu, Baris Bidikli, Erkan Zergeroglu
Robust adaptive control of nonlinear systems with unknown state delay. 1-6 - Francisco J. Vargas
, Eduardo I. Silva, Jie Chen
Explicit conditions for stabilization over noisy channels subject to SNR constraints. 1-6 - R. Subasri, A. M. Natarajan, Suresh Sundaram:
Neural aided discrete PID active controller for non-linear hysteretic base-isolation building. 1-8 - Chao Song
, Jinde Cao:
Consensus of fractional-order linear systems. 1-4 - Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
New results for feedback control of discrete systems with time scales. 1-5 - Samet Güler
, Nasrettin Koksal, Baris Fidan, Veysel Gazi
Indirect adaptive formation control with nonlinear dynamics and parametric uncertainty. 1-6 - Kenta Itokazu, Takanori Miyoshi, Kazuhiko Terashima:
Design and evaluation of motion path for specific muscle strengthening using neural network. 1-6 - F. A. Diaz-Lopez, Luis Enrique Ramos Velasco
, Omar-Arturo Domínguez-Ramírez
, Vicente Parra-Vega
Multiresolution wavenet PID control for global regulation of robots. 1-6 - Milan Anderle
, Sergej Celikovský
, Haroldo Ibarra:
Virtual constraints for the underactuated walking design: Comparison of two approaches. 1-6 - Manuel de la Sen
, Santiago Alonso-Quesada
, Asier Ibeas
Hyperstability analysis of switched systems subject to integral popovian constraints. 1-8 - Di Guo, Gangfeng Yan, Zhiyun Lin
Bearing angle measurement based cooperative pursuit-evasion game in non-convex environments. 1-6 - Jung-Min Yang, Seong Woo Kwak:
Controlling two asynchronous sequential machines with one corrective controller. 1-6 - Jaime Rubio Hervas
, Mahmut Reyhanoglu
Controllability and stabilizability of higher-order nonholonomic systems. 1-5 - David Lindr, Pavel Rydlo:
Feedback control method based on direct servomechanism speed sensing and processing to reduce residual vibration. 1-6 - Zeineb Lassoued
, Kamel Abderrahim
A new clustering technique for the identification of PWARX hybrid models. 1-6 - Rini Akmeliawati
, Safanah M. Raafat
Optimized state feedback regulation of 3DOF helicopter system via extremum seeking. 1-6 - Yanqing Ren, Zaojun Fang, De Xu, Min Tan:
A trajectory prediction algorithm based on fuzzy rectification for spinning ball. 1-5 - Azura Che Soh, Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban
, Marzuki Khalid, Rubiyah Yusof:
A discrete-event traffic simulation model for multilane-multiple intersection. 1-7 - Iasson Karafyllis, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Vector control Lyapunov functions as a tool for decentralized and distributed control. 1-6 - Sajal K. Das, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Ian R. Petersen:
Double resonant controller for fast atomic force microscopy. 1-6 - Ignacio A. Latorre, Eduardo Silva, Mario E. Salgado:
On the effect of adding frequency-response-constrained input channels on the achievable performance of discrete-time control systems. 1-8 - C. Y. Chen, W. D. Hxiao, Y. C. Chen, J. Y. Tu:
Preliminary feasibility studies of real-time substructuring control strategies. 1-6 - Minh Ngoc Dao
, Dominikus Noll:
Minimizing the memory of a system. 1-8 - Chaowen Shen, Simin Yu, Jinhu Lu
, Guanrong Chen
Generating hyperchaotic systems with multiple positive Lyapunov exponents. 1-5 - Leandro Cuenca Massaro, Alain Segundo Potts, Claudio Garcia
Performance analysis of MPC based on structures subject to no-model input/output combinations. 1-6 - Qi Xin, Zhongke Shi, Hongyu Zhu:
Dual estimation of attitude and parameters considering vibration based on GPS and IMU. 1-6 - Ali Moltajaei Farid, S. Masoud Barakati
, Navid Seifipour, Navid Tayebi:
Online ANFIS controller based on RBF identification and PSO. 1-6 - Yu-Ping Tian, Ya Zhang:
High-order consensus in high-order multi-agent systems. 1-6 - Miguel Díaz-Cacho
, Emma Delgado
, Pablo Falcón, Antonio Barreiro
Sensor/actuator system for internet delays and packet losses. 1-6 - Zohreh Alzahra Sanai Dashti, Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli
, Milad Gholami
, Mohammad Teshnehlab:
Neural - Adaptive control for electro hydraulic servo system. 1-6 - Li Xia, Qing-Shan Jia
Policy iteration for parameterized Markov decision processes and its application. 1-6 - Cheol-Kwan Yang, Duk-Sun Shim:
The effect of measurement for time synchronization error in the tightly coupled GPS/INS integration. 1-5 - Zhenishbek Zhakypov
, Edin Golubovic, Tarik Uzunovic
, Asif Sabanoviç
High precision control of a walking piezoelectric motor in bending mode. 1-6 - Gholamreza Khademi
, Hanieh Mohammadi
, Maryam Dehghani
LMI based model order reduction considering the minimum phase characteristic of the system. 1-6 - Jie Chen, Wenzhong Zha, Zhihong Peng, Jian Zhang:
Cooperative area reconnaissance for multi-UAV in dynamic environment. 1-6 - Rendong Ge, Lijun Liu:
An augmented neural network algorithm for solving singular convex optimization with nonnegative variables. 1-6 - Mirhamed Mola, Alireza Khayatian
, Maryam Dehghani
Backstepping position control of two-mass systems with unknown backlash. 1-6 - Ali Shamsaddinlou, Alireza Fatehi
, Ali Khaki-Sedigh
, Mohammad Mahdi Karimi:
Study of Multiple Model Predictive Control on a pH neutralization plant. 1-6 - W. D. Hxiao, J. Y. Tu, C. Y. Chen:
Improvement on adaptive forward prediction controller using a direct-compensation technique. 1-6 - Jing Wang, Jun-Min Wang:
A Riesz basis approach to exponential stability in thermoelasticity of type III. 1-6 - Jiuqiang Han, Ying Cui
, Jun Liu, Xinman Zhang:
An effective computational method for human splice sites identification. 1-4 - Haibo Du, Yigang He, Yingying Cheng:
Finite-time consensus tracking of multiple coupled harmonic oscillations via bounded control. 1-6 - Marcos Orellana, Robert Griñó
Digital AFC control of a three-phase three-wire unity-power-factor PWM rectifier. 1-6 - Masami Saeki:
Rendering of unfalsified PID gain sets for parameter space control design. 1-6 - Chunhui Zhao
, Wenqing Li, Youxian Sun:
A sub-principal component of fault detection (PCFD) modeling method and its application to online fault diagnosis. 1-6 - Jiangrong Li, Junmin Li
, Yu Li:
Observer-based fuzzy control design for discrete-time T-S fuzzy bilinear stochastic systems with infinite-distributed delays. 1-6 - Michael V. Basin
, Pablo Cesar Rodriguez-Ramirez
A super-twisting control algorithm for systems of relative degree more than one. 1-6 - Pablo Falcón, Antonio Barreiro
, Miguel Díaz-Cacho:
Modeling of Parrot Ardrone and passivity-based reset control. 1-6 - Michael V. Basin
, Manuel Serna, Pedro Ivan Lopez-Hernandez:
Central energy-to-peak filter design for uncertain linear systems. 1-6 - Meili Lin, Zhendong Sun:
Calculation of the least L1 measure for switched linear systems via similarity transformation. 1-6 - Xue-Bo Chen
, Chen Ma:
Coordinated control of a four-area power system under structural perturbation. 1-6 - Mohammad Mahdi Delbari, Mohammad Taghi Hamidi Beheshti
, Amin Ramezani, Sadjaad Ozgoli:
Time delay sensitivity analysis in a Wireless Network Control System using LMI approach. 1-4 - Zhiwei Hao, Kenji Fujimoto, Yoshikazu Hayakawa:
Approximate solutions to the Hamilton-Jacobi equations for generating functions: The general cost function case. 1-6 - Shiyu Zhao
, Feng Lin, Kemao Peng, Ben M. Chen, Tong Heng Lee:
Distributed control of angle-constrained circular formations using bearing-only measurements. 1-6 - Cheng-Yen Yu, Jih-Gau Juang:
Application of intelligent systems and DSP to landing controller design. 1-6 - Xinjing Huang, Yibo Li, Shijiu Jin:
A control system based on data exchange using ethernet and CANBUS for deep water AUV. 1-5 - Khadija Dehri, Majda Ltaief, Ahmed Saïd Nouri:
Rejection of sinusoidal disturbances with time varying frequency for discrete multivariable systems: Adaptive control with Q-parametrization. 1-6 - Daqing Zhang, Mengmeng Li, Jinna Li
A data-driven methodology for solving the control strategy of descriptor systems. 1-6 - Sajal K. Das, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Ian R. Petersen:
Multi-variable double resonant controller for fast image scanning of atomic force microscope. 1-6 - Yifei Chen, Qian Sun:
Artificial intelligent control for indoor lighting basing on person number in classroom. 1-4 - Fang Liu, Jinkuan Wang, Yinghua Han, Peng Han:
Cognitive radio networks for smart grid communications. 1-5 - Zhiguang Feng, James Lam, Shengyuan Xu, Shaosheng Zhou:
H∞ performance analysis with transients for singular systems. 1-5 - Wei Liu, Zhiming Wang, Guoliang Chen, Laihua Sheng:
Passivity-based observer design and robust output feedback control for nonlinear uncertain systems. 1-6 - Yu Feng, Xiang Chen, Guoxiang Gu:
Quantized state feedback stabilization with signal-to-noise ratio constraints. 1-6 - Fangfei Li, Yao Chen, Jinhu Lu
, David J. Hill
Cluster consensus of Boolean multi-agent systems. 1-6 - Lin Tie:
On stabilization of continuous-time and discrete-time symmetric bilinear systems by constant controls. 1-6 - Faezeh Farivar
Fault tolerant synchronization for a class of uncertain chaotic systems versus external disturbances using fuzzy sliding mode control. 1-6 - Bingqiang Huang, Yong Gu, Hongye Su:
Experience-based identification and model predictive control for a methanol recovery distillation column. 1-4 - Tansu Alpcan
, Iman Shames
, Michael Cantoni, Girish N. Nair
Learning and information for dual control. 1-6 - Kadri Bugra Ozutemiz
, Akif Hacinecipoglu
, A. Bugra Koku
, Erhan Ilhan Konukseven
Adaptive unstructured road detection using close range stereo vision. 1-6 - Márcio A. F. Martins
, Darci Odloak
Infinite horizon MPC applied to an industrial FCC converter. 1-6 - Kemal Ucak, Gülay Öke Günel:
RBF neural network controller based on OLSSVR. 1-6 - Chien-Hung Liu, Kai-Tai Song:
A new approach to map joining for depth-augmented visual SLAM. 1-6 - Valiollah Ghaffari
, S. Vahid Naghavi, Ali Akbar Safavi, Masoud Shafiee
An LMI framework to design robust MPC for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems. 1-5 - Saïda Bedoui
, Majda Ltaief, Kamel Abderrahim
Gradient based iterative identification for discrete-time delay systems. 1-6 - Senka Krivic
, Aida Mrzic
, Jasmin Velagic, Nedim Osmic
Optimization based algorithm for correction of systematic odometry errors of mobile robot. 1-6 - Guang-Ren Duan:
Solution to second-order nonhomogeneous generalized Sylvester equations. 1-6 - Hamid Reza Karimi, Peng Shi, Bo Wang:
H∞ controller design for the synchronization of a hyper-chaotic system. 1-6 - Tomás Vyhlídal
, Vladimír Kucera, Martin Hromcik:
Spectral features of ZVD shapers with lumped and distributed delays. 1-6 - Yun-Hui Liu:
Formation control of multiple robots using constrained motion formulation. 1-6 - Hyun Seung Son, Jin Bae Park, Young Hoon Joo
The study on tracking algorithm for the underwater target: Applying to noise limited bi-static sonar model. 1-6 - Zhaowei Zhong, J.-H. Zhou, Ye Nyi Win:
Correlation analysis of cutting force and acoustic emission signals for tool condition monitoring. 1-6 - Zool Hilmi Ismail
, Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi
, Matthew W. Dunnigan:
A fault-tolerant control scheme for a hovering underwater vehicle subject to region function formulation. 1-6 - Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Philippe S. Archambault, Maarouf Saad, Cristóbal Ochoa-Luna
, S. B. Ferrer:
Robot aided passive rehabilitation using nonlinear control techniques. 1-6 - Huilin Gao, Lihua Dou, Wenjie Chen, Jian Sun:
Image classification with Bag-of-Words model based on improved SIFT algorithm. 1-6 - Paolo Mercorelli
, Nils Werner:
A cascade controller structure using an internal PID controller for a hybrid piezo-hydraulic actuator in camless internal combustion engines. 1-6 - Taufiq Muhammadi, Wookyong Kwon, Duckman Lee, Sangchul Won:
Tracking control for piezo-actuated stage using sliding mode controller with observer-based hysteresis compensation. 1-6 - S. M. Mahdi Alavi
, Mehrdad Saif
, Bahram Shafai:
State estimation in discrete-time nonlinear stochastic systems subject to random data loss. 1-5 - Ibrahim M. H. Sanhoury, Shamsudin H. M. Amin, Abdel Rashid Husain
Time-varying formation control for nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots via synchronization. 1-5 - Lotfi Mhamdi, Hedi Dhouibi, Noureddine Liouane
, Zineb Simeu-Abazi:
Multiple fault diagnosis using mathematical models. 1-6 - Drago Matko, Matija Arh, Igor Skrjanc, Tine Tomazic:
Self-tuning Dynamic Matrix Control of two-axis autopilot for small aeroplanes. 1-6 - Hua Yang, Shaoyuan Li:
A new method of direct data-driven predictive controller design. 1-6 - Wenwu Yu, Jinhu Lu
, Xinghuo Yu
, Guanrong Chen
A step forward to pinning control of complex networks: Finding an optimal vertex to control. 1-6 - Ali Saadat, Ahmad Akbari Alvanagh, Hamed Rezaei:
pH control in biological process using MMPC based on neuro-fuzzy model by LOLIMOT algorithm. 1-6 - Wen Ji, Jianhui Wang, Xiaoke Fang, Shusheng Gu:
Improved Delphi method with weighted factor and its application. 1-5 - Dong Xiao, Shaohua Shi, Zhizhong Mao, Jichun Wang:
Modeling of guide disk speed of rotary piercer based on PCA-ELM. 1-5 - Mojtaba Rostami Kandroodi
, Farshad Shirani, Babak Nadjar Araabi
, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Maisam Mansoob Bassiri:
Defect detection and width estimation in natural gas pipelines using MFL signals. 1-6 - Eshag Larbah, Ron J. Patton:
Static output feedback adaptive integral sliding control for interconnected nonlinear systems. 1-6 - Selami Beyhan
, Zsófia Lendek
, Musa Alci, Robert Babuska:
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy observer and extended-Kalman filter for adaptive payload estimation. 1-6 - Lin Tie, Yan Lin:
On near-controllability of a class of three-dimensional discrete-time bilinear systems. 1-6 - Sevil Ahmed
, Kostadin Borisov Shiev, Andon V. Topalov
, Nikola Georgiev Shakev, Okyay Kaynak
Sliding mode online learning algorithm for type-2 fuzzy CMAC networks. 1-6 - Dandan Liu, Qijun Chen:
Prediction of building lighting energy consumption based on support vector regression. 1-5 - Dong Xiao, Shaohua Shi, Zhizhong Mao, Jichun Wang:
Modeling and control for the tube blank heating quality of seamless tube. 1-5 - Weiyun Pan, Yufan Zheng:
Stability analysis of social foraging swarm with general nonlinear attraction and repulsion forces and interaction time delays. 1-6 - Mohammad Mahdi Karimi, Alireza Fatehi
, Reza Ebrahimpour, Ali Shamsaddinlou:
Optimized real-time soft analyzer for chemical process using artificial intelligence. 1-5 - Ning Li Lu Wang, Shaoyuan Li, Kang Li:
Neural network based model predictive control performance monitoring-data-driven approach. 1-6 - Hongbiao Fan, Jun-e Feng, Lequn Zhang, Hongli Lv:
A new algorithm for decomposition problem of binary fuzzy relations. 1-4 - Yuji Wakasa, Azakami Ryo, Kanya Tanaka, Shota Nakashima:
FRIT and RLS-based online controller tuning and its experimental validation. 1-5 - Zeliha Kamic Kocabicak, Elif Erzan Topcu, Ibrahim Yuksel:
The development of electromechanical valve actuator and the comparison with the camshaft driven system. 1-6 - Yuanlong Li, Zongli Lin:
Multistability of a class of biological systems. 1-6 - Shigen Gao, Hairong Dong
, Bin Ning, Guanrong Chen
, Yao Chen, Qingwen Liang:
Neuroadaptive robust control of automatic train operation subject to actuator saturation. 1-5 - Chiung-Chou Liao, Chiu-Hsiung Chen, Ya-Fu Peng, Sung-Chi Wu:
A combined backstepping and wavelet neural network control approach for mechanical system. 1-6 - Mohsen A. Bakouri
, Robert F. Salamonsen, Andrey V. Savkin, Einly Lim, Abdul-Hakeem H. AlOmari, Nigel H. Lovell
Feasible approach to control the operation of implantable rotary blood pumps for heart failure patients. 1-6 - Shipei Huang, Hamid Reza Karimi, Zhengrong Xiang:
Input-output finite-time stability of positive switched linear systems with state delays. 1-6 - Guang-Ren Duan:
On a type of second-order generalized Sylvester equations. 1-6 - Xiaomei Zhang, Lei Yan, Yufan Zheng:
Distributed state estimation for Lur'e systems in sensor networks with impulsive effects and intermittent measurements. 1-6 - Andrei V. Dmitruk, Ivan A. Samylovskiy
On a trolley-like problem in the presence of a nonlinear friction and a bounded fuel expenditure. 1-6 - Yao Jing, Du Qiliang:
Multi-scale predictive modeling for achromic power in a Lithopone Calcination process based on EMD. 1-4 - Koichi Fujiwara
, Manabu Kano
Efficient input variable selection for calibration model design. 1-6 - Maxime Gautier, Anthony Jubien, Alexandre Janot
A new iterative online dynamic identification method of robots from only force/torque data. 1-6 - Chien-Shu Hsieh:
A unified framework for state estimation of nonlinear stochastic systems with unknown inputs. 1-6 - Jacob Hammer:
A simple approach to nonlinear state feedback design. 1-6 - Ali Akpek, Chongho Youn, Toshiharu Kagawa:
Temperature measurement control problem of vibrational viscometers considering heat generation and heat transfer effect of oscillators. 1-6 - Yan Liu, Xiaoqing Lu, Jianbo Xu:
Traffic scenes invariant vehicle detection. 1-6 - Yuan Fan, Gang Feng
Event-triggered control of multi-agent systems with suboptimal triggering. 1-6 - Marzia Cescon
, Rolf Johansson
, Eric Renard:
Low-complexity MISO models of T1DM glucose metabolism. 1-6 - Ahmet Cezayirli
, Feza Kerestecioglu
A non-communicating multi-robot system with switchable formations. 1-6 - Nam Kyu Kwon, Bum Yong Park, Sang Mok Jung, PooGyeon Park
LPV controller design with multiple parameters for the nonlinear RTAC system. 1-6 - Eray A. Baran, Edin Golubovic, Tarik E. Kurt, Asif Sabanoviç
Constant velocity control of a miniature pantograph with image based trajectory generation. 1-6 - Selma Hanjalic
, Zeljko Juric, Hamza Sehovic, Branislava Perunicic
A frequency-based method for complete identification of some types of wiener-type plants based on relay feedback. 1-6 - Samuel John
, Jimoh O. Pedro:
A comparative study of two control schemes for anti-lock braking systems. 1-6 - Adel Ahmadi, Mohammad Aldeen
New input-output pairing based on eigenvalue contribution measures. 1-6 - Qiang Shen, Danwei Wang, Senqiang Zhu, Eng Kee Poh, Tianqi Liu:
Adaptive robust fault-tolerant attitude control of spacecraft with finite-time convergence. 1-6 - Ribhan Zafira Abdul Rahman, Rubiyah Yusof, Fatimah Sham Ismail
Model-based fault detection and diagnosis optimization for process control rig. 1-6 - Sy Najib Sy Salim, Zool Hilmi Ismail
, Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat, Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi
, N. H. Sunar, Sharatul Izah Samsudin:
Tracking performance and disturbance rejection of pneumatic actuator system. 1-6 - Rong-Jong Wai, Rajkumar Muthusamy
Fuzzy-neural-network control for robot manipulator via sliding-mode design. 1-6 - Tatsuya Yamazaki, Tomomichi Hagiwara
A note on representation of nonlinear time-varying delay-differential equations as time-delay feedback systems. 1-6 - Wenjun Xiong, Wenwu Yu, Jinhu Lu
, Xinghuo Yu
Fuzzy sampled controller design for consensus of multiagent networks with varying connections. 1-6 - Dong-Xia Zhao, Jun-Min Wang:
On the stabilization of an irrigation channel with a cascade of 2 pools: A linearized case. 1-6 - Biao Zhang, Yanliang Dong:
Study on the pressure feedforward control of electro-hydraulic load system. 1-5 - Yutaka Tsubota, Genki Baba, Kenko Uchida, Toru Jintsugawa, Yosuke Nakanishi:
Reference governor for output smoothing of renewable energy generation. 1-8 - Amira Rachah, Dominikus Noll:
Optimal control of crystallization of alpha-lactose monohydrate. 1-6 - Mohsen Zamani, Brian D. O. Anderson, Elisabeth Felsenstein, Manfred Deistler:
On modeling of tall linear systems with multirate outputs. 1-6 - Alejandro I. Maass
, Eduardo I. Silva:
Performance limitations in the control of LTI plants over fading channels. 1-6 - Mingwei Sun, Zengqiang Chen, Shengzhi Du
Graphical description of autopilot robustness to aerodynamic uncertainties. 1-6 - Andrey V. Savkin, Chao Wang, Ahmad Baranzadeh
, Zhiyu Xi, Hung T. Nguyen
A method for decentralized formation building for unicycle-like mobile robots. 1-5 - Yoshihiro Mori, Yasuaki Kuroe:
Synthesis method of gene regulatory networks having desired expression-pattern transition sequences. 1-6 - Yu Zhong, Abhishek Dutta
, Cosmin Copot
, Clara-Mihaela Ionescu, Robin De Keyser:
Implementation of a fractional PD controller tuned by genetic algorithm for a Steward platform. 1-6 - Ozkan Cigdem, Tinne De Laet
, Joris De Schutter
Classical and subsequence dynamic time warping for recognition of rigid body motion trajectories. 1-6 - Ugur Hasirci, Timothy C. Burg
, Richard E. Groff:
Closed-loop nonlinear adaptive control of anti-angiogenic tumor therapy. 1-6 - Nguyen Gia Minh Thao
, Kenko Uchida:
Control the photovoltaic grid-connected system using fuzzy logic and backstepping approach. 1-8 - Yusuke Watanabe, Naruya Katsurayama, Isao Takami, Gan Chen:
Robust LQ control with adaptive law for MIMO descriptor system. 1-6 - Emre Sariyildiz
, Kemal Ucak, Kouhei Ohnishi, Gülay Öke, Hakan Temeltas
Intelligent systems based solutions for the kinematics problem of the industrial robot arms. 1-6 - Chih-Hui Chiu, Ya-Fu Peng:
Omni-directional spherical mobile system control. 1-4 - Dachuan Li
, Qing Li, Nong Cheng, Qin-fan Wu, Jingyan Song, Liang-wen Tang:
Combined RGBD-inertial based state estimation for MAV in GPS-denied indoor environments. 1-8 - Pengyuan Zheng, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Jun Zhang:
Improved future model prediction and robust MPC design for LPV systems with bounded rates of parameter variations. 1-6 - Yuki Iguchi, Kazuma Sekiguchi
, Mitsuji Sampei:
Stability analysis of symmetrical two-route traffic flow with feedback information delay. 1-6 - Lu Feng, Bo Wang, Zhi-Hong Deng, Shunting Wang, Qizhen Wang:
On-line self-calibration for inertial platform system with a single totally free axis. 1-6 - Andrey V. Savkin, Zhiyu Xi, Hung T. Nguyen
An algorithm of decentralized encircling coverage and termination of a moving deformable region by mobile robotic sensor/actuator networks. 1-7 - Jeng-Dao Lee, Jia-Qi Lu, Suiyang Khoo:
Exact-estimator-based terminal sliding mode control system design. 1-6 - Wei Wang, Changyun Wen
, Jiangshuai Huang:
Adaptive flocking control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots with limited communication ranges. 1-6 - Jinna Li
, Lifeng Wei, Daqing Zhang, Chao Liu, Haibin Yu, Qingling Zhang:
Sampling rate tracking control of networked control systems based on cognitive knowledge of packet disordering. 1-8 - Xinghua Liu, Hongsheng Xi:
Stochastic stability conditions for a class of neutral Markovian jump systems. 1-6 - Seung Gyu Kang, Doo Yong Lee:
Design of a haptic interface for simulation of needle intervention. 1-6 - Chao Zhang, Zhigang Ren, Aimin Zhang, Yuanxin Zhang, Yingsan Geng:
Malicious data injection attack against power system state estimation based on orthogonal matching pursuit. 1-6 - Ali AlSaibie, William Singhose:
Experimental testing of liquid slosh suppression in a suspended container with compound-pendulum dynamics. 1-6 - Chen-Hong Zheng, Chao-Ming Lee, Yu-Chun Huang, Wei-Song Lin:
Adaptive optimal control algorithm for maturing energy management strategy in fuel-cell/Li-ion-capacitor hybrid electric vehicles. 1-7

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