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12th ASCC 2019: Kitakyushu-shi, Japan
- 12th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2019, Kitakyushu-shi, Japan, June 9-12, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-4-88898-300-6
- Anqi Qu, Tomonori Sadamoto, Jun-ichi Imura:
A Design Method for Plug-and-Play Modules of Photovoltaic Generators. 1-6 - Jian Zhang, Jianlei Zhang:
The Coverage Control Solutions Based on Evolutionary Game Theory in the Multi-agent Systems. 1-6 - Viet Hoang Pham, Kazunori Sakurama, Hyo-Sung Ahn:
A Decentralized Control Strategy for Urban Traffic Network. 1-6 - Y. H. Su, Y. Q. Xu, S. L. Cheng, C. H. Ko, K. Y. Young:
Development of an Effective 3D VR-Based Manipulation System for Industrial Robot Manipulators. 1-6 - Takeshi Hatanaka, Tomohiro Ikawa, Daichi Okamoto:
Remodeling of RC Circuit Building Thermodynamics Model with Solar Radiation Based on A Regularization-like Technique. 7-12 - Tetsuya Sekine, Toru Namerikawa:
Load Frequency Control in Connected Power System including Distributed Energy Resources using Iterative Gradient Method. 13-18 - Izumi Masubuchi, Takayuki Wada, Yasumasa Fujisaki, Fabrizio Dabbene:
A New Distributed Constrained Multi-Agent Optimization Protocol with Convergence Proof via Exactness of Penalized Objective Function. 19-24 - Keita Muto, Toru Namerikawa:
Passivity-Short-based Stability Analysis on Electricity Market Trading with Communication Delay. 25-30 - Yasuaki Wasa, Kenko Uchida:
Optimal Dynamic Incentive and Control Contract among Principal and Agents with Moral Hazard and Long-Term Average Reward. 31-36 - Masayuki Hara, Takahiro Funabashi, Hiroyuki Nabae, Masahito Miki:
Towards Novel Micromanipulations of Submillimeter-Scale Particles in a Laterally-Oscillated Rectangular Container. 37-42 - Jari J. van Steen, Mahmut Reyhanoglu:
Trajectory Tracking Control of a Rolling Disk on a Smooth Manifold. 43-48 - Ya-Ting Lee, Song-Fung Zeng, Chian-Song Chiu:
Distributed Path Planning of Swarm Mobile Robots. 49-54 - Enyu Ma, Hui Zhao, Guojiang Zhang, Xin Huo, Yu Yao:
Steady Speed Flywheel Drive System based on Phase-Locked Loop. 55-60 - Manmohan Sharma, Indrani Kar:
Geometric Modeling and Attitude Stabilization of Quadcopters. 61-66 - Trinh Van Giang, Kunihiko Hiraishi:
Algorithms for Finding Attractors of Generalized Asynchronous Random Boolean Networks. 67-72 - Shengwei Luo, Chunhui Zhao:
Transfer and Incremental Learning Method for Blood Glucose Prediction of New Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes. 73-78 - Peter I-Tsyuen Chang, Yi-Jui Yu:
Automatic DNA Geometric Analysis from Atomic Force Microscopy Images. 79-84 - K. K. Tan, J. H. Tan, Y. X. Tan, Rhonda Chee, Lynne Lim:
Overall Strategy for Patient-Instrument Stabilization for an Office-based Ear Surgical Procedure. 85-90 - Tomotaka Uraguchi, Yasuhiro Omiya, Takeshi Takano, Y. Amemiya, Mitsuteru Nakamura, E. Takayama, Shinichi Tokuno, H. Deguchi:
Evaluation of smart devices in the IoT segment using medical healthcare technology MIMOSYS. 91-96 - Taufik B. Setyawan, E. Oressa, Tua Agustinus Tamba, Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Suprijanto:
A Structural Output Controllability Approach to Drug Efficacy Prediction. 97-102 - Makoto Eguchi, Xinyu Zhang, Daichi Sakai, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Tomofumi Hayashi, Mitsuo Hirata, Motoki Takahashi, Yudai Yamasaki, Shigehiko Kaneko:
Simple Adaptive Control for a Diesel Engine Air Path System. 103-107 - Zihao Wang, K. C. Wong:
Autonomous Pest Bird Deterring for Agricultural Crops Using Teams of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 108-113 - Xiaozhuoer Yuan, Xingyu Ren, Bing Zhu, Zewei Zheng, Zongyu Zuo:
Robust H∞ Control for Hovering of a Quadrotor UAV with Slung Load. 114-119 - Bo Yang, Jianhui Xiong, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano:
A Speed Control Strategy for Automated Buses to Cross Intersections while Considering the Motion of Oncoming Vehicles. 120-125 - Riley Lodge, Mohammad Zamani, Luke Marsh, Brendan Sims, Robert A. Hunjet:
A Hybrid Multi-Modal Approach For Flocking. 126-131 - Masaki Kuwata, Koki Shibasato:
Non-task-oriented Dialogue System specialized in distinguishing multiple meaningful words. 132-137 - Yi-Lin Liu, Ching-Chi Huang, Huang-Chih Chen, Li-Chen Fu:
An On-line Variable Speed Scanning Method with Machine Learning Based Feedforward Control for Atomic Force Microscopy. 138-143 - T. Kawashima:
Semi-active Acceleration Control System for In-Car Crib with Joint Application of Regular and Inverted Pendulum Mechanisms. 144-149 - Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne:
Positive Expected Feedback Trading Gain for all Essentially Linearly Representable Prices. 150-155 - Yun Shang, Bing Chen, Chong Lin, Zhiliang Liu:
Distributed Adaptive Tracking Control for a Class of High-order Uncertain Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems via Neural Approximation Approach. 156-161 - Graziano Chesi:
A Novel LMI Condition for Stability of 2D Mixed Continuous-Discrete-Time Systems via Complex LFR and Lyapunov Functions. 162-166 - Soji Kayo, Akiko Nohmi, Noboru Sebe, Masayuki Sato:
Minimal order observer based H∞ controller design based on overbounding approximation method. 167-172 - Dusan Krokavec, Anna Filasová:
Dissipative Approach in Control Design for Linear Discrete-time Positive Systems. 173-178 - Jie Lian, Renke Wang, Feiyue Wu:
Exponential Stability Analysis and Controller Design for LTI Positive System with Controller Failure. 179-184 - Hongyuan Sun, Toru Asai, Ryo Ariizumi, Shunichi Azuma:
Model Matching for MIMO Reference Models with Time Varying Parameter. 185-190 - Jiangrong Li, Zhiguang Feng, Juan Shi, Qiang Xie:
Dissipative Filter Design for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Singular Systems with Stochastic Perturbation. 191-196 - Wanwan Ding, Duanjin Zhang:
H∞ Filtering for Uncertain Delta Operator Systems with Random Time-delays and Limited Communication. 197-202 - Wenling Li, Kai Xiong, Yang Liu:
Diffusion Kalman filter by using maximum correntropy criterion. 203-208 - Ziheng Zhou, Xiaoli Luan, Meifeng Gao, Fei Liu:
High-order moment Bayesian state estimation of nonlinear Markov jump system. 209-213 - Adam Krzysztof Pilat, J. Zrebiec, Bartiomiej Sikora:
Neural velocity observer trained with experimental data supporting stabilization of magnetically levitating sphere. 214-219 - Minho Lee, Taesu Park, PooGyeon Park:
Bias-Compensated Normalized Least Mean Fourth Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering of Impulsive Measurement Noises and Noisy Inputs. 220-223 - Jingjing Guo, Wenli Du, Zhencheng Ye:
Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling of the Acetylene Hydrogenation Process based on Nonlinear Slow Feature Analysis. 224-229 - Ye Yang, Jinhou Han, Chen Chen, Jiarong Xu, Zuwei Liao, Xinggao Liu, Jinshui Chen, Jiangang Lu:
A PSO-LP Cooperative Algorithm for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming. 230-235 - Yalin Wang, Dandan Shang, Xiaofeng Yuan:
A correction method for the proportion of key components in basic HYSYS library based on an improved squirrel search algorithm. 236-241 - Xiaofeng Yuan, Jiao Zhou, Yalin Wang, Chunhua Yang:
Fuzzy C-means Cluster Based on Local Weighted Principal Component Regression for Soft Sensor of an Industrial Hydrocracking process. 242-247 - Zhaocong Liu, Xiang Yin, Shaoyuan Li:
Improved Approaches for Verifying I-Detectability of Discrete-Event Systems. 248-253 - Yongfei Xue, Yalin Wang, Dandan Shang:
Parameter Optimization of Hydrocracker using Multi-block Kriging Metamodeling within Discontinuous Operating Space. 254-259 - Nohaidda Sariff, Zool Hilmi Ismail:
Broadcast and Event Triggered Distributed Consensus Controller for Multi Agent Motion Coordination Systems. 260-265 - Sang-Deok Lee, Seul Jung:
A Complementary Estimation Scheme of Angular Accelerations for Robot Manipulators under Slow Sampling Rates. 266-270 - Nayan Jyoti Baishya, Harutoshi Ogai, Bishakh Bhattacharya:
Design and Development of a New Active Slider Crank Mechanism Based Step Climbing Wheelchair. 271-276 - Shuangshuang Xiong, Zhongsheng Hou, Xian Yu:
Data-driven Formation Control for a Class of Unknown Heterogeneous Discrete-time MIMO Multi-agent System with Switching Topology. 277-282 - Yuichi Tadokoro, Tatsuya Ibuki, Mitsuji Sampei:
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Fully-actuated UAV on SE(3) using Acceleration Characteristics of the Structure. 283-288 - Heisei Yonezawa, Itsuro Kajiwara, Ansei Yonezawa:
Model-free vibration control to enable vibration suppression of arbitrary structures. 289-294 - Chun Liu, Bin Jiang, Ke Zhang:
Output Feedback Fault-tolerant Control for Lead-Wing Close Formation Flight. 295-300 - Yuichiro Sakai, Takayuki Wada, Yasumasa Fujisaki:
Mixed H2/H∞ Balanced Truncations for Discrete Time Linear Systems. 301-306 - Viet Long Bui Tuan, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Ghali Naami:
Robust TS-Fuzzy observer-based control for Quadruple-Tank system. 307-312 - James Dannatt, Ian R. Petersen:
Output Feedback Controller Synthesis for Negative Imaginary Systems. 313-318 - Sabrina K. Rechkemmer, Xiaoyun Zang, Weimin Zhang, Oliver Sawodny:
Towards a Shanghai electric two-wheeler cycle (SE2WC). 319-324 - Suk Won Kim, Yong Woo Jeong, Jin Sung Kim, Seung-Hi Lee, Chung Choo Chung:
Vehicular Vertical Tire Forces Estimation Using Unscented Kalman Filter. 325-330 - Nikhil Ranchod, Jimoh O. Pedro:
Dynamic Neural Network-Based Feedback Linearization Control of Antilock Braking Systems Incorporated with Active Suspensions. 331-336 - Shuyou Yu, Jianjian Zhang, Fang Xu, Hong Chen:
ℋ∞ Control of Semi-Active MR Damper Suspensions. 337-342 - Hakjun Lee, Youngjin Park:
Adaptive Algorithm of Active Sound Design for the Engine Noise. 343-347 - Jing Shi, H. Hou, Jianhua Yang:
Positioning and Orientation by the Integrated System for Underwater Acoustic Arrays. 348-352 - Han-Sol Lee, Eunpyo Choi, Byungjeon Kang, Jong-Oh Park, Chang-Sei Kim:
Gravity Directional Position Control of a Micro-particle through Frequency Variation of a Single Ultrasonic Transducer. 353-357 - Yuya Aosaki, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami:
Model Construction of OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle with Time Delay by Considering Separator and Working Fluid Tank. 358-363 - Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Boby Anditio, Angela Dian Andrini:
Integration of PSO-Based Virtual Sensor and PID to Control Benfield Concentration of a Stripper Unit in a Fertilizer Plant. 364-369 - Chunli Jiang, Kuangrong Hao, Lei Chen, Xin Cai, Lihong Ren:
Design of Optimal Control System for the Whole Process of Polyester Fiber. 370-375 - Zhen Cai, Xuzhi Lai, Min Wu, Luefeng Chen, Chengda Lu:
Compensation Control for Tool Attitude in Directional Drilling Systems. 376-380 - Barenten Suciu, Yuya Ohmura, Kosuke Takeda:
Means to Control the Motion of a Double-Cone on Tilting Divergent-Convergent Straight Rails. 381-386 - Jen-te Yu:
Integrated Designs of Control and Compensation for Output Feedback Linear Quadratic Regulator across an Unreliable Communication Channel. 387-392 - Chang Sik Lee, Dong Eui Chang:
Enhancement of Energy-Based Swing-Up Controller via Entropy Search. 393-398 - Hirofumi Beppu, Ichiro Maruta, Kenji Fujimoto:
A Study on Solutions to Finite-Time Optimal Control Problems by Numerical Gaussian Processes. 399-404 - Bo Tu, Takayuki Ishizaki, Jun-ichi Imura:
Risk-Aware Profit Maximization Problem in Multiperiod Energy Markets with Uncertain Photovoltaics Power. 405-409 - Yuuki Ogata, Toru Namerikawa:
Energy Management of Smart Home by Model Predictive Control Based on EV State Prediction. 410-415 - Kaicheng Pan, Junmin Wang, Lu Lu:
Extremum Seeking Approach to Search the Optimal Feedback Gain of Euler-Bernoulli Beam Equation. 416-420 - Zhong Zhao, Lei Zhu, Shengchen Zhang:
Thermostat Temperature Adaptive Control Based on Relay Feedback Identification. 421-425 - Weiwei Liu, Wei Guo, Jun-Min Wang:
Adaptive Error Feedback Output Regulation for Parabolic PDEs with Unknown Disturbance. 426-431 - Xinyou Han, Wataru Imahayashi, Kenji Sugimoto:
Strictly Positive Real Condition Establishment in Feedback Error Learning Control. 438-443 - Mikhail Yu Medvedev, Viacheslav Kh. Pshikhopov:
Multi-Loop Adaptive Control of Mobile Object Path. 444-449 - Di Zhang, Lihui Cen, Yalin Wang:
A Feedforward Decoupling Dynamic Matrix Control of Heavy Oil Separated Process with Smith Predictive Compensation Principle. 450-455 - Ling Yi, Jinliang Ding, Changxin Liu:
NMR principle analysis based object detection for intelligent measurement of crude oil moisture content. 456-461 - Jinquan Zheng, Wenli Du, Weimin Zhong, Feng Qian:
Just-in-time learning for cement free lime prediction with empirical mode decomposition and database monitoring index. 462-467 - Chen Chen, Xueyuan Li, Ye Yang, Jiarong Xu, Zuwei Liao, Xinggao Liu, Jinshui Chen, Jiangang Lu:
Parameter Self-Tuning of SISO Compact-Form Model-Free Adaptive Controller based on Neural Network with System Error Set as Input. 468-473 - Lester Lik Teck Chan, Junghui Chen:
Reducing Cost of Process Modeling through Multi-source Data Transfer Learning. 474-479 - Chandra Shekar Besta, Nived Madhusoodanan, Rakesh Nair, Shinoy A. P., Shyam K. Pisharody:
LACr for MIMO Chemical Processes. 480-485 - Gökhan Özdogan, Kemal Leblebicioglu:
Cogging Torque Disturbance Rejection for a Low-cost Gimbal Motor and a Controller Design with Practical Considerations. 486-491 - Xin Huo, Jinyu Chen, Qingquan Liu, Xin He:
Vibration Elimination for Quadrotor Slung System Based on Input Shaping and Double Closed-loop Control. 492-497 - JaeSung Yang, Teppei Tsujita, Shunsuke Komizunai, Atsushi Konno:
Cooperative massive object transportation by two humanoid robots. 498-503 - Alireza Bilesan, Saeed Behzadipour, Teppei Tsujita, Shunsuke Komizunai, Atsushi Konno:
Markerless Human Motion Tracking Using Microsoft Kinect SDK and Inverse Kinematics. 504-509 - Nobutomo Matsunaga, Naufal Bayu Fauzan, Hiroshi Okajima, Gou Koutaki:
Archive Method of Stone Wall in Kumamoto Castle Lifted by Small CMG Crane using Model Error Compensator. 510-514 - Hiroaki Mukaidani, Ramasamy Saravanakumar, Hua Xu:
Open-Loop Dymanic Games for Interconnected Positive Nonlinear Systems with H∞ Constraint. 515-520 - Vidya S. Rao, Akhila, Rafael M. Morales-Viviescas:
Extended Kalman observer based Robust Control of 1DOF TRMS. 521-526 - Attaullah Y. Memon, Hassaan A. Qazi:
Robust Output Feedback Depth Control Design for a Class of AUVs in Diving Plane. 527-532 - Bilal M. Yousuf, Maham Ghauri, Aqib Noor, Aamir Ali Dayo, Abdul Saboor Khan, Rabia Fatima:
Trajectory Tracking for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot (NMR) via Non-singular Terminal Sliding Mode Control. 533-537 - R. Monjiyama, Takeshi Mizuno, Yuji Ishino, Masaya Takasaki, Daisuke Yamaguchi:
Force Compensation Based on Observer for Assembly of Magnetized Components. 538-542 - Guanqing Luo, Shigeru Yamamoto:
Efficiency Optimization for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines using Model-Referenced Square-wave Extremum Seeking Control. 543-548 - Stefan Schaut, Fabian Straub, Frank Hepperle, Oliver Sawodny:
Environmental Parameter Prediction for Connected Cars using Machine Learning. 549-554 - Raheel Anjum, Ahmed Yar, I. K. Yousufzai, Qadeer Ahmed, Aamer I. Bhatti:
Second Order Sliding Mode based Speed Tracking Control for Torque Management of Gasoline Engines. 555-560 - Caiqin Song, Liying Sun:
Iterative Algorithm to Coupled Matrix Equations and Its Control Application. 561-566 - Ryosuke Koyanagi, Masaki Takahashi:
Design of Vibration-Isolating Bed for Ambulances Using Inerter. 567-572 - Adrian Gambier:
Nonlinear PI Control of a 20 MW Reference Wind Turbine. 579-584 - Min Ding, Xiaomin Wu, Danyun Li, Weihua Cao, Dianhong Wang, Luefeng Chen:
Optimal Economic Operation of Microgrid Considering Lifetime Characteristics for Hybrid Energy Storage System. 585-590 - Ruimeng Gan, Jin-Liang Shao, Heng Zhang, Yue Xiao:
Analysis on Attack Schedules in Wireless Networked Control Systems based on Channel Hopping. 591-596 - Dongchen Liu, Junzheng Wang, Shoukun Wang, Dawei Shi, Jing Li, Wei Shen:
Autonomous Control of An Electric Wheel-foot Robotic System based on Stewart Structure. 597-602 - Xiuli Zhu, Kuangrong Hao, Xue-Song Tang, Tong Wang, Yicun Hua, Xiaoyan Liu:
The multi-objective optimization of esterification process based on improved NSGA-III algorithm. 603-608 - Hafiz Muhammad Yasir Naeem, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Yasir Awais Butt, Qadeer Ahmed:
Velocity Profile Optimization of an Electric Vehicle with Battery Dynamic Model. 609-614 - Huixin Zheng, Haichao Hong, Shengjing Tang:
An Optimal L1 Navigation Design Framework for Constrained Heading Control and Coordination. 615-620 - Jirapat Jongluxmanee, Oji Kohei, Masaki Yamakita:
Iterative Learning Control for Soil Loading Operation of Excavator. 621-626 - Keisuke Mizuno, Toru Namerilkawa:
Optimization of power flow and scheduling for EV charging based on distributed control. 627-631 - Yuling Fan, Xiaohua Xia:
An optimization method for building retrofit planning based on a grouping method and notch test data. 632-637 - Shiro Masuda:
Iterative PID gain tuning using gradient estimate of variance cost criterion through regulatory control data. 638-642 - Seiya Fujii, Satoshi Uchida, Ikuro Mizumoto:
Adaptive Output Feedback Control and Adaptive Design of Statical PFC for Discrete-Time MIMO systems. 643-648 - Zongcheng Liu, Qiuni Li, Yong Chen, Maolong Lv, Renwei Zuo:
Improved Dynamic Surface Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 649-654 - Guanyu Lai, Changyun Wen, Yun Zhang:
Adaptive Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Saturated Input Quantization. 655-660 - Tung Thanh Mac, Nanako Miura, Akira Sone:
Analysis and Structural Control of the Offshore Wind Turbine Using a Dynamic Mass Damper Optimized by Genetic Algorithm. 661-666 - Jiun-Jau Lai, Che-Cheng Chang, Feng-Li Lian:
Adaptive object tracking of quadrotor in presence of disturbance. 667-672 - Makoto Yokoyama, Akihiko Kakuta:
Pitching Motion Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot with Variable-Pitch Blades via Backstepping Method. 673-678 - Zhiyang Ju, Iman Shames, Dragan Nesic:
Communication Connectivity in Multi-agent Systems with Multiple Uncooperative Agents. 673-678 - Naoto Maezawa, Terumasa Narukawa, Hiroshi Yamamoto:
Torso and swing-leg control for a planar biped walker with hip series elastic actuators. 679-684 - Takeshi Mizuno, Keisuke Nishizawa, Yuji Ishino, Masaya Takasaki, Daisuke Yamaguchi:
Intermediate Control for Stable Trajectory in a Relay-Feedback Mass Measurement System. 685-689 - Yuji Ishino, Takeshi Mizuno, Masaya Takasaki, Daisuke Yamaguchi:
Stabilization of Magnetic Suspension System by using First-Order-Reset Element without Derivative Feedback. 690-694 - Koichi Oka, Isao Tanii, Kazuma Makita, James Lin, Akinori Harada:
Bearingless motor with noncontact power supply* - FEM analysis of rotation performance -. 695-698 - Takeshi Mizuno, Takahito Iida, Yuji Ishino, Masaya Takasaki, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Masayuki Hara:
Realization of Vibration Absorption at Multiple Frequencies on Vacuum Chamber with Cryopump. 699-703 - Zhixun Li, Jie Hong, Jonghyuk Kim, Changbin Yu:
Control Design and Stability Analysis of a Two-Infectious-State Awareness Epidemic Model. 704-709 - Mengzheng Hu, Hiroaki Mukaidani:
Nonlinear Model Predictive Congestion Control Based on LSTM for Active Queue Management in TCP Network. 710-715 - Kaya Akagi, Hiroshi Deguchi:
An agent-based economic model with centralized mode analysis for the economic big data: Method for management and scenario simulation of bookkeeping big data. 722-727 - Zhaorong Zhang, Kan Xie, Qianqian Cai, Minyue Fu:
A BP-like Distributed Algorithm for Weighted Average Consensus. 728-733 - Tianju Sui, Damián Marelli, Ximing Sun, Minyue Fu:
Stealthiness of Attacks and Vulnerability of Stochastic Linear Systems. 734-739 - Yusuke Matsuda, Yuji Wakasa, Eiji Masuda:
Fully-Distributed Accelerated ADMM for DC Optimal Power Flow Problems with Demand Response. 740-745 - Yoshiyuki Tsutsui, Yoshihiko Miyasato:
Observer-based feedback stabilization of distributed parameter systems of parabolic type with non-self-adjoint operators. 746-749 - Wanqi Wu, Ying Zhang, Hui-Jie Sun, Rui Zhang:
Weighted Explicit Iterative Algorithms for Continuous Coupled Lyapunov Matrix Equations. 756-760 - Lingling Li, Shufen Ding, Rongni Yang, Xiaojie Su:
Finite-Region Contractive Stability Analysis of 2-D Fornasini-Marchesini Systems. 761-765 - Yohji Kobayashi:
Robust Optimal Control for Flexible Space Structures by Gain and Phase Compensation Using Displacement Output. 766-771 - Silabhadra Das, Ashish Gupta, Yukinori Kobayashi, Takanori Emaru, Ankit A. Ravankar:
Multi-modal Vibration Control of a Double Shell Railway Car-Body Model using Passive Piezo-electric Shunt Circuit. 772-777 - Phuong-Tung Pham, Keum-Shik Hong:
Vibration Control of a Flexible Marine Riser with Time-Varying Length. 778-783 - Dong Woo Kim, PooGyeon Park:
A novel active noise control system with online secondary-path filter based on a stepsize controller. 784-788 - Taesu Park, Minho Lee, Min Su Kim, PooGyeon Park:
A filtered-x VSS-NLMS active noise control algorithm robust against impulsive noise and noisy inputs. 789-792 - Farinaz Behrooz, Rubiyah Yusof, Uswah Khairuddin:
Hybrid Nonlinear Controller Design for Air Conditioning System. 793-798 - Xuguo Jiao, Qinmin Yang, Chongxi Zhu, Lingkun Fu, Qi Chen:
Effective Wind Speed Estimation and Prediction Based Feedforward Feedback Pitch Control for Wind Turbines. 799-804 - Myat Thiri Ko, Makoto Yokoyama:
Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles via I-O Linearization and Backstepping Method with ISMC. 805-810 - Zhenyu Gao, Ge Guo, Shixi Wen:
Global Fixed-time Trajectory Tracking Control of Surface Vehicles. 811-816 - Amardeep Mishra, Vrushabh Zinage:
On the Application of Adaptive Online Learning based Control on Single Axis Tilting Thrust Vectored Quadcopter. 817-822 - Jince Li, Yongjian Wang, Hongguang Li, Bo Yang:
An Adaptive Optimization Approach Based on the Human factors and Its Application to Process Alarm Thresholds. 823-828 - Qunxiong Zhu, Xiaohan Zhang, Huihui Gao, Zhiqiang Geng, Yongming Han, Yan-Lin He, Yuan Xu:
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM. 829-832 - Ying Feng, Min Wu, Xin Chen, Luefeng Chen, Sheng Du:
Fuzzy PID Control Based on Working Condition Identification for Mould Level in Continuous Casting Process. 833-837 - Jing Zhang, YaNi Pan, Ding Liu:
Numerical Simulation of Thermal Field in Czochralski Monocrystalline Silicon Shoulder. 838-843 - Yunyun Hu, Chunhui Zhao:
Online fault prognostics based on degradation-oriented slow feature analysis and temporal smoothness analysis. 844-849 - Zeyu Yang, Le Yao, Zhiqiang Ge:
A Novel Streaming Variational Bayesian Supervised Factor Analysis for Industrial Adaptive Soft Sensor Modeling. 850-855 - Nobutomo Matsunaga, Yudai Takeuchi, Hiroshi Okajima:
Driver's Gaze-point Analysis of Virtual Platoon Driving for Welfare Vehicle using Direct Eye Measurement Device with HMD. 856-860 - Tomoko Ono, Masaki Takahashi:
Walking Measurement System Including Turning Motion Assessment Using Depth Sensors. 861-866 - Weiming Shao, Zhiqiang Ge, Zhihuan Song, Li Zhao:
Nonlinear Inferential Sensor Development Based on GMM-ELM. 867-872 - Jingbo Wang, Weiming Shao, Zhihuan Song:
Robust Soft Sensing for Multi-mode Processes Based on Bayesian Regularized Student's-t Mixture Regression. 873-878 - Xiaobin Li, Hongfeng Ma, En Fan:
Topology Sequences-based Fuzzy Track Initialization Method For Radars and ADS-B. 879-884 - Xing-Cheng Lin, Ching-Chih Tsai, Feng-Chun Tai:
Cooperative SLAM of an Autonomous Indoor Quadrotor Flying Together with an Autonomous Ground Robot. 885-889 - Gwo-Ruey Yu, Yu-Shan Chiu, Lun-Wei Huang:
Polynomial Fuzzy Control of an Underactuated Robot Using Sum of Squares. 895-900 - Kai-Tai Song, Song-Qing Ou, Yung-Ping-Tien:
A Client-Server Architecture for Object Volume Measurement on a Conveyor Belt. 901-906 - Wen-Chung Chang, Yu-Jia Hong, Van-Toan Pham:
Simultaneous Localization and Calibration Employing Two Flying Cameras. 907-912 - Pengpeng Ye, Jiafan He, Yinya Li, Guoqing Qi, Andong Sheng:
Rectangular Impulsive Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Heterogeneous Control Widths. 913-918 - Mohammad Zamani, Robert A. Hunjet:
Collaborative Pose Filtering Using Relative Measurements and Communications. 919-924 - Limin Zhang, Jian Sun, Guanyu Lai:
Event-Based Leader-Follower Consensus for Linear Multi-Agent Systems with Adaptive Weighting under Directed Communication Topologies. 925-930 - Cheuk Fung Raphael Wong, Kam Fai Elvis Tsang, Ling Shi:
An LQG motivated leader-follower consensus with uncertainty. 931-936 - Tuynh Van Pham, Dinh Hoa Nguyen, David Banjerdpongchai:
Design of Robust Hierarchical Control for Homogeneous Multi-Agent Systems with Parametric Uncertainty and Exogenous Disturbance. 937-942 - Dong Wang, Yun Huang, Wei Wang, Jun Zhao, Linqing Wang:
Event-triggered distributed optimal consensus control for multi-agent systems with actuator saturation. 943-948 - Albert Yosua, Shuang Chang, Hiroshi Deguchi:
Simulating Social Control Mechanisms in Changing Intentions to Implement Transformational Adaptation. 949-954 - Yoshifumi Okuyama:
Stability Analysis of Discrete Event Control Systems Based on Connection Matrices and Graphs. 955-960 - Liqiang Jin, Yanyan Yin, Fei Liu, Kok Lay Teo:
Event-triggered mixed control for Markov jump systems with time delay and input nonlinearity. 961-966 - Daniel Lewandowski, Piotr Lipnicki:
Grinding mill process optimization algorithm. 967-672 - Dongkun Han, Zhaobin Du:
Estimating the Region of Attraction for Switched Nonlinear Systems: A Continuous Piecewise Lyapunov Function Approach. 973-978 - Mochimitsu Komori, A. Minoda, K. Nemoto, Kenichi Asami, N. Sakai:
Dynamic Characteristics of Magnetic Levitation Using SC Coil in the Vertical and Horizontal Directions. 979-983 - Kazuki Ogawa, Makoto Tada, Takayoshi Narita, Hideaki Kato:
Bending Magnetic-Levitation Control for Flexible Steel Plate (Fundamental Consideration on Disturbance Cancellation Control under Disturbance Conditions). 984-986 - Yasuaki Ito, Yoshiho Oda, Takayoshi Narita, Hideaki Kato:
Electromagnetic Levitation System for Thin Steel Plate Using Electromagnets and Permanent Magnets (Fundamental Consideration on Optimal Placement to Suppress the Deflection of Steel Plate). 987-990 - Tomoyuki Taniguchi:
Basic development of inverted pendulum type power generator based on autoparametric resonance for low frequency. 991-996 - Taku Egawa, Takeshi Mizuno, Masaya Takasaki, Yuji Ishino, Daisuke Yamaguchi:
Proposal of Mass Estimation Regardless of Switching Position in a Relay Feedback Mass Measurement System. 997-1000 - Gergely Takács, Tibor Konkoly, Martin Gulan:
OptoShield: A Low-Cost Tool for Control and Mechatronics Education. 1001-1006 - Xiaodong He, Zhiyong Geng:
Stabilization Control for Nonholonomic Vehicles with Second Order Dynamics. 1007-1012 - Meiqing Li, LiYing Sun, Yuangong Sun:
Finite-time Simultaneous Stabilization for Two Nonlinear Singular Systems with Actuator Saturation. 1013-1018 - Masataka Iwai:
Reset Control of Combustion Oscillation Model. 1019-1023 - Guodong Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Shihua Li, Jun Yang, Dan Niu, Xisong Chen:
Consensus algorithms for a class of disturbed nonlinear multi-agent systems via integral sliding-mode control. 1024-2029 - Weiwei Sun, Liping Wang, Xue-Jun Xie:
An Improved Stability Analysis Method for Hamiltonian Systems with Input Saturation and Delay. 1030-1035 - Liyan Wen, Gang Tao, Bin Jiang, Chang Tan, Zehui Mao:
Control Separation Based Model Predictive Control for Rejection of Unmatched Input Disturbances. 1036-1041 - Yuanqing Yang, Baocang Ding, Jun Zhao, Zuhua Xu, Tao Zou, Yong Wang, Jianchen Hu, Xubin Ping:
Neighbour-based Synchronous Distributed Receding Horizon Control for Multi-agent Systems. 1042-1047 - Naoto Abe, Shinya Fukunaga:
Experimental comparison of integral approximations for state predictive control : - Stabilization control of the inverted pendulum with flexible arm -. 1048-1053 - Hansong Yu, Zhongsheng Hou, Xian Yu:
A Controller-Dynamic-Linearization-Based Model Predictive Control Approach for SISO Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems. 1054-1059 - Jinggao Sun, Wuyue Yuan, Rui Xue, Mengling Wang:
An improved multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control with application to semi-batch polymerization. 1060-1065 - Yixuan Wang, Zhen Li, Jun Xu, Jiangang Li:
Multilevel Lattice Piecewise Linear Representation and Its Application in Explicit Predictive Control. 1066-1071 - Xinyu Liu, Lianming Sun, Jianing Liu:
Trigonometric Basis Functions Based Time-Varying Identification Algorithm with Output Weight Factor. 1072-1077 - Boris I. Godoy, Ye Lin, Juan C. Agüero, Sean B. Andersson:
A 2-step algorithm for the estimation of time-varying single particle tracking models using Maximum Likelihood. 1078-1083 - Wei Guo, Tianhong Pan, Zhengming Li, Shihong Ding, Mengling Wang:
Modelling for Multi-Phase Batch Processes using Steady State Identification and Deep Recurrent Neural Network. 1084-1089 - Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Muhammad Farhan, Usman Zafar, Qadeer Ahmed:
On finding battery age through ground truth based data driven approach. 1090-1094 - Yunong Bao, Qinmin Yang, Lingkun Fu, Qi Chen, Chenguang Cheng, Youxian Sun:
Identification of Yaw Error Inherent Misalignment for Wind Turbine Based on SCADA Data: A Data Mining Approach. 1095-1100 - Stefano Massaroli, Renato Miyagusuku, Federico Califano, Angela Faragasso, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama:
A Novel Recursive Linear Estimator Based on the Frisch Scheme. 1101-1106 - Yusuke Eguchi, Kenichiro Nonaka, Kazuma Sekiguchi, Katsumasa Suzuki:
Optimal Excavation considering Operation Progress using Model Predictive Control for Hydraulic Excavators. 1107-1112 - Yulei Wang, Jingyu Li, Ning Bian, Kai Li, Hong Chen:
Robust Adaptive Triple-Step Control for Lane-Keeping of Autonomous Ground Vehicles. 1113-1118 - Nagomu Takeuchi, Masataka Naruse, Kazuma Sekiguchi, Kenichiro Nonaka:
Autonomous Patrol and Invader Detection by Coverage Controlled Quadcopters. 1119-1124 - Milan Anderle, Sergej Celikovský:
On the controller implementation in the real underactuated walking robot model. 1125-1130 - Takahiro Kasahara, Koushi Tsuno, Kenichiro Nonaka, Kazuma Sekiguchi:
Comparative Experiments of Moving Horizon Estimation based SLAM in Indoor Environment. 1131-1136 - Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Tua Agustinus Tamba, I. Faruqi, M. B. Waluya, Augie Widyotriatmo:
On Using Unscented Kalman Filter Based Multi Sensors Fusion for Train Localization. 1137-1142 - Yongxia Shi, Qinglei Hu, Chenliang Wang, Xiaodong Shao:
Distributed Coordinated Control of Spacecraft Formation Flying Under Limited Resources. 1143-1148 - Ge Song, Gang Tao, Chang Tan:
A Distributed Adaptive State Feedback Control Scheme For Output Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems. 1149-1154 - Brendan Sims, Mohammad Zamani, Robert A. Hunjet:
Distributed Connectivity Control in Low Probability of Detection Operations. 1155-1160 - Liya Dou, Cheng Song, Xiaofan Wang, Lu Liu, Gang Feng:
Distributed Target Localization and Enclosing Control for Mobile Agents with Bearing Measurements. 1161-1166 - Ali Raza, Muhammad Iqbal, Jun Moon:
Robustness of Hierarchical Schemes for Multi-agent Systems. 1167-1172 - Hitoshi Katayama:
Design of a State and Disturbance Reduced-order Observer for Sampled-data Underactuated Ships with Constant Disturbance. 1173-1178 - William M. McEneaney, Ruobing Zhao:
Employing the Staticization Operator in Conservative Dynamical Systems and the Schrödinger Equation. 1179-1184 - Hongting Song, Zairong Xi:
Effects of Imperfect Observation on Quantum State Estimation. 1185-1190 - Shigeo Kotake, Daichi Okamura:
Effect of Second-Stage Operation to Rapid Swing-up Control of a Pendulum under Piecewise Sampled-data Control with Vibration Manipulation Function. 1191-1196 - Michael Cantoni, Mark A. Fabbro, Chung-Yao Kao:
On a time-varying delay model for asynchronous sample-and-hold. 1197-1198 - Masayasu Suzuki, Kohta Tamekuni, Mitsuo Hirata:
A remark on zero placement in exact linearization using multi-degree-of-freedom PWM-type input. 1199-1204 - Wonjin Kim, Yeji Shin, Taehoon Kim, Chul-Goo Kang:
Modeling Analysis for System Parameters of a Vertical Input Shaping Control Apparatus. 1205-1209 - Adam Krzysztof Pilat, Bartiomiej Sikora, J. Zrebiec:
Investigation of lateral stiffness and damping in levitation system with opposite electromagnets. 1210-1215 - Satoshi Ueno, Kanta Nakazawa, Changan Jiang:
Improvement of Stability of an Tilt-Controlling Axial Gap Self-bearing Motor with Single Stator. 1216-1221 - Mahmoud S. Mahmoud, Satoshi Ueno, Changan Jiang:
Stiffness Analysis of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines Rotors Using Permanent Magnet Attractive Type Passive Magnetic Bearings. 1222-1227 - Keigo Ikeda, Ryousuke Minowa, Ayato Endo, Hideaki Kato, Takayoshi Narita:
Ride Comfort Control System Considering Physiological, Psychological, and Psychological Characteristics: Experimental Study of LIR. 1228-1232 - Wanglei Cheng, Yonghong Tan, Yuhua Lu, Ruili Dong, Qingyuan Tan, Xiang Chen:
Nonlinear Internal Model Control of EGR Valve. 1233-1236 - Chih-Chiang Cheng, Song-Hua Ju:
Design of Adaptive Block Backstepping Controllers for Perturbed Systems with Input Nonlinearity and Dead Zone. 1237-1242 - Zixin Huang, Xuzhi Lai, Pan Zhang, Min Wu:
Trajectory Planning and Tracking Control for Positioning of Planar Three-link Underactuated Manipulator. 1243-1247 - Saad Jamshed Abbasi, Karam Dad Kallu, Jie Wang, Min Cheol Lee:
Efficient Control of Non-linear System Using Modified Sliding Mode Control. 1248-1252 - Jing Xu, Yugang Niu:
Switching Control of Singularly Perturbed Uncertain Systems using Finite Frequency Strategy. 1253-1258 - Zong-Yao Sun, Xue-Jun Xie, Cai-Yun Liu:
Fast Finite-Time Partial State Feedback Stabilization of High-Order Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties. 1259-1264 - Kenta Hoshino:
On Stability Analysis of Non-Smooth Systems with Density Functions. 1265-1270 - Zulkarnain Ali Leman, Mohd Hatta Mohammed Ariff, Hairi Zamzuri, Mohd Azizi Abdul Rahman, Saiful Amri Mazlan:
Model Predictive Controller for Path Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance Manoeuvre on Autonomous Vehicle. 1271-1276 - Lingyi Yang, Jianbo Lu, Yunwen Xu, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi:
Constrained data-driven RMPC with guaranteed stability. 1277-1282 - Jianchen Hu, Baocang Ding, Yong Wang, Jun Zhao, Zuhua Xu, Tao Zou, Yuanqing Yang, Xubin Ping:
An effcient iterative approach for dynamic output feedback robust model predictive control. 1283-1288 - Stefan Almér, Damian Frick, Giampaolo Torrisi, Sébastien Mariéthoz:
Predictive Converter Control Using Real Time Quadratically Constrained Optimization. 1289-1294 - Minghao Chen, Zuhua Xu, Jun Zhao, Zhijiang Shao:
Dynamic Matrix Control With Feed-Forward for Target Tracking. 1295-1300 - Dinh Hoa Nguyen, Anh Tung Nguyen:
A Machine Learning-based Approach for The Prediction of Electricity Consumption. 1301-1306 - Tatsuki Matsuda, Ichiro Jikuya, Yasuaki Hori, Kentaro Takagi:
Parameter Estimation of the System Composed of a Piezoelectric Element and Multiple Vibration Modes. 1307-1312 - Kenji Ikeda, Hideyuki Tanaka:
On the Uniqueness of the Estimate of Innovations Model. 1313-1318 - Duc Cong Dang, Young Soo Suh:
Gait Analysis Using Foot-Mounted Inertial Sensors and Permanent Magnet. 1319-1322 - Kurt E. Häggblom:
Input Design to Maximize Information for Identification of MIMO Systems. 1323-1328 - Xi Chen, Weihua Cao, Chao Gan, Min Wu:
A novel online learning RECOC-KFDA method for lithologic identification in drilling process. 1329-1333 - Ziquan Yu, Youmin Zhang, Yaohong Qu, Chun-Yi Su, Yajie Ma, Bin Jiang:
Decentralized Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control of Multi-UAVs Under Actuator Faults and Directed Communication Topology. 1334-1339 - Chang Tan, Gang Tao, Hui Yang, Rongxiu Lu:
Adaptive Actuator Failure Compensation for Multivariable Systems Using A Multiple-Model Design. 1340-1345 - Tian-Yu Zhang, Dan Ye, Yue Long:
Detection for Controller-to-Actuator Replay Attack in Cyber-Physical Systems via Pseudo-Random Code. 1346-1351 - Kai Wang, Junghui Chen, Zhihuan Song:
Fault Detection Based on Variational Autoencoders for Complex Nonlinear Processes. 1352-1357 - Yuhang Xu, Hao Yang, Bin Jiang:
Optimal Fault-tolerant Control for A Class of Nonlinear Systems by Using Zero-sum Differential Game. 1358-1363 - Kento Kotani, Toru Namerikawa:
Cooperative transport of quad-rotor by consensus algorithm. 1364-1369 - Chinmay Maheshwari, Srikant Sukumar, Debasish Chatterjee:
Round-robin temporal scheduling of exponentially stabilizing controllers. 1370-1375 - Mohammed Rayyan Sheriff, Masaaki Nagahara:
State-space Realization of Linear Time-invariant Systems with Maximum Measure of Quality. 1376-1379 - Takamitsu Kishida, Kenji Sawada, Seiichi Shin:
Control Flow Verification for Program Safety Update. 1380-1385 - Ryosuke Adachi, Yuh Yamashita, Koichi Kobayashi:
Distributed Estimation over Delayed Sensor Networks with Cyclic Structure. 1386-1391 - Koichi Kobayashi, Kyohei Nakajima, Yuh Yamashita:
Decentralized Event-Triggered Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems Based on Uniformly Ultimate Boundedness. 1392-1397 - Min Su Kim, Taesu Park, PooGyeon Park:
Classification of Steel Surface Defect Using Convolutional Neural Network with Few Images. 1398-1401 - Man Hao, Weihua Cao, Zhentao Liu, Min Wu, Yan Yuan:
Emotion Regulation Based on Multi-objective Weighted Reinforcement Learning for Human-robot Interaction. 1402-1406 - Bo Yang, Yanjun Shen, Hui Yu:
An improved bat algorithm based on multi-subpopulation search strategy. 1407-1412 - Yu-Lun Huang, Wen-Lin Sun, Kai-Wei Yeh:
MLoC: A Cloud Framework adopting Machine Learning for Industrial Automation. 1413-1418 - Yoshihiro Okawa, Tomotake Sasaki, Hidenao Iwane:
Control Approach Combining Reinforcement Learning and Model-Based Control. 1419-1424 - Juntao Fei, Zhilin Feng:
Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control for Micro Gyroscope Using Fuzzy Sliding Gain. 1425-1430 - Jun Song, Yugang Niu, Bei Chen:
Sliding Mode Control of State-Saturated Systems Under Dynamic Event-Triggered Protocol. 1431-1436 - Taichi Mizoshiri, Yasuchika Mori:
Sliding Mode Control with a Time-Varying Lemniscate-Based Sliding Surface. 1437-1442 - Jiehua Feng, Luning Ma, Dongya Zhao, Xinggang Yan, Sarah K. Spurgeon:
Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. 1443-1448 - Haijuan Zhao, Yugang Niu, Yuanyuan Zou:
Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Switched Systems with Partly Known Sojourn Probabilities. 1449-1454 - Sung Hyuk Choi, Chan Gook Park:
Adaptive Scene-Matching Algorithm based on Frequency Pattern Analysis for Aerial Vehicle. 1455-1459 - Lin Ma, Kexin Wang, Zhijiang Shao, Zhengyu Song, Lorenz T. Biegler:
Finite-Element Collocation Based Successive Convexification for Powered Landing Guidance of Reusable Rockets. 1460-1465 - O. B. Iskender, K. V. Ling, Vincent Dubanchet, L. Simonini:
Inscribed Polygon Method for Spacecraft Maneuvering Problem Arising in Single Axis Thruster Configuration. 1466-1471 - Ai-Guo Wu, Rui-Qi Dong, Ying Zhang, Liang He:
Attitude stabilization for flexible spacecraft with inertia uncertainty by a sliding mode control law. 1472-1477 - Qingkai Meng, Hao Yang, Bin Jiang:
Attitude control reconfigurability analysis of 4-CMGs pyramid configuration spacecraft. 1478-1482 - Quankun Li, Xingjian Jing:
Locating Bolt-Loosening Faults in Structures Using a Novel Second-Order Output Spectrum based Method with a Local Tuning Approach. 1483-1488 - Peng Zhu, Wenhan Dong, Yuhao Mao, Haoyu Shi, Xiaoshan Ma:
Kernel Adaptive Filtering Multiple-model Actuator Fault Diagnostic For Multi-effectors Aircraft. 1489-1494 - Zhiqiang Geng, Fenfen Liu, Yongming Han, Qunxiong Zhu, Yanlin He:
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis. 1495-1500 - Dina Martynova, Ping Zhang:
An Approach to Encrypted Fault Detection of Cyber-Physical Systems. 1501-1506 - Wangyan Li, Yitao Yan, Jie Bao:
Vector Dissipativity-Based Distributed Fault Detection for Plantwide Chemical Processes. 1507-1512 - Tomonori Sano, Tomotaka Uraguchi, Hiroshi Deguchi, Tadashi Kurata:
Assignment of encryption data using fog computing technology in food manufacturing industry. 1513-1518 - F. Meiyang Yan, S. Yuan Li:
Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks with Natural Light and Depth Images for Hand Gesture Recognition. 1519-1524 - Lei Yu, Xiaofan Fu, Haonan Xu, Shumin Fei:
Hand-held 3D Dense Map Construction System Based on Improved ICP Algorithm. 1525-1529 - Wenfa Li, Dewei Li, Haibin Shao, Yunwen Xu:
An RGBD-SLAM with Bi-directional PnP Method and Fuzzy Frame Detection Module. 1530-1535 - Haifeng Shen, Xin-Jian Zhu, Hongfei Cao, Binqiang Xue:
Thermal modeling and temperature control of an all-vanadium redox flow battery. 1536-1541 - Ziqiang Cui, Chunhui Zhao:
Spatio-Temporal Broad Learning Networks for Traffic Speed Prediction. 1536-1541 - M. Atif Yaqub, Amad Zafar, Usman Ghafoor, Keum-Shik Hong:
Design of a Novel Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for Human Brain Imaging. 1542-1547 - Biao Wang, Jun-e Feng, Haitao Li:
Matrix approach to reachability of parallel interconnected asynchronous sequential machines. 1548-1553 - Bowen Li, Jianquan Lu, Lulu Li, Jie Zhong, Jungang Lou:
The analysis of local convergence of Boolean networks with state-based disturbances. 1554-1559 - Mitsuru Toyoda, Yuhu Wu:
MCMC Based Selection Probability Estimation for Probabilistic Boolean Networks. 1560-1564 - Jingyi He, Yang Liu:
Event-triggered Control for Output Regulation of Boolean Control Networks. 1565-1570 - Yanna Shi, Huaicheng Yan, Ge Zhou, Changxing Shao, Hao Zhang, Mengling Wang:
Consensus of Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems Based on Decentralized Event-Triggered Scheme. 1571-1576 - Kritika Bansal, Pankaj Mukhija:
A Hybrid Aperiodic Sampled-data Strategy for Distributed Networked Control System. 1577-1582 - Jae-Hyun Park, Jinlong Piao, Eui-Sun Kim, Eunpyo Choi, Jong-Oh Park, Chang-Sei Kim:
Neural Network based Pulley Friction Compensation for Tension Control of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot. 1583-1588 - Jun Yoneyama:
Improved Control Design of Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems. 1589-1594 - Yong Chen, Maolong Lv, Simone Baldi, Zongcheng Liu, Wenqian Zhang, Yang Zhou:
Relaxing the Control-gain Assumptions of DSC Design for Nonlinear MIMO Systems. 1595-1600 - Gijo Sebastian, Ying Tan, Denny Oetomo:
A Unified Analysis Tool in Iterative Learning Control: Composite Energy Function. 1601-1606 - Gijo Sebastian, Zeyu Li, Ying Tan, Denny Oetomo:
Force Observer for an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robotic Device using Iterative Learning Control. 1607-1612 - Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Masaki Takahashi:
Satellite Attitude Control and Power Tracking with VSCMGs During Large-angle and Agile Attitude Maneuvers. 1613-1618 - Yaozhen Han, Ronglin Ma, Weigang Pan, Changshun Wang:
A Novel Super-twisting Algorithm-based Direct Power Control Strategy for Doubly Fed Induction Generator. 1619-1624 - Adrian E. Onyeka, Xing-Gang Yan, Zehui Mao, Dongya Zhao, Bin Jiang:
Reheat Turbine LFC of Power Systems with Multiple Delays Based on Sliding Mode Techniques. 1625-1630 - Keqi Mei, Shihong Ding, Tianhong Pan, Zhengming Li:
Controller Design for Second-Order Sliding Mode Dynamics with an Upper-Triangular Perturbation. 1631-1636 - Li Yu, Guang He, Shulong Zhao, Xiangke Wang:
Dynamic Inversion-Based Sliding Mode Control of a Tilt Tri-Rotor UAV. 1637-1642 - Kazuya Sato:
Simple Autonomous Flight Control of a UAV Flying Above a UGV Using Onboard Camera Vision. 1643-1648 - Aaron Steinbusch, Mahmut Reyhanoglu:
Robust Nonlinear Tracking Control of a 2-DOF Helicopter System. 1649-1654 - Aaron Steinbusch, Mahmut Reyhanoglu:
Robust Nonlinear Output Feedback Control of a 6-DOF Quadrotor UAV. 1655-1660 - Jiafan He, Youfeng Su, Dabo Xu, Andong Sheng:
Event-Triggered Attitude Regulation of Rigid Spacecraft with Uncertain Inertia Matrix. 1661-1665 - Zehui Mao, Gang Tao, Bin Jiang, Xing-Gang Yan, Yali Xue:
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control of A Two-car High-speed Train Model with Inter-car Flexible Link and Traction Actuator Failures. 1666-1671 - Jiale Zheng, Chunhui Zhao:
Process Monitoring under Closed-loop Control with Performance-relevant Full Decomposition of Slow Feature Analysis. 1672-1677 - Yacun Guan, Hao Yang, Bin Jiang, Yajie Ma:
Supervisory Fault Tolerant Control for a Class of Semilinear Wave Equations. 1678-1682 - Shotaro Sato, Toru Namerikawa:
Secure State Estimation under Measurement Attacks using Virtual State in Distributed Observer System. 1683-1688

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