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19th CCS 2012: Raleigh, NC, USA
- Ting Yu, George Danezis, Virgil D. Gligor:
the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS'12, Raleigh, NC, USA, October 16-18, 2012. ACM 2012, ISBN 978-1-4503-1651-4
Keynote address
- Virgil D. Gligor:
On the foundations of trust in networks of humans and computers. 1
Systems security
- Raoul Strackx, Frank Piessens:
Fides: selectively hardening software application components against kernel-level or process-level malware. 2-13 - Yu-Yuan Chen, Pramod A. Jamkhedkar, Ruby B. Lee:
A software-hardware architecture for self-protecting data. 14-27 - Hyungon Moon, Hojoon Lee, Jihoon Lee, Kihwan Kim, Yunheung Paek, Brent ByungHoon Kang:
Vigilare: toward snoop-based kernel integrity monitor. 28-37
Transport layer security
- Martin Georgiev, Subodh Iyengar, Suman Jana, Rishita Anubhai, Dan Boneh, Vitaly Shmatikov:
The most dangerous code in the world: validating SSL certificates in non-browser software. 38-49 - Sascha Fahl, Marian Harbach
, Thomas Muders, Matthew Smith
, Lars Baumgärtner, Bernd Freisleben
Why eve and mallory love android: an analysis of android SSL (in)security. 50-61 - Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
, Frederik Vercauteren
, Vesselin Velichkov, Bart Preneel
A cross-protocol attack on the TLS protocol. 62-72
Anonymity & censorship
- Mashael AlSabah, Kevin S. Bauer, Ian Goldberg:
Enhancing Tor's performance using real-time traffic classification. 73-84 - Max Schuchard, John Geddes, Christopher Thompson, Nicholas Hopper:
Routing around decoys. 85-96 - Hooman Mohajeri Moghaddam, Baiyu Li, Mohammad Derakhshani, Ian Goldberg:
SkypeMorph: protocol obfuscation for Tor bridges. 97-108 - Zachary Weinberg
, Jeffrey Wang, Vinod Yegneswaran, Linda Briesemeister, Steven Cheung, Frank Wang, Dan Boneh:
StegoTorus: a camouflage proxy for the Tor anonymity system. 109-120 - Qiyan Wang, Xun Gong, Giang T. K. Nguyen, Amir Houmansadr, Nikita Borisov
CensorSpoofer: asymmetric communication using IP spoofing for censorship-resistant web browsing. 121-132
Software security
- Dimitris Geneiatakis, Georgios Portokalidis
, Vasileios P. Kemerlis
, Angelos D. Keromytis:
Adaptive defenses for commodity software through virtual application partitioning. 133-144 - Divya Muthukumaran, Trent Jaeger, Vinod Ganapathy:
Leveraging "choice" to automate authorization hook placement. 145-156 - Richard Wartell, Vishwath Mohan, Kevin W. Hamlen, Zhiqiang Lin:
Binary stirring: self-randomizing instruction addresses of legacy x86 binary code. 157-168 - Joan Calvet, José M. Fernandez
, Jean-Yves Marion:
Aligot: cryptographic function identification in obfuscated binary programs. 169-182 - Nigel Edwards, Liqun Chen
An historical examination of open source releases and their vulnerabilities. 183-194
Mobile security
- Chunyi Peng, Chi-Yu Li
, Guan-Hua Tu
, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang:
Mobile data charging: new attacks and countermeasures. 195-204 - Myrto Arapinis, Loretta Ilaria Mancini, Eike Ritter, Mark Ryan
, Nico Golde, Kevin Redon, Ravishankar Borgaonkar:
New privacy issues in mobile telephony: fix and verification. 205-216 - Kathy Wain Yee Au, Yi Fan Zhou, Zhen Huang
, David Lie:
PScout: analyzing the Android permission specification. 217-228 - Long Lu, Zhichun Li, Zhenyu Wu, Wenke Lee, Guofei Jiang:
CHEX: statically vetting Android apps for component hijacking vulnerabilities. 229-240 - Hao Peng, Christopher S. Gates, Bhaskar Pratim Sarma, Ninghui Li, Yuan Qi, Rahul Potharaju, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Ian M. Molloy:
Using probabilistic generative models for ranking risks of Android apps. 241-252
Cloud security
- Shakeel Butt, H. Andrés Lagar-Cavilla, Abhinav Srivastava, Vinod Ganapathy:
Self-service cloud computing. 253-264 - Marten van Dijk
, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, Ronald L. Rivest, Emil Stefanov, Nikos Triandopoulos:
Hourglass schemes: how to prove that cloud files are encrypted. 265-280 - Venkatanathan Varadarajan, Thawan Kooburat, Benjamin Farley, Thomas Ristenpart, Michael M. Swift:
Resource-freeing attacks: improve your cloud performance (at your neighbor's expense). 281-292 - Peter Williams, Radu Sion
Single round access privacy on outsourced storage. 293-304 - Yinqian Zhang, Ari Juels, Michael K. Reiter, Thomas Ristenpart:
Cross-VM side channels and their use to extract private keys. 305-316
Intrusions & abuse
- Muhammad Asim Jamshed, Jihyung Lee, Sangwoo Moon, Insu Yun, Deokjin Kim, Sungryoul Lee, Yung Yi, KyoungSoo Park:
Kargus: a highly-scalable software-based intrusion detection system. 317-328 - Chi-Yao Hong, Fang Yu, Yinglian Xie:
Populated IP addresses: classification and applications. 329-340 - Antonio Bianchi, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna:
Blacksheep: detecting compromised hosts in homogeneous crowds. 341-352 - Yinglian Xie, Fang Yu, Qifa Ke, Martín Abadi, Eliot Gillum, Krish Vitaldevaria, Jason Walter, Junxian Huang, Zhuoqing Morley Mao:
Innocent by association: early recognition of legitimate users. 353-364
Usability, authentication & trust
- Cristian Bravo-Lillo
, Lorrie Faith Cranor
, Julie S. Downs
, Saranga Komanduri, Stuart E. Schechter, Manya Sleeper:
Operating system framed in case of mistaken identity: measuring the success of web-based spoofing attacks on OS password-entry dialogs. 365-377 - San-Tsai Sun, Konstantin Beznosov:
The devil is in the (implementation) details: an empirical analysis of OAuth SSO systems. 378-390 - Tiffany Hyun-Jin Kim, Payas Gupta, Jun Han, Emmanuel Owusu, Jason I. Hong
, Adrian Perrig, Debin Gao
OTO: online trust oracle for user-centric trust establishment. 391-403 - Alexei Czeskis, Michael Dietz, Tadayoshi Kohno, Dan S. Wallach, Dirk Balfanz:
Strengthening user authentication through opportunistic cryptographic identity assertions. 404-414
Infrastructure security & privacy
- Weining Yang, Ninghui Li, Yuan Qi, Wahbeh H. Qardaji, Stephen E. McLaughlin, Patrick D. McDaniel:
Minimizing private data disclosures in the smart grid. 415-427 - Wei-Hong Chuang, Ravi Garg, Min Wu:
How secure are power network signature based time stamps? 428-438 - Stephen E. McLaughlin, Patrick D. McDaniel:
SABOT: specification-based payload generation for programmable logic controllers. 439-449 - Tyler Nighswander, Brent M. Ledvina, Jonathan Diamond, Robert Brumley, David Brumley
GPS software attacks. 450-461 - Ishtiaq Rouf, Hossen Asiful Mustafa
, Miao Xu, Wenyuan Xu, Robert D. Miller, Marco Gruteser:
Neighborhood watch: security and privacy analysis of automatic meter reading systems. 462-473
Applied cryptography I
- Joseph A. Akinyele, Matthew Green, Susan Hohenberger, Matthew W. Pagano:
Machine-generated algorithms, proofs and software for the batch verification of digital signature schemes. 474-487 - José Bacelar Almeida
, Manuel Barbosa
, Endre Bangerter, Gilles Barthe
, Stephan Krenn, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin
Full proof cryptography: verifiable compilation of efficient zero-knowledge protocols. 488-500 - Dario Fiore, Rosario Gennaro:
Publicly verifiable delegation of large polynomials and matrix computations, with applications. 501-512 - S. Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Fernando Krell, Tal Malkin, Mariana Raykova, Yevgeniy Vahlis:
Secure two-party computation in sublinear (amortized) time. 513-524 - Jan Camenisch, Anna Lysyanskaya, Gregory Neven:
Practical yet universally composable two-server password-authenticated secret sharing. 525-536
Network Security
- Alexandra Boldyreva, Robert Lychev:
Provable security of S-BGP and other path vector protocols: model, analysis and extensions. 541-552 - Guanhua Yan, Ritchie Lee, Alex Kent, David H. Wolpert:
Towards a bayesian network game framework for evaluating DDoS attacks and defense. 553-566 - Haifeng Yu, Phillip B. Gibbons, Chenwei Shi:
DCast: sustaining collaboration in overlay multicast despite rational collusion. 567-580 - Zhaoyan Xu, Lingfeng Chen, Guofei Gu, Christopher Kruegel:
PeerPress: utilizing enemies' P2P strength against them. 581-592 - Zhiyun Qian
, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Yinglian Xie:
Collaborative TCP sequence number inference attack: how to crack sequence number under a second. 593-604
- Xiang Cai, Xin Cheng Zhang, Brijesh Joshi, Rob Johnson:
Touching from a distance: website fingerprinting attacks and defenses. 605-616 - Reza Shokri
, George Theodorakopoulos
, Carmela Troncoso, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Jean-Yves Le Boudec:
Protecting location privacy: optimal strategy against localization attacks. 617-627 - Mudhakar Srivatsa, Michael Hicks:
Deanonymizing mobility traces: using social network as a side-channel. 628-637 - Rui Chen, Gergely Ács, Claude Castelluccia:
Differentially private sequential data publication via variable-length n-grams. 638-649 - Ilya Mironov
On significance of the least significant bits for differential privacy. 650-661
Advertising security & privacy
- Michaela Hardt, Suman Nath
Privacy-aware personalization for mobile advertising. 662-673 - Zhou Li
, Kehuan Zhang, Yinglian Xie, Fang Yu, XiaoFeng Wang:
Knowing your enemy: understanding and detecting malicious web advertising. 674-686 - Istemi Ekin Akkus, Ruichuan Chen, Michaela Hardt, Paul Francis, Johannes Gehrke:
Non-tracking web analytics. 687-698
- Michael Backes, Ankit Malik, Dominique Unruh
Computational soundness without protocol restrictions. 699-711 - Mihhail Aizatulin, Andrew D. Gordon, Jan Jürjens:
Computational verification of C protocol implementations by symbolic execution. 712-723 - Gilles Barthe
, David Pointcheval
, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin
Verified security of redundancy-free encryption from Rabin and RSA. 724-735
Web security
- Nick Nikiforakis, Luca Invernizzi, Alexandros Kapravelos, Steven Van Acker, Wouter Joosen, Christopher Kruegel, Frank Piessens, Giovanni Vigna:
You are what you include: large-scale evaluation of remote javascript inclusions. 736-747 - Willem De Groef, Dominique Devriese
, Nick Nikiforakis, Frank Piessens:
FlowFox: a web browser with flexible and precise information flow control. 748-759 - Mario Heiderich, Marcus Niemietz, Felix Schuster, Thorsten Holz
, Jörg Schwenk:
Scriptless attacks: stealing the pie without touching the sill. 760-771
Secure computation
- Andreas Holzer, Martin Franz, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Helmut Veith:
Secure two-party computations in ANSI C. 772-783 - Mihir Bellare, Viet Tung Hoang, Phillip Rogaway:
Foundations of garbled circuits. 784-796 - Seny Kamara, Payman Mohassel, Ben Riva:
Salus: a system for server-aided secure function evaluation. 797-808
- Markus Kammerstetter, Christian Platzer, Gilbert Wondracek:
Vanity, cracks and malware: insights into the anti-copy protection ecosystem. 809-820 - Chris Grier, Lucas Ballard, Juan Caballero, Neha Chachra, Christian J. Dietrich, Kirill Levchenko, Panayiotis Mavrommatis, Damon McCoy, Antonio Nappa
, Andreas Pitsillidis, Niels Provos, M. Zubair Rafique, Moheeb Abu Rajab, Christian Rossow, Kurt Thomas, Vern Paxson, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker:
Manufacturing compromise: the emergence of exploit-as-a-service. 821-832 - Leyla Bilge, Tudor Dumitras:
Before we knew it: an empirical study of zero-day attacks in the real world. 833-844 - Damon McCoy, Hitesh Dharmdasani, Christian Kreibich, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Stefan Savage:
Priceless: the role of payments in abuse-advertised goods. 845-856
- Jason Crampton, Gregory Z. Gutin, Anders Yeo
On the parameterized complexity of the workflow satisfiability problem. 857-868 - Kai Engelhardt, Ron van der Meyden
, Chenyi Zhang
Intransitive noninterference in nondeterministic systems. 869-880 - Scott Moore, Aslan Askarov, Stephen Chong:
Precise enforcement of progress-sensitive security. 881-893 - Mads Dam, Gurvan Le Guernic
, Andreas Lundblad:
TreeDroid: a tree automaton based approach to enforcing data processing policies. 894-905
Payments, votes & reputation
- Ghassan Karame, Elli Androulaki, Srdjan Capkun:
Double-spending fast payments in bitcoin. 906-917 - Véronique Cortier, Graham Steel, Cyrille Wiedling:
Revoke and let live: a secure key revocation api for cryptographic devices. 918-928 - Man Ho Au
, Apu Kapadia:
PERM: practical reputation-based blacklisting without TTPS. 929-940 - David Bernhard, Véronique Cortier, Olivier Pereira, Bogdan Warinschi:
Measuring vote privacy, revisited. 941-952
Applied cryptography II
- Dominique Schröder
, Heike Schröder:
Verifiable data streaming. 953-964 - Seny Kamara, Charalampos Papamanthou, Tom Roeder:
Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption. 965-976 - Peter Williams, Radu Sion
, Alin Tomescu:
PrivateFS: a parallel oblivious file system. 977-988
Posters & demos
- Marian Harbach
, Sascha Fahl, Thomas Muders, Matthew Smith:
Towards measuring warning readability. 989-991 - Lung-Hao Lee, Yen-Cheng Juan, Kuei-Ching Lee, Wei-Lin Tseng, Hsin-Hsi Chen
, Yuen-Hsien Tseng
Context-aware web security threat prevention. 992-994 - Érik Archambault, Craig A. Shue:
Understanding new anonymity networks from a user's perspective. 995-997 - Giovanni Russello, Mauro Conti
, Bruno Crispo, Earlence Fernandes, Yury Zhauniarovich:
Demonstrating the effectiveness of MOSES for separation of execution modes. 998-1000 - Abedelaziz Mohaisen, Xinwen Zhang, Max Schuchard, Haiyong Xie, Yongdae Kim
Protecting access privacy of cached contents in information centric networks. 1001-1003 - Eitan Menahem, Gabi Nakibly, Yuval Elovici:
Network-based intrusion detection systems go active! 1004-1006 - Kenrick J. Mock
, Bogdan Hoanca, Justin Weaver, Mikal Milton:
Real-time continuous iris recognition for authentication using an eye tracker. 1007-1009 - Giuseppe Petracca, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini
, William G. Horne, Marco Casassa Mont
ReasONets: a fuzzy-based approach for reasoning on network incidents. 1010-1012 - Xian Pan, Zhen Ling, Aniket Pingley, Wei Yu
, Nan Zhang, Xinwen Fu
How privacy leaks from bluetooth mouse? 1013-1015 - Aditi Gupta, Sam Kerr, Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Elisa Bertino:
Marlin: making it harder to fish for gadgets. 1016-1018 - Xiang Cui, Binxing Fang, Peng Liao, Chaoge Liu:
Advanced triple-channel botnets: model and implementation. 1019-1021 - Bilal Shebaro, Salmin Sultana, Shakthidhar Reddy Gopavaram, Elisa Bertino:
Demonstrating a lightweight data provenance for sensor networks. 1022-1024 - Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu
, Yao Liu, Muyuan Li, Zhenfu Cao
Location privacy leaking from spectrum utilization information in database-driven cognitive radio network. 1025-1027 - Jiawei Yuan, Lu Shi, Shucheng Yu
, Ming Li:
Authenticated secret key extraction using channel characteristics for body area networks. 1028-1030 - Shumin Guo, Keke Chen:
Privacy preserving boosting in the cloud with secure half-space queries. 1031-1033 - Chao Yang, Vinod Yegneswaran, Phillip A. Porras, Guofei Gu:
Detecting money-stealing apps in alternative Android markets. 1034-1036 - Zhaoyan Xu, Jialong Zhang, Guofei Gu, Zhiqiang Lin:
Automatic generation of vaccines for malware immunization. 1037-1039 - Jidong Xiao, Zhang Xu, Hai Huang, Haining Wang:
A covert channel construction in a virtualized environment. 1040-1042 - Bo Chen, Reza Curtmola:
Robust dynamic remote data checking for public clouds. 1043-1045 - Supriyo Chakraborty, Kasturi Rangan Raghavan, Mani B. Srivastava
, Harris Teague:
Model-based context privacy for personal data streams. 1046-1048 - Dongxi Liu, Shenlu Wang
Query encrypted databases practically. 1049-1051
- Ruby B. Lee, Simha Sethumadhavan, G. Edward Suh:
Hardware enhanced security. 1052 - Stuart S. Shapiro:
The state and evolution of privacy by design. 1053 - David Dagon:
Large-scale DNS data analysis. 1054-1055
- Alvaro A. Cárdenas, Blaine Nelson, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein
Fifth ACM workshop on artificial intelligence and security (AISec 2012). 1056-1057 - Xinwen Zhang, Xuhua Ding:
STC 2012: the seventh ACM workshop on scalable trusted computing. 1058-1059 - Srdjan Capkun, Seny Kamara:
4th cloud computing security workshop (CCSW 2012). 1060-1061 - William Enck, Xuxian Jiang:
CCS'12 co-located workshop summary for SPSM 2012. 1062-1063 - Nikita Borisov
11th workshop on privacy in the electronic society. 1064-1065 - Mihai Christodorescu:
Second workshop on building analysis datasets and gathering experience returns for security (BADGERS'12). 1066-1067

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