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CEC 2004: Portland, OR, USA
- Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2004, 19-23 June 2004, Portland, OR, USA. IEEE 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8515-2
- Robert Axelrod:
The future of cooperation. - Xin Yao:
How powerful is your evolutionary, algorithm? - Una-May O'Reilly:
Emergent design: opportunities for agent-based and evolutionary computation. - Anna-Louise Reysenbach:
You are what you eat: dinner in high temperature ecosystems.
Volume 1
- Yaochu Jin, Tatsuya Okabe, Bernhard Sendhoff:
Neural network regularization and ensembling using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. 1-8 - Marco Farina, Massimiliano Gobbi:
A fuzzy-optima definition based multiobjective optimization of a racing car tyre-suspension system. 9-16 - Rajan Filomeno Coelho
, Philippe Bouillard:
PAMUC II for multicriteria optimization of mechanical designs with expert rules. 17-22 - Kevin I. Smith, Richard M. Everson, Jonathan E. Fieldsend:
Dominance measures for multi-objective simulated annealing. 23-30 - Dwight Deugo, Darrell Ferguson:
Evolution to the Xtreme: evolving evolutionary strategies using a meta-level approach. 31-38 - Ying-Ping Chen, David E. Goldberg:
Convergence time for the linkage learning genetic algorithm. 39-46 - Dirk V. Arnold:
An analysis of evolutionary gradient search. 47-54 - Ambedkar Dukkipati, M. Narasimha Murty, Shalabh Bhatnagar:
Cauchy annealing schedule: an annealing schedule for Boltzmann selection scheme in evolutionary algorithms. 55-62 - Yoko Kobayashi, Eitaro Aiyoshi:
Optimization algorithm using multi-agents and reinforcement learning. 63-68 - Jorge Tavares, Francisco B. Pereira
, Ernesto Costa:
Understanding the role of insertion and correction in the evolution of Golomb rulers. 69-76 - Weiguo Sheng, Xiaohui Liu:
A hybrid algorithm for k-medoid clustering of large data sets. 77-82 - Yaniv Bernstein, Xiaodong Li, Victor Ciesielski, Andy Song:
Multiobjective parsimony enforcement for superior generalisation performance. 83-89 - Xiaohui Hu, Yuhui Shi, Russell C. Eberhart:
Recent advances in particle swarm. 90-97 - Daniel Parrott, Xiaodong Li:
A particle swarm model for tracking multiple peaks in a dynamic environment using speciation. 98-103 - Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon, Catherine Adley:
The automatic generation of programs for classification problems with grammatical swarm. 104-110 - Gerry V. Dozier, Douglas Brown, John Hurley, Krystal Cain:
Vulnerability analysis of AIS-based intrusion detection systems via genetic and particle swarm red teams. 111-116 - Graham Kendall, Kristian Spoerer:
Scripting the game of Lemmings with a genetic algorithm. 117-124 - Ben Chan, Jörg Denzinger, Darryl Gates, Kevin Loose, John W. Buchanan:
Evolutionary behavior testing of commercial computer games. 125-132 - Fulvio Corno
, Ernesto Sánchez, Giovanni Squillero
On the evolution of corewar warriors. 133-138 - Nicholas Cole, Sushil J. Louis, Chris Miles:
Using a genetic algorithm to tune first-person shooter bots. 139-145 - Christian Spieth, Felix Streichert, Nora Speer, Andreas Zell:
Utilizing an island model for EA to preserve solution diversity for inferring gene regulatory networks. 146-151 - Christian Spieth, Felix Streichert, Nora Speer, Andreas Zell:
A memetic inference method for gene regulatory networks based on S-Systems. 152-157 - Jem J. Rowland:
On genetic programming and knowledge discovery in transcriptome data. 158-165 - Stefan Bleuler, Amela Prelic, Eckart Zitzler:
An EA framework for biclustering of gene expression data. 166-173 - Zhaowang Ji, Anthony Chen, Kitti Subprasom:
Finding multi-objective paths in stochastic networks: a simulation-based genetic algorithm approach. 174-180 - Anthony Chen, Piya Chootinan, Surachet Pravinvongvuth:
An evolutionary approach for finding optimal automatic vehicle identification reader locations in transportation networks. 181-187 - Hiroyuki Sato, Hernán E. Aguirre, Kiyoshi Tanaka:
Local dominance using polar coordinates to enhance multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. 188-195 - Hernán E. Aguirre, Kiyoshi Tanaka:
Insights on properties of multiobjective MNK-landscapes. 196-203 - Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos, Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Nicos G. Pavlidis
, Vassilis P. Plagianakos, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Vector evaluated differential evolution for multiobjective optimization. 204-211 - Sanaz Mostaghim, Michael Hoffmann
, Peter H. Konig, Thomas Frauenheim, Jürgen Teich:
Molecular force field parametrization using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. 212-219 - Benjamin Weinberg, El-Ghazali Talbi:
NFL theorem is unusable on structured classes of problems. 220-226 - Thomas M. English:
No more lunch: analysis of sequential search. 227-234 - Mario Köppen:
No-Free-Lunch theorems and the diversity of algorithms. 235-241 - R. Chow:
Effects of phenotypic feedback and the coupling of genotypic and phenotypic spaces in genetic searches. 242-249 - Justin Schonfeld, Daniel A. Ashlock:
A comparison of the robustness of evolutionary computation and random walks. 250-257 - Garrison W. Greenwood:
Differing mathematical perspectives of genotype space in combinatorial problems: metric spaces vs pretopological spaces. 258-264 - Stuart Bain, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar:
Evolving algorithms for constraint satisfaction. 265-272 - Gerry V. Dozier:
Recurrent distributed constraint satisfaction via genetic and evolutionary societies of hill-climbers. 273-279 - Ming Yuchi, Jong-Hwan Kim:
Grouping-based evolutionary algorithm: seeking balance between feasible and infeasible individuals of constrained optimization problems. 280-287 - Sangameswar Venkatraman, Gary G. Yen:
A simple elitist genetic algorithm for constrained optimization. 288-295 - Petru-Aurelian Simionescu, David Beale, Gerry Vernon Dozier:
Constrained optimization problem solving using estimation of distribution algorithms. 296-302 - Yaser Alkhalifah, Roger L. Wainwright:
A genetic algorithm applied to graph problems involving subsets of vertices. 303-308 - Santhoji Katare, Alex Kalos, David H. West:
A hybrid swarm optimizer for efficient parameter estimation. 309-315 - Zhihua Cui, Jianchao Zeng, Xingjuan Cai:
A new stochastic particle swarm optimizer. 316-319 - Shuyuan Yang, Min Wang, Licheng Jiao
A quantum particle swarm optimization. 320-324 - Jun Sun, Bin Feng, Wenbo Xu:
Particle swarm optimization with particles having quantum behavior. 325-331 - Thiemo Krink, Bogdan Filipic, Gary B. Fogel:
Noisy optimization problems - a particular challenge for differential evolution? 332-339 - James Kennedy:
Probability and dynamics in the particle swarm. 340-347 - Siang Yew Chong, Xin Yao:
The impact of noise on iterated prisoner's dilemma with multiple levels of cooperation. 348-355 - Nelis Franken, Andries P. Engelbrecht:
PSO approaches to coevolve IPD strategies. 356-363 - Philip Hingston, Graham Kendall:
Learning versus evolution in iterated prisoner's dilemma. 364-372 - Alexandro Mark, Bernhard Sendhoff, Heiko Wersing:
A decision making framework for game playing using evolutionary optimization and learning. 373-380 - Dan Ashlock, Eun-Youn Kim, Warren K. von Roeschlaub:
Fingerprints: enabling visualization and automatic analysis of strategies for two player games. 381-387 - Xiaolu Sun, Winfried Just:
Evolution of strategies in modified sequential assessment games. 388-394 - Ian C. Parmee, Johnson A. R. Abraham:
Supporting implicit learning via the visualisation of COGA multi-objective data. 395-402 - Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Salvador Botello Rionda, Carlos Artemio Coello Coello:
PASSSS: an implementation of a novel diversity strategy for handling constraints. 403-410 - Rafal Kicinger, Tomasz Arciszewski, Kenneth A. De Jong:
Morphogenesis and structural design: cellular automata representations of steel structures in tall buildings. 411-418 - Kenneth M. Bryden, Daniel A. Ashlock, Douglas S. McCorkle:
An application of graph based evolutionary algorithms for diversity preservation. 419-426 - Sunil Suram, Kenneth M. Bryden, Daniel A. Ashlock:
Quantitative trait loci based solution of an inverse radiation heat transfer problem. 427-432 - Nathan Dorris, Brian Carnahan, Luke Orsini, Lois-Ann Kuntz:
Interactive evolutionary design of anthropomorphic symbols. 433-440 - Hisao Ishibuchi, Kiyoshi Narukawa:
Performance evaluation of simple multiobjective genetic local search algorithms on multiobjective 0/1 knapsack problems. 441-448 - Hernán E. Aguirre, Kiyoshi Tanaka:
Effects of elitism and population climbing on multiobjective MNK-landscapes. 449-456 - Enrique Dunn, Gustavo Olague
, Evelyne Lutton, Marc Schoenauer:
Pareto optimal sensing strategies for an active vision system. 457-463 - Yeboon Yun, Masao Arakawa
, Hirotaka Nakayama:
Fitness evaluation using generalized data envelopment analysis in MOGA. 464-471 - Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Robert Ian Mc Kay:
An investigation on the roles of insertion and deletion operators in tree adjoining grammar guided genetic programming. 472-477 - Yin Shan, Robert I. McKay, Rohan Baxter, Hussein A. Abbass, Daryl Essam, Nguyen Xuan Hoai:
Grammar model-based program evolution. 478-485 - Marco Tomassini, Leonardo Vanneschi
, Jerome Cuendet, Francisco Fernández:
A new technique for dynamic size populations in genetic programming. 486-493 - Victor Ciesielski, Xiang Li:
Experiments with explicit for-loops in genetic programming. 494-501 - Elizabeth León, Olfa Nasraoui, Jonatan Gómez:
Anomaly detection based on unsupervised niche clustering with application to network intrusion detection. 502-508 - Ankur Teredesai, Venu Govindaraju:
Issues in evolving GP based classifiers for a pattern recognition task. 509-515 - Robert Ouellette, Matthew Browne, Kotaro Hirasawa:
Genetic algorithm optimization of a convolutional neural network for autonomous crack detection. 516-521 - Trent Ashburn, Eric Bonabeau:
Interactive inversion of financial markets agent-based models. 522-529 - Deepak Devicharan, Chilukuri K. Mohan:
Particle swarm optimization with adaptive linkage learning. 530-535 - Leticia C. Cagnina, Susana C. Esquivel, Raúl Héctor Gallard:
Particle swarm optimization for sequencing problems: a case study. 536-541 - Yu Liu, Zheng Qin, Xingshi He:
Supervisor-student model in particle swarm optimization. 542-547 - Arvind S. Mohais, Christopher Ward, Christian Posthoff:
Randomized directed neighborhoods with edge migration in particle swarm optimization. 548-555 - Flor A. Castillo, Jeff D. Sweeney, Wayne E. Zirk:
Using evolutionary algorithms to suggest variable transformations in linear model lack-of-fit situations. 556-560 - Arthur K. Kordon, Ching-Tai Lue:
Symbolic regression modeling of blown film process effects. 561-568 - Bogdan Filipic, Tea Robic:
A comparative study of coolant flow optimization on a steel casting machine. 569-573 - Philip M. Jones, Ashutosh Tiwari, Rajkumar Roy
, John Corbett:
Optimisation of the high efficiency deep grinding process with fuzzy fitness function and constraints. 574-581 - David Corne, Carey Pridgeon:
Investigating issues in the reconstructability of genetic regulatory networks. 582-589 - Sung-Bae Cho, Chanho Park:
Speciated GA for optimal ensemble classifiers in DNA microarray classification. 590-597 - Alain Deschênes, Kay C. Wiese:
Using stacking-energies (INN and INN-HB) for improving the accuracy of RNA secondary structure prediction with an evolutionary algorithm - a comparison to known structures. 598-606 - Gary B. Fogel, Dana G. Weekes, Rangarajan Sampath, David J. Ecker:
Parameter optimization of an evolutionary algorithm for RNA structure discovery. 607-613 - Manabu Kotani, Daisuke Kato:
Feature extraction using coevolutionary genetic programming. 614-619 - Kit Yan Chan, Mehmet Emin Aydin, Terence C. Fogarty:
An empirical study on the performance of factorial design based crossover on parametrical problems. 620-627 - Yi Zou, Zhenquan Zhuang, Huanhuan Chen:
HW-SW partitioning based on genetic algorithm. 628-633 - Jin-Hyuk Hong, Sung-Bae Cho:
Evolution of emergent behaviors for shooting game characters in Robocode. 634-638 - Hugo de Garis, Thayne Batty:
Robust, reversible, nano-scale, femto-second-switching circuits and their evolution. 639-645 - Toshiharu Hatanaka, Yoshio Kawaguchi, Katsuji Uosaki:
Nonlinear system identification based on evolutionary fuzzy modeling. 646-651 - Anthony Brabazon, Arlindo Silva, Tiago Ferra de Sousa, Michael O'Neill, Robin Matthews, Ernesto Costa:
Investigating organizational strategic inertia using a particle swarm model. 652-659 - Celia Gutiérrez:
Heuristics for a general scheduling problem. 660-665 - Wei Gao:
Fast immunized evolutionary programming. 666-670 - David Cohen:
Using SAT scores as predictors for future academic success. 671-677 - Chung-Yuan Huang, Chuen-Tsai Sun:
Self-adaptive routing based on learning classifier systems. 678-682 - Shinji Eto, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu:
Functional localization of genetic network programming and its application to a pursuit problem. 683-690 - Oliver Bandte:
Visualizing information in an interactive evolutionary design process. 691-698 - Maria E. De San Pedro, Daniel Pandolfi, Andrea Villagra, Marta Lasso, Raúl Héctor Gallard:
Effect of crossover operators under multirecombination: weighted tardiness, a test case. 699-705 - Jinhua Zheng, Charles X. Ling, Zhongzhi Shi, Yong Xie:
Some discussions about MOGAs: individual relations, non-dominated set, and application on automatic negotiation. 706-712 - Hiroshi Nakagoe, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu:
Genetic network programming with automatically generated variable size macro nodes. 713-719 - Kumara Sastry, Martin Pelikan, David E. Goldberg:
Efficiency enhancement of genetic algorithms via building-block-wise fitness estimation. 720-727 - Mark P. Kleeman, Richard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont:
Multi-objective evolutionary search performance with explicit building-block sizes for NPC problems. 728-735 - Tiago A. E. Ferreira, Germano C. Vasconcelos, Paulo J. L. Adeodato:
A hybrid intelligent system approach for improving the prediction of real world time series. 736-743 - Jun Chen, Mark Wineberg:
Enhancement of the shifting balance genetic algorithm for highly multimodal problems. 744-751 - Peter Eggenberger Hotz:
Comparing direct and developmental encoding schemes in artificial evolution: a case study in evolving lens shapes. 752-757 - Pavel Osmera:
Evolvable controllers with hierarchical structure. 758-765 - Gary B. Parker, H. Joseph Blumenthal:
Varying sample sizes for the co-evolution of heterogeneous agents. 766-771 - Haiyu Hou, Gerry V. Dozier:
Comparing performance of binary-coded detectors and constraint-based detectors. 772-777 - Chi-kin Chow, Hung-Tat Tsui:
Autonomous agent response learning by a multi-species particle swarm optimization. 778-785 - Moayed Daneshyari, Gary G. Yen:
Talent based social algorithm for optimization. 786-791 - S. Baskar, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan:
A novel concurrent particle swarm optimization. 792-796 - Jason C. Isaacs, Simon Y. Foo:
Optimized wavelet hand pose estimation for American sign language recognition. 797-802 - Zhijian Wu, Zhilong Tang, Jun Zou, Lishan Kang, Mingbiao Li:
An evolutionary algorithm for solving parameter identification problems in elliptic systems. 803-808 - Brent E. Eskridge, Dean F. Hougen
Imitating success: a memetic crossover operator for genetic programming. 809-815 - Hugo de Garis, Thayne Batty:
"MULTI-MOD": a PC based software system for controlling an artificial brain containing 10, 000 evolved neural net modules. 816-819 - Shuyuan Yang, Min Wang, Licheng Jiao
A novel quantum evolutionary algorithm and its application. 820-826 - Shin Ando
, Hitoshi Iba:
Real-coded GA with multimodal uniform distribution. 827-834 - V. Scott Gordon, Zach Matley:
Evolving sparse direction maps for maze pathfinding. 835-838 - Jae C. Oh
, Dmitri E. Volper:
Design of rationality-based computing middleware: a preliminary study. 839-846 - Antonino Augugliaro, Luigi Dusonchet, Salvatore Favuzza, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino:
A fuzzy-logic based evolutionary multiobjective approach for automated distribution networks management. 847-854 - Steven O. Kimbrough, Ming Lu, Soofi M. Safavi:
Exploring a financial product model with a two-population genetic algorithm. 855-862 - Mark James Neal, Frédéric Labrosse:
Rotation-invariant appearance based maps for robot navigation using an artificial immune network algorithm. 863-870 - Ernesto Sánchez, Giovanni Squillero
, Massimo Violante:
A local analysis of the genotype-fitness mapping in hardware optimization problems. 871-878 - Susana C. Esquivel, Marcos García, Guillermo Leguizamón, Maximiliano Ribba:
A comparison of two mutation operators for the path planning problem. 879-883 - Katsuji Uosaki, Yuuya Kimura, Toshiharu Hatanaka:
Evolution strategies based particle filters for state and parameter estimation on nonlinear models. 884-890 - Mark P. Sinka, David W. Corne:
Evolving document features for Web document clustering: a feasibility study. 891-897 - Yong-Duk Kim
, Jong-Hwan Kim, Yong-Jae Kim:
Behavior selection and learning for synthetic character. 898-903 - Frank Neumann:
Expected runtimes of evolutionary algorithms for the Eulerian cycle problem. 904-910 - Uday K. Chakraborty:
Analysis of encoding in 1+1-EA. 911-917 - Ralf Salomon:
The curse of high-dimensional search spaces: observing premature convergence in unimodal functions. 918-923 - Sébastien Vérel
, Philippe Collard, Manuel Clergue:
Scuba search: when selection meets innovation. 924-931 - Felix Streichert, Holger Ulmer, Andreas Zell:
Evaluating a hybrid encoding and three crossover operators on the constrained portfolio selection problem. 932-939 - Jerzy J. Korczak, Piotr Lipinski:
Evolutionary building of stock trading experts in a real-time system. 940-947 - Serge Hayward:
Setting up performance surface of an artificial neural network with genetic algorithm optimization: in search of an accurate and profitable prediction of stock trading. 948-954 - Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki, Tomohiro Motoyama:
Predicting the tick-wise price fluctuations by means of evolutionary computation. 955-958 - Renato A. Krohling, Frank Hoffmann, Leandro dos Santos Coelho
Co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization for min-max problems using Gaussian distribution. 959-964 - Dean J. Krusienski, W. Kenneth Jenkins:
Particle swarm optimization for adaptive IIR filter structures. 965-970 - Wayne H. Slade Jr., Habtom W. Ressom, Mohamad T. Musavi, Richard L. Miller:
Ocean color inversion by particle swarm optimization. 971-977 - Emilio Miguelañez Martín, Ali M. S. Zalzala, Paul Tabor:
Evolving neural networks using swarm intelligence for binmap classification. 978-985 - Georgios N. Yannakakis, John Levine, John Hallam:
An evolutionary approach for interactive computer games. 986-993 - Jeffrey A. Fletcher, Martin Zwick:
Hamilton's rule applied to reciprocal altruism. 994-1000 - Mohammed Daoud, Nawwaf Kharma, Ali Haidar, Julius Popoola:
Ayo, the Awari player, or how better representation trumps deeper search. 1001-1006 - Simon M. Lucas:
Cellz: a simple dynamic game for testing evolutionary algorithms. 1007-1014 - Guang-Zheng Zhang, De-Shuang Huang:
Radial basis function neural network optimized by a genetic algorithm for soybean protein sequence residue spatial distance prediction. 1015-1019 - Richard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont:
Force field approximation using artificial neural networks. 1020-1027 - Jinn-Moon Yang, Tsai-Wen Shen:
A pharmacophore-based evolutionary approach for screening estrogen receptor antagonists. 1028-1035 - Mark A. Esslinger, Gary B. Lamont, Hoda S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, Robert L. Ewing:
An artificial immune system strategy for robust chemical spectra classification via distributed heterogeneous sensors. 1036-1043 - Jonathan Timmis, Camilla Edmonds, Johnny Kelsey:
Assessing the performance of two immune inspired algorithms and a hybrid genetic algorithm for function optimisation. 1044-1051 - Simon M. Garrett:
Parameter-free, adaptive clonal selection. 1052-1058 - Fabricio Sergio de Paula, Leandro Nunes de Castro, Paulo L. de Geus:
An intrusion detection system using ideas from the immune system. 1059-1066 - Janna S. Hamaker, Lois C. Boggess:
Non-Euclidean distance measures in AIRS, an artificial immune classification system. 1067-1073 - Vincenzo Cutello
, Giuseppe Nicosia, Mario Pavone:
An immune algorithm with hyper-macromutations for the Dill's 2D hydrophobic-hydrophilic model. 1074-1080 - Zhou Ji, Dipankar Dasgupta:
Augmented negative selection algorithm with variable-coverage detectors. 1081-1088 - Carl Anderson, Eric Bonabeau, John M. Scott:
Evolutionary testing as both a testing and redesign tool: a study of a shipboard firemain's valve and pump controls. 1089-1097 - Sergey Malinchik, Belinda Orme, Joseph A. Rothermich, Eric Bonabeau:
Interactive exploratory data analysis. 1098-1104 - Elsa Fernández, Manuel Graña, Jesús Ruiz-Cabello:
An instantaneous memetic algorithm for illumination correction. 1105-1110 - Thomas Bartz-Beielstein
, Sandor Markon:
Tuning search algorithms for real-world applications: a regression tree based approach. 1111-1118 - Ralf Salomon:
The force model: concept, behavior, interpretation. 1119-1126 - Greg Lee, Vadim Bulitko, Ilya Levner:
Automated selection of vision operator libraries with evolutionary algorithms. 1127-1134 - Keshav P. Dahal, Tomasz A. Siewierski, Stuart J. Galloway, Graeme M. Burt
, Jim R. McDonald:
An evolutionary generation scheduling in an open electricity market. 1135-1142 - Marta Lasso, Daniel Pandolfi, Maria E. De San Pedro, Andrea Villagra, Raúl Héctor Gallard:
Solving dynamic tardiness problems in single machine environments. 1143-1149 - Shigeyoshi Tsutsui, Gordon Wilson:
Solving capacitated vehicle routing problems using edge histogram based sampling algorithms. 1150-1157 - Mohammed Aldasht, Julio Ortega, Carlos García Puntonet, Antonio F. Díaz:
A genetic exploration of dynamic load balancing algorithms. 1158-1163 - Yoginder S. Dandass:
Genetic list scheduling for soft real-time parallel applications. 1164-1171 - Sree Harsha Aleti, Hugo de Garis:
Evolutionary algorithms based on machine learning accelerate mathematical function optimization but not neural net evolution. 1172-1177 - Jianjun Hu, Erik D. Goodman:
Wireless access point configuration by genetic programming. 1178-1184 - Adrian Burian, Jarmo Takala:
Evolved gate arrays for image restoration. 1185-1192 - Sami J. Habib, Alice C. Parker:
Synthesizing complex multimedia network topologies using an evolutionary approach. 1193-1200 - Yutaka Inoue, Takahiro Tohge, Hitoshi Iba:
Object transportation by two humanoid robots using cooperative learning. 1201-1208 - Reginald L. Walker:
Honeybee search strategies: adaptive exploration of an information ecosystem. 1209-1216
Volume 2
- Jason M. Daida, Michael E. Samples, Bryan T. Hart, Jeffry Halim, Aditya Kumar:
Demonstrating constraints to diversity with a tunably difficult problem for genetic programming. 1217-1224 - Jason M. Daida, David J. Ward, Adam M. Hilss, Stephen L. Long, Mark R. Hodges, Jason T. Kriesel:
Visualizing the loss of diversity in genetic programming. 1225-1232 - Yoshiaki Katada, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda:
The Nei's standard genetic distance in artificial evolution. 1233-1239 - Germán Jairo Hernández, Fernando Niño, Julian Garcia, Dipankar Dasgupta:
On geometric and statistical properties of the attractors of a generic evolutionary algorithm. 1240-1247 - Jun He, Xin Yao, Qingfu Zhang:
To understand one-dimensional continuous fitness landscapes by drift analysis. 1248-1253 - Anthony Di Pietro
, Lyndon While, Luigi Barone:
Applying evolutionary algorithms to problems with noisy, time-consuming fitness functions. 1254-1261 - Shengxiang Yang:
Constructing dynamic test environments for genetic algorithms based on problem difficulty. 1262-1269 - Lutz Schönemann:
The impact of population sizes and diversity on the adaptability of evolution strategies in dynamic environments. 1270-1277 - Renato Tinós, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho
A genetic algorithm with gene dependent mutation probability for non-stationary optimization problems. 1278-1285 - Lishan Kang, Aimin Zhou, Robert I. McKay, Yan Li, Zhuo Kang:
Benchmarking algorithms for dynamic travelling salesman problems. 1286-1292 - Roger Eriksson, Björn Olsson:
On the performance of evolutionary algorithms with life-time adaptation in dynamic fitness landscapes. 1293-1300 - Dario Bonino, Fulvio Corno, Giovanni Squillero:
Dynamic optimization of semantic annotation relevance. 1301-1308 - Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Carlos A. Coello Coello:
Mutual information-based fitness functions for evolutionary circuit synthesis. 1309-1316 - Bambang A. B. Sarif, Mostafa I. H. Abd-El-Barr, Sadiq M. Sait, Uthman S. Al-Saiari:
Fuzzified ant colony optimization algorithm for efficient combinational circuits synthesis. 1317-1324 - Alfredo Cruz:
A hybrid deterministic/genetic test generator to improve fault effectiveness and reduce CPU time run. 1325-1330 - Burak Simsek, Sahin Albayrak, Alexander Korth:
Reinforcement learning for procurement agents of factory of the future. 1331-1337 - Kamran H. Sedighi, Kaveh Ashenayi, Theodore W. Manikas, Roger L. Wainwright, Heng-Ming Tai:
Autonomous local path planning for a mobile robot using a genetic algorithm. 1338-1345 - Subhas Hati, Somnath Sengupta:
A GA-based integrated approach to model-assisted matching and pose estimation for automated visual inspection applications. 1346-1353 - David A. Cohen:
EA-lect: an evolutionary algorithm for constructing logical rules to predict election into Cooperstown. 1354-1361 - Shisanu Tongchim, Xin Yao:
Parallel evolutionary programming. 1362-1367 - Erinaldo F. Santos, Takaaki Ohishi:
A hydro unit commitment model using genetic algorithm. 1368-1374 - Ender Ozcan
, Esin Onbasioglu:
Genetic algorithms for parallel code optimization. 1375-1381 - René Thomsen:
Multimodal optimization using crowding-based differential evolution. 1382-1389 - Sheetal Doctor, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, Venu G. Gudise:
Optimal PSO for collective robotic search applications. 1390-1395 - Gregorio Toscano Pulido
, Carlos A. Coello Coello:
A constraint-handling mechanism for particle swarm optimization. 1396-1403 - Sanaz Mostaghim, Jürgen Teich:
Covering Pareto-optimal fronts by subswarms in multi-objective particle swarm optimization. 1404-1411 - Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren, Mehmet Sevkli, Yun-Chia Liang, Günes Gençyilmaz:
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for single machine total weighted tardiness problem. 1412-1419 - David B. Fogel, Timothy J. Hays, Douglas R. Johnson:
A platform for evolving characters in competitive games. 1420-1426 - David B. Fogel:
Evolving strategies in blackjack. 1427-1434 - V. Scott Gordon, Terrill J. Slocum:
The knight's tour - evolutionary vs. depth-first search. 1435-1440 - Chris Miles, Sushil J. Louis, Nicholas Cole, John R. McDonnell:
Learning to play like a human: case injected genetic algorithms for strategic computer gaming. 1441-1448 - Zigang G. Guo, K. L. Mak:
A heuristic algorithm for the stochastic vehicle routing problems with soft time windows. 1449-1456 - Jyh-Da Wei, D. T. Lee:
A new approach to the traveling salesman problem using genetic algorithms with priority encoding. 1457-1464 - Yuichi Nagata:
Criteria for designing crossovers for TSP. 1465-1472 - Christopher M. White, Gary G. Yen:
A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for traveling salesman problem. 1473-1478 - Jesús Manuel de la Cruz
, José Luis Risco-Martín, Alberto Herran-Gonzales
, Pablo Fernández-Blanco
Hybrid heuristic and mathematical programming in oil pipelines networks. 1479-1486 - Christos Dimopoulos:
A review of evolutionary multiobjective optimization applications in the area of production research. 1487-1494 - Tony Wong, Pascal Côté, Robert Sabourin:
A hybrid MOEA for the capacitated exam proximity problem. 1495-1501 - Richard O. Day, Mark P. Kleeman, Gary B. Lamont:
Multi-objective fast messy genetic algorithm solving deception problems. 1502-1509 - Julio César Hernández Castro, André Seznec, Pedro Isasi:
On the design of state-of-the-art pseudorandom number generators by means of genetic programming. 1510-1516 - John A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob, Susan Stepney:
Searching for cost functions. 1517-1524 - Joanne Fuller, William Millan, Ed Dawson:
Multi-objective optimisation of bijective s-boxes. 1525-1532 - John A. Clark, Jeremy L. Jacob, Susan Stepney
The design of s-boxes by simulated annealing. 1533-1537 - Choong K. Oh, Gregory J. Barlow:
Autonomous controller design for unmanned aerial vehicles using multi-objective genetic programming. 1538-1545 - Hongwei Liu, Hitoshi Iba:
A hierarchical approach for adaptive humanoid robot control. 1546-1553 - Paul Walsh, Pio Fenton:
A high-throughput computing environment for job shop scheduling (JSP) genetic algorithms. 1554-1560 - Luis J. Gonzales, James Cannady:
A self-adaptive negative selection approach for anomaly detection. 1561-1568 - Holger Ulmer, Felix Streichert, Andreas Zell:
Evolution strategies with controlled model assistance. 1569-1576 - Kok Sung Won, Tapabrata Ray:
Performance of kriging and cokriging based surrogate models within the unified framework for surrogate assisted optimization. 1577-1585 - Zongzhao Zhou, Yew-Soon Ong, Prasanth B. Nair:
Hierarchical surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimization framework. 1586-1593 - Tatsuya Okabe, Yaochu Jin, Bernhard Sendhoff, Markus Olhofer:
Voronoi-based estimation of distribution algorithm for multi-objective optimization. 1594-1601 - David Doty:
Nonlocal evolutionary adaptation in gridplants. 1602-1609 - Rodney W. Johnson, Michael E. Melich, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Martin Schmidt:
Coevolutionary TEMPO game. 1610-1617 - Dan Ashlock, Stephen J. Willson, Nicole P. Leahy:
Coevolution and Tartarus. 1618-1624 - Colm O'Riordan, Josephine Griffith, John Newell, Humphrey Sorensen:
Co-evolution of strategies for an n-player dilemma. 1625-1630 - Nora Speer, Christian Spieth, Andreas Zell:
A memetic co-clustering algorithm for gene expression profiles and biological annotation. 1631-1638 - Wojciech Piaseczny, Hideaki Suzuki, Hidefumi Sawai:
Chemical genetic programming - evolution of amino acid rewriting rules used for genotype-phenotype translation. 1639-1646 - Daekwan Seo, Moritoshi Yasunaga, Jung Hwan Kim:
A computational approach to detect regulatory elements in Dictyostelium discoideum. 1647-1653 - Shengchao Ding, Juan Liu, Chanle Wu, Qing Yang:
A genetic algorithm applied to optimal gene subset selection. 1654-1660 - Toru Eguchi, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu, Sandor Markon:
Elevator group supervisory control systems using genetic network programming. 1661-1667 - Javier J. Sánchez Medina
, Manuel J. Galán Moreno, Enrique Rubio:
Genetic algorithms and cellular automata: a new architecture for traffic light cycles optimization. 1668-1674 - Yuji Katsumata, Takao Terano:
Cabling and scheduling for electric power plant operation via Tabu-BOA algorithm. 1675-1682 - Isamu Watanabe, Makoto Nodu:
A genetic algorithm for optimizing switching sequence of service restoration in distribution systems. 1683-1690 - Peter Ross, Javier G. Marín-Blázquez
, Emma Hart:
Hyper-heuristics applied to class and exam timetabling problems. 1691-1698 - Pablo Funes, Eric Bonabeau, Jerome Herve, Yves Morieux:
Interactive multi-participant tour allocation. 1699-1705 - Jeffrey O. Pfaffmann, Konstantinos Bousmalis, Silvano Colombano:
A scouting-inspired evolutionary algorithm. 1706-1712 - Dan Ashlock, Kenneth M. Bryden, Steven M. Corns:
On taxonomy of evolutionary computation problems. 1713-1719 - Jonatan Gómez:
Self adaptation of operator rates for multimodal optimization. 1720-1726 - Jonatan Gómez:
A framework for evolving fuzzy rule. 1727-1734 - Jian Zhang, Xiaohui Yuan, Bill P. Buckles:
Subspace FDC for sharing distance estimation. 1735-1742 - Ziad Kobti, Robert G. Reynolds, Timothy A. Kohler:
The effect of kinship cooperation learning strategy and culture on the resilience of social systems in the village multi-agent simulation. 1743-1750 - Bin Peng, Robert G. Reynolds:
Cultural algorithms: knowledge learning in dynamic environments. 1751-1758 - Nhu Binh Ho, Joc Cing Tay:
GENACE: an efficient cultural algorithm for solving the flexible job-shop problem. 1759-1766 - Dara Curran, Colm O'Riordan:
The effect of noise on the performance of cultural evolution in multi-agent systems. 1767-1773 - Craig Stephan, John Sullivan:
An agent-based hydrogen vehicle/infrastructure model. 1774-1779 - David A. Ostrowski, Robert G. Reynolds:
Using cultural algorithms to evolve strategies for recessionary markets. 1780-1785 - Adrian Stoica, Didier Keymeulen, Vu Duong, Ricardo Salem Zebulum, Ian Ferguson, Taher Daud, Tughrul Arslan, Xin Guo:
Evolutionary recovery of electronic circuits from radiation induced faults. 1786-1793 - Sadiq M. Sait, Muhammad Al-Ismail:
Enhanced simulated evolution algorithm for digital circuit design yielding faster execution in a larger solution space. 1794-1799 - Simon Harding, Julian F. Miller:
Evolution in materio: a tone discriminator in liquid crystal. 1800-1807 - David Hunter:
Some lessons learned on constructing an automated testbench for evolvable hardware experiments. 1808-1812 - Mihai Oltean
Solving even-parity problems using traceless genetic programming. 1813-1819 - H. Joseph Blumenthal, Gary B. Parker:
Punctuated anytime learning for evolving multi-agent capture strategies. 1820-1827 - Andrei Bajurnow, Vic Ciesielski:
Layered learning for evolving goal scoring behaviour in soccer players. 1828-1835 - Eugene Eberbach, Andrew Eberbach:
On designing CO$T: a new approach and programming environment for distributed problem solving based on evolutionary computation and anytime algorithms. 1836-1843 - Dan Ashlock, James I. Lathrop:
Program induction: building a wall. 1844-1850 - Pitoyo Hartono, Shuji Hashimoto, Mattias Wahde:
Labeled-GA with adaptive mutation rate. 1851-1858 - Dan Ashlock, Jessica Oftelie:
Simulation of floral specialization in bees. 1859-1864 - Daniel E. Kephart, Jeff LeFevre:
CODEGEN: the generation and testing of DNA code words. 1865-1873 - Mohamed Khabzaoui, Clarisse Dhaenens
, El-Ghazali Talbi:
A multicriteria genetic algorithm to analyze microarray data. 1874-1881 - Maryam S. Nuser, Russell J. Deaton:
A probabilistic analysis of in vitro selection of independent DNA words for computation. 1882-1888 - Andrew Neel, Max H. Garzon, Phani Penumetsa:
Soundness and quality of semantic retrieval in DNA-based memories with abiotic data. 1889-1895 - David Harlan Wood, Junghuei Chen:
Fredkin gate circuits via recombination enzymes. 1896-1900 - Cheng-Hsiung Chiang, Liang-Hsuan Chen:
A new cellular automaton: five elements balance chart and its application to forest industry ecosystem. 1901-1908 - Adnan Acan:
Clonal selection algorithm with operator multiplicity. 1909-1915 - Marcus Randall
Heuristics for ant colony optimisation using the generalised assignment problem. 1916-1923 - Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Ferruccio Vuinovich:
Multiobjective ant colony search algorithm optimal electrical distribution system planning. 1924-1931 - Rajeev Annaluru, Sanjoy Das, Anil Pahwa:
Multi-level ant colony algorithm for optimal placement of capacitors in distribution systems. 1932-1937 - Asad Amir Pirzada, Amitava Datta, Chris McDonald:
Trusted routing in ad-hoc networks using pheromone trails. 1938-1943 - Christine L. Mumford:
A hierarchical evolutionary approach to multi-objective optimization. 1944-1951 - Jürgen Branke, Hartmut Schmeck, Kalyanmoy Deb, Reddy S. Maheshwar:
Parallelizing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: cone separation. 1952-1957 - Crina Grosan:
Improving the performance of evolutionary algorithms for the multiobjective 0/1 knapsack problem using ϵ -dominance. 1958-1963 - Shivanajay Marwaha, Dipti Srinivasan, Chen-Khong Tham, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Evolutionary fuzzy multi-objective routing for wireless mobile ad hoc networks. 1964-1971 - Kit Yan Chan, Mehmet Emin Aydin, Terry C. Fogarty:
Parameterisation of mutation in evolutionary algorithms using the estimated main effect of genes. 1972-1979 - Jakob Vesterstrom, René Thomsen:
A comparative study of differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, and evolutionary algorithms on numerical benchmark problems. 1980-1987 - Funing Zhang, Gerry V. Dozier:
A comparison of distributed restricted recombination operators for genetic and evolutionary societies of hill-climbers: a DisACSP perspective. 1988-1995 - Tapabrata Ray, Neelakantam Venkatarayalu
, Kok Sung Won, Kian Ping Chan:
Study on the behaviour and implementation of parent centric crossover within the generalized generation gap model. 1996-2003 - Sandra Paterlini, Thiemo Krink:
High performance clustering with differential evolution. 2004-2011 - Xiao-Feng Xie
, Wen-Jun Zhang, De-Chun Bi:
Handling equality constraints by adaptive relaxing rule for swarm algorithms. 2012-2016 - Xiao-Feng Xie
, Wen-Jun Zhang, De-Chun Bi:
Optimizing semiconductor devices by self-organizing particle swarm. 2017-2022 - Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Nicos G. Pavlidis
, Vassilis P. Plagianakos, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Parallel differential evolution. 2023-2029 - P. C. Buzing, A. E. Eiben, Martijn C. Schut, T. Toma:
Cooperation and communication in evolving artificial societies. 2030-2037 - Gilles Énée
, Cathy Escazut:
Evolution of communication in a genetic based multi-agent system: use wise resources. 2038-2044 - Dan Ashlock, Brad Powers:
The effect of tag recognition on non-local adaptation. 2045-2051 - Graham Kendall, Razali Yaakob, Philip Hingston:
An investigation of an evolutionary approach to the opening of Go. 2052-2059 - Isao Ono, Yoshiaki Seike, Ryohei Morishita, Norihiko Ono, Masahiko Nakatsui, Masahiro Okamoto:
An evolutionary algorithm taking account of mutual interactions among substances for inference of genetic networks. 2060-2067 - Nasimul Noman, Kouichi Okada, Naoki Hosoyama, Hitoshi Iba:
Use of clustering to improve the layout of gene network for visualization. 2068-2075 - Topon Kumar Paul, Hitoshi Iba:
Selection of the most useful subset of genes for gene expression-based classification. 2076-2083 - Praveen Koduru, Sanjoy Das, Stephen M. Welch, Judith L. Roe:
A multi-objective GA-simplex hybrid approach for gene regulatory network models. 2084-2091 - Andy Song, Victor Ciesielski:
Texture analysis by genetic programming. 2092-2099 - Jun-Su Jang, Kuk-Hyun Han, Jong-Hwan Kim:
Face detection using quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm. 2100-2106 - André Treptow, Andreas Zell:
Combining Adaboost learning and evolutionary search to select features for real-time object detection. 2107-2113 - Damon A. Miller, Rodrigo Arguello, Garrison W. Greenwood:
Evolving artificial neural network structures: experimental results for biologically-inspired adaptive mutations. 2114-2119 - Hua Chen, Dengguo Feng:
An effective evolutionary strategy for bijective S-boxes. 2120-2123 - Julio César Hernández Castro, Pedro Isasi:
New results on the genetic cryptanalysis of TEA and reduced-round versions of XTEA. 2124-2129 - Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle
Secure evolutionary hardware for public-key cryptosystems. 2130-2137 - Marcin Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry
Block cipher based on reversible cellular automata. 2138-2143 - Shane Legg, Marcus Hutter
, Akshat Kumar:
Tournament versus fitness uniform selection. 2144-2151 - Bernabé Dorronsoro, Enrique Alba, Mario Giacobini, Marco Tomassini:
The influence of grid shape and asynchronicity on cellular evolutionary algorithms. 2152-2158 - Osamu Takahashi, Shigenobu Kobayashi:
An angular distance dependent alternation model for real-coded genetic algorithms. 2159-2165 - Orhan Dengiz
, Gerry V. Dozier, Alice E. Smith
Non-deterministic decoding with memory to enhance precision in binary-coded genetic algorithms. 2166-2172 - S. Baskar, A. Alphones, Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan:
Concurrent PSO and FDR-PSO based reconfigurable phase-differentiated antenna array design. 2173-2179 - Peter Eggenberger Hotz:
Asymmetric cell division in artificial evolution. 2180-2186 - Saranyan A. Vigraham, John C. Gallagher:
On the relative efficacies of space saving *CGAs for evolvable hardware applications. 2187-2193 - Mozammel H. A. Khan, Marek A. Perkowski:
Genetic algorithm based synthesis of multi-output ternary functions using quantum cascade of generalized ternary gates. 2194-2201 - Shotaro Kamio, Hitoshi Iba:
Evolutionary construction of a simulator for real robots. 2202-2209 - Philippe Lucidarme:
An evolutionary algorithm for multi-robot unsupervised learning. 2210-2215 - Gary B. Parker:
Partial recombination for the co-evolution of model parameters. 2216-2223 - Yusuke Nojima, Naoyuki Kubota, Fumio Kojima:
Trajectory generation and accumulation for partner robots based on structured learning. 2224-2229 - E. Ke Tang, Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan, Xin Yao:
Generalized LDA using relevance weighting and evolution strategy. 2230-2234 - Stephen A. Stanhope:
Evolution strategies for multivariate-to-anything partially specified random vector generation. 2235-2240 - Alexander F. Tulai, Franz Oppacher:
Maintaining diversity and increasing the accuracy of classification rules through automatic speciation. 2241-2249 - Michel L. Goldstein, Gary G. Yen:
An evolutionary algorithm method for sampling n-partite graphs. 2250-2257 - Peter Lichodzijewski, Malcolm I. Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood:
Cascaded GP models for data mining. 2258-2264 - A. Sima Etaner-Uyar
, H. Turgut Uyar:
An event-driven test framework for evolutionary algorithms in dynamic environments. 2265-2272 - Dan Ashlock, Kenneth M. Bryden:
Evolutionary control of Lsystem interpretation. 2273-2279 - Jun Zhang, Henry Shu-Hung Chung, B. J. Hu:
Adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in genetic algorithms based on clustering technique. 2280-2287 - Andrew Czarn, Cara MacNish, Kaipillil Vijayan, Berwin A. Turlach:
Statistical exploratory analysis of genetic algorithms: the importance of interaction. 2288-2295 - Morikazu Nakamura, Naruhiko Yamashiro, Yiyuan Gong:
Iterative parallel and distributed genetic algorithms with biased initial population. 2296-2301 - Yong Xu, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Xin Yao:
Non-standard cost terminal assignment problems using tabu search approach. 2302-2306 - Wen-Jun Zhang, Xiao-Feng Xie
, De-Chun Bi:
Handling boundary constraints for numerical optimization by particle swarm flying in periodic search space. 2307-2311 - Ivan Tanev, Thomas S. Ray, Andrzej Buller:
Evolutionary design, robustness and of sidewinding locomotion of simulated libmless wheelless robot [libmless read limbless]. 2312-2319 - Zhun Fan, Erik D. Goodman, Jiachuan Wang, Ronald C. Rosenberg, Kisung Seo, Jianjun Hu:
Hierarchical evolutionary synthesis of MEMS. 2320-2327 - Haluk Yapicioglu, Gerry V. Dozier, Alice E. Smith
Bi-criteria model for locating a semi-desirable facility on a plane using particle swarm optimization. 2328-2334 - Peng Zou, Zhi Zhou, Guoliang Chen, Xin Yao:
A novel memetic algorithm with random multi-local-search: a case study of TSP. 2335-2340 - Edwin D. de Jong:
Towards a bounded Pareto-coevolution archive. 2341-2348 - Ming Chang, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda, Masaharu Sugiyama:
Modeling coevolutionary genetic algorithms on two-bit landscapes: partnering strategies. 2349-2356 - Evan J. Hughes:
Swarm guidance using a multi-objective co-evolutionary on-Line evolutionary algorithm. 2357-2363 - Jon J. Brewster, Robert G. Reynolds:
Alternative fuel adoption. 2364-2371

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