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CHI 1998: Los Angeles, California, USA - Conference Summary
- Clare-Marie Karat, Arnold M. Lund:
CHI 98 Conference Summary on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '98, Los Angeles, California, USA. ACM 1998, ISBN 978-1-58113-028-7 - Chuck Clanton:
An interpreted demonstration of computer game design. 1-2 - Peter Meuleman, Anita Heister, Han Kohar, Douglas Tedd:
Double agent - presentation and filtering agents for a digital television recording system. 3-4 - Ellen Isaacs:
Microcosm: support for virtual communities via an on-line graphical environment. 5-6 - Kirsten Alexander, Erik Strommen:
Evolution of the talking dinosaur: the (not so) natural history of a new interface for children. 7-8 - Vanessa Colella, Richard Borovoy, Mitchel Resnick:
Participatory simulations: using computational objects to learn about dynamic systems. 9-10 - Henry Lieberman, Bonnie A. Nardi, David J. Wright:
Grammex: defining grammars by example. 11-12 - John Mullaly:
IBM RealThings. 13-14 - Douglas C. Engelbart:
Augment, bootstrap communities, the Web: what next? 15-16 - David Canfield Smith, Charles H. Irby:
Xerox Star live demonstration. 17 - Frank Ludolph, Roderick Perkins:
The Lisa user interface. 18-19 - Gregory D. Abowd, Jason A. Brotherton, Janak R. Bhalodia:
Classroom 2000: a system for capturing and accessing multimedia classroom experiences. 20-21 - Morgan N. Price, Bill N. Schilit, Gene Golovchinsky:
XLibris: the active reading machine. 22-23 - Takeo Igarashi, Sachiko Kawachiya, Hidehiko Tanaka, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Pegasus: a drawing system for rapid geometric design. 24-25 - Jeffrey S. Pierce, Kevin Christiansen, Dennis Cosgrove, Matthew Conway, Dan Moskowitz, Brian C. Stearns, Christopher B. Sturgill, Randy Pausch:
Alice: easy to learn interactive 3D graphics. 26-27 - Catherine Plaisant, Daniel Heller, Jia Li, Ben Shneiderman, Richard A. Mushlin, John Karat:
Visualizing medical records with LifeLines. 28-29 - Edward P. Cutolo Jr., Nicholas A. Coblio, Paul McCright, Michael T. McCormick, Willard S. Harris:
Incremental improvements in physician-computer interaction in response to clinical needs and user feedback. 30-31 - Dean Eichorn:
Impediments to the integrated use of computers in the classroom. 32-33 - Rocky Harris:
On overcoming the barriers to computer usage in high schools. 34-35 - Bozena Mannová:
Information technology in the Czech secondary schools. 36-37 - Cezary Orlowski:
The method of teaching expert systems used in the manufacturing process. 38-39 - Charles Rencsok:
Activation energy required with classroom computers. 40-41 - Marcin Sikorski:
Teaching computers the young and the adults: observations on learning style differences. 42-43 - Cynthia Jane Solomon:
What's in it for kids? 44-45 - Peter Soreanu:
What is wrong with computer-mediated communication (CMC) - an educator's point of view. 46-47 - Ramon M. Felciano, Russ B. Altman:
Graphical style sheets: towards reusable representations of biomedical graphics. 48-49 - Neil T. Heffernan:
Intelligent tutoring systems have forgotten the tutor: adding a cognitive model of human tutors. 50-51 - Anthony J. Hornof:
The low-level cognitive processes involved in the visual search of pull-down menus and computer screens, as revealed by cognitive modeling. 52-53 - Christopher D. Hundhausen:
Toward effective algorithm visualization artifacts: designing for participation and negotiation in an undergraduate algorithms course. 54-55 - Susanne Jul:
Computational implications of human navigation in multiscale electronic worlds. 56-57 - Allan Christian Long Jr.:
Improving gestures and interaction techniques for pen-based user interfaces. 58-59 - Chris North:
Robust, end-user programmable, multiple-window coordination. 60-61 - John F. Pane:
Designing a programming system for children with a focus on usability. 62-63 - Kerry Rodden:
About 23 million documents match your query... 64-65 - Dario D. Salvucci:
Interpreting eye movements with process models. 66-67 - Carol Traynor:
Putting power in the hands of end users: a study of programming by demonstration, with an application to geographical information systems. 68-69 - David VanEsselstyn:
The effect of accompanying media on spatial models derived from text. 70-71 - Karen Orr Vered:
Schooling in the digital domain: gendered play and work in the classroom context. 72-73 - Alvin W. Yeo
Cultural effects in usability assessment. 74-75 - Michelle X. Zhou:
Automated visual discourse synthesis: coherence, versatility, and interactivity. 76-77 - Scott L. Minneman, S. Joy Mountford, Natalie Jeremijenko, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Anthony Turner, Mike Davis:
Public information: documents, spectacles and the politics of public participation. 78-79 - Pamela Jamar, John Mattison, Matthew J. Orland, Jo Carol Gordon Hiatt, John Karat, Janette M. Coble:
Human-computer interaction in health care: what works? what doesn't? 80-81 - Kelly Braun, Tony Lovell, Jim Miller, Brad Weed:
Intelligent interfaces in the real world: progress and success stories. 82-83 - Mary B. Williamson, Andrew S. Glassner, Margaret McLaughlin, Cheryl Chase, Marc Smith:
Constructing community in cyberspace. 84-85 - Diana Laurillard, Jenny Preece, Ben Shneiderman, Lisa Neal, Yvonne Wærn:
Distance learning: is it the end of education as most of us know it? 86-87 - Chuck Clanton, Harry Marks, Janet Murray, Mary Flanagan, Francine Arble:
Interactive narrative: stepping into our own stories. 88-89 - Nahum D. Gershon, Jakob Nielsen, Mary Czerwinski, Nick Ragouzis, David Siegel, Wayne C. Neale:
Good Web design: essential ingredient! 90-91 - Ben Shneiderman, Jakob Nielsen, Scott Butler, Michael D. Levi, Frederick G. Conrad:
Is the Web really different from everything else? 92-93 - Marian G. Williams, Andrew Sears, Alan J. Dix, Thomas T. Hewett, Marilyn M. Mantei, Jenny Preece:
Famous CHI educators tell all. 94-95 - Aaron Marcus, Joseph V. Ferrante, Timo Kinnunen, Kari Kuutti, Erik Sparre:
Baby faces: user-interface design for small displays. 96-97 - Ben Shneiderman:
Codex, memex, genex: the pursuit of transformational technologies. 98-99 - Michael G. Kahn, Janette M. Coble, Matthew J. Orland:
Keep no secrets and tell no lies: computer interfaces in clinical care. 100-101 - Mark Swain:
Digital production: using alien technology. 102-103 - Brenda Laurel:
Technological humanism and values-driven design. 104 - Keith A. Butler, Robert J. K. Jacob, Bonnie E. John:
Human-computer interaction: introduction and overview. 105-106 - Jakob Nielsen:
Introduction to Web design. 107-108 - Nahum D. Gershon, Stuart K. Card, Stephen G. Eick:
Information visualization tutorial. 109-110 - Nigel Bevan, Ian Curson:
Planning and implementing user-centred design. 111-112 - Jared M. Spool, Tara Scanlon, Carolyn Snyder:
Product usability: survival techniques. 113-114 - Manfred Tscheligi, Verena Giller:
Java based user interface design and development. 115-116 - Thomas T. Hewett:
Cognitive factors in design: basic phenomena in human memory and problem solving. 117-118 - Steven E. Poltrock, Jonathan Grudin:
CSCW, groupware and workflow: experiences, state of art, and future trends. 119-120 - John M. Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson:
Network communities, community networks. 121-122 - Susan M. Dray:
Structured observation: practical methods for understanding users and their work context. 123-124 - Cliff Wilding:
Practical GUI screen design: making it usable. 125-126 - Deborah J. Mayhew:
The usability engineering lifecycle. 127-128 - Aaron Marcus:
Metaphor design for user interfaces. 129-130 - Nicole Yankelovich, Jennifer Lai:
Designing speech user interfaces. 131-132 - Tom Brinck, Darren Gergle
, Scott Wood:
Website design from the trenches. 133-134 - Angela Boltman, Allison Druin:
What children can tell us about technology: the CHIkids model of technology immersion. 135-136 - Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
Getting started on a contextual project. 137-138 - Betty Edwards:
Drawing on the right side of the brain. 139-140 - Andreas Girgensohn, Alison Lee:
Developing collaborative applications on the World Wide Web. 141-142 - Douglas J. Gillan:
The psychology of multimedia: principles of perception and cognition. 143-144 - Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant:
Information visualization advanced interface and Web design. 145-146 - Jared M. Spool, Will Schroeder, Tara Scanlon, Carolyn Snyder:
Web sites that work: designing with your eyes open. 147-148 - Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
Contextual design: using customer work models to drive systems design. 149-150 - Suzanne Watzman:
The art of the interface: visual ideas, principles and inspiration for interface designers. 151-152 - Sarah A. Bloomer, Rachel Croft, Susan J. Wolfe:
Selling usability to organisations: strategies for convincing people of the value of usability. 153-154 - Alan J. Dix:
Avoiding damned lies: understanding statistical ideas. 155-156 - Andrew McGrath, Amanda Oldroyd:
Designing shared virtual environments. 157-158 - Lisa Neal:
Distance Learning. 159-160 - John W. Gosbee:
Applying CHI in Health Care: domain issues, resources and requirements. 161-162 - Kathy Potosnak:
Conceptual design: from user requirements to user interface. 163-164 - Dale A. Herigstad, Anna M. Wichansky:
Designing user interfaces for television. 165-166 - Paul McInerney:
User interface specifications: techniques for conveying design information. 167-168 - Mary A. Mooney:
Managing color in interactive systems. 169-170 - Jakob Nielsen, Erika Kindlund, Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini:
Current issues in Web design. 171-172 - Hiroshi Ishii, Craig Wisneski, Scott Brave, Andrew Dahley, Matthew G. Gorbet
, Brygg Ullmer, Paul Yarin:
ambientROOM: integrating ambient media with architectural space. 173-174 - Chris Kasabach, Chris Pacione, John Stivoric, Francine Gemperle, Daniel P. Siewiorek:
Digital ink: a familiar idea with technological might! 175-176 - Matthias Rauterberg, Morten Fjeld, Helmut Krueger, Martin Bichsel, Uwe Leonhardt, Markus Meier:
BUILD-IT: a planning tool for construction and design. 177-178 - Junko Misawa, Junichi Osada:
The information periscope "I-steer". 179-180 - Hiroshi Matoba:
Digital Fukuwarai: a new game concept using live video. 181-182 - Olle Sundblad, Yngve Sundblad:
OLGA - a multimodal interactive information assistant. 183-184 - David A. Nation:
WebTOC: a tool to visualize and quantify Web sites using a hierarchical table of contents browser. 185-186 - Catherine Plaisant, Gary Marchionini, Anita Komlodi:
Bringing treasures to the surface: previews and overviews in a prototype for the Library of Congress National Digital Library. 187-188 - Eser Kandogan, Ben Shneiderman:
Using elastic windows for World-Wide Web Browsing. 189-190 - Ali Hussam, Brian Ford, Jack Hyde, Ali Merayyan, Bill Plummer, Terry J. Anderson:
Semantic highlighting. 191-192 - Rachel K. E. Bellamy, Eileen Genevro, Stephanie Houde, Lori Leahy, Gary Young:
Developing a community intranet: social practices and technology interventions. 193-194 - Joseph A. Konstan
, Jane Siegel:
CHI 98 basic research symposium. 195 - Gene Golovchinsky, Nicholas J. Belkin:
Innovation and evaluation in information exploration interfaces. 196-197 - John Artim
, Mark van Harmelen:
Incorporating work, process and task analysis into commercial and industrial object-oriented systems development. 198 - Arnd Steinmetz, Frank Nack, Nahum D. Gershon:
CHI-98 Workshop innovative interface metaphors for visual media. 199 - Philippe A. Palanque, Fabio Paternò, Peter C. Wright:
Designing user interfaces for safety critical systems. 200 - Birgit Bomsdorf, Gerd Szwillus:
From task to dialogue: task-based user interface design. 201 - N. Hari Narayanan:
Hyped-media to hyper-media: toward theoretical foundations of design, use and evaluation. 202-203 - Richard Miller, Keith Rettig:
The toughest Web user interface challenges. 204 - Stephanie Rosenbaum, Judee Humburg, Janice Anne Rohn:
Unpacking strategic usability: corporate strategy and usability research. 205-206 - Leah Kaufman, Brad Weed:
Too much of a good thing?: Identifying and resolving bloat in the user interface. 207-208 - Hal Shubin, Ron Perkins:
Web navigation: resolving conflicts between the desktop and the Web. 209 - Markus Stolze
, Patrick Steiger, Michael Good:
Beyond Internet business-as-usual. 210 - Sherry Hsi, Elliot Soloway:
Learner-centered design: addressing, finally, the unique needs of learners. 211-212 - Batya Friedman, Jonathan Grudin:
Trust and accountability: preserving human values in interactional experience. 213 - Tom Brinck, Gary York:
User interfaces for computer-based patient records. 214 - John Morkes, Hadyn K. Kernal, Clifford Nass:
Humor in task-oriented computer-mediated communication and human-computer interaction. 215-216 - Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, M. van der Korst, G. Roberts:
Evaluating the use of pictographical representations for TV menus. 217-218 - Michael Bohan, Alex Chaparro:
To click or not to click: a comparison of two target-selection methods for HCI. 219-220 - Maarten van de Kant, Stephanie M. Wilson, Mathilde M. Bekker, Hilary Johnson, Peter Johnson:
PatchWork: a software tool for early design. 221-222 - Steven J. Clarke, Gilbert Cockton:
Linking between multiple points in design documents. 223-224 - Michael Ericsson, Magnus Baurén, Jonas Löwgren, Yvonne Wærn:
A study of commenting agents as design support. 225-226 - Jocelyn Riseberg, Jonathan Klein, Raul Fernandez, Rosalind W. Picard:
Frustrating the user on purpose: using biosignals in a pilot study to detect the user's emotional state. 227-228 - Neil R. N. Enns, I. Scott MacKenzie
Touchpad-based remote control devices. 229-230 - Joshua Strickon, Joseph A. Paradiso:
Tracking hands above large interactive surfaces with a low-cost scanning laser rangefinder. 231-232 - Maarten W. Gribnau, James M. Hennessey:
Comparing single- and two-handed 3D input for a 3D object assembly task. 233-234 - Colin Ware, Jeff Rose:
Real handles, virtual images. 235-236 - Shunichi Numazaki, Akira Morishita, Naoko Umeki, Minoru Ishikawa, Miwako Doi:
A kinetic and 3D image input device. 237-238 - Maribeth Back, Jonathan Cohen:
The sound of your stuff: designing a complex auditory display for an interactive museum exhibit. 239-240 - Marie-Luce Bourguet, Akio Ando:
Synchronization of speech and hand gestures during multimodal human-computer interaction. 241-242 - David Williams, Christine Cheepen:
"Just speak naturally": designing for naturalness in automated spoken dialogues. 243-244 - Don Nix, Peter G. Fairweather, Bill Adams:
Speech recognition, children, and reading. 245-246 - Steve Whittaker, Julia Hirschberg, Christine H. Nakatani:
Play it again: a study of the factors underlying speech browsing behavior. 247-248 - Steve Whittaker, Julia Hirschberg, Christine H. Nakatani:
All talk and all action: strategies for managing voicemail messages. 249-250 - Tony Salvador, Karen Howells:
Focus troupe: using drama to create common context for new product concept end-user evaluations. 251-252 - José C. Castillo, H. Rex Hartson, Deborah Hix:
Remote usability evaluation: can users report their own critical incidents? 253-254 - Niels Ebbe Jacobsen, Morten Hertzum, Bonnie E. John:
The evaluator effect in usability tests. 255-256 - Mountaz Hascoët:
Analytical versus empirical evaluation of spatial displays. 257-258 - Andrew Sears, David J. Hess:
The effect of task description detail on evaluator performance with cognitive walkthroughs. 259-260 - Joel D. Baskin, Bonnie E. John:
Comparison of GOMS analysis methods. 261-262 - Norbert A. Streitz
Integrated design of real architectural spaces and virtual information spaces. 263-264 - Jörg Geißler:
Shuffle, throw or take it! working efficiently with an interactive wall. 265-266 - Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Wolfgang Reischl:
Communication chairs: examples of mobile roomware components. 267-268 - Andrew Dahley, Craig Wisneski, Hiroshi Ishii:
Water lamp and pinwheels: ambient projection of digital information into architectural space. 269-270 - Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Hitoraka Uoi, Toshifumi Arai:
Adding another communication channel to reality: an experience with a chat-augmented conference. 271-272 - Norbert A. Streitz
, Daniel M. Russell:
Basics of integrated information and physical spaces: the state of the art. 273-274 - Daniel M. Russell, Mark D. Weiser:
The future of integrated design of ubiquitous computing in combined real & virtual worlds. 275-276 - Davor Cubranic, Kellogg S. Booth, Kate Collie:
Computer support for distance art therapy. 277-278 - Judith S. Olson, Lisa Covi, Elena Rocco, William J. Miller, Paul Allie:
A room of your own: what would it take to help remote groups work as well as collocated groups? 279-280 - Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Sara Parsowith, Bill Segall, Simon M. Kaplan:
Tickertape: awareness in a single line. 281-282 - Elin Rønby Pedersen:
People presence or room activity supporting peripheral awareness over distance. 283-284 - Andrew F. Monk, Leon A. Watts
Peripheral participants in mediated communication. 285-286 - Jason Stewart, Elaine M. Raybourn, Ben Bederson, Allison Druin:
When two hands are better than one: enhancing collaboration using single display groupware. 287-288 - Steve Benford
, Chris Greenhalgh, Chris Brown, Graham Walker, Tim Regan, Jason Morphett, John Wyver, Paul Rea:
Experiments in inhabited TV. 289-290 - John Bowers, Sten-Olof Hellström, Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro:
The Lightwork performance: algorithmically mediated interaction for virtual environments. 291-292 - Roel Vertegaal, Harro Vons, Robert Slagter:
Look who's talking: the GAZE groupware system. 293-294 - Roel Vertegaal, Barry Eaglestone:
Looking for sound?: selling perceptual space in hierarchically nested boxes. 295-296 - Stephen A. Brewster:
Using earcons to improve the usability of tool palettes. 297-298 - Craig Wisneski, Ed Hammond:
Multi-parameter controllers for audio mixing. 299-300 - Donald A. Cox, Jasdeep S. Chugh, Carl Gutwin, Saul Greenberg:
The usability of transparent overview layers. 301-302 - David Small, Yin Yin Wong, Sergio Canetti:
MetricViews: design of multiple spreadsheets into a single dynamic view. 303-304 - Allison Woodruff, James A. Landay, Michael Stonebraker:
Goal-directed zoom. 305-306 - Karlis Kaugars:
Integrated multi scale text retrieval visualization. 307-308 - J. Brian Foley:
Designing visualization tools for learning. 309-310 - Chris Quintana, Elliot Soloway, Joseph Krajcik, Andrew Carra, Matt Houser, Mike McDonald, Mike Mouradian, Aaron Saarela, Naresh Vyas, Michele Wisnudel:
Symphony: exploring user interface representations for learner-centered process scaffolding. 311-312 - Sara A. Bly, Linda K. Cook, Timothy W. Bickmore, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Joseph W. Sullivan:
The rise of personal Web pages at work. 313-314 - Jinwoo Kim, Byunggon Yoo:
Does every link have the same usability?: an exploratory study of the link structure of cyber malls. 315-316 - Kent Wittenburg, Wissam Ali-Ahmad, Daniel LaLiberte, Tom Lanning:
Polynesian navigation: locomotion and previewing aspects. 317-318 - Christopher Lueg, Christoph Landolt:
A Java-based approach to active collaborative filtering. 319-320 - John Morkes, Jakob Nielsen:
Applying writing guidelines to Web pages. 321-322 - Thomas S. Tullis:
A method for evaluating Web page design concepts. 323-324 - Gili Weinberg
, Rich Fletcher, Seum-Lium Gan:
The baby sense environment: enriching and monitoring infants' experiences and communication. 325-326 - Craig Wisneski, Julian Orbanes, Hiroshi Ishii:
PingPongPlus: augmentation and transformation of athletic interpersonal interaction. 327-328 - Richard Borovoy, Fred Martin
, Mitchel Resnick, Brian Silverman:
GroupWear: nametags that tell about relationships. 329-330 - Maggie Orth, Rehmi Post, Emily B. Cooper:
Fabric computing interfaces. 331-332 - Claudio S. Pinhanez
, Aaron F. Bobick:
It/I: an experiment towards interactive theatrical performances. 333-334 - Tom White, David Small:
An interactive poetic garden. 335-336 - Anita Komlodi, Laura A. Slaughter:
Visual video browsing interfaces using key frames. 337-338 - David Waller, Jon Miller:
A desktop virtual environment trainer provides superior retention of a spatial assembly skill. 339-340 - Peter Bohlin, Victoria Nilsson, Magdalena Silverbo:
Bamse-land: a virtual theatre with entertaining agents based on well-known characters. 341-342 - Michael S. Miller, Deborah M. Clawson, Marc M. Sebrechts, Benjamin A. Knott
Interface design for inducing and assessing immersion in virtual reality. 343-344 - Caroline Gale:
The effects of gaze awareness on dialogue in a video-based collaborative manipulative task. 345-346 - Phillip Jeffrey:
Personal space in a virtual community. 347-348 - Sandrine Robbe:
An empirical study of speech and gesture interaction: toward the definition of ergonomic design guidelines. 349-350 - Stéphane Conversy:
Wind and wave auditory icons for monitoring continuous processes. 351-352 - Wolfgang Hürst, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel:
Interactive error repair for an online handwriting interface. 353-354 - Jacek Gwizdka
, Mark S. Fox, Mark H. Chignell:
Electronic engineering notebooks: a study in structuring design meeting notes. 355-356 - Stephen A. Morrison, Robert J. K. Jacob:
A specification paradigm for design and implementation of non-WIMP user interfaces. 357-358 - Alan Wexelblat:
History-rich tools for social navigation. 359-360 - Constance Fleuriot, John F. Meech, Peter J. Thomas:
Diaries as family communication tools. 361-362 - Shilpa V. Shukla, Bonnie A. Nardi, David F. Redmiles:
Hit squads & bug meisters: discovering new artifacts for the design of software supporting collaborative work. 363-364 - Julie Khaslavsky:
Integrating culture into interface design. 365-366 - Heidy Maldonado, Antoine Picard, Barbara Hayes-Roth:
Tigrito: a high-affect virtual toy. 367-368 - Henrik Gater:
PACCESS: enabling easy access to radiology images at a hospital. 369-370 - Kristyn Greenwood, Kelly Braun, Suzy Czarkowski:
Competitive testing: issues and methodology. 371 - Thomas M. Graefe, Dennis R. Wixon:
HCI solutions for managing the information technology infrastructure. 372 - Beth Meyer, Sherry E. Mead, Wendy A. Rogers, Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt:
Making technology accessible for older users. 373 - David G. Novick:
The SIGCHI International Issues Committee: taking action. 374 - Suzanne Weghorst:
Virtual reality applications in health care. 375 - Wendy E. Mackay:
The CHI conference review process: writing and interpreting paper reviews. 376 - Paul Mithra:
10 ways to destroy a perfectly good game idea. 377 - Austin Henderson:
HCI/SIGCHI issues for Policy '98. 378 - Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
SIG on contextual techniques: real life experience with contextual techniques. 379 - Douglas C. Engelbart:
Bootstrap alliance SIG: toward open hyperdocument systems. 380 - Alan Wexelblat:
Special interest group on social navigation. 381 - Stephanie Rosenbaum, Judee Humburg, Janice Rohn:
SIG on unpacking strategic usability: corporate strategy and usability research. 382 - Brian D. Ehret, Marilyn C. Salzman:
Students at CHI 98. 383 - Felipe Afonso de Almeida, André Gradvohl, Luciano Meneghetti:
HCI in South America: current status and future directions. 384 - B. J. Fogg:
Captology: the study of computers as persuasive technologies. 385 - Debra A. Lieberman:
SIG: children and the Internet. 386 - Julie Khaslavsky:
Culture and international software design. 387 - Austin Henderson, Jeff A. Johnson:
So you want to be a user interface consultant. 388 - Laurie Kantner, Stephanie Rosenbaum:
Current issues in assessing and improving documentation usability. 389 - Jared M. Spool, Tara Scanlon, Carolyn Snyder, Will Schroeder:
Measuring Website usability. 390

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