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4. CISIS 2010: Krakow, Poland
- Leonard Barolli, Fatos Xhafa, Salvatore Vitabile, Hui-Huang Hsu:
CISIS 2010, The Fourth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, Krakow, Poland, 15-18 February 2010. IEEE Computer Society 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-3967-6
Software Engineering for Distributed Systems I
- Ruth Breu:
Ten Principles for Living Models - A Manifesto of Change-Driven Software Engineering. 1-8 - João Pedro Sousa:
Foundations of Team Computing: Enabling End Users to Assemble Software for Ubiquitous Computing. 9-16 - Erlend S. Viddal, David E. Bakken, K. Harald Gjermundrød
, Carl H. Hauser:
Wide-Area Actuator RPC over GridStat with Timeliness, Redundancy, and Safety. 17-24
Database and Data Mining Applications
- Mario Rosario Guarracino
, Antonio Irpino
, Rosanna Verde
Multiclass Generalized Eigenvalue Proximal Support Vector Machines. 25-32 - Marcin Gorawski, Rafal Malczok:
CAM2S: An Integrated Indexing Structure for Spatial Objects Generating Data Streams. 33-40 - Francesco Gargiulo
Improving the Effectiveness and the Efficiency of the Some Operations in Maintenance Processes Using Dynamic Taxonomies. 41-46
Software Engineering for Distributed Systems II
- Richard Mordinyi, Eva Kühn, Alexander Schatten:
Space-Based Architectures as Abstraction Layer for Distributed Business Applications. 47-53 - Kashif Khan, Robert Haines
, John M. Brooke:
A Distributed Computing Architecture to Support Field Engineering in Networked Systems. 54-61 - Pouria Amirian, Ali A. Alesheikh
, Anahid Bassiri
Interoperable Exchange and Share of Urban Services Data through Geospatial Services and XML Database. 62-68
Intelligent Context-Aware Systems
- Andreas Reinhardt, Johannes Schmitt, Farid Zaid, Parag S. Mogre, Matthias Kropff, Ralf Steinmetz
Towards Seamless Binding of Context-aware Services to Ubiquitous Information Sources. 69-74 - Philip Moore
, Mike Jackson, Bin Hu
Constraint Satisfaction in Intelligent Context-Aware Systems. 75-80 - Robert Ashford, Philip Moore
, Bin Hu
, Mike Jackson, JiZheng Wan
Translational Research and Context in Health Monitoring Systems. 81-86 - Eleni Christopoulou, John D. Garofalakis:
Enabling the User to Setup Ubiquitous Computing Applications Based on Intelligent Context. 87-92
Artificial Intelligence and Applications
- Joanna Kolodziej
, Fatos Xhafa
A Game-Theoretic and Hybrid Genetic Meta-Heuristics Model for Security-Assured Scheduling of Independent Jobs in Computational Grids. 93-100 - Matteo Cacciola, Salvatore Calcagno
, Giuseppe Megali, Diego Pellicanò, Mario Versaci
, Francesco Carlo Morabito
Wavelet Coherence and Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering for Defect Classification in Aeronautic CFRP. 101-107 - Elena Bautu
, Andrei Bautu
, Henri Luchian:
Evolving Gene Expression Programming Classifiers for Ensemble Prediction of Movements on the Stock Market. 108-115
Intelligent and Autonomic Systems
- Marenglen Biba, Elton Ballhysa, Narasimha Rao Vajjhala
, Vijay Raju Mullagiri:
A Novel Structure Refining Algorithm for Statistical-Logical Models. 116-123 - Stefan Udristoiu, Anca Loredana Ion
Image Annotation by Learning Rules from Regions Patterns. 124-131 - Rocco Aversa, Beniamino Di Martino
, Massimiliano Rak
, Salvatore Venticinque
Cloud Agency: A Mobile Agent Based Cloud System. 132-137
Bio-Medical and Socially Inspired Systems
- Vincenzo Conti, Barbara Lanza, Salvatore Vitabile
, Filippo Sorbello:
BioAnalysis: A Framework for Structural and Functional Robustness Analysis of Metabolic Networks. 138-145 - Orazio Gambino, Salvatore Vitabile
, Giuseppe Lo Re, Giuseppe La Tona, Santino Librizzi, Roberto Pirrone, Edoardo Ardizzone, Massimo Midiri:
Automatic Volumetric Liver Segmentation Using Texture Based Region Growing. 146-152 - Hai Dong
, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Elizabeth Chang
Semantic Service Retrieval and QoS Measurement in the Digital Ecosystem Environment. 153-160 - Muhammad Raza, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Omar Khadeer Hussain
, Elizabeth Chang
Q-Contract Net: A Negotiation Protocol to Enable Quality-Based Negotiation in Digital Business Ecosystems. 161-167
Network Control and Performance Analysis
- Shunsuke Oshima, Takuo Nakashima, Toshinori Sueyoshi:
Early DoS/DDoS Detection Method using Short-term Statistics. 168-173 - Abdulbaset H. Mohammad, Michael E. Woodward:
Localized QoS Routing with Admission Control for Congestion Avoidance. 174-179 - Tao Yang, Makoto Ikeda, Leonard Barolli, Arjan Durresi, Fatos Xhafa
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Different Radio Models Considering Mobile Event. 180-187
Wireless and Mobile Networking
- Noriki Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata, Kazuo Takahata:
Proposal of Transmission Control Methods with User Oriented Environments in Cognitive Wireless Networks. 188-192 - Hikaru Kobayashi, Hiromitsu Tomozawa, Hiroshi Shigeno, Ken-ichi Okada:
Efficient Routing Using Node Pull Out Estimation. 193-200 - Arjan Durresi, Mimoza Durresi, Vamsi Paruchuri
, Leonard Barolli:
Source Adaptive Receiver Driven Layered Multicast. 201-208
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
- Zakwan Jaroucheh, Xiaodong Liu, Sally Smith
CANDEL: Product Line Based Dynamic Context Management for Pervasive Applications. 209-216 - Suresh L, Jay B. Simha, Rajappa Velur:
Seeding Cluster Centers of K-means Clustering through Median Projection. 217-222 - Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten
, Karin Coninx:
On a Journey from Message to Observable Pervasive Application. 223-229
Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks
- Makoto Ikeda, Masahiro Hiyama, Leonard Barolli, Fatos Xhafa
, Arjan Durresi:
Mobility Effects on the Performance of Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 230-237 - Ravi Palaniappan, Parveen Wahid, Leonard Barolli:
A Novel Sensor Web System for Tracking and Surveillance. 238-244 - Fatos Xhafa
, Christian Sánchez, Leonard Barolli, Rozeta Miho:
An Annealing Approach to Router Nodes Placement Problem in Wireless Mesh Networks. 245-252 - Kazuyoshi Soga, Tomoya Takenaka, Yoshiaki Terashima, Hiroshi Mineno, Tadanori Mizuno:
OLSR-L: Optimized Link State Routing and Localization. 253-260
P2P Systems
- Wei Kang, Hiroaki Yuze, Kazuo Takahata, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Large Scale Disaster Information System Based on P2P Overlay Network. 261-266 - Soichi Sawamura, Ailixier Aikebaier, Tomoya Enokido, Valbona Barolli, Makoto Takizawa
Trustworthiness of Acquaintances in Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Overlay Networks. 267-274 - Ailixier Aikebaier, Tomoya Enokido, Makoto Takizawa
An MPR-based Solution for Flooding Broadcast Messages in Distributed Agreement Protocols. 275-282
Distributed Systems I
- Ching-Long Yeh, Chun-Fu Chang, Kuo-Chung Lin:
Two-Level Chord-Ring for Ontology-based Distributed RDF Store. 283-290 - Stelios Sotiriadis, Nik Bessis
, Ye Huang, Paul Sant
, Carsten Maple:
Defining Minimum Requirements of Inter-collaborated Nodes by Measuring the Weight of Node Interactions. 291-298 - Isamu Tsuneizumi, Ailixier Aikebaier, Tomoya Enokido, Makoto Takizawa
Reduction of Messages Unnecessarily Ordered in Scalable Group Communication. 299-306 - Markus Aleksy
, Bernd Stieger, Nicolaie Fantana:
Utilizing Mock-ups in the Development of Distributed Information Systems for Semantic Data Federations. 307-312
Distributed Systems II
- Fumiaki Sato:
Evaluation of the Structured Bloom Filter. 313-320 - Tomoya Enokido, Kota Suzuki, Ailixier Aikebaier, Makoto Takizawa
Laxity Based Algorithm for Reducing Power Consumption in Distributed Systems. 321-328 - Sofia K. Dimitriadou, Helen D. Karatza
Job Scheduling in a Distributed System Using Backfilling with Inaccurate Runtime Computations. 329-336 - Jun Makishi, Debasish Chakraborty, Toshiaki Osada, Gen Kitagata, Atsushi Takeda, Kazuo Hashimoto, Norio Shiratori:
A Fair Load Sharing Scheme for Multi-source Multimedia Overlay Application Layer Multicast. 337-344
Ontologies and Semantic Web
- Konstantinos Kotis
, Andreas Papasalouros:
Learning Useful Kick-off Ontologies from Query Logs: HCOME Revised. 345-351 - Thomas Moser
, Stefan Biffl, Wikan Danar Sunindyo
, Dietmar Winkler:
Integrating Production Automation Expert Knowledge Across Engineering Stakeholder Domains. 352-359 - Stefan Biffl, Wikan Danar Sunindyo
, Thomas Moser
Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Monitoring Frequent-Release Software Projects. 360-367
Security and Privacy
- Vincenzo Conti, Carmelo Militello
, Salvatore Vitabile
, Filippo Sorbello:
Introducing Pseudo-Singularity Points for Efficient Fingerprints Classification and Recognition. 368-375 - Atsushi Takeda, Seiya Nakayama, Gen Kitagata, Debasish Chakraborty, Kazuo Hashimoto, Norio Shiratori:
Hash-Based Distributed Public Key Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Environments. 376-383 - Yi-Fung Huang, Fang-Yie Leu, Ko-Chung Wei:
Constructing a Secure Point-to-Point Wireless Environments by Integrating Diffie-Hellman PKDS and Stream Ciphering. 384-390 - Fang-Yie Leu, Yi-Fung Huang, Chao-Hong Chiu:
Improving Security Levels of IEEE802.16e Authentication by Involving Diffie-Hellman PKDS. 391-397
3PGIC 2010 - Fourth International Workshop on P2P, Parallel, Grid and Internet Computing
Middleware, Services and Programming Models
- Dacian Tudor, Georgiana Macariu, Wolfgang Schreiner, Vladimir Cretu:
Shared Data Grid Programming Improvements Using Specialized Objects. 398-403 - Zhaoyun Ding, Deng Lei, Jia Yan, Zhou Bin, An Lun:
A Web Service Discovery Method Based on Tag. 404-408 - Fatos Xhafa
, Sabri Pllana, Leonard Barolli:
Grid and P2P Middleware for Scientific Computing Systems. 409-414 - Natalia Kryvinska
, Christine Strauss
, Lukas Auer:
Next Generation Applications Mobility Management with SOA - A Scenario-Based Analysis. 415-420
Grid Economics and Resource Management
- George A. Thanos, Eleni Agiatzidou, Juan-Carlos Cuesta, Alan Readhead, Davide Maria Parrilli
, Karita Luokkanen-Rabetino:
Grid Economics and Businesses: Meeting the Challenges. 421-426 - Georg Buss, Kevin Lee
, Daniel Veit
Scalable Grid Resource Trading with Greedy Heuristics. 427-432 - Maryam Kontagora, Horacio González-Vélez
Benchmarking a MapReduce Environment on a Full Virtualisation Platform. 433-438 - Mihai Istin, Andreea Visan, Florin Pop, Ciprian Dobre
, Valentin Cristea:
Near-Optimal Scheduling Based on Immune Algorithms in Distributed Environments. 439-444
Grid and P2P Computing and Applications
- Arkadiusz Biernacki:
Methods of QoS Improvement for P2P IPTV Based on Traffic Modelling. 445-450 - Olivier Terzo, Lorenzo Mossucca, Riccardo Notarpietro, Manuela Cucca:
Grid Computing Environment to Characterize Atmospheric Profiles. 451-456 - Francisco de Asís López-Fuentes:
Adaptive Mechanism for P2P Video Streaming Using SVC and MDC. 457-462
Resilience, Security and Trust in Grid Systems
- Catalin Adrian Leordeanu
, Levni Arif, Valentin Cristea:
Correlation of Intrusion Detection Information in Grid Environments. 463-468 - Babak Rezaei Rad, Fereidoon Shams Aliee:
Computational Grid as an Appropriate Infrastructure for Ultra Large Scale Software Intensive Systems. 469-474 - Elvin Sindrilaru, Alexandru Costan
, Valentin Cristea:
Fault Tolerance and Recovery in Grid Workflow Management Systems. 475-480
ADiS 2010 - First International Workshop on Autonomic Distributed Systems
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Autonomic Cloud Storage: Challenges at Stake. 481 - Andrei Lavinia, Ciprian Dobre
, Florin Pop, Valentin Cristea:
A Failure Detection System for Large Scale Distributed Systems. 482-489 - Vladimir Florian, Gabriel Neagu, Alexandru Stanciu
, Stefan Preda:
Design and Implementation of an OGSA Compliant Grid Service Orchestration and Scheduling Environment. 490-495 - Costin Ionita, Alexandru Costan
, Valentin Cristea:
Automatic Generation of Functional Workflows Using a Semantic Specification. 496-501 - Andreea Visan, Mihai Istin, Florin Pop, Valentin Cristea:
Automatic Control of Distributed Systems Based on State Prediction Methods. 502-507 - Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Jing Cai, Alexandru Costan
, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé
Bringing Introspection Into the BlobSeer Data-Management System Using the MonALISA Distributed Monitoring Framework. 508-513 - Danut Mihon, Victor Bacu
, Róbert Mészáros
, Györgyi Gelybó
, Dorian Gorgan:
Satellite Image Interpolation and Analysis through GreenView Application. 514-519 - Chunping Ouyang, Changjun Hu, Zhenyu Liu:
Data Grid and GIS Technology for E-Science Application: A Case Study of Gas Network Safety Evaluation. 520-525
ECDS 2010 - Fourth Workshop on Engineering Complex Distributed Systems
Managing Complexity
- Thomas Moser
, Munir Merdan, Stefan Biffl:
A Pattern-Based Coordination and Test Framework for Multi-Agent Simulation of Production Automation Systems. 526-533 - Maciej Zygmunt
, Marek Budyn:
Managing Software Complexity with Business Rules. 534-537 - Richard C. Millham
Migration of a Legacy Procedural System to Service-Oriented Computing Using Feature Analysis. 538-543
Techniques and Tools
- Martin Weigel, Thomas Preuss, Jonas Brüstel:
Generating Navigation Capable Maps from User Provided Data with Woodtracker. 544-548 - Yihun Alemu, Jong-bin Koh, Dong-Kyoo Kim:
A Hierarchical Multi-Parent Cluster-Based Data Aggregation Framework for WSNs. 549-554 - Yuji Wada, Yuta Watanabe, Keisuke Syoubu, Jun Sawamoto, Takashi Katoh:
Virtualization Technology for Ubiquitous Databases. 555-560
Applications and Reviews
- Heinz Kredel:
Distributed Hybrid Grobner Bases Computation. 561-567 - Gaetano Zazzaro, Paola Mercogliano, Francesca Maria Pisano:
Data Mining to Classify Fog Events by Applying Cost-Sensitive Classifier. 568-573 - Olivia Fachrunnisa
, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Elizabeth Chang
State of the Art Review for Trust Maintenance in Organizations. 574-580
FCISIS 2010 - Third International Workshop on Frontiers on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems
Architectures and Frameworks
- Wei Liu, Zongtian Liu, Jianfeng Fu, Rong Hu, Zhaomang Zhong:
Extending OWL for Modeling Event-oriented Ontology. 581-586 - Marcin Gorawski, Pawel Jureczek:
A Proposal of Spatio-Temporal Pattern Queries. 587-593 - Denise Umuhoza, Johnson I. Agbinya
, Anwar Vahed:
A Theoretical Multi-Tier Trust Framework for the Geospatial Domain. 594-599
Intelligent Systems and Biotechnology
- Vinitha Hannah Subburaj, Joseph E. Urban:
Issues and Challenges in Building a Framework for Reactive Agent Systems. 600-605 - Jimmy Nagau
, Jean-Luc Henry:
An Optimal Global Method for Classification of Color Pixels. 606-610 - Celine Franco, Jacques Demongeot
, Yannick Fouquet, Christophe Villemazet, Nicolas Vuillerme
Perspectives in Home TeleHealthCare System: Daily Routine Nycthemeral Rhythm Monitoring from Location Data. 611-617 - Fariba Teymoori, Olivier Hansen, Alain Franco, Jacques Demongeot
Dynamic Projection of Old Aged Disability in Iran: DOPAMID Microsimulation. 618-624
Networking Systems
- Fadi N. Sibai
Which On-Chip Interconnection Network for 16-core MPSoCs?. 625-630 - Kyung-Seok Park, Zhibin Yu, Jeong-Hyun Cho, Sung-Ho Kim:
An Intra-ONU Scheduling Method in 10G EPON Supporting IEEE 802.1 AVB. 631-636 - K. Pradheep Kumar
, A. P. Shanthi:
Multicore Real Time Scheduling Using Fuzzified Priority and Non-uniform Laxity. 637-642
- Ke Qin, Mingtian Zhou, Yong Feng:
A Novel Multicast Key Exchange Algorithm Based on Extended Chebyshev Map. 643-648 - Rajappa Velur, Jabeer Ahmed, Shoeb Ahmed, T. S. Indumathi:
New Authentication Architecture for GPRS Networks. 649-654 - Fernando Reinaldo Silva Garcia Ribeiro, Rui Joao Peixoto Jose:
Timely and Keyword-Based Dynamic Content Selection for Public Displays. 655-660
IIBM 2010 - Third International Workshop on Intelligent Informatics in Biology and Medicine
- Oliver Ray, Ken E. Whelan, Ross D. King
Logic-Based Steady-State Analysis and Revision of Metabolic Networks with Inhibition. 661-666 - Maria Manioudaki, Panayiota Poirazi
Modeling of Stress-induced Regulatory Cascades Involving Transcription Factor Dimers. 667-671 - Hao-Teng Chang, Chung-Hsiao Chao, Yu-Fong Lin, Louis J. Tseng, Tun-Wen Pai, Tsan-Huang Shih, Margaret Dah-Tsyr Chang, Pei-Wen Tsai:
Prediction of Regulatory Molecules for Enhancement of EGFR Overexpression Triggered by Signal Peptide of Ribonuclease 3. 672-676 - Mario R. Guarracino
, Adriano Nebbia, Valeria Manna, Altannar Chinchuluun, Panos M. Pardalos:
Efficient Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Sequence Information. 677-682 - Paula Helena Reyes-Herrera, Andrea Acquaviva, Elisa Ficarra
, Enrico Macii:
MicroRNA Target Prediction and Exploration through Candidate Binding Sites Generation. 683-688 - Hua-Ying Kao, Tsan-Huang Shih, Tun-Wen Pai, Ming-Da Lu, Hui-Huang Hsu:
A Comprehensive System for Identifying Internal Repeat Substructures of Proteins. 689-693 - Alessia Visconti
, Francesca Cordero
, Marco Botta, Raffaele A. Calogero
Gene Ontology Rewritten for Computing Gene Functional Similarity. 694-699 - Francesco Abate, Elisa Ficarra
, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii:
An Automated Tool for Scoring Biomedical Terms Correlation Based on Semantic Analysis. 700-705
IIHCI-2010 - Third International Workshop on Intelligent Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction
Tools and Devices
- Vincenzo Lombardo
, Rossana Damiano
An Intelligent Tool for Narrative-Based Video Annotation and Editing. 706-711 - Luigi Gallo
, Mario Ciampi
, Aniello Minutolo
Smoothed Pointing: A User-Friendly Technique for Precision Enhanced Remote Pointing. 712-717 - Marco La Cascia
, Marco Morana
, Salvatore Sorce
Mobile Interface for Content-Based Image Management. 718-723
Intelligent Interaction Techniques
- Giuseppe Russo, Antonio Gentile, Roberto Pirrone
, Angelo Mollame:
Information Organization and Visualization for the ALS Project. 724-728 - Salvatore Andolina, Antonella Santangelo, Antonio Gentile:
Adaptive Voice Interaction for 3D Representation of Cultural Heritage Site. 729-733 - Agnese Augello
, Giovanni Pilato
, Salvatore Gaglio:
An Intelligent Advisor to Suggest Strategies in Economic Policy Decisions. 734-739
IMIS 2010 - Fourth International Workshop on Intelligent, Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing
- Hui-Huang Hsu, Hsuan-Ting Liao:
Online Note Sharing in a Mobile Self-Guided Tour System. 740-745 - Hoon Ko
, Carlos Ramos
A Survey of Context Classfication for Intelligent Systems Research for Ambient Intelligence. 746-751
- Wen-Tzeng Huang, Chao-Nan Hung, Chiu-Ching Tuan, Chin-Hsing Chen, Yuan-Jen Chang, You-Yin Chen:
Novel Design of Interactive Caption and Recognition Postures within the Wearable and Non-Vision System over Wireless Sensor Network. 752-757 - Chiu-Ching Tuan, Yi-Chao Wu, Wei-Shiou Chang, Wen-Tzeng Huang:
Fault Tolerance by Quartile Method in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. 758-763 - Sung-Hwan Kang, Jeong-Gyun Ahn, Yong-Sik Kwon, Jonghoon Eom, Sung-Ho Kim:
Timing and Synchronization with Propagation Delay Symmetry and Originated Slave Clock Frequency for Ubiquitous Computing. 764-769 - Sang-Hyun Moon, Bonam Kim, InSung Lee:
Importance of Phase Information in Speech Enhancement. 770-773
- Jeremie Albert, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Yérom-David Bromberg, Serge Chaumette, Laurent Réveillère:
UbiPAN: A Bluetooth Extended Personal Area Network. 774-778 - Taeshik Shon, Yongsuk Park:
Implementation of RF4CE-Based Wireless Auto Configuration Architecture for Ubiquitous Smart Home. 779-783 - Yusuke Gotoh, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Hideo Taniguchi, Masanori Kanazawa:
A Method to Reduce Interruption Time for Streaming Delivery of Broadcast and Communications Integration Environments. 784-789 - Yong-Hwan Lee, Bonam Kim, Heung-Jun Kim:
Photograph Indexing and Retrieval using Combined Geo-information and Visual Features. 790-793
- Geoffroy Cogniaux, Gilles Grimaud:
Impact of Pages Sizes to Execute Code Using Demand Paging and NAND Flash at Smart Card Scale. 794-799 - Min Wang, Yao Shen, Feilong Tang, Minyi Guo:
xMozart: A Novel Platform for Intelligent Task Migration. 800-805 - Myunggwon Hwang, Dongjin Choi, Pankoo Kim:
Least Slack Time Rate First: New Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Processor Environment. 806-811 - Zhuzhong Qian, Ilsun You, Youyou Lu, Sanglu Lu:
A Dynamic Host Selection Algorithm for Layered Data Storage Architecture in a Pervasive Space. 812-817
IMIS-SS1a: Security and Privacy in Mobile Ubiquitous Computing
- Chu-Hsing Lin, Chen-Yu Lee:
Modified Autonomous Key Management Scheme with Reduced Communication/Computation Costs in MANET. 818-821 - Fuw-Yi Yang, Jeng-Hung Lo, Cai-Ming Liao:
Improvement of an Efficient ID-Based RSA Multisignature. 822-826 - Chung-Fu Lu, Tzong-Chen Wu, Tzay-Farn Shih:
Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol for Unbalanced Wireless Mobile Networks. 827-832
IMIS-SS1b: Security and Privacy in Mobile Ubiquitous Computing
- Chin-Ling Chen, Jinn-ke Jan, Chih-Feng Chien:
Using Mobile Device to Design a Secure Transaction. 833-838 - Kangbin Yim:
A New Noise Mingling Approach to Protect the Authentication Password. 839-842 - Alfredo De Santis
, Aniello Castiglione
, Giuseppe Cattaneo
, Maurizio Cembalo, Fabio Petagna, Umberto Ferraro Petrillo
An Extensible Framework for Efficient Secure SMS. 843-850
IMIS-SS2: Intelligent Methods in Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
- Marek R. Ogiela, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
Towards New Classes of Cognitive Vision Systems. 851-855 - Miroslaw Trzupek:
Linguistic Approach in Intelligent Image Content Analysis of Heart Vessel Structures. 856-859 - Marcin Piekarczyk
Hierarchical Random Graph Model for Off-line Handwritten Signatures Recognition. 860-865 - Tomasz Hachaj
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Understanding Dynamic Computer Tomography Perfusion Maps. 866-871
IMIS-SS3: Trust and Context in Ubiquitous Computing
- Gabriele Costa
, Nicola Dragoni
, Aliaksandr Lazouski, Fabio Martinelli, Fabio Massacci
, Ilaria Matteucci
Extending Security-by-Contract with Quantitative Trust on Mobile Devices. 872-877 - Anders Kofod-Petersen:
Minimising Information Asymmetry by Using Proxies. 878-882 - Sang Min Lee, Dong Seong Kim
, Ji Ho Kim, Jong Sou Park:
Spam Detection Using Feature Selection and Parameters Optimization. 883-888
MuCoCoS 2010 - International Workshop on Multi-Core Computing Systems
Design and Analysis
- Sebastián Isaza, Friman Sánchez, Georgi Gaydadjiev
, Alex Ramírez, Mateo Valero
Scalability Analysis of Progressive Alignment on a Multicore. 889-894 - Fadi N. Sibai
Simulation and Performance Analysis of Multi-core Thread Scheduling and Migration Algorithms. 895-900
- Alastair F. Donaldson, Uwe Dolinsky, Andrew Richards, George Russell:
Automatic Offloading of C++ for the Cell BE Processor: A Case Study Using Offload. 901-906 - Tiago Jose Barreiros Martins de Almeida, Nuno Filipe Valentim Roma
A Parallel Programming Framework for Multi-core DNA Sequence Alignment. 907-912 - Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Stéphane Louise, Denis Barthou
A Multidimensional Array Slicing DSL for Stream Programming. 913-918 - Abdelhafid Mazouz, Sid Ahmed Ali Touati, Denis Barthou
Study of Variations of Native Program Execution Times on Multi-Core Architectures. 919-924
Resource Usage Optimization and Interconnection Networks
- Zeljko Vrba, Pål Halvorsen, Carsten Griwodz:
A Simple Improvement of the Work-stealing Scheduling Algorithm. 925-930 - Edward C. Herrmann, Philip A. Wilsey:
Threaded Dynamic Memory Management in Many-Core Processors. 931-936 - Muhammad Yasir Qadri, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier
A Fuzzy Logic Reconfiguration Engine for Symmetric Chip Multiprocessors. 937-943 - Fadi N. Sibai
Low Diameter Unicast On-Chip Interconnection Networks for Many-Core Embedded Systems. 944-949
OnAV-2010 - Third International Workshop on Ontology Alignment and Visualization
Ontology Matching and Visual
- Simone Kriglstein, Günter Wallner
Knoocks - A Visualization Approach for OWL Lite Ontologies. 950-955 - Isaac Lera
, Carlos Juiz
, Ramón Puigjaner:
OWL-M Extension for Semantic Representations of Ontology Alignments. 956-961 - Konstantin Todorov
, Peter Geibel, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger:
Extensional Ontology Matching with Variable Selection for Support Vector Machines. 962-967
Applications in Semantic Technologies and Ontologies
- Csaba Veres, Kristian Johansen, Andreas L. Opdahl
Browsing and Visualizing Semantically Enriched Information Resources. 968-973 - Trina S. Myers
, Ian Atkinson
, Ron Johnstone:
Semantically Enabling the SEMAT Project: Extending Marine Sensor Networks for Decision Support and Hypothesis Testing. 974-979 - Jorge Martínez Gil
, Enrique Alba
, José Francisco Aldana Montes
Statistical Study about Existing OWL Ontologies from a Significant Sample as Previous Step for their Alignment. 980-985
Principles of Ontology Alignment
- Daniel Fleischhacker, Heiner Stuckenschmidt:
A Practical Implementation of Semantic Precision and Recall. 986-991 - Alexandra Mazak, Bernhard Schandl, Monika Lanzenberger:
iweightings: Enhancing Structure-based Ontology Alignment by Enriching Models with Importance Weighting. 992-997 - Thor Steinar Moller, Csaba Veres, Bjorge Naess:
Position Paper on User Input in Ontology Alignment - Folksonomy Based Alteration of an Interactive City Walk. 998-1001 - Watson Wei Khong Chua, Angela Eck Soong Goh:
An Asymmetric Similarity Measure for Ontologies Based on the Feature Contrast Model. 1002-1007
SENSE/COCOSS 2010 - First International Federated Workshop on Semantically-Enabled Systems Engineering and Coordination in Complex Software Intensive Systems
Theoretical and Practical Issues
- Luís Soares Barbosa
, Sun Meng:
QoS-aware Component Composition. 1008-1013 - Martin Hall-May, Mike Surridge:
Resilient Critical Infrastructure Management Using Service Oriented Architecture. 1014-1021 - Gian Piero Zarri, Lyazid Sabri, Abdelghani Chibani, Yacine Amirat:
Semantic-Based Industrial Engineering: Problems and Solutions. 1022-1027
Coordination Challenges
- Vesna Sesum-Cavic, Eva Kühn:
A Swarm Intelligence Appliance to the Construction of an Intelligent Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network. 1028-1035 - Martin Murth, Eva Kühn:
Knowledge-Based Interaction Patterns for Semantic Spaces. 1036-1043
SWISM 2010 - International Workshop on Semantic Web/Grid Information and Services Discovery and Management
Autonomous and Autonomic Distributed Systems
- Mario Ciampi
, Antonio Coronato
, Giuseppe De Pietro
A Service Oriented Architectural Model for Realizing Pervasive Grids. 1044-1049 - Emilio Pasquale Mancini, Massimiliano Rak
, Umberto Villano:
Autonomic Composite-service Architecture with MAWeS. 1050-1056 - Giuseppe Fenza
, Domenico Furno
, Vincenzo Loia, Mario Veniero:
Agent-based Cognitive approach to Airport Security Situation Awareness. 1057-1062 - Wlodzimierz Funika, Piotr Pegiel, Marian Bubak
, Jacek Kitowski
Towards Role-Based Self-healing in Autonomous Monitoring Systems. 1063-1068
Semantic Models for Distributed Systems
- Mario Bisignano, Giuseppe Di Modica
, Orazio Tomarchio
, Lorenzo Vita:
Uniform Concept Representation in a P2P-Based Semantic Service Discovery Framework. 1069-1074 - Massimiliano Rak
, Antonio Sgueglia:
Instantaneous Load Dependent Servers (iLDS) Model for Web Services. 1075-1080 - Flora Amato
, Valentina Casola
, Andrea Gaglione
, Antonino Mazzeo
A Common Data Model for Sensor Network Integration. 1081-1086 - Nicola Capuano
, Matteo Gaeta
, Francesco Orciuoli
, Pierluigi Ritrovato:
Semantic Web Fostering Enterprise 2.0. 1087-1092 - Gaetano Zazzaro
, Francesca Maria Pisano, Paola Mercogliano
Data Mining to Classify Fog Events by Applying Cost-Sensitive Classifier. 1093-1098
Semantic Based Information Management
- Flora Amato
, Antonino Mazzeo
, Vincenzo Moscato
, Antonio Picariello
A Multimedia Document Model for e-Government Information Systems. 1099-1104 - Giovanni Francesco Mascari, Umberto Maniscalco, Laura Moltedo, Paola Moscati, Giovanni Pilato, Luca Pitolli, Paolo Salonia, Giovanni Toffoli:
Adaptive Semantics of Complex Information/Services Networks: A Case Study from Cultural Heritage. 1105-1110 - Beniamino Di Martino
, Francesco Moscato:
An Ontology Based Methodology for Automated Algorithms Recognition in Source Code. 1111-1116
VENOA 2010 - Second International Workshop on Virtual Environment and Network-Oriented Applications
Virtual Environment Architecture
- Markus Esch, Ingo Scholtes
Resilience and Multicast Aspects of the Structured Network Overlay GP3. 1117-1122 - Aya Takekawa, Naohiko Imaeda, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Kitagawa:
The Study of How to Reduce the Content Delivery Time and the System Load in P2P System. 1123-1128 - Kenzi Watanabe, Makoto Otani, Hisaharu Tanaka, Masami Okyudo:
The Simple and Compact Remote Telescope System. 1129-1134
Multimedia and Web
- Tsuneo Kagawa, Tatsuya Shimamoto, Hiroaki Nishino, Kouichi Utsumiya:
A Study of Haptic Interaction for Image Edition Tools. 1135-1140 - Keizo Sato, Akira Nakanishi, Makoto Nakashima, Tetsuro Ito:
A Legwork Mechanism to Assist a Suggesting Module in Finding Worthy Webpages in Search Results. 1141-1146 - Dahlan Nariman:
E-Government Websites Evaluation Using Correspondence Analysis. 1147-1152
Haptic Interface and Applications
- Eiji Aoki, Junji Hirooka, Nobuhiro Nagatomo, Toshihiko Osada, Hiroaki Nishino, Kouichi Utsumiya:
Effects of Haptization on Disabled People. 1153-1157 - Masaomi Motoji, Hiroaki Nishino, Tsuneo Kagawa, Kouichi Utsumiya:
A Haptic Parameter Exploration Method for Force Feedback Devices. 1158-1163 - Hiroaki Nishino, Ryotaro Goto, Tsuneo Kagawa, Kouichi Utsumiya, Junji Hirooka, Toshihiko Osada, Nobuhiro Nagatomo, Eiji Aoki:
An Electronic Voting System for Haptic Touchscreen Interface. 1164-1169

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