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ECC 2016: Aalborg, Denmark
- 15th European Control Conference, ECC 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, June 29 - July 1, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-2591-6
- Ross Drummond
, David A. Howey
, Stephen R. Duncan:
Parameter estimation of an electrochemical supercapacitor model. 1-6 - Jessica Leo, Frans Davelaar, Gildas Besançon
, Alina Voda:
Modeling and control of a two-tank molten salt thermal storage for a concentrated solar plant. 7-12 - Rafael Fernando Quirino Magossi, Vilma A. Oliveira
, Ricardo Q. Machado
, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Pointwise Thévenin equivalents of a solar module. 13-18 - Bertinho A. Costa
, João Miranda Lemos, Emmanuel Guillot
Control of a solar furnace using active cooling. 19-24 - Kasper Vinther, Tom Søndergaard Pedersen, Kirsten Mølgaard Nielsen:
Absorption heat pump parameter identification using a micro genetic algorithm. 25-30 - Max Thone, Max G. Potters, Simone Baldi
Control configurations in distillation columns: A comparative study. 37-42 - David Rodríguez
, José A. Alfaya
, Guillermo Bejarano
, Manuel G. Ortega, Fernando Castaño
Steady-state parameter estimation of an experimental vapour compression refrigeration plant. 43-48 - Simon Vestergaard Johansen, Carsten Skovmose Kallesoe, Jan Dimon Bendtsen
, Palle Andersen:
Stepwise commissioning of a steam boiler with stability guarantees. 49-54 - Carsten Skovmose Kallesoe, Torben Knudsen
Self calibrating flow estimation in waste water pumping stations. 55-60 - Kevin Dekemele
, Clara-Mihaela Ionescu, Michael De Doncker, Robin De Keyser:
Closed loop control of an electromagnetic stirrer in the continuous casting process. 61-66 - Veli-Pekka Pyrhonen
, Hannu J. Koivisto
Gain-scheduled composite nonlinear feedback control of an exothermic chemical reactor. 67-73 - Huang Huang:
Blended control allocation and lateral-directional stability of the reusable launch vehicles. 74-79 - Francesco Piovanelli, Paolo Paoletti
, Giacomo Innocenti
Enhanced nonlinear model and control design for a flexible wing. 80-85 - Massimo Tipaldi, Luigi Glielmo
State aggregation approximate dynamic programming for model-based spacecraft autonomy. 86-91 - Rafael M. Morales:
Alternative representations of frequency-domain constraints for improved performance in on-blade control systems. 92-97 - Arghya Chakravarty
, Chitralekha Mahanta:
Compensating actuator failures in near space vehicles using adaptive finite time disturbance observer based backstepping controller. 98-103 - Rachana Agrawal, Ravi N. Banavar:
Circular orbit spacecraft control at the L4 point using Lyapunov functions. 104-109 - Bulat Khusainov
, Eric C. Kerrigan, George A. Constantinides:
Multi-objective Co-design for model predictive control with an FPGA. 110-115 - Parisa Ahmadi-Moshkenani, Sorin Olaru, Tor Arne Johansen:
Further results on the exploration of combinatorial tree in multi-parametric quadratic programming. 116-122 - Jean-Hubert Hours, Harsh Shukla, Colin N. Jones:
A parametric augmented Lagrangian algorithm for real-tim economic NMPC. 123-128 - Bartolomeo Stellato
, Paul J. Goulart
High-speed direct model predictive control for power electronics. 129-134 - Johannes Buerger, Mark Cannon:
Nonlinear MPC for supervisory control of hybrid electric vehicles. 135-140 - Robin Verschueren, Mario Zanon
, Rien Quirynen, Moritz Diehl:
Time-optimal race car driving using an online exact hessian based nonlinear MPC algorithm. 141-147 - Ivano Notarnicola
, Florian A. Bayer, Giuseppe Notarstefano, Frank Allgöwer
Final-state constrained optimal control via a projection operator approach. 148-153 - Andreas Themelis
, Silvia Villa
, Panagiotis Patrinos
, Alberto Bemporad:
Stochastic gradient methods for stochastic model predictive control. 154-159 - Nicoletta Bof, Ruggero Carli, Luca Schenato:
On the performance of consensus based versus Lagrangian based algorithms for quadratic cost functions. 160-165 - Pablo Zometa, Hannes Heinemann, Sergio Lucia
, Markus J. Kögel, Rolf Findeisen
Efficient stochastic model predictive control for embedded systems based on second-order cone programs. 166-171 - Sindri Magnússon, Martin Jakobsson, Carlo Fischione
, Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana:
On some extensions of Fast-Lipschitz optimization. 172-177 - Wannes Van Loock, Erik Lambrechts, Gijs Hilhorst, Goele Pipeleers
Approximate parametric cone programming with applications in control. 178-183 - Michalis Smyrnakis, Dario Bauso, Paul A. Trodden, Sandor M. Veres:
Learning of cooperative behaviour in robot populations. 184-189 - Francisco Javier Muros
, Encarnación Algaba
, Jose Maria Maestre, Eduardo F. Camacho:
Cooperative game theory tools to detect critical nodes in distributed control systems. 190-195 - Dario Paccagnan
, Maryam Kamgarpour, John Lygeros:
On aggregative and mean field games with applications to electricity markets. 196-201 - Toshiyuki Murao, Kenji Hirata, Kenko Uchida:
An approximate dynamic integration mechanism for LQ power networks with multi-time scale structures. 202-209 - Tatiana Tatarenko
Stochastic stability of potential function maximizers in continuous version of independent log-linear learning. 210-215 - Francesco Alderisio, Dario Antonacci, Chao Zhai
, Mario di Bernardo
Comparing different control approaches to implement a human-like virtual player in the mirror game. 216-221 - René Schuh, Jan Lunze:
Self-organizing distributed control with situation-dependent communication. 222-229 - Anton V. Proskurnikov
, Ming Cao
Dichotomic differential inequalities and multi-agent coordination. 230-235 - Martin Jilg, Olaf Stursberg
Hierarchical distributed control of a class of interconnected jump Semi-Markov linear systems. 236-242 - Peter Landgren, Vaibhav Srivastava, Naomi Ehrich Leonard:
On distributed cooperative decision-making in multiarmed bandits. 243-248 - Sven Bodenburg, Jan Lunze:
Cooperative reconfiguration of locally interconnected systems with limited model information: A plug-and-play approach. 249-256 - Chithrupa Ramesh, Marius Schmitt, John Lygeros:
Distributed learning in the presence of disturbances. 257-262 - Saif Siddique Butt, Robert Prabel, Jisheng Zhang, Harald Aschemann:
Backstepping-based sliding mode control for an innovative engine cooling system. 263-268 - Markus Reichhartinger
, Sarah K. Spurgeon, Matthias Weyrer:
Design of an unknown input observer to enhance driver experience of electric power steering systems. 269-274 - Iasson Karafyllis, Maria Kontorinaki, Markos Papageorgiou:
Nonlinear adaptive control scheme for discrete-time systems with application to freeway traffic flow networks. 275-282 - Alberto Taddeo, Angelo Alessandri, Patrizia Bagnerini
, Silvia Donnarumma
Backstepping-based stabilization of the pool-boiling system: An application of the circle criterion. 283-288 - Francisco Lopez-Ramirez, Andrey Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov
, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Finite-time and fixed-time observers design via implicit Lyapunov function. 289-294 - Michele Cucuzzella
, Antonella Ferrara
Event-triggered second order sliding mode control of nonlinear uncertain systems. 295-300 - Elisa Mostacciuolo
, Francesco Vasca:
Averaged model for power converters with state jumps. 301-306 - Efstathios Kontouras, Anthony Tzes
, Leonidas Dritsas
Adversarial control scheme for an islanded power plant. 307-312 - Deepjyoti Deka, Scott Backhaus, Michael Chertkov
Learning topology of the power distribution grid with and without missing data. 313-320 - Jesper Knudsen, Jan Bendtsen
, Palle Andersen, Kjeld Madsen, Claes Sterregaard:
Control-oriented first principles-based model of a diesel generator. 321-327 - Giovanni Gambino, Francesca Verrilli, Carmen Del Vecchio
, Luigi Glielmo
Optimal operations and load allocation of a power plant equipped with a CCHP feeding power, steam and cold water to an industrial plant. 328-333 - Miguel Parada Contzen, Jörg Raisch:
Reactive power consensus in microgrids. 334-339 - Chamil Abeykoon
Soft sensing of melt temperature in polymer extrusion. 340-345 - Amin Rezaeizadeh, Thomas Schilcher, Roy S. Smith
Robust-based control design for the beam injector facility. 346-351 - Samir Toumi, Lotfi Beji, Rhouma Mlayeh, Azgal Abichou:
Stabilization of stick-slip oscillations Integrating fluid injection in oilwell drillstring system. 352-357 - Cristina I. Muresan
, Robin De Keyser, Clara M. Ionescu:
Autotuning method for a fractional order controller for a multivariable 13C isotope separation column. 358-363 - Daniel Beckmann, Mauro Hernan Riva, Matthias Dagen, Tobias Ortmaier:
Comparison of online-parameter estimation methods applied to a linear belt drive system. 364-369 - Jan Jantzen, Carl Jakobsen:
Turning PID controller tuning into a simple consideration of settling time. 370-375 - Carlo Tadiello, Giacomo De Rossi
, Marta Capiluppi, Riccardo Muradore
, Paolo Fiorini:
Teaching physical human-robot interaction to computer science undergraduate students. 376-381 - Almir Salihbegovic:
Multivariable sliding mode approach with enhanced robustness properties based on the robust internal-loop compensator for a class of nonlinear mechanical systems. 382-387 - Hsien-Chung Lin, Te Tang, Yongxiang Fan, Yu Zhao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wenjie Chen:
Robot learning from human demonstration with remote lead hrough teaching. 388-394 - George Andrikopoulos
, George Nikolakopoulos, Dariusz Kominiak, Åsa Unander-Scharin:
Towards the development of a novel upper-body pneumatic humanoid: Design and implementation. 395-400 - Yang Tan, Darwin Lau, Mingxing Liu, Philippe Bidaud, Vincent Padois
Minimization of the rate of change in torques during contact transitions for humanoids. 401-406 - Yiannis Karayiannidis, Leonidas Droukas
, Zoe Doulgeri
Operational space robot control for motion performance and safe interaction under Unintentional Contacts. 407-412 - Kendra Lesser, Alessandro Abate:
Safety verification of output feedback controllers for nonlinear systems. 413-418 - Ting Gan, Mingshuai Chen, Yangjia Li, Bican Xia, Naijun Zhan:
Computing reachable sets of linear vector fields revisited. 419-426 - Sofie Haesaert, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
, Alessandro Abate:
Experiment design for formal verification via stochastic optimal control. 427-432 - Sandor M. Veres, Owen McAree
, Jonathan M. Aitken
Towards formal verification of small and micro UAS. 433-440 - Christian Dernehl:
Automatic invariant checking for discrete block diagrams using Lyapunov functions with sat modulo theory solvers. 441-446 - Rasmus Pedersen
, Christoffer Sloth
, Rafael Wisniewski:
Verification of power grid voltage constraint satisfaction - A barrier certificate approach. 447-452 - Raja Sangili Vadamalu, Christian Beidl
Explicit MPC PHEV energy management using Markov chain based predictor: Development and validation at Engine-In-The-Loop testbed. 453-458 - Daniel Haßkerl, Andreas Meyer
, N. Azadfallah, Sebastian Engell, Andreas Potschka
, Leonard Wirsching, Hans Georg Bock:
Study of the performance of the multi-level iteration scheme for dynamic online optimization for a fed-batch reactor example. 459-464 - Christoph Rösmann
, Frank Hoffmann, Torsten Bertram:
Convergence analysis of time-optimal model predictive control under limited computational resources. 465-470 - Bhagyesh V. Patil
, Jan M. Maciejowski, Keck Voon Ling
Nonlinear model predictive control based on Bernstein global optimization with application to a nonlinear CSTR. 471-476 - Niels van Duijkeren, Robin Verschueren, Goele Pipeleers
, Moritz Diehl, Jan Swevers:
Path-following NMPC for serial-link robot manipulators using a path-parametric system reformulation. 477-482 - Ahmed Khalifa, Mohamed Fanni, Toru Namerikawa
MPC and DOb-based robust optimal control of a new quadrotor manipulation system. 483-488 - Zilong Shao, Gang Zheng, Denis V. Efimov
, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Robust and adaptive control using measurements of higher order derivatives. 489-494 - Douglas Tesch, Diego Eckhard
, Alexandre S. Bazanella:
Iterative feedback tuning for cascade systems. 495-500 - Christian Giang
, Leonid Mirkin:
Identifying systems from closed loops: Duality to robust control and an unsung opportunity. 501-506 - Gianmarco Rallo, Simone Formentin, Alessandro Chiuso, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Virtual reference feedback tuning with Bayesian regularization. 507-512 - Moncef Chioua, Bala Srinivasan, Martin Guay, Michel Perrier:
Model adequacy for a precise optimization using extremum seeking control. 513-518 - Peng Li, Giuseppe Fedele, Gilberto Pin
, Thomas Parisini:
Kernel-based deadbeat parametric estimation of bias-affected damped sinusoidal signals. 519-524 - Wilbert Samuel Rossi
, Paolo Frasca
An index for the "local" influence in social networks. 525-530 - Florian Dietrich, Samuel Martin, Marc Jungers:
Transient cluster formation in generalized Hegselmann-Krause opinion dynamics. 531-536 - Dinh Hoa Nguyen
, Tatsuo Narikiyo, Michihiro Kawanishi:
Multi-agent system consensus under input and state constraints. 537-542 - Francesca Ceragioli, Gustav Lindmark, Clas Veiback
, Niklas Wahlstrom, Martin Lindfors, Claudio Altafini
A bounded confidence model that preserves the signs of the opinions. 543-548 - Raffaele Iervolino
, Domenico Tangredi
, Francesco Vasca:
Piecewise quadratic stability of consensus in heterogeneous opinion dynamics. 549-554 - Francesco Acciani, Geert Heijenk
, Paolo Frasca
Achieving robust average consensus over wireless networks. 555-560 - Ruxandra Bobiti, Mircea Lazar:
A sampling approach to finding Lyapunov functions for nonlinear discrete-time systems. 561-566 - Izumi Masubuchi
, Yuzo Ohta:
Analysis of almost-everywhere stability of a class of discontinuous systems via Lyapunov densities. 567-574 - Alexander Zuyev
, Victoria Grushkovskaya
, Peter Benner
Time-varying stabilization of a class of driftless systems satisfying second-order controllability conditions. 575-580 - Bassem Bhiri, Cédric Delattre, Michel Zasadzinski, Kamel Abderrahim
Finite-time stabilization of nonlinear quadratic systems by a non linear state feedback. 581-586 - Konstantin Zimenko, Andrey Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov
, Artem Kremlev:
Frequency domain analysis of control system based on implicit Lyapunov function. 587-593 - Pedro O. Pereira, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Lyapunov-based generic controller design for thrust-propelled underactuated systems. 594-599 - Eric C. Kerrigan, Bulat Khusainov
, George A. Constantinides:
What is different about embedded optimization? 600 - Hans Joachim Ferreau, Stefan Almér
, Helfried Peyrl, Juan Luis Jerez, Alexander Domahidi:
Survey of industrial applications of embedded model predictive control. 601 - D. Kwame Minde Kufoalor, Lars Imsland, Tor Arne Johansen:
Efficient quadratic programming frameworks for industrial embedded model predictive control. 602 - Michal Kvasnica:
Implicit vs explicit MPC - Similarities, differences, and a path owards a unified method. 603 - Pedro Rodríguez-Ayerbe, Sorin Olaru:
Robustness margins and robustification of nominal explicit MPC. 604 - Moritz Schulze Darup
, Jorg Renner:
Predictive pressure control in deep geothermal systems. 605-610 - Hiroshi Endo, Masatoshi Ogawa, Takeo Kasajima, Hiroyuki Fukuda:
Development of cooling control technology by just-in-time modeling for power reduction in large-scale data center. 611-616 - Martina Fischetti
, David Pisinger
Inter-array cable routing optimization for big wind parks with obstacles. 617-622 - Mauro Franceschelli
, Andrea Gasparri
, Alessandro Pisano:
Coordination of electric thermal systems for distributed demand-side management: A gossip-based cooperative approach. 623-630 - Xun Shen
, Jiangyan Zhang, Tielong Shen:
Real-time scenario-based stochastic optimal energy management strategy for HEVs. 631-636 - Stefano Borile, Ashish Pandharipande
, David Caicedo, Angelo Cenedese
, Luca Schenato:
An identification approach to lighting control. 637-642 - Paul Loiseau, Philippe Chevrel, Mohamed Yagoubi, Jean-Marc Duffal:
H∞ multi-objective and multi-model MIMO control design for broadband noise attenuation in an enclosure. 643-648 - Kyriakos M. Deliparaschos
, Themistoklis Charalambous
, Evangelia Kalyvianaki, Christos Makarounas:
On the use of fuzzy logic controllers to comply with virtualized application demands in the cloud. 649-654 - Robert Fonod
, Tal Shima:
Target evasion strategy against a finite set of missile guidance laws. 655-660 - Andrea Carron, Rushabh Patel, Francesco Bullo:
Hitting time for doubly-weighted graphs with application to robotic surveillance. 661-665 - Tomas Puller, Andrea Lecchini-Visintini:
Modelling for control of a jet engine compressor variable stator vanes hydraulic actuator. 666-671 - Giacomo Casadei
, Luca Furieri, Nicola Mimmo
, Roberto Naldi, Lorenzo Marconi:
Internal model-based control for loitering maneuvers of UAVs. 672-677 - Kamil Cetin
, Enver Tatlicioglu, Erkan Zergeroglu
On null-space control of kinematically redundant robot manipulators. 678-683 - Renliw Fleurmond, Viviane Cadenat:
Handling visual features losses during a coordinated vision-based task with a dual-arm robotic system. 684-689 - Yuchen Zhou, Dipankar Maity
, John S. Baras:
Timed automata approach for motion planning using metric interval temporal logic. 690-695 - Frederik Debrouwere, Jan Swevers:
Conterweight synthesis for time-optimal robotic path following. 696-701 - Laysa S. Mello, Guilherme V. Raffo
, Bruno Vilhena Adorno:
Robust whole-body control of an unmanned aerial manipulator. 702-707 - Jie Huang, Ming Cao
, Ning Zhou, Yan Li:
Formation control of mobile agents with second-order nonlinear dynamics in unknown environments containing obstacles. 708-713 - Zeinab Mahmoudi, Dimitri Boiroux, Morten Hagdrup, Kirsten Nørgaard
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen, John Bagterp Jørgensen:
Application of the continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter for fault detection in continuous glucose monitors for type 1 diabetes. 714-719 - Lok Man Ho:
H∞ structured residual generator synthesis using residual reference models with application to lateral vehicle dynamics. 720-727 - Yilun Zhou, Francesca Boem
, Carlo Fischione
, Thomas Parisini:
Distributed fault detection with sensor networks using pareto-optimal dynamic estimation method. 728-733 - Boli Chen
, Thomas Parisini, Marios M. Polycarpou
A deadbeat estimator-based fault isolation scheme for nonlinear systems. 734-739 - Thomas Leifeld, Zhihua Zhang, Ping Zhang
Fault detection for probabilistic boolean networks. 740-745 - Ahmed A. Abdelrauf, Mostafa Abdel-Geliel, Ezz Eldin Zakzouk:
Adaptive PID controller based on model predictive control. 746-751 - Michael Jost, Gabriele Pannocchia
, Martin Mönnigmann
Constraint removal in linear MPC: An improved criterion and complexity analysis. 752-757 - Brage Rugstad Knudsen, Jon H. Brusevold, Bjarne A. Foss:
An exact penalty-function approach to proactive fault-tolerant economic MPC. 758-763 - Tim Schwickart, Holger Voos
, Mohamed Darouach, Souad Bezzaoucha:
A flexible move blocking strategy to speed up model-predictive control while retaining a high tracking performance. 764-769 - Moritz Schulze Darup, Mark Cannon:
Some observations on the activity of terminal constraints in linear MPC. 770-775 - John Anthony Rossiter, Robert Haber, Khaled Zabet:
Pole-placement PFC (Predictive Functional Control) for systems with one oscillatory mode. 776-781 - Patrizio Tomei, Riccardo Marino
Hybrid adaptive compensators for multi-sinusoidal disturbance rejection. 782-787 - Namhoon Cho, Youdan Kim
Basis integral concurrent learning model reference adaptive control. 788-793 - Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie
, Ioan Doré Landau:
Attenuation of vibrational interference - Robust and adaptive approaches. 794-799 - Edgar D. Klenske, Philipp Hennig, Bernhard Schölkopf
, Melanie Nicole Zeilinger:
Approximate dual control maintaining the value of information with an application to building control. 800-806 - Maria V. Kulikova
, Julia V. Tsyganova
, Innokentiy V. Semushin:
Adaptive wave filtering for marine vessels within UD-based algorithms. 807-812 - Yundi Chu, Juntao Fei:
Adaptive backstepping global sliding fuzzy neural controller for MEMS gyroscope. 813-818 - Gustav Lindmark, Claudio Altafini
Positive controllability of large-scale networks. 819-824 - Neil K. Dhingra, Marcello Colombino
, Mihailo R. Jovanovic
On the convexity of a class of structured optimal control problems for positive systems. 825-830 - Anatoly Zlotnik, Sidhant Misra, Marc Vuffray
, Michael Chertkov
Monotonicity of actuated flows on dissipative transport networks. 831-836 - Jun-ichi Toji, Hiroyuki Ichihara:
Formation control of quadrotors based on interconnected positive systems. 837-842 - Yuji Okamoto
, Jun-ichi Imura
, Mariko Okada-Hatakeyama:
Observer design of positive quadratic systems. 843-848 - Atreya Kotoky, Ashutosh Mahajan, Ashwin Arulselvan, Madhu N. Belur, Rachel K. Kalaimani
Minimum controller substructure for generic arbitrary pole placement: Multicommodity flow and TSP based formulations. 849-854 - Lin Tie:
On small-controllability and near-reachability of a class of discrete-time bilinear systems. 855-860 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Andrea Cristofaro, Roberto Giambò
, Fabio Giannoni, Silvia Pettinari:
Concurrent synchronization of neural networks via excitatory-only coupling with different topologies. 861-866 - Melanie Kimmel, Sandra Hirche:
Invariance control with time-varying constraints. 867-872 - Vera Smirnova, Anton V. Proskurnikov
Phase locking, oscillations and cycle slipping in synchronization systems. 873-878 - Twinkle Tripathy, Ankita Humne, Arpita Sinha:
Generating patterns using multiple targets. 879-884 - Aradhana Nayak
, Ravi N. Banavar:
Aspects of globally-stable tracking for certain classes of simple mechanical systems. 885-890 - J. J. Barradas Berglind, Rafael Wisniewski:
Wind farm axial-induction factor optimization for power maximization and load alleviation. 891-896 - Chenye Wu
, Soummya Kar
, Gabriela Hug
Enhanced secondary frequency control via distributed peer-to-peer communication. 897-902 - John Bagterp Jørgensen
, Leo Emil Sokoler, Laura Standardi, Rasmus Halvgaard, Tobias Gybel Hovgaard, Gianluca Frison, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
, Henrik Madsen
Economic MPC for a linear stochastic system of energy units. 903-909 - D. Bao Nguyen, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
, Frits Bliek, Wouter Kramer, Gunn K. H. Larsen:
Distributed optimal control and congestion management in the universal smart energy framework. 910-915 - Sebastian Trip, Claudio De Persis:
Optimal generation in structure-preserving power networks with second-order turbine-governor dynamics. 916-921 - Ervin A. Bossanyi, Tiago Jorge:
Optimisation of wind plant sector management for energy and loads. 922-927 - F. D. Brunne, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Frank Allgöwer
Dynamic thresholds in robust event-triggered control for discrete-time linear systems. 923-988 - Muhammad Ali Al-Radhawi, David Angeli:
Construction of robust Lyapunov functions for reaction networks. 928-935 - W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Dominicus P. Borgers, Victor S. Dolk, Roman Geiselhart, Stefan H. J. Heijmans
Constructions of Lyapunov functions for large-scale networked control systems with packet-based communication. 936-938 - Jingjing Jiang, Alessandro Astolfi
Shared-control for typical driving scenarios. 939-944 - SeyedMehrdad Hosseini, Hakan Köroglu
, Jonas Sjöberg:
Estimation of parameters and delay in driver models using L1-regularization. 945-950 - Sergey Abrashov, Mathieu Moze
, Xavier Moreau, Rachid Malti, François Aioun, Franck Guillemard:
Generalized driver steering model based on similarities in visual-based and optimal preview controls. 951-956 - Jesus Velasco Carrau, Alexander Liniger, Xiaojing Zhang, John Lygeros:
Efficient implementation of Randomized MPC for miniature race cars. 957-962 - Steffen Wagner, Günther Prokop
Nonlinear controller design based on feedforward exact input-output linearization for active rear-wheel steering in passenger vehicles. 963-970 - Robert Dollinger, Carsten Markgraf, Nesimi Ertugrul:
Optimization of active yaw control in an autonomous electric racing car. 971-976 - Tomonori Sadamoto
, Henrik Sandberg
, Bart Besselink, Takayuki Ishizaki, Jun-ichi Imura
, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Weak resilience of networked control systems. 977-982 - Qing Hui, Chen Peng:
Strong semistabilizability and partial semistabilizability with applications to semistabilization analysis of multi-layer networks. 989-994 - Anqi Fu, Manuel Mazo Jr.
Improved asynchronous event-triggered control for linear systems with performance guarantees. 995-1000 - Touraj Soleymani, Sandra Hirche, John S. Baras:
Maximization of information in energy-limited directed communication. 1001-1006 - Kamil Cetin
, Alper Bayrak
, Enver Tatlicioglu:
Online time delay estimation in networked control systems with application to bilateral teleoperation. 1007-1012 - Ye Wang, Vicenç Puig
, Gabriela Cembraño:
Economic MPC with periodic terminal constraints of nonlinear differential-algebraic-equation systems: Application to drinking water networks. 1013-1018 - Elena G. Sayalero, Daniel Sarabia, Gloria Gutiérrez, Sergio Marmol, Jose Miguel Sola, Carlos Pascual, Rafael Gonzalez, César de Prada:
Optimal management of hydrogen in a petrol refinery. 1019-1024 - Dionysios P. Xenos, Olaf Kahrs, Matteo Cicciotti, Fernando Moreno Leira, Nina F. Thornhill
Challenges of the application of data-driven models for the real-time optimization of an industrial air separation plant. 1025-1030 - Lennart Merkert
, Rüdiger Franke:
Multi-energy site optimization. 1031-1037 - Lars Norbert Petersen, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
, Hans Henrik Niemann
, Christer Utzen, John Bagterp Jørgensen
Industrial application of model predictive control to a milk powder spray drying plant. 1038-1044 - Simon Wenzel, Radoslav Paulen
, Stefan Krämer, Benedikt Beisheim, Sebastian Engell:
Shared resource allocation in an integrated petrochemical site by price-based coordination using quadratic approximation. 1045-1050 - Jinbiao Ning, Fengjun Yan:
IMC based iterative learning control of DOC temperature during DPF regerneration. 1051-1056 - José A. Ramos, Eric Rogers
, Paulo J. Lopes dos Santos
, Teresa Paula Azevedo Perdicoúlis:
Subspace algorithm for identifying bilinear repetitive processes with deterministic inputs. 1057-1062 - Ricardo Castro-Garcia, Oscar Mauricio Agudelo, Koen Tiels, Johan A. K. Suykens
Hammerstein system identification using LS-SVM and steady state time response. 1063-1068 - Tamara Salvatori, Guilherme Araujo Pimentel, Alexandre Sanfelice Bazanella:
Evaluation of polynomial models to predict methane production in batch mode bioreactors. 1069-1074 - Le Quang Thuan, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Simone Baldi
Online identification of continuous bimodal and trimodal piecewise affine systems. 1075-1070 - Rosane Ushirobira, Denis V. Efimov
, Géry Casiez
, Nicolas Roussel, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
A forecasting algorithm for latency compensation in indirect human-computer interactions. 1081-1086 - Timothy H. Hughes:
Controllability of passive single-input single-output systems. 1087-1092 - Noorma Yulia Megawati, Arjan van der Schaft
Equivalence of regular matrix pencil DAE systems by bisimulation. 1093-1098 - Rihab Lamouchi
, Tarek Raïssi
, Messaoud Amairi
, Mohamed Aoun
Fault tolerant control in a set-membership framework. 1099-1104 - Sofiane Ben Chabane, Cristina Stoica Maniu
, Eduardo F. Camacho, Teodoro Alamo
, Didier Dumur:
Fault tolerant control approach based on multiple models and set-membership state estimation. 1105-1110 - Masoud Pourasghar, Vicenç Puig
, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez:
Comparison of set-membership and interval observer approaches for state estimation of uncertain systems. 1111-1116 - Sandeep Kumar, Chayan Bhawal, Debasattam Pal, Madhu N. Belur:
New results and algorithms for computing storage functions: The lossless/all-pass cases. 1117-1122 - Can Bikcora, Lennart Verheijen, Siep Weiland:
Probabilistic short-term load forecasting with conditional mean-variance and quantile regression models. 1123-1128 - Maria V. Kulikova
, Gennady Yu. Kulikov
On computational robustness of accurate continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filtering for target tracking models. 1129-1134 - Tamás Baár, Bence Beke, Péter Bauer, Bálint Vanek
, Jozsef Bokor:
Smoothed multiple model adaptive estimation. 1135-1140 - Kwassi Holali Degue, Denis V. Efimov
, Abderrahman Iggidr
Interval estimation of sequestered infected erythrocytes in malaria patients. 1141-1145 - Souad Bezzaoucha, Holger Voos
, Mohamed Darouach:
A polytopic approach for the nonlinear unknown input functional observers design: Application to a quadrotor aerial robots landing. 1146-1152 - Ignácio Rubio Scola
, Gildas Besançon
, Didier Georges:
Improving Kalman filtering by input selection for nonuniformly observable state-affine systems. 1153-1158 - Ondrej Holub, Majid Zamani
, Alessandro Abate:
Efficient HVAC controls: A symbolic approach. 1159-1164 - Jirí Cigler, Zdenek Vána, Tomas Muzik, Jan Sulc, Lukás Ferkl:
Usage of spot market prices prediction for demand side management. 1165-1170 - Harish Satyavada, Robert Babuska, Simone Baldi
Integrated dynamic modelling and multivariable control of HVAC components. 1171-1176 - Martin Felix Pichler, Gregor Goertler, Hermann Schranzhofer:
Test buildings with TABS for MPC-performance evaluation - Comparability and system identification. 1177-1182 - Thomas Grubinger, Georgios C. Chasparis
, Thomas Natschläger:
Online transfer learning for climate control in residential buildings. 1183-1188 - Petr Endel, Ondrej Holub, Jan Berka:
Adaptive quantile estimation in performance monitoring of building automation systems. 1189-1194 - Samira S. Farahani, Zofia Lukszo, Tamás Keviczky, Bart De Schutter
, Richard M. Murray:
Robust model predictive control for an uncertain smart thermal grid. 1195-1200 - Vahab Rostampour, Tamás Keviczky:
Robust randomized model predictive control for energy balance in smart thermal grids. 1201-1208 - Pablo Velarde
, Jose Maria Maestre, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Carlos Bordons
Application of robust model predictive control to a renewable hydrogen-based microgrid. 1209-1214 - Tomas Tinoco De Rubira, Gabriela Hug
Adaptive certainty-equivalent approach for optimal generator dispatch under uncertainty. 1215-1222 - Farid Alavi, Nathan van de Wouw, Bart De Schutter
Min-max control of fuel-cell-car-based smart energy systems. 1223-1228 - Frederik Ruelens, Bert J. Claessens, Ronnie Belmans, Geert Deconinck
Sequential decision-making strategy for a demand response aggregator in a two-settlement electricity market. 1229-1235 - Mathieu Chevrie, Christophe Farges, Jocelyn Sabatier, Franck Guillemard, Laetitia Pradere, Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie
Finite length wire electro-thermal modeling for automotive applications using H2-norm based approximation of a fractional model. 1236-1241 - Jonathan Sowman, Dina Shona Laila, Anthony Truscott, Peter Fussey
, Andrew J. Cruden:
Real-time rejection of ammonia cross sensitivity in sensors for diesel aftertreatment systems by parallel particle filtering. 1242-1247 - Mahdi Zarghami, Mehrdad Babazadeh, S. Hassan HosseinNia
Performance enhancement of spark ignition engines by using fractional order controller. 1248-1252 - Dmitry Nikolaevich Gerasimov
, Mikhail E. Belyaev
, Vladimir O. Nikiforov, Hossein Javaherian, Shifang Li, Yiran Hu:
Inverse adaptive air-fuel ratio control in spark ignition engines. 1253-1258 - Mitsuru Toyoda, Tielong Shen:
D-optimization based mapping calibration of air mass flow in combustion engines. 1259-1264 - Yahui Zhang, Tielong Shen:
Stochastic approximation for combustion phase optimization of SI gasoline engines. 1265-1270 - Leif Erik Andersson
, Francesco Scibilia, Lars Imsland
The moving horizon estimator used in iceberg drift estimation and Forecast. 1271-1277 - Huarong Zheng, Rudy R. Negenborn, Gabriël Lodewijks
Explicit use of probabilistic distributions in robust predictive control of waterborne AGVs - A cost-effective approach. 1278-1283 - Silvia Donnarumma
, Luca Zacearian, Angelo Alessandri, Stefano Vignolo:
Anti-windup synthesis of heading and speed regulators for ship control with actuator saturation. 1284-1290 - Kristoffer Rist Skoien, Morten Omholt Alver, Sarah Lundregan, Kevin Frank, Jo Arve Alfredsen
Effects of wind on surface feed distribution in sea cage aquaculture: A simulation study. 1291-1296 - Alessandro Rucco, A. Pedro Aguiar
, Fernando M. Lobo Pereira
, João Borges de Sousa
A moving path following approach for trajectory optimization of UAVs: An application for target tracking of marine vehicles. 1297-1302 - Erlend K. Jørgensen, Ingrid Schjølberg:
ROV end-effector stabilization for unknown, time-varying currents. 1303-1308 - Per Erik Modén, Michael Lundh, Gustav Henriks:
Replicating existing solution as initial step of MPC commissioning. 1309-1314 - Jens Tonne, Olaf Stursberg
Constraint robust model predictive control for jump Markov linear systems with additive disturbances. 1315-1321 - Rodrigo Trentini, Antonio Silveira
, Rüdiger Kutzner, Lutz Hofmann:
On the unrestricted horizon predictive control - A fully stochastic model-based predictive approach. 1322-1327 - Bálint Takács, Juraj Stevek, Richard Valo, Michal Kvasnica:
Python code generation for explicit MPC in MPT. 1328-1333 - Gergely Takács, Pablo Zometa, Rolf Findeisen
, Boris Rohal-Ilkiv:
Efficiency and performance of embedded model predictive control for active vibration attenuation. 1334-1340 - Shukri Dughman, John Anthony Rossiter:
Efficient feed forward design within MPC. 1341-1346 - Matteo Guerra, Carlos Vázquez, Denis V. Efimov
, Gang Zheng, Leonid B. Freidovich
, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Interval differentiators: On-line estimation of differentiation accuracy. 1347-1352 - Mathieu Pouliquen, Tomas Menard, Eric Pigeon, Olivier Gehan, Abdelhak Goudjil
Recursive system identification algorithm using binary measurements. 1353-1358 - Diego Romeres, Giulia Prando, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Alessandro Chiuso:
On-line Bayesian system identification. 1359-1364 - Giulia Prando, Diego Romeres, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Alessandro Chiuso:
Classical vs. Bayesian methods for linear system identification: Point estimators and confidence sets. 1365-1370 - Magnus Mossberg:
Performance analysis and filter choice for an errors-in-variables method. 1371-1376 - Yuma Abe, Masaki Inoue, Shuichi Adachi:
Subspace identification method incorporated with a priori information characterized in frequency domain. 1377-1382 - Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis, Augusto Ferrante:
On the structure of the solutions of the constrained generalized discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation. 1383-1388 - Zoltán Szabó, József Bokor:
Jordan algebra and control theory. 1389-1394 - Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
New results in the computation of output-nulling subspaces. 1395-1400 - Emanuele Garone
, Robert Schmid, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
A new method for the row-by-row decoupling problem with pole assignment. 1401-1405 - Francesco Amato, Mohamed Darouach, Gianmaria De Tommasi
Finite-time stabilizability and detectability of linear systems. Part II: Design of observer based output feedback finite-time stabilizing controllers. 1406-1411 - Francesco Amato, Mohamed Darouach, Gianmaria De Tommasi
Finite-time stabilizability and detectability of linear systems. Part I: Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of output feedback finite-time stabilizing controllers. 1412-1417 - Thach Ngoc Dinh
, Hiroshi Ito:
Interval observers for continuous-time bilinear systems with discrete-time outputs. 1418-1423 - Daniele Astolfi
, Lorenzo Marconi, Andrew R. Teel:
Low-power peaking-free high-gain observers for nonlinear systems. 1424-1429 - Ian R. Petersen, Elanor H. Huntington:
A reduced order direct coupling coherent quantum observer for a complex quantum plant. 1430-1433 - Robert Fonod
, Moshe Idan
, Jason L. Speyer:
State estimation for linear systems with additive cauchy noises: Optimal and suboptimal approaches. 1434-1439 - Martin Karlsson, Fredrik Karlsson:
Cooperative indoor positioning by exchange of bluetooth signals and state estimates between users. 1440-1444 - Christoforos Somarakis, Reza Hadadi, John S. Baras:
Dynamics of collectives with opinionated agents: The case of scrambling connectivity. 1445-1450 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Andrea Cristofaro, Silvia Pettinari:
A model-based robust icing detection and estimation scheme for wind turbines. 1451-1456 - Peter Fogh Odgaard, Tobias Gybel Hovgaard, Rafael Wisniewski:
Model predictive control for wind turbine power boosting. 1457-1462 - Wai Hou Lio
, J. Anthony Rossiter, Bryn Ll. Jones:
Predictive control design on an embedded robust output-feedback compensator for wind turbine blade-pitch preview control. 1463-1468 - Yolanda Vidal
, Leonardo Acho, José Rodellar, Christian Tutivén
Wind turbines controllers design based on the super-twisting algorithm. 1469-1474 - Julia Kersten
, Harald Aschemann:
LMI approaches for a robust control of a wind turbine with a hydrostatic transmission. 1475-1480 - Mohsen Neshati, Adam Zuga, Torben Jersch, Jan Wenske:
Hardware-in-the-loop drive train control for realistic emulation of rotor torque in a full-scale wind turbine nacelle test rig. 1481-1486 - Johannes Schiffer, Florian Dörfler
On stability of a distributed averaging PI frequency and active power controlled differential-algebraic power system model. 1487-1492 - Michele Tucci, Alessandro Floriduz
, Stefano Riverso
, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Plug-and-play control of AC islanded microgrids with general topology. 1493-1500 - Claudio De Persis, Nima Monshizadeh
A modular design of incremental Lyapunov functions for microgrid control with power sharing. 1501-1506 - Guido Cavraro
, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Ruggero Carli, Paolo Tenti:
A master/slave control of distributed energy resources in low-voltage microgrids. 1507-1512 - Nikita E. Barabanov, Romeo Ortega
, Robert Griñó
, Boris T. Polyak:
On existence and stability of equilibria of DC LTI circuits with constant power loads. 1513-1518 - Martin Andreasson, Na Li:
Dynamical decentralized voltage control of multi-terminal HVDC grids. 1519-1524 - Tor Arne Johansen:
Control allocation overview and application to marine vessel control. 1525 - Minh Tri Nguyen, Cristina Stoica Maniu
, Sorin Olaru:
Decentralized constructive collision avoidance for multi-agent dynamical systems. 1526-1531 - Zhongyi Gong, Ulrich Konigorski:
Dynamic modeling and controller design of an omniwheel mobile platform by differential parameterization. 1532-1537 - Zhicheng Hou, Isabelle Fantoni:
Composite nonlinear feedback-based bounded formation control of multi-quadrotor systems. 1538-1543 - Hitoshi Katayama:
Observers and output feedback consensus controllers for continuous-time strict-feedback multi-agent systems with sampled observation. 1544-1549 - Katherine E. Fitch, Naomi Ehrich Leonard:
Optimal leader selection for controllability and robustness in multi-agent networks. 1550-1555 - Takeshi Mizuno, Yuji Ishino, Masaya Takasaki:
Force compensation for anti-collision in placing a magnetized component on ferromagnetic plate. 1556-1561 - Laura Ferranti
, Tamás Keviczky:
MPC design for the longitudinal motion of a passenger aircraft based on operator-splitting and fast-gradient methods. 1562-1567 - Ján Drgona
, Filip Janecek, Martin Klauco
, Michal Kvasnica:
Regionless explicit MPC of a distillation column. 1568-1573 - Giovanni Licitra
, Sören Sieberling, S. Engelen, Paul Williams, Richard Ruiterkamp, Moritz Diehl:
Optimal control for minimizing power consumption during holding patterns for airborne wind energy pumping system. 1574-1579 - Ruben Van Parys, Goele Pipeleers
Online distributed motion planning for multi-vehicle systems. 1580-1585 - Tim Mercy, Wannes Van Loock, Goele Pipeleers
Real-time motion planning in the presence of moving obstacles. 1586-1591 - Iris Ballesteros-Tolosana, Sorin Olaru, Pedro Rodríguez-Ayerbe
, Guillermo Pita Gil, Renaud Deborne:
Comparison of optimization-based strategies for constrained control of auto-steering systems. 1592-1597 - Brian C. Fabien:
A noninterior continuation method for constrained optimal control problems. 1598-1603 - Sikandar Moten, Goele Pipeleers
, Jan Swevers:
A new gradient based approach for concurrent optimal plant and controller design. 1604-1609 - Karnika Biswas, Indrani Kar:
An optimal solution to fixed time horizon moving target tracking with obstacle avoidance. 1610-1615 - Paul Beuchat, Angelos Georghiou
, John Lygeros:
Alleviating tuning sensitivity in Approximate Dynamic Programming. 1616-1622 - Daniel Dueri, Sasa V. Rakovic, Behçet Açikmese:
Consistently improving approximations for constrained controllability and reachability. 1623-1629 - Isak Nielsen, Daniel Axehill:
An O (log N) parallel algorithm for newton step computations with applications to moving horizon estimation. 1630-1636 - Asma Atitallah
, Saïda Bedoui
, Kamel Abderrahim
New results on wiener time delay system identification. 1637-1642 - Philipp Polterauer, Thomas Schwarzgruber, Patrick Schrangl, David Karlsbock, Luigi del Re
Simple direct block-oriented system identification for hydraulic motion control. 1643-1648 - Manas Mejari, Dario Piga
, Alberto Bemporad:
Regularized least square support vector machines for order and structure selection of LPV-ARX models. 1649-1654 - Anna Marconato, Maarten Schoukens
, Johan Schoukens:
Filter interpretation of regularized impulse response modeling. 1655-1660 - Max G. Potters, Xavier Bombois, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Experiment time minimisation under parameter accuracy constraints and time-domain signal amplitude bounds. 1661-1666 - Zohra Kader, Christophe Fiter
, Laurentiu Hetel
, Lotfi Belkoura
Observer-based relay feedback controller design for LTI systems. 1667-1672 - Yanzhi Wu, Jiangping Hu
, Yiyi Zhao
Anti-synchronization problem for cooperative-competitive multi-layer neural networks with time delays and unknown dynamics. 1673-1678 - Maxime Feingesicht, Cedric Raibaudo, Andrey Polyakov, Franck Kerhervé, Jean-Pierre Richard
A bilinear input-output model with state-dependent delay for separated flow control. 1679-1684 - Caetano B. Cardeliquio, Matheus Souza, Rubens H. Korogui, André R. Fioravanti
Stability analysis and state-feedback control design for time-delay systems. 1685-1690 - Denis V. Efimov
, Emilia Fridman
, Andrei Polyakov, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Jean-Pierre Richard
On design of sampled-data interval observers. 1691-1696 - Dina Irofti
, Keqin Gu, Islam Boussaada
, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu:
Migration of imaginary roots of multiplicity three and four under small deviation of two delays in time-delay systems. 1697-1702 - Yaser Ghaedsharaf, Milad Siami
, Christoforos Somarakis, Nader Motee:
Interplay between performance and communication delay in noisy linear consensus networks. 1703-1708 - Shinji Ishihara, Masaki Yamakita:
Gain constrained robust UKF for nonlinear systems with parameter uncertainties. 1709-1714 - Kevin Leahy, Mac Schwager:
Always choose second best: Tracking a moving target on a graph with a noisy binary sensor. 1715-1721 - Tor Arne Johansen, Thor I. Fossen
Nonlinear filtering with exogenous Kalman filter and double Kalman filter. 1722-1727 - Gennady Yu. Kulikov
, Maria V. Kulikova
Accurate continuous-discrete extended Kalman filtering for stiff continuous-time stochastic models in chemical engineering. 1728-1733 - Ilan Rusnak, Itzhak Barkana:
Stability of the SDDRE based observer for deterministic nonlinear systems. 1734-1739 - Joonho Lee, Jongeun Choi, Hassan K. Khalil:
New implementation of high-gain observers in the presence of measurement noise using stochastic approximation. 1740-1745 - Héctor Rodríguez
, Vicenç Puig
, Juan J. Flores
, Rodrigo López:
Flow meter data validation and reconstruction using neural networks: Application to the Barcelona water network. 1746-1751 - Vikas Gupta, Vicenç Puig
Decentralized fault diagnosis using analytical redundancy relations: Application to a water distribution network. 1752-1757 - Adrià Soldevila, Rosa M. Fernández-Cantí
, Joaquim Blesa
, Sebastian Tornil-Sin
, Vicenç Puig
Leak localization in water distribution networks using model-based Bayesian reasoning. 1758-1763 - Tobias Leth, Carsten Skovmose Kallesoe, Christoffer Sloth
, Rafal Wisniewski:
Stability of drinking water distribution network. 1764-1769 - Kenneth Marx Hoe Baunsgaard, Ole Ravn
, Carsten Skovmose Kallesoe, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
MPC control of water supply networks. 1770-1775 - Mario Pereira, David Muñoz de la Peña, Daniel Limón, Ignacio Alvarado, Teodoro Alamo
Application to a large-scale drinking water network of robust MPC for tracking periodic references. 1776-1781 - Rasmus Pedersen
, Christoffer Sloth
, Rafael Wisniewski:
Active power management in power distribution grids: Disturbance modeling and rejection. 1782-1787 - Elian J. Agnoletto, Rodolpho V. A. Neves
, Renan F. Bastos
, Ricardo Q. Machado
, Vilma Alves de Oliveira
Fuzzy secondary controller applied to autonomous operated AC microgrid. 1788-1793 - Quang Linh Lam
, Antoneta Iuliana Bratcu
, Delphine Riu:
Systematic multi-variable H∞ control design for primary frequency regulation in stand-alone microgrids with high penetration of renewable energy sources. 1794-1799 - Evans E. Ejegi, John Anthony Rossiter, Paul A. Trodden:
Generalized model for load frequency control studies in a deregulatedenvironment. 1800-1805 - Ulrich Münz, Amer Mesanovic:
Optimal redispatch and primary reserve allocation for power systems with uncertain load and generation. 1806-1811 - Yoshihiro Okawa
, Toru Namerikawa
Distributed power supply-demand management based on negawatt trading with energy storage system. 1812-1817 - Christoph Zechner
, Mustafa Khammash:
Approximate filtering distributions for characterizing input-output behavior of biochemical networks. 1818-1823 - Mathias Foo
, Rucha Sawlekar, Jongmin Kim
, Declan G. Bates, Guy-Bart Stan
, Vishwesh V. Kulkarni:
Biomolecular implementation of nonlinear system theoretic operators. 1824-1831 - Rushina Shah, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
An N-stage cascade of phosphorylation cycles as an insulation device for synthetic biological circuits. 1832-1837 - Thomas P. Prescott
, Antonis Papachristodoulou
Multi-scale design in layered synthetic biological systems. 1838-1843 - Hafiz Ahmed
, Rosane Ushirobira, Denis V. Efimov
Robust synchronization of genetic oscillators subjected to cell division and common entrainment. 1844-1849 - Farhan Khan, Luca Scardovi:
Synchronization control of interconnected systems with applications to neuronal networks. 1850-1855 - Rashmi Hegde, Dimitra Panagou:
Multi-agent motion planning and coordination in polygonal environments using vector fields and model predictive control. 1856-1861 - Shyamprasad Konduri, Prabhakar R. Pagilla, Swaroop Darbha:
Reconfiguration of a vehicle formation with ring communication structure. 1862-1867 - Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino Marcello Mangini
, Giovanni Pedroncelli
, Edward W. Tunstel, Walter Ukovich:
Distributed algorithms for multi-robot incident response victim extraction. 1868-1873 - Shun-Pin Hsu:
On a class of controllable single-leader multi-agent systems. 1874-1879 - Fatihcan M. Atay
, Dina Irofti
A delayed consensus algorithm in networks of anticipatory agents. 1880-1885 - Ahmad Farhat, Damien Koenig:
Generalized Luenberger observers for fault detection in switched systems using H-index. 1886-1891 - Paolo Castaldi
, Nicola Mimmo
, Roberto Naldi, Lorenzo Marconi:
Robust quadrotor actuator fault detection and isolation in presence of environmental disturbances. 1892-1897 - Diana Hernandez-Alcantara
, Rubén Morales-Menéndez, Luis Antonio Amezquita-Brooks:
Fault diagnosis for an automotive suspension using particle filters. 1898-1903 - Ramakrishnan Ambur
, Raja Sangili Vadamalu, Stephan Rinderknecht:
Identification of unbalance faults in rotors with unknown input observers using classical and LMI based approaches. 1904-1908 - Mohamed Abdelmoula Benlahrache, Sami Othman
, Nida Sheibat-Othman
Fault tolerant control of wind turbine using Laguerre and Kautz MPC for compensation. 1909-1914 - Daniel Vey, Jan Lunze:
Towards a reduced virtual actuator: A graph-theoretic approach. 1915-1921 - Rie B. Larsen
, Jérôme Jouffroy, Benny Lassen:
On the premature convergence of particle swarm optimization. 1922-1927 - Hasan Arshad Nasir, Simone Garatti
, Erik Weyer:
Scenario based stochastic MPC schemes for rivers with feasibility ssurance. 1928-1933 - Andrea Simonetto, Alec Koppel, Aryan Mokhtari, Geert Leus
, Alejandro Ribeiro
A Quasi-newton prediction-correction method for decentralized dynamic convex optimization. 1934-1939 - Sindri Magnússon, Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana, Carlo Fischione
A distributed approach for the optimal power flow problem. 1940-1945 - Reinier Doelman, Michel Verhaegen:
Sequential convex relaxation for convex optimization with bilinear matrix equalities. 1946-1951 - Ivan Pejcic, Colin N. Jones:
Accelerated ADMM based on accelerated Douglas-Rachford splitting. 1952-1957 - Alessandro Castagnotto
, Heiko K. F. Panzer, Boris Lohmann
Fast H2-optimal model order reduction exploiting the local nature of Krylov-subspace methods. 1958-1969 - Philipp Schulze
, Tudor Corneliu Ionescu
, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Families of moment matching-based reduced order models for linear descriptor systems. 1964-1969 - Xiaodong Cheng
, Yu Kawano
, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Graph structure-preserving model reduction of linear network systems. 1970-1975 - Jun Imai, Kaito Miyake, Akiko Takahashi, Shigeyuki Funabiki:
Bounding truncation errors of a flexible slewing beam using DC gain for controller design. 1976-1981 - Violaine Dalmas, Gerard Robert, Charles Poussot-Vassal, Igor Pontes Duff, Cédric Seren:
From infinite dimensional modelling to parametric reduced-order approximation: Application to open-channel flow for hydroelectricity. 1982-1987 - Petteri Laakkonen, Lassi Paunonen
A simple controller with a reduced order internal model in the frequency domain. 1988-1992 - Lukasz Ryba, Alina Voda, Gildas Besançon
Experimental comparison of LQG/LTR and robust control approaches in 2D piezoactuation. 1993-1998 - Maliheh Sadeghi Kati, Hakan Köroglu
, Jonas Fredriksson:
Static output feedback synthesis under an integral quadratic constraint with application to high capacity transport vehicles. 1999-2004 - Maarten Verbandt, Jan Swevers, Goele Pipeleers
An LTI control toolbox - Simplifying optimal feedback controller design. 2005-2010 - Ali Zemouche, Rajesh Rajamani
, Hieu Trinh
, Michel Zasadzinski:
A new LMI based H∞ observer design method for Lipschitz nonlinear systems. 2011-2016 - Ali Zemouche, Mohamed Zerrougui, Boulaid Boulkroune, Fazia Bedouhene
, H. Souley Ali, Michel Zasadzinski:
H∞ observer-based stabilization for Lipschitz nonlinear systems. 2017-2022 - Yohei Hosoe, Dimitri Peaucelle
S-variable approach to robust stabilization state feedback synthesis for systems characterized by random polytopes. 2023-2028 - Yohei Hosoe, Yuji Nagira, Tomomichi Hagiwara
Random polytope representation of discrete-time uncertain stochastic switched systems and robust stabilization. 2029-2034 - Mirko Fiacchini
, Marc Jungers, Antoine Girard:
Exponential stabilization of language constrained discrete-time switched linear systems: A geometrical approach. 2035-2040 - Leonhard Asselborn, Olaf Stursberg
Probabilistic control of switched linear systems with chance constraints. 2041-2047 - Grace S. Deaecto
, Lucas N. Egidio
Practical stability of discrete-time switched affine systems. 2048-2053 - Mario di Bernardo
, Davide Fiore
Switching control for incremental stabilization of nonlinear systems via contraction theory. 2054-2059 - Maxim Dolgov, Christof Chlebek, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
Dynamic compensation of Markov jump linear systems without mode observation. 2060-2065 - Christofer Sundström, Daniel Jung
, Anders Blom:
Analysis of optimal energy management in smart homes using MPC. 2066-2071 - Yifu Zhang, Jorge Cortés:
Quantifying the robustness of power networks against initial failure. 2072-2077 - Hany Abdelrahman, Felix Berkenkamp, Jan Poland, Andreas Krause:
Bayesian optimization for maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic power plants. 2078-2083 - Benjamin Heymann, J. Frédéric Bonnans, Francisco J. Silva, Guillermo Jiménez
A stochastic continuous time model for microgrid energy management. 2084-2089 - Nicole Gehring
, Christian Stauch, Joachim Rudolph
Parameter identification, fault detection and localization for an electrical transmission line. 2090-2095 - Simon Gerwig, Bilal Sari, Federica Garin, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit:
Reduced model for control in a hydroelectric unit at off-design operation. 2096-2101 - Ouassim Bara, Michel Fliess, Cédric Join, Judy Day
, Seddik M. Djouadi:
Model-free immune therapy: A control approach to acute inflammation. 2102-2107 - Jonas Gesenhues, Marc Hein, Moriz Habigt, Mare Mechelinck
, Thivaharan Albin, Dirk Abel:
Nonlinear object-oriented modeling based optimal control of the heart: Performing precise preload manipulation maneuvers using a ventricular assist device. 2108-2114 - Dimitri Boiroux, Morten Hagdrup, Zeinab Mahmoudi, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen, John Bagterp Jørgensen:
An ensemble nonlinear model predictive control algorithm in an artificial pancreas for people with type 1 diabetes. 2115-2120 - Said Zabi, Isabelle Queinnec
, Sophie Tarbouriech, Michel Mazerolles:
Dynamic output-feedback controller design for analgesia guided by the pupil size variation. 2121-2126 - Nicole Lepoutre, Rafael Aleluia Porto, Laurence Meylheuc
, Gabriela Iuliana Bara, François Schmitt
, Laurent Barbé
, Bernard Bayle
Robotically assisted injection of orthopedic cement: System design, control and modeling. 2127-2132 - Rachid Riah, Mirko Fiacchini
, Mazen Alamir
Domain of attraction estimation of cancer chemotherapy model affected by state proportional uncertainty. 2133-2138 - Matko Orsag, Tomislav Haus, Domagoj Tolic, Antun Ivanovic
, Marko Car, Ivana Palunko, Stjepan Bogdan
Human-in-the-loop control of multi-agent aerial systems. 2139-2145 - Apurva Joshi
, Narendra Limbu, Indrajit Ahuja, Ameer K. Mulla
, Hoam Chung, Debraj Chakraborty:
Implementation of distributed consensus on an outdoor testbed. 2146-2151 - Jongho Park, Youdan Kim
Real-time collision avoidance control of quadrotor using ellipsoid as a bounding box. 2152-2157 - Emmanuel Roussel, Vincent Gassmann, Edouard Laroche:
Modelling and identification of a coaxial birotor UAV from scarce flight data. 2158-2164 - Richard Andrade, Guilherme V. Raffo
, Julio E. Normey-Rico
Model predictive control of a tilt-rotor UAV for load transportation. 2165-2170 - Andrea Cristofaro, Tor Arne Johansen:
An unknown input observer based control allocation scheme for icing diagnosis and accommodation in overactuated UAVs. 2171-2178 - Henrik Anfinsen, Florent Di Meglio, Ole Morten Aamo:
Estimating the left boundary condition of coupled 1-D linear hyperbolic PDEs from right boundary sensing. 2179-2184 - Jan Bendtsen
, John Leth
Observer for heat equation with state-dependent switched parameters. 2185-2190 - Dominik Sierociuk
, Wiktor Malesza:
On the differences of variable type and variable fractional order. 2191-2196 - Andrea Cristofaro:
Tracking control for a class of rotationally invariant evolution PDEs. 2197-2202 - Jukka-Pekka Humaloja
, Lassi Paunonen
, Seppo Pohjolainen
Robust regulation for first-order port-hamiltonian systems. 2203-2208 - Timo Hämäläinen, Seppo Pohjolainen
The structure of robust controllers for distributed parameter systems. 2209-2214 - Gun-Hee Moon, Byung-Yoon Lee, Min-Jea Tahk, David Hyunchul Shim:
Quaternion based attitude control and suboptimal rendezvous guidance on satellite proximity operation. 2215-2220 - Marco Frego
, Enrico Bertolazzi
, Francesco Biral, Daniele Fontanelli
, Luigi Palopoli:
Semi-analytical minimum time solutions for a vehicle following clothoid-based trajectory subject to velocity constraints. 2221-2227 - Predrag Milosavljevic, Timm Faulwasser
, Alejandro G. Marchetti, Dominique Bonvin:
Time-optimal path-following operation in the presence of uncertainty. 2228-2233 - Andres Ladino, Alain Y. Kibangou
, Hassen Fourati, Carlos Canudas de Wit:
Travel time forecasting from clustered time series via optimal fusion strategy. 2234-2239 - Karl Damkjaer Hansen
, Anders la Cour-Harbo
Waypoint planning with Dubins curves using genetic algorithms. 2240-2246 - Min-Jea Tahk, Seungyeop Han, Byung-Yoon Lee, Jaemyung Ahn:
Trajectory optimization and control algorithm of longitudinal perch landing assisted by thruster. 2247-2252 - Quan-Fang Wang
On Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger control system. 2253-2257 - Maryam Hosseini, Takashi Tanaka, Vijay Gupta
Designing optimal watermark signal for a stealthy attacker. 2258-2262 - Dmitry V. Balandin, Mark M. Kogan
Pareto suboptimal solutions in control and filtering problems under multiple deterministic and stochastic disturbances. 2263-2268 - Mohand Djeziri, Thi-Bich-Lien Nguyen, Samir Benmoussa, Nacer K. M'Sirdi
Fault prognosis based on physical and stochastic models. 2269-2274 - Thomas Beckers
, Sandra Hirche:
Stability of Gaussian process state space models. 2275-2281 - Prabhat Kumar Mishra
, Debasish Chatterjee, Daniel E. Quevedo
Stable stochastic predictive controller under unreliable up-link. 2282-2287 - Pawel Grzegorz Dabkowski, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
, Michael Sebek:
Robustness of uncertain discrete linear repetitive processes with disturbance attenuation. 2288-2293 - Salim Ibrir:
On the dynamic-output feedback control of uncertain fractional-order linear systems. 2294-2299 - Mario Pereira, David Muñoz de la Peña, Daniel Limón, Ignacio Alvarado, Teodoro Alamo
Robust model predictive controller for tracking periodic signals. 2300-2305 - Maciej Marcin Michalek
Robustification of the modular tracking controller for the N-Trailers by employing a disturbance observation-compensation loop. 2306-2311 - Hao Liu, Deyuan Liu, Zongyu Zuo:
Robust attitude control for uncertain quadrotors with input time delays. 2312-2315 - Tong Duy Son, Armin Steinhauser, Goele Pipeleers
, Jan Swevers:
Robust performance iterative learning control : Analysis, synthesis and experimental validation. 2316-2321 - Nan Du, Hesuan Hu:
Robust control of automated manufacturing systems with flexibility embedded synchronizations using Petri nets. 2322-2328 - Chen Chen, Hesuan Hu:
Structure independence of supervisor simplification in automated manufacturing systems using Petri nets. 2329-2336 - Hesuan Hu, Yan Yang, Yang Liu
, Nan Du:
Critical stages and their application in large scale automated manufacturing systems via Petri nets. 2337-2344 - Yan Yang, Hesuan Hu:
Distributed deadlock avoidance in automated manufacturing systems with forward conflict free structures using Petri nets. 2345-2352 - Ibrahim Abdallah, Anne-Lise Gehin, Belkacem Ould Bouamama:
Event driven hybrid bond graph for diagnosis. 2353-2358 - Melanie Schuh, Jan Lunze:
Fault-tolerant control of deterministic I/O automata using active diagnosis. 2359-2365 - Martina Josevski, Dirk Abel:
Distributed predictive control approach for fuel efficient gear shifting in hybrid electric vehicles. 2366-2373 - Roberto Zanasi, Marco Fei:
Dynamic modeling of multi-phase hybrid stepper motors. 2374-2379 - Sebastian Leonow, Martin Mönnigmann
Operating point estimation in hydraulic turbomachines with non-invertible characteristics. 2380-2385 - Tuan T. Nguyen, Hans Butler
, Mircea Lazar:
An analytical commutation law for parasitic forces and torques compensation in coreless linear motors. 2386-2391 - Cristiano Maria Verrelli
, Patrizio Tomei, Emilio Lorenzani:
Nonlinear adaptive control for position-sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motors with uncertainties. 2392-2397 - Aurélien Cabarbaye, Rogelio Lozano-Leal, Moisés Bonilla Estrada:
Sensorless adaptive field oriented control of brushless motor. 2398-2403 - Nicole Lepoutre, Gabriela Iuliana Bara, Laurence Meylheuc
, Bernard Bayle
Phase space identification method for modeling the viscosity of bone cement. 2404-2409 - Justin Ruths, Supratim Ghosh, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Optimal tracking of version and vergence eye movements in human binocular control. 2410-2415 - Frank Schrödel, Dominik Schindler
, Alejandro Claver, Marc Hein, Maike Ketelhut, Dirk Abel:
A physiological control strategy for continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices: The power ratio controller. 2416-2422 - Shahrzad Gholami, Hassan Salarieh, Aria Alasty:
Observer based feedback control of a biodynamical model of tumor growth with sampled measurements. 2423-2428 - Innokentiy V. Semushin, Julia Tsyganova
, Maria V. Kulikova
, Andrey V. Tsyganov
, Andrey Peskov:
Identification of human body daily temperature dynamics via minimum state prediction error method. 2429-2434 - Matthias Reiter, Florian Reiterer
, Luigi del Re
Bihormonal glucose control using a continuous insulin pump and a glucagon-pen. 2435-2440 - Mariagrazia Dotoli, Nicola Epicoco
, Marco Falagario:
A technique for efficient multimodal transport planning with conflicting objectives under uncertainty. 2441-2446 - Rakesh U. Chavan, Ameer K. Mulla
, Debraj Chakraborty, D. Manjunath:
A model for lane-less traffic with local control laws. 2447-2452 - Umberto Montanaro, Giovanni Fiengo, Antonio Tufano, Stefania Santini:
On the effectiveness of the extended cooperative adaptive control for vehicles platooning. 2453-2458 - Balázs Németh
, Péter Gáspár, Andras Mihaly:
Analysis of interactions between look-ahead control and traffic speed. 2459-2464 - Owen McAree
, Sandor M. Veres:
Lateral control of vehicle platoons with on-board sensing and inter-vehicle communication. 2465-2470 - Harshad Khadilkar:
Modelling the impact of control strategy on stochastic delay propagation in transportation networks. 2471-2476 - Ekaterina S. Palamarchuk:
On infinite time linear-quadratic Gaussian control of inhomogeneous systems. 2477-2482 - Yanin Kasemsinsup, Marcel Heertjes, Hans Butler
, Siep Weiland:
Exact plant inversion of flexible motion systems with a time-varying state-to-output map. 2483-2488 - Gabriela Werner Gabriel, José Claudio Geromel
, Karolos M. Grigoriadis
Optimal H∞ state feedback sampled-data control applied to Markov jump linear systems. 2489-2494 - Leonid Mirkin:
Digital redesign of analog controllers under intermittent sampling via the Youla parameter. 2495-2500 - Ti-Chung Lee, Ying Tan, Iven M. Y. Mareels:
On detectability conditions in signal sets with application to switched systems. 2501-2508 - Héctor Ríos
, Denis V. Efimov
, Andrei Polyakov, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Robustness of homogeneous systems with respect to time-varying perturbations. 2509-2514 - Ramon A. García, Luis Orihuela
, Pablo Millán
, Manuel G. Ortega, Francisco R. Rubio
Kalman-inspired distributed set-membership observers. 2515-2520 - Matteo Mekhail, Stefano Battilotti
Distributed estimation for feedback-linearizable nonlinear systems. 2521-2526 - Marco Todescato
, Andrea Carron, Ruggero Carli, Antonio Franchi
, Luca Schenato:
Multi-robot localization via GPS and relative measurements in the presence of asynchronous and lossy communication. 2527-2532 - Ye Sun, Daniel B. Work
Kalman filtering with synthetic measurements under an event-triggered sensor scheduler. 2533-2540 - Angelo Cenedese
, Gian Antonio Susto
, Matteo Terzi
A parsimonious approach for activity recognition with wearable devices: An application to cross-country skiing. 2541-2546 - Lorinc Márton, Csaba Nagy, Zalán Biró-Ambrus:
Robust trilateration based indoor localization method for omnidirectional mobile robots. 2547-2552 - Christof Chlebek, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
Approximation of stochastic nonlinear closed-loop feedback control with application to miniature walking robots. 2553-2558 - Kostas Margellos, Alessandro Falsone
, Simone Garatti
, Maria Prandini
Constrained optimal control of stochastic switched affine systems using randomization. 2559-2554 - Jakub Dokoupil
, Pavel Vaclavek:
Design of variable exponential forgetting for estimation of the statistics of the normal-wishart distribution. 2565-2570 - Eelco P. van Horssen, Amir Reza Baghban Behrouzian, Dip Goswami, Duarte Antunes
, Twan Basten
, W. P. M. H. Heemels
Performance analysis and controller improvement for linear systems with (m, k)-firm data losses. 2571-2577 - Edilson F. Arruda
, Marcelo D. Fragoso
Discounted Markov decision processes via time aggregation. 2578-2583 - Flavio Callegati, Roberto Naldi, Marco Melega, Lorenzo Marconi:
Robust nonlinear control of miniature fixed-wing UAVs. 2584-2589 - Andras Mihaly, Peter Gaspar:
Robust and fault-tolerant control of in-wheel vehicles with cornering resistance minimization. 2590-2595 - Moisés E. Bonilla
, L. A. Blas
, Sergio Salazar, Juan Carlos Martínez-García, Michel Malabre:
A robust linear control methodology based on fictitious failure rejection. 2596-2601 - Emre Aydiner, Matthias Albrecht Müller, Frank Allgöwer
Periodic reference tracking for nonlinear systems via model predictive control. 2602-2607 - Wojciech Paszke
, Eric Rogers
, Krzysztof Galkowski
Generalized Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma based stability conditions for 2D linear systems. 2608-2613 - Vladislav Nenchev
, Calin Belta
Receding horizon robot control in partially unknown environments with temporal logic constraints. 2614-2619 - Paulo Renato da Costa Mendes
, Jose Maria Maestre, Carlos Bordons
, Julio E. Normey-Rico
Binary search algorithm for mixed integer optimization: Application to energy management in a microgrid. 2620-2625 - Abdelhak Goudjil
, Mathieu Pouliquen, Eric Pigeon, Olivier Gehan:
A real-time identification algorithm for switched linear systems with bounded noise. 2626-2631 - Valentina Breschi
, Alberto Bemporad, Dario Piga
Identification of hybrid and linear parameter varying models via recursive piecewise affine regression and discrimination. 2632-2637 - Kliti Kodra, Ningfan Zhong, Zoran Gajic:
Multi-time-scale systems control via use of combined controllers. 2638-2643 - Andrea Bisoffi
, Fulvio Forni
, Mauro Da Lio
, Luca Zaccarian:
Global results on reset-induced periodic trajectories of planar systems. 2644-2649

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