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23rd FLAIRS Conference 2010: Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
- Hans W. Guesgen, R. Charles Murray:
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, May 19-21, 2010, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. AAAI Press 2010
Main Conference Papers
- Rawad Al-Haddad, Gita Sukthankar:
A Psychologically-Inspired Agent for Iterative Prisoner's Dilemma. - Mehul Bhatt:
Commonsense Inference in Dynamic Spatial Systems: Epistemological Requirements. - Vincent A. Cicirello:
Heuristic Sequencing Crossover: Integrating Problem Dependent Heuristic Knowledge into a Genetic Algorithm. - Denton Cockburn, Ziad Kobti, Timothy A. Kohler:
A Reinforcement Learning Model for Economic Agent Specialization. - Rong Hu, Brian Mac Namee, Sarah Jane Delany:
Off to a Good Start: Using Clustering to Select the Initial Training Set in Active Learning. - Patrick Lindstrom, Sarah Jane Delany, Brian Mac Namee:
Handling Concept Drift in a Text Data Stream Constrained by High Labelling Cost. - Luke K. McDowell, Kalyan Moy Gupta, David W. Aha:
Meta-Prediction for Collective Classification. - Yuridia P. Mejia, Iván Olmos, Jesus A. Gonzalez:
Structured Motifs Identification in DNA Sequences. - Todd W. Neller, Christopher J. La Pilla:
Decision-Theoretic Simulated Annealing. - Gerardo Perez, Iván Olmos, Jesus A. Gonzalez:
Subgraph Isomorphism Detection with Support for Continuous Labels. - Andreya Piplica, Alexandra Olivier, Allison Petrosino, Kevin Gold:
Learning to Identify and Track Imaginary Objects Implied by Gestures. - Cassondra Puklavage, Alexander R. Pirela, Avelino J. Gonzalez, Michael Georgiopoulos:
Imitating Personalized Expressions in an Avatar through Machine Learning. - Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez, Sara de Freitas, Jose Rafael Rojano-Caceres, Alma Rosa García-Gaona:
An Empirical Examination of the Relation Between Attention and Motivation in Computer-Based Education: a Modeling Approach. - Crystal Redman, Adele E. Howe:
Evaluating Multi-Agent Traffic Controllers. - Carolina Reta, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles, Jesus A. Gonzalez, Raquel Díaz, Jose S. Guichard:
Segmentation of Bone Marrow Cell Images for Morphological Classification of Acute Leukemia. - Gabriela A. Rodriguez, Jesus A. Gonzalez, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles, Jose S. Guichard, Raquel Díaz:
A Supervised Method for Microcalcifications Detection using Breast Density. - Yousuf Aboobaker Sait, Balaraman Ravindran:
Visual Object Detection using Frequent Pattern Mining. - Robyn Speer, Catherine Havasi, Harshit Surana:
Using Verbosity: Common Sense Data from Games with a Purpose. - Geoff Sutcliffe, Martin Suda, Alexandra Teyssandier, Nelson Dellis, Gerard de Melo:
Progress Towards Effective Automated Reasoning with World Knowledge. - Matthias Thimm, Marc Finthammer, Sebastian Loh, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Christoph Beierle:
A System for Relational Probabilistic Reasoning on Maximum Entropy. - Lionel Torti, Pierre-Henri Wuillemin:
Structured Value Elimination with D-Separation Analysis. - Liangliang Tu, Benjamin Fowler, Daniel L. Silver:
CsMTL MLP For WEKA: Neural Network Learning with Inductive Transfer.
Main Conference Posters
- Itamar Arel, Andrew S. Davis:
On the Episode Duration Distribution in Fixed-Policy Markov Decision Processes. - Ajay Bansal, Neda Saeedloei, Gopal Gupta:
Timed Planning. - Luis A. Castillo, Juan Fernández-Olivares, Antonio González Muñoz, Gonzalo Milla, David Prior, Lluvia Morales, José Figueroa, Víctor Pérez-Villar:
A Knowledge Engineering Methodology for Rapid Prototyping of Planning Applications. - Ricardo Omar Chávez García, Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Luis Enrique Sucar:
Image Re-Ranking Based on Relevance Feedback Combining Internal and External Similarities. - Nicolae Dragu, Fouad Elkhoury, Takunari Miyazaki, Ralph A. Morelli, Nicolás di Tada:
Ontology-Based Text Mining for Predicting Disease Outbreaks. - Robert Holder:
Problem Space Analysis for Plan Library Generation and Algorithm Selection in Real-time Systems. - Sudharsan R. Iyengar:
Primitive Capabilities for Visual Perception. - Joseph Kendall-Morwick:
Towards an Ensemble Framework for Assisting in Synthesis Tasks. - Shou Kumokawa, Kazuko Takahashi:
Rectangle Reasoning: A Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Superposition. - Younghwan Namkoong, Yongsung Joo, Douglas D. Dankel II:
Partitioning Features for Model-based Clustering using Reversible Jump MCMC Technique. - Michael P. O'Mahony, Barry Smyth:
The Readability of Helpful Product Reviews. - Oscar E. Romero, Jesus A. Gonzalez, Lawrence B. Holder:
Handling of Numeric Ranges for Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery. - Anthony Wehrer, Jay Yellen:
Toward Building a Course-Timetabling Decision-Support System.
AI, Cognitive Semantics, and Computational Linguistics Special Track
- Motasem Alrahabi, Jean-Pierre Desclés, Jungyeon Suh:
Direct Reported Speech in Multilingual Texts: Automatic Annotation and Semantic Categorization. - Ismaïl Biskri
, Louisette Emirkanian, Adel Jebali:
Coordination of Standard Arabic Subject Markers: Implementing the Agreement Asymmetries in the ACCG Framework. - Jean-Pierre Desclés:
Reasoning in Natural Language in using Combinatory Logic and Topology An example with aspect and temporal relations. - Aymen Elkhlifi, Rim Faiz:
French-Written Event Extraction Based on Contextual Exploration. - Boris A. Galitsky, Gabor Dobrocsi, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Inverting Semantic Structure Under Open Domain Opinion Mining. - Boris A. Galitsky, Josep Lluís de la Rosa, Boris Kovalerchuk:
Explanation Versus Meta-Explanation: What Makes a Case More Convincing. - Petr Homola, Jernej Vicic:
Combining MT Systems Effectively. - Seohyun Im, James Pustejovsky:
Annotating Lexically Entailed Subevents for Textual Inference Tasks. - Adam Joly, Ismaïl Biskri
, Boubaker Hamrouni:
Disambiguation of Textual Data Typification for the Purpose of Categorial Analysis.
Applied Natural Language Processing Special Track
- Kyoko Baba, Ryo Nitta:
Dynamic Effects of Task Type Practice on the Japanese EFL University Student's Writing: Text Analysis with Coh-Metrix. - Nate Blaylock, William de Beaumont, Lucian Galescu, Hyuckchul Jung, James F. Allen, George Ferguson, Mary D. Swift:
Learning Collaborative Tasks on Textual User Interfaces. - Scott A. Crossley, Danielle S. McNamara:
Interlanguage Talk: What Can Breadth of Knowledge Features Tell Us about Input and Output Differences?. - Mihai C. Lintean, Cristian Moldovan, Vasile Rus, Danielle S. McNamara:
The Role of Local and Global Weighting in Assessing the Semantic Similarity of Texts Using Latent Semantic Analysis. - Philip M. McCarthy:
GPAT: A Genre Purity Assessment Tool. - Hyunsoon C. Min, Philip M. McCarthy:
Identifying Varietals in the Discourse of American and Korean Scientists: A Contrastive Corpus Analysis Using the Gramulator. - Andrew Neel, Max H. Garzon:
Semantic Methods for Textual Entailment: How Much World Knowledge is Enough?. - Aliva M. Pradhan, Aparna S. Varde, Jing Peng, Eileen Fitzpatrick:
Automatic Classification of Article Errors in L2 Written English. - Bryan Rink, Cosmin Adrian Bejan, Sanda M. Harabagiu:
Learning Textual Graph Patterns to Detect Causal Event Relations. - Kirk Roberts, Cosmin Adrian Bejan, Sanda M. Harabagiu:
Toponym Disambiguation Using Events. - Khaled Shaalan, Marwa Magdy, Aly A. Fahmy:
Morphological Analysis of Ill-Formed Arabic Verbs in Intelligent Language Tutoring Framework. - Jennifer L. Weston, Scott A. Crossley, Danielle S. McNamara:
Towards A Computational Assessment of Freewriting Quality. - Wei Xiong, Min Song, Lori Watrous-deVersterre:
A Quantitative Assessment of SENSATIONAL with an Exploration of Its Applications. - Radhika Malladi, Irwin B. Levinstein, Chutima Boonthum, Joseph Magliano:
Summarization: Constructing an Ideal Summary and Evaluating a Student's Summary Using LSA. - Shravan Mylavarapu, Irwin B. Levinstein, Chutima Boonthum, Joseph Magliano, Keith K. Millis:
Enhancing Protocol Evaluation Through Semantic Modification of Local Benchmarks.
Artificial Intelligence Education Special Track
- Reva Freedman:
Python as a Vehicle for Teaching Natural Language Processing. - James MacGlashan, Don Miner, Marie desJardins:
A Game Playing System for Use in Computer Science Education. - Kenneth Moorman, Dee Parks:
Using Robots in Undergraduate AI Courses at Small Universities. - Ellen Lowenfeld Walker:
Recognizing American Sign Language Letters: A Machine Learning Experience in an Introductory AI Course. - Michael Wollowski, John Verkamp:
Effects of Game Tournaments on Learning and Classroom Climate.
Case-Based Reasoning Special Track
- Gonzalo Flórez Puga, Belén Díaz-Agudo
, Pedro A. González-Calero:
Similarity Measures in Hierarchical Behaviours from a Structural Point of View. - Stephen Knox, Lorcan Coyle, Simon Dobson:
Using Ontologies in Case-Based Activity Recognition. - Fabiana Lorenzi, Francesco Ricci, Mara Abel, Ana L. C. Bazzan:
Assumption-Based Reasoning for Multiagent Case-Based Recommender Systems.
Cognition and AI Special Track
- Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah, Helen C. Sharp, Shinichi Honiden:
A Method of Analysis to Uncover Artefact-Communication Relationships. - Maher Chaouachi, Pierre Chalfoun, Imène Jraidi, Claude Frasson:
Affect and Mental Engagement: Towards Adaptability for Intelligent. - Othalia Larue, Mickaël Camus, Pierre Poirier:
Testing the Attention Capacities of a Complex Auto-Adaptive System: A Stroop Task Simulation. - Craig Leth-Steensen, Sylvain Chartier, Dominic Langlois, Marie-France Hébert:
Performing Complex Associations Using a Feature-Extracting Bidirectional Associative Memory. - Ryan James McCall, Stan Franklin, David Friedlander:
Grounded Event-Based and Modal Representations for Objects, Relations, Beliefs, Etc..
Data Mining Special Track
- Juan M. Banda, Rafal A. Angryk:
An Experimental Evaluation of Popular Image Parameters for Monochromatic Solar Image Categorization. - Saaid Baraty, Dan A. Simovici:
Large Data Sets, Conditional Entropy and the Cooper-Herskovitz Bayesian Score. - Malika Charrad, Yves Lechevallier, Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Gilbert Saporta:
On the Number of Clusters in Block Clustering Algorithms. - Daniel Dornbusch, Robert Haschke, Stefan Menzel, Heiko Wersing:
Correlating Shape and Functional Properties Using Decomposition Approaches. - William Eberle, Lawrence B. Holder, Jeffrey Graves:
Using a Graph-Based Approach for Discovering Cybercrime. - Philippe Fournier-Viger, Usef Faghihi, Roger Nkambou, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo:
CMRULES: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Sequential Rules Common to Several Sequences. - Kehan Gao, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Jason Van Hulse:
An Evaluation of Sampling on Filter-Based Feature Selection Methods. - Tarek Hamrouni, Sadok Ben Yahia, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo:
Optimized Mining of a Concise Representation for Frequent Patterns based on Disjunctions Rather than Conjunctions. - Florian Lemmerich, Mathias Rohlfs, Martin Atzmüller:
Fast Discovery of Relevant Subgroup Patterns. - Denis Petrussenko, Philip K. Chan:
Incrementally Learning Rules for Anomaly Detection. - Roman Barták, Ondrej Kuzelka, Filip Zelezný:
Using Constraint Satisfaction for Learning Hypotheses in Inductive Logic Programming. - Matt Honeycutt, Douglas A. Talbert, Steve Talbert:
Interactive Knowledge Frontier Discovery with COBWEB-KFD. - Prabakararaj Swapna Raj, Balaraman Ravindran:
Mining Actionable Patterns.
Games and Entertainment Special Track
- Kevin Gold:
Designer-Driven Intention Recognition in an Action-Adventure Game Using Fast Forward Bayesian Models. - D. Hunter Hale, G. Michael Youngblood, Nikhil S. Ketkar:
Using Intelligent Agents to Build Navigation Meshes. - Tolga Könik, Kamal Ali, Daniel G. Shapiro, Nan Li, David J. Stracuzzi:
Improving Structural Knowledge Transfer with Parametric Adaptation. - Hector Muñoz-Avila, David W. Aha, Ulit Jaidee, Matthew Klenk, Matthew Molineaux:
Applying Goal Driven Autonomy to a Team Shooter Game. - Frederick W. P. Heckel, G. Michael Youngblood, Nikhil S. Ketkar:
Reactive Teaming for Intelligent Game Characters. - Nikhil S. Ketkar, G. Michael Youngblood:
A Largest Common Subsequence-based Distance Measure for Classifying Player Motion Traces in Virtual Worlds. - Fahad Shah, Philip Bell, Gita Sukthankar:
A Destination Recommendation System for Virtual Worlds. - Kurt Weissgerber, Brett J. Borghetti, Gilbert L. Peterson:
An Effective and Efficient Real Time Strategy Agent.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems Special Track
- Justin F. Brunelle:
Gamed-Based iSTART Practice: From MiBoard to Self-Explanation Showdown. - John Champaign, Robin Cohen:
A Model for Content Sequencing in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Based on the Ecological Approach and Its Validation Through Simulated Students. - Federico Cirett, Carole R. Beal:
Problem Solving by English Learners and English Primary Students in an Algebra Readiness ITS. - Kyle B. Dempsey, G. Tanner Jackson, Justin F. Brunelle, Michael Rowe, Danielle S. McNamara:
MiBoard: A Digital Game from a Physical World. - Sidney K. D'Mello, Blair Lehman, Natalie K. Person:
Expert Tutors Feedback Is Immediate, Direct, and Discriminating. - Rania A. Hodhod, Daniel Kudenko, Paul A. Cairns:
Character Education Using Pedagogical Agents and Socratic Voice. - Jeremy Ludwig, Robert Richards, Jeff Lovelace:
Game Based Training for Fighter Pilots. - Vasile Rus, Mihai C. Lintean, Roger Azevedo:
Computational Aspects of the Intelligent Tutoring System MetaTutor. - Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva, Rob Drayton:
Search and Exploration in LinkedCourse. - Paula J. Durlach, Brandt W. Dargue:
An Adaptive Training Prototype for Small Unmanned. - Imène Jraidi, Maher Chaouachi, Claude Frasson:
Enhancing Learner Self-Esteem for Learning Improvements. - Nguyen-Thinh Le, Wolfgang Menzel, Niels Pinkwart:
Considering Ill-Definedness of Problems from the Aspect of Solution Space.
Uncertain Reasoning Special Track
- Kevin Grant:
Efficient Indexing for Recursive Conditioning Algorithms. - Karen H. Jin, Dan Wu:
Local Importance Sampling in Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks. - Jens Dalgaard Nielsen, Antonio Salmerón Cerdán:
Conditional Gaussian Probabilistic Decision Graphs. - Yang Xiang:
Generalized Non-impeding Noisy-AND Trees. - Zina M. Ibrahim, Ahmed Y. Tawfik, Alioune Ngom:
A Surprise-Based Qualitative Probability Calculus II. - Shengtong Zhong, Ana M. Martínez, Thomas D. Nielsen, Helge Langseth:
Towards a More Expressive Model for Dynamic Classification.

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