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FUSION 2007: Québec, Canada
- 10th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2007, Québec, Canada, July 9-12, 2007. IEEE 2007
- Chun Yang, Erik Blasch:
Track Fusion with Road Constraints. 1-8 - Chun Yang, Wendy Garber, Richard Mitchell, Erik Blasch:
A simple maneuver indicator from target's range-doppler image. 1-8 - Marek Junghans, Hans-Joachim Jentschel:
Qualification of traffic data by Bayesian network data fusion. 1-7 - Shengli Wu:
A Geometric probabilistic framework for data fusion in information retrieval. 1-8 - Hongjian Zhang, Zhongliang Jing, Shiqiang Hu:
Bearing-only multi-target location Based on Gaussian Mixture PHD filter. 1-5 - Willem H. le Roux, Jan J. Nel, Alan N. Steinberg:
Using a data fusion-based activity recognition framework to determine Surveillance System Requirements. 1-6 - Feili Yu, Georgiy M. Levchuk, Krishna R. Pattipati, Fang Tu:
A Probabilistic computational model for identifying organizational structures from uncertain message data. 1-8 - Hongyan Zhu, Chongzhao Han, Chen Li:
Graphical models-based track association algorithm. 1-8 - Peter Abeles, Mike Kovacich:
A semi-Markov multiple event filter for maneuvering targets. 1-8 - Zengguo Sun, Chongzhao Han:
Suppression of multiplicative noise based on adaptive windowing and local structure detection. 1-6 - Pek Hui Foo, Gee Wah Ng:
Combining IMM Method with Particle filters for 3D maneuvering target tracking. 1-8 - Abder Rezak Benaskeur, Hengameh Irandoust, Peter F. McGuire, Robert W. Brennan
Holonic control-based Sensor management. 1-8 - Li Bai, Saroj Biswas
, Erik Philip Blasch:
An estimation approach to extract multimedia information in distributed steganographic images. 1-6 - Artur Loza, Alin Achim
, David R. Bull, Nishan Canagarajah:
Statistical Model-based fusion of noisy multi-band images in the wavelet domain. 1-6 - Li Bai, Saroj Biswas
, Erik Philip Blasch:
Survivability - An information fusion process metric from an operational perspective. 1-8 - Alan N. Steinberg:
Predictive modeling of interacting agents. 1-6 - Zhiyong Luo, Jia-Zhou He:
ML Estimation of true Height in 2-D Radar Network. 1-7 - Abder Rezak Benaskeur, François Rhéaume:
Discrimination power control in military surveillance applications. 1-8 - Mats Ekman, Egils Sviestins:
Multiple model algorithm based on particle filters for ground target tracking. 1-8 - Mats Ekman, Egils Sviestins, Lars Sjöberg:
Particle filters for tracking closely spaced targets. 1-8 - Raymond D. Rimey, William A. Hoff, Jae Young Lee:
Recognizing wide-area and process-type activities. 1-8 - Kim Brown, Sam Drake, Keith Mason, Andrew Piotrowski, Leszek Swierkowski:
A distributed stand-in EW hunter-killer system. 1-8 - Wenyan Guo, Chongzhao Han, Ming Lei:
Improved unscented particle filter for nonlinear bayesian estimation. 1-6 - Maarten A. Hogervorst, Alexander Toet
Fast and true-to-life application of daytime colours to night-time imagery. 1-8 - Panzhi Liu, Chongzhao Han, Yi Yang, Ming Lei:
Distributed adaptive CCAWCA CFAR detector. 1-8 - Lei Tang, Zonggui Zhao:
Multiresolution image fusion based on the wavelet-based contourlet transform. 1-6 - Panzhi Liu, Chongzhao Han, Ming Lei, Zengguo Sun:
Adaptive censored cell-averaging CFAR detection in distributed sensor networks. 1-8 - Francois Leduc, Daniel A. Lavigne:
Comparing several AFE tools in the context of ships and vehicles detection based on RGB and EO data. 1-7 - Chen Wang, Zhenjiang Miao, Xiao Meng:
The application of information fusion in the real-time monitoring system. 1-7 - Ming Lei, Chongzhao Han, Panzhi Liu:
Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm-based nonlinear target tracking with adaptive state transition matrix and noise covariance. 1-7 - Jiaqing Ma, Chongzhao Han, Yuxi Chen:
Efficient visual tracking using particle filter. 1-6 - Florentin Smarandache
, Jean Dezert:
Qualitative belief conditioning rules (QBCR). 1-8 - Ronald P. S. Mahler:
Unified sensor management using CPHD filters. 1-7 - Nikolaos Floudas, Panagiotis Lytrivis, Aris Polychronopoulos, Angelos Amditis
On the track-to-track association problem in road environments. 1-8 - Tsang-Yi Wang, Li-Yuan Chang, Dyi-Rong Duh, Jeng-Yang Wu:
Distributed fault-tolerant detection via sensor fault detection in sensor networks. 1-6 - Qiang Qiu, Foo Siang Fook, Aung Aung Phyo Wai, Viet Thang Pham, Maniyeri Jayachandran, Jit Biswas, Philip Lin Kiat Yap:
Multimodal information fusion for automated recognition of complex agitation behaviors of dementia patients. 1-8 - Thomas Tatschke, Franz-Josef Färber, Erich Fuchs, Leonhard F. Walchshäusl, Rudi Lindl:
Semi-autonomous reference data generation for perception performance evaluation. 1-7 - Li-Wei Fong:
Distributed data fusion algorithms for tracking a maneuvering target. 1-8 - Umesh D. Ramdaras, Frans G. J. Absil:
Sensor selection: the modified riccati equation approach compared with other selection schemes. 1-6 - Louis St-Laurent, Xavier Maldague, Donald Prévost:
Combination of colour and thermal sensors for enhanced object detection. 1-8 - Yvo Boers, Hans Driessen:
Bounds for target tracking accuracy with probability of detection smaller than one. 1-7 - Yvo Boers, Hans Driessen:
The mixed labeling problem in multi target particle filtering. 1-7 - Dietrich Fränken:
Consistent unbiased linear filtering with polar measurements. 1-8 - Arnaud Martin, Christophe Osswald:
Toward a combination rule to deal with partial conflict and specificity in belief functions theory. 1-8 - Akiva Novoselsky, Shlomo E. Sklarz, Miya Dorfan:
Track to track fusion using out-of-sequence track information. 1-5 - Bin Zeng, Jun Wei, Tao Hu:
An energy-efficient data fusion protocol for wireless sensor network. 1-7 - Ting Liu, George Gigli, George A. Lampropoulos:
Change detection methodology based on region classification fusion. 1-7 - Yuxi Chen, Chongzhao Han:
A hybrid method of seeded region growing and region hue-area information fusion for object segmentation under patterned background. 1-6 - Kathryn B. Laskey, Paulo Cesar G. da Costa
, Edward J. Wright, Kenneth J. Laskey:
Probabilistic ontology for net-centric fusion. 1-8 - Erik Blasch, Ivan Kadar, Kenneth J. Hintz, Joachim Biermann, Chee Chong, John S. Salerno, Subrata Das:
Resource management and its interaction with level 2/3 fusion from the fusion06 panel discussion. 1-10 - Kaeye Dästner, Thomas Kausch, Felix Opitz:
An object oriented development suite for data fusion: Design, generation, simulation and testing. 1-8 - Felix Opitz, Josef Filusch, Kaeye Dästner, Thomas Kausch:
Information fusion in anti asymmetric warfare and low intensity conflicts. 1-8 - Wayne R. Blanding, Peter Willett
, Roy L. Streit, Darin Dunham:
Multi-frame assignment PMHT that accounts for missed detections. 1-8 - Evan Fortunato, William Kreamer, Shozo Mori, Chee-Yee Chong, Gregory D. Castañón:
Generalized Murty's algorithm with application to multiple hypothesis tracking. 1-8 - Yang Cheng, K. V. Umamaheswara Reddy, Tarunraj Singh
, Peter D. Scott:
CBRN data fusion using puff-based model and bar-reading sensor data. 1-7 - Thomas Lang, Geoff Hayes:
Exploitation of bistatic doppler measurements in multistatic tracking. 1-8 - Nicolas Museux
, Jef Vanbockryck:
Event based heterogeneous sensors fusion for public place surveillance. 1-8 - Juliette Mattioli
, Nicolas Museux
, Miniar Hemaissia, Claire Laudy:
A crisis response situation model. 1-7 - Rachid Benmokhtar, Benoit Huet
, Sid-Ahmed Berrani
, Patrick Lechat:
Video shots key-frames indexing and retrieval through pattern analysis and fusion techniques. 1-6 - Henrik Boström:
Feature vs. classifier fusion for predictive data mining a case study in pesticide classification. 1-7 - Craig Carthel, Stefano Coraluppi, Patrick P. Grignan:
Multisensor tracking and fusion for maritime surveillance. 1-6 - Wei Du, Justus H. Piater
Sequential variational inference for distributed multi-sensor tracking and fusion. 1-7 - John Dolloff, Michelle Iiyama:
Fusion of image block adjustments for the generation of a ground control network. 1-8 - Claire Laudy, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Celestin Sedogbo:
High-level fusion based on conceptual graphs. 1-8 - Mélanie Delafosse, Laurent Delahoche, Arnaud Clerentin, Vincent Ricquebourg, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt:
A dempster-shafer fusion architecture for the incremental mapping paradigm. 1-7 - Yves de Villers:
A fusion study of the FAVS sensors suite. 1-6 - Olivier Bilenne
Design of fault-tolerant interval functions based on their large-sample properties. 1-8 - Jean Roy:
Towards multiple hypothesis situation analysis. 1-8 - Ming Xiang:
Some new results on distributed Neyman-Pearson detection with correlated sensor observations. 1-6 - Subrata Das:
Envelope of human cognition for battlefield information processing agents. 1-8 - Huimin Chen, X. Rong Li:
On track fusion with communication constraints. 1-7 - Priyadip Ray, Pramod K. Varshney, Ruixin Niu:
A novel framework for the network-wide distributed detection problem. 1-8 - Michael Beard, Sanjeev Arulampalam:
Comparison of data association algorithms for bearings-only multi-sensor multi-target tracking. 1-7 - Shozo Mori, Chee-Yee Chong:
An alternative form of cardinalized PHD filter or I.I.D.-approximation filter. 1-8 - Marcel Lefrancois, Bryan Topp, Mark A. Gammon, Robert Stuart:
Networked enabled combat for the enhancement of the underwater common operating picture. 1-9 - Roy L. Streit:
Likelihood function decomposition for multistatic tracking and field stabilization. 1-8 - Branko Ristic
, Ajith Gunatilaka, Mark Rutten:
An information gain driven search for a radioactive point source. 1-8 - Kaveh Kavousi
, Behzad Moshiri
Architecture design of an intelligent information fusion agent for information retrieval from dynamic environments. 1-7 - Darko Musicki, Robin J. Evans
Track fusion using equivalent innovations. 1-8 - Kjell Magne Fauske, Fredrik Gustafsson, Øyvind Hegrenæs:
Estimation of AUV dynamics for sensor fusion. 1-6 - Moritz Mauthner, Wilfried Elmenreich, Alexander Kirchner:
Analysis of sensor and fusion schedules of a time-triggered sensor fusion system. 1-5 - Darko Musicki:
Target existence based resource allocation. 1-7 - Derek Elsaesser:
Sensor data fusion using a probability density grid. 1-8 - Emmanuel Duflos, Marie De Vilmorin, Philippe Vanheeghe:
Time allocation of a set of radars in a multitarget environment. 1-8 - Maria Riveiro
Evaluation of uncertainty visualization techniques for information fusion. 1-8 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
, Xiaochun Xu, Sartaj Sahni:
A computational geometry method for DTOA triangulation. 1-7 - Prasanna Velagapudi, Oleg A. Prokopyev
, Katia P. Sycara, Paul Scerri:
Maintaining shared belief in a large multiagent team. 1-8 - Yifeng Zhou, Jim Mickeal:
A sequential ESM track association algorithm based on the use of information theoretic criteria. 1-7 - Stanley Young, John Palmer:
Pedigree and confidence: Issues in data credibility and reliability. 1-8 - David Salmond, Martin Clark, Richard Vinter, Simon J. Godsill:
Ground target modelling, tracking and prediction with road networks. 1-8 - Dale A. Lambert:
STDF model based maritime situation assessments. 1-8 - Thomas Hanselmann, Mark R. Morelande:
Multiple target tracking with asynchronous bearings-only-measurements. 1-8 - Stanislas Boutoille, Serge Reboul, Mohammed Benjelloun
Bayesian off-line segmentation applied to multi-carrier GPS signals fusion. 1-8 - Alois Kirchner, Frédéric Dambreville, Francis Celeste, Jean Dezert, Florentin Smarandache
Application of probabilistic PCR5 fusion rule for multisensor target tracking. 1-8 - Frédéric Dambreville:
Combining evidences by means of the entropy maximization principle. 1-8 - Laurence Cholvy:
Modelling information evaluation in fusion. 1-6 - Maria Nilsson, Tom Ziemke
Information fusion: a decision support perspective. 1-8 - Mihai Cristian Florea, Éloi Bossé:
Critiques on some combination rules for probability theory based on optimization techniques. 1-8 - Yong Shi, Chongzhao Han:
The divided difference particle filter. 1-7 - Weizhong Yan:
Fusion in multi-criterion feature ranking. 1-6 - Benjamin Pannetier, Michèle Rombaut:
Terrain obscuration managment for multiple ground target tracking. 1-8 - Lionel Valet, Didier Coquin, Sylvie Jullien, Sylvie Teyssier:
A 3D image-segmented evaluation procedure in a cooperative fusion system context. 1-8 - Qiguang Miao
, Baoshu Wang:
A novel image fusion algorithm using FRIT AND PCA. 1-5 - Yingxuan Zhu, Pramod K. Varshney, Hao Chen:
Evaluation of ICA based fusion of hyperspectral images for color display. 1-7 - Gang Xiao, Bo Yang
, Zhongliang Jing:
Infrared and visible dynamic image sequence fusion based on region target detection. 1-5 - Michael McDonald, Bhashyam Balaji
Continuous-discrete filtering for dim manoeuvring maritime targets. 1-6 - K. V. Umamaheswara Reddy, Yang Cheng, Tarunraj Singh
, Peter D. Scott:
Data assimilation in variable dimension dispersion models using particle filters. 1-8 - Pontus Svenson, Tomas Berg, Pontus Hörling, Michael Malm, Christian Mårtenson:
Using the impact matrix for predictive situational awareness. 1-7 - Jason Blind, Subrata Das:
Disease outbreak detection and tracking for biosurveillance: a data fusion approach. 1-7 - Jesús García
, José M. Molina
, Juan A. Besada, Gonzalo de Miguel:
Model-based trajectory reconstruction using IMM smoothing and motion pattern identification. 1-8 - Onur Ozdemir, Ruixin Niu, Pramod K. Varshney:
Channel aware target localization in wireless sensor networks. 1-7 - Gabriel Terejanu, Tarunraj Singh
, Peter D. Scott:
Unscented Kalman Filter/Smoother for a CBRN puff-based dispersion model. 1-8 - Gee Wah Ng, Khin Hua Ng, Kheng Hwee Tan, Chong Hock K. Goh:
Novel methods for fusing Bayesian network knowledge fragments in d'brain. 1-8 - Parham Aarabi, Jerry Chi-Ling Lam, Arezou Keshavarz:
Face detection using information fusion. 1-8 - Adam M. Fosbury, John L. Crassidis, Tarunraj Singh
, Clyde Springen:
Ground target tracking using terrain information. 1-8 - Xuezhi Wang, Darko Musicki:
Target tracking using energy based detections. 1-6 - Pek Hui Foo, Gee Wah Ng, Khin Hua Ng, Rong Yang:
Application of intent inference for surveillance and conformance monitoring to aid human cognition. 1-8 - Françoise Deloule, Patrick Lambert, Daniel Beauchêne, Bogdan Ionescu:
Data fusion for the management of multimedia documents. 1-7 - Giovanni Vincenti, Goran Trajkovski:
Fuzzy Mediation as a Dynamic Extension to Information Fusion. 1-7 - X. Rong Li:
Optimal bayes joint decision and estimation. 1-8 - Dan Shen, Genshe Chen, Leonard Haynes, Erik Blasch:
Strategies comparison for game theoretic cyber situational awareness and impact assessment. 1-8 - Michel Gagnon:
Ontology-based integration of data sources. 1-8 - Nam Trung Pham, Weimin Huang, Sim Heng Ong:
Multiple sensor multiple object tracking with GMPHD filter. 1-7 - Fook Wai Kong, Gee Wah Ng, Yuan-Sin Tan, Chung Huat Tan:
Evolving fuzzy neural networks in adaptive knowledge bases to support task-oriented decision making for sensor management. 1-8 - Hans Wehn, Richard Yates, Pierre Valin, Adel Guitouni
, Éloi Bossé, Andrew Dlugan, Harold Zwick:
A distributed information fusion testbed for coastal surveillance. 1-7 - Akrem El-ghazal, Otman A. Basir
, Saeid Belkasim:
A consensus-based fusion algorithm in shape-based image retrieval. 1-8 - Maen Takruri
, Subhash Challa:
Drift aware wireless sensor networks. 1-7 - Haitao Zhao, Shaoyuan Sun, Zhongliang Jing:
Visible-information-aided eyeglasses removing for thermal image reconstruction. 1-7 - Mark R. Morelande, William Moran:
Multiple target detection and tracking with a sensor network. 1-8 - Mark R. Morelande, Branko Ristic
, Ajith Gunatilaka:
Detection and parameter estimation of multiple radioactive sources. 1-7 - Daniel Huber, Lisa Falco-Jonasson, Mark Talary, Werner A. Stahel, Nicolas Städler, François Dewarrat, Andreas Caduff:
Multi-sensor data fusion for non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring. 1-10 - Anne-Claire Boury-Brisset:
Ontological engineering for threat evaluation and weapon assignment: a goal-driven approach. 1-7 - Cheng Zeng, Pinghui Wu:
A reliability discounting strategy based on plausibility function of evidence. 1-6 - Jan Nunnink, Gregor Pavlin:
Towards improved Bayesian fusion through run-time model analysis. 1-8 - Tan-Jan Ho:
Radar target tracking using an IMM-EV estimators-based switching scheme. 1-6 - Anne Hanselmann, Oliver C. Schrempf, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
Optimal parametric density estimation by minimizing an analytic distance measure. 1-8 - Joeri van Laere
, Maria Nilsson, Tom Ziemke
Implications of a Weickian perspective on decision making for information fusion research and practice. 1-8 - Astride Aregui, Thierry Denoeux
Fusion of one-class classifiers in the belief function framework. 1-8 - Fredrik Heintz, Piotr Rudol, Patrick Doherty:
From images to traffic behavior - A UAV tracking and monitoring application. 1-8 - Sorin I. Pop, Olivier Lavialle, Romulus Terebes
, Monica Borda:
Low-level fusion: a PDE-based approach. 1-8 - Martin Ulmke
, Ozgur Erdinc, Peter Willett
Gaussian mixture cardinalized PHD filter for ground moving target tracking. 1-8 - Fredrik Gustafsson, Fredrik Gunnarsson:
Localization in sensor networks based on log range observations. 1-8 - Patrick de Oude, Gregor Pavlin, Thomas Hood:
A modular approach to adaptive Bayesian information fusion. 1-8 - Arunas Mazeika, Luc Jaulin, Christophe Osswald:
A new approach for computing with fuzzy sets using interval analysis. 1-8 - Zhenhua Li, Henry Leung:
Contour-based multisensor image registration with rigid transformation. 1-7 - Javad Rezaie, Behzad Moshiri
, Amir Rafati
, Babak Nadjar Araabi
Modified LOLIMOT algorithm for nonlinear centralized Kalman filtering fusion. 1-8 - Michael Holender, Rakesh Nagi
, Moises Sudit, John T. Rickard:
Information fusion using conceptual spaces: Mathematical programming models and methods. 1-8 - Leif Persson, Eva Dalberg, Andris Lauberts, Ron K. Lennartsson:
Performance evaluation of underwater target tracking using data fusion on acoustic and electromagnetic data. 1-7 - Adam Stotz, Moises Sudit:
INformation fusion engine for real-time decision-making (INFERD): A perceptual system for cyber attack tracking. 1-8 - Anders Dahlbom, Lars Niklasson:
Trajectory clustering for coastal surveillance. 1-8 - Gaétan Thibault, M. Gareau, François Le May:
Intelligence collation in asymmetric conflict: A canadian armed forces perspective. 1-8 - K. David Lee, Andrew E. Gelfand, Eric Wiesenfeld, Brian Stepnitz:
Introduction of the hybrid inference tool (HIT). 1-7 - Ana M. Sánchez, Miguel A. Patricio
, Jesús García
, José M. Molina
Video tracking improvement using context-based information. 1-7 - Lauro Snidaro
, Massimo Belluz, Gian Luca Foresti:
Domain knowledge for surveillance applications. 1-6 - Felix Sawo, Marco F. Huber
, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
Parameter identification and reconstruction for distributed phenomena based on hybrid density filter. 1-8 - Vladimir S. Petrovic, Timothy F. Cootes
, Rade Pavlovic:
Dynamic image fusion performance evaluation. 1-7 - Federico Castanedo, Miguel A. Patricio
, Jesús García
, José M. Molina
Robust data fusion in a visual sensor multi-agent architecture. 1-7 - Thyagaraju R. Damarla, Lance M. Kaplan, Alex L. Chan:
Human infrastructure & human activity detection. 1-8 - Eulanda Miranda dos Santos, Robert Sabourin, Patrick Maupin:
Ambiguity-guided dynamic selection of ensemble of classifiers. 1-8 - Alexander A. Mikhalev, Richard F. Ormondroyd:
Passive emitter geolocation using agent-based data fusion of AOA, TDOA and FDOA measurements. 1-6 - Shaoyuan Sun, Haitao Zhao:
Perceptual evaluation of color night vision image quality. 1-7 - Zhenhua Li, Pierre Valin, Henry Leung, Hans Wehn:
High Level data fusion system for CanCoastWatch. 1-6 - Bradley J. Rhodes, Neil A. Bomberger, Majid Zandipour:
Probabilistic associative learning of vessel motion patterns at multiple spatial scales for maritime situation awareness. 1-8 - Jennifer Thompson, Jessica Bradley:
Predictive analysis network tool for human knowledge elicitation and reasoning. 1-6 - Marco F. Huber
, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
The hybrid density filter for nonlinear estimation based on hybrid conditional density approximation. 1-8 - Daniel S. Fava, Jared Holsopple, Shanchieh Jay Yang, Brian Argauer:
Terrain and behavior modeling for projecting multistage cyber attacks. 1-7 - Anne-Laure Jousselme, Patrick Maupin, Christophe Garion
, Laurence Cholvy, Claire Saurel:
Situation awareness and ability in coalitions. 1-9 - Chris Helleur, Michael Mathews, Nathan Kashyap, John Rafuse:
Track-to-track fusion by a human operator for maritime domain awareness. 1-8 - Dan Brookes, Chris Helleur, Michael Gingell, Bill Campbell, Rahim Jassemi-Zargani:
A case for service-oriented architecture in support of arctic C4ISR. 1-8 - K. K. Rohitha Hewawasam, Kamal Premaratne
Dependency based reasoning in a dempster-shafer theoretic framework. 1-8 - Salem Benferhat, Sylvain Lagrue, Julien Rossit:
A max-based merging of incommensurable ranked belief bases based on finite scales. 1-7 - Miguel Torres-Torriti
, Andres Guesalaga:
Automatic ship positioning and radar biases correction using the hausdorff distance. 1-8 - Garfield R. Mellema:
Correlation based testing for passive sonar picture rationalization. 1-6 - Eric Dorion
, Stéphane Fortin:
Multi-source semantic integration - revisiting the theory of signs and ontology alignment principles. 1-6 - Wei Sun, Kuo-Chu Chang:
Hybrid message passing for mixed bayesian networks. 1-8 - Vladimir Vila:
Data fusion enabled networks. 1-7 - Bin Liu, Satish G. Iyengar, Hao Chen, James H. Michels, Pramod K. Varshney:
Sensor fusion enhancement via optimized stochastic resonance at local sensors. 1-5 - Ashok Sundaresan, Pramod K. Varshney, Nageswara S. V. Rao
Distributed detection of a nuclear radioactive source using fusion of correlated decisions. 1-7 - Marcelo N. Kapp
, Robert Sabourin, Patrick Maupin:
An empirical study on diversity measures and margin theory for ensembles of classifiers. 1-8 - Philipp Lindner, Ulrich Scheunert, Eric Richter, Gerd Wanielik:
Multi level fusion with confidence measures for automotive safety applications. 1-7 - Maxim Goldshtein, Yaakov Oshman, Tzvi Efrati:
Seeker gyro calibration via model-based fusion of visual and inertial data. 1-8 - Daniel Danu, Abhijit Sinha, Thiagalingam Kirubarajan, Mohamad Farooq, Dan Brookes:
Fusion of over-the-horizon radar and automatic identification systems for overall maritime picture. 1-8 - Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson:
Multiple Model Filtering with Switch Time Conditions. 1-7 - Anne-Laure Jousselme, Patrick Maupin:
Interpreted systems for situation analysis. 1-11 - Khaled Jabeur
, Adel Guitouni:
A generalized framework for concordance/discordance-based multi-criteria classification methods. 1-8 - Galina L. Rogova, Marcus I. Bursik, Sara Hanson-Hedgecock:
Interpreting the pattern of volcano eruptions: Intelligent system for tephra layer correlation. 1-7 - Mark E. Oxley, Steven N. Thorsen
, Christine M. Schubert:
A Boolean Algebra of receiver operating characteristic curves. 1-8 - John M. Irvine, David M. Cannon, Steven A. Israel, Gary O'Brien, Charles Fenimore, John Roberts, Ana Ivelisse Avilés:
Quantifying interpretability for motion imagery: Applications to image chain analysis. 1-8 - Dmitry Akselrod, Abhijit Sinha, Thiagalingam Kirubarajan:
Collaborative distributed data fusion architecture using multi-level Markov decision processes. 1-8 - Emily B. Fox, Erik B. Sudderth
, Alan S. Willsky:
Hierarchical Dirichlet processes for tracking maneuvering targets. 1-8 - Mahendra Mallick:
Geolocation using video sensor measurements. 1-8 - X. Rong Li, Ming Yang, Jifeng Ru:
Joint tracking and classification based on bayes joint decision and estimation. 1-8 - Jason Matthew Aughenbaugh, Brian R. LaCour
Measurement prioritization for optimal Bayesian fusion. 1-8 - Nickens Okello, Darko Musicki:
Measurement Association for emitter geolocation with two UAVs. 1-8 - Karin Tischler, Heike S. Vogt:
A sensor data fusion approach for the integration of negative information. 1-7 - Karthik P. Ramesh, Shruti Gupta, Erik Philip Blasch:
Image fusion experiment for information content. 1-8 - Morten Stakkeland, Oddvar Hallingstad, Øyvind Overrein:
Tracking and fusion of surveillance radar images of extended targets. 1-8 - Peter Pong, Subhash Challa:
Empirical analysis of generalised uncertainty measures with dempster shafer fusion. 1-9 - Zhanlue Zhao, X. Rong Li:
Two classes of relative measures of estimation performance. 1-7 - Hoe Chee Lai, Rong Yang, Gee Wah Ng:
Enhanced self-organizing map for passive sonar tracking to improve situation awareness. 1-7 - Allen M. Waxman, David A. Fay, Paul Ilardi, Pablo O. Arambel, Jeffrey Silver:
Active tracking of surface targets in fused video. 1-7 - Alexandre Jouan:
FastICA(MNF) for feature generation in hyperspectral imagery. 1-8 - Andrea F. Cattoni, Alessio Dore, Carlo S. Regazzoni
Video-radio fusion approach for target tracking in smart spaces. 1-7 - David Gains:
Data fusion for Canadian army applications. 1-8 - Garfield R. Mellema:
An operator perspective on net-centric underwater warfare. 1-6 - François Rhéaume, Abder Rezak Benaskeur:
Fire control-based adaptation in data fusion applications. 1-8 - Khaled Jabeur
, Adel Guitouni:
Automated learning multi-criteria classifiers for FLIR ship imagery classification. 1-8 - Branko Ristic
, M. Sanjeev Arulampalam:
Integrated detection and tracking of multiple objects with a network of acoustic sensors. 1-7 - Fiona Fletcher, Branko Ristic
, Darko Musicki:
Recursive estimation of emitter location using TDOA measurements from two UAVs. 1-8 - Timothy D. Dixon, Jian Li, Jan M. Noyes
, Tom Troscianko, Stavri G. Nikolov, John Joseph Lewis, Eduardo Fernández Canga, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah:
Scanpath assessment of visible and infrared side-by-side and fused video displays. 1-8 - Liang Dong, Jiankang Wu, Xiang Chen:
Real-time physical activity monitoring by data fusion in body sensor networks. 1-7 - Ya-Dong Wang, Jian-Kang Wu, Weimin Huang, Ashraf A. Kassim
Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density for visual people racking. 1-6 - Zhiqiang Zhang, Xuebin Gao, Jit Biswas, Jian-Kang Wu:
Moving targets detection and localization in passive infrared sensor networks. 1-6 - Xinde Li, Xinhan Huang, Jean Dezert, Florentin Smarandache
Enrichment of Qualitative Beliefs for Reasoning under Uncertainty. 1-8 - Yan Liang, Zengfu Wang
, Yongmei Cheng, Quan Pan:
Estimation of Markov Jump systems with mode observation one-step lagged to state measurement. 1-6 - Alfred O. Hero III, Christopher M. Kreucher
Network sensor management for tracking and localization. 1-8 - Paul Scerri, Sean Owens, Bin Yu, Katia P. Sycara:
A decentralized approach to space deconfliction. 1-8 - Robin Glinton, Paul Scerri, David Scerri, Katia P. Sycara:
An analysis and design methodology for belief sharing in large groups. 1-7 - Jean-Pierre Ardouin, Josée Lévesque, Terry A. Rea:
A demonstration of hyperspectral image exploitation for military applications. 1-8 - Alexander V. Smirnov, Michael Pashkin, Nikolay Shilov
, Tatiana Levashova, Alexey M. Kashevnik
Context-aware operational decision support. 1-8 - Christian R. Berger, Martina Daun, Wolfgang Koch:
Track initialization from incomplete measurements. 1-8 - Francis Celeste, Frédéric Dambreville, Jean-Pierre Le Cadre:
Evaluation of a robot learning and planning via extreme value theory. 1-8 - Adrien Ickowicz
, Jean-Pierre Le Cadre, Pierre Minvielle:
On the effect of data contamination for multitarget tracking, part 1. 1-8 - Adrien Ickowicz
, Jean-Pierre Le Cadre, Pierre Minvielle:
On the effect of data contamination for multitarget tracking, part II. 1-8 - Masoud Mirmomeni, Behzad Moshiri
, Caro Lucas:
Modulation identification using combined classifiers and co-evolution of classifiers and tests. 1-8 - Amir Rafati
, Behzad Moshiri
, Javad Rezaie:
A new algorithm for general asynchronous sensor bias estimation in multisensor-multitarget systems. 1-8 - Behzad Moshiri
, Arezou Moussavi Khalkhali, Hamid Reza Momeni:
Designing a home security system using sensor data fusion with DST and DSmT methods. 1-6 - Darko Musicki, Xuezhi Wang:
Track management and PMHT. 1-5 - Henk A. P. Blom, Edwin A. Bloem:
Hybrid SIR joint particle filtering under limited sensor resolution. 1-8 - Cécile Simonin, Jean-Pierre Le Cadre, Frédéric Dambreville:
The cross-entropy method for solving a variety of hierarchical search problems. 1-8 - Ali Danesh, Behzad Moshiri
, Omid Fatemi:
Improve text classification accuracy based on classifier fusion methods. 1-6 - Tuve Löfström
, Ulf Johansson, Lars Niklasson:
Empirically investigating the importance of diversity. 1-8 - Thomas B. Schön
, Rickard Karlsson, David Törnqvist, Fredrik Gustafsson:
A framework for simultaneous localization and mapping utilizing model structure. 1-8 - Jeff Secker, Paris W. Vachon:
Exploitation of multi-temporal SAR and EO satellite imagery for geospatial intelligence. 1-8 - Frédéric Barbaresco:
Radar resources optimization by adaptive serch domains priority assignment based on most threatening trajectories computation. 1-8 - Sanjeev Arulampalam, Martin Clark, Richard Vinter:
Performance of the shifted Rayleigh filter in single-sensor bearings-only tracking. 1-6 - Vesselin P. Jilkov, X. Rong Li, Donald DelBalzo:
Best combination of multiple objectives for UAV search & track path optimization. 1-8 - Manolis Tsogas, Aris Polychronopoulos, Nikolaos Floudas, Angelos Amditis
Situation refinement for vehicle maneuver identification and driver's intention prediction. 1-8 - Juan A. Besada, Gonzalo de Miguel, Andrés Soto, Jesús García Herrero:
Tracking filters using kinematic measurements. 1-8 - Abdelhamid Zemirline, Laurent Lecornu, Basel Solaiman:
Rule-based diagnostic system fusion. 1-7 - Ivan Kadar:
Results from levels 2/3 fusion implementations: Issues, challenges, retrospectives and perspectives for the future - An annotated view. 1-3 - Éloi Bossé, Anne-Laure Jousselme, Patrick Maupin:
Situation analysis for decision support: A formal approach. 1-3 - John J. Salerno:
Where's level 2/3 fusion - a look back over the past 10 years. 1-4 - Dale A. Lambert:
Tradeoffs in the design of higher-level fusion systems. 1-4 - Subrata Das:
Addressing the knowledge acquisition issue for model based level 2/3 fusion. 1-2 - Enrique H. Ruspini:
Evidential reasoning in fusion: Needs and issues. 1-2 - Bradley J. Rhodes:
Biologically-inspired approaches to higher-level information fusion. 1-3 - Joachim Biermann:
Some experiences with experimental high level fusion systems. 1-4 - Paul G. Gonsalves:
Lessons learned from an evolutionary algorithm- based approach to impact assessment processing. 1-3 - James Llinas:
Intelligent agents as one framework for defining fusion requirements for complex adaptive systems. 1-2 - Gregor Pavlin:
Multi agent systems for flexible and robust Bayesian information fusion. 1-4 - Donald Snyder:
Distributed collaboration foundation. 1-2 - Alan N. Steinberg:
Predictive modeling of interacting agents. 1-5 - Katia P. Sycara:
Distributed, agent-based high level information: Challenges and solutions. 1-4 - William Dale Blair, Yaakov Bar-Shalom:
Historical perspectives of multisensor tracking. 1 - Peter Willett:
Quickest detection of statistical changes with application to tracking. 1 - Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Huimin Chen:
Track association and fusion with heterogeneous local trackers. 1 - David L. Hall, Tracy Mullen:
On the utilization of market-based auction techniques for dynamic resource allocation in distributed sensor network systems. 1 - Nagi Rao:
Projective spaces of cyber-physical networks for identification of dispersion-diffusions. 1 - Nicolas Léchevin, Camille Alain Rabbath, Marc Lauzon, A. Jouan:
Network enabled sensing for unmanned urban combats. 1 - Erik Blasch, Randolph L. Moses, David A. Castañón, Alan S. Willsky, Alfred O. Hero III:
Integrated fusion, performance prediction, and sensor management for automatic target exploitation AFOSR MURI. 1

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