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FUZZ-IEEE 2012: Brisbane, Australia
- FUZZ-IEEE 2012, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012, Proceedings. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1507-4
- Dongrui Wu
A reconstruction decoder for the perceptual computer. 1-8 - Mohammad Reza Rajati, Jerry M. Mendel:
Lower and upper probability calculations using compatibility measures for solving Zadeh's challenge problems. 1-8 - Victor Raskin, Julia M. Taylor:
Computing with nouns and verbs. 1-8 - Teresa García-Valverde, Alberto García-Sola, Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta
, Juan A. Botía
, Hani Hagras
, James Dooley, Victor Callaghan
An adaptive learning fuzzy logic system for indoor localisation using Wi-Fi in Ambient Intelligent Environments. 1-8 - María Ros, Miguel Delgado, Maria-Amparo Vila
, Hani Hagras
, Aysenur Bilgin:
A fuzzy logic approach for learning daily human activities in an Ambient Intelligent Environment. 1-8 - Saifullizam Puteh
, Caroline S. Langensiepen, Ahmad Lotfi
Fuzzy ambient intelligence for intelligent office environments. 1-6 - Katsuhiro Honda, Sakuya Nakao, Akira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi:
Alternative fuzzy c-lines and comparison with noise clustering in cluster validation. 1-6 - Hidetomo Ichihashi, Toshiro Ogita, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu:
Improvement by sorting and thresholding in PCA based nearest neighbor search. 1-6 - David F. Nettleton
Information loss evaluation based on fuzzy and crisp clustering of graph statistics. 1-8 - Gleb Beliakov
, Simon James
Defining Bonferroni means over lattices. 1-8 - Huy Quan Vu, Gang Li
, Gleb Beliakov
A fuzzy decision support method for customer preferences analysis based on Choquet Integral. 1-8 - Jozo Dujmovic:
Andness and orness as a mean of overall importance. 1-6 - Hamza Hamdi, Paul Richard, Aymeric Suteau, Philippe Allain:
Emotion assessment for affective computing based on physiological responses. 1-8 - Dongrui Wu
Fuzzy sets and systems in building closed-loop affective computing systems for human-computer interaction: Advances and new research directions. 1-8 - Michael Garber-Barron, Mei Si
Using body movement and posture for emotion detection in non-acted scenarios. 1-8 - Yuchi Kanzawa, Yasunori Endo:
On FNM-based and RFCM-based fuzzy co-clustering algorithms. 1-8 - Katsuhiro Honda, Arina Kawano, Akira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi:
A fuzzy variant of k-member clustering for collaborative filtering with data anonymization. 1-6 - Klara Stokes
, Vicenç Torra
On the relationship between clustering and coding theory. 1-6 - Wei Mei, Ganlin Shan, Chunping Wang:
Model the uncertainty in target recognition using possiblized bayes' theorem. 1-3 - Jesada Kajornrit, Kok Wai Wong, Chun Che Fung
Rainfall prediction in the northeast region of Thailand using Modular Fuzzy Inference System. 1-6 - Robert J. Hammell, Timothy P. Hanratty, Eric Heilman:
Capturing the value of information in complex military environments: A fuzzy-based approach. 1-7 - S. Bindiganavile Nagesh, Zsófia Lendek
, Amol A. Khalate, Robert Babuska:
Adaptive fuzzy observer and robust controller for a 2-DOF robot arm. 1-7 - Sami Mohammad, Thierry-Marie Guerra
, Jean-Marie Grobois, Bernard Hecquet:
Heart rate modeling and robust control during cycling exercise. 1-8 - Abdelhafidh Jaadari, Thierry-Marie Guerra
, Antonio Sala
, Miguel Bernal
, Kevin Guelton
New controllers and new designs for continuous-time Takagi-Sugeno models. 1-7 - Erdal Kayacan
, Wouter Saeys
, Erkan Kayacan
, Herman Ramon, Okyay Kaynak
Intelligent control of a tractor-implement system using type-2 fuzzy neural networks. 1-8 - Robert A. Ellen, Duncan A. Campbell, Michael J. Lees
Development of distributed fuzzy systems with a runtime-adaptable mobile components framework. 1-10 - Jamil Abou Saleh, Fakhreddine Karray, Michael Morckos:
Modelling of robot attention demand in human-robot interaction using finite fuzzy state automata. 1-8 - Xiaojing Wang, Angel F. Garcia Contreras, Martine Ceberio, Christian Del Hoyo, Luis C. Gutierrez:
A speculative algorithm to extract fuzzy measures from sample data. 1-8 - Daniel Paternain
, Aranzazu Jurio
, Gleb Beliakov
Color image reduction by minimizing penalty functions. 1-7 - Takéhiko Nakama, Michio Sugeno:
Admissibility of preferences and modeling capabilities of fuzzy integrals. 1-8 - Wei She
, Yangdong Ye:
Fault diagnosis via fuzzy time analysis. 1-7 - Sampreeti Ghosh, Sushmita Mitra
Gene selection using biological knowledge and fuzzy clustering. 1-9 - Costas Neocleous, Christos N. Schizas
Modeling socio-politico-economic systems with time-dependent fuzzy cognitive maps. 1-7 - Slah Alsaleh, Richi Nayak
, Yue Xu
Grouping people in social networks using a weighted multi-constraints clustering method. 1-8 - Sadaaki Miyamoto, Shohei Suzuki, Satoshi Takumi:
Clustering in tweets using a fuzzy neighborhood model. 1-6 - Yui Matsumoto, Takeshi Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi:
Application of cluster validity criteria to Rock-Paper-Scissors game judgment. 1-5 - Soto Montalvo, Eduardo G. Pardo
, Raquel Martínez-Unanue, Víctor Fresno
Automatic cognate identification based on a fuzzy combination of string similarity measures. 1-8 - João Paulo Carvalho
, Fernando Batista
, Luísa Coheur
A critical survey on the use of Fuzzy Sets in Speech and Natural Language Processing. 1-8 - Rodrigo Moura Juvenil Ayres, Marilde Terezinha Prado Santos:
FOntGAR algorithm: Mining generalized association rules using fuzzy ontologies. 1-8 - Zsófia Lendek
, Thierry-Marie Guerra
, Jimmy Lauber
Construction of extended Lyapunov functions and control laws for discrete-time TS systems. 1-6 - Horst Schulte, Michal Zajac, Sören Georg:
Takagi-Sugeno sliding mode observer design for load estimation and sensor fault detection in wind turbines. 1-8 - Ryutaro Takada, Yuzu Uchida, Jun Yoneyama:
Output feedback stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy bilinear time-delay systems. 1-8 - Dejan Dovzan, Vito Logar
, Igor Skrjanc:
Solving the sales prediction problem with fuzzy evolving methods. 1-8 - André Paim Lemos, Daniel F. Leite
, Leandro Maciel
, Rosangela Ballini
, Walmir M. Caminhas
, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Evolving fuzzy linear regression tree approach for forecasting sales volume of petroleum products. 1-8 - Nicole Sprunk, Alejandro Mendoza García, Alois C. Knoll:
Learning a fuzzy system from training data using the Münsteraner Optimisation System. 1-7 - James N. K. Liu, Yu-Lin He, Xizhao Wang:
Improving kernel incapability by equivalent probability in flexible naïve Bayesian. 1-8 - Chi-Hsu Wang, Kun-Neng Hung:
Adaptive SOM-Based Fuzzy Neural Network controller design for multi-agent system dispatching and path planning. 1-7 - Yan Cui, Zhong Jin:
Feature extraction using fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis. 1-5 - Hoel Le Capitaine:
Online equivalence learning through a Quasi-Newton method. 1-8 - Jonathon K. Parker, Lawrence O. Hall, James C. Bezdek:
Comparison of scalable fuzzy clustering methods. 1-9 - Tomislav Bacek
, Josip Kasac
, Dubravko Majetic, Danko Brezak:
Real-time vehicle navigation in unknown environment with obstacles using analytical fuzzy controller and potential field method. 1-7 - Cesar Iyakaremye, Pasi Luukka
, David Koloseni:
Feature selection using Yu's similarity measure and fuzzy entropy measures. 1-6 - Zheng Chang, Xiaojuan Ban, Xing Mu:
A study on application of Fuzzy Data Mining and Forecasting in oil exploration. 1-7 - Rong-Jong Wai, Yu-Chih Huang, Yi-Chang Chen:
Intelligent daily load forecasting with fuzzy neural network and particle swarm optimization. 1-6 - Timothy C. Havens
, James C. Bezdek, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Cluster validity for kernel fuzzy clustering. 1-8 - Serge Guillaume
, Brigitte Charnomordic:
Parameter optimization of a fuzzy inference system using the FisPro open source software. 1-8 - Shih-Ju Ho, Bor-Sen Chen:
Robust H∞ synchronization behavior for nonlinear stochastic coupled networks with time delays and noises. 1-7 - Ali A. Jomah Adham, Razman Bin Mat Tahar:
Enhancing efficiency of automobile assembly line using the Fuzzy logical and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm. 1-7 - Mary Tom
Computational intelligence using Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making for DIligenS: Dietary Intelligence System. 1-7 - Gwo-Ruey Yu, Kuan-Hsien Ho:
Constraints on control input and output of polynomial fuzzy systems via a sum of squares approach. 1-6 - Alejandro Mendoza García, Nicole Sprunk, Benedikt Baumgartner, Alois C. Knoll
, Ulrich Schreiber, Stefan Eichhorn, Markus Krane, Rüdiger Lange:
Application of adaptive fuzzy controllers for the automation of medical devices. 1-5 - Derek T. Anderson, Timothy C. Havens, Christian Wagner
, James M. Keller, Melissa F. Anderson, Daniel J. Wescott
Sugeno fuzzy integral generalizations for Sub-normal Fuzzy set-valued inputs. 1-8 - Nuryani Nuryani, Sai-Ho Ling
, Hung T. Nguyen
Hybrid particle swarm - based fuzzy support vector machine for hypoglycemia detection. 1-6 - Kai Meng Tay
, Chee Peng Lim, Chin Ying Teh
, See Hung Lau:
A monotonicity index for the monotone fuzzy modeling problem. 1-8 - Inés del Campo
, M. Victoria Martínez, Javier Echanobe
, Koldo Basterretxea, Faiyaz Doctor:
A hardware/software embedded agent for real-time control of ambient-intelligence environments. 1-8 - Anna Wilbik
, James M. Keller, James C. Bezdek:
Generation of prototypes from sets of linguistic summaries. 1-8 - Eulalia Szmidt
, Janusz Kacprzyk
, Pawel Bujnowski:
Correlation between intuitionistic fuzzy sets: Some conceptual and numerical extensions. 1-7 - Mohammad Khalilia, Mihail Popescu
Fuzzy relational self-organizing maps. 1-6 - Chien-Chih Weng, Wen-Shyong Yu:
H∞ tracking adaptive fuzzy integral sliding mode control for parallel manipulators. 1-8 - Naho Ito, Masafumi Hagiwara:
Image description generation without image processing using fuzzy inference. 1-8 - Jinwook Kim, Oh Kyu Choi, Jin S. Lee:
Design and stability analysis of TSK-type full-scale fuzzy PID controllers. 1-8 - Chung-Chun Kung, Shuo-Chieh Chang:
The fuzzy c-regression model of the lithium battery and its application to the estimation of the state of charge. 1-6 - Dionís Boixader, Jordi Recasens
A decomposition theorem for T-indistinguishability operators. The continuous strict Archimedean case. 1-6 - Hyun Seung Son, Jin Bae Park, Young Hoon Joo
Tracking algorithm compensating acceleration for 3D maneuvering target with PSO-FCM. 1-7 - Fu-Hsaing Chi, Chih-Li Huo, Yu-Hsiang Yu, Tsung-Ying Sun:
Forward vehicle detection system based on lane-marking tracking with fuzzy adjustable vanishing point mechanism. 1-6 - Hong-Chi Ku, Chung-Chun Kung, Wei-Yin Chen:
A novel cluster validity criterion for the bilinear models and its application to the T-S fuzzy bilinear model identification. 1-7 - Shinsuke Muta, Shohei Watanabe, Masayoshi Kanoh:
A radial-ring network model for object posture estimation. 1-5 - Ahmad Kalhor, Hossein Iranmanesh
, Majid Abdollahzade:
Online modeling of real-world time series through evolving AR models. 1-6 - Yukinobu Hoshino
, Hiroshi Takimoto:
PSO training of the Neural Network application for a controller of the line tracing car. 1-8 - Raymond Y. K. Lau
, L. Song:
Mining fuzzy ontology for fuzzy granular IR systems. 1-8 - Takahiro Syose, Yoichiro Maeda, Yasutake Takahashi
Skill acquisition and rule extraction method of expert's operation. 1-6 - Renata M. C. R. de Souza, Leonardo Vieira de Carvalho, Nicomedes L. Cavalcanti Junior:
A novel adaptive fuzzy c-means algorithm for interval data type. 1-5 - Marcin Detyniecki, Christophe Marsala
, Ashwati Krishnan, Mel W. Siegel:
Weather-based solar energy prediction. 1-7 - Naouel Baili, Hichem Frigui:
Fuzzy clustering with multiple kernels in feature space. 1-8 - Christophe Marsala:
Gradual fuzzy decision trees to help medical diagnosis. 1-6 - Francisco Mugica
, Àngela Nebot
, Solmaz Bagherpour, Antoni Serrano-Blanco
, Luisa Baladón
MADRIM: A major depression remote intelligent monitor. 1-8 - Sandra A. Sandri, Jonas Mendonça, Flávia Toledo Martins-Bedé, Ricardo Guimarães
, Omar S. Carvalho:
Weighted fuzzy similarity relations in case-based reasoning: A case study in classification. 1-7 - Yutaka Yasuda, Naoyuki Kubota, Yuichiro Toda
Adaptive formation behaviors of multi-robot for cooperative exploration. 1-6 - Zhaojie Ju
, Honghai Liu:
A generalised framework for analysing human hand motions based on multisensor information. 1-6 - Isao Hayashi, Shinji Tsuruse, Junichi Suzuki, Robert Thijs Kozma
A proposal for applying pdi-Boosting to brain-computer interfaces. 1-6 - Olga Kosheleva, Karen Villaverde:
How to make sure that students spend enough time studying: Fuzzy-motivated optimization approach to selecting a grading policy. 1-7 - Elham Ghassemi, Zoi Kapoula:
AFCMAC: An Auto-Adaptive Fuzzy CCMAC for oculomotor system. 1-4 - Phonkrit Chanda, Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul
, Nipon Theera-Umpon
Thai sign language translation system using upright speed-up robust feature and c-means clustering. 1-6 - Becerra Priego, Francisco Bellas
, Daniel Souto, F. López-Peña, Richard J. Duro
Evolving cellular automata for detecting edges in hyperspectral images. 1-6 - Chang-Shing Lee
, Mei-Hui Wang, Meng-Jhen Wu, Yukiko Nakagawa, Hiroshi Tsuji, Yoichi Yamazaki
, Kaoru Hirota:
FML-based emotional expression system for computer Go application. 1-8 - Marta Cimitile
, Matteo Gaeta
, Vincenzo Loia:
An ontological multi-criteria optimization system for Workforce Management. 1-7 - Carmen De Maio
, Giuseppe Fenza
, Domenico Furno
, Vincenzo Loia:
Swarm-based semantic fuzzy reasoning for situation awareness computing. 1-7 - Yu-Hsiu Lin
, Men-Shen Tsai:
Application of neuro-fuzzy pattern recognition for Non-intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring in electricity energy conservation. 1-7 - Eleonora D'Andrea
, Beatrice Lazzerini
Fuzzy forecasting of energy production in solar photovoltaic installations. 1-8 - Francesco Grimaccia, Marco Mussetta
, Riccardo Enrico Zich:
Advanced predictive models towards PV energy integration in smart grid. 1-6 - Stelios K. Mylonas
, Dimitris G. Stavrakoudis
, John B. Theocharis:
A GA-based sequential fuzzy segmentation approach for classification of remote sensing images. 1-8 - Mohsen Naderpour
, Jie Lu
A fuzzy dual expert system for managing situation awareness in a safety supervisory system. 1-7 - Shen Wang, Mahdi Mahfouf:
Multi-objective optimisation for fuzzy modelling using interval type-2 fuzzy sets. 1-8 - Lingyu Zhang, Zongmin Ma
ICFC: A method for computing semantic similarity among fuzzy concepts in a fuzzy ontology. 1-8 - Fu Zhang, Zong Min Ma
, Li Yan:
A fuzzy ontology approach for representing Fuzzy Petri Nets. 1-8 - Che-Hung Liu, Chang-Shing Lee
, Mei-Hui Wang, Yu-Yang Tseng, Yi-Ling Kuo:
FML-based knowledge management system for university governance and management assessment. 1-8 - Pouria Sadeghi-Tehran
, Ana Belén Cara, Plamen Angelov
, Héctor Pomares
, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Prieto:
Self-evolving parameter-free Rule-based Controller. 1-8 - Leandro Maciel
, Fernando A. C. Gomide, Rosangela Ballini
MIMO evolving participatory learning fuzzy modeling. 1-8 - Di Wang, Xiao-Jun Zeng
, John A. Keane:
A structure learning method for concise fuzzy systems. 1-8 - Shinji Fukuda
Effect of aggregation functions on the habitat preference modelling using a genetic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system. 1-8 - Stephen G. Matthews
, Mario Gongora
, Adrian A. Hopgood
, Samad Ahmadi:
Temporal fuzzy association rule mining with 2-tuple linguistic representation. 1-8 - Michela Antonelli
, Pietro Ducange
, Francesco Marcelloni
Multi-objective evolutionary rule and condition selection for designing fuzzy rule-based classifiers. 1-7 - Joseph B. Lee, Eunjin Kim:
Fuzzy web information retrieval system with fuzzy thesaurus using fuzzy relational BK-products. 1-8 - Yoann Pitarch, Cécile Favre, Anne Laurent, Pascal Poncelet
Enhancing flexibility and expressivity of contextual hierarchies. 1-8 - Katsutoshi Takahashi, Motohide Umano:
Retrieval of similar time series with similarity degree of linguistic expressions for global trend and local features. 1-8 - Maowen Nie, Woei Wan Tan:
Modeling capability of type-1 fuzzy set and interval type-2 fuzzy set. 1-8 - Miguel A. Olivares-Méndez
, Pascual Campoy Cervera
, Ignacio Mellado-Bataller, Luis Mejías
See-and-avoid quadcopter using fuzzy control optimized by cross-entropy. 1-7 - Klaus J. Diepold, Sebastian J. Pieczona:
Recurrent Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy interpolation for switched linear systems and hybrid automata. 1-8 - Antonio A. Márquez
, Francisco Alfredo Márquez
, Antonio Peregrín
An efficient multi-objective evolutionary adaptive conjunction for high dimensional problems in linguistic fuzzy modelling. 1-8 - Cristóbal J. Carmona
, Julián Luengo
, Pedro González
, María José del Jesus:
A preliminary study on missing data imputation in evolutionary fuzzy systems of subgroup discovery. 1-7 - Edward Hinojosa Cárdenas
, Heloisa A. Camargo
Multiobjective genetic generation of fuzzy classifiers using the iterative rule learning. 1-8 - Luyi Bai
, Li Yan, Zong Min Ma
Modeling topological relations between fuzzy spatiotemporal regions over time. 1-8 - Mateusz Dziedzic, Slawomir Zadrozny
, Janusz Kacprzyk
Towards bipolar linguistic summaries: a novel fuzzy bipolar querying based approach. 1-8 - Umit Lutfu Altintakan, Adnan Yazici
, Murat Koyuncu
A novel fuzzy visual object classification approach. 1-6 - T. A. T. Nguyen, Jimmy Lauber
, Michel Dambrine
Switching fuzzy control of the air system of a turbocharged gasoline engine. 1-7 - Ya-Lun Ouyang, Chian-Song Chiu, Jie-Lun Li, Guan-Chyun Hsieh:
High power efficiency design of direct methanol fuel cell power generating systems. 1-6 - Wen-Yen Hsiao, Hsin-Han Chiang
Observer-based fuzzy sliding mode control for vehicle semi-active suspensions. 1-6 - Vasilis G. Giannoglou, Dimitris G. Stavrakoudis
, John B. Theocharis, Vassilios Petridis:
Genetic fuzzy rule-based classification systems for tissue characterization of intravascular ultrasound images. 1-8 - Bruno Giglio, Francesco Marcelloni
, Michela Fazzolari, Rafael Alcalá
, Francisco Herrera:
A case study on the application of instance selection techniques for Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based Classifiers. 1-8 - Yusuke Nojima
, Shingo Mihara, Hisao Ishibuchi
Application of parallel distributed genetics-based machine learning to imbalanced data sets. 1-6 - Andrew Malakhov, Petr Kopyriulin, Sergey Petrovski
, Andrei Petrovski
Adaptation of smard grid technologies. 1-6 - Jingjing Yang, Yaping Dai:
A modified method of vehicle extraction based on background subtraction. 1-5 - Yasutake Takahashi
, Tatsuya Kimura, Yoichiro Maeda, Takayuki Nakamura:
Body mapping from human demonstrator to inverted-pendulum mobile robot for learning from observation. 1-6 - Shin Ishiguro, Yoshihiro Kawagishi, Yihsin Ho, Eri Sato-Shimokawara
, Toru Yamaguchi:
Motion recognition using 3D accelerometer sensor network for Mobility Assistant Robot. 1-8 - Janos L. Grantner, Bradley J. Bazuin, Liang Dong
, Jumana Al-shawawreh, Matthew P. Castanier
, Shabbir Hussain:
Linguistic model for axle fatigue. 1-8 - Jeffrey W. Tweedale:
Fuzzy control loop in an autonomous landing system for Unmanned Air Vehicles. 1-8 - Takashi Hasuike, Hideki Katagiri, Hiroe Tsubaki, Hiroshi Tsuda:
Constructing membership function based on fuzzy shannon entropy and human's interval estimation. 1-6 - Mika Sato-Ilic:
Structural classification based correlation and its application to principal component analysis for high-dimension low-sample size data. 1-8 - Yongming Li, Tieshan Li, Shaocheng Tong:
Robust adaptive fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with input saturation based on DSC and K-filter techniques. 1-7 - Miguel Bernal
, Raymundo Márquez, Víctor Estrada-Manzo
, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo:
Nonlinear output regulation via Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy mappings: A full-information LMI approach. 1-7 - Dawei Zhang, Qing-Long Han, Xinchun Jia:
Tracking control for network-based T-S fuzzy systems with asynchronous constraints. 1-8 - Xuehong Tao, Nicola Yelland, Yanchun Zhang:
Fuzzy cognitive modeling for argumentative agent. 1-8 - Jussara Rodrigues Ciappina, Akebo Yamakami
, Ricardo C. Silva:
An adaptation of Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition applied to fuzzy multicommodity flow problems. 1-8 - Pintu Chandra Shill, Md. Faijul Amin, M. A. H. Akhand, Kazuyuki Murase
Optimization of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller using quantum genetic algorithms. 1-8 - Pintu Chandra Shill, Md. Faijul Amin, Kazuyuki Murase
Design of a self-tuning hierarchical fuzzy logic controller for nonlinear swing up and stabilizing control of inverted pendulum. 1-8 - Teck Wee Chua, Karianto Leman
, Yue Wang:
Fuzzy rule-based system for dynamic texture and color based background subtraction. 1-7 - Dongrui Wu
Twelve considerations in choosing between Gaussian and trapezoidal membership functions in interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers. 1-8 - Xinwang Liu
, Yong Qin, Lingyao Wu:
Fast and direct Karnik-Mendel algorithm computation for the centroid of an interval type-2 fuzzy set. 1-8 - Syibrah Naim
, Hani Hagras
A hybrid approach for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making based on interval type-2 fuzzy logic and Intuitionistic Fuzzy evaluation. 1-8 - Serge Guillaume
, Brigitte Charnomordic, Bruno Tisseyre:
Open source software for modelling using agro-environmental georeferenced data. 1-8 - José Maria Alonso
, David P. Pancho, Luis Magdalena
Enhancing the fuzzy modeling tool GUAJE with a new module for fingrams-based analysis of fuzzy rule bases. 1-8 - Pablo Cingolani, Jesús Alcalá-Fdez:
jFuzzyLogic: a robust and flexible Fuzzy-Logic inference system language implementation. 1-8 - Chengyuan Chen, Qiang Shen
A new method for rule interpolation inspired by rough-fuzzy sets. 1-8 - Szilveszter Kovács
Extending the concept of Fuzzy Rule Interpolation with the interpolation of fuzziness. 1-8 - Krisztián Balázs, László T. Kóczy:
Genetic and Bacterial Memetic Programming approaches in hierarchical-interpolative fuzzy system construction. 1-8 - Majid Almaraashi
, Robert I. John, Simon Coupland:
Designing generalised type-2 fuzzy logic systems using interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems and simulated annealing. 1-8 - Aysenur Bilgin, Hani Hagras
, Areej Malibari, Mohammed J. Alhaddad, Daniyal M. Al-Ghazzawi
Towards a general type-2 fuzzy logic approach for Computing With Words using linear adjectives. 1-8 - Simon Miller, Christian Wagner
, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
, Susan Appleby:
Constructing General Type-2 fuzzy sets from interval-valued data. 1-8 - Francisco Jose Moreno-Velo
, Angel Barriga
, Santiago Sánchez-Solano, Iluminada Baturone
XFSML: An XML-based modeling language for fuzzy systems. 1-8 - José Manuel Cadenas
, M. Carmen Garrido, Raquel Martínez
A tool to manage low quality datasets. 1-8 - Carmen De Maio
, Giuseppe Fenza
, Domenico Furno
, Vincenzo Loia:
f-SPARQL extension and application to support context recognition. 1-8 - Shangzhu Jin, Ren Diao, Qiang Shen
Backward fuzzy interpolation and extrapolation with multiple multi-antecedent rules. 1-8 - Kai Meng Tay
, Chee Peng Lim, Tze Ling Jee:
Building monotonicity-preserving Fuzzy Inference models with optimization-based similarity reasoning and a monotonicity index. 1-8 - Maowen Nie, Woei Wan Tan:
Theory of generalized fuzzy discrete event system. 1-7 - Rainer Palm, Abdelbaki Bouguerra:
Market-based algorithms and fuzzy methods for the navigation of mobile robots. 1-8 - Yinlai Jiang, Isao Hayashi, Shuoyu Wang:
Embodied knowledge extraction from human motion using singular value decomposition. 1-8 - Chern Hong Lim, Chee Seng Chan
A fuzzy qualitative approach for scene classification. 1-8 - Hussam Hamrawi, Simon Coupland, Robert I. John:
Parallel computation of type-2 fuzzy sets using alpha-cuts. 1-7 - Summer Kassem, Hani Hagras
, Gilbert Owusu, Siddhartha Shakya
A type2 Fuzzy Logic System for workforce management in the telecommunications domain. 1-8 - Muhammad Amjad Raza, Frank Chung-Hoon Rhee:
Interval type-2 approach to kernel possibilistic C-means clustering. 1-7 - Kun Zhang, Yoichiro Maeda, Yasutake Takahashi
Interactive learning of social agents based on confidence degree. 1-4 - Takanori Yokoi, Tomohiro Yoshikawa, Hiromu Takahashi, Takeshi Furuhashi:
A study on classification performance of Rapid Serial Visual Presentation with small choices. 1-5 - Yoshihito Maki, Genma Sano, Yusuke Kobashi, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Masayoshi Kanoh, Koji Yamada:
Estimating subjective assessments using a simple biosignal sensor. 1-6 - Teiichi Inada, Koki Murakata, Tokuro Matsuo:
The M-Designer: Proficient skilled material design software. 1-6 - Hidekazu Yanagimoto
, Michifumi Yoshioka:
Relationship strength estimation for social media using Folksonomy and network analysis. 1-8 - Yuta Tsuchida, Michifumi Yoshioka, Hidekazu Yanagimoto
, Suguru Isaji:
Incident detection from Tweets by neural network with GPGPU. 1-6 - Ying Bai, Dali Wang:
Reduce the effects of lower-frequency nuclear radiations on rescuing robots and manipulators using a nested fuzzy controller. 1-5 - Frank Jiang, Sai-Ho Ling
, Kit Yan Chan, Zenon Chaczko, Frank Hung-Fat Leung
, Michael R. Frater:
An immunology-inspired multi-engine anomaly detection system with hybrid particle swarm optimisations. 1-8 - Dongrui Wu
An overview of alternative type-reduction approaches for reducing the computational cost of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers. 1-8 - Xue Tao Chen, Woei Wan Tan:
Adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic observer for dynamic positioning. 1-8 - Xue Tao Chen, Woei Wan Tan:
Tracking control of surface vessels via adaptive backstepping interval type-2 fuzzy logic control. 1-8 - Mojdeh Nasir, Saeid Nahavandi, Douglas C. Creighton:
Fuzzy simulation of pedestrian walking path considering local environmental stimuli. 1-6 - Koh Nishimura, Naoyuki Kubota, Jinseok Woo
Design support system for emotional expression of robot partners using interactive evolutionary computation. 1-7 - Yoshitaka Furuta, Masayoshi Kanoh, Taro Shimizu, Masaru Shimizu, Tsuyoshi Nakamura:
Subjective evaluation of use of Babyloid for doll therapy. 1-4 - Min Chen, Simone A. Ludwig:
Fuzzy-guided genetic algorithm applied to the web service selection problem. 1-8 - Alberto Pérez García-Plaza
, Víctor Fresno-Fernández
, Raquel Martínez-Unanue:
Fitting document representation to specific datasets by adjusting membership functions. 1-8 - Enrique Muñoz, Enrique H. Ruspini:
Using fuzzy queuing theory to analyze the impact of electric vehicles on power networks. 1-8 - Giovanni Acampora
, Autilia Vitiello
Improving agent interoperability through a memetic ontology alignment: A comparative study. 1-8 - Yu Hosoya, Motohide Umano:
Dynamic fuzzy Q-learning with facility of tuning and removing fuzzy rules. 1-8 - Marie-Jeanne Lesot, François Nel, Thomas Delavallade, Philippe Capet, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier:
Two methods for Internet buzz detection exploiting the citation graph. 1-8 - Paris A. Mastorocostas, Constantinos S. Hilas, Stergiani C. Dova, Dimitris N. Varsamis
Forecasting of telecommunications time-series via an Orthogonal Least Squares-based fuzzy model. 1-8 - Nazanin Sahab, Hani Hagras
Towards comparing adaptive type-2 input based non-singleton type-2 FLS and non-singleton FLSs employing Gaussian inputs. 1-8 - Aysenur Bilgin, James Dooley, Luke Whittington, Hani Hagras
, Martin Henson, Christian Wagner
, Areej Malibari, Abdullah Al-Malaise Al-Ghamdi, Mohammed J. Alhaddad, Daniyal M. Al-Ghazzawi
Dynamic Profile-Selection for zSlices based type-2 fuzzy agents controlling multi-user Ambient Intelligent Environments. 1-8 - Naisan Benatar, Uwe Aickelin
, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
An investigation into the relationship between type-2 FOU size and environmental uncertainty in robotic control. 1-8 - Aleksandar Krapez, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic
Fuzzy Pexider equations and applications to fuzzy control. 1-5 - Branka Budimirovic, Vjekoslav Budimirovic, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic
Fuzzy equational classes. 1-6 - Peter Sussner, Carlos Renato Medeiros:
An introduction to morphological associative memories in complete lattices and inf-semilattices. 1-8 - André S. Fialho, Uzay Kaymak
, Rui Jorge Almeida, Federico Cismondi, Susana M. Vieira
, Shane R. Reti, João M. C. Sousa
, Stan N. Finkelstein:
Probabilistic fuzzy prediction of mortality in intensive care units. 1-8 - Zsolt Dányádi, Péter Földesi, László T. Kóczy:
A fuzzy bacterial evolutionary solution for crisp three-dimensional bin packing problems. 1-5 - Gautam Kumar, Satish Kumar:
Evolutionary optimization of fuzzy map formation using sonar data from robot swarms. 1-8 - Kazuaki Shimamura, Shinichiro Ito, Tomohiro Takagi, Hiroshi Yoshida, Tomoya Suzuki, Kaoru Kato:
Predicting hit movie concepts using news articles. 1-6 - Valerie Cross, Xueheng Hu:
Fuzzy set and semantic similarity in ontology alignment. 1-8 - Parisa D. Hossein Zadeh, Marek Z. Reformat
Feature-based similarity assessment in ontology using fuzzy set theory. 1-7 - Luka Eciolaza
, Michio Sugeno:
On-line design of LUT controllers based on desired closed loop plant: Vertex Placement Principle. 1-8 - Qing Gao, Xiao-Jun Zeng
, Gang Feng
, Yong Wang:
Universal fuzzy models and universal fuzzy controllers based on generalized T-S fuzzy models. 1-6 - Hugang Han:
A discrete adaptive controller for a class of T-S fuzzy models. 1-7 - Jerry M. Mendel:
Plotting 2-1/2 D figures for general type-2 fuzzy sets by hand or by PowerPoint. 1-8 - Babak Rezaee
A multi-objective approach to design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems. 1-6 - Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi, Douglas C. Creighton, Reihaneh Naghavizadeh:
Prediction interval construction using interval type-2 Fuzzy Logic systems. 1-7 - Jirí Rachunek, Dana Salounová:
State operators on commutative basic algebras. 1-6 - Michal Holcapek
, Martin Stepnicka
Arithmetics of extensional fuzzy numbers - part I: Introduction. 1-8 - Michal Holcapek
, Martin Stepnicka
Arithmetics of extensional fuzzy numbers - part II: Algebraic framework. 1-8 - Faa-Jeng Lin
, Kuang-Hsiung Tan, Jian-Hsing Chiu:
Active islanding detection method using wavelet fuzzy neural network. 1-8 - Eiji Mizutani:
A block-approximate local Hessian-matrix analysis for CANFIS neuro-fuzzy modular network learning. 1-8 - Ren Diao, Qiang Shen
A harmony search based approach to hybrid fuzzy-rough rule induction. 1-8 - John T. Rickard, Michael A. Berry, Ty Rickard, David G. Morgenthaler, Chris Berry, Rick Holland:
Computing with words for Discovery Investing. 1-8 - Jordi Soria-Comas, Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Probabilistic k-anonymity through microaggregation and data swapping. 1-8 - Christian Wagner
, Derek T. Anderson:
Extracting meta-measures from data for fuzzy aggregation of crowd sourced information. 1-8 - Dawei Zhang, Qing-Long Han, Xinchun Jia:
Network-based static output feedback tracking control for fuzzy-model-based nonlinear systems. 1-8 - Tadanari Taniguchi, Michio Sugeno:
Design of LUT-controllers for nonlinear systems with PB models based on I/O linearization. 1-8 - Hiroshi Ohtake, Sho Machida, Kazuo Tanaka, Hua O. Wang:
A descriptor system approach to servo control for nonlinear systems. 1-6 - Karen Villaverde, Nagwa Albehery, Tonghui Wang, Vladik Kreinovich:
Semi-heuristic poverty measures used by economists: Justification motivated by fuzzy techniques. 1-7 - Jerry M. Mendel, Xinwang Liu
New closed-form solutions for Karnik-Mendel algorithm+defuzzification of an interval type-2 fuzzy set. 1-8 - Ondrej Linda, Milos Manic:
On the accuracy of input-output uncertainty modeling with interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems. 1-7 - Shen Wang, Mahdi Mahfouf:
A new computationally efficient mamdani interval type-2 fuzzy modelling framework. 1-8 - Wladyslaw Homenda, Agnieszka Jastrzebska:
Modeling consumer's choice theory using fuzzy sets and their generalizations. 1-8 - Chih-Lyang Hwang, Chau Jan:
Fuzzy decentralized sliding-mode under-actuated trajectory-tracking control for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle. 1-10 - Boonyarit Samakrob, Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul, Nipon Theera-Umpon
Extracting route information from hand-drawn map using fuzzy vector. 1-7 - Jongdae Jung, Hyoung-Ki Lee, Hyun Myung:
Fuzzy-logic-assisted interacting multiple model (FLAIMM) for mobile robot slip compensation. 1-8 - Stephen C. Stubberud, Kathleen A. Kramer:
Resource allocation with uncertain sensor models. 1-7 - Majid Abdollahzade, Arash Miranian
, Shahnaz Faraji:
Application of emotional learning fuzzy inference systems and locally linear neuro-fuzzy models for prediction and simulation in dynamic systems. 1-8 - Ho Duc Thang, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
Context modelling in fuzzy systems. 1-7 - Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Cheng-Chieh Liu:
Output feedback tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems with non-symmetric dead-zone input. 1-8 - Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chia-Chen Hu:
Output tracking control for uncertain underactuated systems based on fuzzy sliding mode control approach. 1-8 - Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chun-Hsuan Liu:
Observer-based robust adaptive fuzzy controller for strict-feedback nonlinear uncertain systems. 1-8 - Ondrej Linda, Milos Manic:
Shadowed Type-2 Fuzzy Sets -Type-2 Fuzzy Sets with shadowed secondary membership functions. 1-8 - Chih-Lyang Hwang, Hsiu-Ming Wu:
Hybrid fuzzy sliding-mode under-actuated control for trajectory tracking of mobile robot in the presence of friction and uncertainty. 1-8 - David Harel, Assaf Marron, Amir Nissim, Gera Weiss
A software engineering framework for switched fuzzy systems. 1-9 - Sören Georg, Horst Schulte, Harald Aschemann:
Control-oriented modelling of wind turbines using a Takagi-Sugeno model structure. 1-8 - Shilian Han, Xiuzhi Sang, Xinwang Liu
, Yong Qin:
Direct centroid computation of fuzzy numbers. 1-6 - Tomoe Entani, Katsuhiro Honda:
Group decision support by interval AHP with uncertainty-based hierarchical clustering. 1-6 - Geun Bum Koo, Jin Bae Park, Young Hoon Joo
Decentralized fuzzy controller for large-scale fuzzy systems with packet losses: Guaranteed cost control approach. 1-5 - Salman A. Khan, Shafiqur Rehman
On the use of Unified And-Or fuzzy aggregation operator for multi-criteria decision making in wind farm design process using wind turbines in 500 kW - 750 kW range. 1-6 - Ivan Mezzomo, Benjamín R. C. Bedregal, Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago
On fuzzy ideals of fuzzy lattice. 1-5 - Miguel A. G. Pinto, Ricardo Tanscheit
, Marley M. B. R. Vellasco:
Hybrid recommendation system based on collaborative filtering and fuzzy numbers. 1-6 - Chun-Hao Chen, Ai-Fang Li, Yeong-Chyi Lee, Tzung-Pei Hong
Mining fuzzy coherent rules from quantitative transactions without minimum support threshold. 1-5 - Marcos Evandro Cintra
, Maria Carolina Monard, Heloisa de Arruda Camargo
Using fuzzy formal concepts in the genetic generation of fuzzy systems. 1-8 - Ramón González del Campo, Luis Garmendia:
Weak T-transitivity and weak closures of interval-valued fuzzy relations. 1-6 - Faiyaz Doctor
, Rahat Iqbal
An intelligent framework for monitoring student performance using fuzzy rule-based Linguistic Summarisation. 1-8 - Jamil Abou Saleh, Fakhreddine Karray, Michael Morckos:
A qualitative evaluation criterion for human-robot interaction system in achieving collective tasks. 1-8 - Farshid Mohamadnejad, Javad Jassbi
A fuzzy inference system platform for simulating cause and effect relationships of strategy map. 1-8 - Mohsen Jalaeian F.
, Mohammad R. Akbarzadeh-Totonchi, Alireza Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi
, Mostafa Ghaemi:
A dynamic-growing fuzzy-neuro controller, application to a 3PSP parallel robot. 1-6 - Han Sol Kim, Jin Bae Park, Young Hoon Joo
Further relaxed stability conditions for continuous-time polynomial fuzzy system based on polynomial fuzzy Lyapunov function. 1-5 - Chin-I Huang, Meng-Shiuan Shen:
The discussion on interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller with Stewart Platform. 1-7 - Tung-Sheng Chiang, Peter Liu, Chang-En Yang:
Learning convergence analysis for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Neural Networks. 1-6 - Radim Belohlávek, Petr Osicka:
Triadic fuzzy Galois connections as ordinary connections. 1-6 - Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson
The parametric s-functions and the perceptron in gastric cancer surgery decision making. 1-8 - Peter Liu, Wen-Tsung Yang, Chang-En Yang:
Output feedback control of fuzzy descriptor systems with interval time-varying delay. 1-8 - Carlos Cesar Teixeira Ferreira, Ginalber Luiz de Oliveira Serra:
Fuzzy frequency response estimation: A case study for the pH neutralization process. 1-7 - Yau-Zen Chang
, Shun-Chung Chuang, Zhi-Ren Tsai:
Adaptive inverse control of a temperature regulation system with feedforward. 1-4 - Chee Kau Lim, Chee Seng Chan
Fuzzy set and multi descriptions property. 1-8 - Perfecto Malaquías Quintero-Flores, Federico Del Razo López, Anne Laurent, Pascal Poncelet
, Nicolas Sicard:
Fuzzy orderings for fuzzy gradual dependencies: Efficient storage of concordance degrees. 1-8 - Andre Ferreira, Susana Garrido Azevedo
, Paulo A. P. Fazendeiro
A linguistic approach to supply chain performance assessment. 1-5 - Nawal Daraoui, Olivier Pagès, Ahmed El Hajjaji:
Robust Roll and Yaw control systems using fuzzy model of the vehicle dynamics. 1-6 - Joabe Amaral da Silva, Ginalber Luiz de Oliveira Serra:
A new methodology for fuzzy model based robust control for nonlinear systems. 1-8 - Shin-Jye Lee
, Xiao-Jun Zeng
A similarity-based learning algorithm for fuzzy system identification with a two-layer optimization scheme. 1-8 - Xin Fu, Kim Travis, Daniel Neagu
, Mick J. Ridley, Qiang Shen
Fuzzy complex number aided evaluation of predictive toxicology models. 1-8 - John T. Rickard, Janet Aisbett, Jerry M. Mendel:
Rule-based fuzzy systems with weighted power mean firing operator as universal approximators. 1-6 - Anderson Paiva Cruz, Benjamín R. C. Bedregal, Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago
The law x ≤ I(y; x) and the three main classes of fuzzy implications. 1-5 - David Coufal:
A sufficient condition on coherence of S-shaped radial implicative fuzzy systems. 1-8 - Izumi Suzuki:
Proposal of fuzzy coverage region classifier as an extension of the naive Bayes classifier and improvement of its zero-one loss. 1-7 - Trung Le, Dat Tran
, Wanli Ma
, Dharmendra Sharma
Fuzzy Multi-sphere Support Vector Data Description. 1-5 - Nele Verbiest, Chris Cornelis
, Richard Jensen
Fuzzy rough positive region based nearest neighbour classification. 1-7 - Takayasu Toyoshima, Kouki Nagamune, Daisuke Araki, Tomoyuki Matsumoto
, Seiji Kubo, Takehiko Matsushita
, Ryosuke Kuroda, Masahiro Kurosaka:
A development of navigation system with image segmentation in mosaicplasty of the knee. 1-6 - Shogo Kawaguchi, Kouki Nagamune, Daisuke Araki, Tomoyuki Matsumoto
, Seiji Kubo, Takehiko Matsushita
, Ryosuke Kuroda, Masahiro Kurosaka:
An automated calibration by using fuzzy control for a measurement system of Lachman test. 1-6 - Mohd Hanafi Mat Som
, Shogo Kawaguchi, Kouki Nagamune, Keisuke Oe, Sang Yang Lee, Takahiro Niikura, Ryosuke Kuroda, Masahiro Kurosaka:
Lateral supra-acetabular external fixation for unstable pelvic ring fracture: A biomechanical assessments. 1-6 - Kuo-Ping Chiao
Trapezoidal interval type-2 fuzzy set extension of Analytic Hierarchy Process. 1-8 - Thomas A. Runkler
, James M. Keller:
Fuzzy approaches to hard c-means clustering. 1-7 - Jun Wang
, Shitong Wang, Zhaohong Deng, Korris Fu-Lai Chung
Double indices induced FCM clustering and its integration with fuzzy subspace clustering. 1-8 - Valmir Macário Filho, Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho
An adaptive semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm based on objective function optimization. 1-8 - Yusho Kaku, Kei Kuramoto, Syoji Kobashi
, Yutaka Hata:
Asthmatic attacks prediction considering weather factors based on Fuzzy-AR model. 1-4 - Hideaki Tanii, Hiroshi Nakajima, Naoki Tsuchiya, Kei Kuramoto, Syoji Kobashi
, Yutaka Hata:
A Fuzzy-AR Model to predict human body weights. 1-6 - Yuya Takashima, Tomomoto Ishikawa, Kei Kuramoto, Syoji Kobashi
, Yutaka Hata:
Ultrasonic thickness evaluation of seminiferous tubule by fuzzy inference. 1-5 - József Dombi:
On a certain type of unary operators. 1-7 - Zhigeng Fang, Yingjie Yang:
A new method for operations of interval numbers. 1-6 - Tzung-Pei Hong
, Chun-Wei Lin
, Tsung-Ching Lin, Shyue-Liang Wang:
Incremental multiple fuzzy frequent pattern tree. 1-5 - Marcelo Rodrigo Portela Ferreira
, Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho
Kernel fuzzy clustering methods based on local adaptive distances. 1-8 - Yuan Miao
Visualising Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. 1-8 - Alexandre Szabo, Leandro Nunes de Castro
, Myriam Regattieri Delgado:
FaiNet: An immune algorithm for fuzzy clustering. 1-9 - Chih-Min Lin, Hsin-Yi Li:
Adaptive wavelet fuzzy CMAC system design for voice coil motors. 1-6 - Tsung-Chih Lin, Chia-Hao Kuo, Valentina Emilia Balas
Real-time recurrent interval type-2 fuzzy-neural system identification using uncertainty bounds. 1-8 - Norali Pernalete, Shan-Ming Chang, Fuyuan Cheng:
Fuzzy logic-based evaluation function for haptic tasks. 1-7 - Abhishek Mahnot, Mihail Popescu
FUMIL-Fuzzy Multiple Instance Learning for early illness recognition in older adults. 1-5 - Hazlina Hamdan
, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
A framework for automatic modelling of survival using fuzzy inference. 1-8 - Jing-Rung Yu, You Wei Dong, Yi Hsuan Chang, Fang-Mei Tseng:
Comparison of innovation diffusion models: A case study on the DRAM industry. 1-7 - Syibrah Naim
, Hani Hagras
, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
A fuzzy logic based Multi-criteria Group Decision Making system for the assesement of umbilical cord acid-base balance. 1-8 - Qiong Wu, Chunyan Miao
, Zhiqi Shen:
A curious learning companion in Virtual Learning Environment. 1-8 - Anisha Halder, Pratyusha Rakshit, Sumantra Chakraborty, Amit Konar, Aruna Chakraborty, Eunjin Kim, Atulya K. Nagar
Reducing uncertainty in interval type-2 fuzzy sets for qualitative improvement in emotion recognition from facial expressions. 1-8 - Miin-Shen Yang, Hsien-Chun Kuo, Wen-Liang Hung:
A robust clustering algorithm for interval data. 1-7 - Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho
, Julio T. Pimentel
A fuzzy clustering algorithm based on adaptive city-block distances. 1-8 - Rashmi Dutta Baruah, Plamen Angelov
Evolving local means method for clustering of streaming data. 1-8 - Yuan Yuan, Fuchun Sun, Yenan Hu:
Decentralized multi-objective robust control of interconnected fuzzy singular perturbed model with multiple perturbation parameters. 1-8 - Mohamed K. Omar, Muzalna Mohd Jusoh, Mohd Omar:
Investigating the benefits of fuzzy mathematical programming approach for solving aggregate production planning. 1-6 - Christian Arnold, Steven Lambeck, Christoph Ament:
Multistage fuzzy control using trapezoidal membership functions and dynamic programming. 1-8

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