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16th ICAT 2006: Hangzhou, China
- Zhigeng Pan, Adrian David Cheok
, Michael Haller, Rynson W. H. Lau, Hideo Saito, Ronghua Liang:
Advances in Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence, 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, ICAT 2006, Hangzhou, China, November 29 - December 1, 2006, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4282, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-49776-5
Anthropomorphic Intelligent Robotics, Artificial Life
- Seok-Ju Hong, Nurul Arif Setiawan, Song-Gook Kim, Chil-Woo Lee:
Gesture Recognition Based on Context Awareness for Human-Robot Interaction. 1-10 - Nicolas Lassabe, Hervé Luga
, Yves Duthen:
Evolving Creatures in Virtual Ecosystems. 11-20 - Huiling Peng:
The Application of Affective Virtual Human in Intelligent Web Tutoring System. 21-27 - Xiangjun Zou
, Jun Lu, Lufeng Luo, Xiwen Luo, Yanqiong Zhou:
Extracting Behavior Knowledge and Modeling Based on Virtual Agricultural Mobile Robot. 28-37 - Zhihua Chen, Lizhuang Ma, Yan Gao, Xiaomao Wu:
Human Motion Interpolation Using Space-Time Registration. 38-47 - Zhen Liu, Jiaoying Shi, Hua Xiong, Aihong Qin:
Multi-stream Based Rendering Resource Interception and Reconstruction in D3DPR for High-Resolution Display. 48-57 - Jaewoo Ahn, Kyungha Min:
VirtualPhonepad: A Text Input Tool for Virtual Environments. 58-64 - Matthias Weber, Guido Heumer, Heni Ben Amor, Bernhard Jung:
An Animation System for Imitation of Object Grasping in Virtual Reality. 65-76 - Zhenbo Li
, Yu Deng, Hua Li:
Generating Different Realistic Humanoid Motion. 77-84 - Daniel Wagner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Mark Billinghurst
Handheld AR for Collaborative Edutainment. 85-96 - Liliane dos Santos Machado, Ronei Marcos de Moraes:
VR-Based Simulation for the Learning of Gynaecological Examination. 97-104 - Ronghua Liang, Tinan Huang, Meleagros A. Krokos, Jinglong Fan:
Visual Perception Modeling for Intelligent Avatars. 105-112 - Kyungkoo Jun, Mee Young Sung, Byoungjo Choi:
Steering Behavior Model of Visitor NPCs in Virtual Exhibition. 113-121
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality
- Fumihisa Shibata, Takashi Hashimoto, Koki Furuno, Asako Kimura, Hideyuki Tamura:
Scalable Architecture and Content Description Language for Mobile Mixed Reality Systems. 122-131 - Nick Mariette:
A Novel Sound Localization Experiment for Mobile Audio Augmented Reality Applications. 132-142 - Yuichi Bannai, Hidekazu Tamaki, Yuji Suzuki, Hiroshi Shigeno, Ken-ichi Okada:
A Tangible User Interface for Remote Collaboration System Using Mixed Reality. 143-154 - Yan Feng, Yimin Chen, Minghui Wang:
Multi-sensor Data Fusion Based on Fuzzy Integral in AR System. 155-162 - Yuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito:
AR Baseball Presentation System with Integrating Multiple Planar Markers. 163-174 - Z. Y. Ma, Y. P. Chen, C. M. Yuan, Z. D. Zhou:
An Efficient 3D Registration Method Using Markerless Image in AR-Based CNC Machining Simulation. 175-184 - Michael Haller, Peter Brandl, Daniel Leithinger
, Jakob Leitner, Thomas Seifried, Mark Billinghurst
Shared Design Space: Sketching Ideas Using Digital Pens and a Large Augmented Tabletop Setup. 185-196 - Jong Seung Park, TaeYong Kim, Jong-Hyun Yoon:
AR Table Tennis: A Video-Based Augmented Reality Sports Game. 197-206 - Taejin Ha, Yeongmi Kim, Jeha Ryu, Woontack Woo
Enhancing Immersiveness in AR-Based Product Design. 207-216 - Koji Makita, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya:
Personal Information Annotation on Wearable Computer Users with Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Communication. 217-227 - Yusuke Nakazato, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya:
An Initialization Tool for Installing Visual Markers in Wearable Augmented Reality. 228-238 - Jong-Hyun Yoon, Jong Seung Park, Chungkyue Kim:
Increasing Camera Pose Estimation Accuracy Using Multiple Markers. 239-248 - Min Xin, Ehud Sharlin:
Exploring Human-Robot Interaction Through Telepresence Board Games. 249-261 - Jochen Ehnes, Michitaka Hirose:
Projected Reality - Content Delivery Right onto Objects of Daily Life. 262-271 - Sylvia Irawati, Scott A. Green, Mark Billinghurst
, Andreas Dünser
, Heedong Ko:
An Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Multimodal Interface Using Speech and Paddle Gestures. 272-283 - Bo Kang, Peng Ren, Changzhi Ke:
An Augmented Reality System for Computer Maintenance. 284-291 - Artem Ignatov, Manbae Kim:
Multi-view Video Composition with Computer Graphics. 292-301 - Toru Miyamoto, Itaru Kitahara, Yoshinari Kameda, Yuichi Ohta
Floating Virtual Mirrors: Visualization of the Scene Behind a Vehicle. 302-313
Distributed and Collaborative VR System
- Qishi Wu, Jinzhu Gao, Mengxia Zhu:
A Scalable Framework for Distributed Virtual Reality Using Heterogeneous Processors. 314-323 - Sungjun Park, Jun Lee, Jee-In Kim:
A Collaborative Virtual Reality Environment for Molecular Modeling. 324-333 - Sheng Wei, Zhong Zhou, Wei Wu:
An Interest Filtering Mechanism Based on LoI. 334-343 - Jun Zhu, Jianhua Gong, Hua Qi, Tao Song:
Study on Data Collaboration Service for Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environment. 344-353 - Weidong Bao, Maojun Zhang, Wang Chen:
VCS: A Virtual Collaborative Space Based on Immersive Teleconferencing. 354-360 - Zonghui Wang, Jiaoying Shi, Xiaohong Jiang:
A Scalable HLA-Based Distributed Simulation Framework for VR Application. 361-371 - Doo-Hyun Kim, Lila Kim, Hwasun Kwon, Dongwoon Jeon, Songah Chae:
Location-Based Device Ensemble Architecture for a Spatial Reality Enhancement of Distributed Multimedia Presentation. 372-383
Haptics, Human Factors of VR
- Yeongmi Kim, Sehun Kim, Taejin Ha, Ian Oakley
, Woontack Woo
, Jeha Ryu
Air-Jet Button Effects in AR. 384-391 - Jaeyoung Cheon, Seungmoon Choi
Perceptualizing a "Haptic Edge" with Varying Stiffness Based on Force Constancy. 392-405 - Ki-Uk Kyung, Dong-Soo Kwon:
Multi-sensory Perception of Roughness: Empirical Study on Effects of Vibrotactile Feedback and Auditory Feedback in Texture Perception. 406-415 - Yiping Tang, Hongjie Sun, Xiaokai Gu, Tao Deng:
The Research of Spiritual Consolation Object with the Function of Affective Computing. 416-424 - Huijie Yu, Ray P. S. Han:
Real Time Dynamics and Control of a Digital Human Arm for Reaching Motion Simulation. 425-436 - Lan Li, Ji-hua Chen:
Emotion Recognition Using Physiological Signals. 437-446
Innovative Applications of VR
- HyungSeok Kim
Animation Preserving Simplification for MPEG Based Scalable Virtual Human. 447-456 - Da Liu, Tianmiao Wang:
A Virtual Reality Training System for Robot Assisted Neurosurgery. 457-466 - Ruwei Yun, Haixu Xi, Yi Li:
The Experiment of Improving Students' Spatial Ability by Using VGLS. 467-473 - Difei Lu, Xiuzi Ye:
Sketch Based 3D Animation Copy. 474-485 - Wusheng Chou, Tianmiao Wang:
Extracting Space Welding Seam for Virtual Teach-In of Robotic Welding System. 486-493 - Decai Huang, Jia Hu, Yuan Yuan:
Primary-Color-Based Spatial Layout Features and New Image Matching Algorithm Based on Dual Features. 494-501 - Hao Jing, Weixiang Zhang, Bingfeng Zhou:
Ridge-Valley Lines Smoothing and Optimizing. 502-511 - Teuk-Seob Song, Jin-Sang Lee, Yoon-Chul Choy, Soon-Bum Lim:
Mynews: Personalization of Web Contents Transcoding for Mobile Device Users. 512-521 - Ruomei Wang, Yi Li
, Xiaonan Luo, Xin Zhang:
Visualization Application in Clothing Biomechanical Design. 522-529
Motion Tracking
- TaeSeok Jin, JangMyung Lee:
Robot Position Estimation and Tracking Using the Particle Filter and SOM in Robotic Space. 530-539 - Guixi Liu, Chunyu Fan, Enke Gao:
Robust Motion Tracking in Video Sequences Using Particle Filter. 540-547 - Hyo Sun Yoon, Jaemyeong Yoo, Toan Nguyen Dinh, Hwa Jeong Son, Mi Seon Park, Gueesang Lee:
Fast Motion Estimation Using Spatio-temporal Correlations. 548-556 - Ning Liu, Chengying Gao:
Bi-directional Passenger Counting on Crowded Situation Based on Sequence Color Images. 557-564 - Dong-Gyu Sim:
Moving Object Detection Based on a New Level Set Algorithm Using Directional Speed Function. 565-574 - Jung-Ho Ahn, Soo Yeong Kwak, Cheolmin Choi, Kil-Cheon Kim, Hyeran Byun:
An Integrated Robot Vision System for Multiple Human Tracking and Silhouette Extraction. 575-583 - Cheolmin Choi, Jung-Ho Ahn, Seungwon Lee, Hyeran Byun:
Disparity Weighted Histogram-Based Object Tracking for Mobile Robot Systems. 584-593 - Cheng Chen, Yueting Zhuang, Jun Xiao:
Towards Robust 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion from Monocular Video. 594-603 - Changhoon Yim
, Hojin Ha, Bae-Keun Lee, Woojin Han
Wavelet Scalable Video Coding with Minimal Average Temporal Distance for Motion Estimation. 604-613 - Ruian Liu, Shijiu Jin, Xiaorong Wu:
Single Camera Remote Eye Gaze Tracking Under Natural Head Movements. 614-623
Real Time Computer Simulation
- Heewon Kye, Kyoungsu Oh:
High-Quality Shear-Warp Volume Rendering Using Efficient Supersampling and Pre-integration Technique. 624-632 - Minghao Yang, Guangzheng Fei, Minyong Shi, Yongsong Zhan:
A Simple, Efficient Method for Real-Time Simulation of Smoke Shadow. 633-642 - Daesung Lee, Jeong Seob Kim, Jaehyun Park, Ki-Chang Kim:
Reducing Interrupt Latency at Linux Kernel Level for Real-Time Network. 643-650 - Xuesong Han:
Investigation of Surface Integrity in the Case of Chemical Mechanical Polishing Silicon Wafer by Molecular Dynamics Simulation Method. 651-659 - Minghai Yao, Jing Hu, Qinglong Gu:
Independent Component Analysis Approach for the Neurobiological Recording Data. 660-665 - Shaoting Zhang, Lixu Gu, Weiming Liang, Jingsi Zhang, Feng Qian:
Real-Time Virtual Surgery Simulation Employing MM-Model and Adaptive Spatial Hash. 666-675 - Yan Zhang, Zhengxing Sun
, Wenhui Li:
Creating Dynamic Panorama Using Particle Swarm Optimization. 676-685 - Xin Zhao, Fengxia Li, Shouyi Zhan:
Real-Time and Realistic Simulation of Large-Scale Deep Ocean Surface. 686-694 - Jing Zhang, Guojun Chen:
Exploiting Frame-to-Frame Coherence for Rendering Terrain Using Continuous LOD. 695-704 - Mingxiang Huang, Jianhua Gong, Zhou Shi
, Lihui Zhang:
Light Field Modeling and Its Application to Remote Sensing Image Simulation. 705-714 - Hanli Zhao, Xiaogang Jin, Jianbing Shen
Simple and Fast Terrain Rendering Using Graphics Hardware. 715-723 - Linqiang Yao, Liyu Tang, Chongcheng Chen, Jingjing Sun:
Animating Grass in Real-Time. 724-731 - Nurul Arif Setiawan, Seok-Ju Hong, Jang-Woon Kim, Chil-Woo Lee:
Gaussian Mixture Model in Improved HLS Color Space for Human Silhouette Extraction. 732-741 - Guojun Peng, Jiawan Tan, Zhigeng Pan, Yicheng Jin:
Geometry Compression Using Spherical Wavelet. 742-752
Tools and Technique for Modeling VR Systems
- Hui Xiao, Gary K. L. Tam
, Frederick W. B. Li
, Rynson W. H. Lau
Dynamic Radiosity on Multi-resolution Models. 753-763 - Hua-hong Chen, Xiaonan Luo, Ruotian Ling:
Mesh Simplification Algorithm Based on N-Edge Mesh Collapse. 764-774 - Yongzhao Zhan, Rongrong Shen, Jianming Zhang:
3-D Personalized Face Reconstruction Based on Multi-layer and Multi-region with RBFs. 775-784 - Hui Gu, Yaya Lu, Jilin Lou, Weitong Zhang:
Recognition and Location of Fruit Objects Based on Machine Vision. 785-795 - Yong-zeng Shen, Minjie Zhang, Feng Liu:
A New Algorithm of Gray Watermark Embedding. 796-801 - Songyuan Tang, Yen-Wei Chen, Rui Xu, Yongtian Wang, Shigehiro Morikawa, Yoshimasa Kurumi:
A Semiautomatic Nonrigid Registration in Liver Cancer Treatment with an Open MR System. 802-810 - Qicheng Li, Guoping Wang, Feng Zhou
, Xiaohui Tang, Kun Yang:
Example-Based Realistic Terrain Generation. 811-818 - Guiping Qian, Ruofeng Tong, Wen Peng, Jinxiang Dong:
Bayesian Mesh Reconstruction from Noisy Point Data. 819-829 - Yong Tang, Xuefan Zhang:
Efficient Retrieval of 3D Models Based on Integer Medial Axis Skeleton. 830-838 - Xujia Qin, Xinhua Yang
, Hongbo Zheng:
Implicit Surface Boolean Operations Based Cut-and-Paste Algorithm for Mesh Models. 839-848 - Jian-ping Ma, Xiaonan Luo, Shi-jia Ma, Guifeng Zheng:
Meshes Simplification Based on Reverse Subdivision. 849-860 - Peizhi Wen, Xiaojun Wu, Tao Gao, Chengke Wu:
Kd-Tree Based OLS in Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis Function. 861-870 - Wei Liu, Yuanjun He:
Retrieving 3D CAD Model with Regional Entropy Distributions. 871-879 - Deren Li, Yixuan Zhu, Zhiqiang Du
, Tao Hong:
Virtual Tang-Style Timber-Frame Building Complex. 880-888 - Aimin Hao, Guifen Tian, Qinping Zhao, Zhide Li:
An Accelerating Rendering Method of Hybrid Point and Polygon for Complex Three-Dimensional Models. 889-900 - Jayan Chirayath Kurian, Payam M. Barnaghi
, Michael Ian Hartley:
User Mediated Hypermedia Presentation Generation on the Semantic Web Framework. 901-907 - Haisheng Zhan, Guangxin Li:
Progressive Transmission of Vector Map Data Based on Polygonal Chain Simplification. 908-917 - Jim X. Chen, Harry Wechsler, Jian Cui:
Image-Based Fast Small Triangle Rasterization. 918-927 - Mingyong Pang, Wenjun Dai, Gangshan Wu, Fuyan Zhang:
On Volume Distribution Features Based 3D Model Retrieval. 928-937 - Lifeng Ren, Mingmin Zhang, Yunlong Xu, Zhigeng Pan:
Personalized Model Deformation Based on Slice Space Representation. 938-947 - Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
, Michael Haller, Roland R. Wagner:
Flexible Camera Setup for Visual Based Registration on 2D Interaction Surface with Undefined Geometry Using Neural Network. 948-959 - Chen Pang, Mingli Song, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen, Dong Wang:
Painterly Rendering with Vector Field Based Feature Extraction. 960-968
Ubiquitous/Wearable Computing
- Zhong Zhou, Qinping Zhao:
Reducing Time Cost of Distributed Run-Time Infrastructure. 969-979 - Byeong-Seok Shin, Honam Ahn, Gye-Young Kim:
Wearable Multimodal Interface for Helping Visually Handicapped Persons. 980-988 - Wei-Jin Park, Junhwan Kim, Doo-Hwan Bae:
Personalized Primary Port: Analysis of User View for the Smart Environment. 989-997 - Björn Schwerdtfeger, Troels Frimor, Daniel Pustka, Gudrun Klinker
Mobile Information Presentation Schemes for Supra-adaptive Logistics Applications. 998-1007 - Miroslav Andel, Alexander Petrovski, Anders Henrysson, Mark Ollila:
Interactive Collaborative Scene Assembly Using AR on Mobile Phones. 1008-1017 - Qingzhang Chen, Jianghong Han, Keji Mao:
Design of the Multimedia Communication Protocol and System for Wireless LAN. 1018-1025
Virtual Heritage, Virtual Medicine and Health Science
- Xin Yin, Yasuo Miichi, Hiromi T. Tanaka:
Representation of Color in Ancient Noh Masks. 1026-1034 - Lei Zhao, Duanqing Xu, Yi Li, Yimin Yu:
Modeling and Immersive Display of Cultural Heritage. 1035-1044 - Wonil Kim, Hanku Lee, Kyoungro Yoon
, HyungSeok Kim
, Changduk Jung:
Personalized Content Presentation for Virtual Gallery. 1045-1054 - Yun Seok Jang, Jin Ho Choi:
Accessible Information from Radiated Sound of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotriptor for Improving Fragmentation Efficiency. 1055-1061 - Koo-Joo Kwon, Byeong-Seok Shin:
Visualization of Segmented Color Volume Data Using GPU. 1062-1069 - Yanjun Peng, Dandan Zhang, Weidong Zhao, Jiaoying Shi, Yongguo Zheng:
Research on Segmentation Algorithm of 3d Medical Data. 1070-1077 - Bong-Hyun Kim, Se Hwan Lee, Dong Uk Cho:
Kidney Diseases Diagnosis System for Sensation Type Using Physiological Signal Analysis. 1078-1087 - Qun Wu, Shiwu Luo, Shouqian Sun:
A Computer-Aided Driving Posture Prediction System Based on Driver Comfort. 1088-1097 - Honam Ahn, Byeong-Seok Shin:
Height-Based Deformation and Ray Supersampling for Colon Unfolding. 1098-1107 - Tongwei Ren, Gangshan Wu:
Content-Based Retrieval of Cultural Relic Images in Digital Museum. 1108-1117 - Ying Liang, Wenyong Wang, Shaochun Zhong, Qingrong Zhang, Yao Wang, Xiao-Lin Quan, Qian Xu:
Virtual Biology Modeling Method Based on Validity Confirmation Mechanism. 1118-1127
Virtual Reality
- Xiaoyun Zhang
, Xianlong Jin, Jie Shen:
Virtual Reconstruction of Two Types of Traffic Accident by the Tire Marks. 1128-1135 - Xuesheng Zhao, Jianjun Bai, Jun Chen, Zhilin Li
A Seamless Visualizaton Model of the Global Terrain Based on the QTM. 1136-1145 - Shungang Hua, Lidan Wang:
Photographs Alignment and High Dynamic Range Image Composition Based on Varying Exposure Levels. 1146-1155 - Yong Chen, Ke-Qin Wu, Dong Wang, Ge Chen:
Elastic Algorithm: A New Path Planning Algorithm About Auto-navigation in 3D Virtual Scene. 1156-1165 - Zhiqiang Luo, Henry Been-Lirn Duh
Mental Representation of Spatial Structure in a Virtual Room-Sized Space. 1166-1174 - Jangwoo Park, Jungwon Yoon
, Yo-An Lim, Jeha Ryu
A Novel Planar Walking Algorithm for Virtual Walking Machine. 1175-1185 - Zheng-Yi Wu, Jian Shi, Xiaoming Tong, Zheng Tan:
An Interactive System of Virtual Face Pose Estimation. 1186-1192 - Gi Sook Jung, Seung-Dae Jeong, Kyung Ho Jang, Soon Ki Jung
An Efficient Manipulation of Game Contents on Heterogeneous Platforms Using MR Interface. 1193-1203 - Jane Hwang, Jaehoon Jung, Gerard Jounghyun Kim:
Manipulation of Field of View for Hand-Held Virtual Reality. 1204-1211 - Yousuke Kimura, Tomohiro Mashita, Atsushi Nakazawa, Takashi Machida, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura
Hierarchical 3D Data Rendering System Synchronizing with HTML. 1212-1222 - Hyoseop Shin, Minsoo Lee, Seokhyun Son:
Fragment Indexing of XML-Based Metadata for Digital TV Contents. 1223-1232 - Duk Shin, Atsushi Katayama, Kyoungsik Kim, Hiroyuki Kambara, Makoto Sato, Yasuharu Koike:
Using a MyoKinetic Synthesizer to Control of Virtual Instruments. 1233-1242
VR Interaction and Navigation Techniques
- Bum-Jong Lee, Jong Seung Park, Mee Young Sung:
View-Dependent Simplification of Complex Urban Scenes Using Weighted Quadtrees. 1243-1252 - Sangwoo Jo, Yong-Moo Kwon, Hanseok Ko
Indoor Environment Modeling for Interactive VR - Based Robot Security Service. 1253-1262 - Jing Zhang, Hai Huang:
Research on Mass Terrain Data Storage and Scheduling Based on Grid GIS. 1263-1272 - Song-Gook Kim, Jang-Woon Kim, Ki-Tae Bae, Chil-Woo Lee:
Multi-touch Interaction for Table-Top Display. 1273-1282 - Chuanjiang Luo, Feng Zhu, Zelin Shi:
Reliable Omnidirectional Depth Map Generation for Indoor Mobile Robot Navigation Via a Single Perspective Camera. 1283-1292 - Dongwook Lee, Jinah Park
Enhanced 3D Interaction with Augmented Visual Information. 1293-1304 - Chengling Zhao, Zhaohua Zhang:
Research and Application of Virtual Reality in the Field of Web-Based Education. 1305-1309 - Masakatsu Kourogi, Nobuchika Sakata, Takashi Okuma
, Takeshi Kurata:
Indoor/Outdoor Pedestrian Navigation with an Embedded GPS/RFID/Self-contained Sensor System. 1310-1321 - Yuichi Bannai, Masayuki Ishizawa, Hiroshi Shigeno, Ken-ichi Okada:
A Communication Model of Scents Mediated by Sense-Descriptive Adjectives. 1322-1332 - Eun Yi Kim
Hand Shape Recognition Using a Mean-Shift Embedded Active Contour (MEAC). 1333-1341

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