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ICNN 1997: Houston, TX, USA
- Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), Houston, TX, USA, June 9-12, 1997. IEEE 1997
Volume 1
- Teuvo Kohonen:
Exploration of very large databases by self-organizing maps. PL1-PL6 - Raonak Zaman, Danil V. Prokhorov
, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Adaptive critic design in learning to play game of Go. 1-4 - Mo-Yuen Chow
, Jason T. Teeter:
Reduced-order functional link neural network for HVAC thermal system identification and modeling. 5-9 - King-Lung Huang, Shu-Cheng Hsieh, Hsin-Chia Fu:
Cascade-CMAC neural network applications on the color scanner to printer calibration. 10-15 - David W. Opitz, Mark W. Craven, Jude W. Shavlik:
Using neural networks to automatically refine expert system knowledge bases: experiments in the NYNEX MAX domain. 16-20 - Shu-Heng Chen, Woh-Chiang Lee:
Option pricing with genetic algorithms: a second report. 21-25 - Martin Searcy, Donald Cooley, Rick Trebino, Marco Krumbügel:
Ultrashort laser pulse characterization by neural network. 26-30 - Pubudu N. Pathirana, Anthony Zaknich:
Surface identification by acoustic reflection characteristics using time delay spectrometry and artificial neural networks. 31-36 - Riccardo Bozzo, Luca Sciutto, Rodolfo Zunino:
BP networks for partial discharge analysis and dielectric classification. 37-42 - Francesco Carlo Morabito
, Mario Versaci:
A fuzzy-neural approach to real time plasma boundary reconstruction in tokamak reactors. 43-47 - Mirko Knaak, Christian Rothlübbers, Reinhold Orglmeister:
A Hopfield neural network for flow field computation based on particle image velocimetry/particle tracking velocimetry image sequences. 48-52 - Tai-Ching Chu, Harold Szu:
An artificial neural network for Naval Theater Ballistic Missile Defense program. 53-55 - Ning Ouyang, Mitsuru Ikeda, Kazunobu Yamauchi:
Using a neural network to diagnose anterior wall myocardial infarction. 56-68 - Zhi-Xing Xie, Han-Zhong Xie, Xing-Bao Ning:
Application of fuzzy neural network to ECG diagnosis. 62-66 - Zhiyue Lin, Richard W. McCallum, Jian D. Z. Chen:
Noninvasive diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying from cutaneous electrogastrograms using neural networks. 67-70 - Joanne S. Luciano, Michael A. Cohen, Jacqueline A. Samson:
Predictive medicine: initial symptoms may determine outcome in clinically treated depressions. 71-75 - David Jiménez, Thomas Darm, Bill Rogers, Nicolas Walsh:
Locating anatomical landmarks for prosthetics design using ensemble neural networks. 81-85 - Cathy H. Wu
, Sheng Zhao, Kevin Simmons, Sailaja Shivakumar:
Motif neural network design for large-scale protein family identification. 86-89 - Pedro Romero, Zoran Obradovic, C. Kissinger, J. E. Villafranca, A. Keith Dunker:
Identifying disordered regions in proteins from amino acid sequence. 90-95 - Imran Khan, David C. Blight, Robert D. McLeod, Howard C. Card:
Categorizing Web documents using competitive learning: an ingredient of a personal adaptive agent. 96-99 - Alex L. McIlraith, Howard C. Card:
A comparison of backpropagation and statistical classifiers for bird identification. 100-104 - Denis Vinicius Coury
, D. C. Jorge:
The backpropagation algorithm applied to protective relaying. 105-110 - Randall S. Barton, David M. Himmelblau:
Online prediction of polymer product quality in an industrial reactor using recurrent neural networks. 111-114 - Shuhui Li
, Donald C. Wunsch II, Edgar O'Hair, Michael G. Giesselmann:
Neural network for wind power generation with compressing function. 115-120 - Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Gerson Zaverucha, Victor Navoarro Araujo Lemos da Silva:
Applying the connectionist inductive learning and logic programming system to power system diagnosis. 121-126 - Mario Luca Fravolini, A. Ferroni, Antonio Ficola, Michele La Cava:
Neural networks for modeling and identification of the dough rising process inside an industrial proofing chamber. 127-132 - D. Tissainayagam, David Everitt, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
A neural network driven solution to a channel assignment problem in wireless telephony. 133-137 - Thomas L. Hemminger:
Signal estimation with neural networks for multipath mobile communications. 138-141 - Sunghwan Ong, Sooyong Choi, Cheolwoo You, Daesik Hong:
A decision feedback recurrent neural equalizer for digital communication. 142-147 - Yoan Shin, Keun-Sik Jin, Byung-Moon Yoon:
A complex pi-sigma network and its application to equalizaton of nonlinear satellite channels. 148-152 - Hua Nan, Zemin Liu:
Neural network-based real-time dynamic nonhierarchical network routing for B-ISDN. 153-156 - Khalid Ahmed Bawazeer, Ali Zilouchian:
Prediction of products quality parameters of a crude fractionation section of an oil refinery using neural networks. 157-162 - Zhihong Chen, Jean-Claude Maun:
An artificial neural network based real-time fault locator for transmission lines. 163-168 - D. Stokes, Gary May, V. Chen, Y. T. Lin:
Defect prediction for reactive ion etching using neural networks. 169-173 - Daw-Tung Lin:
Computer-access authentication with neural network based keystroke identity verification. 174-178 - E. Gauche, J. Coelho, R. C. G. Treive:
An online distribution feeder optimal reconfiguration algorithm for resistive loss reduction using a multi-layer perceptron. 179-182 - Tiago Alberto Piedras Lopes:
Neural networks on fatigue damage prediction. 183-187 - David B. McCaughan:
On the properties of periodic perceptrons. 188-193 - A. Yazdizadeh, Kash Khorasani:
Identification of a class of nonlinear systems using dynamic neural network structures. 194-198 - Thierry Denoeux
Function approximation in the framework of evidence theory: a connectionist approach. 199-203 - C. L. Philip Chen
, Yang Cao, Steven R. LeClair:
Orthogonal functional basis neural network for functional approximation. 204-209 - Sandro Ridella
, Stefano Rovetta, Rodolfo Zunino:
CBP networks as a generalized neural model. 210-214 - Ke Chen, Huisheng Chi:
A modified mixtures of experts architecture for classification with diverse features. 215-220 - Viswanath Ramamurti, Joydeep Ghosh:
Regularization and error bars for the mixture of experts network. 221-225 - Gasser Auda, Mohamed Kamel:
CMNN: cooperative modular neural network. 226-231 - Walter J. Jansen, M. Diepenhorst, J. A. G. Nijhuis, Lambert Spaanenburg:
Assembling engineering knowledge in a modular multi-layer perceptron neural network. 232-237 - Murat Sönmez, Mingui Sun, Ching-Chung Li, Robert J. Sclabassi:
A hierarchical decision module based on multiple neural networks. 238-241 - Sherif Hashem
Algorithms for optimal linear combinations of neural networks. 242-247 - George G. Lendaris, Armin Rest, Thomas R. Misley:
Improving ANN generalization using a priori knowledge to pre-structure ANNs. 248-253 - David W. Opitz:
Analyzing the structure of a neural network using principal component analysis. 254-259 - Lorenzo Vecci, Paolo Campolucci, Francesco Piazza, Aurelio Uncini:
Approximation capabilities of adaptive spline neural networks. 260-265 - Fang Wang, Qi-Jun Zhang:
Incorporating functional knowledge into neural networks. 266-269 - Dong B. Hoang, M. R. James:
Stability and discriminative properties of the AMI model. 270-274 - Michael R. Berthold, Ingrid Fischer:
Formalizing neural networks using graph transformations. 275-280 - Andrea Baraldi, Flavio Parmiggiani:
Fuzzy combination of Kohonen's and ART neural network models to detect statistical regularities in a random sequence of multi-valued input patterns. 281-286 - Oscar Yáñez-Suárez
, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi:
Entropy-driven structural adaptation in sample-space self-organizing feature maps for pattern classification. 287-291 - Jacques Ludik, Walter Prins, Kürt Meert, Thierry Catfolis:
A comparative study of fully and partially recurrent networks. 292-297 - Sangbong Park, Cheol Hoon Park:
Network complexity and generalization. 298-301 - Chidchanok Lursinsap, Thitipong Tanprasert:
Fault immunization technique for artificial neural networks. 302-307 - Zhanbo Chen, Jing Xiao, Jie Cheng:
PASS: a program for automatic structure search. 308-311 - Catalin V. Buhusi, Nestor A. Schmajuk:
Hippocampal lesions may impair, spare, or facilitate latent inhibition: a neural network explanation. 312-317 - Hirofumi Funakubo, Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara:
Stable and unstable chaos states of receptor cell syncytium and stochastic resonance without noise. 318-323 - Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Eugene M. Izhikevich:
Canonical models for mathematical neuroscience. 324-327 - Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Eugene M. Izhikevich:
Thalamo-cortical interactions modeled by forced weakly connected oscillatory networks. 328-331 - Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara:
A neural mechanism for hyperacuity in jamming avoidance response of electric fish eigenmannia. 332-337 - Jeff McKinstry, Clark Guest:
Self-organizing map develops V1 organization given biologically realistic input. 338-343 - Osamu Hoshino, Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara:
Feature extraction from mixed odor stimuli based on spatio-temporal representation of odors in olfactory bulb. 344-349 - Jim-Shih Liaw, Theodore W. Berger:
Computing with dynamic synapses: a case study of speech recognition. 350-355 - William D. Ross, Luiz Pessoa:
The selective integration neural network model of lightness perception. 356-361 - Lars Lidén:
A neural network model of motion detection for moving plaid stimuli. 362-366 - William B. Levy, Xiangbao Wu:
A simple, biologically motivated neural network solves the transitive inference problem. 368-371 - William B. Levy, Per B. Sederberg:
A neural network model of hippocampally mediated trace conditioning. 372-376 - Juan Fernando Gómez, Francisco Javier Lopera:
A thalamic electric oscillator for interhemispheric communication. 377-380 - Kenta Hori:
A model of the basal ganglia for the procedure of drive. 381-386 - Kechen Zhang, Giorgio Ganis, Martin I. Sereno
Anti-Hebbian synapses as a linear equation solver. 387-389 - Timothy A. Wilson, Rachod Thongprasirt:
A point-process coincidence network for representing interaural delay. 390-395 - J. A. Moya, G. W. Donohoe, M. J. Wilcox:
A model of the neuro-ommatidium of the fly's eye. 396-401 - Xinghu Zhang, Khee Yin How:
Fuzzy rule networks and its applications to decision-making under uncertainty. 402-407 - Ismail A. Taha
, Joydeep Ghosh:
Evaluation and ordering of rules extracted from feedforward networks. 408-413 - Chu Kwong Chak, Gang Feng
, Marimuthu Palaniswami
A fuzzy neural network based on hierarchical space partitioning. 414-419 - Maurício F. Figueiredo, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
A neural fuzzy approach for fuzzy system design. 420-425 - Sinan Altug, Mo-Yuen Chow
Comparative analysis of fuzzy inference systems implemented on neural structures. 426-431 - Qiangfu Zhao:
A co-evolutionary algorithm for neural network learning. 432-437 - Manish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana:
Feedforward neural networks configuration using evolutionary programming. 438-443 - Wael A. Farag, Victor H. Quintana, Germano Lambert-Torres:
Neuro-fuzzy modeling of complex systems using genetic algorithms. 444-449 - Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi:
A parallel hybrid genetic algorithm simulated annealing approach to finding most probable explanations on Bayesian belief networks. 450-455 - Manish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana:
An evolutionary programming-based probabilistic neural networks construction technique. 456-461 - Zhifeng Jiang, Zemin Liu, Feng Lu:
An optimizing FAMLB rules algorithm for traffic control in ATM communication networks. 462-466 - Sanya Mitaim, Bart Kosko:
Neural fuzzy agents that learn profiles and search databases. 467-472 - Naren Ramakrishnan
, Anupam Joshi
, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice:
Neuro-fuzzy approaches to collaborative scientific computing. 473-478 - Yong-Sheng Yang, Francis H. Y. Chan, Francis K. Lam, Hung Nguyen:
A new fuzzy classifier with triangular membership functions. 479-484 - Thomas Feuring, Andreas Tenhagen:
Stability analysis of neural networks. 485-490 - Thorsten Drabe, Wolfgang Bressgott:
Task allocation for multiple-network architectures. 491-494 - Dobrivoje Popovic, K. C. S. Murty:
Retaining diversity of search point distribution through a breeder genetic algorithm for neural network learning. 495-498 - Mohua Banerjee, Sushmita Mitra
, Sankar K. Pal:
Knowledge-based fuzzy MLP with rough sets. 499-504 - R. J. Kuo, K. C. Xue:
An intelligent sales forecasting system through fuzzy neural network. 505-509 - Takumi Ichimura, Noboru Matsumoto, Eiichiro Tazaki, Katsumi Yoshida:
Extraction method of rules from reflective neural network architecture. 510-515 - Nicola Giusti, Alessandro Sperduti, Francesco Masulli:
Competitive and hybrid neuro-fuzzy models for supervised classification. 516-521 - Asim Roy, Raymond Miranda:
Fuzzy logic, neural networks, and brain-like learning. 522-527 - Giovanna Castellano, Anna Maria Fanelli:
A neuro-fuzzy model reduction strategy. 528-532 - James Dunyak, Donald Wunsch:
A training technique for fuzzy number neural networks. 533-536 - Sanya Mitaim, Bart Kosko:
Adaptive joint fuzzy sets for function approximation. 537-542 - Kanat S. Abdukhalikov
, Chul Kim, H. S. Cho:
Fuzzy neurons and fuzzy multilinear mappings. 543-547 - Kunihiko Fukushima, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Neural network model of spatial memory. 548-553 - J. G. (Iain) Wallace, Kevin Bluff:
A role for the hippocampal system in the learning of distal cortical associations. 554-557 - Jean-Daniel Kant, Daniel S. Levine
A neural network for decision making under the influence of reinforcement. 558-563 - Andreas Garzotto, Boris Aleksandrovsky, Gary Lynch, Richard Granger:
A neocortically-derived model of continuous contextual processing. 564-568 - Guy J. Brown, DeLiang Wang:
Modelling the perceptual separation of concurrent vowels with a network of neural oscillators. 569-574 - Elaine Y. T. Tsiang:
Multiresolution elementary tonotopic features for speech perception. 575-579 - Wee Kheng Leow, Hsueh Chyi Yee:
A minimal neural network for target searching and danger avoidance by smell. 580-585 - Tetsuya Oyamada, Yoshiki Kashimori, Takeshi Kambara:
Hierarchical classification of odor quality based on dynamical property of neural network of olfactory cortex. 586-590 - Thomas Trappenberg
, S. Simpson, Raymond M. Klein, P. McMullen, Douglas P. Munoz, Michael Dorris:
Neural field model of oculomotor preparation and disengagement. 591-596 - Lei Guo:
World-centered representation for neural networks. 597-601A - Zhiyong Yang, Songde Ma:
Phase transitions and bifurcations in visual perception. 602-606 - Zhiyong Yang, Songde Ma:
Visual position and orientation orders. 607-611 - Stefan C. Kremer:
Natural properties in an artificial neural network. 612-616
Volume 2
- Saleh Zein-Sabatto, Yixiong Zheng:
Intelligent flight controllers for helicopter control. 617-621 - Mohammad A. Abido, Youssef Lotfy Abdel-Magid:
Radial basis function network based power system stabilizers for multimachine power systems. 622-626 - Pierre Couturier, Anne Johannet
, Maurice Bétemps:
Synthesis of a discrete-time feedback neural controller. 627-632 - Alan Fern, Jon Miranda, Mohamad T. Musavi, D. R. Coughlin:
Pulp digester level prediction using multiresolution networks of locally active units. 633-638 - Mei-J. Syu, C.-B. Chang:
Neural network adaptive control of the penicillin acylase fermentation. 639-644 - Shannon R. Campbell, DeLiang Wang:
Relaxation oscillator networks with time delays. 645-650 - Harold Szu, Charles Hsu:
Meanfield chaos dynamics with changing chaos threshold value. 651-656 - Akira Hirose, Hirofumi Onishi:
Experimental analysis of behavior stability in neuron gain domain in recurrent complex-valued neural networks. 657-662 - Shin Mizutani, Takuya Sano, Tadasu Uchiyama, Noboru Sonehara, Katsunori Shimohara:
Numerical studies of resonance in a sinusoidally driven chaotic neuron model and its network. 663-668 - Jorge L. Moiola, Daniel W. Berns, Guanrong Chen, Haluk Ögmen
Detecting oscillations in neural networks via frequency domain analysis. 669-674 - Jörg Berdux, Rainer Malaka
Equivalent dynamics in different neural oscillator models. 675-679 - Mariko Nakano-Miyatake, Héctor Pérez-Meana:
Adaptive filtering and prediction based on Hopfield neural networks. 680-684 - Tai-Wu Chiang:
The analytical solution of gamma filter model. 685-689 - Özgür Karahan, Canan Özgen, Ugur Hahci, Kemal Leblebicioglu
Nonlinear model predictive controller using neural network. 690-693 - Oluseyi Olurotimi, Robert McDonald, Soumitra Das:
Neural network identification and control in the presence of noise. 694-699 - Anil K. Gobbak, H. Raghavendran, Anand M. Tapas:
Internal feedback neuron networks for modeling of an industrial furnace. 700-705 - Z. Gherari, Yskandar Hamam:
Backpropagated adaptive critic neurofuzzy controller for nonlinear dynamic system. 706-711 - George G. Lendaris, Christian Paintz:
Training strategies for critic and action neural networks in dual heuristic programming method. 712-717 - Anya Tascillo:
Neural network isolation of system inputs for transient modelling and control. 718-723 - Dexian Huang, Yihui Jin:
The application of wavelet neural networks to nonlinear predictive control. 724-727 - J. R. Hull, H. P. Pendse, M. T. Musavi:
A neural network algorithm using wavelets and autoregressive inputs for system identification. 728-732 - Peter C. Y. Chen, James K. Mills:
Modeling of neural networks in feedback systems using describing functions. 733-738 - Michael Wigbers, Martin A. Riedmiller:
A new method for the analysis of neural reference model control. 739-743 - Hatem M. Deif, Jacek M. Zurada:
Inverse mapping of continuous functions using feedforward neural networks. 744-748 - Masanao Ohbayashi, Masayuki Hashimoto, Kotaro Hirasawa, Hiroto Takata, Mitsuo Ikeuchi:
An escape method from local minimum by orbital correction method for controller learning. 749-754 - Dean F. Hougen
, Maria L. Gini
, James R. Slagle:
Partitioning input space for reinforcement learning for control. 755-760 - Yoichi Sugita, Masahiro Kayama, Yasuo Morooka:
Improving tuning capability of the adjusting neural network. 761-766 - Edilberto P. Teixeira, Elmo B. de Faria, Adriano Breunig:
The use of feedforward neural networks to cancel nonlinearities of dynamic systems. 767-772 - Lee A. Feldkamp, Gintaras V. Puskorius:
Fixed-weight controller for multiple systems. 773-778 - Jia Lei, Guangdong He, Jing Ping Jiang:
The state estimation of the CSTR system based on a recurrent neural network trained by HGAs. 779-782 - Lei Jia, Jing Ping Jiang:
The model reference adaptive control based on the genetic algorithm. 783-787 - Ning Shao, Kotaro Hirasawa, Masanao Ohbayashi, Kazuyuki Togo, Mitsuo Ikeuchi:
Nonlinear control system with radial basis function controller using random search method of variable search length. 788-793 - David C. Gross, Kuldip S. Rattan:
A feedforward MNN controller for pneumatic cylinder trajectory tracking control. 794-799 - Jacek M. Zurada, Andrzej Lozowski, Aleksander Malinowski
Yield improvement for GaAs IC manufacturing using neural network inverse modeling. 800-805 - Gary G. Yen
Frequency-domain vibration control using adaptive neural network. 806-810 - Toshiham Matsukuma, Atsushi Fujiwara, Munehiro Namba, Yoshihisa Ishida:
Non-linear PID controller using neural networks. 811-814 - Chu Kwong Chak, Gang Feng
, Jian Ma, Marimuthu Palaniswami
Universal neural network controllers. 815-820 - Thomas Trappenberg
Non-monotone network dynamics; preliminary results. 821-824 - Anke Meyer-Bäse
Perturbation analysis of a class of neural networks. 825-828 - Junbo Song, Xiaoyan Bao, Yoshihisa Ishida:
An application of MNN trained by MEKA for the position control of pneumatic cylinder. 829-833 - R. Matthew Kretchmar, Charles W. Anderson
Comparison of CMACs and radial basis functions for local function approximators in reinforcement learning. 834-837 - Hiroaki Kurokawa, Chun-Ying Ho, Shinsaku Mori:
A local connected neural oscillator network for sequential character segmentation. 838-843 - Jiabao Zhu, Zhengzhi Han, Jin Xiao, Ming Rao:
Modeling liquid phase oxygenation process using neural network. 844-847 - Tomas Hrycej:
Global and local optimization in adaptive neurocontrol. 848-853 - Masanao Ohbayashi, Kotaro Hirasawa, Singo Sakai, Yunqing Yu:
Non-linear system control using learning Petri network. 854-859 - Andrea Pelagotti, Vincenzo Piuri:
Neural spectral composition for function approximation. 860-864 - Marc Karam, Mohamed A. Zohdy:
Analytical and computational results on recurrent dynamic neural network for signal representation. 865-870 - Hiroaki Nakanishi, Takehisa Kohda, Koichi Inoue:
A design method of optimal control system by use of neural network. 871-875 - Nagendra Kumar, Wolfgang Himmelbauer, Gert Cauwenberghs
, Andreas G. Andreou:
An analog VLSI front-end for auditory signal analysis. 876-881 - Arnaud Laflaquière, Sylvie Le Masson, J. P. Dom, Gwendal Le Masson:
Accurate analog VLSI model of calcium-dependent bursting neurons. 882-887 - Jung H. Kim, Sung-Kwon Park, Youngnam Han, Hyunseo Oh, Mun S. Han:
Efficient VLSI implementation of a 3-layer threshold network. 888-893 - T. Sawaji, Takeyasu Sakai, H. Nagai, T. Kunishima, Takashi Matsumoto:
Implementing resistive fuse with floating gate MOS transistors. 894-898 - Fabio Ancona, Stefano Rovetta
, Rodolfo Zunino:
Parallel architectures for vector quantization. 899-903 - Pasi Kolinummi, Timo Hämäläinen, Kimmo Kaski
Mappings of SOM and LVQ on the partial tree shape neurocomputer. 904-909 - Ismet Bayraktaroglu, Arif Selçuk Ögrenci
, Günhan Dündar
, Sina Balkir, Ethem Alpaydin
ANNSyS (an analog neural network synthesis system). 910-915 - Jui-Kuo Juan, John G. Harris, José C. Príncipe:
Analog hardware implementation of adaptive filter structures. 916-921 - Seow Chuan Lim, Arthur Robert Temple, Simon Jones, Ray Meddis:
VHDL-based design of biologically inspired pitch detection system. 922-927 - Y. K. Choi, K. H. Ahn, Soo-Young Lee:
Effects of analog multiplier offsets on on-chip learning. 928-932 - Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, Jerry J. Cupal, Mark D. Winkel:
On the cost effectiveness of logarithmic arithmetic for backpropagation training on SIMD processors. 933-936 - Shou King Foo, P. Saratchandran, N. Sundararajan:
Parallel implementation of backpropagation neural network on a heterogeneous ring processor topology. 937-942 - Peter J. Edwards, Alan F. Murray:
Penalty terms for fault tolerance. 943-947 - Sungjun Park, Joonho Lim, Soo-Ik Chae:
Digital implementation of discrete-time cellular neural networks with distributed arithmetic. 959-963 - Yasuhiro Ota, Bogdan M. Wilamowski:
VLSI architecture for analog bidirectional pulse-coupled neural networks. 964-968 - Young-Sik Kim, Mi-Jung Noh, Tack-Don Han, Shin-Dug Kim, Sung-Bong Yang:
Memory based processor array for artificial neural networks. 969-974 - Elizabeth J. Brauer, Ranu Jung
, Denise M. Wilson
, James J. Abbas
Sensitivity analysis of an analog circuit model of lamprey unit pattern generator. 975-979 - Yutaka Maeda, Atsushi Nakazawa, Yakichi Kanata:
Pulse density neural network system using simultaneous perturbation learning rule. 980-984 - Omar Hammami, D. Suzuki:
A pipelined speculative SIMD architecture for SOM ANN. 985-990 - Fabio Ancona, Stefano Rovetta, Rodolfo Zunino:
Hardware implementation of the neural gas. 991-994 - Radu Dogaru, A. T. Murgan, Leon O. Chua:
Do we really need multiplier-based synapses for neuro-fuzzy classifiers? 995-999 - Cuneyt Cerkez, Isik Aybay
, Ugur Halici
A digital neuron realization for the random neural network model. 1000-1004 - Barbaros Sekerkiran, Ugur Çilingiroglu
Improving the resolution of Lazzaro winner-take-all circuit. 1005-1008 - Hazem M. Abbas
, Mohamed M. Bayoumi:
On the implementation of backpropagation on the Alex AVX-2 parallel system. 1009-1013 - Irwin W. Sandberg, Lilian Xu:
Uniform approximation and gamma networks. 1014-1018 - Lin-Cheng Wang, Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Sandor Z. Der:
Asymptotical analysis of a modular neural network. 1019-1022 - José Aguilar, Adriana Colmenares:
Recognition algorithm using evolutionary learning on the random neural networks. 1023-1028 - Hiromi Miyajima, Shuji Yatsuki:
Dynamics of distance between patterns for higher order random neural networks. 1029-1034 - Francesco Palmieri
, Michele Corvino:
Principal components via cascades of block-layers. 1035-1040 - Huaiyu Zhu:
Bayesian geometric theory of learning algorithms. 1041-1044 - Jianchang Mao, Anil K. Jain:
A note on the effective number of parameters in nonlinear learning systems. 1045-1050 - Davide Mattera, Francesco Palmieri
New bounds for correct generalization. 1051-1055 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
D-entropy minimization: integration of mutual information maximization and minimization. 1056-1061 - Fernando J. Von Zuben, Márcio Luiz De Andrade Netto:
Projection pursuit and the solvability condition applied to constructive learning. 1062-1067 - Gregory L. Heileman, Michael Georgiopoulos, Michael J. Healy, Stephen J. Verzi
The generalization capabilities of ARTMAP. 1068-1071 - Xiao-Hu Yu, Li-Qun Xu:
Automatic learning rate optimization by higher-order derivatives. 1072-1077 - Tülay Yildirim
, John S. Marsland:
Improved backpropagation training algorithm using conic section functions. 1078-1081 - Emile Fiesler, M. Moreira:
Comparing parameterless learning rate adaptation methods. 1082-1087 - Joachim Utans:
Stopped training via algebraic online estimation of the expected test-set error. 1088-1092 - Sin Chun Ng
, S. H. Leung, Andrew Luk:
Weight evolution algorithm with dynamic offset range. 1093-1096 - Daryl H. Graf:
Incorporating state space constraints into a neural network. 1097-1100 - Manabu Kotani, Akihiro Kajiki, Kenzo Akazawa:
A structural learning algorithm for multi-layered neural networks. 1105-1110 - Atsushi Yamamoto, Toshimichi Saito:
An improved expand-and-truncate learning. 1111-1116 - Anthony Zaknich:
A vector quantisation reduction method for the probabilistic neural network. 1117-1120 - James Ting-Ho Lo:
Robust adaptive identification of dynamic systems by neural networks. 1121-1126 - Stéphane Puechmorel:
Fiber bundles and receptive neural fields. 1127-1130 - Iztok Fajfar:
Fast binary cellular neural networks. 1131-1134 - Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Eugene M. Izhikevich:
Associative memory of weakly connected oscillators. 1135-1138 - Edgar N. Sánchez, José P. Pérez
Input-to-state stability (ISS) analysis for dynamic neural networks. 1139-1143 - Masahiko Arai:
An upper bound on the node complexity of depth-2 multilayer perceptrons. 1144-1147 - Adriana Dumitras, Vasile Lazarescu:
On viewing the transform performed by a hidden layer in a feedforward ANN, as a complex Mobius mapping. 1148-1151 - Youshou Wu, Mingsheng Zhao, Xiaoqing Ding:
Beyond weights adaptation: a new neuron model with trainable activation function and its supervised learning. 1152-1157 - Sungjun Park, Soo-Ik Chae:
Improved sufficient convergence condition for the discrete-time cellular neural networks. 1158-1161 - Ryoltaro Kamimura:
Simultaneous information maximization and minimization. 1162-1167 - So-Young Jeong, Minho Lee, Soo-Young Lee:
Hybrid learning algorithm with low input-to-output mapping sensitivity for iterated time-series prediction. 1168-1171 - Derong Liu
, Zanjun Lu:
Associative memory design via perceptron learning. 1172-1177 - Aluízio F. R. Araújo, Georves M. Haga:
Two simple strategies to improve bidirectional associative memory's performance: unlearning and delta rule. 1178-1182 - Ravi Kothari, Rohit Lotlikar:
Effect of pruning small weights in correlation associative memories. 1183-1187 - Paul Benedict Watta, Mohammed Akkal, Mohamad H. Hassoun:
Decoupled-voting Hamming associative memory networks. 1188-1193 - Aluízio F. R. Araújo, Marcelo Vieira:
Temporal multidirectional associative memory: adaptable, continuous, and self-connected MAM. 1194-1198 - Mehmet Akar, M. Erol Sezer:
Overlapping decompositions in the design of associative memories. 1199-1204 - Hongchi Shi, Yunxin Zhao, Xinhua Zhuang:
GBAM: a general bidirectional associative memory model. 1205-1209 - Yuko Osana, Motonobu Hattori
, Masafumi Hagiwara:
Chaotic multidirectional associative memory. 1210-1215 - Tirunelveli Anand, Ali A. Minai
Using hysteresis to improve performance in synchronous networks. 1216-1220 - Akira Date:
Random attractors for initial memory codes. 1221-1226 - Yi Sun:
A generalized updating rule for modified Hopfield neural network. 1227-1230 - John E. McInroy, Bogdan M. Wilamowski:
Bipolar pattern association using a recurrent winner take all network. 1231-1234 - Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore, Basilio Bona:
Recognition of multidimensional affine patterns using a constrained GA. 1235-1239 - Paolo Frasconi, Marco Gori, Stefano Fanelli, Marco Protasi:
Suspiciousness of loading problems. 1240-1245 - Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Takeshi Nakayama, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Hideki Asai
Application of neuro-based optimization algorithm to three dimensional cylindric puzzles. 1246-1250 - Dmitri Kaznachey, Arun K. Jagota, Sajal K. Das
Primal-target neural net heuristics for the hypergraph k-coloring problem. 1251-1255 - Gürsel Serpen
, David L. Livingston, Azadeh Parvin:
Determination of parameters in relaxation-search neural networks for optimization problems. 1256-1259 - Nobuo Funabiki, Junji Kitamichi, Seishi Nishikawa:
An evolutionary neural network algorithm for max cut problems. 1260-1265 - Takayuki Baba, Nobuo Funabiki, Seishi Nishikawa:
A binary neural network approach for one-shot scheduling problems in multicast packet switching systems. 1266-1271 - B. John Oommen
, I. Kuban Altmel, Necati Aras
Arbitrary distance function estimation using discrete vector quantization. 1272-1277 - Steven Noel, Harold Szu:
Multiple-resolution divide and conquer neural networks for large-scale TSP-like energy minimization problems. 1278-1283 - Hideki Kakeya
, Yoichi Okabe:
Parallel and synchronous search for combinatory quasi-optimum solutions. 1284-1288 - Yoichi Takenaka, Nobuo Funabiki, Seishi Nishikawa:
A proposal of "neuron mask" in neural network algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems. 1289-1294 - Jun Wang
A dual neural network for shortest-path routing. 1295-1298 - Shuji Yatsuki, Hiromi Miyajima:
Associative ability of higher order neural networks. 1299-1304 - Yoshimitsu Shoji, Hiroshi Inaba:
A module neural network and its basic behaviors. 1305-1310 - Alexander N. Gorban
, Yeugenii M. Mirkes, Donald C. Wunsch II:
High order orthogonal tensor networks: information capacity and reliability. 1311-1314 - Jacek Mandziuk:
Pulsed noise-based stochastic optimization with the Hopfield model. 1315-1320 - Hee-Yong Kwon:
ATM call admission control using sparse distributed memory. 1321-1325 - Camille C. Price, John B. Hanks, Jeffery N. Stephens:
Fault-tolerance in a Boltzmann machine. 1326-1331 - Hideki Kakeya
, Yoichi Okabe:
Capacity expansion and concept formation in sequential associative memory. 1332-1337 - Gabriela Andreu García, A. Crespo, José Miguel Valiente González
Selecting the toroidal self-organizing feature maps (TSOFM) best organized to object recognition. 1341-1346 - Moritoshi Yasunaga, Yuzo Hirai:
Ising model calculation using PDM neural network hardware: Boltzmann statistical mechanics embedded in the hardware. 948-952 - Robert W. Adams:
Spectral noise-shaping in integrate-and-fire neural networks. 953-958
Volume 3
- David J. Evans, M. H. Ahmad Fadzil, Zarita Zainuddin
Accelerating backpropagation in human face recognition. 1347-1352 - Srinivas Gutta, Harry Wechsler:
Gender classification of human faces using hybrid classifier systems. 1353-1358 - Kang Sik Yoon, Young Kug Ham, Rae-Hong Park:
Hybrid approaches to frontal view face recognition using the neural network. 1359-1362 - Chun-Hung Lin, Ja-Ling Wu:
Automatic facial feature extraction by applying genetic algorithms. 1363-1367 - Liang-Jzer Shen, Hsin-Chia Fu:
A principal component based BDNN for face recognition. 1368-1372 - Mohamed N. Ahmed, Aly A. Farag:
Two-stage neural network for volume segmentation of medical images. 1373-1378 - Ali Hojjatoleslami, Lucia Sardo, Josef Kittler:
An RBF based classifier for the detection of microcalcifications in mammograms with outlier rejection capability. 1379-1384 - Paulo J. G. Lisboa, Neil M. Branston, Wael El-Deredy, Alfredo Vellido:
Tissue characterisation with NMR spectroscopy: current state and future prospects for the application of neural networks analysis. 1385-1390 - Sven Behnke, Marcus Pfister, Raúl Rojas:
Recognition of handwritten digits using structural information. 1391-1396 - Adel M. Alimi
A neuro-fuzzy approach to recognize Arabic handwritten characters. 1397-1400 - David W. Opitz, Richard Maclin
An empirical evaluation of bagging and boosting for artificial neural networks. 1401-1405 - Nicolaos B. Karayiannis, Glenn Weiqun Mi:
Growing radial basis neural networks. 1406-1411 - Swarup Medasani, Raghu Krishnapuram:
Determination of the number of components in Gaussian mixtures using agglomerative clustering. 1412-1417 - José L. Alba, Laura Docío
, Simón Ruibal:
Soft-competitive-growing classifier with unsupervised fine-tuning. 1418-1423 - Stefan C. Kremer:
Parallel stochastic grammar induction. 1424-1428 - Yoshimasa Kimura, Toru Wakahara, Kazumi Odaka:
Combining statistical pattern recognition approach with neural networks for recognition of large-set categories. 1429-1432 - Hisao Ishibuchi, Manabu Nii:
Possibilistic fuzzy classification using neural networks. 1433-1438 - A. Murat Ozbayoglu
, Cihan H. Dagli:
Unsupervised hierarchical fingerprint matching. 1439-1442 - Sassan Sheedvash, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi:
Structural adaptation in neural networks with application to land mine detection. 1443-1447 - Chester Ornes, Jack Sklansky:
A visual multi-expert neural classifier. 1448-1453 - Mark R. Stevens, Charles W. Anderson
, J. Ross Beveridge:
Efficient indexing for object recognition using large networks. 1454-1458 - Gail A. Carpenter, Mark A. Rubin, William W. Streilein:
ARTMAP-FD: familiarity discrimination applied to radar target recognition. 1459-1464 - John L. Johnson, Mary Lou Padgett, William A. Friday:
Multiscale image factorization. 1465-1468 - Yoram Baram:
Soft nearest neighbor classification. 1469-1473 - Kurt D. Bollacker, Joydeep Ghosh:
A scalable method for classifier knowledge reuse. 1474-1478 - Yiu-Ming Cheung, Lei Xu:
Some further studies on detection the number of clusters. 1479-1483 - Stefan Pittner, Sagar V. Kamarthi:
Feature extraction from wavelet coefficients for pattern recognition tasks. 1484-1489 - Gerald Krell, Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Tilo Lilienblum, C. J. Moore, Bernd Michaelis:
Fuzzy image enhancement and associative feature matching in radiotherapy. 1490-1495 - Alex Lopez, Angel Torres, Shawn Hunt:
JPEG post processing image enhancement. 1496-1500 - João Souza Neto, Sebastião do Nascimento Neto, Francisco Assis de Oliveira Nascimento:
Improved dynamic bit allocation in image coding using a self-organizing map with learning vector quantization. 1501-1505 - Frank M. Candocia, José C. Príncipe:
A neural implementation of interpolation with a family of kernels. 1506-1511 - Alan Fern, Mohamad T. Musavi, Jon Miranda:
Automatic extraction of drainage networks from digital terrain elevation data: a local network approach. 1512-1517 - S. Rasoul Safavian, Hamid R. Rabiee
, M. Fardanesh, R. L. Kashyap:
Low bit rate image compression with orthogonal projection pursuit neural networks. 1518-1522 - Keisuke Kameyama, Kenzo Mori, Yukio Kosugi:
A neural network incorporating adaptive Gabor filters for image texture classification. 1523-1528 - Erdogan Çesmeli, DeLiang Wang:
Texture segmentation using Gaussian Markov random fields and LEGION. 1529-1534 - Mamoru Tanaka, Kenya Jin'no
, Jun'ichi Miyata, Masaaki Imaizumi, Toshiaki Shingu, Hiroshi Inoue:
Resolutionable cellular neural networks. 1535-1541 - Mohamed Tajine, David A. Elizondo, Emile Fiesler, Jerzy Korczak
Adapting the 2-class recursive deterministic perceptron neural network to m-classes. 1542-1546 - Osvaldo Agamennoni, Pablo Sergio Mandolesi:
Fast inner-outer point evaluation in a polytopic generalization domain. 1547-1551 - Marios S. Pattichis, Christina I. Christodoulou, Constantinos S. Pattichis
, Alan C. Bovik:
Non-stationary texture segmentation using an AM-FM model. 1552-1557 - Andrew D. Brown, Howard C. Card:
Evolutionary artificial neural networks for competitive learning. 1558-1562 - Yoshiteru Kageyama, Hideo Saito:
Image retrieval system capable of learning the user's sensibility using neural networks. 1563-1567 - Wen-Pin Tai, Ruei-Sung Lin, Cheng-Yuan Liou:
Blind deconvolution by self-organization. 1568-1573 - Wing-Kai Lam, Fai Yung, Lei Xu:
An experimental comparative study on several soft and hard-cut EM algorithms for mixture of experts. 1574-1579 - Mohamed A. El-Gamal:
A knowledge-based approach for fault detection and isolation in analog circuits. 1580-1584 - Kenichi Takahashi:
A comparative study of layered neural networks on misclassification in pattern recognition. 1585-1589 - Manish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana:
Rough-fuzzy set theoretic approach to evaluate the importance of input features in classification. 1590-1595 - Lin-Cheng Wang, Sandor Z. Der, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
A committee of networks classifier with multi-resolution feature extraction for automatic target recognition. 1596-1601 - Ana Isabel González, Manuel Graña:
Competitive neural networks as adaptive algorithms for nonstationary clustering: experimental results on the color quantization of image sequences. 1602-1607 - Zensho Nakao, Midori Takashibu, Fath El Alem F. Ali, Yen-Wei Chen:
Evolutionary CT image reconstruction. 1608-1611 - Lin Yu Tseng, Shiueng Bien Yang:
Genetic algorithms for clustering, feature selection and classification. 1612-1616 - Pu Sun, Kenneth A. Marko:
A neural network classifier for conflicting information environments. 1617-1622 - Marjorie Skubic, Shawn P. Castriannii, Richard A. Volz:
Identifying contact formations from force signals: a comparison of fuzzy and neural network classifiers. 1623-1628 - Iren Valova, Yukio Kosugi:
Neural trees for image segmentation. 1629-1633 - Lei Wang, Feihu Qi, Yulong Mo:
Theoretical and experimental analyses of restoring degraded images based on continuous Hopfield neural networks. 1634-1637 - Ahmad Fadzil M. H., Lim Cheah Choon:
Face recognition system based on neural networks and fuzzy logic. 1638-1643 - Fernando César Comparsi de Castro, José Nelson Amaral, Paulo Roberto Girardello Franco:
Invariant pattern recognition of 2D images using neural networks and frequency-domain representation. 1644-1649 - Chung-Lin Huang, Wen-Yi Huang:
Modified 3-D Hopfield neural network for gesture recognition. 1650-1655 - Xiuwen Liu, DeLiang Wang:
Range image segmentation using an oscillatory network. 1656-1660 - Wee Kheng Leow, Seet Chong Lua:
An improved neural network for segmenting objects' boundaries in real images. 1663-1668 - Y. V. Venkatesh, Rishikesh Narayanan:
Modelling active contours using neural networks isomorphic to boundaries. 1669-1672 - Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, Xia Zeng:
Evolutionary computation for figure-ground separation. 1673-1678 - Ingo Elsen, Karl-Friedrich Kraiss, Dirk Krumbiegel:
Pixel based 3D object recognition with bidirectional associative memories. 1679-1684 - Sang-Hee Kim, Chang-Wha Jang, Chang-Hyun Chai, Han-Go Choi:
Trajectory control of robotic manipulators using chaotic neural networks. 1685-1688 - R. Mark Rylatt, Chris A. Czarnecki, Tom W. Routen:
A partially recurrent gating network approach to learning action selection by reinforcement. 1689-1692 - Andrei Cimponeriu, Julien Gresser:
Adaptive learning with the growing competitive linear local mapping network for robotic hand-eye coordination. 1693-1698 - Jason A. Janét, Sean M. Scoggins, Mark W. White, John C. Sutton III, E. Grant, Wesley E. Snyder:
Using a hyper-ellipsoid clustering Kohonen for autonomous mobile robot map building, place recognition and motion planning. 1699-1704 - Ya-Chen Hsu, Guanrong Chen, Heidar A. Malki:
Fuzzy neural adaptive controller design: with application to multiple-link robot control. 1705-1709 - Toshio Fukuda, Youichirou Komata, Takemasa Arakawa:
Recurrent neural network with self-adaptive GAs for biped locomotion robot. 1710-1715 - Katsunari Shibata, Yoichi Okabe:
Reinforcement learning when visual sensory signals are directly given as inputs. 1716-1720 - Richard Lepage, Denis Poussart:
A neural network framework for low-level representation and processing in computer vision. 1721-1726 - Sahin Yildirim:
New neural networks for adaptive control of robot manipulators. 1727-1731 - Wen-Ran Zhang:
Neurofuzzy agents and neurofuzzy laws for autonomous machine learning and control. 1732-1737 - Il Hong Suh, Jae-Hyun Kim, Frank Chung-Hoon Rhee:
Fuzzy-Q learning for autonomous robot systems. 1738-1743 - R. Maass, Volker Zahn, Rolf Eckmiller:
Neural force/position control in Cartesian space for a 6DOF industrial robot: concept and first results. 1744-1748 - Yau-Hwang Kuo, Mong-Fong Horng:
Image estimation and compensation based on correspondence technique. 1749-1754 - Spyros G. Tzafestas, Platon A. Prokopiou, Costas S. Tzafestas
Robust telemanipulator control using a partitioned neural network architecture. 1755-1760 - Sangbong Park, Cheol Hoon Park:
Model-based path planning and tracking control using neural networks for a robot manipulator. 1761-1765 - K. Wendy Tang, Govardhan Srikant:
Reinforcement control via action dependent heuristic dynamic programming. 1766-1770 - Alejandro Ramirez-Serrano:
Neural control of artificial six-legged terrestrial locomotion on rough terrain. 1771-1776 - Boo Hee Nam, Sang Jae Lee, Seok Won Lee:
A neural network for the trajectory control of robotic manipulators with uncertainties. 1777-1780 - Mario Costa, P. Crispino, A. Hanomolo, Eros Pasero:
Artificial neural networks and the simulation of human movements in CAD environments. 1781-1784 - Anke Meyer-Bäse
Global stability analysis of a nonlinear principal component analysis neural network. 1785-1787 - Mark A. Girolami
, Colin Fyfe:
Generalised independent component analysis through unsupervised learning with emergent Bussgang properties. 1788-1791 - Christian-A. Bohn:
An incremental unsupervised learning scheme for function approximation. 1792-1797 - Chanchal Chatterjee, Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Edwin K. P. Chong:
Convergence study of principal component analysis algorithms. 1798-1803 - Fabio Ancona, Sandro Ridella, Stefano Rovetta
, Rodolfo Zunino:
On the importance of sorting in "neural gas" training of vector quantizers. 1804-1808 - Insoo Sohn, Nirwan Ansari
A novel algorithm to configure RBF networks. 1809-1814 - Nicolaos B. Karayiannis:
Gradient descent learning of radial basis neural networks. 1815-1820 - Lei Xu, Chi Chiu Cheung, Howard Hua Yang, Shun-ichi Amari:
Independent component analysis by the information-theoretic approach with mixture of densities. 1821-1826 - Damon A. Miller, Jacek M. Zurada:
Dynamics of structural learning with an adaptive forgetting rate. 1827-1832 - Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano:
MDL regularizer: a new regularizer based on the MDL principle. 1833-1838 - Hirotaka Nakayama, Masahiko Yoshida:
Additional learning and forgetting by potential method for pattern classification. 1839-1844 - Peter Géczy, Shiro Usui:
Learning performance measures for MLP networks. 1845-1850 - Jörg Wille:
On the structure of the Hessian matrix in feedforward networks and second derivative methods. 1851-1855 - Sang-Hoon Oh
Generalization of the cross-entropy error function to improve the error backpropagation algorithm. 1856-1861 - Peter Géczy, Shiro Usui:
Effects of structural adjustments on the estimate of a spectral radius of error matrices. 1862-1867 - Ralf Salomon:
Radial basis function networks for autonomous agent control. 1868-1872 - Octavian Stan, Edward W. Kamen:
A new local linearized least squares algorithm for training feedforward neural networks. 1873-1878 - Gintaras V. Puskorius, Lee A. Feldkamp:
Extensions and enhancements of decoupled extended Kalman filter training. 1879-1883 - Paolo Campolucci, Andrea Marchegrani, Aurelio Uncini, Francesco Piazza:
Signal-flow-graph derivation of on-line gradient learning algorithms. 1884-1889 - Chi-Tat Leung, Tommy W. S. Chow:
A hybrid global learning algorithm based on global search and least squares techniques for backpropagation networks. 1890-1895 - Kazushi Ikeda, Akihiro Suzuki, Kenji Nakayama:
The effects of quantization on the backpropagation learning. 1896-1900 - Hui Su, Bin Zhao, Shaowei Xia:
A construction method of feedforward neural network for selecting effective hidden nodes. 1901-1906 - Qing Song:
Robust training algorithm for a perceptron neuron. 1907-1912 - Seiji Miyoshi, Kenji Nakayama:
A geometric learning algorithm for elementary perceptron and its convergence analysis. 1913-1918 - Hoshin V. Gupta, Kuo-lin Hsu
, Soroosh Sorooshian
Superior training of artificial neural networks using weight-space partitioning. 1919-1923 - Rajesh Parekh, Jihoon Yang, Vasant G. Honavar
MUpstart-a constructive neural network learning algorithm for multi-category pattern classification. 1924-1929 - F. Dan Foresee, Martin T. Hagan:
Gauss-Newton approximation to Bayesian learning. 1930-1935 - Yasuo Matsuyama:
The weighted EM algorithm and block monitoring. 1936-1941 - Lei Xu:
New advances on Bayesian Ying-Yang learning system with Kullback and non-Kullback separation functionals. 1942-1947 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
D-entropy controller for interpretation and generalization. 1948-1953 - Qun Xu, Kenji Nakayama:
Avoiding weight-illgrowth: cascade correlation algorithm with local regularization. 1954-1959 - Rajesh Parekh, Jihoon Yang, Vasant G. Honavar
Pruning strategies for the MTiling constructive learning algorithm. 1960-1965 - Ravi Kothari, Kwabena Agyepong:
Self-regulation of model order in feedforward neural networks. 1966-1971 - William H. Hsu:
A position paper on statistical inference techniques which integrate neural network and Bayesian network models. 1972-1977 - N. O. Ezzati, Karim Faez:
Selection of convergence coefficient with automata learning rule. 1978-1982 - Pierre Lavoie, Jean-François Crespo, Yvon Savaria:
Multiple categorization using fuzzy ART. 1983-1988 - Dong C. Park:
Development of a neural network algorithm for unsupervised competitive learning. 1989-1993 - Petteri Pajunen:
Blind separation of binary sources with less sensors than sources. 1994-1997 - Masha Yu. Senashova, Alexander N. Gorban
, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Backpropagation of accuracy. 1998-2001 - Mitra Basu:
Experiments with learning rules for a single neuron. 2002-2006 - A. V. Kishore, M. V. C. Rao:
A novel fuzzy based algorithm for radial basis function neural network. 2007-2011 - Michael Georgiopoulos, Issam Dagher, Gregory L. Heileman, George Bebis:
Properties of learning of a fuzzy ART variant. 2012-2016 - Theodore B. Trafalis, Nicolas P. Couellan
, Sébastien C. Bertrand:
Training of supervised neural networks via a nonlinear primal-dual interior-point method. 2017-2021 - Goutam Chakraborty
, Shoichi Noguchi:
Difficulty in learning vs. network size. 2022-2027
Volume 4
- Takashi Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hamagishi, Y. Chonan:
A hierarchical Bayes approach to nonlinear time series prediction with neural nets. 2028-2033 - Tomasz J. Cholewo, Jacek M. Zurada:
Sequential network construction for time series prediction. 2034-2038 - Shanming Shi, Andreas S. Weigend:
Markov gated experts for time series analysis: beyond regression. 2039-2044 - Roy Schwaerzel, Bruce Rosen:
Improving the accuracy of financial time series prediction using ensemble networks and high order statistics. 2045-2050 - Hsiou-Ping Lin, Yen-Chieh Ouyang
Neural networks based traffic prediction for cell discarding policy. 2051-2056 - Z. S. Wang, Y. S. Xia, W. H. Li, Z. Y. He, J. D. Z. Chen:
A neural network solver for basis pursuit and its applications to time-frequency analysis of biomedical signals. 2057-2060 - Ganapati Panda
, Taposhi Chatterjee:
Broadband noise cancellation using a functional link ANN based nonlinear filter. 2061-2066 - Ressom Habtom, Lothar Litz:
Estimation of unmeasured inputs using recurrent neural networks and the extended Kalman filter. 2067-2071 - Li-Kang Yen, José C. Príncipe, Dongxin Xu:
Adaptive target detection in UWB images using Laguerre network. 2072-2075 - Gilles P. Mauroy, Edward W. Kamen:
Multiple target tracking using recurrent neural networks. 2076-2079 - Kimmo Raivio, Ari Hämäläinen, Jukka Henriksson, Olli Simula:
Performance of two neural receiver structures in the presence of co-channel interference. 2080-2084 - Chuan Wang, Dongxin Xu, José C. Príncipe:
Speaker verification and identification using gamma neural networks. 2085-2088 - Horacio Franco, Mitch Weintraub, Michael Cohen:
Context modeling in a hybrid HMM-neural net speech recognition system. 2089-2092 - Byoung Jik Lee:
Parallel neural networks for speech recognition. 2093-2097 - Atanas Ouzounov:
Text-independent speaker identification using a hybrid neural network and conformity approach. 2098-2102 - Karina Vieira, Bogdan M. Wilamowski, Robert Kubichek:
Speaker identification based on a modified Kohonen network. 2103-2106 - Roberto Gemello, Dario Albesano, Franco Mana:
Continuous speech recognition with neural networks and stationary-transitional acoustic units. 2107-2111 - Amir F. Atiya
, Noha Talaat, Samir I. Shaheen
An efficient stock market forecasting model using neural networks. 2112-2115 - A. Wang, B. Ramsay:
Prediction of system marginal price in the UK Power Pool using neural networks. 2116-2120 - Devil H. F. Yip, Evor L. Hines, William W. H. Yu:
Application of artificial neural networks in sales forecasting. 2121-2124 - Frank M. Thiesing, Oliver Vornberger:
Sales forecasting using neural networks. 2125-2128 - Te-Won Lee, Anthony J. Bell, Reinhold Orglmeister:
Blind source separation of real world signals. 2129-2134 - Andrzej Cichocki, Ruck Thawonmas, Shun-ichi Amari:
Dual cascade networks for blind signal extraction. 2135-2140 - Howard Hua Yang, Shun-ichi Amari, Andrzej Cichocki:
Information backpropagation for blind separation of sources in nonlinear mixture. 2141-2146 - Juha Karhunen, Petteri Pajunen:
Blind source separation and tracking using nonlinear PCA criterion: a least-squares approach. 2147-2152 - Kyungmin Na, Soo-Ik Chae:
Single-sensor active noise cancellation using recurrent neural network predictors. 2153-2156 - Robert Essenreiter, Martin Karrenbach, Sven Treitel:
Elimination of multiple reflections in marine seismograms using neural networks. 2157-2161 - Maddalena Di Giura, Nadia Serina, Gianguido Rizzotto:
Adaptive fuzzy filtering for audio applications using a neuro-fuzzy modelization. 2162-2166 - Zhong Ding Lei, Xiu Kun Huang, Shu Jing Zhang:
A novel algorithm for wideband DOA estimates based on neural network. 2167-2170 - Alex T. Nelson, Eric A. Wan:
Neural speech enhancement using dual extended Kalman filtering. 2171-2175 - Eric A. Wan:
Combining fossil and sunspot data: committee predictions. 2176-2180 - James Ting-Ho Lo, Lei Yu:
Overcoming recurrent neural networks' compactness limitation for neurofiltering. 2181-2186 - Eric P. Maillard, Didier Guériot
RBF neural network, basis functions and genetic algorithm. 2187-2192 - P. R. Lajbcygier, J. T. Conner:
Improved option pricing using bootstrap methods. 2193-2197 - Chi Hau Chen, Liwen Yu:
A learning algorithm for improved recurrent neural networks. 2198-2202 - Emma Braithwaite, Jimmy Dripps, Alan F. Murray:
Prediction of onset of respiratory disorder in neonates. 2203-2207 - C. W. Gill, Phillip E. Pace:
Neural prediction of missile dynamics during hardware-in-the-loop captive-carry experiments. 2208-2213 - Andrew C. McCormick, Asoke K. Nandi:
Neural network autoregressive modeling of vibrations for condition monitoring of rotating shafts. 2214-2218 - Tom Bylander, Bruce Rosen:
A perceptron-like online algorithm for tracking the median. 2219-2224 - Chun-Ta Chen, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Chunhua Yuan:
Signal representation using adaptive Wave-Net. 2225-2230 - Jing Chun Zhang, Ming Zhang, John Fulcher:
Financial prediction using higher order trigonometric polynomial neural network group model. 2231-2234 - Jie Luo, Xieting Ling:
Minor component analysis with implementation to blind 2-channel equalization. 2235-2238 - Chi Chiu Cheung, Lei Xu:
Separation of two independent sources by the information-theoretic approach with cubic nonlinearity. 2239-2244 - James Ting-Ho Lo:
Robust adaptive neurofilters with or without online weight adjustment. 2245-2250 - Hiroyuki Shibayama, Toshimichi Saito:
Prediction of chaos and bifurcation: an asymmetric basis function approach. 2251-2256 - Maurizio Rasile, Roberto Tagliaferri
, Leopoldo Milano, Giuseppe Longo:
Neural networks for periodicity analysis of unevenly spaced data. 2257-2262 - Danil V. Prokhorov
, Lee A. Feldkamp:
Primitive adaptive critics. 2263-2267 - Lee A. Feldkamp, Gintaras V. Puskorius, Danil V. Prokhorov
Unified formulation for training recurrent networks with derivative adaptive critics. 2268-2272 - Richard E. Saeks, Chadwick J. Cox, Karl Mathia, Alianna J. Maren:
Asymptotic dynamic programming: preliminary concepts and results. 2273-2278 - Donald Wunsch:
The need for improved reinforcement learning techniques in intelligent agents. 2279-2282 - K. Krishnakumar, James C. Neidhoefer:
Immunized adaptive critics. 2283-2287 - Gaurav Saini, S. N. Balakrishnan:
Adaptive critic based neurocontroller for autolanding of aircraft with varying glideslopes. 2288-2293 - Lawrence W. Stark, Claudio M. Privitera:
Top-down and bottom-up image processing. 2294-2299 - Ralf Opara, Florentin Wörgötter:
Introducing visual latencies into spin-lattice models for image segmentation: a neuromorphic approach to a computer vision problem. 2300-2303 - Kazuo Kyuma, Yasunari Miyake, Hiroshi Kage:
Artificial retina chips. 2304-2308 - Shiro Usui, Yoshimi Kamiyama, Toshihiko Ogura
, Akito Ishihara, Tomoya Hamada:
Physiological engineering model of the outer retina. 2309-2314 - Rolf Eckmiller, Michael Becker, Ralph Hünermann:
Dialog concepts for learning retina encoders. 2315-2320 - Gislin Dagnelie, Mark S. Humayun, Robert J. Greenberg, Eugene de Juan Jr.:
The physiological connection: stimulating the human and amphibian retina. 2321-2326 - Frank S. Werblin, Adam Jacobs:
The cellular neural network as a retinal camera for visual prosthesis. 2327-2332 - Richard A. Normann, Josef Ammermüller, Shuy Shoham, Almut Branner:
Color and intensity information representations by a network of turtle retinal ganglion cells. 2333-2336 - I. Burhan Türksen:
A fuzzy neural hybrid system modeling. 2337-2341 - Witold Pedrycz, Michael H. Smith:
Fuzzy inference networks: an introduction. 2342-2346 - James J. Buckley, Yoichi Hayashi:
Neural nets can be universal approximators for fuzzy functions. 2347-2350 - Jie Lei, Lawrence O. Hall:
Speaker recognition with a self-configuring neural network. 2351-2354 - James J. Buckley, Yoichi Hayashi:
Neural net approximations to solutions of systems of fuzzy linear equations. 2355-2358 - Guenter Luetzig, Manuel Sánchez-Castillo, Reza Langari:
On tool wear estimation through neural networks. 2359-2363 - Ilona Jagielska, Chris Matthews, Tim Whitfort:
A study in experimental evaluation of neural network and genetic algorithm techniques for knowledge acquisition in fuzzy classification systems. 2364-2368 - Motohide Umano, Shiro Fukunaka, Itsuo Hatono, Hiroyuki Tamura:
Acquisition of fuzzy rules using fuzzy neural networks with forgetting. 2369-2373 - Takeshi Furuhashi, Seiichi Matsushita, Hiroaki Tsutsui, Yoshiki Uchikawa:
Knowledge extraction from hierarchical fuzzy model obtained by fuzzy neural networks and genetic algorithm. 2374-2379 - Nikola K. Kasabov:
Fuzzy rules extraction, reasoning and rules adaptation in fuzzy neural networks. 2380-2383 - Wlodzislaw Duch
, Rafal Adamczak, Krzysztof Grabczewski:
Extraction of crisp logical rules using constructive constrained backpropagation networks. 2384-2389 - Hisao Ishibuchi, Manabu Nii, Tadahiko Murata:
Linguistic rule extraction from neural networks and genetic-algorithm-based rule selection. 2390-2395 - Johan A. K. Suykens
, Bart De Moor, Joos Vandewalle:
Robust NLq neural control theory. 2396-2401 - Yasuaki Kuroe, Hidehisa Inayoshi, Takehiro Mori:
Feedback-error-learning control with considering smoothness of unknown nonlinearities. 2402-2407 - Norberto Eiji Nawa, Tomonori Hashiyama, Takeshi Furuhashi, Yoshiki Uchikawa:
Fuzzy logic controllers generated by pseudo-bacterial genetic algorithm with adaptive operator. 2408-2413 - Minho Lee:
A sliding mode controller with neural network and fuzzy logic. 2414-2417 - Sigeru Omatu, Michifumi Yoshioka:
Neuro-approach for intelligent systems development. 2418-2423 - Osamu Yamanaka, Naoto Yoshizawa, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Akira Sano:
Adaptive control and stability analysis of nonlinear systems using neural networks. 2424-2429 - Takeshi Iwasa, Noboru Morizumi, Sigeru Omatu:
Temperature control in a batch process by neural networks. 2430-2433 - Xiaoshu Xu, Hans Vanderveldt, Robert Allen:
An ANS based helicopter transmission diagnostic system. 2434-2438 - Philipp A. Stadter, Amulya K. Garga:
A neural architecture for fuzzy classification with application to complex system tracking. 2439-2444 - Jae Woo Lee, Sungzoon Cho:
Learning the correlation of beam position monitors for Pohang synchrotron light source using neural networks. 2445-2448 - Rajiv Khosla, Tharam S. Dillon:
Intelligent hybrid multi-agent architecture for engineering complex systems. 2449-2454 - S. Sanjay-Gopal, Berkman Sahiner, Heang-Ping Chan
, Nicholas Petrick:
Neural network based segmentation using a priori image models. 2455-2459 - Matthew A. Kupinski, Maryellen L. Giger:
Feature selection and classifiers for the computerized detection of mass lesions in digital mammography. 2460-2463 - Georgia D. Tourassi, Nicholas P. Xenopoulos:
An artificial neural network to predict mortality in patients who undergo percutaneous coronary interventions. 2464-2467 - Berkman Sahiner, Heang-Ping Chan
, Nicholas Petrick, S. Sanjay-Gopal, Mitchell M. Goodsitt:
Neural network design for optimization of the partial area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. 2468-2471 - Joseph Y. Lo, Carey E. Floyd Jr.:
Self-organizing maps for analyzing mammographic findings. 2472-2474 - Lars J. Kangas, Paul E. Keller, Carlton M. Cadwell, Rick Webber, Polly Pierce, Harvey L. Edmonds:
Neurometric assessment of adequacy of intraoperative anesthetic. 2475-2479 - Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou, Timothy J. Dasey:
A three dimensional neural architecture. 2480-2484 - Sergey Aleynikov, Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou:
"Visual ophthalmologist" an automated system for classification of retinal damage. 2485-2489 - Leming M. Shi, Yi Fan, Timothy G. Myers
, John N. Weinstein
Genetic function approximation in the molecular pharmacology of cancer. 2490-2493 - Harry B. Burke:
Evaluating artificial neural networks for medical applications. 2494-2495 - Narbik Manukian, Gregg D. Wilensky, John L. Kirkwood, Jung-Chou Chang:
Neural network assisted drug detection in X-ray images. 2497-2502 - David G. Brown, Robert J. Jennings:
Detection and discrimination using x-radiation. 2503-2506 - Mary Lou Padgett, John L. Johnson:
Pulse coupled neural networks (PCNN) and wavelets: biosensor applications. 2507-2512 - Harold Szu, Charles Hsu:
Blind de-mixing with unknown sources. 2513-2518 - Robert Kozma:
On the conscious and subconscious components of knowledge representation in neural networks. 2519-2523 - Nikhil R. Pal, Kuhu Pal, James C. Bezdek, Thomas A. Runkler
Some issues in system identification using clustering. 2524-2529 - Alan B. Tickle, Mostefa Golea, Ross Hayward, Joachim Diederich:
The truth is in there: current issues in extracting rules from trained feedforward artificial neural networks. 2530-2534 - Ramón P. Ñeco, Mikel L. Forcada:
Asynchronous translations with recurrent neural nets. 2535-2540 - Andreas Kanstein
, Marc Thomas, Karl Goser:
Possibilistic reasoning in a computational neural network. 2541-2545 - Nikola K. Kasabov
, Michael J. Watts:
Genetic algorithms for structural optimisation, dynamic adaptation and automated design of fuzzy neural networks. 2546-2549 - Alessandro Sperduti:
An overview on supervised neural networks for structures. 2550-2554 - Ian Cloete:
BEXA: set covering vs. neural network knowledge acquisition-a comparative review. 2555-2559 - Song Wang, Feng Ma, Shaowei Xia, Hui Su:
A fault tolerant Chinese bank check recognition system based on SOM neural networks. 2560-2565 - Richard J. Duro, José Santos Reyes:
Synaptic delay based artificial neural networks and discrete time backpropagation applied to QRS complex detection. 2566-2570

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