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ICSC 2023: Sousse, Tunisia
- 11th IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control, ICSC 2023, Sousse, Tunisia, December 18-20, 2023. IEEE 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-0488-6
- Faouzi Nasri, Husien Salama:
Numerical Elucidation of the Electrothermal Characteristics of Gate-All-Around FET Devices. 1-5 - Mousa Alshalman, Bothaina F. Gargoum, Tarek Nagem, Kenz A. Bozed:
Skin Cancer Detection by Using Deep Learning Approach. 1-7 - Syrine Neffati, Mohsen Machhout:
An Optimized Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for MRI Classification. 8-12 - Asmaa Nasr Mohammed, Abdulgani Albagul, Moamer Musbah Ahmad:
Automated Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 13-19 - Syrine Neffati, Mohsen Machhout:
Optimized CAD System for Breast Cancer Detection with Tabu Search and RNN. 20-25 - Mariam Alsharif, Amina Abdo, Kenz A. Bozed:
Handwritten Digit Classification based on Ensemble Majority Voting Classifier. 26-31 - Sultan Alqaddafi, Nawal Eldrogi:
Sample Study of Elver Behaviour Using Computer Vision. 32-36 - Asmaa Nasr Mohammed:
Unveiling Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis with Convolutional Neural Networks: Visualizing Features and Class Activation Mapping. 37-42 - Issa Ali, Alyaseh Nagi Askir, Sedat Nazlibilek:
Design of an Adaptive PID Controller Based Linear Neural Network for Two-Area Interconnected Power System. 43-49 - Meziane Ait Ziane, Hugues Rafaralahy, Michel Zasadzinski, Cédric Join:
Model-Free Control of Alkaline Electrolysis Temperature with Time Delays. 50-55 - Faissl G. Chremk, Hanène Medhaffar:
Power Loss Reduction in High Voltage Transmission Systems Using Shunt FACTS Devices. 56-62 - Nicolas Daniel, Youssef Kraiem, Dhaker Abbes, Abdel Aitouche:
An Optimal Power Management Strategy Based on the Parking Time for Electric Vehicles Charging Station Powered by PV-Based DC Microgrid. 63-69 - Aghyles Graine
, Nour Karnib
, Jean-Paul Gaubert, Antoine Bertout, Emmanuel Grolleau, Didier Larraillet:
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for the Distribution Network Reconfiguration Problem. 70-75 - Hechmi Ben Mahdhi, M. Maghrebi, H. Ben Azza:
Simulation and Implementation of Direct Power Control Grid Connected Photovoltaic System. 76-81 - Ngada Haran Nathan, Mohsen Ben Ammar, Mohamed Ali Zdiri, Mohamed Djemel:
Enhancing Grid Reliability: The Effects of Integrating Renewable Energy Sources. 82-87 - Abdelhak Goudjil
, Eric Pigeon, Mathieu Pouliquen, Tomas Menard:
An Optimized Feedback Color Control for Multichannel LED Lighting System. 88-93 - Nahid Binandeh Dehaghani
, A. Pedro Aguiar
Quantum State Transfer Optimization: Balancing Fidelity and Energy Consumption using Pontryagin Maximum Principle. 94-99 - Dorijan Leko
, Filip Rukavina
, Matija Matijasic, Ivan Bralic, Mario Vasak:
Computationally Efficient Protective Methodology for Lithium-Ion Battery Cells Based on Safe Sets. 100-106 - Ioanna Malli, Christos Vlachos, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos:
Optimal Prescribed Performance Control for Euler-Lagrange Systems. 107-112 - Anil B
, Sneha Gajbhiye
Motion Planning with Obstacle Avoidance for Wheeled Inverted Pendulum System Based on PMP Approach. 113-118 - Marwen Kermani, Ahmed Jaballi, Anis Sakly:
Optimal Control Strategy for Switched Nonlinear Systems Based on Fire Hawk Optimizer Algorithm. 119-124 - Alexander V. Yurchenkov, Arkadiy Yu. Kustov:
Anisotropy-Based Control Design for Linear Discrete Time-Invariant Systems with Multiplicative Noises. 125-130 - Rafea. M. Almejrab, Omar M. Sallabi, Fawzi Faragg Bushaala, Abdelgader Bubaker Said Altajori, Abdelhafid Ali Mohamed:
A Classification Model For Phishing Detection System Based On Machine Learning Algorithms. 131-135 - Abdelfattah Elbarsha
, Aiman Gannous:
On the Embedding of Clinical Decision Support Systems in Diabetes Care. 136-140 - Fatiha Benabderrahmane, Samir Selmane, Nardjes Bouchemal:
Enhancing Security in Healthcare IoT Systems: Mitigating Threats and Protecting Patient Data. 141-146 - Ghofran Meftah, Mahmud Aburas, Tarek Nagem, Kenz A. Bozed:
Evaluating the Veracity of News Through Machine Learning Algorithms. 147-152 - Salheddine Sadouni
, Ouissal Sadouni
, Skander Aris, Abderraouf Messai, Leila Megouache, Zakaria Benzadri
Innovative FloodGuard: Pioneering Early Flood Detection Station. 153-158 - Yehya Bouzreraa, Nardjas Bouchemal, Salim Djaaboub:
GIS, AI, and Environmental Data in Fire Susceptibility Mapping: A Survey. 159-164 - Abdullah Baraean
, Mahmoud Kassas, Ahmed Bawazir:
Physics-Informed Neural Network-Based Predictive Model for Virtual Synchronous Machines in Inverter-Based Microgrids. 165-170 - I. I. Zetina-Rios, Marouane Alma, Gloria-Lilia Osorio-Gordillo, Mohamed Darouach, Carlos-M. Astorga-Zaragoza:
Generalized Adaptive Observer Design for a Class of Linear Algebro-Differential Systems. 171-176 - Xue Han, Mondher Farza, Mohammed M'Saad, Boutaïeb Dahhou:
Suitable Temperatures and Reaction Heats Estimation within an Intensified Heat Exchanger/Reactor. 177-182 - Duc To Nguyen, Saïd Mammar, Dalil Ichalal, Mohand Smaïli:
Functional Unknown Input Interval Observer and Fault Tolerant Control with Application to Vehicle Lateral Dynamics. 183-188 - Felipe Ramírez-Rasgado, Mondher Farza, Omar Hernandez-Gonzalez, Mohammed M'Saad, Carlos-M. Astorga-Zaragoza:
Observer Design for a Class of Nonlinear System with an Unknown Time-Delay in the Output. 189-194 - Fayez Shakil Ahmed, Hassan Hammouri:
Practical Algorithm for High Gain Observer: Application to a Mechanical System. 195-200 - Ines Jmel, Habib Dimassi, Salim Hadj Saïd, Mondher Farza:
Super Twisting Algorithm for Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum with Unmeasured State. 201-206 - Fatma Bouaziz, Abdelkarim Masmoudi, Achraf Abdelkafi, Lotfi Krichen:
Applying Machine Learning Algorithms for Fault Detection and Classification in Transmission Lines. 207-212 - Omar Moftah Mayouf, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Krichen:
Enhancing Hybrid Electric System Protection with IoT: A Design and Implementation of an Arduino-Based Environmental Monitoring Switching System with nRF24L01 Antenna. 213-218 - Julia Emelianova:
Iterative Learning Control of an Uncertain System with Input Saturation Using the Measurable Output. 219-224 - Eliana S. Omoora, Hajer A. Altaweil, Tarek Nagem, Kenz A. Bozed:
Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Based on Machine Learning Techniques. 225-231 - Saad Triban, Ahmed Lawgali:
Residential Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on CNN-LSTM with Consumer Behavior pattern. 232-237 - Ferdinand Friedrich, Julius Brandl, Christoph Ament:
A Decentralized, Distributed Sensor Network for Robust, Dynamic Multi-Target Tracking. 238-245 - Nada Elghoul, Cédric Delattre, Michel Zasadzinski, Kamel Abderrahim:
Input-Output Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization of Descriptor Systems. 246-251 - Asiel Hilal Abdulrasul, Omar M. Sallabi, Monther M. Elaish:
A Proposed Technology Acceptance Model for Measuring Cloud Computing Usage in Education. 252-257 - Bessem Bhiri, I-Alexandru Ivan:
A Simple Adaptive Anti-Windup Compensator Design with Application to Temperature Control System. 258-263 - Salahudden Salahudden, Pramath Bhatt, Khushali Patil, Abhishek Ghosh Roy, Anirban Roy:
Multirotor VTOL and Tilt Rotor Transition to Fixed Wing. 264-269 - Khadija-Ikram Mahider, Mohammed Ferfra, Reda Rabeh
Optimization of STATCOM PI Controller Parameters Using the Hybrid GA-PSO Algorithm. 270-275 - Mabroukah Mohammed Hamid, Fatimah Fathi Hammad, Nadia Hmad:
Image Impulse Noise Removal Using a Hybrid System Based on Self Organizing Map Neural Networks And Median Filters. 276-281 - Ibtihel Nouira, Omelkhir Boughzala, Ahmed Selmi, Mohamed Hédi Bedoui:
Brain Tumor Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network. 282-287 - Anas M. Mersal, Nabiel N. Asteita, Mohamed S. Gabriel, Salma M. Elkawafi, Hussameldin Abubakr:
Libyan Currency Recognition System to Assist the Blind Community with Machine Learning Techniques. 288-293 - Hakim Doghmane, Mohamed Cherif Amara Korba, Z. Mentouri, Abdelhalim Boualleg
, Hocine Bourouba, Moussa Sedraoui:
Contactless Palmprint Identification Based on Patch Local Neighborhood Binary Pattern. 294-299 - Salim Bendjoudi, Hakim Doghmane, Zoheir Mentouri, Hocine Bourouba:
A Binarized Multi-Resolution Feature-Based Offline Signature. 300-305 - Bessem Bhiri, Cédric Delattre, Michel Zasadzinski, Kamel Abderrahim:
Finite-Time Stability via Non Quadratic Lyapunov Functions of Nonlinear Quadratic Systems. 306-311 - Mabroukah Amarif, Aisha Alfitouri, Zaydan Allag:
An Automatic Generation of Test Cases in JUnit Testing Framework Using Genetic Algorithm. 312-317 - Salem A. B. Alfytouri, Gamal G. S. Hashem, Ayad A. Abdalla, Esam A. Elabeedy:
Numerical Prediction of PV Cell Temperature and Its Impact on Module Performance in Benghazi-Case Study. 318-322 - Abdanaser Okaf, Fathi Ahteewish, Mohamed Jernaz:
Performance Analysis of the Blockages Impact on Resource Allocation in Mm-Wave Cellular Systems. 323-328 - Esmaeil H. Alkhazmi, Salma M. Elkawafi, Assem A. Aldarrat, Mohammed A. Abbas, Hussameldin Abubakr, Hana A. Shamatah:
Analysis of Real-World LoRaWAN Network Performance Across Outdoor and Indoor Scenarios. 329-334 - Mohamed Awlad Busaif, Aiman Nouh
Assessing the Integration of Battery Electric Vehicle Chargers into a Typical Libyan Distribution Grid. 335-340 - Khaled M. Alkar, Maulod Khanan, Mohammed A. Issa:
Impact of Misalignment of Voltage Transformers on Transformers Performance in Mellitah Complex - Case Study. 341-347 - Mohamed Hamza Kermia, Konstantinos Aiwansedo, Oussama Djadane, Jérôme Bosche, Dhaker Abbes:
Forecasting Electricity Consumption in France Using a Hybrid Method Based on Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Approaches. 348-353 - Intesar N. El-Saeiti
, Suaad O. Ben-Farag:
Unlocking the Power of Data: Exploring SPSS, R, and Stata for Handling Missing Data. 354-359 - Karim Dabbabi, Abdelkarim Mars:
Identification of Different Arabic Dialects Using Randomly Multimodal Deep Learning (RMDL) Approach on AOC Database. 360-365 - Taheni Swibki, Ines Ben Salem, Youssef Kraiem, Lilia El Amraoui, Dhaker Abbes:
Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy Management Algorithms Effect on Microgrid Physical Properties. 366-371 - Marwa Ben Arab, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Krichen:
Homes Power Profiles Classification and Enhancement Using Machine Learning Techniques and PSO Algorithm. 372-377 - Abdulrahman Alzarouq, Marwa Ben Arab, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Krichen:
Hybrid Power Optimization at the Libyan Investment Authority: A Synergy of Homer Software and Machine Learning Application. 378-383 - Ioannis Triantafyllou
Thematic Categorization on University Records. 384-389 - Fatma Salem
Multi-RAT Diversity in Intelligent Vehicular Networks: A Review of Design and Implementation Issues. 390-395 - Moncef Triki, Bilel Dhouib, Soufien Hajji, Hsan Hadj Abdallah:
Small Signal Stability Analysis of Multi-Machine Power System Using Genetic Algorithm Technique. 396-402 - Bilel Dhouib, Moncef Triki, Mohamed Ali Zdiri, Hsan Hadj Abdallah:
Examining the Effects of STATCOM and MBPSS on the Integration of High-Level Wind Power into the Power Grid Under Fault Conditions. 403-409 - Ghazi A. Ghazi, Essam A. Al-Ammar, Hany M. Hasanien:
Marine Predators Algorithm-Based Model Predictive Controller for MPPT of Grid-Tied PV System. 410-415 - Abdelkarim Masmoudi, Achraf Abdelkafi, Lotfi Krichen:
Control and Supervision of a Hybrid Production Unit based on Renewable Energies. 416-420 - Sihem Ghoudelbourk, Nadia Ben Si Ali, M. Bayaud, R. Yousfi:
Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Micro Grid System. 421-426 - Yosra Sayahi, Moez Allouche, Mariem Ghamgui, Sandrine Moreau, Driss Mehdi:
Contribution to the Sensors Faults Diagnosis of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine: Multimodel Approach. 427-432 - Badreddine El Haiek, Taha Zoulagh, Karina A. Barbosa, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Abdelaziz Hmamed:
Robust H∞ Observer-Based Control Synthesis for a Class of One-Sided Lipschitz Uncertain Systems with Quantized-Input. 433-439 - Assaad Jmal, Omar Naifar
, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf:
Observer-based State Estimation of Conformable Fractional Systems, for various Nonlinearities. 440-443 - Lassaad Zaway, Jalel Ktari, Nader Ben Amor, Mohamed Jallouli, Maher Talmoudi:
Embedded Vision Solution for Defect Detection and Counting in Industry 4.0. 444-448 - Amina Kessentini, Ibtissem Wali, Mayssa Jarray, Nouri Masmoudi:
Enhancing E-Health with Secure IoT Architecture Leveraging Blockchain and AI. 449-452 - Jalel Ktari, Mariem Ben Kalia:
Improving QoS in Next-Generation Cellular Networks Using Blockchain and Drone Technologies. 453-458 - Neila Mezghani Ben Romdhane, Soufien Hajji, Jihen Elgoul, Tarak Damak, Mondher Farza:
Evolved State Feadback Control for Manipulator Robots. 459-463 - Fatih Adigüzel, Kadircan Kurtulus, Onur Akbati:
A Discrete-Time Trajectory Tracking Controller for an Underactuated Quadrotor UAV. 464-469 - Fatoumata Dao, Éric Busvelle:
Optimal Control of a Single Drive Car. 470-473 - Ahlem Saidi, Neila Mezghani Ben Romdhane, Tarak Damak:
Modeling of a 3RRR Parallel Robot. 474-479 - Othman Lakhal, Abdelkader Belarouci, Xinrui Yang, Abdel Aitouche, Rochdi Merzouki:
Kinematics Model for Guiding a 3D Printing Nozzle Using a Continuum-soft Arm. 480-486 - Asma Ounissi, Neila Mezghani Ben Romdhane, Mohamed Boukattaya:
Adaptive Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Multilateral Teleoperation Systems with Varying Time Delay. 487-492 - Seyed Morteza Hamzeh Pahnehkolaei, Shuo Wang:
Optimal Cell Distribution Control for Cancer Chemotherapy. 493-498 - Can Ulas Dogruer
Model Predictive Control Parameterized in Terms of Orthogonal Polynomials. 499-505 - M. Aboud, Ahmed Abougarair, Adel Emhemmed:
Robust H-Infinity Controller Synthesis Approach for Uncertainties System. 506-511 - Can Ulas Dogruer
Model Predictive Control Using First/Third Order Splines. 512-517 - Can Ulas Dogruer
Model Predictive Control Using Input Signal Approximated by Cubic LSE Splines. 518-523 - Oussama Djadane, Ahmed El Hajjaji:
Active Leader-Following Robust Control for Uncertain Linear Multi-Agent Systems with Input Constraints. 524-529 - Mussa A. Omar:
Measurement of ChatGPT Performance in Mapping Natural Language Speficaction into an Entity Relationship Diagram. 530-535 - Tomonori Yao, Natsuki Kawaguchi, Takao Sato:
Model-free MIMO Design for Quad-rotor Drone Attitude Control. 536-541 - Alexandre Malfoy, Syed Ali Ajwad, Majda Boudkhil:
Autonomous Parking System for Vehicles: Trajectory Planning and Control. 542-547 - Ali Y. Al-Zahrani:
Unauthorized Drones: Classifications and Detection Techniques. 548-555 - Ahmed Benyoucef, Youcef Zennir:
Enhancing Hexapod Robot Locomotion Control Through PID Controller Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm. 556-561 - Nadia Ben Si Ali, Sihem Ghoudelbourk, Nadia Benalia, Nora Zerzouri:
Maximum Power Harvest from Shadowed PV Panels Using PSO Algorithm. 562-566 - Bel Hadj Salah Zahra, Saber Krim, Hajjaji Mohamed Ali:
Mitigating Chattering Phenomenon for Photovoltaic System Using Sliding Mode Control Under Rapid Irradiation Level Variation. 567-572 - Amira Dhorbani, Kahina Hassam-Ouari, Dhaker Abbes, Benoit Robyns:
Blockchain-Based Energy Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Energy sharing. 573-579 - Rahma Mbarek, Mariem Ghamgui, Mohamed Chaabane, Abdelmajid Ooualha, Fernando Tadeo
Proposal for Wind-Powered Irrigation in Tunisia. 580-585 - Abderrezzaq Ziane
, Rachid Dabou, Ammar Neçaibia, Abdelkrim Rouabhia, Nordine Sahouane, Salah Lachter, Seyfallah Khelifi, Abdeljalil Slimani:
Online PV Monitoring and Prediction Using Tree-Based Method. 586-590 - Seyfallah Khelifi, Abdelkrim Rouabhia, M. Blel, Ahmed Bouraiou, Ammar Neçaibia, Salah Lachtar, Abderrezzaq Ziane
, Rachid Dabou:
Analysis and Assessment of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Plant Performance in a Desert Climate of Southern Algeria. 591-595 - Soumaya Marzougui, Saïda Bedoui
, Kamel Abderrahim:
Hierarchical Parameter and State Estimation of Fractional Nonlinear Systems. 596-601 - Anthony Khoury
, Rachid Outbib, Rafic Younes:
New Identification Algorithm for Smartphone Simulation Use. 602-607 - Irryhl Mohammedi
, David Gucik-Derigny
, David Henry, Stéphane Ygorra:
A State-Space based Interval Estimator for LTI Systems under $H_{1}$ and/or $H_{\infty}$ Constraints. 608-613 - Christos Vlachos, Fotios Tolis
, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis:
Neural Network-Based Iterative Learning for Uncertain Non-Affine Dynamical Systems. 614-619 - Hasna El Maizi, Mathieu Pouliquen, Said Safi, Miloud Frikel:
Identification of Output Error Model with Bounded Disturbances. 620-625 - Naeima Ashleik, Rehab Shembesh, Salma Saad, Riham El Seaiti:
Factors Associated with Recurrence of Breast Cancer Using Cox Proportional Hazard Model. 626-631 - Mariem Smaoui, Lotfi Krichen:
Smart home based on Internet of Things. 632-637 - Mouloud Challal
Wideband Printed Antenna for Wireless Communication Systems. 638-640 - Abdelmalek Bengheni
Energy-Efficient Asynchronous MAC Protocol for WSNs with Energy Harvesters. 641-646 - Aqreerah Atuwayr, Akrem Asmeida, Haitham Saleh Ben Abdelmula, Abdulhakim Alhadi Anaiba:
Optimization of MIMO Antenna Approach for 5G Wireless Applications. 647-653 - Sana Ahmed Abdaljlil
, Fursan Thabit
, Amer R. Zerek
A Comparison Study of BER Performance for 8-PSK and 8-QAM Trellis Coded Modulations in a 2x2 OSTBC-MIMO System. 654-660 - Hanan S. M. Musbah
, Sana Ahmed Abdaljlil
, Amer R. Zerek
, Olga Boiprav
Analyzing the Effect of Phase Noise on 32-QAM Modulation Technique Performance Over AWGN Channel Using Matlab. 661-666 - Fayçal Djeffal, Hichem Ferhati:
Structural and Electrical Properties of Ag/SnO2 for Photovoltaic Applications. 667-670 - Filip Rukavina
, Dorijan Leko
, Matija Matijasic, Ivan Bralic, Juan M. Ugalde, Mario Vasak:
Identification of Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters for a Li-ion Battery Cell. 671-676 - Menglin He, Xue Han, Nathalie Di Miceli Raimondi, Michel Cabassud, Boutaib Dahhou, Lahcen Farhi:
The Simplified Modeling and Experimental Verification of a Heat Exchanger/Reactor. 677-682 - Iwan Rohman Setiawan, Taufik Ibnu Salim
, Aris Munandar:
Gravity Drained Tank Modeling. 688-693 - Omar Moftah Mayouf, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Krichen:
Design and Implementation of Dual-Output Solar Smart Inverter for Emergency and Off-Grid Applications: A Comparative Study. 694-699 - Mouhamadou Falilou Ndiaye
, Mamadou Bop
, Mohamed Cherif Aidara, Amy Mbaye, Willy Magloire Nkounga, Mamadou Lamine Ndiaye, Ababacar Ndiaye, Andrianaharinjaka Finiavana Aro-Zo Rakotonirina:
Photovoltaics Systems Performances Improvement: Problematic of Dust Waterless Automatic Cleaning on the Photovoltaic Solar Pannels Surface. 700-705 - Rosalie Rouphael, Nezha Maamri, Jean-Paul Gaubert:
Numerical Derivative Estimation for Improving the Performance of MPPT Algorithms in Photovoltaic Systems. 706-712 - Bashir Elhub, Abdulati M. M. Ibrahim, Alhadi A. Ammar, Abdelnaser M. Elbreki, Mustafa Agripi Farhat, Fasil Mohamed:
Simulation Study for An Adjustable Ejector Used in Solar Air-Conditioning Systems. 713-718 - Zouhaira Ben Mahmoud, Intissar Moussa, Adel Khedher:
Implementation of MPPT Algorithms to a Developed Photovoltaic Emulator: Study and Comparative Analysis. 719-724 - Asma Rekik, Ghada Boukettaya:
Study of a Four-Terminal VSC-HVDC Transmission System Operation for Onshore Integration of Offshore Wind-Farms. 725-730 - Ali Amrane, Youcef Zennir:
Trajectory Tracking Control of an Autonomous Electric Wheelchair Using Particle Swarm Optimization Based PID Controller. 731-736 - Rakia Tarkhani, Saber Krim, Mohamed Faouzi Mimouni:
Robustness Improvement and Cost Reduction of a Control System Based on a Sensorless Field-Oriented Control for an Electric Vehicle Based on an Induction Machine. 737-742 - Salama Makni, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Oussama Djadane, Mohamed Chaabane:
Observer Based Tracking Control for Diesel Engine Air Path Subject to Inputs Saturation. 743-747 - Khouloud Elkhalil, Ali Zribi:
Multimodel Control of Nonlinear Systems Using A New Weighting Method Based on Gap Metric. 748-753 - Mahmoud S. Abu Ihnak, Mohamed M. Edardar:
Comparing LQR and PID Controllers for Quadcopter Control Effectiveness and Cost Analysis. 754-759 - Oumayma Abderrahim, Anis Messaoud:
Fault Detection and Estimation for a Nonlinear System Based on Interval Multiobservers. 760-765 - Ravinder Katta, Nagarajan Sukavanam:
Solvability of Semilinear Operator Equations with Growing Nonlinearity using Tikhonov regularization. 766-769 - Kenta Nagao, Takao Sato, Natsuki Kawaguchi:
Optimal Model-Following Design of Input-output Quantization Control Systems. 770-773 - Robert Dehnert
, Sabine Lerch
, Michelle Rosik
, Andreas Rauh
, Bernd Tibken
Design of Robust Output Feedback Controllers for Discrete-Time Systems with Polynomial Uncertainties. 774-781 - Ayoub Raji
, Nicola Musiu, Alessandro Toschi, Francesco Prignoli
, Eugenio Mascaro, Pietro Musso, Francesco Amerotti, Alexander Liniger, Silvio Sorrentino, Marko Bertogna:
A Tricycle Model to Accurately Control an Autonomous Racecar with Locked Differential. 782-789 - Imam Barket Ghiloubi
, Latifa Abdou, Oussama Lahmar
, Ilyes Dahnoun:
3 DOF Quanser's Quadrotor Control Using LQR Based on PSO, FPA & ACO with Input Saturation. 790-795 - Marcel Kascha, Stephan Gierke, Marvin Frede, Roman Henze:
Survey and Real Implementation of Lateral Controllers for Automated Driving. 796-803 - Zoltán Téczely, Bálint Kiss:
Segmented Polytopic LPV Control: A Novel Method for Relaxed Constraints on Operating Regimes. 804-810 - Khouloud Elghoul, Khadija Dehri, Ridha Ben Abdennour:
A Fault Tolerant Second Order Sliding Mode Control. 811-816 - Tarek Aroui, Sameh Marmouch:
Autoencoder-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Induction Motors Diagnosis. 817-822 - Wijaya Kurniawan, Lorinc Márton:
Actuator Fault Estimation in Robot Platoons. 823-828 - Mohamed Elouni
, Habib Hamdi, Bouali Rabaoui, Mickael Rodrigues, Naceur Benhadj Braiek:
Integrated Design of Fault-Tolerant Control for a Class of Switching Systems with Sensor Faults. 829-835 - Fida Tahri, Samah Ben Atia, Anis Messaoud, Ridha Ben Abdennour:
A Robust Sensor Fault Detection Based on Residual Intervals Generator. 836-843 - Salwa Yahia, Saïda Bedoui
, Kamel Abderrahim:
Adaptive Sensor Fault Tolerant Control for Hybrid Systems with Unpredicted Switching Signals. 844-848 - Fatma Zohra Boudani, Nafaa Nacereddine
, Nacéra Laiche:
Texture Features Extraction Using Wavelet-Based CLBP for Surface Defects Retrieval of Hot Rolled Steel Strip. 849-854 - Abir Chaari, Imen Fourati Kallel, Faten Ben Hammouda, Mondher Frikha:
Corneal Endothelial Images Segmentation Using Deep Learning Model. 855-861 - Igor Petukhov, Liudmila Steshina, Pavel Kurasov
, Ilya Tanryverdiev:
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Moving Object Management in Virtual Reality. 862-865 - Laila Dami
, Abdellah Benzaouia:
Asymptotic Stability of Discrete Two Dimensional Fractional Order Positive Systems. 866-869 - Ali Omar M. Alsharif
, Assaad Jmal, Omar Naifar
, Ausama H. Ahmed, Hamdi Gassara, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf:
On the Stabilization of a Class of OSL Conformable Fractional Order Nonlinear Systems. 870-874 - Yu-Qing Zhang, Da-Yan Liu, Driss Boutat, Yan-Qiao Wei:
Distributed State Estimation for Fractional-Order Linear Systems Based on A Network of Reduced-Order Centralized Observers. 875-880 - Yan-Qiao Wei, Da-Yan Liu, Changchun Hua:
Simultaneous Algebraic Estimation of Pseudo-State and Disturbance for a Class of Fractional Order Linear Systems. 881-885 - Chang Liu, Da-Yan Liu, Driss Boutat, Yong Wang, Yan-Qiao Wei:
Fast and Robust Differentiator for Non-Commensurate Fractional-Order Linear Systems. 886-890 - Nezha Maamri, Jean-Claude Trigeassou:
Modeling and Characterization of a Fractional Lorenz Chaotic Variant with the Infinite State Representation. 892-898 - Asmaa Nasr Mohammed, Hana. Ghait. Alfughi, Fatima M. Alneqrat, Hajer. A. Aghnaya, Amal A Mohammed:
Utilising BCI Techniques for Controlling Robotic Arm Movements by Motor Imagery Signals. 899-904 - Sahar Jenhani
, Hassène Gritli
Enhancing Knee Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Control via a Robust LMI-Based Strategy and by Considering State Constraints. 905-911 - Tahani Muftah Abdulsalam Hamad, Wafa El-Tarhouni:
Support Vector Machine for Cardiac Catheterization. 912-918 - Ahlem Sassi, Islam Boussaada, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu:
Reduced-Order Observer Design for Time-Delay Systems Using Partial Pole Placement. 919-924 - Andreas Rauh, Marit Lahme
Analysis of a Sensor Switching Approach for State Estimation with Applications to Electrochemical Power Converters and Energy Storage Systems. 925-930 - Michelle Rosik
, Robert Dehnert
, Sabine Lerch
, Bernd Tibken
Observability Analysis of Nonlinear Input-Linear Systems Based on Lie Derivations Using Interval Arithmetic. 931-937 - Fatimah Dawoud Mousay, Souad I. Mugassabi, Asma Ail Budalal:
Security Measures for Ensuring Confidentiality of Information Using Encryption by Elliptic Curve with Precomputation. 938-942 - Hichem Ferhati, Fayçal Djeffal:
Novel SnS Absorber Film Based on Grooves and Au-Nanoparticles for Photovoltaic Applications. 943-947 - Bartas Abaravicius
, Alexandru Moldovan, Clara Borges, Sandy Cochran, Jean-Francois Saillant, Srinjoy Mitra:
Integrated Ultrasound Pulser for NDT Applications. 948-952 - Hamzeh Abu Qamar, Khaled Mohammed, Sami Meetani, Rashed Alketbi, Malik Umar, Mahmoud Al Ahmad
Clot Monitoring Through Electromechanical Analysis. 953-958 - Abdurazaq Elbaz, Albashir K. Elfaqih
Impact of Dust Accumulation on Photovoltaic System Performance in a Coast Environment-Case Study in Libya. 959-963 - Arkadiy Yu. Kustov, Alexander V. Yurchenkov:
Anisotropy-based Analysis Problem for Linear Discrete Time Invariant Systems with Fixed-point Arithmetic in Control Actions Space. 964-968 - Mahdi Boukerdja, Belkacem Ould Bouamama, Balyogi Mohan Dash:
A Bond Graph Approach to Detect and Isolate Fault on Hybrid Multi-Source System. 969-974 - Laila Dami
, Abdellah Benzaouia:
$H_{\infty}$ Control for $2D$ Continuous Singular Systems Described by the Roesser Model. 975-979

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