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IGARSS 2003: Toulouse, France
- 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, July 21-15, 2003. IEEE 2003, ISBN 0-7803-7929-2
- Yann H. Kerr, Philippe Waldteufel, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Jordi Font, Michael Berger:
The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission. 1-3 - Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Thierry Pellarin, Philippe Waldteufel, Yann Kerr:
Monitoring land surface soil moisture from multiangular SMOS observations. 4-6 - Jordi Font, Gary S. E. Lagerloef, David M. Le Vine, Adriano Camps, Ouan-Zan Zanife:
The determination of surface salinity with SMOS - recent results and main issues. 7-9 - Jacqueline Boutin, Philippe Waldteufel, Nicolas Martin, Yann Kerr, Gérard Caudal, Emmanuel P. Dinnat, Jacqueline Etcheto:
Uncertainties on salinity retrieved from SMOS measurements over global ocean. 10-12 - Adriano Camps, Ignasi Corbella, Mercè Vall-Llossera, Nuria Duffo, F. Marcos, F. Martinez-Fadrique, M. Greiner:
The SMOS end-to-end performance simulator: description and scientific applications. 13-15 - Philippe Waldteufel, Jean-Luc Vergely, Charles Cot:
A cardioid model for multi-angular radiometric observations. 16-18 - Roger H. Lang, Cuneyt Utku, David M. Le Vine:
Measurement of the dielectric constant of seawater at L-band. 19-21 - Haruhisa Shimoda:
Present status of GCOM mission. 22-24 - Anne Lifermann, Catherine Proy:
POLDER on ADEOS-2. 25 - Toshiaki Takeshima, Yoshio Ishido, Junichi Inoue, Shinichi Matsuoka, Toyoyuki Takeba, Naoto Matsuura:
ADEOS-II (Midori-II) data system. 26-28 - Tamotsu Igarashi, Naoto Matsuura:
ADEOS-II calibration and validation plan. 29-31 - S. Walt McCandless:
The origin, evolution and legacy of SEASAT. 32-34 - Werner Alpers:
Ocean surface wave imaging from Seasat to Envisat. 35-37 - Frank M. Monaldo:
SEASAT sees the winds with SAR. 38-40 - Wei Lu, Takeshi Doihara, Kiichiro Ogawa, Masayuki Matsuda:
Spatial decision support system for sediment related disaster prevention planning. 41-43 - Rachel Bardy Prado, Evlyn M. L. de Moraes Novo:
GIS application to map watershed physical features contributing to reservoir water quality. 44-46 - Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Marco Moreno, Serguei Levachkine, Rolando Quintero:
Designing Spatial Analyzer Module in a distributed geographical environment. 47-49 - Ge Chen, Lixin Fang, Chaoyang Fang:
A new approach for tracking the trajectory of oceanic warm pool. 50-52 - Masatoshi Mori:
Integration of high resolution (10 m) DEM with Geographic Information Systems. 53-55 - Zhenfeng Shao, Deren Li, Qimin Cheng:
A topological 3D reconstruction of complicated buildings and crossroads. 56-58 - Kyong-Ho Kim, Sung-Soo Kim, Sung-Ho Lee, Jong-Hyun Park, Jong-Hyun Lee:
The interactive geographic video. 59-61 - F. Cerdat, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia
Urban scene rendering using object description. 62-64 - Mohammed Shokr, Thorsten Markus:
Evaluation of ice concentration algorithms using data fusion of SSM/I and Radarsat. 65-67 - Sverre T. Dokken:
Geophysical interpretation of ScanSAR data in relation to SSM/I data and numerical models of Arctic sea ice. 68-70 - Hyrum S. Anderson, David G. Long:
Polar sea ice mapping using SeaWinds data. 71-73 - Juha Karvonen, Markku Similä, Istvan Heiler:
Ice thickness estimation using SAR data and ice thickness history. 74-76 - Vitaly Y. Alexandrov, Ola M. Johannessen, I. V. Samsonov, Leonid P. Bobylev, K. Kloster:
A comparative analysis of data on multiyear sea ice distribution in the Arctic as retrieved from satellite passive microwave radiometer and radar images. 77-79 - Edwin M. Winter:
Mitigating the effects of bad and noisy detectors on hyperspectral data. 80-82 - Alexander F. H. Goetz, K. Franklin Evans, Mario Ferri:
Removing thin cirrus cloud effects in Hyperion data using the 1.38 and 1.87 μm water vapor absorption bands. 83-85 - Michael Griffin, Hsiao-hua K. Burke, Dan Mandl, Jerry Miller:
Cloud cover detection algorithm for EO-1 Hyperion imagery. 86-89 - Gerald W. Felde, Gail P. Anderson, Thomas W. Cooley, Michael W. Matthew, Steven M. Adler-Golden, Alexander Berk, Jamine Lee:
Analysis of Hyperion data with the FLAASH atmospheric correction algorithm. 90-92 - Roberto Pedrós, José Moreno, José A. Martínez-Lozano, María Pilar Utrillas, José Luis Gómez-Amo:
A new algorithm for atmospheric correction of the multiangular and hyperspectral data acquired during the DAISEX campaign. 93-95 - Jeffrey H. Bowles, Wei Chen, David B. Gillis:
ORASIS framework - benefits to working within the linear mixing model. 96-98 - John P. Kerekes, Mary Ann Glennon, Ronald B. Lockwood:
Unmixing analysis: model prediction compared to observed results. 99-102 - Satish K. Srivastava, P. Le Dantec, R. Gray, Robert K. Hawkins, Kevin P. Murnaghan:
RADARSAT-1 image quality maintained in extended mission. 103-105 - Vern Singhroy, Patrick Assouad, Peter Barnett, Katrin Molch:
Terrain interpretation from SAR techniques. 106-108 - Tazio Strozzi, Urs Wegmüller, Andreas Wiesmann, Charles Werner:
Validation of the X-SAR SRTM DEM for ERS and JERS SAR geocoding and 2-pass differential interferometry in alpine regions. 109-111 - Dan Johan Weydahl, Jørn Sagstuen, Oystein B. Dick, Hans Rønning, Lindy Hansen:
Analysis of X-SAR SRTM elevation data to estimate surface cover heights over land areas. 112-114 - Christophe Bourlier, Nicolas Dechamps, Gérard Berginc:
Electromagnetic scattering from rough surfaces with the first- and second-order Kirchhoff approximation in high-frequency limit. 115-117 - Nicolas Dechamps, Christophe Bourlier, Nicole de Beaucoudrey, S. Toutain:
Numerical simulations of scattering from multilayers separated by one-dimensional rough interfaces. 118-120 - Marc Saillard, Gabriel Soriano:
Approximate solution for scattering from rough surface with small slopes. 121-123 - Qin Li, Leung Tsang, Lin Zhou:
Study of microwave signatures of soils with various rough surface spectra based on 3-D numerical simulations of Maxwell equations. 124-126 - Giorgio Franceschetti, Antonio Iodice, Daniele Riccio, Giuseppe Ruelllo:
A 2-D Extended Boundary Condition Method for scattering from perfectly conducting fractal surfaces. 127-129 - Alexander G. Yarovoy:
Monte Carlo simulations of surface clutter in GPR scenarios. 130-132 - Céline Baudier, Richard Dusséaux:
Scattering by rough surfaces: comparison between simulations and experimental radar data. 133-135 - Massimo Marrazzo, Roberto Sabia, Maurizio Migliaccio:
IEM sea surface scattering and the generalized p-power spectrum. 136-138 - James C. West:
Small slope approximation modeling of scattering from a spilling breaker wave crest. 139-141 - S. Schubert, M. Rienecker, M. Mlynczak, T. Miller, Mark R. Schoeberl:
Ocean and atmosphere: predicting monthly to seasonal climate variability and the oceanic and atmospheric causes and effects. 142-144 - David L. Peterson, Paul J. Curran, Marty Mlynzcak, Richard Miller:
The biosphere: a decadal vision. 145-150 - Michael J. Prather:
An examination of anthropogenic climate forcing in the 21st century: greenhouse gases and aerosols - direct and indirect. 151-154 - Frédéric Baret
, R. Vintila:
Satellite derived leaf area index derived from SOPT time series in the ADAM project. 155-157 - Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Yoshio Inoue, Wanda Kowalik, Maria Gruszczynska:
Examination of crop characteristics using microwave data. 158-160 - Jacqueline Le Moigne, Jeffrey T. Morisette, Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes, Nathan S. Netanyahu, Roger D. Eastman, Harold S. Stone:
Earth science imagery registration. 161-163 - Leong Keong Kwoh, Xiaojing Huang
Automatic image registration and color merging for SPOT5 imagery. 164-166 - Hong Zhang, Chao Wang, Yixian Tang, Zhi Liu:
A new image registration method for multi-frequency airborne high-resolution SAR images. 167-169 - S. O'Dwyer, Philip Lewis, Jan-Peter Müller:
An application of stereomatching to the problem of geo-referencing historical air-photos. 170-172 - Sidharta Gautama, Alexander Borghgraef:
Using graph matching to compare VHR satellite images with GIS data. 173-175 - Mohamed A. Mohamed, Kwang-Eun Kim:
Use of texture filters to improve quality of digital elevation models derived from stereo imagery. 176-178 - Urs Wegmüller, Charles Werner, Andreas Wiesmann, Tazio Strozzi:
Radargrammetry and space triangulation for DEM generation and image ortho-rectification. 179-181 - Hoonyol Lee
, Joanna V. Morgan, Michael R. Warner:
Radargrammetry of opposite-side stereo Magellan synthetic aperture radar on Venus. 182-184 - Hubert M. J. Cantalloube, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez:
Airborne X-band SAR imaging with 10 cm resolution - technical challenge and preliminary results. 185-187 - D. G. Corr, A. Walker, U. Benz, Iris Lingenfelder, A. Rodrigues:
Classification of urban SAR imagery using object oriented techniques. 188-190 - James K. E. Tunaley:
The estimation of ship velocity from SAR imagery. 191-193 - Ridha Touzi, François Charbonneau:
The SSCM for ship characterization using polarimetric SAR. 194-196 - Samuel Foucher, Jean-Marc Boucher, Goze B. Bénié:
Multiscale classification and filtering of SAR images using Dempster-Shafer theory. 197-199 - Bruno Aiazzi, Luciano Alparone, Stefano Baronti, Andrea Garzelli:
Coherence estimation from multilook detected SAR images. 200-202 - Mohamed Yahia, Ziad Belhadj:
Unsupervised classification of polarimetric SAR images using neural networks. 203-205 - Qun Zhang, Tat Soon Yeo:
Novel registration technique of InISAR and InSAR. 206-208 - Michaela Kircher, Achim Roth, Nico Adam, Bert M. Kampes, Horst J. Neugebauer:
Remote sensing observation of mining induced subsidence by means of differential SAR-interferometry. 209-211 - Tazio Strozzi, Luigi Tosi, Urs Wegmüller, Charles Werner, Pietro Teatini, L. Carbognin:
Land subsidence monitoring service in the Lagoon of Venice. 212-214 - Jacopo Allievi, C. Ambrosi, M. Ceriani, Carlo Colesanti, Giovanni B. Crosta, Alessandro Ferretti, D. Fossati:
Monitoring slow mass movements with the Permanent Scatterers technique. 215-217 - Giuseppe Antonello, Nicola Casagli, Paolo Farina, Joaquim Fortuny, Davide Leva, Giovanni Nico, Alois J. Sieber, Dario Tarchi:
A ground-based interferometer for the safety monitoring of landslides and structural deformations. 218-220 - Erwan Pathier, Jacques Angelier, Bénédicte Fruneau, Benoît Deffontaines:
Contributions of InSAR to study active tectonics of Taiwan. 221-223 - Geir Engen, Harald Johnsen, Bertrand Chapron
Curvature effects in ocean surface scattering. 224-226 - John P. Dugan:
Frequency-wavenumber spectra of shoaling ocean waves. 227-229 - Jochen Horstmann, Paris W. Vachon, Susanne Lehner, Danielle Hoja:
SAR measurements of ocean wind and wave fields in hurricanes. 230-232 - Francis M. Monaldo, Donald R. Thompson, Nathaniel S. Winstead:
Combining SAR and scatterometer data to improve high resolution wind speed retrievals. 233-235 - F. Askari, R. P. Signell, J. Chiggiato, J. Doyle:
RADARSAT mapping of BORA/SIROCCO winds in the Adriatic Sea. 236-238 - Mark A. Bourassa, David E. Weissman:
The development and application of a sea surface stress model function for the QuickSCAT and ADEOS-II sea winds scatterometers. 239-241 - William J. Plant, Ralph Foster, Hans Graber, William M. Drennan, Larry Mahrt, Vladimir G. Irisov, David G. Long:
Comparison of wind vectors and air-sea temperature differences measured during SHOWEX. 242-244 - Vladimir G. Irisov, Oleg A. Godin:
Microwave brightness temperature variations caused by ocean internal waves. 245-247 - W. Timothy Liu, Wenqing Tang:
Air-sea interaction with multiple sensors - Seasat legacy. 248-250 - Darrel L. Williams, James R. Irons, Samuel Goward, Jeffrey G. Masek:
The first four years of the Landsat 7 mission: a review. 251 - Vincent Simonneaux, Pierre François:
Identifying main crop classes in an irrigated area using high resolution image time series. 252-254 - Chongqing Ke, Lorenz King, Jiang Tong:
Land use/cover change in the red soil region, China during the period 1988-2000. 255-257 - Yaw A. Twumasi, Andrew Manu, Thomas L. Coleman, Gandah Mohamadou, Jean-Baptiste S. Taonda:
The use of satellite imagery in rangeland management: a comparative analysis of three Sahelian zones. 258-260 - Mahta Moghaddam, Kenneth R. McDonald, Josef Cihlar, Wenjun Chen:
Mapping wetlands of the North American boreal zone from satellite radar imagery. 261-263 - Matthew C. Hansen, Ruth S. DeFries, John R. Townshend, Mark L. Carroll, Charlene M. DiMiceli, Robert A. Sohlberg:
Development of 500 meter vegetation continuous field maps using MODIS data. 264-266 - Andrew Manu, Yaw A. Twumasi, Thomas L. Coleman, Ibrahim Zanguina:
The use of GIS and satellite remote sensing techniques for the management of inland dry valley systems of the Sahel: the case of the watershed toposequence of Tanda, Niger. 267-269 - Robert Ezraty:
New-ice detection using microwave sensors. 270-272 - Peter J. Minnett:
Radiometric measurements of air-sea and air-ice temperature differences in the Arctic. 273-275 - Bor-Chen Kuo, Jinn-Min Yang, David A. Landgrebe:
Gaussian mixture classifier with regularized covariance estimator for hyperspectral data classification. 276-278 - Mark Berman, Harri T. Kiiveri, Ryan Lagerstrom, Andreas T. Ernst, Rob Dunne, Jonathan F. Huntington:
ICE: an automated statistical approach to identifying endmembers in hyperspectral images. 279-283 - David G. Goodenough, Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Tian Han, Sarah McDonald, Matthew Murdoch, K. Olaf Niemann, Jay Pearlman, Chris West:
EVEOSD forest information products from AVIRIS and Hyperion. 284-287 - Grégoire Mercier, Marc Lennon:
Support vector machines for hyperspectral image classification with spectral-based kernels. 288-290 - Javier Plaza
, Antonio Plaza
, Pablo Martínez, Rosa M. Pérez:
H-COMP: a tool for quantitative and comparative analysis of endmember identification algorithms. 291-293 - Andrew Dyk, David G. Goodenough, Suzanne Thompson, Christian Nadeau, Allan Hollinger, Shen-En Qian:
Compressed hyperspectral imagery for forestry. 294-296 - Donna Korycinski, Melba M. Crawford, J. W. Barnes, Joydeep Ghosh:
Adaptive feature selection for hyperspectral data analysis using a binary hierarchical classifier and tabu search. 297-299 - Jean-Pierre Gleyzes, Aimé Meygret, C. Fratter, Chantal Panem, Simon Baillarin, Christophe Valorge:
SPOT5: system overview and image ground segment. 300-302 - Aurélie Bouillon, E. Breton, F. De Lussy, R. Gachet:
SPOT5 geometric image quality. 303-305 - Laurent Lebegue, Véronique Pascal, Aimé Meygret, Dominique Léger:
SPOT5 radiometric image quality. 306-308 - Philippe Nonin, Sylvaine Piccard:
Performance analysis of DEM automatic extraction from SPOT5 sensors. 309-311 - Philippe Kubik, Paul Duchon, Isabelle Sebbag:
Pushing the limits of SPOT HRV resolution with steered viewing modes. 312-314 - Christophe Latry, Bernard Rougé:
Super resolution: quincunx sampling and fusion processing. 315-317 - Pierre Dhérété, Bernard Rougé:
Image de-blurring and application to SPOT5 THR satellite imaging. 318-320 - Philippe Delclaux:
SPOT ground segment operational performances. 321-323 - James Palmer, John Homer, Bijan Mojarrabi:
Improving on the monostatic radar cross section of targets by employing sea clutter to emulate a bistatic radar. 324-326 - Vinod K. Ramnath, Roger L. King, Nicolas H. Younan:
Estimation of soil moisture using Radarsat repeat-passes. 327-329 - Marco Tedesco, Paolo Pampaloni, Jouni Pulliainen
, Martti Hallikainen:
Classification and retrieval of dry snow parameters by means of SMM/I data and artificial neural networks. 330-332 - Brian K. Hornbuckle, Anthony W. England:
Vegetation canopy anisotropy at 1.4 GHz. 333-335 - Dong Chen, Leung Tsang, Ya-Qiu Jin:
Microwave emission and scattering of layered foam based on Monte Carlo simulations of dense media. 336-338 - Sharmila Padmanabhan, Steven C. Reising:
Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of reproducible breaking waves. 339-341 - Abhinav Mathur, Lori M. Bruce, Anil M. Cheriyadat, Huang-de Hennessy Lin:
Hyperspec - analysis of handheld spectroradiometer data. 342-344 - Jianqin Wang, Yong Xue, Huadong Guo
A spatial information grid supported prototype telegeoprocessing system. 345-347 - Michele Federico Iapaolo:
Automatic selection by means of neural networks of GOME optimum spectral channels for the retrieval of ozone vertical profiles. 348-350 - John D. Cunningham, Frederick L. Ricker, Craig S. Nelson:
The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System future US operational Earth observation system. 351-356 - Hal J. Bloom:
The NPOESS spacecraft and payload suite. A next generation low Earth orbit observation platform. 357-359 - Peter A. Wilczynski:
The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP): leading the change for NPOESS. 360-362 - John W. Overton:
NPOESS Field Terminal Segment. 363-365 - Hung-Lung Huang, Richard A. Frey, William L. Smith, Daniel K. Zhou, Hal J. Bloom:
Defining optimal spatial resolution for high-spectral resolution infrared sensors. 366-368 - Carl Schueler, J. Ed Clement, Lane Darnton, Frank DeLuccia, Tanya Scalione, Hilmer W. Swenson:
VIIRS sensor performance. 369-372 - Narinder S. Chauhan:
NPOESS Conical Microwave Imager/Sounder: issues and progress. 373 - Vincent Grano, Shivadev K. Ubhayakar, John Mike Haas, Carl Schueler:
Introduction, overview, and status of the NPOESS aerosol polarimetry sensor (APS). 374-376 - Juanjuan Jing, Jihua Wang, Pengxin Wang, Yuchun Pan, Liangyun Liu
, Jindi Wang, Hua Wang, Wenjiang Huang:
Using the NDVI contribution ratio at different growth stages to estimate winter wheat yield. 377-379 - Jaime Garatuza-Payan, Antonio Tamayo, Christopher Watts, Julio César Rodriguez:
Estimating large area wheat evapotranspiration from remote sensing data. 380-382 - Klaus Hünting, Christof J. Weissteiner, Walter Kühbauch:
Yield prediction of malting barley based on meteorological data. 383-385 - Feng Zhang, Bingfang Wu, Chenglin Liu:
Using time series of SPOT VGT NDVI for crop yield forecasting. 386-388 - Jingfeng Xin, Guoliang Tian, Qinhuo Liu
, Liangfu Chen, Xiaozhou Xin:
Drought monitoring from the remotely sensed temperature and vegetation index in China. 389-391 - Umirzak Sultangazin, Nadiya Muratova, Paul C. Doraiswamy, Alexey Terekhov:
Estimation of weed infestation in spring crops using MODIS data. 392-394 - Bernardo F. T. Rudorff, Mauricio Alves Moreira, M. S. Targa, J. G. Freitas:
Solar radiation absorption of wheat cultivars grown under different nitrogen levels and water deficit. 395-397 - Craig Anderson, Rosie Bryson, James Alford, Carlos Madrigal, Gary Holmes:
Integrating SAR and optical products for crop management (Isocrop) iophysical parameter retrieval using X and L band SAR data. 398-400 - Thomas J. Jackson, Rajat Bindlish, Marian Klein, Albin J. Gasiewski, Eni G. Njoku:
Soil moisture retrieval and AMSR-E validation using an airborne microwave radiometer in SMEX02. 401-403 - Jakob J. van Zyl, Eni G. Njoku, Thomas J. Jackson:
Quantitative analysis of SMEX'02 AIRSAR data for soil moisture inversion. 404-406 - Peggy E. O'Neill, Alicia T. Joseph, Gabrielle J. M. De Lannoy, Roger H. Lang, Cuneyt Utku, Edward Kim, Paul R. Houser, Timothy Gish:
Soil moisture retrieval through changing corn using active/passive microwave remote sensing. 407-409 - Simonetta Paloscia, Giovanni Macelloni, Paolo Pampaloni, Emanuele Santi, Roberto Ranzi, S. Barontini:
Microwave radiometric measurements of hydrological parameters in mountain areas. 410-412 - Jiancheng Shi, Eni G. Njoku, Kun-Shan Chen, Thomas J. Jackson, P. O'neill:
Estimation of soil moisture with repeat-pass L-band radiometer measurements. 413-415 - Venkat Lakshmi, John D. Bolten, Ujjwal Narayan, Thomas J. Jackson:
Estimation of soil moisture using data from advanced microwave scanning radiometer. 416-417 - Anthony W. England, Xiaohua Lin, Jason Smerdon, Nathan H. Pollack:
The influence of soil moisture upon the geothermal climate signal. 419-421 - Wolfgang-Martin Boerner, Alberto Moreira, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Irena Hajnsek, Eric Pottier, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Andreas Reigber, Shane R. Cloude, Motoyuki Sato, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Jong-Sen Lee, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Dale L. Schuler, Ridha Touzi, Thomas I. Lukowski:
Need for developing multi-band single and multiple pass POLinSAR monitoring platforms in air and space. 422-424 - Koji Kimura, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Yamada:
Pi-SAR image analysis using polarimetric scattering parameters and total power. 425-427 - Jong-Sen Lee, Dale L. Schuler, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Polarization orientation estimation and applications: a review. 428-430 - Motoyuki Sato, Takafumi Koike:
Classification of tree types by polarimetric Pi-SAR. 431-433 - Laurent Ferro-Famil, Andreas Reigber, Eric Pottier, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Analysis of anisotropic behavior using sub-aperture polarimetric SAR data. 434-436 - Axel Breuer, Irena Hajnsek, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier:
Full polarimetry versus partial polarimetry for quantitative surface parameter estimation. 437-439 - Sophie Allain, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier, Joaquim Fortuny:
Influence of resolution cell size for surface parameters retrieval from polarimetric SAR data. 440-442 - Jakob J. van Zyl, Yunjin Kim:
The use of polarimetric and interferometric SAR data in floodplain mapping. 443-445 - Jean-Marie Beaulieu, Ridha Touzi:
Segmentation of textured scenes using polarimetric SARs. 446-448 - Bernd Scheuchl, Ian G. Cumming, Irena Hajnsek:
Consolidation of a pixel-based classification using neighborhood information. 449-451 - Lori M. Bruce, Nicolas H. Younan, Roger L. King, Anil M. Cheriyadat:
Spectral reduction image processing techniques. 452-454 - Irene Epifanio, Pierre Soille
Segmentation of natural landscapes using morphological texture features. 455-457 - Luciano Alparone, Bruno Aiazzi, Stefano Baronti, Andrea Garzelli:
Sharpening of very high resolution images with spectral distortion minimization. 458-460 - Aaron K. Shackelford, Curt H. Davis:
Fully automated road network extraction from high-resolution satellite multispectral imagery. 461-463 - Fabio Dell'Acqua, Paolo Gamba, Alessio Ferrari:
Exploiting spectral and spatial information for classifying hyperspectral data in urban areas. 464-466 - Michaela De Martino, Federico Causa, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
Classification of optical high resolution images in urban environment using spectral and textural information. 467-469 - Jon Aevar Palmason, Jón Atli Benediktsson, Kolbeinn Árnason:
Morphological transformations and feature extraction of urban data with high spectral and spatial resolution. 470-472 - Jocelyn Chanussot, Jón Atli Benediktsson, Martino Pesaresi:
On the use of morphological alternated sequential filters for the classification of remote sensing images from urban areas. 473-475 - Farid Melgani, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A residual-based technique for the estimation of biophysical parameters from remote-sensing images. 476-478 - Laurent Beaudoin, Mathieu Imbert, Arnaud Jumelet, Joan Ruget, Olivier Hayot, Pierre Doucy, Gérard Escleyne:
Receiving images directly from meteorological satellites in an engineers' school: technical and pedagogical aspects. 479-481 - Elena A. Baldina, Ekaterina R. Chalova, Valentina I. Kravtsova, Olga V. Tutubalina
Design of electronic training aids on new types of satellite images and interpretation methods by Inter-University Aerospace Centre. 482-484 - Christiana C. Schumillius, Stephen Plummer, Shaun Quegan:
The SIBERIA-II project, greenhouse gas accounting and the global project context. 485-487 - S. Nilsson, Anatoly Shvidenko, Ian McCallum, Christiane Schmullius:
Quantification of full terrestrial biota major greenhouse gases budget at a regional scale: a combination of modeling systems, geographical information systems and remotely sensed data. 488-490 - Charles T. George, France Gerard, Heiko Baltzer, Ian McCallum, Anatoly Shvidenko, S. Nilsson, Christiane Schmullius:
Disturbances in the Siberian boreal forest - mapping fire-scars using multitemporal, multisensor approach. 491-493 - Janice L. Buckner:
NASA Advanced Component Technology Program, investments in remote sensing technologies. 494-496 - Simon H. Yueh, William J. Wilson, Eni G. Njoku, K. S. Kona, K. Bahadori, Yahya Rahmat-Samii:
Compact dual-frequency microstrip antenna feed for future soil moisture and sea surface salinity missions. 497-499 - Mahta Moghaddam, Ernesto Rodríguez, Yahya Rahmat-Samii, Delwyn Moller, James Hoffman, J. Huang, Sassan Saatchi:
Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (MOSS): a low-frequency radar for global deep soil moisture measurements. 500-502 - Willie L. Thompson, Wesley G. Hall, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Charles T. Johnson-Bey:
Low-power radio-frequency SiGe analog-to-digital converter. 503-505 - Robert Vincent Leslie, William J. Blackwell, Philip W. Rosenkranz, David H. Staelin:
183-GHz and 425-GHz passive microwave spectrometers on the NPOESS Aircraft Sounder Testbed-Microwave (NAST-M). 506-508 - René B. Gosselin, Stephen E. Seufert, L. R. Dod:
Design of a resonant edge-slot waveguide array for the Lightweight Rainfall Radiometer (LRR). 509-511 - Marty Mlynczak, David Johnson, Gail Bingham, Kenneth W. Jucks, Wesley A. Traub, Larry L. Gordley, John Harries:
The Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere (FIRST) project. 512-514 - Farzin Amzajerdian, Michael J. Kavaya, Upendra N. Singh, Jirong Yu:
2-micron coherent Doppler lidar for space-based global wind field mapping. 515-517 - Brian Cairns:
Polarimetric remote sensing of aerosols. 518-520 - Christoph Heer, Francis Soualle, Rolf Zahn, Rolf Reber:
Investigations on a new high resolution wide swath SAR concept. 521-523 - Andrew Blanchard, Jeffry Golden, Robert Morgan:
On the concept of an all digital sensor design. 524-526 - Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira:
Potential of digital beamforming in bi- and multistatic SAR. 527-529 - William N. Junek, Arun Ramanathan, Gordon Farquharson, Stephen J. Frasier, Russell Tessier, David J. McLaughlin, Mark A. Sletten, Jakov V. Toporkov:
First observations with the UMass dual-beam InSAR. 530-532 - Andreas R. Brenner, Joachim H. G. Ender:
Very wideband radar imaging with the airborne SAR sensor PAMIR. 533-535 - Andrew Blanchard, Jeffry Golden, Robert Morgan, James Cai, Andrea Fumagalli, Franco Maloberti:
Mega-Mesh sensor network design. 536-538 - K. Tomiyasu:
Conceptual spaceborne Ka-band spotlight synthetic aperture radar with reconfigurable aperture. 539-541 - Jean Paul Aguttes:
The SAR train concept: required antenna area distributed over N smaller satellites, increase of performance by N. 542-544 - Hsiao-hua K. Burke, Bijoy Misra, SuMay Hsu, Michael K. Griffin, Carolyn A. Upham, Kris Farrar:
EO-1 analysis applicable to coastal characterization. 545-548 - Soo Chin Liew, Leong Keong Kwoh:
Mapping optical parameters of coastal sea waters using the Hyperion Imaging Spectrometer: intercomparison with MODIS ocean color products. 549-551 - Sarah McDonald, K. Olaf Niemann, David G. Goodenough, Andrew Dyk, Chris West, Tian Han, Matthew Murdoch:
Hyperspectral remote sensing of conifer chemistry and moisture. 552-554 - Luis Gómez-Chova
, Javier Calpe, Gustau Camps-Valls, José David Martín-Guerrero, Emilio Soria-Olivas, Joan Vila-Francés, Luis Alonso-Chorda, José Moreno:
Feature selection of hyperspectral data through local correlation and SFFS for crop classification. 555-557 - Shunlin Liang:
Recent algorithm developments in quantitative remote sensing of land surfaces. 558-560 - E. Bappel, Agnès Bégué, M. Despinoy, Y. Buchon, Bertrand Siegmund:
Spectral indices as bio-indicators of sugar cane crop condition from hyperspectral CASI data. 561-563 - Bisun Datt, David L. B. Jupp, Tim R. McVicar, Tom G. van Niel:
Time series analysis of EO-1 Hyperion data for yield estimation at an agricultural site. 564-566 - Hervé Yésou, Stephen Clandillon, Bernard Allenbach, Claude Bestault, Paul de Fraipont, Jordi Inglada, J.-C. Favard:
A constellation of advantages with SPOT SWIR and VHR SPOT 5 data for flood extent mapping during the September 2002 Gard event (France). 567-569 - D. Lasselin, J. P. Sempere, Jean-Philippe Cantou:
Evaluation of the geographic information potential of SPOT5. 570-572 - Sylvia Sylvander, Isabelle Albert-Grousset, Patrice Henry:
Geometrical performance of the VEGETATION products. 573-575 - Etienne Bartholomé, Alan S. Belward, Frédéric Achard, Sergey A. Bartalev, Cesar Carmona-Moreno, Hugh Eva, Steffen Fritz, Jean-Marie Grégoire, Philippe Mayaux, Hans Jürgen Stibig, Kevin Tansey:
Use of data from the VEGETATION instrument for global environmental monitoring: some lessons from the GLC 2000 and the GBA 2000 projects. 576-578 - Jean-Louis Champeaux, Kyung-Soo Han, Laurent Franchistéguy, Jean-Louis Roujean, Roselyne Lacaze:
Land surface parameters derived from SPOT/VEGETATION data for use in meteorological models. 579-581 - Bertrand Fougnie, Patrice Henry, Jacques Stum, Pascal Mambert, Garance Weller, Philippe Gaspar:
An operational ocean color approach with Végétation/SPOT-4. 582-584 - Marc-Ph. Stoll, Claus Buschmann, Andrew Court, Tuomas Laurila, José Moreno, Ismaël Moya:
The FLEX-Fluorescence Explorer mission project: motivations and present status of preparatory activities. 585-587 - Ismaël Moya, A. Cartelat, Z. G. Cerovic, J.-M. Ducruet, S. Evain, J. Flexas, Yves Goulas, J. Louis, S. Meyer, N. Moise, Abderrahmane Ounis:
Possible approaches to remote sensing of photosynthetic activity. 588-590 - G. Cecchi, David Lognoli, I. Mochi
, Lorenzo Palombi
, E. Petrini, Valentina Raimondi
A high spectral resolution sensor for active and passive remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence. 591-593 - Elizabeth M. Middleton, James E. McMurtrey, Petya K. E. Campbell, Lawrence A. Corp, L. Maryn Butcher, E. W. Chapelle:
Foliar reflectance and fluorescence responses for plants under nitrogen stress determined with active and passive systems. 594-597 - Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada, John R. Miller, Driss Haboudane, Nicolas Tremblay, S. Apostol:
Detection of chlorophyll fluorescence in vegetation from airborne hyperspectral CASI imagery in the red edge spectral region. 598-600 - John R. Miller, Michael Berger, Luis Alonso, Zoran G. Cerovic, Yves Goulas, Stéphane Jacquemoud, Juliette Louis, Gina H. Mohammed, Ismaël Moya, Roberto Pedrós, José F. Moreno, Wouter Verhoef, Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada:
Progress on the development of an integrated canopy fluorescence model. 601-603 - Luis Alonso, José Moreno, Ismaël Moya, John R. Miller:
A comparison of different techniques for passive measurement of vegetation photosynthetic activity: solar-induced fluorescence, red-edge reflectance structure and photochemical reflectance indices. 604-606 - Yasunori Saito, Kazuya Yajima, Fumitoshi Kobayashi, Akio Nomura, Takao Suzuki:
Image detection of solar-induced plant fluorescence. 607-609 - Peter H. Hildebrand, Mark R. Schoeberl, Warren Wiscomb, Mariann Albjerg, Martin G. Mlynczak, Carol A. Raymond, Robert D. Ferraro, Tim Miller, Richard Miller, David Petersen:
The future global Earth observing system: system requirements and architecture. 610-614 - William J. Emery, Waleed Abdalati, Peter H. Hildebrand:
20, 000 leagues under the sea: a journey to the future of observing the deep oceans. 615-617 - Curtis W. Chen, Carol A. Raymond, Søren Nørvang Madsen:
Observational architectures for enabling earthquake forecasting. 618-620 - Gordon Innes Johnston:
The advantages of new vantages for Earth Science - Earth observation mission vantages: options. 621-623 - Faiza Lansing, Anil Kantak:
Smart Data Node in the Sky (SDNITS): communications system. 624-626 - Jonathan Hartley:
Earth remote sensing technologies in the twenty-first century. 627-629 - Robert D. Ferraro
, Tetsuya Sato, Guy Brasseur, Cecelia DeLuca, Eric Guilyardi:
Modeling the Earth system. Critical computational technologies that enable us to predict our planet's future. 630-633 - Shahid Habib:
Earth science futuristic trends and implementing strategies. 634-636 - Hampapuram K. Ramapriyan
NASA's Earth science data systems - past, present and future. 637-639 - Paul C. Smits, Alessandro Annoni:
Roadmap to the interoperability of geo-information and services in Europe. 640-642 - Liping Di:
The development of remote-sensing related standards at FGDC, OGC, and ISO TC 211. 643-647 - Myra Bambacus, George Percivaall:
Enabling decision support with geospatial standards. 648-650 - Kenneth Melero, Mark Hardy, Mark Lucas:
Open-Source Software technologies for data archiving and online geospatial processing. 651-653 - Enrico Magli, David Taubman
Image compression practices and standards for geospatial information systems. 654-656 - Kathleen Carr, Richard Meyer, Calin Duma, Keith Bryant, Robert Hartranft, Rita F. Bergman, Steve Fox:
Storage and retrieval of spatially-qualified data from NASA's EOSDIS Data Pool. 657-659 - Charles G. O'Hara, Roger L. King:
A computational mapping engine portal for accessing geolibraries. 660-662 - Richard Ullman, Kenneth R. McDonald, Jean-Jacques Bedet, Helen Conover, Allan Doyle, Yonsook Enloe, John D. Evans, Ramachandran Suresh, Jingli Yang:
A proposed Strategy for Evolution of ESE Data Systems (SEEDS) standards process. 663-665 - Keiji Imaoka, Yasuhiro Fujimoto, Misako Kachi, Toshiaki Takeshima, Kei Shiomi, Hidekazu Mikai, Taroh Mutoh, Makoto Yoshikawa, Akira Shibata:
Post-launch calibration and data evaluation of AMSR-E. 666-668 - Ralph R. Ferraro, Jeffrey R. McCollum:
Rainfall over land from the AMSR-E. 669-671 - Akira Shibata, Keiji Imaoka, Misako Kachi, Yasuhiro Fujimoto, Taroh Mutoh:
AMSR/AMSR-E sea surface temperature algorithm development. 672-673 - Gang Hong, Jungang Miao, Georg C. Heygster, Klaus Kunzi:
Influence of surface radiation on retrieval of cloud liquid water and precipitable water vapor using AMSR-E data. 674-676 - Simonetta Paloscia, Emanuele Santi:
A semi-empirical algorithm for estimating soil moisture from dual-frequency microwave AMSR data. 677-679 - Alfred T. C. Chang, Richard E. J. Kelly, James L. Foster, Dorothy K. Hall:
Global SWE monitoring using AMSR-E data. 680-682 - B. Boba Stankov, Albin J. Gasiewski, Marian Klein, Vladimir Ye. Leuski, Bob L. Weber, Vladimir G. Irisov, Donald W. Cline, Aleksandr Yevgrafov:
Airborne measurement of snow cover properties using the polarimetric scanning radiometer during the Cold Land Process Experiments (CLPX02-03). 683-685 - Alberto Refice
, Francesco Mattia, Giacomo De Carolis
Polarimetric optimisation applied to permanent scatterers identification. 687-689 - Francesco Mattia, Thuy Le Toan, Jong-Sen Lee, Dale L. Schuler:
On the sensitivity of polarimetric coherence to small and large scale surface roughness. 690-692 - Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Shane R. Cloude:
A hybrid scattering model for surface parameter estimation using polarimetric SAR interferometry. 693-695 - Thomas L. Ainsworth, Jong-Sen Lee:
Optimal image classification employing "optimal" polarimetric variables. 696-698 - Henning Skriver
, Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen
, Knut Conradsen
Evaluation of the Wishart test statistics for polarimetric SAR data. 699-701 - Laurent Ferro-Famil, Andreas Reigber, Eric Pottier:
Scene characterization using sub-aperture polarimetric interferometric SAR data. 702-704 - Jong-Sen Lee, Mitchell R. Grunes, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Dale L. Schuler, Shane R. Cloude:
Coherence estimation and speckle filtering based on scattering properties. 705-707 - Dale L. Schuler, Jong-Sen Lee, Dayalan Kasilingam, Eric Pottier:
Measurement of ocean wave spectra using polarimetric SAR data. 708-710 - James T. Morris, Stuart J. Anderson, Shane R. Cloude:
A study of the X-band entropy of breaking ocean waves. 711-713 - Sandra Lindström, Christopher Ruf:
WindSat SDR and EDR on orbit calibration and validation. 714-716 - Joel T. Johnson, W. H. Theunissen, Steven W. Ellingson:
A study of sea emission models for WindSat. 717-719 - Gintautas Palubinskas, Rupert Müller, Peter Reinartz:
Radiometric normalization of optical remote sensing imagery. 720-722 - Maria Luiza F. Velloso, Flávio Joaquim de Souza, Nival Nunes de Almeida:
Relative radiometric correction on remotely sensed data for land cover change detection: an unsupervised clustering approach. 723-725 - Qiang Liu, Qinhuo Liu
, Massimo Menenti:
Spatial resolution limits in extraction of BRDF feature from remote sensing image data. 726-728 - Zhihao Qin, Wenjuan Li, Manchun Li, Zhongxin Chen, Goquing Zhou:
A methodology for true orthorectification of large-scale urban aerial images and automatic detection of building occlusions using digital surface model. 729-731 - Victor J. D. Tsai:
Automatic shadow detection and radiometric restoration on digital aerial images. 732-733 - Yikun Li, Timo Rolf Bretschneider:
Supervised content-based satellite image retrieval using piecewise defined signature similarities. 734-736 - Fabio Dell'Acqua, Paolo Gamba:
Using image magnification techniques to improve classification of hyperspectral data. 737-739 - Hongchang He, Dianne Richardson:
An independent wavelet reconstruction implementation for image fusion. 740-742 - Ian C. Atkinson, Farzad Kamalabadi, Douglas L. Jones:
Wavelet-based hyperspectral image estimation. 743-745 - Dmitry V. Pozdnyakov, Anton A. Korosov, Robert A. Shuchman, Robert Edson:
Development of a tool for the assessment of water quality from visible satellite imagery taken over turbid inland waters (with Lake Michigan as an example). 746-748 - Alexander G. Yarovoy, Leo P. Ligthart, A. D. Schukin, I. V. Kaploun:
Multi-waveform full-polarimetric GPR for landmine detection. 749-751 - Peter Cooper, Giles Verwey, Christopher Purry:
Ultra wideband endfire synthetic aperture radar for landmine detection. 752-754 - Alexander G. Yarovoy, Vsevolod O. Kovalenko, A. Fogar:
Impact of ground clutter on buried object detection by ground pentertaing radar [pentertaing read penetrating]. 755-757 - Motoyuki Sato, Guangyou Fang, Zhaofa Zeng:
Landmine detection by a broadband GPR system. 758-760 - Mark P. Kolba, Ismail I. Jouny:
Buried land mine detection using complex natural resonances on GPR data. 761-763 - Bin Sai, Leo P. Ligthart:
Effective clutter removal for detecting non-metallic mines in various soil fields. 764-766 - Jishuang Qu, Chao Wang, Zhengzhi Wang:
Structure-context based fuzzy neural network approach for automatic target detection. 767-769 - Gerhard Krieger, Hauke Fiedler, David Hounam, Alberto Moreira:
Analysis of system concepts for bi- and multi-static SAR missions. 770-772 - Kamal Sarabandi, Josef Kellndorfer, Leland E. Pierce:
GLORIA: Geostationary/Low-Earth Orbiting Radar Image Acquisition System: a multi-static GEO/LEO synthetic aperture radar satellite constellation for Earth observation. 773-775 - Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero, Claudia Ingafú Del Monaco, Domenico Solimini:
A further insight into the potential of bistatic SAR in monitoring the Earth surface. 776-777 - Mikhail Cherniakov, Tao Zeng, E. Plakidis:
Analysis of space-surface interferometric bistatic radar. 778-780 - Valery U. Zavorotny, Dallas Masters, Albin J. Gasiewski, B. Bartram, Stephen J. Katzberg, Penina Axelrad, Robert J. Zamora:
Seasonal polarimetric measurements of soil moisture using tower-based GPS bistatic radar. 781-783 - Mikhail Cherniakov, Tao Zeng, E. Plakidis:
Galileo signal-based bistatic system for avalanche prediction. 784-786 - Andrew J. Terzuoli, P. Paul Gilgallon, Paul Howland:
Topics in passive bistatic remote sensing. 787 - Adib Y. Nashashibi, Fawwaz T. Ulaby:
Millimeter-wave polarimetric bistatic radar scattering from rough soil surfaces. 788-790 - Sotaro Tanaka, Toshiro Sugimura:
An estimation of seasonal true color of vegetation cover for satellite image mosaic using color transfer cube (CTC). 791-793 - Manfred Lehner, Rupert Müller:
Automated image matching between geocoded Landsat-TM scenes and MOMS-2P stereo imager for DEM and orthoimage production. 794-796 - Brian C. Robertson:
Rigorous geometric modeling and correction of QuickBird imagery. 797-802 - Liang-Chien Chen, Tee-Ann Teo, Jiann-Yeou Rau:
Fast orthorectification for satellite images using patch backprojection. 803-805 - Steven Hosford, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Bernard Bourgine, P. Daniels, Christine King:
Fusion of airborne laser altimeter and RADARSAT data for DEM generation. 806-808 - Zhijun Wang, Djemel Ziou, Costas Armenakis:
Combination of imagery - a study on various methods. 809-811 - Hannes Raggam, Maria Dolores Villanueva Fernandez:
Approaches to automate image geocoding and registration. 812-814 - Jérôme Benveniste:
ENVISAT RA-2/MWR cross-calibration and validation final results. 815-817 - Pascal Bonnefond, Bruce J. Haines, George Born, Pierre Exertier, Stephen Gill, Gwénaële Jan, Eric Jeansou, D. Kubitschek, Olivier Laurain:
Calibrating the Jason-1 measurement system. 818-820 - William J. Emery, Daniel G. Baldwin, Dax K. Matthews:
Sampling the mesoscale ocean surface currents with various satellite altimeter configurations. 821-823 - Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Gerald Dibarboure, Joël Dorandeu:
SSALTO/DUACS and operational altimetry. 824-826 - Jean-Michel Lefevre, Chafih Skandrani, Pierre Queffeulou:
Impact of using several altimeters for improving numerical wave analyses and forecasts. 827-829 - Martti T. Hallikainen, Pekka Halme, Matias Takala, Jouni Pulliainen
Combined active and passive microwave remote sensing of snow in Finland. 830-832 - Dagrun Vikhamar, Rune Solberg:
A constrained spectral unmixing approach to snow-cover mapping in forests using MODIS data. 833-835 - Anita Simic, Richard Fernandes, Ross Brown, Peter Romanov, William Park, Dorothy K. Hall:
Validation of MODIS, VEGETATION, and GOES+SSM/I snow cover products over Canada based on surface snow depth observations. 836-838 - Shusun Li, Xiaobing Zhou:
Accuracy assessment of snow surface direct beam spectral albedo derived from reciprocity approach through radiative transfer simulation. 839-841 - Jostein Amlien, Rune Solberg:
A comparison of temperature retrieval algorithms for snow covered surfaces. 842-844 - Jiancheng Shi, Simon Yueh, Donald W. Cline:
On estimation of snow water equivalence using L-band and Ku-band radar. 845-847 - Paolo Pampaloni, Giovanni Macelloni, Simonetta Paloscia, Marco Tedesco, Roberto Ranzi, M. Tomirotti, Anselmo Cagnati, Andrea Crepaz:
The Microwave Alpine Snow Melting Experiment (MASMEx 2002): a contribution to the ENVISNOW project. 848-850 - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Yves Gauthier, Monique Bernier, Stéphane Hardy, Pierre Vincent, Yves Durand:
Radiometric and geometric correction of RADARSAT-1 images acquired in alpine regions for mapping the snow water equivalent (SWE). 851-853 - Audrey Martini, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier:
Polarimetric study of scattering from dry snow cover in alpine areas. 854-856 - Geir Engen, Tore Guneriussen, Øyvind Overrein:
New approach for snow water equivalent (SWE) estimation using repeat pass interferometric SAR. 857-859 - Xiaoxiong Xiong, Vincent V. Salomonson, William L. Barnes:
An overview of MODIS on-orbit calibration and instrument performance. 860-862 - D. Allen Chu, Yoram J. Kaufman, Lorraine Remer, Didier Tanré, M. J. Jeong:
Multiyear MODIS observation of global aerosols from EOS Terra/Aqua satellites: validation, variability, and application. 863-865 - Ge Chen:
A decadal climatology of oceanic precipitation derived from TOPEX and TMR. 866-868 - Alexander V. Ryzhkov, Dusan Zrnic, Richard Doviak, Pengfei Zhang:
Development of a classification algorithm for operational polarimetric NEXRAD radar. 869-871 - Ana J. Picon, Ramon Vasquez:
A study on cloud-top height retrieval by using MISR and MODIS data. 872-874 - M. L. Nirala:
Optimal precipitation estimation using multisensor microwave datasets. 875-877 - Simone Tanelli, Eastwood Im, Stephen L. Durden, Luca Facheris:
Measuring vertical rainfall velocity through spaceborne Doppler radar: performance analysis and system requirements. 878-880 - Frank S. Marzano, G. Ferrauto, L. Roberti, Sabatino Di Michele, Alberto Mugnai, Alessandra Tassa:
Numerical simulation of multiple effects due to convective clouds on satellite radar reflectivity at 14 and 35 GHz. 881-883 - Leyda V. Leon-Colon, Sandra Cruz-Pol, Stephen M. Sekelsky:
Active rain gauge concept for moderate to heavy precipitation using W-band and S-band Doppler radars. 884-886 - Jean-Claude Berges:
Neural networks and tree classifiers: an application to rainfall estimation. 887-889 - Frank S. Marzano, Domenico Cimini, Randolph H. Ware, Ermanno Fionda, Piero Ciotti:
Characterization of rainfall signature due to multispectral microwave radiometric data from ground. 890-892 - Eric F. Wood, H. Gao, Matthias Drusch, Thomas J. Jackson, R. Bindish:
Soil moisture retrieval over the southern Great Plains: comparisons between experimental remote sensing data and operational products. 893-895 - D. Masters, S. Katzberg, Penina Axelrad:
Airborne GPS bistatic radar soil moisture measurements during SMEX02. 896-898 - Charles A. Laymon, William L. Crosson, Ashutosh S. Limaye:
Validation of aircraft and satellite remote sensing of brightness temperature and derived soil moisture using a hydrologic/radiobrightness model. 899-901 - Mahadevan Pathmathevan, Toshio Koike, Xin Li:
One-dimensional soil moisture profile, surface temperature, and canopy temperature retrieval by assimilation of ground based microwave radiometer measurements over bare soil and agricultural crops. 902-904 - Doan Minh Chung, Bui Doan Trong, Vo Thi Lan Anh:
Passive microwave remote sensing for estimation of rice water content in Vietnam. 905-907 - Yann H. Kerr, François Secherre, J. Lastenet, Jean-Pierre Wigneron:
SMOS: analysis of perturbing effects over land surfaces. 908-910 - François Petitcolin, Jean-Luc Vergely, Philippe Waldteufel, Charles Cot:
Soil moisture retrieval for the SMOS mission. 911-913 - Mickaël Pardé, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, André Chanzy, Philippe Waldteufel, Sten Schmidl Søbjærg, Niels Skou:
Soil moisture retrieval from L-band measurements over a variety of agricultural crops. 914-916 - Weiguo Zhang, Chao Wang, Hong Zhang, Kai Zhao, Baojiang Liu, Hang Dong:
An algorithm to retrieve soil moisture using synergistic active/passive microwave data on bare soil surface. 917-919 - Marouane Temimi, Robert Leconte, François Brisette, Thibault Toussaint:
A dynamic estimate of a soil wetness index for the Mackenzie River Basin from SSM/I measurements. 920-922 - Jaan Praks, Jouni Pulliainen, Pekka Ahtonen, Martti Hallikainen:
Examination of forest polarimetric backscattering with coherent cylinder model. 923-925 - Dean Turner, Iain H. Woodhouse:
Visualisation of cross-polarised response patterns over short vegetation. 926-928 - Sahyun Hong, Wooil M. Moon:
Application of Gaussian Markov random field model to unsupervised classification in polarimetric SAR image. 929-931 - Qing Dong, Huadong Guo
, Yun Shao, Zhen Li, Changlin Wang:
Variograms: practical method to process polarimetric SAR data. 932-934 - Xiaojian Xu, Ram M. Narayanan:
Enhanced resolution in 3-D interferometric ISAR imaging using an iterative SVA procedure. 935-937 - Mark Preiss, Doug Gray, Nick J. S. Stacy:
A change detection technique for repeat pass interferometric SAR. 938-940 - Bert M. Kampes, Nico Adam:
Velocity field retrieval from long term coherent points in radar interferometric stacks. 941-943 - Maged Marghany:
Polarised AIRSAR along track interferometry for shoreline change modeling. 945-947 - Gianfranco Fornaro, Antonio Pauciullo, Eugenio Sansosti:
Phase difference based multiple acquisition phase unwrapping. 948-950 - A. C. Stuart-Menteth, Ian S. Robinson, Peter G. Challenor:
A global study of diurnal warming using infrared satellite-derived sea surface temperature. 951-953 - Dongliang Yuan, Andrey K. Savtchenko:
Horizontal sea surface temperature gradients: MODIS satellite observations versus Reynolds analysis. 954-956 - Graham D. Quartly, Meric Srokosz:
A visible record of eddies in the southern Mozambique Channel. 957-959 - René Garello, Jean-Marc Le Caillec, Hélène Dupuis, Vincent Marieu, Nathalie Durand, Philippe Dreuillet, Cécile Titin-Schnaider:
Current maps and bathymetry from P-band SAR images: preliminary results. 960-962 - Nicole Braun, Alexander Bezuglov, Gottfried Schymura, Friedwart Ziemer:
Sea-surface current measurements with an X band radar. 963-965 - Olga Lavrova, T. Y. Bucharova, Marina I. Mityagina:
SAR observations of typical phenomena in the Black Sea shore area. 966-968 - K. Jon Ranson, Guoqing Sun, Viatcheslav I. Kharuk, Katalin A. Kovacs:
Multi-sensor approach for assessing the taiga-tundra boundary. 969-971 - Douglas A. Stow, Lloyd L. Coulter:
Detection of meter-scale land cover changes in the presence of highly variable terrain. 972-974 - B. E. Schröder, Wolfgang Lucht:
Improved estimates of the terrestrial carbon cycle by coupling of a process-based global vegetation model (LPJ-DGVM) with a 17-year time series of satellite-observed fPAR data (AVHRR). 975-977 - Robert H. Fraser, Rasim Latifovic:
Coarse resolution satellite mapping of insect-induced tree defoliation and mortality. 978 - S. O'Dwyer, Philip Lewis:
Mechanisms for spectral variation in the range of semi-variograms. 979-981 - Cem Ünsalan, Kim L. Boyer:
Linearized vegetation indices using a formal statistical framework. 982-984 - Nadia Rochdi, Frédéric Baret
, Michaël Chelle
CLAMP: accounting for leaf clumping in radiative transfer modelling. 985-987 - Andrew Manu, Yaw A. Twumasi, Tommy L. Coleman, Jean-Baptiste S. Taonda:
Investigation of the impact of urban sprawl in three Sahelian cities using remotely-sensed information. 988-990 - S. S. Zargani, R. A. Vaughan, A. A. Missallati:
Spatial integration of geological datasets for predictive hydrocarbon studies in Murzuq basin, SW Libya. 991-993 - Shaibu A. Gariba, Yaw A. Twumasi:
Application of GIS in community environmental education in the developing countries: the case of Ghana's forest region. 994-996 - Lisa Rebelo, Philip Lewis, David P. Roy:
Burn scar detection in southern Africa using a bi-directional reflectance model based approach. 997-999 - John B. Malone, Ettore Poggi, Francisco-Jose Igualada, David Sintasath, Tewolde Ghebremeskel, John D. Corbett, Jennifer C. McCarroll, Phillip Chinnici, Josephat I. Shililu, Kelsey McNally, Robert Downer, Michael Perich, Robert Ford:
Malaria environmental risk assessment in Eritrea. 1000-1003 - Yaw A. Twumasi, Andrew Manu, Tommy L. Coleman:
Management of watersheds with Landsat TM data: a case study of the Volta River in Ghana. 1004-1006 - Camille C. D. Lelong, Audrey Thong-Chane:
Application of textural analysis on very high resolution panchromatic images to map coffee orchards in Uganda. 1007-1009 - C. J. Gers:
Remotely sensed sugarcane phenological characteristics at Umfolozi South Africa. 1010-1012 - Steven D. Miller, Jeffrey D. Hawkins, Thomas F. Lee, F. Joseph Turk, Kim Richardson, John E. Kent:
Satellite focus: linking the United States Navy to high-resolution satellite technologies. 1013-1015 - Robert P. McCoy:
Using space-based remote sensing for improved global navigation and communication. 1016-1018 - Pierre D. Beaulne, Christoph H. Gierull, Charles E. Livinstone, Ishuwa C. Sikaneta, Shen Chiu, Shawn Gong, Marielle Quinton:
Preliminary design of a SAR-GMTI processing system for RADARSAT-2 MODEX data. 1019-1021 - John Hornstein, Doug Allen, Cora Randall, Stephen A. Mango:
3D global ozone proxy fields and the NPOESS OMPS assimilation experiment, for improved numerical weather predictions for military operations. 1022-1025 - Richard L. Crout, Christopher Kent:
Current navy applications of satellite remotely sensed data. 1026-1028 - Thomas W. Cooley, John Cipar, Ronald B. Lockwood:
Terrain categorization using a background spectral library. 1029-1031 - Christoph H. Gierull, Ishuwa C. Sikaneta:
Raw data based two-aperture SAR ground moving target indication. 1032-1034 - Roger L. King, Ronald J. Birk:
Science for society: delivering Earth system science knowledge for decision support in the year 2025. 1035-1037 - Francisco Eugenio, Eduardo Rovaris, Javier Marcello, Ferran Marqués:
Automatic structures detection and spatial registration using multisensor satellite imagery. 1038-1040 - Thierry Toutin, René Chénier, Yves Carbonneau:
Multi sensor block adjustment. 1041-1043 - Tiziana Macri Pellizzeri, Pierfrancesco Lombardo, Paolo Gamba, Fabio Dell'Acqua:
Multisource urban classification: joint processing of optical and SAR data for land cover mapping. 1044-1046 - Geir Storvik, Roger Fjørtoft, Anne H. Schistad Solberg:
Parameter estimation and classification of multiscale remote sensing data. 1047-1049 - Mohammed Shokr:
A physics-based remote sensing data fusion approach. 1050-1052 - Sophie Fabre, Pierre Dhérété:
Data fusion applications: classification and mapping. 1053-1055 - Xin Gao, Chao Wang, Weiguo Zhang, Ji Wu, Hao Liu:
The analysis and application of spline interpolation for multisensor and multiresolution image registration. 1056-1058 - Stefan Hinz:
A fusion strategy for extraction of urban road nets form multiple images. 1059-1061 - Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz, José A. Sobrino, Jauad El-Kharraz, Monica Gómez, Mireia Romaguera, Guillem Sòria:
Synergistic use of DAIS bands to retrieve land surface emissivity and temperature. 1062-1064 - Verne Kaupp, Charles Hutchkinson, Willem J. D. van Leeuwen, Sam Drake, Alexander Tuyahov:
Assimilation of NASA Earth science results and data in national decision support systems. 1065-1070 - Juan Jose Martinez-Benjamin, Marina Martinez-Garcia, A. Nunez Andres, M. A. Oritz Castellon, Julia Talaya Lopez, Jose Martin Davila, Jorge Garate Pasquin, José M. Ferrándiz
, M. I. Vigo-Aguiar
, Begoña Perez Gomez, E. Alvarez, M. Sevilla, Gema Rodriguez Velasco:
JASON-1 calibration campaign at the Ibiza island area. 1071-1073 - Ngan Tran, Estelle Obligis, Laurence Eymard, Christopher Ruf:
Comparison of microwave radiometer brightness temperature over a hot reference area. 1074-1076 - Shannon T. Brown, Christopher Ruf, Stephen J. Keihm, Amarit Kitiyakara:
Preliminary validation and performance of the Jason microwave radiometer. 1077-1079 - Juan Guijarro, Rosalia Santoleri, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Leonardo Borgarelli, Renato Croci, Roberto Venturini, Giovanni Alberti:
Innovative radar altimeter concepts. 1080-1082 - R. Keith Raney, Walter H. F. Smith, David T. Sandwell
, J. Robert Jensen, David L. Porter, E. Reynolds:
Abyss-Lite: improved bathymetry from a dedicated small satellite delay-Doppler radar altimeter. 1083-1085 - Laurent Phalippou, David Cotton, Juan Guijarro, Y. Menard, P. Vincent:
Future radar altimeter concepts for ocean applications. 1086-1088 - Eric Caubet, Nathalie Steunou, M. Meerman, Eric Thouvenot, Patrick Vincent:
Phase B and breadboard results of the Ka-band altimeter for future microsatellite altimetry missions. 1089-1091 - Tianhe Chi, Xin Zhang, Cai-Ying Zhu, Yumin Tan:
Application of GPS in airborne SAR image based disaster evaluation. 1092-1093 - George Jandieri, V. G. Gavrilenko, Zhuzhuna Diasamidze, Vakhtang Jandieri:
Deformation of the angular spectrum of scattered radiation in turbulent collision magnetized plasma. 1094-1096 - Francisco Javier Ferrández Pastor, Juan Manuel García Chamizo:
Estimation of permittivity and conductivity in dispersive and attenuating media using multifrequency technique. 1097-1099 - Abdullah Eroglu, Jay Kyoon Lee:
Dyadic Green's function for a gyro-electric medium. 1100-1103 - Alexander A. Chukhlantsev, Anatolij M. Shutko, Sergei P. Golovachev, Alexei A. Chukhlantsev:
Conductivity of leaves and branches and its relation to the spectral dependence of attenuation by forests in meter and decimeter band. 1103-1105 - Valery L. Mironov, Pavel P. Bobrov:
Soil dielectric spectroscopic parameters dependence on humus content. 1106-1108 - Betlem Rosich, Manfred Zink, Ramón Torres, Josep Closa, Christopher Buck:
ASAR instrument performance and product quality status. 1109-1111 - Peter J. Meadows, Patricia A. Wright:
ASAR image mode product quality. 1112-1114 - Robert K. Hawkins, Ridha Touzi, John Wolfe, Peter J. Meadows, Paolo Pasquali, Dean Flett:
ASAR AP mode performance and applications potential. 1115-1117 - Josep Closa, Betlem Rosich, A. Monti Guarnie:
The ASAR wide swath mode products. 1118-1120 - David Small, Jürgen Holzner, Hannes Raggam, Detlev Kosmann, Adrian Schubert:
Geometric performance of ENVISAT ASAR products. 1121-1123 - Andrea Monti Guarnieri, C. Caffirio, Pietro Guccione, Paolo Pasquali, Yves-Louis Desnos:
ENVISAT ASAR scanSAR interferometry. 1124-1126 - Harald Johnsen, Geir Engen, Bertrand Chapron:
Validation of ASAR wave mode level 2 product. 1127-1129 - Carlo Colesanti, Alessandro Ferretti, Claudio Maria Prati, Daniele Perissin, Fabio Rocca:
ERS-ENVISAT permanent scatterers interferometry. 1130-1132 - Alain Arnaud, Nico Adam, Ramon F. Hanssen, Jordi Inglada, Javier Duro, Josep Closa, Michael Eineder:
ASAR ERS interferometric phase continuity. 1133-1135 - Jean-Baptiste Henry, P. Chastanet, Kader A. R. Fellah, Yves-Louis Desnos:
ENVISAT multipolarised ASAR data for flood mapping. 1136-1138 - Luca Pulvirenti, Nazzareno Pierdicca, Giovanni D'Auria:
Intercomparison of inversion techniques to retrieve surface rain-rate from SSM/I over the Mediterranean basin by using a 9-year validation set. 1139-1141 - Philip W. Rosenkranz:
Cloud liquid water retrievals from aqua AMSU/HSB. 1142-1144 - David E. Weissman, Mark A. Bourassa, Stephen L. Durden:
Calibrating the quickSCAT/SeaWinds radar for measuring rainrate over the oceans and improving wind vector estimates. 1145-1147 - Ali Tokay, David B. Wolff, Brad Fisher, Jianxin Wang, David A. Marks, David Silberstein, Paul Bashor, David Augustine, David Makofski, Jason Pippitt, Bart Kelley, Lynne Shupp:
An overview of the Keys area precipitation project (KAPP). 1148-1150 - Frank S. Marzano, Massimo Palmacci, Domenico Cimini, Graziano Giuliani, Francisco J. Tapiador, F. Joseph Turk:
Multivariate probability matching of satellite infrared and microwave radiometric measurements for rainfall retrieval at the geostationary scale. 1151-1153 - Carlo Capsoni, V. Caboni, M. D'Amico, M. Zanardi:
Radar estimate of attenuation at K band in stratiform rain using a physical model of the melting layer. 1154-1156 - Lekshmi Vijayan, G. Viswanathan, R. Ranga Rao, A. R. Jain, D. Narayana Rao, V. K. Anandan, P. Rajesh Rao, S. Kalyana Sundaram, R. Suresh, S. B. Thampi:
Campaign mode observation of tropical convection using ground-based radar systems. 1157-1159 - Gianfranco Vulpiani, Errico Picciotti, G. Ferrauto, Frank S. Marzano:
Sensitivity analysis of self-consistent polarimetric rain retrieval to C-Band radar observables. 1160-1162 - Eric F. Wood, Hongbo Su, Matthew F. McCabe, Bob Su:
Estimating evaporation from satellite remote sensing. 1163-1165 - Zhongbo Su
, X. Li, Y. Zhou, L. Wan, J. Wen, K. Sintonen:
Estimating areal evaporation from remote sensing. 1166-1168 - Orhan Gokdemir, Alparslan Arikan:
Determination of regional scale evapotranspiration from NOAA-AVHRR images: application to the Afyon-Akarcay Basin, Turkey. 1169-1171 - Hélène Roux, Damien Raclot, Denis Dartus, Christian Puech:
Hydraulic parameter identification using aerial photographs. 1172-1174 - Katrin Schneeberger, Christian Stamm, Christian Mätzler, Hannes Flühler:
Estimating soil hydraulic properties from time series of L-band measured water contents. 1175-1177 - William J. Plant, William C. Keller, Kenneth Hayes, Jeffrey A. Nystuen:
Rainfall and river currents retrieved from microwave backscatter. 1178-1180 - A. Chaponnière, Philippe Maisongrande, R. Escadafal, Benoit de Solan, Ghani Chehbouni:
Satellite driven modeling of snow runoff in a small semi-arid mountainous watershed in Morocco. 1181-1183 - Paolo Berardino, Gianfranco Fornaro, Riccardo Lanari, Michele Manunta, Mariarosaria Manzo, Antonio Pepe, Eugenio Sansosti:
A two-scale differential SAR interferometry approach for investigating earth surface deformations. 1184-1186 - Helko Breit, Michael Eineder, Jürgen Holzner, Hartmut Runge, Richard Bamler:
Traffic monitoring using SRTM along-track interferometry. 1187-1189 - Rolf Scheiber:
A three-step phase correction approach for airborne repeat-pass interferometric SAR data. 1190-1192 - Carlo Colesanti, Alessandro Ferretti, Riccardo Locatelli, Fabrizio Novali, Giuliano Savio:
Permanent Scatterers: precision assessment and multi-platform analysis. 1193-1195 - Jürgen Holzner:
Analysis of interferometric signals based on coherence and power spectral density. 1196-1198 - Gianfranco Fornaro, Riccardo Lanari, Eugenio Sansosti, Francesco Serafino, Stefania Usai:
Monitoring areal deformation via multipass SAR differential interferometry. 1199-1201 - Ramon F. Hanssen, Dmitri Moisseev, Steven Businger:
Resolving the acquisition ambiguity for atmospheric monitoring in multi-pass radar interferometry. 1202-1205 - Fabrizio Lombardini:
Differential tomography: a new framework for SAR interferometry. 1206-1208 - Albin J. Gasiewski, Alexander G. Voronovich, Bob L. Weber, B. Boba Stankov, Marian Klein, R. J. Hill, J. W. Bao:
Geosynchronous microwave (GEM) sounder/imager observation system simulation. 1209-1211 - Robert Vincent Leslie, J. A. Loparo, Philip W. Rosenkranz, David H. Staelin:
Cloud and precipitation observations with the NPOESS Aircraft Sounder Testbed-Microwave (NAST-M) spectrometer suite at 54/118/183/425 GHz. 1212-1214 - Randolph H. Ware, Francois Vandenberghe:
Continuous thermodynamic profiling for improved short term weather forecasting. 1215-1217 - Ed R. Westwater, Paul Racette, Domenico Cimini, Yong Han:
Millimeter-wavelength forward-model comparisons based on ground-based radiometric data taken during the 1999 NSA radiometric experiment. 1218-1221 - Niels Skou:
Aspects of the SMOS pre-launch calibration. 1222-1225 - Nuria Duffo, Ignasi Corbella, Mercè Vall-Llossera, Adriano Camps, Francesc Torres, Miguel Zapata, Javier Benito, Joan Capdevila:
MIRAS imaging validation. 1226-1228 - Janne Lahtinen, Serni Ribó, Manuel Martín-Neira, Luis Sempere:
Two-dimensional interferometric radiometry: image validation using celestial objects. 1229-1231 - Kimmo Rautiainen, Robert Butora, Tuomo Auer, Jani Kettunen, Juha Kainulainen, Ilkka Mononen, Diego Beltrami, Martti Hallikainen:
Development of airborne aperture synthetic radiometer (HUT-2D). 1232-1234 - Anthony W. England, Hanh Pham, Roger DeRoo, L. van Nieuwstadt, L. Yam:
Performance of STAR-Light receivers during CLPX. 1235-1237 - Alan B. Tanner, William J. Wilson, Fernando A. Pellerano:
Development of a high stability L-band radiometer for ocean salinity measurements. 1238-1240 - Eric Baum:
Inferring wind direction from polarimetric passive microwave measurements: the role of anisotropic contributions from reflected sky radiance. 1241-1243 - Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Edward J. Kim:
Calibration of passive microwave hybrid coupler-based polarimeters. 1244-1246 - Daniel Esteban-Fernandez, Xuehu Zhang, James R. Carswell, David McLaughlin, Paul S. Chang, Laurence N. Connor, Peter G. Black, Frank D. Marks
Hurricane wind and rain measurements using a dual polarized C/Ku-band airborne radar profiler. 1247-1248 - Simon H. Yueh, Bryan W. Stiles, W. Timothy Liu:
QuikSCAT wind retrievals for tropical cyclones. 1250-1252 - Ian Stuart Adams, W. Linwood Jones, Jun-Dong Park, Takis Kasparis:
Combined active/passive hurricane wind retrieval algorithm for the Seawinds scatterometer. 1253-1256 - Seubson Soisuvarn, W. Linwood Jones, Takis Kasparis:
Combined active and passive microwave sensing of ocean surface wind vector from TRMM. 1257-1260 - Heiko Dankert, Jochen Horstmann, Anne-Karin Magnusson, Wolfgang Rosenthal:
Ocean winds retrieved from X-band radar-image sequences. 1261-1263 - David G. Long, Jeremy B. Luke, William J. Plant:
Ultra high resolution wind retrieval for SeaWinds. 1264-1266 - Artashes K. Arakelyan, Astghik K. Hambaryan:
Radar methods for atmospheric stratification condition unambiguous determination by synergy data of sea surface altimetric and scatterometric observations. 1267-1269 - Christopher C. Wackerman, Jochen Horstmann, Wolfgang Koch:
Operational estimation of coastal wind vectors from RADARSAT SAR imagery. 1270-1272 - Jean-Luc Deuzé, Philippe Goloub, Maurice Herman, B. Roger, Didier Tanré:
Aerosol remote sensing from POLDER measurements. 1273-1275 - D. Paronis, N. Sifakis:
Satellite aerosol optical thickness retrieval over land with contrast reduction analysis using a variable window size. 1276-1278 - Ricardo Vergaz, Victoria E. Cachorro, Ángel Máximo de Frutos, Diamantino V. Henriques, José Manuel Vilaplana:
Analysis of desert dust events over the west Iberian Peninsula in the year 2000. 1279-1281 - M. Pandolfi, Aldo Amodeo, Lucia Mona, Gelsomina Pappalardo:
Systematic tropospheric aerosol lidar measurements over Potenza in the frame of EARLINET. 1282-1284 - Tulay Cokacar, Cyril Moulin, Nilgun Kubilay, Temel Oguz:
Analysis of the change in mineral dust optical over the Eastern Mediterranean with source location using SEAWIFS imagery. 1285-1286 - R. Vergaz, Victoria E. Cachorro, Carlos Toledano, Ángel Máximo de Frutos, José Manuel Vilaplana, M. Sorribas, Benito A. de la Morena:
A local climatology of aerosol based on spectral characteristics and air masses analysis at "El Arenosillo (Spain)" station. 1287-1289 - Marc Paganini, Olivier Arino, Marco Benvenuti, Massimo Cristaldi, Marco Bordin, Carlo Coretti, Andrea Musone:
ITALSCAR, a regional burned forest mapping demonstration project in Italy. 1290-1292 - Luigi Boschetti:
A multitemporal algorithm for burned area detection in Mexican woodland and shrubland environment with SPOT-VEGETATION data. 1293-1295 - Viatcheslav I. Kharuk, M. L. Dvinskaya, K. Jon Ranson:
Fire cycling in the larch-dominated communities. 1296-1298 - Kader A. R. Fellah, Stock, F. Axes, Heike Bach, Ulrich Ebel, Ola Gråbak, Paul de Fraipont:
Towards an operational EO service for flood monitoring. 1299-1301 - Jian Guo Liu, Philippa Jane Mason, Nicola Clerici
, S. Chen, A. M. Davis, Fang Miao, H. Deng, L. Liang:
Landslide hazard assessment in the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River using ASTER imagery. 1302-1304 - Kouichi Hasegawa, Manabu Watanabe, Haruo Hayashi:
Trial to estimate regional characteristics for seismic risk assessment using IKONOS satellite image. 1305-1306 - Roger de Abreu, Dean Flett, Bernd Scheuchl, Bruce Ramsay:
Operational sea ice monitoring with RADARSAT-2 - a glimpse into the future. 1308-1310 - Thomas I. Lukowski, Bing Yue:
Synthetic Aperture Radar for Search and Rescue: studies at natural resources Canada-update. 1311-1313 - Shen Chiu:
Clutter effects on ground moving target velocity estimation with SAR along-track interferometry. 1314-1319 - Roland Romeiser, Helko Breit, Michael Eineder, Hartmut Runge, Pierre Flament, Karin de Jong, Jur Vogelzang:
On the suitability of TerraSAR-X split antenna mode for current measurements by along-track interferometry. 1320-1322 - Elke Börner, Richard Lord, Josef Mittermayer, Richard Bamler:
Evaluation of TerraSAR-X Spotlight processing accuracy based on a new Spotlight raw data simulator. 1323-1325 - Graeme L. Stephens, Deborah Vane:
The CloudSat Mission. 1326-1328 - David M. Winker, Jacques Pelon:
The CALIPSO mission. 1329-1331 - Robert E. Murphy, Joy M. Henegar, S. Wharton, Bruce Guenther, P. M. Kealy:
Extending climate data records from the EOS era into the NPOESS era. 1332-1334 - James R. Irons, Nicholas J. Speciale, J. Douglas McCuistion, Jeffrey G. Masek, Brian L. Markham, James C. Storey, Donald E. Lencioni, Robert E. Ryan:
Data specifications for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission. 1335-1337 - Zhongjun Zhang, Guoqing Sun, Lixin Zhang:
A discrete model to evaluate vegetation effect in passive microwave soil moisture retrieval. 1338-1340 - Andrea Della Vecchia, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero:
A model study of leaf curvature effect on microwave vegetation scattering. 1341-1343 - Kamal Sarabandi, Adib Y. Nashashibi:
Phenomenology of millimeter-wave signal propagation and scattering for detection of targets camouflaged under foliage. 1344-1346 - Ali Nadir Arslan, Jouni Pulliainen
, Martti Hallikainen:
Investigating relationship between correlation lengths and physical properties of wet snow. 1347-1349 - Mark L. Williams, Terhikki Manninen, Seppo Kellomäki, Veli-Pekka Ikonen, Risto Sievänen, Mika Lehtonen, Eero Nikinmaa, Timo Vesala:
Modeling the SAR response of pine forest in Southern Finland. 1350-1352 - D. de Badereau, Huy Nguyen, Helene Roussel, Walid Tabbara:
Radar remote sensing of forests at low frequencies: a 3D electromagnetic scattering model. 1353-1355 - Friedrich Roth, Piet van Genderen, Michel Verhaegen:
Host medium transformation of the early-time radar response of a buried dielectric target. 1356-1358 - Valeri A. Mikhnev
, Y. Maksimovitch, Pertti Vainikainen:
Characterization of shallow underground targets using wideband microwave reflectometry. 1359-1361 - Richard F. Bloemenkamp, Evert C. Slob
Imaging of high-frequency full-vectorial GPR data using measured footprints. 1362-1364 - Erkki Kyrölä, Johanna Tamminen
, Viktoria Sofieva, Seppo Hassinen
, Gilbert W. Leppelmeier, Jean-Loup Bertaux, Alain Hauchecorne, Francis Dalaudier, Charles Cot, Odile Fanton d'Andon, Gilbert Barrot, Antoine Mangin, Marielle Guirlet, Bertrand Theodore, Rob Koopman, Renaud Fraisse, Didier Fussen, Filip Vanhellemont:
GOMOS validation. 1365-1367 - Alain Hauchecorne, Jean-Loup Bertaux, Odile Hembise Fanton d'Andon, Antoine Mangin, Erkki Kyrölä:
First scientific results on GOMOS/ENVISAT. 1368-1370 - Nevin A. Bryant, Albert L. Zobrist, Thom Logan:
Automatic co-registration of space-based sensors for precision change detection and analysis. 1371-1373 - Lorenzo Bruzzone, Farid Melgani:
A data fusion approach to unsupervised change detection. 1374-1376 - Michaela De Martino, Giorgia Macchiavello, Gabriele Moser, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
Partially supervised contextual classification of multitemporal remotely sensed images. 1377-1379 - Patrick Héas, Mihai Datcu, Malika Abdellani, Alain Giros, Philippe Marthon:
Image time series mining for dynamic scene understanding. 1380-1382 - Youcef Chibani:
Multisource image fusion by using the redundant wavelet decomposition. 1383-1385 - Florentin T. Bujor, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Emmanuel Trouvé, Jean-Paul Rudant:
Application of log-cumulants to change detection on multi-temporal SAR images. 1386-1388 - Rafael Zandona-Schneider, David Fernandes:
Entropy among a sequency of SAR images for change detection. 1389-1391 - Xianghua Bai, Shihao Tang, Qijiang Zhu, Yanmin Shuai:
Study of relation between thermal distribution and the underground medium in urban area. 1392-1394 - Alan M. Goldberg:
Systematizing the record of Earth's shapes and colors: a framework for data and metadata models. 1395 - Alexander Löw, Ralf Ludwig, Wolfram Mauser:
Mesoscale soil moisture estimation from SAR data using subscale landuse information. 1396-1398 - Mehrez Zribi, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Catherine Ottlé, B. Kammoun, Christine Guérin:
Surface soil moisture estimation using active microwave ERS wind scatterometer and SAR data. 1399-1401 - Yunjin Kim, Jakob J. van Zyl, Jiancheng Shi:
A soil moisture algorithm using tilted Bragg approximation. 1402-1404 - Kais B. Khadhra, Dharmendra Singh, Thomas Börner, David Hounam, Werner Wiesbeck:
Analysis of multi-frequency polarimetric data for assessment of bare soil roughness. 1405-1407 - Jérôme M. B. Louis, Nicolas Floury, Malcolm Davidson
, Evert Attema, Maurice Borgeaud:
Surface roughness characterization for SAR applications. 1408-1410 - Giuseppe Satalino, Guido Pasquariello, Francesco Mattia:
Model-based methods for soil moisture estimations from SAR data. 1411-1413 - André Chanzy, B. Molineaux, Mehrez Zribi:
Influence of surface roughness frequency components of radar backscattering: consequences on roughness sampling. 1414-1416 - Sophie Allain, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier:
Surface parameter retrieval from polarimetric and multi-frequency SAR data. 1417-1419 - Yang Hu, Jiancheng Shi, Li Zhen, Huadong Guo
, Zhongjun Zhang:
Temporal and spatial soil moisture change pattern detection using multi-temporal Radarsat SCANSAR images. 1420-1422 - Shane R. Cloude, Mark L. Williams:
A coherent EM scattering model for dual baseline POLInSAR. 1423-1425 - Hiroyoshi Yamada, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Forest height feature extraction in polarimetric SAR interferometry by using rotational invariance property. 1426-1428 - Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Shane R. Cloude:
The effect of temporal decorrelation on the inversion of forest parameters from Pol-InSAR data. 1429-1431 - Jørgen Dall, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Henning Skriver:
Polarimetric SAR interferometry applied to land ice: first results. 1432-1434 - Pascale Dubois-Fernandez, Xavier Dupuis, Franck Garestier, Philippe Paillou:
Using Pol-InSAR at X-band: preliminary observations. 1435-1437 - Joachim H. G. Ender:
Signal theoretical aspects of bistatic SAR. 1438-1441 - Otmar Loffeld, Holger Nies, Valerij Peters, Stefan Knedlik:
Models and useful relations for bistatic SAR processing. 1442-1445 - John Homer, Bijan Mojarrabi, James Palmer, Kurt Kubik, Eugene Donskoi:
Non-cooperative bistatic SAR imaging system: spatial resolution analysis. 1446-1448 - Michael Eineder:
Ocillator clock drift compensation in bistatic interferometric SAR. 1449-1451 - Antonio Moccia, Giancarlo Rufino, Michele De Luca:
Oceanographic applications of spaceborne bistatic SAR. 1452-1454 - Ian G. Cumming, Yew Lam Neo, Frank H. Wong:
Interpretations of the omega-K algorithm and comparisons with other algorithms. 1455-1458 - Didier Massonnet, Jean-Claude Souyris, Jean-Marc Gaudin:
Radar processing and geometric specificity of bistatic data. 1459-1461 - Josef Mittermayer, Richard Lord, Elke Börner:
Sliding spotlight SAR processing for TerraSAR-X using a new formulation of the extended chirp scaling algorithm. 1462-1464 - Andreas Reigber, Athanasios Potsis, Emmanouil G. Alivizatos, Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu, Alberto Moreira:
Wavenumber domain SAR focusing with integrated motion compensation. 1465-1467 - Olivier Arino, Diego Fernández-Prieto, Marc Paganini, Espen Volden, Frank Martin Seifert:
Earth observation supporting multilateral environmental agreements: the initiatives of the european space agency. 1468-1470 - Ake Rosenqvist, Masanobu Shimada, Tamotsu Igarashi, Manabu Watanabe, Takeo Tadono, Hirokazu Yamamoto:
Support to multi-national environmental conventions and terrestrial carbon cycle science by ALOS and ADEOS-II -the Kyoto & carbon initiative. 1471-1476 - Richard M. Lucas, Alex C. Lee, Anthony K. Milne, Natasha Cronin, Mahta Moghaddam:
Remote sensing to support Australia's commitment to international agreements: a role for synthetic aperture radar. 1477-1479 - Tuomas Häme, Laura Sirro, Yrjö Rauste
, Heikki Ahola, Jo Van Brusselen, Andreas Schuck, Urs Wegmüller, Andreas Wiesmann, Ismo Hippi, Espen Volden:
Treaty enforcement services using earth observation (TESEO) theme carbon. 1480-1482 - Laura L. Hess, John M. Melack:
Contribution of remote sensing to international conventions regarding wetlands: examples from the large-scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment in Amazonia. 1483-1485 - John Wessels, Don Ball, Diego Fernández-Prieto, Frank J. Ahern:
Operational wetlands monitoring for the ramsar convention: TESEO powers a breakthrough. 1486-1489 - Francesco Holecz, Claude Heimo, José Moreno, Jean-Jacques Goussard, Diego Fernandez, José Luis Rubio, Erxue Chen, Erdenetuya Magsar, Medou Lo, Alessandro Chemini, Franz Stoessel, Ake Rosenqvist:
Desertification - a land degradation support service. 1490-1492 - Philippe Paillou, Ake Rosenqvist:
The SAHARASAR project: potential support to water prospecting in arid Africa by SAR. 1493-1495 - Diego Fernández-Prieto, Mario Hernández, Olivier Arino, Luigi Fusco, Pedro Matos:
Building environment for gorilla: a new action in the joint UNESCO-ESA initiative to support the world heritage convention. 1496-1498 - Christiane Schmullius, Sören Hese:
SIBERIA-II: sensor systems and data products for greenhouse gas accounting. 1499-1501 - Domenico Cimini, Frank S. Marzano, Piero Ciotti, Ed R. Westwater, Stephen J. Kehim, Yong Han:
Empirical evaluation of four microwave radiative forward models based on ground-based radiometer data near 20 and 30 GHz. 1502-1504 - Laura Bianco, Domenico Cimini, Frank S. Marzano, Randolph H. Ware:
Combining microwave radiometer and wind profiler radar measurements to improve accuracy and resolution of atmospheric humidity profiling. 1505-1507 - Ada Vittoria Bosisio:
Space and time variations of atmosphere brightness temperature observed by satellite radiometer in Ka band. 1508-1510 - L. Chaumat, Pascal Prunet, B. Tournier, F.-R. Cayla:
Expected accuracy of the CO2 retrieval from IASI. 1511-1513 - David M. Winker, Chris A. Hostetler, William H. Hunt:
Cloud-Aerosol LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOPE). 1514-1516 - Stuart A. Young, Mark A. Vaughan, David M. Winker:
Adaptive algorithms for the fully-automated retrieval of cloud and aerosol extinction profiles from CALIPSO lidar data. 1517-1519 - Olivier Chomette, Anne Garnier, Jacques Pelon, Anne Lifermann, T. Bret-Dibat, S. Ackerman, H. Chepfer, Philippe Dubuisson, V. Giraud, Y. Hu, D. Kratz, V. Noel, C. M. R. Platt, F. Sirou, C. Stubenrauch:
Retrieval of cloud emissivity and particle size frame of the CALIPSO mission. 1520-1522 - Vincent Noël, Yongxaing Hu, Marjolaine Chiriaco:
Synergies of CALIOP with aqua-train instruments. 1523-1525 - Ali H. Omar, David M. Winker, Jae-Gwang Won, Mark A. Vaughan, Chris A. Hostetler, John A. Reagan:
Selection algorithm for the CALIPSO lidar aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratio. 1526-1530 - John A. Reagan, X. Wang:
LITE aerosol retrievals at 1064 nm with improved aerosol retrieval approaches in support of CALIPSO. 1531-1533 - James B. Abshire, Xiaoli Sun, Haris Riris, Marcos Sirota, Jan F. McGarry, Stephen P. Palm, Eleanor A. Ketchum, R. B. Follas:
Geoscience laser altimeter system (GLAS) on the ICESat mission: pre-launch and on-orbit measurement performance. 1534-1536 - James D. Spinhirne, Ellsworth J. Welton, Stephen P. Palm, Dennis L. Hlavka, William D. Hart, Ashwin Mahesh:
Atmospheric measurements by the geoscience laser altimeter system: initial results. 1537-1539 - Jordi Inglada, J.-C. Favard, Hervé Yésou, Stephen Clandillon, Claude Bestault:
Lava flow mapping during the Nyiragongo January, 2002 eruption over the city of Goma (D.R. Congo) in the frame of the international charter space and major disasters. 1540-1542 - F. Sart, Jordi Inglada, Jean-Luc Bessis:
The two emergencies of "El Salvador" in the frame of the international charter "space and major disasters". 1543-1545 - Andreas Wiesmann, Urs Wegmüller, Charles Werner, Tazio Strozzi:
Subsidence monitoring over oil fields with L-band SAR interferometry. 1546-1548 - Haroon Stephen, David G. Long:
Surface statistics of the saharan ergs observed in the γo azimuth modulation. 1549-1551 - Yoshiki Ninomiya:
A stabilized vegetation index and several mineralogic indices defined for ASTER VNIR and SWIR data. 1552-1554 - Kai Yang, Jonathan F. Huntington, Melissa A. Quigley, K. Scott, Peter Mason:
Mapping the effects of regional metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration in the Mount Isa Valley, Queensland, Australia, using airborne hyperspectral data. 1555-1557 - Shouxun Yan:
A comparative study on illite crystallinity and clay mineral spectral index for subdivision of very low-grade metamorphic belt along the Lizhou-Hekou geological section in the Youjiang sedimentary basin, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, in Southwestern China. 1558-1560 - Yoshiki Ninomiya:
Advanced remote lithologic mapping in ophiolite zone with ASTER multispectral thermal infrared data. 1561-1563 - Cláudia Maria de Almeida, Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, Gilberto Câmara, Britaldo Silveira Soares-Filho, Gustavo Coutinho Cerqueira:
Modeling the urban evolution of land use transitions using cellular automata and logistic regression. 1564-1566 - Scott J. Goetz, A. J. Smith, Claire A. Jantz, R. K. Wright, Stephen D. Prince, M. E. Mazzacato, Brian Melchior:
Monitoring and predicting urban land use change applications of multi-resolution multi-temporal satellite data. 1567-1569 - Mutlu Özdogan, Curtis E. Woodcock
, Guido D. Salvucci:
Monitoring changes in irrigated lands in Southeastern Turkey with remote sensing. 1570-1572 - A. Hommels, K. H. Scholte, Joaquín Muñoz Sabater, Ramon F. Hanssen, Freek D. van der Meer, S. B. Kroonenberg, E. Aliyeva
, D. Huseynov, I. Guliev:
Preliminary ASTER and INSAR imagery combination for mud volcano dynamics, Azerbaijan. 1573-1575 - Yves M. Govaerts, Bernard Pinty, Alessio Lattanzio:
Impact of vegetation fires on surface albedo dynamics and absorbed solar radiation over the African Continent. 1576-1578 - Matthew D. Wilson, Peter M. Atkinson:
Sensitivity of a flood inundation model to spatially-distributed friction. 1579-1581 - Sonia Zine, Pierre-Louis Frison, Jean-Paul Rudant, Lionel Jarlan, Eric Mougin, Pierre Hiernaux, Bruno Gerard:
Comparison between SAR and wind scatterometers data for surface parameters monitoring over a sahelian agropastoral area. 1582-1584 - Sonia Bouzidi, Salem Belhaj, Isabelle Herlin, Jean-Paul Berroir:
An approach for land cover change detection using low spatial resolution data. 1585-1587 - Philippe Goryl, Jean-Paul Huot:
Overview of the envisat meris and AATSR data quality, calibration and validation program. 1588-1590 - Steve Delwart, Ludovic Bourg:
Meris 1st year: early calibration results. 1591-1593 - Richard Santer, Jérôme Vidot, Didier Ramon:
Meris level 2 products over land validation and potential improvements. 1594-1596 - D. T. Llewellyn-Jones, John J. Remedios, M. C. Edwards, Gary K. Corlett, D. Ridley:
Intercomparison of sea surface temperature measurements from aatsr with data from other satellite sensors including AVHRR, MODIS and TMI. 1597-1598 - M. C. Edwards, Gary K. Corlett, D. T. Llewellyn-Jones, Ian J. Barton, L. A. Horrocks, J. Watts, Peter J. Minnett, Craig Donlon, Ian Robinson, T. Nightingale, A. Birks, C. Mutlow:
The accuracy of sea surface temperature fields from the advanced along track scanning radiometer. 1599-1600 - Kirill S. Khvorostovsky, Leonid P. Bobylev, Ola M. Johannessen:
Greenland ice sheet elevation change from 1992 to 1999 derived from ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellite altimeter measurements. 1601-1603 - Ivan S. Ashcraft, David G. Long:
Increasing temporal resolution in greenland ablation estimation using passive and active microwave data. 1604-1606 - Sivaprasad Gogineni, Glenn Prescott, David Braaten, Christopher T. Allen:
Polar radar for ice sheet measurements. 1607-1609 - Ivan S. Ashcraft, David G. Long:
Relating micro ave backscatter azimuth modulation to surface properties of the greenland ice sheet. 1610-1612 - Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa, Mark B. Dyurgerov, Tatiana Khromova, Bruce H. Raup, Roger G. Barry:
Space-based mapping of glacier changes using ASTER and GIS tools. 1613-1615 - F. G. L. Cawkwell, Jonathan L. Bamber:
Evaluation of a stereo-derived cloud cover record for the greenland ice sheet. 1616-1618 - Mahta Moghaddam, Richard M. Lucas:
Quantifying the biomass of australian subtropical woodlands using SAR inversion models. 1619-1621 - Shakil Ahmad Romshoo
, Manabu Watanabe, Masayuki Matsuoka, Ake Rosenqvist, Masanobu Shimada, Takeo Tadono:
Estimating forest biophysical attributes from airborne polarimetric SAR data. 1622-1624 - Gianfranco De Grandi, Frédéric Achard, Danilo Mollicone, Yrjö Rauste
The GBFM radar mosaic of the Eurasian Taiga: a groundwork for the bio-physical characterization of an ecosystem with relevance to global change studies. 1625-1627 - Kauzar Saleh, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Ernesto López-Baeza, G. Mongiardo, Mickaël Pardé:
Monitoring forests from L-band microwave observations. 1628-1630 - Terhikki Manninen, Pauline Stenberg, Miina Rautiainen:
Estimation of boreal forest LAI using C-band SAR. 1631-1633 - Giovanni Macelloni, Simonetta Paloscia, Paolo Pampaloni, Roberto Ruisi, Emanuele Santi:
Microwave radiometric features of mediterranean forests: seasonal variations. 1634-1636 - Fabio Del Frate, Domenico Solimini:
On the retrieval of forest biomass from SAR data by neural networks. 1637-1638 - Björn Hallberg, Gary Smith, Lars M. H. Ulander, Per-Olov Frölind:
Individual tree detection using CARABAS-II. 1639-1641 - Makoto Satake, Hiroshi Hanado:
Characteristics of radar reflectivity of rain forests measured by space-borne Ku-band radar. 1642-1644 - Carlos López-Martínez
, Xavier Fàbregas:
Model based PolSAR and PolInSAR speckle noise reduction. 1645-1647 - Madhukar Nomula, Dayalan Kasilingam, Shane Cloude:
Estimating vegetation bias in polarimetric SAR interferometry. 1648-1650 - Mark Tabb, Thomas Flynn, Richard Carande:
Estimation and removal of SNR and scattering degeneracy effects from the PolInSAR coherence region. 1651-1653 - Saurabh Malhotra, Dayalan Kasilingam, Dale L. Schuler:
The dependence of polarimetric coherence on surface roughness for very rough surfaces. 1654-1656 - Stefan Langemeyer, Helge Kloos, Christian Simon-Klar, Lars Friebe, Willm Hinrichs, Hanno Lieske, Peter Pirsch:
A compact and flexible multi-DSP system for real-time SAR applications. 1657-1659 - Rüdiger Gens, Nettie Labelle-Hamer:
Issues and challenges for standardizing level zero format for SAR data. 1660-1662 - Ming-Yu Shih, Din-Chang Tseng:
Speckle reduction for remote-sensing images using contextual hidden Markov tree model. 1663-1665 - Chinmoy Bhattacharya, Jibanananda Roy, Avijit Kar:
Speckle reduction in multiple scale chirp signal using wavelet transform. 1666-1668 - Philip L. Utley, Roger W. Albright, Oh-Ig Kwoun, Theresa Huang, Kon Leung:
Image quality enhancements to ASF ScanSAR processing. 1669-1672 - Tristan Quaife, Philip Lewis, Mathias Disney, Mark Lomas:
Inter-comparison of phenological measures derived from coarse resolution earth observation and implications for assimilation into dynamic vegetation models. 1673-1675 - Inian Moorthy, John R. Miller, Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada, Thomas L. Noland:
Needle chlorophyll content estimation: a comparative study of PROSPECT and LIBERTY. 1676-1678 - Heike Bach, Wout Verhoef:
Sensitivity studies on the effect of surface soil moisture on canopy reflectance using the radiative transfer model GeoSAIL. 1679-1681 - Alice Belot, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, A. Perrier:
Impact of surface heterogeneity on temperature, mass and energy exchanges. 1682-1684 - Qingrong Hu, Yun Shao, Huadong Guo
Microwave dielectric behavior of moistsalt soil - experimental observations and improved dielectric models. 1685-1687 - Liangyun Liu
, Chunjiang Zhao, Wenjiang Huang, Jihua Wang:
Estimating winter wheat plant water content using red edge width. 1688-1691 - Stanley R. Herwitz, Stephen E. Dunagan, Don V. Sullivan, Robert G. Higgins, Lee F. Johnson, Jian Zheng, Robert E. Slye, James A. Brass, Joe G. Leung, Bruce Gallmeyer, Michio Aoyagi:
Solar-powered UAV mission for agricultural decision support. 1692-1694 - Kenji Nakamura, Toshio Iguchi, Riko Oki:
Japan's progress for the global precipitation measurement (GPM). 1695-1697 - Toshio Iguchi, Hiroshi Hanado, Nobuhiro Takahashi, Satoru Kobayashi, Shinsuke Satoh:
The dual-frequency precipitation radar for the GPM core satellite. 1698-1700 - Christopher Ruf, Caleb Principe:
X-band lightweight rainfall radiometer first light. 1701-1703 - Erich Franz Stocker:
Precipitation processing system for the global precipitation measurement mission. 1704-1706 - Robert Meneghini, Rafael F. Rincon, Liang Liao:
On the use of the log-normal particle size distribution to characterize global rain. 1707-1709 - Michael Garstang, James Fuentes, Thomas L. O'Halloran, C. Strong:
Contrasting continental and marine conditions on remotely sensed rainfall. 1710-1711 - V. Chandrasekar, Khalid Mubarak, Sanghun Lim:
Estimation of raindrop size distribution from TRMM precipitation radar observations. 1712-1714 - Zahurul Islam, Graciela Metternicht
Fractal dimension of multiscale and multisource remote sensing data for characterising spatial complexity of urban landscapes. 1715-1717 - Osmar Abílio de Carvalho Júnior
, Renato Fontes Guimarães, Márcio de Morisson Valeriano:
Raster-based algorithm for the estimation of urban growth speed and acceleration. 1718-1720 - Renaud Péteri, Thierry Ranchin:
Urban street mapping using quickbird and ikonos images. 1721-1723 - Sam O. Nwaneri, Yaw A. Twumasi:
Integration of GIS technology for urban transportation planning: the experience in Owerri, Nigeria. 1724-1726 - Stéphane Guillaso
, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Andreas Reigber, Eric Pottier:
Analysis of built-up areas from polarimetric interferometric SAR images. 1727-1729 - Xiaoying Jin, Curt H. Davis:
Multispectral IKONOS imagery automatic road extraction from high-resolution. 1730-1732 - Paulo Lopes, Pedro Lourenço, Nuno Carvalhais, Júlia Seixas
MODIS land cover product validation in the Iberian Peninsula. 1733-1735 - Li Li, Eni G. Njoku, Eastwood Im, Paul S. Chang, Karen St. Germain:
A preliminary survey of radio-frequency interference over the U.S. in aqua AMSR-E data. 1736-1738 - Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, M. Midon, A. Caroglanian, Okechukwu C. Ugweje:
Radio frequenc surve of the 21-cm wavelength (1.4 GHz) allocation for passive microwave observing. 1739-1741 - David M. Le Vine, Michael Haken:
RFI at L-band in synthetic aperture radiometers. 1742-1744 - Steven W. Ellingson, Grant A. Hampson, Joel T. Johnson:
Characterization of L-band RFI and implications for mitigation techniques. 1745-1747 - Albin J. Gasiewski, Valery U. Zavorotny:
Estimation of coupling between mobile vehicular radars and satellite radiometers. 1748-1750 - Steven W. Ellingson, Grant A. Hampson, Joel T. Johnson:
Design of an L-band microwave radiometer with active mitigation of interference. 1751-1753 - Gary G. Gimmestad, David W. Roberts, John M. Stewart, Leanne West, Jack W. Wood:
NEXLASER - an unattended tropospheric aerosol and ozone lidar - first results. 1754-1756 - David N. Whiteman, Belay Demoz
, Zhien Wang, Chris Barnet, Ray Hoff, Wallace McMillan, Igor Veselovskii, Kevin McCann, Felicita Russo, Antonia Gambacorta, Kurt Lightner, Eric S. Maddy, Joe Comer, Nathaniel Kolb, Dan DeSlover, Gary Jedlovec, Martin Cadirola:
Use of Raman lidar for validation of aqua retrievals and the study of airs radiances. 1757-1759 - Gelsomina Pappalardo, Aldo Amodeo, Lucia Mona, M. Pandolfi:
Lidar observations of etna volcanic aerosol. 1760-1762 - Tian Han, David G. Goodenough:
Hyperspectral endmember detection and unmixing based on linear programming. 1763-1766 - Bor-Chen Kuo, Li-Wei Ko, Chia-Hao Pai, David A. Landgrebe:
Regularized feature extractions for hyperspectral data classification. 1767-1769 - Michael Riedmann, Edward J. Milton:
Supervised band selection for optimal use of data from airborne hyperspectral sensors. 1770-1772 - Luciano Alparone, Fabrizio Argenti, Michele Dionisio:
A comparative assessment of space-adaptive analyses of hyperspectral imagery. 1773-1775 - Luis Gómez-Chova
, Javier Calpe, Gustau Camps-Valls, José David Martín-Guerrero, Emilio Soria-Olivas, Joan Vila-Francés, Luis Alonso-Chorda, José Moreno:
Semi-supervised classification method for hyperspectral remote sensing images. 1776-1778 - Sean Mahoney, Patrick James, Alan Mauger, Graham S. Heinson:
Geologic and regolith mapping for mineral exploration in the Gawler Craton of South Australia using hyperion and other remote sensing techniques. 1779-1781 - Chunyan Yan, Qiang Liu, Zheng Niu, Changyao Wang:
Some problems relating to biochemical concentration inversion. 1782-1784 - Lorenzo Bruzzone, Farid Melgani:
An advanced classification system based on the back-propagation of consensus. 1785-1787 - Hedia Chakroun, Goze B. Bénié:
Contextual analysis of multisource Raster data by a region-based segmentation tool in a Voronoi structure. 1788-1792 - Salim Chitroub:
Optimal fusion-classification of multisource remote sensing imagery using global optimization and fuzzy logic. 1793-1795 - Sumit Chakravarty, Qian Du, Hsuan Ren:
Adaptive Gaussian mixture estimation and its application to unsupervised classification of remotely sensed images. 1796-1798 - Alessandro Barducci, Alessandro Mecocci, Ciano Alamanno, Ivan Pippi, Paolo Marcoionni:
Multi-resolution least-squares spectral unmixing algorithm for subpixel classification of hyperspectral images. 1799-1801 - Giovanni Angiulli, Vincenzo Barrile, Mario Versaci:
Fuzzy entropy calculation for SAR image classification. 1802-1804 - Ciro D'Elia, Giovanni Poggi, Giuseppe Scarpa:
Improved tree-structured segmentation of remote sensing images. 1805-1807 - Adam C. Winstanley, Bashir Salaik, Laura Keyes:
Statistical language models for topographic data recognition. 1808-1810 - Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chan, Iris Vanhamel, Marek Suliga:
Scale selection for anisotropic diffusion using probabilistic methods. 1811-1813 - A. El-Boustani, Kalen Brunham, Witold Kinsner:
Investigation of wavelets for raw SAR data compression. 1814-1816 - Bruno Aiazzi, Luciano Alparone, Stefano Baronti, Cinzia Lastri, Leonardo Santurri, Massimo Selva:
Spectral distortion evaluation in lossy compression of hyperspectral imagery. 1817-1819 - Shen-En Qian, Martin Bergeron, Charles Serele, Ian Cunningham, Allan Hollinger:
Evaluation and comparison of JPEG2000 and vector quantization based onboard data compression algorithm for hyperspectral imagery. 1820-1822 - Peter Rueffer, A. Borrmann:
Versatile image data compression for the Beagle 2 probe. 1823-1825 - Xingsong Hou, Guizhong Liu, Yiyang Zou:
Wavelet packet remote-sensing images coding algorithm based on quadtree classification and UTCQ. 1826-1829 - R. Ian Faulconbridge, Mark R. Pickering, Michael J. Ryan, Xiuping Jia:
A new approach to controlling compression-induced distortion of hyperspectral images. 1830-1832 - Amel Benazza-Benyahia, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, M. H. Gharbia:
Adapted vector-lifting schemes for multiband textured image coding. 1833-1835 - Aldo Lucero, Sergio D. Cabrera, Alberto Aguirre, Edward Vidal Jr.:
Compressing three-dimensional GRIB meteorological data using KLT and JPEG 2000. 1836-1838 - Maotang Li, Jingbo Guo, Jiahong Li:
Video imagery transmission and compression method research on ocean monitor system. 1839-1841 - Shinichi Suzuki:
Level 1 data processing algorithm for ALOS PRISM and AVNIR-2. 1842-1844 - Takanori Iwata:
Precision geolocation determination and pointing managemen for the advanced land observing satellite (ALOS). 1845-1848 - Masanobu Shimada, Hirokazu Tanaka, Takeo Tadono, Manabu Watanabe:
Calibration and validation of palsar (II) use of polarimetric active radar calibrator and the Amazon rainforest data. 1849-1851 - Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Kääb, Regula Frauenfelder, Urs Wegmüller:
Detection and monitoring of unstable high-mountain slopes with L-band SAR interferometry. 1852-1854 - Takeo Tadono, Masanobu Shimada, Masayuki Matsuoka:
Preliminary study for evaluating geometric accuracy of ALOS/PRISM. 1855-1857 - Junichi Takaku, Noriko Futamura, Aki Goto, Tetsuji Iijima, Takeo Tadono, Masayuki Matsuoka, Masanobu Shimada, Ryosuke Shibasaki:
High resolution DEM generation from ALOS PRISM data. 1858-1860 - Toshiaki Hashimoto:
RPC model for ALOS/PRISM images. 1861-1863 - Masayuki Matsuoka, Masanobu Shimada, Takeo Tadono, Manabu Watanabe, Toshiaki Hashimoto:
Simulations for the calibration of ALOS/AVNIR-2 using ADEOS/AVNIR. 1864-1866 - Jean-Paul Deroin, V. Bec, M. Zorilla, P. F. Burollet, A. Simonin:
Retrieval of land surface parameters in the zone of Chotts, Tunisia, from SIR-C/X-SAR data. 1867-1869 - Philippe Paillou, Ake Rosenqvist:
A JERS-1 radar mosaic for subsurface geology mapping in East Sahara. 1870-1872 - Thomas J. Schmugge, Kenta Ogawa, Frédéric Jacob, Andrew N. French, Ann Y. Hsu, Jerry C. Ritchie:
Validation of emissivity estimates from ASTER data. 1873-1875 - Kaoru Tachiiri:
Time lag between seasonal change in precipitation, NDVI and cereal prices in Burkina Faso. 1876-1878 - Zhihao Qin, Wenjuan Li, Kebiao Mao, Arnon Karnieli, Pedro Berliner:
Quantitative estimation of main land cover patterns in arid environmental ecosystem across Israel-Egypt border using remote sensing data. 1879-1881 - Abd-Alla Gad:
A parametric approach in assessment of soil degradation using remote sensing and GIS, a case study in North Sinai, Egypt. 1882-1884 - Isabel Miralles-Mellado
, Olga Puertas-Leon, Fernando Bienvenido, Andrés García-Lorca:
Exploitation of the digital elevation models in arid and semi-arid areas.selective detection of the topological shapes using different approaches. 1885-1887 - Jindi Wang, Ziti Jiao, Feng Gao, Liou Xie, Guangjian Yan
, Yueqin Xiang, Shunlin Liang, Xiaowen Li:
Validation of MODIS albedo product by using field measurements and airborne multi-angular remote sensing observations. 1888-1890 - J. Douglas McCuistion, Charles D. Wende, James R. Irons:
Landsat data continuity mission: creating a unique government-industry partnership for global research. 1891-1893 - Dara Entekhabi, Joel Smith, Michael W. Spencer, Ralph Girard:
The hydrosphere state mission: an overview. 1894-1897 - Eastwood Im, Stephen L. Durden, Chialin Wu:
Development status of the cloud profiling radar for the cloudsat mission. 1898-1900 - Helmut Rott, Bernhard Grafmueller, A. Thornbury, J. T. Macklin:
Snowsat - a Ku-band SAR mission for climate research and hydrology. 1901-1903 - José Carlos Nieto-Borge, Heiko Dankert, Katrin Hessner, Susanne Lehner:
Comparison of spatial and spectral sea state parameters measured by space borne SAR, nautical radar and in situ sensors. 1904-1906 - Stefano Zecchetto, Francesco De Biasio
Wavenumber spectra of the Mediterranean Sea winds derived from the NASA QuikSCAT data. 1907-1909 - Danièle Hauser, Alexis Mouche, Bertrand Chapron
, Harald Johnsen, Jean-François Daloze, Christine Guérin, Gérard Caudal, Jean-Michel Lefevre:
Ocean wave spectrum and radar cross-section analysis from coincident ENVISAT ASAR observations and airborne polarimetric radar measurements performed during the VALPARESO experiment. 1910-1914 - Tobias Schneiderhan, Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Susanne Lehner, Jochen Horstmann, Danielle Hoja:
Use of SAR cross spectra for wind retrieval from envisat ASAR wave mode data. 1915-1917 - Heiko Dankert, Jose Carlos Nieto-Borge, Wolfgang Rosenthal:
Investigation of ocean wave groups using radar-image sequences. 1918-1920 - Danielle Hoja, Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Susanne Lehner:
A new wind sea /swell classification method for complex ENVISAT ASAR wave mode data. 1921-1923 - Pierre Queffeulou, Abderrahim Bentamy, Thomas Lavergne, Jean-Michel Lefevre, C. Skandrani:
Mediterranean sea wind and wave characteristics from satellite, buoy and numerical model data. 1924-1926 - Craig Anderson, Trevor Macklin, Judith Wolf, Meric Srokosz:
Observations and modelling of the response of along-track SAR interferometry to mesoscale ocean features. 1927-1929 - Jochen Horstmann, Wolfgang Koch, Nathaniel S. Winstead, Frank M. Monaldo, Donald R. Thompson, Pablo Clemente-Colon, William Pichel:
Comparison of RADARSAT-1 SAR retrieved wind fields to numerical models. 1930-1932 - Leland E. Pierce, Pan Liang, Myron Craig Dobson, Josef Kellndorfer, Oton Barros, João Roberto dos Santos, João Vianei Soares:
Regrowth biomass estimation in the amazon using JERS-1/RADARSAT SAR composites. 1933-1935 - Marcus E. Engdahl, Jouni Pulliainen
, Martti Hallikainen:
Combined land-cover classification and stem volume estimation using multitemporal ERS tandem INSAR data. 1936-1938 - Leif E. B. Eriksson, Maurizio Santoro, Christiane Schmullius, Andreas Wiesmann:
The potential of ALOS single polarization INSAR for estimation of growing stock volume in Boreal forest. 1939-1941 - Tobias Mette, Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos Papathanassiou:
Height-biomass allometry in temperate forests performance accuracy of height-biomass allometry. 1942-1944 - Heiko Balzter, Clare S. Rowland, R. Milne, Oliver Stebler, Geneviève Patenaude, T. Dawson, Paul Saich:
Potential of polarimetric SAR interferometry for forest carbon accounting. 1945-1947 - João Roberto dos Santos, Luciana Spinelli de Araujo, Corina C. Freitas, Luciano Vieira Dutra, Sidnei J. S. Sant'Anna, Tatiana Mora Kuplich, Fábio F. Gama:
Allometric equations for tropical forest estimation and its relationship with P-band SAR data. 1948-1950 - Eugenio Gorgucci, Luca Baldini, Alberto Mugnai, Franco Siccardi, V. Chandrasekar:
Ground validation during EGPM: possible concepts for an Italian distributed site. 1951-1953 - Redy Mardiana, Toshio Iguchi, Nobuhiro Takahashi, Hiroshi Hanado:
Dual-frequency rain profiling method without the use of surface reference technique. 1954-1956 - Nobuhiro Takahashi, Hiroshi Hanado, Toshio Iguchi:
Utilization of range profile data of surface echo from TRMM/PR. 1957-1959 - Shinta Seto, Taikan Oki, Musiake Katumi:
Surface soil moisture estimation by TRMM/PR and TMI. 1960-1962 - Liang Liao, Robert Meneghini:
Evaluation of TRMM PR attenuation by radar mirror image. 1963-1965 - Eyal Amitai, Liang Liao, David B. Wolff, David A. Marks, David Silberstein:
Challenges and proposed solutions for validation of spaceborne rain rate estimates. 1966-1968 - Klaus Steinnocher, Florian P. Kressler, Mario Köstl:
Modelling population pressure in sub-urban and rural regions based on remote sensing and statistical data. 1969-1971 - Giovanni Schiavon, Fabio Del Frate, Chiara Solimini:
High resolution multi-spectral analysis of urban areas with quickbird imagery and sinergy with ERS data. 1972-1974 - Cristina Tarantino, Annarita D'Addabbo, L. Castellana, Guido Pasquariello, Palma Blonda, Giuseppe Satalino:
Extraction of urban settlements by an automatic approach on high resolution remote sensed data. 1975-1977 - Kiwon Lee:
Quantitative analysis of transportation network connectivity with road features automatically extracted from high-resolution satellite imagery. 1978-1980 - Yunhao Chen, Xiaobing Li, Jing Li, Peijun Shi:
Research on urban spatial thermal environment based on remote sensing and GIS. 1981-1983 - Virendra Pathak, Onkar Dikshit:
Neuro-textural classification of indian urban environment. 1984-1986 - Parviz Z. Firouzabadi, Reza Kohkan:
The Holy City of Mashad, a changing environment. 1987-1989 - Hideki Hashiba, Kazuaki Kamda, Sotaro Tanaka, Toshiro Sugimura:
Digital roof model (DRM)using high resolution satellite image and its application for 3D mapping of city region. 1990-1992 - Torbjørn Eltoft:
A new model for the amplitude statistics of SAR imagery. 1993-1995 - Jean-Marie Nicolas:
A fisher-MAP filter for SAR image processing. 1996-1998 - Céline Tison, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Florence Tupin:
Accuracy of fisher distributions and log-moment estimation to describe amplitude distributions of high resolution SAR images over urban areas. 1999-2001 - Elisabeth Simonetto, Hélène Oriot, René Garello, Jean-Marc Le Caillec:
Radargrammetric processing for 3-D building extraction from high-resolution airborne SAR data. 2002-2004 - Caroline Henry, Jean-Claude Souyris, Philippe Marthon:
Target detection and analysis based on spectral analysis of a SAR image: a simulation approach. 2005-2007 - René Fabián Vázquez-Bautista, Yuriy V. Shkvarko, Luis J. Morales-Mendoza:
Aggregating the statistical estimation and variational analysis methods in radar imagery. 2008-2010 - Bard Storvik, Geir Storvik
, Roger Fjørtoft:
Joint distributions for correlated radar images. 2011-2013 - Fabrizio Lombardini, Andreas Reigber:
Adaptive spectral estimation for multibaseline SAR tomography with airborne L-band data. 2014-2016 - Graham Thackrah, Philip Lewis:
An initial analysis of CHRIS-on-board-PROBA data for the purposes of biophysical parameter mapping over a variety of land cover types. 2017-2019 - Wolfram Mauser:
The airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer AVIS-2 -multiangular und hyperspectral data for environmental analysis. 2020-2022 - Alessandro Barducci, Paolo Marcoionni, Ivan Pippi:
Spectral measurements with a new fourier transform imaging spectrometer (FTIS). 2023-2026 - Yonghui Wang, Justin T. Rucker, James E. Fowler:
Embedded wavelet-based compression of hyperspectral imagery using tarp coding. 2027-2029 - Yi Sun, Yi-jin Yang, Ping Zhou:
Wavelet-based compression of terrain. 2030-2032 - Tobias Trenschel, Timo Bretschneider, Graham Leedham:
Using JPEG2000 on-board mini-satellites for image-driven compression. 2033-2035 - Sébastien Drot, Hervé Le Men, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia
Remotely sensed image segmentation using an object point process. 2036-2038 - Ahmed Darwish, Kristin Leukert, Wolfgang Reinhardt:
Image segmentation for the purpose of object-based classification. 2039-2041 - Florence Laporterie-Déjean, Érick López-Ornelas, Guy Flouzat:
Pre-segmentation of high resolution images thanks to the morphological pyramid. 2042-2044 - Jacopo Grazzini, Hussein M. Yahia, Isabelle Herlin, Antonio Turiel:
Analysis and comparison of functional dependencies of multiscale textural features on monospectral infrared images. 2045-2047 - Maria Luiza F. Velloso, Flávio Joaquim de Souza, Nival Nunes de Almeida:
Texture classification approach using conditional local variance model. 2048-2050 - Jinwook Go, Chulhee Lee:
Optimality of decision boundary feature extraction for multiclass problems. 2051-2053 - Gisli H. Halldorsson, Jón Atli Benediktsson, Johannes R. Sveinsson:
Support vector machines in multisource classification. 2054-2056 - Nargess Memarsadeghi
, David M. Mount, Nathan S. Netanyahu, Jacqueline Le Moigne:
A fast implementation of the ISOCLUS algorithm. 2057-2059 - Shihao Tang, Qijiang Zhu, Yanmin Shuai, Donghui Xie, Gongle Zhou:
A new vegetation index and its principle and application. 2060-2062 - D. Yuan, E. L. Doak:
A generic procedure for BRDFnormalization of remotely sensed data. 2063-2065 - Lucas Martínez, Vicenç Palà, Román Arbiol:
Comparison of standard, radio-sounded and forecasted atmospheric data in a solar spectrum atmospheric correction system. 2066-2068 - Liming He, Guangjian Yan, Hua Wang, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang:
Atmospheric correction for AMTIS single-channel multi-angular thermal-infrared imagery. 2069-2071 - Karen Anderson, Edward J. Milton, Elizabeth M. Rollin:
Sources of uncertainty in vicarious calibration: understanding calibration target re .ectance. 2072-2074 - Stephane Houzelle, D. Lebedeff, F. Olivier, J. Y. Labandibar, Louis Moreau:
Hyperspectral image simulator to support SPECTRA mission system study. 2075-2077 - William J. Blackwell:
Retrieval of atmospheric temperature and moisture pro .les from hyperspectral sounding data using a projected principal components transform and a neural network. 2078-2081 - Nicholas A. S. Hamm, Peter M. Atkinson
, Edward J. Milton:
The combined effect of spatial resolution and measurement uncertainty on the accuracy of empirical atmospheric correction. 2082-2084 - Isabelle Herlin, Jean-Paul Berroir, Thomas De Smit:
Use of image regularity constraints for inverse modelling of solar irradiation. 2085-2087 - Margareth Simões, A. P. Gilson, D. C. Singh, K. P. Singh, L. C. C. Heitor, E. Fraga, Jean-Paul Berroir, Isabelle Herlin, H. V. Vieira, U. P. Santos:
Remote sensing and spatial decision support system for environmental degradation monitoring. 2088-2090 - Jian Wang, Jinghu Pan, Wenjun Li:
Change of eco-environment in source region of Yangtze River and yellow river fromlandsat observations. 2091-2093 - Daniel Kristof, Danielle Ducrot:
Environmental impact assessment of a barrage system using novel change detection methods. 2094-2096 - Umirzak M. Sultangazin, E. A. Zakarin, Lev F. Spivak, Oleg P. Arkhipkin, L. A. Balakay:
Monitoring of temperature regime in area of semipalatinsk nuclear test site. 2097-2099 - George Christakos, Alexander Kolovos, Marc L. Serre, Fred Vukovich:
Generating high spatial resolution analyses of SBUV stratospheric ozone for calculating the tropospheric ozone residual (TOR). 2100-2102 - Fabio Bovenga
, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Raffaele Nutricato, Alberto Refice
Discrimination of different sources of signals in permanent scatterers technique by means of independent component analysis. 2103-2105 - Sang-Wan Kim, Joong-Sun Won:
Measurement of sea level by L-band SAR. 2106-2108 - Sandra Costanzo, Francesca Venneri, Giuseppe Di Massa, Giovanni Angiulli:
Microstrip permanent scatterers for SAR interferometry applications. 2109-2111 - Joaquín Muñoz Sabater, Ramon F. Hanssen, Bert M. Kampes, Adele Fusco, Nico Adam:
Physical analysis of atmospheric delay signal observed in stacked radar interferometric data. 2112-2115 - Joong-Sun Won, Young-Ho Na, Sang-Wan Kim:
Tidal flat DEM generation by satellite remote sensing. 2116-2118 - Valentina I. Kravtsova, S. A. Lukyanova:
Satellite monitoring of the caspian sea coastal zone response to the sea level fluctuations: a case of Kalmykian coast. 2119-2121 - Jean-Michel Martinez, L. Maurice Bourgoin, Pascal Kosuth, Frédérique Seyler, Jean-Loup Guyot:
Analysis of multitemporal MODIS and landsat 7 images acquired over amazonian floodplains lakes for suspended sediment concentrations retrieval. 2122-2124 - Kevin Telmer, Maycira P. F. Costa:
Utilizing SAR imagery and aquatic vegetation to map the geochemistry of soft, hard, and brackish lakes in the largest tropical wetland: The Brazilian Pantanal. 2125-2127 - Enrico C. Paringit, Kazuo Nadaoka, Miguel D. Fortes, Saki Harii, Hitoshi Tamura, Jun Mitsui, Jacqueline J. Strachan:
Multiangular and hyperspectral reflectance modeling of seagrass beds for remote sensing studies. 2128-2130 - M. Costa, K. Olaf Niemann:
Estimate of net primary production of aquatic vegetation of the amazon floodplain using SAR satellite data. 2131-2133 - Dana Floricioiu, C. Riedl, Helmut Rott, E. Rott:
Envisat MERIS capabilities for monitoring the water quality of perialpine lakes. 2134-2136 - Michael Ludwig, Christopher Buck, Cyril Mangenot, Martin Suess:
Impact of new technologies on future space-borne radar design. 2137-2139 - Josef Mittermayer, Hartmut Runge:
Conceptual studies for exploiting the TerraSAR-X dual receive antenna. 2140-2142 - David Hounam, Josef Mittermayer:
Techniques for reducing SAR antenna size. 2143-2145 - Eastwood Im, Eric A. Smith, Stephen L. Durden, Simone Tanelli, John Huang, Yahya Rahmat-Samii, Michael Lou:
Instrument concept of NEXRAD in space (NIS) - a geostationary radar for hurricane studies. 2146-2148 - Andreas Colliander, Simo Tauriainen, Tuomo Auer, Juha Kainulainen, Josu Uusitalo, Martti Toikka, Martti Hallikainen:
Development and characterization of fully polarimetric noise injection radiometer for MIRAS. 2149-2151 - Adriano Camps, A. Sumpsi:
Three-antenna two-dimensional imaging correlation radiometer: concept and preliminary results. 2152-2154 - Hanh Pham, Roger DeRoo, Anthony W. England, Line van Nieuwstadt, James Glettler:
A C band radiometer based on STAR-light receivers: design approach, implementation, and performance evaluation. 2155-2157 - Ulf Klein, Chung-Chi Lin, Nigel Atkinson, Janet Charlton, Charles Philpot:
Future microwave radiometers in geostationary and medium earth orbit. 2158-2160 - Widad Elmahboub, Frank Scarpace, Bill Smith:
An integrated methodology to improve classification accuracy of remote sensing data. 2161-2163 - Philippe Goloub, Fabien Waquet, Jean-Luc Deuzé, Maurice Herman, Frédérique Auriol, Jean-François Léon, Jean-Yves Balois, Christian Verwaerde, Didier Tanré:
Development of a multispectral polarimeter dedicated to aerosol characterization - preliminary results. 2164-2166 - Xiuzhen Han, Jianwen Ma, Zhili Liu, Hasibagan, Qiqing Li:
Comparison analysis of AVHRR albedo temporal changes and dust TSP data. 2167-2169 - Liming He, Hua Wang, Guangjian Yan, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang:
Retrieval of aerosol optical depth and single scattering albedo from AMTIS imagery. 2170-2172 - Yoshiyuki Kawata, H. Fukui, Kazuya Takemata:
Retrieval of aerosol optical thickness using band correlation method and atmospheric correction for Landsat-7/ETM+ image data. 2173-2175 - Sonoyo Mukai, Itaru Sano, Yasuhiko Okada:
Validation on a global scale for an indirect effect of aerosols on radiation forcing. 2176-2178 - Yasuhiko Okada, Sonoyo Mukai, Itaru Sano:
Retrieval of aerosol amount and type over coastal turbid regions. 2179-2181 - Adrianos Retalis, Nicolas I. Sifakis, Nuno Grosso, Dimitris Paronis, Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis
Aerosol optical thickness retrieval from AVHRR images over the Athens urban area. 2182-2184 - Carlos Toledano, Victoria Eugenia Cachorro, Ángel Máximo de Frutos, Ricardo Vergaz, M. Mar Sorribas:
Aerosol Arctic Campaign at ALOMAR (69N, 16E, Norway) in June-July 2002. 2185-2187 - Dennis R. Alexander, C. K. Thatipamula:
Short-time fluorescence from corn and soybean plants. 2188-2191 - Craig S. T. Daughtry, E. Raymond Hunt Jr., Paul C. Doraiswamy, James E. McMurtrey, Andrew L. Russ:
Remote sensing of crop residue cover and soil tillage intensity. 2192-2194 - Fabio Del Frate, Giovanni Schiavon, Domenico Solimini, Maurice Borgeaud, Dirk H. Hoekman, Martin A. M. Vissers:
On the potential of multi-polarization and multi-temporal C-band SAR data in classifying crops. 2195-2196 - Paul C. Doraiswamy, Bakhyt Akhmedov, Alan J. Stern, Jerry L. Hatfield, John H. Prueger:
MODIS applications for mapping regional crop yields. 2197-2199 - Benoît Duchemin, Rachid Hadria, Julio César Rodriguez, A. Lahrouni, Saïd Khabba, Gilles Boulet, Bernard Mougenot, Philippe Maisongrande, Christopher Watts:
Spatialisation of a crop model using phenology derived from remote sensing data. 2200-2202 - Jinlong Fan, Bingfang Wu, Huiping Huang:
Comparative assessment of ASTER image and ETM+ fusion image for agricultural applications. 2203-2205 - Sophie Moulin, Raúl Zurita-Milla
, Martine Guérif, Frédéric Baret
Characterizing the spatial and temporal variability of biophysical variables of a wheat crop using hyper-spectral measurements. 2206-2208 - F. Oro, Frédéric Baret
, R. Vintila:
Evaluation of SPOT/HRV data over temporal series acquired during the ADAM project. 2209-2211 - Shuhua Qi, Changyao Wang, Zheng Niu, Chunyan Yan:
Retrieving the crop coefficient spatial distribution for cotton under different growth status with Landsat ETM+ image. 2212-2214 - Zhihao Qin, Minghua Zhang, T. Christensen, Wenjuan Li, Huajun Tang:
Remote sensing analysis of rice disease stresses for farm pest management using wide-band airborne data. 2215-2217 - Tanja Riedel, Christiane Schmullius:
Impact of interception on the thematic analyses of SAR data in agricultural areas. 2218-2220 - Julio César Rodriguez, Benoît Duchemin, Christopher Watts, Rachid Hadria, J. Garatuza, Abdelghani G. Chehbouni, Gilles Boulet, M. Armenta, Salah Er-Raki:
Wheat yields estimation using remote sensing and crop modeling in Yaqui Valley in Mexico. 2221-2223 - Lev F. Spivak, Oleg P. Arkhipkin, L. V. Shagarova, Gulshat N. Sagatdinova
, S. G. Nurgaliev:
Results of winter and spring cereal areas inventory in western Kazakhstan by MODIS data. 2224-2226 - Guoliang Tian, Tao Yu, Yonghong Lv, Roland Bosseno, Xingfa Gu, Jean-François Hanocq, Michel Legrand:
Temporal variations of directional brightness temperature over a maize canopy in South France. 2227-2229 - Nicolas Tremblay, Philippe Vigneault, Driss Haboudane, John R. Miller:
Corn OSAVI as related to soil electrical conductivity and nitrogen fertilization rates. 2230-2232 - Jihua Wang, Liangyun Liu
, Wenjiang Huang, Chunjiang Zhao:
Estimating winter wheat yield from hyperspectral data. 2233-2235 - Tao Yu, Guoliang Tian, Yonghong Lv, Roland Bosseno, Xingfa Gu, Jean-François Hanocq, Michel Legrand:
Classification of brightness temperature components for a maize canopy. 2236-2238 - Qiming Zeng, Jian Jiao, Chuan Jin:
Simulation and analysis of microwave emissivity and opacity of winter wheat by radiation transfer method. 2239-2241 - Feng Zhang, Bingfang Wu, Chenglin Liu:
An advanced tool for real-time crop monitoring in China. 2242-2244 - Yi Zhou, Shixin Wang, Weiqi Zhou, Jun Yan, Ganlin Huang:
Crop division of yield estimation in China by remote sensing and its characteristics. 2245-2247 - Nicole Braun, Martin Gade:
Field studies on the action of rain on the radar backscattering from wind-roughened water surfaces. 2248-2250 - Helmut Essen, Hans-Hellmuth Fuchs, Karin Stein:
Propagation within boundary layers over sea at millimeterwaves and infrared wavelengths. 2251-2253 - Gi-Man Hong, Byung-Hyuk Kwon, Young-Ho Han, Young-Seup Kim:
Estimation of marine meteorological parameters from the satellite data. 2254-2256 - Yoshimi Kawai, Hiroshi Kawamura, K. Otsuka:
Diurnal sea surface temperature warming and its impact on mesoscale air-sea interaction in a coastal area. 2257-2259 - Marina I. Mityagina, Olga Lavrova, Tatiana Bocharova, V. G. Pungin:
Two polarization radar imagery of sea surface: the dependence on atmospheric stability. 2260-2262 - A. Lefort, Manuela Grippa, Nick Walker, L. J. Stewart, Iain H. Woodhouse:
Interferometric coherence for change detection in the Nasca region of Peru. 2263-2265 - Massimo Sciotti, Fabiola Colone, Debora Pastina, T. Bucciarelli:
GPR for archaeological investigations: real performance assessment for different surface and subsurface conditions. 2266-2268 - Mark J. Chopping, Lihong Su, Albert Rango, Connie M. Maxwell:
Desert landscape scene simulation with simple geometric and radiosity models. 2269-2271 - Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Mehrez Zribi, B. Marticorena, G. Bergametti, M. Kardous, Y. Callot, Patrick Chazette, Jean Louis Rajot:
Use of ERS/SAR measurements for soil geometric and aerodynamic roughness estimation in semi-arid and arid areas. 2272-2274 - Zhen Li, Fuli Yan, Xiangtao Fan:
The variability of NDVI over northwest China and its relation to temperature and precipitation. 2275-2277 - Aixia Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Changyao Wang, Zheng Niu, Dongmei Yan:
Monitoring of desertification in central Asia and western China using long term NOAA-AVHRR NDVI time-series data. 2278-2280 - Zhili Liu, Jianwen Ma, Xiaoye Zhang, Wanghong, Buheaosir, Anjin:
Comprehensive analysis of in situ measurement data and satellite data during dust storm in spring 2002. 2281-2283 - M. P. Parenteau, Abderrazak Bannari, Abderrazak El Harti, El Mostafa Bachaoui, Abderrahmene El Ghmari:
Characterization of the state of soil degradation by erosion using the hue and coloration indices. 2284-2286 - Fuli Yan, Zhen Li, Xiangtao Fan, Hu Yang, Yun Shao, Huafu Lu, Huanyin Yue, Xiao Cheng:
Land cover change analysis using the NOAA/AVHRR NDVI datasets, northwest of China. 2287-2289 - ShengTian Yang, ChuangMing Liu, Rui Sun:
The temporal and spatial analysis of drought in Yellow River Basin using remote sensing and GIS. 2290-2292 - Yarong Zou, Zengxiang Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao, Wenbin Tan:
Monitoring grass dynamic in China arid region supported by RS and GIS. 2293-2295 - Fabrizio Cuccoli, Luca Facheris, Dino Giuli, Marco Pellegrini
Atmospheric water vapor estimate through MW attenuation measurements on LEO-LEO satellite configuration. 2296-2298 - Philippe Dubuisson, David Dessailly, Jean-Claude Roger, Robert Frouin, Michèle Vesperini:
Water vapor retrieval over ocean using POLDER near-IR channels. 2299-2301 - Fatima Karbou
, Laurence Eymard, Catherine Prigent, Juan R. Pardo:
Microwave land surface emissivity assessment using AMSU-B and AMSU-A measurements. 2302-2304 - Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath, Armin Kleinböhl, Holger Bremer, Harry Küllmann, Miriam von König, Klaus Künzi:
Stratospheric trace gas measurements by the Airborne Submillimeter Radiometer ASUR during SCIA-VALUE 2002 (validation and utilisation of ENVISAT and SCIAMACHY data products). 2305-2307 - A. F. Nerushev, N. V. Tereb:
Comparison of ground-based and satellite measurements of ultraviolet radiation exposures near the ground. 2308-2310 - T. Randriambelo, Jean-Luc Baray, S. Baldy, A. M. Thompson, S. Oltmans, Philippe Keckhut:
Lidar measurements of tropospheric ozone over Reunion Island: influence of the synoptic situations. 2311-2313 - Michèle Vesperini, Philippe Dubuisson, Fabrice Ducos:
Water vapor retrieval for the POLDER-2 mission. 2314-2316 - Hongrui Zhao, Hong Shi, Hua Yang, W. L. Xu, J. D. Wang, Xiaowen Li:
Analyses of the relationship between atmospheric temperature structure and EOFs. 2317-2319 - Piero Boccardo, Enrico Borgogno Mondino, Fabio Giulio Tonolo:
High resolution satellite images position accuracy tests. 2320-2322 - Christian Gout, A. Tallandier:
Surface approximation from surface patches data that exhibit large variations. 2323-2325 - Oscar Mora, Fernando Pérez, Vicenç Palà, Román Arbiol:
Development of a multiple adjustment processor for generation of DEMs over large areas using SAR data. 2326-2328 - Pingtao Wang, Takeshi Doihara, Wei Lu, S. Mannen:
A resolution-driven generalization approach for linear and areal objects. 2329-2331 - G. I. Belchansky, I. V. Alpatsky, V. A. Eremeev, I. N. Mordvintsev, N. G. Platonov, D. C. Douglas:
Estimating multiyear sea-ice concentration using passive microwave data and MLP neural networks. 2332-2334 - Mingqiang Fang, Kan Zeng, Yingjian Liu, Qian Feng:
Detecting low frequency oscillations of the Pacific Ocean by the ocean upper layer temperature data. 2335-2337 - Philippe Dubuisson, H. Chepfer, Olivier Chomette, V. Giraud, O. Thouron, Jacques Pelon:
Fast radiative transfer codes for infrared imaging radiometry: applications to cirrus clouds. 2338-2340 - J. Keeler, John C. Hubbert, J. Lutz:
NEXRAD data quality by spectral processing. Spectral processing on NCAR's S-Pol radar. 2341-2343 - Erica L. Key, Peter J. Minnett, Robert H. Evans, T. N. Papakyriakou:
Cloud radiative forcing over the Beaufort Sea and north slope of Alaska. 2344-2346 - Wanyu Li, V. Chandrasekar, G. Xu:
Investigations in radar rainfall estimation using neural networks. 2347-2349 - Alexander V. Ryzhkov, Terry Schuur:
Effective shape of raindrops. Polarimetric radar perspective. 2350-2352 - Jorge M. Trabal, Jose G. Colom-Ustariz, Sandra Cruz-Pol, Stephen M. Sekelsky:
Puerto Rico deployable radar network design; site survey. 2353-2355 - Xiao Cheng, Yanmei Zhang, E. Dongchen, Yun Shao:
GPS water vapour estimation using meteorological data from Chinese Antarctic research stations. 2356-2358 - Dusan S. Zrnic, Alexander V. Ryzhkov:
Polarimetric properties of chaff. 2359-2361 - J. C. Carvalho, Cláudio C. F. Barbosa, Evlyn M. L. M. Novo, J. E. Mantovani
, John Melack, W. Pereira Filho:
Applications of quantitative analysis techniques to monitor water quality of Curuai Lake, Brazil. 2362-2364 - Shui-Sen Chen, Qinhuo Liu, Liangfu Chen, Li Xia, Jingfeng Xin:
Monitoring of coastal changes and environmental impacts for the last two decades using remote sensing-a case study in Lingding Bay, China. 2365-2367 - M. Despinoy, Audrey Minghelli-Roman, Agnès Bégué, Michel Petit, J. Coudray, A. Barcelo:
Airborne CASI imagery for bathymetric study in Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). 2368-2370 - Douglas Francisco Marcolino Gherardi, C. Z. F. Braga, V. F. Renno:
The use of numerical experiments on a metapopulation model and remote sensing data for reef conservation. 2371-2373 - K. L. Harrison:
Correlation of AVHRR SST with the presence of loggerhead turtles. 2374-2376 - Evanthia Karpouzli, Timothy J. Malthus:
Hyperspectral discrimination of coral reef benthic communities. 2377-2379 - Richard M. Lucas, Anthea L. Mitchell, B. Donnelly, Tony Milne:
Characterising and mapping mangroves in Northern Australia using stereo aerial photography and hyperspectral CASI data. 2380-2382 - Raffaella Matarrese
, Vito De Pasquale, Leila Guerriero, Alberto Morea, Guido Pasquariello, I. Scroccaro:
Application of dataset from atmospheric and oceanic EO satellites for coastal water studies. 2383-2385 - Audrey Minghelli-Roman, François Cauneau, S. Marni, Michel Petit:
From hyperspectral satellite images to decision processes: a user-oriented approach. 2386-2388 - Konstantinos G. Nikolakopoulos, Dimitrios A. Vaiopoulos, Georgios Aim Skianis:
Use of multitemporal remote sensing thermal data for the creation of temperature profile of Alfios river basin. 2389-2391 - Yunfeng Tian, Jingfa Zhang, Aixia Dou, Dongliang Wang, Lixia Gong, F. J. Zhao, Haoliang Wang, F. J. Wang:
Remote sensing digital image processing techniques in active faults survey. 2392-2394 - Jingfa Zhang, Qiming Qin:
The measure of coseismic deformation of some strong earthquakes happened in Chinese great land at high-accuracy. 2395-2397 - Gilles Andre, Lucian Chiroiu, Catherine Mering, Franck Chopin:
Building destruction and damage assessment after earthquake using high resolution optical sensors. The case of the Gujarat earthquake of January 26, 2001. 2398-2400 - S. Bhaskaran, Bisun Datt:
Processing airborne, spaceborne hyperspectral and GIS data in urban areas. 2401-2403 - Tianhe Chi, Xin Zhang, Huabin Chen, Yumin Tan:
Research on information system for natural disaster monitoring and assessment. 2404-2406 - Aixia Dou, Jingfa Zhang, Yunfeng Tian:
Retrieve seismic damages from remote sensing images by change detection algorithm. 2407-2409 - Yosuke Ito, Masafumi Hosokawa, Masashi Matsuoka
A degree estimation model of earthquake damage using temporal coherence ratio. 2410-2412 - Makoto Kawamura, Kazuhiko Tsujino, Yuji Tsujiko:
Analysis of slope failures due to the 2000 Tokai Heavy Rainfall using high resolution satellite images. 2413-2418 - Susanne Lehner, Andreas Niedermeier, Jose Carlos Nieto-Borge, Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Heiko Dankert, Jochen Horstmann, Wolfgang Rosenthal:
Analysis of two dimensional sea surface elevation fields using spaceborne SAR. 2419-2421 - Marc Paganini, Francesco Palazzo, Olivier Arino, Paolo Manunta, Alessandro Ferretti, E. Gontier, S. Wunderle, Paolo Pasquali, Tazio Strozzi, J. Zilger, Cees J. van Westen:
SLAM, the development of an EO service to support the legal obligations of Swiss and Italian Geological Risk Services in landslide risk forecasting and prevention. 2422-2424 - No-Wook Park, Kwang-Hoon Chi:
A probabilistic approach to predictive spatial data fusion for geological hazard assessment. 2425-2427 - Giovanni Schiavon, Fabio Del Frate, D. D'Ottavio, Salvatore Stramondo
Landslide identification by SAR interferometry: the Sarno case. 2428-2429 - Masasuke Takashima, Haruo Hayashi, S. Nagata:
Monitoring spatial distribution of population and buildings using DMSP night-time imagery and its application for earthquake damage assessment. 2430-2432 - Stefania Usai, Eugenio Sansosti, Maria Lucia Tampellini, Sven Borgstrom, G. P. Ricciardi, J. Spaans, Antonio Pepe, Simone Guarino, Vito Maddalena, M. van Persie, Paolo Berardino, Riccardo Lanari, Gianfranco Fornaro, Frank Martin Seifert:
MINERVA: an INSAR monitoring system for volcanic hazard. 2433-2435 - Jingfa Zhang, Li-Li Xie, Xiaxin Tao:
Change detection of earthquake-damaged buildings on remote sensing image and its application in seismic disaster assessment. 2436-2438 - Hesham M. El-Askary, Menas Kafatos, Xue Liu, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi:
Introducing new approaches for dust storms detection using remote sensing technology. 2439-2441 - Renato Fontes Guimarães, A. C. de Andrade, L. R. Leal, O. A. de Cavalho:
Identification of erosion susceptible areas in Grande river basin (Brazil). 2442-2443 - Renato Fontes Guimarães, V. M. Ramos, André Luciancenov Redivo, Roberto Arnaldo Trancoso Gomes, Nelson Ferreira Fernandes, Osmar Abílio de Carvalho Jr.:
Application of the SHALSTAB model for mapping susceptible landslide areas in mine zone (Quadrilátero Ferrífero in southeast Brazil). 2444-2446 - Yanfen He, Bai Zhang, Xuelin Zhang, Chaoqun Ma:
Analysis on agro-ecological landscape pattern in Phaeozem land area in Northeast China. 2447-2449 - Jianwen Ma, Zili Liu, Qiqing Li, Xi Chen, Qiting Zuo:
The use of Geo-information technology synthetically research on ten years ecosystem changes in middle and lower region of TALIMU watershed. 2450-2452 - Isabel Miralles-Mellado
, Raul Ortega-Perez, Fernando Bienvenido, Andrés García-Lorca:
Integration of a model of insolation into Almanzora*GIS in order to take anti-erosion decisions. Analysis of alternative models. 2453-2455 - Shaomeng Qian, Qizhong Lin, Xue Chen:
An improved method of spectral unmixing and its application in water pollution monitoring. 2456-2458 - Z. Smahi, A. Bensaid, K. Benhanifia:
Integration of multisources data into Geographical Information System for pastoral activities management. Application to steppic area of Aflou (Algeria). 2459-2461 - Fred Vukovich, S. He, A. B. Gilliland, J. Ching, Jack Fishman:
Application of a regional air quality model to study aspects of the characteristics of the TOMS/SBUV Tropospheric Ozone Residual (TOR). 2462-2464 - Peijuan Wang, Suhong Liu, Xiang Zhao, Yonghua Qu, Qijiang Zhu, Yanjuan Yao:
The study on the method of monitoring and analyzing mineral environment with remote sensing images. 2465-2467 - Shengtian Yang, Qijiang Zhu:
A model of intelligent interpreting soil erosion based on geographical knowledge. 2468-2470 - Shengtian Yang, Xianwei Peng:
Analysis and evaluation of soil erosion in GuiYang, China using remote sensing. 2471-2473 - Alexander Zakharov, Ludmila Zakharova, V. P. Sinilo, Mark Sorochinsky:
Monitoring of the forests state in the Chernobyl area using remote sensing data. 2474-2476 - Ludmila Zakharova, Alexander Zakharov, Dashi Darizhapov, Christiane Schmullius:
On the use of ERS INSAR data in the ecological monitoring of the Baikal region. 2477-2479 - Yulei Zhangbai:
A study on environmental geochemistry spatial characteristic of black soil of Heilongjiang province of China based on GIS. 2480-2482 - Xiang Zhao, Suhong Liu, Peijuan Wang, Qing Li, Xinghui Liu, Yonghua Qu:
A study on the remote sensing information model about the water pollution caused by mine tailings. 2483-2487 - F. Mark Danson, P. Bowyer
Sensitivity of remotely sensed reflectance to variation in fuel moisture content at leaf and canopy scale. 2488-2490 - Meritxell Gimeno, Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz, Giorgio Libertá:
Fire scar detection in Central Portugal using RADARSAT-1 and ERS-2 SAR data. 2491-2493 - Jun-ichi Kudoh, Kazuma Hosoi:
Two dimensional Forest Fire Detection method by using NOAA AVHRR images. 2494-2495 - Jukka Miettinen, Soo Chin Liew:
Connection between fire and land cover change in Riau province, Sumatra from 1998 to 2002. 2496-2498 - Lev F. Spivak, Oleg P. Arkhipkin, L. V. Shagarova, M. J. Batyrbaeva:
Fire space monitoring system in Kazakhstan. 2499-2501 - Shixin Wang, Yi Zhou, Litao Wang, Pei Zhang:
A research on fire automatic recognition using MODIS data. 2502-2504 - Weiqi Zhou, Yi Zhou, Shixin Wang, Qing Zhao:
Early warning for grassland fire danger in north China using remote sensing. 2505-2507 - Grzegorz Beziuk, Andrzej Pralat:
Examination of flood embankments via measurement of mutual impedance of loop antennas operating at high frequency. 2508-2510 - Shirong Chen, Shixin Wang, Qing Zhao, Changchun Lv:
Flood loss evaluation system using remote sensing and GIS. 2511-2513 - Timothy J. Malthus, F. M. Taylor, Richard D. Hedger:
Microwave and optical monitoring of water leaks from commercial pipelines. 2514-2516 - Stian Solbo
, Eirik Malnes, Tore Guneriussen, Inger Solheim, Torbjørn Eltoft:
Mapping surface-water with Radarsat at arbitrary incidence angles. 2517-2519 - M. Vatti, Remata S. Reddy, P. Chigbu:
Simulations of "The historic Southeast Louisiana and Southern Mississippi flood activity during May 8-10th, 1995" to build a prototype GIS/RS based ERAISA (Environmental Risk Assessment Integrative Systems Approach) for Gulf Coastal states of the United States. 2520-2522 - Gang Wu, Véronique Prinet, Feng Wang, Songde Ma:
Dike detection using active contour model. 2523-2525 - Yasuharu Yamada:
Relation between ground features and mathematical morphology using JERS-1/SAR data during flooding time in paddy areas. 2526-2528 - Ali Asghar Darvishsefat, S. Saroei:
Evaluation of the potential of Landsat ETM+ for forest density mapping in zagros forests of Iran. 2529-2531 - Sylvie Durrieu, Jean-Stéphane Bailly, D. Corti, Jean-Guy Boureau, Christian Puech:
Tree perception accuracy in high-resolution images: exploratory analysis of combined effects of image parameters and stand characteristics. 2532-2534 - Nicolas Peter, Robert J. Corner, G. Behn:
Mapping projective forest cover in Western Australia's Goldfields region. Investigation of the effect of soil backgrounds. 2535-2537 - Virginia Puzzolo, Francesco G. B. De Natale, F. Giannetti:
Forest species discrimination in an Alpine mountain area using a fuzzy classification of multi-temporal SPOT (HRV) data. 2538-2540 - Edward D. Wallington, Dean Turner, Iain H. Woodhouse, Timothy J. Malthus, C. Suarez-Minguez:
Assessing L-band SAR modes for commercial forest management. 2541-2543 - Fredrik Walter, Johan E. S. Fransson, Anders Gustavsson, Bjorn Larsson, Gary Smith, Lars M. H. Ulander, I. Ostman:
A production line for forest stem volume measurements from VHF SAR data. 2544-2546 - Doreen S. Boyd, Peter C. Phipps, Giles M. Foody:
Spatio-temporal response of extreme events on bornean rainforests. 2547-2549 - Monique Dechambre, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle
, Philippe Dreuillet, Isabelle Champion:
Polarimetric analysis of P-BAND SAR data acquired over a forested area: "the PYLA 2001 experiment". 2550-2552 - Viviane Todt Diverio, Antônio Roberto Formaggio, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro:
A new approach to identify land use and land cover areas in Brazilian Amazon areas using neural networks and IR-MSS fraction images from CBERS satellite. 2553-2555 - Klas Folkesson, Gary Smith, Lars M. H. Ulander:
Stem volume retrieval at stand level using multiple low-frequency SAR images. 2556-2558 - Hideki Hashiba, Kazuaki Kameda, Sotaro Tanaka, Toshiro Sugimura:
An application of digital roof model (DRM) for height measurement of trees. 2559-2561 - S. T. Im, S. M. Gorodzankina, Viatcheslav I. Kharuk, K. Jon Ranson:
Radarsat data for Siberian plain ecosystems classification. 2562-2564 - Nadine T. Laporte, T. S. Lin:
Monitoring logging in the tropical forest of Republic of Congo with Landsat imagery. 2565-2567 - Inian Moorthy, John R. Miller, Thomas L. Noland, Ulrik Nielsen, Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada:
Chlorophyll content estimation of Boreal conifers using hyperspectral remote sensing. 2568-2570 - Till Neeff, Luciano Vieira Dutra, João Roberto dos Santos, Corina da Costa Freitas, Luciana Spinelli de Araujo:
Tropical forest biomass measurement by backscatter and DEM information as derived from airborne SAR. 2571-2573 - Laura Rocchio, Jeffrey G. Masek, Guoqing Sun, Darrel L. Williams:
Validation of satellite-derived forest metrics in northeastern China. 2574-2576 - Clare S. Rowland, Heiko Balzter, T. P. Dawson, Arian Luckman, Laine Skinner, Geneviève Patenaude:
Biomass estimation of Thetford forest from L-band SAR data: potential and limitations. 2577-2579 - Patrícia Guedes da Silva, João Roberto dos Santos, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, P. E. U. Souza, Paulo M. L. A. Graça:
Change vector analysis technique to monitor selective logging activities in Amazon. 2580-2582 - Cunjian Yang, Jiyuan Liu, He Huang, Shanshou Cao:
The correlation analysis of the Landsat TM data and its derived data with the biomass of the tropical forest vegetation. 2583-2585 - Yong Pang, Zengyuan Li, Guoqing Sun, Erxue Chen, Xuejian Che:
Comparison of tree height estimations from C and L-band InSAR data. 2586-2588 - T. M. Ramadan, S. A. Sultan:
Integration of geological, remote sensing and geophysical data for the identification of massive sulphide zones at Wadi Allaqi area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt. 2589-2592 - T. M. Ramadan, S. A. Sultan:
Integration of geological, remote sensing and geophysical data for the identification of massive sulphide zones at Wadi Allaqi Area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt. 2589-2592 - Lijian Zhai, Siwen Bi, Dalai Zhong:
Study on the geothermal dynamics characteristics of Xitieshan-Golmud-Yadong profile in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 2593-2598 - Xiao Cheng, Yanmei Zhang, Zhen Li, Yun Shao:
Blue-ice domain discrimination using interferometric coherence in Antarctic Grove Mountains. 2599-2601 - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Antoine Rabatel
, Christian Vincent, F. Valla, Emmanuel Thibert, Yves Arnaud:
Glacier mass balance determination by remote sensing in the French Alps: progress and limitation for time series monitoring. 2602-2604 - F. Vignon, Yves Arnaud, G. Kaser:
Quantification of glacier volume change using topographic and ASTER DEMs. 2605-2607 - Pierre Gentine, A. Chenbouni, Gilles Boulet, Benoît Duchemin, Franck Timouk, Jamal Ezzahar:
Aggregation of land surface heat fluxes using stochastic state variables. 2608-2610 - Valentina I. Kravtsova, Vadim Mikhailov, Maria Mikhailova:
Monitoring of the Caspian deltas changes by space imagery. 2611-2613 - Allard J. W. de Wit:
Land use mapping and monitoring in the Netherlands using remote sensing data. 2614-2616 - Bernhard Geiger, Laurent Franchistéguy, Jean-Louis Roujean:
Land surface albedo from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) observations. 2617-2619 - A. M. Nepomuceno, Corina C. Freitas, Márcio de Morrison Valeriano, João Roberto dos Santos, Luciano Vieira Dutra, Nilton C. da Silva, A. N. de CSanta Rosa:
P-band radar data classification by neural network for Amazonian land cover assessment. 2620-2622 - Annemarie Schneider, Mark A. Friedl, Curtis E. Woodcock
Mapping urban areas by fusing multiple sources of coarse resolution remotely sensed data. 2623-2625 - Sten Schmidl Søbjærg
, Niels Skou:
Polarimetric signatures from a crop covered land surface measured by an L-band polarimetric radiometer. 2626-2628 - Qulin Tan, Yun Shao, Songlin Yang, Qingzhao Wei:
Wetland vegetation biomass estimation using Landsat-7 ETM+ data. 2629-2631 - Shihao Tang, Qijiang Zhu, Xianghua Bai, Xiaolian Deng, Juanjuan Jing:
Estimation of crown cover fraction and recovery of background information. 2632-2634 - Markus Törmä, Marcus E. Engdahl:
The effect of seasonal and weather conditions to land cover class separability in ERS radar data. 2635-2637 - Guangqian Wang, Lihong Su, Yujie Huang:
A remote sensing macro-dynamic monitoring system for soil erosion at large scale. 2638-2640 - Xinliang Xu, Jiyuan Liu:
Analysis on spatial-temporal characteristics and driving force of land-use change in Hainan island. 2641-2643 - Yongnian Zeng, Zhaodong Feng, Guangchao Cao:
Grassland desertification and its impacts on carbon cycle in the source region of the Yellow River, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau by remote sensing. 2644-2646 - Bai Zhang, Haishang Cui, Yanfen He:
The monitoring of land degradation: the change of saline-alkaline land in Jilin Province of China. 2647-2649 - Marco Diani, Nicola Acito, Giovanni Corsini:
Dim target detection in IR maritime surveillance systems. 2650-2652 - Richard B. Olsen, Jan K. Jensen, Morten Torsås, Bruce Hackett, Harald Engedahl:
Rapid Environmental Assessment at high latitudes. 2653-2655 - Yingjian Liu, Mingqiang Fang, Qian Feng, Laibu Wang:
An Automatic Ship Detection system using ERS SAR images. 2656-2658 - Xiaoping Rui, Chongjun Yang, Peng Dong, Qimin Cheng, Yuqi Bai:
Coal mine WebGIS developing with Java. 2659-2661 - Cristina Maria Bentz, João Antônio Lorenzzetti, Milton Kampel:
Multi-sensor synergetic analysis of mesoscale oceanic features: Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil. 2662-2664 - Fabrizio Berizzi, Gabriele Bertini, R. Condello, Fabio Dell'Acqua, Ben Holt, Paolo Gamba, Andrea Garzelli, Marco Martorella:
Fractal mapping for sea surface anomalies recognition. 2665-2667 - M. G. Bulatov, Yury A. Kravtsov, V. G. Pungin, M. D. Raev, E. I. Skvortsov:
Microwave radiation and backscatter of the sea surface perturbed by underwater gas bubble flow. 2668-2670 - Heiko Dankert:
Retrieval of surface-current fields and bathymetries using radar-image sequences. 2671-2673 - Qing Dong, Huadong Guo
, Chunming Han:
The internal wave extraction from composing sea surface using SAR image. 2674-2676 - H. Del Carmen Farias Espinoza:
Areas of shoaling of "Bonito Listrado" and fishing maps for planned fishing. 2677-2678 - Christian Gout, Isabelle Ramière:
Surface approximation from rapidly varying bathymetric data. 2679-2681 - Leonid M. Ivanov, Oleg V. Melnichenko:
HF radar detects submesoscale spiral eddies in Monterey Bay. 2682-2684 - M. Keriaki, Laurence Eymard, Alain Weill, Danièle Hauser, Gérard Caudal, Estelle Obligis:
Signature of atmospheric stability upon sea surface on microwave radiometer data at 10.7 and 19.35 GHz. Comparisons with double scale model simulations. 2685-2687 - Maged Marghany:
Utilization of Hopfield neural network and quasi-linear model for longshore current pattern simulation from RADARSAT. 2688-2690 - Marco Martorella, Fabrizio Berizzi, Stefano Zecchetto, Francesco De Biasio
Use of synoptic real data for relating the sea surface roughness to the backscattering signal fractal dimension. 2691-2693 - Victor Raizer:
Validation of two-dimensional ocean microwave signatures. 2694-2696 - Xin Zhang:
Observation on modulation of short wind waves. 2697-2699 - Julien Choisnard, Monique Bernier, Gaëtan Lafrance:
RADARSAT-1 SAR scenes for wind power mapping in coastal area: Gulf of St-Lawrence case. 2700-2702 - Nicolas Fichaux, Thierry Ranchin:
Evaluating the offshore wind potential. A combined approach using remote sensing and statistical methods. 2703-2705 - Christine Gommenginger, Meric Srokosz, Peter G. Challenor, David Cotton:
An empirical model to retrieving ocean wave period from nadir altimeter data. 2706-2708 - Charlotte B. Hasager, Morten Nielsen, O. Rathman, Birgitte R. Furevik
, Torill Hamre:
Offshore wind maps from ERS-2 SAR and wind resource modelling. 2709-2711 - Duk-Jin Kim, Wooil M. Moon, SungHyun Nam:
Evaluation of ENVISAT ASAR data for measurement of surface wind field over the Korean east coast. 2712-2714 - Shoichiro Kojima, N. Hashimoto:
Estimation of directional wave spectra from SAR image. 2715-2717 - Alexey V. Kuzmin, Michael N. Pospelov:
The study of gravity-capillary spectra using microwave radiometric techniques. 2718-2720 - G. Levy, M. Ek:
Wind wave relationship in non equilibrium sea states. 2721-2723 - Richard K. Moore, David Braaten, Bhaskar Natarajakumar, Vivek J. Kurisunkal:
Correcting scatterometer ocean measurements for rain effects using radiometer data: application to SeaWinds on ADEOS-2. 2724-2726 - Konstantin A. Naugolnykh, Mikhail I. Charnotskii:
Sea-surface temperature modulation by gravity-capillary wave. 2727-2728 - Andreas Niedermeier, Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Jose Carlos Nieto-Borge, Susanne Lehner:
Spatial domain techniques to derive sea state parameters from ERS and ENVISAT SAR imagettes. 2729-2731 - Juan Pons, Steven C. Reising, Sharmila Padmanabhan, Adriano Camps, Nuria Duffo:
Passive polarimetric remote sensing of the ocean surface during the Rough Evaporation Duct experiment (RED 2001). 2732-2734 - Maurizio Sarti
, Maurizio Migliaccio:
A scatterometer inversion procedure for the Mediterranean Sea. 2735-2737 - Sten Schmidl Søbjærg
, Niels Skou:
An airborne campaign measuring wind signatures from the sea surface using an L-band polarimetric radiometer. 2738-2740 - Nicole de Beaucoudrey, Pierre Schott, Christophe Bourlier:
Detection of oil slicks on sea surface depending on layer thickness and sensor frequency. 2741-2743 - A. M. Quintero-Marmol, Enrico Campos Pedroso, Carlos Henrique Beisl, Ricardo Gómez Cáceres, Fernando Pellon de Miranda, Karen Bannerman, P. Welgan, Oscar López Castillo:
Operational applications of RADARSAT-1 for the monitoring of natural oil seeps in the South Gulf of Mexico. 2744-2746 - Anne H. Schistad Solberg, Sverre T. Dokken, Rune Solberg:
Automatic detection of oil spills in ENVISAT, Radarsat and ERS SAR images. 2747-2749 - Thomas F. N. Kanaa, Emmanuel Tonyé, Grégoire Mercier, Vincent De Paul Onana, J. M. Ngono, Pierre-Louis Frison, Jean-Paul Rudant, René Garello:
Detection of oil slick signatures in SAR images by fusion of hysteresis thresholding responses. 2750-2752 - Alain Herique, Wlodek Kofman
Calibration of the CONSERT/ROSETTA radar. 2753-2755 - Jean-François Nouvel, Alain Herique, Wlodek Kofman
, A. Safaeinili:
Marsis radar signal simulation. 2756-2758 - Vito De Pasquale, Raffaella Matarrese
, Alberto Morea, Maria T. Chiaradia, Guido Pasquariello:
Retrieval chlorophyll-a concentration in the Taranto coastal area using remote sensed data. 2759-2761 - Benoît Duchemin, Salah Er-Raki, Pierre Gentine, Philippe Maisongrande, Laurent Coret, Gilles Boulet, Julio César Rodriguez, Vincent Simonneaux, Abdelghani G. Chehbouni, Gérard Dedieu, N. Guemouria:
Estimating cereal evapotranspiration using a simple model driven by satellite data. 2762-2764 - Jauad El-Kharraz, José A. Sobrino, Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz, Guillem Sòria, Monica Gómez, Mireia Romaguera, Luis J. Morales:
Land surface temperature and NDVI time series derived from NOAA-Pathfinder images and reanalysis data over the Mediterranean Basin. 2765-2767 - Nazzareno Pierdicca, Luca Pulvirenti:
Simulating brightness temperatures at SSM/I channels in the Mediterranean area. 2768-2770 - Sylvie Labroue, Estelle Obligis, Christine Boone, Sabine Philipps:
Salinity retrieval from SMOS brightness temperatures. 2771-2773 - Jorge José Miranda, Mercè Vall-Llossera, Adriano Camps, Ramon Villarino:
Estimation of sea surface spectrum under non-stationary conditions. 2774-2776 - Z. Abdel-Razak Mohamed, F. Bonn, L. P. Giugni, A. Mahmood:
Potentiality of RADARSAT-1 images in the detection of salt affected soils in the arid zone: Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt. 2777-2779 - Sabine Philipps, Christine Boone:
Impact of SMOS space-time averaging on sea surface salinity retrieval. 2780-2782 - Nicolas Reul
, Bertrand Chapron
A simple algorithm for sea surface salinity retrieval from L-band radiometric measurements at nadir. 2783-2785 - Roberto Sabia, Mercè Vall-Llossera, Maurizio Migliaccio:
Sea surface emission at L-band using the IEM method. 2786-2788 - Yun Shao, Huadong Guo
, Qingrong Hu, Yuan Lu, Qing Dong, Chunming Han:
Effect of dielectric properties of moist salinized soils on backscattering coefficients extracted from RADARSAT image. 2789-2791 - William J. Wilson, Simon H. Yueh, Steve J. Dinardo, Yi Chao, Fuk K. Li:
Precision ocean salinity measurements using the Passive Active L/S-band aircraft instrument. 2792-2794 - Simon H. Yueh, William J. Wilson, Wendy N. Edelstein, Don Farra, Mark Johnson, Fernando A. Pellerano, David LeVine, Peter Hilderbrand:
Aquarius instrument design for sea surface salinity measurements. 2795-2797 - Vitaly Y. Alexandrov, Stein Sandven, K. Kloster:
Iceberg identification in the Eurasian Arctic using SAR images. 2798-2801 - Sivaprasad Gogineni, Keith Wong, S. Krishnan, Pannirselvam Kanagaratnam, Thorsten Markus, Victoria I. Lytle:
An ultra-wideband radar for measurements of snow thickness over sea ice. 2802-2804 - Salvador Gutiérrez, David G. Long:
Optical flow and scale-space theory applied to sea-ice motion estimation in Antarctica. 2805-2807 - Alexei V. Kouraev, Fabrice Papa
, Nelly M. Mognard, Petr I. Buharizin, Anny Cazenave, Jean-François Crétaux, Julia Dozortseva, Frédérique Rémy:
Variations of sea ice extent in the Caspian and Aral seas derived from combination of active and passive satellite microwave data. 2808-2810 - Vijay Ramasami, Sivaprasad Gogineni, Ben Holt, Pannirselvam Kanagaratnam, K. Gurumoorthy, S. K. Namburi, J. Henslee, David Braaten, Andrew R. Mahoney, Victoria I. Lytle:
A low frequency wideband depth sounder for sea ice. 2811-2813 - Florian Appel, Heike Bach:
Near-real-time derivation of snow cover maps for hydrological modeling using operational remote sensing data. 2814-2816 - Emmanuel Cordisco, Catherine Prigent, Filipe Aires:
Sensitivity of satellite observations to snow characteristics. 2817-2819 - Chris Derksen, Anne E. Walker, Ellsworth LeDrew:
Development of a cross-platform (SMMR and SSM/I) passive microwave derived snow water equivalent dataset for climatological applications. 2820-2822 - Miia Eskelinen, Sari Metsämäki, Jouni Pulliainen
, Martti Hallikainen, Jaan Praks
The use of airborne optical spectrometer data in snow cover monitoring. 2823-2825 - Tobias Graf, Toshio Koike, H. Fujji, Richard Armstrong, T. Yamazaki, Kouichi Nishimura:
Estimating snow pack properties from passive microwave remote sensing observations using four-dimensional data assimilation. 2826-2828 - Lahoucine Hanich
, Benoit de Solan, Benoît Duchemin, Philippe Maisongrande, A. Chaponnière, Gilles Boulet, Ghani Chehbouni:
Snow cover mapping using SPOT VEGETATION with high resolution data: application in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains. 2829-2830 - Lingmei Jiang
, Jiancheng Shi, Kaiguang Zhao, Lixin Zhang:
Evaluate subsurface effects on AMSR-E's snow depth retrieval. 2831-2833 - Richard E. J. Kelly, Alfred T. C. Chang, James L. Foster, Dorothy K. Hall:
The effect of sub-pixel areal distribution of snow on the estimation of snow depth from spaceborne passive microwave instruments. 2834 - P. Malcher, Dana Floricioiu, Helmut Rott:
Snow mapping in Alpine areas using medium resolution spectrometric sensors. 2835-2837 - Nelly M. Mognard, Alexei V. Kouraev, Edward G. Josberger:
Global snow-cover evolution from twenty years of satellite passive microwave data. 2838-2840 - Matias Takala, Jouni Pulliainen
, Markus Huttunen, Martti Hallikainen:
Estimation of the beginning of snow melt period using SSM/I data. 2841-2843 - Leung Tsang, Kung-Hau Ding, Alfred T. C. Chang:
Scattering by densely packed sticky particles with size distributions and applications to microwave emission and scattering from snow. 2844-2846 - E. Boegh, H. Soegaard, A. Thomsen, S. Hansen:
Multi-scale remote sensing based estimation of leaf area index and nitrogen concentration for photosynthesis modelling. 2847-2849 - Charles G. Brown, Kamal Sarabandi:
Estimation of red pine tree height using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and ancillary data. 2850-2852 - D. Chen, Thomas J. Jackson, Fuqin Li, Michael H. Cosh, Charles L. Walthall, Martha C. Anderson:
Estimation of vegetation water content for corn and soybeans with a normalized difference water index (NDWI) using Landsat Thematic Mapper data. 2853-2856 - Anrong Dang, Sicong Zhang, Xindong He, Lihua Tang, Haibo Xu:
Case study on soil erosion supported by GIS and RS. 2857-2859 - Fabio Del Frate, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero, Tazio Strozzi, Urs Wegmüller, Geoff Cookmartin, Shaun Quegan:
Investigating the performance of radar configurations in crop monitoring. 2860-2862 - Erwann J. Fillol, Alain Royer:
Variability analysis of the transitory climate regime as defined by the NDVI/Ts relationship derived from NOAA-AVHRR over Canada. 2863-2865 - Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch, Alberto Martinez-Vazquez, Daniele Riccio, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, J. David Ballester-Berman:
Experimental validation of an electromagnetic model for rice crops using a wide-band polarimetric radar. 2866-2868 - Benjamin Koetz, Michael E. Schaepman, Felix Morsdorf, Klaus I. Itten, Britta Allgöwer, P. Bowyer
Multi-resolution imaging spectroscopy resolving the structure of heterogeneous canopies for forest fire fuel properties mapping. 2869-2871 - Tatiana Mora Kuplich, Paul J. Curran, Peter M. Atkinson
Relating SAR image texture and backscatter to tropical forest biomass. 2872-2874 - José F. Moreno, Frédéric Baret
, Marc Leroy, Massimo Menenti, Michael Rast, M. Shaepman:
Retrieval of vegetation properties from combined hyperspectral/multiangular optical measurements: results from the DAISEX campaigns. 2875-2877 - Sophie Moulin, Martine Guérif, Frédéric Baret
Model inversion procedure for retrieving wheat biophysical variables from hyperspectral measurements. 2878-2880 - Vincenzo Nicoletti, Sonia Silvestri, Federica Rizzetto, Luigi Tosi, Mario Putti, Pietro Teatini:
Use of remote sensing for the delineation of surface peat deposits south of the Venice Lagoon (Italy). 2881-2883 - Laurent Prévot, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez, André Chanzy, Monique Dechambre, Mehrez Zribi, Nicolas N. Baghdadi:
Estimating vegetation biophysical properties from high resolution images: a comparison between radar and optical data. 2884 - Laurent Prévot, Violeta Poenaru, Petre Voicu
, Roxana Vintila, Hélène DeBoissezon, Nadine Pourthié:
Surface soil moisture estimation from SAR data over wheat fields during the ADAM project. 2885-2887 - Xudong Zhang, Nicolas H. Younan, Roger L. King:
Soil texture classification using wavelet transform and maximum likelihood approach. 2888-2890 - Z. A. Yu, V. A. Zaitseva:
Influence of sulfuric acid solutions on the pine needles optical characteristics. 2891-2893 - Valérie Ciarletti, C. Baudier, Odile Taconet, Richard Dusséaux, T. Dibi, P. Boissard, L. M. Bresson:
Influence of the soil tillage and degradation due to rain upon the radar scattered signal. 2894-2896 - Philippe Paillou, Thomas August-Bernex, Yannick Lasne, Gilles Grandjean, Gilles Ruffié:
A phase signature for detecting subsurface moisture using polarimetric L-band SAR: example of the Pyla dune-France. 2897-2899 - Raphaël Rouveure, C. Bacconnet, Myriam Chanet, Marie-Odile Monod:
Simulation of realistic soils for 3-D computational models. 2900-2902 - Lixin Zhang, Jiancheng Shi, Zhongjun Zhang, Kaiguang Zhao:
The estimation of dielectric constant of frozen soil-water mixture at microwave bands. 2903-2905 - Valérie Ciarletti, Jean-Jacques Berthelier, Richard Ney, Sébastien Bonaime, François Dolon, A. Reinex, G. Bauche, D. Nevejans, Essam Heggy
Experimental validation of a GPR dedicated to the Martian subsurface exploration (Pyla sand dune). 2906-2908 - J. Cull, D. Massie, J. Roberts:
Complex impedance mapping using GPR survey methods. 2909-2911 - Giorgio Franceschetti, Pasquale Imperatore, Antonio Iodice, Daniele Riccio, Giuseppe Ruello:
Scattering from a layered medium with one rough interface: comparison and physical interpretation of different methods. 2912-2914 - Boris G. Kutuza, Anatoly A. Kalinkevich, Olga Shishkova, V. Plushev, V. Manakov:
Some estimations of water lenses position based on experimental data obtained by SAR operating at P and VHF bands. 2915-2917 - Guido Luzi, Daniele Mecatti, Linhsia Noferini, Massimiliano Pieraccini, Carlo Atzeni:
Joint-Time Frequency Analysis for investigating layered structures by surface penetrating radar. 2918-2920 - Shanker Man Shrestha, Ikuo Arai:
High resolution image reconstruction by GPR using MUSIC and SAR processing method for landmine detection. 2921-2923 - Nicola Casagli, Paolo Farina, Davide Leva, Giovanni Nico, Dario Tarchi:
Ground-based SAR interferometry as a tool for landslide monitoring during emergencies. 2924-2926 - Davide Colombo, Paolo Farina, Sandro Moretti, Giovanni Nico, Claudio Maria Prati:
Land subsidence in the Firenze-Prato-Pistoia basin measured by means of spaceborne SAR interferometry. 2927-2929 - Sang-Wan Kim, Joong-Sun Won, Kyo-Young Song:
DInSAR measurements of reclaimed costal land. 2930-2932 - Zhen Li, Xinwu Li, Xin Ren, Qin Dong:
Frozen ground deformation monitoring using SAR interferometry. 2933-2935 - Lutz Petrat, Urs Wegmüller:
Simulation of abandoned mining induced surface movements for estimating DInSAR detection limits. 2936-2938 - Daniel Raucoules, Claudie Carnec, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Christine King, C. Maisons:
Comparison between InSAR and leveling. 2939-2941 - Kiwon Lee, Se-Kyung Oh, Hee Young Ryu:
Application of high-resolution satellite imagery to transportation: accessibility index extraction approach. 2942-2944 - Qiqing Li, Jianwen Ma, Hasibagan, Xiuzhen Han, Zhili Liu:
Spectral and spatial feature integrated method for edge information extraction from high resolution remote sensing image. 2945-2947 - A. Abourida, S. Errouane, A. Cheggour, Vincent Simonneaux, Ghani Chehbouni:
Determination of the water volumes used for irrigation in the Haouz plain by remote sensing. 2948-2949 - Simon N. Benger:
Remotely sensed determination of flood surface gradients for hydrological modelling of semi-arid floodplains. 2950-2952 - A. Mlisa, C. Hartnady, Michael R. Inggs:
Preliminary assessment of SRTM X band DEMs of Southern Africa for hydrogeological studies. 2953-2955 - Anthony Morse, William J. Kramber, M. Wilkins, Richard G. Allen, Masahiro Tasumi:
Preliminary computation of evapotranspiration by land cover type using Landsat TM data and SEBAL. 2956-2958 - Zhiming Zhan, Zhaodong Feng:
Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration in the western Chinese Loess Plateau using remote sensing. 2959-2961 - B. Olutayo:
Towards an increasing awareness and use of remote sensing and geographical information systems in veterinary medicine in Nigeria. 2962-2963 - L. Q. Hung, Okke Batelaan:
Environmental geological remote sensing and GIS analysis of tropical karst areas in Vietnam. 2964-2966 - José L. Stech, Cláudia R. Zagaglia, João Antônio Lorenzzetti:
Remote sensing techniques applied in longline tuna fishery in western Equatorial Atlantic. 2967-2969 - Kyle Hilburn, Frank Wentz, Carl A. Mears:
Rain effects on SeaWinds data. 2971-2976 - Laurent Rey, Pierre de Château-Thierry, Laurent Phalippou, Constantin Mavrocordatos:
Siral the radar altimeter for the cryosat mission, pre-launch performances. 2974-2976 - Dmitri Moisseev, Ramon F. Hanssen, Joaquín Muñoz Sabater:
Towards an atmosphere free interferogram; first comparison between ENVISAT's ASAR and MERIS water vapor observations. 2977-2980 - Estelle Obligis, Laurence Eymard, Ngan Tran, Pierre Féménias:
Side lobe effects for the ENVISAT microwave radiometer. 2981-2983 - Graham D. Quartly, Meric Srokosz:
Rain-flagging of the Envisat altimeter. 2984-2986 - Pierre Queffeulou:
Validation of ENVISAT RA-2 and JASON-1 altimeter wind and wave measurements. 2987-2989 - V. Sofieva, E. Kyrola, Massimo Ferraguto:
From pointing measurements in stellar occultation to atmospheric temperature, pressure and density profiling: simulations and first GOMOS results. 2990-2992 - Ngan Tran, Estelle Obligis, Laurence Eymard, Pierre Féménias:
In-flight calibration/validation of ENVISAT microwave radiometer. 2993-2995 - Urs Wegmüller, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, Charles Werner:
ENVISAT ASAR for land cover information. 2996-2998 - Yvan Baillion, Jean-Yves Labandibar:
Proposed system architecture for SPECTRA Earth Explorer Core Mission implementation. 2999-3001 - Clive S. Fraser, Takeshi Yamakawa, Harry B. Hanley, Paul M. Dare:
Geopositioning from high-resolution satellite imagery: experiences with the affine sensor orientation model. 3002-3004 - Jiacun Li, Shaomeng Qian, Xue Chen:
Object-oriented method of land cover change detection approach using high spatial resolution remote sensing data. 3005-3007 - Ulf Klein, Juan Guijarro, Björn Rommen, Pierre Vogel, Peter de Maagt, Chung-Chi Lin:
Microwave instruments development in ESA's Earth Observation Future Programmes. 3008-3010 - Ernesto Rodríguez, Brian D. Pollard:
Centimetric sea surface height accuracy using the Wide-Swath Ocean altimeter. 3011-3013 - Julia A. Barsi, John L. Barker, John R. Schott:
An Atmospheric Correction Parameter Calculator for a single thermal band earth-sensing instrument. 3014-3016 - Jennifer L. Dungan, David L. Kao, Alex Pang:
Modeling and visualizing uncertainty in continuous variables predicted using remotely sensed data. 3017-3019 - Michael A. Krainak, Mark A. Stephen, Anthony J. Martino, Redgie S. Lancaster, Graham R. Allan, D. L. Lunt:
Tunable solid-etalon filter for the ICESat/GLAS 532 nm channel lidar receiver. 3020-3022 - K. Jon Ranson:
NASA's EOS Terra mission update. 3023-3024 - C. K. Rutledge, William L. Smith:
Multi-year observations of shortwave and longwave radiation at the CERES ocean validation site. 3025-3027 - Andrey K. Savtchenko, Dimitar Ouzounov, Arun Gopalan, D. Yuan, D. Nickless, Dana Ostrenga:
MODIS data from Terra and Aqua satellites. 3028-3030 - Susan Thomas, K. J. Priestely, Peter L. Spence, E. A. Kizer, D. L. Walikainen:
On-orbit stability results of CERES instruments aboard EOS Terra and Aqua spacecrafts using tropical ocean measurements. 3031-3033 - Narinder S. Chauhan:
Soil moisture retrieval at C-band: application to NPOESS/CMIS. 3034 - Alan M. Goldberg:
Delivering Earth's shapes & colors in near-real time: NPOESS products and their characteristics for users. 3035 - Bruce Guenther, Xiaoxiong Xiong, William L. Barnes, Robert E. Murphy:
A calibration algorithm design and analysis for VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands based on the EOS MODIS approach. 3036-3038 - C. Tanya Scalione, Hilmer W. Swenson, Frank J. De Luccia, Carl F. Schueler, John E. Clement, Lane Darnton:
Design evolution of the NPOESS VIIRS instrument since CDR. 3039-3042 - Xiaoxiong Xiong, Robert E. Murphy, Junqiang Sun, Joseph Esposito, William L. Barnes, Bruce Guenther:
The impact of solar diffuser screen on the radiometric calibration of remote sensing systems. 3043-3045 - Jinlong Fan, Bingfang Wu, Huiping Huang:
Using multitemporal RADARSAT-1 data to extract paddy rice structure in southern China. 3046-3048 - Yiming Pi, Xin Xiao, Jianyu Yang:
Design and analysis of multi-mode cluster SAR. 3049-3051 - Eric Anterrieu
, Serge Gratton, Bruno Picard:
Self characterization of modelling parameters for synthetic aperture imaging radiometers. 3052-3054 - Carolina Gabarró, Jordi Font, Adriano Camps, Mercè Vall-Llossera:
Errors on the retrieved sea surface salinity from microwave radiometry due to inaccuracies in the ancillary data. 3055-3057 - Christian Mätzler, Daniel Weber, Max Wüthrich, Katrin Schneeberger, Christian Stamm, Hannes Wydler, Hannes Flühler:
ELBARA, the ETH L-band radiometer for soil-moisture research. 3058-3060 - Raquel Niclòs
, Vicente Caselles
, César Coll
, Enric Valor
High-accuracy sea surface temperature retrieval. 3061-3063 - J. Pellenq, Yann Kerr, Gilles Boulet:
Scaling and assimilation of SMOS data for hydrology. 3064-3066 - Bruno Picard, Eric Anterrieu
, Gérard Caudal, Philippe Waldteufel:
Impact of the fringe washing function on the spatial resolution and on the radiometric sensitivity of the SMOS instrument. 3067-3069 - SMOS Project Team:
Progress on the SMOS project. 3070-3072 - Mercè Vall-Llossera, Jorge José Miranda, Adriano Camps, Ramon Villarino, Nuria Duffo, Ignasi Corbella:
Inter-comparison study of asymptotic models for sea surface emissivity simulation at L-band. 3073-3075 - Ramon Villarino, Adriano Camps, Mercè Vall-Llossera, Jorge José Miranda, Juan José Arenas:
Sea foam effects on the brightness temperature at L-band. 3076-3078 - Stephen Clandillon, Hervé Yésou, Colette Meyer:
Benefits of SPOT 5 HR and VHR data for forest management and windfall damage mapping. 3079-3081 - P. Audenino, L. Rognant, Jean-Marc Chassery:
Qualification of SRTM DEM. A first approach toward an application dependant qualification framework. 3082-3084 - Roland Romeiser, Helko Breit, Michael Eineder, Hartmut Runge, Pierre Flament, Karin de Jong, Jur Vogelzang:
Validation of SRTM-derived surface currents off the Dutch coast by numerical circulation model results. 3085-3087 - Enric Valor
, César Coll
, Vicente Caselles
, Raquel Niclos
The Adjusted Normalized Emissivity Method (ANEM) for land surface temperature and emissivity recovery. 3088-3090 - Taiping Zhang, William L. Smith Jr., Thomas P. Charlock, C. Ken Rutledge, Zhonghai Jin, Glenn Cota, Bryan E. Fabbri:
Observational and theoretical study of spectrally resolved ocean optical properties. 3091-3095 - Stefan Buckreuss, Wolfgang Balzer, P. Muhlbauer, Rolf Werninghaus, Wolfgang Pitz:
The terraSAR-X satellite project. 3096-3098 - Sébastien Fouques, Harald E. Krogstad:
A numerical study of the nonlinear ocean-SAR spectral transform. 3099-3101 - Jochen Horstmann, Wolfgang Koch:
Ocean wind field retrieval using ENVISAT ASAR data. 3102-3104 - Andrea Monti Guarnieri, Davide D'Aria:
Wide-angle azimuth antenna pattern estimation in SAR images. 3105-3107 - Richard B. Olsen, T. Wahl:
The ship detection capability of ENVISAT's ASAR. 3108-3110 - Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Danielle Hoja, Susanne Lehner:
Global ocean wave measurements from ENVISAT ASAR data using a parametric inversion scheme. 3111-3113 - Andreas Wiesmann, Urs Wegmüller, Charles Werner, Tazio Strozzi:
ASAR multi-swath techniques. 3114-3116 - Marielle Guirlet, Bertrand Théodore, Odile Hembise, Antoine Mangin:
Validation of GOMOS O3 vertical profiles. 3117-3119 - Stefan Noël, Manfred Wuttke, Jochen Skupin, Heinrich Bovensmann, John P. Burrows, Manfred Gottwald, Eckhart Krieg:
The SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT: first performance monitoring results. 3120-3122 - Piero Ciotti, E. Di Giamaolo, Patrizia Basili, Stefania Bonafoni, Vinia Mattioli, Riccardo Biondi, Ermanno Fionda, Fernando Consalvi, Adelaide Memmo, Domenico Cimini, Rosa Pacione, Francesco Vespe:
Validation of MERIS water vapour in the central Italy by concurrent measurements of microwave radiometers and GPS receivers. 3123-3125 - Didier Ramon, Lucie Cazier, Richard Santer:
The surface pressure retrieval in the MERIS O2 absorption: validation and potential improvements. 3126-3128 - Mingqiang Fang:
Sea surface height anomalies may help find more about El Nino/La Nina event. 3129-3131 - Khalil Ahmad, W. Linwood Jones, Takis Kasparis:
Precipitation measurements using the QuikSCAT Radiometer. 3132-3135 - Steven W. Bidwell, W. J. Adams, I. K. Bibyk, David F. Everett, Eric A. Smith, Sandra E. Yuter:
Validation and error characterization for the Global Precipitation Measurement. 3136-3138 - Frederick W. Chen, Amanda M. Leckman, David H. Staelin:
Passive microwave signatures of Arctic snowstorms observed from satellites. 3139-3141 - Sabatino Di Michele, Alessandra Tassa, Alberto Mugnai, Frank S. Marzano:
The Bayesian Algorithm for Microwave Precipitation Retrieval (BAMPR): potential and application to TRMM data. 3142-3144 - F. Gao, Jiacheng Wang, Yunxiu Ma:
Retrieval of land surface temperatures on the Tibetan Plateau using passive microwave data. 3145-3147 - Yasuhisa Iida, Ken'ichi Okamoto:
Sampling simulation of five sun synchronous orbit satellites' group and TRMM rainfall estimation using radar-AmeDAS composites. 3148-3150 - Toshiro Inoue:
Deep convection observed from split window of GOES and PR/TRMM, LIS/TRMM. 3151-3153 - Yimin Ji, Erich Franz Stocker:
TRMM fire algorithm, product and applications. 3154-3156 - Yimin Ji, Erich Franz Stocker:
Ground validation of TRMM and AMSU microwave precipitation estimates. 3157-3159 - Min-Jeong Kim, Gail M. Skofronick-Jackson, James A. Weinman:
Intercomparison of millimeter-wave radiative transfer models. 3160-3162 - Min-Jeong Kim, Gail M. Skofronick-Jackson, James A. Weinman, Dong-Eon Chang:
Spaceborne passive microwave measurement of snowfall over land. 3163-3165 - Rafael F. Rincon, Roger H. Lang, Robert Meneghini:
A three-parameter inversion of the drop size distribution using NASA/TRMM Microwave Link data. 3166-3168 - Dong-Bin Shin, Long Sang Chiu:
Precipitation retrievals using radiometric and spatial information of passive microwave radiometers. 3169-3171 - Tetsuya Tagawa, Ken'ichi Okamoto:
Calculations of surface clutter interference with precipitation measurement from space by 35.5 GHz radar for Global Precipitation Measurement Mission. 3172-3174 - Basim J. Zafar, Khalid Mubarak, V. Chandrasekar:
Evaluation of precipitation type determination from TRMM observations. 3175-3177 - Lotfi Aouf, Jean-Michel Lefevre, Danièle Hauser, Bertrand Chapron
Impact of ASAR ENVISAT directional wave spectra on wave forecast. 3178-3180 - Christian Beer, Laine Skinner, Wolfgang Lucht
, Christiane Schmullius:
Assimilation of satellite-derived land cover into a process-based terrestrial biosphere model. 3181-3183 - Claire Lauvernet
, Frédéric Baret
, François-Xavier Le Dimet:
Assimilating high temporal frequency SPOT data to describe canopy functioning: the ADAM project. 3184-3186 - A. Schwartz, M. Vatti, Remata S. Reddy:
Mesoscale modeling investigation using PENNSTATE/NCAR MM5 model and remote sensing technology for weather simulation and prediction. 3187-3189 - Sonia Silvestri, Andrea Garzon, Fabio Corbani:
The use of satellite data to calibrate a hydrodynamic model of the Venice Lagoon. 3190-3192 - Shihao Tang, Jindi Wang, Xin Ding, Menxin Wu, Feng Zhao:
The design and realization of web-based remote sensing model library. 3193-3195 - Patrizia Basili, Stefania Bonafoni, Riccardo Biondi, Vinia Mattioli, Piero Ciotti:
Monitoring of atmospheric water around precipitation events using a scanning ground-based microwave radiometer. 3196-3198 - Ferdaous Chaabane, Antonio Avallone, Florence Tupin, Pierre Briole
, Henri Maître:
Correction of local and global tropospheric effects on differential SAR interferograms for the study of earthquake phenomena. 3199-3201 - Z. Bob Su
, Renhua Zhang, Xiaomin Sun, Zhongli Zhu, Shaomin Liu:
A formula for determination of the roughness height for turbulent heat transfer between the land surface and the atmosphere over bare soil surfaces. 3202-3204 - Domenico Cimini, C. Fiorenza, Erika Coppola, L. Bernardini, Frank S. Marzano, Guido Visconti:
Use of second order statistics of observed and synthetic outgoing long-wave radiation spectra datasets for testing Global Circulation Models. 3205-3207 - Lijuan Han, Shaomin Liu, Jiemin Wang, Jindi Wang:
Study on energy balance over different surfaces. 3208-3210 - Bing Lin, Takmeng Wong, Bruce A. Wielicki, Yongxiang Hu:
The decadal tropical mean radiation data and the Iris hypothesis. 3211-3212 - Kenta Ogawa, Thomas J. Schmugge, Frédéric Jacob, Andrew N. French:
Mapping land surface window (8-12 μm) emissivity from ASTER thermal data. 3213-3215 - Dalton de Morisson Valeriano, B. S. G. Silva:
Clear sky irradiance simulation in a mountainous region in Brazil. 3216-3218 - Xiaozhou Xin, Liangfu Chen, Qinhuo Liu
, Guoliang Tian, Qiang Liu, Jingfeng Xin:
About the optimum view zenith angle for estimating sensible heat flux from surface temperature. 3219-3221 - Yasumasa Hirata, Kaori Sato, Atsushi Sakai, Shigeo Kuramoto, Yukihide Akiyama:
The extraction of canopy-understory vegetation-topography structure using helicopter-borne LIDAR measurement between a plantation and a broad-leaved forest. 3222-3224 - Junbang Wang, Zheng Niu, Bingmin Hu, Changyao Wang, Yanchun Gao, Chunyan Yan:
The carbon flux estimation of China terrestrial ecosystems based on NOAA/AVHRR data. 3225-3227 - Carlos Henrique Beisl, Fernando Pellon de Miranda, Alexandre G. Evsukoff, Enrico Campos Pedroso:
Assessment of environmental sensitivity index of flooding areas in western Amazonia using fuzzy logic in the dual season GRFM JERS-1 SAR image mosaics. 3228-3230 - Elmar Csaplovics:
Environmental monitoring of tropical wetlands in semi-arid Sub-Saharan Africa - what about remote sensing? 3231-3233 - Osmar Abílio de Carvalho Jr.
, C. P. L. Bloise, Ana Paula Ferreira de Carvalho, Renato Fontes Guimarães, Eder de Souza Martins:
Spectral mixture analysis of ASTER image in Brazilian Savanna. 3234-3236 - G. Derive, Cédric Bacour, Frédéric Baret, David Béal, Marie Weiss, Patrice Bicheron, Roselyne Lacaze, Marc Leroy, J.-L. Champeaux, Valéry Masson, Jean-Louis Roujean:
CYTTARES: a global database for the training and inter-comparison of biophysical products derived from medium resolution sensors. 3237-3239 - S. Fistric:
Retrieval of PAR-estimates under heterogeneous atmospheric conditions using remote sensing data and radiation transfer models. 3240-3241 - Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, Emmanuel Martin, Ferran Gascon, Alice Belot, Marie-José Lefèvre, P. Boyat, Pierre Gentine, G. Ader, J. Deschard, P. Torruella, K. Chourak:
DART: 3-D model of optical satellite images and radiation budget. 3242-3244 - Zhifeng Guo, Guoqing Sun, Zhongjun Zhang:
A three-dimensional radar backscatter model for larch forest using L-system. 3245-3247 - Thomas Houet, Laurence Hubert-Moy, Grégoire Mercier, Pascal Gouéry:
Estimation and monitoring of bare soil/vegetation ratio with SPOT VEGETATION and HRVIR. 3248-3250 - Yoshio Inoue, Albert Olioso
, W. Choi:
Dynamic change of CO2 flux over agricultural ecosystem and its relationship with remotely sensed thermal and optical signatures. 3251-3253 - Arto Kaarna, Heikki Kälviäinen, Alexey Anufriev, Jukka Mankki, Terhi Malkavaara, Matti Jantunen:
Geometric correction and classification of images in change detection of water plants in Soinilansalmi. 3254-3256 - Takashi Kusaka, Y. Goto, Takaaki Yobuko:
Estimation of the spatial distribution of Asian dust using the long-range inverse transport model and MODIS images. 3257-3259 - Roselyne Lacaze, Philippe Richaume, Olivier Hautecoeur, T. Lalanne, A. Quesney
, Fabienne Maignan, Patrice Bicheron, Marc Leroy, François-Marie Bréon:
Advanced algorithms of the ADEOS-2/POLDER-2 land surface process line: application to the ADEOS-1/POLDER-1 data. 3260-3262 - Xiao-Bing Li, Yun-Hao Chen, Yi-Da Fan, Yun-Xia Zhang:
Detecting inter-annual variations of vegetation growth based on satellite-sensed vegetation index data from 1983 to 1999. 3263-3265 - Jianwen Ma, Qiqing Li, Hasi Bagan, Zhili Liu:
The endangered rare plant coverage change detection in twelve years by using TM/ETM data. 3266-3268 - Marco Marani, S. Silverstri, Enrica Belluco, M. Camuffo, Andrea D'Alpaos, S. Lanzoni, A. Marani, A. Rinaldo:
Patterns in tidal environments: salt-marsh channel networks and vegetation. 3269-3271 - Emmanuel Martin, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, R. Dhalluin:
Model intercomparison for validating the 2003 DART model. 3272-3274 - Michiru Miyamoto, Keiji Kushida, Kunihiko Yoshino, T. Nagano, Yoichi Sato:
Evaluation of multispatial scale measurements for monitoring wetland vegetation, Kushiro wetland, Japan: application of SPOT images, CASI data, airborne CNIR video images and balloon aerial photography. 3275-3277 - Junko Morimoto, Sawako Ishiwatari, Fu Hirota, Hitoshi Taguchi, Hiromichi Fukui, Ayumi Makino:
Accounting for diversity of plant species in watershed ecosystems by integrating field study and remote sensing. 3278-3280 - Keith Morrison:
Towards a quantitative understanding of the effects of wind motion on airborne and satellite SAR imagery of vegetation. 3281-3283 - Sophie Moulin, Frédéric Baret
, Nadine Bruguier, C. Bataille:
Assessing the vertical distribution of leaf chlorophyll content in a maize crop. 3284-3286 - Konstantinos G. Nikolakopoulos:
Use of Vegetation Indexes with ASTER VNIR data for burnt areas detection in Western Peloponnese, Greece. 3287-3289 - K. Jon Ranson, Guoqing Sun, Katalin A. Kovacs, Viatcheslav I. Kharuk:
MODIS NDVI response following fires in Siberia. 3290-3292 - N. Subhash, J. R. Mallia:
Changes in laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence signatures during regeneration of kacholam and colocasia plants from water stress. 3293-3295 - Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshifumi Yasuoka:
Paddy field mapping in South-East Asia with NOAA AVHRR based on time-series of spectral mixture analysis. 3296-3298 - Qulin Tan, Yun Shao, Songlin Yang, Qingzhao Wei:
Landsat TM optimal bands selection for freshwater lake international importance wetland interpretation and monitoring. 3299-3301 - Jérôme Théau, Derek R. Peddle, Claude R. Duguay:
Enhancement-classification and spectral mixture analysis of caribou lichen habitats, northern Quebec, Canada. 3302-3304 - Konrad J. Wessels, Stephen D. Prince, J. Small:
Monitoring land degradation in Southern Africa based on net primary productivity. 3305-3307 - Tao Yu, Guoliang Tian, Yonghong Lv, Michel Legrand, Xingfa Gu, Jean-François Hanocq, Roland Bosseno:
Modeling directional brightness temperature over a maize canopy in row structure. 3308-3310 - Chuanyan Zhao:
Potential vegetation modelling with variable leaf area index in semi-arid grassland of Loess plateau, China. 3311-3313 - S. Abouma-Simba, Jean-Paul Deroin, J. M. Regnoult:
Combination of SAR, SPOT, and geophysical data for geological mapping: the Nyanga Basin (SW Gabon) example. 3314-3316 - M. A. Mohammed Aslam, A. Balasubramanian, Akihiko Kondoh, Rokhmatuloh, A. J. Mustafa:
Hydrogeomorphological mapping using remote sensing techniques for water resource management around palaeochannels. 3317-3319 - Simon N. Benger:
Remote sensing of vegetation surrogates for regolith landform mapping. 3320-3322 - Filippo Catani, Paolo Farina, Sandro Moretti, Giovanni Nico:
The contribution of spaceborne SAR interferometry to geomorphological analyses. 3323-3325 - A. M. Davis, J. G. Liu, M. A. N. Brown:
Drainage development related to blind thrust evolution along the Flaming Mountain, Turpan Basin, Xinjiang, NW China. 3326-3328 - Ian C. Lau, Graham S. Heinson, P. R. James, A. J. Mauger:
Hyperspectral mapping of regolith materials and landforms for mineral exploration, Olary Domain, South Australia. 3329-3331 - Fuli Yan, Huafu Lu, Hu Yang, Zhen Li, Xiangtao Fan, Yun Shao, Xinwu Li:
Determination of the displacements along the Maergaichaka fault, using remote sensing data, Tibet, China. 3332-3334 - Charlotte B. Hasager, N. O. Jensen, K. Pilegaard, E. Boegh:
MODIS and Landsat TM scaling study on the evapotranspiration at mid-latitude. 3335-3337 - Shaomin Liu, Miaofen Huang, Lijuan Han, Qijiang Zhu:
A study of surface sensible heat fluxes with Large Aperture Scintillometers. 3338-3340 - Shaomin Liu, Zhongping Sun, Jiemin Wang, Xiaowen Li, Lijuan Han:
An intercomparison study on models of estimating the aerodynamic resistance. 3341-3343 - Xinliang Xu, Dafang Zhuang:
Automated extraction of drainages in China based on DEM in GIS environment. 3344-3346 - Xiao Cheng, Yanmei Zhang, Dongchen E, Zhen Li, Yun Shao:
Digital elevation model construction using ASTER stereo VNIR scene in Antarctic in-land ice sheet. 3347-3349 - Victor Haertel, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Raimundo Almeida-Filho:
On the detection of land cover change using fraction images. 3350-3352 - Sanghoon Lee, Melba M. Crawford:
Multitemporal classification of image series with seasonal variability using harmonic components. 3353-3355 - Jianwei Ma, Zhongming Zhao, Ge Zhao, Ping Tang:
Automatic change detection of artificial objects in multitemporal high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery. 3356-3358 - Jean-François Mas, Alejandro Velázquez
, José-Reyes Díaz, Rafael Mayorga, Camilo Alcántara
, Rutilio Castro, Tania Fernández, Azucena Pérez-Vega, Gerardo Bocco:
Assessing land use/cover changes in Mexico: a wall-to-wall multidate GIS database. 3359-3361 - David R. J. Pleydell, A. Graham, F. Mark Danson, P. S. Craig, F. Raoul, F. Tourneux, Patrick Giraudoux:
Mapping HAE disease risk using remotely sensed data. 3362-3364 - Annemarie Schneider, Karen C. Seto, Curtis E. Woodcock
Spatial and temporal patterns of land cover change in Chengdu, China, 1978-2002. 3365-3367 - Anatolij M. Shutko, Svetoslav Marechek, L. Nazarov, Yu G. Tishchenko, A. Sidorenko, Boris G. Kutuza, Alexander A. Chukhlantsev, Sergei P. Golovachev, Eugenij Pavlovich Novichikhin, Alexander Haldin, Thomas L. Coleman, Frank Archer:
Examples of data collected from "PRIRODA-MIR" Space Station by microwave radiometers, optical and infrared sensors over the territory of Africa. 3368-3370 - Rui Sun, Yuyu Zhou, Changming Liu, Shiqi Yang:
Response of net primary productivity on climate change in the Yellow River Basin. 3371-3373 - Siyuan Wang, Guangqian Wang, Zengxiang Zhang, Quanbin Zhou:
Analysis of landscape patterns and driving factors of land use in China. 3374-3376 - Feng Xu, Zengxiang Zhang, Yarong Zou, Xiaoli Zhao:
Analysis of ten-year land use dynamic changes in Huabei region supported by GIS and RS. 3377-3379 - Jai Yao, Zengxiang Zhang:
Dynamic study on landscape spatial pattern of land use in China based on RS and GIS. 3380-3382 - Yong Pang, Guoqing Sun, Zengyuan Li, Xuejian Che, Yanfang Dong, Zhongjun Zhang:
Land cover change monitoring after forest fire in northeast China. 3383-3385 - Geun-Won Yoon, Young Bo Yun, Jong-Hyun Park:
Change vector analysis: detecting of areas associated with flood using Landsat TM. 3386-3388 - Yarong Zou, Zengxiang Zhang, Quanbin Zhou, Wenbin Tan:
Analysis of china grassland dynamic based on RS and GIS. 3389-3391 - R. Fambro, K. F. Golson, Teferi D. Tsegaye, Thomas L. Coleman, R. Metzl, W. Tadesse, D. Clendenon:
Evaluation of soil property variability within the Alabama Mesonet. 3392-3394 - K. H. Scholte, A. Hommels, Freek D. van der Meer, Evert C. Slob
, S. B. Kroonenberg, E. Aliyeva, D. Huseynov, I. Guliev:
Subsurface resistivity in combination with hyperspectral field and satellite data for mud volcano dynamics, Azerbaijan. 3395-3397 - L. Garcia-Weil, A. Lugue-Solheim, A. Tejera-Cruz, O. Bergasa-Lopez:
Long live anticyclonic eddies generated in the Canary Islands during 1998 as observed by infrared and altimeter satellite data. 3398-3400 - Frank Archer, Anatolij M. Shutko, Tommy L. Coleman, Alfredo Perez:
Sensitivity of a bare soil microwave radiation at L and C-band to variation in soil moisture and soil temperature: the Huntsville '98 experiment. 3401-3403 - Brian K. Hornbuckle, Anthony W. England:
Dew: invisible at 1.4 GHz? 3404-3406 - Liang-Fu Chen, Qiang Zhang, Qiang Liu, Xiaozhou Xin, Shui-Sen Chen, Qinhuo Liu
, Zhao-Liang Li:
The spatial scaling effects study of NPP using airborne and field data based on BEPS. 3407-3409 - Cunjian Yang, Jiyuan Liu, Jieming Zhou, Jun Chen, Jirong Gu:
The comparison of the estimation of the biomass of tropical forest vegetation with the different forest vegetation type by using multi-variant liner regression. 3410-3412 - Liu Bo, Timo Bretschneider:
D-ISMC: a distributed unsupervised classification algorithm for optical satellite imagery. 3413-3419 - Qiuxiao Chen, Jiancheng Luo, Chenghu Zhou, Tao Pei:
A hybrid multi-scale segmentation approach for remotely sensed imagery. 3416-3419 - Anil M. Cheriyadat, Lori M. Bruce:
Why principal component analysis is not an appropriate feature extraction method for hyperspectral data. 3420-3422 - Boris Escalante-Ramírez, Penélope López-Quiroz, José Luis Silván-Cárdenas:
SAR-image classification with a directional-oriented discrete Hermite transform and Markov random fields. 3423-3425 - I. L. Fonseca:
The impact of data normalisation on unsupervised continuous classification of landforms. 3426-3428 - Giles M. Foody, A. M. Muslim, Peter M. Atkinson:
Super-resolution mapping of the shoreline through soft classification analyses. 3429-3431 - Lior Friedman, Nathan S. Netanyahu, Maxim Shoshany:
Mean shift-based clustering of remotely sensed data. 3432-3434 - Sidharta Gautama, Alexander Borghgraef:
Predicting the performance of automatic road detection. 3435-3437 - Ashish Ghosh, Nikhil R. Pal, Jyotirmay Das:
Fuzzy rule based approaches for cloud cover estimation using Meteosat 5 images. 3438-3440 - Enguerran Grandchamp, Philippe Marthon:
Driving segmentation and recognition phases using multiscale characterization. 3441-3443 - Yujie Huang, Guangqian Wang, Lihong Su, Zhigang Liu:
An automatic recognition system for soil erosion based on knowledge and support vector machine. 3444-3446 - Mohamed A. Ibrahim, Manoj K. Arora, Susmita K. Ghosh:
Improving the quality of remotely sensed derived land cover maps by incorporating mixed pixels in various stages of a supervised classification process. 3447-3449 - Juha Karvonen:
Feature detection from preprocessed sea ice SAR data based on higher-order statistics. 3450-3452 - N. Gökhan Kasapoglu, Bingül Yazgan, Funda Akleman:
Hierarchical decision tree classification of SAR data with feature extraction method based on spatial variations. 3453-3455 - Teerasit Kasetkasem, Manoj K. Arora, Pramod K. Varshney:
Sub-pixel land cover mapping based on Markov random field models. 3456-3458 - Koichi Kawano, Jun-ichi Kudoh:
Four-dimensional histogram method for sea ice detection using NOAA AVHRR images. 3459-3461 - Koichi Kawano, Jun-ichi Kudoh:
Boundary decision method for sea detection of the N-land database. 3462-3464 - Josef Kellndorfer, Fawwaz T. Ulaby:
Forest biomass inversion from SAR using object oriented image analysis techniques. 3465-3467 - Laura Keyes, Adam C. Winstanley, Philip Healy:
Comparing learning strategies for topographic object classification. 3468-3470 - Florian P. Kressler, YounSoo Kim, Klaus Steinnocher:
Object-oriented land cover classification of panchromatic KOMPSAT-1 and SPOT-5 data. 3471-3473 - Jun-ichi Kudoh, Tomohiko Nakamura, S. Shikano, E. Kikuchi:
Three dimensional histogram technique for IKONOS images. 3474-3476 - Jiangtao Lee, Suhong Liu, Qijiang Zhu:
A correlation comparison for remotely sensed data with different resolutions. 3477-3479 - Serguei Levachkine, Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Marco Moreno:
Intelligent segmentation of color geo-images. 3480-3482 - Huang-de Lin, Lori M. Bruce:
Parametric projection pursuit for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data. 3483-3485 - Érick Lopez-Ornelas, Guy Flouzat, Florence Laporterie-Déjean:
A morphological process of high resolution remote sensing imagery for significant landscape unit segmentation. 3486-3488 - Jiancheng Luo, Qiuxiao Chen, Jiang Zheng, Yee Leung, Jiang-Hong Ma:
An elliptical basis function network for classification of remote-sensing images. 3489-3494 - Jianwen Ma, Hasi Bagan, Buhe Aosier, Zijiang Zhou:
The classification of AVHRR thermal infrared data and ground weather temperature data by using neural network. 3495-3497 - Jean-François Mas:
An artificial neural networks approach to map land use/cover using Landsat imagery and ancillary data. 3498-3500 - Grégoire Mercier, Stéphane Derrode, Wojciech Pieczynski, Jean-Marc Le Caillec, René Garello:
Multiscale oil slick segmentation with Markov chain model. 3501-3503 - David I. Morales, Miguel Moctezuma
, Flavio Parmiggiani:
Urban and non urban area classification by texture characteristics and data fusion. 3504-3506 - Ryuei Nishii:
Contextual image segmentation based on AdaBoost and Markov random fields. 3507-3509 - Mahesh Pal:
Random forests for land cover classification. 3510-3512 - Virendra Pathak, Onkar Dikshit:
Segment based classification using IRS-1C, LISS-III data. 3513-3515 - Pedro Pina, Teresa Barata:
Classification by mathematical morphology. 3516-3518 - Raphaël Rouveure, Patrice Faure, Marie-Odile Monod:
A multi-layer feed-forward perceptron for microwave signals processing. 3519-3521 - Yuya Sasaki, Hugo de Garis, Paul W. Box:
Genetic neural networks for image classification. 3522-3524 - Uwe Stilla, Eckart Michaelsen, Uwe Sörgel, Karsten Schulz:
Perceptual grouping of regular structures for automatic detection of man-made objects. 3525-3527 - Yi-Chen Teng, Din-Chang Tseng:
Remote-sensing image recognition based on wavelet transform and Hausdorff distance. 3528-3530 - M. Voorons, Mickaël Germain, Goze B. Bénié, Ko Fung:
Segmentation of high resolution images based on the multifractal analysis. 3531-3533 - Yaowei Wang, Yanfei Wang
, Yong Xue, Wen Gao:
A new algorithm for remotely sensed image texture classification and segmentation. 3534-3536 - Mathias I. Disney
, Paul Saich, Philip Lewis:
Modelling the radiometric response of a dynamic, 3D structural model of Scots pine in the optical and microwave domains. 3537-3539 - Martin Gade, Gerald Fiedler, Leonie S. Dreschler-Fischer:
Two-dimensional sea surface current fields derived from multi-sensor satellite data. 3540-3542 - Philip Lewis, Paul Saich, Mathias Disney, Bruno Andrieu, Christian Fournier, S. Ljutovac:
Modelling the radiometric response of a dynamic, 3D structural model of wheat in the optical and microwave domains. 3543-3545 - Paul Saich, Philip Lewis, Mathias I. Disney
Biophysical parameter retrieval from forest and crop canopies in the optical and microwave domains using 3D models of canopy structure. 3546-3548 - Ludmila Zakharova, Alexander Zakharov, Dashi Darizhapov, Christiane Schmullius:
Classification of surface covers by combining optical and microwave data for Baikal Lake region. 3549-3551 - Weiguo Zhang, Chao Wang, Ji Wu, Hao Liu, Jianjun Ge, Fan Wu, Hong Zhang:
Image correction and preliminary analysis of a field measurement by a C-band airborne microwave synthetic aperture radiometer. 3552-3554 - Namhoon Baek, Jihwan Choe, Chulhee Lee:
Compression of hyperspectral images at low bit rates. 3555-3557 - Yuqi Bai, Chongjun Yang, Lingling Guo, Qimin Cheng:
OpenGIS WMS-based prototype system of Spatial Information Search Engine. 3558-3560 - Jihwan Choe, Chulhee Lee:
Random access of compressed hyperspectral images. 3561-3563 - Arto Kaarna, Pekka J. Toivanen:
Digital watermarking of spectral images in PCA/wavelet-transform domain. 3564-3567 - Kiwon Lee, Sun Hee Moon, Byung-Doo Kwon:
GML-based representation architecture for digital geo-science GIS layers: a case study using Korea digital geologic map sets. 3568-3570 - Gregory Leptoukh, Dimitar Ouzounov, Andrey K. Savtchenko, Suraiya Ahmad, Li Lu, Nathan H. Pollack, Zhong Liu, James Johnson, Jianchun Qin, Sunmi Cho, Jason Y. Li, Steven Kempler, Bill Teng:
HDF/HDF-EOS data access, visualization and processing tools at the GES DAAC. 3571-3573 - Hrishikesh Tamhankar, Lori M. Bruce, Nicolas H. Younan:
Watermarking of hyperspectral data. 3574-3576 - Chenglin Liu, Binfang Wu, Feng Zhang:
Assimilation of VGT and AVHRR NDVI data to build long series dataset. 3577-3579 - Hua Wang, Pengxin Wang, Liming He, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Juanjuan Jing, Peijuan Wang:
An approach on LAI assimilation between field measurement and crop model simulation. 3580-3582 - Gee Ju Chae, Jeong-Ho Park, Jong-Hyun Park, Kyoung-Ok Kim:
Compression of Landsat Image using the spectral property and wavelet filter. 3583-3585 - Heeyoung Kim, Jihwan Choe, Chulhee Lee:
Fast implementation of 3-D SPIHT using tree information matrix. 3586-3588 - Olga Kosheleva, Alberto Aguirre, Sergio D. Cabrera, Edward Vidal Jr.:
Assessment of KLT and bit-allocation strategies in the application of JPEG 2000 to the battlescale forecast meteorological data. 3589-3591 - Jeong-Ho Park, Gee Ju Chae, Jong-Hyun Park, Kyung-Ok Kim:
ROI coding method for multispectral images. 3592-3594 - Joan Serra-Sagristà
, Francesc Aulí Llinàs, Cristina Fernandez, Fernando García-Vílchez:
A JAVA framework for evaluating still image coders applied to remote sensing applications. 3595-3597 - Y. P. Zhou, Pen-Shu Yeh, Warren J. Wiscombe, Si-Chee Tsay:
Cloud context-based onboard data compression. 3598-3600 - David Béal, Frédéric Baret
, Marie Weiss, Xingfa Gu, M. Verbrugghe:
A method for MERIS atmospheric correction based on the spectral and spatial observation. 3601-3603 - Ulrich Gebhardt, Otmar Loffeld, Holger Nies, Valerij Peters:
Orbit modeling related to cartwheel geometry. 3604-3606 - Liming He, Xiaowen Li, Hua Wang, Gungjian Yan, Jindi Wang:
Atmospheric correction for AMTIS VIS/NIR bands imagery based on BRDF loop and MODTRAN4. 3607-3609 - John C. Hubbert, G. Meymaris, R. Jeffrey Keeler:
Range-velocity mitigation via SZ phase coding for NEXRAD WSR-88D radars. 3610-3612 - S. K. Katiyar, Onkar Dikshit, Krishna A. Kumar:
Linear pushbroom model for IRS-1C/D satellite imaging geometry. 3613-3615 - Holger Nies, Otmar Loffeld, Ulrich Gebhardt, Valerij Peters:
Orbit estimation of the interferometric cartwheel using an extended linearized Kalman filter. 3616-3619 - Shinji Niwa, Hiroshi Yasukawa, Ichi Takumi, Masayasu Hata:
The precursor signal detection from electromagnetic waves for predicting great earthquakes using Kalman filter. 3620-3622 - Martin Over, Birte Schoettker, Matthias Braun, Gunter Menz:
Relative radiometric normalisation of multitemporal Landsat data-a comparison of different approaches. 3623-3625 - Yanmin Shuai, Qijiang Zhu, Shihao Tang, Shuhong Liu, Jiacong Hu:
Study on the quality of hyperspectral vegetation data observed in the field. 3626-3628 - Markus Törmä, Pekka Härmä:
Topographic correction of landsat ETM-images in finnish lapland. 3629-3631 - Guoqing Zhou, Kenneth C. Jezek, Thomas R. Allen:
Greenland ice sheet mapping using 1960s DISP imagery. 3632-3634 - Andrey V. Bogdanov, Gregor Schöner, Axel Steinhage, Stein Sandven:
Multiple classifier system based on attractor dynamics. 3635-3637 - Imed Riadh Farah, Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Mohamed Rached Boussema:
Multispectral satellite image analysis based on the method of blind separation and fusion of sources. 3638-3640 - Tae-Hyun Hwang, Kyoung-Ho Choi, In-Hak Joo, Jong-Hun Lee:
MPEG-7 metadata for video-based GIS applications. 3641-3643 - Choen Kim, Kwang-Hoon Chi, Sanghoon Lee:
Multisensor data fusion with different spatial resolution using hierarchical clustering and fuzzy classification. 3644-3646 - Claudia Notarnicola, Francesco Posa:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo method applied to a Bayesian fusion of remotely sensed data for surface parameters retrieval. 3647-3649 - Vincent De Paul Onana, Emmanuel Trouvé, Gilles Mauris, Jean-Paul Rudant, Pierre-Louis Frison:
Change detection in urban context with multitemporal ERS-SAR images by using data fusion approach. 3650-3652 - P. Flora:
RADARSAT-1 and LANDSAT7 ETM+ integration for kimberlite exploration in the Buffalo Head Hills area, northern central Alberta. 3653-3655 - Rokhmatuloh, Ryutaro Tateishi, Ketut Wikantika, Khairul Munadi
, M. Aslam:
Study on the spectral quality preservation derived from multisensor image fusion techniques between JERS-1 SAR and Landsat TM data. 3656-3658 - Firooz Sadjadi:
Measures of effectiveness and their use in comparative image fusion analysis. 3659-3661 - Uwe Sörgel, Karsten Schulz, Ulrich Thönnessen, Uwe Stilla:
Determination of optimal SAR illumination aspects in build-up areas. 3662-3664 - Victor J. D. Tsai:
Frequency-based fusion of multiresolution images. 3665-3667 - Min-Sil Yang, Wooil M. Moon:
Decision level fusion of multi-frequency polarimetric SAR and optical data with Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. 3668-3670 - Huiping Huang, Bingfang Wu, Jinlong Fan:
Analysis to the relationship of classification accuracy, segmentation scale, image resolution. 3671-3673 - Qing Li, Suhong Liu, Xiang Zhao, Peijuan Wang:
The quantity analysis method research of oil and gas geo-anomaly information mining. 3674-3678 - Feng Liu, Yanmin Shuai, Ding Xin, Qijiang Zhu, Shuhong Liu, Zhenkun Tian:
Data mining about hyperspectral data of winter wheat based on data warehouse and data organization. 3679-3681 - Mingguo Ma, Rui Jin, Xufeng Wang:
An approach to extract oasis's corridor information in arid region from Landsat ETM images - a case of Gaotai Oasis, China. 3682-3684 - Seng Chuan Tay, Wynne Hsu, Kim Hwa Lim, Lee Chen Yap:
Spatial data mining: clustering of hot spots and pattern recognition. 3685-3687 - Roberto Therón
, Didier Paillard, Elsa Cortijo, José Abel Flores, María Vaquero, Francisco J. Sierro, Claire Waelbroeck:
Data-mining the past environment. 3688-3690 - Carsten Tusk, Krzysztof Koperski, Selim Aksoy, Giovanni Marchisio:
Automated feature selection through relevance feedback. 3691-3693 - O. O. Babalobi, O. Fabiyi, O. Libby:
The application of geographical information systems to veterinary medicine: an overview. 3694-3696 - J. M. Catalini:
Application of genetic algorithms in high resolution multispectral images for pipe crosses extraction over Neuquen river Loma La Lata field-Neuquen province-Argentina. 3697-3699 - Qimin Cheng, Chongjun Yang, Zhenfeng Shao, Donglin Liu, Yuqi Bai:
A prototype system of content-based retrieval of remote sensing images. 3700-3702 - F. J. de Souzal, Maria Luiza F. Velloso, P. M. Jabor:
Neurofuzzy nets for South Atlantic monthly temperature atlases production. 3703-3705 - Peng Dong, Chongjun Yang, Xiaoping Rui, Liqiang Zhang, Qimin Cheng:
An effective buffer generation method in GIS. 3706-3708 - Zhifeng Guo, Xingling Wang, Guoqing Sun:
Research and application on spatial data Web service based on .Net platform. 3709-3711 - Mi-Jeong Kim, Eunkyu Lee, Byoung-Woo Oh, Min-Soo Kim:
A study on geographic data services based on dynamically generated flash in wireless Internet. 3712-3714 - Sung-Soo Kim, Seong-Ho Lee, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Hun Lee:
A unified visualization framework for spatial and temporal analysis in 4D GIS. 3715-3717 - Jacob L. Kouame, Nicolas Classeau, Jean-Paul Rudant, Hervé Trebossen:
Evaluation of the potential of radar ENVISAT data for the updating of numerical thematic maps on the coastal fringe of French Guyana. 3718-3720 - Yingwei Luo, Xiaolin Wang, Zhuoqun Xu:
Extension of spatial metadata for navigating distributed spatial data. 3721-3723 - H. Malhotra, A. Rama Murthy, I. V. Murali Krishna:
Geomatics approach for cost effective extraction paths in forest areas (a case study of APFD-India). 3724-3726 - Sam O. Nwaneri:
Mapping intersection accidents with GIS technology in Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. 3727-3729 - Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue, Adam C. Winstanley, Leo Mulhare, Laura Keyes:
Applications of cartographic structure matching. 3730-3732 - Yi Sun, Ping Zhou, Yijin Yang, Qiang Chen, Guihua Yu, Xiwei Xu:
Establishment of special city GIS based on ArcObjects. 3733-3735 - Huanzhuo Ye, Jianya Gong:
Motion data management of 3D moving objects. 3736-3738 - Guoqing Zhou, Changqing Song, Susan Benjamin, Wolfgang Schickler:
US National Large-scale City orthoimage standard initiative. 3739-3741 - Nicola Acito, Giovanni Corsini, Marco Diani:
An unsupervised algorithm for hyperspectral image segmentation based on the Gaussian mixture model. 3745-3747 - Helio Radke Bittencourt, Robin T. Clarke:
Logistic discrimination between classes with nearly equal spectral response in high dimensionality. 3748-3750 - Helio Radke Bittencourt, Robin T. Clarke:
Use of classification and regression trees (CART) to classify remotely-sensed digital images. 3751-3753 - Osmar Abílio de Carvalho Jr.
, Ana Paula Ferreira de Carvalho, Renato Fontes Guimarães, Richard Anderson Silva Lopes, Paulo Honório Guimarães, Eder de Souza Martins, José Navarro Pedreño
Classification of hyperspectral image using SCM methods for geobotanical analysis in the Brazilian savanna region. 3754-3756 - Manuel Graña, Josune Gallego:
Associative morphological memories for endmember induction. 3757-3759 - Marc Lennon, Grégoire Mercier:
Noise-adjusted non orthogonal linear projections for hyperspectral data analysis. 3760-3762 - Qiang Liu, Qinhuo Liu
, Massimo Menenti:
Polynomial expression for analysis of hyperspectral remote sensing data. 3763-3765 - Grégoire Mercier, Stéphane Derrode, Marc Lennon:
Hyperspectral image segmentation with Markov chain model. 3766-3768 - K. Olaf Niemann, David G. Goodenough:
Evaluation of HYPERION data for forestry applications: coastal Douglas-fir and western hemlock. 3769-3771 - Antonio Plaza
, Pablo Martínez, Rosa M. Pérez, Javier Plaza
A new method for target detection in hyperspectral imagery based on extended morphological profiles. 3772-3774 - Dogan A. Timucin:
A Bayesian approach to sensor characterization. 3775-3777 - Changzuo Wang, Chunjiang Zhao, Jindi Wang, Jihua Wang, Liangyun Liu
, Pengxin Wang, Juanjuan Jing, Zhijie Wang:
Correlation analysis between hyperspectral feature and foliage water content in the growth period of winter wheat. 3778-3780 - Cheng Wang, Massimo Menenti, Zhao-Liang Li:
Modified Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) for feature selection of hyperspectral imagery. 3781-3783 - Xin Ding, Lihong Su, Shihao Tang, Jindi Wang, Menxin Wu:
Practice of quantitative remote sensing model library based on COM technique. 3784-3786 - Yonghua Qu, Suhong Liu, Jindi Wang, Peijuan Wang, Xiang Zhao, Yanjuan Yao:
The construction of J2EE-based Spectrum Knowledge Base System for Typical Object in China. 3787-3789 - H. Q. Wu, Tianhe Chi, Jinyun Fang, Xin Zhang:
Studies on parallel and distributed RS image issuance system based on SVM. 3790-3792 - Xin Zhang, Huabin Chen, Tianhe Chi, Lei Wang:
Construction of the sustainable development information service system of China. 3793-3795 - Xin Zhang, Tianhe Chi, Huabin Chen, Hongrui Zhao:
Research on Electronic Government oriented geographic information service system. 3796-3798 - Riadh Abdelfattah, Jean-Marie Nicolas:
InSAR coherence optimisation using second kind statistics. 3799-3801 - Etienne G. Huot, Hussein M. Yahia, Isabelle Herlin:
Landslide tracking with a curve evolution model driven by interferometric data. 3802-3804 - Stefan Knedlik, Otmar Loffeld, Holger Nies:
Sensitivity of DEMs generated from interferometric cartwheel configurations. 3805-3807 - Andreas O. Kohlhase, Kurt L. Feigl, Didier Massonnet, Alessandro Ferretti:
Estimating orbital trajectories from fringe gradients in SAR interferograms for measuring crustal strain. 3808-3810 - Dmitri Moisseev, Ramon F. Hanssen:
Influence of hydrometeors on InSAR observations. 3811-3814 - Vito Pascazio, Gilda Schirinzi:
Performance assessment of multi-frequency SAR interferometry based on statistical estimation. 3815-3817 - Hailiang Peng, Yanping Wang:
Comparative study of InSAR topography reconstruction algorithms based on look vector's orthogonal decomposition. 3818-3820 - Kun Ren, Véronique Prinet, Xiang-Quan Shi, Feng Wang:
Comparison of satellite baseline estimation methods for interferometry applications. 3821-3823 - Kun Ren, Véronique Prinet, Xiang-Quan Shi, Gang Wu:
Simulation of interferogram image for spaceborne SAR system. 3824-3826 - Jingfa Zhang, Qiming Qin:
The research of difference interferometric SAR technique. 3827-3829 - Andrés Almansa:
Image resolution measure with applications to restoration and zoom. 3830-3832 - Alexandre Baussard, Eric L. Miller:
Detection and characterization of buried objects using an adaptive B-spline scheme. 3833-3835 - Lilia Bennaceur Farah, Mohamed Rached Boussema, Ziad Belhadj:
Retrieval of multi-scale roughness parameters and soil moisture by numerical inversion. 3836-3838 - P. Bowyer
, F. Mark Danson, N. M. Trodd:
Methods of sensitivity analysis in remote sensing: implications for canopy reflectance model inversion. 3839-3841 - Giancarlo Ferraiuolo, Vito Pascazio, V. Ronza:
Unsupervised Bayesian reconstruction of microwave images from real data. 3842-3844 - Giovanni Leone, Raffaele Solimene, Rocco Pierri:
Resolution limits in the near zone linear tomographic reconstructions. 3845-3847 - Angelo Liseno, N. Colella, Rocco Pierri, Francesco Soldovieri:
Linear distribution-based retrieval of underground voids. 3848-3850 - G. Martinoty:
Materials' BRDF retrieval from multiview digital aerial images. 3851-3853 - Maurizio Migliaccio, Attilio Gambardella:
TSVD spatial resolution enhancement of microwave radiometer data: a sensitivity study. 3854-3856 - Firooz A. Sadjadi:
A philosophical discussion of the physical limits of radar. 3857-3859 - Keli Sun, Kevin O'Neill, Fridon Shubitidze, Irma Shamatava, Keith D. Paulsen:
Application of TSA formulation for inversion of a metallic object's electromagnetic properties from EMI data. 3860-3862 - Pengxin Wang, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang:
Using path analysis to study correlation and causation in remote sensing inversion. 3863-3865 - Guangjian Yan
, Yuyu Zhou, Jindi Wang, Xiaowen Li:
An iterative temperature inversion method for nonisothermal land surfaces. 3866-3868 - Yanjuan Yao, Guangjian Yan
, Jindi Wang, Peijuan Wang, Yonghua Qu, Kaiguang Zhao:
Leaf area index inversion using multiangular and multispectral data sets. 3869-3871 - Hao Zhang, Hua Yang, Ziti Jiao, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Xin Ding, Jinbao Liu:
Class-based kernels selection for albedo inversion by kernel-driven BRDF model. 3872-3874 - Hongrui Zhao, Wangli Xu, Hua Yang, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Hongxia Cui:
The maximum entropy algorithm for the determination of the Tikhonov regularization parameter in quantitative remote sensing inversion. 3875-3877 - H. R. Zhao, Hong Shi, Hua Yang, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Xin Zhang:
Separating the radiance contribution of land surface and atmosphere. 3878-3880 - Kaiguang Zhao, Jiancheng Shi, Lixin Zhang, Lingmei Jiang, Zhongjun Zhang, Jun Qin, Yanjuan Yao, J. C. Hu:
Retrieval of bare soil surface parameters from simulated data using neural networks combined with IEM. 3881-3883 - Daniel K. Zhou, William L. Smith:
Geophysical parameter retrieval and validation. 3884-3886 - Yuyu Zhou, Guangjian Yan
, Qijiang Zhou, Shihao Tang:
New airborne multi-angle high resolution sensor AMTIS LAI inversion based on neural network. 3887-3889 - Stefano Baronti, Bruno Aiazzi, Luciano Alparone, Leonardo Santurri, Massimo Selva:
Spectral and radiometric distortion evaluation of pan-sharpened XS imagery obtained from compressed XS and pan data. 3890-3892 - V. B. Fofanov, K. Y. Chemodanov:
One approach to decoding the multizonal images. 3893-3895 - Guilherme Lúcio Abelha Mota, Sönke Müller, Raul Queiroz Feitosa, Heitor Coutinho, Margareth Meireiles, Hermani Vieira:
An evaluation of knowledge-based interpretation applied to low-resolution satellite images. 3896-3898 - Fan Wu, Chao Wang, Weiguo Zhang, Hong Zhang, Ji Wu, Hao Liu:
Fusion of airborne synthetic aperture radiometer and Landsat ETM+ images. 3899-3901 - Cédric Bacour, Frédéric Baret
, G. Derive:
CYCLOPES algorithmic development for estimating biophysical products from large swath sensors. 3902-3904 - Igor Pokrovsky, Oleg M. Pokrovsky, Jean-Louis Roujean:
Development of an operational procedure to estimate surface albedo from the SEVIRI/MSG observing system in using POLDER BRDF measurements. 3905-3907 - Daniela Poli:
Georeferencing of multi-line CCD array optical sensors with a general photogrammetric model. 3908-3910 - Yoann Chambenoit, Nicolas Classeau, Emmanuel Trouvé, Jean-Paul Rudant:
Performance assessment of multitemporal SAR images' visual interpretation. 3911-3913 - Koichi Kawano, Jun-ichi Kudoh, S. Shikano, E. Kikuchi:
Analysis of Lake Chany using NOAA images. 3914-3915 - Cyrille Maire, Mihai Datcu, P. Audenino:
SAR DEM filtering by mean of Bayesian and multi-scale, nonstationary methods. 3916-3918 - Kenichi Sugihara, Yoshitugu Hayashi:
Semi-automatic generation of 3-D building model by the integration of CG and GIS. 3919-3921 - Donghui Xie, Menxin Wu, Qijiang Zhu, Jindi Wang, Shihao Tang:
Quantitative remote sensing research on the vegetation 3-D visual simulation based on object oriented technique. 3922-3924 - Xuan Yang, Din-Chang Tseng:
Appearance-preserving view-dependent multiresolution terrain modeling. 3925-3927 - Liqiang Zhang, Chongjun Yang, Peng Dong, Donglin Liu:
Key algorithms study on global terrain visualization. 3928-3930 - Lingfeng Zhu, Yun Shao, Xiangtao Fan, Huadong Guo
Study and implementation on parallel processing algorithm for DEPS. 3931-3933 - Lingfeng Zhu, Yun Shao, Xiangtao Fan, Huadong Guo
Study on real-time simulation technology of large-scale virtual scene. 3934-3936 - Árpád Barsi:
Graph based neural self-organization in analyzing remotely sensed images. 3937-3939 - Jocelyn Chanussot, Alain Clément, Bertrand Vigouroux, J. Chabod:
Lossless compact histogram representation for multi-component images: application to histogram equalization. 3940-3942 - Seong Ik Cho, Kyoung-Ok Kim, Jong-Hun Lee:
Autonomous interior orientation of aerial photographs with weak constraints. 3943-3945 - Min Li, Soo Chin Liew, Leong Keong Kwoh:
Producing cloud free and cloud-shadow free mosaic from cloudy IKONOS images. 3946-3948 - Xuan Li, Yanli Qiao, Weining Yi, Zhifeng Guo:
The research of road extraction for high resolution satellite image. 3949-3951 - Nicolas Loménie, J. Barbeau, Roger Trias-Sanz:
Integrating textural and geometric information for an automatic bridge detection system. 3952-3954 - Gintautas Palubinskas, Rupert Müller, Peter Reinartz:
Mosaicking of optical remote sensing imagery. 3955-3957 - Ji Hun Seo, Soo Jeong, Kyoung-Ok Kim:
Hierarchical corner matching for automatic relative orientation. 3958-3960 - Jing Tang, Farzad Kamalabadi, Alan Z. Liu, Gary R. Swenson:
Extraction of momentum flux of monochromatic gravity waves using spectroscopic imaging. 3961-3963 - Jianbin Xu, Wen Hong, Zhe Liu, Yirong Wu, Maosheng Xiang:
The study of rough-location of remote sensing image with coastlines. 3964-3966 - Dongmei Yan, Zhongming Zhao:
Road detection from Quickbird fused image using IHS transform and morphology. 3967-3969 - Zhaohui Zhang, Véronique Prinet, Songde Ma:
Water body extraction from multi-source satellite images. 3970-3972 - Xiuqing Liu, Zhen Yang, Ruliang Yang:
Improvement research on texture-detection in full-polarization SAR image filter. 3973-3975 - Tiziana Macri Pellizzeri, Pierfrancesco Lombardo, P. Ferriero:
Polarimetric SAR image processing: Wishart vs. "H/A/alpha" segmentation and classification schemes. 3976-3978 - Elise Colin, Cécile Titin-Schnaider, Walid Tabbara:
A new parameter for IFPOL coherence optimization methods. 3979-3981 - Xinwu Li, Huadong Guo
, Jingjuan Liao, Zhen Li, Changlin Wang:
Extraction of vegetation parameters based on simulated annealing algorithm using polarimetric SAR interferometry data. 3982-3984 - Elena Aresu, Guillermo Schwartz:
Impact of ScanSAR images' radiometric calibration on vessels and identification. 3985-3987 - Seisuke Fukuda, Yuhei Nakaichi, Haruto Hirosawa:
Simulation study of stochastic dark line features in in correlated K-distributed images. 3988-3990 - Huibo Ji, Yiding Wang, Yirong Wu, Jan Hong:
A modified apodization method in SAR/ISAR processing. 3991-3994 - Alexander Löw, Wolfram Mauser:
Generation of geometrically and radiometrically terrain corrected ScanSAR images. 3995-3997 - R. K. Malladi, Dayalan Kasilingam, Antonio H. Costa:
Speckle filtering of SAR images using Hölder regularity analysis of the sparse code. 3998-4000 - Luis Javier Morales-Mendoza, Yuriy V. Shkvarko, René Fabián Vázquez-Bautista:
Enhanced zone detection in radar images via fusing the maximum entropy and variational analysis methods. 4001-4003 - Guillaume Oller, Philippe Marthon, L. Rognant:
Edge detection and extraction for SAR images. 4004-4006 - Yiming Pi, Luhong Fan, Xiaobo Yang:
Airport detection and runway recognition in SAR images. 4007-4009 - Leland E. Pierce, Pan Liang, M. Craig Dobson:
Texture estimation in SAR images of forests. 4010-4012 - Takuya Sakamoto, Toru Sato:
An estimation method of target location and scattered waveforms for UWB pulse radar systems. 4013-4015 - C. Steckler, K. Olaf Niemann, Mark S. Flaherty:
Using radarsat to detect and monitor stationary fishing gear and aquaculture gear on the eastern Gulf of Thailand. 4016-4018 - Qulin Tan, Yun Shao, Songlin Yang, Qingzhao Wei:
All direction auto-adaptive dynamic window filter for noise suppression in SLC SAR image. 4019-4021 - Ana Vidal-Pantaleoni, Miguel Ferrando:
Quality evaluation for efficient ScanSAR data processing algorithms. 4022-4024 - Birgit Wessel, Christian Wiedemann, Heinrich Ebner:
The role of context for road extraction from SAR imagery. 4025-4027 - Hua Xie, Leland E. Pierce, Fawwaz T. Ulaby:
Mutual information based registration of SAR images. 4028-4031 - Mario Beaulieu, Samuel Foucher
, Langis Gagnon:
Multi- spectral image resolution refinement using stationary wavelet transform. 4032-4034 - Hua-mei Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, Manoj K. Arora:
A study of joint histogram estimation methods to register multi-sensor remote sensing images using mutual information. 4035-4037 - Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes, Kisha L. Johnson, Jacqueline Le Moigne:
Image registration using a 2nd order stochastic optimization of mutual information. 4038-4040 - S. K. Katiyar, Onkar Dikshit, Krishna Kumar:
Ground control for the geometric correction of PAN imagery from Indian remote sensing (IRS) satellites. 4041-4043 - Yasunori Nakayama, Sotaro Tanaka, Toshiro Sugimura, Ryo Mitsugi:
Production of a global DMSP/OLS nighttime mosaic data in 1997 and its integration with NOAA/AVHRR data. 4044-4046 - J. L. Ponce-Davalos, Yuriy V. Shkvarko:
Superresolution of targets on the multi-grade scene: a spectral positional invariance-based approach. 4047-4049 - Jean-Marie Becker, Daniela Coltuc:
Linear structures' detection on SAR multi-temporal sets using the Polar Transform. 4050-4052 - Patrick Berens:
Extended range migration algorithm for squinted spotlight SAR. 4053-4055 - Daniela Coltuc, Jean-Marie Becker:
A solution for linking the sparse aligned pixels in multi- temporal SAR sets. 4056-4058 - J. C. Crespo, Julio Gutiérrez-Ríos:
Real time phase preserving SAR processor based on COTS architecture. 4059-4061 - Michele De Stefano, Andrea Monti Guarnieri:
Robust Doppler Centroid estimate for ERS and ENVISAT. 4062-4064 - Cihan Erbas:
SAR raw data aspects and focusing via high precision algorithms. 4065-4067 - Gianfranco Fornaro, Eugenio Sansosti, Giorgio Franceschetti, Stefano Perna:
Phase accuracy of motion compensated airborne SAR images. 4068-4070 - Hao Liu, Minhui Zhu:
Applying fractional Fourier transform to radar imaging of moving targets. 4071-4073 - Adriano Meta, Peter Hoogeboom:
High resolution airborne FM-CW SAR: digital signal processing aspects. 4074-4076 - Josef Mittermayer, José Márquez Martínez:
Analysis of range ambiguity suppression in SAR by up and down chirp modulation for point and distributed targets. 4077-4079 - Marco Quartulli, Mihai Datcu:
Stochastic modelling for structure reconstruction from high-resolution SAR data. 4080-4082 - Birgir Bjorn Saevarsson, Johannes R. Sveinsson, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Speckle reduction of SAR images using adaptive curvelet domain. 4083-4085 - Jesus Sanz-Marcos, Pau Prats, Jordi J. Mallorquí
Platform and mode independent SAR data processor based on the extended chirp scaling algorithm. 4086-4088 - Begoña Subiza, Encarna Gimeno-Nieves, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch:
An approach to SAR imaging by means of non-uniform FFTs. 4089-4091 - Magnus O. Ulfarsson, Johannes R. Sveinsson, Jón Atli Benediktsson:
Wavelet footprints for speckle reduction of SAR images. 4092-4094 - Mingjie Zheng, Ruliang Yang:
A novel multi-channel SAR moving targets detection and image method. 4095-4097 - Daiyin Zhu, Zhaoda Zhu, Shaohua Ye, Kunhui Zhang:
Operation and processing for scan mode patch-mapping SAR. 4098-4100 - Youcef Chibani, Hassiba Nemmour:
Kalman filtering as a multilayer perceptron training algorithm for detecting changes in remotely sensed imagery. 4101-4103 - Jordi Inglada:
Change detection on SAR images by using a parametric estimation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. 4104-4106 - Haydee Karszenbaum, Javier Tiffenberg, Francisco Grings, J. M. Martinez, Patricia Kandus, Paula Pratolongo:
A SAR time series analysis toolbox for extracting fire affected areas in wetlands. 4107-4109 - Richard Kidd, Marco Trommler, Wolfgang Wagner
The development of a processing environment for time-series analysis of SeaWinds scatterometer data. 4110-4112 - Roderik Lindenbergh, Ramon F. Hanssen:
Eolian deformation detection and modeling using airborne laser altimetry. 4113-4116 - M. Ramanjaneyulu, Saiveena Suresh, Shanti Shree, K. M. M. Rao:
Change detection in urban area by independent component analysis. 4117-4119 - O. Brisseau, Laurent Barthes, Clément Mallet, Thierry Marsault:
Effect of microphysical characteristics of rain on frequency scaling in microwave band. 4121-4125 - Ali Dziri, Claude Goutelard, Han Vu Thien, Ammar Bouallègue:
Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of the HF channel scattering function. 4126-4128 - Nobukazu Kodera, Ichi Takumi, Masayasu Hata, Hiroshi Yasukawa:
A source estimation method to locate anomalous electromagnetic source in ELF band with global noise separation by ICA. 4129-4131 - Shuhei Murakami, Ichi Takumi, Masayasu Hata, Hiroshi Yasukawa:
Study on analysis of EM radiation source based on eigenvector. 4132-4134 - M. Saito, Hiroshi Yasukawa:
Study on locating simulation of EM radiation source and transfer characteristic in ELF electromagnetic field. 4135-4137 - A. B. Selunsky, Alexey V. Kuzmin:
The microwave emission of a smooth periodic sea surface. 4138-4139 - Sune R. J. Axelsson:
Estimation of target position and velocity using data from multiple radar stations. 4140-4143 - Emiliano Ceraldi, Giorgio Franceschetti, Antonio Iodice, Daniele Riccio, Giuseppe Ruello:
On the use of the specular direction copolarised ratio for the retrieval of soil dielectric constant. 4144-4146 - Gabriel Soriano, Marc Saillard:
A two-scale model for the ocean surface bistatic scattering. 4147-4149 - Andrew J. Terzuoli, P. Paul Gilgallon, P. Howland:
Studies in passive bistatic remote sensing. 4150 - Greg Hislop, Tee Tang:
A new diffraction tomography algorithm for ground penetrating radar. 4151-4153 - Angelo Liseno, Francesco Tartaglione, Rocco Pierri, Francesco Soldovieri:
GPR-based shape reconstruction of metallic objects. 4154-4156 - Kevin O'Neill, Keli Sun, Chi-Chih Chen
, Fridon Shubitidze, Keith D. Paulsen:
Combining GPR and EMI data for discrimination of multiple subsurface metallic objects. 4157-4159 - Fridon Shubitidze, Kevin O'Neill, Irma Shamatava, Keli Sun, Keith D. Paulsen:
Fast direct and inverse EMI algorithms for enhanced identification of buried UXO with real EMI data. 4160-4162 - Fridon Shubitidze, Kevin O'Neill, Irma Shamatava, Keli Sun, Keith D. Paulsen:
Analysis of GPR scattering by multiple subsurface metallic objects to improve UXO discrimination. 4163-4165 - Alexander A. Chukhlantsev, Yurij G. Tishchenko, Svetoslav V. Marechek, Anatolij M. Shutko, Sergei P. Golovachev, Eugenij Pavlovich Novichikhin:
Laboratory complex for measuring of EM waves attenuation by vegetation fragments. 4166-4168 - Domenico Cimini, Ed R. Westwater, Yong Han:
Theoretical analysis of the frequency allocation of the hinge points around 22.235 GHz. 4169-4171 - Valery L. Mironov, Verne Kaupp, Sergey A. Komarov, Vladimir N. Kleshchenko:
Frozen soil dielectric model using unfrozen water spectroscopic parameters. 4172-4174 - Igor B. Shirokov:
The determination of microwave propagation mechanism on line-of-sight links. 4175-4176 - Igor B. Shirokov, S. Shaban, Sergey N. Polivkin, D. V. Sinitsyn:
Experimental investigations of amplitude and phase progression fluctuations on microwave line-of-sight links in relation with natural medium condition. 4177-4179 - Tianhe Chi, Huabin Chen, Xin Zhang, Hongqiao Wu:
Research on parallel computation based remote sensing image processing for natural disaster monitoring and assessment. 4180-4182 - Anton N. Churyumov, Yurii A. Kravtsov, Marina I. Mityagina, A. V. Morkotun:
A three-component composite model of the sea surface: incorporating steep and breaking mesoscale wavelets into the two-scale model. 4183-4185 - N. Guillet, Vincent Fabbro, Christophe Bourlier, Paul-François Combes:
Low grazing angle propagation above rough surface by the parabolic wave equation. 4186-4188 - Harm W. Melief, Harm Greidanus, Peter Hoogeboom, Piet van Genderen:
Modeling radar backscatter from breaking waves on the surface. 4189-4191 - Emanuel Radoi, André Quinquis, Pierre Saulais:
Analysis and simulation of sea clutter at high range resolution and low grazing angles. 4192-4194 - Vladimir P. Yakubov, E. D. Telpukhovskiy, Kamal Sarabandi, Valery L. Mironov, V. B. Kashkin:
Attenuation and depolarization data measured for scattered field inside Larch canopy. 4195-4197 - Zhiqin Zhao, James C. West:
Extended GO modeling of microwave backscattering from measured breaking wave crests. 4198-4200 - Dmitriy A. Boyarskii, V. V. Tikhonov, Galina M. Chulkova, A. R. Makavetskas:
Microwave transmission coefficient of the heterogeneous media. 4201-4203 - George V. Jandieri, G. D. Aburjania, Archil G. Khantadze, Vakhtang G. Jandieri:
Peculiarities of the angular power spectrum of scattered radiation by a random inhomogeneous dielectric slab. 4204-4206 - Iosif M. Fuks, Oleg A. Godin:
Statistical parameters of the travel time for signals reflected or refracted at a rough surface. 4207-4210 - Fifamè N. Koudogbo, Henri-José Mametsa, Paul-François Combes:
Surface and volume scattering from natural and manmade rough surfaces in the process of setting up data base coefficients. 4211-4213 - Pierre Schott, Nicole de Beaucoudrey, Christophe Bourlier:
Reflectivity of one-dimensional rough surfaces using the ray tracing technique with multiple reflections. 4214-4216 - Laetitia Thirion, Isabelle Chenerie, C. Galy:
Study of the backscattering coefficient and the interferometric coherence of mangrove forests. 4217-4219 - Yang Yang, O. A. Basir, Yaxun Liu:
Wavelet based method for electromagnetic inverse scattering problem using extended Born approximation. 4220-4222 - Graham D. Quartly, Claire E. Jones, Trevor H. Guymer, Keith G. Birch, Jon M. Campbell, Ian N. Waddington:
Weathering the storm: developments in the acoustic sensing of wind and rain. 4223-4225 - Sune R. J. Axelsson:
Noise radar using random phase and frequency modulation. 4226-4231 - Jose Manuel Pidre Mosquera, Maria Vera-Isasa:
UWB resistively loaded sensor design. 4232-4234 - Toru Sato, K. Kamio:
An adaptive clutter rejection scheme for atmospheric radars. 4235-4237 - Yaroslav Savenko, P. O. Dem'yanenko, Yu. F. Zinkovskiy, M. I. Prokof'ev:
Investigations of extra low accelerations for geophysical tasks. 4238-4239 - Yaroslav Savenko, P. O. Dem'yaneko, Yu. F. Zinkovskiy, M. I. Prokof'ev:
Fiber-optical sensors as transducers. 4240-4241 - Sune R. J. Axelsson, Anders Nelander:
SAR/MTI from helicopters. 4242-4245 - Daniel Esteban-Fernandez, Xuehu Zhang, A. Castells, David McLaughlin, James R. Carswell, Paul S. Chang, Laurence N. Connor, Peter G. Black, Frank D. Marks
The Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler - a dual frequency dual polarized conically scanning airborne profiling radar. 4246-4248 - Ziad A. Hussein, Stephen L. Durden, Eastwood Im:
Design and development of a dual-frequency (Ku/Ka), dual-polarization, wide-angle scanning airborne rain radar antenna system. 4249-4251 - Ben P. Smallwood, Andrew J. Terzuoli, Robert A. Canfield:
Structurally integrated antennas for remote sensing. 4252-4254 - Michael Wegener, Vladimyros Devrelis
, S. Frost, R. Hall, J. Mellar, V. Perejogin, T. Shields, I. Wilson, Milton O. Smith, D. Hills, Jarek Antoszewski:
Development of an airborne imaging long- and midwave Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer. 4255-4257 - Arnaud Coatanhay
Regularization of Laplace transform inversion for subsurface conductivity and permittivity profile estimation using GPR signals. 4258 - M. K. Cope, Alan Langman, Michael R. Inggs:
Assessment of a digital quadrature demodulator for a stepped frequency radar. 4259-4261 - Philippe Dreuillet, Philippe Paillou, Hubert Cantalloube, Cécile Titin-Schnaider, Laurette Pastore, Hélène Dupuis, Virginie Lafon, René Garello, Jean-Marc Le Caillec, Isabelle Champion, Monique Dechambre, Rémy Chapoulie, Michel Martinaud, Colette Coulombeix, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez, O. Duplessis:
P band data collection and investigations utilizing the RAMSES SAR facility. 4262-4264 - E. D. Telpukhovskiy, Vladimir P. Yakubov, Valery L. Mironov, Kamal Sarabandi, G. M. Tsepelev:
Wideband radar phenomenology of forest stands. 4265-4267 - Lars M. H. Ulander, Martin Blom, Björn Flood, Peter Follo, Per-Olov Frölind, Anders Gustavsson, Tommy Jonsson, Bjorn Larsson, Daniel Murdin, Mats I. Pettersson, Ulf Raaf, Gunnar Stenström:
Development of the ultra-wideband LORA SAR operating in the VHF/UHF-band. 4268-4270 - Daniel M. Fernandez, John F. Vesecky, Calvin C. Teague:
Calibration of HF radar systems with ships of opportunity. 4271-4273 - Philippe Forget, Yves Barbin, Philippe Currier, Marc Saillard:
Radar sea echo in UHF in coastal zone: experimental observations and theory. 4274-4276 - Kip Laws, Jessica A. Drake, Daniel M. Fernandez, Calvin C. Teague, Jeffery D. Paduan:
Merging surface current data from HF radars operating at different frequencies. 4277-4279 - Takeshi Matsuoka, Kenji Sato, Shoichiro Kojima, Satoshi Fujii:
HF ocean radar observation of surface currents induced by a typhoon in the East China Sea. 4280-4282 - Shin'ichi Sakai, Hiromaru Hirakuchi, Masafumi Matsuyama, Takaki Tsubono, Nobuhito Mori:
Short-time observation of coastal currents with DBF radar. 4283-4285 - Calvin C. Teague, Donald E. Barrick, Peter M. Lilleboe:
Geometries for streamflow measurement using a UHF RiverSonde. 4286-4288 - Ki-In Bang, Soo Jeong, Kyung-Ok Kim, Woosug Cho:
Automatic DEM generation using IKONOS stereo imagery. 4289-4291 - Abderrazak Bannari, Martin Chevrier, Karl Staenz, Heather McNairn:
Senescent vegetation and crop residue mapping in agricultural lands using artificial neutral networks and hyperspectral remote sensing. 4292-4294 - Jinsong Chen, Yun Shao, Boqin Zhu:
Striping removal in CMODIS data. 4295-4297 - Xavier Lenot, Véronique Achard, Christophe Miesch, Laurent Poutier, P. Pinet:
Irradiance calculation over mountainous areas in the reflective spectral domain: comparison with an accurate radiative transfer code. 4298-4300 - V. Pinard, Abderrazak Bannari:
Spectroradiometric analysis in a hyperspectral use perspective to discriminate between forest species. 4301-4303 - Michael E. Schaepman, Klaus I. Itten, Daniel Schläpfer, J. W. Kaiser, Jason Brazile, Walter Debruyn, A. Neukom, H. Feusi, P. Adolph, R. Moser, T. Schilliger, L. De Vos, G. Brandt, P. Kohler, M. Meng, J. Piesbergen, Peter Strobl, J. Gavira, Gerd Ulbrich, Roland Meynart:
Status of the airborne dispersive pushbroom imaging spectrometer APEX (Airborne Prism Experiment). 4304-4306 - Fenqin Wang, Wenjie Fan, Xiru Xu, Qiming Qin:
Retrieving land surface component temperatures using ATSR-2 data. 4307-4310 - Theo Algra:
Real-time cloud sensing for efficiency improvement of optical high-resolution satellite remote sensing. 4311-4313 - Michele d'Amico, M. Pinotti, Carlo Capsoni:
The MANTISSA project: first results from the Italian field experiments. 4314-4316 - Jacco J. M. de Wit, Peter Hoogeboom:
High resolution FM-CW SAR performance analysis. 4317-4319 - J. E. Jordan, J. Walter Strapp:
Data-linking for integration of remote sensing and in-situ measurements for airborne atmospheric experiments. 4320-4322 - Vladimir Yu. Karaev, Mikhail B. Kanevsky, Galina N. Balandina, Christine Gommenginger, Peter G. Challenor, Meric Srokosz:
A Doppler knife-beam radar altimeter concept for novel sea state parameters. 4323-4325 - Massimiliano Pieraccini, Guido Luzi, Daniele Mecatti, Carlo Atzeni:
A ground based remote sensing radar technique for dynamic testing of large structures. 4326-4328 - Kei Suwa, Masafumi Iwamoto:
A bandwidth extrapolation technique of polarimetric radar data and a recursive method of polarimetric linear prediction coefficient estimation. 4329-4331 - Scott Gleason, Martin Unwin:
Development and testing of a remote sensing instrument using GNSS reflectometry concepts. 4332-4334 - Matthias Weiss:
EBiRa: Experimental Bistatic Radar for air surveillance. 4335-4337 - Giuseppe Antonello, Joaquim Fortuny, Davide Leva, Giovanni Nico, Dario Tarchi:
Assessment of local topographic maps obtained by ground-based SAR interferometry. 4338-4340 - Bin Zeng, Xiaoling Zhang, Shunji Huang:
The study of the parameters to interferometric SAR height-measurement and velocity-measurement precision in the Cluster Micro-Satellite system. 4341-4343 - Jordi J. Mallorquí
, Pablo Blanco-Sánchez, Antoni Broquetas
, Oscar Mora:
Phase statistics and quality evaluation of deformation maps with multiple-image differential interferometry. 4344-4346 - Franz J. Meyer:
Multi-temporal repeat-pass interferometry for an improved analysis of Arctic glaciers. 4347-4349 - M. Moriarty, N. K. Simon, K. Leach, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier:
A laboratory-based microwave radio-interferometry testbed. 4350-4352 - Pau Prats, Jordi J. Mallorquí
, Antoni Broquetas
Calibration of interferometric airborne SAR images using a multisquint processing approach. 4353-4355 - Andreas Reigber, Pau Prats, Rolf Scheiber, Jordi J. Mallorquí
Options for high-precision motion compensation for airborne differential SAR interferometry. 4356-4358 - Charles Werner, Urs Wegmüller, Andreas Wiesmann, Tazio Strozzi:
Interferometric Point Target Analysis with JERS-1 L-band SAR data. 4359-4361 - Charles Werner, Urs Wegmüller, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann:
Interferometric point target analysis for deformation mapping. 4362-4364 - Chinatsu Yonezawa, Shoji Takeuchi:
Perturbation caused by cloud in ERS SAR interferogram. 4365-4367 - Terence Doiron, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier:
Hybrid synthetic/real aperture antenna for high resolution microwave imaging. 4368-4370 - Baoyu He, J. Wu:
Two dimensional least redundant array for interferometric synthetic aperture radiometer. 4371-4373 - Hao Liu, Ji Wu:
Side lobe control in the image retrieving of synthetic aperture radiometer. 4374-4376 - Karsten Schulz, Uwe Soergel, Ulrich Thoennessen, Uwe Stilla:
Elimination of across-track phase components in airborne along-track interferometry data to improve object velocity measurements. 4377-4379 - Steffen Suchandt, Michael Eineder:
Experiences with SRTM/X-SAR phase unwrapping using the minimum cost flow method. 4380-4382 - Chao Wang, Xin Gao, Hong Zhang:
The vector digital TV filtering and phase unwrapping. 4383-4385 - Feng Wang, Gang Wu, Véronique Prinet, Kun Ren:
Phase unwrapping based on active contour model. 4386-4388 - Ian J. Davenport, Nick Holden, R. J. Pentreath:
Derivation of soil surface properties from airborne laser altimetry. 4389-4391 - R. Keith Raney, Carlton J. Leuschen, R. D. Chapman, J. Robert Jensen, Bruce L. Gotwols:
LaRA-2002: results of the airborne laser and radar altimeter campaign over Greenland, Svalbard, and Arctic sea ice. 4392-4394 - Timothy A. Berkoff, Ellsworth J. Welton, James R. Campbell, V. S. Scott, James D. Spinhirne:
Investigation of overlap correction techniques for the Micro-Pulse Lidar NETwork (MPLNET). 4395-4397 - Allen Q. Howard Jr., George W. Lemire, Martin S. Marshall:
Estimation of aerosol concentration from elastic scattering LIDAR data. 4398-4403 - Tuong Thuy Vu, Ryuzo Yokoyama, Fumio Yamazaki, Mitsuharu Tokunaga:
Wavelet-based system for classification of airborne laser scanner data. 4404-4406 - Xing Wang, John A. Reagan, Jeremy Dobler, Manuel Rubio:
Cabannes versus Rayleigh scattering and terrestrial backscatter ratio revisited in LITE in support of CALIPSO. 4407-4409 - M. Shibayama:
Polarization characteristics of a mixed seeding pasture and its application for predicting the ratio of legumes. 4413-4415 - Kaishan Song, Bai Zhang, Yunsheng Zhao:
Study on polarizing reflectance characteristics of leaves from four species of deciduous tree at various phenological phase in northeast of China. 4416-4418 - Alexander I. Zakharov:
Comparison of multipolarization SAR systems depending on the way of the full scattering matrix measurements. 4419-4421 - Dimitrios Biliouris, Karl vom Berge, S. Fleck, K. Nackaerts, Philip Dutré, Bart Muys, Yves D. Willems, Pol Coppin:
CLabSpeG: a compact laboratory spectro-goniometer system enabling rapid and complete BRDF assessments of forest elements. 4422-4424 - Mark Chopping, Lihong Su, Thomas J. Schmugge, Albert Rango:
Validation of bidirectional reflectance models using the first scene acquired by the CHRIS sensor over the Jornada Experimental Range. 4425-4427 - Stefan Dangel, Mathias Kneubühler, Rolf Kohler, Michael E. Schaepman, Jürg Schopfer, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
, Klaus I. Itten:
Combined field and laboratory goniometer system - FIGOS and LAGOS. 4428-4430 - Richard Fernandes, Sylvain G. Leblanc, Anita Simic:
A multi-scale analytical canopy (MAC) reflectance model based on the angular second order gap size distribution. 4431-4433 - Xingfa Gu, Jean-François Hanocq, Marie Weiss, Tao Yu, Guoliang Tian, Roland Bosseno, Michel Legrand:
Using night TIR images to model the gap fraction of a dense maize canopy. 4434-4436 - Xingfa Gu, Jean-François Hanocq, Tao Yu, Guoliang Tian, Michel Legrand, Roland Bosseno:
Modeling field of view effect on the ground observations of directional brightness temperature over a maize canopy. 4437-4439 - José A. Sobrino, Guillem Sòria, Juan Cuenca, Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz, Mónica Gómez, Jauad El-Kharraz, Alfredo J. Prata:
Angular effect on surface temperature estimation from AATSR data. 4440-4442 - Junichi Susaki, Keitarou Hara, Koji Kajiwara, Yoshiaki Honda:
Correction of temporal MODIS reflectance data considering temporal BRDF effect change. 4443-4445 - Delphine Cerutti-Maori, Joachim H. G. Ender:
An approach to multistatic spaceborne SAR/MTI processing and performance analysis. 4446-4449 - M. Rombach, A. C. Fernandes, Dieter Luebeck, João R. Moreira:
Newest technology of mapping by using airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar systems. 4450-4452 - Qing Dong, Huadong Guo
, Zhen Li, Changlin Wang:
Targets classification of semi-arid region using polarimetric SAR data $an example in Xinjiang, China. 4453-4455 - John C. Hubbert, Viswanathan N. Bringi:
Utilization of the radar polarimetric covariance matrix for polarization error and precipitation canting angle estimation. 4456-4458 - Gerard Margarit, Pablo Blanco-Sánchez, Jesus Sanz-Marcos, Jordi J. Mallorquí
Orbital SAR simulator of fishing vessel polarimetric signatures based on high frequency electromagnetic calculations. 4459-4461 - Katsuhiro Nakagawa, Hiroshi Hanado, Shinsuke Satoh, Nobuhiro Takahashi, Toshio Iguchi, Kouichi Fukutani:
Development of a new C-band polarimetric Doppler weather radar in Japan. 4462-4464 - Kazuo Ouchi, Glen Davidson, Genya Saito, Naoki Ishitsuka, Kentaro Mohri, Seiho Uratsuka:
Fully polarimetric classification accuracy. 4465-4467 - David Pairman, Stephen J. McNeill
Improved polarimetric SAR classification by application of terrain azimuth slope corrections. 4468-4470 - Muhtar Qong:
An unsupervised classification method for polarimetric SAR images with a projection approach. 4471-4473 - Nick J. S. Stacy, Daniel Badger, Alvin S. Goh, Mark Preiss, Mark L. Williams:
The DSTO Ingara airbone X-Band SAR polarimetric upgrade: first results. 4474-4476 - Xiaoling Zhang, Bin Zeng, Shunji Huang:
The analysis of interferometric SAR imaging precision in the distributed micro-satellite system. 4477-4479 - James L. Garrison:
Anisotropy in reflected GPS measurements of ocean winds. 4480-4482 - Oleguer Nogués-Correig, A. Sumpsi, Adriano Camps, Antonio Rius:
A 3 GPS-channels Doppler-delay receiver for remote sensing applications. 4483-4485 - Chalermchon Satirapod, Itthi Trisirisatayawong, P. Homniam:
Establishing ground control points for high-resolution satellite imagery using GPS precise point positioning. 4486-4488 - Donald R. Thompson, L. A. Linstrom, R. F. Gasparovic, Tanos M. Elfouhaily:
Doppler analysis of GPS reflections from the ocean surface. 4489-4491 - Huaizu You, Gregory Heckler, James L. Garrison, Valery U. Zavorotny:
Stochastic model and experimental measurement of ocean-scattered GPS signal statistics. 4492-4494 - Yuri Gimpilevich, Igor B. Shirokov:
High linear embedded antenna feeder complex reflectivity measuring instrument. 4495-4496 - Shannon T. Brown, Christopher Ruf:
On-orbit microwave blackbody calibration using regions of dense vegetation. 4497-4499 - Jean-Marc Delvit, Dominique Léger, Sylvie Roques, Christophe Valorge:
Modulation transfer function and noise assessment. 4500-4502 - Masaharu Fujita, Chikage Murakami:
Experimental study of a polarization-rotating Van Atta array with reduced co-polarized radar cross-section. 4503-4505 - Masaharu Fujita, Sota Nakamura, Chikage Murakami:
Reflection characteristics of a retrodirective PARC. 4506-4508 - Marco Schwerdt, David Hounam, Martin Stangl:
Calibration concept for the TerraSAR-X instrument. 4509-4511 - Jinjun Tong, Kangmu Qiu, Xiaowen Li, Jun Qin, Yuxiang Zhang, Xiuqing Hu:
Absolute radiometric calibration of HY-1 COCTS using the reflectance-based method. 4512-4514 - Yanping Wang, Hailiang Peng:
Locating calibrators in airborne InSAR calibration. 4515-4517 - Alexander Zakharov, Peter Zherdev, M. M. Borisov, Alexey Sokolov, C. G. M. van't Klooster:
On the stability of large antennas as calibration targets. 4518-4520 - Steven W. Brown, B. Carol Johnson
, N. Souaidia, Robert Barnes, Dennis K. Clark:
Stray light and ocean-color remote sensing. 4521-4524 - Xiaojian Xu, Ram M. Narayanan:
Impact of different correlation receiving techniques on the imaging performance of UWB random noise radar. 4525-4527 - Linda B. Hayden:
The Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research ndergraduate Research Experience in Ocean/Marine Science. 4528-4530 - Dianne Robinson, D. Krumm, F. Kozusko, Barbara H. Maggi:
CALIPSO and CloudSat missions offer student opportunities in atmospheric research, remote sensing, and data comparisons globally. 4531-4533 - Fabrizio Lamberti, Stefano Beco:
SpaceGRID: the next generation internet as a new platform for the Earth Observation user's community. 4534-4536 - M. A. Seymour, L. Raynal:
System architecture of an internet enabled geo-temporal environmental information system. 4537-4539 - Fujun Zhao, Jingfa Zhang, Daiyong Cao:
Web publication of remote sensing images based on ArcIMS. 4540-4542 - Björn Rommen:
Earth observation instrument frequencies: a valuable resource to protect. 4543-4545 - A. J. Graham, F. Mark Danson, David R. J. Pleydell:
Remote sensing for disease transmission: small mammal and vegetation interactions. 4546-4548 - Naoko Matsuda, Masaaki Shikada, Chieko Arai:
Actual experiment of renewal system for barrier-free map by using remote sensing and RTK-GPS. 4549-4551 - Chieko Arai, Naoko Matsuda, Masaaki Shikada:
An application of remote sensing and REAL TIME GIS to digital map for local government. 4552-4554 - J. V. Gardner, J.-M. Monget, R. Sinding-Larsen, Timothy A. Warner:
Geointelligence for assessing natural resource project risks. 4555-4557 - Satya Kalluri, Peter Gilruth, R. Bergman:
The utility of EOS data for federal, state and regional government applications: prospects and challenges. 4558-4560 - Michel Petit, Philippe Gaspar, F. Lahet, Laurent Demagistri, M. Desruisseaux, C. Boschet, Hélène Rey-Valette, J.-Y. Lebras:
SeAGeRH project: toward a service of fisheries management assisted by satellites. SeAGeRH: Service d'Aide à la Gestion des Ressources Halieutiques. 4561-4563 - Dalton de Morisson Valeriano, J. S. M. Santos:
Effectiveness of land cover regulations for biodiversity conservation: a remote sensing and landscape simulation study in a mountain range in Southeastern Brazil. 4564-4566 - C. H. Vasconcelos, Evlyn Novo:
Influence of precipitation, deforestation and Tucurui reservoir operation on malaria incidence rates in southeast Para, Brazil. 4567-4569 - Yi Zhou, Shixin Wang, Weiqi Zhou:
Research on situation of sustainable development in China supported by remote sensing. 4570-4572 - Elmar Csaplovics:
Multi-task remote sensing supporting the development of environmental policies for National Park regions in the Central European Space. 4573-4575 - Nicolas Peter:
Supporting multi environmental agreements with remote sensing data. A legal perspective. 4576-4578 - Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis, N. I. Sifakis, N. A. Soulakellis, Klaus Schäfer, M. Tombrou:
A new approach to environmental data fusion for integrated assessment of particulate matter loading and its effect on health in the urban environment. 4579-4581 - Espen Volden, Lorenzo Bruzzone, J. Romero, A. Lumicisi, Olga Renda, R. la Fortezza, E. Tomppo, H. Aalde:
Forest environmental reporting services. 4582-4584 - David Braaten, Jennifer Holvoet, Carol Bowen, M. Koeppe, Sivaprasad Gogineni:
Outreach activities of the Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurement (PRISM) project. 4585-4586 - F. Caldararu, S. Patrascu, M. Caldararu, A. Paraschiv:
Higher education level laboratory for real time pollution monitoring. 4587-4589 - Samira Chouraqui, M. Bekhti, Craig Ian Underwood:
Satellite orbit determination and power subsystem design. 4590-4592 - Jeremy Nicoll, Rüdiger Gens:
Development and application of a SAR training processor. 4593-4595 - Vinca Rosmorduc:
Jules Verne Network. Federating and extending efforts to outreach Earth sciences. 4596-4598 - Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius, Heiko Balzter:
Afforestation, Re-, and Deforestation monitoring in Siberia - accuracy requirements and first results. 4599-4601 - James E. McMurtrey, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Lawrence A. Corp, Petya K. E. Campbell, L. Maryn Butcher, Craig S. T. Daughtry:
Optical reflectance and fluorescence for detecting nitrogen needs in Zea mays L. 4602-4604 - Raquel Niclòs
, Vicente Caselles
, Enric Valor
, César Coll
Air-canopy temperature difference for fluorescence emission models. 4605-4607 - Richard Kidd, Marco Trommler, Wolfgang Wagner
Monitoring freeze-thaw events in Siberia using the seawinds Ku-band scatterometer: first results. 4608-4610

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