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11. ITS 2012: Chania, Crete, Greece
- Stefano A. Cerri, William J. Clancey, Giorgos Papadourakis
, Kitty Panourgia:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems - 11th International Conference, ITS 2012, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 14-18, 2012. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7315, Springer 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-30949-6
Affect: Emotions
- Imène Jraidi, Pierre Chalfoun, Claude Frasson:
Implicit Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 1-10 - Amy Ogan, Samantha L. Finkelstein, Erin Walker, Ryan Carlson, Justine Cassell:
Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring. 11-21 - Yugo Hayashi:
On Pedagogical Effects of Learner-Support Agents in Collaborative Interaction. 22-32 - Li Zhang:
Exploration of Affect Detection Using Semantic Cues in Virtual Improvisation. 33-39 - Jason M. Harley, François Bouchet
, Roger Azevedo:
Measuring Learners' Co-Occurring Emotional Responses during Their Interaction with a Pedagogical Agent in MetaTutor. 40-45 - David H. Shanabrook, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly Park Woolf, Winslow Burleson:
Visualization of Student Activity Patterns within Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 46-51 - Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James C. Lester:
Toward a Machine Learning Framework for Understanding Affective Tutorial Interaction. 52-58 - Amber Chauncey Strain, Roger Azevedo, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Exploring Relationships between Learners' Affective States, Metacognitive Processes, and Learning Outcomes. 59-64 - Maher Chaouachi, Claude Frasson:
Mental Workload, Engagement and Emotions: An Exploratory Study for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 65-71
Affect: Signals
- Keith W. Brawner, Benjamin S. Goldberg:
Real-Time Monitoring of ECG and GSR Signals during Computer-Based Training. 72-77 - M. Sazzad Hussain, Hamed Monkaresi
, Rafael A. Calvo
Categorical vs. Dimensional Representations in Multimodal Affect Detection during Learning. 78-83 - Pierre Chalfoun, Claude Frasson:
Cognitive Priming: Assessing the Use of Non-conscious Perception to Enhance Learner's Reasoning Ability. 84-89
Games: Motivation and Design
- Dovan Rai, Joseph E. Beck:
Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements: An Incremental Approach for Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Effectiveness. 90-100 - Noboru Matsuda
, Evelyn Yarzebinski
, Victoria Keiser, Rohan Raizada, Gabriel Stylianides, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching - The Effect of a Competitive Game Show in a Virtual peer-Learning Environment. 101-111 - Mary Muir, Cristina Conati:
An Analysis of Attention to Student - Adaptive Hints in an Educational Game. 112-122 - Mathieu Muratet
, Élisabeth Delozanne, Patrice Torguet, Fabienne Viallet:
Serious Game and Students' Learning Motivation: Effect of Context Using Prog&Play. 123-128 - Lotfi Derbali, Claude Frasson:
Exploring the Effects of Prior Video-Game Experience on Learner's Motivation during Interactions with HeapMotiv. 129-134 - Bertrand Marne
, John Wisdom, Benjamin Huynh-Kim-Bang, Jean-Marc Labat:
A Design Pattern Library for Mutual Understanding and Cooperation in Serious Game Design. 135-140
Games: Empirical Studies
- Jennifer Sabourin, Lucy R. Shores, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Predicting Student Self-regulation Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments. 141-150 - Ning Wang, David V. Pynadath, Stacy C. Marsella:
Toward Automatic Verification of Multiagent Systems for Training Simulations. 151-161 - Brent Morgan, Fazel Keshtkar
, Ying Duan, Padraig Nash, Arthur C. Graesser:
Using State Transition Networks to Analyze Multi-party Conversations in a Serious Game. 162-167 - Pradeepa Thomas, Jean-Marc Labat, Mathieu Muratet
, Amel Yessad
How to Evaluate Competencies in Game-Based Learning Systems Automatically? 168-173
Content Representation: Empirical Studies
- Martina A. Rau, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel
, Stacie Rohrbach:
Sense Making Alone Doesn't Do It: Fluency Matters Too! ITS Support for Robust Learning with Multiple Representations. 174-184 - Nan Li, William W. Cohen, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Problem Order Implications for Learning Transfer. 185-194 - Mario Karlovcec
, Mariheida Cordova-Sanchez, Zachary A. Pardos:
Knowledge Component Suggestion for Untagged Content in an Intelligent Tutoring System. 195-200
Feedback: Empirical Studies
- Luc Paquette
, Jean-François Lebeau, Gabriel Beaulieu, André Mayers
Automating Next-Step Hints Generation Using ASTUS. 201-211 - Roger Azevedo, Ronald S. Landis, Reza Feyzi-Behnagh
, Melissa Duffy, Gregory Trevors, Jason M. Harley, François Bouchet
, Jonathan D. Burlison, Michelle Taub, Nicole Pacampara, Mohammed Yeasin, A. K. M. Mahbubur Rahman
, Md. Iftekhar Tanveer, Gahangir Hossain
The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents' Prompting and Feedback in Facilitating Co-adapted Learning with MetaTutor. 212-221 - Erin Walker, Nikol Rummel
, Sean Walker, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Peer Tutoring. 222-232
ITS in Special Domains
- Philippe Fournier-Viger
, Roger Nkambou, André Mayers
, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo
, Usef Faghihi:
Multi-paradigm Generation of Tutoring Feedback in Robotic Arm Manipulation Training. 233-242 - Erin Walker, Winslow Burleson:
User-Centered Design of a Teachable Robot. 243-249 - Lakshman Myneni, N. Hari Narayanan:
An Intelligent Tutoring and Interactive Simulation Environment for Physics Learning. 250-255 - Andrew Olney, Sidney K. D'Mello, Natalie K. Person, Whitney L. Cade, Patrick Hays, Claire Williams, Blair Lehman, Arthur C. Graesser:
Guru: A Computer Tutor That Models Expert Human Tutors. 256-261 - Beate Grawemeyer
, Hilary Johnson, Mark J. Brosnan
, Emma Ashwin, Laura Benton:
Developing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent with and for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 262-267
Non Conventional Approaches
- Yue Gong, Joseph E. Beck, Neil T. Heffernan
WEBsistments: Enabling an Intelligent Tutoring System to Excel at Explaining Rather Than Coaching. 268-273 - Simon Hughes, Peter M. Hastings
, Joseph Magliano, Susan Goldman, Kimberly A. Lawless:
Automated Approaches for Detecting Integration in Student Essays. 274-279 - Emmanuel G. Blanchard
On the WEIRD Nature of ITS/AIED Conferences - A 10 Year Longitudinal Study Analyzing Potential Cultural Biases. 280-285
Content Representation: Conceptual
- Martin Mozina, Matej Guid, Aleksander Sadikov, Vida Groznik
, Ivan Bratko:
Goal-Oriented Conceptualization of Procedural Knowledge. 286-291 - Wouter Beek
, Bert Bredeweg:
Context-Dependent Help for Novices Acquiring Conceptual Systems Knowledge in DynaLearn. 292-297 - Endhe Elias, Dalgoberto Miquilino, Ig Ibert Bittencourt
, Thyago Tenório
, Rafael Ferreira, Alan Silva, Seiji Isotani
, Patrícia Augustin Jaques
Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve Usability in Collaborative Learning Environments. 298-303 - Wei Jin, Tiffany Barnes, John C. Stamper
, Michael John Eagle
, Matthew W. Johnson, Lorrie Lehmann:
Program Representation for Automatic Hint Generation for a Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor. 304-309
Assessment: Constraints
- Jaime Gálvez Cordero, Eduardo Guzmán De Los Riscos
, Ricardo Conejo Muñoz
Exploring Quality of Constraints for Assessment in Problem Solving Environments. 310-319 - Nguyen-Thinh Le, Niels Pinkwart:
Can Soft Computing Techniques Enhance the Error Diagnosis Accuracy for Intelligent Tutors? 320-329
Dialogue: Conceptual
- Costin-Gabriel Chiru
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
Identification and Classification of the Most Important Moments from Students' Collaborative Discourses. 330-339 - Mark Floryan, Toby Dragon, Beverly Park Woolf:
When Less Is More: Focused Pruning of Knowledge Bases to Improve Recognition of Student Conversation. 340-345 - David Adamson, Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Coordinating Multi-dimensional Support in Collaborative Conversational Agents. 346-351 - Stefan Trausan-Matu
, Mihai Dascalu
, Philippe Dessus
Textual Complexity and Discourse Structure in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 352-357
Dialogue: Questions
- Ming Liu, Rafael A. Calvo
Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Questions for Academic Writing Support. 358-367 - Lee Becker, Martha Palmer
, Sarel van Vuuren, Wayne H. Ward:
Learning to Tutor Like a Tutor: Ranking Questions in Context. 368-378
Learner Modeling
- Petr Jarusek, Radek Pelánek
Analysis of a Simple Model of Problem Solving Times. 379-388 - Tanja Käser
, Alberto Giovanni Busetto, Gian-Marco Baschera, Juliane Kohn, Karin Kucian, Michael von Aster, Markus H. Gross
Modelling and Optimizing the Process of Learning Mathematics. 389-398 - Yutao Wang, Neil T. Heffernan
The Student Skill Model. 399-404 - Zachary A. Pardos, Shubhendu Trivedi, Neil T. Heffernan
, Gábor N. Sárközy:
Clustered Knowledge Tracing. 405-410 - Susan Bull
Preferred Features of Open Learner Models for University Students. 411-421 - Moffat Mathews, Antonija Mitrovic, Bin Lin, Jay Holland, Neville Churcher:
Do Your Eyes Give It Away? Using Eye Tracking Data to Understand Students' Attitudes towards Open Student Model Representations. 422-427 - Gagan Goel, Sébastien Lallé
, Vanda Luengo:
Fuzzy Logic Representation for Student Modelling - Case Study on Geometry. 428-433
Learning Detection
- Sujith M. Gowda, Zachary A. Pardos, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker:
Content Learning Analysis Using the Moment-by-Moment Learning Detector. 434-443 - Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Sujith M. Gowda, Albert T. Corbett, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh:
Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning Is Shallow. 444-453 - Michel C. Desmarais, Behzad Beheshti, Rhouma Naceur:
Item to Skills Mapping: Deriving a Conjunctive Q-matrix from Data. 454-463
Interaction Strategies: Games
- Lucy R. Shores, Kristin F. Hoffmann, John L. Nietfeld
, James C. Lester:
The Role of Sub-problems: Supporting Problem Solving in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. 464-469 - Jennifer Sabourin, Jonathan P. Rowe
, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Exploring Inquiry-Based Problem-Solving Strategies in Game-Based Learning Environments. 470-475 - Seung Y. Lee, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Real-Time Narrative-Centered Tutorial Planning for Story-Based Learning. 476-481
Interaction Strategies: Empirical Studies
- Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Judy Kay, Kalina Yacef
, Beat Schwendimann
An Interactive Teacher's Dashboard for Monitoring Groups in a Multi-tabletop Learning Environment. 482-492 - Nan Li, William W. Cohen, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Efficient Cross-Domain Learning of Complex Skills. 493-498 - Antonija Mitrovic, Moffat Mathews, Jay Holland:
Exploring Two Strategies for Teaching Procedures. 499-504 - James Segedy, John S. Kinnebrew, Gautam Biswas:
Relating Student Performance to Action Outcomes and Context in a Choice-Rich Learning Environment. 505-510 - Eric G. Poitras
, Susanne P. Lajoie, Yuan-Jin Hong:
Using the MetaHistoReasoning Tool Training Module to Facilitate the Acquisition of Domain-Specific Metacognitive Strategies. 511-516 - Aina Lekira, Christophe Després, Pierre Jacoboni, Dominique Py:
An Indicator-Based Approach to Promote the Effectiveness of Teachers' Interventions. 517-523 - Amruth N. Kumar
Limiting the Number of Revisions while Providing Error-Flagging Support during Tests. 524-530
Dialogue: Empirical Studies
- Gregory Dyke, David Adamson, Iris K. Howley, Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents. 531-540 - Blair Lehman, Caitlin Mills, Sidney K. D'Mello, Arthur C. Graesser:
Automatic Evaluation of Learner Self-Explanations and Erroneous Responses for Dialogue-Based ITSs. 541-550 - Iris K. Howley, David Adamson, Gregory Dyke, Elijah Mayfield, Jack L. Beuth, Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors for Impacting Students' Academic Self-efficacy. 551-556 - Blair Lehman, Sidney K. D'Mello, Whitney L. Cade, Natalie K. Person:
How Do They Do It? Investigating Dialogue Moves within Dialogue Modes in Expert Human Tutoring. 557-562 - Ryan Carlson, Victoria Keiser, Noboru Matsuda
, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Building a Conversational SimStudent. 563-569 - Jae-Bong Yoo, Jihie Kim:
Predicting Learner's Project Performance with Dialogue Features in Online Q&A Discussions. 570-575
Young Researchers Track
- Blair Lehman, Sidney K. D'Mello, Arthur C. Graesser:
Interventions to Regulate Confusion during Learning. 576-578 - Amir Shareghi Najar, Antonija Mitrovic:
Using Examples in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 579-581 - Keith W. Brawner, Robert A. Sottilare
, Avelino Gonzalez:
Semi-Supervised Classification of Realtime Physiological Sensor Datastreams for Student Affect Assessment in Intelligent Tutoring. 582-584 - Terry Peckham:
Detection of Cognitive Strategies in Reading Comprehension Tasks. 585-587 - Derek Lomas, John C. Stamper
, Ryan Muller, Kishan Patel, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
The Effects of Adaptive Sequencing Algorithms on Player Engagement within an Online Game. 588-590 - Kelly Rivers, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
A Canonicalizing Model for Building Programming Tutors. 591-593 - Melissa A. Wiederrecht, Amy Catherine Ulinski:
Developmentally Appropriate Intelligent Spatial Tutoring for Mobile Devices. 594-596 - Matthew W. Johnson, Tomoko Okimoto, Tiffany Barnes:
Leveraging Game Design to Promote Effective User Behavior of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 597-599 - Dinesha Weragama, Jim Reye:
Design of a Knowledge Base to Teach Programming. 600-602 - Atefeh Ahmadi Olounabadi, Antonija Mitrovic:
Towards an ITS for Improving Social Problem Solving Skills of ADHD Children. 603-605 - Raoudha Chebil, Wided Lejouad Chaari
, Stefano A. Cerri:
A Scenario Based Analysis of E-Collaboration Environments. 606-608 - Mayya Sharipova:
Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case Studies for Ill-Defined Domains. 609-611 - Lorrie Lehmann, Dale-Marie Wilson, Tiffany Barnes:
Using Individualized Feedback and Guided Instruction via a Virtual Human Agent in an Introductory Computer Programming Course. 612-614 - Michael John Eagle
, Tiffany Barnes:
Data-Driven Method for Assessing Skill-Opportunity Recognition in Open Procedural Problem Solving Environments. 615-617
- Amber Chauncey Strain, Sidney K. D'Mello, Melissa R. Gross:
How Do Learners Regulate Their Emotions? 618-619 - Tomoya Horiguchi, Tsukasa Hirashima, Kenneth D. Forbus:
A Model-Building Learning Environment with Explanatory Feedback to Erroneous Models. 620-621 - Sébastien Lallé
, Vanda Luengo, Nathalie Guin:
An Automatic Comparison between Knowledge Diagnostic Techniques. 622-623 - Heather K. Holden:
The Interaction Behavior of Agents' Emotional Support and Competency on Learner Outcomes and Perceptions. 624-625 - Zhiqiang Cai, Carol Forsyth
, Mae-Lynn Germany, Arthur C. Graesser, Keith K. Millis:
Accuracy of Tracking Student's Natural Language in Operation ARIES!, A Serious Game for Scientific Methods. 626-627 - Dinesha Weragama, Jim Reye:
Designing the Knowledge Base for a PHP Tutor. 628-629 - Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez
, David Arnau
, José Antonio González-Calero
, Aladdin Ayesh
Domain Specific Knowledge Representation for an Intelligent Tutoring System to Teach Algebraic Reasoning. 630-631 - Michael Schubert, Sébastien George
, Audrey Serna:
Exploring the Potential of Tabletops for Collaborative Learning. 632-633 - Thea Faye G. Guia, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo
, Michelle Marie C. Dagami, Jessica O. Sugay, Francis Jan P. Macam, Antonija Mitrovic:
Modeling the Affective States of Students Using SQL-Tutor. 634-635 - Jose Carlo A. Soriano, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo
, Ryan Shaun Joazeiro de Baker, Amy Ogan, Erin Walker, Maynor Jimenez Castro
, Ryan Genato, Samantha Fontaine, Ricardo Belmontez:
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Effective Help-Seeking Behavior among Students Using an ITS for Math. 636-637 - Caitlin Mills, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Emotions during Writing on Topics That Align or Misalign with Personal Beliefs. 638-639 - Evandro de Barros Costa, Priscylla Silva, Marlos Silva, Emanuele Silva, Anderson Santos:
A Multiagent-Based ITS Using Multiple Viewpoints for Propositional Logic. 640-641 - Benjamin Nye, Gnana Bharathy
, Barry G. Silverman, Ceyhun Eksin:
Simulation-Based Training of Ill-Defined Social Domains: The Complex Environment Assessment and Tutoring System (CEATS). 642-644 - Kazuhisa Miwa, Hitoshi Terai, Nana Kanzaki, Ryuichi Nakaike:
Empirical Investigation on Self Fading as Adaptive Behavior of Hint Seeking. 645-646 - Oliver Scheuer, Bruce M. McLaren, Armin Weinberger, Sabine Niebuhr:
Scripting Discussions for Elaborative, Critical Interactions. 647-648 - Nikos Barbalios, Irene A. Ioannidou, Panagiotis Tzionas, Stefanos Paraskeuopoulos:
Design Requirements of a Virtual Learning Environment for Resource Sharing. 649-650 - Reza Feyzi-Behnagh
, Roger Azevedo:
The Effectiveness of a Pedagogical Agent's Immediate Feedback on Learners' Metacognitive Judgments during Learning with MetaTutor. 651-652 - Mayya Sharipova, Gordon I. McCalla:
Supporting Students in the Analysis of Case Studies for Professional Ethics Education. 653-654 - Mikel Larrañaga
, Angel Conde, Inaki Calvo, Ana Arruarte Lasa, Jon A. Elorriaga
Evaluating the Automatic Extraction of Learning Objects from Electronic Textbooks Using ErauzOnt. 655-656 - Chao-Lin Liu, Chia-Ying Lee, Wei-Jie Huang, Yu-Lin Tzeng, Chia-Ru Chou:
A Cognition-Based Game Platform and its Authoring Environment for Learning Chinese Characters. 657-659 - Robert P. Dolan, Sonya Powers:
Effects of Text and Visual Element Integration Schemes on Online Reading Behaviors of Typical and Struggling Readers. 660-661 - Akihiro Kashihara, Makoto Ito:
Fadable Scaffolding with Cognitive Tool. 662-663 - Meurig Beynon, Will Beynon:
Mediating Intelligence through Observation, Dependency and Agency in Making Construals of Malaria. 664-665 - Tom Murray, Beverly Park Woolf, Xiaoxi Xu, Stefanie Shipe, Scott Howard, Leah Wing:
Supporting Social Deliberative Skills in Online Classroom Dialogues: Preliminary Results Using Automated Text Analysis. 666-668 - Steven Ritter
, Tristan Nixon, Derek Lomas, John C. Stamper
, Dixie Ching:
Using Time Pressure to Promote Mathematical Fluency. 669-670 - Judi McCuaig, Robert Gauthier
Interoperability for ITS: An Ontology of Learning Style Models. 671-672 - Yanjin Long, Vincent Aleven:
Skill Diaries: Can Periodic Self-assessment Improve Students' Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System? 673-674 - Vasile Rus, Mihai C. Lintean:
An Optimal Assessment of Natural Language Student Input Using Word-to-Word Similarity Metrics. 675-676 - Philip I. Pavlik Jr., Jaclyn K. Maass, Vasile Rus, Andrew Olney:
Facilitating Co-adaptation of Technology and Education through the Creation of an Open-Source Repository of Interoperable Code. 677-678 - Po-Ming Lee, Wei-Hsuan Tsui, Tzu-Chien Hsiao:
A Low-Cost Scalable Solution for Monitoring Affective State of Students in E-learning Environment Using Mouse and Keystroke Data. 679-680 - Fethi A. Inan
, Fatih Ari, Raymond Flores, Amani Zaier, Ismahan Arslan-Ari:
Impact of an Adaptive Tutorial on Student Learning. 681-682 - Kazuhisa Seta, Liang Cui, Mitsuru Ikeda, Noriyuki Matsuda:
Technology Enhanced Learning Program That Makes Thinking the Outside to Train Meta-cognitive Skill through Knowledge Co-creation Discussion. 683-684 - Maite Martín, Ainhoa Alvarez
, David Reina, Isabel Fernández-Castro, Maite Urretavizcaya, Susan Bull
Open Student Models to Enhance Blended-Learning. 685-686 - Gerard Veenhof, Jacobijn Sandberg, Marinus Maris:
ZooQuest: A Mobile Game-Based Learning Application for Fifth Graders. 687-688 - Wouter R. van Joolingen
, Lars Bollen, Frank Leenaars, Hannie Gijlers:
Drawing-Based Modeling for Early Science Education. 689-690 - João Carlos Gluz, Rosa Maria Vicari:
An OWL Ontology for IEEE-LOM and OBAA Metadata. 691-693 - Jun Park, Jihie Kim:
Classifying Topics of Video Lecture Contents Using Speech Recognition Technology. 694-695 - João Carlos Gluz, Rosa Maria Vicari, Liliana Maria Passerino:
An Agent-Based Infrastructure for the Support of Learning Objects Life-Cycle. 696-698 - Sebastian Gross, Xibin Zhu, Barbara Hammer
, Niels Pinkwart:
Cluster Based Feedback Provision Strategies in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 699-700 - Fotis Lazarinis, Elaine Pearson:
A Web Comic Strip Creator for Educational Comics with Assessable Learning Objectives. 701-702 - Mohamed El Amine Bouabid, Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin:
A Layered Architecture for Online Lab-works: Experimentation in the Computer Science Education. 703-704 - Joana Campos, Henrique Campos, Carlos Martinho
, Ana Paiva
A Serious Game for Teaching Conflict Resolution to Children. 705-706 - Amr Abozeid
, Mohammed Abdel Razek
, Claude Frasson:
Towards Social Mobile Blended Learning. 707-709 - Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser
, Mark Stehlik, Sharon Carver:
Learning Looping: From Natural Language to Worked Examples. 710-711 - Alejandro Peña Ayala
, Rafael Dominguez de Leon, Riichiro Mizoguchi:
A Basic Model of Metacognition: A Repository to Trigger Reflection. 712-713 - Ivon Arroyo, David H. Shanabrook, Winslow Burleson, Beverly Park Woolf:
Analyzing Affective Constructs: Emotions 'n Attitudes. 714-715 - Maria Mendiburo, Brian Sulcer, Gautam Biswas, Ted S. Hasselbring:
Interactive Virtual Representations, Fractions, and Formative Feedback. 716-717 - Miltiades Papadopoulos, Elaine Pearson:
An Intelligent System to Support Accurate Transcription of University Lectures. 718-719 - Majda Maâtallah, Hassina Seridi-Bouchelaghem:
Multi-context Recommendation in Technology Enhanced Learning. 720-721

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