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9th MECO 2020: Budva, Montenegro
- 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2020, Budva, Montenegro, June 8-11, 2020. IEEE 2020, ISBN 978-1-7281-6949-1
- Alexei S. Sychev, Ivan S. Kholopov
Image Fusion Based on Principle Component Analysis and Modified Gray-level Variance. 1-4 - John Gialelis, Vicky Andreakou, Maria K. Krizea
Wi-Fi based Integrated System for the Monitoring of Heart Rate and Peripheral Capillary Oxygen Saturation. 1-6 - Jakub Klemsa, Martin Novotný
WTFHE: neural-netWork-ready Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 1-5 - Emina Imamovic, Amar Deumic
, Lejla Kadric
, Lemana Spahic
, Irma Ramic, Almir Badnjevic, Reuf Karabeg:
Modelling and Simulation of Blood Glucose Dynamics. 1-4 - Karel Hynek, Tomás Cejka
, Martin Zádník, Hana Kubátová:
Evaluating Bad Hosts Using Adaptive Blacklist Filter. 1-5 - Jon Álvarez Justo, Egil Eide, Milica Orlandic
Compressive Sensing on Three Dimensional SFCW Ground-Penetrating Radar. 1-6 - Nikita V. Popov, Natalya V. Razmochaeva, Dmitry M. Klionskiy:
Investigation of Algorithms for Converting Dimension of Feature Space in Retail Data Analysis Problems. 1-4 - Maria S. Ashapkina, Alexey V. Alpatov, Victoria A. Sablina
Online System for Involving Patients in Home-Base Rehabilitation Programs for the Knee Joint. 1-4 - Ognjen Boskovic, Ana Nisavic, Jelena Stanic:
Testing of Sparse Domains and Gradient-based Reconstruction Algorithm on 1D Biomedical Signals: Student paper. 1-4 - Alexandr I. Kalinkin, Ivan S. Kholopov
The Investigation of the P2P Yaw Error in the Presence of Acoustic Clutters. 1-4 - Salma K. Elsokkary, Gehad I. Alkady, Ihab Adly, Hassanein H. Amer, Ramez M. Daoud, Hany M. ElSayed, Tarek K. Refaat, Betim Cico:
Reliable FPGA-based Architectures for Quadcopters in Search and Rescue Missions. 1-5 - Nikita Vinogradov, Sergey Ganin, Rui Fan
, Sergey Vityazev, Vladimir Vityazev:
Implementation of Stereo Rig Roll Angle Estimation on a TMS320C6678 DSP. 1-4 - Vladimir Ruchkin, Grigory Soldatov, Alexei Koryachko, Boris Kostrov, Ekaterina Ruchkina:
Conceptual Model of Hardware & Software Co-design for Multicore Systems on Chip. 1-4 - Eun-Young Kang
, Pierre-Yves Schobbens
InFoCPS: Integrating Formal Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems with Energy Prognostics. 1-5 - Omar T. Mohammed
, Sayed Moeid Heidari
, Alexey A. Paznikov
Mathematical Computations Based on a Pre-trained AI Model and Graph Traversal. 1-4 - Evgeniy I. Chernov, Nikolay E. Sobolev, Elena E. Bondarchuk, Andrey V. Shulyakov:
Determination of Mirror Frequency Range Corresponding to Strong Latent Correlation of Narrowband Noise Signals. 1-3 - Uliana A. Lyakhova, Pavel Alekseevich Lyakhov
, Nikolay I. Chervyakov, Dmitrii I. Kaplun
, Alexander S. Voznesensky
Method for Determining Skin Lesions from Images Using Neural Network. 1-4 - Igor Djurovic, Veselin N. Ivanovic:
Analysis of Closed- form Wigner Distribution in Linear Canonical Domains for Continuous-time Noisy Signals. 1-4 - Giovanni Burresi, Sara Ermini
, Dario Bernabini, Martino Lorusso, Federico Gelli, Davide Frustace, Antonio Rizzo:
Smart Retrofitting by Design Thinking Applied to an Industry 4.0 Migration Process in a Steel Mill Plant. 1-6 - Gleb O. Medvedev, Dmitry M. Klionskiy, Natalya V. Razmochaeva, Pavel V. Korytov
Investigation of Distance Digital Signal Processing Courses based on Modern Programming Languages. 1-4 - Boutheina Bannour
, Arnault Lapitre:
Model Checking of Trickle-based IoT Dissemination. 1-6 - Dino Mustafic, Dejan Jokic, Srdan Lale
, Slobodan Lubura:
Implementation of Incremental Conductance MPPT Algorithm in Real Time in Matlab/Simulink Environment with Humusoft MF634 Board. 1-5 - Leonid A. Kutsenok, Artem A. Bezrukov, Viktor P. Semenov:
The Problem of Designing the Stack of Technologies for Man-hour Distribution and Analytics Software. 1-5 - Yulia A. Shichkina, V. T. Tishchenko, Roza R. Fatkieva:
Synthesis of the Method of Operative Image Analysis based on Metadata and Methods of Searching for Embedded Images. 1-4 - Eugene V. Larkin, Tatiana A. Akimenko, Tatiana R. Kuznetsova, Sergei V. Ostashev:
Embedded System Programs Optimization. 1-5 - Ievgen Kabin
, Zoya Dyka
, Peter Langendörfer
Automated Simple Analysis Attack. 1-4 - Haoxuan Li, Ken Vanherpen
, Peter Hellinckx
, Siegfried Mercelis
, Paul De Meulenaere
Component-based Timing Analysis for Embedded Software Components in Cyber-Physical Systems. 1-8 - Irina V. Bystrova, Boris P. Podkopaev:
Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation Method in a Network of Digital State Machines. 1-4 - Anna D. Sergeeva, Victoria A. Sablina
Eye Landmarks Detection Technology for Facial Micro-Expressions Analysis. 1-4 - Alexander Parshin, Yuri Parshin:
Adaptive Filtering of Non-Gaussian Flicker Noise. 1-5 - Theo Gabloffsky, Ralf Salomon:
Low-Cost, Self-Calibrating Light Barriers in Sports. 1-5 - Ayhan Irfanoglu:
Sense and Sensibility: Challenges in Structural Engineering. 1 - Borko Furht:
In the Middle of the Patent War for the Next Generation of Video Coding Standard. 1 - Orges Cico, Betim Cico:
Reliable IoT Systems for Improving Quality of Battery Life Through The Exploitation of Cloud, Mobile and BLE Technologies. Case Study: Battery Charge Protect. 1-6 - Aleksandr S. Bastrychkin
, Boris V. Kostrov, Natalya N. Grinchenko
, Gennady V. Svetlov:
Calculation of Image Transmission Partial Spectrum. 1-3 - Sergey G. Gurzhin, Vladimir I. Zhulev, Michail B. Kaplan, Evgeniy M. Proshin, Andrey V. Shulyakov:
The System to Study Pulse Transit Time Measurement Error. 1-4 - Janis Sate
, Leo Selavo:
Performance and Implementation Modeling of Gated Linear Networks on FPGA for Lossless Image Compression. 1-6 - Evgeny Kozlov, Andrey A. Trubitsyn
, Andrey Fefelov, Dmitry Kirushin:
Computer Simulation of Influence the Interaction Region Electrons at the Maximum Temperature in the Target. 1-4 - Maksim A. Stepanov, Sergey I. Babaev, Natalia I. Khizrieva:
Approach to Choosing the Type and Parameters Values of the Fuzzy Regression Model for Time Series. 1-4 - Alexander B. Sergienko, Semyon S. Sylka:
Optimization of Pilot Signals for OFDM with Index Modulation in Block Fading Channels. 1-4 - Milan Stork:
Digital Sinusoidal Recursive Oscillators with Quadrature and Three Phase Outputs. 1-4 - Kirill Krinkin:
Transferable Belief Models for Lightweight Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. 1 - Almina Seckanovic, Marijana Sehovac, Lemana Spahic
, Irma Ramic, Nuraiym Mamatnazarova, Lejla Gurbeta Pokvic, Almir Badnjevic, Mirsad Kacila:
Review of Artificial Intelligence Application in Cardiology. 1-5 - Natalia Khizrieva, Gennady V. Ovechkin, Irina Bodrova, Elena Koroleva, Nikolai Sumenkov:
Increasing of Decoder Speed in Data Transfer Systems Due to the Use of Parallel Calculations. 1-5 - Steve Pearce:
Digital and Analogue interactions: Process Chain Networks for the Design of Service Processes. 1-4 - Maxim Grachev, Yury Parshin:
Efficiency of the Angular Coordinate Measurement of Autonomous Cars by Monopulse Radar with Interference Cancelation. 1-4 - Selma Grebovic, Nermin Oprasic, Adis Balota:
Influence of Shunt Reactor Switching on Overvoltages in 400 kV Substation. 1-4 - Vesna Maras, Tomo Popovic
, Spasenija Gajinov, Milena Mugosa, Vladimir Popovic, Ana Savovic, Katarina Pavicevic, Vasilije Mirovic:
Precision Viticulture Using Wireless Sensor Network. 1-6 - Aleksandar Kavcic:
Intellectual Property - A University Perspective. 1 - Natalia A. Kopylova:
The Use of Modern E-learning Technologies at English Lessons in a Technical University Pedagogical Process. 1-6 - Boris A. Alpatov, Pavel V. Babayan, Maksim D. Ershov
Embedded Image Processing and Video Analysis in Intelligent Camera-based Vision System. 1-4 - Matthias Dziubany, Lars Creutz, Sam Kopp, Jens Schneider, Anke Schmeink, Guido Dartmann
Development of a Cyber-Physical System for an Autonomous Indoor Transportation Service. 1-5 - Andreas Vetter
, Philipp Obergfell, Houssem Guissouma, Daniel Grimm
, Eric Sax, Marcel Rumez
Development Processes in Automotive Service-oriented Architectures. 1-7 - Aleksey M. Abramov, Sergey G. Gurzhin, Vladimir I. Zhulev, Evgeniy M. Proshin, Andrey V. Shulyakov:
Analysis of Metrological Test Method Accuracy. 1-4 - Nikolay M. Safyannikov, Olga Bureneva:
Bit-Stream Functional Converters for Decentralized Sensor Systems. 1-4 - Amela Ajanovic:
Prospects for Electric Vehicles and Autonomous Driving. 1 - Alexander Mursaev:
Hardware Implementation of Compressed Data Packing. 1-4 - Irina Bodrova, Oleg Bodrov, Larisa Revkova, Nikita Tsiporkov, Ksenia Tsiporkova:
Determination Algorithm of Space Objects Covering Type by using Poliametric Methods. 1-5 - Milan Stork, Jaroslav Novak:
Mathematical Modeling of Some Physiological Parameters as Response to Exercise. 1-4 - Haris Haxhimehmeti, Adrian Besimi
Prototyping Micropayment Mobile Platform using QR Codes. 1-5 - Lejla Begic Fazlic, Ahmed Hallawa, Matthias Dziubany, Marlies Morgen, Jens Schneider, Marvin Schacht, Anke Schmeink, Lukas Martin, Arne Peine, Thomas Vollmer, Stefan Winter, Guido Dartmann
A Machine Learning Approach for the Classification of Disease Risks in Time Series. 1-5 - Ivan Yu. Filatov:
Algebraic Model For Describing And Analyzing Spatial Situations. 1-4 - Anastasia S. Lopatina, Natalya V. Razmochaeva, Dmitry M. Klionskiy:
Comparative Analysis of Approaches for Solving the Problem of Improving the Quality of Retail Trade Data by Artificial Intelligence. 1-6 - Isidora Stankovic, Milos Brajovic, Milos Dakovic, Ljubisa Stankovic, Cornel Ioana:
Quantization Effect in Nonuniform Nonsparse Signal Reconstruction. 1-4 - Bashkim Salihu, Zhilbert Tafa:
On Computational Performances of the Actual Image Classification Methods in C# and Python. 1-5 - Alexander Vodyaho, Abbas Saddam Ahmed, Nataly Zhukova, Aung Myo Thaw:
Cluster - Oriented Model for Data Collection in Mobile IoT Networks. 1-6 - Abhijit Taware, Kenneth B. Kent
, Gerhard W. Dueck, Charlie Gracie:
Cold Object Identification and Segregation using Page Protection and Profiling. 1-6 - Eugenie V. Mamontov, Roman N. Dyatlov, Alexander A. Dyagilev, Olga V. Melnik:
The Model of the Effective Potential of the Quadrupole Rapidly Oscillating and Static Fields' Composition. 1-4 - Okan Duymazlar
, Mustafa Engin
, Dilsad Engin
Embedded Artificial Neural Network on PLCs to Predict Nonlinear System Responses. 1-4 - Aleksei V. Kharin
, Aleksei Dryakhlov, Evgeny Mirokhin, Konstantin Zavertkin
, Aleksei Ovinnikov
, Evgeny Likhobabin:
An Approach to the Generation of Regular QC-LDPC Codes with Girth 8. 1-4 - Gökay Simsek
, Mehmet Tahir Sandikkaya
Parking IoT: An IoT Architecture to Collect Availability Data from Parking Lots. 1-5 - Haytham Baniabdelghany, Roman Obermaisser, Alá F. Khalifeh:
Extended Synchronization Protocol Based on IEEE802.1AS for Improved Precision in Dynamic and Asymmetric TSN Hybrid Networks. 1-8 - Alexander Antonov
, Pavel Kustarev:
Strategies of Computational Process Synthesis - a System-Level Model of HW/SW (Micro)Architectural Mechanisms. 1-6 - Roman Natarov, Oleksandr O. Sudakov
, Zoya Dyka
, Ievgen Kabin
, Oleksandr Maksymyuk
, Olena Iegorova
, Oleg Krishtal, Peter Langendörfer
Resilience Aspects in Distributed Wireless Electroencephalographic Sampling. 1-7 - Gordana Lastovicka-Medin:
Visualizing "Coronavirus": Engaging with Invisible Threats through Prototyping Air Pollution Demonstration Tool with Arduino. 1-5 - Darko Babunski
, Jakup Berisha, Emil Zaev
, Xhevahir Bajrami:
Application of Fuzzy Logic and PID Controller for Mobile Robot Navigation. 1-4 - Luigi Pomante, Fabio Romano, Paolo Serri:
Ada Ravenscar Profile and C language: Rules Porting and Compatibility Checks Automation. 1-4 - Erol Gelenbe:
Machine Learning for Network Routing. 1 - Sven Ubik, Jakub Halák, Jiri Melnikov, Martin Kolbe:
Ultra-Low-Latency Video Transmissions for Delay Sensitive Collaboration. 1-4 - Filip Jovanovic, Dragana Miladinovic, Natasa Radunovic:
Convex Optimization Algorithms for Sparse Signal Reconstruction. 1-4 - Faris Hrvat
, Lemana Spahic
, Lejla Gurbeta Pokvic, Almir Badnjevic:
Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Medical Device Performance based on Conformity Assessment Data: Infusion and perfusor pumps case study. 1-4 - Han Cui
, Naim Dahnoun:
Human Posture Capturing with Millimetre Wave Radars. 1-4 - Vladimir Yu. Volkov, Mikhail I. Bogachev
Detection and Extraction of Objects in Digital Images. 1-6 - Drazen Jurisic, Budimir Lutovac:
Third-Order Fractional-Step Band-Pass Filters. 1-6 - Natalya Verzun, Mikhail Kolbanev, Vladislav V. Cehanovsky:
Model of Multiple Access in a Super-Dense Network of Smart Things. 1-4 - Ayoosh Bansal
, Jayati Singh, Yifan Hao, Jen-Yang Wen, Renato Mancuso
, Marco Caccamo:
Reconciling Predictability and Coherent Caching. 1-6 - Rizwan Tariq Syed
, Markus Ulbricht, Wael A. Ahmad
, Herman Jalli Ng, Vladica Sark, Raqibul Hasan, Milos Krstic
Fault Tolerant Platform for Communication and Distance Measurement in Highly Automated Driving. 1-3 - Naphtali David Rishe
, Malek Adjouadi
, Francisco R. Ortega:
Smart Bracelets for Remote Monitoring of Wearers' Physical and Affective State. 1 - Georgiy Krylov, Maria Patrou, Gerhard W. Dueck, Joran Siu:
The Evolution of Garbage Collection in V8: Google's JavaScript Engine. 1-6 - Vanja Lukovic
, Sasa Cukovic, Goran Devedzic
, Danijela Milosevic:
Analyses Phase in Development of the ScolioMedIS System. 1-8 - Nikolay V. Vasiliev
, Alexander I. Yashin, Sergei N. Dovzhikov:
A Simple Engine for the Execution and Analysis of Block-structured Business Processes. 1-4 - Aneesh Balakrishnan
, Thomas Lange, Maximilien Glorieux, Dan Alexandrescu, Maksim Jenihhin:
Composing Graph Theory and Deep Neural Networks to Evaluate SEU Type Soft Error Effects. 1-5 - Rüdiger Machhamer, Marcel Garling, Levin Czenkusch, Kristof Ueding, Achim Guldner
, Jens Schneider, Azhar Latif, Anke Schmeink, Stefan Naumann, Klaus-Uwe Gollmer, Guido Dartmann:
Development of Edge Runtime Learning Systems for an Artificial Nose Classifying Drinks. 1-5 - Liliya Demidova
, Maria Ivkina:
Approach to Determining the Boundaries of the Search Range for the Number of Trees in the Random Forest Algorithm. 1-4 - Yana A. Bekeneva:
An Approach to the Distributed Generation of Event Logs Based on Data from Heterogeneous Monitoring Devices. 1-4 - Alla Levina, Nikolay A. Moldovyan, Gleb Ryaskin, Igor A. Zikratov:
Switchable Controlled Operations with Bent Functions. 1-5 - Helen D. Karatza:
Cloud vs Fog Computing - Scheduling Real-Time Applications. 1 - Salim Chehida
, Abdelhakim Baouya
, Marius Bozga, Saddek Bensalem:
Exploration of Impactful Countermeasures on IoT Attacks. 1-4 - Aleksey V. Devyatkin, Denis A. Pankratev, Elena V. Serykh:
Architecture of Smart Department based on IoT Technologies. 1-4 - Erol Gelenbe, Piotr Fröhlich, Mateusz Nowak
, Stavros Papadopoulos, Aikaterini Protogerou, Anastasios Drosou, Dimitrios Tzovaras
IoT Network Attack Detection and Mitigation. 1-6 - Evgeny Grachev, Alexey Manoshkin, Andrey A. Trubitsyn
, Andrey Fefelov:
An Miniature Indirect Conversion X-ray Detector with Efficient Noise Filtering Techniques. 1-4 - Maria S. Ashapkina, Alexey V. Alpatov, Victoria A. Sablina
Smartphone-based Systems for Knee Joint Physical Rehabilitation. 1-4 - Dmitry A. Perepelkin
, Maria Ivanchikova:
Research of Neural Network Architectures for Solving Adaptive Routing Problems in Multiprovider Networks of Distributed Data Centers. 1-5 - Roman Natarov, Zoya Dyka
, Ruslan Bohovyk
, Mykhailo Fedoriuk
, Dmytro Isaev, Oleksandr O. Sudakov
, Oleksandr Maksymyuk
, Oleg Krishtal, Peter Langendörfer
Artefacts in EEG Signals Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Edge Devices. 1-3 - Marcin Aftowicz
, Ievgen Kabin
, Dan Klann, Yauhen Varabei, Zoya Dyka
, Peter Langendörfer
Horizontal SCA Attacks against $kP$ Algorithm Using K-Means and PCA. 1-7 - Anna G. Voloshko
, Oleg Kryukov
Extended Petri Nets Based Approach for Simulation of Distributed Manufacturing Processes. 1-4 - Maksim D. Ershov
, Sergey A. Smirnov, Valery V. Strotov:
Segmentation-based Vehicle Tracker for Real-Time Parameter Estimation on Smart Camera. 1-4 - Pavel Alekseevich Lyakhov
, Albina S. Abdulsalyamova
, Maria R. Kiladze
, Dmitrii I. Kaplun
, Alexander S. Voznesensky
Method of Oriented Contour Detection on Image Using Lorentz Function. 1-4 - Rijad Saric, Markus Ulbricht, Milos Krstic
, Jasmin Kevric
, Dejan Jokic:
Recognition of Objects in the Urban Environment using R-CNN and YOLO Deep Learning Algorithms. 1-4 - Omair Rafique, Klaus Schneider
Employing OpenCL as a Standard Hardware Abstraction in a Distributed Embedded System: A Case Study. 1-7 - Aleksey I. Efimov
, Dmitry I. Ustukov, Yevgeniy R. Muratov:
Image Superimposition Quality Estimation Algorithms. 1-4 - Alexandros Spournias
, Christos P. Antonopoulos, Georgios Keramidas, Nikolaos S. Voros
, Radovan Stojanovic:
Enhancing Visual Recognition for Door Status Identification in AAL Robots via Machine Learning. 1-6 - Alexander Bastrychkin
, Sergey I. Babaev, Boris V. Kostrov, Natalya N. Grinchenko
Image Compression Using Optimal Quantization. 1-5 - Ralf G. Herrtwich:
An Artificial Intelligence Platform for Automated Vehicles. 1 - Anatolijs Zabasta, Nadezhda Kunicina
, Uldis Grunde, Janis Judvaitis
, Ilga Sematovica:
Implementation of IoT Concept for Early Diagnostic of Subacute Rumen Acidosis in Cows. 1-4 - Alexander A. Lisnichuk
DSSS Signals Multi-Criteria Synthesis for Cognitive Radio Systems Adaptation to Complex Interference. 1-5 - Boris Ya. Sovetov, Tatiana M. Tatarnikova, Vladislav V. Cehanovsky:
Physical Access Control System for the Premises using the Internet of Things Technology. 1-4 - Vladimir Ceperkovic, Milan Prokin, Dragana Prokin:
Efficient Cumulative Probability Distribution Estimation for Arithmetic Coding. 1-4 - Naim Dahnoun:
Pedagogy for Engineering and Digital Pedagogy. 1 - Jonathan Hunte, Anees Mohammed, Sinisa Djurovic
Response Time Characterisation of a Fibre Bragg Grating Humidity Sensor for Power Conversion Device Applications. 1-5 - Nikolaos S. Voros:
SMART4ALL - Technological Challenges and Funding Opportunities in the Areas of Balkans and Eastern Europe. 1 - Fanny Spagnolo
, Stefania Perri
, Fabio Frustaci, Pasquale Corsonello:
Reconfigurable Convolution Architecture for Heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip. 1-5 - Milan Gustar
, Sven Ubik, Jiri Melnikov, Vojtech Panos:
Monitoring of Organs Using the Internet of Things. 1-4 - Rohan Tabish, Jen-Yang Wen, Rodolfo Pellizzoni, Renato Mancuso
, Heechul Yun, Marco Caccamo, Lui Sha:
SCE-Comm: A Real-Time Inter-Core Communication Framework for Strictly Partitioned Multi-core Processors. 1-6 - Gennady V. Ovechkin, Natalya N. Grinchenko
, Gennady V. Svetlov, Nataliy S. Fokina:
Analytical Estimation of Self-Orthogonal Code Multithreshold Decoders Efficiency. 1-4 - Tatyana Vityazeva, Anatoly A. Mikheev
Accuracy Loss in Multi-Rate Processing of Biomedical Signals. 1-4 - Boris Ya. Sovetov, Tatiana M. Tatarnikova, Vladislav V. Cehanovsky:
Wireless Sensor Network Security Models. 1-4 - Dmytro Petryk
, Zoya Dyka
, Peter Langendörfer
Sensitivity of Standard Library Cells to Optical Fault Injection Attacks in IHP 250 nm Technology. 1-4 - Vladislav A. Lesnikov
, Tatiana V. Naumovich, Alexander V. Chastikov
Reconstruction of Undersampled Analitic Signals under First Order Aliasing. 1-4 - Vitaliy Ivanovich Koshelev, Vladimir A. Belokurov:
Multi-Frame Detection on Board Platform. 1-4 - Alexander S. Novikov, Alexey Ivutin
, Anna G. Voloshko
, Maxim S. Pestin:
Method for Optimizing Ad-hoc Networks Communication Protocol Parameter Values. 1-4 - Selçuk Çapraz, Marika Apostolova Trpkovska, Halil Snopçe, Lejla Abazi-Bexheti:
Improving ICT Learning Experiences through Gamification. 1-5 - Raimundas Savukynas:
Internet of Things Information System Security for Smart Devices Identification and Authentication. 1-5 - Alexey N. Ivutin
, Anna G. Voloshko
, Alexander S. Novikov:
Optimization Problem for Heterogeneous Computing Systems. 1-4 - Andrey Tarasov, Elena Nikiforova, Michael Nikiforov, Olga Melnik, Irstenn B. Ngongo, Oleg Bodrov:
Application of Neural Networks in Solving Ecological Problems. 1-5 - Sam Green:
From Coder to Programmer. 1-4 - Alexander Mitov
, Jordan Kralev, Tsonyo Slavov
, Ilcho Angelov:
Model Predictive Control Design for Electrohydraulic Power Steering Application. 1-4 - A. A. Pulavskyi
, Sergey S. Krivenko
, Liudmyla S. Kryvenko:
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Post-filtration Smoothing using Lossless Compression for Heart Rate Variability Obtained from a Very Noisy ECG. 1-5 - Zoya Dyka
, Elisabeth Vogel, Ievgen Kabin
, Dan Klann, Oxana Shamilyan, Peter Langendörfer
No Resilience without Security. 1-5 - Suzana Petrovic Savic
, Branko Ristic, Nikola Prodanovic
, Goran Devedzic
Gait Classification Using A Support Vector Machine Algorithm. 1-4 - Asbjørn Engmark Espe
, Geir Mathisen:
Towards Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting near Electrified Railway Tracks. 1-4 - Nikos Germenis, Panagiotis Fountas, Christos Koulamas
Low Latency and Low Cost Smart Embedded Seismograph for Early Warning IoT Applications. 1-4 - Dmitry A. Perepelkin
, Aleksey Saprykin, Maria Ivanchikova, Sergey Kosorukov:
Development of Software Component for Analysis and Visualization of Digital Cloud Platform Data in Higher Education. 1-4 - Natalia V. Rybina, Alexey V. Alpatov, Nikolai B. Rybin
Online Electronic System for Investigating Surface Characteristics of Solid-State Materials. 1-4 - Apostolos P. Fournaris, Aris S. Lalos, Petros Kapsalas, Christos Koulamas
Decentralized, Secure and Cognitive Architecture for Automotive CyberPhysical System of Systems. 1-5 - Veselin N. Ivanovic, Srdjan Jovanovski:
Design and Selection of Registers Used in the Advanced Superior Execution Time Implementation of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter Suitable for Non-Linear FM Signals Estimation. 1-4 - Sergey V. Chelebaev, Olga V. Melnik, Yulia A. Chelebaeva:
Method of Neural Network Adjustment of Frequency Converters into Code of Two Variables Based on Multilayer Perceptrons. 1-4 - Cristian Martín, Daniel R. Torres
, Manuel Díaz
, Bartolomé Rubio
FogPi: A Portable Fog Infrastructure through Raspberry Pis. 1-3 - Shima Sedighiani, Kamlesh Singh, Jos Huisken
, Roel Jordans, Pieter Harpe, José Pineda de Gyvez:
An Electromagnetic Energy Harvester and Power Management in 28-nm FDSOI for IoT. 1-5 - Stefano Corda, Bram Veenboer
, Ahsan Javed Awan
, Akash Kumar, Roel Jordans, Henk Corporaal:
Near Memory Acceleration on High Resolution Radio Astronomy Imaging. 1-6 - Igor A. Kudinov
, Ivan S. Kholopov
Perspective-2-Point Solution in the Problem of Indirectly Measuring the Distance to a Wagon. 1-5 - John Gialelis, Maria Fokaeos, Gerasimos Theodorou, Christos Paparizos, Nikos Tsafas:
A Low Cost Energy Efficient IoT Node Utilized in the Agricultural Field. 1-6 - Matthias Dziubany, Jens Schneider, Anke Schmeink, Guido Dartmann
Optimization of a CPSS-based Flexible Transportation System. 1-5 - Yury S. Bekhtin, Alexey A. Lupachev, Nay Myo Kyaw, Sergey P. Grabarev, Arkadiy R. Petsinyarzh:
Interval Criterion for Transition Process End in the Measuring Chain during Testing Complex Objects. 1-4 - Dmitry A. Perepelkin
, Ilya Tsyganov, Maria Ivanchikova:
Architecture of Segmentation Service of Software Defined Networks. 1-5 - Seta Bogosyan, Tankut Akgul, Metin Gokasan
MTD Based Novel Scheme for BMS Security against CAN Bus Attacks during BEV Charging. 1-7 - Vladimir Ceperkovic, Milan Prokin, Dragana Prokin:
Efficient Bernoulli Probability Distribution Estimation for Arithmetic Coding. 1-4 - Dmitry I. Ustyukov
, Anton V. Pronkin
, Evgeniy R. Muratov, Anatoly I. Novikov:
Methods for Suppressing Discrete White Noise in Images. 1-4 - Nikolay I. Chervyakov, Pavel Alekseevich Lyakhov
, Nikolay N. Nagornov
, Maria V. Valueva, Dmitrii I. Kaplun
High-Performance Hardware 3D Medical Imaging using Wavelets in the Residue Number System. 1-4 - Daniil Prohorov, Aleksandr Penskoi:
Verification of the CAD System for an Application-Specific Processor by Property-Based Testing. 1-4 - Darko Babunski
, Marija Lazarevikj, Emil Zaev
, Zoran Markov:
Direct Tool for Generation of the Geometry of a Francis Turbine Guide Vane System. 1-4 - Tijana Radojicic, Milena Bozovic, Nina Blagojevic:
Iris Recognition on Images Reconstructed with Gradient-based Algorithm. 1-4 - Matej Bartík:
Reverse Engineering of Arrow USB Programmer2 JTAG Adapter for Intel/Altera FPGAs. 1-6 - Mikhail A. Efremov, Ivan I. Kholod:
Architecture of Swarm Robotics System Software Infrastructure. 1-4 - Massimiliano Zanin, Ernestina Menasalvas Ruiz, Alejandro Rodríguez González, Christian Wolff, Juana Wendt, Elisa A. Herrmann, Pavel Smrz
Developing a Data Analytics Toolbox to Support CPS-based Services. 1-7 - Selma Sabanovic, Adna Veladzic, Irma Ramic, Nuraiym Mamatnazarova:
Review of Application of Telepharmacy Solutions in the Practice. 1-6 - Vasiliy Pinkevich, Alexey Platunov:
Method for Testing and Debugging Flow Formal Specification in Full-Stack Embedded Systems Designs. 1-4 - Pavel A. Savenkov, Alexey N. Ivutin
Organizations Data Integrity Providing through Employee Behavioral Analysis Algorithms. 1-3 - Vladimir I. Kubov, Yuri Y. Dymytrov
, Radovan Stojanovic, Raziya M. Kubova, Andrej Skraba
A Feasible IoT System for Monitoring PPG and ECG Signals by using Low-cost Systems-on-chips and HTML Interface. 1-4 - Kirill Krinkin, Alexander Vodyaho, Igor Kulikov
, Nataly Zhukova:
Models of Telecommunications Network Monitoring Based on Knowledge Graphs. 1-7 - Houssem Guissouma, Carl Philipp Hohl, Hannes Stoll, Eric Sax:
Variability-Aware Process Extension for Updating Cyber Physical Systems Over the Air. 1-8 - Rüdiger Machhamer, Jannik Altenhofer, Kristof Ueding, Levin Czenkusch, Florian Stolz, Maximilian Harth, Michael Mattern, Azhar Latif, Swen Haab, Jürgen Herrmann, Anke Schmeink, Klaus-Uwe Gollmer, Guido Dartmann:
Visual Programmed IoT Beehive Monitoring for Decision Aid by Machine Learning based Anomaly Detection. 1-5 - Boris A. Alpatov, Nikita Yu. Shubin, Andrey V. Yakovlev:
TensorFlow for Generating Edge Detection Dataset. 1-4 - Asri Nuhi, Agon Memeti
, Florinda Imeri, Betim Cico:
Smart Attendance System using QR Code. 1-4 - Gordana Lastovicka-Medin:
Social Engineering and Prototype Awareness Enhancing During International Coronavirus Outbreak. 1-4 - Vojtech Procházka, Pavel Kubalík, Hana Kubátová:
Low Power Wireless Data Transfer for Internet of Things: GSM Network Measuring Results. 1-5 - Enea Mele
, Anna Tatsiopoulou, Aphrodite Ktena:
Gamifying E-learning Course Content. 1-4 - Alla Levina, Ivan Kamnev, Igor A. Zikratov:
Implementation White Box Cryptography in Substitution-Permutation network. 1-3 - Evgenia Novikova
, Mikhail Bestuzhev
Exploration of the Anomalies in HVAC Data Using Image Similarity Assessment. 1-4 - Valery Yu. Mishin, Alexander D. Astankovich, Georgiy V. Davydov, Mikhail V. Chirkin, Andrey E. Serebryakov, Vladimir V. Klimakov
, Oleg V. Kizhaev, Dmitriy S. Kusakin, Dmitriy A. Morozov, Dmitriy S. Shurmin, Aleksey V. Molchanov:
Laser Gyroscope Mechanical Dither Control Device. 1-4 - Vladislav S. Shevskiy:
Indexing Data Based on the CW-tree Algorithm Using Parallel Data Reading. 1-6 - Aleksei V. Kharin
, Aleksei Dryakhlov, Evgeny Mirokhin, Konstantin Zavertkin
, Aleksei Ovinnikov
, Evgeny Likhobabin:
Irregular QC-LDPC Codes Generation Based on EMD Maximization Criterion for Protograph. 1-4 - Radovan Stojanovic, Andrej Skraba
, Budimir Lutovac:
A Headset Like Wearable Device to Track COVID-19 Symptoms. 1-4 - Natalia Podzharaya, Anastasiia Sochenkova:
The Concept of Smart Tourism Based on Museum Digitalization in Montenegro. 1-4 - Andjela Draganic, Irena Orovic, Maja Lakicevic Zaric, Srdjan Stankovic:
Quick Response Code Recovery using Sparse Signal Processing Approach. 1-5 - Nenad Filipovic:
In-Silico Clinical Trials as a New Paradigm in Medicine. 1 - Aleksey Barkhatov, Aleksander Kozlov:
Fast Calculation of Cross-Correlation Function with Video Cards in Coherent Radar. 1-5 - Alexandr Ivanov, Vladimir Bukanin, Alexei Zenkov, Valentin Vologdin, Vladislav Vologdin:
Cyber Physical Systems Integration for Induction Heating Technologies. 1-4 - Ilias Billas, John Konstantaras
, Christos Manasis, Lambros Sarakis, Aphrodite Ktena:
Low-cost Power Analyser Design & Implementation. 1-4 - Alexander Golovkov, Alexander Zhuravlev, Polina Terenteva
Omnidirectional in the Azimuth Plane Antennas Based on Circular Arrays with Horizontal Polarization for Radio Monitoring Systems. 1-4 - Anastasiia Sochenkova, Natalia Podzharaya:
Influence of ICT to the Flow of the Tourists and the Profitability of the Air Companies. 1-5 - Athar Khodabakhsh
, Sule Yildirim Yayilgan
, Siv Hilde Houmb, Nargis Hurzuk, Jørn Foros, Maren Istad:
Cyber-Security Gaps in a Digital Substation: From Sensors to SCADA. 1-4 - Vladmir Varuikhin, Alla Levina:
Steganographic Information Hiding Method based on Continuous Wavelet Transform. 1-4 - Anton N. Nikonov:
Implementation of a Direct Adaptive System with Nonlinear Singularities Identification based on Industrial Logic Controllers. 1-4 - Yury S. Bekhtin, Konstantin M. Bograchev, Vyacheslav A. Chichikin, Alexey A. Lupachev:
Tuning Parameters of IR-sensor in Control Systems. 1-4 - Ahmed Ibrahim
, Ahmed M. Eltawil
Unauthorized Location Inference Using Smart Device Pressure Sensor. 1-6 - Abdelhakim Baouya
, Salim Chehida
, Saddek Bensalem, Marius Bozga:
Fog Computing and Blockchain for Massive IoT Deployment. 1-4 - Selma Grebovic, Adis Balota, Nermin Oprasic:
Lightning Outage Performance of Power Distribution Line Located in Mountain Lovćen Area. 1-4 - Mirko Kalezic, Petar Sekulic, Slavko Kovacevic
Video Object Segmentation using Optical Flow and Recurrent Neural Networks. 1-4 - Alexey A. Paznikov
, Andrey V. Gurin, Mikhail S. Kupriyanov:
Implementation in Actor Model of Leaderless Decentralized Atomic Broadcast. 1-4 - Lukás Kohútka, Lukás Nagy
, Viera Stopjaková:
RED-based Scheduler on Chip for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems. 1-4 - Azra Cutuk, Eda Saric Hanjalic, Sibel Repuh, Nuraiym Mamatnazarova:
Gene Regulation Pathway Modeling. 1-3 - M. M. Dalkilic:
Using Data Analytics to Optimize Public Transportation on a College Campus. 1 - Stefan Tomovic, Tijana Devedzic, Pavle Krsmanovic:
Application of Hermite Functions in Image Reconstruction: Student paper. 1-4 - Darina V. Gerasimova, Viktor P. Semenov:
Requirements for the Client Portal to Simplify and Centralize Interaction of IT-companies with Customers. 1-5

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