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NordiCHI 2020: Tallinn, Estonia
- David Lamas, Hegle Sarapuu, Marta Lárusdóttir, Jan Stage, Carmelo Ardito:
NordiCHI '20: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society, Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tallinn, Estonia, 25-29 October, 2020. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-7579-5
Section: Research Papers
- Alexander Berman, Francis K. H. Quek, Robert Woodward, Osazuwa Okundaye, Jeeeun Kim:
"Anyone Can Print": Supporting Collaborations with 3D Printing Services to Empower Broader Participation in Personal Fabrication. 1:1-1:13 - Philip Weber
, Philip Engelbutzeder, Thomas Ludwig:
"Always on the Table": Revealing Smartphone Usages in everyday Eating Out Situations. 2:1-2:13 - Joni Salminen, Milica Milenkovic:
"Her Name Was Chloe and She Delivers Stuff to Your Room": A Qualitative Analysis of User Reviews of Hotels Using Robots. 3:1-3:12 - Karola Marky, Alexandra Voit, Alina Stöver, Kai Kunze, Svenja Schröder, Max Mühlhäuser:
"I don't know how to protect myself": Understanding Privacy Perceptions Resulting from the Presence of Bystanders in Smart Environments. 4:1-4:11 - Nico Reski
, Aris Alissandrakis, Jukka Tyrkkö, Andreas Kerren:
"Oh, that's where you are!" - Towards a Hybrid Asymmetric Collaborative Immersive Analytics System. 5:1-5:12 - Doga Gatos, Asim Evren Yantaç:
"Oxygen Mask": Understanding How Autism Parents Seek Support. 6:1-6:11 - Emin Zerman
, Néill O'Dwyer
, Gareth W. Young
, Aljosa Smolic:
A Case Study on the Use of Volumetric Video in Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage. 7:1-7:5 - Amal Yassien, Passant El Agroudy, Elhassan Makled
, Slim Abdennadher:
A Design Space for Social Presence in VR. 8:1-8:12 - Torben Wallbaum, Swamy Ananthanarayan, Andrii Matviienko, Susanne Boll:
A Real-time Distributed Toolkit to Ease Children's Exploration of IoT. 9:1-9:9 - Niels van Berkel, Eleftherios Papachristos
, Anastasia Giachanou, Simo Hosio
, Mikael B. Skov
A Systematic Assessment of National Artificial Intelligence Policies: Perspectives from the Nordics and Beyond. 10:1-10:12 - Tomoko Komatsu, Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, Stephann Makri, Colin Porlezza
, Glenda Cooper, Andrew MacFarlane, Sondess Missaoui:
AI should embody our values: Investigating journalistic values to inform AI technology design. 11:1-11:13 - Martin Mundt, Tintu Mathew:
An Evaluation of Pie Menus for System Control in Virtual Reality. 12:1-12:8 - Valentin Schwind
, Niels Henze:
Anticipated User Stereotypes Systematically Affect the Social Acceptability of Mobile Devices. 13:1-13:12 - Kirsty Macmillan
, Tessa Berg, Mike Just
, Mary Stewart:
Are autistic children more vulnerable online? Relating autism to online safety, child wellbeing and parental risk management. 14:1-14:11 - Chia-Kai Yang, Chat Wacharamanotham
Asymmetric effect of text-chart proximity on reading behavior. 15:1-15:9 - Kelly Widdicks, Daniel Pargman, Staffan Björk:
Backfiring and favouring: how design processes in HCI lead to anti-patterns and repentant designers. 16:1-16:12 - Naveen Bagalkot, Nervo Verdezoto
, Anushri Ghode, Shipra Purohit, Lakshmi Murthy, Nicola Mackintosh
, Paula Griffiths:
Beyond Health Literacy: Navigating Boundaries and Relationships During High-risk Pregnancies: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Health in North-West India. 17:1-17:15 - Kay Kender
, Christopher Frauenberger
, Johanna Pichlbauer, Katharina Werner:
Children as Designers - Recognising divergent creative modes in Participatory Design. 18:1-18:11 - Than Htut Soe, Oda Elise Nordberg, Frode Guribye, Marija Slavkovik:
Circumvention by design - dark patterns in cookie consent for online news outlets. 19:1-19:12 - Cathrine F. Seidelin, Yvonne Dittrich
, Erik Grönvall:
Co-designing Data Experiments: Domain Experts' Exploration and Experimentation with self-selected Data Sources. 20:1-20:11 - Irina Shklovski
, Erik Grönvall:
CreepyLeaks: Participatory Speculation Through Demos. 21:1-21:12 - Sharon Lindberg
, Petter Karlström, Sirkku Männikkö-Barbutiu:
Cultivating Ethics - A perspective from practice. 22:1-22:11 - Catho Van Den Bosch, Chaja Libot, Joris Mattheijssens, Klaas Baert, Michelle Boonen, Wendy Van den Broeck
, Sandy Claes:
Daylist. Exploring the Design of Configuration Settings to Establish a Lean Back On-Demand Radio Experience. 23:1-23:5 - Christopher Frauenberger
, Kay Kender
, Laura Scheepmaker, Katharina Werner, Katta Spiel
Desiging Social Play Things. 24:1-24:12 - Erik Sandelin, Sarah Homewood
Design (In)actions. 25:1-25:9 - Fatemeh Moradi, Linnea Öhlund
, Hanna Nordin, Mikael Wiberg:
Designing a Digital Archive for Indigenous People: Understanding the Double Sensitivity of Design. 26:1-26:11 - Frederik Victor Kobbelgaard
, Susanne Bødker, Anne Marie Kanstrup
Designing a game to explore human artefact ecologies for assistive robotics: Basing design games on an activity theoretical framework. 27:1-27:10 - Kristen M. Scott
, Simone Ashby, Adriana Stan
Designing a Synthesized Content Feed System for Community Radio. 28:1-28:4 - Oksana Kulyk, Kristina Milanovic, Jeremy Pitt:
Does My Smart Device Provider Care About My Privacy? Investigating Trust Factors and User Attitudes in IoT Systems. 29:1-29:12 - Rufat Rzayev
, Susanne Korbely, Milena Maul, Alina Schark, Valentin Schwind
, Niels Henze:
Effects of Position and Alignment of Notifications on AR Glasses during Social Interaction. 30:1-30:11 - Jasmin Niess
, Pawel W. Wozniak:
Embracing Companion Technologies. 31:1-31:11 - Gökçe Elif Baykal
, Eva Eriksson
, Wolmet Barendregt
, Olof Torgersson
, Staffan Björk:
Evaluating Co-located Games as a Mediator for Children's Collaborative Interaction. 32:1-32:11 - Nico Reski
, Aris Alissandrakis, Andreas Kerren:
Exploration of Time-Oriented Data in Immersive Virtual Reality Using a 3D Radar Chart Approach. 33:1-33:11 - Hong Li, Pradthana Jarusriboonchai, Heiko Müller
, Emmi Harjuniemi, Jonna Häkkilä
Emotional Communication between Remote Couples: Exploring the Design of Wearable Ambient Displays. 34:1-34:5 - Pawel W. Wozniak, Przemyslaw Piotr Kucharski, Maartje M. A. de Graaf
, Jasmin Niess
Exploring Understandable Algorithms to Suggest Fitness Tracker Goals that Foster Commitment. 35:1-35:12 - Greg Nijs, Giulietta Laki, Rafaella Houlstan, Guillaume Slizewicz
, Thomas Laureyssens
Fostering More-than-Human Imaginaries: Introducing DIY Speculative Fabulation in Civic HCI. 36:1-36:12 - Raghvendra Mall
, Mridul Nagpal, Joni Salminen, Hind A. Al-Merekhi
, Soon-Gyo Jung, Bernard J. Jansen:
Four Types of Toxic People: Characterizing Online Users' Toxicity over Time. 37:1-37:11 - Hannelore Strauven, Katta Spiel
, Ine D'Haeseleer, Hans Hallez
, Bart Vanrumste
, Vero Vanden Abeele
From Promoting Dignity to Installing Distrust: Understanding the Role of Continence Care Technology in Nursing Homes. 38:1-38:11 - Giovanna Nunes Vilaza
, Raju Maharjan
, David Coyle
, Jakob E. Bardram
Futures for Health Research Data Platforms From the Participants' Perspectives. 39:1-39:14 - Patrick Jost
, Monica Divitini
Game elicitation: exploring assistance in delayed-effect supply chain decision making. 40:1-40:10 - Misahael Fernandez, Florian Mathis
, Mohamed Khamis
GazeWheels: Comparing Dwell-time Feedback and Methods for Gaze Input. 41:1-41:6 - Nasim Beheshtian, Sina Moradi
, Aino Ahtinen
, Kaisa Väänänen
, Kalle Kähkönen, Markus Laine:
GreenLife: A Persuasive Social Robot to Enhance the Sustainable Behavior in shared Living Spaces. 42:1-42:12 - Britta F. Schulte, Philipp Graf, Lena Franzkowiak, Eva Hornecker:
Hospital Beds, Robot Priests and Huggables: : A (Fictional) Review of Commercially Available Care Robots. 43:1-43:11 - Felix Anand Epp
, Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, Andrés Lucero
, Tapio Takala
Identity through Social Wearables: Designing with Finnish University Students. 44:1-44:11 - Nervo Verdezoto
, Francisca Carpio-Arias, Valeria Carpio-Arias, Nicola Mackintosh
, Parisa Eslambolchilar, Verónica López, Catherine Trujillo, Galo Vásconez:
Indigenous Women Managing Pregnancy Complications in Rural Ecuador: Barriers and Opportunities to Enhance Antenatal Care. 45:1-45:9 - Azhan Ahmad
, Effie L.-C. Law, Alex Moseley:
Integrating Instructional Design Principles in Serious Games Authoring Tools: Insights from Systematic Literature Review. 46:1-46:12 - Michael Kvist Svangren
, Louise Krog, Alisa Ananjeva
, John Stouby Persson, Peter Axel Nielsen
, Camilla Brunsgaard
, Karl Sperling:
Investigating One-Time Actions for Domestic Energy Reduction: The Case of District Heating. 47:1-47:11 - Osazuwa Okundaye, Sharon Lynn Chu, Francis K. H. Quek, Alexander Berman, Glen Hordemann, Larry Powell, Leming Yang:
Telepresence Robotics for Hands-on Distance Instruction. 48:1-48:11 - Raune Frankjær, Peter Dalsgaard
Knowledge-creation Processes in Crafts-based HCI Research: Introducing a Sympoietic Framework. 49:1-49:12 - Stephanie Schwarz
, Georg Regal
, Marina Kempf, Raimund Schatz
Learning Success in Immersive Virtual Reality Training Environments: Practical Evidence from Automotive Assembly. 50:1-50:11 - Justyna Wierbilowicz, Alessandro Cappelletti, Davide Giovanelli, Angela Pasqualotto
, Arianna Bentenuto
, Elisabetta Farella, Massimo Zancanaro
Look at me and grab this! Materiality and the practices around negotiation of social attention with children on the autistic spectrum. 51:1-51:5 - Kim Sauvé, Saskia Bakker, Nicolai Marquardt
, Steven Houben:
LOOP: Exploring Physicalization of Activity Tracking Data. 52:1-52:12 - Sophie Landwehr Sydow
, Martin Jonsson, Jakob Tholander:
Machine Sensibility: Unpacking the Embodied and Situated Dimensions of 3D Printing. 53:1-53:13 - Patrizia D'Olivo
, Marco C. Rozendaal, Elisa Giaccardi
Making Tactful Objects for Sensitive Settings: A Research through Design Process. 54:1-54:7 - Carine Lallemand
, Vincent Koenig:
Measuring the Contextual Dimension of User Experience: Development of the User Experience Context Scale (UXCS). 55:1-55:13 - Andrea Isabell Scheiter, Jessica A. Linnemann, Uwe Herbst, Klaus Bengler:
Mental Model of Driving Wizards When Simulating an Automated Drive. 56:1-56:10 - Michael Chromik, Florian Lachner, Andreas Butz:
ML for UX? - An Inventory and Predictions on the Use of Machine Learning Techniques for UX Research. 57:1-57:11 - Jesse Pepping, Sarah Scholte, Marnix van Wijland, Milan de Meij, Günter Wallner, Regina Bernhaupt
Motiis: Fostering Parents' Awareness of their Adolescents Emotional Experiences during Gaming. 58:1-58:11 - Merja Ryöppy
Negotiating Experiences and Design Directions through Object Theatre. 59:1-59:13 - Sven Bock
, Nurul Momen
Nudging the User with Privacy Indicator: A Study on the App Selection Behavior of the User. 60:1-60:12 - Victor Kaptelinin, Patrik Björnfot, Karin Danielsson, Mikael Wiberg:
Performance, Power, and Place: User Experience of Contactless Object Manipulation in Robotic Telepresence. 61:1-61:12 - Judy Bowen, Helen Petrie, Annika Hinze, Sanjit Samaddar:
Personas revisited: Extending the Use of Personas to Enhance Participatory Design. 62:1-62:12 - Yavuz Inal, Frode Guribye, Dorina Rajanen, Mikko Rajanen
, Mattias Rost:
Perspectives and Practices of Digital Accessibility: A Survey of User Experience Professionals in Nordic Countries. 63:1-63:11 - Jonna Häkkilä
, Mari Karhu
, Matilda Kalving
, Ashley Colley
Practical Family Challenges of Remote Schooling during COVID-19 Pandemic in Finland. 64:1-64:9 - Florian Jasche
, Thomas Ludwig:
PrintARface: Supporting the Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems through Augmented Reality. 65:1-65:12 - Enrique Encinas, Dimitrios Raptis
, Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov
Readiness, Seamlessness and Connectedness Understanding Business Travellers' Door to Door Journeys. 66:1-66:11 - Goda Klumbyte
, Phillip Lücking, Claude Draude
Reframing AX with Critical Design: The Potentials and Limits of Algorithmic Experience as a Critical Design Concept. 67:1-67:12 - Vasiliki Mylonopoulou
, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson
, Beata Jungselius:
Searching for Empathy: A Swedish Study on Designing for Seniors. 68:1-68:10 - Roberto Cibin
, Sarah Robinson
, Maurizio Teli
, Conor Linehan
, Laura Maye, Christopher Csikszentmihalyi
Shaping Social Innovation in Local Communities: The Contribution of Intermediaries. 69:1-69:12 - Naja L. Holten Møller
, Irina Shklovski
, Thomas T. Hildebrandt:
Shifting Concepts of Value: Designing Algorithmic Decision-Support Systems for Public Services. 70:1-70:12 - Kasper Rodil
, Chatrine Elisabeth Larsen, Christoffer Caesar Faelled, Emil Færch Skov, Thomas Gustafsen, Antonia Krummheuer, Matthias Rehm
Spending Time: Co-Designing a Personalized Calendar at the Care Center. 71:1-71:11 - Hanna Celina, Daniel Lambton-Howard, Clement Lee, Ahmed Kharrufa:
Supporting Pedagogy Through Automation and Social Structures in Student-Led Online Learning Environments. 72:1-72:10 - Eleanor Chin Derix, Tuck Wah Leong
Tactics for Designing Probes to Explore Parents' Differing Perspectives on Family Technology Use. 73:1-73:11 - Dennis Stanke, Tim Duente
, Michael Rohs:
TactileWear: A Comparison of Electrotactile and Vibrotactile Feedback on the Wrist and Ring Finger. 74:1-74:13 - David Englmeier, Joseph O'Hagan, Mengyi Zhang, Florian Alt
, Andreas Butz, Tobias Höllerer, Julie R. Williamson:
TangibleSphere - Interaction Techniques for Physical and Virtual Spherical Displays. 75:1-75:11 - Philipp Wintersberger
, Tobias Klotz, Andreas Riener
Tell Me More: Transparency and Time-Fillers to Optimize Chatbots' Waiting Time Experience. 76:1-76:6 - Tom Jenkins
, Laurens Boer, Juliane Brigitta Busboom
, Ivar Østby Simonsen:
The Future Supermarket: A Case Study of Ethnographic Experiential Futures. 77:1-77:13 - Eva Hornecker, Andreas Bischof
, Philipp Graf
, Lena Franzkowiak, Norbert Krüger
The Interactive Enactment of Care Technologies and its Implications for Human-Robot-Interaction in Care. 78:1-78:11 - Daphne Menheere, Carine Lallemand
, Erik Van der Spek, Carl Megens, Andrew Vande Moere
, Mathias Funk
, Steven Vos:
The Runner's Journey: Identifying Design Opportunities for Running Motivation Technology. 79:1-79:14 - Neil A. M. Maiden, Konstantinos Zachos, Suzanne Franks
, Rebecca Wells, Samantha Stallard:
Designing Digital Content to Support Science Journalism. 80:1-80:13 - Øivind Klungseth Zahlsen, Dag Svanæs, Arild Faxvaag, Yngve Dahl
Understanding the Impact of Boundary Conditions on Participatory Activities. 81:1-81:11 - Yuri Nakao, Yusuke Sugano:
Use of Machine Learning by Non-Expert DHH People: Technological Understanding and Sound Perception. 82:1-82:12 - Aparajita Chowdhury
, Aino Ahtinen
, Roel Pieters
, Kaisa Väänänen
User Experience Goals for Designing Industrial Human-Cobot Collaboration: A Case Study of Franka Panda Robot. 83:1-83:13 - Audrey Sanctorum, Suzanne Kieffer
, Beat Signer
User-driven Design Guidelines for the Authoring of Cross-Device and Internet of Things Applications. 84:1-84:12 - Andreas Junker, Carl Hutters, Daniel Reipur, Lasse Embøl, Niels Christian Nilsson
, Rolf Nordahl
Virtual Womb: Experiencing Human Sensory Development From a Fetal Point-of-View in Virtual Reality. 85:1-85:8 - Rune Møberg Jacobsen, Patrick Skov Johansen, Lukas Bjørn Leer Bysted, Mikael B. Skov
Waste Wizard: Exploring Waste Sorting using AI in Public Spaces. 86:1-86:11 - Susanne Bødker, Myriam Lewkowicz
, Alexander Boden:
What's in a word? Platforms Supporting the Platform Economy. 87:1-87:10 - Peter Lyle, Henrik Korsgaard
, Susanne Bødker:
What's in an Ecology? A Review of Artifact, Communicative, Device and Information Ecologies. 88:1-88:14 - Kelly Widdicks:
When the Good Turns Ugly: Speculating Next Steps for Digital Wellbeing Tools. 89:1-89:6
Case Studies
- Mari Runardotter, Diana Chronéer, Johanna Lindberg, Anna Ståhlbröst:
A Digital Society for All: A complicated endeavour. 90:1-90:10 - Hanna-Liisa Pender, Taavet Jaansen:
Building a scaffold for transdisciplinary design processes: helping art-science residencies explore the design space of new technologies. 91:1-91:7 - Lars Lischke
, Lena Janietz, Anna Beham, Hartmut Bohnacker, Ulrich Schendzielorz, Albrecht Schmidt, Pawel W. Wozniak:
Challenges in Designing Interfaces for Large Displays: the Practitioners' Point of View. 92:1-92:6 - Oscar Bjurling
, Rego Granlund
, Jens Alfredson, Mattias Arvola
, Tom Ziemke
Drone Swarms in Forest Firefighting: A Local Development Case Study of Multi-Level Human-Swarm Interaction. 93:1-93:7 - Hanna-Liisa Pender, Merili Lobjakas:
Empowering the psychosocially vulnerable in a co-creation process with user need cards. 94:1-94:5 - Oscar Alvarado
, Elias Storms
, David Geerts
, Katrien Verbert
Foregrounding Algorithms: Preparing Users for Co-design with Sensitizing Activities. 95:1-95:7 - Dorothé Smit
, Verena Fuchsberger
Sprinkling Diversity: Hurdles on the Way to Inclusiveness in Makerspaces. 96:1-96:8 - Thomas Lind, Åsa Cajander, Annika Björklund, Bengt L. Sandblad:
The Use of Scenarios in a Vision Seminar Process: The Case of Students Envisioning the Future of Study-Administration. 97:1-97:8 - Elisabet M. Nilsson
, Wolmet Barendregt
, Eva Eriksson
, Anne-Marie Skriver Hansen
, Rikke Toft Nørgård
, Daisy Yoo:
The Values Clustering Teaching Activity - a Case Study on Two Teachers' Appropriations of Open Educational Resources for Teaching Values in Design. 98:1-98:8
- Dingyi Wei, Ava Fatah gen. Schieck
, Nicolai Marquardt
A Model of the Deviation between the Intended and the Actual Experiences with Interactive Installations. 99:1-99:3 - Ana Pinto, Sónia Sousa
, Cristóvão Silva
, Pedro Coelho
Adaptation and validation of the HCTM Scale into Human-robot interaction Portuguese context: A study of measuring trust in human-robot interactions. 100:1-100:4 - San San Nguyen, Da-jung Kim
, Ting Miao, Yaliang Chuang
Designing for Triggering Self-Investigations and Reflections on Factors Related to Sleep Health. 101:1-101:4 - Mustafa Can Özdemir
, David Lamas
, Mati Mõttus:
Desired Content versus Digital Advertisements: An Eye-Tracking User Experience Study. 102:1-102:4 - Yudan Ma, Bin Yu, Tilde Bekker, Jun Hu
, Steven Vos:
FitBirds: Designing Heart Rate Feedback for Playful and Social Physical Education. 103:1-103:4 - Risa Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima:
Gathering People's Happy Moments from Their Seeing Capabilities. 104:1-104:4 - Christian Löw
, Lukas Moshuber:
Grätzelbot - Gamifying Onboarding to Support Community-Building among University Freshmen. 105:1-105:3 - Shafaq Irshad
, Andrew Perkis:
Increasing User Engagement in Virtual Reality: The Role of Interactive Digital Narratives to Trigger Emotional Responses. 106:1-106:4 - Philip Engelbutzeder, Katerina Cerná
, Dave Randall, Dennis Lawo
, Claudia Müller, Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf:
Investigating the use of digital artifacts in a community project of sustainable food practices: 'My chili blossoms'. 107:1-107:4 - Risa Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima:
Opportunities to Share Collective Human Hearing. 108:1-108:4 - Jaeho Sung, Bokyung Lee
, Daniel Saakes:
PoseScape: Pose-based Analysis System for Long-term Observation Studies. 109:1-109:3 - Marie-Monique Schaper
, Laura Malinverni, Cristina Valero:
Robot Presidents: Who should rule the world?: Teaching Critical Thinking in AI through Reflections upon Food Traditions. 110:1-110:4 - Jeong Jin Park, Young-Ae Hahn:
rTag: a participatory news platform for critical reading of unverified news. 111:1-111:3 - Yizhou Liu, Da-jung Kim
, Ting Miao, Yaliang Chuang
SlumberBot: An Interactive Agent for Helping Users Investigate Disturbance Factors of Sleep Quality. 112:1-112:4 - Darja Tokranova:
Tackling Ethical Implications of Mobile Banking Product Development Through the Value Sensitive Design Approach. 113:1-113:3 - Kairi Fimberg, Sónia Sousa
The Impact of Website Design on Users' Trust. 114:1-114:5
- Emil Woop, Esther Friederike Zahn, Rahel Flechtner
, Gesche Joost:
Demonstrating a Modular Construction Toolkit for Interactive Textile Applications. 115:1-115:4 - Martin Sillaots, Mikhail Fiadotau
, Ralph Söthe-Garnier, David Robert Upshall, Peadar Callaghan, Kaisa Norak, Ahmed Mohamed Said Anwar Elshenawy, Osman Sinan Emiroglu, Elena Gorshkova, Iryna Selina, Asian Hõ, Oluwafiyikewa Aigbovbioise Alawode:
Methodyca: A Digital Game to Teach Research Methods. 116:1-116:4 - Ilan Kirsh
Using Mouse Movement Heatmaps to Visualize User Attention to Words. 117:1-117:5
- Arife Dila Demir
AURA: Altering Self-Perception Through Interactive Light Emitting Textiles. 118:1-118:3 - Yu Zhang:
I Wanna Rotate 5427.89 Miles. 119:1-119:3 - Emilie Giles
, Janet van der Linden
, Marian Petre:
Tactile Stories: Interactive E-textile Wall-hangings created by blind and visually impaired makers. 120:1-120:3 - Faseeh Saleem:
TUBE!: Exploring material and movement expression by body encountering with knitted structure and machine. 121:1-121:3
- Vasiliki Tsaknaki
, Tom Jenkins
, Laurens Boer, Sarah Homewood
, Noura Howell
, Pedro Sanches
Challenges and Opportunities for Designing with Biodata as Material. 122:1-122:3 - José L. Abdelnour-Nocera, Daniel G. Cabrero
, Pedro F. Campos
, Frederica Gonçalves
, Torkil Clemmensen
, Robin Gissing, Lene Nielsen, Parisa Saadati:
Co-Designing Personas for User Experience and Engagement in Automation. 123:1-123:3 - Elise Hodson
, Michel Nader Sayún, Teija Vainio
Decoding the Smart City. 124:1-124:3 - Jonna Häkkilä
, Mikael Wiberg, Nils Johan Eira, Tapio Seppänen, Ilkka Juuso, Maija Mäkikalli, Katrin Wolf:
Design Sensibilities - Designing for Cultural Sensitivity. 125:1-125:3 - Guido Giunti
, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou
Designing during, and for Pandemics: A multidisciplinary approach. 126:1-126:3 - Marius Koller, Sebastian Felix Rauh, Gerrit Meixner, Anders Lundström, Cristian Bogdan:
Designing for Orchestration in Mixed and Virtual Reality: Challenges and Best Practices. 127:1-127:3 - Vicky Charisi, Laura Malinverni
, Elisa Rubegni
, Marie-Monique Schaper
Empowering Children's Critical Reflections on AI, Robotics and Other Intelligent Technologies. 128:1-128:4 - Çaglar Genç, Ashley Colley
, Oguz 'Oz' Buruk
, Minna Pakanen
, Jan Gugenheimer:
Exploring Wearable Output Modalities - Screens & Beyond. 129:1-129:3 - Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Alberto Alvarez
, José María Font, Antonios Liapis, Thomas Pederson
, Johan Salo:
Invisible AI-driven HCI Systems - When, Why and How. 130:1-130:3 - Matthias Laschke
, Robin Neuhaus, Judith Dörrenbächer, Marc Hassenzahl, Volker Wulf, Astrid M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Jan O. Borchers, Susanne Boll:
Otherware needs Otherness: Understanding and Designing Artificial Counterparts. 131:1-131:4 - Cristian Bogdan, Vasiliki Tsaknaki
, Charles Windlin, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Sara Eriksson, Ylva Fernaeus, Pedro Sanches
Programming for Moving Bodies. 132:1-132:3 - Sirkku Kotilainen
, Jussi Okkonen
, Guna Spurava
, Ole Sejer Iversen
, Netta Iivari, Marianne Kinnula, Sumita Sharma
Researchers' Toolbox for the Future: Empowering Children to Shape Their Future. 133:1-133:3 - Supraja Sankaran
, Chao Zhang
, Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, Kaisa Väänänen
Respecting Human Autonomy through Human-Centered AI. 134:1-134:3 - Özge Subasi, Anton Fedosov
, Oliver Bates
, Airi Lampinen, Ann Light
Sharing & Cooperativism: Designing For Economies. 135:1-135:3 - Holly Robbins, Joep W. Frens, Lenneke Kuijer, Ron Wakkary
Speculative Energy Futures: Post-human Design for the Energy Transition. 136:1-136:3 - Tone Bratteteig
, Diana Saplacan
, Rebekka Soma
, Johanne Svanes Oskarsen:
Strengthening human autonomy in the era of autonomous technology.: Contemporary perspectives on interaction with 'autonomous things'. 137:1-137:3 - Maliheh Ghajargar
, Jan A. Persson, Jeffrey Bardzell
, Lars Holmberg, Agnes Tegen:
The UX of Interactive Machine Learning. 138:1-138:3 - Cora van Leeuwen
, Shirley A. Elprama
, An Jacobs
, Rob Heyman
, Jo Pierson
, Pieter Duysburgh:
Unethically Me: Explaining Artificial Intelligence's Results by Being Unethical. 139:1-139:3
- Virpi Roto
, Val Mitchell
, Stuart Cockbill, Jodi Forlizzi, Jung-Joo Lee
, Effie L.-C. Law:
Introduction to Service Design for UX Designers. 140:1-140:3 - Ole Andreas Alsos, Saara Kauppi:
Visual Dissemination of HCI Research: How to make us understand your research with visuals. 141:1-141:2

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