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OFC/NFOEC 2013: Anaheim, CA, USA
- 2013 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), Anaheim, CA, USA, March 17-21, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0457-0
- Raed Mesleh, Hany Elgala
, Thomas D. C. Little
A novel method to mitigate LED nonlinearity distortions in optical wireless OFDM systems. 1-3 - Hiroshi Kamiya, Tsuyoshi Goto, Katouf Redouane, Taro Arakawa, Yasuo Kokubun:
First demonstration of hitless wavelength selective switch based on quadruple series coupled multiple quantum well microring resonator. 1-3 - Hou-Tzu Huang, Ya-Tang Chiang, Chun-Ting Lin, Chia-Chien Wei, Chun-Hung Ho, Fang-Ming Wu, Yung-Jui Chen, Sien Chi:
Simple 2×2 MIMO 60-GHz OFDM RoF system with single-electrode MZMs employing beating interference mitigation and IQ imbalance compensation. 1-3 - Giuseppe Rizzelli, Guido Maier, Achille Pattavina:
WSS requirements in next-generation Wavelength Switched Optical Networks. 1-3 - Elton Marchena, Timothy Creazzo, Stephen B. Krasulick, Paul K. L. Yu, Derek Van Orden, John Y. Spann, Christopher C. Blivin, John M. Dallesasse, Petros Varangis, Robert J. Stone, Amit Mizrahi:
Integrated tunable CMOS laser for Si photonics. 1-3 - Paola Parolari, Lucia Marazzi
, Marco Brunero, Alberto Gatto, Mario Martinelli, R. Brenot, S. Barbet, Paola Galli, Giancarlo Gavioli:
10-Gb/s Polarization-Insensitive RSOA-based Self-Tuning transmitter for WDM-PON bridging up to 52 km. 1-3 - Yinqing Pei, Kun Xu, Jianqing Li, Jiayao Wen, Yitang Dai, Yuefeng Ji, Jintong Lin:
A novel multi-channel digital pre-distortion technique for subcarrier multiplexed radio-over-fiber system. 1-3 - Paola Iovanna, Giulio Bottari, Giuseppe Cossu:
Dynamic packet offload tuning in packet-optical network scenarios. 1-3 - Tiejun J. Xia, Glenn A. Wellbrock, Akihiro Tanaka, Ming-Fang Huang, Ezra Ip, Dayou Qian, Yue-Kai Huang, Shaoliang Zhang, Yequn Zhang, Philip N. Ji, Yoshiaki Aono, Shuji Murakami, Tsutomu Tajima:
High capacity field trials of 40.5 Tb/s for LH distance of 1, 822 km and 54.2 Tb/s for regional distance of 634 km. 1-3 - Larry A. Coldren, Mingzhi Lu, Hyun-Chul Park, Eli Bloch, John Parker, Leif A. Johansson, Mark J. W. Rodwell:
New opportunities for optical phase-locked loops in coherent photonics. 1-3 - Christopher M. Bentz, Daniel Fritzsche, Erik Weis, Peter M. Krummrich:
Field trial of a novel FTTH/PON monitoring technique based on unique wavelength-selective mirror combinations. 1-3 - Andrew J. Metcalf
, Victor Torres-Company, Daniel E. Leaird, Andrew M. Weiner:
Stand-alone high-power broadly tunable optoelectronic frequency comb generator. 1-3 - Johnny Karout, Xiang Liu, Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, Erik Agrell, Magnus Karlsson, René-Jean Essiambre:
Experimental demonstration of an optimized 16-ary four-dimensional modulation format using optical OFDM. 1-3 - Qian Deniel, Fabienne Saliou, Philippe Chanclou
, Didier Erasme, Romain Brenot:
Up to 45km-long amplified self-seeded RSOA based external cavity for 2.5Gb/s WDM PON transmission. 1-3 - Wolfgang Ecke, Matthias W. Schmitt:
Fiber bragg gratings in industrial sensing. 1-67 - Chathurika Ranaweera, Patrick Iannone, Kostas N. Oikonomou, Kenneth C. Reichmann, Rakesh K. Sinha:
Cost optimization of fiber deployment for small cell backhaul. 1-3 - Laurent Vivien, Léopold Virot
, Delphine Marris-Morini, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Paul Crozat, Eric Cassan, Charles Baudot, Frédéric Boeuf, Jean-Marc Fedeli:
40Gbit/s germanium waveguide photodiode. 1-3 - Katarzyna Lawniczuk, Mike J. Wale, Pawel Szczepanski
, Ryszard Piramidowicz, Meint K. Smit, Xaveer J. M. Leijtens:
Photonic multiwavelength transmitters with DBR laser array for optical access networks. 1-3 - Gregory Fish:
Heterogeneous photonic integration for microwave photonic applications. 1-3 - Reza Maram, Ming Li, José Azaña:
High-speed all-optical NOT gate based on spectral phase-only linear optical filtering. 1-3 - Liang B. Du, Jochen Schröder, Monir Morshed, Benjamin J. Eggleton
, Arthur James Lowery:
Optical inverse fourier transform generated 11.2-Tbit/s no-guard-interval all-optical OFDM transmission. 1-3 - Lionel C. Kimerling, Jürgen Michel:
The Ge-on-Si integrated microphotonic platform. 1-3 - Mohamed H. Morsy-Osman, Qunbi Zhuge, Mathieu Chagnon, Xian Xu, David V. Plant:
Experimental demonstration of pilot-aided polarization recovery, frequency offset and phase noise mitigation. 1-3 - Yukito Tsunoda, Takashi Shiraishi, Mariko Sugawara, Hideki Oku, Satoshi Ide, Kazuhiro Tanaka:
25-Gb/s transmission over 250-m MMF using over-drive of 10-Gb/s VCSEL by utilizing asymmetric pre-emphasis. 1-3 - Sashisekaran Thiagarajan, Michael Gemelos, Matthew Ma:
Transport network evolution for advanced services. 1-3 - Juliano Oliveira, Antonio Caballero, Eduardo Magalhães, Uiara Moura, Robert Borkowski, Giovanni Curiel, Alberto T. Hirata, Luis Henrique Hecker de Carvalho, Edson Porto da Silva, Darko Zibar, Jose Maranhao, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Julio C. R. F. Oliveira:
Demonstration of EDFA cognitive gain control via GMPLS for mixed modulation formats in heterogeneous optical networks. 1-3 - Michal Rakowski, Marianna Pantouvaki, Hui Yu, Wim Bogaerts, Kristin De Meyer, Michiel Steyaert, Bradley Snyder, Peter O'Brien, Julien Ryckaert, Philippe Absil, Joris Van Campenhout:
Low-power, low-penalty, flip-chip integrated, 10Gb/s ring-based 1V CMOS photonics transmitter. 1-3 - Toshio Morioka
Recent progress in space-division multiplexed transmission technologies. 1-4 - Marco N. Petrovich, Naveen K. Baddela, Natalie V. Wheeler
, E. Numkam Fokoua
, Radan Slavík
, David R. Gray, John R. Hayes, John P. Wooler, Francesco Poletti, David J. Richardson
Development of low loss, wide bandwidth hollow core photonic bandgap fibers. 1-3 - Noboru Yoshikane, Koji Igarashi, Takehiro Tsuritani:
Comparison of network cost and power consumption between a single-line-rate network and a flexible-bitrate network in the beyond-100-Gb/s networks era. 1-3 - Katsuhisa Taguchi, Hirotaka Nakamura, Kota Asaka, Takayuki Mizuno, Yasuaki Hashizume, Takashi Yamada, Mikitaka Itoh, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shunji Kimura, Naoto Yoshimoto:
40-km reach symmetric 40-Gbit/s λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using synchronized gain-clamping SOA. 1-3 - Johannes von Hoyningen-Huene, Helmut Griesser, Michael Eiselt, Werner Rosenkranz:
Experimental demonstration of OFDMA-PON uplink-transmission with four individual ONUs. 1-3 - Bernhard Spinnler, Stefano Calabrò, Maxim Kuschnerov:
Pilot-assisted channel estimation methods for coherent receivers. 1-3 - Jun Luo, J. Parra-Cetina
, Sylwester Latkowski, Ramón Maldonado-Basilio, Pascal Landais
, Harm J. S. Dorren, Nicola Calabretta:
Quantum dash mode-locked laser based open-loop optical clock recovery for 160 Gb/s transmission system. 1-3 - Errol Roberts, Loukas Paraschis:
The role of optical interconnections in data-center architecture evolution. 1-3 - Tomofumi Oyama, Takeshi Hoshida
, Hisao Nakashima, Chihiro Ohshima, Zhenning Tao
, Jens C. Rasmussen:
Impact of pulse shaping and transceiver electrical bandwidths on nonlinear compensated transmission. 1-3 - Jian Hong Ke, Kangping Zhong, Ying Gao, Ali Bakhshali, John C. Cartledge:
Low-complexity joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation based on QPSK partitioning for DP 16-QAM. 1-3 - Takeshi Ozeki, Teruhiko Kudo, Manabu Oguma, Hiroshi Takahashi, Kimiaki Iwasaki:
Digital homodyne OTDR with dual polarization optical hybrid for PMD distribution measurement. 1-3 - Shinji Mino, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Takashi Goh, Takashi Saida:
Transmitter synthesis for advanced modulation formats utilizing silica-LiNbO3 hybrid integration technology. 1-3 - Masaki Asobe, Takeshi Umeki, Hirokazu Takenouchi:
PPLN based phase sensitive amplifiers and their applications. 1-3 - Oded Raz, Martijn Tassaert, Gunther Roelkens, Harm J. S. Dorren:
Optically reconfigurable 1×4 silicon-on-insulator remote node switch for access networks. 1-3 - Grzegorz Stepniak, Jerzy Siuzdak:
Transmission beyond 2 Gbit/s in a 100 m SI POF with multilevel CAP modulation and digital equalization. 1-3 - Liang Zhang, Pan Cao, Xiaofeng Hu, Cheng Liu, Ming Zhu, Anlin Yi, Chenhui Ye, Yikai Su, Gee-Kung Chang:
Enhanced multicast performance for a 60-GHz Gigabit wireless service over optical access network based on 16-QAM-OFDM hierarchical modulation. 1-3 - Liangjun Lu, Linjie Zhou, Xiaomeng Sun, Jingya Xie, Zhi Zou, Xinwan Li, Jianping Chen:
CMOS-compatible athermal tunable silicon optical lattice filters. 1-3 - Xuan He, Xiang Zhou, Junyi Wang, Yi Weng, Zhongqi Pan:
A fast convergence frequency domain least mean square algorithm for compensation of differential mode group delay in few mode fibers. 1-3 - René Schmogrow, Matthias Meyer, Philipp C. Schindler, Arne Josten
, Shalva Ben-Ezra, Christian Koos
, Wolfgang Freude
, Juerg Leuthold
252 Gbit/s real-time Nyquist pulse generation by reducing the oversampling factor to 1.33. 1-3 - Philipp C. Schindler, René Schmogrow, Michael Dreschmann, Joachim Meyer, David Hillerkuss, Ioannis Tomkos
, Josep Prat
, Heinz-Georg Krimmel, Thomas Pfeiffer, Pandelis Kourtessis, Jürgen Becker
, Christian Koos
, Wolfgang Freude
, Juerg Leuthold
Flexible WDM-PON with Nyquist-FDM and 31.25 Gbit/s per wavelength channel using colorless, low-speed ONUs. 1-3 - Alexander S. Zlenko, Valery M. Mashinsky, Ludmila D. Iskhakova, Sergey L. Semjonov, Vasiliy V. Koltashev, Nikita M. Karatun, Evgeny M. Dianov:
Mechanism of optical losses in bismuth-doped silica fibers. 1-3 - Li Tao, Jianjun Yu, Yiguang Wang, Junwen Zhang, Xinying Li, Yufeng Shao, Nan Chi:
A transform domain processing based channel estimation method for OFDM radio-over-fiber systems. 1-3 - Qing Fang, Junfeng Song, Xiaoguang Tu, Lianxi Jia, Xianshu Luo, Mingbin Yu, Guo-Qiang Lo:
Carrier-induced silicon waveguide Bragg grating filter based on ion implantation. 1-3 - António Luis Jesus Teixeira, Ali Shahpari
, Jacklyn D. Reis, Mário J. N. Lima:
Spectral management in flexible multiwavelength PONs. 1-3 - Saurabh Kumar, Roman V. Egorov, Kevin Croussore, Mark Allen, Matthew Mitchell, Bert Basch:
Experimental study of intra- vs. inter-superchannel spectral equalization in flexible grid systems. 1-3 - Franz X. Kärtner, Anatol Khilo, Amir H. Nejadmalayeri:
Progress in photonic analog-to-digital conversion. 1-3 - Timothy P. McKenna, Matthew D. Sharp, Dennis G. Lucarelli, Jeffrey A. Nanzer, Michael L. Dennis, Thomas R. Clark
Wideband photonic compressive sampling analog-to-digital converter for RF spectrum estimation. 1-3 - Inwoong Kim, Paparao Palacharla, Xi Wang, Qiong Zhang, Daniel Bihon, Mark D. Feuer, Sheryl L. Woodward:
Shared mesh restoration in ROADM based service velocity network. 1-3 - Radan Slavík
, Joseph Kakande, Richard Phelan, John O'Carroll, Brian Kelly, David J. Richardson
QAM synthesis by direct modulation of semiconductor lasers under injection locking. 1-3 - Shuangyi Yan, Dawei Wang, Yuliang Gao, Chao Lu, Alan Pak Tao Lau, Yupeng Zhu, Yongheng Dai, Xiaogeng Xu:
Generation of 64-QAM signals using a single dual-drive IQ modulator driven by 4-level and binary electrical signals. 1-3 - Ulysses R. Duarte, Rivael Strobel Penze, João Batista Rosolem, Fernando R. Pereira, Fernando F. Padela, Murilo Araújo Romero
Combined self-seeding and carrier remodulation method for reflective transmitters in WDM-PON. 1-3 - Pham Tien Dat, Atsushi Kanno, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
Energy and deployment efficiency of a millimeter-wave Radio-on-Radio-over-fiber system for railways. 1-3 - Tatsunori Omiya, Masato Yoshida, Masataka Nakazawa:
400 Gbit/s 256 QAM-OFDM transmission over 720 km with a 14 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency using an improved FDE technique. 1-3 - Yusuke Sasaki, Yoshimichi Amma, Katsuhiro Takenaga, S. Matsuo, Kunimasa Saitoh, Masanori Koshiba
Investigation of crosstalk dependencies on bending radius of heterogeneous multicore fiber. 1-3 - Petar K. Pepeljugoski:
Impact of mode partition noise on horizontal eye opening in multimode fiber links. 1-3 - Mathieu Tahon, Sofie Verbrugge, Didier Colle, Mario Pickavet, Paul Wright, Andrew Lord:
Valuing flexibility in the migration to flexgrid networks. 1-3 - U. H. Hong, K. Y. Cho, H. G. Choi, Yun Chur Chung:
A simple carrier-phase estimation technique for high-speed RSOA-based coherent WDM PON. 1-3 - Dongjae Shin, Kwansik Cho, Ho-Chul Ji, Beomsuk Lee, S. G. Kim, J. K. Bok, S. H. Choi, Yonghwack Shin, J. H. Kim, S. Y. Lee, K. Y. Cho, Bong Jin Kuh, J. H. Shin, J. S. Lim, J. M. Kim, H. M. Choi, Kyoungho Ha, Y. D. Park, C. H. Chung:
Integration of silicon photonics into DRAM process. 1-3 - Zohreh Lali-Dastjerdi, Michael Galili, Hans Christian Hansen Mulvad
, Hao Hu
, Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe
, Karsten Rottwitt
, Christophe Peucheret
Parametric amplification of a 640 Gbit/s RZ-DPSK signal. 1-3 - Xi Chen, Jiayuan He, An Li, Jia Ye, William Shieh:
Characterization of dynamic evolution of channel matrix in two-mode fibers. 1-3 - Qi Guo, An V. Tran:
Wavelength-reused WDM access network supporting 40 Gb/s downlink and 10 Gb/s uplink. 1-3 - Neda Cvijetic, Marianna Angelou, Ankitkumar N. Patel, Philip Nan Ji, Ting Wang:
Defining optical software-defined networks (SDN): From a compilation of demos to network model synthesis. 1-3 - Ming-Fang Huang, Dayou Qian, Neda Cvijetic, Ming-Jun Li, Richard S. Vodhanel, Ting Wang:
M4 services for software-defined passive optical network and mobile backhaul applications using Multicore Fiber. 1-3 - Benjamin Koch, Reinhold Noé, Vitali Mirvoda, David Sandel:
First endless optical polarization and phase tracker. 1-3 - Chenhui Ye, Liang Zhang, Ming Zhu, Anlin Yi, Lan Rao, Jianjun Yu, Yikai Su, Sailing He, Gee-Kung Chang:
A bidirectional multi-band 60-GHz wireless-over-fiber transmission system with compacted base station and mobile terminal using a robust mm-Wave LO free technique. 1-3 - Inder Monga
, Eric Pouyoul, Chin Guok:
WAN virtualization: Looking beyond point-to-point circuits. 1-3 - Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Chester Shu:
Using SBS loop for extinction ratio enhancement and flatness improvement in optical comb generation. 1-3 - Chin-Ta Chen, Po-Kuan Shen, Chia-Chi Chang, Hsu-Liang Hsiao, Tien-Yu Huan, Teng-Zhang Zhu, Hsiao-Chin Lan, Yun-Chih Lee, Yo-Shen Lin, Mount-Learn Wu:
Polymer-based vertically optical splitter with 20-Gbps transmission rate realized on silicon substrate. 1-3 - Jindan Shi, Shaif-Ul Alam, Morten Ibsen:
Ultra-broadband wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing in a Raman DFB fiber laser. 1-3 - Dmitri G. Foursa, Oleg V. Sinkin, Alan J. Lucero, Jin-Xing Cai, Georg Mohs, Alexei N. Pilipetskii:
Nonlinear interaction between signal and amplified spontaneous emission in coherent systems. 1-3 - S. Gade, M. Jastram, Christian G. Schäffer, Daniel Fritzsche, Erik Weis, Dirk Breuer:
Field evaluation of high resolution optical FMCW monitoring approaches in passive optical networks. 1-3 - Denis Molin, Marianne Bigot-Astruc, Pierre Sillard:
Leaky modes in trench-assisted bend-insensitive MMFs. 1-3 - Hyeon Yeong Choi, Takehiro Tsuritani, Itsuro Morita:
Feasibility demonstration of flexible Tx/Rx for spectrum defragmentation in elastic optical networks. 1-3 - Roman Dischler
Experimental study of 16-, 32- and 64-QAM constellation sets in the 200-Gb/s regime on a data rate flexible system. 1-3 - David Odeke Otuya, Keisuke Kasai, Toshihiko Hirooka, Masato Yoshida, Masataka Nakazawa, Tokutaka Hara, Satoshi Oikawa:
A single-channel, 1.6 Tbit/s 32 QAM coherent pulse transmission over 150 km with RZ-CW conversion and FDE techniques. 1-3 - Hirotaka Nakamura:
[Tutorial]: NG-PON2 technologies. 1-51 - Júlio C. M. Diniz, Stenio M. Ranzini, V. B. Ribeiro, E. C. Magalhaes, Eduardo S. Rosa, V. E. S. Parahyba, L. V. Franz, E. E. Ferreira, Julio C. R. F. Oliveira:
Hardware-efficient chromatic dispersion estimator based on parallel gardner timing error detector. 1-3 - Yoshitomo Okawachi, Reza Salem, Adrea R. Johnson, Kasturi Saha, Jacob S. Levy, Michal Lipson, Alexander L. Gaeta:
Asynchronous single-shot optical sampling of high-repetition-rate signals using temporal magnification. 1-3 - Takayuki Sano, Akira Agata, Kosuke Nishimura:
10.5 Gbit/s 8-PSK signal generated by directly modulating RSOA with instantaneous injection/depletion currents. 1-3 - Yabin Ye, Gernot Goeger, Enbo Zhou, Sen Zhang, Xiaogeng Xu:
Interplay of filtering and nonlinear transmission in coherent uncompensated DWDM system. 1-3 - Michael J. Bennett:
Network Energy Efficiency in the data center. 1-3 - Annalisa Morea, Giuseppe Rizzelli, Massimo Tornatore:
On the energy and cost trade-off of different energy-aware network design strategies. 1-3 - Naoto Yoshimoto:
Operator perspective on next-generation optical access for high-speed mobile backhaul. 1-3 - Fabio Pittalà, Fabian N. Hauske, Josef A. Nossek
Single-stage FDE supported by training-aided channel estimation for coherent optical receivers. 1-3 - Yvan Pointurier, Jean-Christophe Antona:
Dimensioning of elastic optical packet switched metro rings. 1-3 - Tiejun J. Xia:
Near term terabit transmission field trial opportunities. 1-3 - Benjamin Wohlfeil, Christos Stamatiadis, Lars Zimmermann, Klaus Petermann:
Compact fiber grating coupler on SOI for coupling of higher order fiber modes. 1-3 - Sophie Lange, Yuki Yoshida
, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
A low-complexity digital pre-compensation of SOA induced phase distortion in coherent QAM transmissions. 1-3 - Gianluca Berrettini, Antonio Malacarne
, Emma Lazzeri
, Gianluca Meloni, Antonella Bogoni:
Multiformat wavelength swapping in periodically poled Lithium Niobate waveguide. 1-3 - Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Patrice Tran, Patrick Brindel, Oriol Bertran-Pardo, Jeremie Renaudier, Gabriel Charlet, Sébastien Bigo:
Impact of tight optical filtering on the performance of 28 Gbaud Nyquist-WDM PDM-8QAM over 37.5 GHz grid. 1-3 - Xiaoxiao Xue, Xiaoping Zheng, Hanyi Zhang, Bingkun Zhou:
High-Q single-bandpass photonic RF filter overcoming optical third-order dispersion based on programmable spectrum shaping of a broadband optical source. 1-3 - Hans Bissessur:
Amplifier technologies for unrepeatered links, submarine transmissions. 1-3 - Hiroyuki Iida, Kunihiro Toge, Fumihiko Ito:
200-subchannel ultra-high-density frequency division multiplexed coherent otdr with nonlinear effect suppression. 1-3 - Qirui Huang, Yong-Kee Yeo, Luying Zhou:
Optical burst-over-circuit switching for multi-granularity traffic in data centers. 1-3 - Itaru Ishida, T. Akamatsu, Z. Wang, Yusuke Sasaki, Katsuhiro Takenaga, S. Matsuo:
Possibility of stack and draw process as fabrication technology for multi-core fiber. 1-3 - Yu Rong Zhou, Kevin Smith, Roger Payne, Andrew Lord, Walid Wakim, John Keens, Lars Hanson:
Field trial demonstration and evaluation of coherent 100G IP over WDM alien wavelength across 769km of multiple WDM infrastructures without regeneration. 1-3 - Weizhen Yan, Toshiki Tanaka, Bo Liu, Masato Nishihara, Lei Li, Tomoo Takahara, Zhenning Tao, Jens C. Rasmussen, Tomislav Drenski:
100 Gb/s optical IM-DD transmission with 10G-class devices enabled by 65 GSamples/s CMOS DAC core. 1-3 - Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Hui Yang, Yuefeng Ji, Hui Li, Yi Lin, Gang Li, Jianrui Han, Young Lee, Teng Ma:
First demonstration of enhanced software defined networking (eSDN) over elastic grid (eGrid) optical networks for data center service migration. 1-3 - Rickesh Ashok Kumar, Robert Murano, Michael J. L. Cahill, James M. Aufiero, Glenn D. Bartolini:
Crosstalk performance analysis of low cost 8 × 10 Gb/s tunable receiver for TWDM-PON. 1-3 - Norberto Amaya, M. Irfan, Georgios S. Zervas, Reza Nejabati
, Dimitra Simeonidou, V. J. F. Rancano, Francesca Parmigiani, Periklis Petropoulos, David J. Richardson
, Jun Sakaguchi, Werner Klaus, Benjamin J. Puttnam, Takaya Miyazawa, Yoshinari Awaji, Naoya Wada, I. Henning:
On-demand spectrum and space defragmentation in an elastic SDM/FDM/TDM network with mixed multi- and single-core fiber links. 1-3 - Juan Qi, Bangning Mao, Neil Gonzalez, Le Nguyen Binh, Nebojsa Stojanovic:
Generation of 28GBaud and 32GBaud PDM-Nyquist-QPSK by a DAC with 11.3GHz analog bandwidth. 1-3 - Hiroaki Mukai, Fumihiko Tano, Junichi Nakagawa:
Energy Efficient 10G-EPON system. 1-3 - Jhih-Min Wun, Jin-Wei Shi, Jhih-Cheng Yan, Jason Chen, Ying-Jay Yang:
Oxide-relief and Zn-diffusion 850 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with extremely small power consumption and large bit rate-distance product for 40 Gbit/sec operations. 1-3 - Andre A. C. Albuquerque, Benjamin J. Puttnam, Miguel V. Drummond, Áron Szabó, Daniel Mazroa, Satoshi Shinada, Naoya Wada, Rogério N. Nogueira:
Investigation of black-box phase regeneration using single bi-directional PPLN waveguide. 1-3 - Andrew D. Ellis
, Stylianos Sygletos
Phase sensitive signal processing using semiconductor optical amplifiers. 1-3 - Leontios Stampoulidis, Matthew F. O'Keefe, Elias G. Giacoumidis, Robert G. Walker, Yi Zhou, Nigel Cameron, Efstratios Kehayas, Ioannis Tomkos
, Lars Zimmermann:
Fabrication of the first high-speed GaAs IQ electro-optic modulator arrays and applicability study for low-cost Tb/s direct-detection optical OFDM networks. 1-3 - Yuewang Huang, Shiming Gao, Salih K. Kalyoncu, En-kuang Tien, Qi Song, Qiancheng Zhao, Rasul Torun, Ozdal Boyraz:
Wavelength conversion bandwidth enhancement through quasi-phase-matching in a width modulated silicon waveguide. 1-3 - Yunhong Ding, Bo Huang, Haiyan Ou, Francesco Da Ros, Christophe Peucheret:
Polarization diversity DPSK demodulator on the silicon-on-insulator platform with simple fabrication. 1-3 - Ramon Casellas
, Ricardo Martínez
, Raul Muñoz
, Lei Liu, Takehiro Tsuritani, Itsuro Morita:
An integrated stateful PCE / OpenFlow controller for the control and management of flexi-grid optical networks. 1-3 - Eric Dutisseuil, Jean-Marc Tanguy, Adrian Voicila, Jeremie Renaudier, Gabriel Charlet:
21 Gb/s polarization switched-QPSK real-time coherent FPGA-based receiver. 1-3 - Kostas Christodoulopoulos
, Polyzois Soumplis, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos:
Trading off transponders for spectrum in flexgrid networks. 1-3 - Takashi Inoue, Ken Tanizawa, Shu Namiki
Demonstration of parametric tunable dispersion compensation for WDM channels with mixed OOK and QPSK formats. 1-3 - Bowen Chen, Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Haining Chen, Shanguo Huang, Wanyi Gu, Jason P. Jue:
Minimized spectral resource consumption with rescaled failure probability constraint in flexible bandwidth optical networks. 1-3 - Nobuhiko Kikuchi:
Higher-order multilevel signal transmission using coherent receiver with digital-delay detection. 1-3 - Krzysztof Szczerba, Magnus Karlsson, Peter A. Andrekson, Anders Larsson:
Intersymbol interference penalties for OOK and 4-PAM in short-range optical communications. 1-3 - Xiaoliang Zhu, Kishore Padmaraju, Long Chen, Dylan F. Logan, Jason J. Ackert, Andrew P. Knights, Michal Lipson, Keren Bergman:
Pattern-dependent performance of microring modulators. 1-3 - Beril Inan, Yongmin Jung
, Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, Maxim Kuschnerov, Lars Nielsen, Susmita Adhikari, Sander L. Jansen, David J. Richardson
, Shaif-Ul Alam, Bernhard Spinnler, Norbert Hanik:
Low computational complexity mode division multiplexed ofdm transmission over 130 km of few mode fiber. 1-3 - Ali Khayrallah:
4G/5G mobile technologies - Can they be a blueprint for optical networks? 1-3 - Ji Ho Jeong, Kwanil Lee, Kwang Yong Song, Je-Ha Lee, Je-Myung Jeong, Sang Bae Lee:
Simplified Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis sensor based on a chopped microwave applied single sideband electro-optic modulator. 1-3 - Martin Schell, Heinz-Gunter Bach, Klemens Janiak, Norbert Keil, Martin Möhrle, Patrick Runge, Ziyang Zhang:
Coherent receiver photonic integrated circuits. 1-3 - Stefano Porto, Cleitus Antony, Giuseppe Talli
, Peter Ossieur, Paul D. Townsend
Requirements for adaptive electronic dispersion compensation in burst-mode systems. 1-3 - Ola Tørudbakken, Ashok V. Krishnamoorthy:
A 50Tbps optically-cabled Infiniband datacenter switch. 1-3 - Christoph Kottke, Kai Habel, Michael Eiselt, Helmut Griesser, Jörg-Peter Elbers:
Coherent Subcarrier-WDM-PON system with SSB modulation and wavelength reuse. 1-3 - Xihua Zou, Wangzhe Li, Wei Pan, Lianshan Yan, Jianping Yao:
Photonic microwave channelizer with improved channel characteristics based on spectrum-controlled stimulated Brillouin scattering. 1-3 - Thomas Richter, Robert Elschner, Carsten Schmidt-Langhorst, Tomoyuki Kato, Shigeki Watanabe, Colja Schubert:
Narrow guard-band distributed Nyquist-WDM using fiber frequency conversion. 1-3 - Tobias A. Eriksson, Martin Sjödin, Peter A. Andrekson, Magnus Karlsson:
Experimental demonstration of 128-SP-QAM in uncompensated long-haul transmission. 1-3 - Ryo Maruyama, Nobuo Kuwaki, Shoichiro Matsuo, Kiminori Sato, Masaharu Ohashi
Investigation of offset-launch characteristics for Two-Mode Optical Fiber using FE-BPM. 1-3 - Yue Tian, Yue-Kai Huang, Shaoliang Zhang, Paul R. Prucnal, Ting Wang:
112-Gb/s DP-QPSK transmission over 7, 860-km DMF using phase-conjugated copy and digital phase-sensitive boosting with enhanced noise and nonlinearity tolerance. 1-3 - Paul Coteus:
Optics for Supercomputers - One engineers perspective. 1-3 - Luis Velasco, Paul Wright, Andrew Lord, Gabriel Junyent:
How national IP/MPLS networks can benefit from flexgrid optical technology? 1-3 - Neda Cvijetic, Akihiro Tanaka, Philip N. Ji, Shuji Murakami, Karthik Sethuraman, Ting Wang:
First OpenFlow-based software-defined λ-flow architecture for flex-grid OFDMA mobile backhaul over passive optical networks with filterless direct detection ONUs. 1-3 - Andreas Beling, Allen S. Cross, Molly Piels, Jon Peters, Yang Fu, Qiugui Zhou, John E. Bowers, Joe C. Campbell:
High-power high-speed waveguide photodiodes and photodiode arrays heterogeneously integrated on siliconon-insulator. 1-3 - Feihong Ye, Stefan Warm, Klaus Petermann:
Differential mode delay management in spliced multimode fiber transmission systems. 1-3 - Glenn Ricart
Next generation applications and services for ultra-fast broadband. 1-3 - Liang B. Du, Jochen Schröder, Joel Carpenter, Benjamin J. Eggleton, Arthur James Lowery:
Flexible all-optical OFDM using WSSs. 1-3 - I-Cheng Lu, Hsing-Yu Chen, Chia-Chien Wei, Yu-Chieh Chi, Yi-Cheng Lee, Dar-Zu Hsu, Gong-Ru Lin, Jyehong Chen:
20-Gbps WDM-PON transmissions employing weak-resonant-cavity FPLD with OFDM and SC-FDE modulation formats. 1-3 - Óscar González de Dios, Giacomo Bernini, Ramon Casellas, Francesco Paolucci, Juan Pedro Fernández-Palacios, Giada Landi, Cyril Margaria, Raul Muñoz, Piero Castoldi:
Experimental validation of a multi-layer multi-domain hierarchical PCE architecture for OBS-WSON networks. 1-3 - Marc Ruiz, Luis Velasco, Jaume Comellas, Gabriel Junyent:
A traffic intensity model for flexgrid optical network planning under dynamic traffic operation. 1-3 - Georgios Violakis, Hans G. Limberger, Valery M. Mashinsky, Evgeny M. Dianov:
Dose dependence of luminescence increase in H2-loaded Bi-Al co-doped optical fibers by cw 244-nm and pulsed 193-nm laser irradiation. 1-3 - Jaroslaw Piotr Turkiewicz:
Analysis of the SSMF zero-dispersion wavelength location and its influence on high capacity 1310 nm transmission. 1-3 - Liang Wang, Chester Shu:
Enhanced performance of four-wave mixing wavelength conversion through dynamic control of optical phase. 1-3 - Serge Melle, Abhijeet Deore, Onur Turkcu, Satyajeet Ahuja, Steven J. Hand:
Comparing optical & OTN switching architectures in next-gen 100Gb/s networks. 1-3 - Karel Van Acoleyen, Katarzyna Komorowska, Wim Bogaerts, Roel Baets:
Integrated optical beam steerers. 1-3 - Weihua Guo, Pietro R. A. Binetti, Chad Althouse, Leif A. Johansson, Larry A. Coldren:
InP photonic integrated circuit with on-chip tunable laser source for 2D optical beam steering. 1-3 - Amir Dezfooliyan, Andrew M. Weiner:
Temporal focusing of ultrabroadband wireless signals using photonic radio frequency arbitrary waveform generation. 1-3 - Qiaoyin Lu, Weihua Guo, Azat Abdullaev, Marta Nawrocka, James O'Callaghan, Michael Lynch, Vincent Weldon, John F. Donegan:
Tunable single mode laser array based on slots. 1-3 - Zhishu Shen
, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Sato:
Impact of wavelength/waveband convertors and the cost bound in hierarchical optical path networks. 1-3 - Ignacio de Miguel, Ramón J. Durán, Rubén M. Lorenzo, Antonio Caballero, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy
, Yabin Ye, Andrzej Tymecki, Ioannis Tomkos
, Marianna Angelou, Dimitrios Klonidis, Antonio Francescon, Domenico Siracusa
, Elio Salvadori
Cognitive dynamic optical networks. 1-3 - Axel Klekamp, Ulrich Gebhard:
Performance of a real IP over DWDM network > 1000 Nodes Regarding Elastic and Mixed-Line-Rate Scenarios on a flexible frequency grid. 1-3 - Joseph M. Kahn, Keang-Po Ho:
Mode-division multiplexing systems: Propagation effects, performance and complexity. 1-37 - Stefan Treff, Stefan Preussler, Thomas Schneider:
Measuring the spectra of advanced optical signals with an extension of an electrical network analyzer. 1-3 - Tommy Geisler, Martin E. V. Pedersen, Soren Herstrom:
Measurement of spatial and polarization birefringence in two-mode elliptical core fibers. 1-3 - Mingyang Zhang, Yawei Yin, Roberto Proietti, Zuqing Zhu, S. J. Ben Yoo:
Spectrum defragmentation algorithms for elastic optical networks using hitless spectrum retuning techniques. 1-3 - Armin Ehrhardt, Lars Schürer, Frank Escher, Bjoern Nagel, Hans-Martin Foisel:
ONT reflection for additional maintenance by OTDR-measurements in FTTH networks. 1-3 - Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, Xiang Liu, Peter J. Winzer, Jesse E. Simsarian, R. A. Griffin:
Small-form-factor all-InP integrated laser vector modulator enables the generation and transmission of 256-Gb/s PDM-16QAM Modulation Format. 1-3 - Alexander M. Stolyarov, Lei Wei, Alexander Gumennik
, Ofer Shapira, Guillaume Lestoquoy, Fabien Sorin, Brent R. Schell, Chong Hou, William McDaniel, Aimee Rose, John D. Joannopoulos, Yoel Fink:
Multimaterial functional fibers. 1-3 - Feng Wen, Baojian Wu, Shu-Biao Li, Zhi Li, Kun Qiu:
Magneto-optic four-wave mixing in fibers: Theory and experiment. 1-3 - Xing-Zhi Qiu:
[OFC 2013 Tutorial OW3G.4] Burst-mode Receiver Technology for Short Synchronization. 1-28 - Berk Birand, Howard Wang, Keren Bergman, Gil Zussman:
Measurements-based power control - A cross-layered framework. 1-3 - Swen Koenig, Florian Boes, Daniel Lopez-Diaz, Jochen Antes, Ralf Henneberger, René Schmogrow, David Hillerkuss, Robert Palmer, Thomas Zwick, Christian Koos, Wolfgang Freude, Oliver Ambacher, Ingmar Kallfass, Juerg Leuthold:
100 Gbit/s wireless link with mm-wave photonics. 1-3 - Joel Carpenter, Benn C. Thomsen, Timothy D. Wilkinson:
Optical vortex based Mode Division Multiplexing over graded-index multimode fibre. 1-3 - Yang Yue, Nenad Bozinovic, Yongxiong Ren, Hao Huang, Moshe Tur, Poul Kristensen, Siddharth Ramachandran, Alan E. Willner:
1.6-Tbit/s muxing, transmission and demuxing through 1.1-km of vortex fiber carrying 2 OAM beams each with 10 wavelength channels. 1-3 - Cyril C. Renaud:
Ultra-high-speed uni-traveling carrier photodiodes and their applications. 1-3 - Richard Younce, Julia Y. Larikova, Yajun Wang:
Engineering Colorless/Directionless/Contentionless Metro/Regional networks for 400G+. 1-3 - Payam Rabiei, Jichi Ma, Saeed Khan, Jeff Chiles, Sasan Fathpour
Micro-ring optical resonators fabricated by selective oxidation of refractory metals (SORM). 1-3 - Wansu Lim, Konstantinos Kanonakis, Pandelis Kourtessis, Milos Milosavljevic, Ioannis Tomkos, John M. Senior:
Flexible QoS differentiation in converged OFDMA-PON and LTE networks. 1-3 - Takahiro Kodama
, Naoya Wada, Gabriella Cincotti, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Highly-scalable, fully-asynchronous 16 ONUs, OCDM-based 10G-PON with a multiple access noise suppression at RN. 1-3 - Jim Zou, Haoshuo Chen, Frans M. Huijskens, Zizheng Cao, Eduward Tangdiongga, Ton Koonen:
Demonstration of fully functional MIMO wireless LAN transmission over GI-MMF for in-building networks. 1-3 - S. M. R. Motaghiannezam, J. Cho, D. Tauber, M. Hueda, Diego E. Crivelli, Oscar E. Agazzi, Norman Swenson:
Single chip 46 Gb/s DP-QPSK digital clock recovery and channel equalization performance in the presence of CD, PMD, and ultra-fast SOP rotation rates exceeding 20 krad/s. 1-3 - Nelson Hiroshi Saito:
FTTH deployments in Latin America. 1-3 - Xi Wang, Qiong Zhang, Inwoong Kim, Paparao Palacharla, Motoyoshi Sekiya:
Support statistical sharing in circuit switching WDM Optical networks. 1-3 - Masahiro Daikoku:
Strategic vision for KDDI's next generation packet optical transport network. 1-3 - Miguel Iglesias Olmedo, Tianjian Zuo, Jesper Bevensee Jensen, Qiwen Zhong, Xiaogeng Xu, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy:
Towards 400GBASE 4-lane solution using direct detection of MultiCAP signal in 14 GHz bandwidth per lane. 1-3 - Sergey V. Sergeyev
, Chengbo Mou, Aleksey Rozhin
, Sergei K. Turitsyn
Multipulse vector solitons with precessing states of polarization. 1-3 - Jun Matsui, Tomohiro Ishihara, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Satoshi Ide, Shigenori Aoki, Tsuyoshi Aoki, Mitsuhiro Iwaya, Kenji Kamoto, Katsuki Suematsu, Masato Shiino:
High bandwidth optical interconnection for densely integrated server. 1-3 - Isaac Sackey, Thomas Richter, Christian Meuer, Robert Elschner, Mahmoud Jazayerifar, Klaus Petermann, Colja Schubert:
Characterization of polarization insensitive FOPA using a polarization-maintaining highly non-linear fiber. 1-3 - Salman Khaleghi, M. R. Chitgarha, Morteza Ziyadi, W. Daab, A. Mohajerin-Ariaei, D. Rogawski, Joseph D. Touch, Moshe Tur, Carsten Langrock, Martin M. Fejer, Alan E. Willner:
A tunable optical tapped-delay-line that simultaneously and independently processes multiple input WDM data signals. 1-3 - E. Numkam Fokoua, Marco N. Petrovich, Naveen K. Baddela, Natalie V. Wheeler, John R. Hayes, Francesco Poletti, David J. Richardson:
Predicting structural and optical properties of hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers from second stage preforms. 1-3 - Ze Dong, Jianjun Yu, Xinying Li, Zizheng Cao, Lin Chen, Gee-Kung Chang:
Integration of 112-Gb/s PDM-16QAM wireline and wireless data delivery in millimeter wave RoF system. 1-3 - Kouji Nakahara, Yuki Wakayama, K. Hiruma, Takeshi Kitatani, Kazunori Shinoda, T. Fukamachi, Yasushi Sakuma, Shigehisa Tanaka:
28-Gb/s directly modulated InGaAlAs ACPM DFB lasers with high mask margin of 22% at 55°C. 1-3 - Akira Nakanishi, Noriko Sasada, Yasushi Sakuma, Ryu Washino, K. Okamoto, Kazuhiko Naoe, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hideo Arimoto, Shigehisa Tanak:
Uncooled (0 to 85°C) and full C-band operation of a 10.7 Gbit/s InP Mach-Zehnder modulator monolithically integrated with SOA. 1-3 - Zhaowen Xu, Yong-Kee Yeo, Xiaofei Cheng, Luying Zhou, Xu Shao:
Investigation of wavelength-tunable directly-modulated laser for 100-Gb/s EPON. 1-3 - Masahiko Jinno, Akira Hirano:
Toward deeply virtualized elastic optical networks. 1-3 - Ju Wang, Hua Ji, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Hans Christian Hansen Mulvad, Michael Galili, Evarist Palushani, Palle Jeppesen, Wenrui Wang, Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe:
Simultaneous regeneration of 4×160-Gbit/s WDM and PDM channels in a single highly nonlinear fiber. 1-3 - Yawei Yin, Mingyang Zhang, Zuqing Zhu, S. J. Ben Yoo:
Fragmentation-aware routing, modulation and spectrum assignment algorithms in elastic optical networks. 1-3 - Ee Leong Lim, Qiongyue Kang, Mindaugas Gecevicius, Francesco Poletti, Shaif-Ul Alam, David J. Richardson:
Vector mode effects in few moded erbium doped fiber amplifiers. 1-3 - Nicolas K. Fontaine, Roland Ryf, Binbin Guan, David T. Neilson:
Wavelength blocker for few-mode-fiber space-division multiplexed systems. 1-3 - Miguel A. Preciado
, Xuewen Shu, Kate Sugden
Pulse shaping by phase-modulated fiber gratings in transmission. 1-3 - Jose Manuel Delgado Mendinueta, Benjamin J. Puttnam, Jun Sakaguchi, Ruben S. Luis, Werner Klaus, Yoshinari Awaji, Naoya Wada, Atsushi Kanno, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
Investigation of receiver DSP carrier phase estimation rate for self-homodyne space-division multiplexing communication systems. 1-3 - Runxiang Yu, Nicolas K. Fontaine, Roberto Proietti, Binbin Guan, S. J. Ben Yoo:
All-optical phase conjugation using a 90 degree optical hybrid and nested SOA-MZIs. 1-3 - Shigehiro Takasaka, Yu Mimura, Hiroshi Matsuura, Masahito Morimoto
, Masanori Takahashi, Ryuichi Sugizaki:
FOPA with flat 21-dB gain and NF less than 4-dB using alternately concatenated pump-phase shifters and HNLFs. 1-3 - Ali Ghiasi, Frederick Tang:
Enabling 850nm VCSELs for 100GbE unretimed applications. 1-3 - Victor I. Kopp:
Chiral Fibers. 1-45 - Biljana Milivojevic, C. Raabe, Anujit Shastri, Mark Webster, Peter Metz, Sanjay Sunder, B. Chattin, Stefan Wiese, Bipin Dama, Kal Shastri:
112Gb/s DP-QPSK transmission Over 2427km SSMF using small-size silicon photonic IQ modulator and low-power CMOS driver. 1-3 - Emilio Hugues-Salas, Roger P. Giddings, Jianming Tang:
First experimental demonstration of real-time adaptive transmission of 20Gb/s dual-band optical OFDM signals over 500m OM2 MMFs. 1-3 - Kenya Sugihara, Yoshikuni Miyata, Takashi Sugihara, Kazuo Kubo, Hideo Yoshida, Wataru Matsumoto, Takashi Mizuochi:
A spatially-coupled type LDPC Code with an NCG of 12 dB for optical transmission beyond 100 Gb/s. 1-3 - S. Martinez, Víctor López, Mohit Chamania, Óscar González de Dios, Admela Jukan, Juan P. Fernández Palacios:
Assessing the performance of multi-layer path computation algorithms for different PCE architectures. 1-3 - Alex Tolmachev, M. Orbach, Maxim Meltsin, Rolf B. Hilgendorf, T. Birk, Moshe Nazarathy:
Real-time FPGA implementation of efficient filter-banks for digitally sub-banded coherent DFT-S OFDM receiver. 1-3 - Paolo Leoni, Vincent Sleiffer, Stefano Calabrò, Vladimir Veljanovski, Maxim Kuschnerov, Sander Jansen, Berthold Lankl:
Impact of interleaving on SD-FEC operating in highly non-linear XPM-limited regime. 1-3 - Thierry Zami, Bruno Lavigne:
Benefit of pure N×M WSS for optical multiflow application. 1-3 - Koji Takeda, Tomonari Sato, Akihiko Shinya, Kengo Nozaki, Hideaki Taniyama, Masaya Notomi, Koichi Hasebe, Takaaki Kakitsuka, Shinji Matsuo:
Integrated on-chip optical links using photonic-crystal lasers and photodetectors with current blocking trenches. 1-3 - An Li, Jia Ye, Xi Chen, William Shieh:
Low-loss fused mode coupler for few-mode transmission. 1-3 - Richard Goodson:
FTTdp: Complementing FTTH in difficult areas. 1-3 - James J. Benson, Stefan Spaelter, Madan V. Shastri:
Striding optical transport technologies to mitigate a cyclical capacity crunch. 1-3 - Gianmarco Bruno, Jeroen Nijhof, Emilio Riccardi, Alberto Rossaro:
Analysis of 32GBaud DP-QPSK transmission over mixed dispersion managed/unmanaged transparent domains. 1-3 - Yuanqiu Luo:
Activities, drivers and benefits of extending PON over other media. 1-3 - Pierluigi Poggiolini
, Gabriella Bosco
, Andrea Carena, R. Cigliutti, Vittorio Curri, Fabrizio Forghieri, Rosanna Pastorelli, Stefano Piciaccia:
The LOGON strategy for low-complexity control plane implementation in new-generation flexible networks. 1-3 - Ken-ichi Kitayama, Yuki Yoshida
, Akihiro Maruta, Kenji Ishii, Yuji Akiyama, Masaki Noda, Kazuumi Koguchi, Masamichi Nogami, Kiyoshi Onohara, Takashi Mizuochi:
Elastic and green optical access based upon coherent interleaved frequency division multiple access (IFDMA). 1-3 - Zhuoran Xu, Banghong Zhang, Changyuan Yu, Pooi-Yuen Kam:
Adaptive maximum likelihood sequence detection in 100-Gb/s coherent optical communication systems. 1-3 - Takayuki Kurosu, Ken Tanizawa, Dexiang Wang, Sze Yun Set
, Shu Namiki
Stable clock recovery and channel identification in OTDM realized by in-band clock distribution based on pulse position modulation. 1-3 - Abdul Rahim, Stefan Schwarz, Jürgen Bruns, Christian G. Schäffer, Klaus Petermann:
Terabit optical OFDM demultiplexer in silicon photonics. 1-3 - Daisuke Hisano, Akihiro Maruta, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Demonstration of all-optical network coding by using SOA-MZI based XOR gates. 1-3 - Satoshi Shinada, Hideaki Furukawa, Naoya Wada:
Demonstration of flexible optical buffer based on 1×32 optical switches and fiber-sheet delay lines. 1-3 - Joel Carpenter, Timothy D. Wilkinson:
Aberration correction in Spatial Light Modulator based mode multiplexers. 1-3 - Michael L. Davenport, Jared F. Bauters, Molly Piels, Martijn J. R. Heck, Arnold Chen, Alexander W. Fang, John E. Bowers:
A 400 Gb/s WDM receiver using a low loss silicon nitride AWG integrated with hybrid silicon photodetectors. 1-3 - Guo-Wei Lu, Takahide Sakamoto, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
Optical 64QAM transmitter using tandem IQ modulators with balanced complexity in electronics and optics. 1-3 - Gregory Raybon, Andrew Adamiecki, Peter J. Winzer, Chongjin Xie, Agnieszka Konczykowska, Filipe Jorge, Jean-Yves Dupuy, Lawrence L. Buhl, Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, S. Draving, M. Grove, K. Rush:
Single-carrier 400G interface and 10-channel WDM transmission over 4, 800 km using all-ETDM 107-Gbaud PDM-QPSK. 1-4 - Jia Ye, An Li, Xi Chen, Lianshan Yan, William Shieh:
Performance improvement in radio-over-fiber transmission using pre-distorted double-sideband signals. 1-3 - Ali Shahpari, Jacklyn D. Reis, Ricardo Ferreira, Darlene M. Neves, Mário J. N. Lima, António L. J. Teixeira:
Terabit+ (192 × 10 Gb/s) Nyquist shaped UDWDM coherent PON with upstream and downstream over a 12.8 nm band. 1-3 - Björn Skubic, Ioanna Pappa:
Energy consumption analysis of converged networks: Node consolidation vs metro simplification. 1-3 - Christoph Lange:
Energy efficiency of load-adaptively operated telecommunication networks. 1-30 - S. Chen, T. Anderson, Don F. Hewitt, A. V. Tran, Efstratios Skafidas:
Non-data-aided PMD monitoring for optical OFDM systems using low bandwidth coherent receivers. 1-3 - Jun Sakaguchi, Yoshinari Awaji, Naoya Wada:
Fundamental study on new characterization method for crosstalk property of multi-core fibers using long wavelength probe signals. 1-3 - Haoshuo Chen, Ton Koonen:
Single multi-mode mask for multi-channel mode division demultiplexing. 1-3 - John V. Badding, Pier J. A. Sazio, Venkatraman Gopalan, Anna C. Peacock
, Noel Healy, Justin Sparks, Mahesh Krishamurthi:
Integration of optical fiber and optoelectronic devices. 1-4 - Kazuhiro Goi, Hiroyuki Kusaka, Akira Oka, Yoshihiro Terada, Kensuke Ogawa, Tsung-Yang Liow, Xiaoguang Tu, Guo-Qiang Lo, Dim-Lee Kwong:
DQPSK/QPSK modulation at 40-60 Gb/s using low-loss nested silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator. 1-3 - Akihiro Kadohata, Takafumi Tanaka, Fumikazu Inuzuka, Atsushi Watanabe, Akira Hirano:
Wavelength defragmentation algorithm for transparent multi-ring networks with multiple fibers per link. 1-3 - Ezra Ip, Ming-Jun Li, Kevin Bennett, Yue-Kai Huang, Akihiro Tanaka, Andrey Korolev, Konstantin Koreshkov, William A. Wood, Eduardo Mateo, Junqiang Hu, Yutaka Yano:
146λ×6×19-Gbaud wavelength- and mode-division multiplexed transmission over 10×50-km spans of few-mode fiber with a gain-equalized few-mode EDFA. 1-3 - Chen Chen, Chuandong Li, Mahdi Zamani, Zhuhong Zhang:
Coherent detection of a 32-point 6PolSK-QPSK modulation format. 1-3 - Benoit Filion, Siamak Amiralizadeh, An T. Nguyen, Leslie A. Rusch, Sophie LaRochelle:
Wideband wavelength conversion of 16 Gbaud 16-QAM signals in a semiconductor optical amplifier. 1-3 - Bo Wu, Shaofeng Qiu, Zhiyong Feng, Shiyi Cao, Han Zhao, Junling Xiang, Chiwu Ding, Gordon Ning Liu, Ning Deng, Qianjin Xiong:
Green and agile petabit optical sub-wavelength switching prototype for the future OTN multi-chassis switch cluster. 1-3 - Arun Vishwanath, Jiazhen Zhu, Kerry Hinton, Robert Ayre, Rodney S. Tucker:
Estimating the energy consumption for packet processing, storage and switching in optical-IP routers. 1-3 - Arsany Basta, Isil Burcu Barla, Marco Hoffmann, Georg Carle, Dominic A. Schupke:
Failure coverage in optimal virtual networks. 1-3 - Ke Wang, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Christina Lim, Efstratios Skafidas, Kamal E. Alameh:
Experimental demonstration of reconfigurable optical interconnect based on hybrid free-space and multi-mode fiber propagation. 1-3 - Huifeng Wei, Gelin Zhang, Peiguang Yan, Jiang Li, Xinben Zhang, Weijun Tong, Jie Luo, Jinyan Li, Kangkang Chen:
A seven-core photonic crystal fiber with high beam quality. 1-3 - Cheng Liu, Neda Cvijetic, Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Meilong Jiang, Sampath Rangarajan, Ting Wang, Gee-Kung Chang:
A novel in-building small-cell backhaul architecture for cost-efficient multi-operator multi-service coexistence. 1-3 - Hidetaka Nishi, Rai Kou, Tatsurou Hiraki, Tai Tsuchizawa, Hiroshi Fukuda, Yasuhiko Ishikawa, Kazumi Wada, Koji Yamada:
22-Gbit/s × 16-ch WDM receiver based on a Si-Ge-silica monolithic photonic platform and its application to 40-km transmission. 1-3 - Do-il Chang, Pallavi Patki, Sergey Burtsev, Wayne Pelouch:
8 × 120 Gb/s transmission over a cascade of two spans with a total loss in excess of 120 dB. 1-3 - Lei Deng, Xiaodan Pang, Xu Zhang, Xianbin Yu, Deming Liu, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy:
Nonlinearity and phase noise tolerant 75-110 GHz signal over fiber system using phase modulation technique. 1-3 - Shaoliang Zhang, Fatih Yaman, Ting Wang, Yoshihisa Inada, Takanori Inoue, Takaaki Ogata, Yasuhiro Aoki:
Generation and performance investigation of polarization-alternated QPSK format. 1-3 - Tomonobu Niwa, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Sato, Toshio Watanabe, Hiroshi Takahashi, S. Soma:
Compact integrated tunable filter utilizing AWG routing function and small switches. 1-3 - Jianji Dong, Aoling Zheng, Dingshan Gao, Lei Lei, Xinliang Zhang:
High-order photonic differentiator using on-chip cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers. 1-3 - Nicola Sambo, Francesco Paolucci, Filippo Cugini, Marco Secondini, Luca Potì, Gianluca Berrettini, Gianluca Meloni, Francesco Fresi, Giulio Bottari, Piero Castoldi:
Software defined code-rate-adaptive Terabit/s based on time-frequency packing. 1-3 - Hung Nguyen Tan, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki:
Pass-drop operations of 4×172Gb/s Nyquist OTDM-WDM over cascade of WSSs using distributed matched filtering. 1-3 - Xiaoliang Chen, Fan Ji, Zuqing Zhu:
Energy-efficient protection designs for translucent optical networks using mixed regenerator placement. 1-3 - Tadashi Murao, Nobuyuki Yasui, Keita Mochizuki, Masaya Shimono, Hidekazu Kodera, Takeshi Yamatoya, Hiroshi Aruga:
A 4×25 Gbps hybrid integrated EML module for 100 GbE transmitters using lens positional control by laser irradiation. 1-3 - David S. Millar, Domaniç Lavery, Robert Maher, Benn C. Thomsen, Polina Bayvel, Seb J. Savory:
A baud-rate sampled coherent transceiver with digital pulse shaping and interpolation. 1-3 - Regan T. Watts
, Kai Shi, Yonglin Yu
, Liam P. Barry:
Detailed experimental phase noise characterization of Y-branch lasers for use in coherent communication systems. 1-3 - Efstathios Tsardinakis, Andrew Lord, Paul Wright, Gordon Ning Liu, Polina Bayvel:
Should like demands be grouped in mixed line rate networks? 1-3 - C. Chen, Michael J. Crisp, Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White:
Transmission of simultaneous 10Gb/s Ethernet and radio-over-fibre transmission using in-band coding. 1-3 - Feng Gu, Min Peng, Samee Khan
, Ammar Rayes, Nasir Ghani:
Virtual network reconfiguration in optical substrate networks. 1-3 - Guo-Wei Lu, Yukiyoshi Kamio, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
PS-QPSK with duobinary-shaping and MLSD reception for constructing power- and spectrum-efficient superchannel. 1-3 - Javier S. Fandino, Pascual Muñoz, José Capmany:
Manufacturing tolerance analysis of an InP, 4x4 MMI-based 90° optical hybrid for integrated coherent receivers. 1-3 - C. K. Madsen, Q. Chen, J. Kim, Y. Zhou:
Photonic processing using integrated optical filters. 1-3 - Dongxu Zhang, Hongxiang Guo, Lei Liu, Takehiro Tsuritani, Jian Wu, Itsuro Morita:
Dynamic wavelength assignment and burst contention mitigation for the LOBS-over-WSON multilayer networks with an OpenFlow based control plane. 1-3 - S. Matsuo, Yusuke Sasaki, I. Ishida, Katsuhiro Takenaga, Kunimasa Saitoh, Masanori Koshiba:
Recent progress on multi-core fiber and few-mode fiber. 1-3 - Russ Jones, Ksenia Yadav, Shiquan Yang, Matt Pearson, Serge Bidnyk, Ashok Balakrishnan, Wenhua Lin, Yun Ho Nam, Jae Ho Song, Hee Yeal Rhy:
32-channel integrated receiver module for WDM-PON applications. 1-3 - Domaniç Lavery, Milen Paskov, Seb J. Savory:
Spectral shaping for mitigating backreflections in a bidirectional 10 Gbit/s coherent WDM-PON. 1-3 - Xinying Li, Jianjun Yu, Ze Dong, Nan Chi, Junwen Zhang, Yufeng Shao:
Photonics millimeter-wave generation in the E-band (66∼88GHz) and bi-directional transmission. 1-3 - Zhenggang Lian, Peter Horák, Xian Feng, Limin Xiao, Ken Frampton, Nicolas White, John A. Tucknott, Harvey Rutt, David N. Payne, Will Stewart, Wei H. Loh:
Nanomechanical functionality of dual-core fibres. 1-3 - Junwen Zhang, Jianjun Yu, Ze Dong, Nan Chi, Xinying Li, Gee-Kung Chang:
Nonlinear compensation and inter-channel crosstalk suppression for 4×160.8Gb/s DWDM PDM-QPSK signal with heterodyne coherent detection. 1-3 - Leonid G. Kazovsky, Tolga Ayhan, Apurva S. Gowda, Kadir Melih Albeyoglu, Hejie Yang, Anthony Ng'oma:
How to design an energy efficient fiber-wireless network. 1-3 - Thomas H. Wood, Xiang Liu, S. Chandrasekhar, Robert W. Tkach:
Advanced modulation formats for free-space laser communication. 1-3 - Oleg V. Sinkin, Jin-Xing Cai, Dmitri G. Foursa, Georg Mohs, Alexei N. Pilipetskii:
Impact of broadband four-wave mixing on system characterization. 1-3 - Eleni Palkopoulou, Ioannis Stiakogiannakis
, Dimitrios Klonidis
, Kostas Christodoulopoulos
, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos, Ori Gerstel, Ioannis Tomkos
Dynamic cooperative spectrum sharing in elastic networks. 1-3 - I-Cheng Lu, Hsing-Yu Chen, Chia-Chien Wei, Jin-Wei Shi, Sheng-Fan Tsai, Dar-Zu Hsu, Zhi-Rui Wei, Jhih-Min Wun, Jyehong Chen:
106-fJ/(bit·km) 2-km OFDM OM4 MMF transmissions for energy efficient optical interconnects. 1-3 - Shiva Shahin, Khanh Kieu, Seth R. Marder, Robert A. Norwood, Nasser Peyghambarian:
SPM spectral broadening compensation using organic dyes with negative n2. 1-3 - Oriol Bertran-Pardo, Jeremie Renaudier, Haïk Mardoyan, Patrice Tran, Rafael Rios-Müller, Agnieszka Konczykowska, Jean-Yves Dupuy, Filipe Jorge, Muriel Riet, Bernadette Duval, Jean Godin, Sebastian Randel, Gabriel Charlet, Sébastien Bigo:
Transmission of 50-GHz-spaced single-carrier channels at 516Gb/s over 600km. 1-3 - Brian Lavallee:
Gridless submarine optical networks. 1-3 - Gal Shulkind, Moshe Nazarathy:
Efficient nonlinear compensator for coherent OFDM based on Volterra Series Transfer Function (VSTF) factorization. 1-3 - Takashi Takemoto, Hiroki Yamashita, Fumio Yuki, Shinji Tsuji, Yong Lee, Koichiro Adachi, Kazunori Shinoda, Yasunobu Matsuoka, Toshiki Sugawara, Shinji Nishimura, Norio Chujo, Masaaki Nido, Kazuhiko Kurata, Junji Baba, Yoshinori Watanabe, Naoya Ikeda:
Compact and power-efficient 100-Gbps CMOS-based transceiver. 1-3 - Wood-Hi Cheng, Yi-Chung Huang, Sheng-Lung Huang, Hidenori Taga, Yi-Jen Chiu:
300-nm broadband chromium-doped fiber amplifiers. 1-3 - Vladimir Stojanovic:
Chip and board-scale integrated Photonic Networks for next-generation computers. 1-3 - Mingyi Gao, Takayuki Kurosu, Takashi Inoue, Shu Namiki:
Efficient quadrature squeezing of QPSK signals by sideband-assisted dual-pump phase sensitive amplifier. 1-3 - Chao Li, Huijuan Zhang, Mingbin Yu, Guo-Qiang Lo:
CMOS-compatible silicon double-etched apodized waveguide grating couplers for high efficient coupling. 1-3 - X. Q. Jin, J. Groenewald, Emilio Hugues-Salas, Roger P. Giddings, Jianming Tang:
Dependence of upstream power budget on the number of ONUs in IMDD optical OFDMA PONs. 1-3 - Jordi Perelló, Annalisa Morea, Salvatore Spadaro, Massimo Tornatore:
Link vs. opto-electronic device sleep mode approaches in survivable green optical networks. 1-3 - Eduardo Mateo, Takanori Inoue, Fatih Yaman, Shaoliang Zhang, Dayou Qian, Ting Wang, Yoshihisa Inada, Takaaki Ogata, Yasuhiro Aoki:
Intra-channel XPM compensation for single-stage backward-propagation. 1-3 - Bin Huang, Cen Xia, Gregor Matz, Neng Bai, Guifang Li:
Structured directional coupler pair for multiplexing of degenerate modes. 1-3 - Hou-Tzu Huang, Chun-Hung Ho, Tsung-Hung Lu, Chih-Yun Wang, Chun-Ting Lin, Chia-Chien Wei, Fang-Ming Wu, Ya-Tang Chiang, Sien Chi:
Study of wireless channel characteristics of 2×2 60-GHz MIMO OFDM RoF system employing lattice reduction-aided detection. 1-3 - Zhen Sheng, Zhiqi Wang, Chao Qiu, Le Li, Albert Pang, Aimin Wu, Xi Wang, Shichang Zou, Fuwan Gan:
A compact and CMOS compatible MMI coupler with very low excess loss. 1-3 - Antonio Mecozzi
, Cristian Antonelli, Mark Shtaif:
Nonlinearities in space-division multiplexed transmission. 1-3 - Ming Xia, Stefan Dahlfort:
Spectrum-efficient provisioning for multi-channel elastic optical networking. 1-3 - Gangxiang Shen, Chuanjun Wu, Jixiong Dong:
An almost-optimal approach for minimizing the number of required wavelengths for large-scale optical networks. 1-3 - Benyuan Zhu, Peter Ingo Borel, Kenneth Carlson, X. Jiang, David W. Peckham, Robert Lingle:
Unrepeatered transmission of 3.2-Tb/s (32×120-Gb/s) over 445-km fiber link with Aeff managed span. 1-3 - Ikutaro Ogushi:
Operation and maintenance work using AR technology for optical access networks. 1-3 - Takayuki Mizuno, Takashi Saida, Yusuke Nasu, Takashi Yamada, Yasuaki Hashizume, Hiroshi Takahashi:
Ultra-compact and low-loss silica-based dual polarization optical hybrid for digital coherent receiver with excellent common-mode rejection ratio. 1-3 - Christophe Kazmierski, David Carrara, Katarzyna Lawniczuk, Guy Aubin, Jean-Guy Provost, Ronan Guillamet:
12.5GB operation of a novel monolithic 1.55µm BPSK source based on prefixed optical phase switching. 1-3 - Neal N. Oza, Yu-Ping Huang, Prem Kumar:
Entanglement-preserving photonic switching: Demonstration of full cross-bar operation with 25-GHz capability. 1-3 - Alexey Gubenko, Sergey S. Mikhrin, Igor Krestnikov, Daniil Livshits:
Quantum dot comb laser with the integrated DBR section for DWDM optical interconnects. 1-3 - Ryosuke Matsumoto, Takahiro Kodama, Satoshi Shimizu, Ryujiro Nomura, Koji Omichi, Naoya Wada, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Cost-effective, asynchronous 4 × 40Gbps full-duplex OCDMA demonstrator using apodized SSFBGs and a multi-port encoder/decoder. 1-3 - Chongjin Xie, Luis Salamanca, Rüdiger L. Urbanke, Benyuan Zhu:
Transmission of 130-Gb/s PDM-QPSK over 5, 760-km with co-propagating 10-Gb/s OOK channels in dispersion-managed NZDSF spans with soft-decision LDPCC coding. 1-3 - Takeshi Sakamoto:
Protection schemes beyond currently defined in FTTx. 1-3 - Yang Yue, Nisar Ahmed, Hao Huang, Yan Yan, Yongxiong Ren, Dvora Rogawski, Alan E. Willner:
Reconfigurable orbital-angular-momentum-based switching among multiple 100-Gbit/s data channels. 1-3 - Hui Yang, Yongli Zhao, Jie Zhang, Shouyu Wang, Wanyi Gu, Jianrui Han, Yi Lin, Young Lee:
Multi-stratum resources integration for data center application based on multiple OpenFlow controllers cooperation. 1-3 - Michael Golub, Shoam Shwartz, Shlomo Ruschin:
Space-division multiplexing of coherent beams by diffractive optical elements. 1-3 - Xian Feng, Jindan Shi, Pradeesh Kannan, Nicolas M. White, Wei H. Loh, Xianghua Zhang, Laurent Brilland:
OH-free halo-tellurite glass mid-infrared optical fiber. 1-3 - Takayoshi Mori
, Taiji Sakamoto, Masaki Wada, Takashi Yamamoto, Fumihiko Yamamoto:
Low DMD four LP mode transmission fiber for wide-band WDM-MIMO system. 1-3 - Murat Arabaci, Christian Malouin, Bo Zhang, Philip Thomas, Ted Schmidt, Roberto M. Marcoccia:
Signal-LO frequency offset tolerance under tight filtering for PM-QPSK using all-digital compensation. 1-3 - Emmanuel Le Taillandier de Gabory
, Manabu Arikawa, Yoichi Hashimoto, Toshiharu Ito, Kiyoshi Fukuchi:
A shared carrier reception and processing scheme for compensating frequency offset and phase noise of space-division multiplexed signals over multicore fibers. 1-3 - Mark D. Feuer, Lynn E. Nelson, Kazi Abedin, X. Zhou, Thierry F. Taunay, John Fini, Benyuan Zhu, Rejoy Isaac, R. Harel, G. Cohen, Dan M. Marom:
ROADM system for space division multiplexing with spatial superchannels. 1-3 - Ming Zhu, Shu-Hao Fan, Liang Zhang, Cheng Liu, Ting Wang, Gee-Kung Chang:
High speed MIMO-OFDM wireless data transport in 60-GHz radio-over-fiber system multiplexed by optical TDM. 1-3 - Yoshinori Koike:
MPLS-TP: Overview and status. 1-45 - Victor J. F. Rancano, Francesca Parmigiani, Periklis Petropoulos, David J. Richardson
100GHz grid-aligned reconfigurable polarization insensitive black-box wavelength converter. 1-3 - Dietmar Korn, Philipp C. Schindler, Christos Stamatiadis, Matthew O'Keefe, Leontios Stampoulidis, René Schmogrow, Panagiotis Zakynthinos, Robert Palmer, Nigel Cameron, Yi Zhou, Robert G. Walker, Efstratios Kehayas, Ioannis Tomkos, Lars Zimmermann, Klaus Petermann, Wolfgang Freude, Christian Koos, Juerg Leuthold:
First monolithic GaAs IQ electro-optic modulator, demonstrated at 150 Gbit/s with 64-QAM. 1-3 - Hiroyuki Matsuura, Toshimitsu Kaneko, Ken Tanizawa, Eiichi Banno, Katsumi Uesaka, Haruhiko Kuwatsuka, Shu Namiki
, Hajime Shoji:
Fast wavelength switching of fully heater-tuned CSG-DR lasers. 1-3 - Koudai Harako, Peng Ruan, Toshihiko Hirooka, Masataka Nakazawa:
Large PMD tolerant 1.28 Tbit/s/ch transmission over 525 km with 640 Gbaud optical Nyquist pulses. 1-3 - Tam N. Huynh, Wing-Chau Ng, An T. Nguyen, Lim Nguyen, Leslie A. Rusch, Liam P. Barry:
Tracking excess noise from a monolithic tunable laser in coherent communication systems. 1-3 - Yang Wang, Xiaojun Cao
, Chunming Qiao:
Minimize sub-carrier re-allocation overhead in SLICE networks with dynamic traffic. 1-3 - Jochen Schröder, Liang B. Du, Md. Monir Morshed, Benjamin J. Eggleton
, Arthur James Lowery:
Colorless flexible signal generator for elastic networks and rapid prototyping. 1-3 - Luca Giorgi, G. Sfameni, Fabio Cavaliere, Raffaele Corsini, Marco Presi, Ernesto Ciaramella:
WDM-PON based on self-seeded OLT and wavelength reuse at ONU. 1-3 - Qiong Zhang, Weisheng Xie, Qingya She, Xi Wang, Paparao Palacharla, Motoyoshi Sekiya:
RWA for network virtualization in optical WDM networks. 1-3 - Xinying Li, Ze Dong, Jianjun Yu, Junwen Zhang, Li Tao, Yufeng Shao, Nan Chi:
Performance improvement by pre-equalization in W-band (75-110GHz) RoF system. 1-3 - Zhihong Li, Alexander M. Heidt, Jae M. O. Daniel, Yongmin Jung, Shaif-Ul Alam, David J. Richardson:
Thulium-doped fiber amplifier for optical communications at 2µm. 1-3 - Martin Sjödin, Tobias A. Eriksson, Peter A. Andrekson, Magnus Karlsson:
Long-haul transmission of PM-2PPM-QPSK at 42.8 Gbit/s. 1-3 - Roman V. Egorov:
Next Generation ROADM architecture and design. 1-3 - Carl Lundstrom, Samuel L. I. Olsson, Bill Corcoran
, Magnus Karlsson, Peter A. Andrekson:
Phase-sensitive amplifiers for optical links. 1-3 - David Sinefeld, Shalva Ben-Ezra, Dan M. Marom:
Adaptive spectral filtering for Nyquist-WDM generation with extremely high resolution photonic spectral processor. 1-3 - Roberto Gaudino:
Advantages of coherent detection in reflective PONs. 1-3 - Koji Igarashi, Takehiro Tsuritani, Itsuro Morita, Kazuhiro Katoh, Kazuro Kikuchi:
Frequency stabilization of multiple semiconductor lasers for Nyquist-WDM transmission systems. 1-3 - David Richardson:
Fiber amplifiers for SDM systems. 1-64 - Stephan Pachnicke:
GPU-based parallelization of system modeling. 1-3 - Anouk Van Laer, Timothy M. Jones, Philip M. Watts:
Full system simulation of optically interconnected chip multiprocessors using gem5. 1-3 - Mizuki Shirao, Nobuo Ohata, Tetsuhiro Fukao, Tatsuo Hatta, Hiroshi Aruga:
A miniaturized 43 Gbps EML TOSA employing impedance matched FPC connection. 1-3 - Cheng Liu, Jie Pan, Thomas Detwiler, Andrew Stark, Yu-Ting Hsueh, Gee-Kung Chang, Stephen E. Ralph:
Joint ICI cancellation for superchannel coherent optical systems in nonlinear transmission regimes. 1-3 - Sven Loquai, F. Winkler, Roman Kruglov, Juri Vinogradov, Christian-Alexander Bunge, Olaf Ziemann, Bernhard Schmauss, E. Hartl:
26.75 Gb/s short-reach transmission over up to 15 m of large-core PMMA polymer optical fiber for next-generation 100 GbE. 1-3 - Naohisa Ohta, Todd Margolis, Tracy Cornish, Janak Bhimani, Ali Almahr, Daisuke Shirai, Devin O'Hara, Wayne McLemore:
The growing documentary project. 1-3 - Francesco Vacondio, Abdul Rahman El Falou, Adrian Voicila, Claude Le Bouëtté, Jean-Marc Tanguy, Christian Simonneau, Eric Dutisseuil, Jean-Luc Pamart, Laurent Schoch, Olivier Rival:
Real-time elastic coherent muxponder enabling energy-proportional optical transport. 1-3 - Hyeon Yeong Choi, Takehiro Tsuritani, Itsuro Morita:
A new multi-purpose optical transmitter for higher-order QAM generation. 1-3 - António Eira
, João Pedro, João Pires:
On the impact of optimized guard-band assignment for superchannels in flexible-grid optical networks. 1-3 - Erik Agrell, Magnus Karlsson:
WDM channel capacity and its dependence on multichannel adaptation models. 1-3 - Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco
, Pierluigi Poggiolini
, Masaaki Hirano, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Fabrizio Forghieri:
Fiber figure of merit based on maximum reach. 1-3 - Nicola Andriolli, Francesca Bontempi
, Stefano Faralli, Ernesto Ciaramella, Giampiero Contestabile
A novel photonic integrated regenerator. 1-3 - Michael Galili
, E. Palushani, Hans Christian Hansen Mulvad
, Hao Hu
, Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe
Wavelength preserving optical serial-to-parallel conversion. 1-3 - Zhenming Yu, Xingwen Yi, Qi Yang, Ming Luo, Jing Zhang, Lei Chen, Kun Qiu:
Experimental demonstration of polarization demultiplexing in stokes space for coherent optical PDM-OFDM. 1-3 - Tzu-Fang Tseng, Jhih-Min Wun, Wei Chen, Sui-Wei Peng, Jin-Wei Shi, Chi-Kuang Sun:
High-resolution 3-dimensional radar imaging based on a few-cycle W-band photonic millimeter-wave pulse generator. 1-3 - Michael C. Larson, Y. Feng, P. C. Koh, X. Huang, M. Moewe, A. Semakov, A. Patwardhan, E. Chiu, Ashish Bhardwaj
, K. Chan, J. Lu, S. Bajwa, K. Duncan:
Narrow linewidth high power thermally tuned sampled-grating distributed Bragg reflector laser. 1-3 - Ming Zhu, Anlin Yi, Yu-Ting Hsueh, Cheng Liu, Jing Wang, Shih-Chieh Shin, Jianjun Yu, Gee-Kung Chang:
Demonstration of 4-band millimeter-wave radio-over-fiber system for multi-service wireless access networks. 1-3 - Ori Gerstel, Clarence Filsfils, Walid Wakim:
IP-optical interaction during traffic restoration. 1-3 - Steinar Bjornstad, Raimena Veisllari, Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi:
Long-haul Ethernet-transport integrated packet/circuit hybrid network field-trial. 1-3 - Hongbin Zhang, Jin-Xing Cai, Hussam G. Batshon, Matt Mazurczyk, Oleg V. Sinkin, Dmitri G. Foursa, Alexei N. Pilipetskii, Georg Mohs, Neal S. Bergano:
200 Gb/s and dual-wavelength 400 Gb/s transmission over transpacific distance at 6 b/s/Hz spectral efficiency. 1-3 - Prince M. Anandarajah, Rui Zhou, Robert Maher, M. Deseada Gutierrez Pascual, Frank Smyth, Vidak Vujicic, Liam P. Barry:
Flexible optical comb source for super channel systems. 1-3 - Mohammed Y. S. Sowailem, David V. Plant, Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur
Contention resolution strategy in optical burst switched datacenters. 1-3 - Bangjiang Lin, Juhao Li, Yangsha Wan, Hui Yang, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen:
Efficient MIMO channel estimation for OFDM-PON based on polarization interleaving and direct detection. 1-3 - Konstantinos Kanonakis, Ioannis Tomkos
Energy-efficient OFDMA-PON exploiting modular OLT/ONU digital signal processing. 1-3 - Shin-ichi Todoroki
Fiber fuse propagation modes in typical single-mode fibers. 1-3 - Yuki Yoshida, Takahiro Kodama, Satoshi Shinada, Naoya Wada, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Fixed-length elastic-capacity OFDM payload packet: Concept and demonstration. 1-3 - Yukihiro Tsuchida, Koichi Maeda, Kengo Watanabe, Toshiharu Ito, Kiyoshi Fukuchi, Masato Yoshida, Yu Mimura, Ryuichi Sugizaki, Masataka Nakazawa:
Multicore EDFA for DWDM transmission in full C-band. 1-3 - John E. Rathke:
Surveys of emerging control plane initiatives. 1-7 - Siddharth R. Jain, Matthew N. Sysak, Molly Piels, John E. Bowers:
Hybrid silicon transmitter using quantum well intermixing. 1-3 - John M. Garcia, Kimchau N. Nguyen, Taran Huffman, Michael Belt, Jonathan S. Barton, Henrik N. Poulsen, Daniel J. Blumenthal:
Demonstration of edge interoperability, re-shaping and re-timing using hybrid mode-locking within a 40Gb/s optical packet router. 1-3 - Henning Bülow, Talha Rahman
, Fred Buchali, Wilfried Idler, Wolfgang Kuebart:
Transmission of 4-D modulation formats at 28-Gbaud. 1-3 - Christos Vagionas, Stella Markou, George Dabos, Theonitsa Alexoudi, Dimitris Tsiokos, Amalia N. Miliou, Nikos Pleros
, George T. Kanellos:
Optical RAM row access and column decoding for WDM-formatted optical words. 1-3 - Shinya Ishida, Itaru Nishioka:
Software-defined packet optical transport networks offering multiple services. 1-3 - Abdullah Al Amin, Xiao Yue, William Shieh:
Performance evaluation of coded optical subcarrier index modulation OFDM format. 1-3 - Lin Liu, Byrav Ramamurthy:
Investigation of energy savings in optical networks using bundle link rightsizing methods. 1-3 - Jonathan D. Ingham, Richard V. Penty
, Ian H. White
, David G. Cunningham:
Orthogonal multipulse modulation for 64 Gigabit Fibre Channel. 1-3 - Brian R. Koch, Erik J. Norberg, Byungchae Kim, John Hutchinson, Jae-Hyuk Shin, Gregory Fish, Alexander Fang:
Integrated Silicon Photonic Laser Sources for Telecom and Datacom. 1-3 - Roger Philip Giddings:
Tutorial: Real-time digital signal processing for future optical access networks. 1-116 - Osamu Shimakawa, Manabu Shiozaki, Tomomi Sano, Akira Inoue:
Pluggable fan-out realizing physical-contact and low coupling loss for multi-core fiber. 1-3 - Bo Zhang, Ted Schmidt, Christian Malouin, Jason O'Neil, Roberto Marcoccia, Tom Broekaert, Zbigniew Nosal, Keith Nellis:
Practical limits of coherent receivers for unamplified 100Gb/s applications. 1-3 - Chia-Chien Wei, Chun-Ting Lin, Chih-Yun Wang, Fang-Ming Wu:
A novel polarization division multiplexed OFDM system with a direct-detection BLAST-aided receiver. 1-3 - Jacklyn D. Reis, Ali Shahpari
, Ricardo Ferreira, Fernando P. Guiomar, Darlene M. Neves, Armando N. Pinto
, António L. J. Teixeira:
Analysis of transmission impairments on Terabit aggregate PONs. 1-3 - Hideki Yagi, Naoko Inoue, Yutaka Onishi, Ryuji Masuyama, Tomokazu Katsuyama, Takehiko Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Yoneda, Hajime Shoji:
High-efficient InP-based balanced photodiodes integrated with 90° hybrid MMI for compact 100 Gb/s coherent receiver. 1-3 - Neng Bai, Ezra Ip, Ming-Jun Li, Ting Wang, Guifang Li:
Experimental demonstration of adaptive frequency-domain equalization for mode-division multiplexed transmission. 1-3 - An Li, Xi Chen, William Shieh:
Nonlinear tolerance of few-mode fiber based transmission systems with random mode coupling. 1-3 - Linlin Lu, Yue-chun Shi, Xiangfei Chen:
Four channel DFB laser array based on the reconstruction-equivalent-chirp technique for 1.3 µm CWDM systems. 1-3 - X. Zhou, Lynn E. Nelson, Rejoy Isaac, Peter D. Magill, Benyuan Zhu, Peter Ingo Borel, Kenneth Carlson, David W. Peckham:
12, 000km transmission of 100GHz spaced, 8 495-Gb/s PDM time-domain hybrid QPSK-8QAM signals. 1-3 - Pierre Isautier, Andrew J. Stark, Kedar Mehta, Richard DeSalvo, Stephen E. Ralph:
Autonomous software-defined coherent optical receivers. 1-3 - Liang Qiu, Eric J. Lawrence, Bill Ayres, Matt Schumacher, Adrian Amezcua, Denis Molin, Gerard Kuyt:
40GBASE-SR4 frame error rate test of chromatic dispersion compensating MMF. 1-3 - Tsung-Yang Liow, Andy Eu-Jin Lim, Ning Duan, Mingbin Yu, Guo-Qiang Lo:
Waveguide germanium photodetector with high bandwidth and high L-band responsivity. 1-3 - Yan Shi, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Eduward Tangdiongga
, Antonius M. J. Koonen:
Bi-directional ultra-wideband services over large-core POF-PON based home networks. 1-3 - Naoya Kono, Takamitsu Kitamura, Hideki Yagi, Naoki Itabashi, Taizo Tatsumi, Yasuyuki Yamauchi, Kosuke Fujii, Kazuhiko Horino, Shingo Yamanaka, Keiji Tanaka, Kazuhiro Yamaji, Chie Fukuda, Hajime Shoji:
Compact and low power DP-QPSK modulator module with InP-based modulator and driver ICs. 1-3 - Marek Chacinski, Nicolae Chitica, Stefan Molin, Nenad Lalic, Olof Sahlen:
25.78Gbps data transmission with 850nm multimode VCSEL packaged in QSFP form factor module. 1-3 - Atsushi Nakamura, Kazuhiko Naoe, M. Sakai, Shigenori Hayakawa, K. Motoda, Kazuhisa Uomi, Takanori Suzuki, Hideo Arimoto, Shigehisa Tanak:
LGLC tunable laser with highly stable SMSR against large filter deviation for full C-band operation. 1-3 - Sang-Yuep Kim, Jun Terada, Naoto Yoshimoto:
SNR optimization through digital frequency-domain pre-emphasis for extending transmission distances in DML-based OFDM-PON systems. 1-3 - Hee Yeal Rhy:
Inter channel crosstalk impairment of WDM-PON long reach application with large differential path loss. 1-3 - Ruediger Kunze:
DT's standardization activities to achieve interoperability on 100G for metro applications. 1-3 - Roman Kruglov, Sven Loquai, Florian Winkler, Christian-Alexander Bunge, Bernhard Schmauss, Olaf Ziemann, Kai Habel:
Eye-safe high-capacity 1-mm GI-POF interconnects exploiting discrete multitone modulation. 1-3 - Oriol Bertran-Pardo, Jeremie Renaudier, Patrice Tran, Haïk Mardoyan, Patrick Brindel, Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Massimiliano Salsi, Gabriel Charlet, Sébastien Bigo:
Submarine transmissions with spectral efficiency higher than 3 b/s/Hz using Nyquist pulse-shaped channels. 1-3 - Jérémie Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Patrice Tran, Haïk Mardoyan, Patrick Brindel, A. Voicila, Gabriel Charlet, Sébastien Bigo:
Experimental transmission of Nyquist pulse shaped 4-D coded modulation using dual polarization 16QAM set-partitioning schemes at 28 Gbaud. 1-3 - Jin-Xing Cai, Oleg V. Sinkin, Dmitri G. Foursa, Georg Mohs, Alexei N. Pilipetskii:
Direct measurement of broadband FWM induced noise in dispersion uncompensated systems. 1-3 - Jonathan M. Buset, Ziad A. El-Sahn, David V. Plant:
Demonstration of a symmetric 10 Gb/s QPSK subcarrier multiplexed WDM PON with IM/DD transceivers and a bandwidth-limited RSOA. 1-3 - Kazuhiro Goi, Hiroyuki Kusaka, Akira Oka, Yoshihiro Terada, Kensuke Ogawa, Tsung-Yang Liow, Xiaoguang Tu, Guo-Qiang Lo, Dim-Lee Kwong:
20-Gb/s DPSK transmission with 550-ps/nm dispersion tolerance using silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator. 1-3 - Franco Callegati, Luiz Henrique Bonani
, Walter Cerroni:
Service fairness in flexible optical networks. 1-3 - Tomohiro Kudoh, Guy Roberts, Inder Monga
Network Services Interface: An interface for requesting dynamic inter-datacenter networks. 1-3 - Mahdi Zamani, Zhuhong Zhang, Chen Chen, Chuandong Li:
PDL compensation using whitening matrix in polarization division multiplexed coherent optical transmission. 1-3 - Charles Laperle:
Advances in high-speed ADCs, DACs, and DSP for optical transceivers. 1-30 - Joffray Guillory, K. Chikha, Anna Pizzinat, Philippe Guignard, Benoît Charbonnier, J. Etrillard, Catherine Algani:
WDM-FDM approach for a multiservice home network. 1-3 - David Sinefeld, Dror Shayovitz, Ori Golani, Dan M. Marom:
Adaptive rate and bandwidth WDM optical sampling pulse streams with LCoS-based photonic spectral processor. 1-3 - Masaaki Hirano, T. Haruna, Yoshiaki Tamura, T. Kawano, S. Ohnuki, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Y. Koyano, T. Sasaki:
Record low loss, record high FOM optical fiber with manufacturable process. 1-3 - Junyan Liu, Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Xiaosong Yu, Xuefeng Lin:
Ant-based alternate routing algorithm in flexible bandwidth optical networks. 1-3 - Shiyang Zhu, G.-Q. Lo, D. L. Kwong:
Ultracompact Si electro-optic modulator based on horizontal Cu-insulator-Si-insulator-Cu nanoplasmonic waveguide. 1-3 - David Boivin, Marianne Bigot-Astruc, Martino Travagnin, Pierre Sillard:
Weakly-coupled few-mode fibers for single-mode and mode-division-multiplexed transmissions. 1-3 - Mark Filer, Sorin Tibuleac:
Measurement of equivalent zero-dispersion wavelength distribution for capacity increase in FWM-limited networks. 1-3 - Avi Motil, Yair Peled, Lior Yaron, Moshe Tur:
Fast and distributed high resolution Brillouin based fiber optic sensor. 1-3 - Robert Borkowski, Darko Zibar, Antonio Caballero, Valeria Arlunno, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy:
Optical modulation format recognition in stokes space for digital coherent receivers. 1-3 - Roberto Proietti
, Christopher J. Nitta
, Yawei Yin, Venkatesh Akella, S. J. Ben Yoo:
Scalability and performance of a distributed AWGR-based all-optical token interconnect architecture. 1-3 - Jianfei He:
Software-defined transport network for cloud computing. 1-3 - Chuan Qin, Roberto Proietti, Binbin Guan, Yawei Yin, Ryan P. Scott, Runxiang Yu, S. J. Ben Yoo:
Demonstration of multi-channel hitless defragmentation with fast auto-tracking coherent RX LOs. 1-3 - Stefanos Dris, Paraskevas Bakopoulos, Ioannis Lazarou, Christos Spatharakis, Hercules Avramopoulos:
M-QAM carrier phase recovery using the viterbi-viterbi monomial-based and maximum Likelihood Estimators. 1-3 - Zhi Tong, Andreas O. J. Wiberg, Evgeny Myslivets, Chris K. Huynh, Bill P.-P. Kuo, Nikola Alic, Stojan Radic:
Noise performance of a multi-sideband parametric multicasting mixer with normal dispersion. 1-3 - Mikitaka Itoh, Yu Kurata:
Heterogeneous integration of InP PDs on silica-based PLCs. 1-3 - Qingya She, Qiong Zhang, Kirsten Rundberget:
CAPEX benefits of colorless directionless ROADM in WDM transport networks. 1-3 - K. Wang, Adrian Wonfor, Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White:
Demonstration of cascaded operation of active-passive integrated 4×4 SOA switches with on-chip monitoring for power control and energy consumption optimization. 1-3 - Junwen Zhang, Jianjun Yu, Ze Dong, Nan Chi, Xinying Li:
Flattened optical comb generation using only phase modulators driven by single fundamental frequency sinusoidal sources with small frequency offset. 1-3 - Muhammad Irfan Anis, Norberto Amaya, Georgios Zervas, Sergio Pinna, Mirco Scaffardi, Francesco Fresi, Antonella Bogoni, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou:
All-optical traffic grooming in elastic optical network. 1-3 - Tomonobu Niwa, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Sato:
A 270 × 270 optical cross-connect switch utilizing wavelength routing with cascaded AWGs. 1-3 - Raimena Veisllari, Steinar Bjornstad, Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi:
Integrated packet/circuit hybrid network field-trial. 1-3 - S. Gade, M. Jastram, Christian G. Schaeffer, Erik Weis, Dirk Breuer, Daniel Fritzsche:
Polarization diversity detection for equidistant target discrimination in passive optical networks. 1-3 - Jörg-Peter Elbers, Achim Autenrieth:
Extending network virtualization into the optical domain. 1-3 - Govind P. Agrawal, Sami Mumtaz, René-Jean Essiambre:
Nonlinear performance of SDM systems designed with multimode or multicore fibers. 1-3 - William M. J. Green, Bart Kuyken, Xiaoping Liu, Mackenzie A. Van Camp, Solomon Assefa, Douglas M. Gill, Tymon Barwicz, Steven M. Shank, Yurii A. Vlasov, Richard M. Osgood, Roel Baets, Gunther Roelkens:
Mid-infrared silicon photonics. 1-3 - Jun Sakaguchi, Benjamin J. Puttnam, Werner Klaus, Jose Manuel Delgado Mendinueta
, Yoshinari Awaji, Naoya Wada, Atsushi Kanno, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
Large-capacity transmission over a 19-core fiber. 1-3 - Ivan B. Djordjevic, Ting Wang:
On the LDPC-coded modulation for ultra-high-speed optical transport in the presence of phase noise. 1-3 - Dayou Qian:
Ultrahigh spectral efficiency coherent optical OFDM. 1-3 - Yue-Kai Huang, Dayou Qian, Fatih Yaman, Ting Wang, Eduardo Mateo, Takanori Inoue, Yoshihisa Inada, Yukinori Toyoda, Takaaki Ogata, Masaki Sato, Yoshiaki Aono, Tsutomu Tajima:
Real-time 400G superchannel transmission using 100-GbE based 37.5-GHz spaced subcarriers with optical Nyquist shaping over 3, 600-km DMF link. 1-3 - Chris Bowers:
Realizing the benefits of multi-layer packet-optical network design. 1-3 - Shengjiao Cao, Shaoliang Zhang, Changyuan Yu, Pooi-Yuen Kam:
Full-range pilot-assisted frequency offset estimation for OFDM systems. 1-3 - Liangjia Zong, Gordon Ning Liu, Andrew Lord, Yu Rong Zhou, Teng Ma:
40/100/400 Gb/s mixed line rate transmission performance in flexgrid optical networks. 1-3 - Giuseppe Rizzelli, Annalisa Morea, Massimo Tornatore:
An analysis of daily power consumption under different On-Off IP-over-WDM translucent design approaches. 1-3 - Junyi Wang, Chongjin Xie, Zhongqi Pan:
Reducing equalizer complexity in coherent receivers for Nyquist spectrally shaped systems with matched filters. 1-3 - Emmanouel A. Varvarigos:
An introduction to routing and wavelength assignment algorithms for fixed and flexgrid. 1-55 - Chun-Nien Liu, Yi-Chung Huang, Yen-Sheng Lin, Jau-Sheng Wang, Fang-Yen Lo, Wei-Lun Wang, Ta-Lung Chou, Pi Ling Huang, Sheng-Lung Huang, Wood-Hi Cheng:
Broadband fluorescence enhancement in Cr-doped fibers. 1-3 - Xuebei Yang, Aydin Babakhani:
Optical waveguides and photodiodes in 0.18µm CMOS SOI with no post-processing. 1-3 - Alexey P. Bazakutsa, Oleg V. Butov, K. M. Golant:
Influence of hydrogen loading on active fibers. 1-3 - Michael Belt, Martijn J. R. Heck, Jonathon S. Barton, Jared F. Bauters, John E. Bowers, Daniel J. Blumenthal:
Apodized and un-apodized sidewall grating filters with low coupling constants in ultra-low-loss Si3N4 planar waveguides. 1-3 - Yojiro Mori, Kazuro Kikuchi:
Dual-stage decision-directed phase estimator enabling perfect frequency-offset elimination in digital coherent optical receivers. 1-3 - Shawn X. Wang, Robert A. Lipa, Daniel Reilly, Gregory S. Kanter:
Self-coherent differential phase detection for optical physical-layer secure communications. 1-3 - Dong Liu, Changzheng Sun, Bing Xiong, Yi Luo:
Suppression of chaos in integrated coupled DFB lasers for millimeter-wave generation. 1-3 - Pierluigi Poggiolini:
Analytical modeling of non-linear propagation in coherent systems. 1-132 - Giampiero Contestabile
, Yuki Yoshida
, Akihiro Maruta, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
100 nm-bandwidth positive-efficiency wavelength conversion for m-PSK and m-QAM signals in QD-SOA. 1-3 - Tuan Anh Truong, Hao Lin, Bruno Jahan, Matthieu Arzel, Michel Jézéquel:
PAPR reduction using contiguous-tone Tone Reservation technique in optical OFDM IMDD transmissions. 1-3 - Yuto Iwai, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Sato:
OXC hardware scale reduction attained by using interconnected subsystem architecture. 1-3 - Anthony Ng'oma:
Radio-over-fiber technologies for multi-Gb/s wireless applications. 1-3 - Benjamin J. Puttnam, Jose Manuel Delgado Mendinueta
, Jun Sakaguchi, Ruben S. Luis, Werner Klaus, Yoshinari Awaji, Naoya Wada, Atsushi Kanno, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
105Tb/s transmission system using low-cost, MHz linewidth DFB lasers enabled by self-homodyne coherent detection and a 19-core fiber. 1-3 - Jorge López, Yabin Ye, Víctor López, Felipe Jiménez, Raúl Duque, Francesco Musumeci, Achille Pattavina, Peter M. Krummrich:
Differentiated quality of protection to improve energy efficiency of survivable optical transport networks. 1-3 - Jhih-Heng Yan, You-Wei Chen, Kuan-Heng Shen, Kai-Ming Feng:
A 1∶128 high splitting ratio long reach PON based on a simple receiving design for ONU with 120-Gb/s double-sided multiband DDO-OFDM signal. 1-3 - Liam Jones, Francesca Parmigiani, Victor J. F. Rancano, Mohamed A. Ettabib, Periklis Petropoulos, David J. Richardson
Transmission performance of phase-preserving amplitude regenerator based on optical injection locking. 1-3 - Mohcene Mezhoudi, Calin Miculescu:
Next-generation optical transport network TCO analysis for 100G strategic deployment inflection point. 1-3 - Nan-Kuang Chen, Gia-Ling Cheng:
High sensitivity micro Sagnac loop interferometer based on tightly twisted micro fiber tapers. 1-3 - Fotini Karinou
, Robert Borkowski, Darko Zibar
, Ioannis Roudas, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy
Coherent 40 Gb/s SP-16QAM and 80 Gb/s PDM-16QAM in an optimal supercomputer optical switch fabric. 1-3 - Zhi Zou, Linjie Zhou, Jingya Xie, Xiaomeng Sun, Liangjun Lu, Xinwan Li, Jianping Chen:
Tunable two-stage self-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) resonators. 1-3 - Maxime Leroux, Naveena Genay, Hubert Mariotte, Frederic Neddam, Dominique Kurz, Y. Denis, Philippe Chanclou, Bruno Capelle, Bertrand Le Guyader, J. Guy:
Fiber to the distribution point (FTTdp) architecture for single user based on hybrid fiber and copper scheme. 1-3 - Christian Malouin, Murat Arabaci, Philip Thomas, Bo Zhang, Ted Schmidt, Roberto M. Marcoccia:
Efficient, non-data-aided chromatic dispersion estimation via generalized, FFT-based sweep. 1-3 - Noriko Iiyama
, Junichi Kani
, Jun Terada, Naoto Yoshimoto:
Two-phased capacity upgrade method for NG-PON2 with hierarchical star 8-QAM and square 16-QAM. 1-3 - Erman Timurdogan, Cheryl M. Sorace-Agaskar, Aleksandr Biberman, Michael R. Watts:
Vertical junction silicon microdisk modulators at 25Gb/s. 1-3 - Yongmin Jung
, Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, B. Inan, Maxim Kuschnerov, V. Veljanovski, Brian Corbett, R. Winfield, Qiongyue Kang, A. Dhar, J. K. Sahu, Francesco Poletti, Shaif-Ul Alam, David J. Richardson
Multimode EDFA performance in mode-division multiplexed transmission systems. 1-3 - Victor J. F. Rancano, Francesca Parmigiani, Periklis Petropoulos, David J. Richardson
Field trial experiment over 1200 km on a 100GHz grid-aligned multi-channel black-box wavelength converter. 1-3 - Simon Akhtari, Peter M. Krummrich:
Multi mode optical amplifiers with flexible wavelength and spatial channel count. 1-3 - Leif Sandstrom, Dan Joffe, George Bekken, John Brooks, Kevin W. Schneider, Richard Goodson:
High performance, in-service correlation OTDR. 1-3 - Naotaka Shibata, Shigeru Kuwano, Jun Terada, Naoto Yoshimoto:
Data bandwidth reduction based on wireless resource allocation for digitized radio over TDM-PON system. 1-3 - Xin Li, Shanguo Huang, Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Wanyi Gu:
k-regular and k-(edge)-connected protection structures in optical transport networks. 1-3 - Shun Kobayashi, Takashi Katagiri, Yuji Matsuura:
Infrared tube-leaky optical fibers with microstructured glass supports. 1-3 - Zhengxuan Li, Lilin Yi, Meihua Bi, Jun Li, Hao He, Xuelin Yang, Weisheng Hu:
Experimental demonstration of a symmetric 40-Gb/s TWDM-PON. 1-3 - Marco Presi, Giulio Cossu, Andrea Chiuchiarelli, Fabio Bottoni, Raffaele Corsini, Pallab Choudhury, Luca Giorgi
, Ernesto Ciaramella:
25 Gb/s operation of 1-GHz bandwidth R-SOA by using DMT and optical equalization. 1-3 - Bradley J. Booth:
Optical interconnect for volume servers. 1-3 - Fotini Karinou
, Roberto Rodes, Kamau Prince, Ioannis Roudas, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy
IM/DD vs. 4-PAM using a 1550-nm VCSEL over short-range SMF/MMF links for optical interconnects. 1-3 - Soumya Roy, Anuj Malik, Abhijeet Deore, Satyajeet Ahuja, Onur Turkcu, Steve Hand, Serge Melle:
Evaluating efficiency of multi-layer switching in future optical transport networks. 1-3 - Bouchaib Hraimel, Xiupu Zhang:
Suppression of radio over fiber system nonlinearity using a semiconductor optical amplifier and mixed polarization. 1-3 - Yves Painchaud, Martin Pelletier, Michel Poulin, François Pelletier, Christine Latrasse, Guillaume Robidoux, Simon Savard, Jean-Frédéric Gagné, Vincent Trudel, Marie-Josée Picard, Patrick Poulin, Patrick Sirois, Frédéric D'Amours, Daniel Asselin, Stephane Paquet, Carl Paquet, Michel Cyr, MartinGuy Guy, Mohamed H. Morsy-Osman, Qunbi Zhuge, Xian Xu, Mathieu Chagnon, David V. Plant:
Ultra-compact coherent receiver based on hybrid integration on silicon. 1-3 - Fang-Ming Wu, Chun-Ting Lin, Chia-Chien Wei, Cheng-Wei Chen, Zhen-Yu Chen, Hou-Tzu Huang:
3.22-Gb/s WDM visible light communication of a single RGB LED employing carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation. 1-3 - Meng Qiu, Qunbi Zhuge, Xian Xu, Mathieu Chagnon, Mohamed H. Morsy-Osman, David V. Plant:
Wide-range, low-complexity frequency offset tracking technique for single carrier transmission systems. 1-3 - Jean-Luc Augé:
Can we use flexible transponders to reduce margins? 1-3 - Aurélien Lebreton, Benoît Charbonnier, Giovanni Beninca de Farias, Philippe Chanclou, Rongping Dong, Jérôme Le Masson, Sylvie Menezo:
Low complexity FDM/FDMA approach for future PON. 1-3 - A. Rohit, Ripalta Stabile, Kevin A. Williams:
8×8 space and wavelength selective cross-connect for simultaneous dynamic multi-wavelength routing. 1-3 - Changyo Han, Koji Igarashi, Kazuro Kikuchi:
Influence of channel misalignment of time-interleaved DAC on sensitivity degradation in coherent optical receivers. 1-3 - I-Cheng Lu, Jin-Wei Shi, Hsing-Yu Chen, Chia-Chien Wei, Sheng-Fan Tsai, Dar-Zu Hsu, Zhi-Rui Wei, Jhih-Min Wun, Jyehong Chen:
Ultra low power VCSEL for 35-Gbps 500-m OM4 MMF transmissions employing FFE/DFE equalization for optical interconnects. 1-3 - Chengyi Gao, Jason P. Jue:
Virtual optical network embedding considering mixed transparent and translucent virtual links. 1-3 - Sylvie Menezo, Benoît Charbonnier, G. Beninca De Farias, D. Thomson, Philippe Grosse, A. Myko, Jean-Marc Fedeli, B. Ben Bakir, G. T. Reed, Aurélien Lebreton:
Reflective Silicon Mach Zehnder Modulator With Faraday Rotator Mirror effect for self-coherent transmission. 1-3 - Yiming Yu, Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Xuping Cao, Xuefeng Lin, Wanyi Gu:
The first single-link exact model for performance analysis of flexible Grid WDM networks. 1-3 - Solomon Assefa, Huapu Pan, Steven Shank, William M. J. Green, Alexander V. Rylyakov, Clint Schow, Marwan Khater, Swetha Kamlapurkar, Edward Kiewra, Carol Reinholm, Teya Topuria, Philip Rice, Christian W. Baks, Yurii A. Vlasov:
Monolithically integrated silicon nanophotonics receiver in 90nm CMOS technology node. 1-3 - Séamas McGettrick, David B. Payne, Marco Ruffini:
Improving hardware protection switching in 10Gb/s symmetric Long Reach PONs. 1-3 - Takashi Sugihara, Tsuyoshi Yoshida, Takashi Mizuochi:
Collaborative signal processing with FEC in digital coherent systems. 1-3 - Xiaoheng Zhang, Linjie Zhou, Liangjun Lu, Jingya Xie, Xiaomeng Sun, Xinwan Li, Jianping Chen:
Tunable vernier microring optical filters using p-i-p resistor-based micro-heaters. 1-3 - Weiyang Mo, Jun He, Mohammad Massoud Karbassian, John Wissinger, Nasser Peyghambarian:
Situation-aware multipath routing and wavelength reassignment in a unified packet-circuit OpenFlow network. 1-3 - Ivan N. Cano, Angel Peralta, Victor Polo, Xavier Escayola, Maria C. Santos
, Josep Prat
Differential link-loss compensation through dynamic bandwidth assignment in statistical OFDMA-PON. 1-3 - Shiyang Zhu, G.-Q. Lo, Jielin Xie, D. L. Kwong:
Towards athermal nanoplasmonic resonators based on Cu-Tio2-Si hybrid plasmonic waveguide. 1-3 - M. Farhan Habib, Massimo Tornatore, Biswanath Mukherjee:
Fault-tolerant virtual network mapping to provide Content Connectivity in optical networks. 1-3 - Ke Xu, Jiun-Yu Sung, Ling-Gang Yang, Yimin Chen, Zhenzhou Cheng, Chi-Wai Chow, Chien-Hung Yeh, Hon Ki Tsang:
Experimental demonstration of multi-level modulation on OFDM signals using integrated silicon modulators. 1-3 - Aleksandr Biberman, Erman Timurdogan, Michael R. Watts, William A. Zortman, Douglas C. Trotter:
Adiabatic microring modulators. 1-3 - Radan Slavík, Joseph Kakande, Richard Phelan, John O'Carroll, Brian Kelly, David J. Richardson:
Wavelength-tunable QAM synthesis by direct modulation of injection-locked Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers. 1-3 - Ezra Ip, Ming-Jun Li, Kevin Bennett, Scott R. Bickham, Yue-Kai Huang, Akihiro Tanaka, Eduardo Mateo, Junqiang Hu, Ting Wang, Andrey Korolev, Konstantin Koreshkov, William Wood, Jesus Linares, Carlos Montero, Vicente Moreno, Xesus Prieto, Yutaka Yano, Yoshiaki Aono, Tsutomo Tajima, Kiyoshi Fukuchi:
6×28-Gbaud few-mode recirculating loop transmission with gain-equalized inline few-mode fiber amplifier. 1-3 - Hao Hu
, J. Wang, H. Ji, E. Palushani, Michael Galili
, Hans Christian Hansen Mulvad
, Palle Jeppesen
, Leif K. Oxenløwe
Nyquist filtering of 160 GBaud NRZ-like DPSK signal. 1-3 - Yoshihiro Yasumura, Yuki Yoshida
, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Fractionally-spaced frequency domain equalization for optical coherent receivers with interleaved samplers. 1-3 - Wangzhe Li, Jianping Yao:
A narrow-passband frequency-tunable microwave photonic filter with an improved dynamic range. 1-3 - Kaile Liang, Min Peng, Samee Khan, Ammar Rayes, Nasir Ghani:
Lightpath optimization in multi-domain optical networks. 1-3 - Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, Yongmin Jung, Paolo Leoni, Maxim Kuschnerov, Natalie V. Wheeler, Naveen K. Baddela, R. G. H. van Uden, Chigo M. Okonkwo, John R. Hayes, John P. Wooler, E. Numkam Fokoua, Radan Slavík, Francesco Poletti, Marco N. Petrovich, V. Veljanovski, Shaif-Ul Alam, David J. Richardson, Huug de Waardt:
30.7 Tb/s (96×320 Gb/s) DP-32QAM transmission over 19-cell Photonic Band Gap Fiber. 1-3 - Tomoya Shimizu, Mitsuru Kihara, Hisashi Izumita, Toshio Kurashima:
Novel optical switch using manual guide-pin slide method based on MT multifiber connector technique. 1-3 - David J. Ives, Seb J. Savory:
Transmitter optimized optical networks. 1-3 - Takeshi Umeki, Masaki Asobe, H. Takara, Takayuki Kobayashi, Hirokazu Kubota, Hirokazu Takenouchi, Yutaka Miyamoto:
First demonstration of multi-span transmission using phase and amplitude regeneration in PPLN-based PSA. 1-3 - Takeshi Hoshida
, Liang Dou, Weizhen Yan, Lei Li, Zhenning Tao
, Shoichiro Oda, Hisao Nakashima, Chihiro Ohshima, Tomofumi Oyama, Jens C. Rasmussen:
Advanced and feasible signal processing algorithm for nonlinear mitigation. 1-3 - Paola Iovanna, Angelo Germoni, Víctor López:
Integration of planning and control plane in packet optical multilayer network. 1-3 - Junya Kurumida
, Hitoshi Takeshita
, Kenji Mizutani, Kiyo Ishii, Akio Tajima, Shu Namiki
All-optical wide-area node connections assisted with optical parametric regeneration and wavelength conversion. 1-3 - Hwan Seok Chung, Sun Hyok Chang, Jyung Chan Lee, Jong Hyun Lee, Kwangjoon Kim:
Field experiment of 112 Gb/s dual-carrier DQPSK signal transmission with automatic bias control of optical IQ modulator. 1-3 - C. R. S. Fludger, Thomas Duthel, Peter Hermann, Theo Kupfer:
Jitter tolerant clock recovery for coherent optical receivers. 1-3 - Kumar Appaiah, Rodolfo Salas, Sriram Vishwanath, Seth R. Bank:
Enhancing data rates in graded-index multimode fibers with offset coupling and multiplexing. 1-3 - Svetoslav Duhovnikov, Arie M. C. A. Koster, Manuel Kutschka, Franz Rambach, Dominic Schupke:
Γ-robust network design for Mixed-Line-Rate-Planning of Optical Networks. 1-3 - Wangzhe Li, Weifeng Zhang, Jianping Yao:
An ultra-wideband 360° photonic-assisted microwave phase shifter. 1-3 - Mohamed A. Ettabib, Kamal Hammani, Francesca Parmigiani, L. Jones, Alexandros Kapsalis, Adonis Bogris, Dimitris Syvridis
, Mickael Brun, Pierre Labeye, Sergio Nicoletti, Periklis Petropoulos:
FWM-based wavelength conversion in a silicon germanium waveguide. 1-3 - Wilfried Idler, Fred Buchali, Karsten Schuh, Detlef Roesener, Eugen Lach, Andreas Leven:
Spectral pre-distortion with FPGA and DAC at 448-Gb/s DP-16QAM improving nonlinear threshold power. 1-3 - Benjamin G. Lee, Alexander V. Rylyakov, William M. J. Green, Solomon Assefa, Christian W. Baks, Renato Rimolo-Donadio, Daniel M. Kuchta, Marwan H. Khater, Tymon Barwicz, Carol Reinholm, Edward Kiewra, Steven M. Shank, Clint L. Schow, Yurii A. Vlasov:
Four- and eight-port photonic switches monolithically integrated with digital CMOS logic and driver circuits. 1-3 - Xin Chen, Ming-Jun Li, Jason E. Hurley, Keith A. Hoover, Dale R. Powers, Richard S. Vodhanel:
Chromatic dispersion compensated 25Gb/s multimode VCSEL transmission around 850nm with a MMF jumper. 1-3 - Yufeng Shao, Nan Chi, Yan-Jin Wang, Yuanquan Wang, Jianjun Yu:
PAPR reduction and computational complexity analysis of interleaved segmentation in 60GHz OFDM-RoF system. 1-3 - Fanting Kong, Kunimasa Saitoh, Devon Mcclane, Thomas W. Hawkins, Paul Foy, Guancheng Gu, Liang Dong:
All-solid photonic bandgap fiber with record mode area. 1-3 - Roland Ryf, M. A. Mestre, Sebastian Randel, X. Palou, Alan H. Gnauck, R. Delbue, P. Pupalaikis
, A. Sureka, Yan Sun, X. Jiang, Robert Lingle:
Combined SDM and WDM transmission over 700-km Few-Mode Fiber. 1-3 - John P. Wooler, David Gray, Francesco Poletti, Marco N. Petrovich, Natalie V. Wheeler
, Francesca Parmigiani, David J. Richardson
Robust low loss splicing of hollow core photonic bandgap fiber to itself. 1-3 - Min-Chi Cheng, Yi-Cheng Li, Shih-Ying Lin, Yu-Chieh Chi, Gong-Ru Lin:
Directly modulating a long weak-resonant-cavity laser diode at limited bandwidth of 5 GHz with pre-leveled 16-QAM OFDM transmission at 20 Gbit/s. 1-3 - Po Dong, Xiang Liu, Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, Lawrence L. Buhl, Ricardo Aroca, Yves Baeyens, Young-Kai Chen:
224-Gb/s PDM-16-QAM modulator and receiver based on silicon photonic integrated circuits. 1-3 - Yoshimichi Morita, Takeshi Yamatoya, Yohei Hokama, Koichi Akiyama, Ryoko Makita, Nobuyuki Yasui, Daisuke Morita, Hiroyuki Kawahara, Eitaro Ishimura:
1.3 µm 28 Gb/s EMLs with hybrid waveguide structure for low-power-consumption CFP2 transceivers. 1-3 - David W. Grund, Garrett A. Ejzak, Garrett J. Schneider, Janusz A. Murakowski, Dennis W. Prather:
Development of a widely tunable narrow linewidth RF generator using a hybrid silicon photonic platform. 1-3 - Shohei Fujii, Yusuke Hirota, Hideki Tode, Koso Murakami:
On-demand spectrum and core allocation for multi-core fibers in elastic optical network. 1-3 - Qian Deniel, Fabienne Saliou, Philippe Chanclou
, Didier Erasme:
Self-seeded RSOA based WDM-PON transmission capacities. 1-3 - Markus Roppelt, Mirko Lawin, Michael Eiselt:
Experimental demonstration of a new pilot tone generation method. 1-3 - Thierry Zami, Bruno Lavigne, Maël Le Monnier:
Impact of crosstalk on real-time coherent detection of 112 Gb/s PDM-QPSK signal in WDM transparent networks. 1-3 - Bahram Jalali, Nick K. Hon, Kevin K. Tsia
Periodically poled silicon (PePSi) for efficient and electronically-tuned nonlinear optics in silicon. 1-3 - Sunny Shakya, Xiaojun Cao:
Spectral defragmentation in elastic optical path networks using independent sets. 1-3 - Amos Agmon, Moshe Nazarathy, Dan M. Marom, Shalva Ben-Ezra, Alex Tolmachev, Robert I. Killey, Polina Bayvel, Lukas Meder, Michael Hübner, W. Meredith, G. Vickers, Philipp C. Schindler, René Schmogrow, David Hillerkuss, Wolfgang Freude, Juerg Leuthold:
Bi-directional ultra-dense polarization-diverse OFDM/WDM PON with laserless colorless 1Gb/s ONUs based on Si PICs and <417 MHz mixed-signal ICs. 1-3 - Annika Dochhan, Helmut Griesser, Michael Eiselt:
First experimental demonstration of a 3-dimensional simplex modulation format showing improved OSNR performance compared to DP-BPSK. 1-3 - Mathieu Chagnon, Mohamed Osman, Qunbi Zhuge, Xian Xu, Michel Poulin, Yves Painchaud, Martin Pelletier, Carl Paquet, David V. Plant:
Experimental colorless reception of 16×DP-16QAM at 28 and 30 Gbaud using a Si-integrated coherent receiver. 1-3 - Stefano Di Lucente, Jun Luo, A. Rohit, Kevin A. Williams, Harm J. S. Dorren, Nicola Calabretta:
Optical packet switch node with packet flow control for flat inter-cluster data center network. 1-3 - Hongbin Zhang, H. G. Batshon, Dmitri G. Foursa, Matthew V. Mazurczyk, Jin-Xing Cai, Carl R. Davidson, Alexei N. Pilipetskii, Georg Mohs, Neal S. Bergano:
30.58 Tb/s transmission over 7, 230 km using PDM half 4D-16QAM coded modulation with 6.1 b/s/Hz spectral efficiency. 1-3 - Sheryl L. Woodward:
ROADM options in optical networks: Flexible grid or not? 1-3 - Claudio Porzi, Giovanni Serafino, Antonella Bogoni, Giampiero Contestabile
All-optical regeneration of 40 Gb/s NRZ-DPSK signals in a single SOA. 1-3 - T. Ito, Emmanuel Le Taillandier de Gabory
, Manabu Arikawa, Y. Hashimoto, Kiyoshi Fukuchi:
Reduction of influence of inter-core cross-talk in MCF with bidirectional assignment between neighboring cores. 1-3 - P. DasMahapatra, A. Rohit, Ripalta Stabile, Kevin A. Williams:
Broadband 4×4 switch matrix using fifth-order resonators. 1-3 - Marcelo Yannuzzi, Víctor López, Fernando Muñoz, Amanda Azañón, Óscar González de Dios, Juan Fernández-Palacios, René Serral-Gracià, C. Brunn, Xavier Masip-Bruin
Coordinated operations between IP and transport network management systems in multi-vendor settings. 1-3 - Noriyasu Shiga, Norihiko Sato, Kazuya Ota, Stephane Petit, Yoichi Oikawa:
Less than 0.5-dB gain excursion AGC-EDFA with a high speed FB/FF-controlled VOA for a wide operation range. 1-3 - Nicola Calabretta, Jun Luo, J. Parra-Cetina, Sylwester Latkowski, Ramón Maldonado-Basilio, Pascal Landais
, Harm J. S. Dorren:
320 Gb/s all-optical clock recovery and time demultiplexing enabled by a single Quantum Dash Mode-Locked Laser fabry-perot optical clock pulse generator. 1-3 - Yi An, Francesco Da Ros
, Christophe Peucheret:
All-optical network coding for DPSK signals. 1-3 - Xiaodan Pang, Marta Beltrán, José Sánchez, Eloy Pellicer, J. J. Vegas Olmos, Roberto Llorente, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy:
DWDM fiber-wireless access system with centralized optical frequency comb-based RF carrier generation. 1-3 - Edson P. da Silva, Luis H. H. Carvalho, Carolina Franciscangelis, Júlio C. M. Diniz, Aldário Chrestani Bordonalli, Julio Oliveira:
Spectrally-efficient 448-Gb/s dual-carrier PDM-16QAM channel in a 75-GHz grid. 1-3 - Hani Al Hajjar, Bruno Fracasso, Dominique Leroux:
Indoor optical wireless Gbps link dimensioning. 1-3 - Ning Duan, Tsung-Yang Liow, Andy Eu-Jin Lim, Liang Ding, Guo-Qiang Lo:
High speed waveguide-integrated Ge/Si avalanche photodetector. 1-3 - Zhixiao Chen, Song Yu, Long Jiang, Guohua Wu, Wanyi Gu:
Influence of channel correlation on the scintillation performance of receiver diversity systems for free-space optical communications. 1-3 - Ning Deng, Qingsong Xue, Mo Li, Guowei Gong, Chunming Qiao:
An optical multi-ring burst network for a data center. 1-3 - Guang-Hua Duan, Christophe Jany, Alban Le Liepvre, M. Lamponi, Alain Accard, Dalila Make, Francois Lelarge, Sonia Messaoudene, D. Bordel, Jean-Marc Fedeli, S. Keyvaninia, Gunther Roelkens, Dries Van Thourhout, David J. Thomson, Frederic Y. Gardes, Graham T. Reed:
III-V on silicon transmitters. 1-3 - Michael S. Schlansker, Michael R. T. Tan, Jean Tourrilhes, Jose Renato Santos, Shih-Yuan Wang:
Configurable optical interconnects for scalable datacenters. 1-3 - Sebastian Babiel, Ivan Flammia, Andreas Stohr, J. Montero-de-Paz, Luis Enrique García-Muñoz
, D. Segovia-Vargas, Guillermo Carpintero, A. Lisauskas, Oleg Cojocari:
Compact transmitter and receiver modules for E-band wireless links. 1-3 - Zizheng Cao, Henricus P. A. van den Boom, M. Chen, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Shihuan Zou, Eduward Tangdiongga
, L. Chen, Antonius M. J. Koonen:
Angle-of-arrival measurement of a microwave signal based on parallel optical delay detector with accuracy monitored. 1-3 - Johan S. Gustavsson, Anders Larsson, Åsa Haglund, J. Bengtsson, Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini, E. Haglund:
High speed 850nm VCSELs for >40Gb/s transmission. 1-3 - Kota Mitsuya, Yuya Shoji, Tetsuya Mizumoto
The first demonstration of silicon waveguide optical circulator. 1-3 - Ricardo Martínez
, Alberto Castro, Ramon Casellas
, Raúl Muñoz
, Luis Velasco, Ricard Vilalta, Jaume Comellas:
Experimental validation of dynamic restoration in GMPLS-controlled multi-layer networks using PCE-based global concurrent optimization. 1-3 - René-Jean Essiambre, M. A. Mestre, Roland Ryf, Alan H. Gnauck, Robert W. Tkach, Andrew R. Chraplyvy, Yi Sun, Xilin Jiang, Robert Lingle:
Demonstration of broadband inter-modal four-wave mixing in graded-index few-mode fibers. 1-3 - L. Geng, Jinlong Wei, Richard V. Penty
, Ian H. White
, David G. Cunningham:
3 Gbit/s LED-based step index plastic optical fiber link using multilevel pulse amplitude modulation. 1-3 - Andreas Bisplinghoff, C. Vogel, Theo Kupfer, Stefan Langenbach, Bernhard Schmauss:
Slip-reduced carrier phase estimation for coherent transmission in the presence of non-linear phase noise. 1-3 - Francesco Da Ros
, Pachito Marco Calabrese, Ning Kang
, Evarist Palushani, Christophe Peucheret
Orthogonal phase quadratures conversion to different wavelengths through phase-sensitive four wave mixing in an highly nonlinear fiber. 1-3 - Wenxin Zheng:
Automated alignment and splicing for multicore fibers. 1-3 - Giulio Cossu, Amir Masood Khalid, Raffaele Corsini, Ernesto Ciaramella:
Non-directed line-of-sight visible light system providing high-speed and robustness to ambient light. 1-3 - Alex Tolmachev, Igor Tselniker, Maxim Meltsin, Itzik Sigron, Moshe Nazarathy:
Efficient multiplier-free FPGA demonstration of polar-domain multi-symbol-delay-detector (MSDD) for high performance phase recovery of 16-QAM. 1-3 - Norio Chujo, Toru Yazaki, Toshiaki Takai, Daichi Kawamura, Yasunobu Matsuoka, Yong Lee, Toshiki Sugawara, Hiroki Yamashita, Takashi Takemoto, Yoshiaki Ishigami, Kinya Yamazaki, Yoshinori Sunaga, Naoki Matsushima:
A 25-Gb/s × 4-Ch, 8 × 8 mm2, 2.8-mm thick compact optical transceiver module for on-board optical interconnect. 1-3 - Kobi Hasharoni, Shuki Benjamin, Amir Geron, Gideon Katz, Stanislav Stepanov, Niv Margalit, Michael Mesh:
A high end routing platform for core and edge applications based on chip to chip optical interconnect. 1-3 - Cen Xia, Neng Bai, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Jose Enrique Antonio Lopez, Axel Schülzgen, Martin Richardson, Xiang Zhou, Guifang Li:
Supermodes in strongly-coupled multi-core fibers. 1-3 - Mark E. Froggatt, Dawn K. Gifford:
Rayleigh backscattering signatures of optical fibers - Their properties and applications. 1-3 - Guilherme P. Temporão
, Giancarlo Vilela de Faria, Patryk J. Urban
, Jean Pierre von der Weid:
Fault location in passive optical networks using T-OTDR and wavelength-selective isolators. 1-3 - Jian Wang, Daoxin Dai:
Ultra-small silicon polarization beam splitter based on cascaded asymmetry directional couplers. 1-3 - Naoise Mac Suibhne, Zhihong Li, Benedikt Baeuerle, John Zhao, John P. Wooler, Shaif-Ul Alam, Francesco Poletti, Marco N. Petrovich, Alexander M. Heidt, Natalie V. Wheeler, Naveen K. Baddela, E. Numkam Fokoua, Ian P. Giles, Dean J. Giles, Richard Phelan, John O'Carroll, Brian Kelly, Dominic Murphy, Brian Corbett, Andrew D. Ellis, David J. Richardson, Fatima C. Garcia Gunning:
WDM transmission at 2µm over low-loss Hollow Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber. 1-3 - R. Duque, Víctor López, A. Gonzalez, Óscar González de Dios, Juan Pedro Fernández-Palacios:
Cost evaluation of the integration of IP/MPLS and WDM elements. 1-3 - Harald Rohde, Erich Gottwald, Pedro Alves, Carlos Oliveira, I. Dedic, Tomislav Drenski:
Digital multi-wavelength generation and real time video transmission in a coherent ultra dense WDM PON. 1-3 - Yutaka Takita, Tomohiro Hashiguchi
, Kazuyuki Tajima, Takao Naito:
Grooming Index for OTN/WDM networks. 1-3 - Hao Huang, Yang Yue, Yan Yan, Nisar Ahmed, Yongxiong Ren, Alan E. Willner:
Orbital-angular-momentum-based reconfigurable and "lossless" optical add/drop multiplexing of multiple 100-Gbit/s channels. 1-3 - Adel A. M. Saleh:
Evolution of the architecture and technology of data centers towards exascale and beyond. 1-3 - Salman Karbasi, Thomas W. Hawkins, John Ballato, Karl W. Koch, Arash Mafi:
Transverse Anderson localization in a glass optical fiber with random air-holes. 1-3 - Casimer M. DeCusatis:
Optical interconnect networks for datacom and computercom. 1-33 - Chen Zhu, Fabio Pittalà, Martin Finkenbusch, Peter M. Krummrich, F. Hauske, A. Tran, Josef A. Nossek, T. Anderson:
Overhead-free channel estimation using implicit training for polarization-multiplexed coherent optical systems. 1-3 - Jawwad Ahmed, Cicek Cavdar, Paolo Monti, Lena Wosinska
Survivability strategies for PCE-based WDM networks offering high reliability performance. 1-3 - Swen Koenig, René Bonk, René Schmogrow, Arne Josten
, Djorn Karnick, Harald Schmuck, Wolfgang Pöhlmann, Thomas Pfeiffer, Christian Koos
, Wolfgang Freude
, Juerg Leuthold
Cascade of 4 SOAs with 448 Gbit/s (224 Gbit/s) dual channel dual polarization 16QAM (QPSK) for high-capacity business paths in converged metro-access networks. 1-3 - Dimitra Simeonidou, Reza Nejabati, Mayur Channegowda:
Software defined optical networks technology and infrastructure: Enabling software-defined optical network operations. 1-3 - Xi Xiao
, Hao Xu, Xianyao Li, Zhiyong Li, Tao Chu, Jinzhong Yu, Yude Yu:
60 Gbit/s silicon modulators with enhanced electro-optical efficiency. 1-3 - Takahito Tanimura, Saleem Alreesh, Johannes Karl Fischer, Carsten Schmidt-Langhorst, Felix Frey, Christian Meuer, Robert Elschner, Lutz Molle, Colja Schubert:
Nonlinear transmission of 6PolSK-QPSK signals using coded modulation and digital back propagation. 1-3 - Darli A. A. Mello, Rafael B. Lourenco:
New analytical method to compute availability non-compliance risks for lambda services. 1-3 - Gianluca Meloni, Nicola Sambo, Antonio Malacarne, Gianluca Berrettini, Filippo Cugini, Luca Potì, Antonella Bogoni:
Optical multicast at 224 Gb/s with tunable frequency conversion in a flex-grid network testbed. 1-3 - Lothar Moeller, Ahmed Awny, Joseph Junio, Cristian A. Bolle, Christoph Scheytt
, Andreas Thiede:
80 Gb/s decision feedback equalizer for intersymbol interference limited channels. 1-3 - Takashi Goh, Yasuaki Hashizume:
Completely cyclic flat-top optical multi/demultiplexer for multi-carrier transceiver. 1-3 - Lin Ma, Kyozo Tsujikawa, Nobutomo Hanzawa, Fumihiko Yamamoto:
3.5 W optical power delivery over 5 km single-mode fiber using C-band amplified spontaneous emission light source. 1-3 - Do-il Chang, Pallavi Patki, Sergey Burtsev, Wayne Pelouch:
8 × 120 Gb/s transmission over 80.8 dB / 480.4 km unrepeatered span. 1-3 - Takahiro Kodama
, Ryosuke Matsumoto
, Akihiro Maruta, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Energy-efficient optical quantization scheme with orthogonal spectral slicing by AWG for OFDM. 1-3 - Zhisheng Yang, Xiaobin Hong, Jian Wu, Hongxiang Guo, Jingtong Lin:
Distributed Brillouin sensing with sub-meter spatial resolution based on four-section pulse. 1-3 - Alan E. Willner:
Optical signal processing. 1-39 - Hao Huang, Guodong Xie, Yan Yan, Nisar Ahmed, Yongxiong Ren, Yang Yue, Dvora Rogawski, Moshe Tur, Baris I. Erkmen, Kevin M. Birnbaum, Samuel Dolinar, Martin P. J. Lavery, Miles J. Padgett, Alan E. Willner:
100 Tbit/s free-space data link using orbital angular momentum mode division multiplexing combined with wavelength division multiplexing. 1-3 - M. R. Chitgarha, Salman Khaleghi, W. Daab, Morteza Ziyadi, Amirhossein Mohajerin Ariaei, D. Rogawski, Moshe Tur, Joseph D. Touch, V. Vusirikala, W. Zhao, Alan E. Willner:
Demonstration of WDM OSNR performance monitoring and operating guidelines for pol-muxed 200-Gbit/s 16-QAM and 100-Gbit/s QPSK data channels. 1-3 - Dayou Qian, Fatih Yaman, Yue-Kai Huang, Shaoliang Zhang, Eduardo Mateo, Takanori Inoue, Yoshihisa Inada, Akira Hagisawa, Takaaki Ogata, Ting Wang:
512Gb/s DP-BPSK superchannel transmission over 7, 200km DMF link with 1.43b/s/Hz spectral efficiency. 1-3 - Masaaki Hirano, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, T. Sasaki:
Analytical OSNR formulation validated with 100G-WDM experiments and optimal subsea fiber proposal. 1-3 - Kishore Padmaraju, Dylan F. Logan, Xiaoliang Zhu, Jason J. Ackert, Andrew P. Knights, Keren Bergman:
Integrated thermal stabilization of a microring modulator. 1-3 - Nicolas K. Fontaine:
Devices and components for space-division multiplexing in few-mode fibers. 1-3 - Jiajia Chen, Patryk J. Urban, Lena Wosinska:
Fast fault monitoring technique for reliable WDM PON: Achieving significant operational saving. 1-3 - Cristiana Muzio, Carlo Tosetti, Carlo Mariotti, Marco Mazzini:
A novel application of SFP+ 10GBASE-LRM transceiver for a low cost short reach single mode fiber link. 1-3 - Yongli Zhao, Jie Zhang, Hui Yang, Yiming Yu:
Which is more suitable for the control over large scale optical networks, GMPLS or OpenFlow? 1-3 - Jonathan E. Proesel, Benjamin G. Lee, Christian W. Baks, Clint L. Schow:
35-Gb/s VCSEL-Based optical link using 32-nm SOI CMOS circuits. 1-3 - Ramtin Farhoudi, Leslie A. Rusch:
Multi-level coded modulation for phase noise optimized constellations. 1-3 - Nobuhiro Kikuchi:
Optoelectronic components for higher order modulation formats. 1-65 - Xiaomeng Sun, Linjie Zhou, Jingya Xie, Zhi Zou, Liangjun Lu, Xinwan Li, Jianping Chen:
Tunable silicon comb filters based on Fabry-Perot resonators formed by Sagnac loop mirrors. 1-3 - Takuya Kanai, Nobuhiro Nunoya, Takayuki Yamanaka, Ryuzo Iga, Makoto Shimokozono, Hiroyuki Ishii:
High-accuracy, sub-μs wavelength switching with thermal drift suppression in tunable distributed amplification (TDA-) DFB laser array. 1-3 - Kenichi Uto, T. Sugihara, Tsuyoshi Yoshida, T. Fujimori, H. Goto, K. Ishida:
An experimental study of nonlinear effects on 43 Gb/s electronic pre-equalized transmission. 1-3 - Hiroshi Yamazaki, Hiroshi Takahashi, Takashi Goh, Yasuaki Hashizume, Shinji Mino, Yutaka Miyamoto:
Linear optical IQ modulator for high-order multilevel coherent transmission. 1-3 - Martijn Tassaert, Harm J. S. Dorren, Gunther Roelkens, Oded Raz:
Broadband passive InP membrane regenerator for silicon-based optical interconnect applications. 1-3 - Wayne V. Sorin, Michael R. Tan:
Interoperability of single-mode and multimode data links for data center and optical backplane applications. 1-3 - Reza Nejabati, Shuping Peng, Dimitra Simeonidou:
Role of optical network infrastructure virtualization in data center connectivity and cloud computing. 1-3 - Ralf Hülsermann, Klaus Grobe, Dirk Breuer:
Cost and performance evaluation of WDM-based access networks. 1-3 - Deyuan Chang, Fan Yu, Zhiyu Xiao, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Changsong Xie, Liangchuan Li, Xiaogeng Xu, Qianjin Xiong:
Implementation of coded modulation and FEC. 1-3 - Nebojsa Stojanovic, Changsong Xie, Yu Zhao, Bangning Mao, Neil Guerrero González, Juan Qi, Le Nguyen Binh:
Modified Gardner phase detector for Nyquist coherent optical transmission systems. 1-3 - Masato Nishihara, Tomoyuki Kato, Toshiki Tanaka, Tomoo Takahara, Shigeki Watanabe, Lei Li, Zhenning Tao
, Jens C. Rasmussen:
Highly efficient data aggregation on single optical carrier through fiber frequency conversion of discrete multi-tone signal. 1-3 - Osman S. Gebizlioglu:
ODN intelligence - Automating fiber deployment and operations. 1-3 - Motoharu Matsuura, Naoto Kishi:
Simultaneous multichannel transmission of intensity- and phase-modulated signals based on optical phase conjugation using a quantum-dot SOA. 1-3 - Qiongyue Kang, Ee Leong Lim, Yongmin Jung, Francesco Poletti, Shaif-Ul Alam, David J. Richardson:
Design of four-mode erbium doped fiber amplifier with low differential modal gain for modal division multiplexed transmissions. 1-3 - Ying Huang, Shiyang Zhu, Huijuan Zhang, Tsung-Yang Liow, Patrick Guo-Qiang Lo:
Ultra-compact CMOS compatible TE-pass polarizer for silicon photonics. 1-3 - Yanwei Li, Wenda Ni, Heng Zhang, Nan Hua, Yanhe Li, Xiaoping Zheng:
Availability analytical model for permanent dedicated path protection in service differentiated WDM networks. 1-3 - Vincent R. Pagan, Thomas E. Murphy:
Phase-modulated radio-over-fiber systems. 1-3 - Pengxiao Li, Ran Shi, Minghua Chen, Hongwei Chen, Sigang Yang, Shizhong Xie:
Downconversion and linearization of X- and K-band analog photonic links using digital post-compensation. 1-3 - Norbert Keil, Crispin Zawadzki, Ziyang Zhang, David de Felipe, Alejandro Maese-Novo, Walter Brinker, Holger Klein, Christoph Wagner, Francisco M. Soares, Martin Möhrle
, Norbert Grote:
Progress in polymer-based components for next-generation PON applications. 1-3 - Mohammad Ali Rezania, Jian Hong Ke, Abdullah S. Karar, Ying Gao, John C. Cartledge:
Blind adaptive equalization algorithm based on constellation transformation for DP 16-QAM systems. 1-3 - Suhas Bhandare, Zhenxing Wang, Kyu Kim, Mark Colyar, Heider Ereifej:
Narrow optical filtering tolerance of 127-Gb/s DP-QPSK utilizing real-time DSP with 20 cascaded 50-GHz filters in the presence of 40, 200-ps/nm chromatic dispersion. 1-3 - Luca Palmieri, Luca Schenato, Andrea Galtarossa
The role of anisotropy in few-mode optical fibers. 1-3 - Ramon Casellas, Raúl Muñoz, Ricardo Martínez:
Path Computation Elements (PCE): Applications and status. 1-3 - Tuo Shi, Bing Xiong, Changzheng Sun, Yi Luo:
Novel back-to-back uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes with high responsivity and wide bandwidth. 1-3 - Hui Yang, Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Shouyu Wang, Wanyi Gu, Jianrui Han, Yi Lin, Young Lee:
Multi-flow virtual concatenation triggered by path cascading degree in flexible spectrum optical networks. 1-3 - Yoshiyuki Doi, Manabu Oguma, Masayuki Ito, Ikuo Ogawa, Toshihide Yoshimatsu, Tetsuichiro Ohno, Eiji Yoshida, Hiroshi Takahashi:
Compact ROSA for 100-Gb/s (4 × 25 Gb/s) Ethernet with a PLC-based AWG demultiplexer. 1-3 - Takahide Sakamoto, Guo-Wei Lu
, Tetsuya Kawanishi:
Filter-less multi-tone coherent orthogonal detection for multi-channel reception of super-channel/OFDM signals. 1-3 - Mahdi Zamani, Chuandong Li, Chen Chen, Zhuhong Zhang:
An adaptive decision-feedback channel estimation for coherent optical OFDM. 1-3 - L. Chen, Jared Hulme, Avantika Sohdi, Jonathan E. Roth, Volkan Kaman, Greg Fish, John E. Bowers, Luke Theogarajan:
Digitally tunable optical power equalization for large port count optical switches. 1-3 - Masaru Zaitsu, Takuo Tanemura, Akio Higo, Yoshiaki Nakano:
Self-aligned InP/InGaAsP polarization converter for polarization-multiplexed photonic integrated circuits. 1-3 - Jing Xu, Christian Ruprecht, Johannes von Hoyningen-Huene, Werner Rosenkranz:
Transmission of 25.5-Gb/s OFDM signal over 200-m G62.5/125 MMF using mode group diversity multiplexing. 1-3 - Ruben S. Luis, Hideaki Furukawa, Satoshi Shinada, Naoya Wada:
Optical link planning guidelines for a hybrid packet and circuit integrated network. 1-3 - Bowen Chen, Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Jinyan Liu, Shanguo Huang, Wanyi Gu, Jason P. Jue:
Minimum spectrum block consumption for shared-path protection with joint failure probability in flexible bandwidth optical networks. 1-3 - Xuezhe Zheng, Eric Chang, Ivan Shubin, Guoliang Li, Ying Luo, Jin Yao, Hiren D. Thacker, Jin-Hyoung Lee, Jon K. Lexau, Frankie Liu, Philip Amberg, Kannan Raj, Ron Ho, John E. Cunningham, Ashok V. Krishnamoorthy:
A 33mW 100Gbps CMOS silicon photonic WDM transmitter using off-chip laser sources. 1-3 - Makoto Yamada, Hirotaka Ono, Norihiko Sakai, Katsuhiro Takenaga, Shoichiro Matsuo:
Theoretical study of crosstalk characteristics for multi-core optical fiber amplifiers. 1-3 - Goji Nakagawa, Shoichiro Oda, Kyosuke Sone, Yasuhiko Aoki, Kazuo Hironishi, Takahito Tanimura, Takeshi Hoshida
, Jens C. Rasmussen:
Evaluation of FSK light labels superimposed on 112 Gbps DP-QPSK signal with real-time coherent receiver and optical filter based decoder for light path tracing. 1-3 - Nobuhiro Fujimoto, Hikari Mochizuki:
477 Mbit/s visible light transmission based on OOK-NRZ modulation using a single commercially available visible LED and a practical LED driver with a pre-emphasis circuit. 1-3 - Go Yazawa, Naohiko Yuki, Jun Terada, Shunji Kimura, Naoto Yoshimoto:
High accurately synchronized λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using timestamps based time and frequency synchronization for mobile backhaul. 1-3 - Roger L. Tobin:
Cost optimization in an FTTP environment. 1-3 - Ripalta Stabile, Aaron Albores-Mejia, Kevin A. Williams:
Dynamic multi-path routing in a monolithic active-passive 16×16 optoelectronic switch. 1-3 - Adaickalavan Meiyappan, Pooi-Yuen Kam, Hoon Kim:
Full-range and rapid-tracking carrier phase and frequency estimator for 16-QAM coherent systems. 1-3 - Xinying Li, Ze Dong, Jianjun Yu, Nan Chi, Yufeng Shao, Gee-Kung Chang:
Demonstration of ultra-high bit rate fiber wireless transmission system of 108-Gb/s data over 80-km fiber and 2×2 MIMO wireless links at 100GHz W-band frequency. 1-3 - Yanjun Zhu, Jianfeng Wang, Qing Guo, Yan Cui, Chuandong Li, Fei Zhu, Yusheng Bai:
Experimental comparison of terabit nyquist superchannel transmissions based on high and low baud rates. 1-3 - Kamal Hammani, Mohamed A. Ettabib, Adonis Bogris, Alexandros Kapsalis, Dimitris Syvridis
, Mickael Brun, Pierre Labeye, Sergio Nicoletti, David J. Richardson
, Periklis Petropoulos:
Linear and nonlinear properties of SiGe waveguides at telecommunication wavelengths. 1-3 - S. Keyvaninia, Gunther Roelkens, Roel Baets, Francois Lelarge, Guang-Hua Duan, Sonia Messaoudene, Jean-Marc Fedeli, Dries Van Thourhout:
Demonstration of a novel III-V-on-Si distributed feedback laser. 1-3 - Jie Pan, Andrew Stark, Cheng Liu, Stephen E. Ralph:
Fractionally-spaced frequency domain linear crosstalk cancellation with spectral alignment techniques for coherent superchannel optical systems. 1-3 - Andrea Sgambelluri
, Alessio Giorgetti
, Filippo Cugini, Francesco Paolucci, Piero Castoldi:
Effective flow protection in OpenFlow rings. 1-3 - Karthi Duraisamy, Goutam Das:
WMRD net: An optical data center interconnect. 1-3 - João Santos, Gottfried Lehmann, João Pedro:
Optimized brownfield deployment of 100-GbE over metro networks using 4×25G and 10×10G optical CFP interfaces. 1-3 - Fred Buchali, Karsten Schuh, Laurent Schmalen, Wilfried Idler, Eugen Lach, Andreas Leven:
1-Tbit/s dual-carrier DP 64QAM transmission at 64Gbaud with 40% overhead soft-FEC over 320km SSMF. 1-3 - Robert Palmer, Luca Alloatti
, Dietmar Korn, Philipp C. Schindler, René Schmogrow, Moritz Baier, Swen Koenig, David Hillerkuss, Jens Bolten
, Thorsten Wahlbrink
, Michael Waldow, Raluca Dinu, Wolfgang Freude
, Christian Koos
, Juerg Leuthold
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator generating up to 84 Gbit/s BPSK and M-ASK signals. 1-3 - Cheng Liu, Anlin Yi, Ming Zhu, Jing Wang, Liang Zhang, Shih-Chieh Shin, Ze Dong, Hung-Chang Chien, Jianjun Yu, Charles Su, Gordon Gu, Anthony Ng'oma, Gee-Kung Chang:
A novel direct-modulation envelope-detection Pol-Mux MIMO RoF system based on blind equalization techniques. 1-3 - Bernhard Schrenk, Vasilis Katopodis, Johan Bauwelinck
, José A. Lázaro
, Xin Yin, Paraskevas Bakopoulos, Maria Spyropoulou, Xing-Zhi Qiu, Hercules Avramopoulos:
Flexible WDM/FTDM passive optical network with RZ-seeded all-optical sub-wavelength grid engine. 1-3 - Natasa B. Pavlovic, Rogério Nogueira:
On the pulse shape performance of CP-QPSK signal with optimum pre-compensation in submarine systems. 1-3 - Reinhold Herschel, André Kuhne, Christian G. Schäffer:
Bidirectional direct detection mode multiplexing scheme for optical short link communications. 1-3 - M. R. Chitgarha, Salman Khaleghi, Morteza Ziyadi, W. Daab, A. Mohajerin-Ariaei, D. Rogawski, Joseph D. Touch, Moshe Tur, Carsten Langrock, Martin M. Fejer, Alan E. Willner:
All-optical phase noise suppression using optical nonlinear mixing combined with tunable optical delays. 1-3 - Dirk Breuer, Erik Weis, Stéphane Gosselin, Tahar Mamouni, Jose A. Torrijos:
Unified access and aggregation network allowing fixed and mobile networks to converge. 1-3 - Nicolas K. Fontaine, Roland Ryf, Miquel A. Mestre, Binbin Guan, Xavi Palou, Sebastian Randel, Yi Sun, Lars Grüner-Nielsen
, Rasmus V. Jensen, Robert Lingle:
Characterization of space-division multiplexing systems using a swept-wavelength interferometer. 1-3 - David D. Sampson
, Dirk Lorenser:
Waveguide optics for novel in situ biomedical imaging. 1-3 - Joon-Young Kim, Sanghwa Yoo, Sang-Rok Moon, Dong Churl Kim, Chang-Hee Lee:
400 Gb/s (40 × 10 Gb/s) ASE injection seeded WDM-PON based on SOA-REAM. 1-3 - Takashi Shiraishi, Takatoshi Yagisawa, Yukito Tsunoda, Mariko Sugawara, Tadashi Ikeuchi, Satoshi Ide, Kazuhiro Tanaka:
Improvement of transmission distance of a 25-Gb/s FPC-OE with polymer waveguide by a microlens-imprinted film. 1-3 - Meng Yan, Zhenning Tao, Liang Dou, Lei Li, Ying Zhao, Takeshi Hoshida, Jens C. Rasmussen:
Digital clock recovery algorithm for Nyquist signal. 1-3 - Daniel M. Kuchta, Clint L. Schow, Alexander V. Rylyakov, Jonathan E. Proesel, Fuad E. Doany, Christian W. Baks, B. H. Hamel-Bissell, Chris Kocot, L. Graham, R. Johnson, Gary Landry, E. Shaw, A. MacInnes, Jim Tatum:
A 56.1Gb/s NRZ modulated 850nm VCSEL-based optical link. 1-3 - Qing Wei, Jamal Bazzi, Kazuyuki Kozu, Matthias Lott:
Packet switched optical mobile network - Architecture design and performance analysis. 1-3 - Fumihiko Ito, Xinyu Fan, Yusuke Koshikiya:
Identification of high-PMD sections along installed optical cables with long range OFDR. 1-3 - Nabil Bitar:
Multi-tenant Data Center and cloud networking evolution. 1-3 - Andrea Bianco, Edoardo Bonetto, Arsalan Ahmad:
Energy awareness in the design of optical core networks. 1-3 - Kidsanapong Puntsri, Omar Jan, Ali Al-Bermani, Christian Wordehoff, David Sandel, Saleh Hussin
, Muhammad Fawad Panhwar, Reinhold Noé, Ulrich Rückert:
An ultralow complexity algorithm for frame synchronization and IQ alignment in CO-OFDM systems. 1-3 - Kai-Ning Ku, Ming-Chang M. Lee:
Cascade of two opposite tapers for butt-coupling between fibers and silicon photonic wires with large misalignment tolerance and low polarization dependency. 1-3 - Junwen Zhang, Jianjun Yu, Ze Dong, Nan Chi, Xinying Li:
Multi-modulus blind equalizations for coherent spectrum shaped polmux quadrature duobinary signal processing. 1-3 - Atsushi Kanno, Toshiaki Kuri, Iwao Hosako, Tetsuya Kawanishi, Yuki Yoshida
, Yoshihiro Yasumura, Ken-ichi Kitayama:
Coherent optical and radio seamless transmission based on DSP-aided radio-over-fiber technology. 1-3 - Qunbi Zhuge, Xian Xu, Mohamed H. Morsy-Osman, Mathieu Chagnon, Meng Qiu, David V. Plant:
Time domain hybrid QAM based rate-adaptive optical transmissions using high speed DACs. 1-3 - Benjamin G. Lee:
High-throughput fiber links for computercom interconnects. 1-3 - Raul Muñoz
, Ramon Casellas
, Ricardo Martinez
PCE: What is it, how does it work and what are its limitations? 1-55 - Xiang Liu, Peter J. Winzer, S. Chandrasekhar, Sebastian Randel, Stephen Corteselli:
Multiband DFT-spread-OFDM equalizer with overlapand-add dispersion compensation for low-overhead and low-complexity channel equalization. 1-3 - Ningbo Zhao, Bin Huang, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Xiaoying Li, Guifang Li:
Few-mode fiber optical parametric amplifier. 1-3 - Fei Peng, Zinan Wang, Yunjiang Rao, Xin-Hong Jia:
106km fully-distributed fiber-optic fence based on P-OTDR with 2nd-order Raman amplification. 1-3 - Antonino Nespola
, Stefano Straullu
, Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco
, R. Cigliutti, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini
, Masaaki Hirano, Yoshinori Yamamoto, T. Sasaki, Johan Bauwelinck
, K. Verheyen, Fabrizio Forghieri:
Extensive fiber comparison and GN-model validation in uncompensated links using DAC-generated Nyquist-WDM PM-16QAM channels. 1-3 - Haining Yang, Brian Robertson, Daping Chu:
Transient crosstalk in LCOS based WSS and a method to suppress the crosstalk levels. 1-3 - Philippe Chanclou, Bruno Capelle, Benoît Charbonnier, Jean-Luc Courant, Y. Denis, Naveena Genay, Stéphane Gosselin, Dominique Kurz, B. Landousies, E. Le Bris, Bertrand Le Guyader, Anna Pizzinat, Fabienne Saliou:
France Telecom's PON deployment, learnt lessons and next steps. 1-3 - Chen Zhu, An V. Tran, F. N. Hauske, Shengyong Chen, T. Anderson, Efstratios Skafidas:
Low-complexity fractionally-spaced frequency domain equalization with improved channel estimation for long-haul coherent optical systems. 1-3 - Sang-Hwa Yoo, Joon-Young Kim, Chang-Hee Lee:
5-Gb/s broadcast overlay for WDM-PON employing noise-suppressed mutually injected Fabry-Perot laser diodes. 1-3 - Jinlong Wei, L. Geng, Richard V. Penty
, Ian H. White
, David G. Cunningham:
100 Gigabit Ethernet transmission enabled by carrierless amplitude and phase modulation using QAM receivers. 1-3 - X. Chen, A. Li, Di Che, Qian Hu, Y. Wang, J. He, William Shieh:
High-speed fading-free direct detection for double-sideband OFDM signal via block-wise phase switching. 1-3 - Takui Uematsu, Kunimasa Saitoh, Nobutomo Hanzawa, Taiji Sakamoto, Takashi Matsui, Kyozo Tsujikawa, Masanori Koshiba:
Low-loss and broadband PLC-type mode (de)multiplexer for mode-division multiplexing transmission. 1-3 - Po Dong, Chongjin Xie, Lawrence L. Buhl, Young-Kai Chen:
Silicon microring modulators for advanced modulation formats. 1-3 - Bulent Kose, Rick J. Pimpinella, Jose M. Castro, Brett Lane:
Differential mode attenuation in MMFs and its impact on DMD and EMB measurements. 1-3 - Olga Vassilieva, Shoichiro Oda, Takeshi Hoshida
, Jens C. Rasmussen, Motoyoshi Sekiya:
Experimental investigation of the statistics of the interplay between nonlinear and PDL effects in polarization multiplexed systems. 1-3 - Christian Rasmussen, Y. Pan, Mehmet Aydinlik, M. Crowley, Jonas Geyer, P. Humblet, F. Liu, Benny Mikkelsen, P. Monsen, N. Nadarajah, Graeme Pendock, B. Shah:
Real-time DSP for 100+ Gb/s. 1-3 - Junfeng Song, Xianshu Luo, Jack Sheng Kee, Chao Li, Xiaoguang Tu, Qing Fang, Huijuan Zhang, Lianxi Jia, Mi Kyoung Park, Tsung-Yang Liow, Mingbin Yu, Guo-Qiang Lo:
Silicon microring-based integrated circuit for optical label-free biosensor with direct electrical readout. 1-3 - Mihail Dumitrescu, A. Laakso, J. Viheriala, Martin Kamp
, Petri Melanen, P. Uusimaa:
High-speed directly-modulated lasers with photon-photon resonance. 1-3 - Siamak Amiralizadeh, An T. Nguyen, Chul Soo Park, Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Leslie A. Rusch:
Experimental validation of digital filter back-propagation to suppress SOA-induced nonlinearities in 16-QAM. 1-3 - Pavel Cheben:
Subwavelength structures in integrated optics. 1-63 - Andrew Lee, Qi Jiang, Ting Wang, Mingchu Tang, Alwyn J. Seeds, Huiyun Liu:
III-V quantum-dot laser growth on silicon and germanium. 1-3 - Thavamaran Kanesan
, Wai Pang Ng, Zabih Ghassemlooy
, Chao Lu
Impact of optical modulators in LTE RoF system with nonlinear compensator for enhanced power budget. 1-3 - Xiaojie Guo, Gordon K. P. Lei, Xuelei Fu, Hon Ki Tsang, Chester Shu:
Amplitude regeneration of 80-Gb/s polarization-multiplexed RZ-DPSK signals in a dual-orthogonal-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier. 1-3 - Long Chen:
Silicon photonic integrated circuits for WDM technology and optical switch. 1-3 - Yongmin Jung, Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, Naveen K. Baddela, Marco N. Petrovich, John R. Hayes, Natalie V. Wheeler, David R. Gray, E. Numkam Fokoua, John P. Wooler, Nicholas Heng-Loong Wong, Francesca Parmigiani, Shaif-Ul Alam, J. Surof, Maxim Kuschnerov, V. Veljanovski, Huug de Waardt, Francesco Poletti, David J. Richardson:
First demonstration of a broadband 37-cell hollow core photonic bandgap fiber and its application to high capacity mode division multiplexing. 1-3 - Evan Meyer-Scott, Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, Lynden K. Shalm, Brendon Higgins, Thomas Jennewein, Vincent Roy:
A collinear nondegenerate source of entangled photon pairs in PM fiber. 1-3 - Lei Liu, Hyeon Yeong Choi, Ramon Casellas
, Takehiro Tsuritani, Itsuro Morita, Ricardo Martinez
, Raul Muñoz
Demonstration of a dynamic transparent WSON employing flexible transmitter/receiver controlled by an OpenFlow/stateless PCE integrated control plane. 1-3 - Dalma Novak, Rod B. Waterhouse:
Emerging disruptive wireless technologies - Prospects and challenges for integration with optical networks. 1-3 - Keith J. Williams:
Microwave photonics: The past and the future. 1-71 - H. K. Shim, K. Y. Cho, U. H. Hong, Yun Chur Chung:
Demonstration of 40-Gb/s QPSK upstream transmission in long-reach RSOA-based coherent WDM PON using offset PDM technique. 1-3 - Vahid Ataie, Bill P.-P. Kuo, Evgeny Myslivets, Stojan Radic:
Generation of 1500-tone, 120nm-wide ultraflat frequency comb by single CW source. 1-3 - Winston I. Way, Philip N. Ji, Ankitkumar N. Patel:
Contention resolution within colorless and directionless ROADM. 1-3 - Patrick Iannone, Kenneth C. Reichmann, Chathurika Ranaweera, Mauricio G. C. Resende:
A small cell augmentation to a wireless network leveraging fiber-to-the-node access infrastructure for backhaul and power. 1-3 - Abirami Sivananthan, Hyun-Chul Park, Mingzhi Lu, John S. Parker, Eli Bloch, Leif A. Johansson, Mark J. W. Rodwell, Larry A. Coldren:
Monolithic linewidth narrowing of a tunable SG-DBR laser. 1-3 - Stanislaw Stopinski, Michal Malinowski
, Ryszard Piramidowicz, Meint K. Smit, Xaveer J. M. Leijtens:
Monolithically integrated 8-channel WDM reflective modulator. 1-3 - David J. Geisler, Timothy M. Yarnall, William E. Keicher, Mark L. Stevens, Andrew M. Fletcher, Ronald R. Parenti, David O. Caplan, Scott A. Hamilton:
Demonstration of 2.1 photon-per-bit sensitivity for BPSK at 9.94-Gb/s with rate-½ FEC. 1-3 - Yuya Shirato, Yuya Shoji, Tetsuya Mizumoto
High isolation in silicon waveguide optical isolator employing nonreciprocal phase shift. 1-3 - Zoran Vujicic
, Natasa B. Pavlovic, Ali Shahpari, António Teixeira:
Efficient dynamic wideband model for reflective semiconductor optical amplifier. 1-3 - Dar-Zu Hsu, Chia-Chien Wei, Hsing-Yu Chen, Cih-Yuan Song, I-Cheng Lu, Jyehong Chen:
74.4% SSII cancellation in an EAM-based OFDM-IMDD transmission system. 1-3 - Yutaka Urino, Tsuyoshi Horikawa
, Takahiro Nakamura, Yasuhiko Arakawa
High density optical interconnects integrated with lasers, optical modulators and photodetectors on a single silicon chip. 1-3 - Kohei Saito, Hiroyuki Uenohara:
Analytical investigation of operating conditions for simultaneous intensity and phase noise suppression using phase sensitive semiconductor optical amplifiers. 1-3 - A. Seck, Petros Ramantanis, J. Vuong, Djalal-Falih Bendimerad, C. Lepers, Yann Frignac:
Novel carrier phase estimation scheme for polarization switched-QPSK-based transmission systems. 1-3 - Junwen Zhang, Jianjun Yu, Ze Dong, Nan Chi, Xinying Li:
Multi-channel optical frequency-locked multi-carrier source generation based on multi-channel recirculation frequency shifter loop. 1-3 - David V. Plant, Qunbi Zhuge, Mohamed H. Morsy-Osman, Mathieu Chagnon, Xian Xu, Meng Qiu:
Flexible transceivers using adaptive digital signal processing for single carrier and OFDM. 1-3 - Vitaliy E. Shub:
Carrier strategies in Russia. 1-7 - R. G. H. van Uden, Chigo M. Okonkwo, Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, H.-S. Chen, Maxim Kuschnerov, Huug de Waardt, Antonius M. J. Koonen:
Employing a single DPLL for joint carrier phase estimation in few-mode fiber transmission. 1-3 - Vahid Ataie, Bill P.-P. Kuo, Andreas O. J. Wiberg, Zhi Tong, Chris K. Huynh, Nikola Alic, Stojan Radic:
Ultrafast absolute ranging by coherent parametric comb. 1-3 - Anna Tzanakaki, Markos P. Anastasopoulos, Konstantinos Georgakilas:
Dynamic adaptive virtual optical networks. 1-3 - Matthew N. Sysak, Di Liang, Raymond G. Beausoleil, R. Jones, John E. Bowers:
Thermal management in hybrid silicon lasers. 1-3 - Yuki Taniguchi, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Sato:
Dynamic grouped routing optical networks for cost effective and agile wavelength services. 1-3 - Steven Searcy, Sorin Tibuleac:
System design tradeoffs for XPM mitigation in hybrid 100G-10G networks. 1-3 - Ken Tanizawa:
Practical issues of the tunable dispersion compensation using parametric wavelength conversion. 1-3 - Mingzhi Lu, Hyun-Chul Park, John S. Parker, Eli Bloch, Abirami Sivananthan, Zach Griffith, Leif A. Johansson, Mark J. W. Rodwell, Larry A. Coldren:
A heterodyne optical phase-locked loop for multiple applications. 1-3 - Jeffrey Rahn, Kevin Croussore, Gilad Goldfarb, Saurabh Kumar, Matthew Mitchell, Vince Dominic, Brian D. Taylor, Yeongho Park, Vinay Adavani, Veena Shyamsundar, Mandar Patil, Song Yu, Paul Freeman, Atul Mathur, Mehrdad Ziari, David Welch:
Transmission improvement through dual-carrier FEC gain sharing. 1-3 - Shinsuke Tanaka, Seok-Hwan Jeong, Shigeaki Sekiguchi, Tomoyuki Akiyama, Teruo Kurahashi, Yu Tanaka, Ken Morito:
Four-wavelength silicon hybrid laser array with ring-resonator based mirror for efficient CWDM transmitter. 1-3 - Nathan Farrington, Alex Forencich, Pang-Chen Sun, Y. Shaya Fainman, Joe Ford, Amin Vahdat, George Porter, George Papen:
A 10 µs hybrid optical-circuit/electrical-packet network for datacenters. 1-3 - Ton Koonen:
Home area networks. 1-86 - Xian Xu, Benoît Châtelain, Qunbi Zhuge, Mohamed H. Morsy-Osman, Mathieu Chagnon, Meng Qiu, David V. Plant:
Frequency domain M-shaped pulse for SPM nonlinearity mitigation in coherent optical communications. 1-3 - Yuanquan Wang, Yufeng Shao, Huiliang Shang, Xiaoyuan Lu, Yiguang Wang, Jianjun Yu, Nan Chi:
875-Mb/s asynchronous bi-directional 64QAM-OFDM SCM-WDM transmission over RGB-LED-based visible light communication system. 1-3 - Wonkyoung Lee, Jyung Chan Lee, Seung Il Myong, Sang Soo Lee:
Fault-identification method based on index distribution of optical fibers for enhanced optical link monitoring. 1-3 - Jörg Pfeifle, Matthias Lauermann, Daniel Wegner, Jingshi Li, Klaus Hartinger, Victor Brasch, Tobias Herr, David Hillerkuss, René Schmogrow, Thomas Schimmel, Ronald Holzwarth, Tobias J. Kippenberg
, Juerg Leuthold
, Wolfgang Freude
, Christian Koos
Microresonator-based frequency comb generator as optical source for coherent WDM transmission. 1-3 - Ezra Ip, Ming-Jun Li, Kevin Bennett, Andrey Korolev, Konstantin Koreshkov, William Wood, Carlos Montero
, Jesus Linares:
Experimental characterization of a ring-profile few-mode erbium-doped fiber amplifier enabling gain equalization. 1-3 - Xiang Liu, S. Chandrasekhar, Peter J. Winzer, Robert W. Tkach, Andrew R. Chraplyvy:
406.6-Gb/s PDM-BPSK superchannel transmission over 12, 800-km TWRS fiber via nonlinear noise squeezing. 1-3 - Haiyan Shang, Zhaohui Li, Tao Gui, Yuan Bao, Xinhuan Feng, Jianping Li, Hongyan Fu, Dongyu Geng:
Ultra-fine optical spectrum microscope using optical channel estimation and spectrum fusion technique. 1-3 - Sebastian Randel:
Space-division multiplexed transmission. 1-60 - Weiguo Ju, Shanguo Huang, Bingli Guo, Zhenzhen Xu, Yongqi He, Min Zhang, Jie Zhang, Wanyi Gu:
Node handling capacity based spectrum fragmentation evaluation scheme in flexible grid optical networks. 1-3 - Yunhong Ding, Haiyan Ou, Christophe Peucheret:
Wide-band polarization splitter and rotator with large fabrication tolerance and simple fabrication process. 1-3 - Keisuke Kasai, Yixin Wang, Masataka Nakazawa:
An LD-based ultra-low phase noise opll circuit using an optical voltage controlled oscillator. 1-3 - Kota Shikama, Yoshiteru Abe, Shuichi Yanagi, Tetsuo Takahashi:
Physical-contact conditions for multicore fiber optical connectors. 1-3 - Shih-Ying Lin, Yu-Chieh Chi, Gong-Ru Lin:
Over bandwidth OC-192 NRZ modulation of TO-can weak-resonant-cavity Fabry-Perot laser diode for DWDM-PON. 1-3 - Hagen Woesner, Daniel Fritzsche:
SDN and OpenFlow for converged access/aggregation networks. 1-3 - Tiago M. F. Alves, Maria Morant, Adolfo V. T. Cartaxo, Roberto Llorente
Wired-wireless services provision in FSAN NG-PON2 compliant long-reach PONs: Performance analysis. 1-3 - Roland Ryf, Sebastian Randel, Nicolas K. Fontaine, M. Montoliu, Ellsworth Burrows, Stephen Corteselli, Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, Alan H. Gnauck, Chongjin Xie, René-Jean Essiambre, Peter J. Winzer, R. Delbue, P. Pupalaikis, A. Sureka, Yi Sun, Lars Grüner-Nielsen, Rasmus Vincentz Jensen, Robert Lingle:
32-bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency WDM transmission over 177-km few-mode fiber. 1-3 - Antonio Malacarne, Gianluca Meloni, Gianluca Berrettini, Luca Potì, Antonella Bogoni:
Optical multicasting of a 224Gb/s PM-16QAM signal in a periodically-poled Lithium Niobate waveguide. 1-3 - Mads L. Nielsen, Lutz Molle, Thomas Richter, Colja Schubert:
Feasibility study of SOA-preamplified coherent reception for 112 Gb/s DP-QPSK unamplified link. 1-3

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