default search action
7. PRICAI 2002: Tokyo, Japan
- Mitsuru Ishizuka, Abdul Sattar:
PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan, August 18-22, 2002, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2417, Springer 2002, ISBN 3-540-44038-0
Invited Talks
- Michael J. Pazzani:
Commercial Applications of Machine Learning for Personalized Wireless Portals. 1-5 - Eduard H. Hovy:
Learning, Collecting, and Using Ontological Knowledge for NLP. 6 - Norman Y. Foo:
Hidden Variables in Knowledge Representation. 7-8 - Thomas Rist:
Intellimedia Systems: Research and Applications at the Intersection of Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 9-18 - Ryohei Nakatsu:
Integration of Multimedia and Art for New Human-Computer Communications. 19-28
Logic and AI Foundation
- Yuyan Chao, Norimitsu Kawana, Lifeng He, Tsuyoshi Nakamura, Hidenori Itoh:
R-UNSEARCHMO: A Refinement on UNSEARCHMO. 29-38 - Takahiro Tagawa, Jingde Cheng:
Deontic Relevant Logic: A Strong Relevant Logic Approach to Removing Paradoxes from Deontic Logic. 39-48 - Quoc Bao Vo, Norman Y. Foo:
Solving the Ramification Problem: Causal Propagation in an Argumentation-Theoretic Approach. 49-59
Representation and Reasoning of Actions
- Yan Zhang, Norman Y. Foo:
Representing Actions over Dynamic Domains. 60-69 - Dongmo Zhang, Samir Chopra, Norman Y. Foo:
Consistency of Action Descriptions. 70-79 - Kee-Eung Kim, Thomas L. Dean:
Solving Factored MDPs with Large Action Space Using Algebraic Decision Diagrams. 80-89 - Andrzej Buller:
Dynamic Fuzziness. 90-96
Constraint Satisfaction
- Ahlem Ben Hassine, Khaled Ghédira:
Distributed Reinforcement of Arc-Consistency. 97-107 - Wenhui Zhang, Zhuo Huang, Jian Zhang:
Parallel Execution of Stochastic Search Procedures on Reduced SAT Instances. 108-117 - Yutaka Matsuo, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Two Transformations of Clauses into Constraints and Their Properties for Cost-Based Hypothetical Reasoning. 118-127
Foundations for Agents
- Itsuki Noda:
Hidden Markov Modeling for Multi-agent Systems. 128-137 - Wayne Wobcke:
Modelling PRS-Like Agents' Mental States. 138-147 - Pinata Winoto
Genetic Algorithm and Social Simulation. 148-157
Foundations for Learning
- Boonserm Kijsirikul, Nitiwut Ussivakul, Surapant Meknavin:
Adaptive Directed Acyclic Graphs for Multiclass Classification. 158-168 - Hyunjin Lee, Hyeyoung Park, Yillbyung Lee:
Network Optimization through Learning and Pruning in Neuromanifold. 169-177 - W. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek
DIC: A Novel Discrete Incremental Clustering Technique for the Derivation of Fuzzy Membership Functions. 178-187
Reinforcement Learning
- Akira Ito:
Application of Episodic Q-Learning to a Multi-agent Cooperative Task. 188-197 - Taro Konda, Tomohiro Yamaguchi:
LC-Learning: Phased Method for Average Reward Reinforcement Learning - Analysis of Optimal Criteria. 198-207 - Taro Konda, Shinjiro Tensyo, Tomohiro Yamaguchi:
LC-Learning: Phased Method for Average Reward Reinforcement Learning - Preliminary Results. 208-217
Knowledge Acquisition and Management
- Takuya Wada, Tetsuya Yoshida, Hiroshi Motoda, Takashi Washio:
Extension of the RDR Method That Can Adapt to Environmental Changes and Acquire Knowledge from Both Experts and Data. 218-227 - Keisei Fujiwara, Tetsuya Yoshida, Hiroshi Motoda, Takashi Washio:
Case Generation Method for Constructing an RDR Knowledge Base. 228-237
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Defit Sarjon, Mohd. Noor Md. Sap:
Association Rules Using Rough Set and Association Rule Methods. 238-243 - Leigh J. Fitzgibbon, David L. Dowe, Lloyd Allison
Change-Point Estimation Using New Minimum Message Length Approximations. 244-254 - Takashi Matsuda, Hiroshi Motoda, Tetsuya Yoshida, Takashi Washio:
Knowledge Discovery from Structured Data by Beam-Wise Graph-Based Induction. 255-264
Neural Network Learning
- W. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek
BackPOLE: Back Propagation Based on Objective Learning Errors. 265-274 - Tae-Seung Lee, Ho-Jin Choi, Young-Kil Kwag, Byong-Won Hwang:
A Method on Improvement of the Online Mode Error Backpropagation Algorithm for Pattern Recognition. 275-284 - Hirotaka Inoue, Hiroyuki Narihisa:
Optimizing a Multiple Classifier System. 285-294
Learning for Robots
- Muhammad Arif, Tadashi Ishihara, Hikaru Inooka:
Generalization of Iterative Learning Control for Multiple Desired Trajectories in Robotic Systems. 295-304 - Takehisa Yairi, Masahito Togami, Koichi Hori:
Learning Topological Maps from Sequential Observation and Action Data under Partially Observable Environment. 305-314 - Kyungjoo Cheoi, Yillbyung Lee:
A Saliency Map Model for Active Perception Using Color Information and Local Competitive Mechanism. 315-324 - Ken Endo, Funinori Yamasaki, Takashi Maeno, Hiroaki Kitano:
Generation of Optimal Biped Walking for Humanoid Robot by Co-evolving Morphology and Controller. 325-334
Multi-agent Applications
- Jeroen Valk, Cees Witteveen:
Multi-agent Coordination in Planning. 335-344 - Yizhi Lao, Hon Wai Leong:
A Multi-agent Based Approach to the Inventory Routing Problem. 345-354 - Zili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang
An Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent System for Financial Investment Planning. 355-364 - Henry Hexmoor, Xin Zhang:
Socially Intelligent Aerial Combat Simulator. 365-374
Bayesian Network
- Kyu Baek Hwang, Jae Won Lee, Seung-Woo Chung, Byoung-Tak Zhang:
Construction of Large-Scale Bayesian Networks by Local to Global Search. 375-384 - Jung-Wook Bang, Duncan Fyfe Gillies:
Using Bayesian Networks with Hidden Nodes to Recognise Neural Cell Morphology. 385-394 - Hung-Ju Huang, Chun-Nan Hsu:
Recognizing 100 Speakers Using Homologous Naive Bayes. 395-403
Document Analysis and Categorization
- Akiko N. Aizawa:
An Approach to Microscopic Clustering of Terms and Documents. 404-413 - Sang-Bum Kim, Hae-Chang Rim, Dongsuk Yook, Heui-Seok Lim:
Effective Methods for Improving Naive Bayes Text Classifiers. 414-423 - Patrick Pantel, Dekang Lin:
Efficiently Clustering Documents with Committees. 424-433 - Jeong Ho Chang, Jae Won Lee, Yuseop Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang:
Topic Extraction from Text Documents Using Multiple-Cause Networks. 434-443 - Kang Hyuk Lee, Judy Kay, Byeong Ho Kang, Uwe Rosebrock:
A Comparative Study on Statistical Machine Learning Algorithms and Thresholding Strategies for Automatic Text Categorization. 444-453 - Jae Won Lee, Sung Dong Kim:
PATI: An Approach for Identifying and Resolving Ambiguities. 454-462
Internet/Web Intelligence and Bioinformatics
- Sebon Ku, Bogju Lee, Eunyong Ha:
Extracting User Profiles from E-mails Using the Set-Oriented Classifier. 463-471 - Jaeyoung Yang, Jungsun Kim, Kyung-Goo Doh, Joongmin Choi:
Wrapper Generation by Using XML-Based Domain Knowledge for Intelligent Information Extraction. 472-481 - Hajime Kitakami, Tomoki Kanbara, Yasuma Mori, Susumu Kuroki, Yukiko Yamazaki:
Modified PrefixSpan Method for Motif Discovery in Sequence Databases. 482-491 - Konstantinos Karasavvas, Albert Burger, Richard A. Baldock:
A Multi-agent Bioinformatics Integration System with Adjustable Autonomy. 492-501
Intelligent Learning Environments
- Rhodora L. Reyes, Raymund Sison:
Using Case-Based Reasoning Approach in Planning Instructional Activities. 502-511 - Tiffany Ya Tang, Keith C. C. Chan:
Feature Construction for Student Group Forming Based on Their Browsing Behaviors in an E-learning System. 512-521 - Chong-Woo Woo, Jin-Woo Choi:
Web-Based Tutoring System for Computer Security. 522-531
Face Recognition
- Jaepil Ko, Eunju Kim, Hyeran Byun:
A Simple Illumination Normalization Algorithm for Face Recognition. 532-541 - Paul Robertson, Robert Laddaga:
A Self-Adaptive Architecture and Its Application to Robust Face Identification. 542-551
Multimedia and Emotion
- Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroaki Kitano:
Realizing Audio-Visually Triggered ELIZA-Like Non-verbal Behaviors. 552-562 - Soonkyu Lee, Dongsuk Yook:
Audio-to-Visual Conversion Using Hidden Markov Models. 563-570 - Helmut Prendinger, Sylvain Descamps, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Scripting the Bodies and Minds of Life-Like Characters. 571-580 - Penny Baillie de Byl, Dickson Lukose
An Affective Decision Making Agent Architecture Using Emotion Appraisals. 581-590
Poster Papers
- Hisashi Hayashi, Kenta Cho, Akihiko Ohsuga:
Logic Programming for Agents. 591 - Marie Piron, Alain Cardon, Christophe Cambier:
Evolutionary Multi-agents System for Prediction of Social Behavior in Large Cities. 592-593 - Elhadi M. Shakshuki, Trang Dang:
Agent-Based Cooperative Distributed Tutoring Systems. 594 - Rüdiger Oehlmann:
A Computational Model of Reasoning as Socially-Constructed Process. 595 - Ken Taniguchi, Setsuya Kurahashi
, Takao Terano:
Managing Information Complexity of Supply Chains via Agent-Based Genetic Programming. 596 - Noriaki Izumi, Takahira Yamaguchi:
Semantic Integration of E-business Models Based on Multi-layered Repository. 597 - Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Choh Man Teng:
Randomization and Uncertain Inference. 598 - Kyung-Joong Kim, Sung-Bae Cho:
Checkers Strategy Evolution with Speciated Neural Networks. 599 - Zbigniew Swiatnicki, Vladimír Olej:
Generation and Optimization of Fuzzy Neural Network Structure. 600 - W. L. Tung, Hiok Chai Quek
FuzzyDrive: A Fuzzy Rule-Based Auto Pilot System. 601 - Ghassan Beydoun
, Lina Al-Jadir:
Implementing NRDR Using OO Database Management System (OODBMS). 602-603 - Rex Bing Hung Kwok:
Using Ripple Down Rules for Actions and Planning. 604 - Stefan Diaconescu:
A Generative Dependency Grammar. 605 - Mohammad Teduh Uliniansyah
, Shun Ishizaki, Kiyoko Uchiyama:
Indonesian Morphological Parser with Minimum Connectivity Cost to Solve Ambiguities. 606 - Yuseop Kim, Jeong Ho Chang, Byoung-Tak Zhang:
Target Word Selection Using WordNet and Data-Driven Models in Machine Translation. 607 - Ichiro Kobayashi, Michiaki Iwazume, Shino Iwashita, Toru Sugimoto, Michio Sugeno:
A Study on Using Natural Language as a Computer Communication Protocol. 608 - Naohiro Matsumura, Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Automatic Indexing Based on Term Activities. 609 - Kyung-Soon Lee, Jae-Ho Kim, Key-Sun Choi:
Answer Extraction by Flexible Matching, Filtering, and Interpretation. 610 - Kwanyong Lee, Hyeyoung Park:
A Statistical Identification and Verification Method for Biometrics. 611 - Masahiro Araki, Kiyoshi Ueda, Masashi Akita, Takuya Nishimoto, Yasuhisa Niimi:
Proposal of a Multimodal Dialogue Description Language. 612 - Keiji Yanai
Image Classification by Web Images. 613-614 - Chang-Woo Lee, Yeon-Chul Lee, Sang-Yong Bak, Hang Joon Kim:
Real-Time Face Detection and Tracking Using PCA and NN. 615 - Nicolas Bredèche, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Yann Chevaleyre:
A Wrapper-Based Approach to Robot Learning Concepts from Images. 616 - Hyuk-Jang Park, Sung-Bae Cho:
An Effective HMM-Based Intrusion Detection System with Privilege Change Event Modeling. 617-618 - Tae-Seung Lee, Ho-Jin Choi, Seung-Hoe Choi, Byong-Won Hwang:
A Method on Improving of Enrolling Speed for the MLP-Based Speaker Verification System through Reducing Learning Data. 619 - Thomas Andreas Meyer
, Aditya Ghose, Samir Chopra:
Syntactic Representations of Semantic Merging Operations. 620

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