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ROBIO 2005: Shatin, N.T., China
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2005, Shatin, N.T. China, 5-9 July 2005. IEEE 2005, ISBN 0-7803-9315-5
- Chih-Ming Ho
Control of complex bio-molecular system. - Toshio Fukuda:
Multi-locomotion robot-energy based motion control for dexterous brachiation. - Satoshi Tadokoro:
Development of advanced robots for disaster response. - Ning Xi:
Nano manipulation and assembly using AFM. - Pheng-Ann Heng:
Virtual human and its application in medicine. - Fu-Chun Huang, Chia-Sheng Liao, Chih-Hao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee:
Automatic Bio-MEMS platforms for fast disease diagnosis. - Shigeki Sugano:
Design of humanoid robot for human-robot interaction-Waseda. - William C. Tang:
Microscale biomechanics: Studies of Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Differentiation under Micromechanical Influences. - Yu-Chong Tai:
Parylene BioMEMS. - Louis Ross:
Global investment activities in robotics, nanotechnology and energy. - Chih-Ming Ho, Pak Kin Wong:
Control of complex bio-molecular systems. 1-3 - Toshio Fukuda, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Masahiro Doi, Yoshihiko Asano:
Multi-locomotion robot - energy-based motion control for dexterous brachiation -. 4-9 - Fu-Chun Huang, Chia-Sheng Liao, Chih-Hao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee:
Automatic Bio-MEMS platforms for fast disease diagnosis. 10-15 - Shigeki Sugano:
Design of humanoid robot for human-robot interaction - Waseda Robots: Wendy and Wamoeba -. 16-19 - William C. Tang
Microscale biomechanics: Studies of Neurogenesis and Stem Cell differentiation under Micromechanical influences. 20-25 - Yu-Chong Tai:
Parylene BioMEMS. 26-29 - Tao Gong, Sigma Xi, Zixing Cai:
An immune model and its application to a mobile robot simulator. 30-34 - Zhenli Lu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang:
Design of a snake-like robot controller with cyclic inhibitory CPG model. 35-40 - Shaoming Yang, Naoki Matushita, Ami Shimizu, Xiuqin Chen, Seiji Motojima:
Biomimetic tactile sensors of CMC/polysilicone composite sheet as artificial skins. 41-44 - Andre Willy, Huat Kin Low:
Development and initial experiment of modular undulating fin for untethered biorobotic AUVs. 45-50 - Gorkem Dogangil, Emre Ozcicek, Ahmet Kuzucu:
Design, construction, and control of a robotic dolphin. 51-56 - Zheng Wang, Dalong Tan, Peter B. Goldsmith:
Formation control of robotic vehicles. 57-60 - Xing-qiao Liu, Jun-jie Ling, Bai-hui Zhao, Jian-Lin Yang, Jian Gao, Wei Sun:
Control system of loading manipulator based on profibus. 61-65 - Yugang Liu, Yangmin Li:
Robust adaptive neuro-fuzzy control for nonholonomic mobile modular manipulators in task space. 66-71 - Shicai Liu, Dalong Tan, Guangjun Liu:
Vision-based formation control of mobile robots with relative motion states. 72-76 - Tomoari Maruyama, Chunquan Xu, Aiguo Ming, Makoto Shimojo:
Motion control of golf swing robot based on dynamically coupled driving. 77-82 - Lo Ming Fok, Yunhui Liu, Wen Jung Li:
Modeling of nanomanipulation with an integrated teleoperated system. 83-88 - Antoine Ferreira, Gaurav Sharma, Constantinos Mavroidis:
New trends in bio-nanorobotics usin virtually reality technologies. 89-94 - Thomas Knepper, Bernd Schütz, Jianwei Zhang, Christian Meyer:
Towards automatic nanomanipulation at the atomic scale. 95-100 - Yick Chuen Chan, Yi-Kuen Lee, Man Wong, Yitshak Zohar:
High-throughput fabrication of sub-micron pillar arrays for free-solution DNA electrophoresis without E-beam lithography. 101-104 - Mustapha Hamdi, Gaurav Sharma, Antoine Ferreira, Constantinos Mavroidis:
Molecular mechanics simulation of bio-nanorobotic components using force feedback. 105-110 - Yisheng Guan, Kazuhito Yokoi, Olivier Stasse, Abderrahmane Kheddar:
On robotic trajectory planning using polynomial interpolations. 111-116 - Cheng Chong, He Hua Ju, Yang-zhou Chen, Ping Yuan Cui:
Path planning algoirthm based on topologymap structured by scanning method. 117-120 - Shu-Hsien Lin, Feng-Li Lian:
Study of feasible trajectory generation algorithms for control of planar mobile robots. 121-126 - Chiman Kwan
, Xiaokun Li, Debang Lao, Yunbin Deng, Zhubing Ren, Bhiksha Raj, Rita Singh, Richard M. Stern:
Voice driven applications in non-stationary and chaotic environment. 127-132 - Weihong Fan, Yunhui Liu, Feng Wang, Xuanping Cai:
Multi-robot formation control using potential field for mobile ad-hoc networks. 133-138 - Gwang-Jo Chung, Kee-Bong Choi, Chan-Hoon Park:
Development of planar parallel stage mechanism for nano order precision robot manipulator. 139-144 - Walter Driesen, Thierry Varidel, Sébastien Mazerolle, Arvid Bergander, Jean-Marc Breguet:
Flexible micro manipulation platform based on tethered cm3-sized mobile micro robots. 145-150 - Huai-wei Jiang, Shigang Wang, Wei Xu, Zhizhou Zhang, Lin He:
Construction of medical nanorobot. 151-154 - Wei Zhang, Shuxiang Guo, Kinji Asaka:
A novel type of underwater crawling microrobot. 155-160 - Marco Quirini, Arianna Menciassi, Cesare Stefanini, Samuele Gorini, Giuseppe Pernorio, Paolo Dario:
Development of a legged capsule for the gastrointestinal tract: an experimental set-up. 161-167 - Genshe Chen, Chiman Kwan
, Dan Shen, Jose B. Cruz Jr., Alan Vannevel Navy:
Adaptive cooperative path planning for multiple platforms. 168-173 - Tian-Ming Bu, Zhen-Jian Li, Zheng Sun:
Adaptive and relaxed visibility-based PRM. 174-179 - Zheng Sun, Tian-Ming Bu, Li-fen Zhang:
On discretization methods for generalized weighted region shortest path problems. 180-185 - Hong Yue, Zhong-Min Wang:
Path planning of mobile robot based on compound shape and simulated annealing hybrid algorithm. 186-189 - Tong Liu, Michael Yu Wang:
Haptic simulation of fixture loading planning. 190-194 - Yongshun Zhang, Guangjun Liu:
Wireless micro biomimetic swimming robot based on giant magnetostrictive films. 195-200 - Ting Wang, Yuechao Wang, Chen Yao:
Study on mechanism of a mobile robot used unstructured environment. 201-205 - Yimin Fang, Junzhi Yu, Ruifeng Fan, Long Wang
, Guangming Xie:
Performance optimization and coordinated control of multiple biomimetic robotic fish. 206-211 - Xin Chen, Yangmin Li:
Odor localization using swarm intelligence. 212-217 - Lige Zhang, Qiang Huang, Zhaoqin Peng, Jie Yang, Shusheng Lv, Kejie Li:
Stability adjustment of dynamic motion considering similarity based on human motion capture. 218-223 - Jimei Wu, Qiumin Wu:
Recognition of pump state by RBF neural network. 224-227 - I-Ming Chen, Shusong Xing, Song Huat Yeo:
Robotic marionette system: from mechatronic design to manipulation. 228-233 - Xiaoyun Wang, James K. Mills:
Experimental modal identification of configuration-dependent vibration using smart material transducers with application to a planar parallel robot. 234-239 - Ming Cong, Yumin Zhou, Ying Jiang, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo:
An automated wafer-handling system based on the integrated circuit equipments. 240-245 - Jizhong Xiao, Angel Calle, Ali Sadegh, Matthew Elliott:
Modular wall climbing robots with transition capability. 246-250 - Chih-Hao Wang, Gwo-Bin Lee:
The applications of integrated microfluidic chips on automatic diagnosis systems. 251-256 - Tzong-Shyng Leu, Shun-Yi Li:
Operation limits of micro catalytic combustors. 257-262 - Akihiko Ichikawa, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda:
Indirect micromanipulation of microorganism with gel micro-bead for monitoring in the permeation cage on a chip. 263-268 - Yuejun Zhao, Sung Kwon Cho:
Micro bubble manipulation towards single cell handling tool. 269-273 - Tao Zhang
, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Vuthichai Ampornaramveth, Haruki Ueno:
Construction of heterogeneous multi-robot system based on knowledge model. 274-279 - Hua Zhong, Zhenwei Wu, Chunguang Bu:
Design and realization of control system of humanoid robot. 280-283 - Olivier Stasse
, Benoît Telle, Kazuhito Yokoi:
3D segmentation using interval analysis and pre-attentive behaviour for a humanoid robot. 284-289 - Lei Zhang, Qiang Huang, Qiusheng Liu, Tao Liu, Dongguang Li, Yuepin Lu:
A teleoperation system for a humanoid robot with multiple information feedback and operational modes. 290-294 - Philip Heng Wai Leong
, Kuen Hung Tsoi:
Field programmable gate array technology for robotics applications. 295-298 - Yin Zhang
, Ya-Pu Zhao:
Edge and size effects in micro composite structure. 299-302 - Jason Clendenin, Nalini Kotagiri, Steve Tung, Jin-Woo Kim:
A microscale biosensor based on integration of sigle-stranded DNAs and aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes. 303-308 - Kin Fong Lei, Wing Cheung Law, Chi Lok Wong, Wen J. Li, Ho Pui Ho, Siu-Kai Kong, Chinlon Lin:
Automating micro cellular detection process using all-transparent microfluidic platform and surface plasmon resonance technique. 309-313 - Da-Jeng Yao, Jhao-Rong Chen:
Micro raleigh-benard convection polymerase chain reaction chip. 314-317 - Jinguo Liu, Shugen Ma, Zhenli Lu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, Jing Wang:
Design and experiment of a novel link-type shape shifting modular robot series. 318-323 - Min Han, Nobuhiro Okada, Eiji Kondo:
Collision avoidance for a redundant manipulator in an unstructured environment with a simplified path planning and multiple self-organizing maps. 324-329 - Xiaohu Lu, Hong Zhang:
Adaptive color claddification with gaussian mixture model. 330-335 - Zhi Dong Wang, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge:
Checking movable configuration space in C-closure object for object caging and handling. 336-341 - Yong Yu, Yoshiyuki Kamo, Hironobu Kawakoe, Showzow Tsujio:
Contact position estimation of two quadric bodies using basic probing operation. 342-347 - Ming S. Liu, Billy D. Todd, Richard J. Sadus:
Mechanochemical theory for the ATP-fuelled biomolecular motors. 348-351 - Zhenyu Yang, Quan Ren, Ya-Pu Zhao:
Molecular dynamics simulation of the bio-adhesion in molecular motors. 352-355 - Benjamin Chu, Dean Ho, Hyeseung Lee, Karen Kuo, Carlo D. Montemagno:
Coupled-protein functionality for energy conversion in biomimetic systems. 356-359 - Neil Thomas:
Molecular motors: Thermodynamics and ATP synthesis. 360-364 - Haibo Huang, Dong Sun, Wuwei Chen, James K. Mills:
A vision-based position control methodology to drive mobile robots towards target positions. 369-374 - Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang, Rong Liu, Wei Wang, Guanghua Zong:
Design of a climbing robot for cleaning spherical surfaces. 375-380 - Kao-Shing Hwang, Yu-Jen Chen, Ching-Huang Lee, Cheng-Shong Wu:
Reinforcement learning on strategy selection for a cooperative robot system. 381-386 - Xiuli Zhang, Haojun Zheng, Xu Guan, Zhifeng Cheng, Liyao Zhao:
A biological inspired quadruped robot: structure and control. 387-392 - Chunying Jiang, Lijin Fang, Zhigang Xu, Mingyang Zhao:
Error modeling and analysis on a kind of measurement method based on 3-DOF parallel kinematic mechanism. 393-397 - Panfeng Huang, Yangsheng Xu, Bin Liang:
Balance control of multi-arm free-floating space robots during capture operation. 398-403 - Kadda Meguenni Zemalache, Lotfi Beji, Hichem Maaref:
Control of an under-actuated system: application a four rotors rotorcraft. 404-409 - Ping Zhang, Ka Keung Lee, Yangsheng Xu:
Context-aware robot service coordination system. 410-415 - Moussa Boukhnifer
, Antoine Ferreira:
Passivity based control for micro-teleoperation system. 416-421 - Hsing-Lin Wang, Jian Xie, Jose-Maria Sansinena, Junbo Gao:
Towards development of next generation solid-state artificial flying muscles using conducting polymers. 422-426 - Guoping Li, Chunliang Zhang:
Active vibration control of a isolation platform based on state space LQG. 427-431 - Kin Sum Wong, Wei-Hsin Liao
Adaptive body fitness equipment using magnetorheological fluids. 432-437 - Johann Citérin, Grégory Turbelin
, Abderrahmane Kheddar, Frédéric Vidal, Claude Chevrot, Dominique Teyssié:
New design methods and simulation of linear actuators using ionic polymers. 438-443 - Shih-Jeh Wu, Ting-Wai Shen:
Study of piezoelectric aluminum nitride thin film by RF magnetron sputtering. 444-449 - Qingxiao Wu, Shuo Li
, Yingming Hao, Feng Zhu:
A model-based monocular vision system for station keeping of an underwater vehicle. 450-454 - Kanji Tanaka, Kuniaki Otsuka, Mitsuru Hirayama, Eiji Kondo:
View synthesis on mobile robot image database. 455-461 - Yosry Ahmed Azzam, Zhi Dong Wang, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Ahmed Alaa Elkousy, Ahmed Bahgat, Mohamed AboElela:
Automatic fine alignment and pointin of movable telescopes using point and template matching. 462-467 - Feng Zhu, Jing Zhou, Yingming Hao, Zaili Dong:
Derivation of camera parameters based on geometric meaning. 468-471 - Junzhi Yu, Yimin Fang, Wei Zhao, Long Wang:
Behaviroal design and strategy for cooperative multiple-biomimetic-robot-fish system. 472-477 - Chen Hong, Chang'an Zhu:
Modeling the dynamics of biomimetic underwater robot fish. 478-483 - Ruifeng Fan, Junzhi Yu, Long Wang
, Guangming Xie, Yimin Fang, Yonghui Hu:
Optimized design and implementation of biomimetic robotic dolphin. 484-489 - Wijerupage Sardha Wijesoma, Kang Say Wee, Ong Choon Wee, Arjuna P. Balasuriya, Tong San Koh, Kay Soon Low:
EOG based control of mobile assistive platforms for the severely disabled. 490-494 - Hui-Jing Wang, Shirong Chen, Xiaohua Wang, Deyi Kong, Tao Mei:
Design of a biomimetic gecko adhesion array for microrobots. 495-498 - Jianhong Liang, Tianmiao Wang, Song Wang, Dan Zou, Jian Sun:
Experiment of robofish aided underwater archaeology. 499-504 - Yu Sun, Chauncey F. Graetzel, Steven N. Fry, Bradley J. Nelson:
A MEMS micro force sensor for drosophila flight characterization. 505-510 - Hiroaki Hirai, Fumio Miyazaki:
Dynamic temporal patterns betwen robots: The self-organized timing selection in juggling-like passing the balls. 511-516 - Fabien Tâche, Masoud Asadpour, Gilles Caprari, Walter Karlen, Roland Siegwart:
Perception and behavior of InsBot : Robot-Animal interaction issues. 517-522 - Yasuhisa Hirata, Tomohiro Hayashi, Takahiro Takeda, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Zhi Dong Wang:
Step estimation method for dance partner robot "MS DanceR" using neural network. 523-528 - Stefan Staicu:
Matrix model in dynamics of mobile robots. 529-532 - Yan L. Qu, Mingyang Zhao, Zaili Dong, Yuechao Wang, Yuanyuan Zou:
Experimental study of a remote-controlled police dogbot. 533-537 - Michiyo Suzuki, Toshio Tsuji, Hisao Ohtake:
A dynamic body model of the nematode C. elegans with a touch-response circuit. 538-543 - Guangping Lan, Shugen Ma:
Step-climbing analysis of a novel tracked robot. 544-549 - Bohua Sun
, Rui Zhang:
MEMS accelerometer with two thin film piezoelectric read-out. 550-555 - Quan Ren, Ya-Pu Zhao, J. C. Yue:
Applying the electrochemical deposition technology to construct the hybrid devices. 556-559 - Gürsel Alici, Brian Mui, Christopher D. Cook:
Characterisation and bending modeling of conducting polymer actuators for use in micro/nano manipulation. 560-565 - Gürsel Alici, Philippe Metz, Geoffrey M. Spinks
Size optimisation of polypyrrole (PPy) actuators for micro/nano manipulation systems. 566-571 - Bo Hao, Li-Xin Wang:
The research of the optimal innovative design technology of the hierarchical structure products based on genetic algorithms. 576-580 - Chih-Min Lin, Te-Yu Chen, Wei-Zhe Fan, Yueh-Feng Lee:
Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for a two-link robot. 581-586 - Chih-Min Lin, Li-Yang Chen, Chiu-Hsiung Chen, Te-Yu Chen:
Hybrid control for MIMO nonlinear system using RCMAC. 587-592 - Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Aycard, Carla Koike:
Hierarchy of behaviours application to the homing problem in indoor environment. 593-598 - Yanjun Shen, Linguo Zhang:
Reliable robust controller design for nonlinear state-delayed systems based on neural networks. 599-604 - Daisuke Sekimori, Fumio Miyazaki:
Self-localization for indoor mobile robots based on optical mouse sensor values and simple global camera information. 605-610 - Liancheng Su, Feng Zhu:
Design of a novel stereo vision navigation system for mobile robots. 611-614 - Hui Wang, Kui Yuan, Wei Zou, Yizhun Peng:
Real-time region-based obstacle detection with monocular vision. 615-619 - Yong He, Ronald Chung:
Robot self-localization using only view-to-view registration. 620-627 - Kanji Tanaka, Eiji Kondo:
A sample-based approach to lookup table construction by SVM active learning. 628-633 - Yilun Luo, Guangyi Shi, Josh H. M. Lam, Guanglie Zhang, Wen J. Li, Philip Heng Wai Leong, Pauline P. Y. Lui, Kwok-Sui Leung:
Towards a human airbag system using µIMU with SVM training for falling-motion recognition. 634-639 - Xi Shi, Jianming Hu, Yangsheng Xu, Jingyan Song:
Architecture and simulation of sensor network system for urban surveillance. 640-645 - Yantao Shen, Ning Xi, Wen J. Li:
Dynamic force measurement for microassembly of surface MEMS structures. 646-651 - Zhuohua Duan, Zixing Cai, Xiaobing Zou, Jinxia Yu:
Integrating multiple particle filter into a logic framework for robot fault diagnosis. 652-657 - Zixing Cai, Jinxia Yu, Xiaobing Zou, Zhuohua Duan:
A 3-D perceptual method based on laser scanner for mobile robot. 658-663 - Shihua Wang, Bugong Xu, Qingyang Wang:
Delays analysis for teleoperation over internet and smith predictor with adaptive time-delay control. 664-669 - Yingying Li, Weihong Fan, Yunhui Liu, Xuanping Cai:
Teleoperation of robots via the mobile communication networks. 670-675 - Shuai Li-guo, Kuang Ying-hui, Zhou Zhi-ting:
Research on robot tactile display based on water jet technology. 676-680 - Jian Wang, Shuxiang Guo:
A human scale tel-operating system for microoperation -Macro/Micro complex mechanism for HSTOS-. 681-686 - Kensuke Takita, Shigeo Hirose:
Development of image sensor unit for rescue devices. 687-692 - Yangmin Li, Qingsong Xu:
Kinematic design and dynamic analysis of a medical parallel manipulator for chest compression task. 693-698 - Gang Song, Shuxiang Guo:
The characteristic evaluation of the novel type of assistant system. 699-704 - Yoshinobu Mizobuchi, Shuoyu Wang, Koichi Kawata, Masaki Yamamoto:
Trajectory planning method of guide robots for a achieving the guidance. 705-708 - Xia Yu, Shuoyu Wang, Xianchao Zhao:
A health-check system for health-care robot. 709-712 - Qing-Hua Ling, Max Q.-H. Meng, Tao Mei, Haoran Lu:
3D simulation design based on openGL for four-legged robot. 713-717 - Xinglong Zhu, Hongguang Wang, Mingyang Zhao:
Using nonlinear constrained optimization methods to solve manipulators path planning with hybrid genetic algorithms. 718-723 - Cheng-Yuan Chang, Kuo-Hung Chiang, Shih-Wei Hsu:
Fuzzy controller for the 3-D overhead crane system. 724-729 - Kousuke Inoue, Shugen Ma, Chenghua Jin:
Optimizationof CPG-network for decentralized control of a snake-like robot. 730-735 - Tao Shang, Shuoyu Wang:
A novel imitation approach on human's obstacle avoidance ability considering knowledge radius. 736-741 - Zhongcai Pei, Shengyuan Zhang, Wei Liu, Zhanlin Wang:
Research on spray-paint robot position control system based on BP neural network. 742-746 - Fei-Bin Hsiao, Di-Bao Wang, Chun-Ping Jen, Hui-Ju Hsu, Cheng-Hsin Chuang, Yung-Chun Lee, Chuan-Pu Liu:
Modeling of heat transfer for laser-assisted direct nano imprint processing. 747-751 - Yi-Kuen Lee, Peigang Deng:
Bubble actuator enhanced DNA micro biosensor. 752-756 - Fan-Gang Tseng, Cheng-En Ho, Chiun-Jie Su, Yu-Feng Chen, Haimei Huang, Ching-Chang Chieng:
Characterization of simultaneous protein microarray formation by discrete micro stamper on surfaces of different wettabilities. 757-762 - Da-Jeng Yao, Yong-Ruei Yang:
Bio-chemical sensor using polyaniline nanofibers for sensing amino-group type of gas. 763-767 - Mahsa Rouhanizadeh, Gopikrishnan Soundararajan, Diego Arcas, Ronalee Lo, Tiantian C. Lin, Frederick Browand, Tzung K. Hsiai:
MEMS sensor to resolve spatial variations in shear stress in a 3-D bifurcation model. 768-773 - Kaicheng Chang, Morris P. F. Liang:
Design and testing of dual-axial gyroscope. 774-777 - Yi-Chu Hsu, Kuo-Ching Kuo, Ling-Sheng Jang:
Development of characterization of PZT thick films fabricated by an improved sol-gel method. 778-782 - Winky Lap Wing Hau, Pak Kin Leung, Yi-Kuen Lee, Lap Man Lee, Yitshak Zohar:
Electrokinetically-driven micro mixer with a novel surface-charge pattern. 783-787 - Koichi Osuka, Yasuhiro Sugimoto:
Where is the secret of walking concealed? 788-792

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