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SECON 2009: Rome, Italy
- Proceedings of the Sixth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2009, June 22-26, 2009, Rome, Italy. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-2907-3
- Haiyan Luo, Song Ci, Dalei Wu
A Cross-layer Optimized Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming over Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-9 - Venkatesh Sarangan, Jakkrit Kunthong, Xinwei Cai, Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam
, Ranga Komanduri, John L. Volakis
A Low-cost, Small-footprint Wireless Sensor for Container Integrity Monitoring. 1-9 - Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin
, Hossein Ahmadi, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Robin Kravets
A Low-energy, Multi-copy Inter-contact Routing Protocol for Disaster Response Networks. 1-9 - Dejan Vukobratovic
, Cedomir Stefanovic
, Vladimir S. Crnojevic
, Francesco Chiti
, Romano Fantacci
A Packet-Centric Approach to Distributed Rateless Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-8 - Chia-Mu Yu, Chun-Shien Lu, Sy-Yen Kuo
A Simple Non-Interactive Pairwise Key Establishment Scheme in Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Cédric Westphal, Karim Seada, Charles E. Perkins, Ryuji Wakikawa:
An Epidemiological Study of Information Dissemination in Mobile Networks. 1-9 - Alexander W. Min, Kang G. Shin:
An Optimal Sensing Framework Based on Spatial RSS-profile in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-9 - Dalei Wu
, Song Ci, Haiyan Luo, Haohong Wang, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
Application-Centric Routing for Video Streaming over Multi-hop Wireless Networks. 1-9 - An-Chih Li, Ting-Yu Lin, Ching-Yi Tsai:
ARC: Joint Adaptation of Link Rate and Contention Window for IEEE 802.11 Multi-rate Wireless Networks. 1-9 - Xiaojuan Xie, Haining Chen, Hongyi Wu:
Bargain-based Stimulation Mechanism for Selfish Mobile Nodes in Participatory Sensing Network. 1-9 - Chao Wang, Parmesh Ramanathan, Kewal K. Saluja:
Blindly Calibrating Mobile Sensors Using Piecewise Linear Functions. 1-9 - Xiang-Yang Li, Shaojie Tang, XuFei Mao:
Capacity Bounds for Large Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Under Gaussian Channel Model. 1-9 - Chuang Wang, Taiming Feng
, Jinsook Kim, Guiling Wang, Wensheng Zhang:
Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Bo Han, Lusheng Ji, Seungjoon Lee, Robert R. Miller, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Channel Access Throttling for Improving WLAN QoS. 1-9 - Chengqi Song, Qian Zhang
COFFEE: A Context-Free Protocol for Stimulating Data Forwarding in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-9 - Tie Luo
, Mehul Motani
Cognitive DISH: Virtual Spectrum Sensing Meets Cooperation. 1-9 - Hongwei Zhang, Lifeng Sang, Anish Arora:
Comparison of Data-driven Link Estimation Methods in Low-power Wireless Networks. 1-9 - Sharanya Eswaran, Archan Misra
, Thomas La Porta:
Control-theoretic Optimization of Utility over Mission Lifetimes in Multi-hop Wireless Networks. 1-9 - Wenjing Wang, Mainak Chatterjee, Kevin A. Kwiat:
Cooperation in Ad Hoc Networks with Noisy Channels. 1-9 - Seok-Chul Kwon, Faramarz Hendessi, Faramarz Fekri
Cooperative Network Coding and Coding-Aware Channel Assignment in Multi-Channel, Multi-Interface Wireless Networks. 1-9 - Sunil Srinivasa, Sudha Krishnamurthy:
CREST: An Opportunistic Forwarding Protocol Based on Conditional Residual Time. 1-9 - Min Shao, Wenhui Hu, Sencun Zhu, Guohong Cao, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Tom La Porta:
Cross-layer Enhanced Source Location Privacy in Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Bin Bin Chen
, Shuai Hao, Mingze Zhang, Mun Choon Chan, Akkihebbal L. Ananda:
DEAL: Discover and Exploit Asymmetric Links in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Minho Shin, Patrick P. Tsang, David Kotz
, Cory Cornelius:
DEAMON: Energy-efficient Sensor Monitoring. 1-9 - Jie Yang, Yingying Chen
, Wade Trappe:
Detecting Spoofing Attacks in Mobile Wireless Environments. 1-9 - John S. Otto, Fabian E. Bustamante:
Distributed or Centralized Traffic Advisory Systems-The Application's Take. 1-10 - Sriram Lakshmanan, Raghupathy Sivakumar:
Diversity Routing for Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Cooperative Transmissions. 1-9 - Michael Zoumboulakis, George Roussos
Efficient Pattern Detection in Extremely Resource-Constrained Devices. 1-9 - Adel Aziz, David Starobinski, Patrick Thiran:
Elucidating the Instability of Random Access Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-9 - Gayathri Chandrasekaran, Mesut Ali Ergin, Jie Yang, Song Liu, Yingying Chen
, Marco Gruteser, Richard P. Martin:
Empirical Evaluation of the Limits on Localization Using Signal Strength. 1-9 - Geoff V. Merrett, Neil M. White, Nick R. Harris, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi:
Energy-Aware Simulation for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-8 - Hua Yu, Daniel Wu, Prasant Mohapatra:
Experimental Anatomy of Packet Losses in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-9 - Bing Wang, Wei Wei, Wei Zeng, Krishna R. Pattipati:
Fault Localization Using Passive End-to-End Measurement and Sequential Testing for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-10 - Zhipeng Yang, Hongyi Wu:
Featherlight Information Network with Delay-Endurable RFID Support (FINDERS). 1-9 - Chong Luo, Wei Pu, Chang Wen Chen, Jun Sun, Feng Wu:
Forepressure Transmission Control for Wireless Video Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Marco Zuniga
, Manfred Hauswirth:
Hansel: Distributed Localization in Passive Wireless Environments. 1-9 - Bin Liu, Fengyuan Ren, Hongkun Yang, Chuang Lin:
Idle Detection Based Optimal Throughput Rate Adaptation in Multi-Rate WLANs. 1-9 - Mohsen Sardari, Faramarz Hendessi, Faramarz Fekri
Infocast: A New Paradigm for Collaborative Content Distribution from Roadside Units to Vehicular Networks. 1-9 - Yajing Xu, Shen Wan, Jian Tang, Richard S. Wolff:
Interference Aware Routing and Scheduling in Wireless Backhaul Networks with Smart Antennas. 1-9 - Mike P. Wittie, Kevin C. Almeroth, Elizabeth M. Belding, Ivica Rimac, Volker Hilt:
Internet Service in Developing Regions Through Network Coding. 1-9 - Feng Li, Jie Wu:
LocalCom: A Community-based Epidemic Forwarding Scheme in Disruption-tolerant Networks. 1-9 - Shaojie Tang, Xiaobing Wu, XuFei Mao, Yanwei Wu, Ping Xu, Guihai Chen
, Xiang-Yang Li:
Low Complexity Stable Link Scheduling for Maximizing Throughput in Wireless Networks. 1-9 - Roberto Beraldi, Roberto Baldoni, Ravi Prakash:
Lukewarm Potato Forwarding: A Biased Random Walk Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Shuguang Xiong, Jianzhong Li, Lei Yu
Maximize the Lifetime of a Data-gathering Wireless Sensor Network. 1-9 - Carlo Fischione
, Sinem Coleri Ergen
, Pan Gun Park
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Medium Access Control Analytical Modeling and Optimization in Unslotted IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Alex S. Weddell, Neil J. Grabham, Nick R. Harris, Neil M. White:
Modular Plug-and-Play Power Resources for Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Nodes. 1-9 - Shirish Karande, Zheng Wang, Hamid R. Sadjadpour, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves:
Multicast Throughput Order of Network Coding in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. 1-9 - Wantanee Viriyasitavat, Ozan K. Tonguz, Fan Bai:
Network Connectivity of VANETs in Urban Areas. 1-9 - Bin Tong, Guiling Wang, Wensheng Zhang, Chuang Wang:
Node Reclamation and Replacement for Long-lived Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Andreas Meier, Matthias Woehrle, Mischa Weise, Jan Beutel
, Lothar Thiele:
NoSE: Efficient Maintenance and Initialization of Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Mariyam Mirza, Kevin Springborn, Suman Banerjee, Paul Barford, Michael Blodgett, Xiaojin Zhu:
On The Accuracy of TCP Throughput Prediction for Opportunistic Wireless Networks. 1-9 - Marco Levorato, Andrea Munari, Michele Zorzi:
On the Effectiveness of Cooperation in Carrier Sense-Based Ad Hoc Networks. 1-9 - Joe Bater, Kenneth N. Brown
, Linda Doyle
On the Impact of Introducing Advanced Devices into a Cognitive Radio Network. 1-9 - Hyoil Kim, Kang G. Shin:
Optimal Admission and Eviction Control of Secondary Users at Cognitive Radio HotSpots. 1-9 - Ramya Srinivasan, Douglas M. Blough, Paolo Santi:
Optimal One-Shot Stream Scheduling for MIMO Links in a Single Collision Domain. 1-9 - Siyuan Chen, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Xinghua Shi:
Order-Optimal Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks: Delay and Capacity. 1-9 - Pan Gun Park
, Carlo Fischione
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Performance Analysis of GTS Allocation in Beacon Enabled IEEE 802.15.4. 1-9 - Tao Liu, Ankur Kamthe, Lun Jiang, Alberto Cerpa:
Performance Evaluation of Link Quality Estimation Metrics for Static Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Shao Tao, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan:
Practical Connectivity-based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Dimension Reduction. 1-9 - Yun Li, Jian Ren:
Preserving Source-Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Woochul Kang, Sang Hyuk Son, John A. Stankovic:
PRIDE: A Data Abstraction Layer for Large-Scale 2-tier Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Fangfei Chen, Matthew P. Johnson, Amotz Bar-Noy, Iris Fermin, Tom La Porta:
Proactive Data Dissemination to Mission Sites. 1-9 - Dhananjay Sampath, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves:
PROSE: Scalable Routing in MANETs Using Prefix Labels and Distributed Hashing. 1-9 - Qi Dong, Donggang Liu:
Resilient Cluster Leader Election for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Mohammed Rana Basheer, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
R-Factor: A New Parameter to Enhance Location Accuracy in RSSI Based Real-time Location Systems. 1-9 - Giordano Fusco, Himanshu Gupta:
Selection and Orientation of Directional Sensors for Coverage Maximization. 1-9 - Sylvie Perreau, Marc Sigelle, Paolo Da Silva, Aruna Jayasuriya:
Sensor Networks Protocol Design Using Random Markov Field Theory. 1-8 - Victoria Manfredi, Jim Kurose, Naceur Malouch, Chun Zhang, Michael Zink
Separation of Sensor Control and Data in Closed-Loop Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Jihyoung Kim, Jung Soo Lim, Jonathan Friedman, Uichin Lee, Luiz Filipe M. Vieira, Diego Rosso
, Mario Gerla, Mani B. Srivastava:
SewerSnort: A Drifting Sensor for In-situ Sewer Gas Monitoring. 1-9 - Matthew Keally, Gang Zhou, Guoliang Xing:
Sidewinder: A Predictive Data Forwarding Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Paul I-Shan Chiang, Wen-Chih Peng:
Slab Routing: Adapting Two-Dimensional Geographic Routing to Three-Dimensions. 1-9 - Loukas Lazos, Sisi Liu, Marwan Krunz:
Spectrum Opportunity-Based Control Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-9 - Andreas Reinhardt, Matthias Hollick
, Ralf Steinmetz
Stream-oriented Lossless Packet Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Ahren Studer, Elaine Shi, Fan Bai, Adrian Perrig:
TACKing Together Efficient Authentication, Revocation, and Privacy in VANETs. 1-9 - Giovanni Resta
, Paolo Santi:
The Effects of Node Cooperation Level on Routing Performance in Delay Tolerant Networks. 1-9 - Anirudh Natarajan, Buddhika de Silva, Kok-Kiong Yap, Mehul Motani
To Hop or Not to Hop: Network Architecture for Body Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Bernhard Firner, Prashant Jadhav, Yanyong Zhang, Richard E. Howard, Wade Trappe, Eitan Fenson:
Towards Continuous Asset Tracking: Low-Power Communication and Fail-Safe Presence Assurance. 1-9 - Dijiang Huang
, Harsh Kapoor:
Towards Lightweight Secure Communication Protocols for Passive RFIDs. 1-9 - Feng Wang, Dan Wang
, Jiangchuan Liu:
Traffic-Aware Relay Node Deployment for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Fang-Chun Kuo, Kun Tan, Xiang-Yang Li, Jiansong Zhang, Xiaoming Fu
XOR Rescue: Exploiting Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Networks. 1-9

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