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SMC 1989: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, November 14-17, 1989, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. IEEE 1989
- Stephen Grossberg:
Recent results on neural network architectures for vision and pattern recognition. 1 - Alistair D. C. Holden:
Fast learning in symbolic/neural models using external constraints and automatic re-structuring. 2-5 - B. John Oommen, J. Kevin Lanctôt:
Epsilon-optimal discretized pursuit learning automata. 6-12 - Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Kuo-Chu Chang, Hemchandra M. Shertukde:
Performance evaluation of a cascaded logic for track formation in clutter. 13-17 - Alex Kirlik, Richard Allen Miller, Richard J. Jagacinski:
A process model of skilled human performance in a dynamic uncertain environment. 18-23 - Klaus Zinser:
User modeling and knowledge-based support: on the evaluation of improved system design. 24-28 - David D. Woods, Mary Claire Eastman:
Integrating principles for human-computer interaction into the design process: heterarchically organized HCI principles. 29-34 - Patricia M. Jones, Christine M. Mitchell:
Validation of blackboard architecture for dynamic intent inferencing. 35-39 - James B. Bushman, Christine M. Mitchell, Patricia M. Jones, Kenneth S. Rubin:
ALLY: an operator's associate model for cooperative supervisory control situations. 40-45 - Marvin L. Thordsen, Gary A. Klein:
Cognitive processes of the team mind. 46-49 - Teresa M. Amabile:
How work environments affect creativity. 50-55 - John D. Lee, Neville Moray:
Making mental models manifest. 56-60 - Thomas L. DeFazio, Daniel E. Whitney, Man-Cheung Lui, Thomas E. Abell, Daniel F. Baldwin:
Aids for the design or choice of assembly sequences. 61-70 - C. L. Philip Chen:
Precedence knowledge acquisition for generating robot assembly sequences. 71-76 - Pei-Sen Liu, Li-Chen Fu:
A hierarchical system for dynamically solving planning and scheduling problem in a flexible manufacturing system. 77-82 - Ann O. Heyward:
Application of a hybrid generation/utility assessment heuristic to a class of scheduling problems. 83-91 - David W. Tong, Christopher H. Jolly, Kevin C. Zalondek:
Multi-branched diagnostic trees. 92-98 - Bertil A. Brandin, T. Chen, C. Derventzis, G. Pang:
The control and supervision of groups of elevators using the blackboard architecture approach. 99-104 - Barry R. Smith, Carolyn P. Banda:
Use of a knowledge-based system to assess aircrew training requirements as part of conceptual design. 105-110 - Pawel Radzikowski:
Knowledge based optimization modeling for decision support in system KOMIS. 111-112 - Bruce Abramson, Ward Edwards:
Competent systems: a prescriptive approach to knowledge-based advisors. 113-114 - Ahti Salo, Raimo P. Hämäläinen:
A modelling and decision aid for supporting telecommunications investments. 115-118 - Madan G. Singh, Jean-Christophe Bennavail:
TAPS: a knowledge support system for marketing budget sizing, allocation and targeting in retail banking and other industries. 119-124 - Keisuke Abe, Makoto Tsukiyama, Toyoo Fukuda:
The integration of knowledge-based system and mathematical programming through planning-domain oriented structured model. 125-126 - Walter W. Hankins III, Randolph W. Mixon:
Manual control of the Langley Laboratory Telerobotic Manipulator. 127-132 - Blake Hannaford, Won S. Kim:
Force reflection, shared control, and time delay in telemanipulation. 133-137 - Forrest T. Buzan, Thomas B. Sheridan:
A model-based predictive operator aid for telemanipulators with time delay. 138-143 - John R. Spofford:
Workload reduction via coordinated control during free-flying manipulation. 144-149 - Craig R. Carignan, Janice M. Tarrant, Gary E. Mosier:
An adaptive controller for enhancing operator performance during teleoperation. 150-155 - Farshid Arman, Bikash Sabata, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Hierarchical segmentation of 3-D range images. 156-161 - Patrick J. Flynn, Anil K. Jain:
CAD-based computer vision: from CAD models to relational graphs. 162-167 - Christian Hansen, Thomas C. Henderson, Roderic A. Grupen:
CAD-based 3-D object recognition. 168-172 - Richard Hoffman, H. R. Keshavan:
Evidence-based object recognition and pose estimation. 173-178 - Gérard G. Medioni, Philippe Saint-Marc:
Issues in geometric reasoning from range imagery. 179-185 - Mohan M. Trivedi, Mongi A. Abidi, Richard O. Eason, Rafael C. González:
Object recognition and pose determination in multisensor robotic systems. 186-193 - Ichiro Iida, Akira Chugo, Reigo Yatsuboshi:
Autonomous routing scheme for large scale network based on neural processing. 194-199 - You-Liang Gu, J. W. M. Chan:
On design of nonlinear robotic control system with neural networks. 200-205 - Robert B. Allen:
Developing agent models with a neural reinforcement technique. 206-207 - Leonid I. Perlovsky:
Neural networks with maximal adaptive efficiency. 208-209 - Behrooz A. Shirazi, Sue Yih:
Critical analysis of applying Hopfield neural net model to optimization problems. 210-215 - James Eilbert:
Attention allocation using interacting neural populations. 216-217 - Hossein Lari-Najafi, Mohammed Nasiruddin, Tariq Samad:
Effect of initial weights on back-propagation and its variations. 218-219 - Edilberto Pereira Teixeira, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Extreme conditions for one step convergence of the Hopfield neural network. 220-221 - Walter H. Hawkins:
Where does human factors fit in R&D organizations? 222-224 - Christine A. Riley, Alan B. McConkie:
Designing for usability: Human factors in a large software development organization. 225-228 - T. B. Rideout, K. M. Uyeda, E. L. Williams:
Evolving the software usability engineering process at Hewlett-Packard. 229-234 - Lois E. Flamm:
Usability testing: where does it belong in software design? 235-236 - Leonid Charny, Thomas B. Sheridan:
Adaptive goal setting in tasks with multiple criteria. 237-243 - Daniel Geist, Yuval Lirov:
Time-variant decision support systems. 244-249 - Ken Funk:
Development of a task-oriented pilot-vehicle interface. 250-252 - Stephen J. Andriole, Lee S. Ehrhart, Peter H. Aiken, Walter W. Matyskiela:
Storyboard prototypes for group planning and decision-making. 253-258 - Yoshio Nakatani, Makoto Tsukiyama, Toyoo Fukuda:
A design support system with case-based problem solving methodology. 259-260 - James A. Momoh:
A generalized quadratic-based model for optimal power flow. 261-271 - Jukka Ruusunen, Harri Ehtamo, Raimo P. Hämäläinen:
Dynamic cooperative electricity exchange in a power pool. 268-273 - Mohamed Fahim Hassan, Mohamed I. Younis, Mohamed A. Sultan:
Management and control of a complex airport terminal. 274-279 - M. I. El-Singaby:
Design of a longitudinal ride control system for a STOL aircraft by using the modified optimal coordination approach. 280-281 - I. D'Antone, Luigi Fortuna, Giuseppe Nunnari:
An intelligent diagnosis and control system for a complex data acquisition equipment in nuclear physics investigations. 282-285 - Jens Peter Reus Christensen, B. John Oommen:
On using distribution theory to prove the epsilon-optimality of stubborn learning mechanisms. 286-291 - Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Vassilios G. Polimenis, Vassilios E. Agverinos:
A new nonlinear discretized learning automaton with rapid convergence and high accuracy. 292-297 - Ray J. Solomonoff:
A system for machine learning based on algorithmic probability. 298-299 - Mark J. Jakiela, Laura Fayad:
Identification of factors that contribute to engineering design skill. 300-302 - Sukhan Lee, Bin Wang:
Methods generalization based on concept hierarchy. 303-308 - Charles Michael Lewis, Wesley Jamison:
Using menus to learn. 309-310 - Anthony A. Maciejewski:
The student-computer interface on an intelligent tutoring system for Japanese language instruction. 311-312 - Sergio Feijóo, J. Pintos, C. Hernández:
Knowledge engineering for diagnosis of piscine diseases. 313-314 - Dejan J. Sobajic, Yoh-Han Pao, Dennis T. Lee:
Robust control of nonlinear systems using pattern recognition. 315-320 - Terence C. Fogarty:
An incremental genetic algorithm for real-time optimisation. 321-326 - Sunil K. Singh, P. C. Monaco:
A neural network approach to pointwise control of robot manipulators. 327-329 - Sangwook Park, F. J. Alexandro Jr.:
Eigenstructure assignment technique for manipulator control. 330-331 - Jian Fei, Can Isik:
Adapting to environmental variations in a rule-based mobile robot controller. 332-333 - Paul R. Klarer:
Autonomous and navigation in a structured environment. 334-337 - Wei Huo, Mian Cheng, Weibing Gao:
The application of the inertial parameter regrouping method to the robot forward dynamics algorithm. 338-343 - Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Wenlong Tsang, Maurice Aburdene:
Parallel vector processing of multidimensional orthogonal transforms for digital signal processing applications. 344-351 - Wen-Roii Wu, Amlan Kundu:
A modified reduced update Kalman filter for images degraded by non-Gaussian additive noise. 352-355 - S. Rasoul Safavian, David A. Landgrebe:
Use of robust estimators in parametric classifiers. 356-357 - Cameron H. G. Wright, Edward J. Delp, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.:
Morphological based target enhancement algorithms to counter the hostile nuclear environment. 358-363 - Rajesh Jha, M. E. Jernigan:
Edge adaptive filtering: how much and which direction? 364-366 - Bahram Javidi, Nick Massa, Jack Ruiz, Carol Ruiz:
Experiments on nonlinear optical correlation. 367-369 - C. L. Philip Chen, C. S. G. Lee:
Mapping precedence and communication relations of a large scale computation on a multiprocessor system. 370-375 - Krishna R. Pattipati, Yong Li, Henk A. P. Blom:
On the instantaneous availability and performability evaluation of fault-tolerant computer systems. 376-382 - Petros Kapasouris, Daniel Serfaty, James C. Deckert, Joseph G. Wohl, Krishna R. Pattipati:
Resource allocation in large man-machine organizations. 383-389 - Efim Khalimsky:
Topological complexes in analysis and design of large scale system-factorization methodology. 390-392 - Alberto R. Calero:
Managing complexity in large corporate information systems. 393-398 - Henri H. Arsenault:
Similarity and pathology in neural nets. 401-404 - H. John Caulfield:
Variable and fixed rank 1 N4 interconnections [optical neural nets]. 405-407 - Eung Gi Paek, John Wullert II, A. Von Lehmen, Jay S. Patel, Axel Scherer, James Harbison, H. J. Yu, Robert L. Martin:
VanderLugt correlator and neural networks. 408-414 - Bahram Javidi:
Optical attentive associative memory with channel dependent nonlinearity in the weight plane. 415-420 - Zouhir Bahri, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar:
Design of partial information filters for optical correlators. 421-426 - Francesco Palmieri, Samir A. Shah:
A new algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons. 427-428 - Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Wei Li, Bradley G. Epranian, Charles A. Butkus:
Use of Hopfield network for stereo vision correspondence. 429-432 - Hiroko M. Sakai, Ken-ichi Naka:
Signal processing in neuron network: a radically different view. 433-434 - W. Geoffrey Owen, William A. Hare, Angela Wang:
The role of the bipolar cell in retinal signal processing. 435-442 - John B. Troy, Christina Enroth-Cugell:
Signals and noise in the mammalian retina. 443-447 - Robert C. Emerson, Mark C. Citron:
Linear and nonlinear mechanisms of motion selectivity in single neurons of the cat's visual cortex. 448-453 - Allan Dobbins, Steven W. Zucker:
Mean field theory and MT neurons. 454-458 - Michael J. Korenberg:
A fat orthogonal search method for biological time-series analysis and system identification. 459-465 - Daniel Sullivan, Daniel Lee Kleinman:
A normative descriptive approach to team distributed scheduling. 466-473 - Xiyi Miao, Peter B. Luh, David L. Kleinman, Gregory Burton:
A normative-descriptive study of distributed team resource allocation. I. Empirical work. 474-479 - Daniel E. Snyder, A. Rodney Wellens, Clifford E. Brown, Michael D. McNeese:
Three paradigms for the study of multi-person and human-machine interaction. 480-481 - Robert M. Hamm:
The need to consider modes of cognition in designing systems that require distributed decision making. 482-483 - Alan D. Greenberg:
Distributed error monitoring. 484-488 - Kevin L. Boettcher, Victor A. Riley, C. Collins:
A modeling approach for analyzing human-machine interaction dynamics in complex systems. 489-491 - Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Risto Karjalainen:
Two approaches to expert team resolution. 492-493 - Homayoon Kazerooni:
Stability and performance of human-robot interaction. 494-497 - Michael J. Massimino, Thomas B. Sheridan, James B. Roseborough:
One handed tracking in six degrees of freedom. 498-503 - Ronald A. Hess, A. Modjtahedzadeh:
A preview control model of driver steering behavior. 504-509 - Michel Pelletier, Vincent Hayward:
SUPER-GRIP: an expert system for grasping boxes. 510-515 - Ronan Yann Lorin, Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux:
Handling variables in a logical network of rules, revision of consistency controlling method of the plan of action manager SUPER. 516-520 - Leslie A. Whitaker, Sterling L. Wiggins:
Bidder's Associate: a case-based reasoning system to improve cost estimates of manufactured products. 521-522 - George A. Bekey, Joung-woo John Kim:
Toward a more comprehensive gait disorder analysis expert system. 523-525 - Yung-Yaw Chen:
Rules extraction for fuzzy control systems. 526-527 - Benoit Valiquette, Germano Lambert-Torres, Roland P. Malhamé, Dinkar Mukhedkar:
On-line diagnosis tool for power network control centres using fuzzy concepts. 528-531 - Peter J. Gorder, Wayne F. Clement:
Obstacle detection and avoidance maneuver selection for automatically guided rotorcraft nap-of-the-earth flight following planned flight profiles. 532-537 - René V. Mayorga, Andrew K. C. Wong:
A global approach for the path generation of redundant manipulators. 538-544 - Chun-Hung Lin, Li-Chen Fu:
Robot navigation through obstacles of general shapes using a center-line oriented algorithm. 545-550 - John P. H. Steele:
An algorithm with real-time response for avoiding moving obstacles. 551-556 - Maki K. Habib, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Structuring free space as prime rectangular areas (PRAs) with on-line path planning and navigation for mobile robots. 557-565 - Michael J. Chantler, David M. Lane, Angus G. McFadzean:
Responsive and time-constrained reasoning in autonomous vehicles. 566-567 - S. P. Chan:
Path tracking of robot manipulator with prescribed sliding mode. 568-569 - Mihran Tüceryan, Anil K. Jain:
Segmentation and grouping of object boundaries. 570-575 - Yiu Cheung Shiu, Shaheen Ahmad:
3D location of circular and spherical features by monocular model-based vision. 576-581 - Michael J. Chantler, C. S. J. Reid:
Integration of ultrasonic and vision sensors for 3-D underwater scene analysis. 582-583 - Hideo Fujii, Toshio Inui:
Modelling the spatial recognition process in a computer-generated 3-D world. 584-585 - Chienchung Chang, Shankar Chatterjee:
Depth from stereo flow. 586-591 - Reza Safaee-Rad, Beno Benhabib, Kenneth C. Smith, Z. Zhou:
Pre-marking methods for 3D object recognition. 592-595 - Cesar Bandera, Peter D. Scott:
Foveal machine vision systems. 596-599 - Reda A. Ammar, Howard A. Sholl, Bin Qin, Lester Lipsky, Jose Munoz:
An architecture assessment environment for massively parallel computations. 600-605 - Tahany A. Fergany, Howard A. Sholl:
Determination of parallel software organizations for performance-constrained and connectivity-constrained distributed systems. 606-611 - Haiping Yang, Lester Lipsky:
The approximation of density functions for use in queueing theory. 612-617 - Kokou Yétongnon, Reda A. Ammar:
Performance analysis techniques of distributed computations: application to buffer processing in a distributed environment. 618-623 - Marcia P. Kastner, Krishna R. Pattipati, Scott R. Dunham:
CAPRES: a software tool for modeling and analysis of fault-tolerant computer architectures. 624-629 - Denman E. Sweetman, José L. Muñoz:
Measures of effectiveness (MOEs) for parallel architectures. 630-635 - José L. Munoz, Matthew J. Krzych:
A study of computer architecture topology simulation using Network II.5, Simscript II.5, and ModSim II. 636-643 - Joseph L. Horner:
Variations of the phase-only filter. 644 - Don A. Gregory, James C. Kirsch, William M. Crowe:
Optical correlator guidance and tracking field tests. 645-650 - Yeshaiahu Fainman, Liqiang Feng, Yoram Koren:
Estimation of absolute spatial position of mobile systems by hybrid opto-electronic processor. 651-657 - Taiwei Lu, Xin Xu, Shudong Wu, Francis T. S. Yu:
Hetero associative neural network for pattern recognition. 658-663 - Mustafa N. Oguztoreli:
Neural computations in some visual processes. 664-670 - Michael A. Cohen:
The stability of sustained oscillations in symmetric cooperative competitive networks. 671-675 - M. E. Jernigan, R. J. Belshaw, Gerard F. McLean:
Image enhancement with nonlinear local interaction. 676-681 - Robert B. Pinter, Robert M. Olberg, Eric Warrant:
Luminance adaptation of preferred object size in identified dragonfly movement detectors. 682-686 - Andrew U. Meyer, Edward J. Haupt, Z. Li, Ken-Gen Lu, H. Louis:
Clinical electrophysiology of the eye: physiological modeling and parameter estimation. 687-692 - Wael Abdel-Mohsen Hashlamoun, Pramod K. Varshney:
Performance aspects of decentralized detection structures. 693-698 - Marcia P. Kastner, Elliot E. Entin, David A. Castañón, Daniel Serfaty, James C. Deckert:
A normative-descriptive study of team detection with communication alternatives. 699-705 - Ranga Mallubhatla, Zhuang-Bo Tang, Krishna R. Pattipati, David L. Kleinman:
A model of distributed team information processing under ambiguity. 706-712 - David F. Noble:
Distributed decision making under uncertainty. 713-718 - Walter W. Johnson, Anil V. Phatak:
Optical variables and control strategy used in a visual hover task. 719-724 - Hikaru Inooka, Tatsuo Koitabashi:
Experimental studies of manual control in optimal control tasks. 725-730 - Abhinandan Jain, Paul G. Gonsalves, Greg L. Zacharias:
Internal model mismatch in the optimal control model. 731-737 - Paul H. Wewerinke, W. I. van der Ent, D. ten Hove:
Model of large scale man-machine systems with an application to vessel traffic control. 738-743 - William H. Levison:
Alternative treatments of attention-sharing within the optimal control model. 744-749 - Andrew M. Junker, David M. Tumey, John H. Schnurer, David F. Ingle, Craig W. Downey:
Brain actuated control of a motion base simulator. 750-751 - C. T. Bennett, Greg L. Zacharias:
Differential optical flow and the control of gaze during passive flight in a virtual world. 752-754 - Hugh L. Burns, James W. Parlett, James B. Bushman:
Intelligent tutoring systems: perspective. 755-760 - William B. Johnson, Leslie O. Neste, Phillip C. Duncan:
An authoring environment for intelligent tutoring systems. 761-765 - Christine M. Mitchell, T. Govindaraj:
A tutor for satellite system operators. 766-771 - Vijay Vasandani, T. Govindaraj, Christine M. Mitchell:
An intelligent tutor for diagnostic problem solving in complex dynamic systems. 772-777 - Rose W. Chu, Christine M. Mitchell, T. Govindaraj:
Characteristics of an ITS that evolves from tutor to operator's assistant. 778-783 - Lilong Cai, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
Position and force control approach to automatic deburring by a robot manipulator. 784-789 - Aydan M. Erkmen, Harry E. Stephanou:
Preshape Jacobians for minimum momentum grasping. 790-795 - Chidambar Ganesh, Greg Dietz, Jon Jambor:
Ultrasonic sensor-based motion control for robotic manipulators. 796-797 - Thang N. Nguyen, Harry E. Stephanou:
A continuous model of robot hand preshaping. 798-803 - Jean-Louis Vercher, Gabriel M. Gauthier, Jean-Claude Bertrand, Giovanni Magenes:
Bimanual micro manipulator for televideo operation of anthropomorphic robots. 804-805 - Liu De Man, Liu Zong Fu:
A pole placement approach to multivariable control of manipulators. 806-811 - John G. Kreifeldt, Stephen H. Levine, Ming-Chuen Chuang:
A nonmetric approach to measurement: an application to pattern representation. 812-817 - Saul B. Gelfand, C. S. Ravishankar, Edward J. Delp:
An iterative growing and pruning algorithm for classification tree design. 818-823 - Vassilis G. Kaburlasos, Edgar C. Tacker, Dwight D. Egbert:
A plastic self-adaptive learning machine for pattern recognition. 824-827 - Stephen H. Levine, John G. Kreifeldt:
Minimal information for the unique representation of a pattern of points. 828-830 - Nirwan Ansari, Edward J. Delp:
Partial shape recognition: a landmark-based approach. 831-836 - Toshio Fukuda, Osamu Hasegawa:
Creature recognition and identification by image processing based on expert system. 837-842 - Yiu Cheung Shiu, Shaheen Ahmad:
Grouping image features into loops for monocular recognition. 843-844 - Tsutomu Matsunaga, Atsumi Tokumasu, Osamu Iwaki:
A study of document format identification based on table structure. 845-846 - Reda A. Ammar, Mohsen M. Farid, Kokou Yétongnon:
A spreadsheet performance approach to integrate a modeling hierarchy of software systems. 847-852 - Steven D. Fraser
, José M. Duran, Raymond Aubin:
Software indexing for reuse. 853-858 - Jukka K. Nurminen:
An application of symbolic computing to the integration of numerical design tools. 859-860 - Reda A. Ammar, Hermes Law, Howard A. Sholl, Bin Qin:
A computation-oriented program experimentation system (COPES). 861-868 - Joseph M. Hary, Tim P. McCollum, Michael J. Darnell, Gene A. Moore:
The usability of lists versus graphs for representing the relationships between frames. 867-871 - José Javier Dolado
A framework for the development of graphical mathematical software tools for systems modeling. 872-874 - Huo-yan Chen:
A scheme for deducing logic programs from bottom to top. 875-876 - Judith H. Lind:
Adaptive aiding: crawling before we walk. 881-885 - Anthony F. Norcio:
The software engineering of adaptive human-computer interfaces. 886-888 - Susan S. Kirschenbaum, James M. Cary, Susan E. Bill-Wray:
Adaptation to experience level based on user's search strategy. 889-892 - Paul E. Lehner, Theresa M. Mullin, Marvin S. Cohen:
Adaptive decision aids: using fallible algorithms to support decision making. 893-894 - Mani Soma:
A circuit model for the adaptive properties of neural networks. 895-898 - Anne Beuter, John Milton, Christiane Labrie, Leon Glass:
Complex motor dynamics and control in multilooped negative feedback systems. 899-902 - Hai-Wen Chen, Lowell D. Jacobson, James P. Gaska, Daniel A. Pollen:
Structural classification of multi-input biological nonlinear systems. 903-908 - Timothy N. Topper, M. E. Jernigan:
On the informativeness of edges. 909-914 - Les E. Atlas, Jerome T. Connor, Dong-Chul Park, Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi, Robert J. Marks II, Alan F. Lippman, Ronald A. Cole, Yeshwant K. Muthusamy:
A performance comparison of trained multilayer perceptrons and trained classification trees. 915-920 - Divyendu Sinha, David J. Neu:
A general class of aggregation operators with applications to information fusion in distributed systems. 921-927 - Zhuang-Bo Tang, Krishna R. Pattipati, David L. Kleinman:
An algorithm for determining the decision thresholds in a distributed detection problem. 928-930 - Daniele D. Giusto, Carlo S. Regazzoni
, Gianni Vernazza:
Multilevel data-fusion for detection of moving objects. 931-933 - Wilson X. Wen:
Parallel reasoning in recursive causal networks. 934-939 - Ali Feliachi:
On the decentralized control of large-scale systems. 940-944 - Zheng-Zhi Han, Zhong Zhang:
The optimal design of decentralized information exchanging. 945-946 - Charlene R. Benson, T. Govindaraj, Christine M. Mitchell, Stephen P. Krosner:
Effectiveness of direct manipulation interaction in the supervisory control of FMS part movement. 947-952 - Dean Alan Hettenbach, Christine M. Mitchell, T. Govindaraj:
Decision making in supervisory control of a flexible manufacturing system. 953-958 - Stephen P. Krosner, Christine M. Mitchell, T. Govindaraj:
Design of an FMS operator workstation using the Rasmussen abstraction hierarchy. 959-964 - Joseph E. Krebs, Loren K. Platzman, Christine M. Mitchell:
A real-time AGV-scheduling system that combines human decision-making with integer-programming algorithms. 965-970 - C. Michael Lewis:
Comparing subject strategies at a process control task. 971-976 - Louis L. Taylor:
Whence networking. 977-980 - Laurie Rattner, Cheng Hsu:
Information requirements analysis for manufacturing planning and control. 981-988 - Larry Marran, M. Sami Fadali, Edgar C. Tacker:
A new modeling methodology for large scale systems. 989-990 - Charles W. N. Thompson:
Another view of the forest-parametric factor evaluation. 991-996 - Gautam Biswas, William J. Hagins, Kenneth A. Debelak:
Qualitative modeling in engineering applications. 997-1002 - Jerry B. Weinberg, Gautam Biswas, Lori A. Weinberg:
Adventures in qualitative modeling-a qualitative heart model. 1003-1008 - Wan Chul Yoon:
Qualitative modeling with temporal causality network and quantity network. 1009-1010 - Heinz Roland Weistroffer, Subhash C. Narula:
Implementation of MCDM methodology in decision support systems. 1011-1014 - Stuart H. Rubin:
Requirement-driven decision support systems. 1015-1019 - Abdalla S. A. Mohamed:
A unified approach for clinical decision making. 1020-1021 - Advait M. Mogre, Robert W. McLaren, James M. Keller:
A technique to compensate for disparate sources in evidence combination. 1022-1023 - Puay-Koon Lim, James M. Tien:
Direct access storage device (DASD) modeling and validation. 1024-1029 - John G. Gammack, Steven A. Battle, Robert A. Stephens:
A knowledge acquisition and representation scheme for constraint based and parallel systems. 1030-1035 - Victor Riley:
FAIT: a systematic methodology for identifying system design issues and tradeoffs. 1036-1038 - Theresa M. Vitolo:
Managing system complexity with a motivated interface: examining the effects parameter variation has on system stability. 1039-1040 - Chang Y. Choo, Herbert Freeman:
Computation of features of 2-D polycurve-encoded boundaries. 1041-1047 - Woosoon Yim, D. Joo:
Surface contour mapping using cross-shaped structured light beam. 1048-1050 - Adi Perry, David G. Lowe:
Segmentation of nonrandom textures using zero-crossings. 1051-1054 - Sukhan Lee, Jack Chien-Jan Pan:
Tracing and representation of human line drawings. 1055-1061 - Torfinn Taxt, Patrick J. Flynn, Anil K. Jain:
Segmentation of document images. 1062-1067 - Kazuhiko Yokosawa:
Human-based character string image retrieval from textual images. 1068-1069 - Seong-Whan Lee:
Classification of similar line-drawing patterns with attributed graph matching. 1070-1071 - Hari Das, Thomas B. Sheridan, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
Kinematic control and visual display of redundant teleoperators. 1072-1077 - Peter F. Elzer, Claus Weisang, Klaus Zinser:
Knowledge-based system support for operator tasks in S&C environments. 1078-1083 - Tapani Savolainen:
Expanding human-computer interaction by computer aided creativity. 1084-1086 - Marc Filerman, Karl Ulrich:
Issues in the design of tactile input devices for mechanical CAD systems. 1087-1088 - Kazuo Kamata, Tadashiro Yoshida, Masayuki Watanabe, Yukie Usui:
An approach to Japanese-sign language translation system. 1089-1090 - Katsuyuki Ochiai, Kazuo Kamata:
Description method of Japanese manual alphabet using image features. 1091-1093 - Edgar C. Tacker, Carl G. Looney, M. Sami Fadali, Dwight D. Egbert:
A fuzzy logic/neural system approach to signal processing in large scale decision systems. 1094-1097 - Abdullah M. Elramsisi, Mohamed A. Zohdy, Nan-Khang Loh:
Structure recognition of nonlinear discrete-time systems by neural networks. 1098-1103 - Jan Wittenber:
Standard medical device data language (MDDL): architecture and applications. 1104-1108 - Mahmood J. Nahvi:
Fast movements of human arm: reflections on control issues. 1109-1112 - Akira Hiraiwa, Katsunori Shimohara, Yukio Tokunaga:
EMG pattern analysis and classification by neural network. 1113-1115 - Akira Hiraiwa, Katsunori Shimohara, Yukio Tokunaga:
EEG topography recognition by neural network. 1116-1117 - Ramón C. Hermida, José M. Fraga, Diana E. Ayala, José Ramón Fernández, A. Rey, J. Rodriguez, Manuel Iglesias:
Evaluation of a neonatal prediction function for cardiovascular risk assessment. 1124-1129 - James H. Graham, Adriana Espinosa:
Computer assisted analysis of electromyographic data in diagnosis of low back pain. 1118-1123 - Tien Peng Wang, Anthony H. Vagnucci, Ching-Chung Li:
Use of smoothed pseudo Wigner distribution in classifying hormonal time series. 1130-1131 - Philippe Delquié, Richard de Neufville:
Response modes and inconsistencies in preference assessments. 1132-1135 - Jane M. Fraser, Patricia Strohm, Jack W. Smith, John R. Svirbely, Sally Rudmann, Thomas Miller, Janice Blazina, Melanie Kennedy, Philip J. Smith:
Errors in abductive reasoning. 1136-1141 - V. Sridhar, M. Narasimha Murty, G. Krishna:
A logical model for decision-making. 1142-1147 - Eric P. Soulsby:
Making decisions under increasing work load demands: the need to look ahead. 1148-1153 - Chung-Di Chou, Ken Funk:
Development and validation of a theory of human operator behavior in a multitask environment. 1154-1156 - John D. Lee, Neville Moray:
Experiments on a lattice theory of operator mental models. 1157 - Norma Faris Hubele, Yaxiong Lin:
Decision problems of electric power systems: a call for research. 1158-1165 - Fred N. Lee:
A new approach for determining thermal unit priority commitment order. 1166-1172 - Jianxin Tang, Peter B. Luh:
The mixed coordination method and its application to the hydroelectric scheduling problems. 1173-1178 - Hung-Po Chao:
Product differentiation in the electric power industry. 1179-1184 - Neville Moray, R. Ferrell, Henk G. Stassen, Dana R. Yoerger, William B. Rouse, T. Govindaraj, Christine M. Mitchell, Penelope M. Sanderson:
Supervisory control: 30 years and counting. 1185-1186 - Gary Perlman:
System design and evaluation with hypertext checklists. 1187-1193 - Emanuel Sachs, David Stoops, Andrew Roberts:
3-Draw: a three dimensional computer aided design tool. 1194-1196 - Chin-Wen Lin:
Controlling the rocket engine performance variability via probabilistic parameter analysis. 1197-1198 - Iris Cox Hayslip:
Decisionmaking using coarse grain concurrency and localized temporal reasoning. 1199-1200 - Jimmy K. Wu, Beverly H. Williges, Robert C. Williges:
Minimizing search time in an auditory database retrieval task. 1201-1205 - Martin O. Hofmann:
Multilayered cognitive processing. 1206-1207 - Chi-Hau Chen:
Applying and validating neural network technology for nondestructive evaluation of materials. 1208-1209 - Mark H. Chignell, Peter A. Hancock:
The operator as a purposive system: a new approach to human factors. 1210-1215 - Marilyn Jager Adams, Richard W. Pew:
Cognitive management of complex, semi-automated systems. 1216-1219 - Krishna R. Pattipati, Mahesh Dontamsetty:
Test sequencing in modular systems. 1221-1223 - Suryaprakasa Rao Kavuri, V. Ramachandran, K. N. Krishnaswamy, B. G. Raghavendra:
An interruption tree model to evaluate system performance of industrial processing complex. 1224-1225 - K. Permar, V. S. Vaidya:
Hierarchical feedback control of linear interconnected dynamical systems with time delays. 1226-1227 - Erlan H. Feria:
Predictive transform for optimum digital signal processing. 1228-1237 - Penelope M. Sanderson, James M. Murtagh:
Troubleshooting with an inaccurate mental model. 1238-1243 - David Drascic
, Paul Milgram, Julius Grodski:
Learning effects in telemanipulation with monoscopic versus stereoscopic remote viewing. 1244-1249 - James A. Kottas, Cardinal Warde:
Trends in knowledge base processing using optical techniques. 1250-1257 - Nasser Houshangi, Antti J. Koivo:
Tactile sensor control for robotic manipulations. 1258-1259 - Ari D. Gross, Terrance E. Boult:
Straight homogeneous generalized cylinders: analysis of reflectance properties and a necessary condition for class membership. 1260-1265 - Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, William S. Weiss:
Using HyperCard to rapidly prototype human-computer interfaces to CASE systems. 1266-1267 - James A. Fortune:
Analogous memory utilization-a necessary characteristic for large, adaptive neural net. 1268-1269 - Stevo Bozinovski:
Scodons and finite automaton: new representations of the genetic code. 1270-1271 - Elliot E. Entin, Daniel Serfaty, John A. Forester:
Sequential processing of information from multiple sources. 1272-1277 - Michele Cornacchia, G. Matarazzo, A. Orlando, Filomena Papa:
Human factors in information system design: the emulation approach. 1278-1280 - S. Vishnubhatla:
Addressing usability in requirements. 1281-1282 - Dimitri Kazakos, Vincent Vannicola, Michael C. Wicks:
Advances in signal detection for distributed multisensor data. 1283-1288 - Rui J. P. de Figueiredo:
The modeling of a neural net as a best input-output map approximation in a generalized Fock space. 1289 - John M. Hammer:
Integrating a decision aid and an intelligent interface. 1290-1295 - Randolph G. Bias, Jack A. Alford Jr.:
Factoring human factoring, in IBM. 1296-1300

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