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65th VTC Spring 2007: Dublin, Ireland
- Proceedings of the 65th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2007, 22-25 April 2007, Dublin, Ireland. IEEE 2007
Applications of Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Kit-Yee Chow, King-Shan Lui, Edmund Y. Lam:
Efficient Selective Image Transmission in Visual Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Junaid Ansari, José M. Sánchez Santana, Marina Petrova, Janne Riihijärvi, Ossi Raivio, Krisakorn Rerkrai, Christine Jardak, Frank Oldewurtel, Matthias Wellens, Lili Wu, Petri Mähönen:
Flexible Hardware/Software Platform for Tracking Applications. 6-10 - Sandor Dornbush, Anupam Joshi
StreetSmart Traffic: Discovering and Disseminating Automobile Congestion Using VANET's. 11-15 - Saad Almajnooni, Bayan S. Sharif
, Charalampos Tsimenidis:
Mobile Ad Hoc Network for Motorway Transport Applications. 16-20 - Victor Gradinescu, Cristian Gorgorin, Raluca Diaconescu, Valentin Cristea, Liviu Iftode:
Adaptive Traffic Lights Using Car-to-Car Communication. 21-25
Medium Access Control for Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Jongwon Yoon, Hyogon Kim, JeongGil Ko:
Data Fragmentation Scheme in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. 26-30 - Ray-Guang Cheng
, Ruei-I Chang:
Improved Wireless Token Ring Protocol (IWTRP) for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. 31-35 - Ying Li, Minglu Li, Min-You Wu:
An Interference-Aware Busy Tone Based MAC Protocol. 36-40 - Kaveh Ghaboosi, Matti Latva-aho:
A Novel Topology Aware MAC Protocol for the Next Generation Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 41-45 - Shou-Chih Lo, Chia-Wei Tseng:
A Novel Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 46-50
Mobility in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Hochoong Cho, Sang-Ho Lee, Younghwan Choi, Fucai Yu, Sang-Ha Kim
Efficient Overlay Multicast Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 51-55 - Ruidong Li
, Jie Li
, Peng Liu, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
An Objective Trust Management Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 56-60 - Jeehyeon Na, Yun Won Chung, Jaewook Shin, Sangho Lee, Sang-Ha Kim
A Novel Routing Path Discovery and Data Delivery Scheme for Ubiquitous Internet Connectivity Based on Hierarchical Mobile AODV6 Networks. 61-65 - Soochang Park, Bongsoo Kim, Euisin Lee, Donghun Lee, Younghwan Choi, Sang-Ha Kim
A Novel Communication Architecture to Support Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Fields. 66-70 - Iana Siomina, Di Yuan:
Managing a Broadcast Infrastructure in Ad Hoc Networks in Presence of Mobility: A New Algorithmic Framework. 71-75
Performance Analysis of Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Jennifer Hartwell, Geoffrey G. Messier, Robert J. Davies:
Optimizing Physical Layer Energy Consumption for Wireless Sensor Networks. 76-79 - Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Abdurazak Mudesir, Sinan Sinanovic
, Harald Haas
Time Slot Partitioning and Random Data Hopping for TDD Based Multihop Wireless Networks. 80-84 - Tuan-Duc Nguyen, Olivier Berder, Olivier Sentieys
Cooperative MIMO Schemes Optimal Selection for Wireless Sensor Networks. 85-89 - Hongju Gao, David G. Daut:
Performance Evaluation of Multihop WPANs Based on a Realistic OFDM UWB Physical Layer. 90-94 - Oualid Chaker, Jean Conan:
Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Hierarchical Routing. 95-99
Power Control and Efficiency in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Sverrir Olafsson, E. Chin:
Integrating Adaptive Power Control and Channel Selection in Ad Hoc Networks. 100-104 - Begonya Otal, Christos V. Verikoukis, Luis Alonso
Efficient Power Management Based on a Distributed Queuing MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks. 105-109 - Joseph Jeon, Jongwook Lee, Jae Yeao Ha, Wook Hyun Kwon:
DCA: Duty-Cycle Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled Networks. 110-113 - Chih-Cheng Tseng, Kwang-Cheng Chen
, Yu-Jia Liang, Zhi-Wei Tuan:
Organizing Power Efficient Cluster-Based Network Architectures for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 114-118 - Angela Feistel, Slawomir Stanczak:
Hop-by-Hop Congestion Control with Power Control for Wireless Mesh Networks. 119-123 - Wei Wang, Dongming Peng, Honggang Wang
, Hamid Sharif, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Taming Underlying Design for Energy Efficient Distributed Source Coding in Multirate Wireless Sensor Network. 124-129
Routing and Reliability
- Chiara Buratti, Francesca Cuomo
, Sara Della Luna, Ugo Monaco, John Orriss, Roberto Verdone:
Optimum Tree-Based Topologies for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks Using IEEE 802.15.4. 130-134 - Caleb K. Lo, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Sriram Vishwanath:
Opportunistic Relay Selection with Limited Feedback. 135-139 - Gang Shen, Kayin Wu, Erwu Liu
, Dongyao Wang, Shan Jin:
Path Diversity with a New Coded Cooperation Scheme over Multi-hop Wireless Channels. 140-144 - Jonathan P. Benson, Utz Roedig, André M. Barroso, Cormac J. Sreenan:
On the Effects of Aggregation on Reliability in Sensor Networks. 145-149 - Xuan Zhong, Ravish Khosla, Gunjan Khanna, Saurabh Bagchi, E. J. Doyle:
Data-Centric Routing in Sensor Networks: Single-hop Broadcast or Multi-hop Unicast? 150-154 - Qing Huang, Yong Bai, Lan Chen:
An Efficient Route Maintenance Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink. 155-159
Ad Hoc and Ambient Wireless Systems Poster
- Edward Casey, Gabriel-Miro Muntean
TCP Compatible Greediness Control Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Streaming. 160-164 - Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Saito, Osamu Kagami, Takafumi Fujita, Yosuke Fujino:
Concept and Feasibility Study of Wide Area Ubiquitous Network for Sensors and Actuators. 165-169 - John Barton, John L. Buckley, Brendan O'Flynn
, S. Cian O'Mathuna, Jonathan P. Benson, Tony O'Donovan, Utz Roedig, Cormac J. Sreenan:
The D-Systems Project - Wireless Sensor Networks for Car-Park Management. 170-173 - Tracy McKay, James Irvine
Authentication and Authorisation for a Personal Distributed Environment. 174-178 - Ralf Burda, Christian Wietfeld
Multimedia over 802.15.4 and ZigBee Networks for Ambient Environment Control. 179-183 - Alexnewton Alexander, John Dunlop, John Bush:
The Architecture of Personal Content Manager. 184-188 - Mohammed S. Elmusrati
, Naser Tarhuni
, Riku Jäntti:
Performance Analysis of Wireless Deaf CDMA Sensor Networks in Fading Channels. 189-192 - Tsang-Yi Wang, Wei-Ping Hong, Chih-Peng Li:
Distributed Energy-Efficient Detection in Sensor Networks with an Unknown Number of Sensors. 193-197 - Sofiane Khalfallah
, Cheikh Sarr, Isabelle Guérin Lassous:
Dynamic Bandwidth Management for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 198-202 - Jongwook Lee, Jae Yeol Ha, Joseph Jeon, Dongsung Kim, Wook Hyun Kwon:
ECAP: A Bursty Traffic Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled Networks. 203-207 - Bing Liu, Lin Zhang, Yumei Wang, Huimin Zhang:
An Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. 208-211 - Yuji Tohzaka, Yukinori Higa, Hiroshi Furukawa:
Evaluations of Wireless Multihop Network Incorporating Intermittent Periodic Transmit and Packet Forwarding Path Reservation. 212-216 - Hiraku Okada, Kentaro Kobayashi, Takaya Yamazato, Kenichi Mase:
Route Diversity Effect of Joint Decoding Using Correlation between Observed Data Sequences in Sensor Networks. 217-221 - Alexander Tyrrell, Gunther Auer:
Imposing a Reference Timing onto Firefly Synchronization in Wireless Networks. 222-226 - Muriel Mabiala, Anthony Busson, Véronique Vèque:
Inside VANET: Hybrid Network Dimensioning and Routing Protocol Comparison. 227-232 - Yi-Feng Guo, Geng-Sheng Kuo:
A Packet Scheduling Framework for Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 233-237 - Chih-Yu Wen
, Jun-Koh Chen, William A. Sethares:
Joint Distributed Clustering and Ranging for Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks. 238-242 - Kiyoshi Takahashi, Takuya Terasawa, Toshinori Tsuboi:
A MAC Protocol Using Energy Signals for QoS in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 243-247 - Samee Ullah Khan
Approximate Optimal Sensor Placements in Grid Sensor Fields. 248-251
Applications of Context Awareness
- Raffaele Giaffreda, Javier A. Barria:
Collaborative Context-Awareness and Reasoning for Optimised Service Delivery. 252-256 - Jian Zhang, Yinong Li, Yang Ji, Ping Zhang:
A Context-Aware Infrastructure with Reasoning Mechanism and Aggregating Mechanism for Pervasive Computing Application. 257-261 - Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Dmitri Botvich, Tao Gu, William Donnelly:
Chemotaxis and Quorum Sensing Inspired Device Interaction Supporting Social Networking. 262-266 - Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu:
Spontaneous and Context-Aware Media Recommendation in Heterogeneous Spaces. 267-271 - Stephan Sigg
, Sandra Haseloff, Klaus David:
Minimising the Context Prediction Error. 272-276
Pervasive applications and architectures
- Murat Caliskan, Andreas Barthels, Björn Scheuermann, Martin Mauve:
Predicting Parking Lot Occupancy in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 277-281 - Pietro Lungaro:
Collaborative Information Revelation and Collusion in "Word-of-Mouth" Access Selection Schemes. 282-286 - Michael Sutterer, Olaf Droegehorn, Klaus David:
User Profile Management on Service Platforms for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 287-291 - Josip Zoric, N. A. Gjermundshaug, S. Alapnes:
Experiments with Semantic Support in Mobile Service Architectures. 292-297 - György Kálmán, Mohammad M. R. Chowdhury, Josef Noll:
Security for Ambient Wireless Services. 298-303
Antenna Arrays
- Inas Khalifa, Rodney G. Vaughan:
Optimal Configuration of Multi-Faceted Phased Arrays for Wide Angle Coverage. 304-308 - Yifan Chen, Chau Yuen, Yan Zhang, Zhenrong Zhang:
Cross-Correlation Analysis of Generalized Distributed Antenna Systems with Cooperative Diversity. 309-313 - Tetsuki Taniguchi, Nordin Bin Ramli
, Yoshio Karasawa:
CORPS - Combined Recursion Processing of Subsets for Adaptive Array Antennas Under Frequency Selective Fading. 314-318 - Milan Narandzic, Martin Käske, Christian Schneider, Marko Milojevic, Markus H. Landmann
, Gerd Sommerkorn
, Reiner S. Thomä:
3D-Antenna Array Model for IST-WINNER Channel Simulations. 319-323 - Panagiotis Theofilakos, Athanasios G. Kanatas
Robustness of Receive Antenna Subarray Formation to Hardware and Signal Non-Idealities. 324-328
Transmission Technologies and Antennas and Propagation Posters
- Dmitriy Shutin, Gernot Kubin:
Tracking and Prediction of Multipath Components in Wireless MIMO Channels. 329-333 - Tsan-Ming Wu, Chia-Ming Kuo:
3-D Space-Time-Frequency Correlation Functions of Mobile-to-Mobile Radio Channels. 334-338 - Hiroki Sugimoto, Takuro Sato:
Experimental Results of 2.45, 3.5, 5, and 10GHz Radio Propagation Characteristics. 339-343 - David de la Vega
, Susana López, David Guerra
, Gorka Prieto
, Manuel Vélez
, Pablo Angueira
Analysis of the Attenuation Caused by the Influence of Orography in the Medium Wave Band. 344-347 - Xiulong Bao
, Max J. Ammann
Investigation on Miniature Wideband Patch Antenna for Portable Wireless and Cellular Applications. 348-351 - Sergio Curto, Matthias John, Max J. Ammann
Groundplane Dependent Performance of Printed Antenna for MB-OFDM-UWB. 352-356 - Andreas Timm-Giel
, Anand Prabhu Subramanian, Kannan Dhanasekaran, Vishnu Navda, Samir R. Das:
Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communication - Experimental Results. 357-361 - Timothy Stephen Cooper, Justine McCormack, Ronan Farrell
, Gerard Baldwin:
Toward Scalable, Automated Tower-Top Phased Array Calibration. 362-366 - Shigeru Kozono
, Kenichi Nakajima, Tomoyuki Soga, Rui Wang:
A Study of Narrow Band Multi-path Channel Phase Difference Characteristics on Domain with Time and Frequency Axes. 367-371 - Simon L. Cotton, William G. Scanlon
Spatial Diversity and Correlation for Off-Body Communications in Indoor Environments at 868 MHz. 372-376 - Katsuyuki Haneda, Jun-ichi Takada
, Takehiko Kobayashi:
Applicability of UWB Double Directional Propagation Modeling for Evaluating UWB Transmission Performance. 377-381 - Juha Villanen, Milla Mikkola, Clemens Icheln
, Pertti Vainikainen:
Radiation Characteristics of Antenna Structures in Clamshell-Type Phones in Wide Frequency Range. 382-386 - Isabelle LaRoche, Sébastien Roy
An Efficient VLSI Architecture of a Layered Space-Time Receiver. 387-391 - Gareth A. Conway
, William G. Scanlon
, David Linton:
Low-Profile Microstrip Patch Antenna for Over-Body Surface Communication at 2.45 GHz. 392-396
Channel Models
- Robert J. C. Bultitude, Yvo L. C. de Jong, J. A. Pugh, Sana Salous, Khawar Khokhar:
Measurement and Modelling of Emergency Vehicle-to-Indoor 4.9 GHz Radio Channels and Prediction of IEEE 802.16 Performance for Public Safety Applications. 397-401 - Livio Denegri, Luca Bixio, Fabio Lavagetto
, Alessandro Iscra, Carlo Braccini:
An Analytical Model of Microcellular Propagation in Urban Canyons. 402-406 - Tommi Jämsä, Pekka Kyösti
, Jari H. Iinatti:
Correlation Error Metrics of Simulated MIMO Channels. 407-412 - Milan Narandzic, Christian Schneider, Reiner S. Thomä, Tommi Jämsä, Pekka Kyösti
, Xiongwen Zhao:
Comparison of SCM, SCME, and WINNER Channel Models. 413-417 - John Diskin, Conor Brennan:
Accelerated Ray-Tracing for Indoor Ultra-wideband Propagation Modelling. 418-422
MIMO Antennas
- Yang Gao, Guangjie Li, Kuilin Chen, Xiaoyun Wu:
A Novel HARQ Scheme Utilizing the Iterative Soft-information Feedback in MIMO System. 423-424 - Ramya Bhagavatula
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Sriram Vishwanath:
Optimizing MIMO Antenna Placement and Array Configurations for Multimedia Delivery in Aircraft. 425-429 - Maria Mustonen, Pasi Suvikunnas, I. Salonen, Pertti Vainikainen:
Analysis of 5 GHz MIMO Antennas for Peer-to-Peer Communications. 430-434 - Ernest Kurniawan, A. S. Madhukumar
, Francois P. S. Chin:
Sub Optimal Antenna Selection Method for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 435-439 - Pasi Suvikunnas, Maria Mustonen, Pertti Vainikainen:
A Novel MIMO Antenna Evaluation Method for Ad-Hoc-Based Communications Systems. 440-444
MIMO Channels I
- Mikko Alatossava, Lassi Hentilä, Veli-Matti Holappa, Juha Meinilä:
Comparison of Outdoor to Indoor and Indoor to Outdoor MIMO Propagation Characteristics at 5.25 GHz. 445-449 - Abdulla A. Abouda, Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Sven-Gustav Häggman:
Reducing Impact of Phase Noise on Accuracy of Measured MIMO Channel Capacity. 450-454 - Bjørn Olav Hogstad
, Matthias Pätzold
Exact Closed-Form Expressions for the Distribution, Level-Crossing Rate, and Average Duration of Fades of the Capacity of MIMO Channels. 455-460 - Alenka G. Zajic, Gordon L. Stüber:
Influence of 3-D Spatial Correlation on the Capacity of MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels. 461-465 - Patrick C. F. Eggers, Tim W. C. Brown, Kim Olesen, Gert Frølund Pedersen
Assessment of Capacity Support and Scattering in Experimental High Speed Vehicle to Vehicle MIMO Links. 466-470
MIMO Channels II
- Ping-Heng Kuo, Peter J. Smith
, Lee M. Garth:
A Markov Model for MIMO Channel Condition Number with Application to Dual-Mode Antenna Selection. 471-475 - Masafumi Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Seki:
Throughput Performance of Downlink MIMO Transmission with Multi-Beam Selection using a Novel Codebook. 476-480 - Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn
, Mikko Alatossava, Veli-Matti Holappa, Juha Ylitalo:
Channel Eigenvalue Distribution and Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Outdoor-Indoor MIMO Measured Channel. 481-485 - Daisuke Takeda, Yasuhiko Tanabe, Kazumi Sato:
Channel Estimation Scheme with Low Complexity Discrete Cosine Transformation in MIMO-OFDM System. 486-490 - Xin Zhou, Persefoni Kyritsi, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Frank H. P. Fitzek:
"The Medium is The Message": Secure Communication via Waveform Coding in MIMO Systems. 491-495
Propagation Models
- James Chuang, Ni Xin, Howard Huang, Simon Chiu, David G. Michelson:
UWB Radiowave Propagation within the Passenger Cabin of a Boeing 737-200 Aircraft. 496-500 - Terhi Rautiainen, Juha Juntunen, Kimmo Kalliola:
Propagation Analysis at 5.3 GHz in Typical and Bad Urban Macrocellular Environments. 501-505 - Conor Brennan:
Incorporation of Backscattering Into FAFFA Analysis of UHF Wave Propagation Over Irregular Terrain. 506-509 - Daniel Catrein, Michael Reyer, Tobias Rick:
Accelerating Radio Wave Propagation Predictions by Implementation on Graphics Hardware. 510-514 - Dora Di Napoli, Flaminio Ferrara
, Claudio Gennarelli
, Giovanni Riccio
A UAPO Based Model for Predicting the Field Propagation Near a Tunnel Entrance. 515-519
Radio Channel Performance Analysis I
- Sandra E. M. Dudley, Terence J. Quinlan, Stuart D. Walker:
1.6Gb/s Data Throughput Optically-Remoted Leaky Feeders for Underground Transport Environments. 520-524 - Lei Zhang, Haipeng Lei, Butong Zhang, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
A New Full-Rate Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding Scheme Based on Quaternion. 525-528 - Konstantinos Konstantinou, Shaoli Kang, Costas Tzaras:
A Measurement-Based Model for Mobile-to-Mobile UMTS Links. 529-533 - Kevin C. Borries, Daniel D. Stancil
Efficient Simulation of Mobile-To-Mobile Rayleigh Fading using Gaussian Quadrature. 534-538 - Jean-Francois Bousquet
, Geoffrey G. Messier, Sebastian Magierowski:
IEEE 802.11b SDMA Performance in Realistic Environments. 539-543
Radio Channel Performance Analysis II
- Tommy Hult, Abbas Mohammed:
Assessment of Multipath Propagation for a 2.4 GHz Short-Range Wireless Communication System. 544-548 - Mesud Hadzialic, Mirza Milisic, Nasuf Hadziahmetovic, Anida Sarajlic:
Moment-based and Maximum Likelihood-based Quotiential estimation of the Nakagami-m fading parameter. 549-553 - Ioannis Sarris
, Andrew R. Nix:
Capacity Evaluation of LoS-Optimised and Standard MIMO Antenna Arrays at 5.2 GHz. 554-558 - Hao Liu, Liyu Cai, Hongwei Yang, Dong Li:
EESM Based Link Error Prediction for Adaptive MIMO-OFDM System. 559-563 - Fernando A. Ramos, Valeri Ya. Kontorovitch, M. Mauricio Lara:
High Order Fading Distributions in Nakagami Wireless Channels. 564-568
Smart Antennas & Beamforming I
- Shiann Shiun Jeng, Chen Wan Tsung:
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11g with Smart Antenna System in the Presence of Bluetooth Interference Environment. 569-573 - Timothy A. Thomas, Bishwarup Mondal, Frederick W. Vook:
Methods for Switching Between Long Term and Short Term Transmit Beamforming in OFDM. 574-578 - Shiann Shiun Jeng, Chen Wan Tsung, Yen Feng Lu:
Estimation and Cancellation of Doppler Shift for an OFDM Smart Antenna System. 579-583 - Amitav Mukherjee, Hyuck M. Kwon:
Compact Multi-user Wideband MIMO System using Multiple-Mode Microstrip Antennas. 584-588 - Farhad Tavassoli, Homayoon Oraizi, Bahman Abolhassani:
A New Rayleigh Quotient Based Beamforming Method for CDMA Communication Systems. 589-593 - Hamid Ebrahimzad, Abbas Mohammadi
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in MISO/SIMO Systems at Finite SNR. 594-598
Smart Antennas & Beamforming II
- Hideki Omote, Teruya Fujii:
Empirical Arrival Angular Profile Prediction Formula for Mobile Communication Systems. 599-603 - Pietro Savazzi
, Lorenzo Favalli:
Dynamic Cell Sectorization Using Clustering Algorithms. 604-608 - Achilleas Arvanitis, George Anagnostou, Nektarios Moraitis, Philip Constantinou:
Capacity Study of a Multiple Element Antenna Configuration in an Indoor Wireless Channel at 60 GHz. 609-613 - Ananth Subramanian:
UWB Linear Quadratic Frequency Domain Frequency Invariant Beamforming and Angle of Arrival Estimation. 614-618 - Chi-Fang Huang, Chun-Kai Wang:
An Automatic Beam-Switching Array for ATSC DTV Reception. 619-623
Transportation and Mobile Application Posters
- Almudena Díaz-Zayas
, Pedro Merino
, Laura Panizo
, Alvaro M. Recio
Evaluating Video Streaming Over GPRS/UMTS Networks: A Practical Case. 624-628 - Mehdi Malboubi, Ahmad Bahai, Mustafa Ergen
, Pravin Varaiya, Jean C. Walrand:
Unequal Importance Image Communication over Heterogeneous Networks. 629-633 - Stefano Chessa
, Roberto Di Pietro
, Erina Ferro, Gaetano Giunta
, Gabriele Oligeri:
Mobile Application Security for Video Streaming Authentication and Data Integrity Combining Digital Signature and Watermarking Techniques. 634-638 - Karim M. Nasr
, John Cosmas, Maurice Bard, Jeff Gledhill:
An Echo Canceller for DVB-T/H On-Channel Repeaters. 639-643 - Gabriel-Miro Muntean
, Nikki Cranley:
User Quality of Experience-aware Multimedia Streaming over Wireless Home Area Network. 644-648
Mobile Applications
- Ning Wang, Ivan Ganchev
, Mairtin O'Droma
An Architecture for the Provision of Incoming Call Connection Service in UCWW. 649-653 - Attila Vangel, Balázs Bakos, Csaba Edvi, Szabolcs Fodor, Gábor Paller, Lóránt Farkas:
Local Connectivity Solution over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. 654-658 - Moritz Killat, Hannes Hartenstein:
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: How to Show the Impact on Traffic Safety? 659-663 - Usman Javaid, Djamal-Eddine Meddour, Tinku Rasheed, Toufik Ahmed
A Profile-Based Network Layer Architecture for Personal Ubiquitous Environments. 664-668 - Donna Griffin
, Dirk Pesch
Market-Based Service Orchestration for Next Generation Mobile Networks. 669-673
Wireless Location Applications
- Jacek Stefanski
Method of Location of a Mobile Station in the WCDMA System without Knowledge of Relative Time Differences. 674-678 - Akiko Yamasaki, Hirozumi Yamaguchi
, Shinji Kusumoto, Teruo Higashino:
Mobility-Aware Data Management on Mobile Wireless Networks. 679-683 - Bo-Chieh Liu, Ken-Huang Lin:
Error Analysis of the Distance and Distance Difference for SSSD-based Wireless Location: Part I-Theoretical Aspects. 684-688 - Bo-Chieh Liu, Ken-Huang Lin:
Error Analysis of the Distance and Distance Difference for SSSD-based Wireless Location: Part II-Experimental Results. 689-693
3G Networks
- David Soldani, Ivan Ore:
Self-optimizing Neighbor Cell List for UTRA FDD Networks Using Detected Set Reporting. 694-698 - Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Guillaume Monghal, Klaus I. Pedersen, Preben E. Mogensen, István Z. Kovács, Claudio Rosa
, Troels E. Kolding
Frequency Domain Packet Scheduling Under Fractional Load for the UTRAN LTE Downlink. 699-703 - Jesús M. Juarez Valero, Rui R. Paulo
, Fernando J. Velez
Event-Based Simulation for Multi-rate Multi-service Traffic Validation in B3G Systems. 704-709 - Ravi Nory, Ravi Kuchibhotla, Robert Love, Yakun Sun, Weimin Xiao:
Uplink VoIP Support for 3GPP EUTRA. 710-714 - Zakaria Nouir, Berna Sayraç, Benoît Fourestié, Walid Tabbara, Françoise Brouaye:
Measurement Aided 3G Radio Network Prediction: Fuzzy Bayesian Framework. 715-719
Coding in Mobile Networks
- Peng Xue
, Jae Hyun Park, Eun Heon Kim, Duk Kyung Kim, Jae Hwang Yu, Dong Hahk Lee, Ra Mi Lee:
Adaptive Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Discontinuous Transmission in TD-SCDMA Systems. 720-724 - Yi-Feng Guo, Geng-Sheng Kuo:
A New Defined Lower Bit Rate AMR Mode in GSM and WCDMA Networks. 725-729 - Yuexing Peng, Hongzhong Yan, Young-Il Kim, Yong Su Lee, Wenbo Wang:
Performance of Convolutional Turbo Coded High-speed Portable Internet (WiBro) System. 730-734 - Bingzhang Liu, Yong Zhang, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
Reverse Link Rate Control Algorithms with Utility Function Model for CDMA2000 1x EV-DO Systems. 735-739 - Changlong Xu:
Soft Decoding Algorithm for RS-CC Concatenated Codes in WiMAX System. 740-742
Handover and Routing
- Ji Hyun Park, Ki-Young Han, Dong-Ho Cho:
Reducing Inter-Cell Handover Events based on Cell ID Information in Multi-hop Relay Systems. 743-747 - Qi Wang, Robert C. Atkinson
, Campbell Cromar, John Dunlop:
Hybrid User- and Network-Initiated Flow Handoff Support for Multihomed Mobile Hosts. 748-752 - Adeel Baig
, Lavy Libman, Mahbub Hassan:
Fairness Control by Mobile Routers in On-Board Communication Networks. 753-757 - Klaus Doppler, Xiaoben He, Carl Wijting, Antti Sorri:
Adaptive Soft Reuse for Relay Enhanced Cells. 758-762 - Sang Hoon Lee, Youngnam Han:
A Novel Inter-FA Handover Scheme for Load Balancing in IEEE 802.16e System. 763-767
Heterogeneous Networks
- Guihua Piao, Klaus David:
MXRRM for WIMAX Integrated to GSM and UMTS Heterogeneous Networks. 768-773 - Zizhou Wang, Xin Zhang, Hui Lu, Dacheng Yang:
Roaming Between Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 774-777 - Harri Holma, Timo Ahonpää, Elisa Prieur:
UMTS900 Co-Existence with GSM900. 778-782 - Viraj S. Abhayawardhana, Ruth Babbage:
A Traffic Model for the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). 783-787 - Alessandro Bazzi
, Nikos Dimitriou
, Andrea Conti
Adaptive Cross-Layer Techniques for Cellular Systems and WLANs: Simulative Results Within NEWCom Proj.C. 788-793 - Li-Chun Wang
, Anderson Chen, Hung-Hsi Chen:
Network Selection with Joint Vertical and Horizontal Handoff in Heterogeneous WLAN and Mobile WiMax Systems. 794-798
- Joseph S. Gomes, Mira Yun, Hyeong-Ah Choi, Jae-Hoon Kim, JungKyo Sohn, Hyeong In Choi:
Scheduling Algorithms For Policy Driven QoS Support in HSDPA Networks. 799-803 - David Martín-Sacristán
, José F. Monserrat
, Javier Gozálvez
, Narcís Cardona:
Effect of Channel-Quality Indicator Delay on HSDPA Performance. 804-808 - Stefan Wager, Kristofer Sandlund:
Performance Evaluation of HSDPA Mobility for Voice Over IP. 809-813 - Mats Folke, Sara Landström, Ulf Bodin, Stefan Wänstedt:
Scheduling Support for Mixed VoIP and Web Traffic over HSDPA. 814-818 - Janne Peisa, Stefan Wager, Mats Sågfors, Johan Torsner, Bo Göransson, Tracy Fulghum, Carmela Cozzo, Stephen J. Grant:
High Speed Packet Access Evolution - Concept and Technologies. 819-824 - Petteri Lundén, Markku Kuusela:
Enhancing Performance of VoIP over HSDPA. 825-829
- Paschalis Raptis, Vasileios Vitsas, Albert Banchs, Konstantinos Paparrizos:
Delay Distribution Analysis of IEEE 802.11 with Variable Packet Length. 830-834 - Gennaro Boggia, Pietro Camarda, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Saverio Mascolo, Antonio Stefanelli:
Performance Evaluation of Feedback-based Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for 802.11e MAC. 835-839 - Huei-Wen Ferng, Han-Yu Liau, Jeng-Ji Huang:
Fair Scheduling Mechanisms with QoS Consideration for the IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN. 840-844 - Yong Ho Kim, Nan Sol Seo, Young Yong Kim:
A NETwork COding based Multicasting (NETCOM) over IEEE 802.11 Multi-hop. 845-848 - Jaeouk Ok, Pedro Morales, Andreas Darmawan, Hiroyuki Morikawa:
Using Shared Beacon Channel for Fast Handoff in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks. 849-853 - David Naveen Cottingham, Ian J. Wassell, Robert K. Harle:
Performance of IEEE 802.11a in Vehicular Contexts. 854-858
Location, Paging, and Addressing
- Yu-Chiun Lin, Po-Hsuan Tseng
, Kai-Ten Feng
A Predictive Location Tracking Algorithm for Mobile Devices with Deficient Signal Sources. 859-863 - Chin-Liang Wang, Yih-Shyh Chiou
, Yu-Sheng Dai:
An Adaptive Location Estimator Based on Kalman Filtering for Wireless Sensor Networks. 864-868 - Andre Barroso, Hans-Jürgen Reumerman:
An Addressing Scheme to Support Untraceability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 869-873 - Andreas Hecker, Thomas Kürner:
Application of Classification and Regression Trees for Paging Traffic Prediction in LAC Planning. 874-878 - Jakub Borkowski, Panu Lähdekorpi, Tero Isotalo, Jukka Lempiäinen:
Optimization Aspects for Cellular Service Performance and Mobile Positioning in WCDMA Radio Networks. 879-883
Mobility Management
- K. Daniel Wong, Wei Lee Woon
Simultaneous Mobility: A New Analytical Approach. 884-888 - Floriano De Rango, Peppino Fazio
, Salvatore Marano:
A New Threshold-Based Predictive Reservation Scheme for 2D Wireless Environments. 889-893 - Ramón Agüero Calvo
, Abigail Surtees, Jochen Eisl, Michael Georgiades
Mobility Management in Ambient Networks. 894-898 - Rubén Cuevas Rumín, Carmen Guerrero
, Ángel Cuevas
, María Calderón
, Carlos Jesus Bernardos
P2P Based Architecture for Global Home Agent Dynamic Discovery in IP Mobility. 899-903 - Sun-Hwa Lim, Sang-Ho Lee:
Efficient IMS Authentication Architecture based on Initial Access Authentication in WiBro-Evolution (WiBro-EVO) System. 904-908
Performance Analysis of Mobile Networks I
- Maciej Miernik:
Application of 2G Spatial Traffic Analysis in the Process of 2G and 3G Radio Network Optimization. 909-913 - Anna Katrina Dinnis, John S. Thompson:
The Effects of Including Wraparound When Simulating Cellular Wireless Systems with Relaying. 914-918 - Haibo Xu, Youjun Gao, Hui Tian, Yang Ji, Ping Zhang:
Network Calculus Modeling and QoS Analysis for Wireless Packet Networks. 919-923 - Abdullah Al Yusuf, M. Manzur Murshed
, Mohammad Mahfuzul Islam:
SIR Performance of Multipath Cellular Network for Quality Assured Multimedia Delivery. 924-928 - Ping Li, Mengtian Rong, Yisheng Xue, Lan Wang, Egon Schulz:
Performance Analysis of Cellular System Enhanced with Two-Hop Fixed Relay Nodes. 929-933
Performance Analysis of Mobile Networks II
- Hyun Seok Ryu, Chung Gu Kang, Dong Seung Kwon:
Transmission Protocol for Cooperative MIMO with Full Rate: Design and Analysis. 934-938 - Erwu Liu
, Dongyao Wang, Jimin Liu, Gang Shen, Shan Jin:
Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth Allocation in 802.16j Mobile Multi-Hop Relay Networks. 939-943 - Jian Zhao, Ingmar Hammerström, Marc Kuhn, Armin Wittneben, Markus Herdin, Gerhard Bauch:
Coverage Analysis for Cellular Systems with Multiple Antennas Using Decode-and-Forward Relays. 944-948 - Malek Boussif, Jeroen Wigard, Troels E. Kolding
, Nina A. H. Madsen:
Errors on the HSUPA E-HICH Channel and Their Effect on System Performance. 949-953 - Qixing Feng, Joe McGeehan, Andrew R. Nix:
Enhancing Coverage and Reducing Power Consumption in Peer-to-Peer Networks Through Airborne Relaying. 954-958
Radio Interface
- Mehdi Nouri, Diana Ball, Mark Rayne, Vincenzo Lottici, Ruggero Reggiannini, Michele Carta:
TEDS: a High Speed Digital Mobile Communication Air Interface for Professional Users Part I: Overview of Physical Layer. 959-963 - Henry Haverinen
, Jonne Siren, Pasi Eronen:
Energy Consumption of Always-On Applications in WCDMA Networks. 964-968 - Arif Otyakmaz, Ismet Aktas, Marc Schinnenburg, Ralf Pabst:
Applicability of a Multi-Mode MAC Protocol. 969-973 - Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste
Design and Implementation of an RF Front End for Physical Layer Wireless Network Emulation. 974-979 - Jordi Pérez-Romero
, Oriol Sallent
, Ramón Agustí
A Generalized Framework for Multi-RAT Scenarios Characterisation. 980-984
Radio Resource Management
- Tao Liu, Mengtian Rong, Yisheng Xue, Lan Wang, Egon Schulz:
User Partitioning Based Resource Assignment in Half-Duplex FDD Relaying Cellular Networks. 985-989 - Guihua Piao, Klaus David:
Multi-Standard Radio Resource Management for Integrated Voice and Data Services. 990-995 - Deepak Das, Satish Ananthaiyer, Prashanth Rao, Sepehr Mehrabanzad, Mehdi Alasti, Pierre A. Humblet:
Power Control for CDMA with Hybrid-ARQ. 996-1000 - Zizhou Wang, Chenwei Wang, Yafeng Wang, Dacheng Yang:
Adaptive Resource Allocation for Two-Hop Non-Regenerative Coded Cooperation Transmission System. 1001-1005 - Muhammad Ali Malik, Lavy Libman, Salil S. Kanhere
, Mahbub Hassan:
Analysis of Resource Reservation Aggregation in On-Board Networks. 1006-1010
Scheduling I
- Michael Knappmeyer, Ralf Tönjes:
Adaptive Data Scheduling for Mobile Broadcast Carousel Services. 1011-1015 - Xinghua Song, Nan Hu, Zhiqiang He, Kai Niu, Xiaoxiang Wang, Weiling Wu:
A Cross-Layer Design for Downlink Scheduling in SDMA Packet Access Networks. 1016-1020 - Elli Kartsakli
, Alex Cateura, Luis Alonso
, Jesus Alonso-Zarate
, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Opportunistic Scheduling using an Enhanced Channel State Information Update Scheme for WLAN Systems with DQCA. 1021-1025 - David Gozalvez Serrano, José F. Monserrat
, Javier Gozálvez
, Lorenzo Rubio
An Efficient HCF Scheduling Mechanism in Mixed Traffic Scenarios. 1026-1030 - Yong Zhang, Xin Zhang:
QoS Based Proportional Fair Scheduling Algorithm for CDMA Forward Link. 1031-1035 - Alexis Alfredo Dowhuszko
, Graciela Corral-Briones, Jyri Hämäläinen, Risto Wichman
Outage Probability Analysis of Practical Multiuser Scheduling Schemes with Limited Feedback. 1036-1040
- Amitava Ghosh, Rapeepat Ratasuk, Igor Filipovich, Jun Tan, Weimin Xiao:
Random Access Design for UMTS Air-Interface Evolution. 1041-1045 - Mohmmad Anas, Francesco Davide Calabrese, Preben E. Mogensen, Claudio Rosa
, Klaus I. Pedersen:
Performance Evaluation of Received Signal Strength Based Hard Handover for UTRAN LTE. 1046-1050 - Xi Li, Linna Wang, Andreas Timm-Giel
, Carmelita Görg, Richard Schelb, T. Winter:
Optimization of Bit Rate Adaptation in UMTS Radio Access Network. 1051-1055 - Wang-Hsin Hsu, Jung-Shyr Wu:
A Study of Hierarchical Packet Scheduling on UMTS. 1056-1060 - Hugues van Peteghem, Laurent Schumacher
UMTS Non Real-Time Sessions Channel Switching Emulation. 1061-1065
Wireless Networks
- Ashay Dhamdhere, Jimmi Grönkvist:
Joint Node and Link Assignment in an STDMA Network. 1066-1070 - Kegen Yu
, Y. Jay Guo:
NLOS Error Mitigation for Mobile Location Estimation in Wireless Networks. 1071-1075 - Da-Ren Guo, Kuochen Wang, Lung-Sheng Lee:
Efficient Spatial Reuse in Multi-Radio, Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks. 1076-1080 - Mouna Abdelmoumen, Olfa Bouattay, Mounir Frikha:
Energy Consumption in Wireless Networks with Services Differentiation: Implementation and Simulation. 1081-1085 - Stephan Luck, Christian M. Mueller, Michael Scharf, Robert Fetscher:
Algorithms for Hotspot Coverage Estimation Based on Field Strength Measurements. 1086-1090
- Ana Aguiar
, Adam Wolisz:
Channel Prediction Heuristics for Adaptive Modulation in WLAN. 1091-1095 - Toni Janevski, Aleksandar Tudzarov, Perivoje Stojanovski, Dusko Temkov:
Applicative Solution for Easy Introduction of WLAN as Value-Added Service in Mobile Networks. 1096-1100 - Alan McGibney, Martin Klepal, Dirk Pesch
User Demand Based WLAN Design and Optimisation. 1101-1105 - Changle Li, Jalal Almhana, Jiandong Li, Zikuan Liu:
Improving Access Protocol to Effectively Support Smart Antenna in Wireless LAN. 1106-1110
Mobile Networks and Systems Posters 1
- Nan Hu, Xinghua Song, Zhiqiang He, Kai Niu, Xiaoxiang Wang, Weiling Wu:
Admission Control Algorithm for Real-Time Services in Packet-Switched OFDM Wireless Networks - norm. 1111-1115 - Yumei Zhang, Dacheng Yang, Xin Zhang:
QoS-Aware Multichannel Random Access in CDMA2000 Nx EV-DO Systems. 1116-1120 - Naoya Seta, Haruya Miyajima, Liang Zhang, Hideki Hayashi, Teruya Fujii:
All-SIP Mobility: Session Continuity on Handover in Heterogeneous Access Environment. 1121-1126 - Tero Isotalo, Jukka Lempiäinen:
HSDPA Measurements for Indoor DAS. 1127-1130 - Maria E. Gonzalez:
A Generalized Packet Traffic Simulator for 4G Network Dimensioning Tools. 1131-1136 - Xavier Gelabert, Jordi Pérez-Romero
, Oriol Sallent
, Ramón Agustí
On Managing Multiple Radio Access Congestion Events in B3G Scenarios. 1137-1141 - Carlos Eduardo Uc-Rios, Domingo Lara-Rodríguez:
An ON-OFF Synchronous Sectored Operation for Packet Data Transmission in Cellular Systems. 1142-1146 - Li-Hung Liao, Ray-Guang Cheng
, Kuo-Lun Hua:
Location-Independent Scheduling Mechanism for Multi-hop Wireless Backhaul Networks. 1147-1151 - Shun-Fang Yang, Jung-Shyr Wu:
Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management in Integrated Wi-Fi and WiMAX Networks. 1152-1156 - Jong-Han Kim, Kyung Kyoon Bae, Jeffrey H. Reed, Annamalai Annamalai:
Transmit and Receive Diversity in the Uplink of DS/CDMA Cellular Systems. 1157-1161 - Luca Stabellini, Riccardo Veronesi, Velio Tralli:
Increasing System Capacity in GERAN by Means of TRX Power Reduction. 1162-1166 - Matthias Wellens, Burkhard Westphal, Petri Mähönen:
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11-based WLANs in Vehicular Scenarios. 1167-1171 - Jens Voigt, Kai Pannhorst:
Optimizations on Scheduling Strategies for Enhanced Uplink on WCDMA. 1172-1176 - Na Wei, Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Troels B. Sørensen, Troels E. Kolding
, Preben E. Mogensen:
Performance of MIMO with Frequency Domain Packet Scheduling in UTRAN LTE Downlink. 1177-1181 - Jun Yang, Jie Zhang
, Mehmet Emin Aydin
, Joyce Y. Wu:
A Novel Programming Model and Optimisation Algorithms for WCDMA Networks. 1182-1187 - Kai Kang, Xiaokang Lin, Haibo Hu:
A Virtual Collision Mechanism to Decrease Collisions in IEEE 802.11 MAC Layer. 1188-1192 - Nico Bayer, Bangnan Xu, Veselin Rakocevic, Joachim Habermann:
Improving the Performance of the Distributed Scheduler in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks. 1193-1197 - Yang Liu, Fang Wang, Yongyu Chang, Dacheng Yang:
Theoretical and Simulation Investigation on Coexistence between TD-SCDMA and WCDMA system. 1198-1203 - Yeejung Kim, Youngnam Han, Jongin Kim, Sungsoo Hwang:
A Novel Algorithm for Utilizing Relay Stations for Enhancement of Data Rata in 4G Mobile System. 1204-1208 - Salman A. AlQahtani
, Ashraf S. Mahmoud
Simulation Based Study of Adaptive Rate Scheduling for Multi-Operator 3G Mobile Wireless Networks. 1209-1213
Mobile Networks and Systems Posters 2
- Guillaume Monghal, István Z. Kovács, Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Klaus I. Pedersen, Claudio Rosa
, Preben E. Mogensen:
Fast Fading Implementation Optimization in an OFDMA System Simulator. 1214-1218 - Andreas Roos, Sabine Wieland, A. Th. Schwarzbacher, Bangnan Xu:
Time Behaviour and Network Encumbrance Due to Authentication in Wireless Mesh Access Networks. 1219-1223 - Huei-Wen Ferng, Nigel Hsiung, David Shiung, Jeng-Ji Huang:
A SIP-Based Mobility Management Architecture Supporting TCP with Handoff Optimization. 1224-1228 - Yi-Hua Chen, Y. C. Wang, C. L. Lai:
Precise Estimation of WCDMA Downlink Pole Capacity in Multipath Propagation Channel by Monte Carlo Method. 1229-1233 - Preben E. Mogensen, Na Wei, István Z. Kovács, Frank Frederiksen, Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Klaus I. Pedersen, Troels E. Kolding
, Klaus Hugl, Markku Kuusela:
LTE Capacity Compared to the Shannon Bound. 1234-1238 - Satoshi Nagata, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Motohiro Tanno, Kenichi Higuchi, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Cell Search Time Comparison Using Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Synchronization Channels in OFDM Based Evolved UTRA Downlink. 1239-1244 - Belkacem Mouhouche:
On the Performance of Chip-Level MMSE Equalization for CDMA Packet Data Networks. 1245-1249 - Natasa Vulic, Sonia M. Heemstra de Groot, Ignas G. Niemegeers:
DVB-H - UMTS Integration at Radio Access Level. 1250-1254 - Daniel Bültmann, Matthias Siebert, Jijun Luo:
Improving Vertical Handover Performance with PHY-Mode Recommendations Based on Localized Link State Measurements. 1255-1259 - Yin-Ki Ip, Wing Cheong Lau, On-Ching Yue:
Forwarding and Replication Strategies for DTN with Resource Constraints. 1260-1264 - Xiaolong Wu, Jun Zheng
, Emma E. Regentova, Yingtao Jiang:
Analysis of the Effect of Channel Sub-rating in Unidirectional Call Overflow Scheme for Call Admission in Hierarchical Cellular Networks. 1265-1269 - Weirong Jiang
, Yun Zhu, Zhiming Zhang:
Routing Overhead Minimization in Large-Scale Wireless Mesh Networks. 1270-1274 - David Tung Chong Wong, Francois P. S. Chin, Mangalam Ramakrishnan Shajan, Yong Huat Chew:
Performance Analysis of Saturated Throughput of PCA in the Presence of Soft DRPs in WiMedia MAC. 1275-1281 - Mårten Ericson, Stefan Wänstedt:
Mixed Traffic HSDPA scheduling - Impact on VoIP Capacity. 1282-1286 - André Noll Barreto
, Luis Guilherme Uzeda Garcia, Edgar Barbosa de Souza:
GERAN Evolution for Increased Speech Capacity. 1287-1291 - Jimmy Nsenga
, Wim Van Thillo, François Horlin
, André Bourdoux, Rudy Lauwereins:
Sensitivity to Front-End Non-Idealities of Low PAPR Modulation Schemes for Communications at 60 GHz. 1292-1296 - Sabbir Ahmed, Christian Ibars, Aitor del Coso, Abbas Mohammed:
Performance of Multi-Channel MAC Incorporating Opportunistic Cooperative Diversity. 1297-1301 - Tetsu Nakajima, Toshihisa Nabetani, Yoriko Utsunomiya, Tomoko Adachi, Masahiro Takagi:
A Simple and Efficient Selective Repeat Scheme for High Throughput WLAN, IEEE802.11n. 1302-1306 - Alexandra Boal, Armando Soares, João Carlos Silva
, Américo Correia:
Distributed Antenna Cellular System for Transmission of Broadcast/Multicast Services. 1307-1311 - Suresh Kalyanasundaram, Vinod Ramachandran, Vijay Raman:
Signaling Reduction in Idle Mode for Inter-Technology Mobility. 1312-1316
Mobile Networks, Transmission Technologies, and Satellite Systems Posters
- Yong Oh Lee, Jongkyung Kim, Kyung-Ho Sohn, Jongsoo Seo, Young Yong Kim:
Adaptive Packet Assignment Schemes in Multi-User OFDM Systems. 1317-1320 - Seungkwon Cho, Youngil Kim:
Improving Power Savings by Using Adaptive Initial-Sleep Window in IEEE802.16e. 1321-1325 - Roger Pierre Fabris Hoefel:
A Theoretical MAC and PHY Cross-Layer Model for Energy Consumption in IEEE 802.11e WLANs. 1326-1330 - Dimitrios I. Axiotis, Dimitrios Xenikos:
UDP Performance Measurements Over TETRA IP. 1331-1335 - Suk-yon Kang, Youngho Park, Juyeol Park, Joungcheol Kim, Jongtae Ihm:
Terminal-based Quality of Service Measurement Method for the Wireless Internet Services. 1336-1339 - Jeng-Ji Huang, Yi-Hsuan Chen, Sen-Ching Chang, Huei-Wen Ferng:
An Efficient Channel Scan Scheduling Algorithm for VoIP Handoffs in WLANs. 1340-1344 - Klaus Schwarzenbarth, Joel Grotz, Björn E. Ottersten
MMSE Based Interference Processing For Satellite Broadcast Reception. 1345-1349 - Jeng-Ji Huang, Wei-Ting Wang, Yi-Hsuan Chen, Huei-Wen Ferng, David Shiung:
Interference Reduction for Terrestrial Cellular CDMA Systems via High Altitude Platform Station. 1350-1354 - Luca Simone Ronga
, Enrico Del Re
, Fabrizio Gandon:
Cluster Reception of DVB-S2 Signals for Mobile Terminals. 1355-1359 - Pasquale Pace
, Gianluca Aloi
Multilayered Architecture Supporting Efficient Inter HAP-Satellite Routing. 1360-1364 - Jeng-Ji Huang, Wei-Ting Wang, Sen-Ching Chang, Huei-Wen Ferng, David Shiung:
The Impact of Using Multiple HAPSs to Combat Platform Instability on Uplink CDMA Capacity. 1365-1369 - Tae-Chul Hong, Kun Seok Kang, Do-Seob Ahn, Hojin Lee:
Selective Repeat Hybrid ARQ Type II in the GEO Satellite Networks. 1370-1374 - Miha Smolnikar, Tomaz Javornik, Mihael Mohorcic
Channel Decoder Assisted Adaptive Coding and Modulation for HAP Communications. 1375-1379
Satellite and HAP Network and Radio Solutions
- Ivano Alocci, Matteo Berioli, Nedo Celandroni, Giovanni Giambene, Stylianos Karapantazis:
Proposal of a Reliable Multicast Protocol in a HAP-Satellite Architecture. 1380-1384 - Tommy Hult, Abbas Mohammed:
Compact MIMO Antennas and HAP Diversity for Enhanced Data Rate Communications. 1385-1389 - Michele Luglio
, Fotini-Niovi Pavlidou, Cesare Roseti
, Georgios Theodoridis:
CAC-TCP Cross-Layer Interaction in a HAPS-Satellite Integrated Scenario. 1390-1394 - Aduwati Sali
, Güray Açar, Barry G. Evans
A Cross-layer Approach for Packet Scheduling in Reliable Multicast Data Transmission over Geostationary Satellite Networks. 1395-1399 - Mauro Berdondini, Massimo Neri, Stefano Cioni
, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
Adaptive Fractional Predistortion Techniques for Satellite Systems based on Neural Networks and Tables. 1400-1404
Satellite-Mobile Communications
- Nektarios Moraitis, Vassilis F. Milas, Philip Constantinou:
On the Empirical Model Comparison for the Land Mobile Satellite Channel. 1405-1409 - Güray Açar, Paris Skoutaridis, Christos Kasparis, Barry G. Evans
Position-based DVB-RCS Spotbeam Handover in Vehicular Geostationary Satellite Networks. 1410-1414 - Daniele Fanni, Michele Luglio
, Cesare Roseti
, Francesco Zampognaro
A Cross-Layer Based Handover for TCP Applications. 1415-1419 - Byoung-Gi Kim, Seung Min Lee, Kun Seok Kang, Do-Seob Ahn:
Advanced Power Control and Handover Algorithms for Mobile Satellite Communications Systems with Ancillary Terrestrial Component. 1420-1424 - Marika Casadei, Stefano Cioni
, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
Advanced Iterative Symbol Timing Recovery for Mobile DVB-RCS. 1425-1429
OFDM & Estimation
- Mingqi Li, Lin Tang, Xiaodong Zhang, Honglin Hu, Haifeng Wang:
A Channel Estimation Method Based on Sample-Shift of Time-Domain Signal for OFDM Systems. 1430-1434 - Martin Henkel, Christoph Schilling, Wolfgang Schroer:
Comparison of Channel Estimation Methods for Pilot Aided OFDM Systems. 1435-1439 - Jiann-Ching Guey, Havish Koorapaty:
Low Complexity Channel Estimation for Minimizing Edge Effects in OFDM Systems. 1440-1444 - Muhammad Danish Nisar
, Wolfgang Utschick
, Hans Nottensteiner, Thomas Hindelang:
On Channel Estimation and Equalization of OFDM Systems with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix. 1445-1449 - Taehoon Kwon, Hyungjoon Song, Daesik Hong:
Robust Channel Estimation in Multicell OFDM(A) Downlink Systems With Propagation Delay. 1450-1454
- Yonghong Zeng
, Abdul Rahim Leyman, Ying-Chang Liang
Estimation of Time Delay, Frequency O set and Channel for Asynchronous Multiuser MIMO with Multipath. 1455-1459 - Huu Phu Bui, Toshihiko Nishimura, Hiroshi Nishimoto, Yasutaka Ogawa, Takeo Ohgane:
Robust Performance of MIMO E-SDM Systems in Actual Time-Varying Indoor Fading Environments. 1460-1464 - Wonsop Kim, Jae Joon Park, Hyun Kyu Chung, Jongsub Cha, Hyuckjae Lee:
LS Codes Assisted Multipath Channel Interference Canceller for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1465-1469 - Robin D. Chatterjee:
Overcomplete Frame Expansions As Joint Source-Channel Codes for MIMO Channels. 1470-1474 - Claude D'Amours, Jean-Yves Chouinard
Parity Bit Selected and Permutation Spreading for CDMA/MIMO Systems in Frequency-Nonselective Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1475-1479
MIMO and Diversity
- Mohammad Ali Khalighi
, Salah Bourennane:
Semi-blind Channel Estimation Based on Superimposed Pilots for Single-Carrier MIMO Systems. 1480-1484 - Sasan Haghani, Norman C. Beaulieu:
M-ary NCFSK with S + N Selection Diversity in Correlated Rayleigh Fading. 1485-1490 - Muhammad Imadur Rahman, Suvra Sekhar Das, Elisabeth de Carvalho, Ramjee Prasad:
Spatial Multiplexing in OFDM Systems with Cyclic Delay Diversity. 1491-1495 - Predrag Ivanis
, Dusan Drajic
, Branka Vucetic:
Performance Evaluation of Adaptive MIMO-MRC Systems with Imperfect CSI by a Markov Model. 1496-1500 - Hiroshi Furukawa:
On the Path Diversity Effect of FIR Filter Array. 1501-1505 - Zhao Na, Zheng Jiang, Dacheng Yang:
A Novel Design of Joint Detection for TD-SCDMA High Speed Data Services in Rapidly Time-varying Environments. 1506-1509
CDMA and Turbo Methods
- Baojin Li, Qixing Wang, Yongyu Chang, Dacheng Yang:
A Novel Fractionally Spaced Frequency Domain Equalization Scheme for Single Carrier Cyclic Prefix Assisted MIMO-CDMA Systems. 1510-1514 - Yuantao Zhang, Yuan Zhu, Dacheng Yang, Xin Zhang:
A New Irregular Modulation Technique for Turbo-BLAST Systems. 1515-1519 - Hiromichi Tomeba, Kazuaki Takeda, Fumiyuki Adachi:
Joint use of Overlap FDE and STTD for MC-CDMA Downlink Transmission. 1520-1524 - Fang Wang, Shixin Cheng, Ming Chen, Haifeng Wang:
Turbo Codec with Hybrid Modulation. 1525-1528 - Donghyuk Shin, Kyoungwoo Heo, Sangbong Oh, Jeongseok Ha:
A Stopping Criterion for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 1529-1533
- Jianquan Liu, Youyun Xu, Yueming Cai:
Reduced Complexity and Improved Performance for Short Regular LDPC Codes Based on Select Updating Schedule. 1534-1538 - Hyeong-Gun Joo, Dong-Joon Shin, Song-Nam Hong
Adaptive Bit-Reliability Mapping for LDPCCoded High-Order Modulation Systems. 1539-1543 - Matthias Alles, Torben Brack, Norbert Wehn:
A Reliability-Aware LDPC Code Decoding Algorithm. 1544-1548 - Torben Brack, Matthias Alles, Timo Lehnigk-Emden, Frank Kienle, Norbert Wehn, Friedbert Berens, Andreas Ruegg:
A Survey on LDPC Codes and Decoders for OFDM-based UWB Systems. 1549-1553 - Yassine Salih Alj, Charles L. Despins, Sofiène Affes
A Computationally Efficient Implementation of a UWB Fast Acquisition Scheme. 1554-1558
- Ahmad Saghafi, Seid Mehdi Fakhraie:
A New Search Space Reduction Technique for Acquisition of UWB Signals in Multipath Channels. 1559-1563 - Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
, Fortunato Santucci
An Analytical Framework for Performance Analysis of UWB Systems in Log-Normal Multipath Channels via Pearson Type IV Distribution. 1564-1568 - Gustave Franck Tchere, Pakorn Ubolkosold, Stefan Knedlik, Otmar Loffeld
Bit Error Performance of Differential Impulse Radio UWB Systems. 1569-1573 - Ismail Güvenç, Chia-Chin Chong, Fujio Watanabe:
Joint TOA Estimation and Localization Technique for UWB Sensor Network Applications. 1574-1578 - Jinwon Choi, Noh-Gyoung Kang, Yu-Suk Sung, Seong-Cheol Kim:
Empirical Ultra Wide Band Channel Model for Short Range Outdoor Environments. 1579-1583
- Young-Seung Lee, Sae-Young Chung:
Analysis and Design of Dirty Paper Coding by Transformation of Noise. 1584-1588 - Hyun-Young Oh
, Dae-Son Kim, Joon-Sung Kim, Hong-Yeop Song:
Collision-Free Interleavers Using Latin Squares for Parallel Decoding of Turbo Codes. 1589-1592 - Song-Nam Hong
, Hyeong-Gun Joo, Dong-Joon Shin:
Optimal Rate-Compatible Irregular Concatenated Zigzag Codes Using Puncturing and Pruning. 1593-1597 - Peter Zillmann, Wolfgang Rave, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Soft Detection and Decoding of Clipped and Filtered COFDM Signals. 1598-1602 - Kazuaki Takeda, Fumiyuki Adachi:
HARQ Throughput Performance of Multicode DSCDMA with MMSE Turbo Equalization. 1603-1607
- Hyukjin Chae, Yohan Kim, Jun Kyoung Lee, Dong Ku Kim:
Complexity and Performance of Turbo Equalization for OFDM Systems in Doubly Selective Channels. 1608-1611 - Xenofon G. Doukopoulos, Rodolphe Legouable:
Intercell Interference Cancellation for MC-CDMA Systems. 1612-1616 - Dieter Van Welden, Heidi Steendam:
Interference Cancellation of AM Narrowband Interference Signals. 1617-1621 - Tarik Ait-Idir, Samir Saoudi
Reduced Complexity Iterative Channel Estimation with Turbo Equalization for Multiuser Space-Time BICM Signaling. 1622-1627 - Jun Yang, Monisha Ghosh:
A Cooperative Modulation Scheme for Wireless Relay Networks. 1628-1632
Co-operative Wireless Transmission
- Dongwoo Lee, Jae Hong Lee:
Adaptive Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity using Phase Feedback. 1633-1637 - Jung-Bin Kim, Dongwoo Kim:
Cooperative System with Distributed Beamforming and Its Outage Probability. 1638-1641 - Kwanghoon Kim, Haelyong Kim, Hyuncheol Park:
OFDM Channel Estimation for the Amply-and-Forward Cooperative Channel. 1642-1646 - Jiwon Kang, In-Kyeong Choi, Dong Seung Kwon, Chungyong Lee:
An Opportunistic Beamforming Technique Using a Quantized Codebook. 1647-1651 - Markus Jordan, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr:
Performance Evaluation of Opportunistic Beamforming with SINR Prediction for HSDPA. 1652-1656 - Ki-Hong Park, Young-Chai Ko, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Joint Adaptive Combining and Multiuser Down-Link Scheduling. 1657-1662
Scheduling II
- Yohan Kim, Sungyoon Cho, Dong Ku Kim:
Low Complexity Antenna Selection based MIMO Scheduling Algorithms for Uplink Multiuser MIMO/FDD System. 1663-1667 - Yuki Tsuchiya, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
, Toshinobu Kaneko:
Scheduling Algorithm with Power Allocation for Random Unitary Beamforming. 1668-1672 - Yoshitaka Hara, Kazuyoshi Oshima:
Spatial Scheduling Using Partial CSI Reporting in Multiuser MIMO Systems. 1673-1677 - Jouko Leinonen, Antti Tölli, Markku J. Juntti
Performance Evaluation of Spatial Mode Adaptation and HARQ in Cellular Downlink Systems. 1678-1682 - Chadi Abou-Rjeily
, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
A Rate-1 2×2 Space-Time Code without any Constellation Extension for TH-UWB Communication Systems with PPM. 1683-1687
Space Time Codes
- Jiliang Zhang, Lie-Liang Yang:
Performance of Space-Code-Division Multiple-Access Systems Using Reduced-Rank Detection. 1688-1692 - Thi Minh Hien Ngo, Gheorghe Zaharia, Stéphane Bougeard, Jean-François Hélard:
4-PSK Balanced STTC with Two Transmit Antennas. 1693-1697 - Andreas Müller, Joachim Speidel:
Orthogonal STBC in General Nakagami-m Fading Channels: BER Analysis and Optimal Power Allocation. 1698-1702 - Clemens Stierstorfer, Robert F. H. Fischer:
(Gray) Mappings for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation. 1703-1707 - Pirkka Silvola, Kari Hooli, Markku J. Juntti
Sub-Optimal Soft-Output MAP Detector with Lattice Reduction Based on Euclidean Distance Interpolation. 1708-1712
Timing and Synchronisation
- Shun-Sheng Wang, Chih-Peng Li, Chin-Liang Wang:
A Novel Timing and Frequency Offset Estimation Scheme for OFDM Systems. 1713-1717 - Wei-Wen Hu, Chih-Peng Li:
Super-Imposed Training Scheme for Timing and Frequency Synchronization in OFDM Systems. 1718-1722 - Susanne Godtmann, André Pollok
, Niels Hadaschik, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr:
On the Influence of Pilot Symbol and Data Symbol Positioning on Turbo Synchronization. 1723-1726 - Yingming Tsai, Guodong Zhang:
Time and Frequency Synchronization for 3GPP Long Term Evolution Systems. 1727-1731 - Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Masahiko Shimizu:
Inter-Cell Interference Suppression Effect Using a Chip Correlation MMSE Receiver with Multipath Interference Correlative Timing. 1732-1736 - Gunther Auer, Jerome Bonnet:
Threshold Controlled Iterative Channel Estimation for Coded OFDM. 1737-1741
- Soon Xin Ng, Wei Liu, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Channel Prediction Aided Coded Modulation Assisted Eigen-Beamforming. 1742-1746 - Axel Hof:
Distance Spectrum Calculation of Symbol Punctured Trellis Coded Modulation. 1747-1751 - Sung-Joon Park, Moo-Kwang Byeon:
Error Performances of 64-ary Triangular Quadrature Amplitude Modulation in AWGN Channel. 1752-1755 - Mohan Baro, Jacek Ilow:
PAPR Reduction in Wavelet Packet Modulation Using Tree Pruning. 1756-1760 - Armelle Wautier, Lionel Husson, Ionut-Dan Plai, Danilo P. Mandic:
Algorithms for BER-Constrained Variable-Length Equalizers driven by Channel Response Knowledge over Frequency-Selective Radio Channel. 1761-1765
Channel Estimation
- Wing Seng Leon, Ying-Chang Liang
, Yonghong Zeng
, Changlong Xu:
Channel Delay Management with Statistical Pre-Filtering for Single Carrier Cyclic Prefix Transmissions. 1766-1770 - Abdel-Majid Mourad, Loïc Brunel, Akihiro Okazaki, Umer Salim:
Channel Quality Indicator Estimation for OFDMA Systems in the Downlink. 1771-1775 - Kazunori Hayashi
, Hideaki Sakai:
Downlink Channel Estimation for Multi-cell Block Transmission Systems with Cyclic Prefix. 1776-1780 - Stefan Kaiser:
Effects of Channel Estimation Errors on Spatial Pre-Coding Schemes with Phase Flipping. 1781-1785 - Christian Vincent Sinn, Daniel Bielefeld, Jürgen Götze:
A Computationally Efficient Block Transmission Scheme Based on Approximated Cholesky Factors. 1786-1790
Transmission Technologies I
- Sungho Choi, Eui-Rim Jeong, Yong Hoon Lee:
A Direct Learning Structure for Adaptive Polynomial-Based Predistortion for Power Amplifier Linearization. 1791-1795 - Yating Wu, Wai Keung Wong, Shu Hung Leung
, Y. S. Zhu:
A Modified De-Correlated Delay Lock Loop with Better Static Response for Synchronous DS-CDMA Systems. 1796-1800 - Ersen Ekrem, Mutlu Koca, Hakan Deliç:
Ultra-Wideband Signal Acquisition in Non-Gaussian Noise via Successive Sampling. 1801-1805 - Wee Seng Chua, Chau Yuen, Francois P. S. Chin:
A Continuous Vector-Perturbation for Multi-Antenna Multi-User Communication. 1806-1810 - Hiroyuki Yomo, Elisabeth de Carvalho:
A Channel State Estimation Method for Wireless Relay Network. 1811-1815
Transmission Technologies II
- Yuanliang Huang, Jiangzhou Wang, Kenichi Higuchi:
A Novel Layered Space-Time-Frequency Architecture with Convolutional Coding. 1816-1820 - Hyonseok Kim, Hyunkee Min, Hanho Wang, Youngju Kim, Daesik Hong:
Asymmetric Pilot Subcarrier Allocation for OFDMA-Based Regenerative Dual-Hop Links. 1821-1825 - Steffen Bittner, Wolfgang Rave, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Phase Noise Suppression in OFDM with Spatial Multiplexing. 1826-1830 - Seung Hwan Won, Lajos Hanzo
Differentially Coherent Code Acquisition in the Multiple Transmit/Receive Antenna Assisted Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA Downlink. 1831-1835 - Riichi Kudo, Yasushi Takatori, Atsushi Ohta, Kentaro Nishimori, Shuji Kubota:
New Simple Capacity Estimation Method for Multiuser Block Diagonalization Transmission. 1836-1840
Transmission Technologies III
- Sunghoon Choi, You-Chul Shin, Jun Heo, Kihyoung Cho, Minseok Oh:
Effective Puncturing Schemes for Block-type Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 1841-1845 - Enrica Salbaroli, Alberto Zanella
Achievable Rate of Wireless Sensor Networks with Multi-Antenna Sinks. 1846-1850 - Patrick Henkel:
Doping of Extended Mappings for Signal Shaping. 1851-1855 - K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, R. M. A. P. Rajatheva, Chintha Tellambura:
On the Trivariate Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution. 1856-1860 - Xenofon G. Doukopoulos, Rodolphe Legouable:
Robust Channel Estimation via FFT Interpolation for Multicarrier Systems. 1861-1865
Transmission Technologies IV
- Suvra Sekhar Das, Elisabeth de Carvalho, Ramjee Prasad:
Variable Sub-Carrier Bandwidths in OFDM Systems. 1866-1870 - Yoshiaki Ofuji, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Kenichi Higuchi, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Group-Wised Reference Signal Allocation for Single-Carrier FDMA Radio Access in Evolved UTRA Uplink. 1871-1875 - Philippe Mary, Jean-Marie Gorce
, Guillaume Villemaud, Mischa Dohler, Marylin Arndt:
Reduced Complexity MUD-MLSE Receiver for Partially-Overlapping WLAN-Like Interference. 1876-1880 - Hyunseok Lee, Hyoungsuk Jeon, Hoiyoon Jung, Hyuckjae Lee:
Signal Detection Using Log-Likelihood Ratio Based Sorting QR Decomposition for V-BLAST Systems. 1881-1885 - Ismail Güvenç, Chia-Chin Chong, Fujio Watanabe:
Analysis of a Linear Least-Squares Localization Technique in LOS and NLOS Environments. 1886-1890
Transmission Technologies V
- Jean-Philippe Javaudin
, Pierre-Jean Bouvet
Use of Signals in Quadrature Over OFDM/OQAM. 1891-1895 - Ketan Mandke, Soon-Hyeok Choi, Gibeom Kim, Robert Grant, Robert C. Daniels, Wonsoo Kim, Robert W. Heath Jr., Scott Nettles:
Early Results on Hydra: A Flexible MAC/PHY Multihop Testbed. 1896-1900 - Sohail Ahmed, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Mellin Transform Based Performance Analysis of FFH M-ary FSK Using Product Combining Against Partial Band Noise Jamming. 1901-1905 - Chih-Hung Lin, Jiunn-Tsair Chen:
Signal-Statistics-Based Look-Up-Table Spacing for Power Amplifier Linearization. 1906-1910 - Arvind Krishnamoorthy, Yufei W. Blankenship, Philippe J. Sartori, Kevin L. Baum, Brian K. Classon:
Enhanced Link Adaptation Methods for Wireless Multi-Carrier Systems. 1911-1915
Transmission Technologies VI
- Parthapratim De:
New Methods for Sensing Bandlimited Signals in Cognitive Radio. 1916-1920 - Lie-Liang Yang:
Multiuser Transmission Via Multiuser Detection: Altruistic-Optimization and Egocentric-Optimization. 1921-1925 - Seung-Hwan Lee, John S. Thompson:
QoS-Guaranteed Sequential User Selection in Multiuser MIMO Downlink Channels. 1926-1930 - Alberto Zanella
, Matthew R. McKay
, Iain B. Collings
, Marco Chiani
Exact SEP of Optimum Combining in the Presence of Noise and Rician-Faded Interferers. 1931-1935 - Chong Xu, Bin Hu, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Multi-Functional Antenna Array Assisted MC DS-CDMA Using Downlink Preprocessing Based on Singular Value Decomposition. 1936-1940
- Jin-Woo Lee, Yong-Hwan Lee:
Resource Allocation for OCI Reduction in OFDM-Based Asynchronous Cellular Systems. 1941-1945 - Guixia Kang, Yu Yang, Yue Ouyang, Ping Zhang:
Pilot Tone Design for Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation in OFDM Systems. 1946-1950 - Xiang Liu, Lajos Hanzo
Exact BER Analysis of OFDM Systems Communicating over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels Subjected to Carrier Frequency Offset. 1951-1955 - Changkee Min, Jongsub Cha, Changwoo Seo, Joonhyuk Kang:
Efficient Sequential Mutiuser Detection for Uplink OFDM/SDMA Systems. 1956-1960 - Suvra Sekhar Das, Muhammad Imadur Rahman, Nidcha Pongsuwanich, Yuanye Wang, Nurul Huda Mahmood
, Carlos Leonel Flores, Bayu Anggoro Jati, Ramjee Prasad:
Influence of PAPR on Link Adaptation Algorithms in OFDM Systems. 1961-1965
Iterative Detection Techniques I
- Chan-Tong Lam, David D. Falconer, Florence Danilo-Lemoine:
A Low Complexity Frequency Domain Iterative Decision-Directed Channel Estimation Technique for Single-Carrier Systems. 1966-1970 - Jari Ylioinas, Markku J. Juntti:
An Iterative Receiver Design Using a SAGE Based List Detector in Turbo Coded OFDM. 1971-1975 - Wooram Shin
, Hoojin Lee
, Changwoo Seo, Joonhyuk Kang:
Iterative Biased MMSE Detections for DSTTD-OFDM Systems over Time-Varying Multipath Channels. 1976-1980 - Paulo Torres
, António Gusmão:
Iterative Receiver Technique for Reduced-CP, Reduced-PMEPR OFDM Transmission. 1981-1985 - Don J. Torrieri, Avinash Mathur, Amitav Mukherjee, Hyuck M. Kwon:
Iterative EM Based LDPC CDMA Receiver under Time Varying Interference. 1986-1989
Iterative Detection Techniques II
- Mohamed Et-tolba
, Samir Saoudi
, Mahmoud Ammar, Raphaël Visoz:
Iterative Soft Multipath Interference Cancellation Assisted by Hybrid ARQ with Constellation Rearrangement for HSDPA System. 1990-1994 - Massimo Rovini, Alfonso Martinez
On the Addition of an Input Buffer to an Iterative Decoder for LDPC Codes. 1995-1999 - Yu-Cheng He, David Haccoun, Christian Cardinal:
Performance Comparison of Iterative BP and Threshold Decoding for Convolutional Self-Doubly-Orthogonal Codes. 2000-2004 - Takashi Yoshimoto, Ryota Yamada, Kazuyuki Shimezawa, Naoki Okamoto:
Performance of MC-CDM Systems with Iterative Inter-Code Interference Canceller and Frequency-Domain Interleaver. 2005-2009 - Noor Shamsiah Othman
, Mohammed El-Hajjar, Osamah Alamri, Lajos Hanzo
Soft-Bit Assisted Iterative AMR-WB Source-Decoding and Turbo-Detection of Channel-Coded Differential Space-Time Spreading Using Sphere Packing Modulation. 2010-2014
Iterative Detection Techniques in MIMO Systems
- Qiang Yu, Sangarapillai Lambotharan:
Iterative (Turbo) Estimation and Detection Techniques for Frequency Selective Channels with Multiple Frequency Offsets in MIMO System. 2015-2018 - Huan Xuan Nguyen
, Jinho Choi
Iterative Detection for MIMO-ISI Channels using Soft Decision Feedback. 2019-2022 - Sairamesh Nammi, Deva K. Borah:
Iterative List Subset Detectors for Turbo Product Coded MIMO Wireless Systems. 2023-2027 - Siddharth Mohan, Sairamesh Nammi:
Iterative SAGE Channel Tracking Algorithm for Coded MIMO Time-Selective Fading Channels. 2028-2032 - Yiyang Pei, Ying-Chang Liang
Subcarrier-Based Block-Iterative GDFE (BI-GDFE) Receivers for MIMO Interleaved FDMA. 2033-2037
- Rajiv Agarwal
, John M. Cioffi:
Achieving Sum-Capacity of the MIMO BC with Large Transmit Array using One-Shot Scalable Feedback Protocol. 2038-2042 - Bartosz Mielczarek, Witold A. Krzymien:
Influence of CSI Feedback Errors on Capacity of Linear Multi-User MIMO Systems. 2043-2047 - Marian Codreanu
, Antti Tölli, Markku J. Juntti
, Matti Latva-aho:
MIMO Downlink Weighted Sum Rate Maximization with Power Constraints per Antenna Groups. 2048-2052 - Gerhard Bauch, Pedro Tejera, Christian Guthy, Wolfgang Utschick
, Josef A. Nossek, Markus Herdin, Jorgen Nielsen, Jørgen Bach Andersen, Eckehard G. Steinbach
, Shoaib Khan:
Multiuser MIMO: Principle, Performance in Measured Channels and Applicable Service. 2053-2057
- Zouheir Rezki
, David Haccoun, François Gagnon
, Wessam Ajib:
A Tight Lower Bound on the Outage Probability of Spatially Correlated MIMO Channels. 2058-2062 - Juha Ylitalo:
Double-Directional Beamforming MIMO: A Simulation Study. 2063-2067 - Hiroshi Nishimoto, Toshihiko Nishimura, Takeo Ohgane, Yasutaka Ogawa:
Pseudo Eigenbeam Transmission Technique in Frequency Selective MIMO Channels. 2068-2072 - Faruk Keskin, Paul Walter Baier:
Minimum Energy Precoding in Receiver Oriented MIMO Multi-User Mobile Radio Downlinks. 2073-2077
- Liang Zhou, Takeshi Takano:
A Unified Approach for Weighted Viterbi Decoding in MIMO-OFDM Precoding Systems. 2078-2082 - Wenjie Jiang, Yusuke Asai, Satoru Aikawa:
Efficient Optimal Ordering Achieving DFE Algorithms in MIMO Systems. 2083-2088 - Matteo Trivellato, Federico Boccardi, Filippo Tosato:
User Selection Schemes for MIMO Broadcast Channels with Limited Feedback. 2089-2093 - Lie-Liang Yang:
Joint Transmitter-Receiver Design in TDD Multiuser MIMO Systems: An Egocentric/Altruistic Optimization Approach. 2094-2098 - Qixing Wang, Baojin Li, Yongyu Chang, Dacheng Yang:
Layered Space-Frequency Detection for MIMO-CDMA Systems Using Virtual Antennas. 2099-2103 - Masatsugu Higashinaka, Katsuyuki Motoyoshi, Takayuki Nagayasu, Hiroshi Kubo, Akihiro Shibuya, Akihiro Okazaki:
Likelihood Estimation for Reduced-Complexity ML Detectors in a MIMO System. 2104-2108
- Michael Botros Shenouda, Timothy N. Davidson
Minimum SER Zero-Forcing Transmitter Design for MIMO Channels with Interference Pre-Subtraction. 2109-2113 - Lisheng Fan, Kazuhiko Fukawa, Hiroshi Suzuki:
ML Detection of MIMO-OFDM Signals in Selected Spatial-Temporal Subspace for Prewhitening with Recursive Eigenvalue Decomposition in Mobile Interference Environments. 2114-2118 - Du Yang, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Performance of SDMA Systems Using Transmitter Preprocessing Based on Noisy Feedback of Vector-Quantized Channel Impulse Responses. 2119-2123 - Benjamin E. Henty, Daniel D. Stancil
Experimental Demonstration of Time-Reversal MISO and MIMO Arrays with IEEE 802.11g Devices through a Ventilation Duct Channel. 2124-2128 - Hidekazu Taoka, Ki Dai, Kenichi Higuchi, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Field Experiments on Ultimate Frequency Efficiency Exceeding 30 Bit/Second/Hz Using MLD Signal Detection in MIMO-OFDM Broadband Packet Radio Access. 2129-2134 - Chang-Kyung Sung, Sung Hyun Moon, Jinwoo Choe-i, Inkyu Lee:
Performance Analysis of Multiuser MIMO Systems with Zero Forcing Receivers. 2135-2139
Transmission Technologies Posters 1
- David Astely, Johan Axnäs:
On Modeling of Maximum Likelihood Demodulation of Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation with Multiple Transmit Antennas. 2140-2144 - Zizhou Wang, Guiwei Zhu, Yafeng Wang, Dacheng Yang:
Adaptive Power Allocation for Regenerative Multi-Relay System Based on Capacity-Approaching Distributed Space-Time Codes. 2145-2149 - Li Chu, Jinhong Yuan
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Space-Time Coded Systems. 2150-2154 - João Carlos Silva
, Rui Dinis
, António Rodrigues, Francisco Cercas
, Nuno Souto
, Sérgio M. Jesus
Employing the Block Fourier Algorithm for Solving the LMMSE Receiver Equation Under Variable Channel Conditions. 2155-2159 - André Fonseca dos Santos, Wolfgang Rave, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
A Low-Complexity Scheduling for Turbo Equalization with Turbo Decoding. 2160-2164 - Hiroyuki Sato, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
, Tsuyoshi Kashima, Sigit P. W. Jarot:
MultiBand-OFDM System with Concatenated Coding Scheme. 2165-2169 - Santiago Rodriguez-Parera, André Bourdoux, François Horlin
, Jordi Carrabina
, Liesbet Van der Perre
Front-End ADC Requirements for Uniform Bandpass Sampling in SDR. 2170-2174 - Younghwan Jin, Jihyun Kwon, Yuro Lee, Jaemin Ahn, Wongyu Choi, Dongchan Lee:
Obtaining Diversity Gain Coming from IQ Imbalances in OFDM Receivers. 2175-2179 - Mohamed Marey, Mamoun Guenach, Frederik Simoens, Heidi Steendam
Soft Information Aided ML Joint Frame Synchronization and Channel Estimation for Downlink MC-CDMA in the Presence of Narrowband Interference. 2180-2184 - Hany Elgala
, Raed Mesleh
, Harald Haas
, Bogdan Pricope:
OFDM Visible Light Wireless Communication Based on White LEDs. 2185-2189 - Keiichi Kambara, Hiroshi Nishimoto, Toshihiko Nishimura, Yasutaka Ogawa, Takeo Ohgane:
Subblock Processing for MMSE-FDE Under Fast Fading Environments. 2190-2194 - Marc Deumal, Ali Behravan, Thomas Eriksson
, Joan Lluís Pijoan
Constrained Clipping for Peak Power Reduction of Multicarrier Systems by Tone Reservation. 2195-2199 - Mohammed El-Hajjar, Salam A. Zummo
, Lajos Hanzo
Near-Instantaneously Adaptive Cooperative Uplink Schemes Based on Space-Time Block Codes and V-Blast. 2200-2204 - Kwangho Shin, Jungwoo Lee
Low Complexity LDPC Decoding Techniques with Adaptive Selection of Edges. 2205-2209 - Deva K. Borah, Gerardo Moreno-Crespo, Sairamesh Nammi:
Distributed Alamouti Transmit Diversity Technique for Co-Operative Communications. 2210-2214 - Sung-Ha Kim, Joon-Sung Kim, Dae-Son Kim, Hong-Yeop Song:
Modification on the IPEG Algorithm for Constructing LDPC Codes with Low Error Floor. 2215-2217 - Sung-Eun Park, Chiwoo Lim, Thierry Lestable, Jaeyoel Kim, Kyeongcheol Yang:
A Class of Structured LDPC Codes Over GF(q) for Efficient Encoding. 2218-2222 - Maryam Dehghani Estarki, Ebrahim Karami:
Joint Blind and Semi-Blind MIMO Channel Tracking and Decoding Using CMA Algorithm. 2223-2227 - Wei Liu, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Subspace Tracking Based Blind MIMO Transmit Preprocessing. 2228-2232 - Yuhei Nagao, Masayuki Kurosaki, Hiroshi Ochi:
Low-Complexity Group Layered Space-Time Detection in Spatial Correlated MIMO Channels. 2233-2237
Transmission Technologies Posters 2
- Kyoung-Jae Lee
, Heunchul Lee
, Seokhwan Park, Inkyu Lee:
A New Transmit Diversity Scheme based on Cyclic Precoding Vectors for Flat Fading Channels. 2238-2242 - Tae Ho Im, Jaekwon Kim, Yong Soo Cho:
A Low Complexity QRM-MLD for MIMO Systems. 2243-2247 - Shenfa Liu, Nan Hu, Zhiqiang He, Kai Niu, Weiling Wu:
Multi-Level Zero-Forcing Method for Multiuser Downlink System with Per-Antenna Power Constraint. 2248-2252 - Muhammad Qaisrani, Sangarapillai Lambotharan:
An Iterative (Turbo) Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection Technique for Doubly Selective Channels. 2253-2256 - Guoping Xu, Qun Wei, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
New OFDM Channel Estimation Algorithm with Low Complexity. 2257-2260 - Søren Skovgaard Christensen, Elisabeth de Carvalho:
Achievable Sum-Rates in MIMO Broadcast Channels with Vector Precoding Techniques Using Coded Modulation. 2261-2265 - Anne-Laure Deleuze, Christophe J. Le Martret, Philippe Ciblat:
Rake Receiver Improvement for Residual Interference Cancellation in UWB Context. 2266-2270 - Ebrahim Karami, Markku J. Juntti
Equalization of MIMO-OFDM Channels Using Bussgang Algorithm. 2271-2275 - Ali Serener
, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
, Don M. Gruenbacher:
Optimized LDPC Codes for OFDM and Spread OFDM in Correlated Channels. 2276-2280 - Persefoni Kyritsi, Petar Popovski
, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Yuanye Wang, Danish Ahmed Khan, Anne-Lise Bouaziz, Beatrice Pietrarca, Giovanni Sasso:
Cooperative Transmission: A Reality Check Using Experimental Data. 2281-2285 - Floriano De Rango, Fiore Veltri, Peppino Fazio
, Salvatore Marano:
BER Regression Analysis of DS-UWB Based WPAN. 2286-2290 - Ting-Jung Liang, Wolfgang Rave, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
On Preamble Length of OFDM-WLAN. 2291-2295 - Nasr M. Eltayeb, Sangarapillai Lambotharan, Jonathon A. Chambers:
A Phase Feedback Based Extended Space-Time Block Code for Enhancement of Diversity. 2296-2299 - Yuichi Nakagawa, Masahiro Muraguchi, Hideki Kawamura, Kyoji Ohashi, Kei Sakaguchi, Kiyomichi Araki:
Novel Multi-Stage Transmultiplexing Digital Down Converter for Implementation of RFID (ISO18000-3 MODE 2) Reader/Writer. 2300-2304 - Chih-Peng Li, Wei-Wen Hu, Tsang-Yi Wang:
Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM Systems Using ICI Self-Cancellation Schemes. 2305-2309 - Behrad Mahboobi, Said Nader-Esfahani:
Reduced Complexity Turbo Multi User Detection for a CDMA System Using M-ary PSK. 2310-2314 - Rui Fa, Bayan S. Sharif
, Charalampos Tsimenidis:
Iterative Detection and Phase Recovery for Downlink DS and MC-CDMAFlat Rayleigh Fading Channels. 2315-2319 - Jeong-Wook Seo, Seung-Hun Jang, Won-Gi Jeon, Jong-Ho Paik, Min-Goo Kangi, Dong Ku Kim:
A Time-Domain ICI Canceller Using Modulation Order Increasing and Repetition Coding in OFDM. 2320-2323 - Katsunari Honjo, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
LLR Based Iterative Reduced-Complexity MLD Algorithm with Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) in MIMO Systems. 2324-2328 - Asad Mahmood, Emmanuel Jaffrot:
Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Power Allocation in Multicarrier Systems with Peak-Power Constraint. 2329-2333 - Li-Chun Wang
, Cheng-Wei Chiu, Chu-Jung Yeh, Wern-Ho Sheen:
Coverage Performance Analysis of OFDM-Based Spatial Multiplexing Systems. 2334-2338 - Robert C. Elliott
, Witold A. Krzymien:
Downlink Scheduling for Multiple Antenna Systems with Dirty Paper Coding Via Genetic Algorithms. 2339-2343 - Benoit Miscopein, Jean Schwoerer
Low Complexity Synchronization Algorithm for Non-Coherent UWB-IR Receivers. 2344-2348 - Shahid Khattak, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Distributed Iterative Detection in an Interference Limited Cellular Network. 2349-2353 - P. Chaturanga Weeraddana, R. M. A. P. Rajatheva:
Probability of Error Analysis of OFDM Systems with Random Residual Frequency Offset. 2354-2358 - Michele Carta, Vincenzo Lottici, Ruggero Reggiannini, F. Cianchi:
Receiver Design for Filter-Bank Multicarrier Systems Over Time-Frequency Selective Channels. 2359-2363 - Thorben Detert:
Prefiltered Low Complexity Tree Detection for Frequency Selective Fading Channels. 2364-2368 - Jong-Deuk Kim, Youn-Shik Byun:
A New Inter-Carrier Interference Cancellation Using CP-ICA Scheme in OFDM Systems. 2369-2373 - Min Lee, Seong Keun Oh:
A Per-User Successive MMSE Precoding Technique in Multiuser MIMO Systems. 2374-2378 - Antti Anttonen, Sami Siltala, Aarne Mämmelä
Timing and Phase Offset Sensitivity of Autocorrelation Based Frequency Estimation in an FH-OFDM System. 2379-2383 - Se-Hyeon Kang, In-Cheol Park
Fast and Area-Efficient Sphere Decoding Using Look-Ahead Search. 2384-2388 - Yuan Yang, Tero Ihalainen, Markku Renfors
, Mika Rinne:
Noise Predictive Turbo Equalization for a Filter Bank Based Receiver in a SC Transmission System. 2389-2393 - Laurent Boher, Maryline Hélard, Rodrigue Rabineau:
Turbo-Coded MIMO Iterative Receiver with Bit Per Bit Interference Cancellation for M-QAM Gray Mapping Modulation. 2394-2398 - Kyle Jung-Lin Pan, Robert L. Olesen, Donald Grieco, Chia-Pang Yen:
Efficient Feedback Design for MIMO SC-FDMA Systems. 2399-2403 - Anh Quang Pham, Jin Wang, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
An Iterative Detection Aided Irregular Convolutional Coded Wavelet Videophone Scheme Using Reversible Variable-Length Codes and Map Equalization. 2404-2408 - Shan Lu, Guixia Kang, Qiqu Zhu, Ping Zhang:
A Orthogonal Superimposed Pilot for Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM systems. 2409-2413 - Kyung-Soo Woo, Hyun-Il Yoo, Yeong-Jun Kim, Heesoo Lee, Hyun Kyu Chung, Yong Soo Cho:
Synchronization and Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems with Transparent Multi-Hop Relays. 2414-2418 - Michael Fitch, Yu Deng:
Trellis Coded Multi-Level Gaussian FSK. 2419-2424 - Sun Liang, Yafeng Wang, Zhang Junfeng, Dacheng Yang:
Novel Layered Space-Frequency Architecture for Uplink Multi-User MIMO-CDMA Systems. 2425-2429 - Sajid Ahmed, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah, Mathini Sellathurai
, Colin Cowan:
EXIT Chart Analysis of a Reduced Complexity Iterative MIMO-OFDM Receiver. 2430-2434 - Patrick Hosein:
Interference Management of OFDMA Uplinks. 2435-2439 - Thanh Dang Nguyen, Fang-Chun Kuo, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Amalgamated Generalized Low Density Parity Check and Luby Transform Codes for the Wireless Internet. 2440-2444 - Chanho Yoon, Jong-Ee Oh, Minho Cheong, Sok-Kyu Lee:
A Hardware Efficient LDPC Encoding Scheme for Exploiting Decoder Structure and Resources. 2445-2449 - Kai Yen, Juha Karjalainen, Tadashi Matsumoto:
Antenna Doping: A Countermeasure Against MIMO Spatial Correlation. 2450-2454 - Peter Klenner, Karl-Dirk Kammeyer:
Spatially Interpolated OFDM with Channel Estimation for Fast Fading Channels. 2455-2459 - Woon Hau Chin, Yan Wu, Patrick Ho Wang Fung, Sumei Sun:
Performance Analysis of Hybrid STBC in MIMO-OFDM-Based Wireless LANs. 2460-2464 - Tamara Rodrigues, Richard Demo Souza
, Marcelo Eduardo Pellenz
, Walter Godoy:
Improving the Performance of Wireless Links Using Hybrid ARQ Based on RSM and Turbo Codes. 2465-2469 - Yusuke Ishida, Satoshi Suyama, Hiroshi Suzuki, Kazuhiko Fukawa:
MIMO-OFDM Transmission Employing Subcarrier-Block Phase Hopping for PAPR Reduction. 2470-2474 - Ya-Hui Hu, Geng-Sheng Kuo:
Space-Time-Frequency Domain Water-Filling in MIMO-OFDM Fading System. 2475-2480 - Sung Kyo Kang, Yun Hee Kim, Heesoo Lee, Hyun Kyu Chung:
Adaptive User Cooperation with HARQ for the Uplink of a Turbo-Coded System. 2481-2485
Data Dissemination in Transportation
- Maziar M. Nekovee
, B. B. Bogason:
Reliable and Effcient Information Dissemination in Intermittently Connected Vehicular Adhoc Networks. 2486-2490 - Peng Fan:
Improving Broadcasting Performance by Clustering with Stability for Inter-Vehicle Communication. 2491-2495 - Matthias Unbehaun, Matthias Scholz:
Key Design Issues for Efficient Broadcasting of Traffic Information Services. 2496-2500 - Olivia Brickley
, Chong Shen, Martin Klepal, Amir Tabatabaei, Dirk Pesch
A Data Dissemination Strategy for Cooperative Vehicular Systems. 2501-2505
Transportation and Mobile Application Posters
- Robin Schubert, Marius Schlingelhof, Heiko Cramer, Gerd Wanielik:
Accurate Positioning for Vehicular Safety Applications - The SAFESPOT Approach. 2506-2510 - Hiroyuki Hatano, Takaya Yamazato
, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama:
A Simple Estimator of Multiple Target Positions for Automotive Short Range Radar Networks. 2511-2515 - Ricardo Abreu
, Nuno Almeida, João Nuno Matos
, Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho
, Jorge Sales Gomes:
A Homodyne Low Cost Uplink Receiver for Digital Short Range Communication Systems. 2516-2520 - Matthias Gerlach, Felix Güttler
Privacy in VANETs using Changing Pseudonyms - Ideal and Real. 2521-2525 - Xiao Ni, Weiren Shi, Victor Foo Siang Fook:
AES Security Protocol Implementation for Automobile Remote Keyless System. 2526-2529 - Takeshi Taoka, Makoto Manabe, Masahiro Fukui:
An Efficient Curvature Lane Recognition Algorithm by Piecewise Linear Approach. 2530-2534 - Jo Verhaevert
, Jan Beyens:
Study and Realisation of Controlling a Twin Rotor. 2535-2539 - Ryszard J. Katulski
, Jacek Stefanski
, Rafal Niski
, Jerzy Zurek
Analysis of a Mobile Phone Location in the Coastal Cellular Distress System. 2540-2544 - Wilfried Gouret, Fabienne Nouvel, Ghaïs El Zein:
Powerline Communication on Automotive Network. 2545-2549
Transportation Safety
- Mark Hartong, Rajni Goel, Csilla Farkas, Duminda Wijesekera:
PTC-VANET Interactions to Prevent Highway Rail Intersection Crossing Accidents. 2550-2554 - Matthias Röckl, Patrick Robertson, Korbinian Frank, Thomas Strang:
An Architecture for Situation-Aware Driver Assistance Systems. 2555-2559 - Janie Baños Polglase, Carlos Cárdenas Angelat, Antonio Plaza Ortega:
Test Tools for Road Safety Telematic Systems. 2560-2564 - John Connors, Gabriel Elkaim:
Analysis of a Spline Based, Obstacle Avoiding Path Planning Algorithm. 2565-2569 - Yuan-Lin Chen, Chong-An Wang:
Vehicle Safety Distance Warning System: A Novel Algorithm for Vehicle Safety Distance Calculating Between Moving Cars. 2570-2574
Vehicular Communication
- Benjamin Mourllion, Sebastien Glaser
V2V Communication Analysis by a Probabilistic Approach. 2575-2579 - Yunpeng Zang, Lothar Stibor, Bernhard Walke, Hans-Jürgen Reumerman, Andre Barroso:
A Novel MAC Protocol for Throughput Sensitive Applications in Vehicular Environments. 2580-2584 - Chris C. Kellum:
Six Application Mechanisms Required for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE). 2585-2589 - Moez Jerbi, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci
, Mahmoud Al Haj:
Extensive Experimental Characterization of Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks within Different Environments. 2590-2594 - Chakkaphong Suthaputchakun, Aura Ganz:
Priority Based Inter-Vehicle Communication in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks using IEEE 802.11e. 2595-2599
- Amin Khajeh Djahromi, Ahmed M. Eltawil
, Fadi J. Kurdahi
Fault Tolerant Approaches Targeting Ultra Low Power Communications System Design. 2600-2604 - Arash Abadpour, Attahiru Sule Alfa, Anthony C. K. Soong:
Capacity-Share Controlled Information-Theoretic Sum Capacity of Reverse Link Single-Cell CDMA Systems. 2605-2609 - Chung-Ju Chang, Chia-Yuan Chang, Fang-Ching Ren:
Q-Learning-based Hybrid ARQ for High Speed Downlink Packet Access in UMTS. 2610-2615 - Behrooz Hamidian, Yousef R. Shayan:
Convergence Speed of Iterative Multi-user Detection for Turbo-Coded CDMA. 2616-2620 - Belkacem Mouhouche:
Throughput of CDMA Data Networks With Reduced-Rank MMSE Receivers and Automatic Retransmission Request. 2621-2624
Cognitive Radio and Heterogeneous Networking
- Stephan Goebbels:
Smart Caching Joins Hierarchical Mobile IP. 2625-2630 - Kentaro Nishimori, Rocco Di Taranto, Hiroyuki Yomo, Petar Popovski
, Yasushi Takatori, Ramjee Prasad, Shuji Kubota:
Spatial Opportunity for Cognitive Radio Systems with Heterogeneous Path Loss Conditions. 2631-2635 - Stephan Goebbels:
Traffic Theory Approach for Heterogeneous Mobile Communication Networks. 2636-2640 - Youngwoo Youn, Hyoungsuk Jeon, Hoiyoon Jung, Hyuckjae Lee:
Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform based Energy Detector for Cognitive Radios. 2641-2645 - Sang Soo Jeong, Wha Sook Jeon, Dong Geun Jeong:
Dynamic Channel Sensing Management for OFDMA-Based Cognitive Radio Systems. 2646-2650 - Esa Kunnari, Jari H. Iinatti:
Performance Analysis of OFDM based UWB Systems with a Frequency-Domain CDMA for Multiple SOPs. 2651-2655
- Simon Plass, Xenofon G. Doukopoulos, Rodolphe Legouable:
On MC-CDMA Link-Level Inter-Cell Interference. 2656-2660 - Jens P. Elsner, Piotr Rykaczewski, Christian Körner, Friedrich K. Jondral:
Orthogonal Complex Hadamard Spreading Codes for I/Q Imbalance Mitigation in MC-CDMA Systems. 2661-2665 - Alberto Jimenez-Pacheco:
Turbo Multiuser Detection for MC-CDMA Downlink Systems with Transmit Diversity. 2666-2671 - Sisi Liu, Lini Dan, Yue Xiao, Shaoqian Li:
PAPR Reduction Based on Improved VCS Scheme in MC-CDMA System. 2672-2676 - Joy Iong-Zong Chen, Shih-Ming Tsao, Yaw-Pow Yang:
Performance Evaluation for an MC-CDMA System in Single- and Multiple-Cell Environments by Generalized Laguerre Polynomial. 2677-2681
- Zhenyu Liang, Yong Huat Chew, Chi Chung Ko:
A Linear Programming Solution to the Subcarrier-and-Bit Allocation of Multiclass Multiuser OFDM Systems. 2682-2686 - Jian Xu, Wonkyu Paik, Jongkyung Kim, Jong-Soo Seo:
Dynamic Subcarrier and Power Allocation with Proportional Rate Constraints for Multi-User Space-Time Block-Coded OFDM System. 2687-2691 - Ivan Cosovic, Tiziano Mazzoni:
Sidelobe Suppression in OFDM Spectrum Sharing Systems Via Additive Signal Method. 2692-2696 - Fernando H. Gregorio
, Stefan Werner
, Risto Wichman, Juan E. Cousseau:
Split Predistortion Approach for Reduced Complexity Terminal in OFDM Systems. 2697-2701 - Lei Ye, Alister G. Burr
Adaptive Modulation and Code Rate for Turbo Coded OFDM Transmissions. 2702-2706
- Nevio Benvenuto, Daniele Veronesi:
On Determining the Sum Capacity of a Multi-Spot OFDM System. 2707-2711 - Su-Jung Shin, Mee-Ran Kim, Hye-In Yu, Yeon-Joo Kang, Nak-Myeong Kim, Oh-Soon Shin:
Advanced Hybrid OFDM System with Multi-Layer TDD Architecture. 2712-2716 - Cormac de Frein, Anthony D. Fagan:
Maximum Likelihood Frequency Detection for Discrete Hadamard Precoded OFDM. 2717-2721 - Xiu-Sheng Li, Yuh-Ren Tsai
Soft-Handoff Strategies for MB-OFDM Systems. 2722-2726 - Wang Ying, Qu Xin-chun, Wu Tong, Liu Bao-ling:
Power Allocation and Subcarrier Pairing Algorithm for Regenerative OFDM Relay System. 2727-2731
- Jung Min Choi, Hyojin Lee, Hyun Kyu Chung, Jae Hong Lee:
Sounding Method for Proportional Fair Scheduling in OFDMA/FDD Uplink. 2732-2735 - I-Kang Fu, Wern-Ho Sheen:
An Analysis on Downlink Capacity of Multi-Cell OFDMA Systems Under Randomized Inter-cell/sector Interference. 2736-2740 - Yonghong Zeng, Abdul Rahim Leyman, Wing Seng Leon:
Multiple Frequency Offset Estimations in Multiuser OFDMA. 2741-2745 - Anastasios Giovanidis
, Aydin Sezgin
, Ullrich J. Münich, Donghee Kim:
Dynamic User Grouping and Shared Frequency Resource Assignment Strategies for OFDMA. 2746-2750 - Anastasios Giovanidis
, Thomas Haustein, Eduard A. Jorswieck
, Donghee Kim:
Maximization of the Single User Rate in OFDMA Assuming Equal Power on Allocated Subcarriers. 2751-2755 - Liguo Yang, Zhiqiang He, Lan Wang, Weiling Wu:
A New Utility Based Subcarrier and Power Joint Allocation Scheme in Uplink OFDMA Systems. 2756-2760
Packet Scheduling
- Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Klaus I. Pedersen, Guillaume Monghal, István Z. Kovács, Claudio Rosa
, Troels E. Kolding
, Preben E. Mogensen:
HARQ Aware Frequency Domain Packet Scheduler with Different Degrees of Fairness for the UTRAN Long Term Evolution. 2761-2765 - Jeongsik Park, Sungho Hwang
, Ho-Shin Cho:
A Packet Scheduling Scheme to Support Real-Time Traffic in OFDMA Systems. 2766-2770 - Na Wei, Akhilesh Pokhariyal, Troels B. Sørensen, Troels E. Kolding
, Preben E. Mogensen:
Mitigating Signaling Requirements For MIMO with Frequency Domain Packet Scheduling. 2771-2775 - Rong Yu, Zhi Sun, Shunliang Mei:
Packet Scheduling in Broadband Wireless Networks Using Neuro-Dynamic Programming. 2776-2780 - Constantine Floros, John S. Thompson, Steve McLaughlin:
Packet Scheduling in Wireless Systems using MIMO Arrays and VBLAST Architecture. 2781-2785
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Access
- Roshni Srinivasan, Shailender Timiri, Alexei Davydov, Apostolos Papathanassiou:
Downlink Spectral Efficiency of Mobile WiMAX. 2786-2790 - Santosh Kawade, Terry G. Hodgkinson, Dave Wisely:
Impact of EIRP Limit Changes on the Performance of 2.4 GHz WiFi Systems. 2791-2795 - Michael Einhaus, Ole Klein, Bernhard Walke, Rüdiger Halfmann:
MAC Level Performance Evaluation of Downlink Resource Allocation Strategies for an OFDMA System Based on IEEE 802.16. 2796-2800 - Yunju Park, Gang Uk Hwang:
Performance Modelling and Analysis of the Sleep-Mode in IEEE802.16e WMAN. 2801-2806 - Fan Wang, Amitava Ghosh, Chandy Sankaran, Stanley J. Benes:
WiMAX System Performance with Multiple Transmit and Multiple Receive Antennas. 2807-2811
Power Control and Optimization I
- Petra Weitkemper, Karl-Dirk Kammeyer:
Power Optimization of IDMA Systems with Different Target BER Constraints. 2812-2816 - Mahmoud El-Sayes, Mohamed H. Ahmed:
An Upper Bound on SINR Threshold for Call Admission Control in Multiple-Class CDMA Systems with Imperfect Power-Control. 2817-2821 - Peter Larsson:
Joint Power and Rate Control for Delay Tolerant Traffic in a Wireless System. 2822-2826 - Chin-Liang Wang, Sheng-Ju Ku, Chun-Ju Yang:
An Improved Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Estimation Scheme for OFDM Systems. 2827-2831
Power Control and Optimization II
- Yuehong Gao, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
A Novel Power Control Algorithm on the Reverse Link of CDMA Systems. 2832-2836 - Chin-Liang Wang, Yuan Ouyang
, Feng-Hsing Huang:
A Low-Complexity Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Technique for OFDM Systems Using Guided Scrambling Coding. 2837-2840 - Osamu Muta, Yoshihiko Akaiwa:
Peak Power Reduction Method Based on Structure of Parity-Check Matrix for LDPC Coded OFDM Transmission. 2841-2845 - Natalia Y. Ermolova:
Characterization of an Ideally Predistorted Power Amplifier Driven by a Clipped-Filtered Multicarrier Signal. 2846-2849 - Patrick Agyapong, Harald Haas
, Alexander Tyrrell, Gunther Auer:
Interference Tolerance Signaling Using TDD Busy Tone Concept. 2850-2854
Resource Allocation I
- Ki Tae Kim, Seong Keun Oh:
A Universal Frequency Reuse System in a Mobile Cellular Environment. 2855-2859 - Hans Jørgen Bang, Torbjörn Ekman:
Opportunistic Round Robin with Extended Window for Time Correlated Channels. 2860-2863 - Mylene Pischella, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Optimal Power Allocation for Downlink Cooperative Cellular Networks. 2864-2868 - Kai-Kit Wong, King-Sun Chan:
Scheduling and Power Allocation for Delay-Limited Multiuser Communications with Causal Channel Feedback. 2869-2873 - Genaro Hernández-Valdez
, Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez, Domingo Lara-Rodríguez:
Bounding the Mobility/Capacity Conversion Efficiency in Multi-Service Wireless Communications Networks. 2874-2878
Resource Allocation II
- Santosh Kawade, Viraj S. Abhayawardhana, Terry G. Hodgkinson, Dave Wisely:
Cluster Based Channel Allocation for Public WLANs. 2879-2883 - Mats Blomgren, Johan Hultell:
Decentralized Market-Based Radio Resource Management in Multi-Network Environments. 2884-2889 - Hwee Pink Tan, Colman O'Sullivan, Linda Doyle
FSMA - A Topology-Transparent Scheme for Opportunistic Spectrum Access. 2890-2894 - Francesco Davide Calabrese, Mohmmad Anas, Claudio Rosa
, Preben E. Mogensen, Klaus I. Pedersen:
Performance of a Radio Resource Allocation Algorithm for UTRAN LTE Uplink. 2895-2899 - Chengkang Pan, Yueming Cai, Youyun Xu:
Relay MAC Channels: Capacity and Resource Allocation. 2900-2904
- Emeric Guéguen, Matthieu Crussière, Jean-François Hélard:
An OFDM-CDMA Scheme for High Data Rate UWB Applications. 2905-2909 - Kohei Ohno, Tetsushi Ikegami:
Interference DAA Technique for Coexisting UWB Radio. 2910-2914 - Florian Troesch, Armin Wittneben:
MLSE Post-Detection for ISI Mitigation and Synchronization in UWB Low Complexity Receivers. 2915-2919 - Gustavo Nader, Annamalai Annamalai:
A Methodology for the Analysis of the Coexistence Between UWB Systems and UMTS Networks. 2920-2925 - Antoine Stephan, Jean-Yves Baudais, Jean-François Hélard:
Adaptive Spread Spectrum Multicarrier Multiple-Access for UWB Systems. 2926-2930
Wireless Access
- Leif R. Wilhelmsson, Jim Svensson, Andreas Nevalainen, Mike Faulkner
Some Results on Implementing Low-Complex ICI Cancellation for DVB-H. 2931-2935 - Petar Popovski
, Elisabeth de Carvalho:
Spectrally-Efficient Wireless Relaying Based on Superposition Coding. 2936-2940 - Teruo Kawamura, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Kenichi Higuchi, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Layer 1 / Layer 2 Control Channel Structure in Single-Carrier FDMA Based Evolved UTRA Uplink. 2941-2945 - Riku Jäntti, Mohammed Al-Rawi
On the Block-Wise Feedback of Channel Adaptive Multi-Carrier Systems. 2946-2950 - David Gomez-Barquero
, Aurelian Bria:
Forward Error Correction for File Delivery in DVB-H. 2951-2955
- Jakub Jakubiak, Yevgeni Koucheryavy
Precise Delay Analysis for IEEE 802.11 Legacy Ad-Hoc Networks. 2956-2960 - Wook Choi, Taeshik Shon, Hyohyun Choi, Y. Lee:
Designing a Novel Unlicensed Nomadic Access Relay Station in IEEE 802.16-Based Wireless Access Networks. 2961-2965 - Ertugrul Necdet Ciftcioglu, Özgür Gürbüz:
Access Scheduling Based on Time Water-Filling for Next Generation Wireless LANs. 2966-2970 - Jing-Rong Hsieh, Tsern-Huei Lee, Yaw-Wen Kuo:
Power Efficient Multipolling Mechanism for Next Generation Wireless LANs. 2971-2975 - Joseph Thomas:
Throughput Enhancement of Random Access in Unstructured Networks via Successive Decoding. 2976-2980 - Hua-Chiang Yin, Yih-Guang Jan, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Heng-Iang Hsu, Yi-Hsueh Tsai, Chih-Chiang Hsieh, Tien-Hsiang Lo, Frank Chee-Da Tsai:
Virtual Direct Link Access for IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs). 2981-2984
Wireless Access Posters 1
- Liang Chen, Brian S. Krongold:
An Iterative Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multiuser OFDM with Fairness and QoS Constraints. 2985-2989 - Mats Blomgren, Johan Hultell:
Demand-Responsive Pricing in Open Wireless Access Markets. 2990-2995 - Yonggang Wang, Zhongji Hu, Luoning Gui:
Inter Node B Node Synchronization in SFN for MBMS Transmission. 2996-3000 - Carle Lengoumbi, Philippe Martins, Philippe Godlewski:
An Opportunist Extension of Wireless Fair Service for Packet Scheduling in OFDMA. 3001-3005 - Choong Ming Chin
, Moh Lim Sim
, Sverrir Olafsson:
A Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategy via Power Control for Ad-Hoc Network Systems. 3006-3010 - Fangni Chen, Shiju Li, Yanbo Wang:
A New Wireless Access Scheme: Novel Punctured LDPC Coded Ultra-wideband System. 3011-3015 - Robin I. C. Chiang, Gerard B. Rowe, Kevin W. Sowerby:
A Quantitative Analysis of Spectral Occupancy Measurements for Cognitive Radio. 3016-3020 - Marko Höyhtyä, Aarne Mämmelä
Adaptive Inverse Power Control Using an FxLMS Algorithm. 3021-3025 - Megumi Kaneko, Petar Popovski
Adaptive Resource Allocation in Cellular OFDMA System with Multiple Relay Stations. 3026-3030 - Seungyoup Han, Sungtae Kim, Eunsung Oh
, Daesik Hong:
Adaptive Resource Allocation with Rate Proportionality Tracking in OFDMA Systems. 3031-3035 - Ismael Gutiérrez, Faouzi Bader, Joan Lluís Pijoan, Slimane Ben Slimane:
Adaptive Resource Management for a MC-CDMA System with Mixed QoS Classes Using a Cross Layer Strategy. 3036-3040 - Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Shigenobu Sasaki, Hisakazu Kikuchi:
An Exact Error Analysis for Hybrid DS/TH-CDMA in Nakagami Fading for UWB Communications. 3041-3045 - Bill Yang, Mostafa Hajian, Leo P. Ligthart:
Capacity Enhancement for Indoor Up-Link MC-CDMA in Dense-Populated Area. 3046-3050 - Yusuke Sakaguchi, Masayuki Kurosaki, Shigenori Kinjo, Hiroshi Ochi:
Channel Estimation Method Using Nonrectangular Lattice Filter for Mobile Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting. 3051-3055 - Jos Akhtman, Lajos Hanzo
Decision Directed Channel Estimation Employing Projection Approximation Subspace Tracking. 3056-3060 - Stevan M. Bererber, Chih-Hong Wang, Kevin K. Wei:
Design of a CDMA System in FPGA Technology. 3061-3065 - Ioannis Spyropoulos, James R. Zeidler:
Dynamic Channel Allocation and Space-Time LMMSE Joint Detection in a TDD/CDMA Cellular Network with Traffic Asymmetry. 3066-3070 - Francesco Benedetto
, Gaetano Giunta
, Alessandro Toscano
, Lucio Vegni
Dynamic LOS/NLOS Statistical Discrimination of Wireless Mobile Channels. 3071-3075 - Kamau A. Prince, Brian S. Krongold, Subhrakanti Dey
Efficient Rate-Power Allocation for OFDM in a Realistic Fading Environment. 3076-3080 - Baijayanta Ray, P. K. Venkataraghavan, Sriram Balasubramanian:
Equalization for Multiband OFDM based UWB Systems. 3081-3085
Wireless Access Posters 2
- Yoshitaka Hara, Akinori Taira, Kazuyoshi Oshima:
OFDMA/TDD/MIMO System with Spatial Scheduling. 3086-3090 - Arne Simonsson:
Frequency Reuse and Intercell Interference Co-Ordination In E-UTRA. 3091-3095 - Carole A. Devlin, Anding Zhu, Thomas J. Brazil:
Gaussian Pulse Based Tone Reservation for Reducing PAPR of OFDM Signals. 3096-3100 - Guillem Femenias
, Felip Riera-Palou
, Jaume Ramis
General Analysis of Uplink Group-Orthogonal MC-CDMA systems. 3101-3105 - Claudia Rinaldi, Fortunato Santucci
, Carlo Fischione, Karl Henrik Johansson
Hybrid Model of Least Squares Handover Algorithms in Wireless Networks. 3106-3110 - Yanyan Wu, Yiqing Cao, Liangang Chi, Dacheng Yang:
Improved sRB-HARQ for OFDM System. 3111-3114 - Kai Xu, Xiaofeng Tao, Ying Wang, Ping Zhang:
Inter-Cell Packet Scheduling In OFDMA Wireless Network. 3115-3119 - Luca Reggiani, Lorenzo Galati-Giordano, Laura Dossi:
Multi-User Sub-Channel, Bit and Power Allocation In IEEE 802.16 systems. 3120-3124 - Wei Wang, Yilin Cui, Tao Peng, Wenbo Wang:
Noncooperative Power Control Game with Exponential Pricing for Cognitive Radio Network. 3125-3129 - Zhang Zhang:
On the Application of Directional Antenna to Two Hop Relay System. 3130-3134 - Claude Desset, Mustafa Badaroglu, Julien Ryckaert, Bart van Poucke:
Optimized Signal Acquisition for Low-Complexity and Low-Power IR-UWB Transceivers. 3135-3139 - David Pérez-Díaz De Cerio
, José Luis Valenzuela:
Perceptual Evaluation and Enhancement of VoIP Over IEEE 802.11e. 3140-3144 - Wladimir Bocquet, Kazunori Hayashi
, Hideaki Sakai:
Power Allocation Scheme for MIMO MC-CDMA With Two Dimensional Spreading. 3145-3149 - Mohammed S. Elmusrati
, Vesa Hasu:
Random Switched Beamforming for Uplink Wireless Sensor Networks. 3150-3154 - Zhenyuan Gao, Zesong Fei, Jingming Kuang, Lei Wan:
Rate-Compatible Schemes for Link Adapted LDPC Codes in IEEE 802.16e Standard. 3155-3159 - Lei Huang, Mengtian Rong, Lan Wang, Yisheng Xue, Egon Schulz:
Resource Allocation for OFDMA Based Relay Enhanced Cellular Networks. 3160-3164 - Selva Muratoglu Çürük
, Yalçin Tanik:
Simplified MAP Estimator for OFDM Systems Under Fading. 3165-3169 - Aravind Warrier, Jacek Ilow, Hong Nie:
System Level Transmit Power Analysis in Cellular Systems. 3170-3174 - Basuki E. Priyanto, Humbert Codina, Sergi Rene, Troels B. Sørensen, Preben E. Mogensen:
Initial Performance Evaluation of DFT-Spread OFDM Based SC-FDMA for UTRA LTE Uplink. 3175-3179
Wireless Value Chain
- John L. Hopkins, Brian Fynes
Examining the Value of Mobile Content Delivery in Ireland: Where Is the Next Killer Application? 3180-3183 - Timothy Stephen Cooper, Ronan Farrell
Value-Chain Engineering of a Tower-Top Cellular Base Station System. 3184-3188 - K. R. Renjish Kumar:
Long Tail in International Roaming? 3189-3193 - Fernando J. Velez
, Nuno Anastacio, Francisco Merca, Orlando Cabral:
Cost/Revenue Optimisation of Multi-Service Cellular Planning for City Centre E-UMTS. 3194-3199 - Klas Johansson, Jens Zander, Anders Furuskar:
Cost Efficient Deployment of Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. 3200-3204

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