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WCNC 2010: Sydney, NSW, Australia
- 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2010, Proceedings, Sydney, Australia, 18-21 April 2010. IEEE 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-6398-5
- Shabbir Ahmed, Salil S. Kanhere
A Bayesian Routing Framework for Delay Tolerant Networks. 1-6 - Fazirulhisyam Hashim, Kumudu S. Munasinghe
, Abbas Jamalipour:
A Biologically Inspired Framework for Mitigating Epidemic and Pandemic Attacks in the NGMN. 1-6 - Mahdi Asefi, Jon W. Mark, Xuemin Shen
A Classification-Based Path Selection Scheme for Video Streaming over Multi-Hop Networks. 1-6 - Min Suk Kang, Bang Chul Jung:
A Cognitive p-Persistent CSMA Scheme for Spectrum Sharing Based Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Luca Bixio, Marina Ottonello, Mirco Raffetto, Carlo S. Regazzoni
A Comparison between Stand-Alone and Distributed Architectures for Spectrum Hole Detection. 1-6 - Dorin Panaitopol, Jocelyn Fiorina, Tomaso Erseghe:
A Comparison of IR-UWB Receivers Adapted to MUI with Mixture Based Distributions. 1-6 - Song Guo
, Victor C. M. Leung
A Compromise-Resilient Group Rekeying Scheme for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Nejla Ghaboosi, Abbas Jamalipour:
A Cooperative Cellular Architecture with Emphasis on Traffic Load Balancing. 1-6 - Chin-Sean Sum, Zhou Lan, Junyi Wang, Tuncer Baykas
, Ryuhei Funada, Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Hiroshi Harada
, Shuzo Kato:
A Cross Layer Interference and Coexistence Model for Millimeter-Wave WPAN with Directional Antennas. 1-6 - Ning Lu, Yusheng Ji, Fuqiang Liu, Xinhong Wang:
A Dedicated Multi-Channel MAC Protocol Design for VANET with Adaptive Broadcasting. 1-6 - Kuang-Hao Liu:
A Delay-Bounded Relaying Diversity Scheme in Digital Cooperative Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Michelle X. Gong, Robert Stacey, Dmitry Akhmetov, Shiwen Mao:
A Directional CSMA/CA Protocol for mmWave Wireless PANs. 1-6 - Chao Wang
, Kuo-Feng Ssu:
A Distributed Collision-Free Low-Latency Link Scheduling Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Jinlong Hu, Jun Zhou, Jihua Zhou, Jing Zhang, Jinglin Shi, Di Pang, Yonghui Li
A Distributed QoS Provision Scheme in IEEE802.16 Mesh Networks with Directional Antennas. 1-6 - Jeng-Farn Lee, Xin-Wei Chen:
A Downlink Fairness Mechanism for Selfish Nodes in Multi-Hop Wireless Backhaul Networks. 1-6 - Majid Janzamin, Mohammad Reza Pakravan, Hanie Sedghi:
A Game-Theoretic Approach for Power Allocation in Bidirectional Cooperative Communication. 1-6 - Mohammad Al-Rabayah
, Robert A. Malaney
A High Capacity Scalable Routing Protocol for VoIP in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Ali Fanian, Mehdi Berenjkoub, Hossein Saidi
, T. Aaron Gulliver
A Hybrid Key Establishment Protocol for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Hon Sun Chiu, Kwan Lawrence Yeung:
A Joint Routing and Scheduling Algorithm for Efficient Broadcast in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Yanjia Luo, Choi Look Law
A Least-Squares Algorithm for Multipath Estimation Using an UWB-IR Link. 1-6 - Anthony C. C. Lo, Timothy Baugé, Dave Harmer:
A Lightweight and Robust Routing Protocol for Real-Time Indoor Localization of Emergency Responders. 1-6 - Chi-Anh La, Pietro Michiardi, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Marco Fiore
A Lightweight Distributed Solution to Content Replication in Mobile Networks. 1-6 - Charlotte Hucher, Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman:
A Low-Complexity Protocol for K-Parallel-Path Multihop Networks. 1-6 - Amr Ismail, Jocelyn Fiorina, Hikmet Sari, Mohamed Oussama Damen:
A Low-PAPR High-Rate Full-Diversity 4x4 Space-Time Code with Fast Maximum-Likelihood Decoding. 1-5 - Luís Bernardo
, H. Agua, Miguel P. Pereira
, Rodolfo Oliveira
, Rui Dinis
, Paulo Pinto
A MAC Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with Bursty Traffic. 1-6 - Andrew Clark, Radha Poovendran
A Metric for Quantifying Key Exposure Vulnerability in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Alvin Sebastian
, Maolin Tang
, Yanming Feng
, Mark Looi:
A Multicast Routing Scheme for Efficient Safety Message Dissemination in VANET. 1-6 - Chih-Min Chao, Yao-Zong Wang:
A Multiple Rendezvous Multichannel MAC Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Priya Kasirajan, Carl Larsen, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
A New Adaptive Compression Scheme for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Donghao Wang, Kai Niu, Zhisong Bie, Baoyu Tian:
A New Channel Estimation Method Based on Distributed Compressed Sensing. 1-4 - Jalal Abdulsayed Srar, Kah-Seng Chung, Ali Mansour:
A New LLMS Algorithm for Antenna Array Beamforming. 1-5 - Mohammed Rana Basheer, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
A New Receiver Placement Scheme Using Delaunay Refinement-Based Triangulation. 1-6 - Minming Ni, Zhangdui Zhong, Hao Wu, Dongmei Zhao:
A New Stable Clustering Scheme for Highly Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Deli Qiao, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Senem Velipasalar:
A Noncooperative Power Control Game in Multiple-Access Fading Channels with QoS Constraints. 1-6 - Shih-Hau Fang, Tsung-Nan Lin
A Novel Access Point Placement Approach for WLAN-Based Location Systems. 1-4 - Jason Lee, Halim Yanikomeroglu
A Novel Architecture for Multi-Hop WiMAX Systems: Shared Relay Segmentation. 1-6 - Xu Li, Ting Cao, Hongyu Huang, Minglu Li, Wei Shu, Min-You Wu:
A Novel Bus Lane Enforcement System with Vehicular Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Mohammad Hossien Yaghmaee Moghaddam
, Donald A. Adjeroh:
A Novel Congestion Control Protocol for Vital Signs Monitoring in Wireless Biomedical Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Dang Tu Nguyen, Wook Choi, Minh Thiep Ha, Hyunseung Choo:
A Novel Multi-ACK Based Data Forwarding Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Rukun Mao, Husheng Li:
A Novel Multiple Access Scheme via Compressed Sensing with Random Data Traffic. 1-6 - Dan Chen, Hong Ji, Xi Li, Kun Zhao:
A Novel Multi-Relay Selection and Power Allocation Optimization Scheme in Cooperative Networks. 1-6 - Georgios Theodoridis, Fotini-Niovi Pavlidou:
A Novel Radio Resource Management Scheme for Maximizing Uplink Capacity in M-WiMAX. 1-6 - Homa Eghbali, Sami Muhaidat
, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
A Novel Reduced Complexity MMSE-Based Receiver for OFDM Broadband Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Qiyue Yu, Na Zhang, Wei-Xiao Meng, Fumiyuki Adachi
A Novel Stability Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Multi-Hop Packet Radio Virtual Cellular Network. 1-6 - Xiaoli Wang, Yingjie Wang, Yongsheng Zhang:
A Novel Transmission Policy for Reliable eMBMS Download Delivery. 1-6 - Chun-Lin Wang, Yu-Ting Lin, Yu T. Su
A Particle-Swarm-Driven Cross-Entropy Method for MIMO Signal Detection. 1-5 - Zhongwei Si, Ragnar Thobaben, Mikael Skoglund:
A Practical Approach to Adaptive Coding for the Three-Node Relay Channel. 1-6 - Chung-Ju Chang, Chih-Yuan Hsieh, Yung-Han Chen:
A Preference Value-Based Cell Selection Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Junyi Wang, Zhou Lan, Chang Woo Pyo, Tuncer Baykas
, Chin-Sean Sum, Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Jing Gao, Ryuhei Funada, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada
, Shuzo Kato:
A Pro-Active Beamforming Protocol for Multi-Gbps Millimeter-Wave WPAN Systems. 1-5 - Renato Mariz de Moraes
, Fagner P. de Araujo, Alisson S. L. Pontes:
A Proposal to Stabilize the Random Waypoint Mobility Model for Ad Hoc Network Simulation. 1-6 - Ridong Fei, Kun Yang, Shumao Ou:
A QoS-Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Relay Stations in IEEE 802.16j-Based Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Ming Yu, Janmin Bao:
A Ranging-Based Link Availability Routing Algorithm for MANETs. 1-6 - Joseph Rahmé, Nicolas Fourty, Khaldoun Al Agha, Adrien van den Bossche:
A Recursive Battery Model for Nodes Lifetime Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Daniel J. Louw, Philip R. Botha, Bodhaswar Tikanath Jugpershad Maharaj
A Reduced Complexity Soft-Input Soft-Output MIMO Detector Combining a Sphere Decoder with a Hopfield Network. 1-6 - Cheng Li
, Ramachandran Venkatesan
, Tao Bian:
A Refined Localization Method for Underwater Tetherless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Yasser Gadallah, Mariam Jaafari:
A Reliable Energy-Efficient 802.15.4-Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Xueyong Xu, Haiqing Jiang, Liusheng Huang, Hongli Xu, Mingjun Xiao:
A Reputation-Based Revising Scheme for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Yong Cheng, Vincent K. N. Lau
, Yi Long:
A Scalable Limited Feedback Design for Network MIMO Using Per-Cell Codebook. 1-6 - Xiao Lu, Ke Zhang, Cheng Peng Fu, Chuan Heng Foh
A Sender-Side TCP Enhancement for Startup Performance in High-Speed Long-Delay Networks. 1-5 - Ronald Marx:
A Service-Oriented Approach on Securing User Plane Traffic between NGN Security Domains. 1-6 - Aravind Kailas, Chia-Chin Chong, Fujio Watanabe:
A Simple Iterative Algorithm for Wellness Applications. 1-6 - Byungjin Chun, Yong Hong Lee:
A Spatial Self-Interference Nullification Method for Full Duplex Amplify-And-Forward MIMO Relays. 1-6 - Pei-Chen Lu, Kang-Ju Tsao, Cheng-Ru Huang, Ting-Chao Hou
A Suburban Femtocell Model for Evaluating Signal Quality Improvement in WiMAX Networks with Femtocell Base Stations. 1-6 - Ali Fanian, Mehdi Berenjkoub, T. Aaron Gulliver
A Symmetric Polynomial Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for GSM Networks. 1-6 - Daan Pareit, Viktor Petrov, Bart Lannoo, Emmeric Tanghe, Wout Joseph, Ingrid Moerman
, Piet Demeester, Luc Martens:
A Throughput Analysis at the MAC Layer of Mobile WiMAX. 1-6 - Christos Masouros, Emad Alsusa
A Throughput Enhancing Linear Precoding Scheme for the MIMO Downlink. 1-5 - Daeyoung Park:
A Throughput-Optimal Scheduling Policy for Wireless Relay Networks. 1-5 - Kai Yang, Jianping An, Xiangyuan Bu, Yao Lu:
A TOA-Based Location Algorithm for NLOS Environments Using Quadratic Programming. 1-5 - Christos Masouros, Emad Alsusa
A Transmitter-Based Beamforming Scheme for the MIMO Downlink Employing Adaptive Channel Decomposition. 1-5 - Chih-Wei Hsu, Ting-Chao Hou
, Cheng-Shong Wu:
A Transport Layer Mechanism for Fair TCP Throughput over 802.11 Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Musbah Shaat
, Faouzi Bader:
A Two-Step Resource Allocation Algorithm in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-6 - Hwee-Xian Tan
, Mun Choon Chan:
A2-MAC: An Adaptive, Anycast MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Wei Xu, Xiaodai Dong:
Achieving Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Finite-Rate Feedback Multi-Antenna Systems with User Selection. 1-6 - Hui Zhou, Pingyi Fan
, Xiang-Gen Xia, Khaled Ben Letaief
Achieving Network Wide Proportional Fairness: A Pricing Method. 1-6 - Wei Yuan, Jean-Paul M. G. Linnartz
, Ignas G. Niemegeers:
Adaptive CCA for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks to Mitigate Interference. 1-5 - Huiling Zhu, Jiangzhou Wang:
Adaptive Chunk-Based Allocation in Multiuser OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Issei Kanno, Kosuke Yamazaki, Yuji Ikeda, Hiroyasu Ishikawa:
Adaptive Energy Centric Radio Access Selection for Vertical Handover in Heterogeneous Networks. 1-6 - Gayan Amarasuriya, Masoud Ardakani, Chintha Tellambura:
Adaptive Multiple Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Dianjie Lu, Xiaoxia Huang, Cong Liu, Jianping Fan:
Adaptive Power Control Based Spectrum Handover for Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Ha X. Nguyen, Ha H. Nguyen:
Adaptive Relaying in Noncoherent Wireless Relay Networks. 1-6 - Bakanoglu Kagan, Mingquan Wu, Hang Liu, Saurabh Mathur:
Adaptive Resource Allocation in Multicast OFDMA Systems. 1-6 - Rania El Kefi, Sonia Aïssa, Daniel Benevides da Costa
Adaptive Switching for Multi-Mode MIMO Transmission in Broadband Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Marco Lixia, Maurizio Murroni
Adaptive Wavelet Modulation for Cognitive Radio. 1-6 - Shaoxuan Wang, Sujit Dey:
Addressing Response Time and Video Quality in Remote Server Based Internet Mobile Gaming. 1-6 - Rachita Dahama, Kevin W. Sowerby, Gerard B. Rowe:
Adjacent Channel Operation of Portable Unlicensed Devices inside DTV Service Contours. 1-6 - Hyunok Lee, Donald C. Cox:
Admission and Congestion Control for Large-Scale Wireless Mesh Access Networks. 1-6 - Himal A. Suraweera, George K. Karagiannidis
, Yonghui Li
, Hari Krishna Garg, Arumugam Nallanathan
, Branka Vucetic:
Amplify-and-Forward Relay Transmission with End-to-End Antenna Selection. 1-6 - Shuang Zhao, Mugen Peng
, Wenbo Wang:
An Adaptive Relay Selection Algorithm for Optimizing Diversity and Multiplexing Gains in Wireless Cooperative Networks. 1-6 - Abdullah-Al Mahmood, Ehab S. Elmallah:
An Algorithm for Incremental Joint Routing and Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Chunxiao Jiang, Xin Ma, Xin Zhang, Yong Ren:
An Asynchronous Interference-Aware Dynamic Spectrum Access Algorithm for Secondary Users. 1-6 - A. Roger Hammons Jr., Qinqing Zhang, Brian Haberman:
An Eavesdrop Vulnerability Analysis of Random Network Coding over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Chiuan-Hsu Chen, Chin-Liang Wang:
An Efficient Power Allocation Algorithm for Multiuser OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-6 - Yohhan Lee, Daeyoung Kim:
An Energy-Efficient MAC Using Dynamic Phase Shift for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Hai Van Luu, Xueyan Tang:
An Enhanced Relay Scheme for Robust Data Collection through Rings Overlay in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Mao-Chao Lin, Chia-Fu Chang:
An Improved A* Algorithm for Decoding Linear Block Codes. 1-6 - Xia Li, Jean Armstrong
An Improved MIMO PCC OFDM System with Reduced Sensitivity to Imperfect CSI. 1-6 - Jonathan Ling, Uf Tureli
An Indoor-Outdoor Multihop Scheme for Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Jaewook Kwak, Joon-Sang Park
, Jeonghoon Mo, Mario Gerla:
An Optimization Framework for Opportunistic Receiver Scheduling in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks. 1-6 - Georgios Theodoridis, Fotini-Niovi Pavlidou:
An SNR-Based CAC Algorithm for Optimizing Resource Assignment in the Downlink of M-WiMAX. 1-6 - Rubén Fraile
, José F. Monserrat, Daniel Calabuig
, Narcís Cardona:
Analysis and Validation of a Shadowing Simulation Model Suited for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Seh Chun Ng, Wuxiong Zhang, Yang Yang, Guoqiang Mao
Analysis of Access and Connectivity Probabilities in Infrastructure-Based Vehicular Relay Networks. 1-6 - Jongheon Lee, Jaewoo So:
Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks with Channel Aggregation. 1-6 - Samir Sayed, Yang Yang, Haiyou Guo, Honglin Hu:
Analysis of Energy Efficiency of a Busy Tone Based Cooperative MAC Protocol for Multi-Rate WLANs. 1-6 - Alexander Sayenko, Olli Alanen, Henrik Martikainen:
Analysis of the Non-Transparent In-Band Relays in the IEEE 802.16 Multi-Hop System. 1-6 - Somasundaram Niranjayan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Analysis of Wireless Communication Systems in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Impulsive Noise and Gaussian Noise. 1-6 - Qing Zhang, Chuan Heng Foh
, Boon-Chong Seet, Alvis Cheuk M. Fong:
Applying Spring-Relaxation Technique in Cellular Network Localization. 1-6 - Ying Chen, Jian (Andrew) Zhang
, A. Dhammika S. Jayalath
Are SC-FDE Systems Robust to CFO? 1-6 - Ali Nezampour, Amir Nasri, Robert Schober:
Asymptotic Analysis of Space-Time Codes in Generalized Keyhole Fading Channels. 1-6 - Anindya Iqbal, M. Manzur Murshed
Attack-Resistant Sensor Localization under Realistic Wireless Signal Fading. 1-6 - Martin Krebs, Andre Stein:
Automatic Distance Adaption for Dominating Set-Based Clustering in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Gonzalo Camarillo, Ari Keränen, Sebastien Pierrel:
Automatic Flow-Specific Multi-Path Management for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). 1-6 - Taneli Riihonen, Stefan Werner
, Fernando H. Gregorio
, Risto Wichman
, Jyri Hämäläinen:
BEP Analysis of OFDM Relay Links with Nonlinear Power Amplifiers. 1-6 - Young Gil Kim
, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Binary Weightbook Design for MIMO Beamforming Systems Using Quantized Feedback. 1-6 - Xuewen Liao, Lisheng Fan, Feifei Gao:
Blind Channel Estimation for OFDM Modulated Two-Way Relay Network. 1-5 - S. Alireza Banani, Rodney G. Vaughan:
Blind Channel Estimation for Systems Employing Alamouti Coding. 1-6 - Tao Cui, Jia Tang, Feifei Gao, Chintha Tellambura:
Blind Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio. 1-5 - Yongwei Qiao, Tiejun Lv:
Blind Synchronization and Low-Complexity Demodulation for DS-UWB Systems. 1-5 - Xiaojing Huang
, Y. Jay Guo:
Block Spread OFDMA with STC MIMO for Improved Frequency and Spatial Diversity over Broadband Wireless Access Uplink. 1-6 - Ruey-Yi Wei, Tzu-Shiang Lin, Shi-Shan Gu:
Block-Coded 16QAM for Noncoherent Decoding. 1-6 - Hongtao Zhang, Lin Cai
, Xinzhi Liu, Xuemin Shen
Boundedness of Heterogeneous TCP Flows with Multiple Bottlenecks. 1-6 - Stylianos Papanastasiou, Jens Mittag, Erik G. Ström
, Hannes Hartenstein:
Bridging the Gap between Physical Layer Emulation and Network Simulation. 1-6 - Stefanie Gerdes, Olaf Bergmann
Building a Test Environment for Emulating Link Characteristics of Disruptive Networks. 1-5 - Guey-Yun Chang, Jang-Ping Sheu, Tung-Ying Lin, Kun-Ying Hsieh:
Cache-Based Routing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments. 1-6 - Tarik Taleb, Andreas Kunz, Stefan Schmid, Dario Bottazzi:
Call-Handling by an IMS-HNB Based Interactive eDoorbell. 1-6 - Shuang Qin, Gang Feng, Yide Zhang:
Capacity Bounds of Cooperative Communications with Fountain Codes. 1-4 - Jue Wang, Linghe Kong
, Min-You Wu:
Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Practical Directional Antennas. 1-6 - Wooyeol Choi, Taewoon Kim
, Heung-No Lee, Hyuk Lim
Carrier Phase Adjustment for Multiple Access Communication Systems with Multi-Packet Reception Capability. 1-6 - Jung-Min Moon, Dong-Ho Cho:
Cell Selection Algorithm Based on Competition of Users in Hierarchical Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Waqas Ahmed, Jason Gao, Michael Faulkner
Channel Allocation for Fairness in Opportunistic Spectrum Access Networks. 1-6 - Yafei Hou, Tomohiro Hase:
Channel and Noise Variance Estimation Improvement for PCP-SC System. 1-6 - Chao-Wei Chen, Shyue-Win Wei:
Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems with Asymmetric Pilot Symbols. 1-5 - Hong Zhang, Sriram Venkateswaran, Upamanyu Madhow:
Channel Modeling and MIMO Capacity for Outdoor Millimeter Wave Links. 1-6 - Sun Sun, Yindi Jing:
Channel Training and Estimation in Distributed Space-Time Coded Relay Networks with Multiple Transmit/Receive Antennas. 1-6 - Kuei-Ping Shih, Hung-Chang Chen, Chi-Tao Chiang, Tsung-Han Hsieh:
Channel-Aware Subchannel Renumbering and Downlink Burst Allocation for IEEE 802.16 OFDMA Systems. 1-6 - Jared Dulmage, Robert Cioffi, Michael P. Fitz, Danijela Cabric
Characterization of Distance Error with Received Signal Strength Ranging. 1-6 - Ninoslav Marina
, Are Hjørungnes:
Characterization of the Secrecy Region of a Single Relay Cooperative System. 1-6 - Joyce B. Mwangama
, Vitalis G. Ozianyi, Neco Ventura
Charging and Billing for Composite Services in a Multi-Service Provider Environment: The IMS Case. 1-6 - Fu-Te Hsu, Hsuan-Jung Su
Cheat-Proof and Optimal Access Controls in a Pairwise Interaction Network. 1-6 - Imene Trigui, Sofiène Affes, Alex Stephenne:
Closed-Form Error Analysis of Dual-Hop Relaying Systems over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. 1-5 - Timo Koskela, Sami Hakola, Tao Chen, Janne J. Lehtomäki:
Clustering Concept Using Device-To-Device Communication in Cellular System. 1-6 - Dusit Niyato
, Ping Wang, Walid Saad, Are Hjørungnes:
Coalition Formation Games for Bandwidth Sharing in Vehicle-To-Roadside Communications. 1-5 - Pradeepa Yahampath, Are Hjørungnes:
Codebook Design for Memory-Based Quantization of Precoder Matrix in Low-Rate Feedback MIMO Systems with Temporally Correlated Fading. 1-6 - Mauro Biagi
, Enzo Baccarelli, Nicola Cordeschi
, Valentina Polli, Tatiana Patriarca:
Cognitive Constrained Pulse Shaping for UWB Systems. 1-6 - Jun Fang
, Hongbin Li:
Collaboration and Power Allocation for Distributed Estimation in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-4 - Junwei Zhang, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Collaborative Relay Beamforming for Secure Broadcasting. 1-6 - Husheng Li, Zhu Han:
Collaborative Spectrum Sensing with a Stranger: Trust, or Not to Trust? 1-6 - Michal Piórkowski:
Collaborative Transportation Systems. 1-6 - Peiran Wu, Q. T. Zhang:
Combined THP and Linear Precoding to Achieve Maximum Equalization Gain. 1-6 - Paulo Isagani M. Urriza, Joel Joseph S. Marciano Jr.:
Combining Parallel Sequence Spread Spectrum (PSSS) with OFDM - Concept and Simulation Results. 1-6 - Husheng Li, Zhu Han:
Competitive Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks: Graphical Game and Learning. 1-6 - Dusit Niyato
Competitive Traffic Rate Control in MIMO-Based Wireless Relay Networks. 1-5 - Abolfazl Nazari, Philip Branch, Jason But, Hai Le Vu:
Conservative Soft Handoff for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Wai Ho Mow
Constructing Rate-Compatible LDPC Codes with a Novel Efficient Ranking Criterion. 1-6 - Pietro Lungaro, Zary Segall, Jens Zander:
ContextShift: A Model for Efficient Delivery of Content in Mobile Networks. 1-6 - Ivan S. Lysiuk, Zygmunt J. Haas:
Controlled Gossiping in Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Cheng-Kuan Hsieh, Jyh-Cheng Chen, Jeng-Feng Weng:
Cooperative Adaptive Partner Selection for Real-Time Services in IEEE 802.16j Multihop Relay Networks. 1-6 - Rui Zhang
, Shuguang Cui
Cooperative Interference Management in Multi-Cell Downlink Beamforming. 1-6 - Shehadi Dayekh, Sofiène Affes, Nahi Kandil, Chahé Nerguizian:
Cooperative Localization in Mines Using Fingerprinting and Neural Networks. 1-6 - Kampol Woradit
, Tony Q. S. Quek
, Zhongding Lei
Cooperative Multicell ARQ - Packet Error Rate and Throughput Analysis. 1-6 - Rui Zhang
Cooperative Multi-Cell Block Diagonalization with Per-Base-Station Power Constraints. 1-6 - Phisan Kaewprapha, Riheng Wu
, Boon Chong Ng, Tiffany Jing Li:
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios: Bounds and Algorithms. 1-6 - Husheng Li:
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing via Belief Propagation in Spectrum-Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-6 - Chaojin Qing
, Youxi Tang, Shihai Shao, Xia Lei:
Cooperative Timing Acquisition for Distributed Antenna Systems: A Preliminary Study. 1-6 - Peng Yong Kong
, Choong-Hock Mar, Chen-Khong Tham
CoRex: A Simple MAC Layer Cooperative Retransmission Scheme for Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Yongchul Kim, Mihail L. Sichitiu:
Cost Effective Coverage Extension in 802.16j Mobile Multihop Relay Networks. 1-6 - Hiroshi Oguma, Suguru Kameda
, Tadashi Takagi, Kazuo Tsubouchi, Noboru Izuka, Yasuyoshi Asano, Yoshiharu Yamazaki:
Coverage Estimation of Uplink 16 QAM Signal up to 20 MHz Bandwidth Based on Field Trial Results of FH-OFDMA System. 1-6 - Dusit Niyato
, Ping Wang:
Credit-Based Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Mobile Multihop Relay Networks. 1-6 - Niklas Jalden, Svante Bergman, Per Zetterberg, Björn E. Ottersten, Karl Werner:
Cross Layer Implementation of a Multi-User MIMO Test-Bed. 1-6 - Trung Quang Duong
, Hans-Jürgen Zepernick
, Markus Fiedler:
Cross-Layer Design for Integrated Mobile Multimedia Networks with Strict Priority Traffic. 1-6 - Zheng Wang, Huifang Chen, Lei Xie, Kuang Wang:
Cross-Layer Design for Wireless Video Stream Transmission. 1-6 - Mina Yazdanpanah, Chadi Assi, Yousef R. Shayan:
Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Mesh Networks with Multi-Antenna Beam-Forming. 1-6 - Derrick Wing Kwan Ng
, Robert Schober:
Cross-Layer Scheduling Design for OFDMA Two-Way Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks. 1-6 - Yu-Chi Wang, Cheng-Han Lin, Ming-Fong Tsai, Ce-Kuen Shieh:
Cross-Layer Unequal Error Protection Mechanism with an Interleaved Strategy for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Arash Zahedi-Ghasabeh, Alireza Tarighat, Babak Daneshrad:
Cyclo-Stationary Sensing of OFDM Waveforms in the Presence of Receiver RF Impairments. 1-6 - Miao Zhao
, Yuanyuan Yang
Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Mobile Collectors and SDMA Technique Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Xiaolong Li, Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh:
DCP-EW: Distributed Congestion-Control Protocol for Encrypted Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Tong Wu, Ying Wang, Xinmin Yu, Gen Li, Hui Tian:
Decentralized Resource Allocation Based on Multihop Equilibrium for OFDM-Relay Networks. 1-6 - Miguel P. Pereira
, Luís Bernardo
, Rui Dinis
, Rodolfo Oliveira
, Paulo Carvalho, Paulo Pinto
Delay Optimization on a p-Persistent MAC Protocol for a Multi-Packet Detection in SC-FDE System. 1-6 - Kumbesan Sandrasegaran
, Huda Adibah Mohd Ramli
, Riyaj Basukala:
Delay-Prioritized Scheduling (DPS) for Real Time Traffic in 3GPP LTE System. 1-6 - Yanjun Li, Yeqiong Song
, Yi-hua Zhu, René Schott:
Deploying Wireless Sensors for Differentiated Coverage and Probabilistic Connectivity. 1-6 - Chi-Mao Lee, Jia-Shi Lin, Yu-Pin Hsu
, Kai-Ten Feng
Design and Analysis of Optimal Channel-Hopping Sequence for Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Chin-Liang Wang, Dong-Shing Wu, Fu-Fu Shu:
Design and Implementation of a Decentralized Positioning System for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Hajime Suzuki
, Douglas B. Hayman
, Joseph Pathikulangara, Iain B. Collings
, Zhuo Chen, Rodney Kendall:
Design Criteria of Uniform Circular Array for Multi-User MIMO in Rural Areas. 1-6 - Chin-Liang Wang, Ying-Chang Lin, Po-Chung Shen:
Design of an Adaptive Receiver for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission. 1-5 - Kenichi Mase, Nobuhiro Azuma, Hiraku Okada:
Development of an Emergency Communication System for Evacuees of Shelters. 1-6 - Sami Hakola, Tao Chen, Janne J. Lehtomäki, Timo Koskela:
Device-To-Device (D2D) Communication in Cellular Network - Performance Analysis of Optimum and Practical Communication Mode Selection. 1-6 - Weihuang Fu, Zhifeng Tao, Jinyun Zhang, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Differentiable Spectrum Partition for Fractional Frequency Reuse in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks. 1-6 - Lingyang Song, Yonghui Li
, Hong Guo, Bingli Jiao, Xusheng Wei:
Differential Bi-Directional Relay Selection Using Analog Network Coding. 1-5 - Preetha Thulasiraman, Xuemin Shen
Disjoint Multipath Routing and QoS Provisioning Under Physical Interference Constraints. 1-6 - Jing Wang, Jie Liang
, Sami Muhaidat
Distortion Exponents for Multi-Relay Cooperative Networks with Limited Feedback. 1-6 - Song Gao, Lijun Qian, Dhadesugoor R. Vaman, Zhu Han:
Distributed Cognitive Sensing for Time Varying Channels: Exploration and Exploitation. 1-6 - Peter Omiyi, Kaan Bür
, Yang Yang:
Distributed Convergecast Scheduling for Reduced Interference in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. 1-5 - Ali Ozyagci, Jens Zander:
Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access in Multichannel Random Access Networks with Selfish Users. 1-6 - Weile Zhang, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang:
Distributed Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks Using LFM Waves. 1-5 - Dian Fan, Zhiyong Feng, Li Tan, Vanbien Le, Jingqun Song:
Distributed Self-Healing for Reconfigurable WLANs. 1-6 - Yosia Hadisusanto, Lars Thiele, Volker Jungnickel:
Distributed Uplink Base Station Cooperation for Optimal SIR Assignment. 1-6 - Sok-Hyong Kim, Dong-Wook Kim, Young-Joo Suh:
Distributing Data Rate Using Cooperative Channel Assignment for Multi-Rate Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Mingbo Niu, Julian Cheng, Jonathan F. Holzman:
Diversity Reception for Coherent Free-Space Optical Communications over K-Distributed Atmospheric Turbulence Channels. 1-6 - The-Hanh Pham, Hari Krishna Garg, Ying-Chang Liang
, Arumugam Nallanathan
Doubly Iterative Receiver for MIMO Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks. 1-5 - Chi Harold Liu
, Ting He, Kang-Won Lee, Kin K. Leung, Ananthram Swami:
Dynamic Control of Data Ferries under Partial Observations. 1-6 - Jun Zhang, Hai Jiang, Zhijun Xu, Jun Li, Xinming Ye, Yi Sun:
Dynamic Differentiated Service Management for IP over Broadcasting Network. 1-6 - David B. Smith, Dino Miniutti, Leif Hanlen, David Rodda, Ben Gilbert:
Dynamic Narrowband Body Area Communications: Link-Margin Based Performance Analysis and Second-Order Temporal Statistics. 1-6 - Yen-Shuo Lu, Yuan-Bin Lin, Yu T. Su
Dynamic Resource Allocation for Relay-Based OFDMA Systems with Fairness Considerations. 1-6 - Wei Li, Zhiyong Feng, Qian Li, Vanbien Le, T. Aaron Gulliver
Dynamic Spectrum Management for WCDMA and DVB Heterogeneous Systems. 1-6 - Tran Thanh Dai, Johnson I. Agbinya
Early and Lightweight Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attack in Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Bo Yu, Liuqing Yang, Chia-Chin Chong:
ECG Monitoring over Bluetooth: Data Compression and Transmission. 1-5 - Zeeshan Hameed Mir, Young-Bae Ko, Sangjoon Park, Cheol Sig Pyo:
EC-MAC: A Cross-Layer Communication Protocol for Dynamic Collaboration in Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Xavier Pérez Costa
, Marco Mezzavilla
, José Roberto Boisson de Marca, Julio Aráuz:
E-Diophantine: An Admission Control Algorithm for WiMAX Networks. 1-6 - Hamid Saeedi Sourck, Yan Wu, Jan W. M. Bergmans, Saeed Sadri, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Effect of Carrier Frequency Offset on Offset QAM Multicarrier Filter Bank Systems over Frequency-Selective Channels. 1-6 - Pratap S. Prasad, Prathima Agrawal:
Effect of Mobility Prediction on Resource Utilization in Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Minh-Viet Nguyen, Jaeki Lee, Hwang Soo Lee:
Effective Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Network. 1-6 - Hossein Kassaei, Mona Mehrandish, Lata Narayanan, Jaroslav Opatrny:
Efficient Algorithms for Connected Dominating Sets in Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Telex Magloire Nkouatchah Ngatched, Attahiru Sule Alfa, Jun Cai:
Efficient Implementation of Interior Point Decoding Based on Barrier Function for LDPC Codes. 1-6 - Zhe Wang, Mahbub Hassan, Tim Moors:
Efficient Loss Recovery Using Network Coding in Vehicular Safety Communication. 1-6 - Lars Häring, Yun Chen, Andreas Czylwik:
Efficient Modulation Classification for Adaptive Wireless OFDM Systems in TDD Mode. 1-6 - Lu Lu, Ming Xiao, Mikael Skoglund, Lars K. Rasmussen, Gang Wu
, Shaoqian Li:
Efficient Network Coding for Wireless Broadcasting. 1-6 - Quentin Lampin
, Dominique Barthel, Fabrice Valois:
Efficient Route Redundancy in DAG-Based Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Weng-Chon Ao, Kwang-Cheng Chen
End-To-End HARQ in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - S. Ali Shariatmadari, Amir A. Sayegh, Terence D. Todd:
Energy Aware Basestation Placement in Solar Powered Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Abraham O. Fapojuwo, Chi Kong Tse, Francis Chung-Ming Lau
Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks under Varying Sensor Node Traffic. 1-6 - Qing Chen, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Energy Efficiency Analysis in Amplify-And-Forward and Decode-And-Forward Cooperative Networks. 1-6 - Naveed Ul L. Hassan, Mohamad Assaad:
Energy Efficient Causal Packet Scheduling in Wireless Fading Channels with Hard Delay Constraints. 1-5 - Luca Stabellini, Jens Zander:
Energy-Aware Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cross Layer Approach. 1-6 - Abdelmalik Bachir, Fabrice Theoleyre
, Andrzej Duda
, Kin K. Leung:
Energy-Efficient Broadcasts in Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Virtual Channels. 1-6 - Dali Wei, Pirabakaran Navaratnam, Alexander Gluhak, Rahim Tafazolli
Energy-Efficient Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks with Unbalanced Traffic Load. 1-6 - Ngoc Duy Nguyen, Vyacheslav V. Zalyubovskiy, Minh Thiep Ha, Hyunseung Choo:
Energy-Efficient Models for Coverage Problem Using Sensors with Adjustable Sensing Ranges. 1-6 - Amanpreet Singh, Mariya Goleva, Markus Bauer, Andreas Timm-Giel
, Carmelita Görg:
Enhanced AODV Routing Protocol with Paging in Heterogeneous IP-Based Networks. 1-6 - Md. Shariful Islam, Muhammad Mahbub Alam, Choong Seon Hong
, Jung-Sik Sung:
Enhanced Channel Access Mechanism for IEEE 802.11s Mesh Deterministic Access. 1-6 - Zhijie Wang, Yafeng Wang, Chongsheng Lin, Qixing Wang:
Enhanced Downlink MU-CoMP Schemes for TD-LTE-Advanced. 1-6 - Wilson Woon, Kwan L. Yeung:
Enhanced Variable Power Broadcasting Based on Local Information in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Fatima Muhammad Anwar, Muhammad Taqi Raza, Seung-Wha Yoo, Ki-Hyung Kim:
ENUM Based Service Discovery Architecture for 6LoWPAN. 1-6 - Nicolas Normand, Imants D. Svalbe, Benoît Parrein
, Andrew Kingston
Erasure Coding with the Finite Radon Transform. 1-6 - Shuping Chen, Wenbo Wang, Xiang Zhang, Xing Zhang, Mugen Peng
, Yong Li:
Ergodic and Outage Capacity Analysis of Amplify-And-Forward MIMO Relay with OSTBCs. 1-6 - William Turin, Rittwik Jana:
Evaluating the Exact Performance of the Viterbi Algorithm. 1-6 - Ralph Tanbourgi, Stephan Sand:
Evaluation of Handover Rates and Outage Probability for the Macrocellular Environment. 1-5 - Yuriy Tselishchev, Athanassios Boulis, Lavy Libman:
Experiences and Lessons from Implementing a Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol in the Castalia Simulator. 1-6 - Giuliana Iapichino, Christian Bonnet
Experimental Evaluation of Proxy Mobile IPv6: An Implementation Perspective. 1-5 - Xin Nie, Jianhua Zhang, Zemin Liu, Ping Zhang, Zhiyong Feng:
Experimental Investigation of MIMO Relay Transmission Based on Wideband Outdoor Measurements at 2.35 GHz. 1-6 - Hongfei Du, Jie Liang
, Jiangchuan Liu:
Exploiting Reception Diversity in Adaptive Packet Scheduling over Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Networks. 1-6 - Chao-Fang Shih
, Wanjiun Liao
Exploiting Route Robustness in Joint Routing and Spectrum Allocation in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Kuang Xu, Victor O. K. Li, Jaewoo Chung:
Exploring Centrality for Message Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks. 1-6 - Shingo Matsumura, Hiroaki Higaki:
Extension of RH2SWL for Collision-Free Data Message Transmissions by Subsidiary Channel in Wide-Area Wireless Multihop Networks. 1-6 - Yao Yuan, Zidi Zhang, Juan Li, Jinglin Shi, Jihua Zhou, Gengfa Fang, Eryk Dutkiewicz
Extension of SCTP for Concurrent Multi-Path Transfer with Parallel Subflows. 1-6 - Yoshihiro Ikeda, Hiroki Nishiyama
, Nirwan Ansari
, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Nei Kato:
Extensions of VCP to Enhance the Performance in High BDP and Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Vasileios D. Papoutsis, Ioannis G. Fraimis, Stavros A. Kotsopoulos:
Fairness-Aware Resource Allocation for the SISO Downlink over Frequency-Selective Channels. 1-6 - Jeng Farn Lee, Chang-Sheng Wang, Ming-Chin Chuang:
Fast and Reliable Emergency Message Dissemination Mechanism in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Yu-Shian Chen, Chin-Laung Lei:
Filtering False Messages En-Route in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks. 1-6 - Tao Cui, Feng Lu, Vignesh Sethuraman, Anil Goteti, S. P. Rao, P. Subrahmanya:
First Order Adaptive IIR Filter for CQI Prediction in HSDPA. 1-5 - Zheng Xie, Bernhard Walke:
Frequency Reuse Techniques for Attaining Both Coverage and High Spectral Efficiency in OFDMA Cellular Systems. 1-6 - M. J. Khaledi, Hamid Reza Rabiee
, M. H. Khaledi:
Fuzzy Mobility Analyzer: A Framework for Evaluating Mobility Models in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Euisin Lee, Fucai Yu, Soochang Park, Juhyun Jung, Sang-Ha Kim
, SungKee Noh:
General Sink Location Service Based on Circle and Line Paths in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Chung-Ju Chang, Yin Chiu, Kai-Ten Feng
, Fang-Ching Ren:
GGRA: A Feasible Resource Allocation Scheme by Optimization Technique for IEEE 802.16 Uplink Systems. 1-6 - Wolfgang Kiess, Till Elsner, Björn Scheuermann, Martin Mauve:
Global Grassroots WiFi Sharing. 1-6 - Zhuofan Liao, Jianxin Wang, Xie Wang, Xi Zhang:
GRLD: A Seamless Growth Rings like Deployment of Sensors Avoiding Boundary Effects in WSNs. 1-6 - Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi:
Handoff Management Relying on RFID Technology. 1-6 - Linoh A. Magagula, H. Anthony Chan, Olabisi Emmanuel Falowo
Handover Coordinator for Improved Handover Performance in PMIPv6-Supported Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Yuanyuan Hong, King-Shan Lui, Yik-Chung Wu
HEA-Loc: A Robust Localization Algorithm for Sensor Networks of Diversified Topologies. 1-6 - Walid Saad, Zhu Han, Tamer Basar, Are Hjørungnes, Ju Bin Song:
Hedonic Coalition Formation Games for Secondary Base Station Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Jan Sykora, Alister G. Burr
Hierarchical Alphabet and Parametric Channel Constrained Capacity Regions for HDF Strategy in Parametric Wireless 2-WRC. 1-6 - Ang-Hsun Tsai
, Jane-Hwa Huang, Li-Chun Wang
, Ruey-Bing Hwang:
High Capacity Femtocells with Directional Antennas. 1-6 - Douglas J. Geiger:
High Resolution Time Difference of Arrival Using Timestamps for Localization in 802.11b/g Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Choong-Hock Mar, Peng Yong Kong
, Chen-Khong Tham
High Throughput Interweave Cooperative Wireless MAC Protocol for Congested Environment. 1-6 - Iftekhar Ahmad
, Daryoush Habibi
High Utility Video Surveillance System on Public Transport Using WiMAX Technology. 1-5 - Kyeongjun Ko, Jungwoo Lee
Hybrid Codebook Design for Multiuser MISO Systems with Limited Feedback. 1-5 - Victoria Ying Zhang, Albert Kai-Sun Wong
, Kam Tim Woo, Wentao Robin Ouyang:
Hybrid TOA/AOA-Based Mobile Localization with and without Tracking in CDMA Cellular Networks. 1-6 - S. Alireza Banani, Rodney G. Vaughan:
ICA with Particle Filtering for Blind Channel Estimation in High Data-Rate MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Rizwan Ghaffar, Raymond Knopp:
Impact of Imperfections on Detectors for Interference Suppression. 1-6 - Parth H. Pathak, Rudra Dutta:
Impact of Power Control on Relay Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Muhammad Aljuaid, Halim Yanikomeroglu
Impact of Secondary Users' Field Size on Spectrum Sharing Opportunities. 1-6 - Soo Yun Hwang, Dae Ho Kim, Kyoung Son Jhang
Implementation of an Encoder Based on Parallel Structure for LTE Systems. 1-6 - Lance Linton, Phillip Conder, Michael Faulkner
Improved Interleave-Division Multiple Access (IDMA) Performance Using Dynamic FEC Code Allocation. 1-6 - Imran Ashraf, Lester T. W. Ho
, Holger Claussen
Improving Energy Efficiency of Femtocell Base Stations Via User Activity Detection. 1-5 - Donald R. Reising, Michael A. Temple, Michael J. Mendenhall:
Improving Intra-Cellular Security Using Air Monitoring with RF Fingerprints. 1-6 - Bin Li, Yi Luo, Hui Shen:
Improving Performance Using Interference Alignment on Modulation Signal for MIMO System. 1-5 - Kai-Hsiu Chen, Jyh-Cheng Chen:
Improving Service Availability in 3GPP Generic Access Network (GAN) by Adaptive Keep-Alive Interval (AKI). 1-6 - Shuo Song, John S. Thompson, Pei-Jung Chung, Peter M. Grant:
Improving the One-Bit Feedback Algorithm for Distributed Beamforming. 1-6 - Gautam Divgi, Edward Chlebus:
Individual, Subscriber Population Independent Metrics for User and Traffic Characterization of Wi-Fi Hotspot Networks. 1-6 - Jhoanna Rhodette Pedrasa, Michael Angelo Pedrasa, Aruna Prasad Seneviratne
Information Exchange for Enhanced Network Selection. 1-6 - Farouk Y. M. Alkadhi, Jun Tu, Zheng Liu, Jufeng Dai:
Integrated Uplink Scheduling Proposal Using BRUSC Header for Multiple VoIP CODECs in M-WiMAX. 1-6 - Vincent Kotzsch, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Interference Analysis in Time and Frequency Asynchronous Network MIMO OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Ruihong An, Xin Zhang, Gen Cao, Ruiming Zheng, Lin Sang:
Interference Avoidance and Adaptive Fraction Frequency Reuse in a Hierarchical Cell Structure. 1-5 - Liangbin Li, Yindi Jing, Hamid Jafarkhani
Interference Cancellation at the Relay in Two User Wireless Relay Networks. 1-6 - Neda Aboutorab, Wibowo Hardjawana
, Branka Vucetic:
Interference Cancellation in Multi-User MIMO Relay Networks Using Beamforming and Precoding. 1-6 - Raed Manna, Raymond H. Y. Louie
, Yonghui Li
, Branka Vucetic:
Interference Cancellation in Two Hop Multiuser Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Zhou Yuan, Ju Bin Song, Zhu Han:
Interference Minimization Routing and Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - David Humphrey, Mark Hedley:
Interference Mitigation for Time of Arrival Estimation. 1-6 - Zengmao Chen, Cheng-Xiang Wang
, Xuemin Hong, John S. Thompson, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Xiaohu Ge
Interference Modeling for Cognitive Radio Networks with Power or Contention Control. 1-6 - Ming-Tuo Zhou, Hiroshi Harada
, Peng Yong Kong
, Jaya Shankar Pathmasuntharam:
Interference Range Analysis and Scheduling among Three-Hop Neighborhood in Maritime WiMAX Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Tuncer Baykas
, Xueli An, Chin-Sean Sum, Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Junyi Wang, Zhou Lan, Ryuhei Funada, Hiroshi Harada
, Shuzo Kato:
Investigation of Synchronization Frame Transmission in Multi-Gbps 60 GHz WPANs. 1-6 - Wei-Chieh Huang, Chih-Chao Chang, Chih-Peng Li, Hsueh-Jyh Li:
Investigation of the Noise Variance and the SNR Estimators for OFDM Systems with Imperfect Frequency Synchronization. 1-5 - Mustafa Emin Sahin, Ismail Güvenç, Hüseyin Arslan
Iterative Interference Cancellation for Co-Channel Multicarrier and Narrowband Systems. 1-6 - Koichi Adachi, Masao Nakagawa:
Iterative Interference Cancellation for Multi-Code PR/MC-CDMA. 1-6 - Khiam-Boon Png, Xiaoming Peng, Francois P. S. Chin, Chi Chung Ko:
Iterative Soft QRD-M Decoding of Coded IFDMA Systems. 1-5 - Seungjin You, Gosan Noh, Jemin Lee, Hano Wang, Daesik Hong:
Joint Beamforming and Power Control Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Network with the Multi-Antenna Base Station. 1-6 - Gongpu Wang, Feifei Gao, Yik-Chung Wu
, Chintha Tellambura:
Joint CFO and Channel Estimation for ZP-OFDM Modulated Two-Way Relay Networks. 1-6 - Dawei Gong, Miao Zhao
, Yuanyuan Yang
Joint Channel Assignment and Space-Division Multiple Access Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Junhua Liang, Yang Liu, Wenjun Zhang, Youyun Xu, Xiaoying Gan, Xinbing Wang:
Joint Compressive Sensing in Wideband Cognitive Networks. 1-5 - Liping Wang, Yusheng Ji, Fuqiang Liu:
Joint Optimization for Proportional Fairness in OFDMA Relay-Enhanced Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Mohammad Abdizadeh, Hadi Jamali Rad, Bahman Abolhassani:
Joint Optimization of Power Allocation and Relay Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Shan Lu, Yi Sun, Yuming Ge, Eryk Dutkiewicz
, Jihua Zhou:
Joint Power and Rate Control in Ad Hoc Networks Using a Supermodular Game Approach. 1-6 - Rui Yin, Yu Zhang, Jietao Zhang, Guanding Yu, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Joint Resource Allocation in Multiple Channels, Multiple Relays Systems. 1-6 - Ramin Babaee, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Joint Routing and Power Allocation Optimization for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Gaurav Bansal, Praveen Kaligineedi, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Joint Sensing and Power Loading Algorithms for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-5 - Mohamed Noune, Andrew R. Nix:
Joint Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding and Optimum Transmit Power Allocation for SC-FDMA. 1-6 - Beibei Kong, Hongyang Chen
, Xiaohu Tang, Kaoru Sezaki:
Key Pre-Distribution Schemes for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks Using Hexagon Partition. 1-5 - Mohammad Masumuzzaman Bhuiyan, Iqbal Gondal
, Joarder Kamruzzaman
LACAR: Location Aided Congestion Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Yichao Jin, Dali Wei, Alexander Gluhak, Klaus Moessner
Latency and Energy-Consumption Optimized Task Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Qin Xin, Yanbo J. Wang:
Latency-Efficient Distributed M2M Multicasting in Wireless Mesh Networks under Physical Interference Model. 1-6 - Ehssan Sakhaee, Kenji Leibnitz, Naoki Wakamiya, Masayuki Murata
Layered Attractor Selection for Clustering and Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Eckhard Ohlmer, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Linear and Non-Linear Detection for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Linear Precoding and Spatial Correlation. 1-6 - Shuhua Jiang, Hsi-Lu Chao:
Linear Cooperative Detection for Alarm Messages in Cluster-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Jong Yeol Ryu, Wan Choi
Linear Interference Pre-Cancelation in Multiuser Cellular Relay System. 1-6 - David D. Falconer:
Linear Precoding of OFDMA Signals to Minimize Their Instantaneous Power Variance. 1-6 - Chengwen Xing, Shaodan Ma, Yik-Chung Wu
, Tung-Sang Ng, H. Vincent Poor
Linear Transceiver Design for Amplify-And-Forward MIMO Relay Systems under Channel Uncertainties. 1-6 - Reinhard Exel, Georg Gaderer, Patrick Loschmidt:
Localisation of Wireless LAN Nodes Using Accurate TDoA Measurements. 1-6 - Jimmy Jessen Nielsen
, Tatiana K. Madsen, Hans-Peter Schwefel:
Location-Based Mobile Relay Selection and Impact of Inaccurate Path Loss Model Parameters. 1-6 - Nidhal Odeh, Mehran Abolhasan
, Farzad Safaei
Low Complexity Interference Aware Distributed Resource Allocation for Multi-Cell OFDMA Cooperative Relay Networks. 1-6 - Philipp Walk, Peter Jung
, Jens Timmermann:
Lowdin Transform on FCC Optimized UWB Pulses. 1-6 - Eugeniy Belyaev, Andrey M. Turlikov
, Anna Ukhanova:
Low-Latency Video Transmission over High-Speed WPANs Based on Low-Power Compression. 1-6 - Arne Simonsson, Yu Qian, Jessica Östergaard:
LTE Downlink 2X2 MIMO with Realistic CSI: Overview and Performance Evaluation. 1-6 - Tom H. Luan
, Xinhua Ling, Xuemin Shen
MAC Performance Analysis for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication. 1-6 - Antonio Cuevas, José Ignacio Moreno
, Rui L. Aguiar
Managing QoS-Enabled "Information Transport" as any Other Service in NGN Service Platforms. 1-6 - Jahan Hassan
, Mahbub Hassan, Sajal K. Das
, Arthur Ramer:
Managing User Irritation in Wireless VoIP Using Noncooperative Games. 1-6 - Mohammed W. Baidas
, Hung-Quoc Lai, K. J. Ray Liu:
Many-To-Many Communications via Space-Time Network Coding. 1-6 - Jorge Crichigno
, Min-You Wu, Sudharman K. Jayaweera
, Wei Shu:
Maximizing Throughput in Wireless Multi-Access Channel Networks. 1-6 - Yongqiang Liu, William Wu, Bo Wang, Tao He, Su Yi, Yong Xia:
Measurement-Based Channel Management in WLANs. 1-6 - Hongyu Huang, Yanmin Zhu, Xu Li, Minglu Li, Min-You Wu:
META: A Mobility Model of MEtropolitan TAxis Extracted from GPS Traces. 1-6 - Jen-Po Cheng, Yen-Huan Li
, Ping-Cheng Yeh, Chen-Mou Cheng:
MIMO-OFDM PHY Integrated (MOPI) Scheme for Confidential Wireless Transmission. 1-6 - Jason But, Christopher Leong, Philip Branch, Grenville J. Armitage:
Minimising Disruption Caused by Online FPS Game Server Discovery in a Wireless Network. 1-6 - Yieh-Ran Haung:
Minimizing Bandwidth Wastage for Delay-Bounded Message Transfer in an MMS Environment. 1-6 - Louai Saker
, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Tijani Chahed:
Minimizing Energy Consumption via Sleep Mode in Green Base Station. 1-6 - Hannu Verkasalo:
Mobile Audience Measurements in User Experience Research. 1-6 - David Martín-Sacristán
, José F. Monserrat, Daniel Calabuig
, Narcís Cardona:
Mobile Terminal Session SIR Prediction Method Based on Clustering and Classification Algorithms. 1-5 - Klaus Doppler, Chia-Hao Yu, Cássio B. Ribeiro, Pekka Jänis:
Mode Selection for Device-To-Device Communication Underlaying an LTE-Advanced Network. 1-6 - Zhenzhen Cao, Ren Ping Liu, Xun Yang, Yang Xiao:
Modeling IEEE 802.11 DCF System Dynamics. 1-5 - Niklas Jalden, Per Zetterberg, Björn E. Ottersten:
Modelling Angle Spread Autocorrelations and the Impact on Multi-User Diversity Gains. 1-6 - Tansir Ahmed, Stephane Antoine, Song Dong, Delphin Barankanira:
Multi Access Data Network Connectivity and IP Flow Mobility in Evolved Packet System (EPS). 1-6 - Aditya Umbu Tana Amah, Anja Klein:
Multi-Group Multi-Way Relaying: When Analog Network Coding Finds Its Transceive Beamforming. 1-6 - Haoming Li, Alireza Attar, Victor C. M. Leung
Multi-User Medium Access Control in Wireless Local Area Network. 1-6 - Yong Li, Na Lu, Mugen Peng
, Wenbo Wang:
Multiuser Resource Allocation for OFDM Downlink with Terminal Bandwidth Limitation. 1-5 - Ayman Khalil
, Matthieu Crussière, Jean-François Hélard:
Multiuser Service Differentiated Spectrum Allocation Scheme for High Rate UWB Systems. 1-6 - Amir Shadmand, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei
Multi-User Time-Frequency Downlink Scheduling and Resource Allocation for LTE Cellular Systems. 1-6 - Yanzhi Ren, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen
MUTON: Detecting Malicious Nodes in Disruption-Tolerant Networks. 1-6 - Ping Wan, Michael McGuire, Xiaodai Dong:
Near Optimal Channel Estimation for OFDM in Fast Fading Channels. 1-6 - Dorra Abdelali, Fabrice Theoleyre
, Abdelmalik Bachir, Andrzej Duda
Neighbor Discovery with Activity Monitoring in Multichannel Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Ernest Kurniawan, Sumei Sun, Kai Yen, Kai Fong Ernest Chong
Network Coded Transmission of Fountain Codes over Cooperative Relay Networks. 1-6 - Tafzeel ur Rehman Ahsin, Slimane Ben Slimane:
Network Coding Based on Product Codes in Cooperative Relaying. 1-6 - Kumudu S. Munasinghe
, Abbas Jamalipour:
NEtwork MObility (NEMO) Support in Interworking Heterogeneous Mobile Networks. 1-6 - Kun Zhu, Dusit Niyato
, Ping Wang:
Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Evolution with Incomplete Information. 1-6 - Xiaoli Ai, Wenan Zhou, Bing Xie, Junde Song:
Network Selection Issue in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment. 1-6 - Norman C. Beaulieu, Kasun T. Hemachandra:
New Simple Solutions for the Bivariate Rician PDF and CDF. 1-4 - Zhiping Shi, Jing Li, Zhongpei Zhang:
New Strategies for Coded Modulation Diversity over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1-6 - Mohammad Alaei, José M. Barceló-Ordinas
Node Clustering Based on Overlapping FoVs for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Pascale Minet, Saoucene Mahfoudh, Gérard Chalhoub, Alexandre Guitton:
Node Coloring in a Wireless Sensor Network with Unidirectional Links and Topology Changes. 1-6 - Bahador Bakhshi, Siavash Khorsandi:
Node Connectivity Analysis in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Ha H. Nguyen, Tung T. Pham, Hoang Duong Tuan:
Non-Orthogonal Amplify-And-Forward Relaying with Partial Channel State Information. 1-6 - Jung-Min Moon, Dong-Ho Cho:
Novel Handoff Decision Algorithm in Hierarchical Macro/Femto-Cell Networks. 1-6 - Ho Ting Cheng, Atef Abdrabou
, Weihua Zhuang
Novel Resource Management Approach for End-To-End QoS Support in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Kasun T. Hemachandra, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel Simple Forms for Multivariate Nakagami-m Distributions with Generalized Correlation. 1-6 - Jiancun Fan, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang:
Oblique Projection-Based Robust Linear Receiver for Spatial Multiplexing Systems with Unknown Cochannel Interference. 1-5 - David López-Pérez, Ákos Ladányi, Alpár Jüttner, Jie Zhang
OFDMA Femtocells: Intracell Handover for Interference and Handover Mitigation in Two-Tier Networks. 1-6 - Juhyun Jung, Soochang Park, Euisin Lee, Seungmin Oh, Sang-Ha Kim
OMLRP: Multi-Hop Information Based Real-Time Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Zheng Wen, Kwan L. Yeung:
On Detection Algorithms for Spurious Retransmissions in TCP. 1-6 - Erik G. Larsson, Ragnar Thobaben, Gang Wang:
On Diversity Combining with Unknown Channel State Information and Unknown Noise Variance. 1-6 - Eng Hwee Ong, Jamil Y. Khan
, Kaushik Mahata:
On Dynamic Load Distribution Algorithms for Multi-AP WLAN under Diverse Conditions. 1-6 - Yanchao Zhao, Wenzhong Li, Jue Hong, Zhuo Li, Sanglu Lu, Daoxu Chen:
On Handoff Minimization in Wireless Networks: From a Navigation Perspective. 1-6 - Muhammad Fainan Hanif
, Peter J. Smith
On MIMO Cognitive Radios with Antenna Selection. 1-6 - Luis Guilherme Uzeda Garcia, Klaus I. Pedersen, Preben E. Mogensen:
On Open versus Closed LTE-Advanced Femtocells and Dynamic Interference Coordination. 1-6 - Ho Ting Cheng, Weihua Zhuang
On Packet-Level Non-Altruistic Node Cooperation in Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Saad Al-Ahmadi
, Halim Yanikomeroglu
On the Approximation of the PDF of the Sum of Independent Generalized-K RVs by Another Generalized-K PDF with Applications to Distributed Antenna Systems. 1-6 - Rui Cao, Liuqing Yang, Fengzhong Qu
On the Capacity and System Design of Relay-Aided Underwater Acoustic Communications. 1-6 - Hai Van Luu, Xueyan Tang:
On the Construction of Rings Overlay for Robust Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Carlos Adrian Gutierrez Diaz de Leon
On the Correlation Properties of the Squared Envelope of Ergodic Sum-Of-Cisoids Rayleigh Fading Channel Simulators. 1-6 - Zijie Zhang, Guoqiang Mao
, Brian D. O. Anderson:
On the Effective Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Azlan Abd Aziz, Yasunori Iwanami, Eiji Okamoto:
On the Improvement of Maximum Likelihood Detection in Multiple Relay Systems. 1-6 - Peter J. Smith
, Pawel A. Dmochowski
, Marco Chiani
, Andrea Giorgetti
On the Number of Independent Channels in a Diversity System. 1-6 - M. Jafar Taghiyar, Sami Muhaidat
, Jie Liang
On the Performance of Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation for Cooperative Systems with Imperfect Channel Estimation. 1-5 - Benoît Escrig
On-Demand Cooperation MAC Protocols with Optimal Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff. 1-6 - Viet-Anh Le, Taneli Riihonen, Risto Wichman
, Steven D. Blostein:
One-Bit Feedback Selection Schemes for Power-Efficient Multiuser and Multirelay Systems. 1-6 - Wei Zhang, Zhu Han:
Opportunistic Feedback in Collaborative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio. 1-6 - Chi-Hsuan Hsieh, Wei-De Wu, Chi-Chao Chao:
Optimal Channel Energy Capture for Ultra-Wideband Transmitted Reference Systems in Clustered Channels. 1-6 - Wenjin Wang, Shi Jin, Xiqi Gao, Kai-Kit Wong, Matthew R. McKay
Optimal Distributed Space-Time Coding Strategy for Two-Way Relay Networks. 1-6 - Renchao Xie, Hong Ji, Pengbo Si, Ming Li, Yi Li:
Optimal Joint Power and Transmission Time Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Mohammad Hasan Khodashahi, Farzad Tashtarian
, Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee
, Mohsen Tolou Honary:
Optimal Location for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Jingqun Song, Zhiyong Feng, Dian Fan, Jiantao Xue, Zemin Liu:
Optimal Parameters for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-5 - Xin Kang, Ying-Chang Liang
, Hari Krishna Garg:
Optimal Power Allocation for Fading Cognitive Multiple Access Channels: Individual Outage Capacity Region. 1-6 - Yong Li, Wenbo Wang, Jia Kong, Mugen Peng
Optimal Resource Allocation and Performance Comparison of Half-Duplex Relay Strategies. 1-6 - Ayaz Ahmad
, Mohamad Assaad:
Optimal Resource Allocation Framework for Downlink OFDMA System with Channel Estimation Error. 1-5 - Long Tran-Thanh, János Levendovszky
Optimal Time Dependent Data Collection Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Jon E. Corneliussen, Mariam Kaynia, Geir E. Øien:
Optimal Tradeoff Between Transmission Rate and Packet Duration in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Yue Rong, Yingbo Hua:
Optimality of Diagonalization of Multicarrier Multi-Hop Linear Non-Regenerative MIMO Relays. 1-6 - Beatriz Lorenzo, Savo Glisic:
Optimization of Common Air Interface in Cellular Multihop Wireless Networks in the Presence of Traffic Variation. 1-6 - Julian K. Buhagiar, Carl James Debono
Optimizing Multicast Protocols to Reduce Energy Dissipation in Mobile Peer Networks. 1-6 - Taskeen Nadkar, Vinay Thumar, Uday B. Desai, Shabbir N. Merchant:
Optimum Bit Loading for Cognitive Relaying. 1-6 - Song Zhu, Wenbo Wang, Yang Liu, Mugen Peng
Outage Performance of Cooperative Protocol for Broadcast Services over Nakagami-m Fading Channel. 1-5 - Suong H. Nguyen
, Hai Le Vu
, Lachlan L. H. Andrew:
Packet Size Variability Affects Collisions and Energy Efficiency in WLANs. 1-6 - Dimitri Ktenas, Emilio Calvanese Strinati:
Partial Channel Quality Indication Feedback for OFDMA-Based Systems. 1-6 - Ulises Pineda Rico, Emad Alsusa
, Enrique Stevens-Navarro
, Jose Martin Luna-Rivera:
Partial Channel-Knowledge for the Fast Least-Squares Solution-Seeker Algorithm. 1-5 - Yu Gu, Yusheng Ji, Hongyang Chen
, Jie Li
, Baohua Zhao:
Partial Target Coverage Problem in Surveillance Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Wen-Jiunn Liu, Chao-Hua Huang, Kai-Ten Feng
Performance Analysis of Block Acknowledgement Mechanisms for Next Generation Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Khiam-Boon Png, Xiaoming Peng, Francois P. S. Chin, Chi Chung Ko:
Performance Analysis of Coded IFDMA Systems: Maximizing Channel Diversity Order. 1-5 - Md. Atiur Rahman Siddique, Joarder Kamruzzaman
Performance Analysis of m-Retry BEB Based DCF under Unsaturated Traffic Condition. 1-6 - He Chen
, Ju Liu, Chao Zhai, Lina Zheng:
Performance Analysis of SNR-Based Hybrid Decode-Amplify-Forward Cooperative Diversity Networks over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1-6 - Yuanyuan Ma, Matthias Pätzold
Performance Analysis of STBC-OFDM Systems in Temporally or Spatially Correlated Fading Channels. 1-5 - Margot Deruyck, Emmeric Tanghe, Wout Joseph, Daan Pareit, Ingrid Moerman
, Luc Martens:
Performance Analysis of WiMAX for Mobile Applications. 1-6 - Gayan Amarasuriya, Chintha Tellambura, Masoud Ardakani:
Performance Bounds for AF Multi-Hop Relaying over Nakagami Fading. 1-6 - Yu-Cheun Jou, Rashid Attar, Jun Ma, Xin Zhang:
Performance Comparison of CDMA2000 1x and LTE for Voice Service. 1-5 - Dac-Tu Ho
, Jingyu Park, Shigeru Shimamoto, Jun Kitaori:
Performance Evaluation of Communication System Proposed for Oceanic Air Traffic Control. 1-6 - Keoikantse O. A. Marungwana, Neco Ventura
Performance Evaluation of IMS Session Continuity Signaling with Heterogeneous Access. 1-6 - Borislava Gajic, Janne Riihijärvi, Petri Mähönen:
Performance Evaluation of Network Coding in Middle-Sized Networks. 1-5 - Renaud-Alexandre Pitaval, Taneli Riihonen, Risto Wichman
, Steven D. Blostein:
Performance Evaluation of Relay Deployment Strategies in Multi-Cell Single Frequency Networks. 1-6 - Prasanna Kalansuriya, Madushanka Soysa, Chintha Tellambura:
Performance of a Cooperative Network Using Rate Adaptation and Cooperative Combining. 1-6 - Miguel P. Pereira
, Luís Bernardo
, Rui Dinis
, Rodolfo Oliveira
, Paulo Carvalho, Paulo Pinto
Performance of Packet Combining ARQ Error Control in a TDMA SC-FDE System. 1-6 - Jian (Andrew) Zhang
, David B. Smith, Dino Miniutti, Leif Hanlen
, David Rodda, Ben Gilbert:
Performance of Piconet Co-Existence Schemes in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1-6 - Jouni Mäenpää, Jaime Jimenez Bolonio:
Performance of REsource LOcation and Discovery (RELOAD) on Mobile Phones. 1-6 - Daniel J. Ryan:
Performance of RVQ Limited Feedback Beamforming over Correlated Channels. 1-6 - Adeel Razi
, Daniel J. Ryan, Jinhong Yuan
, Iain B. Collings
Performance of Vector Perturbation Multiuser MIMO Systems over Correlated Channels. 1-5 - Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
, Ana Sierra, Jaime Campos, Imrich Chlamtac:
Periodic Sensing in Cognitive Radios for Detecting UMTS/HSDPA Based on Experimental Spectral Occupancy Statistics. 1-6 - Yu Wang, David D. Falconer:
Phase Noise Estimation and Suppression for Single Carrier SDMA Uplink. 1-6 - Shengli Zhang
, Soung Chang Liew:
Physical Layer Network Coding with Multiple Antennas. 1-6 - Zakhia G. Abichar, Ahmed E. Kamal, J. Morris Chang:
Planning of Relay Station Locations in IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) Networks. 1-6 - Kegen Yu
, Gengfa Fang, Eryk Dutkiewicz
Position and Orientation Accuracy Analysis for Wireless Endoscope Magnetic Field Based Localization System Design. 1-6 - Mohammad Reza Gholami, Mats Rydström, Erik G. Ström
Positioning of Node Using Plane Projection onto Convex Sets. 1-5 - En Zhou, Jinglin Shi, Yonghui Li
, Branka Vucetic, Xiaojing Huang
, Y. Jay Guo:
Power Allocation Based on Truncated Squared Norm of Channel Equalization Coefficients for TDD LTE-A Uplink Systems. 1-5 - Hang Su, Xi Zhang:
Power-Efficient Periodic Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive MAC in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks. 1-6 - Jian Luo, Wilhelm Keusgen, Andreas Kortke:
Preamble Designs for Efficient Joint Channel and Frequency-Selective I/Q-Imbalance Compensation in MIMO OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Chao-Kai Wen
, Kai-Kit Wong, Jung-Chieh Chen
Precoding Design in MIMO Multiple-Access Cellular Relay Systems with Partial CSI. 1-6 - Peiran Wu, Q. T. Zhang:
Precoding of Full-Rate Full-Diversity STBCs with Covariance Feedback. 1-6 - San-Yuan Wang, Kuei-Ping Shih, Yen-Da Chen, Hsin-Hui Ku:
Preserving Target Area Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Computational Geometry. 1-6 - Nirmal Andrews, Yogesh Reddy Kondareddy, Prathima Agrawal:
Prioritized Resource Sharing in WiMax and WiFi Integrated Networks. 1-6 - Songmin Kim, Sangbin Lee, Hyeong-Jong Ju, Doohyun Ko, Sunshin An:
Priority-Based Hybrid Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Yi Ouyang, Pang-Chang Lan, Tzu-Wei Lo, Yao-Cheng Tien, Sheng-Yi Ho, Ping-Cheng Yeh:
Probabilistic Cooperative Location Estimation in Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Daniel Câmara
, Christian Bonnet
, Fethi Filali
Propagation of Public Safety Warning Messages: A Delay Tolerant Network Approach. 1-6 - Sadaf Tanvir, Eryk Schiller, Benoit Ponsard, Andrzej Duda
Propagation Protocols for Network-Wide Localization Based on Two-Way Ranging. 1-6 - Satoshi Komorita, Takeshi Kubo, Hidetoshi Yokota:
Proposal for Distributed IMS by Hierarchical Administrative Domain. 1-6 - Kai Daniel
, Andreas Wolff, Christian Wietfeld
Protocol Design and Delay Analysis for a MUAV-Based Aerial Sensor Swarm. 1-6 - Kandaraj Piamrat
, Kamal Deep Singh, Adlen Ksentini, César Viho, Jean-Marie Bonnin:
QoE-Aware Scheduling for Video-Streaming in High Speed Downlink Packet Access. 1-6 - Sami Akin, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
QoS Analysis of Cognitive Radio Channels with Perfect CSI at Both Receiver and Transmitter. 1-6 - Haiyan Luo, Zhaoyang Zhang, Xiaoming Chen, Rui Yin:
QoS Driven Throughput Performance Analysis of Secondary User in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Abdeltouab Belbekkouche, Jihene Rezgui, Abdelhakim Hafid:
QoS Provisioning for Wireless Mesh and Optical Burst Switching Convergence. 1-6 - Jun Yao, Salil S. Kanhere
, Mahbub Hassan:
Quality Improvement of Mobile Video Using Geo-Intelligent Rate Adaptation. 1-6 - Gregory Humber, Edith C. H. Ngai:
Quality-Of-Information Aware Data Delivery for Wireless Sensor Networks: Description and Experiments. 1-6 - Luca Stabellini:
Quantifying and Modeling Spectrum Opportunities in a Real Wireless Environment. 1-6 - Ioannis Broustis, Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Dimitris Syrivelis, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Leandros Tassiulas:
Quantifying the Overhead Due to Routing Probes in Multi-Rate WMNs. 1-6 - Behrouz Maham
, Are Hjørungnes, B. Sundar Rajan:
Quasi-Orthogonal Design and Performance Analysis of Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks with Multiple-Antennas. 1-6 - Mohamed A. Rashad Salem, Abdulkareem Adinoyi, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, Young-Doo Kim:
Radio Resource Management in OFDMA-Based Cellular Networks Enhanced with Fixed and Nomadic Relays. 1-6 - Tao Wu, Patrick Hosein:
Radio Resource Management Strategies for Distributed Antenna Systems. 1-6 - Yang Yang, Weidong Yi:
Rainbow: Reliable Data Collecting MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Bin Zhen, Takahiro Aoyagi, Ryuji Kohno:
Reasons for Time-Varying Fading of Dynamic On-Body Channels. 1-5 - Qinghua Guo
, Defeng Huang:
Recursive Channel Estimation for Turbo Equalization Based on a State-Space System Model. 1-6 - Zhenxia Zhang, Richard Werner Nelem Pazzi
, Azzedine Boukerche, Björn Landfeldt:
Reducing Handoff Latency for WiMAX Networks Using Mobility Patterns. 1-6 - Dapeng Li, Youyun Xu, Jing Liu, Xinbing Wang:
Relay Assignment and Cooperation Maintenance in Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Takayuki Shimizu, Hisato Iwai, Hideichi Sasaoka:
Reliability-Based Sliced Error Correction in Secret Key Agreement from Fading Channel. 1-6 - Abdul Kader Mustafa, Michael Faulkner
Repetitive Fixed Bandwidth Limitation and QAM Correction for EER Power Amplifier. 1-5 - Saman Atapattu, Chintha Tellambura, Hai Jiang
Representation of Composite Fading and Shadowing Distributions by Using Mixtures of Gamma Distributions. 1-5 - Chih-Lun Weng, Yuan-Bin Lin, Yu T. Su
Resource Allocation for MIMO-OFDMA Based Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Guftaar Ahmad Sardar Sidhu, Feifei Gao:
Resource Allocation for Relay Aided Uplink Multiuser OFDMA System. 1-5 - Xu Yang
, Yapeng Wang, David Dapeng Zhang
, Laurie G. Cuthbert
Resource Allocation in LTE OFDMA Systems Using Genetic Algorithm and Semi-Smart Antennas. 1-6 - Yinghong Zhao, Xiaodong Xu, Zhijie Hao, Xiaofeng Tao, Ping Zhang:
Resource Allocation in Multiuser OFDM System Based on Ant Colony Optimization. 1-6 - Yan Zhang:
Resource Sharing of Completely Closed Access in Femtocell Networks. 1-5 - Thang Tran, Faqir Zarrar Yousaf, Christian Wietfeld:
RFID Based Secure Mobile Communication Framework for Emergency Response Management. 1-6 - Enyang Xu, Zhi Ding
, Soura Dasgupta:
Robust and Low Complexity Source Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Time Difference of Arrival Measurement. 1-5 - Yongtao Su, Shan Tang, Jinglin Shi, Xiaojing Huang
, Y. Jay Guo:
Robust Downlink Precoding in Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems with Time-Domain Quantized Feedback. 1-5 - Qinghua Shi, Yoshio Karasawa:
Robust Maximum Likelihood Classification of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. 1-5 - Xitao Gong, Markus Jordan, Aamir Ishaque, Guido Dartmann
, Gerd Ascheid:
Robust MSE-Based Transceiver Optimization in MISO Downlink Cognitive Radio Network. 1-6 - P. Ubaidulla, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam:
Robust Relay Precoder Design for MIMO-Relay Networks. 1-6 - Hai-Heng Ng, Wee-Seng Soh
, Mehul Motani
ROPA: A MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks with Reverse Opportunistic Packet Appending. 1-6 - David Gomez-Barquero
, Ana Fernandez-Aguilella, Narcís Cardona, Aurelian Bria:
RRM for Filecasting Services in Hybrid DVB-H/3G+ Systems. 1-6 - Young Gil Kim
, Norman C. Beaulieu:
S+N-ESC Diversity in Nakagami and Rician Fading with MPSK and 16-QAM. 1-6 - Ville Syrjälä
, Mikko Valkama
Sampling Jitter Cancellation in Direct-Sampling Radio. 1-6 - Sandeep Ponnuru, Upamanyu Madhow:
Scalable Mismatch Compensation for Time-Interleaved A/D Converters in OFDM Reception. 1-6 - Sami J. Habib, Paulvanna Nayaki Marimuthu:
Scheduling Sensors' Tasks with Imprecise Timings within Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Siamak Shakeri, Amir A. Sayegh, Terence D. Todd:
Secondary Wireless Mesh Network Design Using Leased Frequency Spectra. 1-6 - Ali Al Shidhani, Victor C. M. Leung
Secure and Efficient Multi-Hop Mobile IP Registration Scheme for MANET-Internet Integrated Architecture. 1-6 - Christian Siegl, Robert F. H. Fischer:
Selected Mapping with Explicit Transmission of Side Information. 1-6 - Quazi Ehsanul Kabir Mamun
, Sita Ramakrishnan, Bala Srinivasan:
Selecting Member Nodes in a Chain Oriented WSN. 1-6 - Fawaz S. Al-Qahtani, Trung Quang Duong
, Arun K. Gurung, Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao
Selection Decode-And-Forward Relay Networks with Rectangular QAM in Nakagami-m Fading Channels. 1-4 - Ali Honarvar, Shahrokh Valaee:
Selection of Repetition Codes for MAC in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Gang Wu, Zhenhong Li, Haifeng Wang, Wei Zou:
Selective Random Cyclic Delay Diversity for HARQ in Cooperative Relay. 1-6 - Sayan Kumar Ray, Swapan Kumar Ray, Krzysztof Pawlikowski, Allan McInnes, Harsha R. Sirisena:
Self-Tracking Mobile Station Controls Its Fast Handover in Mobile WiMAX. 1-6 - Peng Liu, Y. Fun Hu
, Geyong Min, Guojun Dai:
Semantization Improves the Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Xin Li, Qianchuan Zhao
, Xiaohong Guan, Lang Tong:
Sensing and Communication Tradeoff for Cognitive Access of Continues-Time Markov Channels. 1-6 - Wenshu Zhang, Liuqing Yang:
Sensitivity Analysis of the Optimum Waveform Design for Target Estimation in MIMO Sensing. 1-6 - Jin Wei, Xi Zhang:
Sensor Self-Organization for Mobile Multi-Target Tracking in Decentralized Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Masugi Inoue, Masaaki Ohnishi, Hiroaki Morino, Tohru Sanefuji:
Sensor-Terminal-Network Cooperative Architecture for Context-Aware Services. 1-6 - Fernando H. Gregorio
, Juan E. Cousseau, Stefan Werner
, Risto Wichman
, Taneli Riihonen:
Sequential Compensation of RF Impairments in OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Paulo Montezuma
, Rui Dinis
, Rodolfo Oliveira
Should We Avoid Nonlinear Effects in a Digital Transmission System? 1-6 - Victoria Ying Zhang, Albert Kai-Sun Wong
Simultaneous Localization and Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks via Semidefinite Programming. 1-6 - Xiaojun Sun, Xiaofu Wu, Chunming Zhao, Ming Jiang, Wei Xu:
Slepian-Wolf Coding for Reconciliation of Physical Layer Secret Keys. 1-6 - Husheng Li:
Socially Optimal Queuing Control in Cognitive Radio Systems: Pricing and Learning. 1-6 - Yaxiong Zhao, Jie Wu:
Socially-Aware Publish/Subscribe System for Human Networks. 1-6 - Juejia Zhou, Xiaoming She, Lan Chen:
Source and Channel Coding Adaptation for Optimizing VoIP Quality of Experience in Cellular Systems. 1-6 - Eric C. Like, Michael A. Temple, Zhiqiang Wu:
Spectrally-Temporally Adapted SMSE Waveform Design Using Imperfect Channel Estimates. 1-6 - Lili Zhang, Jinhua Jiang, Shuguang Cui:
Study of Half-Duplex Gaussian Relay Channels with Correlated Noises. 1-5 - Lin Tian, Di Pang, Yubo Yang, Jinglin Shi, Gengfa Fang, Eryk Dutkiewicz
Subcarrier Allocation for Multicast Services in Multicarrier Wireless Systems with QoS Guarantees. 1-6 - Pai-Han Huang, Yi Gai, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Ashwin Sridharan:
Subcarrier Allocation in Multiuser OFDM Systems: Complexity and Approximability. 1-6 - Hamed Ahmadi, Yong Huat Chew:
Subcarrier-And-Bit Allocation in Multiclass Multiuser Single-Cell OFDMA Systems Using an Ant Colony Optimization Based Evolutionary Algorithm. 1-5 - Chao Wang, Yijia Fan, John S. Thompson, Mikael Skoglund, H. Vincent Poor
Superposition-Repetition-Coded Successive Decode-And-Forward Relaying with Limited Destination-Relay Feedback. 1-6 - Shan Feng, Dongmei Zhao:
Supporting Real-Time CBR Traffic in a Cognitive Radio Sensor Network. 1-6 - Andreas Müller, Joachim Speidel:
Switch-And-Stay Transmit Diversity for Cooperative Decode-And-Forward Systems. 1-6 - Diomidis S. Michalopoulos, Athanasios S. Lioumpas
, George K. Karagiannidis
, Robert Schober:
Switching Rate in Selective Cooperative Relaying. 1-6 - Vahid Asghari, Amine Maaref
, Sonia Aïssa:
Symbol Error Probability Analysis for Multihop Relaying over Nakagami Fading Channels. 1-6 - Hassan A. Ahmed, Ahmed Iyanda Sulyman, Hossam S. Hassanein
Symbol Loss Probability of OFDMA Technique in Mobile Multi-Hop Relaying Systems. 1-6 - Namgeol O, Sang-wook Han, Hoon Kim:
System Capacity and Coverage Analysis of Femtocell Networks. 1-5 - Woojin Kim, Jae Mann Park, H. Jin Kim:
Target Localization Using Ensemble Support Vector Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Jie Xu, Ling Qiu:
The Effect of Channel Estimation Error in Multiuser Downlink MIMO Relay Channels. 1-5 - Dorin Panaitopol, Jocelyn Fiorina, Peng Yong Kong
, Chen-Khong Tham
The Effect of Impulsiveness in Inter-Cell Interference on Throughput of TH-IR-UWB Networks. 1-6 - Hansung Leem, Seon Yeob Baek, Dan Keun Sung:
The Effects of Cell Size on Energy Saving, System Capacity, and Per-Energy Capacity. 1-6 - Rodolfo Oliveira
, Miguel Luís
, Luís Bernardo
, Rui Dinis
, Paulo Pinto
The Impact of Node's Mobility on Link-Detection Based on Routing Hello Messages. 1-6 - Hui Shen, Bin Li, Meixia Tao, Yi Luo:
The New Interference Alignment Scheme for the MIMO Interference Channel. 1-6 - Amr A. El-Sherif
, K. J. Ray Liu:
Throughput Analysis for Cooperation in Random Access Networks. 1-6 - Diego Piazza, Pamela C. Cosman
, Laurence B. Milstein, Guido Tartara:
Throughput and Delay Analysis for Real-Time Applications in Ad-Hoc Cognitive Networks. 1-6 - Michael N. Krishnan, Avideh Zakhor:
Throughput Improvement in 802.11 WLANs Using Collision Probability Estimates in Link Adaptation. 1-6 - Tao Chen, Gilles Charbit, Sami Hakola:
Time Hopping for Device-To-Device Communication in LTE Cellular System. 1-6 - Yu-Hsiang Huang, Sau-Hsuan Wu:
Time Synchronization Protocol for Small-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Xiaokang Xiong, Duncan S. Wong, Xiaotie Deng
TinyPairing: A Fast and Lightweight Pairing-Based Cryptographic Library for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Ehsan Haghani, Nirwan Ansari
, Shyam Parekh, Doru Calin:
Traffic-Aware Video Streaming in Broadband Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Tetsuya Yamamoto, Kazuki Takeda, Fumiyuki Adachi
Training Sequence-Aided Single-Carrier Block Signal Detection Using QRM-MLD. 1-5 - Andres Kwasinski:
Transmission of TCP Traffic over User Cooperative Communications in Infrastructure Networks. 1-6 - Bachar Wehbi, Anis Laouiti
, Ana R. Cavalli
Transmit and Reserve (TAR): A Coordinated Channel Access for IEEE 802.11 Networks. 1-6 - Shang-Ho Tsai, Gene C. H. Chuang:
Transmit Equal Gain Beamforming Using Lattice Quantizers. 1-5 - Zhengguang Zhao, Xuming Fang, Ying Zhu, Yan Long:
Two Frequency Reuse Schemes in OFDMA-TDD Based Two-Hop Relay Networks. 1-6 - Hadhrami Ab. Ghani, Mustafa K. Gurcan, Zhenfeng He:
Two-Group Resource Allocation with Channel Ordering and Interference Cancellation. 1-6 - Guey-Yun Chang, Jang-Ping Sheu, Jyun-Hua Wu:
Typhoon: Resource Sharing Protocol for Metropolitan Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Jianmin Zhang, Zhaoyang Zhang
, Haiyan Luo, Aiping Huang, Rui Yin:
Uplink Scheduling for Cognitive Radio Cellular Network with Primary User's QoS Protection. 1-5 - Hongning Dai
, Kam-Wing Ng, Min-You Wu:
Upper Bounds on the Number of Channels to Ensure Collision-Free Communications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas. 1-6 - Xingmin Li, Tian Hui, Qiaoyun Sun, Lihua Li:
Utility Based Scheduling for Downlink OFDMA/SDMA Systems with Multimedia Traffic. 1-6 - Yizhen Jia, Youzheng Wang, Jianhua Lu:
Utility-Based Resource Allocation in a Multi-Cell OFDMA System with Base Station Cooperation. 1-6 - Yan Grunenberger, Franck Rousseau
Virtual Access Points for Transparent Mobility in Wireless LANs. 1-6 - Md. Atiur Rahman Siddique, Joarder Kamruzzaman
Voice over Multi-Channel Multi-Radio WLANs with Power Capture and Imperfect Channel. 1-6 - Florian Schaub
, Frank Kargl, Zhendong Ma, Michael Weber:
V-Tokens for Conditional Pseudonymity in VANETs. 1-6 - Mousa Dashti, Siavash Khorsandi:
WMQR: A Field Based QoS Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-6 - Harilton da S. Araujo, Raimir Holanda Filho
, Wagner L. T. de Castro:
WSN Routing: An Geocast Approach for Reducing Consumption Energy. 1-6

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