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WCNC 2012: Paris, France - Workshops
- 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, WCNC Workshops 2012, Paris, France, April 1, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0681-2
- Jaime Peña León, Faouzi Bader, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Per-energy capacity and handoff strategies in macro-femto cells environment. 1-6 - Rong Huang, Chunyan Feng, Tiankui Zhang:
Energy efficient design in AF relay networks with bidirectional asymmetric traffic. 7-11 - Matti Siekkinen
, Jukka K. Nurminen, Antti Ylä-Jääski:
Creating green incentives and mechanisms through packet-level energy accounting. 12-17 - Gabriel Porto Villardi, Chen Sun, Yohannes D. Alemseged, Hiroshi Harada
Coexistence of TV White Space enabled cognitive wireless access points. 18-23 - Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Mounir Ghogho, Desmond C. McLernon
, Ananthram Swami:
Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Interference Limited wireless ad hoc networks. 24-29 - Margot Deruyck, Dieter De Vulder, Wout Joseph, Luc Martens:
Modelling the power consumption in femtocell networks. 30-35 - Yohannes D. Alemseged, Gabriel Porto Villardi, Chen Sun, Ha Nguyen Tran, Hiroshi Harada
Distributed decision making to improve link quality in coexisting TVWS secondary networks. 36-40 - Yuan Wu, Vincent K. N. Lau
, Danny H. K. Tsang, Liping Qian:
Energy-efficient transmission strategy for Cognitive Radio systems. 41-46 - Rouzbeh Razavi, Holger Claussen
Urban small cell deployments: Impact on the network energy consumption. 47-52 - Chadi Khirallah, John S. Thompson, Dejan Vukobratovic
Energy efficiency of heterogeneous networks in LTE-advanced. 53-58 - Ville Syrjälä
, Vesa Lehtinen, Mikko Valkama
Sampling jitter in charge sampling radio. 59-63 - Stefan Videv, Harald Haas
, John S. Thompson, Peter M. Grant:
Energy efficient resource allocation in wireless systems with control channel overhead. 64-68 - David López-Pérez, Ismail Güvenç, Xiaoli Chu
Mobility enhancements for heterogeneous networks through interference coordination. 69-74 - Ming Huang, Wen Xu:
Macro-femto inter-cell interference mitigation for 3GPP LTE-A downlink. 75-80 - Francesco Pantisano, Mehdi Bennis
, Walid Saad, Matti Latva-aho, Roberto Verdone:
Enabling macrocell-femtocell coexistence through interference draining. 81-86 - Gustavo W. O. Costa, Andrea F. Cattoni, István Z. Kovács, Preben E. Mogensen:
A fully distributed method for dynamic spectrum sharing in femtocells. 87-92 - Ben Niu, Chia-Lin Wu, Marios Kountouris, Yunzhou Li:
Distributed opportunistic medium access control in two-tier femtocell networks. 93-97 - Emmanouil Pateromichelakis, Mehrdad Shariat, Atta U. Quddus, Rahim Tafazolli
Dynamic graph-based multi-cell scheduling for femtocell networks. 98-102 - Ali Imran, Mehdi Bennis
, Lorenza Giupponi:
Use of learning, game theory and optimization as biomimetic approaches for Self-Organization in macro-femtocell coexistence. 103-108 - Krishna Balachandran, Joseph H. Kang, Kemal Karakayali, Kiran M. Rege:
Virtual soft handoff enabled dominant interference cancellation for enhanced uplink performance in heterogeneous cellular networks. 109-114 - Parth Amin, Olav Tirkkonen
, Tero Henttonen, Esa Pernila:
Primary component carrier selection for a heterogeneous network: A comparison of Selfish, Altruistic and Symmetric Strategies. 115-119 - Rizwan Ghaffar, Pin-Han Ho, Umer Salim, Bin Wu:
Femtocell networks: Breaking the complexity of centralized processing with novel dual-stage receivers. 120-125 - Tarik Akbudak, Andreas Czylwik:
CoMP in heterogeneous networks: Linear transceiver design using the minimum weighted geometric-MSE criterion. 126-131 - Namshik Kim, John R. Barry:
Bit-wise combining for decode-and-forward relays. 132-136 - Jonathan Gambini, Stefano Savazzi
, Paolo Castiglione, Umberto Spagnolini
, Gerald Matz
Wireless over cable in femtocell systems: A case study from indoor channel measurements. 137-141 - Syed Abdul Salam
, Sahibzada Ali Mahmud, Gul Muhammad Khan, Hamed S. Al-Raweshidy
M2M communication in Smart Grids: Implementation scenarios and performance analysis. 142-147 - Guang Lu, Dale Seed, Michael Starsinic, Chonggang Wang, Paul Russell Jr.:
Enabling Smart Grid with ETSI M2M standards. 148-153 - Yuan Zhou, Choi Look Law
, Jingjing Xia:
Ultra low-power UWB-RFID system for precise location-aware applications. 154-158 - Roberto Quilez, Nathalie Mitton, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Nicolas Pauvre:
Prototyping a multi-root ONS. 159-163 - Robin Doss
, Wanlei Zhou
A secure tag ownership transfer scheme in a closed loop RFID system. 164-169 - Jim Grimmett, Eamonn O'Neill
UPnP: Breaking out of the LAN. 170-174 - Michel S. Bonfim, Miguel Franklin de Castro
, Stenio Fernandes, Rossana M. de Castro Andrade
, Ahmed Karmouch:
Improving vertical handovers using IEEE 802.21 services and multicast addressing. 175-180 - Jun Li, Yanyong Zhang, Kiran Nagaraja, Dipankar Raychaudhuri:
Supporting efficient machine-to-machine communications in the future mobile internet. 181-185 - Martin Beale:
Future challenges in efficiently supporting M2M in the LTE standards. 186-190 - Nourddine Azzaoui
, Laurent Clavier
UWB channel modeling for objects evolving in impulsive environnements. 191-195 - Juan Rico, Bruno Cendón, Jorge Lanza
, Javier Valino:
Bringing IoT to Hospital Logistics Systems Demonstrating the concept. 196-201 - Angelo Paolo Castellani, Moreno Dissegna, Nicola Bui
, Michele Zorzi:
WebIoT: A web application framework for the internet of things. 202-207 - Rina Wu, Yuan Cao, Chi Harold Liu
, Pan Hui, Li Li, Erwu Liu
Exploring passenger dynamics and connectivities in Beijing underground via bluetooth networks. 208-213 - Milo Spadacini, Stefano Savazzi
, Monica Nicoli
, S. Nicoli:
Wireless networks for smart surveillance: Technologies, protocol design and experiments. 214-219 - Olaf Bergmann
, Stefanie Gerdes, Silke Schafer, Florian Junge, Carsten Bormann
Secure bootstrapping of nodes in a CoAP network. 220-225 - Nicola Accettura, Maria Rita Palattella
, Mischa Dohler, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia:
Standardized power-efficient & internet-enabled communication stack for capillary M2M networks. 226-231 - Matti Siekkinen
, Markus Hiienkari, Jukka K. Nurminen, Johanna Nieminen:
How low energy is bluetooth low energy? Comparative measurements with ZigBee/802.15.4. 232-237 - Georgina Abou Elkheir, Athanasios S. Lioumpas
, Angeliki Alexiou:
Energy efficient cooperative scheduling based on sleep-wake mechanisms. 238-242 - Petros S. Bithas
, Athanasios S. Lioumpas
, Angeliki Alexiou:
Enhancing the efficiency of cluster-based networks through MISO techniques. 243-247 - Ming-Yuan Cheng, Guan-Yu Lin, Hung-Yu Wei
, Alex Chia-Chun Hsu:
Performance evaluation of radio access network overloading from machine type communications in LTE-A networks. 248-252 - Mikael Sternad, Michael Grieger, Rikke Apelfrojd, Tommy Svensson
, Daniel Aronsson, Ana Belen Martinez:
Using "predictor antennas" for long-range prediction of fast fading for moving relays. 253-257 - Yanxiang Jiang
, Jun Xiao, Xiaohu You
A simplified equalization method for asynchronous cooperative relay systems. 258-262 - Imen Ben Chaabane, Soumaya Hamouda, Sami Tabbane:
A novel relay selection scheme for LTE-advanced system under delay and load constraints. 263-267 - Mehdi Keshavarz, Mehdi Dehghan:
MAC-aided packet-dropper detection in multi-hop wireless networks. 268-272 - Alister G. Burr
, Agisilaos Papadogiannis, Tao Jiang:
MIMO Truncated Shannon Bound for system level capacity evaluation of wireless networks. 268-272 - Yohan Lejosne, Dirk T. M. Slock, Yi Yuan-Wu:
On greedy stream selection in MIMO BC. 273-277 - Jong-Ho Lee, Oh-Soon Shin:
Distributed beamforming approach to full-duplex relay in multiuser MIMO transmission. 278-282 - Paul de Kerret, Rajeev Gangula, David Gesbert
A practical precoding scheme for multicell MIMO channels with partial user's data sharing. 283-287 - Andrea F. Cattoni, H. T. Nguyen, Jonathan Duplicy, Deepaknath Tandur, Biljana Badic, RajaRajan Balraj, Florian Kaltenberger, Imran Latif, Ankit Bhamri, Guillaume Vivier, I. Z. Kovacsk, Péter Horváth:
Multi-user MIMO and Carrier Aggregation in 4G systems: The SAMURAI approach. 288-293 - Hardy Halbauer, Stephan Saur, Johannes Koppenborg, Cornelis Hoek:
Interference avoidance with dynamic vertical beamsteering in real deployments. 294-299 - David González González
, Mario García-Lozano
, Silvia Ruiz-Boque
, Joan J. Olmos
An analytical view of static intercell interference coordination techniques in OFDMA networks. 300-305 - Günther Liebl, Thiago Martins de Moraes, Arturo Gonzalez Rodriguez, Muhammad Danish Nisar
Centralized interference coordination in relay-enhanced networks. 306-311 - Du Yang, Shahid Mumtaz
, Joaquim Bastos
, Jonathan Rodriguez
A location-aided teletraffic measurement scheme for optimizing the locations of fixed relay nodes. 312-316 - Hina Tabassum
, Ferkan Yilmaz
, Zaher Dawy, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
On the modeling of uplink inter-cell interference based on proportional fair scheduling. 317-321 - Chris Wright, Zory Marantz, Penina Orenstein:
Getting the message about road safety. 322-327 - Alessandro Amoroso, Gustavo Marfia
, Marco Roccetti
, Giovanni Pau
To live and drive in L.A.: Measurements from a real intervehicular accident alert test. 328-332 - Carlo Borgiattino, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Nazario Di Maio, Andrea Ghittino, Massimo Reineri:
Experiences with UHF bands for content downloading in vehicular networks. 333-337 - Christian Makaya, Subir Das, F. Joe Lin
Seamless data offload and flow mobility in vehicular communications networks. 338-343 - Armir Bujari
, Claudio E. Palazzi
, Dario Maggiorini
, Christian Quadri
, Gian Paolo Rossi
A solution for mobile DTN in a real urban scenario. 344-349 - Osama Attia, Tamer A. ElBatt:
On the role of vehicular mobility in cooperative content caching. 350-354 - Tobias Pögel, Lars C. Wolf:
Analysis of operational 3G network characteristics for adaptive vehicular Connectivity Maps. 355-359 - Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz
, Khaled Boussetta:
How Virtual Police Agents can help in the traffic guidance? 360-364 - Joseph Benin, Michael Nowatkowski
, Henry L. Owen:
The effects of quality of service on vehicular network pseudonym distribution in congested urban environments. 365-370 - Cristian Olariu
, Adriana Hava, Piotr Szczechowiak, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane:
Prototyping telematic services in a wireless vehicular mesh network environment. 371-376 - Zhenhui Yuan, Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Gabriel-Miro Muntean
A novel bandwidth estimation algorithm for IEEE 802.11 TCP data transmissions. 377-382 - Bjoern Dusza, Christoph Ide, Christian Wietfeld
Interference aware throughput measurements for mobile WiMAX over vehicular radio channels. 383-387 - Steffen Moser, Jochen Weiss, Frank Slomka:
Towards real-time media access in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 388-392 - Han Deng, Jia Li, Liuqing Yang, Timothy Talty
Intra-vehicle UWB MIMO channel capacity. 393-397 - Muhammad Imran Akram, Asrar U. H. Sheikh:
Modeling Nakagami Hoyt mobile to mobile fading channel with diffused Line of Sight. 398-403 - Lee Pucker:
Standards for DSA system implementation: A harmonized requirements approach. 404-409 - Jens Gebert, Markus Mueck, Pierre-Jean Müller, Päivi Ruuska:
ETSI Reconfigurable Radio System - System Aspects and Control Channels for Cognitive Radio. 410-414 - Oliver Holland, Hanna Bogucka
, Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto, Liljana Gavrilovska, Kamil Chudas:
Technical work of the ICT-ACROPOLIS Network of Excellence in its first year. 415-419 - Mikio Hasegawa
, Yohsuke Kon, Kentaro Ishizu, Homare Murakami, Hiroshi Harada
Autonomous optimization techniques for cognitive dynamic wireless systems. 420-424 - Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, Chung-Ting Jiang, Shang-Ru Mo, Chun-Hsien Ko
, Tzung-Lin Li, Chiau-Feng Liang, Chung-Chieh Cheng:
A conceptual model and prototype of Cognitive Radio Cloud Networks in TV White Spaces. 425-430 - Andreas Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios Karvounas, Vera Stavroulaki
, Milenko Tosic, Dragan Boscovic, Jens Gebert, Wolfgang Koenig, Panagiotis Demestichas
Cognitive cloud-oriented wireless networks for the Future Internet. 431-435 - Tuncer Baykas
, Junyi Wang, Stanislav A. Filin, Hiroshi Harada
System design to enable coexistence in TV white space. 436-441

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