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Automatica, Volume 34
Volume 34, Number 1, January 1998
- Sekhar Tangirala, Michael S. Holmes, Asok Ray, M. Carpino:
Life-extending control of mechanical structures: Experimental verification of the concept. 3-14 - Luigi Chisci
, Andrea Garulli
, Antonio Vicino, Giovanni Zappa:
Block recursive parallelotopic bounding in set membership identification. 15-22 - Christian Bunse, Martin Verlage, Peter Giese:
Improved software quality through improved development process descriptions. 23-32 - Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Fredrik P. Skantze, Ai Poh Loh:
Adaptive control of continuous time systems with convex/concave parametrization. 33-49 - Yu Tang:
Terminal sliding mode control for rigid robots. 51-56 - Johan Nilsson, Bo Bernhardsson
, Björn Wittenmark:
Stochastic analysis and control of real-time systems with random time delays. 57-64 - J. Anthony Rossiter, Basil Kouvaritakis, M. J. Rice:
A numerically robust state-space approach to stable-predictive control strategies. 65-73 - Aniruddha Datta, James Ochoa:
Adaptive internal model control: H2 optimization for stable plants. 75-82 - Leonardo C. Kammer, Robert R. Bitmead, Peter L. Bartlett:
Optimal controller properties from closed-loop experiments. 83-91 - Chengshan Xiao, Victor Sreeram, Wan Quan Liu
, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Identification and model reduction of 2-D systems via the extended impulse response Gramians. 93-101 - Christian W. Frei
, Lucy Y. Pao:
Alternatives to Monte-Carlo simulation evaluations of two multisensor fusion algorithms. 103-110 - Ben M. Chen, Steven R. Weller:
Mappings of the finite and infinite zero structures and invertibility structures of general linear multivariable systems under the bilinear transformation. 111-124 - Gerardo Escobar
, Romeo Ortega, Mahmut Reyhanoglu:
Regulation and tracking of the nonholonomic double integrator: A field-oriented control approach. 125-131 - Levent U. Gökdere, Marwan A. Simaan
, Charles W. Brice:
Global asymptotic stability of indirect field-oriented speed control of current-fed induction motors. 133-135 - Seong-Ho Song, Jeom-Keun Kim:
H∞ Control of discrete-time linear systems with norm-bounded uncertainties and time delay in state. 137-139
Volume 34, Number 2, February 1998
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
A new editorial appointment. 147 - Alain Haurie:
Management and decision sciences, challenge and opportunities for control and optimization applications. 149-150 - Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
, Vicente Hernández:
Parallel solution of Riccati matrix equations with the matrix sign function. 151-156 - Hao Ying:
The Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy controllers using the simplified linear control rules are nonlinear variable gain controllers. 157-167 - Cinzia Bernardeschi
, Andrea Bondavalli
, György Csertán, István Majzik
, Luca Simoncini:
Temporal analysis of data flow control systems. 169-182 - P. Picard, Jean-François Lafay, Vladimír Kucera
Model matching for linear systems with delays and 2D systems. 183-191 - Giuseppe Conte, Andrea Serrani
Robust control of a remotely operated underwater vehicle. 193-198 - Christopher Edwards, Ian Postlethwaite:
Anti-windup and bumpless-transfer schemes. 199-210 - Ratnesh Kumar, Mark A. Shayman:
Formulae relating controllability, observability, and co-observability. 211-215 - Hanlong Yang, Mehrdad Saif
Observer design and fault diagnosis for state-retarded dynamical systems. 217-227 - Lucy Y. Pao, William E. Singhose:
Robust minimum time control of flexible structures. 229-236 - Ching-An Lin, Chang-Ming Wu:
Block-decoupling linear multivariable systems: necessary and sufficient conditions. 237-243 - Simon G. Fabri
, Visakan Kadirkamanathan
Dual adaptive control of nonlinear stochastic systems using neural networks. 245-253 - Wen Tan, Tinpui Leung, Qili Tu:
H∞ control for singularly perturbed systems. 255-260 - Douglas G. Robertson, Jay H. Lee
A method for the estimation of infrequent abrupt changes in nonlinear systems. 261-270 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
Robust state estimation and model validation for discrete-time uncertain systems with a deterministic description of noise and uncertainty. 271-274 - Michael K. Tippett:
Bounds for the solution of the discrete algebraic Lyapunov equation. 275-277
Volume 34, Number 3, March 1998
- Efstratios Skafidas, Alexander L. Fradkov
, Robin J. Evans, Iven M. Y. Mareels:
Trajectory-approximation-based adaptive control for nonlinear systems under matching conditions. 287-299 - Mondher Farza, Krishna Busawon, Houbekeur Hammouri:
Simple nonlinear observers for on-line estimation of kinetic rates in bioreactors. 301-318 - Guo-Hua Wu, Yu-Geng Xi, Zhong-Jun Zhang:
Robust controller design based on simplified triangular model. 319-325 - Reyad El-Khazali:
Variable structure robust control of uncertain time-delay systems. 327-332 - Er-Wei Bai:
An optimal two-stage identification algorithm for Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear systems. 333-338 - George Calcev, Raymond Gorez, Marc De Neyer:
Passivity approach to fuzzy control systems. 339-344 - Yangquan Chen
, Zhiming Gong, Changyun Wen
Analysis of a high-order iterative learning control algorithm for uncertain nonlinear systems with state delays. 345-353 - Claudio Bonivento, M. Sandri, Roberto Zanasi:
Discrete variable-structure integral controllers. 355-361 - Chong Lin, Jianliang Wang
, Cheong Boon Soh:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the controllability of linear interval descriptor systems. 363-367 - Tsutomu Mita, Jeremy B. Matson, Brian D. O. Anderson:
A complete and simple parametrization of controllers for a nonstandard H∞ control problem. 369-374 - Mustapha S. Fofana, David J. Lamb Jr.:
On the stability bifurcation of a nonlinear time delay system. 375-378 - Avrie Levent:
Robust exact differentiation via sliding mode technique. 379-384 - Domenico D'Alessandro:
A parametrization of the nonnegative definite solutions of the algebraic Riccati equation. 385-388 - Xinghuo Yu
, Zhihong Man:
Multi-input uncertain linear systems with terminal sliding-mode control. 389-392 - Xiaoping Liu:
Asymptotic output tracking of nonlinear differential-algebraic control systems. 393-397
Volume 34, Number 4, April 1998
- Brett Ninness
A Stochastic Approach to Linear Estimation in H∞. 405-414 - Mats Sågfors, Hannu T. Toivonen, Bengt Lennartson:
H∞ Control of Multirate Sampled-Data Systems: A State-Space Approach. 415-428 - Fayçal Ikhouane
, Miroslav Krstic
Adaptive Backstepping with Parameter Projection: Robustness and Asymptotic Performance. 429-435 - Xiang Chen, Guoxiang Gu, Phillip Martin, Kemin Zhou:
Rotating Stall Control via Bifurcation Stabilization. 437-443 - P. Caravani, Stefano Di Gennaro:
Robust Control of Synchronous Motors with Non-linearities and Parameter Uncertainties. 445-450 - Alberto Bemporad, Edoardo Mosca:
Fulfilling Hard Constraints in Uncertain Linear Systems by Reference Managing. 451-461 - Jozsef Bokor
, Ferenc Schipp:
Approximate Identification in Laguerre and Kautz Bases. 463-468 - Vassilios Petridis, Athanasios Kehagias:
A Multi-model Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of Time-varying Nonlinear Systems. 469-475 - András Varga, Stefan Pieters:
Gradient-Based Approach to Solve Optimal Periodic Output Feedback Control Problems. 477-481 - Yun-Hui Liu, Suguru Arimoto:
Adaptive and Nonadaptive Hybrid Controllers for Rheonomically Constrained Manipulators. 483-491 - Longjun Qian, Xingya Lü, Jingcai Wang, Siying Zhang:
Synthesis of Quadratic Stability Control for Similar Composite Systems. 493-498 - Sequare Daniel-Berhe, Heinz Unbehauen:
Bilinear Continuous-Time Systems Identification via Hartley-Based Modulating Functions. 499-503 - Kou-Cheng Hsu:
Variable Structure Control Design for Uncertain Dynamic Systems with Sector Nonlinearities. 505-508 - Guang-Ren Duan
, Ronald J. Patton:
A Note on Hurwitz Stability of Matrices. 509-511 - Su Whan Sung, In-Beum Lee, Jietae Lee:
New Process Identification Method for Automatic Design of PID Controllers. 513-520 - Francesco Amato, Massimiliano Mattei, Alfredo Pironti:
A Robust Stability Problem for Discrete-Time Systems Subject to an Uncertain Parameter. 521-523
Volume 34, Number 5, May 1998
- Roberto Horowitz
, B. Li, J. W. McCormick:
Wiener-filter-based Minimum Variance Self-tuning Regulation. 531-545 - Sarangapani Jagannathan, Sesh Commuri, Frank L. Lewis:
Feedback Linearization using CMAC Neural Networks. 547-557 - Navneet Kapoor, Andrew R. Teel, Prodromos Daoutidis:
An Anti-Windup Design for Linear Systems with Input Saturation. 559-574 - Ramine Nikoukhah, Stephen L. Campbell
, François Delebecque:
Observer Design for General Linear Time-invariant Systems. 575-583 - Karl Johan Åström, Hélène Panagopoulos, Tore Hägglund:
Design of PI Controllers based on Non-Convex Optimization. 585-601 - Guoxiang Gu, Li Qiu
Connection of Multiplicative/Relative Perturbation in Coprime Factors and Gap Metric Uncertainty. 603-607 - Sandeep Jain, Farshad Khorrami
Robust Adaptive Control of Flexible Joint Manipulators. 609-615 - Riccardo Marino, Sergei Peresada, Patrizio Tomei:
Adaptive Output Feedback Control of Current-Fed Induction Motors with Uncertain Rotor Resistance and Load Torque. 617-624 - Anatoly I. Kalinin, Sergei V. Polevikov:
Asymptotic Solution of the Minimum Force Problem for Linear Singularly Perturbed Systems. 625-630 - Franky De Bruyne, Brian D. O. Anderson, Michel Gevers:
On Plant and LQG Controller Continuity Questions. 631-635 - Tin-Zhu Huang:
Stability Criteria for Matrices. 637-639 - Ssu-Hsin Yu, Anuradha M. Annaswamy:
Stable Neural Controllers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems. 641-650 - S. O. Reza Moheimani
, Ian R. Petersen:
Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Systems with a Time-Multiplied Quadratic Cost Function: An Approach Based on Linear Matrix Inequalities. 651-654 - Mario Lefebvre:
A Bidimensional Optimal Landing Problem. 655-657 - Sergey Edward Lyshevski:
State-Space Model Identification of Deterministic Nonlinear Systems: Nonlinear Mapping Technology and Application of the Lyapunov Theory. 659-664
Volume 34, Number 6, June 1998
- Tomomichi Hagiwara
, Go Kuroda, Mituhiko Araki:
Popov-Type Criterion for Stability of Nonlinear Sampled-Data Systems. 671-682 - Winfried Lohmiller
, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
On Contraction Analysis for Non-linear Systems. 683-696 - Alexander L. Fradkov
, David J. Hill:
Exponential Feedback Passivity and Stabilizability of Nonlinear Systems. 697-703 - Jorge M. Gonçalves
, Munther A. Dahleh:
Necessary Conditions for Robust Stability of a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 705-714 - Sergio M. Savaresi, Guido O. Guardabassi:
Approximate I/O Feedback Linearization of Discrete-Time Non-Linear Systems via Virtual Input Direct Design. 715-722 - Sandor M. Veres, Victor F. Sokolov:
Adaptive Robust Control under Unknown Plant Orders. 723-730 - N. Sharav-Schapiro, Zalman J. Palmor, A. Steinberg:
Output Stabilizing Robust Control for Discrete Uncertain Systems. 731-739 - R. Rodosek:
A Search Control for Scheduling Problems. 741-750 - Jin Hyun Park, Su Whan Sung, In-Beum Lee:
An Enhanced PID Control Strategy for Unstable Processes. 751-756 - Martin J. Corless, Jay Tu:
State and Input Estimation for a Class of Uncertain Systems. 757-764 - Vikram Krishnamurthy, Jamie S. Evans:
Finite-Dimensional Filters for Passive Tracking of Markov Jump Linear Systems. 765-770 - Marc Bodson
An Adaptive Algorithm for the Tuning of Two Input Shaping Methods. 771-776 - Huanshui Zhang, Tian-You Chai, Xiang-Jie Liu:
A Unified Approach to Optimal State Estimation for Stochastic Singular Systems. 777-781 - Alessandro Astolfi
New Results on the Global Stabilization of Minimum-Phase Nonlinear Systems. 783-788 - Ming Hou, Ron J. Patton:
Input Observability and Input Reconstruction. 789-794 - Magdi Sadek Mahmoud, Stanoje P. Bingulac:
Robust Design of Stabilizing Controllers for Interconnected Time-delay Systems. 795-800 - Erik Weyer, Robert C. Williamson, Iven M. Y. Mareels:
On the Relationship Between Behavioural and Standard Methods for System Identification. 801-804
Volume 34, Number 7, July 1998
- Didier Henrion
, Michael Sebek
Symmetric Matrix Polynomial Equation: Interpolation Results. 811-824 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, Laurent Praly:
Design of Robust Adaptive Controllers for Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties. 825-840 - Kiyotsugu Takaba, Tohru Katayama:
H2 Output Feedback Control for Descriptor Systems. 841-850 - Andrei Tchernychev, Athanasios Sideris:
A Multiplier Approach for the Robust Design of Discrete-Time Control Systems with Real/Complex Uncertainties. 851-859 - Ravi K. Prasanth:
Two-Sided Tangential Interpolation with Real Rational Units in H∞. 861-874 - Yuqiong Liu, Jian Liang Wang
, Guang-Hong Yang:
Reliable Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. 875-879 - G. Zhu, Shuzhi Sam Ge:
A Quasi-Tracking Approach for Finite-Time Control of a Mass-Beam System. 881-888 - Richard C. H. Lee, Malcolm C. Smith:
Robustness and Trade-offs in Repetitive Control. 889-896 - Zongli Lin:
Global Control of Linear Systems with Saturating Actuators. 897-905 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, David J. Hill, Yi Guo
Stabilization and Tracking via Output Feedback for the Nonlinear Benchmark System. 907-915 - Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, Heinz Unbehauen, B. M. Patre
A New Algorithm for Compensator Design for Higher-Order System via Reduced Model. 917-920 - Chunhai Hou, Jixin Qian:
Decay Estimates for Applications of Razumikhin-Type Theorems. 921-924
Volume 34, Number 8, August 1998
- Mohamed F. Younis
, Grace Tsai, Thomas J. Marlowe
, Alexander D. Stoyen:
Formal Verification of Compiler Transformations for Speculative Real-Time Execution. 939-952 - Job C. Oostveen, Ruth F. Curtain:
Riccati Equations for Strongly Stabilizable Bounded Linear Systems. 953-967 - John E. Seem:
A New Pattern Recognition Adaptive Controller with Application to HVAC Systems. 969-982 - Jian-Xin Xu, Zhihua Qu:
Robust Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 983-988 - Min-Shin Chen:
Exponential stabilization of a constrained bilinear system. 989-992 - Joachim Rudolph
, Emmanuel Delaleau
Some Examples and Remarks on Quasi-Static Feedback of Generalized States. 993-999 - Jung-Ho Moon, Tae-Yong Doh, Myung Jin Chung:
A Robust Approach to Iterative Learning Control Design for Uncertain Systems. 1001-1004 - Shi Jie Xu, Mohamed Darouach:
On the robustness of linear systems with nonlinear uncertain parameters. 1005-1008 - Weng Khuen Ho, Khiang Wee Lim, Wen Xu:
Optimal Gain and Phase Margin Tuning for PID Controllers. 1009-1014 - Han Ho Choi:
An Explicit Formula of Linear Sliding Surfaces for a Class of Uncertain Dynamic Systems with Mismatched Uncertainties. 1015-1020 - Konstantinos G. Arvanitis
On the Localization of Intersample Ripples of Linear Systems Controlled by Generalized Sampled-Data Hold Functions. 1021-1024 - Pasquale Lucibello, Stefano Panzieri
Application of Cyclic Control to a Two-link Flexible Arm. 1025-1029 - Alessandro Beghi, Domenico D'Alessandro:
Discrete-Time Optimal Control with Control-Dependent Noise and Generalized Riccati Difference Equations. 1031-1034 - Yongru Gu, Shouchen Wang, Qiqiang Li, Zhengqun Cheng, Jixin Qian:
On Delay-Dependent Stability and Decay Estimate for Uncertain Systems with Time-Varying Delay. 1035-1039
Volume 34, Number 9, September 1998
- Dongping Song
, You-Xian Sun:
Optimal Service Control of a Serial Production Line with Unreliable Workstations and Random Demand. 1047-1060 - P. M. Mäkilä, Jonathan R. Partington:
Lethargy results in LTI System Modelling. 1061-1070 - Chengshan Xiao, David J. Hill:
Concepts of Strict Positive Realness and the Absolute Stability Problem of Continuous-Time Systems. 1071-1082 - Frank L. Lewis, Ayla Gürel, Stjepan Bogdan
, Alper Doganalp, Octavian C. Pastravanu
Analysis of Deadlock and Circular Waits Using a Matrix Model for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. 1083-1100 - Hüseyin Akçay, Brett Ninness
Rational Basis Functions for Robust Identification from Frequency and Time-Domain Measurements. 1101-1117 - Konrad Reif, Frank Sonnemann, Rolf Unbehauen:
An EKF-Based Nonlinear Observer with a Prescribed Degree of Stability. 1119-1123 - Bao-Gang Hu, George K. I. Mann
, Ray G. Gosine:
Control Curve Design for Nonlinear (or Fuzzy) Proportional Actions Using Spline-based Functions. 1125-1133 - Ron J. Patton, Ming Hou:
Design of Fault Detection and Isolation Observers: A Matrix Pencil Approach. 1135-1140 - Vikram Kapila, Wassim M. Haddad:
Memoryless H∞ Controllers for Discrete-Time Systems with Time Delay. 1141-1144 - Ho-Wang Fung, Qing-Guo Wang, Tong Heng Lee:
PI Tuning in Terms of Gain and Phase Margins. 1145-1149 - Ghislaine Joly-Blanchard, Lilianne Denis-Vidal:
Some Remarks about an Identifiability Result of Nonlinear Systems. 1151-1152
Volume 34, Number 10, October 1998
- George Zames:
Adaptive Control: Towards a Complexity-Based General Theory. 1161-1167 - M. J. Grimble, G. Hearns:
LQG Controllers for State-Space Systems with Pure Transport Delays: Application to Hot Strip Mills. 1169-1184 - Girijesh Prasad
, E. Swidenbank, B. W. Hogg:
A Local Model Networks Based Multivariable Long-Range Predictive Control Strategy for Thermal Power Plants. 1185-1204 - Hong Chen
, Frank Allgöwer
rank Quasi-Infinite Horizon Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Scheme with Guaranteed Stability. 1205-1217 - Miomir Vukobratovic, Radoslav Stojic, Yuri Ekalo:
Contribution to the Position/Force Control of Manipulation Robots Interacting with Dynamic Environment - A Generalization. 1219-1226 - Randy A. Freeman, Miroslav Krstic
, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Robustness of Adaptive Nonlinear Control to Bounded Uncertainties. 1227-1230 - Sergey Edward Lyshevski:
Nonlinear Control of Servo - Systems Actuated by Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors. 1231-1238 - Peter Dorato, Laura Menini, C. A. Treml:
Robust Multi-Objective Feedback Design with Linear Guaranteed-Cost Bounds. 1239-1243 - Er-Wei Bai, Hyonyong Cho, Roberto Tempo:
Convergence Properties of the Membership Set. 1245-1249 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
Almost Optimal LQ-Control Using Stable Periodic Controllers. 1251-1254 - Alberto Bemporad:
A Predictive Controller with Artificial Lyapunov Function for Linear Systems with Input/State Constraints. 1255-1260 - Henk Nijmeijer, Sergio M. Savaresi:
On Approximate Model-Reference Control of SISO Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems. 1261-1266 - Qing Zhao
, J. Jiang
Reliable State Feedback Control System Design Against Actuator Failures. 1267-1272 - S. M. Shahruz:
Boundary Control of the Axially Moving Kirchhoff String. 1273-1277 - Weidong Zhang
, Youxian Sun, Xiaoming Xu:
Two Degree-of-Freedom Smith Predictor for Processes with Time Delay. 1279-1282 - Rajendra K. Mutha, William R. Cluett, Alexander Penlidis:
Modifying the Prediction Equation for Nonlinear Model-Based Predictive Control. 1283-1287
Volume 34, Number 11, November 1998
- Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control of Feedback Linearizable Discrete-time Dynamical Systems Under Persistence of Excitation. 1295-1310 - Fredrik Gustafsson, Stefan F. Graebe:
Closed-Loop Performance Monitoring in the Presence of System Changes and Disturbances. 1311-1326 - Ratnesh Kumar, Hok M. Cheung, Steven I. Marcus:
Extension based Limited Lookahead Supervision of Discrete Event Systems. 1327-1344 - Ramine Nikoukhah:
Guaranteed Active Failure Detection and Isolation for Linear Dynamical Systems. 1345-1358 - Qinghua Zhang, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste:
Fault Detection and Isolation in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: A Combined Input-Output and Local Approach. 1359-1373 - Pablo A. Parrilo
, Mario Sznaier, Ricardo S. Sánchez Peña, Tamer Inanc:
Mixed Time/Frequency-Domain Based Robust Identification. 1375-1389 - Michèle Basseville:
On-board Component Fault Detection and Isolation Using the Statistical Local Approach. 1391-1415 - PooGyeon Park
, Sang Woo Kim:
A Revisited Tsypkin Criterion for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Lur'e Systems with Monotonic Sector-Restrictions. 1417-1420 - Li-Cheng Shen, Pau-Lo Hsu:
Robust Design of Fault Isolation Observers. 1421-1429 - Li Qiu
, Kan Tan:
Direct State Space Solution of Multirate Sampled-Data H2 Optimal Control. 1431-1437 - Jan Lunze:
On the Markov Property of Quantised State Measuirement Sequences. 1439-1444 - Danwei Wang:
Convergence and Robustness of Discrete Time Nonlinear Systems with Iterative Learning Control. 1445-1448 - Bernardo A. León de la Barra, Abbas Emami-Naeini, Eugenio R. Chinchón:
Linear Multivariable Servomechanisms Revisited: System Type and Accuracy Trade-offs. 1449-1452 - Xiaoming Hu
Global Nonlinear Feedback Stabilization and Nonpeaking Conditions. 1453-1454 - Zbigniew Swider:
Realization Using the γ-Operator. 1455-1457 - Yong Fang, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Iterative Learning Control of Linear Discrete-Time Multivariable Systems. 1459-1462 - Jean-Yves Keller, Mohamed Darouach:
Reduced-Order Kalman Filter with Unknown Inputs. 1463-1468 - Xing-Gang Yan
, Guan-Zhong Dai:
Decentralized Output Feedback Robust Control for Nonlinear Large-scale Systems. 1469-1472 - H. Tokunaga, Tetsuya Iwasaki, Shinji Hara
Analysis and synthesis of the robust impulse-to-peak performance. 1473-1477
Volume 34, Number 12, December 1998
- Brian D. O. Anderson:
From Youla-Kucera to Identification, Adaptive and Nonlinear Control. 1485-1506 - Magnus Jansson, Bo Wahlberg:
On Consistency of Subspace Methods for System Identification. 1507-1519 - Manoj Shouche, Hasmet Genceli, Vuthandam Premkiran, Michael Nikolaou
Simultaneous Constrained Model Predictive Control and Identification of DARX Processes. 1521-1530 - Morten Dalsmo, W. C. A. Maas:
Singular H∞ Suboptimal Control for a Class of Nonlinear Cascade Systems. 1531-1537 - Michel Zasadzinski, Edouard Richard, Mohamed Fayçal Khelfi
, Mohamed Darouach:
Disturbance Attenuation and Trajectory Tracking via a Reduced-order Output Feedback Controller for Robot Manipulators. 1539-1546 - Ping Hou, Ali Saberi, Zongli Lin, Peddapullaiah Sannuti:
Simultaneous External and Internal Stabilization for Continuous and Discrete-Time Critically Unstable Linear Systems with Saturating Actuators. 1547-1557 - Youbin Peng, Damir Vrancic
, Raymond Hanus, Steven S. R. Weller:
Anti-Windup Designs for Multivariable Controllers. 1559-1565 - Daniel W. Berns, Jorge L. Moiola, Guanrong Chen:
Feedback Control of Limit Cycle Amplitudes from A Frequency Domain Approach. 1567-1573 - Tzuen-Lih Chern, Geeng-Kwei Chang:
Automatic Voltage Regulator Design by Modified Discrete Integral Variable Structure Model Following Control. 1575-1582 - Basil Kouvaritakis, J. Anthony Rossiter, Mark Cannon
Linear Quadratic Feasible Predictive Control. 1583-1592 - Brian D. O. Anderson, Matthew R. James
, David J. N. Limebeer:
Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems via Normalized Coprime Factor Representations. 1593-1599 - Emmanuel Prempain, B. Bergeon:
A Multivariable Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Control Methodology. 1601-1606 - Jae-Won Lee, Wook Hyun Kwon, Jinhoon Choi:
On Stability of Constrained Receding Horizon Control with Finite Terminal Weighting Matrix. 1607-1612 - Ramavarapu S. Sreenivas:
An Application of Independent, Increasing, Free-Choice Petri Nets to the Synthesis of Policies that Enforce Liveness in Arbitrary Petri Nets. 1613-1615 - Hao Ying:
An Analytical Study on Structure, Stability and Design of General Nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Control Systems. 1617-1623 - Herbert Werner:
Multimodel Robust Control by Fast Output Sampling - An LMI Approach. 1625-1630 - C. Y. Chan:
Discrete Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of a State-Space System with a Bounded Disturbance. 1631-1635 - Milos Doroslovacki, Howard Fan, Lei Yao:
Wavelet-Based Identification of Linear Discrete-Time Systems: Robustness Issue. 1637-1640 - Yong-Yan Cao, James Lam, Youxian Sun:
Static Output Feedback Stabilization: An ILMI Approach. 1641-1645 - José Calazans de Castro, Clivaldo Silva de Araújo:
Frequency Domain Analysis of Oscillatory Modes in Decentralized Control Systems. 1647-1649 - Giuseppe De Nicolao, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
, Stefano Pinzoni:
Zeros of Continuous-time Linear Periodic Systems. 1651-1655 - Graham Wheeler, Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko:
A Sliding Mode Controller with Improved Adaptation Laws for the Upper Bounds on the Norm of Uncertainties. 1657-1661

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