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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 38, 1995
Volume 38, Number 1, January 1995
- Seymour E. Goodman, Larry Press:
Computing in Vietnam: An Asian Tiger in Rough. 11-16
- Elliot Soloway:
Beware, Techies Bearing Gifts. 17-24
- Amy Pearl:
Woman in Computing - Introduction. 26-28 - Maria M. Klawe, Nancy G. Leveson:
Woman in Computing - Where Are We Now? 29-35 - Pavani Diwanji:
Corporate Supported Woman's Groups. 36 - Sandra Johnson Baylor:
Graduate Fellowship Programs. 37-42 - Alison E. Adam:
Woman and Computing in the UK. 43 - Laura L. Downey:
Announcing a New Resource: The WCAR List. 43-44 - Elisabeth Freeman, Susanne Hupfer:
TAP: Tapping Internet Resources for Woman in Computer Science. 44 - Denise W. Gürer:
Pioneering Woman In Computer Science. 45-54 - Anita Borg, Telle Whitney:
The Grace Hopper Celebration. Commun. ACM 38(1): 50-51 (1995) - Kathleen Hemenway:
Human Nature and the Glass Ceiling in Industry. 55-62 - Ellen Isaacs:
Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: A Literature Review. 58-59 - Tracy Camp:
Diversity Recruiting. 61 - Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Norma Mertz:
Executive Mentoring - What Makes It Work? 63-73 - Amita Goyal:
Mentoring Resources and Programs for Woman. Commun. ACM 38(1): 66-67 (1995) - Veronika Oechtering, Roswita Behnke:
Situations and Advancement Measures in Germany. 75-82
- Iris Vessey, Ajay Paul Sravanapudi:
CASE Tools as Collaborative Support Technologies. 83-95 - Kurt Mehlhorn, Stefan Näher:
LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing. 96-102 - Jeffrey G. Long, Dorothy E. Denning:
Ultra-Structure: A Design Theory for Complex Systems and Processes. 103-120
- Charles Herring, Julian I. Palmore:
Random Number Generators are Chaotic. 121-122 - D. E. Ross:
Pseudo-Random Number Generators for a Calculator. 122-124
- Ben Shneiderman:
The Info Superhighway: For the People. 162
Volume 38, Number 2, February 1995
- Stuart H. Zweben:
ACM Computing Week'95. 13-14
- Fred W. Weingarten:
Reforming Telecommunications Law. 19-22
- Roy Rada, John L. Berg:
Standards: Free or Sold? 23-26
- Ronald J. Vetter, David Hung-Chang Du:
Issues and Challenges in ATM Networks - Introduction. 28-29 - Ronald J. Vetter:
ATM Concepts, Architectures, and Protocols. 30-38 - B. G. Kim, P. Wang:
ATM Network: Goals and Challenges. 39-44 - Daniel S. Stevenson, Nathan Hillery, Gregory T. Byrd
Secure Communications in ATM Networks. 45-52 - James A. Schnepf, David Hung-Chang Du, E. Russell Ritenour, Aaron J. Fahrmann:
Building Future Medical Eduction Environments Over ATM Networks. 54-69 - Atsushi Iwata, N. Mori, Chinatsu Ikeda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Maximilian Ott
ATM Connection and Traffic Management Schemes for Multimedia Internetworking. 72-89 - Michael Perloff, Kurt Reiss:
Improvements to TCP Performance iHigh-Speed ATM Networks. 90-100 - Shivi Fotedar, Mario Gerla, Paola Crocetti, Luigi Fratta:
ATM Virtual Private Networks. 101-109
- Xavier A. Debest:
Remark About Self-Stabilizing Systems. Commun. ACM 38(2): 115-117 (1995) - Peter A. Buhr:
Are Safe Concurrency Libraries Possible? Commun. ACM 38(2): 117-120 (1995)
- Chris C. Demchak, Seymour E. Goodman:
Compters as Substitute Soldiers? 154
Volume 38, Number 3, March 1995
- Larry Press:
The Internet in Not TV: Web Publishing. 17-23
- David Heckerman, E. H. Mamdani, Michael P. Wellman:
Real-World Applications of Bayesian Networks - Introduction. 24-26 - David Heckerman, Michael P. Wellman
Bayesian Networks. 27-30 - Lisa J. Burnell, Eric Horvitz:
Structure and Chance: Melding Logic and Probability for Software Debugging. 31-41 - Robert M. Fung, Brendan Del Favero:
Applying Bayesian Networks to Information Retrieval. 42-48 - David Heckerman, John S. Breese, Koos Rommelse:
Decision-Theoretic Troubleshooting. 49-57
- Gerald Tesauro:
Temporal Difference Learning and TD-Gammon. 58-68 - Robert E. Kraut, Lynn A. Streeter:
Coordination in Software Development. 69-81 - Magid Igbaria, Wayne M. Wormley:
Race Differences in Job Performance and Career Success. 82-92 - Kent A. Walstrom, Bill C. Hardgrave, Rick L. Wilson:
Forums for Management Information Systems Scholars. 93-107
- Peter G. Neumann:
Reassessing the Crypto Debate. 138
Volume 38, Number 4, April 1995
- Pamela Samuelson:
Copyright and Digital Libraries. 15-21
- Edward A. Fox
, Robert M. Akscyn, Richard Furuta, John J. Leggett:
Digital Libraries - Introduction to the Secial Section. 22-28 - Ramana Rao, Jan O. Pedersen, Marti A. Hearst, Jock D. Mackinlay, Stuart K. Card, Larry Masinter, Per-Kristian Halvorsen, George G. Robertson:
Rich Interaction in the Digital Library. 29-39 - Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat
, Ian H. Witten
, Justin Zobel:
The MG Retrieval System: Compressing for Space and Speed. 41-42 - W. Bruce Croft:
NSF Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval. 42-43 - Edward A. Fox
World-Wide Web and Computer Science Reports. 43-44 - James C. French, Edward A. Fox
, Kurt Maly, Alan L. Selman:
Wide Area Technical Report Service: Technical Reports Online. 45 - Charles J. Kacmar, Dean Jue:
The Information Zone System. 46-47 - Carl Lagoze, James R. Davis:
Dienst: An Architecture for Distributed Document Libraries. 47 - Christoph Hüser, Klaus Reichenberger, Lothar Rostek, Norbert A. Streitz
Knowledge-base Editing and Visualization for Hypermedia Encyclopedias. 49-51 - Deane Merrill, Nathan Parker, Fredric C. Gey, Chris Stuber:
The University of California CD-ROM Information System. 51-52 - Lenwood S. Heath, Deborah Hix, Lucy T. Nowell, William C. Wake, Guillermo A. Averboch, Eric Labow, Scott A. Guyer, Dennis J. Brueni, Robert K. France, Kaushal Dalal, Edward A. Fox:
Envision: A User-Centered Database of Computer Science Literature. 52-53 - Richard Entlich, Lorrin Garson, Michael Lesk, Lorraine Normore, Jan Olsen, Stuart Weibel:
Making a Digital Library: The Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment. 54 - Gary M. Olson:
An Appreciation of Lawrence Rosenberg. 55 - Michael G. Christel, Takeo Kanade, M. Mauldin, Raj Reddy, Marvin A. Sirbu
, Scott M. Stevens, Howard D. Wactlar:
Informedia Digital Video Library. 57-58 - The Stanford Digital Library Project. 59-60
- Robert Wilensky:
UC Berkeley's Digital Library Project. 60 - Terence R. Smith, James Frew:
Alexandria Digital Library. 61-62 - Bruce R. Schatz:
Building the Interspace: The Illinois Digital Library Project. 62-63 - Laurie Crum:
Universisty of Michigan Digital Library Project. 63-64 - Jonathan Purday:
The British Library's Initiatives for Access Projects. 65-66 - Herbert S. Becker:
Library of Congress Digital Library Effort. 66 - Gary Marchionini
, Hermann A. Maurer:
The Roles of Digital Libraries In Teaching and Learning. 67-75 - David M. Levy, Catherine C. Marshall:
Going Digital: A Look at Assumptions Underlying Digital Libraries. 77-84 - Gio Wiederhold:
Digital Libraries, Value, and Productivity. 85-96
- Peter J. Denning, Bernard Rous
The ACM Electronic Publishing Plan. 97-109 - Peter J. Denning:
Information Superhighway 2015. 138
Volume 38, Number 5, May 1995
- John Perry Barlow:
Death From Above. 17-20
- Jason L. Dedrick, Seymour E. Goodman, Kenneth L. Kraemer:
Little Engines that Could: Computing in Small Energetic Countries. 21-26
- Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer:
Requirements Gathering: The Human Factors - Introduction to the Special Section. Commun. ACM 38(5): 30-32 (1995) - Mark Keil, Erran Carmel:
Customer-Development Links in Software Development. 33-44 - Hugh R. Beyer, Karen Holtzblatt:
Apprenticing with the Customer. 45-52 - Arne Kjær, Kim Halskov Madsen:
Participatory Analysis of Flexibility. 53-60 - Francoise Brun-Cottan, Patricia Wall:
Using Video to Re-Present the User. 61-71 - Anthony F. Hutchings, Steve T. Knox:
Creating Products Customer Demands. 72-80 - C. Dennis Allen:
Succeeding as a Clandestine Change Agent. 81-86
- Mitchell H. Clifton:
Self-Assessment Procedure XXIII: Programming Languages. 89-97
- Robert N. Charette:
How to Create a Successful Failure. 122
Volume 38, Number 6, June 1995
- Brian A. Nejmeh:
Process Cost and Value Analysis. 19-24
- Saul Rockman:
In School or Out: Technology, Equity, and the Future of Our Kids. 25-29
- Webb Stacy:
Cognition and Software Development: Introduction to the Special Section. Commun. ACM 38(6): 30-31 (1995) - Marian Petre:
Why Looking Isn't Always Seeing: Readership Skills and Graphical Programming. 33-44 - Joseph S. Dumas, Paige Parsons:
Discovering the Way Programmers Think About New Programming Environments. 45-56 - Webb Stacy, Jean MacMillan:
Cognitive Bias in Software Engineering. 57-63 - Terry Winograd:
From Programming Environments to Environments for Design. 65-74
- William B. Frakes, Christopher J. Fox:
Sixteen Questions About Software Reuse. 75-87 - Ross A. Gagliano, Martin D. Fraser, Mark E. Schaefer:
Auction Allocating of Computing Resources. 88-102 - Young-Gul Kim, Salvatore T. March:
Comparing Data Modeling Formalisms. 103-115
- Peter G. Neumann:
Computer Vulnerabilities: Exploitation or Avoidance. 138
Volume 38, Number 7, July 1995
- Larry Press:
McLuhan Meets the Net. 15-20
- Fred W. Weingarten:
The HPCC: Still a Percheron Horse. 21-32
- Deborah Compeau, Lorne Olfman, Maung K. Sein, Jane Webster:
End-User Training and Learning - Introduction to the Special Section. 24-26 - R. Ryan Nelson, Ellen M. Whitener, Henry H. Philcox:
The Assessment of End-User Training Needs. 27-39 - John M. Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson:
Managing Evaluation Goals for Training. 40-48 - Edmond P. Fitzgerald, Aileen Cater-Steel:
Champagne Training on a Beer Budget. 49-60 - Judy Kay, Richard C. Thomas:
Studying Long-Term System Use. 61-69 - Dennis F. Galletta
, Manju Ahuja, Amir Hartman, Thompson S. H. Teo, A. Graham Peace:
Social Influence and End-User Training. 70-79
- Joline Morrison, Joey F. George
Exploring the Software Engineering Component in MIS Research. 80-91 - Gary Newman:
Organizing Arrays for Paged Memory Systems. 93-103
- Philip E. Agre:
My Top 10 Email Hassles. 122
Volume 38, Number 8, August 1995
- Pamela Samuelson:
Software Compatibility and the Law. 15-22
- Brock N. Meeks:
Target: Internet. 23-25
- Michael Bieber, Tomás Isakowitz
Introduction to the Special Issue on Designing Hypermedia Applications. 26-29 - Douglas C. Engelbart:
Toward Augmenting the Human Intellect and Boosting our Collective IQ. 30-33 - Theodor Holm Nelson:
The Heart of Connection: Hypermedia Unified by Transclusion. 31-33 - Tomás Isakowitz
, Edward A. Stohr, P. Balasubramanian:
RMM: A Methodology for Structured Hypermedia Design. 34-44 - Daniel Schwabe
, Gustavo Rossi
The Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Model. 45-46 - Venkatraman Balasubramanian, Bang Min Ma, Joonhee Yoo:
A Systematic Approach to Designing a WWW Application. 47-48 - Jocelyne Nanard, Marc Nanard:
Hypertext Design Environments and the Hypertext Design Process. 49-56 - Manfred Thüring, Jörg Hannemann, Jörg M. Haake
Hypermedia and Cognition: Designing for Comprehension. 57-66 - Paul Kahn:
Visual Cues for Local and Global Coherence in the WWW. 67-69 - Norbert A. Streitz
Designing Hypermedia: A Collaborative Activity. 70-71 - John L. Schnase, Edward L. Cunnius, S. Bruce Dowton:
The StudySpace Project: Collaborative Hypermedia in Nomadic Computing Environments. 72-73 - Franca Garzotto, Luca Mainetti, Paolo Paolini:
Hypermedia Design, Analysis, and Evaluation Issues. 74-86 - Scott Johnson:
Quality Control for Hypertext Construction. 87 - Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III:
Spatial Hypertext: Designing for Change. 88-97 - Andreas Dieberger, Jay D. Bolter:
On the Design of Hyper Spaces. 98 - Michael Bieber, Charles J. Kacmar:
Designing Hypertext Support for Computational Applications. 99-107 - Hugh C. Davis:
To Embed or Not to Embed... 108-109 - Uffe Kock Wiil
Hyperform: Rapid Prototyping of Hypermedia Services. 109-111 - Richard Furuta, P. David Stotts:
Dynamic Hyperdocuments: Authoring Replaces Programming. 111-112
- Joel M. Snyder:
Research on the Internet. 130
Volume 38, Number 9, September 1995
- Maurice V. Wilkes:
A Tribute to Presper Eckert. 20-22
- Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, David A. Fuller, José A. Pino, Seymour E. Goodman:
Computing in Chile: The Jaguar of the Pacific Rim? 23-28
- Fred W. Weingarten:
Obituary for an Agency. 29-32
- Lucy A. Suchman
Representations of Work - Preface to the Special Section. 33-35 - Patricia Sachs:
Transforming Work: Collaboration, Learning, and Design. 36-44 - Susan Leigh Star, Geoffrey C. Bowker:
Work and Infrastructure. 41 - Brigitte Jordan, Ron Goldman, Patricia Sachs:
Tools for the Workplace. Commun. ACM 38(9): 42 (1995) - Helga Wild, Chris Darrouzet, Ted Kahn, Susan U. Stucky:
Rhythms of Collaboration. 45 - Morten Kyng:
Making Representations Work. 46-55 - Lucy A. Suchman:
Making Work Visible. 56-64 - Rogers Hall:
Exploring Design-Oriented Mathematical Practices in School and Work Settings. 62 - Michael J. Muller:
Ethnocritical Questions for Working with Translations, Interpretations, and their Stakeholders. 64-65 - Liam J. Bannon:
The Politics of Design: Representing Work. 66-68
- Robert Klepper, Douglas B. Bock:
Third and Fourth Generation Language Productivity Differences. 69-79 - Mike P. Papazoglou:
Unraveling the Semantics of Conceptual Schemas. 80-94 - Sudha Ram:
Deriving Functional Dependencies from the Entity-Relationship Model. 95-107
- Peter G. Neumann:
Risks of Easy Answers. Commun. ACM 38(9): 130 (1995)
Volume 38, Number 10, October 1995
- Roy Rada:
Consensus Versus Speed. 21-23
- Larry Press:
Net.Speech: Audio Comes to the Net. 25-31
- Cherri M. Pancake:
The Promise and the Cost of Object Technology: A Five-Year Forecast. 32-49
- Mohamed E. Fayad, Wei-Tek Tsai:
Object-Oriented Experiences: Introduction to the Special Section. 50-53 - William Berg, Marshall Cline, Mike Girou:
Lessons Learned from the OS/400 OO Project. 54-64 - Douglas C. Schmidt:
Using Design Patterns to Develop Reusable Object-Oriented Communication Software. 65-74 - David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Chris Chen, Young-Si Kim, Young-Kee Song:
Developing an Object-Oriented Software Testing and Maintenance Environment. 75-87 - Charles D. Norton, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, Viktor K. Decyk:
Object-Oriented Parallel Computation for Plasma Simulation. 88-100
- Yen-Ping Shan:
Smalltalk on the Rise: Introduction to the Special Section. 102-104 - Adele Goldberg:
Why Smalltalk? 105-107 - Jim Adamczyk:
Smalltalk Reaches Crossroads in the Insurance Industry. 107-109 - Jerrold M. Grochow:
Smalltalk in the Telecommunications Industry. 110-111 - Dave A. Thomas:
Ubiquitous Applications: Embedded Systems to Mainframe. 112-114 - Ken Auer:
Smalltalk Training: As Innovative as the Environment. 115-117
- Simson L. Garfinkel
Risks of Social Security Numbers. 146
Volume 38, Number 11, November 1995
- Ben Shneiderman, Maryam Alavi, Kent L. Norman, Ellen Yu Borkowski:
Windows of Opportunity in Electronic Classrooms. 19-24
- Hal Berghel:
Maiden Voyage. 25-27
- Toshinori Munakata:
New Horizons in Commercial and Industrial AI - Introduction to the Special Issue. 28-31
- Douglas B. Lenat:
CYC: A Large-Scale Investment in Knowledge Infrastructure. 32-38 - George A. Miller:
WordNet: A Lexical Database for English. 39-41 - Toshio Yokoi:
The EDR Electronic Dictionary. 42-44 - Douglas B. Lenat, George A. Miller, Toshio Yokoi:
CYC, WordNet, and EDR: Critiques and Responses. 45-48 - Brahim Chaib-draa
Industrial Applications of Distributed AI. 49-53
- Pat Langley, Herbert A. Simon:
Applications of Machine Learning and Rule Induction. 54-64 - Ivan Bratko, Stephen H. Muggleton:
Applications of Inductive Logic Programming. 65-70 - Kenneth Ward Church
, Lisa F. Rau:
Commercial Applications of Natural Language Processing. 71-79 - Paul Harmon:
Object-Oriented AI: A Commercial Perspective. 80-86
- Zdzislaw Pawlak, Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse, Roman Slowinski
, Wojciech Ziarko:
Rough Sets. 88-95 - William L. Ditto
, Toshinori Munakata:
Principles and Applications of Chaotic Systems. 96-102 - Kazuyuki Aihara, Ryu Katayama:
Chaos Engineering in Japan. 103-107 - Pattie Maes:
Artificial Life Meets Entertainment: Lifelike Autonomous Agents. 108-114
- Nancy G. Leveson:
Safety as a System Property. 146
Volume 38, Number 12, December 1995
- John Perry Barlow:
Property and Speech: Who Owns What You Say in Cyberspace? 19-22
- Ann K. Danowitz, Y. Nassef, Seymour E. Goodman:
Cyberspace Across the Sahara: Computing in North Africa. 23-28
- Peter J. Denning:
Plagiarism in the Web. 29
- Sue A. Conger, Karen D. Loch:
Ethics and Computer Use - Introduction to the Special Section. 30-32 - Kenneth C. Laudon:
Ethical Concepts and Information Technology. 33-39 - Suzanne P. Weisband, Bruce A. Reinig
Managing User Perceptions of Email Privacy. 40-47 - Janice C. Sipior, Burke T. Ward:
The Ethical and Legal Quandary of Email Privacy. 48-54 - Richard O. Mason:
Applying Ethics to Information Technology Issues. 55-57 - Deborah G. Johnson, John M. Mulvey:
Accountability and Computer Decision Systems. 58-64 - Sandra J. Milberg, Sandra J. Burke, H. Jeff Smith, Ernest A. Kallman:
Values, Personal Information Privacy, and Regulatory Approaches. 65-74
- Chuck Huff, C. Dianne Martin:
Computing Consequences: A Framework for Teaching Ethical Computing. 75-84
- Peter G. Neumann:
Reviewing the Risks Archives. 138

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