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Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 63
Volume 63, Number 1, August 2012
- Maristela Oliveira Santos
, Bernardo Almada-Lobo
Integrated pulp and paper mill planning and scheduling. 1-12 - David Ben-Arieh, Deep Kumar Gullipalli:
Data Envelopment Analysis of clinics with sparse data: Fuzzy clustering approach. 13-21 - Francisco J. Martínez de Pisón Ascacibar, Andrés Sanz-García
, Eduardo Martínez-de-Pisón, Emilio Jiménez Macías, Dante Conti
Mining association rules from time series to explain failures in a hot-dip galvanizing steel line. 22-36 - Mehdi Khashei, Mehdi Bijari, Gholam Ali Raissi Ardali:
Hybridization of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) with probabilistic neural networks (PNNs). 37-45 - Parthana Parthanadee
, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri
, Peerayuth Charnsethikul:
A study of replacement rules for a parallel fleet replacement problem based on user preference utilization pattern and alternative fuel considerations. 46-57 - Kannan Govindan
, Ali Diabat
, Maria Nicoleta Popiuc:
Contract analysis: A performance measures and profit evaluation within two-echelon supply chains. 58-74 - Victor B. Kreng, Ta-Chung Wang, Hsi Tse Wang:
Tripartite dynamic competition and equilibrium analysis on global television market. 75-81 - Liping Zhang, Yuan Zhou:
A new approach to supply chain network equilibrium models. 82-88 - Li-Ching Ma:
A two-phase case-based distance approach for multiple-group classification problems. 89-97 - Xianping Guan, Xianzhong Dai, Baijing Qiu, Jun Li:
A revised electromagnetism-like mechanism for layout design of reconfigurable manufacturing system. 98-108 - Amirhossain Chambari, Seyed Habib A. Rahmati, Amir Abbas Najafi
, Aida Karimi:
A bi-objective model to optimize reliability and cost of system with a choice of redundancy strategies. 109-119 - Daria Terekhov, Mustafa K. Dogru, Ulas Özen
, J. Christopher Beck:
Solving two-machine assembly scheduling problems with inventory constraints. 120-134 - Rosmaini Ahmad, Shahrul Kamaruddin
An overview of time-based and condition-based maintenance in industrial application. 135-149 - Chul-Hwan Park, Yeong-Dae Kim, BongJoo Jeong:
Heuristics for determining a patrol path of an unmanned combat vehicle. 150-160 - Mahmood Deypir, Mohammad Hadi Sadreddini, Sattar Hashemi
Towards a variable size sliding window model for frequent itemset mining over data streams. 161-172 - Minqiang Li, Haiyang Feng, Fuzan Chen:
Optimal versioning and pricing of information products with considering or not common valuation of customers. 173-183 - Jung Man Lee, Young Hoon Lee:
Facility location and scale decision problem with customer preference. 184-191 - Cheng-Hung Wu
, James T. Lin, Wen-Chi Chien:
Dynamic production control in parallel processing systems under process queue time constraints. 192-203 - Wafik Hachicha
, Ahmed Ghorbel
A survey of control-chart pattern-recognition literature (1991-2010) based on a new conceptual classification scheme. 204-222 - Yunqiang Yin, T. C. E. Cheng
, Dehua Xu
, Chin-Chia Wu
Common due date assignment and scheduling with a rate-modifying activity to minimize the due date, earliness, tardiness, holding, and batch delivery cost. 223-234 - Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez, Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino:
Vulnerability based robust protection strategy selection in service networks. 235-242 - Chunxia Yang, Xiaojun Wang, Zhenfeng Li:
An optimization approach for coupling problem of berth allocation and quay crane assignment in container terminal. 243-253 - Robabeh Eslami, Mohammad Khodabakhshi, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
, Mohammad Khoveyni
Estimating most productive scale size with imprecise-chance constrained input-output orientation model in data envelopment analysis. 254-261 - Lu Zhen, Dao-Fang Chang:
A bi-objective model for robust berth allocation scheduling. 262-273 - Walid W. Nasr, Moueen K. Salameh, Lama Moussawi-Haidar
Transshipment and safety stock under stochastic supply interruption in a production system. 274-284 - Horng-Jinh Chang, Rung-Hung Su, Chih-Te Yang
, Ming-Wei Weng:
An economic manufacturing quantity model for a two-stage assembly system with imperfect processes and variable production rate. 285-293 - Johan Fredin, Anders Jönsson, Göran Broman:
Holistic methodology using computer simulation for optimisation of machine tools. 294-301 - Yu-Hsiang Chung
, Lee-Ing Tong:
Bi-criteria minimization for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with machine-based learning effects. 302-312 - Ming Yin, Kap Hwan Kim:
Quantity discount pricing for container transportation services by shipping lines. 313-322 - Sverker Sikström
, Mohamad Y. Jaber
The Depletion-Power-Integration-Latency (DPIL) model of spaced and massed repetition. 323-337 - Gholamhossein Yari, Alireza Chaji
Maximum Bayesian entropy method for determining ordered weighted averaging operator weights. 338-342 - Liwei Bai, Christos Alexopoulos, Mark E. Ferguson
, Kwok-Leung Tsui
A simple and robust batch-ordering inventory policy under incomplete demand knowledge. 343-353
- Kwang Sup Shin, YongWoo Shin, Ji-Hye Kwon, Suk-Ho Kang:
Corrigendum to "Development of risk based dynamic backorder replenishment planning framework using Bayesian Belief Network" [Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 716-725]. 354
Volume 63, Number 2, September 2012
- Fardin Ahmadizar
A new ant colony algorithm for makespan minimization in permutation flow shops. 355-361 - S. H. Choi, K. Wang:
Flexible flow shop scheduling with stochastic processing times: A decomposition-based approach. 362-373 - Ching-Wen Chen:
Using geometric Poisson exponentially weighted moving average control schemes in a compound Poisson production environment. 374-381 - Young Ha Hwang, Young Hoon Lee:
Uncapacitated single allocation p-hub maximal covering problem. 382-389 - Changkyu Park, Junyong Seo:
A GRASP approach to transporter scheduling and routing at a shipyard. 390-399 - Saddam Akber Abbasi
, Muhammad Riaz
, Arden Miller:
Enhancing the performance of CUSUM scale chart. 400-409 - Chaug-Ing Hsu, Ching-Cheng Chao, Kun-Yao Shih:
Dynamic allocation of check-in facilities and dynamic assignment of passengers at air terminals. 410-417 - Farrokh Nasri, M. Javad Paknejad, John F. Affisco:
An analysis of flexibility and quality improvement in a quality-adjusted EOQ model with finite-range stochastic lead-time. 418-427 - Guangmin Wang, Ziyou Gao, Zhongping Wan:
A global optimization algorithm for solving the bi-level linear fractional programming problem. 428-432 - Emrah B. Edis, Ceyda Oguz
Parallel machine scheduling with flexible resources. 433-447 - Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo
, Hui-Ming Wee, Yugowati Praharsi:
Two inventory review policies on supply chain configuration problem. 448-455 - Yongrui Duan, Jiazhen Huo, Yanxia Zhang, Jianjun Zhang:
Two level supply chain coordination with delay in payments for fixed lifetime products. 456-463 - Shangyao Yan, Sin-Siang Wang, Ming-Wei Wu:
A model with a solution algorithm for the cash transportation vehicle routing and scheduling problem. 464-473 - Yu-Ping Lee, Chung-Yuan Dye:
An inventory model for deteriorating items under stock-dependent demand and controllable deterioration rate. 474-482 - Hung-Tso Lin, Yen-Ting Chen, Tsung-Yu Chou, Yi-Chun Liao:
Crew rostering with multiple goals: An empirical study. 483-493 - Cheng-Hsiung Lee, Ching-Jong Liao, Chien-Wen Chao:
Scheduling with multi-attribute setup times. 494-502 - Hossein Rajabalipour Cheshmehgaz, Habibollah Haron, Farahnaz Kazemipour, Mohamad Ishak Desa:
Accumulated risk of body postures in assembly line balancing problem and modeling through a multi-criteria fuzzy-genetic algorithm. 503-512 - Jie Wu, Jiasen Sun
, Liang Liang:
Cross efficiency evaluation method based on weight-balanced data envelopment analysis model. 513-519 - Chung-Cheng Jason Lu
, Vincent F. Yu
Data envelopment analysis for evaluating the efficiency of genetic algorithms on solving the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows. 520-529 - Seyed Ali Torabi
, Seyed Morteza Hatefi
, B. Saleck Pay:
ABC inventory classification in the presence of both quantitative and qualitative criteria. 530-537
- Wookey Lee, Woong-Kee Loh, Mye M. Sohn:
Corrigendum to "Searching Steiner trees for web graph query" [Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 732-739]. 538
Volume 63, Number 3, November 2012
- Ying Fan:
Energy Management and Economics. 539 - Hamid Reza Golmakani, Hamid Moakedi
Periodic inspection optimization model for a two-component repairable system with failure interaction. 540-545 - Ming Dong, Fenglan He, Hairui Wei:
Energy supply network design optimization for distributed energy systems. 546-552 - Guangdong Tian, Yumei Liu, Hua Ke, Jiangwei Chu:
Energy evaluation method and its optimization models for process planning with stochastic characteristics: A case study in disassembly decision-making. 553-563 - Sungjoo Lee, Hyoung-joo Lee, Byungun Yoon
Modeling and analyzing technology innovation in the energy sector: Patent-based HMM approach. 564-577 - Xi Rao, Jun Wu
, Zongyi Zhang, Bin Liu:
Energy efficiency and energy saving potential in China: An analysis based on slacks-based measure model. 578-584 - Lei Zhu
A simulation based real options approach for the investment evaluation of nuclear power. 585-593 - Stephen J. Stoyan, Maged M. Dessouky:
A Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming approach to the energy-technology management problem. 594-606 - Tangbin Xia
, Lifeng Xi, Xiaojun Zhou, Shichang Du:
Modeling and optimizing maintenance schedule for energy systems subject to degradation. 607-614 - Qiang Ji
System analysis approach for the identification of factors driving crude oil prices. 615-625 - Ziming Zhu, Liwen Liu, Jiamin Wang:
Optimization of China's strategic petroleum reserve policy: A Markovian decision approach. 626-633 - Bianling Ou, Xun Zhang, Shouyang Wang
How does China's macro-economy response to the world crude oil price shock: A structural dynamic factor model approach. 634-640 - Jianping Li
, Ling Tang, Xiaolei Sun
, Lean Yu, Wan He, Yuying Yang:
Country risk forecasting for major oil exporting countries: A decomposition hybrid approach. 641-651 - Hugo Harry Kramer
, Vinicius Petrucci, Anand Subramanian
, Eduardo Uchoa
A column generation approach for power-aware optimization of virtualized heterogeneous server clusters. 652-662 - Toly Chen
A collaborative fuzzy-neural approach for long-term load forecasting in Taiwan. 663-670 - Juan Pablo Sáenz, Nurcin Celik
, Shihab S. Asfour, Young-Jun Son
Electric utility resource planning using Continuous-Discrete Modular Simulation and Optimization (CoDiMoSO). 671-694 - Jinliang Zhang, Zhongfu Tan, Shuxia Yang:
Day-ahead electricity price forecasting by a new hybrid method. 695-701 - James Ostrowski
, Jianhui Wang:
Network reduction in the Transmission-Constrained Unit Commitment problem. 702-707 - Yanyi He, Lizhi Wang, Jianhui Wang:
Cap-and-trade vs. carbon taxes: A quantitative comparison from a generation expansion planning perspective. 708-716 - Xiaojun Shi
, Shunming Zhang:
In search of redistribution-effective carbon tax regime. 717-728
Volume 63, Number 4, December 2012
- Korhan Acar, Ali Yalcin, Daniel Yankov:
Robust door assignment in less-than-truckload terminals. 729-738 - Venkata S. S. Yadavalli, B. Sivakumar, Gunaseelan Arivarignan, Olufemi Adetunji
A finite source multi-server inventory system with service facility. 739-753 - Rui Jiang, Jing Yu, Viliam Makis:
Optimal Bayesian estimation and control scheme for gear shaft fault detection. 754-762 - Fanrong Xie
, Renan Jia:
Nonlinear fixed charge transportation problem by minimum cost flow-based genetic algorithm. 763-778 - Kaliappan Kalidass
, Ramanath Kasturi:
A queue with working breakdowns. 779-783 - M. Zerafat Angiz L., Azita Tajaddini, Adli Mustafa
, M. Jalal Kamali:
Ranking alternatives in a preferential voting system using fuzzy concepts and data envelopment analysis. 784-790 - Qiuling Zou, Qinghong Zhang, Jingzhou (James) Yang
, Aimée Cloutier, Esteban Peña Pitarch
Nonlinear inverse optimization approach for determining the weights of objective function in standing reach tasks. 791-801 - David Barrera
, Nubia Velasco
, Ciro-Alberto Amaya
A network-based approach to the multi-activity combined timetabling and crew scheduling problem: Workforce scheduling for public health policy implementation. 802-812 - Wen-Chiung Lee, Mei-Chi Chuang, Wei-Chang Yeh
Uniform parallel-machine scheduling to minimize makespan with position-based learning curves. 813-818 - Marc St-Hilaire, John W. Chinneck, Steven Chamberland, Samuel Pierre:
Efficient solution of the 3G network planning problem. 819-830 - Quentin Lequy, Guy Desaulniers
, Marius M. Solomon:
A two-stage heuristic for multi-activity and task assignment to work shifts. 831-841 - Gokhan Egilmez
, Gürsel A. Süer, Jing Huang:
Stochastic cellular manufacturing system design subject to maximum acceptable risk level. 842-854 - Janis Grabis
, Charu Chandra
, Janis Kampars:
Use of distributed data sources in facility location. 855-863 - Kamyar Sabri-Laghaie
, Mostafa Mansouri, Arash Motaghedi-Larijani
, Gholamreza Jalali-Naini:
Combining a maintenance center M/M/c/m queue into the economic production quantity model with stochastic machine breakdowns and repair. 864-874 - Tzu-An Chiang:
Multi-objective decision-making methodology to create an optimal design chain partner combination. 875-889 - Ying-Cheng Xu, Li Wang, Zhisong Chen, Siqing Shan, Guoping Xia:
Optimization and adjustment policy of two-echelon reservoir inventory management with forecast updates. 890-900 - Milagros Rolón, Ernesto Martínez:
Agent learning in autonomic manufacturing execution systems for enterprise networking. 901-925 - Cemalettin Öztürk
, Mustafa Arslan Ornek
A MIP based heuristic for capacitated MRP systems. 926-942 - Ren-Jieh Kuo, W. L. Tseng, F. C. Tien, T. Warren Liao
Application of an artificial immune system-based fuzzy neural network to a RFID-based positioning system. 943-956 - L. B. Kong, Benny C. F. Cheung
Modeling and characterization of surface generation in fast tool servo machining of microlens arrays. 957-970 - Avisekh Banerjee, Hsi-Yung Feng, Evgueni V. Bordatchev
Process planning for Floor machining of 2½D pockets based on a morphed spiral tool path pattern. 971-979 - Khalid Hachemi
, Zaki Sari
, Noureddine Ghouali:
A step-by-step dual cycle sequencing method for unit-load automated storage and retrieval systems. 980-984 - Suzhou Tang, Delun Wang, Fong-Yuen Ding:
A new process-based cost estimation and pricing model considering the influences of indirect consumption relationships and quality factors. 985-993 - Min-Hyuk Kim, Sang-Phil Kim, Seokcheon Lee:
Social-welfare based task allocation for multi-robot systems with resource constraints. 994-1002 - Héctor J. Carlo, Germán E. Giraldo:
Toward perpetually organized unit-load warehouses. 1003-1012 - Türkay Dereli
, Koray Altun
Modified Even-Swaps: A novel, clear, rational and an easy-to-use mechanism for multi-issue negotiation. 1013-1029 - Chih-Hsuan Wang, Jiun-Nan Chen:
Using quality function deployment for collaborative product design and optimal selection of module mix. 1030-1037 - Hamid Reza Golmakani, Hamid Moakedi
Optimal non-periodic inspection scheme for a multi-component repairable system using A∗ search algorithm. 1038-1047 - Xingang Wen
, Yinfeng Xu, Huili Zhang:
Online traveling salesman problem with deadline and advanced information. 1048-1053 - Martin Andreas Falk Jensen, Dionysis D. Bochtis
, Claus Grøn Sørensen
, Morten Rufus Blas, Kasper Lundberg Lykkegaard:
In-field and inter-field path planning for agricultural transport units. 1054-1061 - Md. Noor-E-Alam, John Doucette:
Relax-and-fix decomposition technique for solving large scale grid-based location problems. 1062-1073 - Hugo Vinícius Bassi, Virgílio José Martins Ferreira Filho
, Laura Bahiense
Planning and scheduling a fleet of rigs using simulation-optimization. 1074-1088 - Marco Antonio Moreira de Carvalho
, Luiz Antonio Nogueira Lorena
New models for the Mirrored Traveling Tournament Problem. 1089-1095 - Mohammed Othman
, Nadia Bhuiyan, Gerard J. Gouw:
Integrating workers' differences into workforce planning. 1096-1106 - Morteza Behbahani, Abbas Saghaei, Rassoul Noorossana:
A case-based reasoning system development for statistical process control: Case representation and retrieval. 1107-1117 - Paul Beaucaire, Nicolas Gayton, Emmanuel Duc
, Maurice Lemaire, Jean-Yves Dantan
Statistical tolerance analysis of a hyperstatic mechanism, using system reliability methods. 1118-1127 - Zhi-Ming Wang
, Jian-guo Yang:
Numerical method for Weibull generalized renewal process and its applications in reliability analysis of NC machine tools. 1128-1134 - Binod Maharjan, Timothy I. Matis:
Multi-commodity flow network model of the flight gate assignment problem. 1135-1144 - Wei Feng, Li Zheng, Jingshan Li:
The robustness of scheduling policies in multi-product manufacturing systems with sequence-dependent setup times and finite buffers. 1145-1153 - Konstantinos A. Tasias, George Nenes
A variable parameter Shewhart control scheme for joint monitoring of process mean and variance. 1154-1170 - Yi-Fei Chuang, Hsu-Tung Lee, Yi-Chuan Lai:
Item-associated cluster assignment model on storage allocation problems. 1171-1177 - Xuchuan Yuan, H. Brian Hwarng:
Managing a service system with social interactions: Stability and chaos. 1178-1188 - Jun Wang
, Dongxiao Gu
, Zeyun Yu, Changbai Tan, Laishui Zhou:
A framework for 3D model reconstruction in reverse engineering. 1189-1200 - Shiang-Tai Liu:
Solution of fuzzy integrated production and marketing planning based on extension principle. 1201-1208 - Yi-Kuei Lin, Ping-Chen Chang
Reliability evaluation for a manufacturing network with multiple production lines. 1209-1219 - Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc, Vincent F. Yu
, Shuo-Yan Chou, Luu Quoc Dat:
Analyzing the ranking method for L-R fuzzy numbers based on deviation degree. 1220-1226 - Yen-Luan Chen:
A bivariate optimal imperfect preventive maintenance policy for a used system with two-type shocks. 1227-1234 - Ching-Ter Chang, Huang-Mu Chen, Zheng-Yun Zhuang
Revised multi-segment goal programming: Percentage goal programming. 1235-1242
- Mohamed Dessouky:
Dr. Mohamed Sadek Eid 1938-2012. 1243

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