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IEEE Computer, Volume 43, 2010
Volume 43, Number 1, January 2010
- James D. Isaak:
Computer Society 2010: Innovation, Leadership, Community, and Careers. 6-8 - David Alan Grier:
Designing the Future. 9-11 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 12-13
- Sixto Ortiz Jr.:
Is 3D Finally Ready for the Web?. 14-16 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
New Lithography Approach Promises Powerful Chips. 17-20 - Larry Smarr:
Project GreenLight: Optimizing Cyber-infrastructure for a Carbon-Constrained World. 22-27 - David Lorge Parnas:
Really Rethinking 'Formal Methods'. 28-34 - Simon Dobson
, Roy Sterritt
, Paddy Nixon, Mike Hinchey
Fulfilling the Vision of Autonomic Computing. 35-41 - Marco Conti
, Mohan Kumar:
Opportunities in Opportunistic Computing. 42-50 - Robert P. Schumaker, Hsinchun Chen:
A Discrete Stock Price Prediction Engine Based on Financial News. 51-56 - Thomas F. Stafford, Robin S. Poston:
Online Security Threats and Computer User Intentions. 58-64 - Bob Ward:
Computer Society Programs Serve Members. 65-69 - Bob Ward:
Call and Calendar. 70-71 - James A. Hendler
Web 3.0: The Dawn of Semantic Search. 77-80 - Mark Woh, Scott A. Mahlke, Trevor N. Mudge, Chaitali Chakrabarti:
Mobile Supercomputers for the Next-Generation Cell Phone. 81-85 - Dirk Riehle
The Economic Case for Open Source Foundations. 86-90 - Bruce Nordman, Kenneth J. Christensen:
Proxying: The Next Step in Reducing IT Energy Use. 91-93 - W. Neville Holmes:
The Profession. 94-96
Volume 43, Number 2, February 2010
- David Alan Grier:
Raising Barns. 7-9 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 10-11
- Neal Leavitt:
Will NoSQL Databases Live Up to Their Promise?. 12-14 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
Onboard Cooler Keeps Chips Comfortable. 15-18 - Awais Rashid
, Thomas Cottenier, Phil Greenwood, Ruzanna Chitchyan
, Regine Meunier, Roberta Coelho, Mario Südholt, Wouter Joosen:
Aspect-Oriented Software Development in Practice: Tales from AOSD-Europe. 19-26 - Ron Vetter:
Authentication by Biometric Verification. 28-29 - Arun Ross:
Iris Recognition: The Path Forward. 30-35 - Anil K. Jain, Jianjiang Feng, Karthik Nandakumar:
Fingerprint Matching. 36-44 - Rama Chellappa, Pawan Sinha, P. Jonathon Phillips:
Face Recognition by Computers and Humans. 46-55 - Marios Savvides, Karl Ricanek Jr., Damon L. Woodard
, Gerry V. Dozier:
Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Technologies. 56-62 - Mikko T. Siponen, Seppo Pahnila, M. Adam Mahmood:
Compliance with Information Security Policies: An Empirical Investigation. 64-71 - Bookshelf. 78
- Bob Ward:
Moore Wins Karlsson Award. 79-84 - Jay Liebowitz:
Strategic Intelligence, Social Networking, and Knowledge Retention. 87-89 - Patricia O'Hagan, Edward Hanna, Roy Sterritt
Addressing the Corrections Crisis with Software Technology. 90-93 - Albrecht Schmidt
Ubiquitous Computing: Are We There Yet?. 95-97 - Ann Q. Gates:
Discovery, Innovation, and Creativity: The Core of Computing. 98-100 - William W. Agresti:
The Four Forces Shaping Cybersecurity. 101-104 - Swen Kiesewetter-Kobinger:
Programmers' Capital. 106-108
Volume 43, Number 3, March 2010
- Letters to the Editor. 6-9
- David Alan Grier:
Someday, You Will Understand. 11-13 - 32 and16 Years Ago. 14-15
- David Geer:
Is It Really Time for Real-Time Search?. 16-19 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
Scientists Develop Camera Made of Fabric. 20-22 - Angela C. Sodan, Jacob Machina, Arash Deshmeh, Kevin Macnaughton, Bryan Esbaugh:
Parallelism via Multithreaded and Multicore CPUs. 24-32 - Moshe Bach, Mark Charney, Robert Cohn, Elena Demikhovsky, Tevi Devor, Kim M. Hazelwood, Aamer Jaleel, Chi-Keung Luk, Gail Lyons, Harish Patil, Ady Tal:
Analyzing Parallel Programs with Pin. 34-41 - Roger D. Chamberlain, Mark A. Franklin, Eric J. Tyson, James H. Buckley, Jeremy Buhler
, Greg Galloway, Saurabh Gayen, Michael J. Hall
, E. F. Berkley Shands, Naveen Singla:
Auto-Pipe: Streaming Applications on Architecturally Diverse Systems. 42-49 - Davide Pasetto, Fabrizio Petrini, Virat Agarwal:
Tools for Very Fast Regular Expression Matching. 50-58 - Sylvain Hallé
, Tevfik Bultan, Graham Hughes, Muath Alkhalaf, Roger Villemaire
Runtime Verification of Web Service Interface Contracts. 59-66 - Suman Kalyan Mandal, Rabi N. Mahapatra, Praveen Bhojwani, Saraju P. Mohanty:
IntellBatt: Toward a Smarter Battery. 67-71 - Bob Ward:
Computer Society Names Award Recipients. 77-80 - Bob Ward:
Call and Calendar. 81-82 - Kirk W. Cameron
Trading in Green IT. 83-85 - Nicholas Bowen, Jim Spohrer:
Viewpoint: The Future of Computing Practice and Education. 86-89 - Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Kees M. van Hee, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf
, Marc Verdonk:
Auditing 2.0: Using Process Mining to Support Tomorrow's Auditor. 90-93 - Thomas M. Chen
, Victoria Wang
Web Filtering and Censoring. 94-97 - W. Neville Holmes:
The Digital Climate of English Change. 98-100
Volume 43, Number 4, April 2010
- David Alan Grier:
Utter Chaos. 6-9 - 32 and 16 years ago. 10-11
- Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
Will HTML 5 Restandardize the Web?. 13-15 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
New Technique Provides Energy Wirelessly. 16-19 - Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Raja Sooriamurthi, Zbigniew Michalewicz
Puzzle-Based Learning for Engineering and Computer Science. 20-28 - Peter Aiken, Robert M. Stanley, Juanita Billings, Luke Anderson:
Using Codes of Conduct to Resolve Legal Disputes. 29-34 - Arutyun Avetisyan, Roy H. Campbell, Indranil Gupta, Michael T. Heath, Steven Y. Ko, Gregory R. Ganger, Michael A. Kozuch, David R. O'Hallaron, Marcel Kunze, Thomas T. Kwan, Kevin Lai, Martha Lyons, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Hing Yan Lee, Yeng Chai Soh, Ng Kwang Ming, Jing-Yuan Luke, Han Namgoong:
Open Cirrus: A Global Cloud Computing Testbed. 35-43 - Edward Walker, Walter Brisken, Jonathan Romney:
To Lease or Not to Lease from Storage Clouds. 44-50 - Karthik Kumar, Yung-Hsiang Lu:
Cloud Computing for Mobile Users: Can Offloading Computation Save Energy?. 51-56 - Victor R. Basili, Mikael Lindvall, Myrna Regardie, Carolyn B. Seaman, Jens Heidrich
, Jürgen Münch
, H. Dieter Rombach, Adam Trendowicz:
Linking Software Development and Business Strategy Through Measurement. 57-65 - Bob Ward:
Ken Birman Wins Kanai Award. 66-68 - Rajesh P. N. Rao
Probabilistic Analysis of an Ancient Undeciphered Script. 76-80 - Karin K. Breitman
, Markus Endler, Rafael Pereira, Marcello Azambuja:
When TV Dies, Will It Go to the Cloud? 81-83 - Leah Buechley:
Questioning Invisibility. 84-86 - James R. Vallino:
Cutting Across the Disciplines. 87-89 - James Bret Michael, John F. Sarkesain, Thomas C. Wingfield, Georgios Dementis, Goncalo Nuno Baptista Sousa:
Integrating Legal and Policy Factors in Cyberpreparedness. 90-92 - Bookshelf. 93
- Kai A. Olsen:
Computing a Better World. 94-96
Volume 43, Number 5, May 2010
- David Alan Grier:
The Age of Accountability. 6-8 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 10-11
- George Lawton:
Fighting Intrusions into Wireless Networks. 12-15 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
Libraries Face the Challenge of Archiving Digital Material. 16-19 - Yun Wan
, Gang Peng:
What's Next for Shopbots?. 20-26 - Lorcan Coyle, Mike Hinchey
, Bashar Nuseibeh, José Luiz Fiadeiro:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Evolving Critical Systems. 28-33 - Gabor Karsai
, Fabio Massacci
, Leon J. Osterweil, Ina Schieferdecker:
Evolving Embedded Systems. 34-40 - Tom Mens
, Jeff Magee, Bernhard Rumpe
Evolving Software Architecture Descriptions of Critical Systems. 42-48 - Mass Soldal Lund, Bjørnar Solhaug, Ketil Stølen:
Evolution in Relation to Risk and Trust Management. 49-55 - Bernard Cohen, Philip Boxer:
Why Critical Systems Need Help to Evolve. 56-63 - William N. Robinson:
A Roadmap for Comprehensive Requirements Modeling. 64-72 - Bookshelf. 73
- Bob Ward:
Bertrand Meyer Recieves 2010 Mills Award. 77-79 - Kirk W. Cameron
The Challenges of Energy-Proportional Computing. 82-83 - Yoshiaki Kushiki:
The Future of Embedded Software: Adapting to Drastic Change. 84-86 - Vishnu Vinekar
, Christopher L. Huntley:
Agility versus Maturity: Is There Really a Trade-Off?. 87-89 - David De Roure
e-Science and the Web. 90-93 - W. Neville Holmes:
The Rise and Rise of Digital Gluttony. 96, 94-95
Volume 43, Number 6, June 2010
- Computer Highlights Society Magazines. 4-5
- David Alan Grier:
The Value of a Good Name. 7-9 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 10-11
- David Geer:
Are Companies Actually Using Secure Development Life Cycles?. 12-16 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
Steganography Development Offers Promise. 18-21 - Oliver Bimber:
Capturing the World. 22-23 - Franz Leberl, Horst Bischof
, Thomas Pock, Arnold Irschara, Stefan Kluckner:
Aerial Computer Vision for a 3D Virtual Habitat. 24-31 - Dragomir Anguelov, Carole Dulong, Daniel Filip, Christian Früh, Stéphane Lafon, Richard Lyon, Abhijit S. Ogale, Luc Vincent, Josh Weaver:
Google Street View: Capturing the World at Street Level. 32-38 - Sameer Agarwal, Yasutaka Furukawa, Noah Snavely, Brian Curless, Steven M. Seitz, Richard Szeliski:
Reconstructing Rome. 40-47 - Michael Goesele
, Jens Ackermann, Simon Fuhrmann, Ronny Klowsky, Fabian Langguth, Patrick Mücke, Martin Ritz:
Scene Reconstruction from Community Photo Collections. 48-53 - Jaak Tepandi
, Ilja Tsahhirov, Stanislav Vassiljev:
Wireless PKI Security and Mobile Voting. 54-60 - Anita Sarma
, David F. Redmiles, André van der Hoek:
Categorizing the Spectrum of Coordination Technology. 61-67 - Bob Ward:
Computer Society Announces Award Winners. 72-73 - Cees G. M. Snoek
, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Visual-Concept Search Solved?. 76-78 - D. Richard Kuhn, Edward J. Coyne, Timothy R. Weil:
Adding Attributes to Role-Based Access Control. 79-81 - Lecia Jane Barker
, Joanne McGrath Cohoon, Lucy Sanders:
Strategy Trumps Money: Recruiting Undergraduate Women into Computing. 82-85 - Chris Harrison:
Appropriated Interaction Surfaces. 86-89 - Tiziana Margaria
, Bernhard Steffen:
Simplicity as a Driver for Agile Innovation. 90-92 - Anne-Françoise Rutkowski, Carol S. Saunders:
Growing Pains with Information Overload. 94-96
Volume 43, Number 7, July 2010
- Computer Highlights Society Magazines. 4-5
- David Alan Grier:
The Spirit of Combination. 6-9 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 10-11
- Sixto Ortiz Jr.:
Taking Business Intelligence to the Masses. 12-15 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
New Approach Combines TV and Social Networking. 16-19 - Mari Carmen Domingo
Managing Healthcare through Social Networks. 20-25 - Brigitte Piniewski, Johan Muskens, Leonardo Estevez, Randy Carroll, Rick Cnossen:
Empowering Healthcare Patients with Smart Technology. 27-34 - Jatinder R. Palta, Vincent A. Frouhar, Robert A. Zlotecki:
Leveraging Pervasive Technologies to Improve Collection of Prostate Cancer Outcome Data. 35-42 - Mark Weitzel, Andy Smith, Scott de Deugd, Robert Yates:
A Web 2.0 Model for Patient-Centered Health Informatics Applications. 43-50 - Kenneth R. Fleischmann, William A. Wallace:
Value Conflicts in Computational Modeling. 57-63 - Eduardo Huedo
, Rubén S. Montero
, Ignacio Martín Llorente:
Grid Architecture from a Metascheduling Perspective. 51-56 - Bookshelf. 75
- John B. Carter, Karthick Rajamani:
Designing Energy-Efficient Servers and Data Centers. 76-78 - Art Gowan, Han Reichgelt
Emergence of the Information Technology Discipline. 79-81 - Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar
, M. Brian Blake
Programming Human and Software-Based Web Services. 82-85 - W. Neville Holmes:
The Future of the Computing Profession. 86-88
Volume 43, Number 8, August 2010
- Computer Highlights Society Magazines. 4-5
- David Alan Grier:
Mental Discipline. 6-8 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 9-10
- Neal Leavitt:
Researchers Fight to Keep Implanted Medical Devices Safe from Hackers. 11-14 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
Project Converts Arms and Hands into Input Devices. 15-18 - Jacek Izydorczyk
, Michal Izydorczyk:
Microprocessor Scaling: What Limits Will Hold?. 20-26 - Yonghong Tian, Jaideep Srivastava
, Tiejun Huang, Noshir S. Contractor:
Social Multimedia Computing. 27-36 - Moonam Ko, Gorrell P. Cheek, Mohamed Shehab
, Ravi S. Sandhu:
Social-Networks Connect Services. 37-43 - Fei-Yue Wang, Daniel Zeng, James A. Hendler
, Qingpeng Zhang
, Zhuo Feng, Yanqing Gao, Hui Wang, Guanpi Lai:
A Study of the Human Flesh Search Engine: Crowd-Powered Expansion of Online Knowledge. 45-53 - Henri E. Bal, Jason Maassen
, Rob van Nieuwpoort
, Niels Drost
, Roelof Kemp, Nick Palmer, Thilo Kielmann
, Frank J. Seinstra, Ceriel J. H. Jacobs
Real-World Distributed Computer with Ibis. 54-62 - Simon Portegies Zwart, Derek Groen
, Tomoaki Ishiyama
, Keigo Nitadori, Junichiro Makino
, Cees de Laat, Steve McMillan, Kei Hiraki, Stefan Harfst, Paola Grosso
Simulating the Universe on an Intercontinental Grid. 63-70 - IEEE Computer Society Election. 71-78
- IEEE President-Elect Candidates Address Computer Society Concerns. 79-83
- Bookshelf. 90
- James Bret Michael, Eneken Tikk
, Peter Wahlgren, Thomas C. Wingfield:
From Chaos to Collective Defense. 91-94 - S. S. Iyengar
, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Christopher Steinmuller, Xin Li
Preventing Future Oil Spills with Software-Based Event Detection. 95-97 - Stephen T. Frezza:
Computer Science: Is It Really the Scientific Foundation for Software Engineering? 98-101 - James C. Spohrer:
IBM's University Programs. 102-104 - Steve Hodges, Nicolas Villar:
The Hardware Is Not a Given. 106-109 - Anthony Cleve, Tom Mens
, Jean-Luc Hainaut:
Data-Intensive System Evolution. 110-112 - Noel E. Sharkey, Marc Goodman, Nick Ross:
The Coming Robot Crime Wave. 114-116
Volume 43, Number 9, September 2010
- Computer Highlights Society Magazines. 4-5
- David Alan Grier:
Finding What You Want. 8-10 - 32 and 16 Years Ago. 11-12
- David Geer:
Whatever Happened to Network-Access-Control Technology? 13-16 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
New Service Promises to Improve Online Search. 17-20 - Nancy R. Mead
, Joe Jarzombek:
Advancing Software Assurance with Public-Private Collaboration. 21-30 - Frederick T. Sheldon
, Claire Vishik:
Moving Toward Trustworthy Systems: R&D Essentials. 31-40 - Samuel T. Redwine Jr.:
Fitting Software Assurance into Higher Education. 41-46 - Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Gary McGraw:
Interview: Software Security in the Real World. 47-53 - Wei Tan, Jia Zhang, Ian T. Foster
Network Analysis of Scientific Workflows: A Gateway to Reuse. 54-61 - Todd Mytkowicz, Amer Diwan, Matthias Hauswirth, Peter F. Sweeney:
The Effect of Omitted-Variable Bias on the Evaluation of Compiler Optimizations. 62-67 - Bob Ward:
Society Honors Five Top Computing Professionals. 74-76 - Bob Ward:
Call and Calendar. 77-78 - George P. Schell:
IT Value: From Moore's Law to a Flat World. 79-81 - Ron Kohavi, Roger Longbotham, Toby Walker:
Online Experiments: Practical Lessons. 82-85 - Kirk W. Cameron
A Tale of Two Green Lists. 86-88 - W. Neville Holmes:
Seven Digital Steps to Avoid Utter Hell. 90-92
Volume 43, Number 10, October 2010
- David Alan Grier:
The Curious and the Confident. 8-10 - Neal Leavitt:
Network-Usage Changes Push Internet Traffic to the Edge. 13-15 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
How Safe Are Secure Websites? 17-20 - Sergio L. Toral Marín
, M. Rocío Martínez-Torres
, Federico Barrero
Reforming ICT Graduate Programs to Meet Professional Needs. 22-29 - Jarrod A. Roy, Farinaz Koushanfar
, Igor L. Markov:
Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits. 30-38 - Ramesh Karri
, Jeyavijayan Rajendran, Kurt Rosenfeld, Mohammad Tehranipoor:
Trustworthy Hardware: Identifying and Classifying Hardware Trojans. 39-46 - Nir Kshetri:
Cloud Computing in Developing Economies. 47-55 - Juan Hamers, Lieven Eeckhout:
Scenario-Based Resource Prediction for QoS-Aware Media Processing. 56-63 - Bob Ward:
Society Forms New Technical Committee on Semantic Computing. 64-65 - Naren Ramakrishnan
, David A. Hanauer, Benjamin J. Keller:
Mining Electronic Health Records. 77-81 - Richard J. LeBlanc:
What Should All CS Graduates Know? 82-84 - Keith W. Miller
, Jeffrey M. Voas, Phillip A. Laplante:
In Trust We Trust. 85-87 - Manfred Broy, Ralf H. Reussner
Architectural Concepts in Programming Languages. 88-91 - Paul Lukowicz, Oliver Amft
, Daniel Roggen
, Jingyuan Cheng:
On-Body Sensing: From Gesture-Based Input to Activity-Driven Interaction. 92-96 - W. Neville Holmes:
The Future of the Computing Profession: Readers' E-mails. 100-99
Volume 43, Number 11, November 2010
- David Alan Grier:
Sabotage! 6-8 - Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
Gigabit Wi-Fi Is on Its Way. 11-14 - Peter Pirolli, Jenny Preece, Ben Shneiderman:
Cyberinfrastructure for Social Action on National Priorities. 20-21 - Robert E. Kraut, Mary Lou Maher, Judith S. Olson, Thomas W. Malone, Peter Pirolli, John C. Thomas:
Scientific Foundations: A Case for Technology- Mediated Social- Participation Theory. 22-28 - Ed H. Chi, Sean Munson
, Gerhard Fischer, Sarah Vieweg, Cynthia Parr
Advancing the Design of Technology-Mediated Social Participation Systems. 29-35 - Gary M. Olson, Gloria Mark, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Dana Rotman:
New Missions for a Sociotechnical Infrastructure. 37-43 - Bradford W. Hesse
, Derek L. Hansen, Thomas A. Finholt
, Sean A. Munson
, Wendy A. Kellogg, John C. Thomas:
Social Participation in Health 2.0. 45-52 - John Carlo Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, Sean Munson
, T. Glaisyer:
Social Media Technology and Government Transparency. 53-59 - Cliff Lampe, Paul Resnick, Andrea Forte, Sarita Yardi, Dana Rotman, Todd Marshall, Wayne G. Lutters:
Educational Priorities for Technology-Mediated Social Participation. 60-67 - Bob Ward:
Blue Gene Architect Gara Receives 2010 Cray Award. 78-80 - Timo Hannay
What Can the Web Do for Science? 84-87 - Prith Banerjee, Rich Friedrich, Lueny Morell:
Open Innovation at HP Labs. 88-90 - Karthikeyan Umapathy
, Sandeep Purao
Systems Integration and Web Services. 91-94 - Kirk W. Cameron
Green with Envy. 95-96 - W. Neville Holmes:
Some Social Aspects of Computers and Numbers. 100-99
Volume 43, Number 12, December 2010
- Carl K. Chang:
It Has Been a Long Journey - From the Heart of a Loyal Computer Society Volunteer. 9-10 - James D. Isaak:
2010 to 2020 - Looking Forward. 11-13 - David Alan Grier:
Investing in Ignorance. 14-16 - Neal Leavitt:
Payment Applications Make E-Commerce Mobile. 19-22 - Linda Dailey Paulson:
Energy-Saving PCs Work while Sleeping. 23-26 - Tiejun Huang, Yonghong Tian, Wen Gao, Jian Lu:
Mediaprinting: Identifying Multimedia Content for Digital Rights Management. 28-35 - Chaiyakorn Yingsaeree, Giuseppe Nuti
, Philip C. Treleaven:
Computational Finance. 36-43 - Badrish Chandramouli, Mohamed H. Ali, Jonathan Goldstein, Beysim Sezgin, Balan Sethu Raman:
Data Stream Management Systems for Computational Finance. 45-52 - Brad Spiers, Denis Wallez:
High-Performance Computing on Wall Street. 53-59 - Antonio Coronato
, Giuseppe De Pietro:
Formal Design of Ambient Intelligence Applications. 60-68 - Evan M. Peck, Erin Treacy Solovey
, Krysta Chauncey, Angelo Sassaroli, Sergio Fantini, Robert J. K. Jacob, Audrey Girouard, Leanne M. Hirshfield
Your Brain, Your Computer, and You. 86-89 - George F. Hurlburt
, Jeffrey M. Voas, Keith W. Miller, Phillip A. Laplante, Bret Michael:
A Nonlinear Perspective on Higher Education. 90-92 - Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey
The Challenge of Developing Autonomic Systems. 93-96

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