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IEEE Computer, Volume 46
Volume 46, Number 1, January 2013
- David Alan Grier:
The Unseen and the Seen. 6-7 - Ron Vetter:
Embracing Digital Publishing. 8-10 - Charles R. Severance:
Van Jacobson: Content-Centric Networking. 11-13 - Brian M. Gaff, Ralph A. Loren, Gareth Dickson:
Protecting Bioinformatics as Intellectual Property. 15-17 - Neal Leavitt:
Bringing Big Analytics to the Masses. 20-23 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 24-26 - Santosh Kumar, Wendy Nilsen, Misha Pavel, Mani B. Srivastava
Mobile Health: Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Transdisciplinary Research. 28-35 - Gunar Schirner
, Deniz Erdogmus, Kaushik R. Chowdhury
, Taskin Padir:
The Future of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems. 36-45 - Thanassis Rikakis, Aisling Kelliher
, Nicole Lehrer:
Experiential Media and Digital Culture. 46-54 - Noel E. Sharkey, Amanda J. C. Sharkey:
Robotic Surgery: On the Cutting Edge of Ethics. 56-64 - Kjell Jørgen Hole:
Management of Hidden Risks. 65-70 - Upkar Varshney:
A Smart Approach to Medication Management. 71-76 - San Murugesan
Cloud Computing: The New Normal? 77-79 - Brian David Johnson:
When Science Fiction and Science Fact Meet. 80-82 - Kirk W. Cameron
Energy Oddities, Part 1: Why the Energy World Is Odd. 83-84 - Hal Berghel:
RFIDiocy: It's Déjà Vu All over Again. 85-88 - John Riedl, Eric Riedl:
Crowdsourcing Medical Research. 89-92 - David Alan Grier:
The Here and Now. 108
Volume 46, Number 2, February 2013
- Lee Garber:
Letters. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Mitchell Baker: The Mozilla Foundation. 7-9 - Brian M. Gaff, Stephen G. Huggard, Gregory W. Carey:
Paying Bribes Abroad Will Get You in Hot Water in the US. 11-13 - Lee Garber:
GPUs Go Mobile. 16-19 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 20-23 - Mohamed Ali Feki, Fahim Kawsar, Mathieu Boussard, Lieven Trappeniers:
The Internet of Things: The Next Technological Revolution. 24-25 - Steve Hodges, Stuart Taylor, Nicolas Villar, James Scott, Dominik Bial, Patrick Tobias Fischer:
Prototyping Connected Devices for the Internet of Things. 26-34 - Daniel Roggen
, Gerhard Tröster, Paul Lukowicz, Alois Ferscha, José del R. Millán
, Ricardo Chavarriaga
Opportunistic Human Activity and Context Recognition. 36-45 - Sang Wan Lee
, Oliver Prenzel, Zeungnam Bien:
Applying Human Learning Principles to User-Centered IoT Systems. 46-52 - Gerd Kortuem
, Arosha K. Bandara
, Neil Smith, Mike Richards, Marian Petre:
Educating the Internet-of-Things Generation. 53-61 - Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Jussi Kangasharju
Realizing the Internet of Nano Things: Challenges, Solutions, and Applications. 62-68 - Jane W.-S. Liu, Chi-Sheng Shih
, Edward T.-H. Chu:
Cyberphysical Elements of Disaster-Prepared Smart Environments. 69-75 - Mukesh Singhal, Santosh Chandrasekhar, Tingjian Ge, Ravi S. Sandhu, Ram Krishnan
, Gail-Joon Ahn
, Elisa Bertino:
Collaboration in Multicloud Computing Environments: Framework and Security Issues. 76-84 - Jon G. Hall
, Lucia Rapanotti:
Beauty in Software Engineering. 85-87 - Michael Lutz:
Undergraduate Software Engineering at RIT: Past, Present, and Future. 88-90 - Rinku Dewri, Ramakrishna Thurimella:
Can a Phone's GPS "Lie" Intelligently? 91-93 - Jason Pace:
The Ways We Play, Part 1: From PCs to Consoles to Mobile Phones. 94-96 - David Alan Grier:
The Ethical Dimension. 112
Volume 46, Number 3, March 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Pooja Sankar: Building the Piazza Collaboration System. 6-7 - Brian M. Gaff, Peter J. Cuomo:
Design Patents. 8-10 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 12-13 - Neal Leavitt:
A Technology that Comes Highly Recommended. 14-17 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 18-20 - Jane Chu Prey, Alfred C. Weaver
Fostering Gender Diversity in Computing. 22-23 - Wendy M. DuBow
Diversity in Computing: Why It Matters and How Organizations Can Achieve It. 24-29 - Telle Whitney, Denise Gammal, Barbara Gee, Jody Mahoney, Caroline Simard:
Priming the Pipeline: Addressing Gender-Based Barriers in Computing. 30-36 - Mary Fernandez:
A Path Between: Mentoring the Next Generation of Computing Professionals. 38-41 - Chris Stephenson, Rebecca Dovi:
More than Gender: Taking a Systemic Approach to Improving K-12 Computer Science Education. 42-46 - Crystal Eney, Ed Lazowska
, Hélène Martin, Stuart Reges:
Broadening Participation: The Why and the How. 48-51 - James P. Cohoon, Joanne McGrath Cohoon, Mary Lou Soffa:
Educating Diverse Computing Students at the University of Virginia. 52-55 - Maria M. Klawe:
Increasing Female Participation in Computing: The Harvey Mudd College Story. 56-58 - Deepak Kumar:
Serving Women with a Purposeful Vision. 60-61 - Robert B. Schnabel:
Personal Reflections on Gender Diversity in Computing. 62-63 - Kate Starbird:
Returning to My Inner Nerd: Following the "Social" Disruption of Computing. 63-65 - Annie I. Antón:
Facing Challenges and Having Fun. 65-66 - Alice Bonhomme-Biais, Raquel A. Romano:
Pursuing Professional Changes. 66-68 - Lwin Khin Shar
, Hee Beng Kuan Tan:
Defeating SQL Injection. 69-77 - Chung-Wei Hang, Zhe Zhang, Munindar P. Singh
Shin: Generalized Trust Propagation with Limited Evidence. 78-85 - Nir Kshetri, San Murugesan
Cloud Computing and EU Data Privacy Regulations. 86-89 - Kirk W. Cameron
Energy Oddities, Part 2: Why Green Computing Is Odd. 90-93 - Karl Ricanek Jr., Gayathri Mahalingam:
Biometrically, How Identical Are Identical Twins? 94-96 - Hal Berghel:
The SCDOR Hack: Great Security Theater in Five Stages. 97-99 - John Riedl:
Crowdfunding Technology Innovation. 100-103 - Brian David Johnson:
Jimmy: The Robot That Changed It All. 104-107 - David Alan Grier:
Attention to Context. 124
Volume 46, Number 4, April 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Larry Smarr: Building Mosaic. 6-8 - Brian M. Gaff, Ralph A. Loren:
Patent Monetization. 9-11 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 12-13 - Lee Garber:
Analytics Goes on Location with New Approaches. 14-17 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 18-20 - Sherali Zeadally, Gregorio Martínez Pérez, Han-Chieh Chao:
Securing Cyberspace in the 21st Century. 22-23 - Pavlos Basaras
, Dimitrios Katsaros, Leandros Tassiulas:
Detecting Influential Spreaders in Complex, Dynamic Networks. 24-29 - Cristina Alcaraz
, Javier López
Wide-Area Situational Awareness for Critical Infrastructure Protection. 30-37 - Ignasi Paredes-Oliva, Pere Barlet-Ros, Josep Solé-Pareta
Scan Detection under Sampling: A New Perspective. 38-44 - Huansheng Ning
, Hong Liu, Laurence T. Yang:
Cyberentity Security in the Internet of Things. 46-53 - Awais Rashid
, Alistair Baron
, Paul Rayson
, Corinne May-Chahal, Phil Greenwood, James Walkerdine:
Who Am I? Analyzing Digital Personas in Cybercrime Investigations. 54-61 - Adeeb M. Alhomoud, Irfan Awan, Jules Ferdinand Pagna Disso, Muhammad Younas:
A Next-Generation Approach to Combating Botnets. 62-66 - Iyad Rahwan
, Sohan Dsouza, Alex Rutherford, Victor Naroditskiy, James McInerney, Matteo Venanzi, Nicholas R. Jennings
, Manuel Cebrián
Global Manhunt Pushes the Limits of Social Mobilization. 68-75 - Xiaohan Ma, Zhigang Deng
, Mian Dong, Lin Zhong:
Characterizing the Performance and Power Consumption of 3D Mobile Games. 76-82 - Ruth H. Sanders:
Why Learn a Foreign Language? 83-85 - Niklas Elmqvist
, Pourang Irani:
Ubiquitous Analytics: Interacting with Big Data Anywhere, Anytime. 86-89 - Steve Hodges:
Batteries Not Included: Powering the Ubiquitous Computing Dream. 90-93 - David F. Ferraiolo, Serban I. Gavrila, Wayne A. Jansen:
Enabling an Enterprise-Wide, Data-Centric Operating Environment. 94-96 - Jason Pace:
The Ways We Play, Part 2: Mobile Game Changers. 97-99 - Ana María Moreno
, Ahmed Seffah, Rafael Capilla
, María Isabel Sánchez Segura
HCI Practices for Building Usable Software. 100-102 - David Alan Grier:
Equal before the Bar. 116
Volume 46, Number 5, May 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Bob Metcalfe: Ethernet at Forty. 6-9 - Brian M. Gaff:
Who Invents What. 10-12 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 13-14 - Neal Leavitt:
Hybrid Clouds Move to the Forefront. 15-18 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 19-21 - Theresa-Marie Rhyne, Min Chen:
Cutting-Edge Research in Visualization. 22-24 - Aditi Majumder, Behzad Sajadi:
Large Area Displays: The Changing Face of Visualization. 26-33 - Hank Childs, Berk Geveci, William J. Schroeder, Jeremy S. Meredith, Kenneth Moreland, Christopher M. Sewell, Torsten W. Kuhlen, E. Wes Bethel:
Research Challenges for Visualization Software. 34-42 - Robert Kosara, Jock D. Mackinlay:
Storytelling: The Next Step for Visualization. 44-50 - Daniel F. Keefe, Tobias Isenberg
Reimagining the Scientific Visualization Interaction Paradigm. 51-57 - Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Bradford W. Hesse
Improving Healthcare with Interactive Visualization. 58-66 - Tobias Schreck
, Daniel A. Keim:
Visual Analysis of Social Media Data. 68-75 - Qing Li, Chris Larsen, Tim van der Horst:
IPv6: A Catalyst and Evasion Tool for Botnets and Malware Delivery Networks. 76-82 - Amy F. Szczepanski, Jian Huang, Troy Baer, Yashema C. Mack, Sean Ahern:
Data Analysis and Visualization in High-Performance Computing. 84-92 - Hal Berghel:
Computing Technology and Survivable Journalism. 93-97 - Domenico Talia
Clouds for Scalable Big Data Analytics. 98-101 - Ahmad Poursaberi, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
, Marina L. Gavrilova
, Vlad P. Shmerko, Patrick S. P. Wang:
Situational Awareness through Biometrics. 102-104 - Brian David Johnson:
Secret Science Fiction. 105-107 - Joseph Turner:
Power Management as Choice Architecture. 108-111 - David Alan Grier:
Working in Conference. 124
Volume 46, Number 6, June 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Gordon Bell: Building Blocks of Computing. 6-7 - Brian M. Gaff:
Are You Exhausted by Your First Sale? 9-11 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 12-13 - Lee Garber:
Game Accessibility: Enabling Everyone to Play. 14-18 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 19-21 - Katina Michael
, Keith W. Miller
Big Data: New Opportunities and New Challenges [Guest editors' introduction]. 22-24 - Jess Hemerly:
Public Policy Considerations for Data-Driven Innovation. 25-31 - Paul P. Tallon
Corporate Governance of Big Data: Perspectives on Value, Risk, and Cost. 32-38 - Jeremy Pitt, Aikaterini Bourazeri
, Andrzej Nowak
, Magdalena Roszczynska-Kurasinska, Agnieszka Rychwalska
, Inmaculada Rodríguez Santiago
, Maite López-Sánchez
, Monica Florea
, Mihai Sanduleac
Transforming Big Data into Collective Awareness. 40-45 - Marcus R. Wigan
, Roger Clarke
Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences. 46-53 - Carolyn McGregor
Big Data in Neonatal Intensive Care. 54-59 - Pauline Anthonysamy, Phil Greenwood, Awais Rashid
Social Networking Privacy: Understanding the Disconnect from Policy to Controls. 60-67 - E. Thomas Ewing, Samah Gad, Naren Ramakrishnan
Gaining Insights into Epidemics by Mining Historical Newspapers. 68-72 - Niels Henze, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Albrecht Schmidt
, Martin Pielot, Florian Michahelles:
Empirical Research through Ubiquitous Data Collection. 74-76 - Alexander Repenning
Making Programming Accessible and Exciting. 78-81 - Ann E. K. Sobel:
The Modern Educator. 82-83 - James Bret Michael:
Empowering Users through Secure On-Demand Data Provisioning. 84-85 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
A Three-Step Program for Recovering Hackers. 86-88 - David Alan Grier:
The Comfort Zone. 104
Volume 46, Number 7, July 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Katie Hafner: The Origins of the Internet. 6-7 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 8-9 - Sixto Ortiz:
Software-Defined Networking: On the Verge of a Breakthrough? 10-12 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 13-15 - Brian M. Gaff:
The Troll under the Bridge. 17-19 - Marc Streit
, Oliver Bimber:
Visual Analytics: Seeking the Unknown. 20-21 - Jean-Daniel Fekete
Visual Analytics Infrastructures: From Data Management to Exploration. 22-29 - Carsten Görg
, Youn ah Kang, Zhicheng Liu, John T. Stasko:
Visual Analytics Support for Intelligence Analysis. 30-38 - Kwan-Liu Ma, Chris Muelder:
Large-Scale Graph Visualization and Analytics. 39-46 - Daniel A. Keim, Milos Krstajic, Christian Rohrdantz, Tobias Schreck
Real-Time Visual Analytics for Text Streams. 47-55 - Jarke J. van Wijk:
Evaluation: A Challenge for Visual Analytics. 56-60 - Diane J. Cook, Aaron S. Crandall
, Brian L. Thomas, Narayanan Chatapuram Krishnan
CASAS: A Smart Home in a Box. 62-69 - Tsahee Zidenberg, Isaac Keslassy
, Uri C. Weiser:
Optimal Resource Allocation with MultiAmdahl. 70-77 - Brian David Johnson:
From NASA. 78-81 - Paul Witman:
Social Media for Social Value. 82-85 - Hal Berghel:
Through the PRISM Darkly. 86-90 - Matt Stansberry:
The Future of Green IT: Solving the Accountability Issue. 91-93 - Khaled M. Khan
, Qutaibah M. Malluhi:
Trust in Cloud Services: Providing More Controls to Clients. 94-96 - David Alan Grier:
Short-Term Loan. 112
Volume 46, Number 8, August 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Len Kleinrock: The Theory of Packets [Computing Conversations]. 6-8 - Brian M. Gaff, Joanna M. Dombrowski:
Ten Things to Know about Applying for Non-US Patents. 9-11 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 12-13 - Lee Garber:
The Lowly API Is Ready to Step Front and Center. 14-17 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 18-20 - Greg Atwood, Soo-Ik Chae, Simon S. Y. Shim:
Next-Generation Memory [Guest editors' introduction]. 21-22 - Yan Li, Khandker Quader:
NAND Flash Memory: Challenges and Opportunities. 23-29 - Yoon-Jong Song, Gitae Jeong, In-Gyu Baek, Jungdal Choi:
What Lies Ahead for Resistance-Based Memory Technologies? 30-36 - Amber Huffman, Dale Juenemann:
The Nonvolatile Memory Transformation of Client Storage. 38-44 - Anirudh Badam:
How Persistent Memory Will Change Software Systems. 45-51 - Steven Swanson
, Adrian M. Caulfield:
Refactor, Reduce, Recycle: Restructuring the I/O Stack for the Future of Storage. 52-59 - Kaiping Liu, Hee Beng Kuan Tan, Xu Chen:
Binary Code Analysis. 60-68 - Elise van den Hoven
, Evelien van de Garde-Perik, Serge Offermans, Koen van Boerdonk, Kars-Michiel H. Lenssen
Moving Tangible Interaction Systems to the Next Level. 70-76 - Eric Brechner
Getting Diagonal on the Xbox One Trifecta. 77-78 - Lawrence O'Gorman:
Putting a Kinder Face on Public Cameras. 79-81 - Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey
Autonomy Requirements Engineering. 82-84 - Björn Hartmann, Paul K. Wright:
Designing Bespoke Interactive Devices. 85-89 - Patrick Fiaux, Maoyuan Sun
, Lauren Bradel, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
, Alex Endert:
Bixplorer: Visual Analytics with Biclusters. 90-94 - Cameron Wilson:
What's Up Next for Code.org? 95-97 - David Alan Grier:
The Tenor of Our Times. 128
Volume 46, Number 9, September 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
John C. Hollar: History of Computing. 13-14 - Brian M. Gaff, Alyssa Harvey Dawson:
Working with Your Legal Department. 17-19 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 20-21 - Neal Leavitt:
Storage Challenge: Where Will All That Big Data Go? 22-25 - Mark Guzdial
, Betsy James DiSalvo
Computing Education: Beyond the Classroom. 30-31 - Maria Knobelsdorf, Jan Vahrenhold:
Addressing the Full Range of Students: Challenges in K-12 Computer Science Education. 32-37 - Kylie A. Peppler:
STEAM-Powered Computing Education: Using E-Textiles to Integrate the Arts and STEM. 38-43 - Sally Fincher, Daniel Knox:
The Porous Classroom: Professional Practices in the Computing Curriculum. 44-51 - Karen Brennan
Learning Computing through Creating and Connecting. 52-59 - Allison Elliott Tew, Brian Dorn:
The Case for Validated Tools in Computer Science Education Research. 60-66 - Dean N. Williams, Peer-Timo Bremer, Charles M. Doutriaux, John Patchett, Sean Williams, Galen M. Shipman, Ross Miller, David Pugmire, Brian E. Smith, Chad A. Steed
, E. Wes Bethel, Hank Childs, Harinarayan Krishnan
, Prabhat, Michael F. Wehner
, Cláudio T. Silva, Emanuele Santos, David Koop, Tommy Ellqvist, Jorge Poco
, Berk Geveci, Aashish Chaudhary
, Andy Bauer, Alexander Pletzer, Dave Kindig, Gerald Potter, Thomas P. Maxwell:
Ultrascale Visualization of Climate Data. 68-76 - Jianwei Niu
, Jing Peng, Lei Shu
, Chao Tong, Wanjiun Liao
An Empirical Study of a Chinese Online Social Network-Renren. 78-84 - Rogério Luís de Carvalho Costa
, Pedro Furtado
Providing Quality of Experience for Users: The Next DBMS Challenge. 86-93 - Karl Ricanek:
The Next Biometric Challenge: Medical Alterations. 94-96 - Beth Cohen:
PaaS: New Opportunities for Cloud Application Development. 97-100 - Brian David Johnson:
That Copernican Moment. 101-103 - Hal Berghel:
Toxic Cookies. 104-107 - David Alan Grier:
For the Common Good. 124
Volume 46, Number 10, October 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Eben Upton: Raspberry Pi. 14-16 - Brian M. Gaff, Greg Hendershott:
So, You Want to Start a Software Company? 17-19 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 20-21 - Lee Garber:
Gestural Technology: Moving Interfaces in a New Direction. 22-25 - Srinivas Devadas:
Toward a Coherent Multicore Memory Model. 30-31 - Matthew Schuchhardt, Abhishek Das, Nikos Hardavellas
, Gokhan Memik, Alok N. Choudhary:
The Impact of Dynamic Directories on Multicore Interconnects. 32-39 - Arrvindh Shriraman, Hongzhou Zhao, Sandhya Dwarkadas
An Application-Tailored Approach to Hardware Cache Coherence. 40-47 - Tushar Krishna, Chia-Hsin Owen Chen, Sunghyun Park, Woo-Cheol Kwon, Suvinay Subramanian
, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Li-Shiuan Peh:
Single-Cycle Multihop Asynchronous Repeated Traversal: A SMART Future for Reconfigurable On-Chip Networks. 48-55 - Qingchuan Shi, Omer Khan:
Toward Holistic Soft-Error-Resilient Shared-Memory Multicores. 56-64 - Michiel van Genuchten, Les Hatton:
Quantifying Software's Impact. 66-72 - Cristina Alcaraz
, Sherali Zeadally:
Critical Control System Protection in the 21st Century. 74-83 - Nir Kshetri, San Murugesan
EU and US Cybersecurity Strategies and Their Impact on Businesses and Consumers. 84-88 - Grace Metri, Manuj Sabharwal, Sundar Iyer, Abhishek Agrawal:
Hardware/Software Codesign to Optimize SoC Device Battery Life. 89-92 - Charles R. Severance:
MOOCs: An Insider's View. 93-96 - Lorraine Morgan, Kieran Conboy
Key Factors Impacting Cloud Computing Adoption. 97-99 - Keri Johnson, Jebediah Pavleas, Jack Chang:
Kinecting to Mathematics through Embodied Interactions. 101-104 - Kai Kunze, Masakazu Iwamura
, Koichi Kise, Seiichi Uchida
, Shinichiro Omachi
Activity Recognition for the Mind: Toward a Cognitive "Quantified Self". 105-108 - David Alan Grier:
Not Part of the Plan. 136
Volume 46, Number 11, November 2013
- Charles R. Severance:
Ian Horrocks: Standardizing OWL. 8-9 - Brian M. Gaff, David J. Levine, Raymond Gabriel:
Understanding US Trade Controls. 10-13 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 14-15 - Neal Leavitt:
Today's Mobile Security Requires a New Approach. 16-19 - Lee Garber:
News Briefs. 20-22 - Tiziana Margaria
, Mike Hinchey
Simplicity in IT: The Power of Less. 23-25 - Barry D. Floyd, Steve Boßelmann:
ITSy-Simplicity Research in Information and Communication Technology. 26-32 - Jan Bosch:
Achieving Simplicity with the Three-Layer Product Model. 34-39 - Cristina Cerschi Seceleanu
, Ivica Crnkovic
Component Models for Reasoning. 40-47 - Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Stefan Naujokat
, Ina Schaefer:
Variability Management beyond Feature Models. 48-54 - Johannes Neubauer, Bernhard Steffen:
Plug-and-Play Higher-Order Process Integration. 56-62 - Chandra Prasad, Wolfram Schulte:
Taking Control of Your Engineering Tools. 63-66 - Tiberiu Seceleanu
, Gaetana Sapienza:
A Tool Integration Framework for Sustainable Embedded Systems Development. 68-71 - Regina Herzlinger, Margo I. Seltzer, Mark Gaynor:
Applying KISS to Healthcare Information Technology. 72-74 - Arshdeep Bahga
, Vijay Krishna Madisetti:
Rapid Prototyping of Multitier Cloud-Based Services and Systems. 76-83 - James Bret Michael, Phillip A. Laplante, Jeffery E. Payne, Paul E. Black, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Does Security Trump Reliability? 84-86 - David S. L. Wei, San Murugesan
, Sy-Yen Kuo
, Kshirasagar Naik, Danny Krizanc:
Enhancing Data Integrity and Privacy in the Cloud: An Agenda. 87-90 - Joshua C. Klontz, Anil K. Jain:
A Case Study of Automated Face Recognition: The Boston Marathon Bombings Suspects. 91-94 - Brian David Johnson:
Jimmy Takes Manhattan. 95-98 - David Alan Grier:
The Trappings of Power. 120
Volume 46, Number 12, December 2013
- David Alan Grier:
The Cycles of Continuous Improvement. 6-8 - Charles R. Severance:
Andrew Tanenbaum: Writing the Book on Networks. 9-10 - Brian M. Gaff, Judy St. John:
Legal Careers for Engineers. 11-13 - W. Neville Holmes:
32 & 16 Years Ago. 14-15 - Lee Garber:
Robot OS: A New Day for Robot Design. 16-20 - Vladimir Getov:
Computing Laws: Origins, Standing, and Impact [Guest editors' introduction]. 24-25 - Bob Metcalfe:
Metcalfe's Law after 40 Years of Ethernet. 26-31 - Tsugio Makimoto:
Implications of Makimoto's Wave. 32-37 - Gene M. Amdahl:
Computer Architecture and Amdahl's Law. 38-46 - Andrew A. Chien, Vijay Karamcheti:
Moore's Law: The First Ending and a New Beginning. 48-53 - Patrick S. Ryan, Sarah Falvey, Ronak Merchant:
When the Cloud Goes Local: The Global Problem with Data Localization. 54-59 - Roy van Pelt, Anna Vilanova:
Understanding Blood-Flow Dynamics: New Challenges for Visualization. 60-67 - Karim El Defrawy, Sky Faber:
Blindfolded Data Search via Secure Pattern Matching. 68-75 - Kim Schaffer
Passwords, Privacy, and Policies: Can They Do Business Together? 76-79 - Ting Hua, Chang-Tien Lu
, Naren Ramakrishnan
, Feng Chen, Jaime Arredondo, David Mares, Kristen Maria Summers:
Analyzing Civil Unrest through Social Media. 80-84 - Ann E. K. Sobel:
The Escalating Cost of College. 85-87 - Hy Resnick:
Busted: A Digital Group Game to Help At-Risk Youth Stay out of Jail. 88-90 - Hal Berghel:
The Intimidation Factor: How a Surveillance State Can Affect What You Read in Professional Publications. 91-95 - Hao Han, Yinxing Xue, Keizo Oyama:
Mashup Technology: Beyond Open Programming Interfaces. 96-99 - David Alan Grier:
The Way We Organize Ourselves. 124

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