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IEEE Computer, Volume 48
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2015
- Tom Conte
A Time of Change. 4-6 - Sumi Helal
Sustaining Computer's Impact and Adapting to Change. 7-9 - Ying Xu:
Carrying out Phylogenetic Analyses through Computational Model Checking. 12 - Charles R. Severance:
Khan Academy and Computer Science. 14-15 - Brian M. Gaff:
IP Issues for Start-ups. 16-18 - Roy Want, Bill N. Schilit, Scott Jenson:
Enabling the Internet of Things. 28-35 - Fadi H. Gebara, H. Peter Hofstee, Kevin J. Nowka
Second-Generation Big Data Systems. 36-41 - Peter Fonash, Phyllis A. Schneck:
Cybersecurity: From Months to Milliseconds. 42-50 - Constantinos Patsakis
, Paul Laird, Michael Clear, Mélanie Bouroche
, Agusti Solanas
Interoperable Privacy-Aware E-Participation within Smart Cities. 52-58 - Stephen P. Crago, John Paul Walters:
Heterogeneous Cloud Computing: The Way Forward. 59-61 - Luca Caviglione
, Wojciech Mazurczyk
Understanding Information Hiding in iOS. 62-65 - Mitchell E. Daniels:
Measuring Great Jobs and Great Lives: The Gallup-Purdue Index. 66-69 - Ari Popper:
Transforming Business through Science Fiction Prototyping. 70-72 - Jennifer Costley:
Leveraging the Standards Life Cycle for Green IT. 73-75 - Hal Berghel:
A Paperless Gamble. 76-78 - David Alan Grier:
State Transitions. 92
Volume 48, Number 2, February 2015
- Elisa Bertino:
Denial-of-Service Attacks to UMTS. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Guido van Rossum: The Early Years of Python. 7-9 - Brian M. Gaff:
BYOD? OMG! 10-11 - Alf Weaver
, Renée C. Bryce:
Technological Advances in Medicine: It's Personal [Guest editors' introduction]. 21-23 - Jingquan Li:
Ensuring Privacy in a Personal Health Record System. 24-31 - Marina Velikova, Peter J. F. Lucas, Maarten van der Heijden:
Intelligent Disease Self-Management with Mobile Technology. 32-39 - Kyungtae Kang, Qixin Wang
, Junbeom Hur, Kyung-Joon Park
, Lui Sha:
Medical-Grade Quality of Service for Real-Time Mobile Healthcare. 41-49 - Arshdeep Bahga
, Vijay Krishna Madisetti:
Healthcare Data Integration and Informatics in the Cloud. 50-57 - Erman Ayday, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Gene Tsudik:
Whole Genome Sequencing: Revolutionary Medicine or Privacy Nightmare? 58-66 - Adam P. Spring:
Creating Substance from a Cloud: Low-Cost Product Generation. 67-74 - Greg Byrd
Spotlighting Student Innovation. 75-76 - Hal Berghel:
Cyber Chutzpah: The Sony Hack and the Celebration of Hyperbole. 77-80 - Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey
KnowLang: Knowledge Representation for Self-Adaptive Systems. 81-84 - Vincent C. Hu
, D. Richard Kuhn, David F. Ferraiolo:
Attribute-Based Access Control. 85-88 - David Alan Grier:
The Tyranny of Geography. 100
Volume 48, Number 3, March 2015
- Björn W. Schuller
Do Computers Have Personality? 6-7 - Charles R. Severance:
Guido van Rossum: The Modern Era of Python. 8-10 - Lee Garber:
News. 13-19 - Venkat N. Gudivada, Ricardo Baeza-Yates
, Vijay V. Raghavan:
Big Data: Promises and Problems. 20-23 - Vito Giovanni Castellana, Alessandro Morari, Jesse Weaver, Antonino Tumeo
, David Haglin, Oreste Villa, John Feo:
In-Memory Graph Databases for Web-Scale Data. 24-35 - Zhenyun Zhuang, Haricharan Ramachandra, Chaoyue Xiong:
Taming Replication Latency of Big Data Events with Capacity Planning. 36-41 - Srividya K. Bansal, Sebastian Kagemann:
Integrating Big Data: A Semantic Extract-Transform-Load Framework. 42-50 - Karamjit Kaur
, Rinkle Rani:
Managing Data in Healthcare Information Systems: Many Models, One Solution. 52-59 - Martin Giese, Ahmet Soylu
, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo
, Arild Waaler, Peter Haase, Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz
, Davide Lanti
, Martín Rezk, Guohui Xiao
, Özgür L. Özçep, Riccardo Rosati
Optique: Zooming in on Big Data. 60-67 - Hasan Alkhatib, Paolo Faraboschi
, Eitan Frachtenberg
, Hironori Kasahara
, Danny B. Lange, Phillip A. Laplante, Arif Merchant
, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Karsten Schwan:
What Will 2022 Look Like? The IEEE CS 2022 Report. 68-76 - Ninad S. Thakoor, Le An, Bir Bhanu
, Santhoshkumar Sunderrajan, B. S. Manjunath:
People Tracking in Camera Networks: Three Open Questions. 78-86 - Hong Linh Truong, Schahram Dustdar
Programming Elasticity in the Cloud. 87-90 - Kasper Hornbæk
Flexible Displays, Rigid Designs? 92-96 - Tawny Schlieski
Virtual Dystopia. 97-98 - James Bret Michael:
Trusted Computing: An Elusive Goal. 99-101 - Hal Berghel:
Noirware. 102-107 - Christian Timmerer, Touradj Ebrahimi
, Fernando Pereira
Toward a New Assessment of Quality. 108-110 - Bob Aiello:
Managing the High-Performance Computer Society Standards Working Group. 111-113 - Steve Roach, Mehran Sahami:
CS2013: Computer Science Curricula 2013. 114-116 - David Alan Grier:
Building Trust. 136
Volume 48, Number 4, April 2015
- David A. Forsyth:
Representation Learning. 6 - Brian M. Gaff:
Important IP Cases in 2015, Part One. 7-9 - D. Frank Hsu, Dorothy Marinucci, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Cybersecurity: Toward a Secure and Sustainable Cyber Ecosystem. 12-14 - Ruby B. Lee:
Rethinking Computers for Cybersecurity. 16-25 - David Gillman, Yin Lin, Bruce M. Maggs, Ramesh K. Sitaraman
Protecting Websites from Attack with Secure Delivery Networks. 26-34 - Kristin E. Heckman, Frank J. Stech, Ben S. Schmoker, Roshan K. Thomas:
Denial and Deception in Cyber Defense. 36-44 - Tomas Vagoun, George O. Strawn:
Implementing the Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategy. 45-55 - Sek Chai:
Enabling Smart Camera Networks with Smartphone Processors. 56-63 - Jon D. Hagar, Thomas L. Wissink, D. Richard Kuhn, Raghu Kacker:
Introducing Combinatorial Testing in a Large Organization. 64-72 - Greg Byrd
A Little Ingenuity Solves an Elephant-Sized Problem. 74-77 - Emily Shen, Mayank Varia, Robert K. Cunningham, W. Konrad Vesey:
Cryptographically Secure Computation. 78-81 - Hal Berghel:
Borderline Executive Disorder. 82-86 - David Alan Grier:
Accidents Will Happen. 104
Volume 48, Number 5, May 2015
- Ling Liu:
Enhancing Cloud Services through Multitier Workload Analysis. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
John Resig: Building JQuery. 7-8 - Brian M. Gaff:
Important IP Cases in 2015, Part Two. 9-11 - Ron Vetter, San Murugesan
The Web: The Next 25 Years. 14-17 - Vishnu S. Pendyala
, Simon S. Y. Shim, Christoph Bussler:
The Web That Extends beyond the World. 18-25 - Dave Raggett:
The Web of Things: Challenges and Opportunities. 26-32 - Jörg Heuer, Johannes Hund, Oliver Pfaff:
Toward the Web of Things: Applying Web Technologies to the Physical World. 34-42 - Ron Vetter, San Murugesan
Roundtable Discussion: The Web We Look Forward To. 44-50 - Dirk Riehle:
How Open Source Is Changing the Software Developer's Career. 51-57 - Jason Schlessman, Marilyn Wolf:
Tailoring Design for Embedded Computer Vision Applications. 58-62 - Alexander De Luca, Janne Lindqvist:
Is Secure and Usable Smartphone Authentication Asking Too Much? 64-68 - Alida Draudt, Jonjozuf Hadley, Ryan Hogan, Leticia Murray, Gregory Stock, Julia Rose West:
Six Insights about Science Fiction Prototyping. 69-71 - Wenqi Zhou
, Yuhong Liu:
Online Product Rating Manipulation and Market Performance. 72-75 - Susanne E. Hambrusch, Ran Libeskind-Hadas:
The PhD Pipeline. 76-79 - Marat Zhanikeev
A Cloud Visitation Platform to Facilitate Cloud Federation and Fog Computing. 80-83 - Hal Berghel:
What Makes a Good Column. 84-87 - George F. Hurlburt
Cyberhuman Security. 88-91 - Karen Gundy-Burlet:
The Use of Standards on the LADEE Mission. 92-95 - Manfred Broy:
Rethinking Nonfunctional Software Requirements. 96-99 - David Alan Grier:
The GitHub Effect. 116
Volume 48, Number 6, June 2015
- Prasant Mohapatra:
Distributed Optimal Channel Access in Cognitive Radio Networks. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Roy T. Fielding: Understanding the REST Style. 7-9 - Thad Starner, Tom L. Martin:
Wearable Computing: The New Dress Code [Guest editors' introduction]. 12-15 - Anhong Guo, Xiaolong Wu, Zhengyang Shen, Thad Starner, Hannes Baumann, Scott M. Gilliland
Order Picking with Head-Up Displays. 16-24 - Reuben Kirkham:
Can Disability Discrimination Law Expand the Availability of Wearable Computers? 25-33 - Jon C. Hammer, Tingxin Yan:
Inferring Mobile User Status with Usage Cues. 34-40 - Andrea Rosales
, Sergio Sayago
, Josep Blat
Beeping Socks and Chirping Arm Bands: Wearables That Foster Free Play. 41-48 - Najeeb Ullah
, Maurizio Morisio, Antonio Vetrò
Selecting the Best Reliability Model to Predict Residual Defects in Open Source Software. 50-58 - Greg Byrd
Tracking Cows Wirelessly. 60-63 - Hal Berghel:
A Farewell to Air Gaps, Part 1. 64-68 - Jeffrey M. Voas:
Vetting Mobile App Vendors. 69-71 - Reiner Hähnle
, Einar Broch Johnsen
Designing Resource-Aware Cloud Applications. 72-75 - David Alan Grier:
Disruptive Computing. 100
Volume 48, Number 7, July 2015
- Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
The Times They Are A-Changin'. 4-6 - Stephen W. Keckler:
Increasing Interconnection Network Throughput with Virtual Channels. 10 - Brian M. Gaff:
"Curiouser and Curiouser!"-The Fallout from Alice. 12-14 - Jim Tørresen, Christian Plessl
, Xin Yao
Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Systems. 18-20 - Bernhard Rinner, Lukas Esterle
, Jennifer Simonjan
, Georg Nebehay, Roman P. Pflugfelder, Gustavo Fernández Domínguez, Peter R. Lewis
Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Camera Networks. 21-28 - Michele Amoretti, Stefano Cagnoni
Toward Collective Self-Awareness and Self-Expression in Distributed Systems. 29-36 - Jürgo-Sören Preden, Kalle Tammemäe
, Axel Jantsch
, Mairo Leier
, Andri Riid
, Emine Calis:
The Benefits of Self-Awareness and Attention in Fog and Mist Computing. 37-45 - Vincent van Beek, Jesse Donkervliet, Tim Hegeman, Stefan Hugtenburg, Alexandru Iosup
Self-Expressive Management of Business-Critical Workloads in Virtualized Datacenters. 46-54 - Behrooz Parhami:
Amdahl's Reliability Law: A Simple Quantification of the Weakest-Link Phenomenon. 55-58 - Hal Berghel:
A Farewell to Air Gaps, Part 2. 59-63 - Nir Kshetri:
Recent US Cybersecurity Policy Initiatives: Challenges and Implications. 64-69 - Brian David Johnson:
Steve the Steampunk Robot. 70-72 - Soto Montalvo, Raquel Martínez-Unanue, Víctor Fresno
, Rafael Capilla
Multilingual Information Access on the Web. 73-75 - Dhananjai Madhava Rao:
Computing Efficiency in Education. 76-79 - Xiaofei Xu, Quan Z. Sheng
, Liang-Jie Zhang
, Yushun Fan, Schahram Dustdar
From Big Data to Big Service. 80-83 - Per Ola Kristensson:
Next-Generation Text Entry. 84-87 - David Alan Grier:
Do We Need a Software Czar? 104
Volume 48, Number 8, August 2015
- Shixia Liu
, Leila De Floriani:
Multivariate Network Exploration and Presentations. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition. 8-10 - Antonino Tumeo
, John Feo:
Irregular Applications: From Architectures to Algorithms [Guest editors' introduction]. 14-16 - G. Scott Lloyd, Maya B. Gokhale:
In-Memory Data Rearrangement for Irregular, Data-Intensive Computing. 18-25 - Daniele Buono, John A. Gunnels, Xinyu Que, Fabio Checconi, Fabrizio Petrini, Tai-Ching Tuan, Chris Long:
Optimizing Sparse Linear Algebra for Large-Scale Graph Analytics. 26-34 - Andrew Lenharth, Keshav Pingali:
Scaling Runtimes for Irregular Algorithms to Large-Scale NUMA Systems. 35-44 - Hitesh Rajput, Tanmoy Som
, Soumitra Kar:
An Automated Vehicle License Plate Recognition System. 56-61 - Peter R. Lewis
, Arjun Chandra, Funmilade Faniyi, Kyrre Glette, Tao Chen
, Rami Bahsoon, Jim Tørresen, Xin Yao
Architectural Aspects of Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Computing Systems: From Psychology to Engineering. 62-70 - Greg Byrd
Cycling through Cyberspace. 72-75 - Hugo Bruneliere
, Jordi Cabot
, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Leire Orue-Echevarria Arrieta
, Oliver Strauß
, Manuel Wimmer:
Software Modernization Revisited: Challenges and Prospects. 76-80 - Zhi-Kai Zhang, Michael Cheng Yi Cho, Zong-Yu Wu, Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh:
Identifying and Authenticating IoT Objects in a Natural Context. 81-83 - Darold Davis:
Taming the Engineering of Information Services Websites with Standards. 84-89 - Hal Berghel:
TSA: Mission Creep Meets Waste. 90-94 - David Alan Grier:
In Search of the Diabolical Disconnect. 128
Volume 48, Number 9, September 2015
- Sumi Helal
However You Like It: Computer's Enhanced Digital Format or Affordable Print Option. 6 - Afonso S. Bandeira:
An Efficient Algorithm for Exact Recovery of Vertex Variables from Edge Measurements. 8-9 - Brian M. Gaff:
Legal Issues with Wearable Technology. 10-12 - Roy Want, Schahram Dustdar
Activating the Internet of Things [Guest editors' introduction]. 16-20 - Jacob Beal
, Danilo Pianini
, Mirko Viroli:
Aggregate Programming for the Internet of Things. 22-30 - Laura Belli
, Simone Cirani, Luca Davoli
, Andrea Gorrieri, Mirko Mancin, Marco Picone
, Gianluigi Ferrari:
Design and Deployment of an IoT Application-Oriented Testbed. 32-40 - Mateusz Mikusz
, Sarah Clinch, Rachel Jones, Mike Harding
, Christopher Winstanley, Nigel Davies
Repurposing Web Analytics to Support the IoT. 42-49 - Keun Sup Shim, Mieszko Lis, Omer Khan, Srinivas Devadas:
The Execution Migration Machine: Directoryless Shared-Memory Architecture. 50-59 - Damian D. G. Gessler, Evren Sirin:
SSWAP: Enabling Transaction-Time Reasoning for Semantic Workflows. 60-68 - Amir Parssian, William Yeoh
, Mong-Shan Ee:
Quality-Based SQL: Specifying Information Quality in Relational Database Queries. 69-74 - Hal Berghel:
STEM Crazy. 75-80 - Steve Brown:
The Power of Story. 82-83 - Constantinos Kolias, Angelos Stavrou
, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Securely Making "Things" Right. 84-88 - Ralf Klamma:
Near-Real-Time Social Computing. 90-92 - Tao Chen
, Rami Bahsoon:
Toward a Smarter Cloud: Self-Aware Autoscaling of Cloud Configurations and Resources. 93-96 - Kevin Gary:
Project-Based Learning. 98-100 - Eric Durant:
CE2016: Guidelines for Forward-Looking Computer Engineering Curricula. 102-104 - David Alan Grier:
Industrial Leadership. 120
Volume 48, Number 10, October 2015
- Paolo Montuschi:
Spiking Neural Network Architecture. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Anant Agarwal: Inside edX. 8-9 - Giulio Jacucci
, Stephen Fairclough, Erin Treacy Solovey
Physiological Computing. 12-16 - David Rozado Fernandez
, Andreas Dünser:
Combining EEG with Pupillometry to Improve Cognitive Workload Detection. 18-25 - Riccardo Sioni
, Luca Chittaro
Stress Detection Using Physiological Sensors. 26-33 - Evan M. Peck, Emily Carlin, Robert J. K. Jacob:
Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems. 34-42 - Venkat N. Gudivada, Dhana Rao, Jordan Paris:
Understanding Search-Engine Optimization. 43-52 - Abdelkareem Bedri, Himanshu Sahni, Pavleen Thukral, Thad Starner, David Byrd, Peter Presti, Gabriel Reyes, Maysam Ghovanloo, Zehua Guo:
Toward Silent-Speech Control of Consumer Wearables. 54-62 - Madison Blake, Rabih Younes, Jacob Dennis
, Thomas L. Martin, Mark T. Jones:
A User-Independent and Sensor-Tolerant Wearable Activity Classifier. 64-71 - Hal Berghel:
Legislating Technology (Badly). 72-78 - Greg Byrd
21st Century Pong. 80-84 - Tom Mens
, Philippe Grosjean:
The Ecology of Software Ecosystems. 85-87 - Chia-Wei Wang, Michael Cheng Yi Cho, Chi-Wei Wang, Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh:
Combating Software Piracy in Public Clouds. 88-91 - David Alan Grier:
The Voracious Discipline. 120
Volume 48, Number 11, November 2015
- Mike Sharples:
Seamless Learning: Using Location-Aware Technology to Support Art Education. 6 - Brian M. Gaff:
Patent Infringement Damages. 7-9 - Vladimir Getov:
Scientific Grand Challenges: Toward Exascale Supercomputing and Beyond. 12-14 - Takemasa Miyoshi, Keiichi Kondo, Koji Terasaki:
Big Ensemble Data Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction. 15-21 - Dylan Keon, Cherri M. Pancake, Harry Yeh:
Protecting Our Shorelines: Modeling the Effects of Tsunamis and Storm Waves. 23-32 - Nichols A. Romero, Aiichiro Nakano, Katherine Riley, Fuyuki Shimojo, Rajiv K. Kalia, Priya Vashishta, Paul C. Messina:
Quantum Molecular Dynamics in the Post-Petaflops Era. 33-41 - Erich Strohmaier, Hans Werner Meuer, Jack J. Dongarra, Horst D. Simon
The TOP500 List and Progress in High-Performance Computing. 42-49 - Simon Portegies Zwart
, Jeroen Bédorf
Using GPUs to Enable Simulation with Computational Gravitational Dynamics in Astrophysics. 50-58 - Andrea Valdi, Eros Lever, Simone Benefico, Davide Quarta, Stefano Zanero
, Federico Maggi:
Scalable Testing of Mobile Antivirus Applications. 60-68 - Jia Liu, Yong Xue
, Dominic Palmer-Brown, Ziqiang Chen, Xingwei He:
High-Throughput Geocomputational Workflows in a Grid Environment. 70-80 - Hal Berghel:
The Dystory of Ahmed's Clock. 82-85 - Marco A. S. Netto, Renato Luiz de Freitas Cunha
, Nicole Sultanum
Deciding When and How to Move HPC Jobs to the Cloud. 86-89 - Ed Finn
We Can Build the Future. 90-91 - Kim Schaffer
Expanding Continuous Authentication with Mobile Devices. 92-95 - Steve Tockey:
Insanity, Hiring, and the Software Industry. 96-101 - Mukesh Kumar Saini, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
Absence Privacy Loss. 102-105 - Mark A. Ardis, David Budgen
, Gregory W. Hislop, Jeff Offutt, Mark J. Sebern, Willem Visser:
SE 2014: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering. 106-109 - Adam Eck, Leen-Kiat Soh, Kristen Olson
, Allan L. McCutcheon, Jolene Smyth, Robert F. Belli:
Understanding the Human Condition through Survey Informatics. 110-114 - David Alan Grier:
Hidden Persuaders. 136
Volume 48, Number 12, December 2015
- Tim Menzies
Cross-Project Data for Software Engineering. 6 - Thomas M. Conte
The Computer Society Must Change. 9 - Thomas M. Conte
, Elie K. Track
, Erik DeBenedictis:
Rebooting Computing: New Strategies for Technology Scaling. 10-13 - John M. Shalf
, Robert Leland:
Computing beyond Moore's Law. 14-23 - Mohamed M. Sabry, Mingyu Gao, Gage Hills, Chi-Shuen Lee, Greg Pitner, Max M. Shulaker, Tony F. Wu, Mehdi Asheghi, Jeffrey Bokor, Franz Franchetti, Kenneth E. Goodson, Christos Kozyrakis, Igor L. Markov, Kunle Olukotun, Larry T. Pileggi
, Eric Pop, Jan M. Rabaey, Christopher Ré, H.-S. Philip Wong, Subhasish Mitra
Energy-Efficient Abundant-Data Computing: The N3XT 1, 000x. 24-33 - D. Scott Holmes
, Alan M. Kadin, Mark W. Johnson:
Superconducting Computing in Large-Scale Hybrid Systems. 34-42 - Kirk Bresniker
, Sharad Singhal, R. Stanley Williams:
Adapting to Thrive in a New Economy of Memory Abundance. 44-53 - Santosh Khasanvis, Mingyu Li, Mostafizur Rahman, Ayan Kumar Biswas, Mohammad Salehi Fashami, Jayasimha Atulasimha
, Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, Csaba Andras Moritz:
Architecting for Causal Intelligence at Nanoscale. 54-64 - David J. Mountain, Mark R. McLean, Doug Palmer, Joshua D. Prucnal, Christopher D. Krieger:
Ohmic Weave: Memristor-Based Threshold Gate Networks. 65-71 - Michael K. Papamichael, James C. Hoe:
The CONNECT Network-on-Chip Generator. 72-79 - Jeffrey M. Voas, George F. Hurlburt
Third-Party Software's Trust Quagmire. 80-87 - Hal Berghel:
What Price Gonzo Ethics? 88-93 - Davide Brugali, Rafael Capilla
, Mike Hinchey
Dynamic Variability Meets Robotics. 94-97 - Alexander Kott, David S. Alberts, Cliff Wang:
Will Cybersecurity Dictate the Outcome of Future Wars? 98-101 - David Alan Grier:
Quantum Imagination. 128

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