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IEEE Computer, Volume 50
Volume 50, Number 1, January 2017
- Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
2017: The New Computer Society. 5-7 - Shaoshan Liu, James Peng, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Computer, Drive My Car! 8 - Erich J. Neuhold:
Computer, January 1967 and 1992. 10-11 - Sumi Helal
Computer's 50th Anniversary. 14-18 - Thomas M. Conte
, Erik P. DeBenedictis, Paolo A. Gargini, Elie K. Track:
Rebooting Computing: The Road Ahead. 20-29 - Mahadev Satyanarayanan:
The Emergence of Edge Computing. 30-39 - Antti Oulasvirta
User Interface Design with Combinatorial Optimization. 40-47 - Daqing Zhang, Hao Wang, Dan Wu:
Toward Centimeter-Scale Human Activity Sensing with Wi-Fi Signals. 48-57 - John Atkinson
, Alvaro Maurelia:
Redundancy-Based Trust in Question-Answering Systems. 58-65 - G. R. Gangadharan
Open Source Solutions for Cloud Computing. 66-70 - Brian David Johnson:
The Impossible Thing. 71 - Jeffrey M. Voas, Phillip A. Laplante:
Curriculum Considerations for the Internet of Things. 72-75 - Nir Kshetri, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Banking on Availability. 76-80 - Hal Berghel:
Software Sophistry and Political Sleight of Hand. 82-87 - David Alan Grier:
Local Culture, Global Habits. 96
Volume 50, Number 2, February 2017
- Bruce M. McMillin, Tao Zhang:
Fog Computing for Smart Living. 5 - David Alan Grier:
Computer's First Issues and the First Volunteer. 6-7 - Lei Yang, Jiannong Cao
Application Repartitioning in the Cloud. 11 - Mike Daily, Antti Oulasvirta
, Jun Rekimoto:
Technology for Human Augmentation. 12-15 - Peter A. Zientara, Sooyeon Lee, Gus Henry Smith, Rorry Brenner, Laurent Itti, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll, Kevin M. Irick, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan:
Third Eye: A Shopping Assistant for the Visually Impaired. 16-24 - Florian Wahl, Rui Zhang, Martin Freund, Oliver Amft:
Personalizing 3D-Printed Smart Eyeglasses to Augment Daily Life. 26-35 - Cheng Zhang, Sinan Hersek, Yiming Pu, Danrui Sun, Qiuyue Xue, Thad E. Starner, Gregory D. Abowd, Omer T. Inan:
Bioacoustics-Based Human-Body-Mediated Communication. 36-46 - Rajan Bhattacharyya, Brian A. Coffman, Jaehoon Choe, Matthew E. Phillips:
Does Neurotechnology Produce a Better Brain? 48-58 - Shahram Mohrehkesh, Michele C. Weigle
, Sajal K. Das
Energy Harvesting in Electromagnetic Nanonetworks. 59-67 - Scott Jenson:
The Future IoT: Building Better Legos. 68-71 - Erik P. DeBenedictis:
It's Time to Redefine Moore's Law Again. 72-75 - Elisa Bertino, Nayeem Islam:
Botnets and Internet of Things Security. 76-79 - Hal Berghel:
Lies, Damn Lies, and Fake News. 80-85 - Robert N. Charette:
IT's Fatal Amnesia. 86-91 - Barry A. T. Brown:
The Social Life of Autonomous Cars. 92-96 - Alida Draudt, Julia Rose West:
Envisioning Personal Futures. 97 - David Alan Grier:
A License to Build (Software). 104
Volume 50, Number 3, March 2017
- David Alan Grier:
When the Field was Young. 6-7 - Daniel J. Sorin:
Persistent Memory. 12 - Katarzyna Wac
, Homero Rivas, Maddalena Fiordelli
Quality-of-Life Technologies. 14-19 - Mirana Randriambelonoro
, Yu Chen, Pearl Pu:
Can Fitness Trackers Help Diabetic and Obese Users Make and Sustain Lifestyle Changes? 20-29 - Aarti Sathyanarayana, Jaideep Srivastava, Luis Fernández-Luque:
The Science of Sweet Dreams: Predicting Sleep Efficiency from Wearable Device Data. 30-38 - Tongda Zhang, Renate Fruchter, Maria Frank:
Are They Paying Attention? A Model-Based Method to Identify Individuals' Mental States. 40-49 - Adela C. Timmons
, Theodora Chaspari, Sohyun C. Han, Laura Perrone, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Gayla Margolin:
Using Multimodal Wearable Technology to Detect Conflict among Couples. 50-59 - Eisa Zarepour
, Mohammadreza Hosseini, Salil S. Kanhere
, Arcot Sowmya, Hamid R. Rabiee
Applications and Challenges of Wearable Visual Lifeloggers. 60-69 - Charlene Chuck Walrad:
Standards for the Enterprise IT Profession. 70-73 - Scooter Willis:
You Never Forget Your First Project. 74-76 - Angelos Stavrou
, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Verified Time. 78-82 - Hal Berghel:
On the Problem of (Cyber) Attribution. 84-89 - Steve Brown:
The New Diversity: Working with Nonhumans. 90-91 - David Alan Grier:
Digital Trade. 96
Volume 50, Number 4, 2017
- Sven Dietrich:
Cybersecurity and the Future. 7 - Stephen P. Morse:
The Intel 8086 Chip and the Future of Microprocessor Design. 8-9 - Charles R. Severance:
Resurrecting the CDC 6500 Supercomputer. 10-12 - Leila De Floriani:
A High-level Language for Interactive Data Visualization. 13 - Stefano Zanero
Cyber-Physical Systems. 14-16 - Gerry Howser, Bruce M. McMillin:
Using Information-Flow Methods to Analyze the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems. 17-26 - Teodora Sanislav, Sherali Zeadally, George Dan Mois:
A Cloud-Integrated, Multilayered, Agent-Based Cyber-Physical System Architecture. 27-37 - Cesare Alippi, Manuel Roveri
The (Not) Far-Away Path to Smart Cyber-Physical Systems: An Information-Centric Framework. 38-47 - Rolf Oppliger, Günther Pernul, Sokratis K. Katsikas:
New Frontiers: Assessing and Managing Security Risks. 48-51 - Gaute Wangen:
Information Security Risk Assessment: A Method Comparison. 52-61 - Judith E. Y. Rossebø, Reinder Wolthuis, Frank Fransen, Gunnar Björkman, Nuno Medeiros:
An Enhanced Risk-Assessment Methodology for Smart Grids. 62-71 - Pete Burnap, Yulia Cherdantseva, Andrew Blyth, Peter Eden, Kevin Jones, Hugh Soulsby, Kristan Stoddart
Determining and Sharing Risk Data in Distributed Interdependent Systems. 72-79 - Zahid Akhtar
, Ajita Rattani:
A Face in any Form: New Challenges and Opportunities for Face Recognition Technology. 80-90 - Rubén S. Montero
, Elisa Rojas
, Alfonso A. Carrillo, Ignacio Martín Llorente
Extending the Cloud to the Network Edge. 91-95 - Erik P. DeBenedictis:
Computer Architecture's Changing Role in Rebooting Computing. 96-99 - George F. Hurlburt
Shining Light on the Dark Web. 100-105 - Marta E. Cecchinato
, Anna L. Cox
Smartwatches: Digital Handcuffs or Magic Bracelets? 106-109 - Hal Berghel:
Alt-News and Post-Truths in the "Fake News" Era. 110-114 - David Alan Grier:
The Radical Technology of Industrie 4.0. 120
Volume 50, Number 5, May 2017
- Grace A. Lewis:
Cloud Computing. 8-9 - Giovanni De Micheli, Luca Benini
Networks on Chips: 15 Years Later. 10-11 - Björn W. Schuller
Can Affective Computing Save Lives? Meet Mobile Health. 13 - Carl K. Chang, Sorel Reisman, Edmundo Tovar
Advances in Learning Technologies. 14-17 - Austin Cory Bart, Javier Tibau
, Eli Tilevich
, Clifford A. Shaffer
, Dennis G. Kafura:
BlockPy: An Open Access Data-Science Environment for Introductory Programmers. 18-26 - Soroush Ghorashi, Carlos Jensen:
Integrating Collaborative and Live Coding for Distance Education. 27-35 - Sujata Rani, Parteek Kumar:
A Sentiment Analysis System to Improve Teaching and Learning. 36-43 - Toru Ishida, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Takushi Sogo:
Interdisciplinary Education for Design Innovation. 44-52 - Henry C. B. Chan
Internet of Education Resources Using a Chemistry-Inspired Framework. 54-60 - Yang Xie, Chongxi Bao, Ankur Srivastava
Security-Aware 2.5D Integrated Circuit Design Flow Against Hardware IP Piracy. 62-71 - Zoltán Ádám Mann:
The Top Eight Misconceptions about NP-Hardness. 72-79 - Richard E. Fairley, Mary Jane Willshire:
Better Now Than Later: Managing Technical Debt in Systems Development. 80-87 - Jeffrey M. Voas, Rick Kuhn:
What Happened to Software Metrics? 88-98 - Brian David Johnson:
Sentient Tools and the Future of Work. 99 - Gary McGraw:
Six Tech Trends Impacting Software Security. 100-102 - W. Richards Adrion:
How Computer Science Departments and Faculty Can Contribute to the CS for All Initiative. 103-105 - Andrew C. Gray, Eric M. Schwartz:
A Successful Approach to the 2016 RobotX Challenge. 106-109 - Nicholas A. Valentino, John Leslie King, Walter W. Hill:
Polling and Prediction in the 2016 Presidential Election. 110-115 - Joanna Bryson
, Alan F. T. Winfield:
Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. 116-119 - Hal Berghel:
A Quick Take on Windows Security Evolution. 120-124 - David Alan Grier:
A Russian Tragedy. 132
Volume 50, Number 6, 2017
- Lee Garber:
Computer Highlights Society Magazines. 4-5 - Lynette A. Jones:
A Haptic Compass for Navigation. 6 - Erich J. Neuhold:
Computer, June 1967 and 1992. 7 - Tom Snyder, Greg Byrd
The Internet of Everything. 8-9 - David Alan Grier:
The Yau Years: 1981-1984. 10-11 - Mark D. Hill, Michael R. Marty:
Retrospective on Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era. 12-14 - Marilyn Wolf, Saibal Mukhopadhyay:
VLSI for the Internet of Things. 16-18 - Chenguang Shen, Mani B. Srivastava
Exploring Hardware Heterogeneity to Improve Pervasive Context Inferences. 19-26 - Mingze Gao, Qian Wang, Md Tanvir Arafin
, Yongqiang Lyu, Gang Qu:
Approximate Computing for Low Power and Security in the Internet of Things. 27-34 - Mathias Soeken, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, Saeideh Shirinzadeh, Rolf Drechsler
, Giovanni De Micheli:
A PLiM Computer for the Internet of Things. 35-40 - Aldo Romani, Marco Tartagni, Enrico Sangiorgi:
Doing a Lot with a Little: Micropower Conversion and Management for Ambient-Powered Electronics. 41-49 - Gagan Gupta, Tony Nowatzki, Vinay Gangadhar, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam:
Kickstarting Semiconductor Innovation with Open Source Hardware. 50-59 - Patrick Eugster, Chamikara Jayalath, Kirill Kogan
, Julian James Stephen:
Big Data Analytics beyond the Single Datacenter. 60-68 - Jeffrey M. Voas, Phillip A. Laplante:
The IoT Blame Game. 69-73 - Jennifer Davis:
Marketing and Engineering-Working across the Aisle. 74-75 - Erik P. DeBenedictis, Jesse K. Mee, Michael P. Frank:
The Opportunities and Controversies of Reversible Computing. 76-80 - Hsiu-Chuan Huang, Zhi-Kai Zhang, Hao-Wen Cheng
, Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh:
Web Application Security: Threats, Countermeasures, and Pitfalls. 81-85 - Harold Thimbleby:
Improve IT, Improve Healthcare. 86-91 - Justin Riley, John Noss, Wes Dillingham, James Cuff
, Ignacio Martín Llorente
A High-Availability Cloud for Research Computing. 92-95 - David Alan Grier:
Global Connections. 104
Volume 50, Number 7, 2017
- Rick Kazman:
Software Engineering. 10-11 - Jörg Henkel, Paolo Montuschi:
Computer Engineers' Challenges for the Next Decade: The Triangle of Power Density, Circuit Degradation, and Reliability. 12 - Scooter Willis, Greg Byrd
, Brian David Johnson:
Challenge-Based Learning. 13-16 - Nancy Boyer:
Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers: K-12 and Beyond. 17-19 - Lindsey Hitchcock:
Greenpower: Racing to a STEM Finish. 20-22 - Randy Swearer:
Industry-Backed Competitions: Helping Today's Students Prepare for Tomorrow's Careers. 23-25 - Randy Scheid:
Code4GoodPBC: Bridging the Gap between Innovation and Philanthropy. 29-31 - Richard S. Thomas:
Using Design Slam to Foster Lifelong Learning Solutions. 32-33 - Juan C. SanMiguel
, Andrea Cavallaro:
Networked Computer Vision: The Importance of a Holistic Simulator. 35-43 - Jörg Liebig, Sven Apel
, Andreas Janker, Florian Garbe, Sebastian Oster:
Handling Static Configurability in Refactoring Engines. 44-53 - Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, Edoardo Pasi, Christos Tsigkanos
, Menouer Boubekeur, Blanca Florentino-Liaño, Tarik Hadzic, Bashar Nuseibeh
Topology-Aware Access Control of Smart Spaces. 54-63 - Yamini Allu, Fred Douglis, Mahesh Kamat, Philip Shilane
, R. Hugo Patterson, Benjamin Zhu:
Backup to the Future: How Workload and Hardware Changes Continually Redefine Data Domain File Systems. 64-72 - Mohammad A. Salahuddin, Ala I. Al-Fuqaha
, Mohsen Guizani, Khaled Shuaib, Farag M. Sallabi
Softwarization of Internet of Things Infrastructure for Secure and Smart Healthcare. 74-79 - Constantinos Kolias, Georgios Kambourakis, Angelos Stavrou
, Jeffrey M. Voas:
DDoS in the IoT: Mirai and Other Botnets. 80-84 - Natalie Vanatta
Envisioning the Future to Empower Action. 85 - Hal Berghel:
Which Is More Dangerous-the Dark Web or the Deep State? 86-91 - Al Crouch, Michael Laisne, Martin Keim:
Generalizing Access to Instrumentation Embedded in a Semiconductor Device. 92-95 - Sorel Reisman:
Teaching vs. Research-Optimizing Your Contribution for Society's Well-Being. 96-98 - Scooter Willis:
Stand on the Shoulders of Giants. 99-102 - David Alan Grier:
Connecting to Nigeria. 112
Volume 50, Number 8, 2017
- David Alan Grier:
The Better Mix: 1985-1990. 4-5 - Pascal Guitton, Philippe Nain, François X. Sillion:
Inria: From Cold-War Computing to Digital Sciences. 8-12 - Erik P. DeBenedictis:
Computer Design Starts Over. 14-17 - Shaoshan Liu, Jie Tang, Zhe Zhang, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Computer Architectures for Autonomous Driving. 18-25 - Rathijit Sen, David A. Wood:
Energy-Proportional Computing: A New Definition. 26-33 - Fei Xia, Ashur Rafiev, Ali Aalsaud
, Mohammed A. Noaman Al-Hayanni
, James J. Davis, Joshua M. Levine, Andrey Mokhov, Alexander B. Romanovsky
, Rishad A. Shafik, Alex Yakovlev, Sheng Yang:
Voltage, Throughput, Power, Reliability, and Multicore Scaling. 34-45 - Ike Nassi
Scaling the Computer to the Problem: Application Programming with Unlimited Memory. 46-51 - Christof Teuscher:
The Weird, the Small, and the Uncontrollable: Redefining the Frontiers of Computing. 52-58 - Andreas Stefik, Stefan Hanenberg:
Methodological Irregularities in Programming-Language Research. 60-63 - John Hagel, John Seely Brown:
Shaping Strategies for the IoT. 64-68 - Erik P. DeBenedictis, Mustafa Badaroglu, An Chen, Thomas M. Conte
, Paolo A. Gargini:
Sustaining Moore's Law with 3D Chips. 69-73 - Kateryna Netkachova, Robin E. Bloomfield:
Is Chocolate Good for You - or, Is the Cloud Secure? 74-78 - David Alan Grier:
The Lingua Franca of Technology. 104
Volume 50, Number 9, 2017
- Ann DeMarle:
Let Us Entertain You. 8-9 - Kenneth Magel:
Revisiting the Impact of the Ada Programming Language. 10-11 - Philip C. Treleaven, Richard Gendal Brown, Danny Yang:
Blockchain Technology in Finance. 14-17 - Tomaso Aste
, Paolo Tasca
, Tiziana di Matteo
Blockchain Technologies: The Foreseeable Impact on Society and Industry. 18-28 - Chris Khan, Antony Lewis, Emily Rutland, Clemens Wan, Kevin Rutter, Clark Thompson:
A Distributed-Ledger Consortium Model for Collaborative Innovation. 29-37 - Ittay Eyal:
Blockchain Technology: Transforming Libertarian Cryptocurrency Dreams to Finance and Banking Realities. 38-49 - Daniele Magazzeni
, Peter McBurney
, William Nash:
Validation and Verification of Smart Contracts: A Research Agenda. 50-57 - Michael Bedford Taylor:
The Evolution of Bitcoin Hardware. 58-66 - Fariborz Farahmand:
The Importance of Human Information Processing: A Behavioral Economics Model for Predicting Domain Name Choice. 67-74 - Mohiuddin Ahmed
Thwarting DoS Attacks: A Framework for Detection based on Collective Anomalies and Clustering. 76-82 - Mark Embury, Jan Clayton:
Standardization and Certification Challenges for Biopharmaceutical Plants. 83-86 - Hal Berghel:
Oh, What a Tangled Web: Russian Hacking, Fake News, and the 2016 US Presidential Election. 87-91 - Chii Chang
, Satish Narayana Srirama
, Rajkumar Buyya:
Indie Fog: An Efficient Fog-Computing Infrastructure for the Internet of Things. 92-98 - Hyunji Chung, Michaela Iorga, Jeffrey M. Voas, Sangjin Lee:
"Alexa, Can I Trust You?". 100-104 - David Alan Grier:
Bringing the Benefits Home. 105 - Kyle Rakos, Alex Ruffino, Charles Li, Katherine Mao, Luke McBee, Ryan McBee, Matt Molo, Sanay Shah, Ian Sibley, Tyler Stagge:
Purdue University Team Tackles Global Underwater-Vehicle Competition. 106-110 - Julie Jenson Bennett:
The Meanings in the Machine. 112
Volume 50, Number 10, 2017
- Ben Shneiderman:
Revisiting the Astonishing Growth of Human-Computer Interaction Research. 8-11 - David B. Lomet:
The Future of Data Management. 12-13 - Antti Oulasvirta
On-Skin Interfaces. 16-18 - Jürgen Steimle
, Joanna Bergstrom-Lehtovirta
, Martin Weigel
, Aditya Shekhar Nittala, Sebastian Boring
, Alex Olwal, Kasper Hornbæk
On-Skin Interaction Using Body Landmarks. 19-27 - Pedro Lopes
, Patrick Baudisch:
Interactive Systems Based on Electrical Muscle Stimulation. 28-35 - Mahadev Satyanarayanan:
Edge Computing. 36-38 - Guenter Klas:
Edge Computing and the Role of Cellular Networks. 40-49 - Peng Liu, Lance Hartung
, Suman Banerjee:
Lightweight Multitenancy at the Network's Extreme Edge. 50-57 - Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Paramvir Bahl, Peter Bodík, Krishna Chintalapudi, Matthai Philipose, Lenin Ravindranath, Sudipta Sinha:
Real-Time Video Analytics: The Killer App for Edge Computing. 58-67 - Hal Berghel:
Net Neutrality Reloaded. 68-72 - Brian David Johnson:
The Weaponization of AI: A Glimpse into Future Threats. 73 - Erik P. DeBenedictis:
3D Software: A New Research Imperative. 74-77 - Jeffrey M. Voas, Nir Kshetri:
Human Tagging. 78-85 - Robert N. Charette:
Low Clearance Ahead: Can Predictable IT Crashes Be Avoided? 86-91 - Jie Tang, Dawei Sun, Shaoshan Liu, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Enabling Deep Learning on IoT Devices. 92-96 - Gregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis:
Humanitarian Open Source Software in Computing Education. 98-101 - Albrecht Schmidt
Technologies to Amplify the Mind. 102-106 - David Alan Grier:
Keeping the Internet Global. 108
Volume 50, Number 11, November 2017
- Nancy G. Leveson:
The Therac-25: 30 Years Later. 8-11 - Michael Beigl, Florian Michahelles, Hideyuki Tokuda, Steve Hodges:
Programming the World. 14-17 - Fulvio Corno
, Luigi De Russis
, Alberto Monge Roffarello
A Semantic Web Approach to Simplifying Trigger-Action Programming in the IoT. 18-24 - Jack Hodges, Kimberly García
, Steven Ray:
Semantic Development and Integration of Standards for Adoption and Interoperability. 26-36 - Thomas Kubitza, Albrecht Schmidt
meSchup: A Platform for Programming Interconnected Smart Things. 38-49 - Henry B. Wolfe:
The Mobile Phone as Surveillance Device: Progress, Perils, and Protective Measures. 50-58 - Roja Bandari, Zicong Zhou, Hai Qian, Timothy R. Tangherlini
, Vwani P. Roychowdhury:
A Resistant Strain: Revealing the Online Grassroots Rise of the Antivaccination Movement. 60-67 - Daniel Lam, Ethan Stillman, Anthony Cariello, Andrew McCorkle, Ahmed Fouad:
A High School Team's Hard Road to Success in an International Engineering Competition. 68-71 - Hal Berghel:
The New Science Wars. 72-76 - David Alan Grier:
A More National Technology. 77 - Paul Grassi, Mike Garcia, Katie Boeckl:
Government Adopts an Industry Approach to Open Source Collaboration. 78-81 - Adam L. Young, Moti Yung:
On Ransomware and Envisioning the Enemy of Tomorrow. 82-85 - Patricia Takako Endo
, Guto Leoni Santos, Daniel Rosendo, Demis Moacir Gomes, André L. C. Moreira
, Judith Kelner, Djamel Sadok, Glauco Estácio Gonçalves
, Mozhgan Mahloo:
Minimizing and Managing Cloud Failures. 86-90 - Brian David Johnson:
The Future of Shopping: An Eerie Silence? 91 - Peter Brusilovsky
Toward Flexible MOOCs: Student-Sourcing of Learning Content at Scale. 96
Volume 50, Number 12, December 2017
- Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Embracing Changes. 4-6 - Hausi A. Müller
The Rise of Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems. 7-9 - David A. Patterson:
Reduced Instruction Set Computers Then and Now. 10-12 - Mike Daily, Swarup Medasani, Reinhold Behringer, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Self-Driving Cars. 18-23 - Ernst D. Dickmanns:
Developing the Sense of Vision for Autonomous Road Vehicles at UniBwM. 24-31 - Mina J. Hanna, Shawn C. Kimmel:
Current US Federal Policy Framework for Self-Driving Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges. 32-40 - Shaoshan Liu, Jie Tang, Chao Wang, Quan Wang, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
A Unified Cloud Platform for Autonomous Driving. 42-49 - Nirav Ajmeri
, Chung-Wei Hang, Simon Parsons, Munindar P. Singh
Aragorn: Eliciting and Maintaining Secure Service Policies. 50-58 - William Knowles, Jose M. Such
, Antonios Gouglidis, Gaurav Misra, Awais Rashid
All That Glitters Is Not Gold: On the Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Qualifications. 60-71 - Hal Berghel:
Equifax and the Latest Round of Identity Theft Roulette. 72-76 - Chris Arkenberg:
The Future of Intelligent Assistants. 77 - Georgios Karakonstantis, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos
, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Pedro Trancoso
, Yiannakis Sazeides, Christos D. Antonopoulos, Srikumar Venugopal, Shidhartha Das:
Error-Resilient Server Ecosystems for Edge and Cloud Datacenters. 78-81 - John A. Stankovic, James W. Sturges, Jon Eisenberg
A 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems Education. 82-85 - Erik P. DeBenedictis:
Plotting a Socially Responsible Course for Computers Using Cybersecurity as an Example. 86-90 - Nir Kshetri, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Hacking Power Grids: A Current Problem. 91-95 - Alexander Kott, David S. Alberts:
How Do You Command an Army of Intelligent Things? 96-100 - David Alan Grier:
The Subway to China. 104

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