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CoRR, October 2007
- Adam Lipowski, Dorota Lipowska:
Bio-linguistic transition and Baldwin effect in an evolutionary naming-game model. - Jason K. Johnson, Dmitry M. Malioutov, Alan S. Willsky:
Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in Graphical Models. - Moslem Noori, Masoud Ardakani:
A Probability Model for Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks. - Maryna Olexandrivna Nesterenko, Jirí Patera, Dmytro Zhavrotskyj:
New families of cryptographic systems. - Julian J. McAuley, Tibério S. Caetano, Marconi S. Barbosa:
Graph rigidity, Cyclic Belief Propagation and Point Pattern Matching. - Stanislav Angelov, Keshav Kunal, Andrew McGregor:
Sorting and Selection with Random Costs. - Dmitrii Yu. Manin:
Zipf's Law and Avoidance of Excessive Synonymy. - Amichai Sanderovich, Shlomo Shamai, Yossef Steinberg:
Distributed MIMO receiver - Achievable rates and upper bounds. - Marco Baldi, Franco Chiaraluce:
LDPC Codes in the McEliece Cryptosystem. - A. A. Krizhanovsky:
Evaluation experiments on related terms search in Wikipedia: Information Content and Adapted HITS (In Russian). - Tomás Filler, Jessica J. Fridrich:
Binary quantization using Belief Propagation with decimation over factor graphs of LDGM codes. - Denis S. Krotov:
Z4-Linear Perfect Codes. - Denis S. Krotov:
Z4-linear Hadamard and extended perfect codes. - Fei Jiang, Hugues Berry, Marc Schoenauer:
Optimising the topology of complex neural networks. - Dmytro V. Lande, A. A. Snarskii:
On the role of autocorrelations in texts. - S. Braichevsky, Dmytro V. Lande, A. A. Snarskii:
On the fractal nature of mutual relevance sequences in the Internet news message flows. - Maurice Margenstern:
Constructing a uniform plane-filling path in the ternary heptagrid of the hyperbolic plane. - Julian John McAuley, Tibério S. Caetano:
High-Order Nonparametric Belief-Propagation for Fast Image Inpainting. - Philip B. Alipour
Theoretical Engineering and Satellite Comlink of a PTVD-SHAM System. - Supriya Krishnamurthy, Sameh El-Ansary, Erik Aurell, Seif Haridi:
An Analytical Study of a Structured Overlay in the presence of Dynamic Membership. - Wenyi Zhang, Urbashi Mitra:
On Outage Behavior of Wideband Slow-Fading Channels. - Vladimir G. Deineko, Alexandre Tiskin:
Fast minimum-weight double-tree shortcutting for Metric TSP: Is the best one good enough? - Pascal Koiran, Sylvain Perifel:
Interpolation in Valiant's theory. - Supriya Krishnamurthy, Sameh El-Ansary, Erik Aurell, Seif Haridi:
Comparing Maintenance Strategies for Overlays. - Philip B. Alipour:
The Theory of Unified Relativity for a Biovielectroluminescence Phenomenon via Fly's Visual and Imaging System. - Axel Lakus-Becker, Ka-Ming Leung:
New Counting Codes for Distributed Video Coding. - Vladimir Vovk:
Prediction with expert advice for the Brier game. - Jean-Guillaume Dumas
Q-adic Transform revisited. - Gianluca Amato, Francesca Scozzari:
On the interaction between sharing and linearity. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin:
The Problem of Localization in Networks of Randomly Deployed Nodes: Asymptotic and Finite Analysis, and Thresholds. - Anthony A. Ruffa:
A Novel Solution to the ATT48 Benchmark Problem. - Yi Lu, Cyril Measson, Andrea Montanari:
TP Decoding. - Yi Lu, Andrea Montanari, Balaji Prabhakar:
Detailed Network Measurements Using Sparse Graph Counters: The Theory. - Fabio R. J. Vieira, Valmir Carneiro Barbosa:
Optimization of supply diversity for the self-assembly of simple objects in two and three dimensions. - David A. Kay, Alessandro Tomasi:
Colour image segmentation by the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase-field model: a multigrid solution. - P. Murali Krishna, Sabu M. Thampi:
A Fast Heuristic Algorithm Based on Verification and Elimination Methods for Maximum Clique Problem. - Ying Jun Zhang, Peng Xuan Zheng, Soung Chang Liew:
Wireless Local Area Networks with Multiple-Packet Reception Capability. - Elitza N. Maneva, Alistair Sinclair:
On the Satisfiability Threshold and Clustering of Solutions of Random 3-SAT Formulas. - Joseph O'Rourke:
Band Unfoldings and Prismatoids: A Counterexample. - Norman Danner, James S. Royer:
Two algorithms in search of a type system. - Alexis Clay:
Systèmes interactifs sensibles aux émotions : architecture logicielle. - Alexis Clay, Nadine Couture, Laurence Nigay:
Emotion capture based on body postures and movements. - Suzanne Kieffer, Noëlle Carbonell:
Assistance orale à la recherche visuelle - étude expérimentale de l'apport d'indications spatiales à la détection de cibles. - Lifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal, H. Vincent Poor:
Secrecy Capacity of the Wiretap Channel with Noisy Feedback. - Grenville J. Croll
, Raymond J. Butler:
Spreadsheets in Clinical Medicine. - Wei Kang, Sennur Ulukus:
A New Achievability Scheme for the Relay Channel. - Iman Firmansyah, Bambang Hermanto, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Control and Monitoring System for Modular Wireless Robot. - Hidetoshi Muta, Kimikazu Kato:
Degeneracy of Angular Voronoi Diagram. - Alexandre Lavrenov:
Multichannel algorithm based on generalized positional numeration system. - Vitaliy Kurlin, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Simon Maskell:
How Many Randomly Distributed Wireless Sensors Are Enough To Make a 1-Dimensional Network Connected With a Given Probability? - Luisa Iturrioz:
Two representation theorems of three-valued structures by means of binary relations. - Joaquim Borges, Cristina Fernandez, Jaume Pujol, Josep Rifà, Mercè Villanueva:
Z2Z4-linear codes: generator matrices and duality. - Vincent Atassi, Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui:
Verification of Ptime Reducibility for system F Terms: Type Inference in Dual Light Affine Logic. - Joseph Boutros, Albert Guillen i Fabregas, Ezio Biglieri, Gilles Zémor:
Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Nonergodic Block-Fading Channels. - Nitin Salodkar, Abhay Karandikar, Vivek S. Borkar:
Power Efficient Scheduling under Delay Constraints over Multi-user Wireless Channels. - Dominique Duval:
Diagrammatic Inference. - Hua Li, Edwin K. P. Chong:
A Group Theoretic Model for Information. - Francisco J. Piera, Patricio Parada:
On Convergence Properties of Shannon Entropy. - Francisco J. Piera, Patricio Parada:
On the Relationship between Mutual Information and Minimum Mean-Square Errors in Stochastic Dynamical Systems. - Ashish Khisti, Gregory W. Wornell:
The MIMOME Channel. - Niranjay Ravindran, Nihar Jindal:
Multi-User Diversity vs. Accurate Channel Feedback for MIMO Broadcast Channels. - Andrea Conti, Dmitry Panchenko, Sergiy Sidenko, Velio Tralli:
Local Bounds based on Log-Concavity Property of the Error Probability in Wireless Communication Systems. - Lifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal, Hai Jiang, H. Vincent Poor:
Cognitive Medium Access: Exploration, Exploitation and Competition. - Sabu M. Thampi, Ashwin A. K:
Performance Comparison of Persistence Frameworks. - Petros Drineas, Michael W. Mahoney, S. Muthukrishnan, Tamás Sarlós:
Faster Least Squares Approximation. - Ryszard Gokieli, Krzysztof Nawrocki, Adam Padee, Dorota Stojda, Karol Wawrzyniak, Wojciech Wislicki:
Polish grid infrastructure for science and research. - Mark Burgin:
Superrecursive Features of Interactive Computation. - Dae San Kim:
Weight Distributions of Hamming Codes. - Dae San Kim:
Weight Distributions of Hamming Codes (II). - Stasinos Konstantopoulos:
What's in a Name? - Amey Karkare, Amitabha Sanyal, Uday P. Khedker:
Heap Reference Analysis for Functional Programs. - Denis Kutuzov:
The structure and modeling results of the parallel spatial switching system. - Patrik Floréen, Petteri Kaski, Topi Musto, Jukka Suomela:
Approximating max-min linear programs with local algorithms. - Jatin Thukral, Helmut Bölcskei:
Distributed spatial multiplexing with 1-bit feedback. - Sebastiano Vigna, Paolo Boldi:
Efficient Optimally Lazy Algorithms for Minimal-Interval Semantics. - Guangwen Li, Guangzeng Feng:
Fast Reliability-based Algorithm of Finding Minimum-weight Codewords for LDPC Codes. - Peng Wu, Nihar Jindal:
Analysis of Fixed Outage Transmission Schemes: A Finer Look at the Full Multiplexing Point. - Awlok Josan, Mingyan Liu, David L. Neuhoff, S. Sandeep Pradhan:
Throughput Scaling in Random Wireless Networks: A Non-Hierarchical Multipath Routing Strategy. - Prosenjit Bose, Vida Dujmovic, Ferran Hurtado, Stefan Langerman, Pat Morin, David R. Wood:
A polynomial bound for untangling geometric planar graphs. - Flore Barcellini, Françoise Détienne, Jean-Marie Burkhardt:
Cross-Participants : fostering design-use mediation in an Open Source Software community. - Marc Shapiro, Nuno M. Preguiça:
Designing a commutative replicated data type. - Frank Ruskey, Aaron Williams:
An explicit universal cycle for the (n-1)-permutations of an n-set. - Ning Chen, Zhiyuan Yan:
Reduced-Complexity Cyclotomic FFT and Its Application in Reed-Solomon Decoding. - Xiaogang Chen, Hongwen Yang, Jian Gu, Hongkui Yang:
Evaluate the Word Error Rate of Binary Block Codes with Square Radius Probability Density Function. - Frédérique E. Oggier, Babak Hassibi:
The Secrecy Capacity of the MIMO Wiretap Channel. - Mohsen Ravanbakhsh, Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori, Maghsoud Abbaspour, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad:
A Heuristic Routing Mechanism Using a New Addressing Scheme. - Lorenzo Cappellari:
Distributed Source Coding Using Continuous-Valued Syndromes. - Sebastiano Vigna:
Stanford Matrix Considered Harmful. - Yukitaka Ishimoto:
Solving Infinite Kolam in Knot Theory. - Yingbin Liang, Anelia Somekh-Baruch, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai, Sergio Verdú:
Cognitive Interference Channels with Confidential Messages. - Wu Jiang, Fei Ding, Qiao-Liang Xiang:
An Affinity Propagation Based method for Vector Quantization Codebook Design. - Oliver Schulte, Flavia Moser, Martin Ester, Zhiyong Lu:
Association Rules in the Relational Calculus. - Ashkan Aazami, Michael D. Stilp:
Approximation algorithms and hardness for domination with propagation. - Kamel Aouiche, Daniel Lemire, Robert Godin:
Collaborative OLAP with Tag Clouds: Web 2.0 OLAP Formalism and Experimental Evaluation. - Sabu M. Thampi, K. Chandra Sekaran:
A System for Predicting Subcellular Localization of Yeast Genome Using Neural Network. - Daniel Keysers:
Comparison and Combination of State-of-the-art Techniques for Handwritten Character Recognition: Topping the MNIST Benchmark. - Andreas Witzel:
Symmetric and Synchronous Communication in Peer-to-Peer Networks. - Catherine Recanati:
Success and failure of programming environments - report on the design and use of a graphic abstract syntax tree editor. - Walid Belkhir, Luigi Santocanale:
The Variable Hierarchy for the Games mu-Calculus. - Catherine Recanati, Nicoleta Rogovschi, Younès Bennani:
The structure of verbal sequences analyzed with unsupervised learning techniques. - Ichiro Hasuo, Bart Jacobs, Ana Sokolova:
Generic Trace Semantics via Coinduction. - Valerie King, Cynthia A. Phillips, Jared Saia, Maxwell Young:
Sleeping on the Job: Energy-Efficient Broadcast for Radio Networks. - Osvaldo Simeone, Oren Somekh, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai:
Capacity of Linear Two-hop Mesh Networks with Rate Splitting, Decode-and-forward Relaying and Cooperation. - Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Jian Pei, Yip Sing Ho, Tai Wong, Yubao Liu:
Efficient Skyline Querying with Variable User Preferences on Nominal Attributes. - Diederik Aerts, Marek Czachor, Bart De Moor:
Geometric Analogue of Holographic Reduced Representation. - Julien M. Hendrickx, Changbin Yu, Baris Fidan, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Rigidity and persistence for ensuring shape maintenance of multiagent meta formations (ext'd version). - James Ford:
Linguistic Information Energy. - Shih-Chun Lin, Mohammad Shahmohammadi, Hesham El Gamal:
Fingerprinting with Minimum Distance Decoding. - Rong Li, Zhisheng Duan, Guanrong Chen:
Cost and Effects of Pinning Control for Network Synchronization. - Dima Grigoriev:
Probabilistic communication complexity over the reals. - Chao Liu, Zhisheng Duan, Guanrong Chen, Lin Huang:
L2 norm performance index of synchronization and optimal control synthesis of complex networks. - Leonardo R. Emmendorfer, Aurora T. R. Pozo:
Effective linkage learning using low-order statistics and clustering. - Francis R. Bach:
Consistency of trace norm minimization. - Patrick Blackburn, Sébastien Hinderer:
Generating models for temporal representations. - Roland Ducournau, Etienne Gagnon, Chandra Krintz, Philippe Mulet, Jan Vitek, Olivier Zendra
Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems - Report on the Workshop ICOOOLPS'2006 at ECOOP'06. - Nir Ailon, Mehryar Mohri:
An efficient reduction of ranking to classification. - An-Ping Li:
A generic attack to ciphers. - Paul Bédaride:
Using Description Logics for Recognising Textual Entailment. - Louis Yu Lu:
Fast Intrinsic Mode Decomposition of Time Series Data with Sawtooth Transform. - George A. Maney:
Modeling Context, Collaboration, and Civilization in End-User Informatics. - Harki Tanaka, Neli Regina Siqueira Ortega, Mauricio Stanzione Galizia, Joao Batista Borges Sobrinho, Marcelo Britto Passos Amato:
Fuzzy Modeling of Electrical Impedance Tomography Image of the Lungs. - David Talbot, John M. Talbot:
Bloom maps. - Meixia Tao, Ying-Chang Liang, Fan Zhang:
Resource Allocation for Delay Differentiated Traffic in Multiuser OFDM Systems. - (Withdrawn) Effects of Non-Identical Rayleigh Fading on Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation.
- Tretjakova Tamara:
Nontraditional Scoring of C-tests. - Francis Klay, Judson Santiago, Laurent Vigneron:
Automatic Methods for Analyzing Non-Repudiation Protocols with an Active Intruder. - Paul C. Attie, Jad Saklawi:
Model and Program Repair via SAT Solvers. - Ivana Maric, Andrea J. Goldsmith, Gerhard Kramer, Shlomo Shamai:
On the Capacity of Interference Channels with One Cooperating Transmitter. - Shashi Kiran Chilappagari, Bane Vasic:
Error Correction Capability of Column-Weight-Three LDPC Codes. - Xiaolu Zhang, Meixia Tao, Chun Sum Ng:
Utility-Based Wireless Resource Allocation for Variable Rate Transmission. - G. Fraidy Bouesse, Marc Renaudin, Sophie Dumont, Fabien Germain:
DPA on quasi delay insensitive asynchronous circuits: formalization and improvement. - Victor Kromer:
Problems of Testology. - Stergos D. Afantenos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Panagiotis Stamatopoulos, Constantin Halatsis:
Using Synchronic and Diachronic Relations for Summarizing Multiple Documents Describing Evolving Events. - Jan Foniok:
P-matrix recognition is co-NP-complete. - Francesco Belletti, Maria Cotallo, Andres Cruz Flor, Luis Antonio Fernandez, Antonio Gordillo, Andrea Maiorano, Filippo Mantovani, Enzo Marinari, Victor Martin-Mayor, Antonio Munoz Sudupe, Denis Navarro, Sergio Perez Gaviro, Mauro Rossi, Juan Jesus Ruiz-Lorenzo, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Daniele Sciretti, Alfonso Tarancón, Raffaele Tripiccione, Jose Luis Velasco:
IANUS: an FPGA-based System for High Performance Scientific Computing. - Krzysztof R. Apt, Jonathan A. Zvesper:
Common Beliefs and Public Announcements in Strategic Games with Arbitrary Strategy Sets. - Arturo Berrones:
Stationary probability density of stochastic search processes in global optimization. - Edmund K. Burke, Jakub Marecek, Andrew J. Parkes, Hana Rudová:
On a Clique-Based Integer Programming Formulation of Vertex Colouring with Applications in Course Timetabling. - Withawat Withayachumnankul, Bernd M. Fischer, Samuel P. Mickan, Derek Abbott:
Numerical removal of water-vapor effects from THz-TDS measurements. - Florent Bouchez, Alain Darte, Fabrice Rastello:
On the Complexity of Spill Everywhere under SSA Form. - Sumit Kumar Jha:
Design of a Distributed Reachability Algorithm for Analysis of Linear Hybrid Automata. - Amir Salman Avestimehr, Suhas N. Diggavi, David N. C. Tse:
A Deterministic Approach to Wireless Relay Networks. - Sumanth Kumar Reddy Gangasani:
Testing D-Sequences for their Randomness. - Amir Salman Avestimehr, Suhas N. Diggavi, David N. C. Tse:
Wireless Network Information Flow. - Mohd Abubakr:
Frequency Analysis of Decoupling Capacitors for Three Voltage Supplies in SoC. - Raman Venkataramani, Mehmet Fatih Erden:
A Posteriori Equivalence: A New Perspective for Design of Optimal Channel Shortening Equalizers. - Thierry Mora, Lenka Zdeborová:
Random subcubes as a toy model for constraint satisfaction problems. - Dejan V. Djonin:
A Note on Comparison of Error Correction Codes. - Sylvie Delaët, Partha Sarathi Mandal, Mariusz A. Rokicki, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Deterministic Secure Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks. - Jarek Duda:
Optimal encoding on discrete lattice with translational invariant constrains using statistical algorithms. - Shlomo Shamai, Oren Somekh, Osvaldo Simeone, Amichai Sanderovich, Benjamin M. Zaidel, H. Vincent Poor:
Cooperative Multi-Cell Networks: Impact of Limited-Capacity Backhaul and Inter-Users Links. - Marc Tedder, Derek G. Corneil, Michel Habib, Christophe Paul:
Simple, linear-time modular decomposition. - Wojtek Bigos, Stéphane Gosselin, Bernard Cousin, Morgane Le Foll, Hisao Nakajima:
Optimized Design of Survivable MPLS over Optical Transport Networks. Optical Switching and Networking. - Hamza Drid, Bernard Cousin, Miklós Molnár:
Heuristic Solution to Protect Communications in WDM Networks using P-cycles. - Gyula Simon, Miklós Molnár, László Gönczy, Bernard Cousin:
Dependable k-coverage algorithms for sensor networks. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin:
On the Behavior of the Distributed Coordination Function of IEEE 802.11 with Multirate Capability under General Transmission Conditions. - Victor Korotkikh, Galina Korotkikh:
On a New Type of Information Processing for Efficient Management of Complex Systems. - Akshay Kashyap, Luis Alfonso Lastras-Montaño, Cathy H. Xia, Zhen Liu:
Distributed source coding in dense sensor networks. - William Yurcik, Clay Woolam, Greg Hellings, Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Toward Trusted Sharing of Network Packet Traces Using Anonymization: Single-Field Privacy/Analysis Tradeoffs. - Alfonso Martinez, Albert Guillen i Fabregas, Giuseppe Caire, Frans M. J. Willems:
Bit-interleaved coded modulation in the wideband regime. - Ioannis Kontoyiannis:
Some information-theoretic computations related to the distribution of prime numbers. - Tie Liu, Shlomo Shamai:
A Note on the Secrecy Capacity of the Multi-antenna Wiretap Channel. - Akisato Kimura, Kunio Kashino, Takayuki Kurozumi, Hiroshi Murase:
A quick search method for audio signals based on a piecewise linear representation of feature trajectories. - Roman Ilin, Robert Kozma, Paul J. Werbos:
Beyond Feedforward Models Trained by Backpropagation: a Practical Training Tool for a More Efficient Universal Approximator. - Akisato Kimura, Tomohiko Uyematsu, Shigeaki Kuzuoka:
Universal coding for correlated sources with complementary delivery. - Yoshiharu Maeno, Yukio Ohsawa:
Analyzing covert social network foundation behind terrorism disaster. - Peter Rost, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Analysis of a Mixed Strategy for Multiple Relay Networks. - Wojtek Bigos, Bernard Cousin, Stéphane Gosselin, Morgane Le Foll, Hisao Nakajima:
Survivable MPLS Over Optical Transport Networks: Cost and Resource Usage Analysis. - Martin E. Dyer, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum:
An approximation trichotomy for Boolean #CSP. - Evelyne Hubert:
Differential invariants of a Lie group action: syzygies on a generating set. - Richard P. Brent, Paul Zimmermann:
A Multi-level Blocking Distinct Degree Factorization Algorithm. - Michel Fliess, Cédric Join, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez:
Non-linear estimation is easy. - Colm Ó'Dúnlaing, Natalie Schluter:
Remarks on Jurdzinski and Lorys' proof that palindromes are not a Church-Rosser language. - Felipe Cucker, Teresa Krick, Gregorio Malajovich, Mario Wschebor:
A Numerical Algorithm for Zero Counting. I: Complexity and Accuracy. - Jacob Katz, Ziyad Hanna, Nachum Dershowitz:
Space-Efficient Bounded Model Checking. - Trent McConaghy, Tom Eeckelaert, Georges G. E. Gielen:
CAFFEINE: Template-Free Symbolic Model Generation of Analog Circuits via Canonical Form Functions and Genetic Programming. - Nikolaos Kavvadias, Spiridon Nikolaidis:
Hardware Support for Arbitrarily Complex Loop Structures in Embedded Applications. - Bharat B. Sukhwani, Uday Padmanabhan, Janet Meiling Wang:
Nano-Sim: A Step Wise Equivalent Conductance based Statistical Simulator for Nanotechnology Circuit Design. - Y. Satish Kumar, Jun Li, Claudio Talarico, Janet Meiling Wang:
A Probabilistic Collocation Method Based Statistical Gate Delay Model Considering Process Variations and Multiple Input Switching. - Tadashi Takeuchi:
OS Debugging Method Using a Lightweight Virtual Machine Monitor. - Stephen J. Mellor, John R. Wolfe, Campbell McCausland:
Why Systems-on-Chip Needs More UML like a Hole in the Head. - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
The Accidental Detection Index as a Fault Ordering Heuristic for Full-Scan Circuits. - Sankalp S. Kallakuri, Alex Doboli, Eugene A. Feinberg:
Buffer Insertion for Bridges and Optimal Buffer Sizing for Communication Sub-System of Systems-on-Chip. - Cristiano Forzan, Davide Pandini:
Modeling the Non-Linear Behavior of Library Cells for an Accurate Static Noise Analysis. - Ilya Issenin, Nikil D. Dutt:
FORAY-GEN: Automatic Generation of Affine Functions for Memory Optimizations. - Tim Schattkowsky:
UML 2.0 - Overview and Perspectives in SoC Design. - Shahin Nazarian, Massoud Pedram, Emre Tuncer, Tao Lin, Amir H. Ajami:
Modeling and Propagation of Noisy Waveforms in Static Timing Analysis. - Mehrdad Reshadi, Nikil D. Dutt:
Generic Pipelined Processor Modeling and High Performance Cycle-Accurate Simulator Generation. - Jürgen Schnerr, Oliver Bringmann, Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
Cycle Accurate Binary Translation for Simulation Acceleration in Rapid Prototyping of SoCs. - B. Cheon, E. Lee, Laung-Terng Wang, Xiaoqing Wen, Po-Ching Hsu, Jin Woo Cho, J. Park, Hao-Jan Chao, Shianling Wu:
At-Speed Logic BIST for IP Cores. - Oreste Villa, Patrick Schaumont, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Matteo Monchiero, Gianluca Palermo:
Fast Dynamic Memory Integration in Co-Simulation Frameworks for Multiprocessor System on-Chip. - Praveen Ghanta, Sarma B. K. Vrudhula, Rajendran Panda, Janet Meiling Wang:
Stochastic Power Grid Analysis Considering Process Variations. - Mahmut T. Kandemir, Guilin Chen:
Locality-Aware Process Scheduling for Embedded MPSoCs. - Shervin Sharifi, Javid Jaffari, Mohammad Hosseinabady, Ali Afzali-Kusha, Zainalabedin Navabi:
Simultaneous Reduction of Dynamic and Static Power in Scan Structures. - Peng Li, Frank Liu, Xin Li, Lawrence T. Pileggi
, Sani R. Nassif:
Modeling Interconnect Variability Using Efficient Parametric Model Order Reduction. - Baosheng Wang, Yuejian Wu, André Ivanov:
A Fast Diagnosis Scheme for Distributed Small Embedded SRAMs. - Minas Dasygenis, Erik Brockmeyer, Bart Durinck, Francky Catthoor, Dimitrios Soudris, Antonios Thanailakis:
A Memory Hierarchical Layer Assigning and Prefetching Technique to Overcome the Memory Performance/Energy Bottleneck. - Ghenadie Bodean, Diana Bodean, A. Labunetz:
New Schemes for Self-Testing RAM. - Anca Mariana Molnos, Marc J. M. Heijligers, Sorin Dan Cotofana, Jos T. J. van Eijndhoven:
Compositional Memory Systems for Multimedia Communicating Tasks. - Pierre Bomel, Eric Martin, Emmanuel Boutillon:
Synchronization Processor Synthesis for Latency Insensitive Systems. - Wei-Lun Hung, Yuan Xie, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Mary Jane Irwin:
Thermal-Aware Task Allocation and Scheduling for Embedded Systems. - Charles C. Chiang, Andrew B. Kahng, Subarna Sinha, Xu Xu, Alexander Zelikovsky:
Bright-Field AAPSM Conflict Detection and Correction. - Animesh Datta, Swarup Bhunia, Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Nilanjan Banerjee, Kaushik Roy:
Statistical Modeling of Pipeline Delay and Design of Pipeline under Process Variation to Enhance Yield in sub-100nm Technologies. - Nicolò Manaresi, Gianni Medoro, Melanie Abonnenc, Vincent Auger, Paul Vulto, Aldo Romani, Luigi Altomare, Marco Tartagni, Roberto Guerrieri:
New Perspectives and Opportunities From the Wild West of Microelectronic Biochips. - Malay K. Ganai, Aarti Gupta, Pranav Ashar:
Verification of Embedded Memory Systems using Efficient Memory Modeling. - Chien-Liang Chen, Jiing-Yuan Lin, Youn-Long Lin:
Integration, Verification and Layout of a Complex Multimedia SOC. - Cheng-Wen Wu:
SOC Testing Methodology and Practice. - Ilia Polian, Alejandro Czutro, Bernd Becker:
Evolutionary Optimization in Code-Based Test Compression. - Srinivasan Murali, Giovanni De Micheli:
An Application-Specific Design Methodology for STbus Crossbar Generation. - Fei Su, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Vamsee K. Pamula:
Yield Enhancement of Digital Microfluidics-Based Biochips Using Space Redundancy and Local Reconfiguration. - Fei Su, Krishnendu Chakrabarty:
Design of Fault-Tolerant and Dynamically-Reconfigurable Microfluidic Biochips. - Roland Thewes, Christian Paulus, Meinrad Schienle, Franz Hofmann, Alexander Frey, Ralf Brederlow, Marcin K. Augustyniak, Martin Jenkner, Björn Eversmann, Petra Schindler-Bauer, Melanie Atzesberger, Birgit Holzapfl, Gottfried Beer, Thomas Haneder, Hans-Christian Hanke:
CMOS-Based Biosensor Arrays. - Himanshu Kaul, Dennis Sylvester, David T. Blaauw, Trevor N. Mudge, Todd M. Austin:
DVS for On-Chip Bus Designs Based on Timing Error Correction. - Diana Marculescu:
Energy Bounds for Fault-Tolerant Nanoscale Designs. - Wolf-Dietrich Weber, Joe Chou, Ian Swarbrick, Drew Wingard:
A Quality-of-Service Mechanism for Interconnection Networks in System-on-Chips. - Ian Oliver:
Applying UML and MDA to Real Systems Design. - Stephen A. Edwards:
The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-Like Languages. - Suleyman Tosun, Nazanin Mansouri, Ercument Arvas, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Yuan Xie:
Reliability-Centric High-Level Synthesis. - Cristiana Bolchini, Fabio Salice, Donatella Sciuto, Luigi Pomante:
Reliable System Specification for Self-Checking Data-Paths. - Anuja Sehgal, Fang Liu, Sule Ozev, Krishnendu Chakrabarty:
Test Planning for Mixed-Signal SOCs with Wrapped Analog Cores. - Sandeep Kumar Goel, Erik Jan Marinissen:
On-Chip Test Infrastructure Design for Optimal Multi-Site Testing of System Chips. - Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt, Luca Sterpone, Luigi Carro, Matteo Sonza Reorda:
On the Optimal Design of Triple Modular Redundancy Logic for SRAM-based FPGAs. - K. C. Shashidhar, Maurice Bruynooghe, Francky Catthoor, Gerda Janssens:
Functional Equivalence Checking for Verification of Algebraic Transformations on Array-Intensive Source Code. - Xun Liu, Yuantao Peng, Marios C. Papaefthymiou:
RIP: An Efficient Hybrid Repeater Insertion Scheme for Low Power. - Zhuo Li, Weiping Shi:
An O(bn^2) Time Algorithm for Optimal Buffer Insertion with b Buffer Types. - Kay-Uwe Kirstein, Yue Li, Martin Zimmermann, Cyril Vancura, Tormod Volden, Wan Ho Song, Jan Lichtenberg, Andreas Hierlemann:
Cantilever-Based Biosensors in CMOS Technology. - Ananta K. Majhi, Mohamed Azimane, Guido Gronthoud, Maurice Lousberg, Stefan Eichenberger, Fred Bowen:
Memory Testing Under Different Stress Conditions: An Industrial Evaluation. - Guowu Yang, William N. N. Hung, Xiaoyu Song, Marek A. Perkowski:
Exact Synthesis of 3-Qubit Quantum Circuits from Non-Binary Quantum Gates Using Multiple-Valued Logic and Group Theory. - Alan Mishchenko, Robert K. Brayton:
SAT-Based Complete Don't-Care Computation for Network Optimization. - Aseem Agarwal, Kaviraj Chopra, David T. Blaauw:
Statistical Timing Based Optimization using Gate Sizing. - Ambar A. Gadkari, S. Ramesh:
Automated Synthesis of Assertion Monitors using Visual Specifications. - Greg Stitt, Frank Vahid:
A Decompilation Approach to Partitioning Software for Microprocessor/FPGA Platforms. - Jae-Gon Lee, Moo-Kyoung Chung, Ki-Yong Ahn, Sang-Heon Lee, Chong-Min Kyung:
A Prediction Packetizing Scheme for Reducing Channel Traffic in Transaction-Level Hardware/Software Co-Emulation. - Nastaran Baradaran, Pedro C. Diniz:
A Register Allocation Algorithm in the Presence of Scalar Replacement for Fine-Grain Configurable Architectures. - Tohru Ishihara, Farzan Fallah:
A Way Memoization Technique for Reducing Power Consumption of Caches in Application Specific Integrated Processors. - Yoonjin Kim, Mary Kiemb, Chulsoo Park, Jinyong Jung, Kiyoung Choi:
Resource Sharing and Pipelining in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Domain-Specific Optimization. - Roman L. Lysecky, Frank Vahid:
A Study of the Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning. - Rui Rodrigues, João M. P. Cardoso:
An Infrastructure to Functionally Test Designs Generated by Compilers Targeting FPGAs. - Ümit Y. Ogras, Radu Marculescu:
Energy- and Performance-Driven NoC Communication Architecture Synthesis Using a Decomposition Approach. - Georges G. E. Gielen, Wim Dehaene, Phillip Christie, Dieter Draxelmayr, Edmond Janssens, Karen Maex, Ted Vucurevich:
Analog and Digital Circuit Design in 65 nm CMOS: End of the Road? - Ali Iranli, Hanif Fatemi, Massoud Pedram:
HEBS: Histogram Equalization for Backlight Scaling. - N. Huot, H. Dubreuil, Laurent Fesquet, Marc Renaudin:
FPGA Architecture for Multi-Style Asynchronous Logic. - Ghazanfar Asadi, Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori:
An Accurate SER Estimation Method Based on Propagation Probability. - Osama Neiroukh, Xiaoyu Song:
Improving the Process-Variation Tolerance of Digital Circuits Using Gate Sizing and Statistical Techniques. - Jia Yu, Wei Wu, Xi Chen, Harry Hsieh, Jun Yang, Felice Balarin:
Assertion-Based Design Exploration of DVS in Network Processor Architectures. - Jonathan R. Carter, Sule Ozev, Daniel J. Sorin:
Circuit-Level Modeling for Concurrent Testing of Operational Defects due to Gate Oxide Breakdown. - Zhi Guo, Betul Buyukkurt, Walid A. Najjar, Kees A. Vissers:
Optimized Generation of Data-Path from C Codes for FPGAs. - Raoul F. Badaoui, Ranga Vemuri:
Multi-Placement Structures for Fast and Optimized Placement in Analog Circuit Synthesis. - Marcelo Negreiros, Luigi Carro, Altamiro Amadeu Susin:
Noise Figure Evaluation Using Low Cost BIST. - Sounil Biswas, Peng Li, R. D. (Shawn) Blanton, Larry T. Pileggi
Specification Test Compaction for Analog Circuits and MEMS. - Yuvraj Singh Dhillon, Abdulkadir Utku Diril, Abhijit Chatterjee:
Soft-Error Tolerance Analysis and Optimization of Nanometer Circuits. - Pekka Syri, Juha Häkkinen, Markku Moilanen:
IEEE 1149.4 Compatible ABMs for Basic RF Measurements. - Yu-Tsun Chien, Dong Chen, Jea-Hong Lou, Gin-Kou Ma, Rob A. Rutenbar, Tamal Mukherjee
Designer-Driven Topology Optimization for Pipelined Analog to Digital Converters. - Charlotte Soens, Geert Van der Plas, Piet Wambacq, Stéphane Donnay:
Simulation Methodology for Analysis of Substrate Noise Impact on Analog / RF Circuits Including Interconnect Resistance. - Ludovic Barrandon, Samuel Crand, Dominique Houzet:
Systematic Figure of Merit Computation for the Design of Pipeline ADC. - Carlos Eduardo Savioli, Claudio C. Czendrodi, José Vicente Calvano, Antonio Carneiro de Mesquita Filho:
Fault-Trajectory Approach for Fault Diagnosis on Analog Circuits. - Paul Muller, Armin Tajalli, Seyed Mojtaba Atarodi, Yusuf Leblebici:
Top-Down Design of a Low-Power Multi-Channel 2.5-Gbit/s/Channel Gated Oscillator Clock-Recovery Circuit. - Jung-Chun Kao, Radu Marculescu:
Energy-Aware Routing for E-Textile Applications. - Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Swarup Bhunia, Kaushik Roy:
Modeling and Analysis of Loading Effect in Leakage of Nano-Scaled Bulk-CMOS Logic Circuits. - Yuh-Fang Tsai, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Yuan Xie, Mary Jane Irwin:
Leakage-Aware Interconnect for On-Chip Network. - Bruno Bougard, Francky Catthoor, Denis C. Daly, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Wim Dehaene:
Energy Efficiency of the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard in Dense Wireless Microsensor Networks: Modeling and Improvement Perspectives. - Sebastià A. Bota, M. Rosales, José Luis Rosselló, Jaume Segura:
Smart Temperature Sensor for Thermal Testing of Cell-Based ICs. - Eric Liau, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel:
Computational Intelligence Characterization Method of Semiconductor Device. - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Worst-Case and Average-Case Analysis of n-Detection Test Sets. - Laurent Lopez, Jean-Michel Portal, Didier Née:
A New Embedded Measurement Structure for eDRAM Capacitor. - Karsten Albers, Frank Slomka:
Efficient Feasibility Analysis for Real-Time Systems with EDF Scheduling. - César A. M. Marcon, Ney Laert Vilar Calazans, Fernando Gehm Moraes, Altamiro Amadeu Susin, Igor M. Reis, Fabiano Hessel:
Exploring NoC Mapping Strategies: An Energy and Timing Aware Technique. - Min Li, Xiaobo Wu, Richard Yao, Xiaolang Yan:
Q-DPM: An Efficient Model-Free Dynamic Power Management Technique. - Horst Brinkmeyer:
A New Approach to Component Testing. - Joel Coburn, Srivaths Ravi, Anand Raghunathan:
Hardware Accelerated Power Estimation. - Alan Mishchenko, Robert K. Brayton, Jie-Hong Roland Jiang, Tiziano Villa, Nina Yevtushenko:
Efficient Solution of Language Equations Using Partitioned Representations. - Joachim Langenwalter:
Embedded Automotive System Development Process. - M. Abdelsalam Hassan, Keishi Sakanushi, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai:
RTK-Spec TRON: A Simulation Model of an ITRON Based RTOS Kernel in SystemC. - Jin-Fu Li, Tsu-Wei Tseng, Chin-Long Wey:
An Efficient Transparent Test Scheme for Embedded Word-Oriented Memories. - Wolfgang Klingauf:
Systematic Transaction Level Modeling of Embedded Systems with SystemC. - Luca Schiano, Marco Ottavi, Fabrizio Lombardi, Salvatore Pontarelli, Adelio Salsano:
On the Analysis of Reed Solomon Coding for Resilience to Transient/Permanent Faults in Highly Reliable Memories. - Lars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel:
Influence of Memory Hierarchies on Predictability for Time Constrained Embedded Software. - Jawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri:
An Iterative Algorithm for Battery-Aware Task Scheduling on Portable Computing Platforms. - Reinhold Heckmann, Christian Ferdinand:
Verifying Safety-Critical Timing and Memory-Usage Properties of Embedded Software by Abstract Interpretation. - Philippe Martin:
Design of a Virtual Component Neutral Network-on-Chip Transaction Layer. - Fernando Rincón, Francisco Moya, Jesús Barba, Juan Carlos López:
Model Reuse through Hardware Design Patterns. - Kris Tiri, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Design Method for Constant Power Consumption of Differential Logic Circuits. - Celia López-Ongil, Mario García-Valderas, Marta Portela-García, Luis Entrena-Arrontes:
Techniques for Fast Transient Fault Grading Based on Autonomous Emulation. - Lap-Fai Leung, Chi-Ying Tsui, Xiaobo Sharon Hu:
Exploiting Dynamic Workload Variation in Low Energy Preemptive Task Scheduling. - José Luis Rosselló, Vicent Canals, Sebastià A. Bota, Ali Keshavarzi, Jaume Segura:
A Fast Concurrent Power-Thermal Model for Sub-100nm Digital ICs. - Alexandre Verle, Xavier Michel, Nadine Azémard, Philippe Maurine, Daniel Auvergne:
Low Power Oriented CMOS Circuit Optimization Protocol. - David C. Keezer, Carl Gray, Ashraf M. Majid, Nafeez Taher:
Low-Cost Multi-Gigahertz Test Systems Using CMOS FPGAs and PECL. - Takeshi Kitahara, Naoyuki Kawabe, Fumihiro Minami, Katsuhiro Seta, Toshiyuki Furusawa:
Area-Efficient Selective Multi-Threshold CMOS Design Methodology for Standby Leakage Power Reduction. - Matthias Beck, Olivier Barondeau, Martin Kaibel, Frank Poehl, Xijiang Lin, Ron Press:
Logic Design for On-Chip Test Clock Generation - Implementation Details and Impact on Delay Test Quality. - Greg M. Link, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan:
Hotspot Prevention Through Runtime Reconfiguration in Network-On-Chip. - Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Francisco J. Enciso-Baños:
Querying XML Documents in Logic Programming. - He Hai, Zhong Yi-fang, Cai Chi-lan:
Unified Modeling of Complex Real-Time Control Systems. - Robert Bai, Nam Sung Kim, Taeho Kgil, Dennis Sylvester, Trevor N. Mudge:
Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Nanometer-Scale Multi-Level Caches Considering Total Leakage. - Alexandre M. Amory, Marcelo Lubaszewski, Fernando Gehm Moraes, Edson I. Moreno:
Test Time Reduction Reusing Multiple Processors in a Network-on-Chip Based Architecture. - Javier Resano, Daniel Mozos, Francky Catthoor:
A Hybrid Prefetch Scheduling Heuristic to Minimize at Run-Time the Reconfiguration Overhead of Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware. - Paul M. Rosinger, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, Krishnendu Chakrabarty:
Rapid Generation of Thermal-Safe Test Schedules. - Ryan Mannion, Harry Hsieh, Susan Cotterell, Frank Vahid:
System Synthesis for Networks of Programmable Blocks. - Ozcan Ozturk, Hendra Saputra, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Ibrahim Kolcu:
Access Pattern-Based Code Compression for Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems. - Hala A. Farouk, Magdy Saeb:
An Improved FPGA Implementation of the Modified Hybrid Hiding Encryption Algorithm (MHHEA) for Data Communication Security. - Rafael Ruiz-Sautua, María C. Molina, José M. Mendías, Román Hermida:
Behavioural Transformation to Improve Circuit Performance in High-Level Synthesis. - Mathieu Scholivé, Vincent Beroulle, Chantal Robach, Marie-Lise Flottes, Bruno Rouzeyre:
Mutation Sampling Technique for the Generation of Structural Test Data. - Reouven Elbaz, Lionel Torres, Gilles Sassatelli, Pierre Guillemin, C. Anguille, Michel Bardouillet, Christian Buatois, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud:
Hardware Engines for Bus Encryption: A Survey of Existing Techniques. - Hannu Heusala, Jussi Liedes:
Modeling of a Reconfigurable OFDM IP Block Family For an RF System Simulator. - Kris Tiri, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
A VLSI Design Flow for Secure Side-Channel Attack Resistant ICs. - G. Chen, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Mustafa Karaköy:
A Constraint Network Based Approach to Memory Layout Optimization. - Young-Taek Kim, Taehun Kim, Youngduk Kim, Chulho Shin, Eui-Young Chung, Kyu-Myung Choi, Jeong-Taek Kong, Soo-Kwan Eo:
Fast and Accurate Transaction Level Modeling of an Extended AMBA2.0 Bus Architecture. - Andrés Takach, Bryan Bowyer, Thomas Bollaert:
C Based Hardware Design for Wireless Applications. - Zoya Dyka, Peter Langendörfer:
Area Efficient Hardware Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Iteratively Applying Karatsuba's Method. - Massimo Conti, Daniele Moretti:
System Level Analysis of the Bluetooth Standard. - Sandro V. Silva, Sergio Bampi:
Area and Throughput Trade-Offs in the Design of Pipelined Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures. - Ioannis Papaefstathiou, Theofanis Orphanoudakis, George Kornaros, Christopher Kachris, Ioannis Mavroidis, Aristides Nikologiannis:
Queue Management in Network Processors. - Andrew Duller, Daniel Towner, Gajinder Panesar, Alan Gray, Will Robbins:
picoArray Technology: The Tool's Story. - Raúl Blázquez, Fred S. Lee, David D. Wentzloff, Brian P. Ginsburg, Johnna Powell, Anantha P. Chandrakasan:
Direct Conversion Pulsed UWB Transceiver Architecture. - Tajana Simunic:
Power Saving Techniques for Wireless LANs. - Daniel Thull, Roberto Sannino:
Performance Considerations for an Embedded Implementation of OMA DRM 2. - Keith Holt:
Wireless LAN: Past, Present, and Future. - Sebastián López, Gustavo M. Callicó, José Francisco López, Roberto Sarmiento:
A High Quality/Low Computational Cost Technique for Block Matching Motion Estimation. - Partha Biswas, Sudarshan Banerjee, Nikil D. Dutt, Laura Pozzi, Paolo Ienne:
ISEGEN: Generation of High-Quality Instruction Set Extensions by Iterative Improvement. - Wayne H. Wolf:
Multimedia Applications of Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips. - Walter Stechele, L. Alvado Cárcel, Stephan Herrmann, J. Lidón Simón:
A Coprocessor for Accelerating Visual Information Processing. - Ramachandran Pradeep, S. Vinay, Sanjay Burman, V. Kamakoti:
FPGA based Agile Algorithm-On-Demand Co-Processor. - Wayne Lyons:
Meeting the Embedded Design Needs of Automotive Applications. - Carl Jeffrey, Reuben Cutajar, Stephen Prosser, M. Lickess, Andrew Richardson, Stephen Riches:
The Integration of On-Line Monitoring and Reconfiguration Functions using EDAA - European design and Automation Association1149.4 Into a Safety Critical Automotive Electronic Control Unit. - Albrecht Mayer, Harry Siebert, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier:
Debug Support, Calibration and Emulation for Multiple Processor and Powertrain Control SoCs. - Abbas Cheraghi, Hossein Hajiabolhassan:
Lower Bound for Visual Cryptography Schemes. - Dirk Ziegenbein, Peter Braun, Ulrich Freund, Andreas Bauer, Jan Romberg, Bernhard Schätz:
AutoMoDe - Model-Based Development of Automotive Software. - Pavel Horsky:
LC Oscillator Driver for Safety Critical Applications. - Massimo Conti:
SystemC Analysis of a New Dynamic Power Management Architecture. - Steve Chappell, Alistair Macarthur, Dan Preston, Dave Olmstead, Bob Flint, Chris Sullivan:
Exploiting Real-Time FPGA Based Adaptive Systems Technology for Real-Time Sensor Fusion in Next Generation Automotive Safety Systems. - Luca Fanucci, A. Giambastiani, Francesco Iozzi, Corrado Marino, Alessandro Rocchi:
Platform Based Design for Automotive Sensor Conditioning. - Kay-Uwe Kirstein, Jan Sedivý, Tomi Salo, Christoph Hagleitner, Tobias Vancura, Andreas Hierlemann:
A CMOS-Based Tactile Sensor for Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring. - Momchil Milev, Rod Burt:
A Tool and Methodology for AC-Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Closed-Loop Systems. - Christoph Sandner, Martin Clara, Andreas Santner, Thomas Hartig, Franz Kuttner:
A 6bit, 1.2GSps Low-Power Flash-ADC in 0.13µm Digital CMOS. - Terje N. Andersen, Atle Briskemyr, Frode Telstø, Johnny Bjørnsen, Thomas E. Bonnerud, Bjørnar Hernes, Øystein Moldsvor:
A 97mW 110MS/s 12b Pipeline ADC Implemented in 0.18µm Digital CMOS. - Paolo Bernardi, Guido Masera, Federico Quaglio, Matteo Sonza Reorda:
Testing Logic Cores using a BIST P1500 Compliant Approach: A Case of Study. - Dan Hillman:
Using Mobilize Power Management IP for Dynamic & Static Power Reduction in SoC at 130 nm. - Aline Mello, Leandro Möller, Ney Calazans, Fernando Moraes:
MultiNoC: A Multiprocessing System Enabled by a Network on Chip. - Michalis D. Galanis, Athanasios Milidonis, George Theodoridis, Dimitrios Soudris, Constantinos E. Goutis:
A Partitioning Methodology for Accelerating Applications in Hybrid Reconfigurable Platforms. - Tero Rissa, Adam Donlin, Wayne Luk:
Evaluation of SystemC Modelling of Reconfigurable Embedded Systems. - Michele Borgatti, Andrea Capello, Umberto Rossi, Jean-Luc Lambert, Imed Moussa, Franco Fummi, Graziano Pravadelli:
An Integrated Design and Verification Methodology for Reconfigurable Multimedia Systems. - Yasushi Umezawa, Takeshi Shimizu:
A Formal Verification Methodology for Checking Data Integrity. - Michael Ullmann, Wansheng Jin, Jürgen Becker:
Hardware Support for QoS-based Function Allocation in Reconfigurable Systems. - Giuseppe Falconeri, Walid Naifer, Nizar Romdhane:
Common Reusable Verification Environment for BCA and RTL Models. - John S. MacBeth, Dietmar Heinz, Ken Gray:
An Assembler Driven Verification Methodology (ADVM). - Parvathinathan Venkitasubramaniam, Ting He, Lang Tong:
Anonymous Networking amidst Eavesdroppers. - Oliver Kosut, Lang Tong:
Distributed Source Coding in the Presence of Byzantine Sensors. - Cosma Rohilla Shalizi:
Social Media as Windows on the Social Life of the Mind. - Yoshiharu Maeno, Yukio Ohsawa:
Node discovery problem for a social network. - Akisato Kimura, Tomohiko Uyematsu, Shigeaki Kuzuoka, Shun Watanabe:
Universal source coding over generalized complementary delivery networks. - Willemien Visser:
L'analyse de l'expertise du point de vue de l'ergonomie cognitive. - Boris Skoric:
The entropy of keys derived from laser speckle. - Paul Gardner-Stephen:
CANE: The Content Addressed Network Environment. - Massimiliano Zanin:
WWW Spiders: an introduction. - Matti Kääriäinen, Niels Landwehr, Sampsa Lappalainen, Taneli Mielikäinen:
Combining haplotypers. - Manfred Kufleitner:
A Proof of the Factorization Forest Theorem. - Masoud Ebrahimi, Amir K. Khandani:
Rate-Constrained Wireless Networks with Fading Channels: Interference-Limited and Noise-Limited Regimes. - Guangwen Li, Guangzeng Feng:
Reliability-based syndrome decoding of LDPC codes. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin:
Unsaturated Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin:
Saturation Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin:
On The Linear Behaviour of the Throughput of IEEE 802.11 DCF in Non-Saturated Conditions. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin:
Connection Between System Parameters and Localization Probability in Network of Randomly Distributed Nodes. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin:
A Model of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects. - Paul Gardner-Stephen:
Escalating The War On SPAM Through Practical POW Exchange. - Haibin Wang, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Florentin Smarandache
, André Rogatko:
Neutrosophic Relational Data Model. - Toshiya Itoh, Osamu Watanabe:
Weighted Random Popular Matchings. - Salah A. Aly, Vishal Kapoor, Jie Meng, Andreas Klappenecker:
Bounds on the Network Coding Capacity for Wireless Random Networks. - Cristian Ruz, Françoise Baude, Virginie Legrand Contes:
Towards Grid Monitoring and deployment in Jade, using ProActive. - Shraga I. Bross, Amos Lapidoth, Stephan Tinguely:
Broadcasting Correlated Gaussians. - Stergos D. Afantenos:
Some Reflections on the Task of Content Determination in the Context of Multi-Document Summarization of Evolving Events. - Lukasz Chmielewski, Jaap-Henk Hoepman:
Fuzzy Private Matching (Extended Abstract). - Uli Sorger:
Discriminated Belief Propagation. - Ulrich Horst, Santiago Moreno-Bromberg:
Risk Minimization and Optimal Derivative Design in a Principal Agent Game. - M. Miron Bernal, Hugo Cesar Coyote Estrada, Jesús Figueroa-Nazuno:
Code Similarity on High Level Programs. - Constantinos Daskalakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Computing Equilibria in Anonymous Games. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin:
LDPC-Based Iterative Algorithm for Compression of Correlated Sources at Rates Approaching the Slepian-Wolf Bound. - Stefan Wöhrle, Wolfgang Thomas:
Model Checking Synchronized Products of Infinite Transition Systems. - Yannick Chevalier, Mounira Kourjieh:
Key Substitution in the Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols (extended version). - Kristina Lerman:
Social Browsing & Information Filtering in Social Media. - Behrouz Khoshnevis, Wei Yu, Raviraj Adve:
Grassmannian Beamforming for MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relaying. - Thomas Voice, Gaurav Raina:
Stability analysis of a max-min fair Rate Control Protocol (RCP) in a small buffer regime. - Paul Hurley, Ted Hurley:
Codes from Zero-divisors and Units in Group Rings. - Francçois Gobert, Baudouin Le Charlier:
Source-to-source optimizing transformations of Prolog programs based on abstract interpretation. - Vladimir Gudkov, V. Montealegre:
Community Detection in Complex Networks by Dynamical Simplex Evolution. - Xianhua Dai, V. P. Belavkin:
A Game Theoretic Approach to Quantum Information. - Thomas Sierocinski, Antony Le Béchec, Nathalie Théret, Dimitri Petritis:
Semantic distillation: a method for clustering objects by their contextual specificity. - Vladimir Anashin:
Non-Archimedean Ergodic Theory and Pseudorandom Generators. - Christian Léonard:
Minimization of entropy functionals. - Damián H. Zanette:
Demographic growth and the distribution of language sizes. - E. Novais, Eduardo R. Mucciolo, Harold U. Baranger:
Hamiltonian Formulation of Quantum Error Correction and Correlated Noise. - Mireille Boutin, Gregor Kemper:
Lossless Representation of Graphs using Distributions. - Alexander I. Aptekarev, Jesús Sánchez-Dehesa, Andrei Martínez-Finkelshtein, R. J. Yáñez:
Discrete entropies of orthogonal polynomials. - Yi-Cheng Zhang, Matús Medo, Jie Ren, Tao Zhou, Tao Li, Fan Yang:
Recommendation model based on opinion diffusion. - Lars Eirik Danielsen, Matthew Geoffrey Parker:
Edge Local Complementation and Equivalence of Binary Linear Codes. - Serge Burckel:
Complexity of some Path Problems in DAGs and Linear Orders. - Igor Bjelakovic, Holger Boche:
Classical Capacities of Averaged and Compound Quantum Channels. - Yun Gao, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Elie Bienenstock:
From the entropy to the statistical structure of spike trains. - Naoto Morikawa:
Discrete differential geometry of tetrahedrons and encoding of local protein structure. - Savas Dayanik, Christian Goulding, H. Vincent Poor:
Bayesian sequential change diagnosis. - Sudhir R. Ghorpade, Arunkumar R. Patil, Harish K. Pillai:
Decomposable Subspaces, Linear Sections of Grassmann Varieties, and Higher Weights of Grassmann Codes. - Hasan Metin Aktulga, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Leszek Alex Lyznik, Lukasz Szpankowski, Ananth Grama, Wojciech Szpankowski:
Identifying statistical dependence in genomic sequences via mutual information estimates. - Paolo Rocchi, Orlando Panella:
Acquisition of Information is Achieved by the Measurement Process in Classical and Quantum Physics. - Shujun Li, Gonzalo Álvarez, Zhong Li, Wolfgang A. Halang:
Analog Chaos-based Secure Communications and Cryptanalysis: A Brief Survey. - David Arroyo, Chengqing Li, Shujun Li, Gonzalo Álvarez, Wolfgang A. Halang:
Cryptanalysis of an image encryption scheme based on a new total shuffling algorithm. - David Arroyo, Chengqing Li, Shujun Li, Gonzalo Álvarez:
Cryptanalysis of a computer cryptography scheme based on a filter bank. - Thomas Schürmann, Peter Grassberger:
The predictability of letters in written english. - Alexandre Blondin Massé, Srecko Brlek, Amy Glen, Sébastien Labbé:
On the critical exponent of generalized Thue-Morse words. - A. K. Kwasniewski:
On compositions of numbers and graphs. - Saikat Guha, Baris I. Erkmen, Jeffrey H. Shapiro:
The Entropy Photon-Number Inequality and its Consequences. - M. Ángeles Serrano, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Marián Boguñá:
Self-similarity of complex networks and hidden metric spaces. - Gusztáv Morvai, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Andrew B. Nobel:
Regression estimation from an individual stable sequence. - Andrew B. Nobel, Gusztáv Morvai, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni:
Density estimation from an individual numerical sequence. - Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss:
Inferring the conditional mean. - Gusztáv Morvai:
Guessing the output of a stationary binary time series. - Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss:
Limitations on intermittent forecasting. - Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss:
On classifying processes. - Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss:
Forecasting for stationary binary time series. - Sonny Ben-Shimon, Michael Krivelevich:
Vertex Percolation on Expander Graphs. - Sonny Ben-Shimon, Dan Vilenchik:
Message passing for the coloring problem: Gallager meets Alon and Kahale. - Julien Dumont, Walid Hachem, Samson Lasaulce, Philippe Loubaton, Jamal Najim
On the capacity achieving covariance matrix for Rician MIMO channels: an asymptotic approach. - Elchanan Mossel, Sébastien Roch:
Incomplete Lineage Sorting: Consistent Phylogeny Estimation From Multiple Loci. - Christian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Constantinos Daskalakis, Sebastien Roch:
First to Market is not Everything: an Analysis of Preferential Attachment with Fitness.

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