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CoRR, February 2008
- Amihood Amir, Klim Efremenko, Oren Kapah, Ely Porat, Amir Rothschild:
Improved Deterministic Length Reduction. - Sylvain Guillemot, François Nicolas:
Solving the Maximum Agreement SubTree and the Maximum Compatible Tree problems on many bounded degree trees. - Terence Chan, Alex J. Grant:
Mission impossible: Computing the network coding capacity region. - Lutz Schröder, Dirk Pattinson:
The craft of model making: PSPACE bounds for non-iterative modal logics. - Pierre Sutra
, Marc Shapiro:
Fault-Tolerant Partial Replication in Large-Scale Database Systems. - Salim Y. El Rouayheb, Alexander Sprintson, Costas N. Georghiades:
On the Relation Between the Index Coding and the Network Coding Problems. - Jérôme Feret:
Partitioning the Threads of a Mobile System. - Miriam C. B. Alves, Christine C. Dantas, Nanci Naomi Arai, Rovedy B. da Silva:
A topological formal treatment for scenario-based software specification of concurrent real-time systems. - Fabrice Rossi, Brieuc Conan-Guez:
Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Symbolic Data. - Brieuc Conan-Guez, Fabrice Rossi:
Accélération des cartes auto-organisatrices sur tableau de dissimilarités par séparation et évaluation. - L. Jeganathan, Raghavan Rama, Ritabrata Sengupta
A proposal to a generalised splicing with a self assembly approach. - Catherine Krier, Fabrice Rossi, Damien François, Michel Verleysen:
A data-driven functional projection approach for the selection of feature ranges in spectra with ICA or cluster analysis. - (Withdrawn) On the complexity of finding gapped motifs.
- Bobak Nazer, Michael Gastpar:
The Case for Structured Random Codes in Network Capacity Theorems. - (Withdrawn) Path Loss Exponent Estimation in Large Wireless Networks.
- Tommy Färnqvist, Peter Jonsson, Johan Thapper:
Approximability Distance in the Space of H-Colourability Problems. - Fang Wu, Bernardo A. Huberman:
Popularity, Novelty and Attention. - Cristian S. Calude, Marius Zimand:
Algorithmically independent sequences. - Viveck R. Cadambe, Syed Ali Jafar:
Capacity of Wireless Networks within o(log(SNR)) - the Impact of Relays, Feedback, Cooperation and Full-Duplex Operation. - Kazem Jahanbakhsh, Marzieh Hajhosseini:
Improving Performance of Cluster Based Routing Protocol using Cross-Layer Design. - Erwan Le Merrer, Vincent Gramoli, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Aline Carneiro Viana, Marin Bertier:
Energy Aware Self-Organizing Density Management in Wireless Sensor Networks. - Vincent Gramoli, Michel Raynal:
Timed Quorum System for Large-Scale and Dynamic Environments. - Brian M. Kurkoski, Justin Dauwels:
Message-Passing Decoding of Lattices Using Gaussian Mixtures. - Frans M. J. Willems:
Rotated and Scaled Alamouti Coding. - Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne:
Trusted-HB: a low-cost version of HB+ secure against Man-in-The-Middle attacks. - François Nicolas:
(Generalized) Post Correspondence Problem and semi-Thue systems. - Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Hyundong Shin:
MIMO Networks: the Effects of Interference. - Sander Spek:
Knowledge management by wikis. - Fred Daneshgaran, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin:
Modelling and Analysis of the Distributed Coordination Function of IEEE 802.11 with Multirate Capability. - Aitor del Coso, Sébastien Simoens:
Distributed Compression for the Uplink of a Backhaul-Constrained Coordinated Cellular Network. - Abdourrahmane M. Atto, Dominique Pastor:
Central Limit Theorems for Wavelet Packet Decompositions of Stationary Random Processes. - Thierry Val
, Adrien van den Bossche:
Développement et analyse multi outils d'un protocole MAC déterministe pour un réseau de capteurs sans fil. - Ping Li:
On Approximating Frequency Moments of Data Streams with Skewed Projections. - Fabio G. Guerrero
, Maribell Sacanamboy:
Turbo Interleaving inside the cdma2000 and W-CDMA Mobile Communication Systems: A Tutorial. - Jonathan Hayman, Glynn Winskel:
Independence and Concurrent Separation Logic. - Enrico Paolini, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Marco Chiani:
Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes: Stability Bound over the BEC. - Jaap-Henk Hoepman:
Distributed Double Spending Prevention. - Jaap-Henk Hoepman:
The Ephemeral Pairing Problem. - Paolo Ferragina, Igor Nitto, Rossano Venturini:
Bit-Optimal Lempel-Ziv compression. - Paul R. Gazis, Jeffrey D. Scargle:
Using Bayesian Blocks to Partition Self-Organizing Maps. - Andrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur:
Combining generic judgments with recursive definitions. - Xavier Bry:
New Estimation Procedures for PLS Path Modelling. - Pawel Marciniak, Nikitas Liogkas, Arnaud Legout
, Eddie Kohler:
Small Is Not Always Beautiful. - Benjamin Sach, Raphaël Clifford:
An Empirical Study of Cache-Oblivious Priority Queues and their Application to the Shortest Path Problem. - Deepak Ajwani, Tobias Friedrich:
Average-Case Analysis of Online Topological Ordering. - Damien Vergnaud:
New Extensions of Pairing-based Signatures into Universal (Multi) Designated Verifier Signatures. - Benoît Libert, Damien Vergnaud:
Multi-Use Unidirectional Proxy Re-Signatures. - Sylvie Delaët, Stéphane Devismes
, Mikhail Nesterenko, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Snap-Stabilization in Message-Passing Systems. - Thomas Begin, Alexandre Brandwajn:
Note sur les temps de service résiduels dans les systèmes type M/G/c. - Qi Cheng, Daqing Wan:
Complexity of Decoding Positive-Rate Reed-Solomon Codes. - Qiqi Yan:
Lower Bounds for Complementation of omega-Automata Via the Full Automata Technique. - Jean Cardinal, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret:
Minimum Entropy Orientations. - Shuheng Zhou:
Learning Balanced Mixtures of Discrete Distributions with Small Sample. - Heng Lian:
Bayesian Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Using Random Fields. - José M. Martín-García, David Yllanes, Renato Portugal:
The Invar tensor package: Differential invariants of Riemann. - Dusko Pavlovic:
On quantum statistics in data analysis. - Dusko Pavlovic:
Network as a computer: ranking paths to find flows. - Josef Cibulka:
Untangling polygons and graphs. - Satish Babu Korada, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
Exchange of Limits: Why Iterative Decoding Works. - Shai Gutner, Michael Tarsi:
Some results on (a:b)-choosability. - Menelaos I. Karavelas:
Guarding curvilinear art galleries with edge or mobile guards via 2-dominance of triangulation graphs. - Yiling Chen, Lance Fortnow, Nicolas S. Lambert, David M. Pennock, Jennifer Wortman:
Complexity of Combinatorial Market Makers. - Pascal O. Vontobel:
Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear-Programming Decoding. - Yoshiyuki Kabashima:
An integral formula for large random rectangular matrices and its application to analysis of linear vector channels. - Qing Zhao, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Structure and Optimality of Myopic Policy in Opportunistic Access with Noisy Observations. - Haim H. Permuter, Tsachy Weissman, Jun Chen:
New Bounds for the Capacity Region of the Finite-State Multiple Access Channel. - Haim H. Permuter, Young-Han Kim, Tsachy Weissman:
On Directed Information and Gambling. - Nathalie Mitton, Katy Paroux, Bruno Sericola, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Ascending runs in dependent uniformly distributed random variables: Application to wireless networks. - Svante Janson, Christian Lavault, Guy Louchard:
Convergence of some leader election algorithms. - Clément Jonquet, Stefano A. Cerri:
Les Agents comme des interpréteurs Scheme : Spécification dynamique par la communication. - Mahesh Pal:
Extreme Learning Machine for land cover classification. - Klim Efremenko, Ely Porat:
Approximating General Metric Distances Between a Pattern and a Text. - Francis R. Bach, Jacob D. Abernethy, Jean-Philippe Vert, Theodoros Evgeniou:
A New Approach to Collaborative Filtering: Operator Estimation with Spectral Regularization. - Cyril Allauzen, Mehryar Mohri:
3-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers. - Ronald de Wolf:
Error-Correcting Data Structures. - K. S. Kobylkin:
Minimal Committee Problem for Inconsistent Systems of Linear Inequalities on the Plane. - Shengtian Yang, Yan Chen, Thomas Honold, Zhaoyang Zhang, Peiliang Qiu:
Constructing Linear Codes with Good Joint Spectra. - Shigeaki Kuzuoka, Akisato Kimura, Tomohiko Uyematsu:
Universal Coding for Lossless and Lossy Complementary Delivery Problems. - Jan A. Bergstra, Kees Middelburg:
Thread extraction for polyadic instruction sequences. - Demissie B. Aredo, Mark Burgess, Simen Hagen:
Program Promises. - Constantinos Daskalakis, Grant Schoenebeck, Gregory Valiant, Paul Valiant:
On the Complexity of Nash Equilibria of Action-Graph Games. - Christian Mercat
Discrete Complex Structure on Surfel Surfaces. - Dima Grigoriev, Vladimir Shpilrain:
Zero-knowledge authentication schemes from actions on graphs, groups, or rings. - Marcin Bienkowski, Marek Chrobak, Christoph Dürr, Mathilde Hurand, Artur Jez, Lukasz Jez, Jakub Lopuszanski, Grzegorz Stachowiak:
Generalized Whac-a-Mole. - Nutan Limaye, Meena Mahajan, Prajakta Nimbhorkar:
Longest paths in Planar DAGs in Unambiguous Logspace. - Omid Amini, Fedor V. Fomin, Saket Saurabh:
Parameterized Algorithms for Partial Cover Problems. - Alvaro Francisco Huertas-Rosero, Leif Azzopardi, C. J. van Rijsbergen:
Characterising through Erasing: A Theoretical Framework for Representing Documents Inspired by Quantum Theory. - Jay Kumar Sundararajan, Devavrat Shah, Muriel Médard:
ARQ for Network Coding. - Atsushi Okawado, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Tomohiko Uyematsu:
Near ML detection using Dijkstra's algorithm with bounded list size over MIMO channels. - Silvano Di Zenzo:
SAT Has No Wizards. - Yang Ding:
A Construction for Constant-Composition Codes. - Fabrizio Altarelli, Rémi Monasson, Guilhem Semerjian, Francesco Zamponi:
A review of the Statistical Mechanics approach to Random Optimization Problems. - Edith Hemaspaandra, Henning Schnoor:
On the Complexity of Elementary Modal Logics. - K. Sreeram, Birenjith Sasidharan, P. Vijay Kumar:
Multi-hop Cooperative Wireless Networks: Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff and Optimal Code Design. - K. Sreeram, Birenjith Sasidharan, P. Vijay Kumar:
Diversity and Degrees of Freedom of Cooperative Wireless Networks. - Sudhir Kumar Singh, Vwani P. Roychowdhury:
To Broad-Match or Not to Broad-Match : An Auctioneer's Dilemma ? - Uwe Aickelin, Kathryn A. Dowsland:
Exploiting problem structure in a genetic algorithm approach to a nurse rostering problem. - Ayfer Özgür, Olivier Lévêque:
Throughput-Delay Trade-off for Hierarchical Cooperation in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. - Wouter M. Koolen, Steven de Rooij:
Combining Expert Advice Efficiently. - Martin Ziegler, Wouter M. Koolen:
Kolmogorov Complexity Theory over the Reals. - Simona Settepanella:
Blocking Sets in the complement of hyperplane arrangements in projective space. - Evan VanderZee, Anil N. Hirani, Damrong Guoy, Edgar A. Ramos:
Well-Centered Triangulation. - Manik Lal Das:
On the Security of "an efficient and complete remote user authentication scheme". - Viveck R. Cadambe, Syed Ali Jafar:
Multiple Access Outerbounds and the Inseparability of Parallel Interference Channels. - Alexandre Riazanov:
New Implementation Framework for Saturation-Based Reasoning. - Ashkan Aazami:
Domination in graphs with bounded propagation: algorithms, formulations and hardness results. - Kevin Buchin:
Minimizing the Maximum Interference is Hard. - Mahesh Pal, Paul M. Mather:
Support Vector classifiers for Land Cover Classification. - Shai Gutner:
Choice numbers of graphs. - Jessica Franco, Laurent Carraro, Olivier Roustant, Astrid Jourdan:
A Radar-Shaped Statistic for Testing and Visualizing Uniformity Properties in Computer Experiments. - Walid Saad, Zhu Han, Mérouane Debbah, Are Hjørungnes:
A Distributed Merge and Split Algorithm for Fair Cooperation in Wireless Networks. - Jean Cardinal, Christophe Dumeunier:
Set Covering Problems with General Objective Functions. - Murilo S. Baptista, Christiane Bohn, Reinhold Kliegl, Ralf Engbert, Jürgen Kurths:
Reconstruction of eye movements during blinks. - Stephan Kreutzer, Sebastian Ordyniak:
Digraph Decompositions and Monotonicity in Digraph Searching. - Christoph Schommer, Conny Uhde:
Textual Fingerprinting with Texts from Parkin, Bassewitz, and Leander. - Anthony J. H. Simons
, Carlos Alberto Fernández y Fernández:
Using Alloy to model-check visual design notations. - Per Austrin, Elchanan Mossel:
Approximation Resistant Predicates From Pairwise Independence. - Ping Li:
Compressed Counting. - Gareth Baxter, Marcus R. Frean:
Software graphs and programmer awareness. - Christophe Prieur, Dominique Cardon, Jean-Samuel Beuscart, Nicolas Pissard, Pascal Pons:
The Stength of Weak cooperation: A Case Study on Flickr. - Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou, Ian J. Wassell, Rolando A. Carrasco:
On the Frame Error Rate of Transmission Schemes on Quasi-Static Fading Channels. - John B. Little:
Algebraic geometry codes from higher dimensional varieties. - Vaneet Aggarwal, Amir Bennatan, A. Robert Calderbank:
On Maximizing Coverage in Gaussian Relay Networks. - Pierre Comon, Jos M. F. ten Berge:
Generic and Typical Ranks of Three-Way Arrays. - Mahesh Pal:
Multiclass Approaches for Support Vector Machine Based Land Cover Classification. - Christopher Y. Crutchfield, Zoran Dzunic, Jeremy T. Fineman, David R. Karger, Jacob Scott:
Improved Approximations for Multiprocessor Scheduling Under Uncertainty. - Oya Aran, Ismail Ari, Alexandre Benoît
, Ana Huerta Carrillo, François-Xavier Fanard, Pavel Campr, Lale Akarun, Alice Caplier, Michèle Rombaut, Bülent Sankur:
Sign Language Tutoring Tool. - David Simoncini, Sébastien Vérel, Philippe Collard, Manuel Clergue:
Anisotropic selection in cellular genetic algorithms. - Bruno Durand, Andrei E. Romashchenko, Alexander Shen:
Fixed Point and Aperiodic Tilings. - Georg Böcherer, Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr., Cecilio Pimentel:
Capacity of General Discrete Noiseless Channels. - Georg Böcherer, Daniel Bielefeld:
Synchronization in Strictly Bandlimited Frequency Selective Ultra-Wideband Channels. - Chandra Chekuri, Nitish Korula:
Min-Cost 2-Connected Subgraphs With k Terminals. - Novella Bartolini, Gian Carlo Bongiovanni, Simone Silvestri:
Self-* overload control for distributed web systems. - Laurent Guille, Terence Chan, Alex J. Grant:
The minimal set of Ingleton inequalities. - Florence Bénézit, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Patrick Thiran, Martin Vetterli:
Order-Optimal Consensus through Randomized Path Averaging. - Menelaos I. Karavelas, Elias P. Tsigaridas:
Guarding curvilinear art galleries with vertex or point guards. - Sergey Gubin:
On Subgraph Isomorphism. - Vaneet Aggarwal:
Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding for arbitrary memoryless correlated sources and Source coding for Markov correlated sources using LDPC codes. - Shai Gutner:
The complexity of planar graph choosability. - Yijia Fan, Abdulkareem Adinoyi, John S. Thompson, Halim Yanikomeroglu, H. Vincent Poor:
A Simple Distributed Antenna Processing Scheme for Cooperative Diversity. - Christopher J. Rhodes, Maziar M. Nekovee
The Opportunistic Transmission of Wireless Worms between Mobile Devices. - Lifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal, H. Vincent Poor:
Authentication over Noisy Channels. - Lifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal, Hai Jiang, H. Vincent Poor:
Optimal Medium Access Protocols for Cognitive Radio Networks. - Kenneth M. Mackenthun Jr.:
On strongly controllable group codes and mixing group shifts: solvable groups, translation nets, and algorithms. - (Withdrawn) On the approximability of the Maximum Agreement SubTree and Maximum Compatible Tree problems.
- Naoyuki Kamiyama, Naoki Katoh:
Covering Directed Graphs by In-trees. - Anatoly Pashkevich, Damien Chablat
, Philippe Wenger:
Stiffness Analysis of 3-d.o.f. Overconstrained Translational Parallel Manipulators. - Jacques Sakarovitch, Rodrigo de Souza:
On the decomposition of k-valued rational relations. - Thomas Thierauf, Fabian Wagner:
The Isomorphism Problem for Planar 3-Connected Graphs is in Unambiguous Logspace. - Antti Valmari, Petri Lehtinen:
Efficient Minimization of DFAs with Partial Transition Functions. - Johan M. M. van Rooij, Hans L. Bodlaender:
Design by Measure and Conquer, A Faster Exact Algorithm for Dominating Set. - Alexis Ballier, Bruno Durand, Emmanuel Jeandel:
Structural aspects of tilings. - Maxime Crochemore, Lucian Ilie:
Understanding maximal repetitions in strings. - Mihalis Yannakakis:
Equilibria, Fixed Points, and Complexity Classes. - Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Dror Rawitz:
Rent, Lease or Buy: Randomized Algorithms for Multislope Ski Rental. - Laurent Bienvenu, Andrej Muchnik, Alexander Shen, Nikolai K. Vereshchagin:
Limit complexities revisited. - Andreas Björklund, Thore Husfeldt, Petteri Kaski, Mikko Koivisto:
Trimmed Moebius Inversion and Graphs of Bounded Degree. - Vincenzo Bonifaci, Peter Korteweg, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Leen Stougie:
Minimizing Flow Time in the Wireless Gathering Problem. - Chandan Saha:
Factoring Polynomials over Finite Fields using Balance Test. - Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey, Joël Ouaknine, Philippe Schnoebelen, James Worrell:
On Termination for Faulty Channel Machines. - Patrick Briest, Martin Hoefer, Piotr Krysta:
Stackelberg Network Pricing Games. - Filip Murlak:
Weak index versus Borel rank. - Joshua Brody, Amit Chakrabarti:
Sublinear Communication Protocols for Multi-Party Pointer Jumping and a Related Lower Bound. - Marni Mishna, Mike Zabrocki:
Analytic aspects of the shuffle product. - Éric Colin de Verdière, Alexander Schrijver:
Shortest Vertex-Disjoint Two-Face Paths in Planar Graphs. - Atlas F. Cook, Carola Wenk:
Geodesic Fréchet Distance Inside a Simple Polygon. - Ulrich Meyer:
On Dynamic Breadth-First Search in External-Memory. - Samir Datta, Raghav Kulkarni, Sambuddha Roy:
Deterministically Isolating a Perfect Matching in Bipartite Planar Graphs. - Pinyan Lu, Changyuan Yu:
An Improved Randomized Truthful Mechanism for Scheduling Unrelated Machines. - Martin Dietzfelbinger, Jonathan E. Rowe, Ingo Wegener, Philipp Woelfel:
Tight Bounds for Blind Search on the Integers. - Jean-François Dufourd:
Discrete Jordan Curve Theorem: A proof formalized in Coq with hypermaps. - Thomas Erlebach, Torben Hagerup, Klaus Jansen, Moritz Minzlaff, Alexander Wolff:
Trimming of Graphs, with Application to Point Labeling. - Thomas Erlebach, Michael Hoffmann, Danny Krizanc, Matús Mihalák, Rajeev Raman:
Computing Minimum Spanning Trees with Uncertainty. - Javier Esparza, Stefan Kiefer, Michael Luttenberger:
Convergence Thresholds of Newton's Method for Monotone Polynomial Equations. - Shachar Lovett:
Lower bounds for adaptive linearity tests. - Angsheng Li, Mingji Xia:
A Theory for Valiant's Matchcircuits (Extended Abstract). - Sören Laue:
Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in $R^3$. - Dietrich Kuske:
Compatibility of Shelah and Stupp's and Muchnik's iteration with fragments of monadic second order logic. - Arist Kojevnikov, Sergey I. Nikolenko:
New Combinatorial Complete One-Way Functions. - Iyad A. Kanj, Ljubomir Perkovic:
On Geometric Spanners of Euclidean and Unit Disk Graphs. - Chao Chen, Daniel Freedman:
Quantifying Homology Classes. - Lukasz Kaiser, Sasha Rubin, Vince Bárány:
Cardinality and counting quantifiers on omega-automatic structures. - Viet Tung Hoang, Wing-Kin Sung:
Fixed Parameter Polynomial Time Algorithms for Maximum Agreement and Compatible Supertrees. - Christian Glaßer, Heinz Schmitz, Victor L. Selivanov:
Efficient Algorithms for Membership in Boolean Hierarchies of Regular Languages. - Wouter Gelade, Frank Neven:
Succinctness of the Complement and Intersection of Regular Expressions. - Diana Fischer, Erich Grädel, Lukasz Kaiser:
Model Checking Games for the Quantitative mu-Calculus. - Brian Sentence:
A New Approach to Spreadsheet Analytics Management in Financial Markets. - Daeyoung Park, Giuseppe Caire:
Hard Fairness Versus Proportional Fairness in Wireless Communications: The Multiple-Cell Case. - Hsiharng Yang, Chung-Yao Yang, Mau-Shiun Yeh:
Fabrication of Miniaturized Variable-focus Lens Using Liquid Filling Technique. - Fei Duan, Jiwei Jiao, Yucai Wang, Ying Zhang, Binwei Mi, Jinpeng Li, Jian Zhu, Yuelin Wang:
A Novel X-Axis Tuning Fork Gyroscope with "8 Vertical Springs-Proofmass" Structure on (111)-Silicon. - Daniel Grogg, Nicoleta Diana Badila-Ciressan, Adrian Mihai Ionescu:
Fabrication of MEMS Resonators in Thin SOI. - Veronika Timár-Horváth, László Juhász, András Vass-Várnai, Gergely Perlaky:
Usage of Porous Al2O3 Layers for RH Sensing. - Matthias Worgull, Kalonji K. Kabanemi, Jean-Philippe Marcotte, Jean-François Hétu, Mathias Heckele:
Modeling of large area hot embossing. - Jyh-Cheng Yu, Huang-Yao Lin:
Liquid Density Sensing Using Resonant Flexural Plate Wave Device with Sol-Gel PZT Thin Films. - Marcin Marzencki, Yasser Ammar, Skandar Basrour:
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of a Piezoelectric Microgenerator Including a Power Management Circuit. - Claire Jean-Mistral, Skandar Basrour, Jean-Jacques Chaillout, Agnès Bonvilain
A complete study of electroactive polymers for energy scavenging: modelling and experiments. - C. Saha, Terence O'Donnell, J. Godsell, L. Carlioz, Ningning Wang, Paul McCloskey, Stephen P. Beeby, M.-J. Tudor, Russel N. Torah:
Step-up converter for electromagnetic vibrational energy scavenger. - Guo Qiufen, Ge Yuansheng, Sun Feng, Liu Fuqiang:
Gas Damping Coefficient Research for MEMS Comb Linear Vibration Gyroscope. - Gergely Nagy, Zoltán Szucs, S. Hodossy, Márta Rencz, András Poppe:
Comparison of Two Low-Power Electronic Interfaces for Capacitive Mems Sensors. - Jean-Christophe Crebier, Yves Lembeye, H. Raisigel, O. Deleage, J. Delamare, O. Cugat:
High Efficiency 3-Phase Cmos Rectifier with Step Up and Regulated. - Cedric Durand, Fabrice Casset, Pascal Ancey, Fabienne Judong, Alexandre Talbot, Reni Quenouillere, Denis Renaud, Stephan Borel, Brigitte Florin, Lionel Buchaillot:
Silicon on Nothing Mems Electromechanical Resonator. - Johan Moulin
, Marion Woytasik, Emile Martincic, Elisabeth Dufour-Gergam:
Copper Planar Microcoils Applied to Magnetic Actuation. - Domonkos Szente-Varga, Gyula Horváth, Márta Rencz:
Ni-MH battery modelling for ambient intelligence applications. - M. Shamshirsaz, M. Bahrami, M. B. Asgari, M. Tayefeh:
Analysis of polysilicon micro beams buckling with temperature-dependent properties. - Steffen Michael, Steffen Kurth, Jens Klattenhoff, Holm Geissler, Siegfried Hering:
Parameter Identification of Pressure Sensors by Static and Dynamic Measurements. - Tsung-Hung Lin, Hsiharng Yang, Ruey-Fang Shyu, Ching-Kong Chao:
New Horizontal Frustum Optical Waveguide Fabrication Using UV Proximity Printing. - Jacopo Iannacci, Jason Tian, Roberto Gaddi, Antonio Gnudi, Marian Bartek:
A Fully Parameterized Fem Model for Electromagnetic Optimization of an RF Mems Wafer Level Package. - Yang Ju, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Hitoshi Soyama:
Development of a Nanostructual Microwave Probe Based on GaAs. - Tom Sterken, Geert Altena, Paolo Fiorini, Robert Puers:
Characterisation of an Electrostatic Vibration Harvester. - Jinsheng Wang, Yadong Gong, Gabriel Abba, Kui Chen, Jiashun Shi, Guangqi Cai:
Surface Generation Analysis in Micro End-Milling Considering the Influences of Grain. - Paolo Bruschi, V. Nurra, Massimo Piotto:
An Integrated Circuit Compatible Compact Package for Thermal Gas Flowmeters. - Ayyaz Mahmood Paracha, Philippe Basset, Frédéric Marty, Adrian Vaisman Chasin, Patrick Poulichet, Tarik Bourouina:
A High Power Density Electrostatic Vibration-to-Electric Energy Converter Based On An In-Plane Overlap Plate (IPOP) Mechanism. - S. H. Ng, R.-T. Tjeung, Z. F. Wang, A. C. W. Lu, I. Rodriguez, N. De Rooij:
Formation of Embedded Microstructures by Thermal Activated Solvent Bonding. - Jiri Jakovenko, Miroslav Husák, T. Lalinskytfh, M. Drzik, G. Vanko:
Design and Modeling of Micromechanical GaAs based Hot Plate for Gas Sensors. - Walter Smetana, Michael Unger:
Set-up and characterization of a humidity sensor realized in LTCC-technology. - Z. Wang, Vladimir Leonov, Paolo Fiorini, Chris Van Hoof:
Micromachined Polycrystalline Sige-Based Thermopiles for Micropower Generation on Human Body. - Bangtao Chen, Jiashen Wei, Francis Eng Hock Tay, Yee Ting Wong, Ciprian Iliescu:
Silicon microneedles array with biodegradable tips for transdermal drug delivery. - Ming-Chih Wu, Jeng-Shian Chang, Chih-Kai Yang:
2-D Analysis of Enhancement of Analytes Adsorption Due to Flow Stirring by Electrothermal Force in The Microcantilever Sensor. - H. K. Ma, B. R. Hou, H. Y. Wu, C. Y. Lin, J. J. Gao, M. C. Kou:
Development and Application of a Diaphragm Micro-Pump with Piezoelectric Device. - W. P. Lan, J. S. Chang, K. C. Wu, Y. C. Shih:
Simulation of valveless micropump and mode analysis. - Yu-Hsiang Wang, C.-C. Hsiao, Chia-Yen Lee, Rong-Hua Ma, Po-Cheng Chou:
Enhanced Sensing Characteristics in MEMS-based Formaldehyde Gas Sensor. - L. Grasser, Hervé Mathias
, Fabien Parrain, X. Le Roux, Jean-Paul Gilles:
Mems Q-Factor Enhancement Using Parametric Amplification: Theoretical Study and Design of a Parametric Device. - Gou-Jen Wang, Kuan-Hsuan Ho, Cheng-Chih Hsueh:
Biodegradable Polylactic Acid (PLA) Microstructures for Scaffold Applications. - Henri Camon, Christian Ganibal, N. Rapahoz, M. Trzmiel, C. Pisella, C. Martinez, K. Gilbert, S. Valette:
Solving functional reliability issue for an optical electrostatic switch. - Aurelio Somà, Giorgio De Pasquale:
Identification of Test Structures for Reduced Order Modeling of the Squeeze Film Damping in Mems. - M. El Ghorba, Nicolas André, S. Sobieski, Jean-Pierre Raskin:
Out-of-Plane Cmos Compatible Magnetometers. - Sofiane Soulimane, Fabrice Casset, François Chapuis, Pierre Louis Charvet, Marc Aïd:
Tuneable Capacitor based on dual picks profile of the sacrificial layer. - Jing-Chiou Liou, Fan-Gang Tseng:
Reduced 30% scanning time 3D multiplexer integrated circuit applied to large array format 20KHZ frequency inkjet print heads. - J.-S. Chen, Shih-Hsin Chen, Kuo-Chang Wu:
Analysis of Asymmetric Piezoelectric Composite Beam. - Jian Zhu, Yuanwei Yu, Yong Zhang, Chen Chen, Shi Xing Jia:
A High-Q Microwave MEMS Resonator. - Erik Jung, Dionysios Manessis, Alexander Neumann, Lars Böttcher, Tanja Braun, Jörg Bauer, Herbert Reichl, Bruno Iafelice, Federica Destro, Roberto Gambari:
Lamination And Microstructuring Technology for a Bio-Cell Multiwell array. - Ming-Tzer Lin, K.-S. Shiu, Chi-Jia Tong:
Monotonic and fatigue testing of spring-bridged freestanding microbeams application for MEMS. - Teruhisa Akashi, Yasuhiro Yoshimura:
Profile Control of a Borosilicate-Glass Groove Formed by Deep Reactive Ion Etching. - Azrul Azlan Hamzah, Yusnira Husaini, Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis, Ibrahim Ahmad:
Selection of High Strength Encapsulant for MEMS Devices Undergoing High Pressure Packaging. - Gou-Jen Wang, Wei-Zheng Chen, Kang J. Chang:
A Two-Step Etching Method to Fabricate Nanopores in Silicon. - Marco Bedani, F. Carozza, Roberto Gaddi, Antonio Gnudi, Benno Margesin, Flavio Giacomozzi:
A Reconfigurable Impedance Matching Network Employing RF-MEMS Switches. - Peter Schneider, Sven Reitz, Andreas Wilde, Günter Elst, Peter Schwarz:
Towards a Methodology for Analysis of Interconnect Structures for 3D-Integration of Micro Systems. - A. Chaehoi, M. Begbie, D. Cornez, K. Kirk:
Modeling of a piezoelectric micro-scanner. - Zoltán Szucs, Márta Rencz:
A novel method for fatigue testing of MEMS devices containing movable elements. - Raphaël Lévy
, Antoine Dupret, Hervé Mathias
, Jean-Paul Gilles, Fabien Parrain, Bruno Eisenbeis, Souhil Megherbi:
Noise and thermal stability of vibrating micro-gyrometers preamplifiers. - Nicolas Abelé, Daniel Grogg, C. Hibert, Fabrice Casset, Pascal Ancey, Adrian M. Ionescu:
0-level Vacuum Packaging RT Process for MEMS Resonators. - Oddvar Søråsen, Jan Erik Ramstad:
From MEMS Devices to Smart Integrated Systems. - N. Marenco, S. Warnat, W. Reinert:
Interconnect Challenges in Highly Integrated MEMS/ASIC Subsystems. - Alberto Ballestra, Eugenio Brusa, Mircea Gh. Munteanu, Aurelio Somà:
Experimental Characterization of the static behaviour of microcatntilevers electrostatically actuated. - E. Pajot-Augy:
Nanobiosensors based on individual olfactory receptors. - Einar Halvorsen, Svein Husa:
Bridge configurations in piezoresistive two-axis accelerometers. - Norbert Dumas, Zhou Xu, Kostas Georgopoulos, R. John T. Bunyan, Andrew Richardson:
Online Sensor Testing through Superposition of Encoded Stimulus. - Margarita Narducci, Eduard Figueras, Isabel Gràcia, Luis Fonseca, Joaquin Santander, Carles Cané:
Modeling of T-Shaped Microcantilever Resonators. - Herwig Kirchberger, Paul Lindner, Markus Wimplinger:
Novel Bonding technologies for wafer-level transparent packaging of MOEMS. - M. C. Hsieh, D. K. Jair, Y. K. Fang, C. S. Lin:
Design and Fabrication of the Suspended High-Q Spiral Inductors with X-Beams. - Honglong Chang, Jinghui Xu, Jianbing Xie, Chengliang Zhang, Zijian Yan, Weizheng Yuan:
One MEMS Design Tool with Maximal Six Design Flows. - Xuechuan Shan, Y. C. Liu, H. J. Lu, Z. F. Wang, Y. C. Lam:
Studies of Polymer Deformation and Recovery in Hot Embossing. - Slaska Tzanova, Lora Kamenova, Yvan Avenas, Christian Schaeffer:
Evaluation of the thermal and hydraulic performances of a very thin sintered copper flat heat pipe for 3D microsystem packages. - Jean-François Bercher, Christophe Vignat:
An entropic view of Pickands' theorem. - Wolfgang Faber, Gerald Pfeifer, Nicola Leone, Tina Dell'Armi, Giuseppe Ielpa:
Design and Implementation of Aggregate Functions in the DLV System. - Arturo Berrones:
Characterization of the convergence of stationary Fokker-Planck learning. - Il Han Kim, David James Love:
On the Capacity and Design of Limited Feedback Multiuser MIMO Uplinks. - Cyril Allauzen, Mehryar Mohri, Ashish Rastogi:
General Algorithms for Testing the Ambiguity of Finite Automata. - Tom Hayes, Navin Rustagi, Jared Saia, Amitabh Trehan:
The Forgiving Tree: A Self-Healing Distributed Data Structure. - Petter Holme, Josh Karlin, Stephanie Forrest:
An integrated model of traffic, geography and economy in the Internet. - Véronique Bruyère, Hadrien Mélot:
Turán Graphs, Stability Number, and Fibonacci Index. - Radu Arsinte, Ciprian Ilioaei:
Some Aspects of Testing Process for Transport Streams in Digital Video Broadcasting. - Radu Arsinte:
Implementing a Test Strategy for an Advanced Video Acquisition and Processing Architecture. - Burak Cetin, Haluk Bingol:
Use of Rapid Probabilistic Argumentation for Ranking on Large Complex Networks. - Manas K. Patra, Yan Zhang:
An Algebraic Characterization of Security of Cryptographic Protocols. - Francisco R. Villatoro, Antonio J. Nebro, Jose E. Fernández:
PVM-Distributed Implementation of the Radiance Code. - Ninoslav Marina, Bixio Rimoldi:
On the Structure of the Capacity Region of Asynchronous Memoryless Multiple-Access Channels. - Zachary Abel, Scott Duke Kominers:
Pushing Hypercubes Around. - N. Prasanth Anthapadmanabhan, Alexander Barg:
Randomized Frameproof Codes: Fingerprinting Plus Validation Minus Tracing. - Yi Sun:
Quasi-Large Sparse-Sequence CDMA: Approach to Single-User Bound by Linearly-Complex LAS Detectors. - Xiangyong Zeng, Nian Li, Lei Hu:
A Class of Nonbinary Codes and Their Weight Distribution. - Yuri L. Borissov:
On Cusick-Cheon's Conjecture About Balanced Boolean Functions in the Cosets of the Binary Reed-Muller Code. - Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras:
Efficient implementation of GALS systems over commercial synchronous FPGAs: a new approach. - Bruno Blanchet:
Automatic Verification of Correspondences for Security Protocols. - Edith Cohen, Haim Kaplan:
Sketch-Based Estimation of Subpopulation-Weight. - Raymond R. Panko:
Spreadsheet Errors: What We Know. What We Think We Can Do. - Patrick Kemmis, Giles Thomas:
Spreadsheet Development Methodologies using Resolver: Moving spreadsheets into the 21st Century. - Jocelyn Paine:
Fun Boy Three Were Wrong: it is what you do, not the way that you do it. - Simon R. Thorne, David Ball, Zoe Lawson:
Concerning the Feasibility of Example-driven Modelling Techniques. - Jocelyn Paine:
It Ain't What You View, But The Way That You View It: documenting spreadsheets with Excelsior, semantic wikis, and literate programming. - Brian Bishop, Kevin McDaid:
An Empirical Study of End-User Behaviour in Spreadsheet Error Detection & Correction. - Kath McGuire:
Why Task-Based Training is Superior to Traditional Training Methods. - David Chadwick:
Establishing A Minimum Generic Skill Set For Risk Management Teaching In A Spreadsheet Training Course. - Derek Flood, Kevin McDaid:
Voice-controlled Debugging of Spreadsheets. - Jing Ma, Ying Jun Zhang:
On capacity of wireless ad hoc networks with MIMO MMSE receivers. - Marko A. Rodriguez, Joshua Shinavier:
The RDF Virtual Machine. - V. Sreekanth Annapureddy, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Gaussian Interference Networks: Sum Capacity in the Low Interference Regime and New Outer Bounds on the Capacity Region. - Dariusz Dereniowski:
The Complexity of Node Blocking for Dags. - Pierre-Francois Marteau:
Time Warp Edit Distance. - Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck:
Wavelet and Curvelet Moments for Image Classification: Application to Aggregate Mixture Grading. - Amir Salman Avestimehr, Suhas N. Diggavi, David N. C. Tse:
Approximate Capacity of Gaussian Relay Networks. - Reginald D. Smith:
Data Traffic Dynamics and Congestion on a Single Link. - Usman A. Khan, Soummya Kar
, José M. F. Moura:
Distributed Sensor Localization in Random Environments using Minimal Number of Anchor Nodes. - Ying Jun Zhang, Soung Chang Liew, Da Rui Chen:
Delay Analysis for Wireless Local Area Networks with Multipacket Reception under Finite Load. - Øyvind Ryan, Mérouane Debbah:
Random Vandermonde Matrices-Part I: Fundamental results. - (Withdrawn) Random Vandermonde Matrices-Part II: Applications.
- Erich Schikuta:
Neural Networks and Database Systems. - Khoa D. Nguyen, Albert Guillen i Fabregas, Lars K. Rasmussen:
Power Allocation for Fading Channels with Peak-to-Average Power Constraints. - Jan A. Bergstra, Sanne Nolst Trenité, Mark van der Zwaag:
Towards a formalization of budgets. - Birendra Kumar Nayak, Sudhakar Sahoo, Sushant Kumar Rout:
Color Graphs: An Efficient Model For Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata Linear Rules. - Pierre Thierry, Simon E. B. Thierry:
Dynamic data models: an application of MOP-based persistence in Common Lisp. - Bernard Kujawski, G. J. Rodgers, Bosiljka Tadic:
Local Information Based Algorithms for Packet Transport in Complex Networks. - Bruno Augusto Nassif Travençolo, Luciano da Fontoura Costa:
Outward Accessibility in Urban Street Networks: Characterization and Improvements. - Joaquín García-Alfaro, Michael A. Jaeger, Gero Mühl, Joan Borrell:
Preventing Coordinated Attacks Via Distributed Alert Exchange. - Alex D. Myasnikov:
Generic case complexity and One-Way functions. - Sabu M. Thampi:
Information Hiding Techniques: A Tutorial Review. - Hervé Mathias
, Fabien Parrain, Jean-Paul Gilles, Souhil Megherbi, Ming Zhang, Philippe Coste, Antoine Dupret:
Architecture for Integrated Mems Resonators Quality Factor Measurement. - N. Izadi, R. K. Jaganatharaja, J. Floris, G. Krijnen:
Optimization of Cricket-inspired, Biomimetic Artificial Hair Sensors for Flow Sensing. - Jerry Overton:
Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design (POAD) Theory. - Nick Milton
Knowledge Technologies. - Makesh Pravin Wilson, Krishna R. Narayanan, Giuseppe Caire:
Joint Source Channel Coding with Side Information Using Hybrid Digital Analog Codes. - Sumanth Kumar Reddy Gangasani:
The Discrete Hilbert Transform for Non-Periodic Signals. - Matei David, Toniann Pitassi:
Separating NOF communication complexity classes RP and NP. - Andrew Adamatzky, Larry Bull:
Are complex systems hard to evolve? - José Bacelar Almeida
, Jorge Sousa Pinto
Deriving Sorting Algorithms. - Amy Glen, Florence Levé, Gwénaël Richomme:
Directive words of episturmian words: equivalences and normalization. - Andrej Bregar
Complexity Metrics for Spreadsheet Models. - Thomas A. Grossman, Özgür Özlük:
A Paradigm for Spreadsheet Engineering Methodologies. - Markus Clermont:
A Toolkit for Scalable Spreadsheet Visualization. - Sabine Hipfl:
Using Layout Information for Spreadsheet Visualization. - Jocelyn Paine:
Spreadsheet Structure Discovery with Logic Programming. - Vladimir Lapshin:
Syntax diagrams as a formalism for representation of syntactic relations of formal languages. - Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Pascal Frossard:
Polynomial Filtering for Fast Convergence in Distributed Consensus. - Uwe Aickelin, Julie Greensmith:
Sensing Danger: Innate Immunology for Intrusion Detection. - Qin Ma, Luc Maranget:
Algebraic pattern matching in join calculus. - Stefan Boettcher, Stephan Mertens:
Analysis of the Karmarkar-Karp Differencing Algorithm. - Andrea Masini, Luca Viganò, Margherita Zorzi:
A Qualitative Modal Representation of Quantum Register Transformations. - Salah A. Aly:
Families of LDPC Codes Derived from Nonprimitive BCH Codes and Cyclotomic Cosets. - Joel Ratsaby:
An algorithmic complexity interpretation of Lin's third law of information theory. - Rahul Jain, Shengyu Zhang:
New bounds on classical and quantum one-way communication complexity. - Peter Andru, Alexei Botchkarev:
Hospital Case Cost Estimates Modelling - Algorithm Comparison. - Zhi Quan, Shuguang Cui, Ali H. Sayed, H. Vincent Poor:
Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. - Birendra Kumar Nayak, Sudhakar Sahoo:
Language of Boolean functions its Grammar and Machine. - Solomija N. Buk, Ján Macutek, Andrij A. Rovenchak:
Some properties of the Ukrainian writing system. - Rajiv Soundararajan, Sriram Vishwanath:
Adaptive Sum Power Iterative Waterfilling for MIMO Cognitive Radio Channels. - Ranko Lazic:
Safety alternating automata on data words. - Christos Tryfonas, Dimitris Papamichail, Andrew Mehler, Steven Skiena:
Call Admission Control Algorithm for pre-stored VBR video streams. - Dong Zheng, Man-On Pun, Weiyan Ge, Junshan Zhang, H. Vincent Poor:
Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling For Ad-Hoc Communications Under Noisy Channel Estimation. - Man-On Pun, Weiyan Ge, Dong Zheng, Junshan Zhang, H. Vincent Poor:
Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for MIMO Ad-Hoc Networks. - Yuriy Vasil'ev, Sergey V. Avgustinovich, Denis S. Krotov:
On mobile sets in the binary hypercube. - Edward G. Effros:
New Perspectives and some Celebrated Quantum Inequalities. - Doron Ezri, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Zeev Schuss:
About the true type of smoothers. - Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp, Pawel Blasiak, Andrzej Horzela, Karol A. Penson, Allan I. Solomon:
Hopf Algebras in General and in Combinatorial Physics: a practical introduction. - Doron Ezri, Ben-Tzion Bobrovsky, Zeev Schuss:
The exit problem in optimal non-causal extimation. - H. Cheballah, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp, Karol A. Penson:
Approximate substitutions and the normal ordering problem. - Maciej Dziemianczuk, Wieslaw Bajguz:
On GCD-morphic sequences. - Michelangelo Bucci, Alessandro De Luca, Amy Glen, Luca Q. Zamboni:
A connection between palindromic and factor complexity using return words. - Andrey Khilko:
Fourier-Based Spectral Analysis with Adaptive Resolution. - A. Krzysztof Kwasniewski:
Comments on combinatorial interpretation of fibonomial coefficients - an email style letter. - A. K. Kwasniewski:
New type Stirling like numbers - an email style letter. - A. Krzysztof Kwasniewski:
More on the Bernoulli and Taylor Formula for Extended Umbral Calculus. - A. Krzysztof Kwasniewski:
First Observations on Prefab Posets Whitney Numbers. - Maria Bras-Amorós:
Bounds on the Number of Numerical Semigroups of a Given Genus. - Slavcho Shtrakov:
Composition of Terms and Essential Positions in Deduction. - Sébastien Bubeck, Rémi Munos, Gilles Stoltz:
Pure Exploration for Multi-Armed Bandit Problems. - Ewa Krot-Sieniawska:
On Characteristic Polynomials of the Family of Cobweb Posets. - Ewa Krot-Sieniawska:
Characterization of Cobweb Posets as KoDAGs. - Frédéric Dias, Denys Dutykh, Jean-Michel Ghidaglia:
Simulation of Free Surface Compressible Flows Via a Two Fluid Model. - Maciej Dziemianczuk:
Report On Cobweb Posets' Tiling Problem. - Andrea Montanari, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Guilhem Semerjian:
Clusters of solutions and replica symmetry breaking in random k-satisfiability. - Ewa Krot-Sieniawska:
On incidence algebras description of cobweb posets. - Aldo de Luca, Amy Glen, Luca Q. Zamboni:
Rich, Sturmian, and trapezoidal words. - Marcus Kaiser:
Brain architecture: A design for natural computation. - Hanna E. Makaruk, Robert Owczarek:
Hubs in Languages: Scale Free Networks of Synonyms. - Christine Plumejeaud, Jean-Marc Vincent, Claude Grasland
, Jérôme Gensel
, Hélène Mathian, Serge Guelton, Joël Boulier:
HyperSmooth : calcul et visualisation de cartes de potentiel interactives. - Marcel Ausloos:
Equilibrium (Zipf) and Dynamic (Grasseberg-Procaccia) method based analyses of human texts. A comparison of natural (english) and artificial (esperanto) languages. - Man-On Pun, Kyeong Jin Kim, H. Vincent Poor:
Opportunistic Scheduling and Beamforming for MIMO-OFDMA Downlink Systems with Reduced Feedback. - Man-On Pun, Visa Koivunen, H. Vincent Poor:
SINR Analysis of Opportunistic MIMO-SDMA Downlink Systems with Linear Combining. - (Withdrawn) A O(n8) X O(n7) Linear Programming Model of the Quadratic Assignment Problem.
- Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, Elvira Mayordomo:
Curves That Must Be Retraced. - Mirela Damian:
A Simple Yao-Yao-Based Spanner of Bounded Degree. - Jiyou Jia:
The Generation of Textual Entailment with NLML in an Intelligent Dialogue system for Language Learning CSIEC. - Brendan Farrell, Thomas Strohmer:
Eigenvalue Estimates and Mutual Information for the Linear Time-Varying Channel. - Luca Sanguinetti, Michele Morelli, H. Vincent Poor:
An Improved Scheme for Initial Ranging in OFDMA-based Networks. - Yun Gao, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Elie Bienenstock:
Estimating the entropy of binary time series: Methodology, some theory and a simulation study. - Vadim Neder, Doron Ezri, Motti Haridim:
Low Complexity Sphere Decoding for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO. - Tamás Keviczky, Karl Henrik Johansson:
A Study On Distributed Model Predictive Consensus. - Michael Chertkov, Vladimir Y. Chernyak, Razvan Teodorescu:
Belief Propagation and Loop Series on Planar Graphs. - Carmen Pellicer-Lostao, Ricardo López-Ruiz:
Role of Symmetry and Geometry in a chaotic Pseudo-Random Bit Generator. - Pierfrancesco La Mura:
Projective Expected Utility. - Ewa Krot-Sieniawska:
Reduced Incidence algebras description of cobweb posets and KoDAGs. - Salah A. Aly:
Propagation Rules of Subsystem Codes. - James D. Currie, Narad Rampersad:
For each $α$ > 2 there is an infinite binary word with critical exponent $α$. - Vyacheslav I. Yukalov, Didier Sornette:
Processing Information in Quantum Decision Theory. - Arkadiy Skopenkov:
On the Kuratowski graph planarity criterion. - Elchanan Mossel, Sebastien Roch, Mike A. Steel:
Shrinkage Effect in Ancestral Maximum Likelihood.

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