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CoRR, June 2009
- Nadia Fawaz, Keyvan Zarifi, Mérouane Debbah, David Gesbert:
Asymptotic Capacity and Optimal Precoding in MIMO Multi-Hop Relay Networks. - Serguei A. Mokhov, Joey Paquet, Mourad Debbabi:
Towards Automated Deduction in Blackmail Case Analysis with Forensic Lucid. - Brian Tomasik:
A Minimum Description Length Approach to Multitask Feature Selection. - Minas Gjoka, Maciej Kurant, Carter T. Butts, Athina Markopoulou:
A Walk in Facebook: Uniform Sampling of Users in Online Social Networks. - Serguei A. Mokhov, Lee Wei Huynh, Jian Li:
Managing Distributed MARF with SNMP. - Jerzy Marcinkowski, Jakub Michaliszyn:
The cost of being co-Buchi is nonlinear. - Zaenal Akbar, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Reverse method for labeling the information from semi-structured web pages. - Mahtab Hoseininia, Farzad Didehvar, Mir Mehdi Seyyed Esfahani:
Inventory competition in a multi channel distribution system: The Nash and Stackelberg game. - Abedelaziz Mohaisen, Dowon Hong:
Mitigating the ICA Attack against Rotation Based Transformation for Privacy Preserving Clustering. - Yuanlin Zhang, Forrest Sheng Bao:
A Survey of Tree Convex Sets Test. - Sumio Watanabe:
Equations of States in Statistical Learning for a Nonparametrizable and Regular Case. - Kimikazu Kato, Tikara Hosino:
Solving k-Nearest Vector Problem on Multiple Graphics Processors. - Thomas Roche, Cédric Tavernier:
Multi-Linear cryptanalysis in Power Analysis Attacks MLPA. - Thanh Tùng Kim, Albert Guillen i Fabregas:
Coded Modulation with Mismatched CSIT over Block-Fading Channels. - Arash Ghasemmehdi, Erik Agrell:
Optimal Projection Method in Sphere Decoding. - Jeong-Hoon Lee, Kyu-Young Whang, Hyo-Sang Lim, Byung-Suk Lee, Jun-Seok Heo:
Progressive Processing of Continuous Range Queries in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks. - Vincent Nélis, Joël Goossens:
MORA: an Energy-Aware Slack Reclamation Scheme for Scheduling Sporadic Real-Time Tasks upon Multiprocessor Platforms. - Iman Firmansyah, Zaenal Akbar, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Microcontroller based distributed and networked control system for public cluster. - Vincent K. N. Lau, Yan Chen:
Delay-Optimal Power and Precoder Adaptation for Multi-stream MIMO Systems. - Christophe Paoli, Cyril Voyant, Marc Muselli, Marie-Laure Nivet:
Solar radiation forecasting using ad-hoc time series preprocessing and neural networks. - Andrea Pasquinucci:
Rivisiting Token/Bucket Algorithms in New Applications. - Gregory S. Chirikjian:
Information-Theoretic Inequalities on Unimodular Lie Groups. - Sébastien Li-Thiao-Té:
Semiparametric Estimation of a Noise Model with Quantization Errors. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana-Dina Tirsa, Nicolae Tapus, Florin Pop, Ciprian Dobre:
Towards a Centralized Scheduling Framework for Communication Flows in Distributed Systems. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana-Dina Tirsa, Alexandru Costan, Nicolae Tapus:
Offline Algorithms for Several Network Design, Clustering and QoS Optimization Problems. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana-Dina Tirsa, Nicolae Tapus:
Data Distribution Optimization using Offline Algorithms and a Peer-to-Peer Small Diameter Tree Architecture with Bounded Node Degrees. - Damiano Mazza:
Observational Equivalence and Full Abstraction in the Symmetric Interaction Combinators. - Ilya Volnyansky, Vladimir Pestov:
Curse of Dimensionality in Pivot-based Indexes. - Xin Han, Francis Y. L. Chin, Hing-Fung Ting, Guochuan Zhang:
A New Upper Bound on 2D Online Bin Packing. - (Withdrawn) Computing the tree number of a cut-outerplanar graph.
- Li Li, Yudong Chen, Yi Zhang:
A Mixed-Fractal Model for Network Traffic. - Aditya Chopra, Heng Lian:
Total Variation, Adaptive Total Variation and Nonconvex Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation Penalty for Denoising Blocky Images. - Samson Lasaulce, Mérouane Debbah, Eitan Altman:
Methodologies for Analyzing Equilibria in Wireless Games. - Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, Mirta B. Gordon:
An optimal linear separator for the Sonar Signals Classification task. - André G. Holzner, Peter Igo-Kemenes, Salvatore Mele:
First results from the PARSE.Insight project: HEP survey on data preservation, re-use and (open) access. - G. Haikal:
A stabilized finite element formulation of non-smooth contact. - Jaeok Park, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Medium Access Control Protocols With Memory. - Joaquim Borges, Josep Rifà, Victor A. Zinoviev:
On linear completely regular codes with covering radius rho=1. Construction and classification. - Tian Lan, David T. H. Kao, Mung Chiang, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
An Axiomatic Theory of Fairness. - Haim Kaplan, Micha Sharir, Eugenii Shustin:
On lines and Joints. - Zohir Bouzid, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Optimal Byzantine Resilient Convergence in Asynchronous Robot Networks. - Florian Niedermeier, Michael Niedermeier, Harald Kosch:
Quality assessment of the MPEG-4 scalable video CODEC. - Martin Holmes, Laurent Romary:
Encoding models for scholarly literature. - Chris Giannella:
New Instability Results for High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search. - Olga Holtz, Noam Shomron:
Computational Complexity and Numerical Stability of Linear Problems. - Peter Harremoës, Oliver Johnson, Ioannis Kontoyiannis:
Thinning, Entropy and the Law of Thin Numbers. - Brijesh Kumar Rai, Bikash Kumar Dey:
Sum-networks: System of polynomial equations, unachievability of coding capacity, reversibility, insufficiency of linear network coding. - Sebastian Bernhardsson, Luis Enrique Correa da Rocha, Petter Minnhagen:
Size dependent word frequencies and translational invariance of books. - Piotr Bania:
Dynamic Data Flow Analysis via Virtual Code Integration (aka The SpiderPig case). - Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Distributed elections in an Archimedean ring of processors. - Kun Zheng, Husheng Li, Seddik M. Djouadi, Jun Wang:
Spectrum Sensing in Low SNR Regime via Stochastic Resonance. - Lalitha Sankar, Xiaohu Shang, Elza Erkip, H. Vincent Poor:
Ergodic Fading Interference Channels: Sum-Capacity and Separability. - Subhash C. Kak:
Single Neuron Memories and the Network's Proximity Matrix. - Christoph Studer, Helmut Bölcskei:
Soft-Input Soft-Output Single Tree-Search Sphere Decoding. - Mohd Nazri Ismail:
Analyzing of MOS and Codec Selection for Voice over IP Technology. - Vasiliy Saiko:
Specific Characteristics of Applying the Paired Comparison Method for Parameterization of Consumer Wants. - Enrico Formenti, Alberto Dennunzio, Michael Weiss:
2D cellular automata: expansivity and decidability issues. - Emil Daniel Schwab:
A Partial Order on Bipartite Graphs with n Vertices. - A. A. Shumeyko, S. L. Sotnik:
Using Genetic Algorithms for Texts Classification Problems. - Gregory Z. Gutin, Daniel Karapetyan:
A Memetic Algorithm for the Multidimensional Assignment Problem. - Cristina Ofelia Stanciu:
Decision Support Systems Architectures. - Virgiliu Streian, Adela Ionescu:
Web Publishing of the Files Obtained by Flash. - Ramona Vasilescu:
PDF/A standard for long term archiving. - Valentin Vieriu, Catalin Tuican:
Adobe AIR, Bringing Rich Internet Applications to the Desktop. - Tiberiu Marius Karnyanszky, Mihai Titu:
Upon the Modeling and the Optimization of the Debiting Process through Computer Aided Non-Conventional Technologies. - Boris Yangel:
Fast Weak Learner Based on Genetic Algorithm. - Florentina Anica Pintea, Georgiana Petruta Fintineanu, Bogdan Ioan Selariu:
PayPal in Romania. - Yongxin Tong, Zhao Li, Dan Yu, Shilong Ma, Ke Xu:
Mining Compressed Repetitive Gapped Sequential Patterns Efficiently. - Sylvie Noël, Daniel Lemire:
On the Challenges of Collaborative Data Processing. - Matthew Marriotti:
Course Material Selection Rubric for Creating Network Security Courses. - Xiaorong Hou, Junwei Shao:
Spherical Distribution of 5 Points with Maximal Distance Sum. - Sayee C. Kompalli, Ravi R. Mazumdar:
On a Generalized Foster-Lyapunov Type Criterion for the Stability of Multidimensional Markov chains with Applications to the Slotted-Aloha Protocol with Finite Number of Queues. - Brian Carroll:
On Sparse Channel Estimation. - Christoph Koutschan
Eliminating Human Insight: An Algorithmic Proof of Stembridge's TSPP Theorem. - Gagan Aggarwal, Gagan Goel, Aranyak Mehta:
Efficiency of (Revenue-)Optimal Mechanisms. - Thierry Bouche:
Report on the current state of the French DMLs. - Graeme Pope:
Modified Frame Reconstruction Algorithm for Compressive Sensing. - Arto Annila:
Physical portrayal of computational complexity. - Jean-Luc Fouquet, Jean-Marie Vanherpe:
On Fulkerson conjecture. - Éric Sopena, Jiaojiao Wu:
Coloring the square of the Cartesian product of two cycles. - Omer Khalid, Richard J. Anthony, Paul Nilsson, Kate Keahey, Markus Schulz, Miltos Petridis, Kevin Parrott:
Enabling and Optimizing Pilot Jobs using Xen based Virtual Machines for the HPC Grid Applications. - Ming-Sheng Shang, Ci-Hang Jin, Tao Zhou, Yi-Cheng Zhang:
Collaborative filtering based on multi-channel diffusion. - Paolo Mancarella, Giacomo Terreni, Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, Ulrich Endriss:
The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Theory, Implementation and Experiments. - Georg Böcherer, Alexandre de Baynast:
fairMAC: A Distributed Cooperative MAC Protocol with Throughput/Transmission-Cost Tradeoff. - Yannick Chevalier, Mounira Kourjieh:
On the Decidability of (ground) Reachability Problems for Cryptographic Protocols (extended version). - Michael T. Goodrich:
Pipelined Algorithms to Detect Cheating in Long-Term Grid Computations. - Jörg Peters, Jianhua Fan:
On the Complexity of Smooth Spline Surfaces from Quad Meshes. - Mark D. Reid, Robert C. Williamson:
Generalised Pinsker Inequalities. - Marianne Azer, Sherif El-Kassas, Magdy S. El-Soudani:
A Full Image of the Wormhole Attacks - Towards Introducing Complex Wormhole Attacks in wireless Ad Hoc Networks. - Xu Liu, Jianfeng Zhan, Bibo Tu, Ming Zou, Dan Meng:
Similarity Analysis in Automatic Performance Debugging of SPMD Parallel Programs. - Wei Zhou, Jianfeng Zhan, Dan Meng:
Multidimensional Analysis of System Logs in Large-scale Cluster Systems. - Yonatan Kaspi, Neri Merhav:
Error Exponents for Broadcast Channels with Degraded Message Sets. - Madalina Ecaterina Andreica, Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Angela Andreica:
Efficient Algorithms for Several Constrained Activity Scheduling Problems in the Time and Space Domains. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Madalina Ecaterina Andreica, Daniel Ardelean:
Efficient Algorithms for Several Constrained Resource Allocation, Management and Discovery Problems. - Jianfeng Zhan, Lei Wang, Bibo Tu, Yong Li, Peng Wang, Wei Zhou, Dan Meng:
Phoenix Cloud : Consolidating Heterogeneous Workloads of Large Organizations on Cloud Computing Platforms. - Catalin Hritcu, Jan Schwinghammer:
A Step-indexed Semantics of Imperative Objects. - Gregory Z. Gutin, Eun Jung Kim, Stefan Szeider, Anders Yeo:
A Probabilistic Approach to Problems Parameterized Above Tight Lower Bound. - Gregory Z. Gutin, Daniel Karapetyan, Igor Razgon:
FPT Algorithms in Analysis of Heuristics for Extracting Networks in Linear Programs. - Silvio M. Duarte Queiros:
On the effectiveness of a binless entropy estimator for generalised entropic forms. - Emanuele Viola:
Cell-Probe Lower Bounds for Prefix Sums. - Alexander A. Sherstov:
On Quantum-Classical Equivalence for Composed Communication Problems. - Benjamin Chevallereau, Alain Bernard
, Pierre Mévellec:
Améliorer les performances de l'industrie logicielle par une meilleure compréhension des besoins. - Ioannis Z. Emiris, Elias P. Tsigaridas, Antonios Varvitsiotis:
Algebraic methods for counting Euclidean embeddings of rigid graphs. - Qi Dai, Wei Sha:
The Physics of Compressive Sensing and the Gradient-Based Recovery Algorithms. - Arne Meier, Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Michael Thomas, Volker Weber, Felix Weiss:
The Complexity of Satisfiability for Fragments of Hybrid Logic -- Part I. - Ender Ayanoglu:
On "A Novel Maximum Likelihood Decoding Algorithm for Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes". - Asaf Levin, Uri Yovel:
Uniform unweighted set cover: The power of non-oblivious local search. - Vitaly Skachek:
Correcting a Fraction of Errors in Nonbinary Expander Codes with Linear Programming. - Farzad Didehvar:
On Defining 'I' "I logy". - Tobias Lutz, Christoph Hausl, Ralf Kötter:
Bits Through Relay Cascades with Half-Duplex Constraint. - Abdellatif Zaidi, Shivaprasad Kotagiri, J. Nicholas Laneman, Luc Vandendorpe:
Multiaccess Channels with State Known to One Encoder: Another Case of Degraded Message Sets. - Muhammad Fainan Hanif, Peter J. Smith
On the Statistics of Cognitive Radio Capacity in Shadowing and Fast Fading Environments (Journal Version). - Dorel Micle, Marcel Torok-Oance, Liviu Maruia:
The morpho-topographic and cartographic analysis of the archaeological site Cornesti "Iarcuri", Timis County, Romania, using computer sciences methods (GIS and Remote Sensing techniques). - Rolf Andreas Rasenack:
Analyser Framework to verify Software Component. - Bolanle Oladejo, Adenike O. Osofisan, Victor Odumuyiwa:
Knowledge Management in Economic Intelligence with Reasoning on Temporal Attributes. - Pablo Piantanida, Gerald Matz, Pierre Duhamel:
Outage Behavior of Discrete Memoryless Channels (DMCs) Under Channel Estimation Errors. - Pierre Cocheteux, Alexandre Voisin, Eric Levrat, Benoît Iung:
Methodology for assessing system performance loss within a proactive maintenance framework. - Nikolaj N. Glazunov:
Toward a Category Theory Design of Ontological Knowledge Bases. - Cristopher Moore, Alexander Russell:
Approximating the Permanent via Nonabelian Determinants. - Marcus Hutter:
Feature Reinforcement Learning: Part I: Unstructured MDPs. - Robin Adams, Zhaohui Luo:
Classical Predicative Logic-Enriched Type Theories. - Behnood Gholami, Allen R. Tannenbaum, Wassim M. Haddad:
Segmentation of Facial Expressions Using Semi-Definite Programming and Generalized Principal Component Analysis. - Andrey Breslav:
Creating Textual Language Dialects Using Aspect-like Techniques. - Martin Renqiang Min, David A. Stanley, Zineng Yuan, Anthony J. Bonner, Zhaolei Zhang:
Large-Margin kNN Classification Using a Deep Encoder Network. - Ashish Khisti, Suhas N. Diggavi, Gregory W. Wornell:
Secret-Key Generation using Correlated Sources and Channels. - Arash Shaban-Nejad, Olga Ormandjieva, Mohamad Kassab, Volker Haarslev:
Managing Requirement Volatility in an Ontology-Driven Clinical LIMS Using Category Theory. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. - Serguei A. Mokhov:
Towards Improving Validation, Verification, Crash Investigations, and Event Reconstruction of Flight-Critical Systems with Self-Forensics. - Subhas Kumar Ghosh, Janardan Misra:
A Randomized Algorithm for 3-SAT. - Philippe Thomas, André Thomas:
How deals with discrete data for the reduction of simulation models using neural network. - Mikhail Nesterenko, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Ideal Stabilization. - Martin Fürer, Serge Gaspers, Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan:
An Exponential Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for Bandwidth. - Piotr Bania:
Evading network-level emulation. - Armen E. Allahverdyan, Aram Galstyan:
On Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Hidden Markov Processes. - Anupam Gupta, Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Amit Kumar, Danny Segev:
Scheduling with Outliers. - Raghunandan H. Keshavan, Andrea Montanari, Sewoong Oh:
Matrix Completion from Noisy Entries. - Liming Wang, Dan Schonfeld:
Mapping Equivalence for Symbolic Sequences: Theory and Applications. - Chandra Chekuri, Sungjin Im, Benjamin Moseley:
Minimizing Maximum Response Time and Delay Factor in Broadcast Scheduling. - Rethnakaran Pulikkoonattu:
On the Minimum Distance of Non Binary LDPC Codes. - Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Michael L. Nelson, Simeon Warner, Robert Sanderson, Pete Johnston:
Adding eScience Assets to the Data Web. - Jakub T. Moscicki, A. Manara, Massimo Lamanna, P. Mendez, A. Muraru:
Dependable Distributed Computing for the International Telecommunication Union Regional Radio Conference RRC06. - Giorgi Japaridze
From formulas to cirquents in computability logic. - Rumi Ghosh, Kristina Lerman:
Structure of Heterogeneous Networks. - David Pearce, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran:
Characterising equilibrium logic and nested logic programs: Reductions and complexity. - Chinmay S. Vaze, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Dirty Paper Coding for the MIMO Cognitive Radio Channel with Imperfect CSIT. - Dzenan Zukic, Christof Rezk-Salama, Andreas Kolb:
A Neural Network Classifier of Volume Datasets. - Mauro Cherubini, Rodrigo de Oliveira, Nuria Oliver:
Shopping Uncertainties in a Mobile and Social Context. - Chen Avin, Zvi Lotker, Francesco Pasquale, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet:
A note on uniform power connectivity in the SINR model. - Raphael Jolly, Heinz Kredel:
Symbolic Script Programming for Java. - François de Vieilleville, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud:
Revisiting Digital Straight Segment Recognition. - Andreas Maletti, Catalin Ionut Tîrnauca:
Properties of quasi-alphabetic tree bimorphisms. - Ido Tal, Ron M. Roth:
Bounds on the Rate of 2-D Bit-Stuffing Encoders. - Chandra Chekuri, Sungjin Im, Benjamin Moseley:
Longest Wait First for Broadcast Scheduling. - Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Lillian Lee, Richard Ducott:
Without a 'doubt'? Unsupervised discovery of downward-entailing operators. - Marc-André Laverdière, Serguei A. Mokhov, Suhasini Tsapa, Djamel Benredjem:
Ftklipse - Design and Implementation of an Extendable Computer Forensics Environment: Software Requirements Specification Document. - Marc-André Laverdière, Serguei A. Mokhov, Suhasini Tsapa, Djamel Benredjem:
Ftklipse - Design and Implementation of an Extendable Computer Forensics Environment: Specification Design Document. - Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Amit Deshpande, Santosh S. Vempala:
The Limit of Convexity Based Isoperimetry: Sampling Harmonic-Concave Functions. - Vit Niennattrakul, Pongsakorn Ruengronghirunya, Chotirat Ann Ratanamahatana:
Exact Indexing for Massive Time Series Databases under Time Warping Distance. - Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Vi Hart, John Iacono, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke:
Continuous Blooming of Convex Polyhedra. - Chandra Chekuri, Iftah Gamzu:
Truthful Mechanisms via Greedy Iterative Packing. - Rogério Reis, Nelma Moreira, Marco Almeida:
On the Representation of Finite Automata. - Ruihu Li, Zongben Xu:
On [[n,n-4,3]]q Quantum MDS Codes for odd prime power q. - Can Emre Koksal, Philip Schniter:
Non-Bayesian Rate-Adaptive Wireless Communication Using ARQ-Feedback. - Marc-André Laverdière, Serguei A. Mokhov, Djamel Benredjem:
On Implementation of a Safer C Library, ISO/IEC TR 24731. - Volker Weber:
On the Complexity of Branching-Time Logics. - Ahmet Kara, Martin Lange, Thomas Schwentick, Volker Weber:
On the Hybrid Extension of CTL and CTL+. - Alberto Pepe, Matthew S. Mayernik, Christine L. Borgman, Herbert Van de Sompel:
Technology to Represent Scientific Practice: Data, Life Cycles, and Value Chains. - Shun Watanabe, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Tomohiko Uyematsu:
Strongly Secure Privacy Amplification Cannot Be Obtained by Encoder of Slepian-Wolf Code. - Rajiv Soundararajan, Sriram Vishwanath:
Hybrid Coding for Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Gaussian Sources. - (Withdrawn) Concatenate and Boost for Multiple Measurement Vector Problems.
- Carl Graham, Philippe Robert, Maaike Verloop:
Stability Properties of Networks with Interacting TCP Flows. - Tomás Vinar, Brona Brejová, Giltae Song, Adam C. Siepel:
Bayesian History Reconstruction of Complex Human Gene Clusters on a Phylogeny. - Tobias Kretz:
The use of dynamic distance potential fields for pedestrian flow around corners. - Catherine Doss, Michèle Thieullen:
Oscillations and Random Perturbations of a FitzHugh-Nagumo System. - François de Vieilleville, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Fabien Feschet:
Maximal digital straight segments and convergence of discrete geometric estimators. - Pietro Di Gianantonio, Furio Honsell, Marina Lenisa:
RPO, Second-order Contexts, and Lambda-calculus. - Yakov Nekrich:
Data Structures for Approximate Range Counting. - Luc Ceuppens, Alan Sardella, Daniel Kharitonov:
Power Saving Strategies and Technologies in Network Equipment Opportunities and Challenges, Risk and Rewards. - Carl Hewitt:
Norms and Commitment for ORGs (Organizations of Restricted Generality): Strong Paraconsistency and Participatory Behavioral Model Checking. - Ophir Setter:
Constructing Two-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams via Divide-and-Conquer of Envelopes in Space. - Jacques-Olivier Lachaud:
Coding cells of digital spaces: a framework to write generic digital topology algorithms. - Martin Braure de Calignon, Luc Brun, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud:
Combinatorial pyramids and discrete geometry for energy-minimizing segmentation. - Kohtaro Tadaki:
Partial randomness and dimension of recursively enumerable reals. - Mahdi Ramezani, Masoud Ardakani:
Disjoint LDPC Coding for Gaussian Broadcast Channels. - Xudong Ma:
Equalization for Non-Coherent UWB Systems with Approximate Semi-Definite Programming. - Carlos Gershenson:
What Does Artificial Life Tell Us About Death? - Mikhail Basilyan:
Employing Wikipedia's Natural Intelligence For Cross Language Information Retrieval. - Barco You:
Discussion of Twenty Questions Problem. - Pierre Hyvernat:
Predicate Transformers, (co)Monads and Resolutions. - Alexandre Benoît, Bruno Salvy:
Chebyshev Expansions for Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. - Velimir M. Ilic, Miomir S. Stankovic, Branimir Todorovic:
Entropy Message Passing Algorithm. - Michal Zerola, Jérôme Lauret, Roman Barták, Michal Sumbera:
Efficient Multi-site Data Movement Using Constraint Programming for Data Hungry Science. - Otfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Andreas F. Holmsen:
Lower Bounds for Pinning Lines by Balls. - Stylianos Basagiannis, Panagiotis Katsaros, Andrew Pombortsis:
Attacking an OT-Based Blind Signature Scheme. - Daniel Karapetyan, Gregory Z. Gutin, Boris Goldengorin:
Empirical evaluation of construction heuristics for the multidimensional assignment problem. - Volker Diekert, Manfred Kufleitner:
Fragments of first-order logic over infinite words. - Gilles Champenois:
Mnesors for automatic control. - Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Ioannis Broustis, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Christos Gkantsidis:
A measurement driven, 802.11 anti-jamming system. - Markus Holzer, Martin Kutrib, Andreas Malcher:
Multi-Head Finite Automata: Characterizations, Concepts and Open Problems. 93-107 - Chi Zhang, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu, Jing Liu:
Approximating Scheduling Machines with Capacity Constraints. - Zhihai Zhang, Tian Fang, Bican Xia:
Real Solution Isolation with Multiplicity of Zero-Dimensional Triangular Systems. - Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Benjamin Taton:
Deformable Model with a Complexity Independent from Image Resolution. - Miao Song:
Feynman Algorithm Implementation for Comparison with Euler in a Uniform Elastic Two-Layer 2D and 3D Object Dynamic Deformation Framework in OpenGL with GUI. - Jan A. Bergstra, Cornelis A. Middelburg:
Instruction sequence notations with probabilistic instructions. - Christine Michel
, Sébastien George
, Élise Garrot:
Activités collectives et instrumentation. Étude de pratiques dans l'enseignement supérieur. - Christine Michel
Poset representation and similarity comparisons os systems in IR. - Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, François de Vieilleville:
Convex shapes and convergence speed of discrete tangent estimators. - Christine Michel
, Marc-Eric Bobillier-Chaumon
, Franck Tarpin-Bernard:
Fracture numérique chez les seniors du 4eme age. Observation d'une acculturation technique. - Panagiotis Papadakos, Yannis Theoharis, Yannis Marketakis
, Nikos Armenatzoglou, Yannis Tzitzikas:
Object-Relational Database Representations for Text Indexing. - Alexander Krassovitskiy, Yurii Rogozhin, Sergey Verlan:
Computational Power of P Systems with Small Size Insertion and Deletion Rules. 108-117 - David Tolpin, Solomon Eyal Shimony:
Semi-Myopic Sensing Plans for Value Optimization. - Yonatan Bilu, Nathan Linial:
Are stable instances easy? - Yonina C. Eldar, Patrick Kuppinger, Helmut Bölcskei:
Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals: Uncertainty Relations and Efficient Recovery. - Chao Tian, Suhas N. Diggavi, Shlomo Shamai:
Approximate Characterizations for the Gaussian Source Broadcast Distortion Region. - Philippe Moser:
A General Notion of Useful Information. 164-171 - Mari Kobayashi, Mérouane Debbah, Shlomo Shamai:
Secured Communication over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels: a practical Vandermonde precoding. - Konstantinos Nikitopoulos, Ernst Martin Witte, Dan Zhang, David Kammler, I-Wei Lai, Chun-Hao Liao, Filippo Borlenghi, Gerd Ascheid:
Complexity-Efficient Enumeration Techniques for Soft-Input, Soft-Output Sphere Decoding. - Maurice Margenstern:
On the injectivity of the global function of a cellular automaton in the hyperbolic plane (extended abstract). 153-163 - Manfred Kudlek:
Some Considerations on Universality. 118-122 - Mari Kobayashi, Yingbin Liang, Shlomo Shamai, Mérouane Debbah:
On the Compound MIMO Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages. - Jacob Goldenberg, Moshe Levy:
Distance Is Not Dead: Social Interaction and Geographical Distance in the Internet Era. - Alexander Okhotin:
Representing a P-complete problem by small trellis automata. 185-198 - Nicolas Ollinger:
Intrinsically Universal Cellular Automata. 199-204 - Narad Rampersad, Jeffrey O. Shallit:
Detecting patterns in finite regular and context-free languages. - Sergey Andreyev:
Personal applications, based on moveable / resizable elements. - Jérôme Durand-Lose:
Small Turing universal signal machines. 70-80 - Nicolas Ollinger, Gaétan Richard:
A Particular Universal Cellular Automaton. 205-214 - Klaus Sutner:
Computational Processes and Incompleteness. 226-234 - Sergey Verlan, Yurii Rogozhin:
New Choice for Small Universal Devices: Symport/Antiport P Systems. 235-241 - Sundeep Rangan, Alyson K. Fletcher, Vivek K. Goyal:
Asymptotic Analysis of MAP Estimation via the Replica Method and Applications to Compressed Sensing. - Cristian S. Calude:
Simplicity via Provability for Universal Prefix-free Turing Machines. 16-21 - Efi Fogel:
Minkowski Sum Construction and other Applications of Arrangements of Geodesic Arcs on the Sphere. - Cristina Cachero, Jesús Pardillo:
Goal-oriented Data Warehouse Quality Measurement. - Matthew Cook:
A Concrete View of Rule 110 Computation. 31-55 - David Doty, Matthew J. Patitz, Scott M. Summers:
Limitations of Self-Assembly at Temperature One (extended abstract). 67-69 - Olivier Bournez, Jérémie Chalopin, Johanne Cohen, Xavier Koegler:
Playing With Population Protocols. 3-15 - Grégory Lafitte:
Busy beavers gone wild. 123-129 - Karthikeyan Lingasubramanian, Syed M. Alam, Sanjukta Bhanja:
Study of Circuit-Specific Error Bounds for Fault-Tolerant Computation using Maximum a posteriori (MAP) Hypothesis. - Eric Goles Ch., Pierre-Etienne Meunier, Ivan Rapaport, Guillaume Theyssier:
Communications in cellular automata. 81-92 - Fred Lunnon:
The Pagoda Sequence: a Ramble through Linear Complexity, Number Walls, D0L Sequences, Finite State Automata, and Aperiodic Tilings. 130-148 - Matthew J. Patitz, Scott M. Summers:
Self-Assembly of Infinite Structures. 215-225 - Venkatesh Ramakrishnan, Ernst Martin Witte, Torsten Kempf, David Kammler, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr, Marc Adrat, Markus Antweiler:
Efficient And Portable SDR Waveform Development: The Nucleus Concept. - Andriy Myronenko, Xubo B. Song:
Adaptive Regularization of Ill-Posed Problems: Application to Non-rigid Image Registration. - Niall Murphy, Damien Woods:
On acceptance conditions for membrane systems: characterisations of L and NL. 172-184 - Liesbeth De Mol:
On the boundaries of solvability and unsolvability in tag systems. Theoretical and Experimental Results. 56-66 - Matteo Cavaliere, Peter Leupold:
Complexity through the Observation of Simple Systems. 22-30 - Stefano Buzzi, H. Vincent Poor, Alessio Zappone:
Spreading Code and Widely-Linear Receiver Design: Non-Cooperative Games for Wireless CDMA Networks. - Maziar M. Nekovee
Quantifying the Availability of TV White Spaces for Cognitive Radio Operation in the UK. - Christian Spagnol, Marta Rossi, Massimiliano Sala:
Quasi-cyclic LDPC codes with high girth. - Atzmon Hen-Tov, David H. Lorenz, Lior Schachter:
ModelTalk: A Framework for Developing Domain Specific Executable Models. - Ziyuan Wang, Lars Kulik, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
Decentralized Traffic Management Strategies for Sensor-Enabled Cars. - Martin Drozda, Sven Schaust, Helena Szczerbicka:
AIS for Misbehavior Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: Performance and Design Principles. - Panos Giannopoulos, Christian Knauer, Günter Rote, Daniel Werner:
The parameterized complexity of some geometric problems in unbounded dimension. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus:
Efficient Offline Algorithmic Techniques for Several Packet Routing Problems in Distributed Systems. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Madalina Ecaterina Andreica, Costel Visan:
Optimal Constrained Resource Allocation Strategies under Low Risk Circumstances. - Serge Gaspers, Gregory B. Sorkin:
A universally fastest algorithm for Max 2-Sat, Max 2-CSP, and everything in between. - Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye:
On the Algorithmic Nature of the World. - Vishwakarma Singh, Arnab Bhattacharya, Ambuj K. Singh:
Finding Significant Subregions in Large Image Databases. - Haris Aziz, Oded Lachish, Mike Paterson, Rahul Savani
Spanning connectivity games. - Romain Couillet, Mérouane Debbah, Jack W. Silverstein:
A deterministic equivalent for the capacity analysis of correlated multi-user MIMO channels. - Romain Couillet, Sebastian Wagner, Mérouane Debbah:
Asymptotic Analysis of Linear Precoding Techniques in Correlated Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channels. - Nidhal Bouaynaya, Jerzy S. Zielinski, Dan Schonfeld:
Two-Dimensional ARMA Modeling for Breast Cancer Detection and Classification. - Dusan Jakovetic, João Manuel Freitas Xavier, José M. F. Moura:
Weight Optimization for Consensus Algorithms with Correlated Switching Topology. - Sang Won Choi, Syed Ali Jafar, Sae-Young Chung:
On the Beamforming Design for Efficient Interference Alignment. - Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Gueorgi Kossinets, Jon M. Kleinberg, Lillian Lee:
How opinions are received by online communities: A case study on Amazon.com helpfulness votes. - Hunter Monroe
Speedup for Natural Problems and NP=?coNP. - Srdjan Stankovic, Dejan Simic:
Defense Strategies Against Modern Botnets. - Chih-Hao Liu, Yong-Feng Lin, Jason Jen-Yen Chen:
Using Agent to Coordinate Web Services. - G. M. Atiqur Rahaman, Md. Mobarak Hossain:
Automatic Defect Detection and Classification Technique from Image: A Special Case Using Ceramic Tiles. - Abd El Naser A. Mohammed, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed, Gaber E. S. M. El Abyad, Abd El Fattah A. Saad:
High Transmission Bit Rate of A thermal Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Module in Passive Optical Networks. - Baolong Liu, Joan Lu, Jim Yip:
XML Data Integrity Based on Concatenated Hash Function. - Dilip V. Sarwate, Zhiyuan Yan:
Modified Euclidean Algorithms for Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes. - Ashwin Ganesan:
On some sufficient conditions for distributed Quality-of-Service support in wireless networks. - Wlodzimierz Drabent, Jan Maluszynski:
Hybrid Rules with Well-Founded Semantics. - Erdal Panayirci, Alexander Kocian, H. Vincent Poor, Marina Ruggieri:
A Monte-Carlo Implementation of the SAGE Algorithm for Joint Soft Multiuser and Channel Parameter Estimation. - Deniz Gündüz, Osvaldo Simeone, Andrea J. Goldsmith, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai:
Relaying Simultaneous Multicast Messages. - Yuriy Shiyanovskii, Francis G. Wolff, Christos A. Papachristou, Daniel J. Weyer, W. Clay:
Hardware Trojan by Hot Carrier Injection. - Yuriy Shiyanovskii, Francis G. Wolff, Christos A. Papachristou, Daniel J. Weyer, W. Clay:
Exploiting Semiconductor Properties for Hardware Trojans. - Mohd Faizal Abdollah, Mohd Zaki Mas'ud, S. Shahrin, Robiah Yusof, Siti Rahayu Selamat, B. Nazrulazhar:
Threshold Verification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection System. - Yi Wang, Michael Schapira, Jennifer Rexford:
Neighbor-Specific BGP: More Flexible Routing Policies While Improving Global Stability. - Yaming Yu:
Squeezing the Arimoto-Blahut algorithm for faster convergence. - Marco Almeida, Nelma Moreira, Rogério Reis:
Aspects of enumeration and generation with a string automata representation. - Isolde Adler:
Games for width parameters and monotonicity. - Oren Somekh, Osvaldo Simeone, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai:
The Two-Tap Input-Erasure Gaussian Channel and its Application to Cellular Communications. - Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Qingyun Wang:
Diversity Analysis of Peaky FSK Signaling in Fading Channels. - Qing Chen, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Energy-Efficient Modulation Design for Reliable Communication in Wireless Networks. - Sami Akin, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Effective Capacity Analysis of Cognitive Radio Channels for Quality of Service Provisioning. - Deli Qiao, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Senem Velipasalar:
Energy Efficiency in the Low-SNR Regime under Queueing Constraints and Channel Uncertainty. - Igor Margasinski:
A Parallelism-Based Approach to Network Anonymization. - Panos Giannopoulos, Christian Knauer, Günter Rote, Daniel Werner:
Fixed-parameter tractability and lower bounds for stabbing problems. - Serguei A. Mokhov, Joey Paquet:
Using the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY) for Evaluation of Higher-Order Intensional Logic (HOIL) Expressions. - Fabio Patrizi:
An Introduction to Simulation-Based Techniques for Automated Service Composition. 37-49 - Serguei A. Mokhov, Joey Paquet:
A Type System Theory for Higher-Order Intensional Logic Support for Variable Bindings in Hybrid Intensional-Imperative Programs in GIPSY. - Claudio Guidi, Fabrizio Montesi:
Reasoning About a Service-oriented Programming Paradigm. 67-81 - Stefano Bistarelli
, Paola Campli:
Fairness as a QoS Measure for Web Services. 115-127 - Daiki Koizumi
, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa:
Bayesian Forecasting of WWW Traffic on the Time Varying Poisson Model. - László Kovács, Péter Mátételki, Balázs E. Pataki:
Service-oriented Context-aware Framework. 15-26 - Kamran Taj Pathan, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec:
Towards Activity Context using Software Sensors. 27-35 - Stefano Bistarelli
, Francesco Santini:
Soft Constraints for Quality Aspects in Service Oriented Architectures. 51-65 - Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Sylvia Ilieva:
Towards a Unifying View of QoS-Enhanced Web Service Description and Discovery Approaches. 99-113 - Joe Prathap P. M, V. Vasudevan:
Analysis of the various key management algorithms and new proposal in the secure multicast communications. - K. Pradheep Kumar, A. P. Shanthi:
Application of non-uniform laxity to EDF for aperiodic tasks to improve task utilisation on multicore platforms. - Sinan Gezici, Hasari Celebi, Hüseyin Arslan, H. Vincent Poor:
Theoretical Limits on Time Delay Estimation for Ultra-Wideband Cognitive Radios. - Emmanuel Beffara
Quantitative testing semantics for non-interleaving. - Hakan Özadam, Ferruh Özbudak:
Two generalizations on the minimum Hamming distance of repeated-root constacyclic codes. - Man-On Pun, Kyeong Jin Kim, Ronald A. Iltis, H. Vincent Poor:
Reduced-Feedback Opportunistic Scheduling and Beamforming with GMD for MIMO-OFDMA. - Benjamin Piwowarski, Mounia Lalmas:
A Quantum-based Model for Interactive Information Retrieval (extended version). - Karsten M. Borgwardt, Zoubin Ghahramani:
Bayesian two-sample tests. - Hongyu Lu, Shanglian Bao:
Physical Modeling Techniques in Active Contours for Image Segmentation. - Don Conry, Yehuda Koren, Naren Ramakrishnan:
Recommender Systems for the Conference Paper Assignment Problem. - Naveen Ashish, Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
An Event Based Approach To Situational Representation. - Mark Giesbrecht, Myung Sub Kim:
On computing the Hermite form of a matrix of differential polynomials. - Mauro Cherubini, Nuria Oliver:
A Refined Experience Sampling Method to Capture Mobile User Experience. - Josna Rao, Ghassan Hamarneh, Rafeef Abugharbieh:
Automatic Spatially-Adaptive Balancing of Energy Terms for Image Segmentation. - Massimiliano de Leoni:
Adaptive Process Management in Highly Dynamic and Pervasive Scenarios. 83-97 - Oliver Obst:
Distributed Fault Detection in Sensor Networks using a Recurrent Neural Network. - Jack H. Lutz:
A Divergence Formula for Randomness and Dimension (Short Version). 149-152 - Anjana Pandey, K. R. Pardasani:
Rough Set Model for Discovering Hybrid Association Rules. - Frédéric Blanqui, Cody Roux:
On the relation between size-based termination and semantic labelling. - Venkata Rao Kuchibhotla, Viswanath Kasturi:
On the Definition of Non-deterministic Mechanisms. - Krzysztof Szczypiorski:
A Performance Analysis of HICCUPS - a Steganographic System for WLAN. - Michael Meier, Michael Schmidt, Georg Lausen:
On Chase Termination Beyond Stratification. - Alexander A. Sherstov:
The Pattern Matrix Method (Journal Version). - Ahmed Mihoob, Carlos Molina-Jiménez:
A Peer to Peer Protocol for Online Dispute Resolution over Storage Consumption. 3-14 - Mark Bickford, Robert L. Constable, Joseph Y. Halpern, Sabina Petride:
Knowledge-Based Synthesis of Distributed Systems Using Event Structures. - Lawrence E. Blume, David A. Easley, Joseph Y. Halpern:
Constructive Decision Theory. - Joseph Y. Halpern, Leandro Chaves Rêgo:
Reasoning About Knowledge of Unawareness Revisited. - Joseph Y. Halpern, Rafael Pass:
A Logical Characterization of Iterated Admissibility. - Jigyasa Bisaria, Namita Shrivastava, Kamal Raj Pardasani:
A Rough Sets Partitioning Model for Mining Sequential Patterns with Time Constraint. - Adam J. Grove, Joseph Y. Halpern:
Updating Sets of Probabilities. - Gaurav Bhatnagar, Balasubramanian Raman:
Robust Watermarking in Multiresolution Walsh-Hadamard Transform. - Gábor Erdélyi, Henning Fernau, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Daniel Raible, Jörg Rothe:
The Complexity of Probabilistic Lobbying. - Jon Sneyers, Peter Van Weert, Tom Schrijvers, Leslie De Koninck:
As time goes by: Constraint Handling Rules - A survey of CHR research from 1998 to 2007. - Pankaj Kohli:
Coarse-grained Dynamic Taint Analysis for Defeating Control and Non-control Data Attacks. - Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggio, Roberto Sebastiani:
Efficient Generation of Craig Interpolants in Satisfiability Modulo Theories. - Michael W. Mahoney, Hariharan Narayanan:
Learning with Spectral Kernels and Heavy-Tailed Data. - Edith Cohen, Haim Kaplan, Subhabrata Sen:
Coordinated Weighted Sampling for Estimating Aggregates Over Multiple Weight Assignments. - Michele Barletta, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò:
Verifying the Interplay of Authorization Policies and Workflow in Service-Oriented Architectures (Full version). - (Withdrawn) Further Analysis on Resource Allocation in Wireless Communications Under Imperfect Channel State Information.
- Bilal Sadiq, Gustavo de Veciana:
Large deviation sum-queue optimality of a radial sum-rate monotone opportunistic scheduler. - Margreta Kuijper, Kristina Schindelar:
Minimal Gröbner bases and the predictable leading monomial property. - Sandeep. Kugali, Slevin S. S. Manvi, Ashok V. Sutagundar:
A Bandwidth Characterization Tool For MPEG-2 File. - Turlough Neary, Damien Woods, Anthony Karel Seda, Niall Murphy:
Proceedings International Workshop on The Complexity of Simple Programs, CSP 2008, Cork, Ireland, 6-7th December 2008. EPTCS 1, 2009 [contents] - Melda Yuksel, Elza Erkip:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for the Multiple-Antenna Wire-tap Channel. - Pedro Peris-Lopez, Julio César Hernández Castro, Juan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Jan C. A. van der Lubbe:
Shedding Some Light on RFID Distance Bounding Protocols and Terrorist Attacks. - Shraga I. Bross, Amos Lapidoth, Ligong Wang:
The Poisson Channel with Side Information. - Hafeez Ullah Amin, Abdur Rashid Khan:
Acquiring Knowledge for Evaluation of Teachers Performance in Higher Education using a Questionnaire. - Lukasz Chmielewski, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Peter van Rossum:
Client-Server Password Recovery (Extended Abstract). - Eric Benoit, Marc-Philippe Huget, Patrice Moreaux, Olivier Passalacqua:
Reconfiguration of Distributed Information Fusion System ? A case study. - Ladda Suanmali, Naomie Salim, Mohammed Salem Binwahlan:
Fuzzy Logic Based Method for Improving Text Summarization. - Paolo Ferragina, Igor Nitto, Rossano Venturini:
On optimally partitioning a text to improve its compression. - Yves Brise, Bernd Gärtner:
Clarksons Algorithm for Violator Spaces. - Carlo A. Furia, Paola Spoletini:
On Relaxing Metric Information in Linear Temporal Logic. - Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Vi Hart, Gregory N. Price, Tomohiro Tachi:
(Non)existence of Pleated Folds: How Paper Folds Between Creases. - Roman Kolpakov, Gregory Kucherov, Pascal Ochem:
On maximal repetitions of arbitrary exponent. - Cristian Klein, Octavian Cret, Alin Suciu:
Design and Implementation of a High Quality and High Throughput TRNG in FPGA. - Sriram Somanchi, Chaitanya Nittala, Yadati Narahari:
A Novel Bid Optimizer for Sponsored Search Auctions based on Cooperative Game Theory. - Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Peter Battaglino, Michael Robert DeWeese:
Minimum Probability Flow Learning. - Amir Azizi, Hamid Reza Pourreza:
Efficient IRIS Recognition through Improvement of Feature Extraction and subset Selection. - Suvrit Sra:
A Trivial Observation related to Sparse Recovery. - Subhash Khot, Assaf Naor:
Sharp kernel clustering algorithms and their associated Grothendieck inequalities. - Walid Saad, Zhu Han, Tamer Basar, Mérouane Debbah, Are Hjørungnes:
Physical Layer Security: Coalitional Games for Distributed Cooperation. - Behrooz Rezaie, Mohammad Reza Jahed-Motlagh, Morteza Analoui, Siavash Khorsandi:
Global Stability Analysis for an Internet Congestion Control Model with a Time-Varying Link Capacity. - Bin Han, Serguei A. Mokhov, Joey Paquet:
Advances in the Design and Implementation of a Multi-Tier Architecture in the GIPSY Environment. - Siddhivinayak Kulkarni, Imad Haidar:
Forecasting Model for Crude Oil Price Using Artificial Neural Networks and Commodity Futures Prices. - Lorentz Jäntschi:
A genetic algorithm for structure-activity relationships: software implementation. - Maurice H. ter Beek:
Proceedings Fourth European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing, YR-SOC 2009, Pisa, Italy, 17-19th June 2009. EPTCS 2, 2009 [contents] - K. V. Rashmi, Nihar B. Shah, P. Vijay Kumar, Kannan Ramchandran:
Exact Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage. - Jingwei Chen, Yong Feng, Xiaolin Qin:
Detecting Simultaneous Integer Relation for Real Vectors and Finding the Minimal Polynomial of an Algebraic Number. - Lijun Chang, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Lu Qin:
Fast Probabilistic Ranking under x-Relation Model. - Bechir Alaya, Claude Duvallet, Bruno Sadeg:
A New Approach to Manage QoS in Distributed Multimedia Systems. - Rizwan A. Khan, M. Aasim Qureshi, Saqib Saeed:
Vision Based Navigation for a Mobile Robot with Different Field of Views. - Dmitry I. Ignatov, Sergei O. Kuznetsov:
Concept-based Recommendations for Internet Advertisement. - Christine Michel
Dispositif de supervision pour les tuteurs impliqués dans un apprentissage à la gestion de projets. - Daron Acemoglu, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Ali ParandehGheibi:
Spread of Misinformation in Social Networks. - C. Seshadhri:
Testing cycle-freeness: Finding a certificate. - Ming-Sheng Shang, Zi-Ke Zhang, Tao Zhou, Yi-Cheng Zhang:
Collaborative filtering with diffusion-based similarity on tripartite graphs. - Tad Hogg, Robert A. Freitas Jr.:
Chemical Power for Microscopic Robots in Capillaries. - Ram Kumar Singh, T. Ramajujam:
Intrusion Detection System Using Advanced Honeypots. - Anshika Pal, Deepak Singh Tomar, S. C. Shrivastava:
Effective Focused Crawling Based on Content and Link Structure Analysis. - Huma Naeem, Asif Masood, Mukhtar Hussain, Shoab A. Khan:
A Novel Two-Stage Dynamic Decision Support based Optimal Threat Evaluation and Defensive Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Multi Air-borne threats. - Ahmed Ben Jmaa, Walid Mahdi, Yousra Ben Jemaa, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou:
A new approach for digit recognition based on hand gesture analysis. - Chendong Li:
Towards the Patterns of Hard CSPs with Association Rule Mining. - Leah Epstein, Asaf Levin:
AFPTAS results for common variants of bin packing: A new method to handle the small items. - Leah Epstein, Asaf Levin:
Bin packing with general cost structures. - Dhananjay R. Kalbande, G. T. Thampi, Manish Singh:
Incidence Handling and Response System. - Simant Dube:
Geometrical Interpretation of the Master Theorem for Divide-and-conquer Recurrences. - R. Thamilselvan, P. Balasubramanie:
Integrating Genetic Algorithm, Tabu Search Approach for Job Shop Scheduling. - R. Avudaiammal, R. SivaSubramanian, R. Pandian, P. Seethalakshmi:
TTSS Packet Classification Algorithm to enhance Multimedia Applications in Network Processor based Router. - Mukul S. Bansal, Jianrong Dong, David Fernández-Baca:
Comparing and Aggregating Partially Resolved Trees. - Susmit Jha:
Statistical Analysis of Privacy and Anonymity Guarantees in Randomized Security Protocol Implementations. - Javaid Aslam:
Response to Refutation of Aslam's Proof that NP = P. - Hal Daumé III:
Non-Parametric Bayesian Areal Linguistics. - Arnaud Martin, Christophe Osswald, Jean Dezert, Florentin Smarandache
General combination rules for qualitative and quantitative beliefs. - Jean Dezert, Arnaud Martin, Florentin Smarandache
Comments on "A new combination of evidence based on compromise" by K. Yamada. - Poonam Garg:
Cryptanalysis of SDES via evolutionary computation techniques. - Oded Kafri:
A Comment on Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics. - Tijl De Bie:
Explicit probabilistic models for databases and networks. - Hal Daumé III:
Unsupervised Search-based Structured Prediction. - Serguei A. Mokhov, Joey Paquet, Mourad Debbabi:
Reasoning About an ACME Printer Case Investigation with Forensic Lucid. - George Katsirelos, Sebastian Maneth, Nina Narodytska, Toby Walsh:
Restricted Global Grammar Constraints. - Nikolaos Vasiloglou, Petros Maragos:
Spectrum of Fractal Interpolation Functions. - Emden R. Gansner, Yifan Hu, Stephen G. Kobourov, Chris Volinsky:
Putting Recommendations on the Map -- Visualizing Clusters and Relations. - Doron Ezri, Shimi Shilo:
Green Cellular - Optimizing the Cellular Network for Minimal Emission from Mobile Stations. - Nicholas Mastronarde, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Online Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Multimedia Systems. - Salah A. Aly:
Constructing Asymmetric Quantum and Subsystem Cyclic Codes. - Nasir Mahmood Malik, Arif Mushtaq, Samina Khalid, Tehmina Khalil, Faisal Munir Malik:
Measurable & Scalable NFRs using Fuzzy Logic and Likert Scale. - Amir Salman Avestimehr, Suhas N. Diggavi, David N. C. Tse:
Wireless Network Information Flow: A Deterministic Approach. - Juyul Lee, Nihar Jindal:
Asymptotically Optimal Policies for Hard-deadline Scheduling over Fading Channels. - Anne Gentil-Beccot
, Salvatore Mele, Travis C. Brooks:
Citing and Reading Behaviours in High-Energy Physics. How a Community Stopped Worrying about Journals and Learned to Love Repositories. - Daniel Hirschkoff, Aurélien Pardon, Tom Hirschowitz, Samuel Hym, Damien Pous:
Encapsulation and Dynamic Modularity in the Pi-Calculus. - Pabitra Pal Choudhury, Sarif Sk. Hassan, Sudhakar Sahoo, Birendra Kumar Nayak:
Theory of Rule 6 and its Application to Round Robin Tournament. - Yong-Hyuk Kim, Yourim Yoon:
A Note on Mathematical Modelling of Practical Multicampaign Assignment and Its Computational Complexity. - Markus Ojala, Gemma C. Garriga, Aristides Gionis, Heikki Mannila:
Query Significance in Databases via Randomizations. - Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg, Alex Simpson:
Relational Parametricity for Computational Effects. - Hongyu Lu, Chongguang Wu, Shanglian Bao:
An Improved Algorithm based on Shannon-Happ Formula for Calculating Transfer Function from Signal Flow Graph and Its Visualization. - Zaigham Mehmood, Saqib Saeed:
Teaching Quality Assurance and Project Management to Undergraduate Computing Students in Pakistan. - Saqib Saeed, Christph Kunz:
Loading Arbitrary Knowledge Bases in Matrix Browser. - Santo Fortunato:
Community detection in graphs. - B. A. Sethuraman:
Division Algebras and Wireless Communication. - Robert Koenig, Stephanie Wehner, Jürg Wullschleger:
Unconditional security from noisy quantum storage. - Gabriel Cardona, Mercè Llabrés, Francesc Rosselló, Gabriel Valiente:
Comparison of Galled Trees. - Askar Dzhumadil'daev, Pasha Zusmanovich:
The alternative operad is not Koszul. - Chris Biemann, Monojit Choudhury, Animesh Mukherjee:
Syntax is from Mars while Semantics from Venus! Insights from Spectral Analysis of Distributional Similarity Networks. - Patrick Guio, Nicholas Achilleos:
The VOISE Algorithm: a Versatile Tool for Automatic Segmentation of Astronomical Images. - Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Aris L. Moustakas:
Rational Behaviour in the Presence of Stochastic Perturbations. - Frank Breitling:
A standard transformation from XML to RDF via XSLT. - Arnau Mir, Francesc Rosselló:
The mean value of the squared path-difference distance for rooted phylogenetic trees. - David L. Donoho, Jared Tanner:
Observed Universality of Phase Transitions in High-Dimensional Geometry, with Implications for Modern Data Analysis and Signal Processing. - Laurent Busé
, Guillaume Chèze, Salah Najib:
Noether's forms for the study of non-composite rational functions and their spectrum. - Stefania Fanali, Massimo Giulietti:
AG codes on certain maximal curves. - (Withdrawn) Uniquely Ergodic Minimal Tiling Spaces with Positive Entropy.
- Takayuki Tsuchida:
A systematic method for constructing time discretizations of integrable lattice systems: local equations of motion. - Donald Goldfarb, Shiqian Ma:
Convergence of fixed point continuation algorithms for matrix rank minimization. - Mikhail V. Simkin, Vwani P. Roychowdhury:
Estimating achievement from fame. - Xueliang Li, Yuefang Sun:
The rainbow k-connectivity of two classes of graphs. - Vincent Larivière, Yves Gingras:
On the prevalence and scientific impact of duplicate publications in different scientific fields (1980-2007). - Gabriela Jeronimo, Daniel Perrucci:
On the minimum of a positive polynomial over the standard simplex. - Patrick Coquillard, Alexandre Muzy, Eric Wajnberg:
Activatability for simulation tractability of NP problems: Application to Ecology. - Pu Wang, Marta C. González, César A. Hidalgo, Albert-László Barabási:
Understanding the spreading patterns of mobile phone viruses. - Mohamed-Ali Belabbas, Patrick J. Wolfe:
On landmark selection and sampling in high-dimensional data analysis. - Masaaki Harada, Tsuyoshi Miezaki:
An Upper Bound on the Minimum Weight of Type II ZZ2k-Codes. - Daniel Rudoy, Prabahan Basu, Patrick J. Wolfe:
Superposition frames for adaptive time-frequency analysis and fast reconstruction. - Raymond Hemmecke, Shmuel Onn, Robert Weismantel:
Multicommodity Flow in Polynomial Time. - Michael Drew Lamar:
Algorithms for realizing degree sequences of directed graphs. - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
Critical independent sets and Konig-Egervary graphs. - Bob Coecke, Ross Duncan:
Interacting Quantum Observables: Categorical Algebra and Diagrammatics. - Toby S. Cubitt, Jianxin Chen, Aram W. Harrow:
Superactivation of the Asymptotic Zero-Error Classical Capacity of a Quantum Channel. - Mariano Beguerisse-Díaz, Mason A. Porter, Jukka-Pekka Onnela:
Competition for Popularity in Bipartite Networks.

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