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CoRR, June 2010
- Marco Gaboardi, Jean-Yves Marion, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca:
An Implicit Characterization of PSPACE. - Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Cédric Gaucherel:
Image information content characterization and classification by physical complexity. - Yipeng Liu, Qun Wan:
Anti-Measurement Matrix Uncertainty for Robust Sparse Signal Recovery with The Mixed l2 and l1 Norms Constraint. - Ruiming Yang, Qun Wan, Yipeng Liu, Wan-Lin Yang:
Inter-atom Interference Mitigation for Sparse Signal Reconstruction Using Semi-blindly Weighted Minimum Variance Distortionless Response. - Iliya Bouyukliev, Erik Jakobsson:
Results on Binary Linear Codes With Minimum Distance 8 and 10. - Solomiya Buk:
Ivan Franko's novel Dlja domashnjoho ohnyshcha (For the Hearth) in the light of the frequency dictionary. - Oleg S. Pianykh:
Perfusion Linearity and Its Applications. - Sabine Kampf, Martin Bossert:
A Fast Generalized Minimum Distance Decoder for Reed-Solomon Codes Based on the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. - Johanna Becker, Zsolt Csizmadia, Alexandre Laugier, Jácint Szabó, László Szegö:
Balancing congestion for unsplittable routing on a bidirected ring. - Christoph Koutschan
, Doron Zeilberger:
The 1958 Pekeris-Accad-WEIZAC Ground-Breaking Collaboration that computed Ground States of Two-Electron Atoms (and its 2010 Redux). - Nadia Creignou, Arne Meier, Michael Thomas, Heribert Vollmer:
The Complexity of Reasoning for Fragments of Autoepistemic Logic. - Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, Jure Leskovec, Andreas Krause:
Inferring Networks of Diffusion and Influence. - Pengkai Zhao:
Impact of Parameter Variations on the Performance of a Concurrent SDMA MIMO-MAC. - Shizheng Li, Aditya Ramamoorthy:
Improved compression of network coding vectors using erasure decoding and list decoding. - Wojciech Fraczek, Wojciech Mazurczyk, Krzysztof Szczypiorski:
Stream Control Transmission Protocol Steganography. - Mathieu Cluzeau, Matthieu Finiasz, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Methods for the Reconstruction of Parallel Turbo Codes. - Nan Li, William Cushing, Subbarao Kambhampati, Sung Wook Yoon:
Learning Probabilistic Hierarchical Task Networks to Capture User Preferences. - Meng Wang, Weiyu Xu, Ao Tang:
The Limits of Error Correction with lp Decoding. - Takahiro Ota, Hiroyoshi Morita:
Asymptotic Optimality of Antidictionary Codes. - Carlos M. Lorenzetti, Rocío L. Cecchini, Ana Gabriela Maguitman, András A. Benczúr:
Métodos para la Selección y el Ajuste de Características en el Problema de la Detección de Spam. - Prosenjit Bose, Luc Devroye, Maarten Löffler, Jack Snoeyink, Vishal Verma:
The dilation of the Delaunay triangulation is greater than π/2. - Massoud Babaie-Zadeh, Christian Jutten:
On the stable recovery of the sparsest overcomplete representations in presence of noise. - Rajkumar Buyya, Anton Beloglazov, Jemal H. Abawajy:
Energy-Efficient Management of Data Center Resources for Cloud Computing: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Open Challenges. - Siu-Wai Ho:
Markov Lemma for Countable Alphabets. - Andreas Schenk, Robert F. H. Fischer:
Soft-Output Sphere Decoder for Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection of Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband. - Rui A. Costa, Michael Langberg, João Barros:
One-Shot Capacity of Discrete Channels. - Manas K. Patra, Samuel L. Braunstein:
An algebraic approach to information theory. - Joachim M. Buhmann:
Information theoretic model validation for clustering. - J. David Brown, Jamshid Abouei, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Adaptive Demodulation in Differentially Coherent Phase Systems: Design and Performance Analysis. - Paul J. Werbos:
Brain-Like Stochastic Search: A Research Challenge and Funding Opportunity. - Haitham Rashwan, Ernst M. Gabidulin, Bahram Honary:
A Smart Approach for GPT Cryptosystem Based on Rank Codes. - Stefano Galatolo, Mathieu Hoyrup, Cristobal Rojas
Computing the speed of convergence of ergodic averages and pseudorandom points in computable dynamical systems. 7-18 - Ingo Battenfeld:
A domain-theoretic investigation of posets of sub-sigma-algebras (extended abstract). 19-28 - Matthew S. Bauer, Xizhong Zheng:
On the Weak Computability of Continuous Real Functions. 29-40 - Vasco Brattka
, Arno Pauly:
Computation with Advice. 41-55 - Wesley Calvert
, Ken Kramer, Russell G. Miller:
The Cardinality of an Oracle in Blum-Shub-Smale Computation. 56-66 - Douglas Cenzer, Paul Brodhead:
Effective Capacity and Randomness of Closed Sets. 67-76 - Tobias Gärtner, Martin Ziegler:
Real Analytic Machines and Degrees. 77-91 - Vassilios Gregoriades:
The descriptive set-theoretic complexity of the set of points of continuity of a multi-valued function (Extended Abstract). 92-100 - Dianchen Lu
, Qingyan Wang, Rui Zheng:
Computing the Solutions of the Combined Korteweg-de Vries Equation by Turing Machines. 101-105 - Norbert Th. Müller, Margarita V. Korovina:
Making big steps in trajectories. 106-119 - Robert Rettinger:
A Local to Global Principle for the Complexity of Riemann Mappings (Extended Abstract). 120-129 - Yuping Shen, Xishun Zhao:
NP-Logic Systems and Model-Equivalence Reductions. 130-138 - Christoph Spandl:
Computational Complexity of Iterated Maps on the Interval (Extended Abstract). 139-150 - Thomas Steinke, Raazesh Sainudiin:
A Rigorous Extension of the Schönhage-Strassen Integer Multiplication Algorithm Using Complex Interval Arithmetic. 151-159 - Yongcheng Wu:
Complete Multi-Representations of Sets in a Computable Measure Space. 160-166 - Petros Drineas, Anastasios Zouzias:
A Note on Element-wise Matrix Sparsification via Matrix-valued Chernoff Bounds. - Alain Denise, Yann Ponty, Michel Termier:
Controlled non uniform random generation of decomposable structures. - Karol Gregor, Yann LeCun:
Emergence of Complex-Like Cells in a Temporal Product Network with Local Receptive Fields. - Alexey V. Chernov, Vladimir Vovk:
Prediction with Advice of Unknown Number of Experts. - Krzysztof Szczypiorski, Wojciech Mazurczyk:
Hiding Data in OFDM Symbols of IEEE 802.11 Networks. - Sanjay Karmakar, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
The diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of the MIMO Z interference channel. - Kristina Lerman, Rumi Ghosh, Jeon-Hyung Kang:
Centrality Metric for Dynamic Networks. - Chun-Hung Liu, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Multicast Capacity Scaling of Wireless Networks with Multicast Outage. - Jun-Pyo Hong, Wan Choi:
Capacity scaling law by multiuser diversity in cognitive radio systems. - Xizhong Zheng, Ning Zhong:
Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, CCA 2010, Zhenjiang, China, 21-25th June 2010. EPTCS 24, 2010 [contents] - Bogdan Butnaru, Benjamin Nguyen, Georges Gardarin, Laurent Yeh:
XQ2P: Efficient XQuery P2P Time Series Processing. - Georges Gardarin, Benjamin Nguyen, Laurent Yeh, Karine Zeitouni
, Bogdan Butnaru, Iulian Sandu Popa:
Gestion efficace de séries temporelles en P2P: Application à l'analyse technique et l'étude des objets mobiles. - YuanYuan He, Subhrakanti Dey:
Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio with Quantized Channel Information. - Chao Tian, Suhas N. Diggavi, Shlomo Shamai:
The Achievable Distortion Region of Bivariate Gaussian Source on Gaussian Broadcast Channel. - Ghassan M. Kraidy, Joseph Jean Boutros, Albert Guillen i Fabregas:
Irregular Turbo Codes in Block-Fading Channels. - Jossy Sayir:
EXIT Chart Approximations using the Role Model Approach. - Krishnendu Chatterjee, Laurent Doyen, Hugo Gimbert, Thomas A. Henzinger:
Randomness for Free. - Marius Zimand:
Impossibility of independence amplification in Kolmogorov complexity theory. - Luis Barguñó, Guillem Godoy, Eduard Huntingford, Ashish Tiwari:
Termination of Rewriting with Right-Flat Rules Modulo Permutative Theories. - Pavel Yu. Chebotarev, Anton K. Loginov, Yana Yu. Tsodikova, Zoya M. Lezina, V. I. Borzenko:
Analysis of Collectivism and Egoism Phenomena within the Context of Social Welfare. - David Chin-Lung Fong, Michael A. Saunders:
LSMR: An iterative algorithm for sparse least-squares problems. - Mubarak Jibril, Martin Tomlinson, Mohammed Zaki Ahmed, Cen Tjhai:
Good Codes From Generalised Algebraic Geometry Codes. - Aly El Gamal, Onur Ozan Koyluoglu, Moustafa Youssef, Hesham El Gamal:
The Two Way Wiretap Channel: Theory and Practice. - Luis Salamanca, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Fernando Pérez-Cruz:
Channel Decoding with a Bayesian Equalizer. - Marco Fiore, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Panagiotis Papadimitratos:
Secure Neighbor Position Discovery in VANETs. - Szymon Grabowski, Wojciech Bieniecki:
Tight and simple Web graph compression. - Jan A. Bergstra, Cornelis A. Middelburg:
On the definition of a theoretical concept of an operating system. - Mahmoud I. A. Abdalla:
Treatment the Effects of Studio Wall Resonance and Coincidence Phenomena for Recording Noisy Speech Via FPGA Digital Filter. - Lydia Sari, Gunawan Wibisono, Dadang Gunawan:
Performance of RCPC-Encoded V-BLAST MIMO In Nakagami-m Fading Channel. - Harsh Kumar, Shweta Srivastava:
Rectangular and Circular Antenna Design on Thick Substrate. - Shahram Mohanna, Ali Farahbakhsh, Saeed Tavakoli:
Mutual Coupling Reduction in Two-Dimensional Array of Microstrip Antennas Using Concave Rectangular Patches. - Usama S. Mohammed, H. A. Hamada:
Image transmission over OFDM channel with rate allocation scheme and minimum peak-toaverage power ratio. - Ahmed Galib Reza, Tan Saw Chin, Fouad M. Abbou:
Performance Evaluation of Two-Stage Shared FDL Optical Packet Switch using Contention Resolution Scheme with Packet Releasing Priority. - Nirmalendu Bikas Sinha, Prosenjit kumar, Monojit Mitra:
Capacity Optimized For Multicarrier OFDM-MIMO Antenna Systems. - Javier Garcia, Chi Zhou:
Improving GPS Precision and Processing Time using Parallel and Reduced-Length Wiener Filters. - Hamza Dahmouni, Hassan El Ghazi, David Bonacci, Brunilde Sansò, André Girard:
Imprvoing QoS of all-IP Generation of Pre-WiMax Networks Using Delay-Jitter Model. - Ahmed Elmorshidy:
Holographic Projection Technology: The World is Changing. - A. S. Kang, Vishal Sharma:
Analysis of Beaulieu Pulse Shaping Family Based FIR Filter for WCDMA. - Nick Fyson, Tijl De Bie, Nello Cristianini:
Reconstruction of Causal Networks by Set Covering. - Hardeep Singh, Jasvir Singh, M. Mian:
Simulink based VoIP Analysis. - Mahdi Ali, Abdennacer Kachouri, Mounir Samet:
Novel method for planar microstrip antenna matching impedance. - Mohammad Khalaj-Amirhosseini, S. A. Akbarzadeh-Jahromi:
To Optimally Design Microstrip Nonuniform Transmission Lines as Lowpass Filters. - N. S. V. Shet, K. Chandrasekaran, K. C. Shet:
Implementation of Handoff through wireless access point Techniques. - Sonal Chawla, R. K. Singla:
Mechanism for Learning Object retrieval supporting adaptivity. - Shing-Kwei Tzeng, Chih-Fang Huang:
A Study on the Interactive "HOPSCOTCH" Game for the Children Using Computer Music Techniques. - Hao Shi:
An Interactive Zoo Guide: A Case Study of Collaborative Learning. - Tobias Lutz, Gerhard Kramer, Christoph Hausl:
Capacity for Half-Duplex Line Networks with Two Sources. - Mohamed Salah Gouider, Amine Farhat:
Building a Data Warehouse for National Social Security Fund of the Republic of Tunisia. - Hao Shi:
Developing E-Learning Materials for Software Development Course. - Jinwei Hu:
Expressiveness of a Provenance-Enabled Authorization Logic. - Yuan Shen, Moe Z. Win:
Fundamental Limits of Wideband Localization - Part I: A General Framework. - Yuan Shen, Henk Wymeersch, Moe Z. Win:
Fundamental Limits of Wideband Localization - Part II: Cooperative Networks. - Alexandru I. Tomescu:
On cycles through two arcs in strong multipartite tournaments. - Debdeep Chatterjee, Tan F. Wong, Ozgur Oyman:
On Achievable Rate Regions for Half-Duplex Causal Cognitive Radio Channels. - Georges Harik, Noam Shazeer:
Variational Program Inference. - Sabu M. Thampi, K. Chandra Sekaran:
An Enhanced Search Technique for Managing Partial Coverage and Free Riding in P2P Networks. - Sabu M. Thampi, K. Chandra Sekaran:
'Q-Feed' - An Effective Solution for the Free-riding Problem in Unstructured P2P Networks. - Jian Liu, Dah Ming Chiu:
Mathematical Modeling of Competition in Sponsored Search Market. - Xuepeng Wang, Baoming Bai, Xiao Ma:
A Low-Complexity Joint Detection-Decoding Algorithm for Nonbinary LDPC-Coded Modulation Systems. - Andrej Kastrin, Borut Peterlin, Dimitar Hristovski:
Chi-square-based scoring function for categorization of MEDLINE citations. - Andrej Kastrin, Borut Peterlin:
Rasch-based high-dimensionality data reduction and class prediction with applications to microarray gene expression data. - Thibaut Lust, Jacques Teghem:
Multiobjective decomposition of integer matrices: application to radiotherapy. - Ludo Waltman, Nees Jan van Eck, Ed C. M. Noyons:
A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. - Gideon Samid:
Shannon Revisited: Considering a More Tractable Expression to Measure and Manage Intractability, Uncertainty, Risk, Ignorance, and Entropy. - Ernst M. Gabidulin, Haitham Rashwan, Bahram Honary:
On improving security of GPT cryptosystems. - M. Monnerville, G. Sémah:
Youpi, a Web-based Astronomical Image Processing Pipeline. - Marko A. Rodriguez, Alberto Pepe, Joshua Shinavier:
The Dilated Triple. - Jacqueline E. Rice, Kenneth B. Kent:
Systolic Array Technique for Determining Common Approximate Substrings. - Hagai Cohen, Ely Porat:
On the hardness of distance oracle for sparse graph. - Kirk Haller, Audrey Lee-St. John, Meera Sitharam, Ileana Streinu, Neil White:
Body-and-cad Geometric Constraint Systems. - Vladimir Pestov:
Predictive PAC learnability: a paradigm for learning from exchangeable input data. - Alexander Rakhlin, Karthik Sridharan, Ambuj Tewari:
Online Learning: Random Averages, Combinatorial Parameters, and Learnability. - Sanjay Karmakar, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
The diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of the symmetric MIMO 2-user interference channel. - Khoa D. Nguyen, Lars K. Rasmussen, Albert Guillen i Fabregas, Nick Letzepis:
MIMO ARQ with Multi-bit Feedback: Outage Analysis. - Fabio Soldo, Katerina J. Argyraki, Athina Markopoulou:
Optimal Source-Based Filtering of Malicious Traffic. - Ali Talari, Nazanin Rahnavard:
Distributed Rateless Codes with UEP Property. - Srirangam V. Addepallil, Per Andersen, George L. Barnes:
Efficient Resource Matching in Heterogeneous Grid Using Resource Vector. - Chao Chen, Carlos A. Pomalaza-Raez:
Implementing and Evaluating a Wireless Body Sensor System for Automated Physiological Data Acquisition at Home. - C. N. Marimuthu, P. Thangaraj, Aswathy Ramesan:
Low Power Shift and Add Multiplier Design. - K. M. Azharul Hasan, Mohammad Sabbir Hasan:
A Parsing Scheme for Finding the Design Pattern and Reducing the Development Cost of Reusable Object Oriented Software. - Koushik Majumder, Subir Kumar Sarkar:
Hybrid Scenario Based Performance Analysis of DSDV and DSR. - Natarajan Meghanathan, Nataliya Kostyuk, Raphael D. Isokpehi, Hari Cohly:
An Algorithm to Self-Extract Secondary Keywords and Their Combinations Based on Abstracts Collected using Primary Keywords from Online Digital Libraries. - Amitava Nag, Sushanta Biswas, Debasree Sarkar, Partha Pratim Sarkar:
A novel technique for image steganography based on Block-DCT and Huffman Encoding. - S. V. Sheela, K. R. Radhika:
Biometric Authentication using Nonparametric Methods. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Game Information System. - Yaser Miaji, Osman Gazali, Suhaidi Hassan:
Survey on the Event Orderings Semantics Used for Distributed System. - Ruchira Naskar, Indranil Sengupta:
Secret Sharing and Proactive Renewal of Shares in Hierarchical Groups. - P. Raja Rajeswari, Allam Apparo, V. K. Kumar:
Genbit Compress Tool(GBC): A Java-Based Tool to Compress DNA Sequences and Compute Compression Ratio(bits/base) of Genomes. - Md. Headayetullah, G. K. Pradhan:
Interoperability, Trust Based Information Sharing Protocol and Security: Digital Government Key Issues. - Vincent Le Nir, Marc Moonen, Jan Verlinden, Mamoun Guenach:
Full vectoring optimal power allocation in xDSL channels under per-modem power constraints and spectral mask constraints. - Vincent Le Nir, Marc Moonen, Jan Verlinden, Mamoun Guenach:
Optimal power allocation for downstream xDSL with per-modem total power constraints : Broadcast Channel Optimal Spectrum Balancing (BC-OSB). - Béla Hullár, Sándor Laki, József Stéger, István Csabai, Gábor Vattay:
SONoMA: A Service Oriented Network Measurement Architecture. - Nikolaos Fountoulakis, Konstantinos Panagiotou, Angelika Steger:
On the Insertion Time of Cuckoo Hashing. - Chintan Amrit, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Detecting Coordination Problems in Collaborative Software Development Environments. - Chintan Amrit, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Exploring the Impact of Socio-Technical Core-Periphery Structures in Open Source Software Development. - Amparo Fúster-Sabater:
Correction to "Generalized Self-Shrinking Generator". - Marie-Pierre Béal, Jean Berstel, Søren Eilers, Dominique Perrin:
Symbolic dynamics. - Christopher Robinson Tompkins:
The Morphisms With Unstackable Image Words. - Jun Zhao, Elizabeth L. Mansfield:
Discrete Variational Calculus for B-spline Approximated Curves. - Gilles Meyer, Silvère Bonnabel, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Regression on fixed-rank positive semidefinite matrices: a Riemannian approach. - Sraban Kumar Mohanty:
I/O Efficient Algorithms for Matrix Computations. - S. M. Joshi, S. Sanyal, S. Banerjee, S. Srikumar:
Using Grid Files for a Relational Database Management System. - Marius Zimand:
Counting dependent and independent strings. - Jonathan Huang, Carlos Guestrin:
Uncovering the Riffled Independence Structure of Rankings. - Fionn Murtagh, Adam Ganz:
Segmentation and Nodal Points in Narrative: Study of Multiple Variations of a Ballad. - Vicent Cholvi, Dariusz R. Kowalski:
Bounds on Stability and Latency in Wireless Communication. - Xiaowen Gong, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Chintha Tellambura:
Joint Bandwidth and Power Allocation with Admission Control in Wireless Multi-User Networks With and Without Relaying. - Zengmao Chen, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Cheng-Xiang Wang, John S. Thompson:
Pareto Region Characterization for Rate Control in Multi-User Systems and Nash Bargaining. - Majid Fozunbal:
On Regret of Parametric Mismatch in Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation. - Ali Talari, Behzad Shahrasbi, Nazanin Rahnavard:
Efficient Symbol Sorting for High Intermediate Recovery Rate of LT Codes. - Jianfeng Zhan, Lei Wang, Weisong Shi, Shimin Gong, Xiutao Zang:
PhoenixCloud: Provisioning Resources for Heterogeneous Workloads in Cloud Computing. - Hugo Gimbert, Wieslaw Zielonka:
Blackwell-Optimal Strategies in Priority Mean-Payoff Games. 7-21 - Krishnendu Chatterjee, Rupak Majumdar:
Discounting in Games across Time Scales. 22-29 - Julien Cristau, Claire David, Florian Horn:
How do we remember the past in randomised strategies? 30-39 - Lubos Brim, Jakub Chaloupka:
Using Strategy Improvement to Stay Alive. 40-54 - Giovanna D'Agostino
, Giacomo Lenzi:
On Modal μ-Calculus over Finite Graphs with Bounded Strongly Connected Components. 55-71 - Davide Bresolin
, Pietro Sala
, Guido Sciavicco
Begin, After, and Later: a Maximal Decidable Interval Temporal Logic. 72-88 - Andreas Morgenstern, Klaus Schneider
Exploiting the Temporal Logic Hierarchy and the Non-Confluence Property for Efficient LTL Synthesis. 89-102 - Oliver Friedmann, Martin Lange:
Local Strategy Improvement for Parity Game Solving. 118-131 - John Fearnley, Martin Zimmermann
Playing Muller Games in a Hurry. 146-161 - Marco Bernardo:
On the Expressiveness of Markovian Process Calculi with Durational and Durationless Actions. 199-213 - Davide Ancona, Giovanni Lagorio
Coinductive subtyping for abstract compilation of object-oriented languages into Horn formulas. 214-230 - Catalin Dima
, Constantin Enea, Dimitar P. Guelev:
Model-Checking an Alternating-time Temporal Logic with Knowledge, Imperfect Information, Perfect Recall and Communicating Coalitions. 103-117 - Wladimir Fridman:
Formats of Winning Strategies for Six Types of Pushdown Games. 132-145 - Christian Appold:
Efficient Symmetry Reduction and the Use of State Symmetries for Symbolic Model Checking. 173-187 - Miklós Bartha:
Turing Automata and Graph Machines. 19-31 - James Cheney
Causality and the Semantics of Provenance. 63-74 - Vincent Danos, Nicolas Oury:
Equilibrium and Termination. 75-84 - Vedran Dunjko
, Elham Kashefi:
Algebraic characterisation of one-way patterns. 85-100 - Bas Spitters
The space of measurement outcomes as a spectrum for non-commutative algebras. 127-133 - Benoît Valiron:
Semantics of a Typed Algebraic Lambda-Calculus. 147-158 - Arthur Steven Younger, Emmett Redd:
Computing by Means of Physics-Based Optical Neural Networks. 159-167 - Li Peng, Albert Guillen i Fabregas:
Distortion Outage Probability in MIMO Block-Fading Channels. - Tobias Friedrich, Thomas Sauerwald, Dan Vilenchik:
Smoothed Analysis of Balancing Networks. - Petteri Kaskenpalo:
On Secure Workflow Decentralisation on the Internet. 2-16 - Jan Sudeikat, Wolfgang Renz:
Separating Agent-Functioning and Inter-Agent Coordination by Activated Modules: The DECOMAS Architecture. 17-31 - Krishnendu Chatterjee, Laurent Doyen, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Thomas A. Henzinger, Philippe Rannou:
Mean-payoff Automaton Expressions. - Frank Raiser, Thom W. Frühwirth:
Analyzing Graph Transformation Systems through Constraint Handling Rules. - Julie Greensmith, Uwe Aickelin:
The Deterministic Dendritic Cell Algorithm. - Julie Greensmith, Jan Feyereisl, Uwe Aickelin:
The DCA:SOMe Comparison A comparative study between two biologically-inspired algorithms. - William O. Wilson, Phil Birkin, Uwe Aickelin:
The Motif Tracking Algorithm. - Pablo M. Olmos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes:
Tree-structure Expectation Propagation for Decoding LDPC codes over Binary Erasure Channels. - Junping Zhou, Minghao Yin, Chunguang Zhou:
New worst upper bound for #SAT. - Raajay Viswanathan, P. S. Sastry, K. P. Unnikrishnan:
Efficient Discovery of Large Synchronous Events in Neural Spike Streams. - Arun Pachai Kannu, Philip Schniter:
On Communication over Unknown Sparse Frequency-Selective Block-Fading Channels. - Piotr Gawron, Jerzy Klamka, Jaroslaw Adam Miszczak, Ryszard Winiarczyk:
Extending scientific computing system with structural quantum programming capabilities. - Matt Donato, Seng Wai Loke:
EcoHomeHelper: An Expert System to Empower End-Users in Climate Change Action. - Jan Feyereisl, Uwe Aickelin:
ToLeRating UR-STD. - Neri Merhav:
Information Theory and Statistical Physics - Lecture Notes. - Jamie Twycross, Uwe Aickelin:
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity. - Markus Tauber, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Alan Dearle
Autonomic Management of Maintenance Scheduling in Chord. - Rani Hod, Marcin Krzywkowski:
The hat problem on a directed graph. - Michele Garetto, Alessandro Nordio, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Emilio Leonardi:
Information-theoretic Capacity of Clustered Random Networks. - Alexander Zeh, Christian Senger:
A Link between Guruswami--Sudan's List--Decoding and Decoding of Interleaved Reed--Solomon Codes. - Cong Ling, Wai Ho Mow, Nick Howgrave-Graham:
Variants of the LLL Algorithm in Digital Communications: Complexity Analysis and Fixed-Complexity Implementation. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Tata Kelola Database Perguruan Tinggi Yang Optimal Dengan Data Warehouse. - Cong Ling:
On the Proximity Factors of Lattice Reduction-Aided Decoding. - Shuang Echo Yang, Daniela Tuninetti:
Interference Channel with Generalized Feedback (a.k.a. with source cooperation). Part I: Achievable Region. - Haishi Ning, Cong Ling, Kin K. Leung:
On the Universality of Sequential Slotted Amplify and Forward Strategy in Cooperative Communications. - Animashree Anandkumar, Nithin Michael, Ao Kevin Tang, Ananthram Swami:
Distributed Algorithms for Learning and Cognitive Medium Access with Logarithmic Regret. - Animashree Anandkumar, Ting He, Chatschik Bisdikian, Dakshi Agrawal:
Seeing Through Black Boxes : Tracking Transactions through Queues under Monitoring Resource Constraints. - Spits Warnars:
Simple ROI untuk justifikasi investasi proyek Data Warehouse pada perguruan tinggi swasta. - Albert Fannjiang:
The MUSIC Algorithm for Sparse Objects: A Compressed Sensing Analysis. - Spits Warnars:
Rancangan Infrastruktur E-Bisnis Business Intelligence Pada Perguruan Tinggi. - Germán Terrazas, Dario Landa-Silva
, Natalio Krasnogor:
Towards the Design of Heuristics by Means of Self-Assembly. 135-146 - Spits Warnars:
Object-oriented modelling with unified modelling language 2.0 for simple software application based on agile methodology. - Tom Van Cutsem
, Mark S. Miller:
Proceedings First International Workshop on Decentralized Coordination of Distributed Processes, DCDP 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10th June 2010. EPTCS 27, 2010 [contents] - Jong-Ho Lee, Oh-Soon Shin:
Full-Duplex Relay based on Zero-Forcing Beamforming. - Spits Warnars:
Measuring interesting rules in Characteristic rule. - Martianus Frederic Ezerman, Somphong Jitman, San Ling:
On Asymmetric Quantum MDS Codes. - Spits Warnars:
Attribute Oriented Induction with simple select SQL statement. - Spits Warnars:
Multidimensional Datawarehouse with Combination Formula. - Spits Warnars:
Virtual information system on working area. - Munmun De Choudhury, Hari Sundaram, Ajita John, Dorée Duncan Seligmann, Aisling Kelliher:
"Birds of a Feather": Does User Homophily Impact Information Diffusion in Social Media? - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Indonesian Earthquake Decision Support System. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan Penanganan Bencana Alam Gempa Bumi Di Indonesia. - Angelo Montanari, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente:
Proceedings First Symposium on Games, Automata, Logic, and Formal Verification, GANDALF 2010, Minori (Amalfi Coast), Italy, 17-18th June 2010. EPTCS 25, 2010 [contents] - Debashis Dash, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Distributed Consensus with Finite Message Passing. - Mehdi M. Hassanzadeh, Tor Helleseth:
Algebraic Attack on the Alternating Step(r,s)Generator. - Antonia Wachter, Vladimir Sidorenko, Martin Bossert:
A Basis for all Solutions of the Key Equation for Gabidulin Codes. - Martin R. Albrecht, Clément Pernet:
Efficient Decomposition of Dense Matrices over GF(2). - Vianney Perchet:
Calibration and Internal no-Regret with Partial Monitoring. - (Withdrawn) On the Detection of High-Impact Refactoring Opportunities in Programs.
- Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Dolores de la Guía-Martínez:
Simple Cellular Automata-Based Linear Models for the Shrinking Generator. - Kishor Barman, Onkar Dabeer:
What is Popular Amongst Your Friends? - Diederik Aerts
Measuring Meaning on the World-Wide Web. - Itai Ashlagi, Felix A. Fischer, Ian A. Kash, Ariel D. Procaccia:
Mix and Match. - S. Ali A. Fakoorian, A. Lee Swindlehurst:
Optimal Power Allocation for GSVD-Based Beamforming in the MIMO Wiretap Channel. - Ariel Futoransky, Luciano Notarfrancesco, Gerardo Richarte, Carlos Sarraute:
Building Computer Network Attacks. - Carlos Sarraute, Javier Burroni:
Using Neural Networks to improve classical Operating System Fingerprinting techniques. - Ariel Futoransky, Fernando Miranda, José Ignacio Orlicki, Carlos Sarraute:
Simulating Cyber-Attacks for Fun and Profit. - Matthew T. Dickerson, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich:
Cloning Voronoi Diagrams via Retroactive Data Structures. - Guy E. Blelloch, Kanat Tangwongsan:
Parallel Approximation Algorithms for Facility-Location Problems. - Daniel Kunkle:
Roomy: A System for Space Limited Computations. - Diederik Aerts
, Marek Czachor, Bart D'Hooghe, Sandro Sozzo:
The Pet-Fish problem on the World-Wide Web. - Dowon Hong, Abedelaziz Mohaisen:
Augmented Rotation-Based Transformation for Privacy-Preserving Data Clustering. - Franck Cassez:
Timed Games for Computing Worst-Case Execution-Times. - Suprika Vasudeva Shrivastava, Hema Date:
Distributed Agile Software Development: A Review. - Animesh Kr Trivedi, Rajan Arora, Rishi Kapoor, Sudip Sanyal, Sugata Sanyal:
A Semi-distributed Reputation Based Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Adhoc Networks. - Vladimir Kolmogorov:
Minimizing a sum of submodular functions. - Krzysztof Moskwa, Piotr Rossa:
Rozwój bibliotek cyfrowych i repozytoriów elektronicznych na Dolnym Slasku w latach 2004-2008 / Development of Digital Libraries and Electronic Repositories in Lower Silesia in Years 2004-2008. - Mikko Koivisto, Valentin Polishchuk:
Geodesic diameter of a polygonal domain in O(n^4 log n) time. - Jan Østergaard, Yuval Kochman, Ram Zamir:
Colored Gaussian Multiple Descriptions: Spectral-Domain Characterization and Time-Domain Design. - Georg Böcherer, Rudolf Mathar:
Throughput, Bit-Cost, Network State Information: Tradeoffs in Cooperative CSMA Protocols. - Eren Sasoglu:
An entropy inequality for q-ary random variables and its application to channel polarization. - Haim H. Permuter, Shlomo Shamai, Anelia Somekh-Baruch:
Message and state cooperation in multiple access channels. - Sundaresan Krishnan, Prasanna Chaporkar:
Stochastic Approximation Algorithm for Optimal Throughput Performance of Wireless LANs. - Yipeng Liu, Qun Wan:
Generalized Block Sparse Constraint Based Compressive Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio. - Danny Hermelin, Chien-Chung Huang, Stefan Kratsch, Magnus Wahlström:
Parameterized Two-Player Nash Equilibrium. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Efektifitas Teknologi Informasi Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Pada Universitas Budi Luhur. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Multidimensi Pada Data Warehouse Dengan Menggunakan Rumus Kombinasi. - Chairil Anwar, Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Sistem Informasi Akademik Online Sebagai Penunjang Sistem Perkuliahan. - Fedro Antonius Pardede, Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Menunjang Pembangunan Daerah. - Wei Dai, Ely Kerman, Olgica Milenkovic:
A Geometric Approach to Low-Rank Matrix Completion. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Classification rule with simple select SQL statement. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Perbandingan Shell Unix. - Spits Warnars H. L. H:
Pembobolan website KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) Apakah melanggar UU RI no.36 tahun 1999 tentang telekomunikasi ? - Martin J. McGowan III, William L. Anderson
Software Must Move! A Description of the Software Assembly Line. - Aditya Krishna Menon, Charles Elkan:
Dyadic Prediction Using a Latent Feature Log-Linear Model. - Hoon Huh, Giuseppe Caire, Sung Hyun Moon, Young-Tae Kim, Inkyu Lee:
Multi-Cell MIMO Downlink with Cell Cooperation and Fair Scheduling: a Large-System Limit Analysis. - Aydin Buluç, John R. Gilbert:
Highly Parallel Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication. - Wei Dai, Olgica Milenkovic, Ely Kerman:
Subspace Evolution and Transfer (SET) for Low-Rank Matrix Completion. - Joseph Y. Halpern, Nan Rong, Ashutosh Saxena:
MDPs with Unawareness. - Carlos Barron-Romero:
The Complexity Of The NP-Class. - Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Jochen Könemann, David Pritchard:
Integrality Gap of the Hypergraphic Relaxation of Steiner Trees: a short proof of a 1.55 upper bound. - Pierre-Louis Curien, Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni:
The duality of computation under focus. - Franz Baader, Barbara Morawska:
Unification in the Description Logic EL. - Yoshiharu Maeno:
Node discovery in meta-population network behind infectious disease outbreak. - Susanne Pumplün, Thomas Unger:
Space-time block codes from nonassociative division algebras. - Diego Bendersky, Ariel Futoransky, Luciano Notarfrancesco, Carlos Sarraute, Ariel Waissbein:
Advanced Software Protection Now. - Marko A. Rodriguez, Peter Neubauer:
Constructions from Dots and Lines. - Oleg S. Pianykh:
L2-optimal image interpolation and its applications to medical imaging. - Bang Chul Jung, Dohyung Park, Won-Yong Shin:
Opportunistic Interference Mitigation Achieves Optimal Degrees-of-Freedom in Cellular Networks. - Parimal Parag
, Jean-François Chamberland, Henry D. Pfister, Krishna R. Narayanan:
On the Queueing Behavior of Random Codes over a Gilbert-Elliot Erasure Channel. - Carlos Sarraute, Fernando Miranda, José Ignacio Orlicki:
Simulation of Computer Network Attacks. - Iván Arce, Emiliano Kargieman, Gerardo Richarte, Carlos Sarraute, Ariel Waissbein:
An attack on MySQL's login protocol. - Guanfeng Liang, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Complexity of Multi-Value Byzantine Agreement. - Anwitaman Datta
Anonymous Gossiping. - M. Praveen:
Does Treewidth Help in Modal Satisfiability? - Han Xiao Wen:
Mirrored Language Structure and Innate Logic of the Human Brain as a Computable Model of the Oracle Turing Machine. - Sirin Nitinawarat:
On the Deterministic Code Capacity Region of an Arbitrarily Varying Multiple-Access Channel Under List Decoding. - Rad Niazadeh, Massoud Babaie-Zadeh, Christian Jutten:
On the Achievability of Cramér-Rao Bound In Noisy Compressed Sensing. - Kwabena Doku-Amponsah:
Asymptotic Equipartition Properties for simple hierarchical and networked structures. - Aleksandar Perisic:
The Application and Extension of Backward Software Analysis. - Gautam S. Thakur, Ahmed Helmy, Wei-jen Hsu:
Similarity Analysis and Modeling in Mobile Societies: The Missing Link. - Bahareh Akhbari, Mahtab Mirmohseni, Mohammad Reza Aref:
State-Dependent Relay Channel with Private Messages with Partial Causal and Non-Causal Channel State Information. - Alina Beygelzimer, Daniel J. Hsu, John Langford, Tong Zhang:
Agnostic Active Learning Without Constraints. - Joël Goossens, Vandy Berten:
Gang FTP scheduling of periodic and parallel rigid real-time tasks. - François Dorin, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Joël Goossens, Pascal Richard:
Semi-Partitioned Hard Real-Time Scheduling with Restricted Migrations upon Identical Multiprocessor Platforms. - Ajanta De Sarkar, Nandini Mukherjee:
A Study on Performance Analysis Tools for Applications Running on Large Distributed Systems. - David Elkouss, Jesús Martínez-Mateo, Daniel Lancho, Vicente Martín:
Rate Compatible Protocol for Information Reconciliation: An application to QKD. - Nicolás Madrid Labrador, Umberto Straccia:
Monotonic Mappings Invariant Linearisation of Finite Posets. - D. Shukla, Saurabh Jain, Rahul Singhai, R. K. Agarwal:
A Markov Chain Model for the Analysis of Round-Robin Scheduling Scheme. - S. S. Sonavane, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar:
Experimentation for Packet Loss on MSP430 and nRF24L01 Based Wireless Sensor Network. - Mukta Rao, Nipur, Vijaypal Singh Dhaka:
Enhancing the Authentication of Bank Cheque Signatures by Implementing Automated System Using Recurrent Neural Network. - P. Srinivasulu, J. Ranga Rao, I. Ramesh Babu:
Network Intrusion Detection Using FP Tree Rules. - Subramanian Ganesh, Ramachandran Amutha:
Real Time and Energy Efficient Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. - C. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, K. Ramakrishna Prasad, Mamatha Elliriki:
The Study State Analysis of Tandem Queue with Blocking and Feedback. - Damandeep Kaur, Lokesh Shandi, Jyotsna Sengupta:
Customized way of Resource Discovery in a Campus Grid. - D. Asha Devi, M. Suresh Bab, V. L. Pavani, N. Geethanjali:
Information Delivery System through Bluetooth in Ubiquitous Networks. - Robert Sheng Xu, Oleg V. Michailovich, Magdy M. A. Salama:
Image Segmentation Using Weak Shape Priors. - R. Sridaran, G. Padmavathi, K. Iyakutti, M. N. S. Mani:
SPIM Architecture for MVC based Web Applications. - Rosa Alarcón, Erik Wilde:
From RESTful Services to RDF: Connecting the Web and the Semantic Web. - Manfred Kufleitner, Alexander Lauser:
Partially Ordered Two-way Büchi Automata. - Barbara Kordy, Sjouke Mauw, Matthijs Melissen, Patrick Schweitzer:
Attack--Defense Trees and Two-Player Binary Zero-Sum Extensive Form Games Are Equivalent. - Ariel E. Bayá, Pablo M. Granitto:
Penalized K-Nearest-Neighbor-Graph Based Metrics for Clustering. - Marek Petrik, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Global Optimization for Value Function Approximation. - Liang Sun, Matthew R. McKay
Eigen-Based Transceivers for the MIMO Broadcast Channel with Semi-Orthogonal User Selection. - Lili Zhang, Jinhua Jiang, Shuguang Cui:
Achievable Rate Regions for Discrete Memoryless Interference Channel with State Information. - Marc Lasson:
Controlling program extraction in Elementary Linear Logic. - Maninder Singh Kamboj, Harwinder Singh:
Performance Analysis of QoS in PMP Mode WiMax Networks. - Mohd Norzali Haji Mohd, Mohd Helmy Bin Abd Wahab, Siti Khairulnisa Ariffin:
Motion Detection Notification System by Short Messaging Service Using Network Camera and Global System for Mobile Modem. - Rohit Kewlani:
Virtual On-demand Test Lab using Cloud based Architecture. - Minakshi Gogoi, D. K. Bhattacharyya:
An Effective Fingerprint Verification Technique. - Saeed Tavakoli, Amir Banookh:
Robust PI Control Design Using Particle Swarm Optimization. - Shashank Pushkar, Abhijit Mustafi, Akhileshwar Mishra:
A Metaheuristic Approach for IT Projects Portfolio Optimization. - Neetu Singh, S. P. Ghrera, Pranay Chaudhuri:
Denial of Service Attack: Analysis of Network Traffic Anormaly using Queuing Theory. - A. A. Zaidan, B. B. Zaidan, Hamid Abdullah Jalab, Hamdan O. Alanazi, Rami Alnaqeib:
Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network. - Ashish Raman, Anvesh Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Sarin:
High Speed Reconfigurable FFT Design by Vedic Mathematics. - Arup Abhinna Acharya, Sisir Kumar Jena:
Component Interaction Graph: A new approach to test component composition. - Kishore Kumar Senapati, Gadadhar Sahoo, D. Bhaumik:
Algorithm for Predicting Protein Secondary Structure. - Santosh Kumar Pani, Priya Arundhati
An approach to find dynamic slice for C++ Program. - Divya Mishra, Shailendra Mishra, Praggya Agnihotry, Brajesh Kumar Kaushik:
Effect of Distributed Shield Insertion on Crosstalk in Inductively Coupled VLSI Interconnects. - Debasis Das, Abhishek Ray:
A Parallel Encryption Algorithm for Block Ciphers Based on Reversible Programmable Cellular Automata. - P. Venkata Subba Reddy:
Fuzzy Modeling and Natural Language Processing for Panini's Sanskrit Grammar. - Rohit Vashishtha, Ankit Gupta, Piyush Gupta, Shakti Mishra, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha:
A Decentralized Approach for Service Discovery & Availability in P-Grids. - Ashish Sharma, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha:
A Complexity measure based on Requirement Engineering Document. - Javier Burroni, Carlos Sarraute:
Outrepasser les limites des techniques classiques de Prise d'Empreintes grace aux Reseaux de Neurones. - Sabine Kampf, Martin Bossert:
The Euclidean Algorithm for Generalized Minimum Distance Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes. - (Withdrawn) Internalized realizability in pure type systems.
- Bahman Bahmani, Abdur Chowdhury, Ashish Goel:
Fast Incremental and Personalized PageRank over Distributed Main Memory Databases. - Sergey G. Bobkov, Mokshay M. Madiman:
The entropy per coordinate of a random vector is highly constrained under convexity conditions. - Loet Leydesdorff, Tobias Opthof:
Scopus' SNIP Indicator. - Loet Leydesdorff, Tobias Opthof:
Normalization at the field level: fractional counting of citations. - Nathaniel Bryans, Ehsan Chiniforooshan, David Doty, Lila Kari, Shinnosuke Seki:
The Power of Nondeterminism in Self-Assembly. - Tamir Hazan, Raquel Urtasun:
Approximated Structured Prediction for Learning Large Scale Graphical Models. - Olivier Bodini:
How to generate an object under an ordinary Boltzmann distribution via an exponential Boltzmann sampler. - Mnacho Echenim, Nicolas Peltier:
Instantiation of SMT problems modulo Integers. - Stefan Kahrs:
Modularity of Convergence and Strong Convergence in Infinitary Rewriting. - Amanda M. Whitbrook, Uwe Aickelin, Jonathan M. Garibaldi:
Two-Timescale Learning Using Idiotypic Behaviour Mediation For A Navigating Mobile Robot. - Dinesh Dash, Arijit Bishnu, Arobinda Gupta, Subhas C. Nandy:
Approximation Algorithm for Line Segment Coverage for Wireless Sensor Network. - Yves Aubry, Jean-Christophe Godin, Olivier Togni:
Extended core and choosability of a graph. - Christine A. Kelley, Jörg Kliewer:
Algebraic Constructions of Graph-Based Nested Codes from Protographs. - Soumya Paul, Ramaswamy Ramanujam:
Imitation in Large Games. 162-172 - Luca Cardelli:
Two-Domain DNA Strand Displacement. 47-61 - Guoqiang Zhang, W. Bastiaan Kleijn
, Jan Østergaard:
Bounding the Rate Region of Vector Gaussian Multiple Descriptions with Individual and Central Receivers. - Lélia Blin, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Stephane Rovedakis, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Universal Loop-Free Super-Stabilization. - Giovanna Carofiglio, Luca Muscariello, Dario Rossi, Claudio Testa:
A hands-on Assessment of Transport Protocols with Lower than Best Effort Priority. - Giovanna Carofiglio, Luca Muscariello, Dario Rossi, Silvio Valenti:
The quest for LEDBAT fairness. - James Nastos, Yong Gao:
Bounded Search Tree Algorithms for Parameterized Cograph Deletion: Efficient Branching Rules by Exploiting Structures of Special Graph Classes. - Michael Fink:
A General Framework for Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There. - Alexander Kurz, Daniela Petrisan, Jirí Velebil:
Algebraic Theories over Nominal Sets. - Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Navin Goyal, Bernhard Haeupler:
Satisfiability Thresholds for k-CNF Formula with Bounded Variable Intersections. - Pantelis Bouboulis, Sergios Theodoridis:
Extension of Wirtinger's Calculus in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and the Complex Kernel LMS. - Shay B. Cohen, Robert J. Simmons, Noah A. Smith:
Products of Weighted Logic Programs. - Edmund S. L. Lam, Martin Sulzmann:
Concurrent Goal-Based Execution of Constraint Handling Rules. - Matthew J. Patitz, Scott M. Summers:
Identifying Shapes Using Self-Assembly (extended abstract). - Guoshen Yu, Guillermo Sapiro, Stéphane Mallat:
Solving Inverse Problems with Piecewise Linear Estimators: From Gaussian Mixture Models to Structured Sparsity. - Tor Helleseth, Alexander Kholosha:
Sequences, Bent Functions and Jacobsthal sums. - Galen Reeves, Michael Gastpar:
Fundamental Tradeoffs for Sparsity Pattern Recovery. - Kaustuv Chaudhuri:
Classical and Intuitionistic Subexponential Logics are Equally Expressive. - Richard Blute, Thomas Ehrhard, Christine Tasson:
A convenient differential category. - Lélia Blin, Shlomi Dolev, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Stephane Rovedakis:
Fast Self-Stabilizing Minimum Spanning Tree Construction. - Markus Wittmann, Georg Hager, Jan Treibig, Gerhard Wellein:
Leveraging shared caches for parallel temporal blocking of stencil codes on multicore processors and clusters. - Ido Nevat, Gareth W. Peters, Arnaud Doucet, Jinhong Yuan:
Channel Tracking for Relay Networks via Adaptive Particle MCMC. - (Withdrawn) Spectrum Sensing in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with Partial CSI.
- Ido Nevat, Gareth W. Peters, Jinhong Yuan:
Blind Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio over Fading Channels and Frequency Offsets. - Virtudes Tomás, Joachim Rosenthal, Roxana Smarandache:
Decoding of Convolutional Codes over the Erasure Channel. - Olivier Bouissou, Yassamine Seladji, Alexandre Chapoutot:
Abstract Fixpoint Computations with Numerical Acceleration Methods. - Frédéric Mazoit:
Tree-width of hypergraphs and surface duality. - Angus Macdonald, Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
H2O: An Autonomic, Resource-Aware Distributed Database System. - Yuanlin Zhang, Roland H. C. Yap:
Solving Functional Constraints by Variable Substitution. - Nirmalendu Bikas Sinha, R. Bera, Monojit Mitra:
MIMO Detection Algorithms for High Data Rate Wireless Transmission. - Serguei A. Mokhov:
Contents of COMP5541 Winter 2010 Final UUIS SRS and SDD Reports. - Anne S. Hsu, Nick Chater, Paul M. B. Vitányi:
The probabilistic analysis of language acquisition: Theoretical, computational, and experimental analysis. - Sebastiaan Terwijn, Leen Torenvliet, Paul M. B. Vitányi:
Normalized Information Distance is Not Semicomputable. - (Withdrawn) Codebook-Based SDMA for Coexistence with Fixed Wireless Service.
- Tobias Friedrich, Martin Gairing, Thomas Sauerwald:
Quasirandom Load Balancing. - Yossi Azar, Ori Gurel-Gurevich, Eyal Lubetzky, Thomas Moscibroda:
Optimal whitespace synchronization strategies. - Randa Zakhour, Stephen V. Hanly:
Base station cooperation on the downlink: Large system analysis. - Busola S. Olagbegi, Natarajan Meghanathan:
A Review of the Energy Efficient and Secure Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks. - Yuichi Yoshida:
Optimal Constant-Time Approximation Algorithms and (Unconditional) Inapproximability Results for Every Bounded-Degree CSP. - Abhishek Samanta, Dripto Bakshi:
Fault Tolerant Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol for Efficient Collision Avoidance. - Kamaljit I. Lakhtaria:
Enhancing QoS and QoE in IMS Enabled Next Generation Networks. - Rendy Munadi, Effan Najwaini, Asep Mulyana, R. Rumani:
Design and Implementation VOIP Service on Open IMS and Asterisk Servers Interconnected through Enum Server. - Vibhar Pathak, Krishna Chandra Roy, Santosh Kumar Singh:
Cross Layer Aware Adaptive MAC based on Knowledge Based Reasoning for Cognitive Radio Computer Networks. - Santosh Kumar Singh, Krishna Chandra Roy, Vibhakar Pathak:
Channels Reallocation In Cognitive Radio Networks Based On DNA Sequence Alignment. - Debabrata Sarddar, Tapas Jana, Souvik Kumar Saha, Joydeep Banerjee, Utpal Biswas, Mrinal K. Naskar:
Minimization of Handoff Failure Probability for Next-Generation Wireless Systems. - Soroush Akhlaghi, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, Ehsan Rahimi:
A Fixed Precoding Approach to Achieve the Degrees of Freedom in X channel. - Soumya Banerjee, Melanie E. Moses:
Modular RADAR: An Immune System Inspired Search and Response Strategy for Distributed Systems. - Kien C. Nguyen, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Basar:
Fictitious Play with Time-Invariant Frequency Update for Network Security. - Marco Aldinucci, Salvatore Ruggieri, Massimo Torquati:
Porting Decision Tree Algorithms to Multicore using FastFlow. - Dmytro V. Lande, A. A. Snarskii:
Power law in website ratings. - John Whitbeck, Vania Conan:
HYMAD: Hybrid DTN-MANET Routing for Dense and Highly Dynamic Wireless Networks. - Tobias Friedrich, Thomas Sauerwald:
The Cover Time of Deterministic Random Walks. - Anissa Lamani, Alain Cournier, Swan Dubois
, Franck Petit, Vincent Villain:
Snap-Stabilizing Linear Message Forwarding. - Amparo Fúster-Sabater, J. M. Guillén:
New modelling technique for aperiodic-sampling linear systems. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Ronald Morrison:
Orthogonal Persistence Revisited. - Maurice Margenstern:
An upper bound on the number of states for a strongly universal hyperbolic cellular automaton on the pentagrid. - Graham N. C. Kirby
, Alan Dearle
, Stuart J. Norcross:
Generating a Family of Byzantine Tolerant Protocol Implementations Using a Meta-Model Architecture. - Amparo Fúster-Sabater:
An External Description for MIMO Systems Sampled in an Aperiodic Way. - Andrew J. McCarthy, Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
Applying Constraint Solving to the Management of Distributed Applications. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Stuart J. Norcross:
Hosting Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services on a Chord Ring. - Graham N. C. Kirby
Reflection and Hyper-Programming in Persistent Programming Systems. - Paolo Ferragina, Ugo Scaiella:
TAGME: on-the-fly annotation of short text fragments (by Wikipedia entities). - Ana Paula Brandão Lopes, Eduardo Alves do Valle Jr., Jussara Marques de Almeida, Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo:
Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web. - Rajendra Shinde, Ashish Goel, Pankaj Gupta, Debojyoti Dutta:
Similarity Search and Locality Sensitive Hashing using TCAMs. - Charles H. Bennett, Péter Gács, Ming Li, Paul M. B. Vitányi, Wojciech H. Zurek:
Information Distance. - Saber Jafarizadeh:
Fastest Distributed Consensus Averaging Problem on Chain of Rhombus Networks. - Vinícius G. P. de Sá, Guilherme Dias da Fonseca, Raphael Machado, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo:
Complexity dichotomy on partial grid recognition. - Mattias Andersson, Vishwambhar Rathi, Ragnar Thobaben, Jörg Kliewer, Mikael Skoglund:
Nested Polar Codes for Wiretap and Relay Channels. - Daniel M. Kane, Jelani Nelson:
A Derandomized Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform. - Sudha Singh, D. K. Singh, M. K. Singh, Sujeet Kumar Singh:
The Forecasting of 3G Market in India Based on Revised Technology Acceptance Model. - Kaushik Ghosh, Sarbani Roy, Pradip K. Das:
I-Min: An Intelligent Fermat Point Based Energy Efficient Geographic Packet Forwarding Technique for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks. - Andreas Bauer:
Monitorability of omega-regular languages. - Amanda M. Whitbrook, Uwe Aickelin, Jonathan M. Garibaldi:
The Use of Probabilistic Systems to Mimic the Behaviour of Idiotypic AIS Robot Controllers. - Mazlina Abdul Majid, Peer-Olaf Siebers, Uwe Aickelin:
Modelling Reactive and Proactive Behaviour in Simulation. - Jamie Twycross, Uwe Aickelin, Amanda M. Whitbrook:
Detecting Anomalous Process Behaviour using Second Generation Artificial Immune Systems. - Pedro Cabalar:
Functional Answer Set Programming. - Hossein Mobahi, Shankar R. Rao, Allen Y. Yang, S. Shankar Sastry, Yi Ma:
Segmentation of Natural Images by Texture and Boundary Compression. - Stefan Frenzel, Elke Neubert:
Is the P300 Speller Independent? - Roland Axelsson, Matthew Hague, Stephan Kreutzer, Martin Lange, Markus Latte:
Extended Computation Tree Logic. - Prosenjit Bose, Karim Douïeb:
Should Static Search Trees Ever Be Unbalanced? - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Stuart J. Norcross, Andrew J. McCarthy:
A Peer-to-Peer Middleware Framework for Resilient Persistent Programming. - Hazel Webb, Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire:
Evaluating Multidimensional Queries by Diamond Dicing. - Scott Mervyn Walker, Alan Dearle
, Stuart J. Norcross, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy:
RAFDA: A Policy-Aware Middleware Supporting the Flexible Separation of Application Logic from Distribution. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Stuart J. Norcross, Angus Macdonald, Greg Bigwood:
Towards Adaptable and Adaptive Policy-Free Middleware. - Scott Mervyn Walker, Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Stuart J. Norcross:
Promoting Component Reuse by Separating Transmission Policy from Implementation. - Alan Dearle
, Scott Mervyn Walker, Stuart J. Norcross, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy:
RAFDA: Middleware Supporting the Separation of Application Logic from Distribution Policy. - Yuan Gao, Sheng Yu:
State complexity of union and intersection combined with star and reversal. - Andrew R. Barron, Antony Joseph:
Least Squares Superposition Codes of Moderate Dictionary Size, Reliable at Rates up to Capacity. - Khoa Tran Phan, Jaeok Park, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Near-Optimal Deviation-Proof Medium Access Control Designs in Wireless Networks. - Emmanuel Abbe, Andrea Montanari:
On the concentration of the number of solutions of random satisfiability formulas. - Serguei A. Mokhov:
Complete Complimentary Results Report of the MARF's NLP Approach to the DEFT 2010 Competition. - Javier Esparza, Pierre Ganty, Stefan Kiefer, Michael Luttenberger:
Parikh's Theorem: A simple and direct construction. - Yaser Miaji, Suhaidi Hassan:
Breaking the Legend: Maxmin Fairness notion is no longer effective. - Mosin Hasan, Nilesh Prajapati, Safvan Vohara:
Case Study On Social Engineering Techniques for Persuasion. - Xueying Hou, Chenyang Yang, Buon Kiong Lau:
Impact of Channel Asymmetry on Performance of Channel Estimation and Precoding for Downlink Base Station Cooperative Transmission. - Andrew R. Barron, Antony Joseph:
Toward Fast Reliable Communication at Rates Near Capacity with Gaussian Noise. - Eitan Altman, Pierre Bernhard, Stéphane Caron, George Kesidis, Julio Rojas-Mora, Sulan Wong:
A Study of Non-Neutral Networks with Usage-based Prices. - Ruo-Wei Hung
Constructing Two Edge-Disjoint Hamiltonian Cycles and Two Equal Node-Disjoint Cycles in Twisted Cubes. - Chamberlain Fong:
A Method for Accelerating Conway's Doomsday Algorithm. - Ying Cui, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Convergence-Optimal Quantizer Design of Distributed Contraction-based Iterative Algorithms with Quantized Message Passing. - Pedro Gonnet:
Increasing the Reliability of Adaptive Quadrature Using Explicit Interpolants. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus:
Practical Range Aggregation, Selection and Set Maintenance Techniques. - Eden Chlamtac, Robert Krauthgamer, Prasad Raghavendra:
Approximating Sparsest Cut in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth. - Cyril Prissette:
An Algorithm to List All the Fixed-Point Free Involutions on a Finite Set. - Bin Wu, Guido Masera:
A Novel VLSI Architecture of Fixed-complexity Sphere Decoder. - Peer-Olaf Siebers, Uwe Aickelin, Helen Celia, Chris W. Clegg:
Towards the Development of a Simulator for Investigating the Impact of People Management Practices on Retail Performance. - Feng Yan, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Yuan (Alan) Qi:
Cooperative Autonomous Online Learning. - Laura Balzano, Robert D. Nowak, Benjamin Recht:
Online Identification and Tracking of Subspaces from Highly Incomplete Information. - Christoph Lange:
Towards OpenMath Content Dictionaries as Linked Data. - Gongguo Tang, Arye Nehorai:
The Stability of Low-Rank Matrix Reconstruction: a Constrained Singular Value View. - Yakov Nekrich:
Dynamic Range Reporting in External Memory. - Michael Domaratzki, Narad Rampersad:
Abelian Primitive Words. - Ferdinando Cicalese, Travis Gagie, Eduardo Sany Laber, Martin Milanic:
Competitive Boolean Function Evaluation: Beyond Monotonicity, and the Symmetric Case. - Rasmus Resen Amossen, Andrea Campagna, Rasmus Pagh:
Better size estimation for sparse matrix products. - Noha Youssry El-Zehiry, Leo J. Grady:
Optimization of Weighted Curvature for Image Segmentation. - Ying Jun Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So:
Optimal Spectrum Sharing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks via Semidefinite Programming. - Ying Jun Zhang, Soung Chang Liew, Da Rui Chen:
Sustainable Throughput of Wireless LANs with Multi-Packet Reception Capability under Bounded Delay-Moment Requirements. - Ying Jun Zhang:
Multi-Round Contention in Wireless LANs with Multipacket Reception. - Eren Sasoglu, Emre Telatar, Edmund M. Yeh:
Polar codes for the two-user multiple-access channel. - A. O. Zhirov, O. V. Zhirov, D. L. Shepelyansky:
Two-dimensional ranking of Wikipedia articles. - Andreas C. Sonnenbichler:
A Community Membership Life Cycle Model. - (Withdrawn) A New Model for Interference Analysis in Asynchronous Multi-Carrier Transmission.
- Amparo Fúster-Sabater, J. M. Guillén:
Characterisation of observability and controllability for nonuniformly sampled discrete systems. - Mauricio Alba-Castro, María Alpuente, Santiago Escobar:
Abstract Certification of Global Non-Interference in Rewriting Logic. - Evsen Yanmaz, Hasan Guclu:
Stationary and Mobile Target Detection using Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. - MohammadHossein Bateni, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Dániel Marx:
Prize-collecting Network Design on Planar Graphs. - Dusko Pavlovic, Peter Pepper, Douglas R. Smith:
Formal Derivation of Concurrent Garbage Collectors. - Ali Çivril, Malik Magdon-Ismail:
Exponential Inapproximability of Selecting a Maximum Volume Sub-matrix. - Chandra Chekuri, Alina Ene, Nitish Korula:
Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree and Forest in Planar Graphs. - (Withdrawn) Combining Channel Output Feedback and CSI Feedback for MIMO Wireless Systems.
- Junwei Zhang, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Collaborative Relay Beamforming for Secrecy. - Sayee C. Kompalli, Ravi R. Mazumdar:
A note on the stability of multiclass Markovian queueing networks. - Marek Karpinski, Warren Schudy:
Faster Algorithms for Feedback Arc Set Tournament, Kemeny Rank Aggregation and Betweenness Tournament. - William Weiliang Li, Ying Jun Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Moe Z. Win:
Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems Through Chance Constrained Programming. - Ying Jun Zhang, Peng Xuan Zheng, Soung Chang Liew:
How Does Multiple-Packet Reception Capability Scale the Performance of Wireless Local Area Networks? - Angelika Kimmig, Bart Demoen, Luc De Raedt, Vítor Santos Costa, Ricardo Rocha:
On the Implementation of the Probabilistic Logic Programming Language ProbLog. - Bruno Osorno:
Analysis of Microprocessor Based Protective Re-lay's (MBPR) Differential Equation Algorithms. - Ka. Shrinivaasan:
Few Algorithms for ascertaining merit of a document and their applications. - Andrea Kohlhase, Michael Kohlhase, Christoph Lange:
sTeX+ - a System for Flexible Formalization of Linked Data. - Jesús Martínez-Mateo, David Elkouss, Vicente Martín:
Interactive Reconciliation with Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. - Ashwin Rao, Arnaud Legout
, Walid Dabbous:
Can Realistic BitTorrent Experiments Be Performed on Clusters? - Scott Mervyn Walker, Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Stuart J. Norcross:
Exposing Application Components as Web Services. - Maxime Guillaud:
Receive Diversity and Ergodic Performance of Interference Alignment on the MIMO Gaussian Interference Channel. - Petros Elia, Joakim Jaldén:
Fundamental Rate-Reliability-Complexity Limits in Outage Limited MIMO Communications. - Judith Gelernter, Dong Cao, Jaime G. Carbonell:
Studies on Relevance, Ranking and Results Display. - Moses Charikar, Tom Leighton, Shi Li, Ankur Moitra:
Vertex Sparsifiers and Abstract Rounding Algorithms. - T. Deenadayalan, V. Kavitha, S. Rajarajeswari:
Examining Web Application by Clumping and Orienting User Session Data. - Vivek Tiwari, G. Shailendra, Renu Tiwari, Malam Kirar:
Computational Analysis of .NET Remoting and Mobile agent in Distributed Environment. - Siti Azura Ramlan, Nor Azman Ismail:
A Study of User's Performance and Satisfaction on the Web Based Photo Annotation with Speech Interaction. - N. Suguna, K. Thanushkodi:
A Novel Rough Set Reduct Algorithm for Medical Domain Based on Bee Colony Optimization. - Kamanashis Biswas, Md. Liakat Ali, S. A. M. Harun:
Algorithm and Implementation of the Blog-Post Supervision Process. - R. Anusuya, V. Kavitha, Eanoch Golden Julie:
Enhancing and Analyzing Search performance in Unstructured Peer to Peer Networks Using Enhanced Guided search protocol (EGSP). - Mir Anamul Hasan
, Khaja Md. Sher-E-Alam, Ahsan Raja Chowdhury:
Human Disease Diagnosis Using a Fuzzy Expert System. - Jeherul Islam, Pramod Kumar Singh:
CORMEN: Coding-Aware Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Mess Network. - Muhammad Imran Shafi, Muhammad Akram, Sikandar Hayat, Imran Sohail:
Effectiveness of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) in Fast Networks. - Fahad H. Alshammari, Rami Alnaqeib, Mussab alaa Zaidan, Ali K. Hmood, B. B. Zaidan, A. A. Zaidan:
New Quantitative Study for Dissertations Repository System. - P. V. G. D. Prasad Reddy, A. Prasad, Yarramalle Srinivas, P. Brahmaiah:
Gender Based Emotion Recognition System for Telugu Rural Dialects Using Hidden Markov Models. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy, Juan Carlos Diaz y Carballo:
A Flexible and Secure Deployment Framework for Distributed Applications. - Kotrappa Sirbi, Prakash Jayanth Kulkarni:
Stronger Enforcement of Security Using AOP and Spring AOP. - Supriya Raheja, Smita Rajpal:
Vagueness of Linguistic variable. - Ebrahim Yazdi, Abolfazl Toroghi Haghighat:
Evolution of Biped Walking Using Neural Oscillators Controller and Harmony Search Algorithm Optimizer. - Michael Stieghahn, Thomas Engel:
Law-Aware Access Control and its Information Model. - Mehdi Lotfi, Sam Jabbehdari, Majid Asadi Shahmirzadi:
A New Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm Based on a New Cost Function in Wireless Ad hoc Networks. - Muhammad Akram, Imran Sohail, Sikandar Hayat, Muhammad Imran Shafi, Umer Saeed:
Search Engine Optimization Techniques Practiced in Organizations: A Study of Four Organizations. - Fadhel S. AlAbdullah, Fahad H. Alshammari, Rami Alnaqeib, Hamid Abdullah Jalab, A. A. Zaidan, B. B. Zaidan:
Analytical Study on Internet Banking System. - Amjad Farooq, Syed Ahsan, Abad Shah:
An Efficient Technique for Similarity Identification between Ontologies. - Amjad Farooq, Syed Ahsan, Abad Shah:
Engineering Semantic Web Applications by Using Object-Oriented Paradigm. - Mohammad Mustafa Taye:
The State of the Art: Ontology Web-Based Languages: XML Based. - Rami Alnaqeib, Fahad H. Alshammari, Mussab alaa Zaidan, A. A. Zaidan, B. B. Zaidan, Zubaidah M. Hazza:
An Overview: Extensible Markup Language Technology. - Mohammad Mustafa Taye:
Understanding Semantic Web and Ontologies: Theory and Applications. - Hui Hui Wang, Dzulkifli Mohamad, Nor Azman Ismail:
Approaches, Challenges and Future Direction of Image Retrieval. - Siti Rahayu Selamat, Robiah Yusof, S. Shahrin, Mohd Zaki Mas'ud, Mohd Faizal Abdollah, Zaheera Zainal Abidin:
Advanced Trace Pattern For Computer Intrusion Discovery. - Abu Sadat Md. Sayem, Masashi Ueda:
Optimization of reversible sequential circuits. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy:
A Framework for Constraint-Based Deployment and Autonomic Management of Distributed Applications. - Matthias Englert, Anupam Gupta, Robert Krauthgamer, Harald Räcke, Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Kunal Talwar:
Vertex Sparsifiers: New Results from Old Techniques. - Samy Sadek, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Bernd Michaelis, Usama Sayed:
Efficient Region-Based Image Querying. - Konstantin Makarychev, Yury Makarychev:
Metric Extension Operators, Vertex Sparsifiers and Lipschitz Extendability. - Carlos Areces, Santiago Figueira, Daniel Gorín:
The Question of Expressiveness in the Generation of Referring Expressions. - Thomas Bartz-Beielstein
SPOT: An R Package For Automatic and Interactive Tuning of Optimization Algorithms by Sequential Parameter Optimization. - Bo Cui, Yuan Gao, Lila Kari, Sheng Yu:
State Complexity of Two Combined Operations: Reversal-Catenation and Star-Catenation. - (Withdrawn) Using Repeating Decimals As An Alternative To Prime Numbers In Encryption.
- Franck Cassez:
Dynamic Observers for Fault Diagnosis of Timed Systems. - Saeed Alaei, Kamal Jain, Azarakhsh Malekian:
Walrasian Equilibrium for Unit Demand Buyers with Non-quasi-linear Utilities. - Pascal Koiran:
Arithmetic circuits: the chasm at depth four gets wider. - (Withdrawn) A construction of universal secure network coding.
- Siamak Sarmady:
A Survey on Peer-to-Peer and DHT. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy:
A Framework for Constraint-Based Deployment and Autonomic Management of Distributed Applications (Extended Abstract). - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy:
A Middleware Framework for Constraint-Based Deployment and Autonomic Management of Distributed Applications. - Ronald Morrison, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Dharini Balasubramaniam
, Kath Mickan, Flávio Oquendo, Sorana Cîmpan, Brian Warboys, Bob Snowdon, Robert Mark Greenwood:
Support for Evolving Software Architectures in the ArchWare ADL. - Graham N. C. Kirby
, Alan Dearle
, Ronald Morrison, Mark D. Dunlop, Richard Connor, Paddy Nixon:
Active Architecture for Pervasive Contextual Services. - Krishna Chaithanya Lingashetty:
Active Sites model for the B-Matrix Approach. - Ruiming Yang, Yipeng Liu, Qun Wan, Wan-Lin Yang:
Compressive Direction Finding Based on Amplitude Comparison. - Rajeev Goré, Linda Postniece, Alwen Tiu:
Cut-Elimination and Proof Search for Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logic. - Namrata Vaswani:
Stability (over time) of Modified-CS and LS-CS for Recursive Causal Sparse Reconstruction. - Rui Wang, Vincent K. N. Lau, Ying Cui:
Decentralized Fair Scheduling in Two-Hop Relay-Assisted Cognitive OFDMA Systems. - Alan Dearle, Graham N. C. Kirby, Ronald Morrison, Andrew J. McCarthy, Kevin Mullen, Yanyan Yang, Richard Connor, Paula Welen, Andy Wilson:
Architectural Support for Global Smart Spaces. - Vamsi Kundeti, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Hieu Dinh:
An Efficient Algorithm For Chinese Postman Walk on Bi-directed de Bruijn Graphs. - Ronald Morrison, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Dharini Balasubramaniam
, Kath Mickan, Flávio Oquendo, Sorana Cîmpan, Brian Warboys, Bob Snowdon, Robert Mark Greenwood:
Constructing Active Architectures in the ArchWare ADL. - Kristiaan Pelckmans:
MINLIP for the Identification of Monotone Wiener Systems. - Graham N. C. Kirby
, Evangelos Zirintsis, Alan Dearle
, Ronald Morrison:
A Generic Storage API. - Janusz A. Brzozowski, Galina Jirásková, Joshua Smith:
Quotient Complexity of Bifix-, Factor-, and Subword-Free Languages. - Rogério Atem de Carvalho, Fernando Luis de Carvalho e Silva, Rodrigo Soares Manhães:
Mapping Business Process Modeling constructs to Behavior Driven Development Ubiquitous Language. - R. Seth Terashima, James D. Fix:
Greedy Routing on Augmented Ring Graphs. - Luis David García-Puente
, Frank Sottile, Chungang Zhu:
Toric degenerations of Bezier patches. - (Withdrawn) 3D Visual Tracking with Particle and Kalman Filters.
- Nadia Creignou, Johannes Schmidt, Michael Thomas:
Complexity Classifications for Propositional Abduction in Post's Framework. - Xixi Luo, Xiaowu Chen, Qinping Zhao, Joshua Shinavier:
Simulating information creation in social Semantic Web applications. - Jonathan A. Zvesper, Krzysztof R. Apt:
Proof-theoretic Analysis of Rationality for Strategic Games with Arbitrary Strategy Sets. - Albert Sunny, Joy Kuri:
Distributed Greedy Scheduling for Multihop Wireless Networks. - Ali-Akbar Safilian, Farzad Didehvar:
Enumeration Order Equivalency. - Adrien Piérard, Eijiro Sumii:
Sound Bisimulations for Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculus. - Guoqiang Hu, Yuming Jiang, Anne Nevin:
A Virtual Queue Approach for Online Estimation of Loss Probability Based on MVA Theory. - Georg Boenn, Martin Brain, Marina De Vos, John ffitch:
Automatic Music Composition using Answer Set Programming. - Julie Greensmith, Amanda M. Whitbrook, Uwe Aickelin:
Artificial Immune Systems (2010). - István Bíró, Jácint Szabó:
Large scale link based latent Dirichlet allocation for web document classification. - Jörg Endrullis, Roel C. de Vrijer, Johannes Waldmann:
Local Termination: theory and practice. - Pierre Delarboulas, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag:
Open-Ended Evolutionary Robotics: an Information Theoretic Approach. - Luca Maria Aiello, Alain Barrat, Ciro Cattuto, Giancarlo Ruffo, Rossano Schifanella:
Link creation and profile alignment in the aNobii social network. - Yucheng Low, Joseph Gonzalez, Aapo Kyrola, Danny Bickson, Carlos Guestrin, Joseph M. Hellerstein:
GraphLab: A New Framework for Parallel Machine Learning. - Nicola Gatti, Mattia Monga, Sabrina Sicari:
A Game Theoretical Analysis of Localization Security in Wireless Sensor Networks with Adversaries. - Julie Greensmith, Uwe Aickelin, Steve Cayzer:
Detecting Danger: The Dendritic Cell Algorithm. - (Withdrawn) MyUnity: Building Awareness and Fostering Community in the Workplace.
- Naveen Kumar, Aditya Ramamoorthy, Murti V. Salapaka:
Performance evaluation for ML sequence detection in ISI channels with Gauss Markov Noise. - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus:
Algorithmic Solutions for Several Offline Constrained Resource Processing and Data Transfer Multicriteria Optimization Problems. - A. A. Krizhanovsky:
The comparison of Wiktionary thesauri transformed into the machine-readable format. - Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kenneth Bollen, Shohei Shimizu, Takashi Washio:
GroupLiNGAM: Linear non-Gaussian acyclic models for sets of variables. - (Withdrawn) Cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs): Cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs): Resource allocation techniques based on Bio-inspired computing.
- Ping Li:
Fast ABC-Boost for Multi-Class Classification. - Claudine Santos Badue, Jussara M. Almeida, Virgílio A. F. Almeida, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Artur Ziviani, Nivio Ziviani:
Capacity Planning for Vertical Search Engines. - Xiaowen Gong, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Chintha Tellambura:
Optimal Bandwidth and Power Allocation for Sum Ergodic Capacity under Fading Channels in Cognitive Radio Networks. - Youngwook Ko, Masoud Ardakani, Sergiy A. Vorobyov:
Power Allocation Strategies across N Orthogonal Channels at Both Source and Relay. - Lei Zhou, Wei Yu:
Gaussian Z-Interference Channel with a Relay Link: Achievability Region and Asymptotic Sum Capacity. - Vladimir Pestov:
PAC learnability of a concept class under non-atomic measures: a problem by Vidyasagar. - Alessandro Aldini
Approximate Testing Equivalence Based on Time, Probability, and Observed Behavior. 1-15 - Karine Altisen, Yanhong Liu, Matthieu Moy:
Performance Evaluation of Components Using a Granularity-based Interface Between Real-Time Calculus and Timed Automata. 16-33 - Damián Barsotti, Nicolás Wolovick:
Automatic Probabilistic Program Verification through Random Variable Abstraction. 34-47 - Alessandro Bianco, Marco Faella, Fabio Mogavero
, Aniello Murano
Quantitative Fairness Games. 48-63 - David Cachera, Arnaud Jobin:
Injecting Abstract Interpretations into Linear Cost Models. 64-81 - Mario Coppo, Ferruccio Damiani
, Maurizio Drocco
, Elena Grassi
, Angelo Troina:
Stochastic Calculus of Wrapped Compartments. 82-98 - Sonja Georgievska, Suzana Andova:
Testing Reactive Probabilistic Processes. 99-113 - Matthias Güdemann
, Frank Ortmeier:
Probabilistic Model-Based Safety Analysis. 114-128 - Ukachukwu Ndukwu, Annabelle McIver
An expectation transformer approach to predicate abstraction and data independence for probabilistic programs. 129-143 - Markus N. Rabe, Sven Schewe
Optimal Time-Abstract Schedulers for CTMDPs and Markov Games. 144-158 - Anton Stefanek, Richard A. Hayden, Jeremy T. Bradley:
A new tool for the performance analysis of massively parallel computer systems. 159-181 - Alessandra Di Pierro, Gethin Norman:
Proceedings Eighth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages, QAPL 2010, Paphos, Cyprus, 27-28th March 2010. EPTCS 28, 2010 [contents] - Ghassan Samara
, Sureswaran Ramadas, Wafaa A. H. Al-Salihy:
Design of Simple and Efficient Revocation List Distribution in Urban areas for VANET's. - Amin Aminzadeh Gohari, Abbas El Gamal, Venkat Anantharam:
On an Outer bound and an Inner Bound for the General Broadcast Channel. - Nicola Di Mauro, Teresa Maria Altomare Basile, Stefano Ferilli, Floriana Esposito:
Feature Construction for Relational Sequence Learning. - Liang Ma, Wei Zhang, Huanzhang Fu, Yang Guo, Damien Chablat
, Fouad Bennis:
A Framework for Interactive Work Design based on Digital Work Analysis and Simulation. - Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum:
Approximating the Tutte polynomial of a binary matroid and other related combinatorial polynomials. - Andrea Pietracaprina, Matteo Riondato, Eli Upfal, Fabio Vandin:
Mining Top-K Frequent Itemsets Through Progressive Sampling. - Madjid Khalilian, Norwati Mustapha:
Data Stream Clustering: Challenges and Issues. - Anil Bheemaiah:
Design specifications of the Human Robotic interface for the biomimetic underwater robot "yellow submarine project". - Ehsan Ardestanizadeh, Massimo Franceschetti:
Control-theoretic Approach to Communication with Feedback: Fundamental Limits and Code Design. - Jun Muramatsu, Shigeki Miyake:
Construction of Slepian-Wolf Source Code and Broadcast Channel Code Based on Hash Property. - Myeong-Seon Gil, Yang-Sae Moon, Bum-Soo Kim:
Linear Detrending Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases. - Dhoha Almazro, Ghadeer Shahatah, Lamia Albdulkarim, Mona Kherees, Romy Martinez, William Nzoukou:
A Survey Paper on Recommender Systems. - Yao Sun, Dingkang Wang:
The F5 Algorithm in Buchberger's Style. - Toralf Kirsten, Lars Kolb, Michael Hartung, Anika Groß, Hanna Köpcke, Erhard Rahm:
Data Partitioning for Parallel Entity Matching. - Paul W. Goldberg, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Rahul Savani
The Complexity of the Homotopy Method, Equilibrium Selection, and Lemke-Howson Solutions. - Roberto Grossi, Alessio Orlandi, Rajeev Raman:
Optimal Trade-Off for Succinct String Indexes. - Jérôme Kunegis, Ernesto William De Luca, Sahin Albayrak:
The Link Prediction Problem in Bipartite Networks. - Mark Stillwell, David Schanzenbach, Frédéric Vivien, Henri Casanova:
Resource Allocation using Virtual Clusters. - Catalin Anghel
Cresterea securitatii sistemelor informatice si de comunicatii prin criptografia cuantica. - John Whitbeck, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Vania Conan, Mostafa H. Ammar, Ellen W. Zegura:
From Encounters to Plausible Mobility. - Saumay Pushp:
Merging Two Arima Models for Energy Optimization in WSN. - David Eppstein, Maarten Löffler, Darren Strash:
Listing All Maximal Cliques in Sparse Graphs in Near-optimal Time. - Christoph Knabe:
Static and Dynamic Quality Assurance by Aspect Oriented Techniques. - An Liu, Youjian Liu, Haige Xiang, Wu Luo:
Technical Report: MIMO B-MAC Interference Network Optimization under Rate Constraints by Polite Water-filling and Duality. - Dmitry Zinoviev, Vy Duong, Honggang Zhang:
A Game Theoretical Approach to Modeling Information Dissemination in Social Networks. - Jonathan White, Nilanjan Banerjee:
Mirage: Mitigating Illicit Inventorying in a RFID Enabled Retail Environment. - (Withdrawn) Soft Approximations and uni-int Decision Making.
- Sándor Vágvölgyi:
Rewriting Preserving Recognizability of Finite Tree Languages. - Petter Kristian Køber:
Domain Representable Spaces Defined by Strictly Positive Induction. - Hiroaki Inoue:
A Multi-Core Processor Platform for Open Embedded Systems. - Robert Ganian, Petr Hlinený, Jan Obdrzálek:
Better algorithms for satisfiability problems for formulas of bounded rank-width. - Álvaro J. Rebón Portillo, Scott Mervyn Walker, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Alan Dearle
A Reflective Approach to Providing Flexibility in Application Distribution. - Alessandra Mileo, Davide Merico, Roberto Bisiani:
Reasoning Support for Risk Prediction and Prevention in Independent Living. - Joëlle Coutaz, Alan Dearle
, Sophie Dupuy-Chessa, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Christophe Lachenal, Ronald Morrison, Gaëtan Rey, Evangelos Zirintsis:
Working Document on Gloss Ontology. - Nan Xie, Steven Weber:
Geometric Approximations of Some Aloha-like Stability Regions. - Poonam Garg:
Evolutionary Computation Algorithms for Cryptanalysis: A Study. - Poonam Garg:
Critical Success factors for Enterprise Resource Planning implementation in Indian Retail Industry: An Exploratory study. - Davide Di Ruscio, Ralf Lämmel, Alfonso Pierantonio:
Automated co-evolution of GMF editor models. - Kenneth W. Shum, Wing Shing Wong:
Construction and Applications of CRT Sequences. - Paul Tarau:
A Unified Formal Description of Arithmetic and Set Theoretical Data Types. - Liang Ma, Damien Chablat
, Fouad Bennis, Wei Zhang, Bo Hu, François Guillaume:
Fatigue evaluation in maintenance and assembly operations by digital human simulation. - Evangelos Zirintsis, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Alan Dearle
, Ronald Morrison:
Report on the XBase Project. - Aled Sage:
Observation-Driven Configuration of Complex Software Systems. - Sergio Guadarrama, Antonio Ruiz-Mayor:
Approximate Robotic Mapping from sonar data by modeling Perceptions with Antonyms. - Bruno Nery, Rodrigo Ventura:
Online Event Segmentation in Active Perception using Adaptive Strong Anticipation. - Aristide Fattori, Roberto Paleari, Lorenzo Martignoni, Mattia Monga:
Dynamic and Transparent Analysis of Commodity Production Systems. - Zohir Bouzid, Shlomi Dolev, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sébastien Tixeuil:
RoboCast: Asynchronous Communication in Robot Networks. - Ashish Khisti, Gregory W. Wornell:
Secure Transmission with Multiple Antennas II: The MIMOME Wiretap Channel. - Stergos D. Afantenos, Nicholas Asher:
Testing SDRT's Right Frontier. - Michael Huber:
Computational complexity of reconstruction and isomorphism testing for designs and line graphs. - Anna Rimoldi, Massimiliano Sala, Ilia Toli:
A possible intrinsic weakness of AES and other cryptosystems. - Mikolás Janota, João Marques-Silva, Radu Grigore:
Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement Algorithm for Propositional Circumscription. - Ashish Khisti:
Secret key agreement on wiretap channels with transmitter side information. - Sandhya Arora, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Latesh G. Malik, Mohantapash Kundu, Dipak Kumar Basu:
Performance Comparison of SVM and ANN for Handwritten Devnagari Character Recognition. - Matthew Hague, C.-H. Luke Ong:
A Saturation Method for the Modal Mu-Calculus with Backwards Modalities over Pushdown Systems. - Sandhya Arora, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu, Mahantapas Kundu:
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari Characters using a Combination of MLP and Minimum Edit Distance. - Sandhya Arora, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu, Mahantapas Kundu:
Application of Statistical Features in Handwritten Devnagari Character Recognition. - Sandhya Arora, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu, Mahantapas Kundu:
Multiple Classifier Combination for Off-line Handwritten Devnagari Character Recognition. - Sandhya Arora, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Latesh G. Malik:
A Two Stage Classification Approach for Handwritten Devanagari Characters. - Givon Zirkind:
Using Repeating Decimals As An Alternative To Prime Numbers In Encryption. - Sandhya Arora, Latesh G. Malik, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri:
A novel approach for handwritten Devnagari character recognition. - Sandhya Arora, Latesh G. Malik, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri:
Classification Of Gradient Change Features Using MLP For Handwritten Character Recognition. - Xiangyun Zhou, Matthew R. McKay:
Secure Transmission with Artificial Noise over Fading Channels: Achievable Rate and Optimal Power Allocation. - Alan Dearle
, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Andrew J. McCarthy, Juan Carlos Diaz y Carballo:
An Information Flow Architecture for Global Smart Spaces. - Evangelos Zirintsis, Graham N. C. Kirby
, Alan Dearle
, Ben Allen, Rob MacInnis, Andrew J. McCarthy, Ronald Morrison, Paddy Nixon, Andrew Jamieson, Chris Nicholson, Steven Harris:
Second Set of Spaces. - Santanu Halder, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu, Mahantapas Kundu:
FPGA Based Assembling of Facial Components for Human Face Construction. - Santanu Halder, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu, Mahantapas Kundu:
Fuzzy Classification of Facial Component Parameters. - Ali Kakhbod, Demosthenis Teneketzis:
Power Allocation and Spectrum Sharing in Multi-User, Multi-Channel Systems with Strategic Users. - Franziska Hinkelmann, David Murrugarra, Abdul Salam Jarrah, Reinhard C. Laubenbacher:
A Mathematical Framework for Agent Based Models of Complex Biological Networks. - David Zuckerman:
Pseudorandom Financial Derivatives. - Andy Buckley
, Mike Whalley:
HepData reloaded: reinventing the HEP data archive. - Alberto Accomazzi:
Astronomy 3.0 Style. - José J. Ramasco, Marta S. de la Lama, Eduardo Lopez, Stefan Boettcher:
Optimization of transport protocols with path-length constraints in complex networks. - Waheed U. Bajwa, A. Robert Calderbank, Sina Jafarpour:
Why Gabor Frames? Two Fundamental Measures of Coherence and Their Role in Model Selection. - Heidi Gebauer, Tibor Szabó, Gábor Tardos:
The Local Lemma Is Tight for SAT. - Jon Lee, Shmuel Onn, Lyubov Romanchuk, Robert Weismantel:
The Quadratic Graver Cone, Quadratic Integer Minimization, and Extensions. - Samson Abramsky, Jonathan A. Zvesper:
From Lawvere to Brandenburger-Keisler: interactive forms of diagonalization and self-reference. - Tobias Friedrich, Lionel Levine:
Fast simulation of large-scale growth models. - Dusko Pavlovic:
Geometry of abstraction in quantum computation. - Dusko Pavlovic:
Relating toy models of quantum computation: comprehension, complementarity and dagger mix autonomous categories. - Ognyan Kounchev, Damyan Kalaglarsky:
Polyharmonic Daubechies type wavelets in Image Processing and Astronomy, I. - Lorenzo Isella, Juliette Stehlé, Alain Barrat, Ciro Cattuto, Jean-François Pinton, Wouter Van den Broeck:
What's in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks. - Yago Ascasibar:
Estimating multidimensional probability fields using the Field Estimator for Arbitrary Spaces (FiEstAS) with applications to astrophysics. - Jacob Fox:
A new proof of the graph removal lemma. - Pablo Sprechmann, Ignacio Ramírez, Guillermo Sapiro, Yonina C. Eldar:
C-HiLasso: A Collaborative Hierarchical Sparse Modeling Framework. - Ivan Fialík:
Unitary Noise and the Mermin-GHZ Game. 188-198 - Alastair A. Abbott
, Cristian S. Calude:
Understanding the Quantum Computational Speed-up via De-quantisation. 1-12 - Janet Anders, Saroosh Shabbir
, Stefanie Hilt, Eric Lutz:
Landauer's principle in the quantum domain. 13-18 - Abolfazl Bayat, Pasquale Sodano, Sougato Bose
Engineering Long Range Distance Independent Entanglement through Kondo Impurities in Spin Chains. 33-46 - Dominik F. Floess, Erika Andersson, Mark Hillery:
Quantum algorithms for testing Boolean functions. 101-108 - Damian Markham, Janet Anders, Michal Hajdusek, Vlatko Vedral:
Measurement Based Quantum Computation on Fractal Lattices. 109-115 - Akihito Soeda, Mio Murao:
Classification of delocalization power of global unitary operations in terms of LOCC one-piece relocalization. 117-126 - Joshua N. Cooper, Benjamin Doerr, Tobias Friedrich, Joel Spencer:
Deterministic Random Walks on Regular Trees. - Eva Isaksson:
Bibliometric Evaluation of the Changing Finnish Astronomy. - T. S. Evans, Renaud Lambiotte, Pietro Panzarasa:
Communities and Patterns of Scientific collaboration. - Eva Isaksson:
E-accessible Astronomy Resources. - Dariusz Plewczynski:
Landau Theory of Adaptive Integration in Computational Intelligence. - Daniel Lancho, Jesús Martínez-Mateo, David Elkouss, Mercedes Soto, Vicente Martín:
QKD in Standard Optical Telecommunications Networks. - S. Barry Cooper, Prakash Panangaden, Elham Kashefi:
Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Developments in Computational Models: Causality, Computation, and Physics, DCM 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-10th July 2010. EPTCS 26, 2010 [contents] - Shekhar S. Chandra, Nicolas Normand, Andrew Kingston, Jean-Pierre Guédon, Imants D. Svalbe:
Fast Mojette Transform for Discrete Tomography. - M. Tentyukov, J. A. M. Vermaseren, J. Vollinga:
Parallel versions of the symbolic manipulation system FORM. - Márton Karsai, Mikko Kivelä, Raj Kumar Pan, Kimmo Kaski, János Kertész, Albert-László Barabási, Jari Saramäki:
Small But Slow World: How Network Topology and Burstiness Slow Down Spreading. - Marc Peter Deisenroth, Henrik Ohlsson:
A Probabilistic Perspective on Gaussian Filtering and Smoothing. - Farzad Didehvar, Kaveh Ghasemloo, Massoud Pourmahdian:
Effectiveness in RPL, with Applications to Continuous Logic. - Jörn Müller-Quade, Renato Renner:
Composability in quantum cryptography. - Zhiqiang Xu:
Deterministic Sampling of Sparse Trigonometric Polynomials. - Stefan Engblom:
On well-separated sets and fast mutipole methods. - Joaquín Goñi, Bernat Corominas-Murtra, Ricard V. Solé, Carlos Rodríguez-Caso:
Exploring the randomness of Directed Acyclic Networks. - Mathieu Feuillet:
On the stability of linear networks and upstream trees without congestion control mechanisms. - Massimo Bernaschi, Giorgio Parisi, Leonardo Parisi:
The Heisenberg spin glass model on GPU: myths and actual facts. - Alexei G. Myasnikov, Alexander Ushakov, Dong Wook Won:
Power Circuits, Exponential Algebra, and Time Complexity. - Yiyuan She, Art B. Owen:
Outlier Detection Using Nonconvex Penalized Regression. - Elodie Leducq:
Fonctions PN sur une infinité d'extensions de $\mathbb{F}_p$, $p$ impair. - Alireza Yazdani, Paul Jeffrey:
A note on measurement of network vulnerability under random and intentional attacks. - Francisco Santos
A counterexample to the Hirsch conjecture. - Sergey G. Bobkov, Mokshay M. Madiman, Liyao Wang:
Fractional generalizations of Young and Brunn-Minkowski inequalities. - Elad Horev, Roi Krakovski, Shakhar Smorodinsky:
Conflict-Free Coloring Made Stronger. - Cristian S. Calude, Elena Calude, Karl Svozil:
Pi_1-Statements, Chaotic Systems and the Church-Turing Thesis. - Leo van Iersel, Charles Semple, Mike A. Steel:
Locating a tree in a phylogenetic network. - Predrag R. Jelenkovic, Mariana Olvera-Cravioto:
Implicit Renewal Theory and Power Tails on Trees. - Atanas Marinov Atanassov:
Image processing of a spectrogram produced by Spectrometer Airglow Temperature Imager. - János Farkas, Szabolcs Baják, Benedek Nagy:
Approximating the Euclidean circle in the square grid using neighbourhood sequences. - Atanas Marinov Atanassov:
Algorithm for Sector Spectra Calculation from Images Registered by the Spectrometer Airglow Temperature Imager. - Francis R. Bach, Selin Damla Ahipasaoglu, Alexandre d'Aspremont:
Convex Relaxations for Subset Selection. - Andris Ambainis:
Quantum algorithms for formula evaluation. - Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Ricardo López-Ruiz:
Fractal Basins and Boundaries in 2D Maps inspired in Discrete Population Models. - Alexander Yu. Vlasov:
Continuous history variable for programmable quantum processors. - Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche:
Concentration versus dispersion of research resources: a contribution to the debate. - Daniel W. Cranston, Seog-Jin Kim, Gexin Yu:
Injective colorings of graphs with low average degree. - Daniel W. Cranston, Gexin Yu:
A New Lower Bound on the Density of Vertex Identifying Codes for the Infinite Hexagonal Grid. - Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche:
Normalization of research evaluation results across academic disciplines. - Ben D. Lund, George B. Purdy, Justin W. Smith:
A Bichromatic Incidence Bound and an Application to Determined Planes. - Sachin Kadloor, Raviraj S. Adve, Andrew W. Eckford:
Molecular Communication Using Brownian Motion with Drift. - Andris Ambainis:
New Developments in Quantum Algorithms. - Elodie Leducq:
Une preuve de deux conjectures sur les fonctions APN. - Liang Wang:
How to build a DNA search engine like Google? - Geordie Rose, Kamran Karimi, Neil G. Dickson, Firas Hamze, Mohammad H. S. Amin, Marshall Drew-Brook, Fabián A. Chudak, Paul I. Bunyk, William G. Macready:
Investigating the Performance of an Adiabatic Quantum Optimization Processor. - Valeria Rulloni, Oscar H. Bustos, Ana Georgina Flesia:
Large gaps imputation in remote sensed imagery of the environment. - Weiwen Gu:
Decomposition Algorithm for Median Graph of Triangulation of a Bordered 2D Surface. - Isaac J. Crosson, Dave Bacon, Kenneth R. Brown:
Making Classical Ground State Spin Computing Fault-Tolerant. - Aleksandr Andreychenko, Pepijn Crouzen, Verena Wolf:
On-the-fly Uniformization of Time-Inhomogeneous Infinite Markov Population Models. 1 - J. A. M. Vermaseren:
FORM facts. - Anurat Chapanond, Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy, G. M. Prabhu, John R. Punin:
Evolving Graph Representation and Visualization. - Sakshi Pahwa, Amelia Hodges, Caterina M. Scoglio, Sean Wood
Topological analysis of the power grid and mitigation strategies against cascading failures. - Robert Hildebrand, Matthias Köppe:
A Faster Algorithm for Quasi-convex Integer Polynomial Optimization. - Soosan Beheshti, Masoud Hashemi, Xiao-Ping (Steven) Zhang, Nima Nikvand:
Noise Invalidation Denoising. - Natalia Mosina, Alexander Ushakov:
Mean-Set Attack: Cryptanalysis of Sibert et al. Authentication Protocol. - G. Bruce Berriman
, Ewa Deelman, Paul Groth, Gideon Juve:
The Application of Cloud Computing to the Creation of Image Mosaics and Management of Their Provenance. - Gui-Bo Ye, Xiaohui Xie:
Variable Selection and Dimension Reduction via Sparse Gradients. - Gui-Bo Ye, Xiaohui Xie:
Split Bregman method for large scale fused Lasso. - Timothy C. Matisziw, Alan T. Murray:
Modeling s-t Path Availability to Support Disaster Vulnerability Assessment of Network Infrastructure. - Dmitri V. Krioukov, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos, Maksim Kitsak, Amin Vahdat, Marián Boguñá:
Hyperbolic Geometry of Complex Networks. - Rick Ma, Samuel Cheng:
Decomposition Approach for Low-rank Matrix Completion. - Frank Schweitzer, David García:
An Agent-Based Model of Collective Emotions in Online Communities. - Nicolas Goze:
Linear Algebra in the vector space of intervals. - (Withdrawn) Tripartite probability distributions and communication complexity.
- Leonid Bedratyuk:
The MAPLE package for calculating Poincaré series. - Kim K. Nilsson, Ole Moeller-Nilsson:
Future management needs of a "software-driven" science community. - Ricardo López-Ruiz, Jaime Sanudo:
Shape of Traveling Densities with Extremum Statistical Complexity. - Ohad Perry, Ward Whitt:
A Fluid Limit for an Overloaded X Model Via an Averaging Principle. - Ognyan Kounchev, Damyan Kalaglarsky, Milcho Tsvetkov:
Polyharmonic Daubechies type wavelets in Image Processing and Astronomy, II. - Brittany D. Froese, Adam M. Oberman:
Fast finite difference solvers for singular solutions of the elliptic Monge-Ampére equation. - Lars Eirik Danielsen, Matthew Geoffrey Parker, Constanza Riera, Joakim Grahl Knudsen:
On Graphs and Codes Preserved by Edge Local Complementation. - Falk M. Hante, Mario Sigalotti:
Converse Lyapunov Theorems for Switched Systems in Banach and Hilbert Spaces. - Nathan O. Hodas:
The Quality of Oscillations in Overdamped Networks. - Grégory Nuel, Jean-Guillaume Dumas
Sparse approaches for the exact distribution of patterns in long state sequences generated by a Markov source. - Kevin G. Hare, Ian D. Morris, Nikita Sidorov, Jacques Theys:
An explicit counterexample to the Lagarias-Wang finiteness conjecture. - Franklin L. Marquezino, Renato Portugal, Gonzalo Abal:
Mixing Times in Quantum Walks on Two-Dimensional Grids.

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