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IEEE Control Systems Letters, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, January 2020
- Gianluca Bianchin
, Yin-Chen Liu
, Fabio Pasqualetti
Secure Navigation of Robots in Adversarial Environments. 1-6 - Yuanbo Nie
, Eric C. Kerrigan
External Constraint Handling for Solving Optimal Control Problems With Simultaneous Approaches and Interior Point Methods. 7-12 - Alexander Davydov
, Yancy Diaz-Mercado
Sparsity Structure and Optimality of Multi-Robot Coverage Control. 13-18 - Mina Ferizbegovic
, Jack Umenberger
, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Thomas B. Schön
Learning Robust LQ-Controllers Using Application Oriented Exploration. 19-24 - Giovanni de Carolis
, Sergio Galeani
, Mario Sassano
Robust Hybrid Output Regulation for Linear Systems With Periodic Jumps: The Non-Semiclassical Case. 25-30 - Iman Shames
, Daniel Selvaratnam
, Jonathan H. Manton
Online Optimization Using Zeroth Order Oracles. 31-36 - Shaunak D. Bopardikar
, Vaibhav Srivastava
Dynamic Vehicle Routing in Presence of Random Recalls. 37-42 - Davide Invernizzi
, Marco Lovera
, Luca Zaccarian
Integral ISS-Based Cascade Stabilization for Vectored-Thrust UAVs. 43-48 - Masakazu Koike
, Takayuki Ishizaki
, Nacim Ramdani
, Jun-ichi Imura
Optimal Scheduling of Storage Batteries and Power Generators Based on Interval Prediction of Photovoltaics - Monotonicity Analysis for State of Charge. 49-54 - Chandramouli Kamanchi
, Raghuram Bharadwaj Diddigi
, Shalabh Bhatnagar
Successive Over-Relaxation ${Q}$ -Learning. 55-60 - Yuanbo Nie
, Eric C. Kerrigan
Efficient and More Accurate Representation of Solution Trajectories in Numerical Optimal Control. 61-66 - Junjie Jiao
, Harry L. Trentelman
, M. Kanat Camlibel
Distributed Linear Quadratic Optimal Control: Compute Locally and Act Globally. 67-72 - Shivam Jain
, Yogesh V. Hote
Generalized Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for Load Frequency Control in Power Systems. 73-78 - Daniel Ioan
, Sorin Olaru
, Ionela Prodan
, Florin Stoican
, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu
From Obstacle-Based Space Partitioning to Corridors and Path Planning. A Convex Lifting Approach. 79-84 - Jack Umenberger
, Thomas B. Schön
Nonlinear Input Design as Optimal Control of a Hamiltonian System. 85-90 - Francisco J. Vargas
, Rodrigo A. González
On the Existence of a Stabilizing Solution of Modified Algebraic Riccati Equations in Terms of Standard Algebraic Riccati Equations and Linear Matrix Inequalities. 91-96 - Kazuhiro Sato
, Akiko Takeda:
Construction Methods of the Nearest Positive System. 97-102 - Jonas Beuchert
, Friedrich Solowjow
, Jörg Raisch
, Sebastian Trimpe
, Thomas Seel
Hierarchical Event-Triggered Learning for Cyclically Excited Systems With Application to Wireless Sensor Networks. 103-108 - Dieter Verbeke
, Masoud Moravej Khorasani
Frequency Domain Maximum Likelihood Identification With Gaussian Input-Output Uncertainty. 109-114 - Hieu T. Nguyen, Masood Parvania
, Pramod P. Khargonekar
Worst-Case Probabilistic Network Outage Identification Under Physical Disturbances. 115-120 - Mohammad M. Baharloo, Jalal Arabneydi
, Amir G. Aghdam
MinMax Mean-Field Team Approach for a Leader-Follower Network: A Saddle-Point Strategy. 121-126 - Dominik Baumann
, Fabian Mager
, Marco Zimmerling, Sebastian Trimpe
Control-Guided Communication: Efficient Resource Arbitration and Allocation in Multi-Hop Wireless Control Systems. 127-132 - Thijs van Keulen
Solution for the Continuous-Time Infinite-Horizon Linear Quadratic Regulator Subject to Scalar State Constraints. 133-138 - Henrik Niemann
A Controller Architecture With Anti-Windup. 139-144 - Junhwan Lee, Ahmad F. Taha
, Nikolaos Gatsis
, David Akopian
Tuning-Free, Low Memory Robust Estimator to Mitigate GPS Spoofing Attacks. 145-150 - Julien M. Hendrickx
, Balázs Gerencsér
, Baris Fidan
Trajectory Convergence From Coordinate-Wise Decrease of Quadratic Energy Functions, and Applications to Platoons. 151-156 - Danylo Malyuta
, Behçet Açikmese
Approximate Multiparametric Mixed-Integer Convex Programming. 157-162 - Alessandro Borri
, Pasquale Palumbo
, Abhyudai Singh
Time Delays in a Genetic Positive-Feedback Circuit. 163-168 - Abed AlRahman Al Makdah
, Vaibhav Katewa
, Fabio Pasqualetti
A Fundamental Performance Limitation for Adversarial Classification. 169-174 - Basak Sakcak
, Luca Bascetta
, Gianni Ferretti
, Maria Prandini
An Admissible Heuristic to Improve Convergence in Kinodynamic Planners Using Motion Primitives. 175-180 - Duarte J. Antunes
, M. Hadi Balaghi I.
Consistent Event-Triggered Control for Discrete-Time Linear Systems With Partial State Information. 181-186 - Alessandro Incremona
, Giuseppe De Nicolao
Spectral Characterization of the Multi-Seasonal Component of the Italian Electric Load: A LASSO-FFT Approach. 187-192 - Daniel W. M. Veldman
, Rob H. B. Fey, Hans J. Zwart
, Marc M. J. van de Wal, Joris D. B. J. van den Boom, Hendrik Nijmeijer
Sensor and Actuator Placement for Proportional Feedback Control in Advection-Diffusion Equations. 193-198 - Jacob H. Seidman
, Mahyar Fazlyab
, Victor M. Preciado
, George J. Pappas
A Control-Theoretic Approach to Analysis and Parameter Selection of Douglas-Rachford Splitting. 199-204 - Franco Blanchini
, Graziano Chesi
, Patrizio Colaneri
, Giulia Giordano
Checking Structural Stability of BDC-Decomposable Systems via Convex Optimisation. 205-210 - Muhammad Umar B. Niazi
, Diego Deplano
, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
, Alain Y. Kibangou
Scale-Free Estimation of the Average State in Large-Scale Systems. 211-216 - Giovanni de Carolis
, Alessandro Saccon
On Linear Quadratic Optimal Control for Time-Varying Multimodal Linear Systems With Time-Triggered Jumps. 217-222 - Gianmario Rinaldi
, Prathyush P. Menon
, Christopher Edwards
, Antonella Ferrara
Higher Order Sliding Mode Observers in Power Grids With Traditional and Renewable Sources. 223-228 - Jin Gyu Lee
, Hyungbo Shim
A Distributed Algorithm That Finds Almost Best Possible Estimate Under Non-Vanishing and Time-Varying Measurement Noise. 229-234 - Guillaume O. Berger
, Raphaël M. Jungers
Formal Methods for Computing Hyperbolic Invariant Sets for Nonlinear Systems. 235-240 - Christian Cuba Samaniego
, Giulia Giordano
, Elisa Franco:
Periodic Switching in a Recombinase-Based Molecular Circuit. 241-246 - Raffaele Carli
, Mariagrazia Dotoli
Distributed Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Linearly Constrained Optimization Over a Network. 247-252 - Anna Di Meglio
, Pietro De Lellis
, Mario di Bernardo
Decentralized Gain Adaptation for Optimal Pinning Controllability of Complex Networks. 253-258 - Sasinee Pruekprasert
, Toshimitsu Ushio
Supervisory Control of Communicating Timed Discrete Event Systems for State Avoidance Problem. 259-264
Volume 4, Number 2, April 2020
- Mushuang Liu
, Yan Wan
, Frank L. Lewis
Adaptive Optimal Decision in Multi-Agent Random Switching Systems. 265-270 - Matthias Pezzutto
, Emanuele Garone
, Luca Schenato
Reference Governor for Constrained Control Over Lossy Channels. 271-276 - Enrica Rossi
, Marco Tognon, Ruggero Carli
, Luca Schenato
, Juan Cortés
, Antonio Franchi
Cooperative Aerial Load Transportation via Sampled Communication. 277-282 - Dimitrios Pylorof
, Efstathios Bakolas
, Kevin S. Chan
Design of Robust Lyapunov-Based Observers for Nonlinear Systems With Sum-of-Squares Programming. 283-288 - Francesco Ferrante
, Fabrizio Dabbene
, Chiara Ravazzi
On the Design of Structured Stabilizers for LTI Systems. 289-294 - Craig Bakker
, Arnab Bhattacharya, Samrat Chatterjee, Draguna L. Vrabie
Learning and Information Manipulation: Repeated Hypergames for Cyber-Physical Security. 295-300 - Francesco Liberati
, Emanuele Garone
Constrained Control of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Under Quartic Performance Criterion. 301-306 - Bharadwaj Satchidanandan
, P. R. Kumar
On the Design of Security-Guaranteeing Dynamic Watermarks. 307-312 - Mauro Mancini
, Nicoletta Bloise
, Elisa Capello
, Elisabetta Punta
Sliding Mode Control Techniques and Artificial Potential Field for Dynamic Collision Avoidance in Rendezvous Maneuvers. 313-318 - Ettore Fornasini, Maria Elena Valcher
Observability and Reconstructibility of Probabilistic Boolean Networks. 319-324 - Guido Cavraro
, Andrey Bernstein
, Vassilis Kekatos
, Yingchen Zhang:
Real-Time Identifiability of Power Distribution Network Topologies With Limited Monitoring. 325-330 - Markus Tranninger
, Richard Seeber
, Sergiy Zhuk
, Martin Steinberger
, Martin Horn
Detectability Analysis and Observer Design for Linear Time Varying Systems. 331-336 - Philippe Guillot, Gilles Millérioux
Flatness and Submersivity of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems. 337-342 - Luis Guerrero-Bonilla
, Vijay Kumar
Realization of r-Robust Formations in the Plane Using Control Barrier Functions. 343-348 - M. A. Vasquez Beltran
, Bayu Jayawardhana
, Reynier Peletier:
Asymptotic Stability Analysis of Lur'e Systems With Butterfly Hysteresis Nonlinearities. 349-354 - Amol Yerudkar
, Carmen Del Vecchio
, Luigi Glielmo
Output Tracking Control Design of Switched Boolean Control Networks. 355-360 - Dalil Ichalal
, Saïd Mammar
Asymptotic Unknown Input Decoupling Observer for Discrete-Time LTI Systems. 361-366 - Roland Harvey
, Zhihua Qu
, Toru Namerikawa
An Optimized Input/Output-Constrained Control Design With Application to Microgrid Operation. 367-372 - Nicola Bastianello
, Andrea Simonetto
, Ruggero Carli
Prediction-Correction Splittings for Time-Varying Optimization With Intermittent Observations. 373-378 - Tomonori Sadamoto
, Aranya Chakrabortty
Improving Controllability and Plug-and-Play Operation of Wind Farms Using B2B Converters. 379-384 - Atreyee Kundu
On the Design of Stabilizing Cycles for Switched Linear Systems. 385-390 - Alessandro Pisano, Yury Orlov, Alessandro Pilloni, Elio Usai:
Combined Backstepping/Second-Order Sliding-Mode Boundary Stabilization of an Unstable Reaction-Diffusion Process. 391-396 - Jakub Orlowski
, Antoine Chaillet
, Mario Sigalotti
Counterexample to a Lyapunov Condition for Uniform Asymptotic Partial Stability. 397-401 - Sammyak Mate, Hariprasad Kodamana
, Sharad Bhartiya
, P. S. V. Nataraj:
A Stabilizing Sub-Optimal Model Predictive Control for Quasi-Linear Parameter Varying Systems. 402-407 - Muhammad Zakwan
Dynamic L2 Output Feedback Stabilization of LPV Systems With Piecewise Constant Parameters Subject to Spontaneous Poissonian Jumps. 408-413 - Wen Deng
, Xianlin Zeng
, Yiguang Hong
Distributed Computation for Solving the Sylvester Equation Based on Optimization. 414-419 - Giuseppe Fedele
, Luigi D'Alfonso
, Antonio Bono
Vortex Formation in a Swarm of Agents With a Coordinates Mixing Matrix-Based Model. 420-425 - Emil Klintberg
, Magnus Nilsson
, Ankit Gupta
, Lars Johannesson Mårdh, Paolo Falcone
Tree-Structured Polyhedral Invariant Set Calculations. 426-431 - Erick J. Rodríguez-Seda
, Dusan M. Stipanovic
Cooperative Avoidance Control With Velocity-Based Detection Regions. 432-437 - Albin Dahlin
, Yiannis Karayiannidis
Adaptive Trajectory Generation Under Velocity Constraints Using Dynamical Movement Primitives. 438-443 - Teruki Kato
, Yoshio Ebihara
, Tomomichi Hagiwara
Analysis of Positive Systems Using Copositive Programming. 444-449 - Lukas Hewing
, Melanie N. Zeilinger
Scenario-Based Probabilistic Reachable Sets for Recursively Feasible Stochastic Model Predictive Control. 450-455 - Emre Yildirim
, Selahattin Burak Sarsilmaz
, Ahmet Taha Koru
, Tansel Yucelen
On Control of Multiagent Systems in the Presence of a Misbehaving Agent. 456-461 - Yoshio Ebihara
, Bohao Zhu
, James Lam
The Lq/Lp Hankel Norms of Positive Systems. 462-467 - Yung-Shan Chou
, Sheng-Fong Wei
On Optimal Static Output Feedback Control Synthesis. 468-473 - Marcos R. Fernandes
, João B. R. do Val
, Rafael Fontes Souto
Robust Estimation and Filtering for Poorly Known Models. 474-479 - Simone Carlo Surace
, Anna Kutschireiter
, Jean-Pascal Pfister
Asymptotically Exact Unweighted Particle Filter for Manifold-Valued Hidden States and Point Process Observations. 480-485 - Avinash Kumar
, Tushar Jain
Some Insights on Synthesizing Optimal Linear Quadratic Controllers Using Krotov Sufficient Conditions. 486-491 - Eloy García
, David W. Casbeer, Meir Pachter
Optimal Strategies of the Differential Game in a Circular Region. 492-497 - Lanlan Su
, Vijay Gupta
, Panos J. Antsaklis
Feedback Passivation of Linear Systems With Fixed-Structure Controllers. 498-503 - Tillmann Mühlpfordt
, Rolf Findeisen
, Veit Hagenmeyer
, Timm Faulwasser
Errata for "Comments on Truncation Errors for Polynomial Chaos Expansions". 504-505 - Bora S. Banjanin
, Samuel A. Burden
Nonsmooth Optimal Value and Policy Functions in Mechanical Systems Subject to Unilateral Constraints. 506-511 - Adam J. Thorpe
, Meeko M. K. Oishi
Model-Free Stochastic Reachability Using Kernel Distribution Embeddings. 512-517 - Colin Freiheit
, Dhananjay M. Anand, Hamid R. Ossareh
Overshoot Mitigation Using the Reference Governor Framework. 518-523
Volume 4, Number 3, July 2020
- Indu John
, Chandramouli Kamanchi
, Shalabh Bhatnagar
Generalized Speedy Q-Learning. 524-529 - Ami Sakakibara
, Toshimitsu Ushio
On-Line Permissive Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems for scLTL Specifications. 530-535 - Xuyang Wu
, Jie Lu
Distributed Optimization Over Time-Varying Networks With Minimal Connectivity. 536-541 - Renato Vizuete
, Paolo Frasca
, Federica Garin
Graphon-Based Sensitivity Analysis of SIS Epidemics. 542-547 - Yue Yu
, Behçet Açikmese
RLC Circuits-Based Distributed Mirror Descent Method. 548-553 - Swapna Challagundla
, Shaikshavali Chitraganti
, Prashant K. Wali
Event-Based State Estimation With Multiplicative Measurement Noise and Correlated Additive Noises. 554-559 - Bhavana Singh
, Arijit Sen
, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo
Min-Consensus for Heterogeneous Higher-Order Integrators Under Switching Digraph. 560-565 - Wilbert Samuel Rossi
, Paolo Frasca
Opinion Dynamics With Topological Gossiping: Asynchronous Updates Under Limited Attention. 566-571 - Lulu Pan, Haibin Shao
, Mehran Mesbahi
, Yugeng Xi
, Dewei Li
On the Controllability of Matrix-Weighted Networks. 572-577 - Tommaso Menara
, Giacomo Baggio
, Danielle S. Bassett
, Fabio Pasqualetti
Conditions for Feedback Linearization of Network Systems. 578-583 - Mitsuru Toyoda
, Mirai Tanaka
An Efficient Algorithm for an ℓ₁/ℓ₂ Mixed Optimal Control Problem with a Box Constraint and Parallelization. 584-589 - Hanumant Singh Shekhawat
Frequency Truncated Discrete-Time System Norm. 590-595 - Yuan Zhang
, Yuanqing Xia
, Han Gao, Guangchen Zhang
Structural Controllability of Undirected Diffusive Networks With Vector-Weighted Edges. 596-601 - Henk J. van Waarde, Claudio De Persis, M. Kanat Camlibel, Pietro Tesi
Willems' Fundamental Lemma for State-Space Systems and Its Extension to Multiple Datasets. 602-607 - Simone Mariano, Franco Blanchini
, Simone Formentin, Luca Zaccarian:
Asymmetric State Feedback for Linear Plants With Asymmetric Input Saturation. 608-613 - Arijit Sen
, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo
, Mangal Kothari:
Containment Using Incomplete Agent Information Over a Digraph. 614-619 - Adrian Hauswirth
, Florian Dörfler, Andrew R. Teel:
On the Differentiability of Projected Trajectories and the Robust Convergence of Non-Convex Anti-Windup Gradient Flows. 620-625 - Mengmou Li
, Shunya Yamashita, Takeshi Hatanaka, Graziano Chesi:
Smooth Dynamics for Distributed Constrained Optimization With Heterogeneous Delays. 626-631 - Antoine Lesage-Landry, Duncan S. Callaway:
Dynamic and Distributed Online Convex Optimization for Demand Response of Commercial Buildings. 632-637 - Jingjing Bu, Mehran Mesbahi:
Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Algorithms for Indefinite Least Squares Stationary Optimal Control. 638-643 - Simone Mariano, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu
, Romain Postoyan, Luca Zaccarian:
A Hybrid Model of Opinion Dynamics With Memory-Based Connectivity. 644-649 - Erica L. Jenson, Xudong Chen, Daniel J. Scheeres:
Optimal Control of Sampled Linear Systems With Control-Linear Noise. 650-655 - Alex Olshevsky:
On a Relaxation of Time-Varying Actuator Placement. 656-661 - Yoshio Ebihara, Noboru Sebe
, Hayato Waki:
On Gain-Scheduled State-Feedback Controller Synthesis With Quadratic Stability Condition. 662-667 - Pedro Hespanhol, Anil Aswani
Statistical Consistency of Set-Membership Estimator for Linear Systems. 668-673 - Arun Raman
, R. S. Sreenivas:
Fault-Tolerant Control of Discrete-Event Systems With Controllability Failures. 674-679 - José Luis Mancilla-Aguilar, Hernan Haimovich:
Converging-Input Convergent-State and Related Properties of Time-Varying Impulsive Systems. 680-685 - Navid Moshtaghi Yazdani, Reihaneh Kardehi Moghaddam
, Bahare Kiumarsi, Hamidreza Modares:
A Safety-Certified Policy Iteration Algorithm for Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems. 686-691 - Giovanni Gozzini
, Davide Invernizzi
, Simone Panza, Mattia Giurato, Marco Lovera:
Air-to-Air Automatic Landing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Quasi Time-Optimal Hybrid Strategy. 692-697 - Huifen Hong, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Distributed Fixed-Time Attitude Tracking Consensus for Rigid Spacecraft Systems Under Directed Graphs. 698-703 - Timm Faulwasser
, Alexander Murray:
Turnpike Properties in Discrete-Time Mixed-Integer Optimal Control. 704-709 - Giovanni Cherubini, Martin Guay, Sophie Tarbouriech, Kartik B. Ariyur, Mireille E. Broucke, Subhrakanti Dey, Christian Ebenbauer, Paolo Frasca, Bahman Gharesifard, Antoine Girard, João Manoel Gomes da Silva
, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Usman Khan, Giuseppe Notarstefano, Luca Scardovi, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue of the IEEE L-CSS on Learning and Control. 710-712 - Raffaele Soloperto
, Johannes Köhler
, Frank Allgöwer
Augmenting MPC Schemes With Active Learning: Intuitive Tuning and Guaranteed Performance. 713-718 - Joel A. Paulson
, Ali Mesbah
Approximate Closed-Loop Robust Model Predictive Control With Guaranteed Stability and Constraint Satisfaction. 719-724 - Alberto Lucchini, Simone Formentin
, Matteo Corno, Dario Piga
, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Torque Vectoring for High-Performance Electric Vehicles: An Efficient MPC Calibration. 725-730 - Thomas L. Mohren
, Thomas L. Daniel, Steven L. Brunton:
Learning Precisely Timed Feedforward Control of the Sensor-Denied Inverted Pendulum. 731-736 - Cristiano Cervellera
, Danilo Macciò
, Thomas Parisini
Learning Robustly Stabilizing Explicit Model Predictive Controllers: A Non-Regular Sampling Approach. 737-742 - Max L. Greene
, Patryk Deptula
, Scott Nivison, Warren E. Dixon
Sparse Learning-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming With Barrier Constraints. 743-748 - Prachi Pratyusha Sahoo
, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
On-Off Adversarially Robust Q-Learning. 749-754 - Alessandro Giuseppi
, Antonio Pietrabissa
Chance-Constrained Control With Lexicographic Deep Reinforcement Learning. 755-760 - Ryohei Oura
, Ami Sakakibara
, Toshimitsu Ushio
Reinforcement Learning of Control Policy for Linear Temporal Logic Specifications Using Limit-Deterministic Generalized Büchi Automata. 761-766 - Eloïse Berthier
, Francis R. Bach:
Max-Plus Linear Approximations for Deterministic Continuous-State Markov Decision Processes. 767-772 - Zilong Zhao
, Sophie Cerf
, Bogdan Robu
, Nicolas Marchand:
Event-Based Control for Online Training of Neural Networks. 773-778 - Francesco Farina
, Giuseppe Notarstefano
On the Linear Convergence Rate of the Distributed Block Proximal Method. 779-784 - Ingvar M. Ziemann
, Henrik Sandberg
Regret Lower Bounds for Unbiased Adaptive Control of Linear Quadratic Regulators. 785-790
Volume 4, Number 4, October 2020
- Leonid Mirkin
On Dead-Time Compensation in Repetitive Control. 791-796 - Lorenzo Zino
, Alessandro Rizzo, Maurizio Porfiri:
On Assessing Control Actions for Epidemic Models on Temporal Networks. 797-802 - Claudia Califano, Claude H. Moog:
Observability of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems and Its Application to Their State Realization. 803-808 - Markus Tranninger
, Richard Seeber, Martin Steinberger
, Martin Horn:
Uniform Detectability of Linear Time Varying Systems With Exponential Dichotomy. 809-814 - A. R. P. Andriën
, Duarte J. Antunes
Near-Optimal MAP Estimation for Markov Jump Linear Systems Using Relaxed Dynamic Programming. 815-820 - Kazuhiro Sato, Akiko Takeda:
Controllability Maximization of Large-Scale Systems Using Projected Gradient Method. 821-826 - Mahendra Singh Tomar, Majid Zamani:
Compositional Quantification of Invariance Feedback Entropy for Networks of Uncertain Control Systems. 827-832 - Nima Monshizadeh:
Amidst Data-Driven Model Reduction and Control. 833-838 - Mattia Mattioni
On Multiconsensus of Multi-Agent Systems Under Aperiodic and Asynchronous Sampling. 839-844 - Ameneh Nejati, Sadegh Soudjani, Majid Zamani:
Compositional Construction of Control Barrier Certificates for Large-Scale Stochastic Switched Systems. 845-850 - Bojan Mavkov
, Marco Forgione
, Dario Piga
Integrated Neural Networks for Nonlinear Continuous-Time System Identification. 851-856 - Zhendong Sun:
Feedback Stabilization of Third-Order Switched Linear Control Systems. 857-861 - Pushkar Prakash Arya
, Sohom Chakrabarty
A Robust Internal Model-Based Fractional Order Controller for Fractional Order Plus Time Delay Processes. 862-867 - Jun Moon:
A Feedback Nash Equilibrium for Affine-Quadratic Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games With Random Coefficients. 868-873 - Jiajia Jia
, Harry L. Trentelman, M. Kanat Camlibel:
Fault Detection and Isolation for Linear Structured Systems. 874-879 - Emilio Tanowe Maddalena
, Colin N. Jones:
NSM Converges to a k-NN Regressor Under Loose Lipschitz Estimates. 880-885 - Andreas Britzelmeier
, Matthias Gerdts:
A Nonsmooth Newton Method for Linear Model-Predictive Control in Tracking Tasks for a Mobile Robot With Obstacle Avoidance. 886-891 - Joel Ferguson
, Dongjun Wu, Romeo Ortega:
On Matched Disturbance Suppression for Port-Hamiltonian Systems. 892-897 - Nachuan Yang
, Jason J. R. Liu
Sequential Markov Games With Ordered Agents: A Bellman-Like Approach. 898-903 - Miel Sharf:
On the Sample Complexity of Data-Driven Inference of the L2-Gain. 904-909 - Jochem De Schutter, Mario Zanon, Moritz Diehl:
TuneMPC - A Tool for Economic Tuning of Tracking (N)MPC Problems. 910-915 - Gangshan Jing
, He Bai, Jemin George, Aranya Chakrabortty
Model-Free Reinforcement Learning of Minimal-Cost Variance Control. 916-921 - Nicola Sansonetto, Marta Zoppello:
On the Trajectory Generation of the Hydrodynamic Chaplygin Sleigh. 922-927 - Eric Goubault, Sylvie Putot:
Robust Under-Approximations and Application to Reachability of Non-Linear Control Systems With Disturbances. 928-933 - Yang Bai, Yujie Wang
, Mikhail M. Svinin, Evgeni Magid
, Ruisheng Sun:
Function Approximation Technique Based Immersion and Invariance Control for Unknown Nonlinear Systems. 934-939 - Matt Roveto, Robert Mieth
, Yury Dvorkin:
Co-Optimization of VaR and CVaR for Data-Driven Stochastic Demand Response Auction. 940-945 - Alessio Franci
, Timothy O'Leary, Jorge Golowasch
Positive Dynamical Networks in Neuronal Regulation: How Tunable Variability Coexists With Robustness. 946-951 - Andrea Iannelli
, Roy S. Smith
A Multiobjective LQR Synthesis Approach to Dual Control for Uncertain Plants. 952-957 - Nathalie T. Khalil
, Fernando M. Lobo Pereira
Necessary Conditions of Optimality in the Gamkrelidze's Form for State Constrained Problems With Differential Inclusion. 958-963 - Stefano Massaroli, Federico Califano
, Angela Faragasso, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama
On the Extinction-Free Stabilization of Predator-Prey Dynamics. 964-969 - Manas Mejari, Valentina Breschi
, Dario Piga
Recursive Bias-Correction Method for Identification of Piecewise Affine Output-Error Models. 970-975 - Tatsuya Ibuki
, Sean Wilson, Aaron D. Ames, Magnus Egerstedt:
Distributed Collision-Free Motion Coordination on a Sphere: A Conic Control Barrier Function Approach. 976-981 - Masaya Murata
, Isao Kawano, Koichi Inoue:
Extended, Unscented Kalman, and Sigma Point Multiple Distribution Estimation Filters for Nonlinear Discrete State-Space Models. 982-987 - Israel Donato Ridgley, Randy A. Freeman, Kevin M. Lynch:
Private and Hot-Pluggable Distributed Averaging. 988-993 - Daniele Alpago, Florian Dörfler, John Lygeros:
An Extended Kalman Filter for Data-Enabled Predictive Control. 994-999 - Sleiman Safaoui, Lars Lindemann, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Iman Shames, Tyler H. Summers:
Control Design for Risk-Based Signal Temporal Logic Specifications. 1000-1005 - Hiroaki Mukaidani
, Ramasamy Saravanakumar, Hua Xu
, Weihua Zhuang
Stackelberg Strategy for Uncertain Markov Jump Delay Stochastic Systems. 1006-1011 - Giuseppe Fedele, Luigi D'Alfonso
, Antonio Bono
A Discrete-Time Model for Swarm Formation With Coordinates Coupling Matrix. 1012-1017 - Richard Seeber:
Convergence Time Bounds for a Family of Second-Order Homogeneous State-Feedback Controllers. 1018-1023 - Yue Yao, Yin Tong
, Hao Lan:
Initial-State Estimation of Multi-Channel Networked Discrete Event Systems. 1024-1029 - Yuanqing Wu, Alberto Isidori, Lorenzo Marconi:
Achieving Almost Feedback-Linearization via Low-Power Extended Observer. 1030-1035 - Daniel Arnström, Alberto Bemporad, Daniel Axehill:
Exact Complexity Certification of a Nonnegative Least-Squares Method for Quadratic Programming. 1036-1041 - S. J. A. M. van den Eijnden, Marcel François Heertjes, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Henk Nijmeijer:
Hybrid Integrator-Gain Systems: A Remedy for Overshoot Limitations in Linear Control? 1042-1047 - Vignesh Sivaramakrishnan, Meeko M. K. Oishi
Fast, Convexified Stochastic Optimal Open-Loop Control for Linear Systems Using Empirical Characteristic Functions. 1048-1053 - Yulei Wang, Ning Bian, Lin Zhang, Hong Chen:
Coordinated Lateral and Longitudinal Vehicle-Following Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering Nonlinear Dynamics. 1054-1059 - W. P. M. H. Heemels
, M. Kanat Camlibel, Marcel François Heertjes:
Oblique Projected Dynamical Systems and Incremental Stability Under State Constraints. 1060-1065

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