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Human Factors, Volume 55
Volume 55, Number 1, February 2013
- William S. Marras, Nancy J. Cooke:
Preface to the Special Section: 2012 Human Factors Prize. 5 - Hongwei Hsiao:
Anthropometric Procedures for Protective Equipment Sizing and Design. 6-35 - Susan E. Kotowski, Kermit G. Davis, Neal Wiggermann, Rachel Williamson:
Quantification of Patient Migration in Bed: Catalyst to Improve Hospital Bed Design to Reduce Shear and Friction Forces and Nurses' Injuries. 36-47 - Edward W. Otten, Keith S. Karn, Kelley S. Parsons:
Defining Thumb Reach Envelopes for Handheld Devices. 48-60 - Sarah Wiseman, Anna Louise Cox
, Duncan P. Brumby
Designing Devices With the Task in Mind: Which Numbers Are Really Used in Hospitals? 61-74
- David J. Bryant, David G. Smith:
Impact of Blue Force Tracking on Combat Identification Judgments. 75-89
- Thomas Loveday, Mark W. Wiggins
, Jemma M. Harris, David O'Hare, Neil Smith:
An Objective Approach to Identifying Diagnostic Expertise Among Power System Controllers. 90-107
- Sean Gallagher
, John R. Heberger
Examining the Interaction of Force and Repetition on Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk: A Systematic Literature Review. 108-124
- Thomas Loveday, Mark W. Wiggins
, Ben J. Searle
, Marino Festa, David Schell:
The Capability of Static and Dynamic Features to Distinguish Competent From Genuinely Expert Practitioners in Pediatric Diagnosis. 125-137
- Tanja Manser
, Simon Foster, Rhona Flin
, Rona Patey
Team Communication During Patient Handover From the Operating Room: More Than Facts and Figures. 138-156
- Bruce N. Walker, Jeffrey Lindsay, Amanda Nance, Yoko Nakano, Dianne K. Palladino, Tilman Dingler
, Myounghoon Jeon:
Spearcons (Speech-Based Earcons) Improve Navigation Performance in Advanced Auditory Menus. 157-182
- Nadia Ali, David Peebles
The Effect of Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization on the Comprehension of Three-Variable Bar and Line Graphs. 183-203
- Lia Buarque de Macedo Guimarães, José Luis Duarte Ribeiro, Tarcisio Abreu Saurin
, Paulo Ivo Homem de Bittencourt Jr.
Circadian Rhythms as a Basis for Work Organization: A Study With Live Line Electricians. 204-217
- Ian J. Reagan, James P. Bliss, Ron Van Houten, Bryan W. Hilton:
The Effects of External Motivation and Real-Time Automated Feedback on Speeding Behavior in a Naturalistic Setting. 218-230
- Scott I. Tannenbaum, Christopher P. Cerasoli:
Do Team and Individual Debriefs Enhance Performance? A Meta-Analysis. 231-245
Volume 55, Number 2, April 2013
- Amy Irwin, Kathryn Mearns, Margaret Watson
, Jim Urquhart:
The Effect of Proximity, Tall Man Lettering, and Time Pressure on Accurate Visual Perception of Drug Names. 253-266
- Suzanne K. Kearns
, Jennifer E. Sutton
Hangar Talk Survey: Using Stories as a Naturalistic Method of Informing Threat and Error Management Training. 267-277
- Matthew R. E. Romoser:
The Long-Term Effects of Active Training Strategies on Improving Older Drivers' Scanning in Intersections: A Two-Year Follow-Up to Romoser and Fisher (2009). 278-284
- Rachel A. Weatherless, Paul D. Fedele, Kathy L. Kehring, Tomasz R. Letowski:
The Effects of Simulated Hearing Loss on Speech Recognition and Walking Navigation. 285-297
- Chia-Hsiung Chen, Yu Hen Hu, Thomas Y. Yen, Robert G. Radwin:
Automated Video Exposure Assessment of Repetitive Hand Activity Level for a Load Transfer Task. 298-308 - Vincent M. Ciriello, Rammohan V. Maikala, Niall V. O'Brien:
Maximal Acceptable Torques of Six Highly Repetitive Hand-Wrist Motions for Male Industrial Workers. 309-322
- Deia Ganayim, Raphiq Ibrahim
How Do Typographical Factors Affect Reading Text and Comprehension Performance in Arabic? 323-332 - Robert Earl Patterson, Byron J. Pierce, Alan S. Boydstun, Lisa M. Ramsey, Jodi Shannan, Lisa Tripp, Herb Bell:
Training Intuitive Decision Making in a Simulated Real-World Environment. 333-345
- Misty Blue, Maranda E. McBride, Rachel A. Weatherless, Tomasz R. Letowski:
Impact of a Bone Conduction Communication Channel on Multichannel Communication System Effectiveness. 346-355 - Petr Janata, William H. Edwards:
A Novel Sonification Strategy for Auditory Display of Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation Changes in Clinical Settings. 356-372 - Joshua Shive, Gregory Francis
Choosing Colors for Map Display Icons Using Models of Visual Search. 373-396
- Jonathan D. Jolly, Emily A. Hildebrand, Russell J. Branaghan:
Better Instructions for Use to Improve Reusable Medical Equipment (RME) Sterility. 397-410
- Lakhwinder Pal Singh
, Arvind Bhardwaj, Kishore Kumar Deepak:
Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Indian Steel Industry Workers: An Exploratory Study. 411-424
- Amity Cree Campbell
, Andrea Roelofs, Paul Davey
, Leon Straker
Response Time, Pistol Fire Position Variability, and Pistol Draw Success Rates for Hip and Thigh Holsters. 425-434
- Vanessa Loh
, Sally Andrews
, Beryl Hesketh, Barbara Griffin
The Moderating Effect of Individual Differences in Error-Management Training: Who Learns From Mistakes? 435-448 - Joey C. Y. So, Robert W. Proctor, Phillip S. Dunston, Xiangyu Wang
Better Retention of Skill Operating a Simulated Hydraulic Excavator After Part-Task Than After Whole-Task Training. 449-460 - Christopher D. Wickens, Shaun Hutchins, Thomas Carolan, John M. Cumming:
Effectiveness of Part-Task Training and Increasing-Difficulty Training Strategies: A Meta-Analysis Approach. 461-470
Volume 55, Number 3, June 2013
- Stephen M. Casner, Richard W. Geven, Kent T. Williams:
The Effectiveness of Airline Pilot Training for Abnormal Events. 477-485 - Kristen L. Casto, John G. Casali:
Effects of Headset, Flight Workload, Hearing Ability, and Communications Message Quality on Pilot Performance. 486-498 - Jane Ford, David O'Hare, Robert Henderson:
Putting the "We" Into Teamwork: Effects of Priming Personal or Social Identity on Flight Attendants' Perceptions of Teamwork and Communication. 499-508
- Martina I. Klein, Patricia R. DeLucia, Ryan Olmstead:
The Impact of Visual Scanning in the Laparoscopic Environment After Engaging in Strain Coping. 509-519
- Stephanie M. Merritt, Heather Heimbaugh, Jennifer LaChapell, Deborah Lee:
I Trust It, but I Don't Know Why: Effects of Implicit Attitudes Toward Automation on Trust in an Automated System. 520-534 - Nathan C. Perry, Mark W. Wiggins
, Merilyn Childs, Gerard Fogarty
The Application of Reduced-Processing Decision Support Systems to Facilitate the Acquisition of Decision-Making Skills. 535-544
- Peter F. Ehrlich, Justin G. Young
, Sheryl Ulin, Charles Woolley, Thomas J. Armstrong, Andrzey T. Galecki, Shu Chen, James A. Ashton-Miller:
Maximum Hand-Rung Coupling Forces in Children: The Effects of Handhold Diameter. 545-556 - Anna Pereira, David L. Lee, Harini Sadeeshkumar
, Charles Laroche, Dan Odell, David Rempel:
The Effect of Keyboard Key Spacing on Typing Speed, Error, Usability, and Biomechanics: Part 1. 557-566 - Maria Luisa Toro, Alicia M. Koontz, Rory A. Cooper:
The Impact of Transfer Setup on the Performance of Independent Wheelchair Transfers. 567-580
- Mark S. Avnet, Annalisa L. Weigel:
The Structural Approach to Shared Knowledge: An Application to Engineering Design Teams. 581-594
- Cyriel Diels
, Peter A. Howarth
Frequency Characteristics of Visually Induced Motion Sickness. 595-604 - Varun Dutt
, Young-Suk Ahn, Cleotilde Gonzalez:
Cyber Situation Awareness: Modeling Detection of Cyber Attacks With Instance-Based Learning Theory. 605-618
- Bernadette McCrory, Bethany R. Lowndes, Chad A. LaGrange, Emily E. Miller, M. Susan Hallbeck
Comparative Usability Testing of Conventional and Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery Devices. 619-631
- David Guth, Richard Long, Robert S. Wall Emerson, Paul E. Ponchillia, Daniel H. Ashmead:
Blind and Sighted Pedestrians' Road-Crossing Judgments at a Single-Lane Roundabout. 632-642
- Mark C. Schall Jr.
, Michelle L. Rusch, John D. Lee, Jeffrey D. Dawson
, Geb Thomas
, Nazan Aksan
, Matthew Rizzo:
Augmented Reality Cues and Elderly Driver Hazard Perception. 643-658
- Stefan Röttger
, Saskia Vetter, Jens T. Kowalski:
Ship Management Attitudes and Their Relation to Behavior and Performance. 659-671 - Grant S. Taylor, John S. Barnett:
Evaluation of Wearable Simulation Interface for Military Training. 672-690
Volume 55, Number 4, August 2013
- Sara A. Lu, Christopher D. Wickens, Julie C. Prinet, Shaun D. Hutchins, Nadine B. Sarter, Angelia Sebok:
Supporting Interruption Management and Multimodal Interface Design: Three Meta-Analyses of Task Performance as a Function of Interrupting Task Modality. 697-724 - Michael E. R. Nicholls
, Nicole A. Thomas
, Tobias Loetscher
An Online Means of Testing Asymmetries in Seating Preference Reveals a Bias for Airplanes and Theaters. 725-731 - Michael S. Yu
, Cleotilde Gonzalez:
Stopping Decisions: Information Order Effects on Nonfocal Evaluations. 732-746
- Melissa R. Beck
, Benjamin A. Martin, Emily Smitherman, Lorrie Gaschen:
Eyes-On Training and Radiological Expertise: An Examination of Expertise Development and Its Effects on Visual Working Memory. 747-763
- Neal Wiggermann, W. Monroe Keyserling:
Effects of Anti-Fatigue Mats on Perceived Discomfort and Weight-Shifting During Prolonged Standing. 764-775
- Brent Morgan, Sidney K. D'Mello, Robert G. Abbott, Gabriel Radvansky, Michael Haass, Andrea Tamplin
Individual Differences in Multitasking Ability and Adaptability. 776-788
- Amrish O. Chourasia, Douglas A. Wiegmann, Karen B. Chen
, Curtis B. Irwin, Mary E. Sesto:
Effect of Sitting or Standing on Touch Screen Performance and Touch Characteristics. 789-802
- Anne Collins McLaughlin
, Fran Walsh, Michelle R. Bryant:
Effects of Knowledge and Internal Locus of Control in Groups of Health Care Workers Judging Likelihood of Pathogen Transfer. 803-814
- Jamie C. Gorman, Michael J. Crites:
Are Two Hands (From Different People) Better Than One? Mode Effects and Differential Transfer Between Manual Coordination Modes. 815-829
- Kinneret Teodorescu, Sylvain Bouchigny, Maria Korman
Training Haptic Stiffness Discrimination: Time Course of Learning With or Without Visual Information and Knowledge of Results. 830-840
- Nazan Aksan
, Jeffrey D. Dawson
, Jamie L. Emerson, Lixi Yu, Ergun Y. Uc
, Steven W. Anderson
, Matthew Rizzo:
Naturalistic Distraction and Driving Safety in Older Drivers. 841-853
- Shaun D. Hutchins, Christopher D. Wickens, Thomas Carolan, John M. Cumming:
The Influence of Cognitive Load on Transfer With Error Prevention Training Methods: A Meta-Analysis. 854-874
Volume 55, Number 5, October 2013
- Florian Weber, Carola Haering, Roland Thomaschke
Improving the Human-Computer Dialogue With Increased Temporal Predictability. 881-892
- Haluk Ay, Carolyn M. Sommerich, Anthony F. Luscher:
Linear Modeling of Human Hand-Arm Dynamics Relevant to Right-Angle Torque Tool Interaction. 893-910 - Marina Ciccarelli, Leon Straker
, Svend Erik Mathiassen
, Clare Pollock:
Variation in Muscle Activity Among Office Workers When Using Different Information Technologies at Work and Away From Work. 911-923
- Marcin Zajenkowski
Energetic Arousal and Language: Predictions From the Computational Theory of Quantifiers Processing. 924-934
- Caitlan A. Rizzardo
, Herbert A. Colle:
Dual-Coded Advisory Turn Indicators for GPS Navigational Guidance of Surface Vehicles: Effects of Map Orientation. 935-945
- Anita Vuckovic, Penelope Sanderson, Andrew Neal
, Stephen Gaukrodger, William B. L. Wong:
Relative Position Vectors: An Alternative Approach to Conflict Detection in Air Traffic Control. 946-964
- James C. Christensen
, Justin Estepp
Coadaptive Aiding and Automation Enhance Operator Performance. 965-975 - Jia Han
, Gordon Waddington
, Judith Anson, Roger Adams:
Does Elastic Resistance Affect Finger Pinch Discrimination? 976-984
- Hans Gerisch, Gerhard H. Staude, Werner Wolf, Gerhard Bauch:
A Three-Component Model of the Control Error in Manual Tracking of Continuous Random Signals. 985-1000
- Joel M. Cooper, Nathan Medeiros-Ward, David L. Strayer
The Impact of Eye Movements and Cognitive Workload on Lateral Position Variability in Driving. 1001-1014
Volume 55, Number 6, December 2013
- Haiyi Zhu, Robert E. Kraut, Aniket Kittur
Effectiveness of Shared Leadership in Wikipedia. 1021-1043
- Victor S. Finomore, Tyler H. Shaw, Joel S. Warm, Gerald Matthews, David B. Boles:
Viewing the Workload of Vigilance Through the Lenses of the NASA-TLX and the MRQ. 1044-1063
- Jennie A. Jackson
, Priyanka Banerjee-Guénette, Diane E. Gregory, Jack P. Callaghan
Should We Be More on the Ball?: The Efficacy of Accommodation Training on Lumbar Spine Posture, Muscle Activity, and Perceived Discomfort During Stability Ball Sitting. 1064-1076 - Sue A. Ferguson, W. Gary Allread
, Peter Le
, Joseph Rose, William S. Marras:
Shoulder Muscle Fatigue During Repetitive Tasks as Measured by Electromyography and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. 1077-1087
- Kanji Tanaka
, Katsumi Watanabe
Interference Between Accustomed Number-Space Mappings and Unacquainted Letter-Space Mappings in a Button Press Task. 1088-1100
- Bum Chul Kwon, Ji Soo Yi, Yu Zhu:
ReadingMate: The Effect of the Content Stabilizing Technique, Font Size, and Interline Spacing on the Letter-Counting Task Performance of Treadmill Runners. 1101-1111
- Jing Chen, Robert W. Proctor:
Response-Effect Compatibility Defines the Natural Scrolling Direction. 1112-1129
- Johannes Beller, Matthias Heesen, Mark Vollrath:
Improving the Driver-Automation Interaction: An Approach Using Automation Uncertainty. 1130-1141

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