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IEICE Transactions on Communications, Volume 97-B
Volume 97-B, Number 1, January 2014
- Toshio Tonouchi:
Foreword. 1 - Slawomir Kuklinski
, Prosper Chemouil
Network Management Challenges in Software-Defined Networks. 2-9 - Md. Golam Rabbani, Mohamed Faten Zhani
, Raouf Boutaba:
On Achieving High Survivability in Virtualized Data Centers. 10-18 - Yan Ding, Huaimin Wang, Peichang Shi, Hongyi Fu, Xinhai Xu:
Towards Trusted Result Verification in Mass Data Processing Service. 19-28 - Hiep Hoang-Van, Yuki Shinozaki, Takumi Miyoshi, Olivier Fourmaux
A Router-Aided Hierarchical P2P Traffic Localization Based on Variable Additional Delay Insertion. 29-39
- Takeshi Sugimori, Katsunori Imamura, Ryuichi Sugizaki:
Cross-Talk with Fluctuation in Heterogeneous Multicore Fibers. 40-48 - Ling Wang, Qicong Peng, Qihang Peng:
Handoff Delay-Based Call Admission Control in Cognitive Radio Networks. 49-55 - Dongyu Wang, Xiaoxiang Wang, Bo Gu
Interference Coordination Mechanisms for Device-to-Device Multicast Uplink Underlaying Cellular Networks. 56-65 - Toshiko Tominaga, Masataka Masuda, Jun Okamoto, Akira Takahashi, Takanori Hayashi:
Performance Comparisons of Subjective Quality Assessment Methods for Video. 66-75 - Takeshi Yagi, Junichi Murayama, Takeo Hariu, Sho Tsugawa, Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Masayuki Murata
Analysis of Blacklist Update Frequency for Countering Malware Attacks on Websites. 76-86 - Abu Hena Al Muktadir, Eiji Oki:
Optimum Route Design in 1+1 Protection with Network Coding for Instantaneous Recovery. 87-104 - Yang Miao, Jun-ichi Takada
Pattern Reconstruction for Deviated AUT in Spherical Measurement by Using Spherical Waves. 105-113 - Tadashi Minotani, Mitsuru Shinagawa:
Methods of Estimating Return-Path Capacitance in Electric-Field Intrabody Communication. 114-121 - Miao Zhang, Jiro Hirokawa
, Makoto Ando:
Double-Layer Plate-Laminated Waveguide Slot Array Antennas for a 39GHz Band Fixed Wireless Access System. 122-128 - HoYu Lin, Masaharu Takahashi
, Kazuyuki Saito, Koichi Ito:
Design of Miniature Implantable Tag Antenna for Radio-Frequency Identification System at 2.45GHz and Received Power Analysis. 129-136 - Chih-Chang Shen, Ann-Chen Chang:
Blind CFO Estimation Based on Decision Directed MVDR Approach for Interleaved OFDMA Uplink Systems. 137-145 - Tetsuya Yamamoto, Fumiyuki Adachi
2-Step Frequency-Domain Iterative Channel Estimation for Training Sequence Inserted Single-Carrier Block Transmission. 146-154 - Yusuke Oshima, Anass Benjebbour, Kenichi Higuchi:
A Novel Adaptive Interference Admission Control Method for Layered Partially Non-orthogonal Block Diagonalization for Base Station Cooperative MIMO. 155-163 - Eunchul Yoon, Suhan Choi, Unil Yun:
Channel Correlation Estimation Exploiting Pilots for an OFDM System with a Comb-Type Pilot Pattern. 164-170 - Jianxin Dai, Ming Chen, Mei Zhao, Ziyan Jia, Zhengquan Li:
Study of Coordinated Set of Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission with Limited Feedback. 171-181 - Sungho Jeon
, JongSeob Baek, Junghyun Kim, Jong-Soo Seo:
Analysis of the Network Gains of SISO and MISO Single Frequency Network Broadcast Systems. 182-189 - Tae-Won Ban:
Adaptive Channel Power Partitioning Scheme in WCDMA Femto Cell. 190-195 - Errong Pei, Bin Shen, Fang Cheng, Xiaorong Jing:
Optimal Sensing Time and Power Allocation in Dynamic Primary-User Traffic Model Based Cognitive Radio Networks. 196-203 - Eun-Jeong Jang, Dong Seog Han:
Location Adaptive Least Square Algorithm for Target Localization in Multi-Static Active Sonar. 204-209 - Purushothaman Surendran, Jong-Hun Lee, Seok Jun Ko:
A Novel UWB SRR for Target Velocity Measurement in Gaussian Noise Environment for Automobile Applications. 210-217 - Wenkao Yang, Jing Guo, Enquan Li:
Fast DFRFT Robust Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Arnold Scrambling and OFDM Coding. 218-225 - Kuen-Tsair Lay, Lee-Jyi Wang:
Packetization and Unequal Erasure Protection for Transmission of SPIHT-Encoded Images. 226-237
Volume 97-B, Number 2, February 2014
- Yukitoshi Sanada:
Foreword. 241 - Miguel López-Benítez
, Fernando Casadevall:
Spectrum Usage in Cognitive Radio Networks: From Field Measurements to Empirical Models. 242-250 - Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Akash Baid:
NASCOR: Network Assisted Spectrum Coordination Service for Coexistence between Heterogeneous Radio Systems. 251-260 - Hiroshi Harada
White Space Communication Systems: An Overview of Regulation, Standardization and Trial. 261-274 - Ruyuan Zhang, Yafeng Zhan, Yukui Pei, Jianhua Lu:
Weighted Hard Combination for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing under Noise Uncertainty. 275-282 - Fereidoun H. Panahi
, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Optimal Channel-Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Systems Based on Fuzzy Q-Learning. 283-294 - Kanshiro Kashiki, I-Te Lin, Tomoki Sada, Toshihiko Komine, Shingo Watanabe:
Analytical Study for Performance Evaluation of Signal Detection Scheme to Allow the Coexistence of Additional and Existing Radio Communication Systems. 295-304 - Ha Nguyen Tran, Yohannes D. Alemseged, Hiroshi Harada
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Distributed TV White Space Sensing System. 305-313 - Chunyi Song, Takeshi Matsumura, Hiroshi Harada
A Prototype of TV White Space Spectrum Sensing and Power Measurement. 314-325 - Arthur D. D. Lima, Carlos Avelino de Barros, Luiz Felipe Q. Silveira
, Samuel Xavier de Souza
, Carlos Valderrama:
Parallel Cyclostationarity-Exploiting Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing. 326-333 - Yuan Zhao, Shunfu Jin, Wuyi Yue:
Performance Evaluation of the Centralized Spectrum Access Strategy with Multiple Input Streams in Cognitive Radio Networks. 334-342 - Noriyuki Yaginuma, Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Harada
Feasibility of Guard Band Utilization for Cognitive Radio Using TV White Space. 343-349 - Tsuyoshi Shimomura, Teppei Oyama, Hiroyuki Seki:
Analysis of TV White Space Availability in Japan. 350-358 - Nhan Nguyen-Thanh
, Anh T. Pham
, Van-Tam Nguyen:
Medium Access Control Design for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey. 359-374
- Kazuya Suzuki, Kentaro Sonoda, Nobuyuki Tomizawa, Yutaka Yakuwa, Terutaka Uchida, Yuta Higuchi, Toshio Tonouchi, Hideyuki Shimonishi:
A Survey on OpenFlow Technologies. 375-386 - Kazuhiro Kimura, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Tatsunori Obara, Fumiyuki Adachi
Signal-Carrier Cooperative DF Relay Using Adaptive Modulation. 387-395 - Jinxiao Zhu, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang, Osamu Takahashi, Norio Shiratori:
Secrecy Capacity and Outage Performance of Correlated Fading Wire-Tap Channel. 396-407 - Shinichi Kawaguchi, Toshiaki Yachi:
Computer Power Supply Efficiency Improvement by Power Consumption Prediction Procedure Using Performance Counters. 408-415 - Yangbae Chun, Seongwook Park, Jonghoon J. Kim, Jiseong Kim
, Hongseok Kim, Joungho Kim, Nam Kim, Seungyoung Ahn:
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Resonance Coupling Wireless Power Transfer in On-Line Electric Vehicle System. 416-423 - Flavia Grassi, Giordano Spadacini
, Sergio Amedeo Pignari:
SPICE Behavioral Modeling of RF Current Injection in Wire Bundles. 424-431 - Masamichi Fujiwara, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, Naoto Yoshimoto:
Effective ONU Accommodation through PON Systems with Multi-Stage Splitter Configuration Using ALC Burst-Mode SOAs. 432-440 - Yu Tian, Linhua Ma, Bo Song, Hong Tang, Song Zhang, Xing Hu:
Geographic Cooperative Routing for Minimum Symbol Error Rate in Wireless Multihop Networks. 441-449 - Marat Zhanikeev
Optimizing Virtual Machine Migration for Energy-Efficient Clouds. 450-458 - Ken Hiraga, Kazumitsu Sakamoto, Kentaro Nishimori, Tomohiro Seki, Tadao Nakagawa, Kazuhiro Uehara:
A Study of Short-Range MIMO Transmission Utilizing Polarization Multiplexing for the Simplification of Decoding. 459-468 - Miao Zhang, Jiro Hirokawa
, Makoto Ando:
A Partially-Corporate Feed Double-Layer Waveguide Slot Array with the Sub-Arrays also Fed in Alternating-Phases. 469-475 - Tetsuya Yamamoto, Fumiyuki Adachi
Training Sequence Inserted OFDM Transmission with MMSE-FDE. 476-483 - Xiaoxue Yu, Yasushi Yamao, Motoharu Matsuura:
EPWM-OFDM Signal Transmission against Nonlinearities of E/O Converters in Radio over Fiber Channel. 484-494 - Yaser Faedfar, Mohd Fadzli Mohd Salleh:
D-DB and D-RRDB Relaying with D-DQE Relay Network. 495-503 - Kosuke Maruyama, Hiroshi Kameda:
Ghost Reduction for Multiple Angle Sensors Based on Tracking Process by Dual Hypotheses. 504-511 - Gang Lu, Hai-Yan Jin:
Covariance-Based Barrage Jammer Nulling Filter for Surveillance Radar. 512-518 - Jian Cui, Nobuyoshi Kouguchi:
Experimental Evaluation of Bistatic Ocean Wave Remote Sensing System by GPS. 519-527
Volume 97-B, Number 3, March 2014
- Tetsushi Ikegami:
Foreword. 533 - Hiroshi Nose:
Interval Walking Training for Middle-Aged and Older People: Methods and Evidence. 534-539 - Ashir Ahmed
, Andrew Rebeiro-Hargrave, Yasunobu Nohara
, Eiko Kai, Zahidul Hossein Ripon, Naoki Nakashima:
Targeting Morbidity in Unreached Communities Using Portable Health Clinic System. 540-545 - Christian Henry Wijaya Oey, Sangman Moh:
A Priority-Based Temperature-Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks. 546-554 - Pranesh Sthapit
, Jae-Young Pyun:
Mobility Support in IEEE 802.15.4 Based Mobile Sensor Network. 555-563 - Kento Takabayashi
, Hirokazu Tanaka, Chika Sugimoto, Ryuji Kohno:
Multiplexing and Error Control Scheme for Body Area Network Employing IEEE 802.15.6. 564-570 - Daisuke Anzai, Takashi Koya, Jingjing Shi, Jianqing Wang:
Performance Improvement by Local Frequency Offset Spatial Diversity Reception with π/4-DQPSK in Implant Body Area Networks. 571-578 - Takahiro Ito, Daisuke Anzai, Jianqing Wang:
Performance Evaluation on RSSI-Based Wireless Capsule Endoscope Location Tracking with Particle Filter. 579-586 - Ami Tanaka, Takakuni Douseki:
Wireless Self-Powered Urinary Incontinence Sensor for Disposable Diapers. 587-593 - Huan-Bang Li, Ryu Miura:
Fundamental Study on UWB Radar for Respiration and Heartbeat Detection. 594-601
- Jae Wook Park, Yong Kyu Lee:
A New Path-Based In-Network Join Processing Method for Sensor Networks. 602-609 - Tomoyuki Ohta, Shuhei Ishizuka, Takeshi Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Kakuda, Atsushi Ito:
Mobile Agent Migration Mechanism Adaptive to Service Dissemination and Collection for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 610-619 - Ryochi Kataoka, Kentaro Nishimori, Takefumi Hiraguri, Naoki Honma, Tomohiro Seki, Ken Hiraga, Hideo Makino:
Analog Decoding Method for Simplified Short-Range MIMO Transmission. 620-630 - Yijian Gong, Manuel Murbach, Teruo Onishi, Myles H. Capstick
, Toshio Nojima, Niels Kuster:
Dosimetric Assessment of Two-Layer Cell Culture Configurations for Fertility Research at 1950MHz. 631-637 - Lei Lv, Zhongpei Zhang:
A Robust Multimode Transmission Strategy for PU2RC with Quantized CQI Using Hierarchical Codebook. 638-646 - Bo Wu, Yan Wang, Xiuying Cao, Pengcheng Zhu:
Resolution and Parameter Estimation of Non-ideally Sampled Pulse Signals. 647-654 - Zilong Zhang, Baisheng Du, Xiaodong Xu:
FIR Precoder Optimization Design for Broadband MIMO Multicast System. 655-665 - Siye Wang, Yanjun Zhang
, Bo Zhou, Wenbiao Zhou, Dake Liu:
Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Two-Way Multi-Relay System with Amplify-and-Forward Relaying. 666-673 - Ying Wang, Weidong Zhang, Peilong Li, Ping Zhang:
Interference Coordination in 3D MIMO-OFDMA Networks. 674-685 - Donghun Lee, Byung Jang Jeong:
The Impact of Opportunistic User Scheduling on Outage Probability of CR-MIMO Systems. 686-690 - Bin Xu, Yi Cui, Guangyi Zhou, Biao You, Jian Yang
, Jianshe Song:
Unsupervised Speckle Level Estimation of SAR Images Using Texture Analysis and AR Model. 691-698
Volume 97-B, Number 4, April 2014
- Ning Wang, Zhiguo Ding, Xuchu Dai:
Reduced-Complexity Constellation Mapping and Decoding in Wireless Multi-Way Relaying Networks. 702-711 - Masaharu Imai, Yoshio Sugizaki, Koichi Asatani:
A New Available Bandwidth Estimation Method Using RTT for a Bottleneck Link. 712-720 - Shunsuke Aoki, Kaoru Sezaki:
Negative Surveys with Randomized Response Techniques for Privacy-Aware Participatory Sensing. 721-729 - Tao Qin, Wei Li, Chenxu Wang, Xingjun Zhang:
A New Way for User's Web Communication Visualization and Measurement: Modeling, Experiment and Application. 730-737 - Taichi Kawano, Kazuhisa Yamagishi, Takanori Hayashi:
Performance Comparison of Subjective Assessment Methods for Stereoscopic 3D Video Quality. 738-745 - Wei Feng, Suili Feng, Yuehua Ding, Yongzhong Zhang:
Prediction-Based Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Outdated CSI. 746-754 - Ying Yang, Wenxiang Dong
, Weiqiang Liu, Weidong Wang:
A Unified Self-Optimization Mobility Load Balancing Algorithm for LTE System. 755-764 - MyungKeun Yoon
, JinWoo Son, Seon-Ho Shin:
Asymmetric Sparse Bloom Filter. 765-772 - Thanh Le Dinh, Nguyen Quoc Dinh
, Yoshio Karasawa:
A New Scheme to Enhance Bandwidth of Printed Dipole for Wideband Applications. 773-782 - Shunji Tanaka, Tomohiko Mitani, Yoshio Ebihara:
An Efficient Beamforming Algorithm for Large-Scale Phased Arrays with Lossy Digital Phase Shifters. 783-790 - Ryotaro Suga, Kazuyuki Saito, Masaharu Takahashi
, Koichi Ito:
Magnetic Field Homogeneity of Birdcage Coil for 4T MRI System with No Lumped Circuit Elements. 791-797 - Takashi Tomura
, Jiro Hirokawa
, Takuichi Hirano, Makoto Ando:
A Wideband 16×16-Element Corporate-Feed Hollow-Waveguide Slot Array Antenna in the 60-GHz Band. 798-806 - Kenta Umebayashi
, Genichiro Murata, Yasuo Suzuki:
Detection Method of Same Spreading Code Signals by Multimodulus Algorithm. 807-816 - Yeong-Jun Kim, Tae Howan Hong, Yong Soo Cho:
A Technique of Femtocell Searching in Next-Generation Mobile Communication Systems Using Synchronization Signals. 817-825 - Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng, Jung-Shyr Wu, Frank Chee-Da Tsai, LuWei Chen:
Coordinated Interleaving Access Scheme for IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks. 826-842 - Minjoong Rim
, Seungyeob Chae, Xianglan Jin, Dae-Woon Lim:
Power Allocation for Outage Minimization in Distributed Transmit Antenna Systems with Delay Diversity. 843-848 - Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng, Ping-Jung Hsieh, Jung-Shyr Wu, LuWei Chen:
Agent-Based Coordination Scheme for IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks. 849-866 - Samuli Tiiro, Kenta Umebayashi
, Janne J. Lehtomäki, Yasuo Suzuki:
Spectrum Sharing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information. 867-874 - Keiichi Mizutani
, Zhou Lan, Hiroshi Harada
Time-Domain Windowing Design for IEEE 802.11af Based TVWS-WLAN Systems to Suppress Out-of-Band Emission. 875-885 - Keiichi Mizutani
, Zhou Lan, Hiroshi Harada
IEEE 802.11af TVWS-WLAN with Partial Subcarrier System for Effective TVWS Utilization. 886-895 - Kyung Hoon Won, Dongjun Lee, Wonjun Hwang, Hyung-Jin Choi:
A New Non-data Aided Frequency Offset Estimation Method for OFDM Based Device-to-Device Systems. 896-904 - Yoshihito Doi, Mamiko Inamori, Yukitoshi Sanada:
Complexity Reduction in Joint Decoding of Block Coded Signals in Overloaded MIMO-OFDM System. 905-914 - Xian-Bin Li, Yue-Ke Wang, Jian-Yun Chen, Shi-Ce Ni:
Rapid Acquisition Assisted by Navigation Data for Inter-Satellite Links of Navigation Constellation. 915-922 - Lan Yang, Zulin Wang, Qin Huang, Lei Zhao
Unambiguous Tracking Method Based on a New Combination Function for BOC Signals. 923-929
Volume 97-B, Number 5, May 2014
- Taek-Young Youn, Dowon Hong
Authenticated Distance Bounding Protocol with Improved FAR: Beyond the Minimal Bound of FAR. 930-935 - Tetsuya Hayashi
, Takashi Sasaki, Eisuke Sasaoka:
Behavior of Inter-Core Crosstalk as a Noise and Its Effect on Q-Factor in Multi-Core Fiber. 936-944 - Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Nariyoshi Yamai
, Koso Murakami:
A Fair and Efficient Agent Scheduling Method for Content-Based Information Retrieval with Individual Time Constraints and Its Implementation. 945-951 - Yan-tao Liu, Ying Tian, Jianping An, Heng Liu:
Connectivity of Ad Hoc Networks with Random Mobility Models. 952-959 - Ajmal Khan
, Jae-Choong Nam, You Ze Cho:
ACK-CAST: ACK-Based Broadcast Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 960-966 - Oshani Erunika, Kunitake Kaneko, Fumio Teraoka:
Impact of Multiple Home Agents Placement in Mobile IPv6 Environment. 967-980 - Tien Hoang Dinh, Go Hasegawa
, Masayuki Murata
A Distributed Mechanism for Probing Overlay Path Bandwidth Using Local Information Exchange. 981-995 - Qing Liu, Tomohiro Odaka, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Haruhiko Shirai, Hisakazu Ogura:
An Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for the Multicast Routing Problem. 996-1011 - Hung V. Le, Hasan Md. Mohibul, Takuichi Hirano, Toru Taniguchi, Akira Yamaguchi, Jiro Hirokawa
, Makoto Ando:
Millimeter-Wave Propagation Characteristics and Localized Rain Effects in a Small-Scale University Campus Network in Tokyo. 1012-1021 - Jaeyul Choo, Chihyun Cho
, Hosung Choo:
Three Label Tags for Special Applications: Attaching on Small Targets, Long Distance Recognition, and Stable Performance with Arbitrary Objects. 1022-1029 - Masayuki Murakami, Hiroyasu Ikeda:
Development of an Immunity Test System for Safety of Personal Care Robots. 1030-1043 - Yan Cheng, Seung-Hoon Hwang:
Subcarrier Intensity Modulation/Spatial Modulation for Optical Wireless Communications. 1044-1049 - Md. Shohidul Islam, Jong-Myon Kim:
Accelerating Extended Hamming Code Decoders on Graphic Processing Units for High Speed Communication. 1050-1058 - Tomoya Tandai, Hiroshi Suzuki, Kazuhiko Fukawa, Satoshi Suyama:
Multipacket-per-Slot Reservation-Based Random Access Protocol with MD and ARQ. 1059-1071 - Wenquan Feng, Xiaodi Xing, Qi Zhao, ZuLin Wang:
Local Frequency Folding Method for Fast PN-Code Acquisition. 1072-1079 - Nandita Lavanis
, Devendra Jalihal
On Finite-SNR DMT of Non-coherent SIMO-MRC. 1080-1086 - Zhonggui Ma, Hongbo Wang:
Dynamic Spectrum Access Based on Stochastic Differential Games. 1087-1093 - Takeshi Onizawa, Hiroki Shibayama, Masashi Iwabuchi, Akira Kishida, Makoto Umeuchi, Tetsu Sakata:
A New Simple Packet Combining Scheme Employing Maximum Likelihood Detection for MIMO-OFDM Transmission in Relay Channels. 1094-1102 - Wei Liu, Yuan Hu:
A Method for Determination of GNSS Radio Frequency Compatibility Threshold and Its Assessment. 1103-1111
Volume 97-B, Number 6, June 2014
- Hisato Iwai:
Message. 1112 - Chao Wang, Huiming Wang, Weile Zhang:
Low Complexity Cooperative Transmission Design and Optimization for Physical Layer Security of AF Relay Networks. 1113-1120 - Yuki Tanisawa, Miki Yamamoto:
Multicast Congestion Control with Quantized Congestion Notification in Data Center Networks. 1121-1129 - Gangil Byun, Seung-Mo Seo, Ikmo Park, Hosung Choo:
Design of Small CRPA Arrays for Dual-Band GPS Applications. 1130-1138 - Tung Nguyen, Rushanthi Jayawardene, Kimio Sakurai, Jiro Hirokawa
, Makoto Ando, Manuel Sierra-Castañer, Osamu Amano, Shuichi Koreeda, Takaomi Matsuzaki, Yukio Kamata:
Propagation Characteristics of Honeycomb Structures Used in mm-Wave Radial Line Slot Antennas. 1139-1147 - Jaeyoung Lee, Hyundong Shin, Jun Heo:
Opportunistic Decouple-and-Forward Relaying: Harnessing Distributed Antennas. 1148-1156 - Ce Liang, Xiyan Sun
, Yuanfa Ji
, Qinghua Liu, Guisheng Liao:
A Novel Adaptive Unambiguous Acquisition Scheme for CBOC Signal Based on Galileo. 1157-1165 - Fengfeng Shi, Wei Xu, Jiaheng Wang, Chunming Zhao:
Backhaul Assignment Design for MISO Downlinks with Multi-Cell Cooperation. 1166-1174 - Jingjing Shi, Yuki Takagi, Daisuke Anzai, Jianqing Wang:
Performance Evaluation and Link Budget Analysis on Dual-Mode Communication System in Body Area Networks. 1175-1183 - Mirza Golam Kibria, Hidekazu Murata, Susumu Yoshida:
Performance of Partitioned Vector Quantization with Optimized Feedback Budget Allocation. 1184-1194 - Nobuaki Kubo
, Hideki Yamada, Tomoji Takasu:
Initial Assessment of Medium-Baseline Single-Epoch RTK Using GPS/BeiDou/QZSS. 1195-1204 - Ryo Nakamata, Ryo Oyama, Shouhei Kidera, Tetsuo Kirimoto:
Accurate Height Change Estimation Method Using Phase Interferometry of Multiple Band-Divided SAR Images. 1205-1214 - Liang Li, Lingjiang Kong, Xiaobo Yang:
Performance Analysis of LMMSE Filtering in Radar. 1215-1222 - Kenshi Saho
, Hiroaki Homma, Takuya Sakamoto
, Toru Sato, Kenichi Inoue, Takeshi Fukuda:
Accurate Image Separation Method for Two Closely Spaced Pedestrians Using UWB Doppler Imaging Radar and Supervised Learning. 1223-1233 - Shunsuke Kurumatani, Masashi Toyama, Yukio Tsuruoka, Eric Y. Chen:
Architecture for Offloading Processes of Web Applications Based on Standardized Web Technologies. 1234-1242
Volume 97-B, Number 7, July 2014
- Hiroshi Onaka:
Foreword. 1243 - Akihiro Tanaka, Neda Cvijetic:
Software Defined Flexible Optical Access Networks Enabling Throughput Optimization and OFDM-Based Dynamic Service Provisioning for Future Mobile Backhaul. 1244-1251 - Takafumi Tanaka, Masahiko Jinno:
Recent Advances in Elastic Optical Networking. 1252-1258 - Hidehiko Takara, Tetsuo Takahashi, Kazuhide Nakajima, Yutaka Miyamoto:
Petabit/s Optical Transmission Using Multicore Space-Division-Multiplexing. 1259-1264 - Yukihiro Tsuchida, Koichi Maeda, Ryuichi Sugizaki:
Multicore EDFA for Space Division Multiplexing. 1265-1271 - S. J. Ben Yoo:
The Role of Photonics in Future Computing and Data Centers. 1272-1280 - Masayuki Oishi, Yoshihiro Nishikawa, Kosuke Nishimura, Keiji Tanaka, Shigeyuki Akiba, Jiro Hirokawa
, Makoto Ando:
Phased Array Antenna Beam Steering Scheme for Future Wireless Access Systems Using Radio-over-Fiber Technique. 1281-1289 - J. J. Vegas Olmos
, Xiaodan Pang, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy:
E- and W-Band High-Capacity Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Links. 1290-1294 - Noboru Yoshikane, Takehiro Tsuritani:
Comparative Study of Network Cost and Power Consumption between a 100-Gb/s-Based Single-Line-Rate Network and a 100-G&400-Gb/s-Based Flexible-Bitrate Network in Three Different Network Topologies. 1295-1302 - Masahiro Nakagawa, Kyota Hattori, Naoki Kimishima, Masaru Katayama, Akira Misawa:
Hierarchical Time-Slot Allocation for Dynamic Bandwidth Control in Optical Layer-2 Switch Network. 1303-1312 - Masashi Takada, Akira Fukushima, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode:
Optical Network Management System for Instant Provisioning of QoS-Aware Path and Its Software Prototyping with OpenFlow. 1313-1324 - Takaya Miyazawa, Hideaki Furukawa, Naoya Wada, Hiroaki Harai:
Experimental Demonstration of an Optical Packet and Circuit Integrated Ring Network Interoperated with WSON. 1325-1333 - Tetsuro Komukai, Hirokazu Kubota
, Toshikazu Sakano, Toshihiko Hirooka, Masataka Nakazawa:
Plug-and-Play Optical Interconnection Using Digital Coherent Technology for Resilient Network Based on Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit. 1334-1341 - Shoichiro Oda, Takahito Tanimura, Takeshi Hoshida
, Yuichi Akiyama, Hisao Nakashima, Kyosuke Sone, Zhenning Tao
, Jens C. Rasmussen:
Three Benefits Brought by Perturbation Back-Propagation Algorithm in 224Gb/s DP-16QAM Transmission. 1342-1349
- Chih-Ming Chen, Ying-Ping Chen:
Connection Choice Codes. 1350-1357 - Sung-Joon Park:
Irregular Triangular Quadrature Amplitude Modulations. 1358-1364 - Hua Xu:
Bilayer Lengthened QC-LDPC Codes Design for Relay Channel. 1365-1374 - Younchan Jung
, Marnel Peradilla
, J. William Atwood:
Secure Mobility Management Application Capable of Fast Layer 3 Handovers for MIPv6-Non-Aware Mobile Hosts. 1375-1384 - Fuxing Chen, Weiyang Liu, Hui Li
, Dongcheng Wu:
The Wire-Speed Multicast Switch Fabric Based on Distributive Lattice. 1385-1394 - Shumo Li, Naoki Honma:
Decoupling Network Comprising Transmission Lines and Bridge Resistance for Two-Element Array Antenna. 1395-1402 - Chamal Sapumohotti, Mohamad Yusoff Alias
, Su-Wei Tan:
Low Cost Metric for Comparing the Localization Efficacy of WLAN Access Points Using RF Site Survey Data. 1403-1411 - Wonjun Hwang, Jun-Hee Jang, Seong-Woo Ahn, Hyung-Jin Choi:
An Interference-Robust Channel Estimation Method for Transparent MU-MIMO Transmission in LTE-Advanced System. 1412-1421 - Hyun-Ho Choi, Jung-Ryun Lee:
Analysis of Energy-Delay Trade-Off for Power-Saving Mechanism Specific to Request-and-Response-Based Applications. 1422-1428 - Hyunwook Yang, Yeongyu Han, Seungwon Choi:
A Novel User Selection Method That Maximizes the Determinant of Channel Auto-Correlation for Multi-User MIMO Systems with Zero-Forcing Precoder. 1429-1434 - Chi Kuo, Jin-Fu Chang:
Unified Analysis of ICI-Cancelled OFDM Systems in Doubly-Selective Channels. 1435-1448 - David K. Asano, Daichi Kuroyanagi, Hikofumi Suzuki, Eiki Motoyama, Yasushi Fuwa:
A Pseudo-TDMA MAC Protocol Using Randomly Determined Transmission Times for Landslide Prediction Wireless Sensor Networks. 1449-1456 - Masashi Fushiki, Takeo Ohseki, Satoshi Konishi:
Analysis on Effectiveness of Fractional Frequency Reuse for Uplink Using SC-FDMA in Cellular Systems. 1457-1466 - Keisuke Terasaki, Naoki Honma:
Experimental Evaluation of Passive MIMO Transmission with Load Modulation for RFID Application. 1467-1473 - Takayoshi Iwata, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Fumiyuki Adachi
Capacity-Fairness Controllable Scheduling Algorithms for Single-Carrier FDMA. 1474-1482 - Kun Wu, Khoirul Anwar
, Tad Matsumoto:
BICM-ID-Based IDMA: Convergence and Rate Region Analyses. 1483-1492
Volume 97-B, Number 8, August 2014
- Haris Gacanin
Foreword. 1493 - Andrea M. Tonello, Alberto Pittolo, Mauro Girotto:
Power Line Communications: Understanding the Channel for Physical Layer Evolution Based on Filter Bank Modulation. 1494-1503 - Chadi Khirallah, Dragan Rastovac
, Dejan Vukobratovic
, John Thompson:
Energy Efficient Multimedia Delivery Services over LTE/LTE-A. 1504-1513 - César Briso-Rodríguez, Carlos F. López, Jean R. O. Fernández, Sergio Pérez, Drasko Draskovic, Jaime Calle-Sánchez, Mariano Molina García, José I. Alonso, Carlos Rodríguez, Carlos Hernández, Juan Moreno, José Rodríguez-Piñeiro, José Antonio García-Naya
, Luis Castedo
, Alfonso Fernández-Durán:
Broadband Access in Complex Environments: LTE on Railway. 1514-1527 - Robert Borkowski, Darko Zibar, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy:
Anatomy of a Digital Coherent Receiver. 1528-1536 - J. J. Vegas Olmos
, Xiaodan Pang
, Alexander Lebedev, M. Sales, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy
Wireless and Wireline Service Convergence in Next Generation Optical Access Networks - The FP7 WISCON Project. 1537-1546 - Lucas Benedicic, Tomaz Javornik:
Automatic Clutter-Loss Optimization: A Case Study in LTE Networks. 1547-1555 - Binyue Liu, Guiguo Feng, Wangmei Guo:
Joint Source Power Allocation and Distributed Relay Beamforming Design in Cognitive Two-Way Relay Networks. 1556-1566 - Ying Zhu, Jia Liu, Zhiyong Feng, Ping Zhang:
Optimal Power Allocation and Outage Analysis for Cognitive MIMO Full Duplex Relay Network Based on Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes. 1567-1576 - Zaw Htike, Choong Seon Hong
, Sungwon Lee, Ilkwon Cho:
DYN-MAC: A MAC Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks with Dynamic Control Channel Assignment. 1577-1585 - Xiangbin Yu
, Ying Wang, Qiuming Zhu
, Yang Li, Qingming Meng:
Precoding Scheme for Distributed Antenna Systems with Non-Kronecker Correlation over Spatially Correlated Channel. 1586-1591 - Slawomir Hanczewski
, Maciej Stasiak
, Joanna Weissenberg:
A Queueing Model of a Multi-Service System with State-Dependent Distribution of Resources for Each Class of Calls. 1592-1605 - Konstantinos G. Tsiknas, Christos J. Schinas
, George M. Stamatelos:
Binary Increase-Adaptive Decrease (BIAD): A Variant for Improving TCP Performance in Broadband Wireless Access Networks. 1606-1613 - Vuong V. Mai, Anh T. Pham
Performance Analysis of Cooperative-ARQ Schemes in Free-Space Optical Communications. 1614-1622 - Renato Vaernewyck, Xin Yin
, Jochen Verbrugghe, Guy Torfs, Xing-Zhi Qiu, Efstratios Kehayas, Johan Bauwelinck
A Low Power 2×28Gb/s Electroabsorption Modulator Driver Array with On-Chip Duobinary Encoding. 1623-1629
- Tadashi Suetsugu
, Xiuqin Wei, Marian K. Kazimierczuk:
Analysis of Dynamic and Transient Response of Frequency Modulated Class E Amplifier. 1630-1637 - Jain-Shing Liu:
Joint Lifetime-Utility Cross-Layer Optimization for Network Coding-Based Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Matrix Game and Multiple Payoffs. 1638-1646 - Un-Ha Kim, Yoon-Jae Shin, Jung-Ryun Lee:
Bio-Inspired Time Synchronization Method for Multi-Hop Ad-Hoc Networks. 1647-1655 - Jinzhi Liu, Makoto Suzuki, Doo Hwan Lee, Hiroyuki Morikawa:
Token-Scheduled High Throughput Data Collection with Topology Adaptability in Wireless Sensor Network. 1656-1666 - Adnan J. Jabir, Subramaniam Shamala, Zuriati Zukarnain
, Nawa Hamid:
Fast Handoff Scheme for Cluster-Based Proxy Mobile IPv6 Protocol. 1667-1678 - Chaima Dhahri, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Adaptive Q-Learning Cell Selection Method for Open-Access Femtocell Networks: Multi-User Case. 1679-1688 - Osamu Takyu, Yohtaro Umeda, Fumihito Sasamori, Shiro Handa:
Resource Block Assignment to Reduce Peak to Average Power Ratio in Multi-User OFDM. 1689-1700 - Yating Wu, Tao Wang, Yanzan Sun, Yidong Cui:
Limited Feedback for Cooperative Multicell MIMO Systems with Multiple Receive Antennas. 1701-1708 - Yi Liu, Wenbo Mei, Huiqian Du:
Model-Based Compressive Channel Estimation over Rapidly Time-Varying Channels in OFDM Systems. 1709-1716 - Masaki Kubo, Kensuke Nakanishi, Kentaro Yanagihara, Shinsuke Hara:
A Multiple Cooperative Node Selection Method for Reliable Wireless Multi-Hop Data Transmission. 1717-1727 - Genming Ding, Zhenhui Tan, Jinsong Wu
, Jinbao Zhang:
Efficient Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Technique Using Regional Propagation Model. 1728-1741 - Yanbin Zhang, WeiJun Lu, Dengyun Lei
, Yongcan Huang, Dunshan Yu:
Effective PPS Signal Generation with Predictive Synchronous Loop for GPS. 1742-1749
Volume 97-B, Number 9, September 2014
- Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Foreword. 1750-1751 - Nobuo Nakajima:
Radiation Distribution Measurements in Fukushima Prefecture. 1752-1758 - Takaya Yamazato, Shinichiro Haruyama:
Image Sensor Based Visible Light Communication and Its Application to Pose, Position, and Range Estimations. 1759-1765 - Konlakorn Wongpatikaseree, Azman Osman Lim, Mitsuru Ikeda, Yasuo Tan:
High Performance Activity Recognition Framework for Ambient Assisted Living in the Home Network Environment. 1766-1778 - Jun Ishii, Hiroyuki Maeomichi, Akihiro Tsutsui, Ikuo Yoda:
Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis Method by Splitting Server Roles for Distributed Real-World Data. 1779-1789 - Akira Kishida, Masashi Iwabuchi, Toshiyuki Shintaku, Takeshi Onizawa, Tetsu Sakata:
Frame Collision Reduction Method Employing Adaptive Transmission Control for IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN System. 1790-1799 - Yuusuke Kawakita
, Haruhisa Ichikawa:
A Resource Analysis of Radio Space Distribution for the Wide-Area Virtualization of Wireless Transceivers. 1800-1807 - Yali Wang, Lan Chen, Chao Lv:
Cross-Layering Optimization for Low Energy Consumption in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1808-1816 - Ryohei Arai, Koji Yamamoto, Takayuki Nishio, Masahiro Morikura:
Differential Game-Theoretic Analysis on Information Availability in Decentralized Demand-Side Energy Management Systems. 1817-1825 - Xiaohui Fan, Hiraku Okada, Kentaro Kobayashi, Masaaki Katayama:
Mutual Information Evaluation and Optimization of Intermittent Transmission Methods in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. 1826-1834 - Norikatsu Imoto, Shota Yamashita, Takuya Ichihara, Koji Yamamoto, Takayuki Nishio, Masahiro Morikura, Naoki Shinohara:
Experimental Investigation of Co-channel and Adjacent Channel Operations of Microwave Power and IEEE 802.11g Data Transmissions. 1835-1842 - Shota Yamashita, Norikatsu Imoto, Takuya Ichihara, Koji Yamamoto, Takayuki Nishio, Masahiro Morikura, Naoki Shinohara:
Implementation and Feasibility Study of Co-channel Operation System of Microwave Power Transmissions to IEEE 802.11-Based Batteryless Sensor. 1843-1852
- Takeshi Usui, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, Hidetoshi Yokota, Kiyohide Nakauchi, Yozo Shoji, Nozomu Nishinaga:
An IMS Restoration System with Selective Storing of Session States. 1853-1864 - Wei Liu, Ryoichi Shinkuma
, Tatsuro Takahashi:
A Local Resource Sharing Platform in Mobile Cloud Computing. 1865-1874 - Je-Wei Chang, Chien Chen:
CROP: Community-Relevance-Based Opportunistic Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks. 1875-1888 - Tongyu Ge, Junhai Luo, Shu Zhang:
Coverage Maintenance and Energy Control in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 1889-1897 - Hoai Son Nguyen, Yasuo Tan, Yoichi Shinoda:
D-AVTree: DHT-Based Search System to Support Scalable Multi-Attribute Queries. 1898-1909 - Lianggui Liu, Huiling Jia:
A Novel Optimal Social Trust Path Selection Algorithm for Large-Scale Complex Social Networks. 1910-1920 - Xing Zhao, Jaehoon Choi:
Compact Reconfigurable Wideband Inverted-F Antenna for LTE MIMO Mobile Applications. 1921-1927 - Daiki Maehara, Gia Khanh Tran, Kei Sakaguchi, Kiyomichi Araki, Minoru Furukawa:
Experiments Validating the Effectiveness of Multi-Point Wireless Energy Transmission with Carrier Shift Diversity. 1928-1937 - Tian Liang, Wei Heng, Chao Meng, Guodong Zhang:
Cooperative Power Allocation Based on Multi-Objective Intelligent Optimization for Multi-Source Multi-Relay Networks. 1938-1946 - Amir Ligata, Haris Gacanin
, Tomaz Javornik:
On Performance of MIMO-OFDM/TDM Using MMSE-FDE with Nonlinear HPA in a Multipath Fading Channel. 1947-1957 - Thanh Hai Vo, Shinya Kumagai, Tatsunori Obara, Fumiyuki Adachi
Analog Single-Carrier Transmission with Frequency-Domain Equalization. 1958-1966 - Shinya Kumagai, Tatsunori Obara, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Fumiyuki Adachi
Joint Tx/Rx MMSE Filtering for Single-Carrier MIMO Transmission. 1967-1976 - Bo Hao, Jun Wang, Zhaocheng Wang:
Efficient Multi-Service Allocation for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems. 1977-1983 - Zhen Yao, Hong Ma, Cheng-Guo Liang, Li Cheng:
Pulse Arrival Time Estimation Based on Multi-Level Crossing Timing and Receiver Training. 1984-1989 - Kibaek Kim, Gwanggil Jeon
, Jechang Jeong:
Adaptive Intra Prediction Mode Signaling Approach in H.264/AVC. 1990-1999
Volume 97-B, Number 10, October 2014
- Toru Uno:
Foreword. 2000 - Katsushige Harima:
Numerical Simulation of Far-Field Gain Determination at Reduced Distances Using Phase Center. 2001-2010 - Takayuki Sasamori, Toru Fukasawa:
S-Parameter Method and Its Application for Antenna Measurements. 2011-2021 - Andreas F. Molisch, Fredrik Tufvesson
Propagation Channel Models for Next-Generation Wireless Communications Systems. 2022-2034 - Nozomu Ishii, Lira Hamada, Soichi Watanabe:
A Novel SAR-Probe Calibration Method Using a Waveguide Aperture in Tissue-Equivalent Liquid. 2035-2041 - Tsutomu Ito, Mio Nagatoshi, Shingo Tanaka, Hisashi Morishita:
Folded Monopole Antenna with Parasitic Element in Small Terminal for WiMAX and WLAN MIMO Systems. 2042-2049 - Makoto Sumi, Keizo Cho:
Operating Mechanism of Small Quad-Band Printed Antenna Comprising Symmetrically Arranged Trapezoidal Elements and Rectangle Strip Elements. 2050-2058 - Yuki Kimura, Sakuyoshi Saito, Yuichi Kimura:
Radiation Properties of a Linearly Polarized Radial Line Microstrip Antenna Array with U-Slots. 2059-2065 - Keisuke Konno, Qiang Chen:
The Numerical Analysis of an Antenna near a Dielectric Object Using the Higher-Order Characteristic Basis Function Method Combined with a Volume Integral Equation. 2066-2073 - Takuma Watanabe
, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Motofumi Arii, Ryoichi Sato, Sang-Eun Park, Yoshio Yamaguchi:
Study on Moisture Effects on Polarimetric Radar Backscatter from Forested Terrain. 2074-2082 - Yoshio Karasawa, Ichiro Oshima, Fatahuddin Tamrin, Yui Sakamoto, Rizwan Arif, Katsumori Sasaki:
Fundamental Propagation Characteristics of Stirrer-Less Reverberation Chamber for MIMO-OTA Measurements. 2083-2092 - Motoharu Sasaki
, Wataru Yamada, Naoki Kita, Takatoshi Sugiyama:
Path Loss Model for Low Antenna Heights in Residential Areas at Middle VHF Band. 2093-2101 - Tsubasa Tashiro, Kentaro Nishimori, Tsutomu Mitsui, Nobuyasu Takemura
Channel Estimation Method Using Arbitrary Amplitude and Phase Modulation Schemes for MIMO Sensor. 2102-2109 - Tsubasa Terada, Toshihiko Nishimura
, Yasutaka Ogawa, Takeo Ohgane, Hiroyoshi Yamada:
DOA Estimation for Multi-Band Signal Sources Using Compressed Sensing Techniques with Khatri-Rao Processing. 2110-2117 - Kentaro Nishimori, Takefumi Hiraguri, Hideo Makino:
Transmission Rate by User Antenna Selection for Block Diagonalization Based Multiuser MIMO System. 2118-2126 - Tsutomu Sakata, Atsushi Yamamoto, Koichi Ogawa, Hiroshi Iwai, Jun-ichi Takada
, Kei Sakaguchi:
A Spatial Fading Emulator for Evaluation of MIMO Antennas in a Cluster Environment. 2127-2135 - Yuki Inoue, Daiki Takeda, Keisuke Saito, Teruo Kawamura, Hidehiro Andoh:
Field Experimental Evaluation of Null Control Performance of MU-MIMO Considering Smart Vertical MIMO in LTE-Advanced Downlink under LOS Dominant Conditions. 2136-2144
- Xinjie Guan, Xili Wan, Ryoichi Kawahara, Hiroshi Saito:
An Online Framework for Flow Round Trip Time Measurement. 2145-2156 - Qian Hu, Muqing Wu, Song Guo, Hailong Han, Chaoyi Zhang:
Workload-Aware Caching Policy for Information-Centric Networking. 2157-2166 - Masahiro Nishi, Koichi Shin, Teruaki Yoshida:
Proposal of an Overreach Measurement Method for Digital Terrestrial TV Service Using FM Broadcasting Waves. 2167-2174 - Akihiro Tateno, Shimpei Akimoto, Tomoaki Nagaoka, Kazuyuki Saito, Soichi Watanabe, Masaharu Takahashi
, Koichi Ito:
Specific Absorption Rates and Temperature Elevations due to Wireless Radio Terminals in Proximity to a Fetus at Gestational Ages of 13, 18, and 26 Weeks. 2175-2183 - Jingjing Shi, Jerdvisanop Chakarothai, Jianqing Wang, Kanako Wake, Soichi Watanabe, Osamu Fujiwara:
Quantification and Verification of Whole-Body-Average SARs in Small Animals Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields inside Reverberation Chamber. 2184-2191 - Muhammad Sohail, Poompat Saengudomlert, Karel L. Sterckx:
Performance Analysis of Dynamic Range Limited DCO-OFDM, ACO-OFDM and Flip-OFDM Transmissions for Visible Light Communication. 2192-2202 - Yujie Xia, Guangliang Ren:
Coherent Combining-Based Initial Ranging Scheme for MIMO-OFDMA Systems. 2203-2211 - Yen-Wen Chen, Meng-Hsien Lin, Yung-Ta Su:
Power Saving Efficiency Analysis of QoS Scheduling in the LTE Network Featuring Discontinuous Reception Operation. 2212-2221 - Se-Jin Kim, IlKwon Cho, Yi-Kang Kim, Choong-Ho Cho:
A Two-Stage Dynamic Channel Assignment Scheme with Graph Approach for Dense Femtocell Networks. 2222-2229 - Shinichi Miyamoto, Naoya Ikeshita, Seiichi Sampei, Wenjie Jiang:
Multi-Stage DCF-Based Channel Access Scheme for Throughput Enhancement of OFDMA WLAN Systems. 2230-2242 - Changho Yim, Unil Yun, Eunchul Yoon:
Subcarrier Allocation for the Recovery of a Faulty Cell in an OFDM-Based Wireless System. 2243-2250
Volume 97-B, Number 11, November 2014
- Katsuhiro Shimano:
Foreword. 2251 - Glenn Ricart
, Akihiro Nakao
Network Virtualization Idealizations for Applications. 2252-2258 - Ryota Kawashima
, Hiroshi Matsuo:
Non-tunneling Overlay Approach for Virtual Tenant Networks in Cloud Datacenter. 2259-2268 - Lina Zhang, Qi Zhu, Shasha Zhao:
Multi-Access Selection Algorithm Based on Joint Utility Optimization for the Fusion of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 2269-2277 - Liang Li, Hamid Farhady, Ping Du, Akihiro Nakao
Ouroboros: Protocol Independent Forwarding for SDN. 2278-2285 - Yohei Katayama, Takehito Yamamoto, Yukio Tsukishima, Kazuhisa Yamada, Noriyuki Takahashi, Atsushi Takahara, Akihiro Nakao
Design and Implementation of Network Virtualization Management System. 2286-2301 - Hamid Farhady, Akihiro Nakao
TagFlow: Efficient Flow Classification in SDN. 2302-2310
- Wijik Lee, Ji-Youp Kim, Jong-Seon No:
New Families of p-Ary Sequences of Period $ rac{p^n-1}{2}$ with Low Maximum Correlation Magnitude. 2311-2315 - Hyeontaek Oh, Joohyung Lee, Seong Gon Choi, Jun Kyun Choi:
Energy-Efficient Rate Allocation for Multi-Homing Services in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. 2316-2326 - Won-Kyeong Seo, Jae-In Choi, You Ze Cho:
Distributed Mobility Management Scheme with Multiple LMAs in Proxy Mobile IPv6. 2327-2336 - Shan Zhang, Yiqun Wu
, Sheng Zhou
, Zhisheng Niu:
Traffic-Aware Network Planning and Green Operation with BS Sleeping and Cell Zooming. 2337-2346 - Yu Nakayama
Weighted Fairness with Multicolor Marking in SPBM Networks. 2347-2359 - Xiaoyan Hu
, Jian Gong:
Opportunistic On-Path Caching for Named Data Networking. 2360-2367 - Youngmi Baek, Kijun Han:
Self-Adjustable Rate Control for Congestion Avoidance in Wireless Mesh Networks. 2368-2377 - Yali Wang, Lan Chen, Chao Lv:
Research and Modeling on Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.6. 2378-2385 - Jang-Woon Baek
, Kee-Koo Kwon, Su-In Lee, Dae-Wha Seo:
Track Topology Based Reliable In-Network Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2386-2394 - Tuan Hung Nguyen
, Hiroshi Sato, Yoshio Koyanagi, Hisashi Morishita:
A Study on Minimization of Requisite Design Volume of Small Antennas Inside Handset Terminals. 2395-2403 - Bin Sheng, Pengcheng Zhu, Xin Fang, Wanlin Li:
Joint Estimation of Channel and Control Signal Using Noise Subspace in OFDM Systems. 2404-2412 - Yuehua Ding, Yide Wang, Nanxi Li, Suili Feng, Wei Feng:
Adaptive MIMO Detection for Circular Signals by Jointly Exploiting the Properties of Both Signal and Channel. 2413-2423 - Quang Thang Duong, Shinsuke Ibi, Seiichi Sampei:
Adaptive Band Activity Ratio Control with Cascaded Energy Allocation for Amplify-and-Forward OFDM Relay Systems. 2424-2434 - Hayato Fukuzono, Yusuke Asai, Riichi Kudo, Koichi Ishihara, Masato Mizoguchi:
Maximum Likelihood Demodulators and Their Evaluations on Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative OFDM-Based Wireless LAN Systems. 2435-2448 - Muhammad Zeeshan
, Shoab Ahmed Khan, Ibtasam Haq:
A Two Stage Algorithm for Carrier Frequency Offset Recovery with DSP Implementation on SDR Platform. 2449-2458 - Baisheng Du, Xiaodong Xu, Xuchu Dai:
Unitary Precoder Design for Multi-Stream MIMO Multicasting. 2459-2468 - Ryoko Matsuo, Tomoya Tandai, Tomoko Adachi, Hideo Kasami, Iwao Sasase:
Energy-Efficient Standby Mode Algorithms in Short-Range One-to-One Millimeter-Wave Communications. 2469-2479 - Kazushi Muraoka, Kazuhiko Fukawa, Hiroshi Suzuki, Satoshi Suyama:
Signal Detection for EM-Based Iterative Receivers in MIMO-OFDM Mobile Communications. 2480-2490 - Ken Hiraga, Kazumitsu Sakamoto, Maki Arai
, Tomohiro Seki, Tadao Nakagawa, Kazuhiro Uehara:
Spatial Division Transmission without Signal Processing for MIMO Detection Utilizing Two-Ray Fading. 2491-2501 - Su Min Kim, Junsu Kim
Adaptive Sensing Period Based Distributed Medium Access Control for Cognitive Radio Networks. 2502-2511 - Roya E. Rezagah, Gia Khanh Tran, Kei Sakaguchi, Kiyomichi Araki, Satoshi Konishi:
Large Scale Cooperation in Cellular Networks with Non-uniform User Distribution. 2512-2523 - Kyung-Hoon Lee, Wi-Pil Kang, Hyung-Jin Choi:
An Efficient Channel Estimation and CSI Feedback Method for Device-to-Device Communication in 3GPP LTE System. 2524-2533 - Toshiyuki Ogawa, Takefumi Hiraguri, Kentaro Nishimori, Hideaki Yoshino, Kenya Jin'no
Multicast Transmission Access Control Methods for Various Wireless LAN Applications. 2534-2542 - Bassant Abdelhamid
, Maha Elsabrouty, Masoud Alghoniemy, Salwa Elramly, Osamu Muta, Hiroshi Furukawa:
Underlay MIMO Cognitive Transceivers Designs with Channel Uncertainty. 2543-2551 - Wen Chang, Zenghui Li, Jian Yang
, Chun-mao Yeh:
Correction of Dechirp Distortion in Long-Distance Target Imaging with LFMCW-ISAR. 2552-2559 - Seungryeol Go, Jong-Wha Chong:
An Efficient TOA-Based Localization Scheme Based on BS Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2560-2569
Volume 97-B, Number 12, December 2014
- Tohru Asami:
Foreword. 2570 - Pedro Martinez-Julia
, Antonio F. Skarmeta
Empowering Security and Mobility in Future Networks with an Identity-Based Control Plane. 2571-2582 - Fumio Teraoka, Sho Kanemaru, Kazuma Yonemura, Motoki Ide, Shinji Kawaguchi, Kunitake Kaneko:
ZNA: A Six-Layer Network Architecture for New Generation Networks - - Focusing on the Session Layer, the Network Layer, and Cross-Layer Cooperation - -. 2583-2595 - Yao Hu, Shigeki Goto:
Introducing Routing Guidance Name in Content-Centric Networking. 2596-2605 - Suyong Eum, Masahiro Jibiki, Masayuki Murata
, Hitoshi Asaeda
, Nozomu Nishinaga:
Self-Organizing Name Resolution System in a Small World. 2606-2615 - Qian Hu, Muqing Wu, Hailong Han, Ning Wang, Chaoyi Zhang:
In-Network Cache Management Based on Differentiated Service for Information-Centric Networking. 2616-2626 - Saran Tarnoi, Wuttipong Kumwilaisak, Yusheng Ji:
Optimal Cooperative Routing Protocol for Efficient In-Network Cache Management in Content-Centric Networks. 2627-2640 - Shigeyuki Yamashita, Tomohiko Yagyu, Miki Yamamoto:
Time-Dimensional Traffic Engineering with Storage Aware Routing. 2641-2649 - Masashi Hasegawa, Masahiro Sasabe
, Tetsuya Takine:
Analysis of Optimal Scheduling in Tit-for-Tat-Based P2P File Distribution. 2650-2657 - Yoji Ozawa, Yoshiko Yasuda, Yosuke Himura:
A Tenant Network Provisioning Platform with Provisioning Template for Multi-Tenancy Data Centers. 2658-2667 - Wei Liu, Ryoichi Shinkuma
, Tatsuro Takahashi:
Opportunistic Resource Sharing in Mobile Cloud Computing. 2668-2679 - Demir Y. Yavas, Ibrahim Hökelek, Bilge Günsel
Strict Prioritization of New Requests over Retransmissions for Enhancing Scalability of SIP Servers. 2680-2688 - Hark-Jin Lee, Eun-Seo Lee, Kwangil Lee, Jun-Hee Park, Jae-Cheol Ryou
MAHI: A Multiple Stage Approach for Home Network Interoperability. 2689-2697
- Tomoyuki Hino, Hitoshi Takeshita
, Kiyo Ishii
, Junya Kurumida
, Shu Namiki
, Shigeru Nakamura, Akio Tajima:
A Proposal of Cyclic Sleep Control Technique for Backup Resources in ROADM Systems to Reduce Power Consumption of Photonic Network. 2698-2705 - Sumiko Miyata, Katsunori Yamaoka, Hirotsugu Kinoshita:
Optimal Threshold Configuration Methods for Flow Admission Control with Cooperative Users. 2706-2719 - Thomas Bourgeois, Shigeru Shimamoto:
Outage and Density of Transport of Four-Way Handshaking with Imperfect Feedback in a Mobile Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Network. 2720-2728 - Ravindra Sandaruwan Ranaweera, Ihsen Aziz Ouédraogo, Eiji Oki:
Network Optimization for Energy Saving Considering Link Failure with Uncertain Traffic Conditions. 2729-2738 - Kittima Lertsakwimarn, Chuwong Phongcharoenpanich
, Takeshi Fukusako:
Design of Circularly Polarized and Electrically Small Antenna with Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern. 2739-2746 - Kanako Yamaguchi, Huu Phu Bui, Yasutaka Ogawa, Toshihiko Nishimura
, Takeo Ohgane:
Channel Prediction Techniques for a Multi-User MIMO System in Time-Varying Environments. 2747-2755 - Yoshikazu Fujishiro, Takahiko Yamamoto, Kohji Koshiji:
Proposal of Analysis Method for Three-Phase Filter Using Fortescue-Mode S-Parameters. 2756-2766 - Hikari Matsuoka, Yoshihito Doi, Tatsuro Yabe, Yukitoshi Sanada:
Performance of Overloaded MIMO-OFDM System with Repetition Code. 2767-2775 - Juan Francisco Castillo-Leon, Marco Cardenas-Juarez
, Ulises Pineda Rico, Enrique Stevens-Navarro
A Semifixed Complexity Sphere Decoder for Uncoded Symbols for Wireless Communications. 2776-2783 - Chunguo Li, Yongping Zhang, John M. Cioffi, Luxi Yang:
Degree-of-Freedom Based Transmission Protocol Design with Optimization for Multi-Cell Multi-User Green Systems. 2784-2789 - Thanh Tung Nguyen, Insoo Koo:
Distortion-Aware Dynamic Channel Allocation for Multimedia Users in Cognitive Radios. 2790-2799 - Ning Wang, Tingting Miao, Hongwen Yang:
Optimally Joint Subcarrier Pairing and Power Allocation for OFDM System with Multihop Symbol Level DF Relaying. 2800-2808 - SeokJin Im, HeeJoung Hwang:
A Two-Tier Spatial Index for Non-flat Spatial Data Broadcasting on Air. 2809-2818 - Ryo Yamaguchi, Shouhei Kidera, Tetsuo Kirimoto:
3-Dimensional Imaging and Motion Estimation Method of Multiple Moving Targets for Multi-Static UWB Radar Using Target Point and Its Normal Vector. 2819-2829

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