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International Journal of Control, Volume 92
Volume 92, Number 1, 2019
- Fouad Giri, Iasson Karafyllis, Tarek Ahmed-Ali:
Guest Editorial. 1
- Rafael Vázquez
, Miroslav Krstic
Boundary control and estimation of reaction-diffusion equations on the sphere under revolution symmetry conditions. 2-11 - Hua-Cheng Zhou
, Bao-Zhu Guo
Stabilization of ODE with hyperbolic equation actuator subject to boundary control matched disturbance. 12-26 - Ying Feng Shang, Genqi Xu
Dynamic control of an Euler-Bernoulli equation with time-delay and disturbance in the boundary control. 27-41 - Xiaoxuan Feng, Genqi Xu
, Yunlan Chen:
Rapid stabilisation of an Euler-Bernoulli beam with the internal delay control. 42-55 - Yong Han Kang, Jin-Mun Jeong
Control problems for semi-linear retarded integro-differential equations by the Fredholm theory. 56-64 - Jian Li
, Yungang Liu:
Adaptive stabilisation of ODE systems via distributed effect of uncertain diffusion-dominated actuator dynamics. 65-76 - Jie Qi, Shu-Xia Tang
, Chuan Wang:
Parabolic PDE-based multi-agent formation control on a cylindrical surface. 77-99 - Yongfeng Lv
, Jing Na
, Xuemei Ren:
Online H∞ control for completely unknown nonlinear systems via an identifier-critic-based ADP structure. 100-111 - Michael A. Demetriou
, Fariba Fahroo:
Optimisation and adaptation of synchronisation controllers for networked second-order infinite-dimensional systems. 112-131 - Marius Tucsnak
, Julie Valein, Chi-Ting Wu:
Finite dimensional approximations for a class of infinite dimensional time optimal control problems. 132-144 - Vivek Natarajan, Hua-Cheng Zhou
, George Weiss
, Emilia Fridman
Exact controllability of a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems using back-and-forth iterations. 145-162 - Ali Reza Hakimi, Tahereh Binazadeh:
Generation of stable oscillations in uncertain nonlinear systems with matched and unmatched uncertainties. 163-174 - Henry J. Tol, Cornelis C. de Visser
, Marios Kotsonis
Model reduction of parabolic PDEs using multivariate splines. 175-190 - Mohamed Farah, Guillaume Mercère
, Régis Ouvrard
, Thierry Poinot
Combining least-squares and gradient-based algorithms for the identification of a co-current flow heat exchanger. 191-203
Volume 92, Number 2, 2019
- Morteza Tayefi, Zhiyong Geng:
Logarithmic control, trajectory tracking, and formation for nonholonomic vehicles on Lie group SE(2). 204-224 - Zbigniew Bartosiewicz
Monotone nonlinear realisations of response maps. 225-233 - Abdourazek Souahi
, Omar Naifar
, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf
, Mohamed Ali Hammami:
Discussion on Barbalat Lemma extensions for conformable fractional integrals. 234-241 - Ahmadreza Argha, Steven W. Su
, Andrey V. Savkin, Branko G. Celler
A framework for optimal actuator/sensor selection in a control system. 242-260 - Yaxin Huang, Yungang Liu:
A compact design scheme of adaptive output-feedback control for uncertain nonlinear systems. 261-269 - M. Syed Ali
, R. Vadivel, R. Saravanakumar
Event-triggered state estimation for Markovian jumping impulsive neural networks with interval time-varying delays. 270-290 - Da-Ke Gu
, Guo-Ping Liu
, Guang-Ren Duan
Parametric control to a type of quasi-linear second-order systems via output feedback. 291-302 - Hayato Waki
, Noboru Sebe
Application of facial reduction to H ∞ state feedback control problem. 303-316 - Qikun Shen
, Peng Shi
, Junwu Zhu, Liping Zhang:
Adaptive consensus control of leader-following systems with transmission nonlinearities. 317-328 - Pavel Zítek, Jaromír Fiser
, Tomás Vyhlídal
Dynamic similarity approach to control system design: delayed PID control loop. 329-338 - Lazaros Moysis
, Nicholas P. Karampetakis
, Efstathios N. Antoniou:
Observability of linear discrete-time systems of algebraic and difference equations. 339-355 - Fei Ye, Weidong Zhang
H 2 input load disturbance rejection controller design for synchronised output regulation of time-delayed multi-agent systems with frequency domain method. 356-367 - Zewei Zheng, Lihua Xie:
Finite-time path following control for a stratospheric airship with input saturation and error constraint. 368-393 - Le Van Hien
, Nguyen Thi Lan Huong:
Almost sure estimation and synthesis of ultimate bounds for discrete-time Markov jump linear systems. 394-403 - Miloje S. Radenkovic, Milos S. Stankovic
On globally stable adaptive control providing l 1 tracking performance for linear discrete-time systems. 404-415 - Lu Lu, Jun-Min Wang:
Stabilisation of Schrödinger equation in dynamic boundary feedback with a memory-typed heat equation. 416-430 - Xiangdong Liu, Haikuo Liu, Changkun Du, Pingli Lu:
Distributed event-triggered consensus control for multiple Lur'e nonlinear systems under directed graph. 431-444 - Hashim A. Hashim
, Sami El-Ferik
, Frank L. Lewis:
Neuro-adaptive cooperative tracking control with prescribed performance of unknown higher-order nonlinear multi-agent systems. 445-460
Volume 92, Number 3, 2019
- Tadashi Ishihara, Liang-An Zheng:
LQG/LTR procedure using reduced-order Kalman filters. 461-475 - Qing-Quan Liu
Minimum information rate for observability of linear systems with stochastic time delay. 476-488 - Sahar Sedaghati, Farzaneh Abdollahi
, Khashayar Khorasani:
Model predictive and non-cooperative dynamic game fault recovery control strategies for a network of unmanned underwater vehicles. 489-517 - Ülle Kotta
, Juri Belikov
, Miroslav Halás, Alar Leibak:
Degree of Dieudonné determinant defines the order of nonlinear system. 518-527 - Xiuhui Peng, Junyong Sun, Zhiyong Geng:
The geometric convexity on SE(3) and its application to the formation tracking in multi-vehicle systems. 528-539 - Robert Vrabel
Stabilisation and state trajectory tracking problem for nonlinear control systems in the presence of disturbances. 540-548 - Meiqiao Wang, Yungang Liu, Yongchao Man:
Global stabilisation via switching output-feedback for power integrator systems with unknown control direction. 549-563 - Maria Kontorinaki, Iasson Karafyllis, Markos Papageorgiou:
Global exponential stabilisation of acyclic traffic networks. 564-584 - Yingying Lai, Robert J. Elliott
The mean squared loss control problem for a partially observed Markov chain. 585-592 - Thomas Berger
Disturbance decoupled estimation for linear differential-algebraic systems. 593-612 - Arturo Buscarino, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca:
The structure of characteristic values for classes of linear time-invariant systems. 613-622 - Samer S. Saab
An optimal stochastic multivariable PID controller: a direct output tracking approach. 623-641 - Liguang Xu, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Hongxiao Hu:
Boundedness and stability analysis for impulsive stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion. 642-652 - Mahmood Khatibi
, Mohammad Haeri
A unified framework for passive-active fault-tolerant control systems considering actuator saturation and L∞ disturbances. 653-663 - Pablo Millán
, Luis Orihuela
, Isabel Jurado:
Distributed agent-based control and estimation over unreliable networks for a class of nonlinear large-scale systems. 664-676 - Xinxin Guo, Weisheng Yan, Rongxin Cui:
Neural network-based nonlinear sliding-mode control for an AUV without velocity measurements. 677-692 - Alireza Nasiri, Sing Kiong Nguang, Akshya Swain
, Dhafer Al-Makhles:
Passive actuator fault tolerant control for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems with uncertainties. 693-704
- Erratum.
Volume 92, Number 4, 2019
- Qi Bian, Brett Nener
, Xinmin Wang:
An improved NSGA-II based control allocation optimisation for aircraft longitudinal automatic landing system. 705-716 - Ho-Lim Choi, Jacob Hammer:
Fastest recovery after feedback disruption: nonlinear delay-differential systems. 717-733 - Qinghua Meng
, Zong-Yao Sun, Yong Shu, Tingting Liu:
Lateral motion stability control of electric vehicle via sampled-data state feedback by almost disturbance decoupling. 734-744 - Guojian Ren, Yongguang Yu
Mean square consensus of stochastic multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics by distributed event-triggered strategy. 745-754 - Jiaojiao Ren
, Xinzhi Liu, Hong Zhu, Shouming Zhong:
Passivity-based non-fragile control for Markovian jump delayed systems via stochastic sampling. 755-777 - Xiaodong Xu, Seppo Pohjolainen
, Stevan Dubljevic
Finite-dimensional regulators for a class of regular hyperbolic PDE systems. 778-795 - Qishao Wang, Di Huang, Zhisheng Duan, Jingyao Wang:
Consensus tracking control with transient performance improvement for a group of unmanned aerial vehicles subject to faults and parameter uncertainty. 796-815 - Heping Ma, Bin Liu:
Optimal control of mean-field jump-diffusion systems with noisy memory. 816-827 - Alexander N. Kvitko
, Daria B. Yakusheva:
On one boundary problem for nonlinear stationary controlled system. 828-839 - Alejandro Gutierrez-Giles
, Marco A. Arteaga-Pérez
Transparent bilateral teleoperation interacting with unknown remote surfaces with a force/velocity observer design. 840-857 - Ryan J. McCloy
, José A. De Doná, María M. Seron
Set theoretic approach to fault-tolerant control of linear parameter-varying systems with sensor reintegration. 858-874 - Liuliu Zhang, Changchun Hua, Hongnian Yu
, Xinping Guan:
Decentralised adaptive control of switched interconnected high-order nonlinear systems with unknown control direction and time-delay. 875-885 - Johannes Nygren, Torbjörn Wigren
, Kristiaan Pelckmans:
Frequency conditions for stable networked controllers with time-delay. 886-895 - El Hassan Zerrik
, Nihale El Boukhari:
Regional optimal control for a class of semilinear systems with distributed controls. 896-907 - Ricardo Castro-Garcia
, Oscar Mauricio Agudelo, Johan A. K. Suykens
Impulse response constrained LS-SVM modelling for MIMO Hammerstein system identification. 908-925 - Xiaozhan Yang, Hak-Keung Lam
, Ligang Wu
Necessary and sufficient stability condition for second-order switched systems: a phase function approach. 926-939 - El Hassan Zerrik
, Abella El Kabouss
Regional optimal control of a bilinear wave equation. 940-949 - Kang-Li Xu
, Yao-Lin Jiang:
An unconstrained H 2 model order reduction optimisation algorithm based on the Stiefel manifold for bilinear systems. 950-959
Volume 92, Number 5, 2019
- Zhe Gao:
Fractional-order Kalman filters for continuous-time linear and nonlinear fractional-order systems using Tustin generating function. 960-974 - Jun Zhou:
Complex scaling circle criteria for Luré systems. 975-986 - Seok-Kyoon Kim:
Performance recovery output voltage control algorithm for AC/DC converter. 987-1000 - Antonio Pietrabissa
, Francesco Liberati
Dynamic distributed clustering in wireless sensor networks via Voronoi tessellation control. 1001-1014 - Zongyu Zuo
, Chunyan Wang, Wen Yang, Zhengtao Ding
Robust ℒ2 disturbance attenuation for a class of uncertain Lipschitz nonlinear systems with input delay. 1015-1021 - Jurgen van Zundert
, Tom Oomen
Stable inversion of LPTV systems with application in position-dependent and non-equidistantly sampled systems. 1022-1032 - Xiaolong Wang, Yao-Lin Jiang:
An efficient hybrid reduction method for time-delay systems using Hermite expansions. 1033-1043 - Hao An, Baris Fidan, Jianxing Liu
, Changhong Wang, Ligang Wu
Adaptive fault-tolerant control of air-breathing hypersonic vehicles robust to input nonlinearities. 1044-1060 - Liying Zhu
, Jianbin Qiu:
Region stability and stabilisation of switched linear systems with multiple equilibria. 1061-1083 - Koichi Suyama, Noboru Sebe
Switching ℒ2 gain for evaluating the fluctuations in transient responses after an unpredictable system switch. 1084-1093 - Ali Karami, Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah
, Behzad Moshiri
Robust switching signal estimation for a class of uncertain nonlinear switched systems. 1094-1102 - Ze-Hao Wu
, Bao-Zhu Guo
On convergence of active disturbance rejection control for a class of uncertain stochastic nonlinear systems. 1103-1116 - C. X. Zhu, W. Q. Zhu:
Control of quasi non-integrable Hamiltonian systems for targeting a specified stationary probability density. 1117-1122 - René Schneider, Predrag Milosavljevic, Dominique Bonvin:
Distributed modifier-adaptation schemes for the real-time optimisation of uncertain interconnected systems. 1123-1136 - Ali Tavasoli
Boundary control of a circular curved beam using active disturbance rejection control. 1137-1154 - Marco A. Gómez
, Alexey V. Egorov
, Sabine Mondié
Necessary stability conditions for neutral-type systems with multiple commensurate delays. 1155-1166 - Yan-Li Huang, Shu-Xue Wang, Shun-Yan Ren:
Pinning exponential synchronisation and passivity of coupled delayed reaction-diffusion neural networks with and without parametric uncertainties. 1167-1182 - Alireza Safa
, Mahdi Baradarannia, Hamed Kharrati, Sohrab Khanmohammadi:
Robust attitude tracking control for a rigid spacecraft under input delays and actuator errors. 1183-1195 - David Fernando Novella-Rodríguez
, Basilio Del-Muro-Cuéllar, Juan Francisco Marquez-Rubio
, Miguel Angel Hernandez Perez, Martín Velasco-Villa
PD-PID controller for delayed systems with two unstable poles: a frequency domain approach. 1196-1208
Volume 92, Number 6, 2019
- Zhanhong Jiang, Kushal Mukherjee, Soumik Sarkar:
Generalised gossip-based subgradient method for distributed optimisation. 1209-1225 - Seer Qiu Han, Jobrun Nandong
Stabilising PID tuning for a class of fourth-order integrating nonminimum-phase systems. 1226-1242 - Shuai Yuan
, Fan Zhang, Simone Baldi
Adaptive tracking of switched nonlinear systems with prescribed performance using a reference-dependent reparametrisation approach. 1243-1251 - Gang Zheng, Haoping Wang:
Finite-time estimation for linear time-delay systems via homogeneous method. 1252-1263 - Stefan Kersting
, Martin Buss:
Recursive estimation in piecewise affine systems using parameter identifiers and concurrent learning. 1264-1281 - Mubarak K. Alhajri, Michael G. Safonov:
Continuous adaptive control with zero hysteresis constant and no chatter. 1282-1288 - Xian Zhang, Ning Zhao
, Peng Shi
Necessary conditions of exponential stability for a class of linear neutral-type time-delay systems. 1289-1297 - A. N. Aliseyko:
Lyapunov matrices for a class of time-delay systems with piecewise-constant kernel. 1298-1305 - Efim N. Rosenwasser, Bernhard P. Lampe, Wolfgang Drewelow, Torsten Jeinsch
Causal polynomial pole assignment and stabilisation of SISO strictly causal linear discrete processes. 1306-1313 - Bao Wang, Quanxin Zhu:
Asymptotic stability in distribution of stochastic systems with semi-Markovian switching. 1314-1324 - Jing Xu, Cheng-Chew Lim
, Peng Shi
Sliding mode control of singularly perturbed systems and its application in quad-rotors. 1325-1334 - Yu-Long Zhang, Jun-Min Wang:
Exact controllability of a micro beam with boundary bending moment. 1335-1343 - Nazila Nikdel
, Mohammad Ali Badamchizadeh
Fractional-order adaptive backstepping control of a class of uncertain systems with external disturbances. 1344-1353 - Renwei Zuo, Xinmin Dong, Yong Chen, Zongcheng Liu, Chao Shi:
Adaptive neural control for a class of non-affine pure-feedback nonlinear systems. 1354-1366 - Peihu Duan, Zhisheng Duan, Jingyao Wang:
Task-space fully distributed tracking control of networked uncertain robotic manipulators without velocity measurements. 1367-1380 - Lijun Gao, Fangmei Luo, Zhiguo Yan:
Finite-time annular domain stability of impulsive switched systems: mode-dependent parameter approach. 1381-1392 - Wenting Zha, Chunjiang Qian
, Junyong Zhai
, Shumin Fei:
Robust control for a class of high-order uncertain nonlinear systems via measurement feedback. 1393-1400 - Dieter Grass, Valeriya Lykina:
Infinite horizon cancer treatment model with isoperimetrical constraint: existence of optimal solutions and numerical analysis. 1401-1414 - Xinglong Niu
, Yungang Liu, Yongchao Man:
Finite-time consensus tracking for multi-agent systems with inherent uncertainties and disturbances. 1415-1425 - Chunxiao Wang
, Yuqiang Wu:
Finite-time tracking control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems with full state constraints. 1426-1433 - Jun Zhou
, C. Wang, H. M. Qian:
Existence, properties and trajectory specification of generalised multi-agent flocking. 1434-1456 - Jing Bai, Zhizhong Mao, Tiecheng Pu:
Recursive identification for multi-input-multi-output Hammerstein-Wiener system. 1457-1469
- Erratum.
Volume 92, Number 7, 2019
- Irvin López-García
, Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez
, Victor M. Cárdenas
Power control of a doubly fed induction generator connected to the power grid. 1471-1480 - Kai Cai
, Renyuan Zhang
, W. M. Wonham:
Relative coobservability for decentralised supervisory control of discrete-event systems. 1481-1489 - Aleksandr S. Andreev
, Olga A. Peregudova
Trajectory tracking control for robot manipulators using only position measurements. 1490-1496 - Yuxiang Guo, Bao-Li Ma:
Global sliding mode with fractional operators and application to control robot manipulators. 1497-1510 - Ahmadreza Argha, Steven W. Su
, Andrey V. Savkin, Branko G. Celler
Design of optimal sliding-mode control using partial eigenstructure assignment. 1511-1523 - Laurent Burlion, Jean-Marc Biannic, Tarek Ahmed-Ali:
Attitude tracking control of a flexible spacecraft under angular velocity constraints. 1524-1540 - Fangzheng Gao, Yuqiang Wu, Yanhong Liu
Finite-time stabilisation of a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with dead-zone input. 1541-1550 - Zahra Foroozandeh
, Mostafa Shamsi
, Maria do Rosário de Pinho
A mixed-binary non-linear programming approach for the numerical solution of a family of singular optimal control problems. 1551-1566 - Dewei Yang
, Zuren Feng, Ruizi Sha, Xiaodong Ren:
Robust control of a class of under-actuated mechanical systems with model uncertainty. 1567-1579 - Rupam Gupta Roy, Dibyendu Ghoshal:
Adaptive second-order sliding-mode controller for shank-foot orthosis system. 1580-1589 - Zhenhua Wang, Peng Shi
, Cheng-Chew Lim
Robust fault estimation observer in the finite frequency domain for descriptor systems. 1590-1599 - Rui Zhao, Fuchun Liu, Jianxin Tan:
Relative predictability of failure event occurrences and its opacity-based test algorithm. 1600-1608 - Wakeel Khan, Yan Lin, Sarmad Ullah Khan, Nasim Ullah
Adaptive output-feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems with actuator failures and input quantisation. 1609-1619 - Stanislav Aranovskiy
, Romeo Ortega
, José Guadalupe Romero
, Dmitry Sokolov:
A globally exponentially stable speed observer for a class of mechanical systems: experimental and simulation comparison with high-gain and sliding mode designs. 1620-1633 - Luciano G. Moreira
, Leonardo B. Groff
, João Manoel Gomes da Silva
, Sophie Tarbouriech:
PI event-triggered control under saturating actuators. 1634-1644 - Patricio E. Valenzuela, Thomas B. Schön
, Cristian R. Rojas:
On model order priors for Bayesian identification of SISO linear systems. 1645-1661 - Minghui Zheng, Masayoshi Tomizuka
A frequency-shaping methodology for discrete-time sliding mode control. 1662-1671 - Mohammad Abdollahpouri
, Rien Quirynen, Mark Haring
, Tor Arne Johansen, Gergely Takács
, Moritz Diehl, Boris Rohal-Ilkiv
A homotopy-based moving horizon estimation. 1672-1681 - Yun Li, Chenliang Wang, Qinglei Hu:
Adaptive control with prescribed tracking performance for hypersonic flight vehicles in the presence of unknown elevator faults. 1682-1691 - Tanmay Rajpurohit, Wassim M. Haddad, Wei Sun:
Stochastic differential games and inverse optimal control and stopper policies. 1692-1706 - Ranran Wu, Ding Fan, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, Tyrone Fernando
Adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control for uncertain discrete-time non-linear pure-feedback MIMO systems with network-induced time-delay based on state observer. 1707-1719
- Erratum.
Volume 92, Number 8, 2019
- Ionut Munteanu:
Boundary stabilisation to non-stationary solutions for deterministic and stochastic parabolic-type equations. 1720-1728 - Meysam Yadegar
, Nader Meskin, Ahmad Afshar:
Fault-tolerant control of linear systems using adaptive virtual actuator. 1729-1741 - Lingling Tian, Yongqiang Guan, Long Wang
Controllability and observability of switched multi-agent systems. 1742-1752 - Türker Özsari
, Eda Arabaci:
Boosting the decay of solutions of the linearised Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation to a predetermined rate from the boundary. 1753-1763 - Cecília F. Morais
, Márcio F. Braga, Eduardo S. Tognetti
, Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira, Pedro L. D. Peres
Digital redesign of analogue dynamic output-feedback controllers for polytopic systems. 1764-1777 - José Renato Campos, Edvaldo Assunção
, Geraldo Nunes Silva, Weldon A. Lodwick, Marcelo C. M. Teixeira
Discrete-time interval optimal control problem. 1778-1784 - Junjie Fu, Qi Wang, Jinzhi Wang:
Robust finite-time consensus tracking for second-order multi-agent systems with input saturation under general directed communication graphs. 1785-1795 - Yi Dong, Jie Chen, Jie Huang:
A self-tuning adaptive distributed observer approach to the cooperative output regulation problem for networked multi-agent systems. 1796-1804 - Xuhuan Wang
, Zhengrong Xiang:
Global stabilisation of nonlinear time-delay systems by partial-state feedback. 1805-1814 - Momir R. Stankovic
, Milan R. Rapaic, Stojadin M. Manojlovic, Srdan T. Mitrovic
, Slobodan M. Simic
, Milica B. Naumovic:
Optimised active disturbance rejection motion control with resonant extended state observer. 1815-1826 - Dingshi Li, Guiling Chen:
Impulses-induced p-exponential input-to-state stability for a class of stochastic delayed partial differential equations. 1827-1835 - Gongfei Song, Xuerong Mao
, Tao Li:
Robust quantised control of hybrid stochastic systems based on discrete-time state and mode observations. 1836-1845 - Itziar Baragaña
, Ferran Puerta:
Versal deformation of realisable Markov parameters. 1846-1857 - Shafiqul Islam, Peter X. Liu, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
Observer-based force reflecting robust coordination control for networked bilateral shared telerobotic system. 1858-1869 - Qing-Kui Li, Georgi M. Dimirovski
, Jun Fu, Jiuhe Wang:
Switching strategy in tracking constant references for linear time-varying delay systems with actuator failures. 1870-1882 - Hongjiao Niu, Zhiyong Geng:
Stabilisation of a relative equilibrium of an underactuated AUV on SE(3). 1883-1902 - Arnab Dey
, Sourav Patra, Siddhartha Sen:
Stability analysis and controller design for Lur'e system with hysteresis nonlinearities: a negative-imaginary theory based approach. 1903-1913 - Ainain Nur Hanafi, María M. Seron
, José A. De Doná:
Fault estimation and controller compensation in Lure systems by LPV-embedding. 1914-1927 - Shahram Hajshirmohamadi, Farid Sheikholeslam, Mohammad Reza Davoodi, Nader Meskin:
Event-triggered simultaneous fault detection and tracking control for multi-agent systems. 1928-1944 - Dong Yang, Jun Zhao
H∞ bumpless transfer for switched LPV systems and its application. 1945-1958 - Xueyan Xing, Jinkun Liu:
LMI-based boundary and distributed control design for a flexible string subject to disturbance. 1959-1969
Volume 92, Number 9, 2019
- T. Sang Nguyen, N. Ha Hoang, Mohamed Azlan Hussain:
Feedback passivation plus tracking-error-based multivariable control for a class of free-radical polymerisation reactors. 1970-1984 - T. A. Bryntseva, Alexander L. Fradkov
Frequency-domain estimates of the sampling interval in multirate nonlinear systems by time-delay approach. 1985-1992 - Fernando Lotero, Françoise Couenne
, Bernhard Maschke, Daniel Sbarbaro
Energy-based control of a distributed parameter bi-zone model with moving interface. 1993-2006 - Pedro Mercader, Joaquín Carrasco
, Alfonso Baños
IQC analysis of reset control systems with time-varying delay. 2007-2014 - Ping Liu, Xinggao Liu, Ping Wang, Guodong Li, Long Xiao, Jie Yan, Zhang Ren:
Control variable parameterisation with penalty approach for hypersonic vehicle reentry optimisation. 2015-2024 - Aleksandra Jovanovic, Didier Lime
, Olivier H. Roux
A game approach to the parametric control of real-time systems. 2025-2036 - Zuomao Yan, Fangxia Lu:
Exponential stability for nonautonomous impulsive neutral partial stochastic evolution equations with delay. 2037-2063 - Miao Huang, Xin Wang, Zhe-Ming Lu, Longhua Ma, Hongye Su, Lang Wang:
Multiple model adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown control directions. 2064-2076 - Ho-Lim Choi, Jacob Hammer:
Fastest recovery from feedback loss: Bounded overshoot. 2077-2090 - Dimitris Vafiadis
, Nicos Karcanias:
Unimodular equivalence and similarity for linear systems. 2091-2098 - Pavlos Triantafyllou, George A. Rovithakis, Zoe Doulgeri
Constrained visual servoing under uncertain dynamics. 2099-2111 - Hitoshi Katayama:
Design of reduced-order observers for nonlinear sampled-data strict-feedback systems with actuator dynamics and disturbances. 2112-2122 - Syed Ali Asad Rizvi
, Attaullah Y. Memon
An extended observer-based robust nonlinear speed sensorless controller for a PMSM. 2123-2135 - A. H. Korayem, Saeed Rafee Nekoo
, M. H. Korayem:
Sliding mode control design based on the state-dependent Riccati equation: theoretical and experimental implementation. 2136-2149 - Li-Hui Geng:
An improved computationally efficient identification method for errors-in-variables models based on v-gap optimisation. 2150-2158 - Seyed Mohammad Ahmadi
, Mohammad Mehdi Fateh
Task-space control of robots using an adaptive Taylor series uncertainty estimator. 2159-2169 - Tao Lu, Weiyao Lan:
Composite nonlinear feedback control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems with input saturation. 2170-2177 - Ali Abooee, Mohammad Mehdi Arefi
, Fatemeh Sedghi, Vahid Abootalebi:
Robust nonlinear control schemes for finite-time tracking objective of a 5-DOF robotic exoskeleton. 2178-2193 - Jiaju Yu
, Shuanghe Yu, Juan Li, Yan Yan:
Fixed-time stability theorem of stochastic nonlinear systems. 2194-2200 - Xian Yang, Jing Yan, Changchun Hua, Xinping Guan:
Stabilisation for teleoperation systems with sampled-data information feedback. 2201-2209 - V. Vijayakumar
Approximate controllability results for non-densely defined fractional neutral differential inclusions with Hille-Yosida operators. 2210-2222
Volume 92, Number 10, 2019
- Hongjun Yu
, Peng Shi
, Cheng-Chew Lim
, Dongzhe Wang:
Formation control for multi-robot systems with collision avoidance. 2223-2234 - Yong Ren, Wensheng Yin:
Asymptotical boundedness for stochastic coupled systems on networks with time-varying delay driven by G-Brownian motion. 2235-2242 - Xing Chu, Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani
Distributed formation tracking of nonholonomic autonomous vehicles via event-triggered and sampled-data method. 2243-2254 - Junyong Zhai
, Zhibao Song:
Adaptive sliding mode trajectory tracking control for wheeled mobile robots. 2255-2262 - Jianjun Zhou:
Delay optimal control and viscosity solutions to associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. 2263-2273 - Joachim Deutscher
, Nicole Gehring
, Richard Kern
Output feedback control of general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic PDE-ODE systems with spatially-varying coefficients. 2274-2290 - Pengyuan Li
, Xi-Ming Sun, Faryar Jabbari
, Lei Wang
Gain-scheduled control of time-varying delay systems with input constraint. 2291-2299 - Jianzhong Gu, Wuquan Li, Hongyong Yang:
Distributed adaptive containment control for high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems. 2300-2311 - Zhen-Chen Guo:
Schur method for robust pole assignment of descriptor systems via proportional plus derivative state feedback. 2312-2323 - Belkacem Rahmani
, Mohammed Belkheiri
Adaptive neural network output feedback control for flexible multi-link robotic manipulators. 2324-2338 - Piotr Bania
Example for equivalence of dual and information-based optimal control. 2339-2348 - Shi Yan, Li Xu, Yining Zhang, Yunze Cai, Dongdong Zhao
Order evaluation to new elementary operation approach for MIMO multidimensional systems. 2349-2359 - Ping Wang, Kemei Zhang, Xue-Jun Xie:
Global output feedback control for uncertain nonlinear feedforward systems. 2360-2368 - Sepideh Afshar
, Kirsten Morris, Amir Khajepour:
A modified sliding-mode observer design with application to diffusion equation. 2369-2382 - Ammar Khemmoudj
, Mohammed Essalih Aries:
Stabilisation of a wave equation with localised memory term and boundary frictional damping. 2383-2395 - Fatimah Al-Taie, Herbert Werner:
Balanced truncation for temporal- and spatial-LPV interconnected systems based on the full block S-procedure. 2396-2407 - Ni Yang, Jiang-Wen Xiao, Li Xiao, Yan-Wu Wang:
Non-zero sum differential graphical game: cluster synchronisation for multi-agents with partially unknown dynamics. 2408-2419 - Sagar Mehta
, Krishna Vijayaraghavan:
Design of sliding observers for Lipschitz nonlinear system using a new time-averaged Lyapunov function. 2420-2429 - Biao Wang, Jun-e Feng, Min Meng:
Model matching of switched asynchronous sequential machines via matrix approach. 2430-2440 - Hansheng Wu
Stabilising feedback control schemes of dynamical systems with completely unknown saturated inputs: an adaptive design method. 2441-2450 - Jianglong Yu, Xiwang Dong, Qingdong Li, Zhang Ren:
Practical time-varying formation tracking for high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems based on the distributed extended state observer. 2451-2462 - Ruijing Li, Fengyun Fu:
The maximum principle for partially observed optimal control problems of mean-field FBSDEs. 2463-2472
Volume 92, Number 11, 2019
- Rong Fu
, Hongfei Sun, Jianping Zeng
Exponential stabilisation of nonlinear parameter-varying systems with applications to conversion flight control of a tilt rotor aircraft. 2473-2483 - Qingqing Xu, Ilyasse Aksikas, Stevan Dubljevic
Single-step full-state feedback control design for nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs. 2484-2498 - Xiuyu He, Wei He
, Yunan Chen, Xinxing Mu, Yao Yu, Changyin Sun:
Boundary control of flexible aircraft wings for vibration suppression. 2499-2508 - Ehsan Arabi
, Tansel Yucelen
Set-theoretic model reference adaptive control with time-varying performance bounds. 2509-2520 - Hao Chen, Yaru Xie, Genqi Xu
Rapid stabilisation of multi-dimensional Schrödinger equation with the internal delay control. 2521-2531 - Mohammad H. Mamduhi
, Sandra Hirche
Try-once-discard scheduling for stochastic networked control systems. 2532-2546 - Maciej Marcin Michalek
, Dariusz Pazderski
Forward tracking of complex trajectories with non-Standard N-Trailers of non-minimum-phase kinematics avoiding a jackknife effect. 2547-2560 - Xu Jin
, Wassim M. Haddad:
An adaptive control architecture for leader-follower multiagent systems with stochastic disturbances and sensor and actuator attacks. 2561-2570 - Dany Abou Jaoude
, Mazen Farhood:
Coprime factors reduction of distributed nonstationary LPV systems. 2571-2583 - James Richard Forbes
Synthesis of strictly positive real ℋ2 controllers using dilated LMIs. 2584-2590 - Jairo Giraldo, Eduardo Mojica-Nava
, Nicanor Quijano
Synchronisation of heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillators with sampled information and a constant leader. 2591-2607 - Khawaja Shafiq Haider, Abdul Ghafoor
, Muhammad Imran
, Fahad Mumtaz Malik:
Frequency limited Gramians-based structure preserving model order reduction for discrete time second-order systems. 2608-2619 - K. Merve Dogan, Benjamin C. Gruenwald, Tansel Yucelen
, Jonathan A. Muse, Eric A. Butcher:
Distributed adaptive control and stability verification for linear multiagent systems with heterogeneous actuator dynamics and system uncertainties. 2620-2638 - Yan Wang, Ryan Madson
, Rajesh Rajamani
Magnetic sensor-based simultaneous state and parameter estimation using a nonlinear observer. 2639-2646 - Laura Menini, Corrado Possieri
, Antonio Tornambè:
A linear algebra method to decompose forms whose length is lower than the number of variables into weighted sum of squares. 2647-2666 - Yan Xiao, Dong Ye, Zhaowei Sun:
Observer-based continuous finite-time attitude control for rigid-flexible coupling satellites. 2667-2680 - Tinh Nguyen, Thuong Hoang, Minhtuan Pham, Namphuong Dao:
A Gaussian wavelet network-based robust adaptive tracking controller for a wheeled mobile robot with unknown wheel slips. 2681-2692 - Abdelhak Hafdallah
, Abdelhamid Ayadi:
Optimal control of electromagnetic wave displacement with an unknown velocity of propagation. 2693-2700 - Sho Yoshimura, Ayaka Matsubayashi, Masaki Inoue:
System identification method inheriting steady-state characteristics of existing model. 2701-2711 - Sakine Esmaili, M. R. Eslahchi:
Numerical solution of optimal control problem for a model of tumour growth with drug application. 2712-2736
Volume 92, Number 12, 2019
- Hui Peng, Renquan Lu, Peng Shi
, Yong Xu:
Reduced-order filtering for networks with Markovian jumping parameters and missing measurements. 2737-2749 - Amit P. Pandey, Maurício C. de Oliveira
Discrete-time H∞ control of linear parameter-varying systems. 2750-2760 - Lejun Chen
, Andrew Pomfret, Tim Clarke:
Multistage output-lifting eigenstructure assignment: a multirate ball and plate example. 2761-2775 - S. A. Menchón
, H. J. Kappen:
Learning effective state-feedback controllers through efficient multilevel importance samplers. 2776-2783 - Abdelaziz Benzaza, Mohamed Ouzahra
Weak and strong stabilisation of bilinear systems in a Banach space. 2784-2790 - Chun Kiat Tan, Jian Liang Wang
, Yew Chai Paw
, Fang Liao:
Robust linear output feedback controller for autonomous landing of a quadrotor on a ship deck. 2791-2805 - Changchun Hua, Yafeng Li, Liuliu Zhang, Xinping Guan:
Adaptive state feedback control for time-delay stochastic nonlinear systems based on dynamic gain method. 2806-2819 - Liangliang Li
, Chuandong Li
, Hongfei Li
An analysis and design for time-varying structures dynamical networks via state constraint impulsive control. 2820-2828 - Jiayun Liu, Weisheng Chen, Hao Dai:
Event-triggered zero-gradient-sum distributed convex optimisation over networks with time-varying topologies. 2829-2841 - Alejandro J. Rojas, Daniel U. Campos-Delgado
, J. M. Luna-Rivera
, Carlos A. Gutiérrez
Robust design of a linear quadratic power control algorithm in multiple-access networks. 2842-2853 - Bai-Hui Du, Andrey Polyakov, Gang Zheng, Quan Quan:
Quadrotor trajectory tracking by using fixed-time differentiator. 2854-2868 - Seyed Mehdi Mirhosseini-Alizamini
, Sohrab Effati
An iterative method for suboptimal control of a class of nonlinear time-delayed systems. 2869-2885 - Gang Wang
, Chaoli Wang, Yantao Shen:
Distributed adaptive leader-following tracking control of networked Lagrangian systems with unknown control directions under undirected/directed graphs. 2886-2898 - Joaquín Carrasco
, Peter J. Seiler
Conditions for the equivalence between IQC and graph separation stability results. 2899-2906 - Graziano Chesi, Tiantian Shen:
Designing parametric linear quadratic regulators for parametric LTI systems via LMIs. 2907-2916 - Jingliang Sun, Chunsheng Liu:
Decentralised zero-sum differential game for a class of large-scale interconnected systems via adaptive dynamic programming. 2917-2927 - Yang Liu, Xiaoping Liu, Yuanwei Jing, Ziye Zhang:
Design of finite-time H∞ controller for uncertain nonlinear systems and its application. 2928-2938 - Emma D. Wilson
, Quentin Clairon, Robin Henderson
, C. James Taylor
Robustness evaluation and robust design for proportional-integral-plus control. 2939-2951 - Zhong Wang, Zhiliang Fan, Guangbin Liu:
Guaranteed performance consensus problems for nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed topologies. 2952-2962 - Qiang Jiao
, Hongwei Zhang
, Shengyuan Xu, Frank L. Lewis, Lihua Xie:
Bipartite tracking of homogeneous and heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems. 2963-2972 - Guangda Hu, Xiulin Hu
Stability criteria of matrix polynomials. 2973-2978 - Li Li, Fucheng Liao:
Output feedback preview tracking control for discrete-time polytopic time-varying systems. 2979-2989

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