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Information Sciences, Volume 179
Volume 179, Numbers 1-2, January 2009
- Cristina Alcalde, Ana Burusco
, Ramón Fuentes-González, Itziar Zubia
Treatment of L-Fuzzy contexts with absent values. 1-15 - Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena
User identification for cross-system personalisation. 16-32 - David A. Pelta
, Ronald R. Yager:
On the conflict between inducing confusion and attaining payoff in adversarial decision making. 33-40 - Tsuen-Ho Hsu, Tsung-Nan Tsai
, Pei-Ling Chiang:
Selection of the optimum promotion mix by integrating a fuzzy linguistic decision model with genetic algorithms. 41-52 - Fatma Tiryaki, Beyza Ahlatçioglu
Fuzzy portfolio selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. 53-69 - Yijun Bei, Gang Chen, Lidan Shou, Xiaoyan Li, Jinxiang Dong:
Bottom-up discovery of frequent rooted unordered subtrees. 70-88 - Hui Li
, Jie Sun:
Gaussian case-based reasoning for business failure prediction with empirical data in China. 89-108 - Suh-Wen Chiou
Optimization of limited network capacity with toll settings. 109-119 - Vladan Batanovic, Dobrila Petrovic
, Radivoj Petrovic:
Fuzzy logic based algorithms for maximum covering location problems. 120-129 - Jordi Recasens
Maximal fuzzy maps. 130-139 - Ching-Chiuan Lin, Shih-Chieh Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh:
Adaptive embedding techniques for VQ-compressed images. 140-149 - Vahid Amirzadeh
, Mashaallah Mashinchi, Abbas Parchami:
Construction of p. 150-160 - Jiqiang Lv, Kui Ren
, Xiaofeng Chen, Kwangjo Kim:
The ring authenticated encryption scheme - How to provide a clue wisely. 161-168 - Ying Xiong, Jie Zhu, Hao Huang, Haihua Xu:
Minimum tag error for discriminative training of conditional random fields. 169-179 - Chih-Yang Chen, Tzuu-Hseng S. Li, Ying-Chieh Yeh:
EP-based kinematic control and adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode dynamic control for wheeled mobile robots. 180-195
Volume 179, Number 3, January 2009
- Dominik Slezak:
Degrees of conditional (in)dependence: A framework for approximate Bayesian networks and examples related to the rough set-based feature selection. 197-209 - William Zhu:
Relationship between generalized rough sets based on binary relation and covering. 210-225 - Guojun Wang, Hongjun Zhou
Quantitative logic. 226-247 - Faria Nassiri Mofakham
, Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh, Ahmad Baraani-Dastjerdi, Nasser Ghasem-Aghaee:
Electronic promotion to new customers using mk. 248-266 - Guanghong Sun, Chuankun Wu:
The lower bounds on the second order nonlinearity of three classes of Boolean functions with high nonlinearity. 267-278 - Alessandro De Gregorio
, Stefano Maria Iacus
On Rényi information for ergodic diffusion processes. 279-291 - Feng Cao, Zhenfu Cao
A secure identity-based proxy multi-signature scheme. 292-302 - Kyung-Ah Shim:
Breaking the short certificateless signature scheme. 303-306 - Shengbao Wang, Zhenfu Cao
, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
, Lihua Wang:
An improved identity-based key agreement protocol and its security proof. 307-318 - Steve Pederson, M. Sambandham:
Numerical solution of hybrid fuzzy differential equation IVPs by a characterization theorem. 319-328 - Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin
, Ying Luo:
Aggregation of direct and indirect judgments in pairwise comparison matrices with a re-examination of the criticisms by Bana e Costa and Vansnick. 329-337 - Haci Aktas, Naim Çagman
Erratum to "Soft sets and soft groups" [Information Sciences 177 (2007) 2726-2735]. 338
Volume 179, Number 4, February 2009
- Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis
, Dagoberto Castellanos Nieves
, Rafael Valencia-García
Measuring individual learning performance in group work from a knowledge integration perspective. 339-354 - Tsung-Han Chang, Tien-Chin Wang:
Using the fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for measuring the possibility of successful knowledge management. 355-370 - Gang Kou
, Yi Peng, Zhengxin Chen, Yong Shi
Multiple criteria mathematical programming for multi-class classification and application in network intrusion detection. 371-381 - Dilek Yaman, Seçkin Polat:
A fuzzy cognitive map approach for effect-based operations: An illustrative case. 382-403 - Hai-Liang Wang, Jian-Wei Wang, Jun-Ming Xu:
Edge-fault-tolerant bipanconnectivity of hypercubes. 404-409 - Chia-Long Wu:
An efficient common-multiplicand-multiplication method to the Montgomery algorithm for speeding up exponentiation. 410-421 - Chien-Lung Hsu, Yu-Hao Chuang:
A novel user identification scheme with key distribution preserving user anonymity for distributed computer networks. 422-429 - Tong-Seng Quah:
Estimating software readiness using predictive models. 430-445 - Badr Mansouri, Noureddine Manamanni, Kevin Guelton
, Alexandre Kruszewski
, Thierry-Marie Guerra
Output feedback LMI tracking control conditions with H. 446-457 - Jiye Liang
, Junhong Wang, Yuhua Qian:
A new measure of uncertainty based on knowledge granulation for rough sets. 458-470 - Hua-Peng Zhang
, Yao Ouyang
, Zhudeng Wang:
Note on "Generalized rough sets based on reflexive and transitive relations". 471-473
Volume 179, Number 5, February 2009
- Radko Mesiar, Olga Nánásiová, Zdenka Riecanová, Jan Paseka
Special issue - Quantum structures: Theory and applications. 475-477 - Olga Choustova:
Quantum probability and financial market. 478-484 - Gejza Dohnal
Markov property in quantum logic: A reflection. 485-491 - Andrei Yu. Khrennikov:
Nonlocality as well as rejection of realism are only sufficient (but non-necessary!) conditions for violation of Bell's inequality. 492-504 - Zhihao Ma
Note on ideals of effect algebras. 505-507 - Olga Nánásiová
, Sylvia Pulmannová:
S-map and tracial states. 515-520 - Jan Paseka
, Zdenka Riecanová:
Isomorphism theorems on generalized effect algebras based on atoms. 521-528 - Zdenka Riecanová:
Pseudocomplemented lattice effect algebras and existence of states. 529-534 - Karl Svozil
Quantum scholasticism: On quantum contexts, counterfactuals, and the absurdities of quantum omniscience. 535-541 - David West, Scott Dellana
Diversity of ability and cognitive style for group decision processes. 542-558 - Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong, Young-Koo Lee:
Efficient single-pass frequent pattern mining using a prefix-tree. 559-583 - Lucas Antiqueira
, Osvaldo N. Oliveira Jr., Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes:
A complex network approach to text summarization. 584-599 - Yuncheng Jiang, Ju Wang, Suqin Tang, Bao Xiao:
Reasoning with rough description logics: An approximate concepts approach. 600-612 - Ying Zhai, Zhong Yi, Peimin Deng:
On behavior of two-dimensional cellular automata with an exceptional rule. 613-622 - Bin Xu, Weiguo Fang, Ruifeng Shi, Jing Yu, Lu Liu:
Three-objective fuzzy chance-constrained programming model for multiproject and multi-item investment combination. 623-641 - Gil González-Rodríguez
, Ana Colubi, Wolfgang Trutschnig
Simulation of fuzzy random variables. 642-653 - Bijan Davvaz, Piergiulio Corsini, Violeta Leoreanu Fotea:
Atanassov's intuitionistic (S,T)-fuzzy n-ary sub-hypergroups and their properties. 654-666 - Tz-Liang Kueng, Tyne Liang, Lih-Hsing Hsu, Jimmy J. M. Tan:
Long paths in hypercubes with conditional node-faults. 667-681 - Pinhui Ke, Liuling Huang, Shengyuan Zhang:
Improved lower bound on the number of balanced symmetric functions over GF. 682-687 - Efendi N. Nasibov
, A. Övgü Kinay:
An iterative approach for estimation of student performances based on linguistic evaluations. 688-698
Volume 179, Number 6, March 2009
- Cory J. Butz, Shan Hua, Junying Chen, Hong Yao:
A simple graphical approach for understanding probabilistic inference in Bayesian networks. 699-716 - Bart Van Gasse, Chris Cornelis
, Glad Deschrijver, Etienne E. Kerre:
The pseudo-linear semantics of interval-valued fuzzy logics. 717-728 - José M. Merigó
, Anna Maria Gil Lafuente:
The induced generalized OWA operator. 729-741 - Janusz T. Starczewski
Extended triangular norms. 742-757 - K. P. Girish, Sunil Jacob John
Relations and functions in multiset context. 758-768 - Moe Thandar Wynn
, H. M. W. Verbeek
, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede
, David Edmond:
Soundness-preserving reduction rules for reset workflow nets. 769-790 - Chun-Hsiang Huang, Ja-Ling Wu
Fidelity-guaranteed robustness enhancement of blind-detection watermarking schemes. 791-808 - Lizhi Peng, Bo Yang, Yuehui Chen, Ajith Abraham:
Data gravitation based classification. 809-819 - Peijun Guo
Fuzzy data envelopment analysis and its application to location problems. 820-829 - Yu Ma, Xiaodong Gu, Yuanyuan Wang:
Color discrimination enhancement for dichromats using self-organizing color transformation. 830-843 - Jang Hee Lee, Sung Ho Ha:
Recognizing yield patterns through hybrid applications of machine learning techniques. 844-850 - Ping-Ying Tsai, Jung-Sheng Fu, Gen-Huey Chen:
Embedding Hamiltonian cycles in alternating group graphs under conditional fault model. 851-857 - Bin Wang, ZhaoXia Song:
A non-interactive deniable authentication scheme based on designated verifier proofs. 858-865
Volume 179, Number 7, March 2009
- Yiyu Yao
, Yan Zhao:
Discernibility matrix simplification for constructing attribute reducts. 867-882 - Lei Zhou, Wei-Zhi Wu, Wen-Xiu Zhang:
On characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets based on intuitionistic fuzzy implicators. 883-898 - Hongyan Liu, Xiaoyu Wang, Jun He, Jiawei Han, Dong Xin, Zheng Shao:
Top-down mining of frequent closed patterns from very high dimensional data. 899-924 - Pavel V. Sevastjanov
, Ludmila Dymova
A new method for solving interval and fuzzy equations: Linear case. 925-937 - Yung-Yih Lur, Yan-Kuen Wu, Sy-Ming Guu:
Convergence of powers for a fuzzy matrix with convex combination of max-min and max-arithmetic mean operations. 938-944 - Tofigh Allahviranloo
, Saeid Abbasbandy, Nazanin Ahmady
, E. Ahmady
Improved predictor-corrector method for solving fuzzy initial value problems. 945-955 - Tofigh Allahviranloo
, Narsis Aftab Kiani
, N. Motamedi:
Solving fuzzy differential equations by differential transformation method. 956-966 - Yen-Liang Chen, Chia-Chi Wu
, Kwei Tang
Building a cost-constrained decision tree with multiple condition attributes. 967-979 - Ugur Dogrusöz
, Erhan Giral, Ahmet Cetintas, Ali Civril
, Emek Demir
A layout algorithm for undirected compound graphs. 980-994 - Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang, MengChu Zhou, You Fu:
Modeling and monitoring of E-commerce workflows. 995-1006 - Jinhua Zhang, Jian Zhuang, Haifeng Du, Sunan Wang:
Self-organizing genetic algorithm based tuning of PID controllers. 1007-1018 - Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du, Guozhen Xiao, Xiaolong Huang:
Linear complexity of binary Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 2k. 1019-1023
Volume 179, Number 8, March 2009
- Ricardo José Gabrielli Barreto Campello
, Eduardo R. Hruschka
On comparing two sequences of numbers and its applications to clustering analysis. 1025-1039 - Cagatay Catal
, Banu Diri
Investigating the effect of dataset size, metrics sets, and feature selection techniques on software fault prediction problem. 1040-1058 - B. Chandra, P. Paul Varghese:
Moving towards efficient decision tree construction. 1059-1069 - Xianbin Cao, Yanwu Xu
, D. Chen, Hong Qiao:
Associated evolution of a support vector machine-based classifier for pedestrian detection. 1070-1077 - Peyman Kouchakpour, Anthony Zaknich, Thomas Bräunl
Dynamic population variation in genetic programming. 1078-1091 - Eddie Cheng
, Linda M. Lesniak, Marc J. Lipman, László Lipták:
Conditional matching preclusion sets. 1092-1101 - Ian Reay, Scott Dick, James Miller:
An analysis of privacy signals on the World Wide Web: Past, present and future. 1102-1115 - Hong Zhu, Kevin Lü
, Renchao Jin
A practical mandatory access control model for XML databases. 1116-1133 - Li Li, Xiaodong Liu:
New results on delay-dependent robust stability criteria of uncertain fuzzy systems with state and input delays. 1134-1148 - Leonardo A. Mozelli
, Reinaldo M. Palhares
, Gustavo S. C. Avellar
A systematic approach to improve multiple Lyapunov function stability and stabilization conditions for fuzzy systems. 1149-1162 - Marius Tarnauceanu:
Distributivity in lattices of fuzzy subgroups. 1163-1168 - Dongrui Wu
, Jerry M. Mendel:
A comparative study of ranking methods, similarity measures and uncertainty measures for interval type-2 fuzzy sets. 1169-1192 - Xinwang Liu
Parameterized defuzzification with continuous weighted quasi-arithmetic means - An extension. 1193-1206 - Tofigh Allahviranloo
, Narsis Aftab Kiani
, M. Barkhordari Ahmadi:
Toward the existence and uniqueness of solutions of second-order fuzzy differential equations. 1207-1215
Volume 179, Number 9, April 2009
- Janusz Szczepanski
On the distribution function of the complexity of finite sequences. 1217-1220 - Koen Maes, Andrea Mesiarová-Zemánková:
Cancellativity properties for t-norms and t-subnorms. 1221-1233 - Hao Cheng, Khanh Vu, Kien A. Hua:
SubSpace Projection: A unified framework for a class of partition-based dimension reduction techniques. 1234-1248 - Xueling Ma, Jianming Zhan
Generalized fuzzy h-bi-ideals and h-quasi-ideals of hemirings. 1249-1268 - Iuon-Chang Lin, Chin-Chen Chang:
A countable and time-bound password-based user authentication scheme for the applications of electronic commerce. 1269-1277 - Balasubramaniam Jayaram
, Radko Mesiar:
I-Fuzzy equivalence relations and I-fuzzy partitions. 1278-1297 - Aydin Ulas
, Murat Semerci
, Olcay Taner Yildiz
, Ethem Alpaydin
Incremental construction of classifier and discriminant ensembles. 1298-1318 - Shaocheng Tong, Yongming Li, Peng Shi:
Fuzzy adaptive backstepping robust control for SISO nonlinear system with dynamic uncertainties. 1319-1332 - Sheshayya A. Choudum, Indhumathi Raman:
On embedding subclasses of height-balanced trees in hypercubes. 1333-1347 - Cheqing Jin, Bolin Ding, Jeffrey Xu Yu:
Making filters smart in distributed data stream environments. 1348-1361 - Thierry Denoeux
Extending stochastic ordering to belief functions on the real line. 1362-1376
Volume 179, Number 10, April 2009
- Tadeusz Burczynski:
Information Sciences Special Issue on Artificial Immune Systems. 1377-1378
- Amy L. Bauer, Catherine Beauchemin
, Alan S. Perelson:
Agent-based modeling of host-pathogen systems: The successes and challenges. 1379-1389
- Zhou Ji, Dipankar Dasgupta:
V-detector: An efficient negative selection algorithm with "probably adequate" detector coverage. 1390-1406 - Michal Bereta
, Tadeusz Burczynski:
Immune K-means and negative selection algorithms for data analysis. 1407-1425 - Pablo Alberto Dalbem de Castro
, Fernando J. Von Zuben
BAIS: A Bayesian Artificial Immune System for the effective handling of building blocks. 1426-1440
- Rodrigo Pasti
, Leandro Nunes de Castro
Bio-inspired and gradient-based algorithms to train MLPs: The influence of diversity. 1441-1453 - Thiago A. S. Masutti, Leandro Nunes de Castro
A self-organizing neural network using ideas from the immune system to solve the traveling salesman problem. 1454-1468
- Adriel Lau, Petr Musílek
Immune programming models of Cryptosporidium parvum inactivation by ozone and chlorine dioxide. 1469-1482 - Erkan Ülker
, Ahmet Arslan
Automatic knot adjustment using an artificial immune system for B-spline curve approximation. 1483-1494
- Krzysztof Trojanowski
, Slawomir T. Wierzchon
Immune-based algorithms for dynamic optimization. 1495-1515 - Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh:
A multi-modal immune algorithm for the job-shop scheduling problem. 1516-1532
- Özer Uygun
, Ercan Öztemel, Cemalettin Kubat:
Scenario based distributed manufacturing simulation using HLA technologies. 1533-1541 - Sevil Sentürk, Nihal Erginel
Development of fuzzy X-R and X-S control charts using alpha-cuts. 1542-1551 - Ihsan Kaya
A genetic algorithm approach to determine the sample size for attribute control charts. 1552-1566
Volume 179, Number 11, May 2009
- Yukio Ohsawa, Katsutoshi Yada:
Special issue on chance discovery - Discovery of significant events for decision making. 1567-1569 - Chao-Fu Hong:
Qualitative Chance Discovery - Extracting competitive advantages. 1570-1583 - Hironori Takeuchi, L. Venkata Subramaniam, Tetsuya Nasukawa, Shourya Roy:
Getting insights from the voices of customers: Conversation mining at a contact center. 1584-1591 - Yoko Nishihara, Wataru Sunayama:
Estimation of friendship and hierarchy from conversation records. 1592-1598 - Kevin J. Burns, Heath A. Demaree
A chance to learn: On matching probabilities to optimize utilities. 1599-1607 - Vladimir V. Rybakov
Logic of knowledge and discovery via interacting agents - Decision algorithm for true and satisfiable statements. 1608-1614 - Shusaku Tsumoto:
Contingency matrix theory: Statistical dependence in a contingency table. 1615-1627 - Lorenzo Magnani
Abducing chances in hybrid humans as decision makers. 1628-1638 - Jun Nakamura, Yukio Ohsawa:
A shift of mind - Introducing a concept creation model. 1639-1646
- Javier Herranz
On the transferability of private signatures. 1647-1656 - Ángel Martín del Rey, Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez
Selling multiple secrets to a single buyer. 1657-1662 - Jordi Nin
, Vicenç Torra
Towards the evaluation of time series protection methods. 1663-1677 - A. Tripathi, T. Suman Kumar Reddy, Sanjay Madria, Hrushikesha Mohanty, R. K. Ghosh:
Algorithms for validating E-tickets in mobile computing environment. 1678-1693 - Fei Li, Yunqiang Yin:
Approaches to knowledge reduction of covering decision systems based on information theory. 1694-1704 - Ben-Jye Chang, Ying-Hsin Liang, Yan-Min Lin:
Distributed route repair for increasing reliability and reducing control overhead for multicasting in wireless MANET. 1705-1723 - Yuh-Jiuan Tsay, Tain-Jung Hsu, Jing-Rung Yu:
FIUT: A new method for mining frequent itemsets. 1724-1737 - Juan Luis Castro
, María Navarro, José M. Sánchez, Jose Manuel Zurita:
Loss and gain functions for CBR retrieval. 1738-1750 - Young Bae Jun, Hee Sik Kim, Joseph Neggers:
Pseudo d-algebras. 1751-1759 - Sunil Mathew
, M. S. Sunitha:
Types of arcs in a fuzzy graph. 1760-1768 - Adel Alaeddini, Mehdi Ghazanfari
, Majid Amin Nayeri:
A hybrid fuzzy-statistical clustering approach for estimating the time of changes in fixed and variable sampling control charts. 1769-1784 - Jianxi Fan, Jiwen Yang, Guodong Zhou
, Lei Zhao, Wenzhe Zhang:
Diagnosable evaluation of DCC linear congruential graphs under the PMC diagnostic model. 1785-1791 - Hua-Peng Zhang
, Jin-Xuan Fang:
A note on locally bounded L-topological vector spaces. 1792-1794
Volume 179, Number 12, May 2009
- Amanda Spink, Bernard J. Jansen
Web search. 1795 - Nadine Höchstötter, Dirk Lewandowski
What users see - Structures in search engine results pages. 1796-1812 - Alexander Hubmann-Haidvogel
, Arno Scharl
, Albert Weichselbraun
Multiple coordinated views for searching and navigating Web content repositories. 1813-1821 - Daniel Gayo-Avello
A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. 1822-1843 - David J. Brenes, Daniel Gayo-Avello
Stratified analysis of AOL query log. 1844-1858 - Masaya Murata
, Hiroyuki Toda, Yumiko Matsuura, Ryoji Kataoka:
Access concentration detection in click logs to improve mobile Web-IR. 1859-1869 - Kerstin Denecke
, Wolfgang Nejdl
How valuable is medical social media data? Content analysis of the medical web. 1870-1880 - Carlos M. Lorenzetti
, Ana Gabriela Maguitman:
A semi-supervised incremental algorithm to automatically formulate topical queries. 1881-1892
- Gerasimos G. Rigatos:
Fault detection and isolation based on fuzzy automata. 1893-1902 - Kai-Yuan Cai, Bei-Bei Yin:
Software execution processes as an evolving complex network. 1903-1928 - Bao-Gang Hu
, Han-Bing Qu, Yong Wang, Shuang-Hong Yang:
A generalized-constraint neural network model: Associating partially known relationships for nonlinear regressions. 1929-1943 - Yujia Wang, Yupu Yang:
Particle swarm optimization with preference order ranking for multi-objective optimization. 1944-1959 - Hong Chen, Luoqing Li, Jiangtao Peng:
Error bounds of multi-graph regularized semi-supervised classification. 1960-1969 - Minqiang Li, Zhichun Wang:
A hybrid coevolutionary algorithm for designing fuzzy classifiers. 1970-1983 - Hyun-Ho Lee, Won-Suk Lee:
Selectivity-sensitive shared evaluation of multiple continuous XPath queries over XML streams. 1984-2001 - Zhu Jiang, YongXuan Huang:
Parametric calibration of speed-density relationships in mesoscopic traffic simulator with data mining. 2002-2013 - Rafael Álvarez
, Leandro Tortosa
, José-Francisco Vicent
, Antonio Zamora
Analysis and design of a secure key exchange scheme. 2014-2021 - Gia Sirbiladze, Bezhan Ghvaberidze, Temur Latsabidze, Bidzina Matsaberidze:
Using a minimal fuzzy covering in decision-making problems. 2022-2027 - Yong Chan Kim, Young Sun Kim:
(L, (.))-approximation spaces and (L, (.))-fuzzy quasi-uniform spaces. 2028-2048 - Tofigh Allahviranloo
, Mahmoud Shafiee
, Y. Nejatbakhsh:
A note on "Fuzzy differential equations and the extension principle". 2049-2051
Volume 179, Number 13, June 2009
- Oscar Castillo
, Patricia Melin
Editorial to the special issue on high order fuzzy sets. 2053-2054 - Sarah Greenfield
, Francisco Chiclana
, Simon Coupland, Robert I. John
The collapsing method of defuzzification for discretised interval type-2 fuzzy sets. 2055-2069 - Zhong-Xing Wang, Yong-Jun Liu
, Zhi-Ping Fan, Bo Feng:
Ranking L-R fuzzy number based on deviation degree. 2070-2077 - Olivia Mendoza
, Patricia Melin
, Guillermo Licea
A hybrid approach for image recognition combining type-2 fuzzy logic, modular neural networks and the Sugeno integral. 2078-2101 - Byung-In Choi, Frank Chung-Hoon Rhee:
Interval type-2 fuzzy membership function generation methods for pattern recognition. 2102-2122 - Denisse Hidalgo, Oscar Castillo
, Patricia Melin
Type-1 and type-2 fuzzy inference systems as integration methods in modular neural networks for multimodal biometry and its optimization with genetic algorithms. 2123-2145 - Gerardo M. Mendez, María de los Angeles Hernandez M.:
Hybrid learning for interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems based on orthogonal least-squares and back-propagation methods. 2146-2157 - Ricardo Martínez-Soto, Oscar Castillo
, Luis T. Aguilar
Optimization of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers for a perturbed autonomous wheeled mobile robot using genetic algorithms. 2158-2174 - Juan R. Castro
, Oscar Castillo
, Patricia Melin
, Antonio Rodríguez Díaz
A hybrid learning algorithm for a class of interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks. 2175-2193
- Gwanggil Jeon
, Marco Anisetti
, Valerio Bellandi
, Ernesto Damiani
, Jechang Jeong:
Designing of a type-2 fuzzy logic filter for improving edge-preserving restoration of interlaced-to-progressive conversion. 2194-2207 - Sebastián Maldonado
, Richard Weber
A wrapper method for feature selection using Support Vector Machines. 2208-2217 - Anthony J. T. Lee, Yi-An Chen, Weng-Chong Ip:
Mining frequent trajectory patterns in spatial-temporal databases. 2218-2231 - Esmat Rashedi
, Hossein Nezamabadi-pour
, Saeid Saryazdi
GSA: A Gravitational Search Algorithm. 2232-2248 - Hai-Tao Zheng, Bo-Yeong Kang
, Hong-Gee Kim
Exploiting noun phrases and semantic relationships for text document clustering. 2249-2262 - Kuo-Fong Kao, I-En Liao:
An index selection method without repeated optimizer estimations. 2263-2272 - Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee:
Nearest neighbor editing aided by unlabeled data. 2273-2282 - Chin-Chen Chang, Pei-Yu Lin
, Jieh-Shan Yeh:
Preserving robustness and removability for digital watermarks using subsampling and difference correlation. 2283-2293
- Tsung-Han Chang, Tien-Chin Wang:
Erratum to "Using the fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for measuring the possibility of successful knowledge management" [Information Sciences 179 (4) (2009) 355-370]. 2294-2295
Volume 179, Number 14, June 2009
- Luis Martínez-López
, Da Ruan, Francisco Herrera, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
, Paul P. Wang:
Linguistic decision making: Tools and applications. 2297-2298 - Guangquan Zhang
, Jie Lu
A linguistic intelligent user guide for method selection in multi-objective decision support systems. 2299-2308 - José Luis García-Lapresta
, Miguel Martínez-Panero
, Luis Carlos Meneses:
Defining the Borda count in a linguistic decision making context. 2309-2316 - Isis Truck, Herman Akdag:
A tool for aggregation with words. 2317-2324 - Zheng Pei, Yang Xu, Da Ruan, Keyun Qin:
Extracting complex linguistic data summaries from personnel database via simple linguistic aggregations. 2325-2332 - Pedro J. Sánchez, Luis Martínez-López
, Carlos García-Martínez
, Francisco Herrera
, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
A fuzzy model to evaluate the suitability of installing an enterprise resource planning system. 2333-2341
- Klaas Bosteels, Etienne E. Kerre:
On a reflexivity-preserving family of cardinality-based fuzzy comparison measures. 2342-2352 - Xin Gao, Cuilian You:
Maximum entropy membership functions for discrete fuzzy variables. 2353-2361 - Yuncheng Jiang, Yong Tang, Ju Wang, Suqin Tang:
Reasoning within intuitionistic fuzzy rough description logics. 2362-2378 - Qian Yin, Zhiyong Yuan, Ping Guo
Studies on the distribution of the shortest linear recurring sequences. 2379-2389 - Antonio Sala
, Ángel Cuenca
, Julián Salt
A retunable PID multi-rate controller for a networked control system. 2390-2402 - Chen-Fang Tsai, Kuo-Ming Chao
Chromosome refinement for optimising multiple supply chains. 2403-2415 - Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu
, Kaibiao Sun, Hongxing Li:
Some scheduling problems with general position-dependent and time-dependent learning effects. 2416-2425 - Leila Golshani, Einollah Pasha, Gholamhossein Yari:
Some properties of Rényi entropy and Rényi entropy rate. 2426-2433 - Suh-Wen Chiou
A bi-level programming for logistics network design with system-optimized flows. 2434-2441 - Fan Min
, Qihe Liu:
A hierarchical model for test-cost-sensitive decision systems. 2442-2452 - Lei Guo
, Xingwei Wang, Jiannong Cao
, Yu Zhang, Xiaobing Zheng, Xuekui Wang, Weigang Hou:
A survivable routing algorithm with differentiated domain protection based on a virtual topology graph in multi-domain optical networks. 2453-2459 - Hsien-Wen Tseng, Chi-Pin Hsieh:
Prediction-based reversible data hiding. 2460-2469 - Yan-Haw Chen, Trieu-Kien Truong, Chien-Hsiang Huang, Chih-Hua Chien:
A Lookup Table Decoding of systematic (47, 24, 11) quadratic residue code. 2470-2477 - William Zhu:
Relationship among basic concepts in covering-based rough sets. 2478-2486 - Pao-Lien Lai, Hong-Chun Hsu:
Constructing the nearly shortest path in crossed cubes. 2487-2493 - Yuhui Deng:
Exploiting the performance gains of modern disk drives by enhancing data locality. 2494-2511
Volume 179, Number 15, July 2009
- Jianming Yong
, Weiming Shen
, Yun Yang:
Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Techniques and applications. 2513-2514 - Debbie Richards
A social software/Web 2.0 approach to collaborative knowledge engineering. 2515-2523 - Rafael Studart Monclar, Alessandro Tecla, Jonice Oliveira
, Jano Moreira de Souza:
MEK: Using spatial-temporal information to improve social networks and knowledge dissemination. 2524-2537 - Vanessa Tavares Nunes, Flávia Maria Santoro, Marcos R. S. Borges
A context-based model for Knowledge Management embodied in work processes. 2538-2554 - Nazaraf Shah
, Rahat Iqbal
, Anne E. James
, Kashif Iqbal:
Exception representation and management in open multi-agent systems. 2555-2561 - Yingchun Yuan, Xiaoping Li
, Qian Wang, Xia Zhu:
Deadline division-based heuristic for cost optimization in workflow scheduling. 2562-2575 - David W. Hsiao, Amy J. C. Trappey, Lin Ma, Pei-Shun Ho:
An integrated platform of collaborative project management and silicon intellectual property management for IC design industry. 2576-2590 - Qiang He, Jun Yan
, Ryszard Kowalczyk
, Hai Jin, Yun Yang:
Lifetime service level agreement management with autonomous agents for services provision. 2591-2605 - Donglai Zhu, Yinsheng Li, Junshuai Shi, Yingxiao Xu
, Weiming Shen
A service-oriented city portal framework and collaborative development platform. 2606-2617 - Junzhou Luo, Xudong Ni, Jianming Yong
A trust degree based access control in grid environments. 2618-2628 - Yuqing Sun
, Bin Gong, Xiangxu Meng, Zongkai Lin, Elisa Bertino:
Specification and enforcement of flexible security policy for active cooperation. 2629-2642 - Sergio F. Ochoa, Valeria Herskovic, Edgard Pineda, José A. Pino:
A transformational model for Organizational Memory Systems management with privacy concerns. 2643-2655
- Radim Belohlávek, Michal Krupka
Grouping fuzzy sets by similarity. 2656-2661 - Yu-lung Lo, Chu-Hui Lee, Chun-Hsiung Wang:
Scalable multi-feature index structure for music databases. 2662-2675 - Chaio-Shiung Chen:
Dynamic structure adaptive neural fuzzy control for MIMO uncertain nonlinear systems. 2676-2688 - Fabrizio Durante
, Roberto Ghiselli Ricci:
Supermigrative semi-copulas and triangular norms. 2689-2694 - Lavinia Corina Ciungu:
The radical of a perfect residuated structure. 2695-2709 - Violeta Leoreanu Fotea:
A new type of fuzzy n-ary hyperstructures. 2710-2718
Volume 179, Number 16, July 2009
- Yair Neuman, Ophir Nave
Metaphor-based meaning excavation. 2719-2728 - Alain Gély, Raoul Medina, Lhouari Nourine:
Representing lattices using many-valued relations. 2729-2739 - Der-Chiang Li
, Yao-Hwei Fang
, Yung-Yao Lai, Susan C. Hu:
Utilization of virtual samples to facilitate cancer identification for DNA microarray data in the early stages of an investigation. 2740-2753 - Ibrahim Özkan
, Lutfi Erden
, I. Burhan Türksen:
A fuzzy analysis of country-size argument for the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle. 2754-2761 - Huan Huang, Congxin Wu:
Approximation capabilities of multilayer fuzzy neural networks on the set of fuzzy-valued functions. 2762-2773 - Zuqiang Meng, Zhongzhi Shi:
A fast approach to attribute reduction in incomplete decision systems with tolerance relation-based rough sets. 2774-2793 - Xing Jiang, Ah-Hwee Tan
Learning and inferencing in user ontology for personalized Semantic Web search. 2794-2808 - Yuhua Qian, Chuangyin Dang
, Jiye Liang
, Dawei Tang:
Set-valued ordered information systems. 2809-2832 - Jun-Ki Min, Chun-Hee Lee, Chin-Wan Chung:
AMID: Approximation of MultI-measured Data using SVD. 2833-2850 - Bing Chen, Hongyi Li, Peng Shi, Chong Lin
, Qi Zhou:
Delay-dependent stability analysis and controller synthesis for Markovian jump systems with state and input delays. 2851-2860
Volume 179, Number 17, August 2009
- Fabrizio Durante
, Radko Mesiar, Susanne Saminger-Platz
Editorial to the special issue devoted to "Copulas, measures and integrals". 2861-2862 - Piotr Jaworski
On copulas and their diagonals. 2863-2871 - Jan-Frederik Mai, Matthias Scherer:
Efficiently sampling exchangeable Cuadras-Augé copulas in high dimensions. 2872-2877 - Giovanna Nappo
, Fabio Spizzichino:
Kendall distributions and level sets in bivariate exchangeable survival models. 2878-2890 - Antonio Boccuto
, Domenico Candeloro
Integral and ideals in Riesz spaces. 2891-2902 - József Bukor
, Ladislav Misík
, János T. Tóth
Dependence of densities on a parameter. 2903-2911 - Dana Hlinená, Martin Kalina
, Pavol Král
Choquet integral with respect to Lukasiewicz filters, and its modifications. 2912-2922 - Ivana Stajner-Papuga
, Tatjana Grbic, Martina Danková:
Pseudo-Riemann-Stieltjes integral. 2923-2933
- Andreas M. Hinz, Anton Kostov, Fabian Kneißl, Fatma Sürer, Adrian Danek
A mathematical model and a computer tool for the Tower of Hanoi and Tower of London puzzles. 2934-2947 - Sheng Zhong, Zhiqiang Yang, Tingting Chen:
k-Anonymous data collection. 2948-2963 - Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi
, Elham Parvinnia, Robert I. John:
A method of learning weighted similarity function to improve the performance of nearest neighbor. 2964-2973 - Yanyong Guan
, Hongkai Wang, Yun Wang, Fang Yang:
Attribute reduction and optimal decision rules acquisition for continuous valued information systems. 2974-2984 - Suh-Wen Chiou
Optimization for signal setting problems using non-smooth techniques. 2985-2996 - Jiuping Xu, Xiaoyang Zhou:
A class of multi-objective expected value decision-making model with birandom coefficients and its application to flow shop scheduling problem. 2997-3017 - Zhitao Zhao, Congxin Wu:
The equivalence of convergences of sequences of fuzzy numbers and its applications to the characterization of compact sets. 3018-3025 - Zhou-Jing Wang
, Kevin W. Li
, Weize Wang
An approach to multiattribute decision making with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy assessments and incomplete weights. 3026-3040 - Jiuxiang Dong, Guang-Hong Yang:
H∞ control design for fuzzy discrete-time singularly perturbed systems via slow state variables feedback: An LMI-based approach. 3041-3058
Volume 179, Number 18, August 2009
- Gianluigi Folino
, Agostino Forestiero
, Giandomenico Spezzano:
An adaptive flocking algorithm for performing approximate clustering. 3059-3078 - Qinglin Guo, Ming Zhang:
A novel approach for multi-agent-based Intelligent Manufacturing System. 3079-3090 - James F. Peters, Piotr Wasilewski
Foundations of near sets. 3091-3109 - Xie-Bin Chen:
Many-to-many disjoint paths in faulty hypercubes. 3110-3115 - Amr M. Youssef:
Cryptanalysis of a knapsack-based probabilistic encryption scheme. 3116-3121 - Shangwei Lin
, Shiying Wang:
Super p-restricted edge connectivity of line graphs. 3122-3126 - T. C. Edwin Cheng
, Peng-Jen Lai, Chin-Chia Wu
, Wen-Chiung Lee:
Single-machine scheduling with sum-of-logarithm-processing-times-based learning considerations. 3127-3135 - Hongchan Roh, Woo-Cheol Kim, Seung-Woo Kim, Sanghyun Park:
A B-Tree index extension to enhance response time and the life cycle of flash memory. 3136-3161 - Zhen He
, Prakash Veeraraghavan
Fine-grained updates in database management systems for flash memory. 3162-3181 - Jianming Zhan
, Young Bae Jun:
Notes on redefined fuzzy implicative filters of lattice implication algebras. 3182-3186 - Chen Peng, Yu-Chu Tian
Delay-dependent robust H∞ control for uncertain systems with time-varying delay. 3187-3197
Volume 179, Number 19, September 2009
- Daniel S. Yeung, Patrick P. K. Chan, Wing W. Y. Ng
Radial Basis Function network learning using localized generalization error bound. 3199-3217 - Min-Ling Zhang
, José María Peña Sánchez, Víctor Robles
Feature selection for multi-label naive Bayes classification. 3218-3229 - Sriparna Saha, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay:
A new point symmetry based fuzzy genetic clustering technique for automatic evolution of clusters. 3230-3246 - Du-shiau Tsai, Gwoboa Horng
, Tzungher Chen
, Yao-Te Huang:
A novel secret image sharing scheme for true-color images with size constraint. 3247-3254 - José Manuel Cadenas
, M. Carmen Garrido
, Enrique Muñoz Ballester:
Using machine learning in a cooperative hybrid parallel strategy of metaheuristics. 3255-3267 - Vagelis Hristidis
, Oscar Valdivia, Michail Vlachos
, Philip S. Yu:
Information discovery across multiple streams. 3268-3285 - Jun-Seok Heo, Kyu-Young Whang, Min-Soo Kim, Yi-Reun Kim, Il-Yeol Song:
The partitioned-layer index: Answering monotone top-k queries using the convex skyline and partitioning-merging technique. 3286-3308 - Angus F. M. Huang, Chi-Wei Lan, Stephen J. H. Yang
An optimal QoS-based Web service selection scheme. 3309-3322 - Abhishek Parakh, Subhash C. Kak:
Online data storage using implicit security. 3323-3331 - Jun-Xiang Wang, Zhe-Ming Lu:
A path optional lossless data hiding scheme based on VQ joint neighboring coding. 3332-3348 - Tzu-Chao Lin, Chao-Ming Lin:
Wavelet-based copyright-protection scheme for digital images based on local features. 3349-3358 - Xingquan Zuo
, Hongwei Mo, Jianping Wu:
A robust scheduling method based on a multi-objective immune algorithm. 3359-3369 - Lizhen Wang, Lihua Zhou, Joan Lu
, Jim Yip:
An order-clique-based approach for mining maximal co-locations. 3370-3382 - Fabrizio Durante
, José Antonio Rodríguez-Lallena
, Manuel Úbeda-Flores
New constructions of diagonal patchwork copulas. 3383-3391 - Sergio García-Nieto
, José Vicente Salcedo
, Miguel A. Martínez
, David Laurí:
Air management in a diesel engine using fuzzy control techniques. 3392-3409 - Congxin Wu, Hongliang Li
, Xuekun Ren:
A note on the sendograph metric of fuzzy numbers. 3410-3417 - Jerry M. Mendel:
On answering the question "Where do I start in order to solve a new problem involving interval type-2 fuzzy sets?". 3418-3431 - Huaiqin Wu:
Global stability analysis of a general class of discontinuous neural networks with linear growth activation functions. 3432-3441 - Qing Zhou, Xiaofeng Liao, Kwok-Wo Wong, Yue Hu, Di Xiao:
True random number generator based on mouse movement and chaotic hash function. 3442-3450 - Tsung-Ching Lin, Trieu-Kien Truong, Hung-Peng Lee, Hsin-Chiu Chang:
Algebraic decoding of the (41, 21, 9) Quadratic Residue code. 3451-3459
Volume 179, Number 20, September 2009
- Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Maurizio Naldi
, Ángel M. Pérez-Bellido, Antonio Portilla-Figueras
, Emilio G. Ortíz-García:
Evolutionary design of oriented-tree networks using Cayley-type encodings. 3461-3472 - Sergio Ferrández, Antonio Toral, Óscar Ferrández, Antonio Ferrández
, Rafael Muñoz
Exploiting Wikipedia and EuroWordNet to solve Cross-Lingual Question Answering. 3473-3488 - Sungbo Seo, Jaewoo Kang, Keun Ho Ryu:
Multivariable stream data classification using motifs and their temporal relations. 3489-3504 - Duen-Ren Liu, Chin-Hui Lai, Wang-Jung Lee:
A hybrid of sequential rules and collaborative filtering for product recommendation. 3505-3519 - Siyamand Ayubi, Maybin K. Muyeba, Ahmad Baraani-Dastjerdi, John A. Keane:
An algorithm to mine general association rules from tabular data. 3520-3539 - Chuan Shi, Zhenyu Yan, Kevin Lü
, Zhongzhi Shi, Bai Wang:
A dominance tree and its application in evolutionary multi-objective optimization. 3540-3560 - Roelof Kars Brouwer:
A method of relational fuzzy clustering based on producing feature vectors using FastMap. 3561-3582 - Ramiz M. Aliguliyev
Performance evaluation of density-based clustering methods. 3583-3602 - Zhi-Ping Fan, Bo Feng:
A multiple attributes decision making method using individual and collaborative attribute data in a fuzzy environment. 3603-3618 - George A. Papakostas
, Dimitris E. Koulouriotis
, Evangelos G. Karakasis:
A unified methodology for the efficient computation of discrete orthogonal image moments. 3619-3633 - Jirí Fink
, Petr Gregor
Long paths and cycles in hypercubes with faulty vertices. 3634-3644 - Giuseppe Sergioli
, Antonio Ledda
, Francesco Paoli, Roberto Giuntini
, Tomasz Kowalski
, Franco Montagna, Hector Freytes, Claudio Marini:
Two cooperative versions of the Guessing Secrets problem. 3645-3658 - Jiang Wu, D. Manivannan
, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for transaction-consistent global checkpoints in a distributed database system. 3659-3672 - Murat Ak
, Kamer Kaya, Ali Aydin Selçuk
Optimal subset-difference broadcast encryption with free riders. 3673-3684 - Shuang Chang
, Duncan S. Wong, Yi Mu, Zhenfeng Zhang:
Certificateless Threshold Ring Signature. 3685-3696 - Jun Yang, Shouming Zhong, Guihua Li, Wenpin Luo:
Robust H∞ filter design for uncertain fuzzy neutral systems. 3697-3710 - Tao Li, Lei Guo, Xin Xin:
Improved delay-dependent bounded real lemma for uncertain time-delay systems. 3711-3719 - Osman Kazanci, Sultan Yamak:
Fuzzy ideals and semiprime fuzzy ideals in semigroups. 3720-3731
- Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Agusti Solanas
Erratum to "A measure of variance for hierarchical nominal attributes". 3732
Volume 179, Number 21, October 2009
- Joong Hyuk Chang, Hye-Chung (Monica) Kum:
Frequency-based load shedding over a data stream of tuples. 3733-3744 - Guoliang Li, Chen Li, Jianhua Feng, Lizhu Zhou:
SAIL: Structure-aware indexing for effective and progressive top-k keyword search over XML documents. 3745-3762 - Tomás Dvorák
, Václav Koubek:
Long paths in hypercubes with a quadratic number of faults. 3763-3771 - Jen-Ya Wang, Kuen-Fang Jea:
A near-optimal database allocation for reducing the average waiting time in the grid computing environment. 3772-3790 - Ágnes Vathy-Fogarassy
, János Abonyi:
Local and global mappings of topology representing networks. 3791-3803 - Yugang Niu, Tinggang Jia, Xingyu Wang, Fuwen Yang
Output-feedback control design for NCSs subject to quantization and dropout. 3804-3813
Volume 179, Number 22, November 2009
- Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis
, Andrea Brega:
Feature selection via Boolean independent component analysis. 3815-3831 - Jean-François Bercher
, Christophe Vignat:
On minimum Fisher information distributions with restricted support and fixed variance. 3832-3842 - Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong, Young-Koo Lee:
Sliding window-based frequent pattern mining over data streams. 3843-3865 - Younho Lee
, Heeyoul Kim, Yongsu Park:
A new data hiding scheme for binary image authentication with small image distortion. 3866-3884 - Wen-Chiung Lee, Chin-Chia Wu
Some single-machine and m-machine flowshop scheduling problems with learning considerations. 3885-3892 - Yung-Chung Wang, Chwan-Lu Tseng, Ren-Guey Chu, Fu-Hsiang Tsai:
Per-stream loss behavior of Sigma MAP/M/1/K queuing system with a random early detection mechanism. 3893-3907 - Ronald R. Yager:
On the dispersion measure of OWA operators. 3908-3919 - Yongbing Wang, Yongming Li
Approximation of fuzzy context-free grammars. 3920-3929 - Jui-Chung Hung
A Fuzzy Asymmetric GARCH model applied to stock markets. 3930-3943 - Wen-an Zhang, Li Yu, Hongbo Song
Hinfinity filtering of networked discrete-time systems with random packet losses. 3944-3955
Volume 179, Number 23, November 2009
- Enric Trillas, Ana Pradera
, Angel Alvarez:
On the reducibility of hypotheses and consequences. 3957-3963 - Wolfgang Trutschnig
, Gil González-Rodríguez
, Ana Colubi, María Angeles Gil
A new family of metrics for compact, convex (fuzzy) sets based on a generalized concept of mid and spread. 3964-3972 - Gracián Triviño, Luis Mengual
, Albert van der Heide:
Towards an architecture for semiautonomous robot telecontrol systems. 3973-3984 - Christian Borgelt:
Accelerating fuzzy clustering. 3985-3997 - Óscar Ibáñez
, Lucia Ballerini
, Oscar Cordón
, Sergio Damas
, José Santamaría
An experimental study on the applicability of evolutionary algorithms to craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification. 3998-4028 - Pedro R. M. Inácio
, Branka Lakic, Mário M. Freire
, Manuela Pereira
, Paulo P. Monteiro
The design and evaluation of the Simple Self-Similar Sequences Generator. 4029-4045 - Seppo J. Ovaska, Bernhard Sick
, Alden H. Wright:
Periodical switching between related goals for improving evolvability to a fixed goal in multi-objective problems. 4046-4056 - Shuming Wang, Junzo Watada:
Fuzzy random renewal reward process and its applications. 4057-4069 - Naseem Ajmal, Aparna Jain:
Some constructions of the join of fuzzy subgroups and certain lattices of fuzzy subgroups with sup property. 4070-4082 - Shuo-Yan Chou, Jennifer Shu-Jen Lin, Peterson Julian
A note on "Solving linear programming problems under fuzziness and randomness environment using attainment values". 4083-4088
Volume 179, Number 24, December 2009
- Michaël Rademaker
, Bernard De Baets
, Hans E. De Meyer:
Loss optimal monotone relabeling of noisy multi-criteria data sets. 4089-4096 - Eitan Menahem, Lior Rokach, Yuval Elovici:
Troika - An improved stacking schema for classification tasks. 4097-4122 - Damian Dudek
RMAIN: Association rules maintenance without reruns through data. 4123-4139 - Duoqian Miao, Yan Zhao, Yiyu Yao
, Huaxiong Li, Feifei Xu:
Relative reducts in consistent and inconsistent decision tables of the Pawlak rough set model. 4140-4150 - Victoria Nebot
, Rafael Berlanga Llavori
Efficient retrieval of ontology fragments using an interval labeling scheme. 4151-4173 - Soonyong Park, Soohwan Kim
, Mignon Park, Sung-Kee Park:
Vision-based global localization for mobile robots with hybrid maps of objects and spatial layouts. 4174-4198 - Ahmed M. Al-Adilee
, Olga Nánásiová
Copula and s-map on a quantum logic. 4199-4207 - Margarita Mas
, Miquel Monserrat, Joan Torrens
The law of importation for discrete implications. 4208-4218 - Luis Hernández Encinas
, Jaime Muñoz Masqué, A. Queiruga Dios
Analysis of the efficiency of the Chor-Rivest cryptosystem implementation in a safe-parameter range. 4219-4226 - Jeong Ok Kwon, Ik Rae Jeong, Dong Hoon Lee:
A forward-secure e-mail protocol without certificated public keys. 4227-4231 - Kitae Jeong, Changhoon Lee, Jongsung Kim, Seokhie Hong:
Security analysis of the SCO-family using key schedules. 4232-4242 - Xuan Hong:
Efficient threshold proxy signature protocol for mobile agents. 4243-4248 - Zhengqiang Zhang, Weisheng Chen:
Adaptive output feedback control of nonlinear systems with actuator failures. 4249-4260 - Yongping Li
, Guo H. Huang
Fuzzy-stochastic-based violation analysis method for planning water resources management systems with uncertain information. 4261-4276 - Masayuki Kageyama, Kakuzo Iwamura:
Discrete time credibilistic processes: Construction and convergences. 4277-4283 - Bae Jun Young:
Intuitionistic fuzzy transformation semigroups. 4284-4291

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