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Image and Vision Computing, Volume 27
Volume 27, Numbers 1-2, January 2009
- Robert Sim, Greg Mori, Yiannis Rekleitis:
Second and Third Canadian Conferences on Computer and Robot Vision. 1 - Luis Malagón-Borja, Olac Fuentes:
Object detection using image reconstruction with PCA. 2-9 - M. Sabry Hassouna, Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim
, Aly A. Farag:
PDE-based robust robotic navigation. 10-18 - Daniel Lévesque, François Deschênes:
Novel depth cues from light scattering. 19-36 - Yves Lucet:
New sequential exact Euclidean distance transform algorithms based on convex analysis. 37-44 - Fahong Li, Robert J. Woodham:
Video analysis of hockey play in selected game situations. 45-58 - Ghassan Hamarneh
, Xiaoxing Li:
Watershed segmentation using prior shape and appearance knowledge. 59-68 - Dana Cobzas, Martin Jägersand, Peter F. Sturm:
3D SSD tracking with estimated 3D planes. 69-79 - Nathan Mekuz, Christian Bauckhage
, John K. Tsotsos
Subspace manifold learning with sample weights. 80-86 - Ady Ecker, Shimon Ullman:
A hierarchical non-parametric method for capturing non-rigid deformations. 87-98 - Per-Erik Forssén, Anders Moe:
View matching with blob features. 99-107 - Christian Bauckhage
, John K. Tsotsos
, Frank E. Bunn:
Automatic detection of abnormal gait. 108-115 - Dimitri Marinakis, Gregory Dudek:
Self-calibration of a vision-based sensor network. 116-130 - Gustavo Carneiro
, Nuno Vasconcelos
Minimum Bayes error features for visual recognition. 131-140 - Sven Fleck, Florian Busch, Peter Biber, Wolfgang Straßer:
Graph cut based panoramic 3D modeling and ground truth comparison with a mobile platform - The Wägele. 141-152 - Jasper Snoek, Jesse Hoey, Liam Stewart, Richard S. Zemel, Alex Mihailidis
Automated detection of unusual events on stairs. 153-166 - Robert Sim, James J. Little:
Autonomous vision-based robotic exploration and mapping using hybrid maps and particle filters. 167-177 - Weihua Xiong, Brian V. Funt:
Stereo retinex. 178-188 - Wei-Lwun Lu, Kenji Okuma, James J. Little:
Tracking and recognizing actions of multiple hockey players using the boosted particle filter. 189-205 - Piali Das, Olga Veksler, Vyacheslav Zavadsky, Yuri Boykov:
Semiautomatic segmentation with compact shape prior. 206-219
Volume 27, Number 3, February 2009
- Massimo Tistarelli
, Josef Bigün
Image and vision computing journal special issue on multimodal biometrics. 221 - Massimo Tistarelli
, Manuele Bicego, Enrico Grosso:
Dynamic face recognition: From human to machine vision. 222-232 - Klaus Kollreider, Hartwig Fronthaler, Josef Bigün
Non-intrusive liveness detection by face images. 233-244 - Richa Singh
, Mayank Vatsa
, Afzel Noore:
Face recognition with disguise and single gallery images. 245-257 - Davide Maltoni, Raffaele Cappelli
Advances in fingerprint modeling. 258-268 - Tobias Scheidat, Claus Vielhauer, Jana Dittmann:
Handwriting verification - Comparison of a multi-algorithmic and a multi-semantic approach. 269-278 - Elena Vildjiounaite, Vesa Kyllönen, Heikki Ailisto
Empirical evaluation of combining unobtrusiveness and security requirements in multimodal biometric systems. 279-292 - Mayank Vatsa
, Richa Singh
, Afzel Noore:
Feature based RDWT watermarking for multimodal biometric system. 293-304 - Ben A. M. Schouten, Bart Jacobs:
Biometrics and their use in e-passports. 305-312
Volume 27, Number 4, March 2009
- Feng Zhang, Shang-qian Liu, Da-bao Wang, Wei Guan:
Aircraft recognition in infrared image using wavelet moment invariants. 313-318 - Pradeep Gnanaprakasam, Johné M. Parker, Subburengan Ganapathiraman, Zhen Hou:
Efficient 3D characterization of raised topological defects in smooth specular coatings. 319-330 - Martyn Nigel James Paley, Li Sze Chow
, Elspeth H. Whitby
, Greg G. Cook:
Modelling of axonal fields in the optic nerve for direct MR detection studies. 331-341 - Hongchuan Yu
, Mohammed Bennamoun
, Chin-Seng Chua:
An extension of min/max flow framework. 342-353 - André Vital Saúde, Michel Couprie, Roberto A. Lotufo
Discrete 2D and 3D euclidean medial axis in higher resolution. 354-363 - Yu He, Kim-Hui Yap
, Li Chen, Lap-Pui Chau
A soft MAP framework for blind super-resolution image reconstruction. 364-373 - Guido de Croon, Ida G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, Eric O. Postma
Comparing active vision models. 374-384 - Salah Ameer, Otman A. Basir
Image compression using plane fitting with inter-block prediction. 385-390 - Thomas Haenselmann, Marcel Busse, Stephan Kopf
, Thomas King, Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Multi perspective panoramic imaging. 391-401 - Maria Pavlou, Nigel M. Allinson
Automated encoding of footwear patterns for fast indexing. 402-409 - Lianghai Jin, Dehua Li, Enmin Song:
Combining vector ordering and spatial information for color image interpolation. 410-416 - James Humphreys, Andrew Hunter:
Multiple object tracking using a neural cost function. 417-424 - Gwanggil Jeon
, Marco Anisetti
, Donghyung Kim, Valerio Bellandi
, Ernesto Damiani
, Jechang Jeong:
Fuzzy rough sets hybrid scheme for motion and scene complexity adaptive deinterlacing. 425-436 - Jianguo Zhang
, Shaogang Gong:
People detection in low-resolution video with non-stationary background. 437-443 - Ghassan A. Al-Kindi, Bijan Shirinzadeh:
Feasibility assessment of vision-based surface roughness parameters acquisition for different types of machined specimens. 444-458 - Ward Van Aerschot, Maarten Jansen, Adhemar Bultheel
Normal mesh based geometrical image compression. 459-468 - Seyed Hossein Khatoonabadi, Mohammad Rahmati
Automatic soccer players tracking in goal scenes by camera motion elimination. 469-479 - Allan Hanbury, Beatriz Marcotegui:
Morphological segmentation on learned boundaries. 480-488 - Jesmin F. Khan, Reza R. Adhami, Sharif M. A. Bhuiyan:
A customized Gabor filter for unsupervised color image segmentation. 489-501
Volume 27, Number 5, April 2009
- Matthias Seise, Stephen J. McKenna
, Ian W. Ricketts, Carlos A. Wigderowitz:
Parts-based segmentation with overlapping part models using Markov chain Monte Carlo. 504-513 - Andrew N. Stein, Martial Hebert:
Local detection of occlusion boundaries in video. 514-522 - Diane Larlus, Frédéric Jurie:
Latent mixture vocabularies for object categorization and segmentation. 523-534 - Ivan Laptev:
Improving object detection with boosted histograms. 535-544 - Mark Everingham, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman:
Taking the bite out of automated naming of characters in TV video. 545-559 - José Miguel Buenaposada
, Enrique Muñoz, Luis Baumela:
Efficient illumination independent appearance-based face tracking. 560-578 - Karl Pauwels
, Marc M. Van Hulle:
Optic flow from unstable sequences through local velocity constancy maximization. 579-587 - Ethan Eade, Tom Drummond
Edge landmarks in monocular SLAM. 588-596 - Nuno Gracias
, Mohammad H. Mahoor
, Shahriar Negahdaripour, Arthur Gleason:
Fast image blending using watersheds and graph cuts. 597-607
Volume 27, Number 6, May 2009
- Sabrina Rami-Shojaei, Corinne Vachier, Christophe Schmitt:
Automatic analysis of 2D foam sequences: Application to the characterization of aqueous proteins foams stability. 609-622 - Dalong Li:
Support vector regression based image denoising. 623-627 - Michael Felsberg
, Sinan Kalkan
, Norbert Krüger
Continuous dimensionality characterization of image structures. 628-636 - B. R. Schlei:
A new computational framework for 2D shape-enclosing contours. 637-647 - Luis Rodriguez-Benitez
, Juan Moreno García
, José Jesús Castro-Schez
, Javier Albusac, Luis Jimenez Linares
Automatic objects behaviour recognition from compressed video domain. 648-657 - Chuen-Horng Lin, Rong-Tai Chen, Yung-Kuan Chan
A smart content-based image retrieval system based on color and texture feature. 658-665 - Carlo Arcelli, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja
, Luca Serino
A parallel algorithm to skeletonize the distance transform of 3D objects. 666-672 - Miguel Segui Prieto, Alastair R. Allen:
Using self-organising maps in the detection and recognition of road signs. 673-683 - Hideaki Kawano, Noriaki Suetake, Byungki Cha, Takashi Aso:
Sharpness preserving image enlargement by using self-decomposed codebook and Mahalanobis distance. 684-693 - Lance M. Kaplan, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Block Wiener-based image registration for moving target indication. 694-703 - Asif Masood, Muhammad Sarfraz:
Capturing outlines of 2D objects with Bézier cubic approximation. 704-712 - Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi
, Paul H. Lewis:
Query by low-quality image. 713-724 - Hong Zhou, Yonghuai Liu, Longzhuang Li, Baogang Wei:
A clustering approach to free form surface reconstruction from multi-view range images. 725-747 - Mark S. Drew, Tim K. Lee, Andrew Rova:
Shape retrieval with eigen-CSS search. 748-755 - Santiago Aja-Fernández
, Gonzalo Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero
, Marcos Martín-Fernández
, Carlos Alberola-López
Automatic noise estimation in images using local statistics. Additive and multiplicative cases. 756-770 - Martin Lillholm, Lewis D. Griffin:
Statistics and category systems for the shape index descriptor of local 2nd order natural image structure. 771-781 - Wei Pei, Yongying Zhu, Chong Liu, Zeyi Xia:
Non-uniformity correction for SLM microscopic images. 782-789 - Christian Daul, Juan Manuel Lopez-Hernandez, Didier Wolf, Gilles Karcher, Gérard Ethévenot:
3-D multimodal cardiac data superimposition using 2-D image registration and 3-D reconstruction from multiple views. 790-802 - Caifeng Shan
, Shaogang Gong, Peter W. McOwan:
Facial expression recognition based on Local Binary Patterns: A comprehensive study. 803-816 - Zheng Li, Pohuang Jiang, Hong Ma, Jian Yang, DongMing Tang:
A model for dynamic object segmentation with kernel density estimation based on gradient features. 817-823
- Sungho Kim, In-So Kweon:
Simultaneous place and object recognition using collaborative context information. 824-833
Volume 27, Number 7, June 2009
- Luc Brun
, Francisco Escolano:
Preface. 835-836
- Rocío González-Díaz, María José Jiménez
, Belén Medrano
, Pedro Real
A tool for integer homology computation: lambda-AT-model. 837-845 - Samuel Peltier, Adrian Ion, Walter G. Kropatsch, Guillaume Damiand
, Yll Haxhimusa:
Directly computing the generators of image homology using graph pyramids. 846-853
- Huiying Shen, James M. Coughlan, Volodymyr Ivanchenko:
Figure-ground segmentation using factor graphs. 854-863 - Kai Rothaus, Xiaoyi Jiang
, Paul Rhiem:
Separation of the retinal vascular graph in arteries and veins based upon structural knowledge. 864-875 - Aline Deruyver, Yann Hodé:
Qualitative spatial relationships for image interpretation by using a conceptual graph. 876-886 - Yll Haxhimusa, Walter G. Kropatsch, Zygmunt Pizlo, Adrian Ion:
Approximative graph pyramid solution of the E-TSP. 887-896
- Wendy Aguilar
, Yann Frauel, Francisco Escolano, M. Elena Martínez-Pérez, Arturo Espinosa-Romero
, Miguel Angel Lozano
A robust Graph Transformation Matching for non-rigid registration. 897-910 - Samuel Rota Bulò
, Andrea Torsello
, Marcello Pelillo:
A game-theoretic approach to partial clique enumeration. 911-922 - Jan Hendrik Metzen, Tim Kröger, Andrea Schenk
, Stephan Zidowitz, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Xiaoyi Jiang
Matching of anatomical tree structures for registration of medical images. 923-933 - David Emms
, Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock
Graph matching using the interference of discrete-time quantum walks. 934-949 - Kaspar Riesen
, Horst Bunke:
Approximate graph edit distance computation by means of bipartite graph matching. 950-959
- Miguel Angel Lozano
, Francisco Escolano, Boyan Bonev, Pablo Suau, Wendy Aguilar
, Juan Manuel Sáez, Miguel Cazorla
Region and constellations based categorization of images with unsupervised graph learning. 960-978 - Pasquale Foggia
, Gennaro Percannella
, Carlo Sansone
, Mario Vento:
Benchmarking graph-based clustering algorithms. 979-988
Volume 27, Number 8, July 2009
- Daniel Soukup, Ulrich Bodenhofer
, Markus Mittendorfer-Holzer, Konrad Mayer:
Semi-automatic identification of print layers from a sequence of sample images: A case study from banknote print inspection. 989-998 - R. Krishnamoorthi, N. Kannan:
A new integer image coding technique based on orthogonal polynomials. 999-1006 - Chi-Yi Tsai
, Kai-Tai Song:
Dynamic visual tracking control of a mobile robot with image noise and occlusion robustness. 1007-1022 - Arjan Kuijper
Geometrical PDEs based on second-order derivatives of gauge coordinates in image processing. 1023-1034 - Chengqing Li
, Shujun Li
, Guanrong Chen
, Wolfgang A. Halang:
Cryptanalysis of an image encryption scheme based on a compound chaotic sequence. 1035-1039 - Guangyi Chen, Gregory Dudek
Auto-correlation wavelet support vector machine. 1040-1046 - Hsien-Huang P. Wu, Meng-Tu Lee, Ping-Kuo Weng, Soon-Lin Chen:
Epipolar geometry of catadioptric stereo systems with planar mirrors. 1047-1061 - John A. Robinson:
Covariance estimation in full- and reduced-dimensionality image classification. 1062-1071 - Forough Farshidi, Shahin Sirouspour, Thia Kirubarajan:
Robust sequential view planning for object recognition using multiple cameras. 1072-1082 - Antonio Adán
, Andrés S. Vázquez, Carlos Cerrada
, Santiago Salamanca
Moving surface extraction based on unordered hexagonal perfect submaps projection: Applications to 3D feature tracking. 1083-1096 - Cecilia Di Ruberto
, Luigi Cinque:
Decomposition of two-dimensional shapes for efficient retrieval. 1097-1107 - Kresimir Delac, Mislav Grgic
, Sonja Grgic
Face recognition in JPEG and JPEG2000 compressed domain. 1108-1120 - Dirk Colbry
, George C. Stockman:
The 3DID face alignment system for verifying identity. 1121-1133 - Vahid Abolghasemi
, Alireza Ahmadyfard:
An edge-based color-aided method for license plate detection. 1134-1142 - Gustavo Carneiro
, Allan D. Jepson:
The quantitative characterization of the distinctiveness and robustness of local image descriptors. 1143-1156 - Michael Fussenegger, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof
, Rachid Deriche
, Axel Pinz:
A level set framework using a new incremental, robust Active Shape Model for object segmentation and tracking. 1157-1168 - Yuan Mei, Huaijiang Sun, De-Shen Xia:
A gradient-based combined method for the computation of fingerprints' orientation field. 1169-1177 - E. Mouragnon, Maxime Lhuillier, Michel Dhome, Fabien Dekeyser, Patrick Sayd:
Generic and real-time structure from motion using local bundle adjustment. 1178-1193 - Robert Bodor, Andrew Drenner, Duc Fehr, Osama Masoud, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
View-independent human motion classification using image-based reconstruction. 1194-1206 - Miguel Ángel Martín-Fernández
, Rubén Cárdenes, Emma Muñoz-Moreno
, Rodrigo de Luis García
, Marcos Martín-Fernández
, Carlos Alberola-López
Automatic articulated registration of hand radiographs. 1207-1222
- Mark Polak, Hong Zhang, Ming Hong Pi:
An evaluation metric for image segmentation of multiple objects. 1223-1227
Volume 27, Number 9, August 2009
- Aluízio F. R. Araújo
, Diogo C. Costa:
Local adaptive receptive field self-organizing map for image color segmentation. 1229-1239 - Kazuhiro Hotta:
Pose independent object classification from small number of training samples based on kernel principal component analysis of local parts. 1240-1251 - Ju-Chin Chen, Jenn-Jier James Lien:
A view-based statistical system for multi-view face detection and pose estimation. 1252-1271 - Frédéric Jean, Robert Bergevin
, Alexandra Branzan Albu:
Computing and evaluating view-normalized body part trajectories. 1272-1284 - Demetrios Gerogiannis
, Christophoros Nikou, Aristidis Likas:
The mixtures of Student's t-distributions as a robust framework for rigid registration. 1285-1294 - Cheolkon Jung, Qifeng Liu
, Joongkyu Kim:
Accurate text localization in images based on SVM output scores. 1295-1301 - Zhaohua Hu, Xin Fan, Yaoliang Song, Dequn Liang:
Joint trajectory tracking and recognition based on bi-directional nonlinear learning. 1302-1312 - Jaewon Sung, Daijin Kim:
Real-time facial expression recognition using STAAM and layered GDA classifier. 1313-1325 - Patrick Dickinson, Andrew Hunter, Kofi Appiah:
A spatially distributed model for foreground segmentation. 1326-1335 - Baopu Li, Max Q.-H. Meng:
Texture analysis for ulcer detection in capsule endoscopy images. 1336-1342 - Amir Nakib
, Hamouche Oulhadj, Patrick Siarry:
A thresholding method based on two-dimensional fractional differentiation. 1343-1357 - Yulian Zhu, Jun Liu, Songcan Chen:
Semi-random subspace method for face recognition. 1358-1370 - Chengqing Li
, Shujun Li
, Muhammad Asim, Juana Nunez, Gonzalo Álvarez
, Guanrong Chen
On the security defects of an image encryption scheme. 1371-1381 - Fadi Dornaika, Angel Domingo Sappa:
A featureless and stochastic approach to on-board stereo vision system pose. 1382-1393 - Erchan Aptoula
, Sébastien Lefèvre
On the morphological processing of hue. 1394-1401 - Yinhui Zhang, Yunsheng Zhang, Zifen He, Xiangyang Tang:
Multiscale fusion of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree through graph cut. 1402-1410 - Ying Zheng, Guangyao Li, Xiehua Sun, Xinmin Zhou:
A geometric active contour model without re-initialization for color images. 1411-1417
Volume 27, Number 10, September 2009
- Paolo Remagnino, Gian Luca Foresti:
Computer vision methods for ambient intelligence. 1419-1420 - Yin Chen, Rick S. Blum
A new automated quality assessment algorithm for image fusion. 1421-1432 - Jordi Gonzàlez
, Daniel Rowe, Javier Varona
, F. Xavier Roca
Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence evaluation. 1433-1444 - Philip Kelly, Noel E. O'Connor, Alan F. Smeaton
Robust pedestrian detection and tracking in crowded scenes. 1445-1458 - Christian Micheloni
, Lauro Snidaro
, Gian Luca Foresti:
Exploiting temporal statistics for events analysis and understanding. 1459-1469
- Hung-Khoon Tan, Chong-Wah Ngo
Localized matching using Earth Mover's Distance towards discovery of common patterns from small image samples. 1470-1483 - Yuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito:
Multiple planes based registration using 3D Projective Space for Augmented Reality. 1484-1496 - Babak Mahdian, Stanislav Saic:
Using noise inconsistencies for blind image forensics. 1497-1503 - Khaled M. Shaaban, Nagwa M. Omar
Region-based Deformable Net for automatic color image segmentation. 1504-1514 - Nazli Ikizler, Pinar Duygulu
Histogram of oriented rectangles: A new pose descriptor for human action recognition. 1515-1526 - Dong-Gyu Sim, Yongmin Kim:
Detection and compression of moving objects based on new panoramic image modeling. 1527-1539 - Stefano Berretti
, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Pietro Pala
3D Mesh decomposition using Reeb graphs. 1540-1554 - Shing Chun Benny Lam, Brendan McCane
, Robert Allen:
Automated tracking in digitized videofluoroscopy sequences for spine kinematic analysis. 1555-1571 - Jorge Novo
, Manuel G. Penedo
, José Santos Reyes:
Localisation of the optic disc by means of GA-optimised Topological Active Nets. 1572-1584 - Kai-Ling Mak, P. Peng, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu
Fabric defect detection using morphological filters. 1585-1592 - Alec Mills, Gregory Dudek:
Image stitching with dynamic elements. 1593-1602 - Mohammad Reza Daliri
, Vincent Torre:
Shape and texture clustering: Best estimate for the clusters number. 1603-1614 - Hadi Grailu, Mojtaba Lotfizad, Hadi Sadoghi Yazdi:
1-D chaincode pattern matching for compression of Bi-level printed farsi and arabic textual images. 1615-1625 - Chen-Chung Liu, Kai-Wen Chuang:
An outdoor time scenes simulation scheme based on support vector regression with radial basis function on DCT domain. 1626-1636
Volume 27, Number 11, October 2009
- Gösta H. Granlund:
Special issue on Perception, Action and Learning. 1639-1640 - John G. Taylor, Matthew Hartley, Neill R. Taylor, Christo Panchev
, Stathis Kasderidis:
A hierarchical attention-based neural network architecture, based on human brain guidance, for perception, conceptualisation, action and reasoning. 1641-1657 - Hanspeter A. Mallot, Kai Basten:
Embodied spatial cognition: Biological and artificial systems. 1658-1670 - Michael Felsberg
, Johan Wiklund, Gösta H. Granlund:
Exploratory learning structures in artificial cognitive systems. 1671-1687 - Erik Jonsson
, Michael Felsberg
Efficient computation of channel-coded feature maps through piecewise polynomials. 1688-1694 - Karel Zimmermann
, Tomás Svoboda
, Jiri Matas
Anytime learning for the NoSLLiP tracker. 1695-1701 - Mikhail Shevchenko, David Windridge
, Josef Kittler:
A linear-complexity reparameterisation strategy for the hierarchical bootstrapping of capabilities within perception-action architectures. 1702-1714 - Eng-Jon Ong, Liam F. Ellis, Richard Bowden
Problem solving through imitation. 1715-1728 - Fredrik Larsson, Erik Jonsson
, Michael Felsberg
Simultaneously learning to recognize and control a low-cost robotic arm. 1729-1739
Volume 27, Number 12, November 2009
- Maja Pantic, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Visual and multimodal analysis of human spontaneous behaviour: Introduction to the Special Issue. 1741-1742
- Alessandro Vinciarelli
, Maja Pantic, Hervé Bourlard:
Social signal processing: Survey of an emerging domain. 1743-1759 - Björn W. Schuller
, Ronald Müller, Florian Eyben, Jürgen Gast, Benedikt Hörnler, Martin Wöllmer, Gerhard Rigoll, Anja Höthker, Hitoshi Konosu:
Being bored? Recognising natural interest by extensive audiovisual integration for real-life application. 1760-1774 - Daniel Gatica-Perez
Automatic nonverbal analysis of social interaction in small groups: A review. 1775-1787 - Ahmed Bilal Ashraf, Simon Lucey
, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Tsuhan Chen
, Zara Ambadar, Kenneth M. Prkachin, Patricia E. Solomon
The painful face - Pain expression recognition using active appearance models. 1788-1796 - Gwen Littlewort, Marian Stewart Bartlett, Kang Lee:
Automatic coding of facial expressions displayed during posed and genuine pain. 1797-1803 - Simon Lucey
, Yang Wang, Mark Cox
, Sridha Sridharan, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Efficient constrained local model fitting for non-rigid face alignment. 1804-1813 - Antonios Oikonomopoulos, Maja Pantic, Ioannis Patras
Sparse B-spline polynomial descriptors for human activity recognition. 1814-1825 - Liya Ding
, Aleix M. Martínez:
Modelling and recognition of the linguistic components in American Sign Language. 1826-1844

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