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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 33
Volume 33, Number 1, January 2021
- Bradley R. Postle:
Statement from the Incoming Editor-in-Chief. 1-2 - Jacqueline M. Fulvio
, Ileri Akinnola, Bradley R. Postle:
Gender (Im)balance in Citation Practices in Cognitive Neuroscience. 3-7 - Mylène Barbaroux, Arnaud Norena, Maud Rasamimanana, Eric Castet, Mireille Besson:
From Psychoacoustics to Brain Waves: A Longitudinal Approach to Novel Word Learning. 8-27 - Anthony P. Zanesco, Ekaterina Denkova, Amishi P. Jha:
Self-reported Mind Wandering and Response Time Variability Differentiate Prestimulus Electroencephalogram Microstate Dynamics during a Sustained Attention Task. 28-45 - Haggar Cohen-Dallal
, Nachum Soroker, Yoni Pertzov:
Working Memory in Unilateral Spatial Neglect: Evidence for Impaired Binding of Object Identity and Object Location. 46-62 - Roger W. Remington, Joyce M. G. Vromen, Stefanie I. Becker
, Oliver Baumann
, Jason B. Mattingley
The Role of Frontoparietal Cortex across the Functional Stages of Visual Search. 63-76 - Wei-Chun Wang, Liang-Tien Hsieh, Gowri Swamy, Silvia A. Bunge
Transient Neural Activation of Abstract Relations on an Incidental Analogy Task. 77-88 - Anna M. Monk, Marshall A. Dalton
, Gareth R. Barnes
, Eleanor A. Maguire:
The Role of Hippocampal-Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Neural Dynamics in Building Mental Representations. 89-103 - Berry van den Berg, Marlon de Jong, Marty G. Woldorff, Monicque M. Lorist
Caffeine Boosts Preparatory Attention for Reward-related Stimulus Information. 104-118 - Anna Castiglione, Adam R. Aron:
Unwanted Memory Intrusions Recruit Broad Motor Suppression. 119-128 - Greig I. de Zubicaray
, Katie L. McMahon, Joanne Arciuli
A Sound Explanation for Motor Cortex Engagement during Action Word Comprehension. 129-145 - Chong Zhao, Geoffrey F. Woodman:
Converging Evidence That Neural Plasticity Underlies Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation. 146-157
Volume 33, Number 2, February 2021
- Adam Steel, Caroline E. Robertson
, Jeffrey S. Taube:
Current Promises and Limitations of Combined Virtual Reality and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research in Humans: A Commentary on Huffman and Ekstrom (2019). 159-166 - Derek J. Huffman
, Arne D. Ekstrom:
An Important Step toward Understanding the Role of Body-based Cues on Human Spatial Memory for Large-Scale Environments. 167-179 - Ruben Sanchez-Romero, Michael W. Cole:
Combining Multiple Functional Connectivity Methods to Improve Causal Inferences. 180-194 - Til Ole Bergmann
, Gesa Hartwigsen
Inferring Causality from Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience. 195-225 - Sebastian Weichwald
, Jonas Peters
Causality in Cognitive Neuroscience: Concepts, Challenges, and Distributional Robustness. 226-247 - Alireza Soltani, Mohsen Rakhshan, Robert J. Schafer, Brittany E. Burrows, Tirin Moore:
Separable Influences of Reward on Visual Processing and Choice. 248-262 - Katarzyna Paluch
, Katarzyna Jurewicz
, Andrzej Wróbel
Beyond Difference in Reaction Time: Understanding Neuronal Activity during the Preparatory Period of the Decision Process. 263-278 - Peter R. Millar
, Beau M. Ances, Brian A. Gordon
, Tammie L. S. Benzinger, John C. Morris
, David A. Balota:
Evaluating Cognitive Relationships with Resting-State and Task-driven Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent Variability. 279-302 - Yasmin Allen-Davidian
, Manuela Russo, Naohide Yamamoto
, Jordy Kaufman
, Alan J. Pegna
, Patrick J. Johnston
Turning the Face Inversion Effect on Its Head: Violated Expectations of Orientation, Lighting, and Gravity Enhance N170 Amplitudes. 303-314 - Hsin-I Liao, Makio Kashino, Shinsuke Shimojo:
Attractiveness in the Eyes: A Possibility of Positive Loop between Transient Pupil Constriction and Facial Attraction. 315-340
Volume 33, Number 3, March 2021
- Keith J. Holyoak
, Martin M. Monti:
Relational Integration in the Human Brain: A Review and Synthesis. 341-356 - Matthew J. Kmiecik
, Rodolfo Perez, Daniel C. Krawczyk
Navigating Increasing Levels of Relational Complexity: Perceptual, Analogical, and System Mappings. 357-376 - Jeffrey N. Chiang
, Yujia Peng, Hongjing Lu, Keith J. Holyoak, Martin M. Monti:
Distributed Code for Semantic Relations Predicts Neural Similarity during Analogical Reasoning. 377-389 - Katherine L. Alfred, Megan E. Hillis
, David J. M. Kraemer:
Individual Differences in the Neural Localization of Relational Networks of Semantic Concepts. 390-401 - Ewa A. Miendlarzewska
, Kristoffer Carl Aberg, Daphne Bavelier
, Sophie Schwartz:
Prior Reward Conditioning Dampens Hippocampal and Striatal Responses during an Associative Memory Task. 402-421 - Sophie Meekings, Sophie K. Scott:
Error in the Superior Temporal Gyrus? A Systematic Review and Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-Analysis of Speech Production Studies. 422-444 - Sam C. Berens
, Bárður H. Joensen, Aidan J. Horner
Tracking the Emergence of Location-based Spatial Representations in Human Scene-Selective Cortex. 445-462 - Karin Foerde
, Nathaniel D. Daw
, Teresa Rufin, B. Timothy Walsh, Daphna Shohamy, Joanna E. Steinglass
Deficient Goal-Directed Control in a Population Characterized by Extreme Goal Pursuit. 463-481 - Takahiro Kagawa
, Scott Makeig, Makoto Miyakoshi
Electroencephalographic Study on Sensory Integration in Visually Induced Postural Sway. 482-498 - William Orwig
, Ibai Díez
, Patrizia Vannini
, Roger E. Beaty
, Jorge Sepulcre:
Creative Connections: Computational Semantic Distance Captures Individual Creativity and Resting-State Functional Connectivity. 499-509 - Hermine S. Berberyan
, Leendert van Maanen
, Hedderik van Rijn
, Jelmer P. Borst
EEG-based Identification of Evidence Accumulation Stages in Decision-Making. 510-527 - Anqi Wang, Lihong Chen, Yi Jiang
Anodal Occipital Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Enhances Perceived Visual Size Illusions. 528-535 - Sisi Wang
, Emma E. Megla, Geoffrey F. Woodman:
Stimulus-induced Alpha Suppression Tracks the Difficulty of Attentional Selection, Not Visual Working Memory Storage. 536-562
Volume 33, Number 4, April 2021
- Francesco Panico
, Lisa Fleury
, Luigi Trojano, Yves Rossetti:
Prism Adaptation in M1. 563-573 - Eleonora J. Beier
, Suphasiree Chantavarin, Gwendolyn Rehrig
, Fernanda Ferreira, Lee M. Miller:
Cortical Tracking of Speech: Toward Collaboration between the Fields of Signal and Sentence Processing. 574-593 - Dirk Kerzel
, Stanislas Huynh Cong:
Attentional Templates Are Sharpened through Differential Signal Enhancement, Not Differential Allocation of Attention. 594-610 - Gilles Vannuscorps
, Michael Andres, Sarah Pereira Carneiro, Elise Rombaux, Alfonso Caramazza:
Typically Efficient Lipreading without Motor Simulation. 611-621 - Anna Vaskevich, Alon Nishry, Yotam Smilansky, Roy Luria:
Neural Evidence Suggests Both Interference and Facilitation from Embedding Regularity into Visual Search. 622-634 - Sean A. Gilmore, Frank A. Russo
Neural and Behavioral Evidence for Vibrotactile Beat Perception and Bimodal Enhancement. 635-650 - Paula Vieweg
, Matthias M. Müller:
Shifting Attention in Feature Space: Fast Facilitation of the To-Be-Attended Feature Is Followed by Slow Inhibition of the To-Be-Ignored Feature. 651-661 - Eva Dittinger
, Betina Korka, Mireille Besson:
Evidence for Enhanced Long-term Memory in Professional Musicians and Its Contribution to Novel Word Learning. 662-682 - Marta Ghio
, Sophie Egan, Christian Bellebaum:
Similarities and Differences between Performers and Observers in Processing Auditory Action Consequences: Evidence from Simultaneous EEG Acquisition. 683-694 - Kirsten C. S. Adam
, Lillian Chang
, Nicole Rangan, John T. Serences:
Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials and Feature-based Attention: Preregistered Null Results and a Focused Review of Methodological Considerations. 695-724 - Chen Feng
, Markus F. Damian
, Qingqing Qu
Parallel Processing of Semantics and Phonology in Spoken Production: Evidence from Blocked Cyclic Picture Naming and EEG. 725-738 - Andrew D. Sheldon, Elyana Saad, Muhammet Ikbal Sahan, Emma E. Meyering, Michael J. Starrett
, Joshua J. LaRocque
, Nathan S. Rose, Bradley R. Postle:
Attention Biases Competition for Visual Representation via Dissociable Influences from Frontal and Parietal Cortex. 739-755 - Raquel E. London, Heleen A. Slagter
No Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Temporal Attention. 756-768
Volume 33, Number 5, May 2021
- Ulf H. Schnabel, Tobias Van der Bijl, Pieter R. Roelfsema, Jeannette A. M. Lorteije:
A Direct Comparison of Spatial Attention and Stimulus-Response Compatibility between Mice and Humans. 771-783 - Cheol Soh
, Megan Hynd, Benjamin O. Rangel
, Jan R. Wessel
Adjustments to Proactive Motor Inhibition without Effector-Specific Foreknowledge Are Reflected in a Bilateral Upregulation of Sensorimotor β-Burst Rates. 784-798 - Carole Peyrin, Alexia Roux-Sibilon
, Audrey Trouilloud, Sarah Khazaz, Malena Joly, Cédric Pichat
, Muriel Boucart
, Alexandre Krainik, Louise Kauffmann:
Semantic and Physical Properties of Peripheral Vision Are Used for Scene Categorization in Central Vision. 799-813 - Matthew F. Panichello, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne:
Behavioral and Neural Fusion of Expectation with Sensation. 814-825 - Magda Mustile
, Flora Giocondo
, Daniele Caligiore
, Anna M. Borghi
, Dimitrios Kourtis
Motor Inhibition to Dangerous Objects: Electrophysiological Evidence for Task-dependent Aversive Affordances. 826-839 - Gavin M. Bidelman
, Claire Pearson, Ashleigh Harrison:
Lexical Influences on Categorical Speech Perception Are Driven by a Temporoparietal Circuit. 840-852 - Alexandre de P. Nobre
, Andrey R. Nikolaev
, Gustavo Gauer, Cees van Leeuwen
, Johan Wagemans
Effects of Temporal Expectations on the Perception of Motion Gestalts. 853-871 - Grant S. Shields
, Camelia E. Hostinar, Veronika Vilgis, Erika E. Forbes, Alison E. Hipwell
, Kate Keenan, Amanda E. Guyer
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity in Childhood Predicts Emotional Memory Effects and Related Neural Circuitry in Adolescent Girls. 872-886 - Joan Duprez
, Mitchel Stokkermans, Linda Drijvers
, Michael X. Cohen:
Synchronization between Keyboard Typing and Neural Oscillations. 887-901 - Isabel E. Asp, Viola S. Störmer, Timothy F. Brady
Greater Visual Working Memory Capacity for Visually Matched Stimuli When They Are Perceived as Meaningful. 902-918 - Chin-An Wang
, Douglas P. Munoz:
Coordination of Pupil and Saccade Responses by the Superior Colliculus. 919-932 - Morgane Chassignolle, Ljubica Jovanovic
, Catherine Schmidt-Mutter, Guillaume Behr, Anne Giersch
, Jennifer T. Coull
Dopamine Precursor Depletion in Healthy Volunteers Impairs Processing of Duration but Not Temporal Order. 946-963
Volume 33, Number 6, June 2021
- Abhijit Rajan, Sreenivasan Meyyappan, Yuelu Liu, Immanuel Babu Henry Samuel, Bijurika Nandi, George R. Mangun, Mingzhou Ding:
The Microstructure of Attentional Control in the Dorsal Attention Network. 965-983 - Álvaro Darriba
, Sandrien van Ommen, Yi-Fang Hsu, Florian Waszak:
Visual Predictions Operate on Different Timescales. 984-1002 - Anna A. Matejko, Daniel Ansari:
Shared Neural Circuits for Visuospatial Working Memory and Arithmetic in Children and Adults. 1003-1019 - Shou-Han Zhou
, Gerard M. Loughnane, Redmond G. O'Connell
, Mark A. Bellgrove
, Trevor T.-J. Chong:
Distractors Selectively Modulate Electrophysiological Markers of Perceptual Decisions. 1020-1031 - Olya Hakobyan
, Sen Cheng
Recognition Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves: The Complex Influence of Input Statistics, Memory, and Decision-making. 1032-1055 - Michael L. Epstein, Tatiana Aloi Emmanouil:
Ensemble Statistics Can Be Available before Individual Item Properties: Electroencephalography Evidence Using the Oddball Paradigm. 1056-1068 - Macià Buades-Rotger
, Anne-Kristin Solbakk, Matthias Liebrand
, Tor Endestad, Ingrid Funderud, Paul Siegwardt, Dorien Enter, Karin Roelofs, Ulrike M. Krämer:
Patients with Ventromedial Prefrontal Lesions Show an Implicit Approach Bias to Angry Faces. 1069-1081 - Francesca M. Branzi
, Gorana Pobric, JeYoung Jung
, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph:
The Left Angular Gyrus Is Causally Involved in Context-dependent Integration and Associative Encoding during Narrative Reading. 1082-1095 - Megan E. Monko, Sarah R. Heilbronner:
Retrosplenial Cortical Connectivity with Frontal Basal Ganglia Networks. 1096-1105 - Claire H. C. Chang
, Christina Lazaridi, Yaara Yeshurun, Kenneth A. Norman, Uri Hasson:
Relating the Past with the Present: Information Integration and Segregation during Ongoing Narrative Processing. 1106-1128 - Emma E. Megla, Geoffrey F. Woodman, Ashleigh M. Maxcey:
Induced Forgetting Is the Result of True Forgetting, Not Shifts in Decision-making Thresholds. 1129-1141 - Qing Yu
, Bradley R. Postle:
The Neural Codes Underlying Internally Generated Representations in Visual Working Memory. 1142-1157 - Randall C. O'Reilly
, Jacob L. Russin
, Maryam Zolfaghar, John Rohrlich:
Deep Predictive Learning in Neocortex and Pulvinar. 1158-1196 - Martha J. Farah, Saul Sternberg, Thomas A. Nichols, Jeffrey T. Duda, Terry Lohrenz, Yi Luo
, Libbie Sonnier, Sharon L. Ramey, P. Read Montague, Craig T. Ramey:
Randomized Manipulation of Early Cognitive Experience Impacts Adult Brain Structure. 1197-1209
Volume 33, Number 7, July 2021
- Wouter Kruijne
, Christian N. L. Olivers
, Hedderik van Rijn
Memory for Stimulus Duration Is Not Bound to Spatial Information. 1211-1229 - Wouter Kruijne
, Christian N. L. Olivers
, Hedderik van Rijn
Neural Repetition Suppression Modulates Time Perception: Evidence From Electrophysiology and Pupillometry. 1230-1252 - Sicong Liu, Jillian M. Clements, Elayna P. Kirsch, Hrishikesh M. Rao, David J. Zielinski, Yvonne Lu, Boyla O. Mainsah, Nicholas D. Potter, Marc A. Sommer, Regis Kopper, Lawrence G. Appelbaum:
Psychophysiological Markers of Performance and Learning during Simulated Marksmanship in Immersive Virtual Reality. 1253-1270 - Jordan Garrett
, Tom Bullock
, Barry Giesbrecht
Tracking the Contents of Spatial Working Memory during an Acute Bout of Aerobic Exercise. 1271-1286 - Paul Fillmore
, Chenlu Gao, Jose Diaz
, Michael K. Scullin:
The Prospective Sleeping Brain: Age-Related Differences in Episodic Future Thinking and Frontal Sleep Spindles. 1287-1294 - Mikel Jimenez
, Claudia Poch, Cristina Villalba-García
, Lucía Sabater, José Antonio Hinojosa, Pedro R. Montoro
, Mika Koivisto:
The Level of Processing Modulates Visual Awareness: Evidence from Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures. 1295-1310 - Vignesh Muralidharan
, Adam R. Aron:
Behavioral Induction of a High Beta State in Sensorimotor Cortex Leads to Movement Slowing. 1311-1328 - Stacey Humphries
, Jacqueline Rick, Daniel Weintraub, Anjan Chatterjee:
Movement in Aesthetic Experiences: What We Can Learn from Parkinson Disease. 1329-1342 - Parvaneh Adibpour
, Jean-Rémy Hochmann
, Liuba Papeo:
Spatial Relations Trigger Visual Binding of People. 1343-1353 - Gisella K. Diaz
, Edward K. Vogel, Edward Awh:
Perceptual Grouping Reveals Distinct Roles for Sustained Slow Wave Activity and Alpha Oscillations in Working Memory. 1354-1364 - Aaron T. Buss, Vincent Magnotta
, Eliot Hazeltine
, Kaleb Kinder
, John P. Spencer
Probing the Neural Systems Underlying Flexible Dimensional Attention. 1365-1380 - Kamin Kim, Matthew S. Sherwood, Lindsey K. McIntire, R. Andy McKinley, Charan Ranganath:
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Connectivity of Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex with Distributed Cortical Networks. 1381-1395
Volume 33, Number 8, August 2021
- Daniel J. Plebanek, Karin Harman James:
The Effects of Frequency, Variability, and Co-occurrence on Category Formation in Neural Systems. 1397-1412 - Sabrina Cervetto, Mariano Díaz-Rivera, Agustín Petroni, Agustina Birba
, Miguel Martorell Caro, Lucas Sedeño, Agustín Ibáñez
, Adolfo M. García
The Neural Blending of Words and Movement: Event-Related Potential Signatures of Semantic and Action Processes during Motor-Language Coupling. 1413-1427 - Anastasia Kiyonaga, John P. Powers, Yu-Chin Chiu
, Tobias Egner:
Hemisphere-specific Parietal Contributions to the Interplay between Working Memory and Attention. 1428-1441 - Dariusz Asanowicz
, Bartlomiej Panek
, Ilona Kotlewska
Selection for Action: The Medial Frontal Cortex Is an Executive Hub for Stimulus and Response Selection. 1442-1469 - Benjamin Parrell:
A Potential Role for Reinforcement Learning in Speech Production. 1470-1486 - Zuo Zhang
, Peter Zeidman
, Natalie Nelissen, Nicola Filippini
, Jörn Diedrichsen, Stefania Bracci, Karl J. Friston
, Elisabeth Rounis
Neural Correlates of Hand-Object Congruency Effects during Action Planning. 1487-1503 - Christine Salahub
, Stephen M. Emrich:
Drawn to Distraction: Anxiety Impairs Neural Suppression of Known Distractor Features in Visual Search. 1504-1516 - Jeremy I. Skipper
, Daniel R. Lametti
Speech Perception under the Tent: A Domain-general Predictive Role for the Cerebellum. 1517-1534 - Michele Fornaciai, Joonkoo Park:
Decoding of Electroencephalogram Signals Shows No Evidence of a Neural Signature for Subitizing in Sequential Numerosity. 1535-1548 - Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Ryszard Auksztulewicz
, Alexander Provost, Bryan Paton, Zachary L. Howard
, Juanita Todd:
Hierarchical Learning of Statistical Regularities over Multiple Timescales of Sound Sequence Processing: A Dynamic Causal Modeling Study. 1549-1562 - Elisa Monaco
, Lea B. Jost, Monica Lancheros
, Sylvain Harquel
, Eric Schmidlin, Jean-Marie Annoni:
First and Second Language at Hand: A Chronometric Transcranial-Magnetic Stimulation Study on Semantic and Motor Resonance. 1563-1580 - Bernhard Pastötter
, Birte Moeller, Christian Frings:
Watching the Brain as It (Un)Binds: Beta Synchronization Relates to Distractor-Response Binding. 1581-1594 - Avital Sternin, Lucy M. McGarry, Adrian M. Owen
, Jessica A. Grahn:
The Effect of Familiarity on Neural Representations of Music and Language. 1595-1611 - Cornelia van Scherpenberg
, Rasha Abdel Rahman, Frank Regenbrecht, Hellmuth Obrig:
Semantic Interference through Multiple Distractors in Picture Naming in People with Aphasia. 1612-1633
Volume 33, Number 9, September 2021
- Brian Levine, R. Shayna Rosenbaum, Anne-Kristin Solbakk, Mark D'Esposito
Introduction to the Special Issue. 1635
- Francisco Barceló:
A Predictive Processing Account of Card Sorting: Fast Proactive and Reactive Frontoparietal Cortical Dynamics during Inference and Learning of Perceptual Categories. 1636-1656 - Sara B. Festini
, Benjamin Katz:
A Frontal Account of False Alarms. 1657-1678 - Antonino Vallesi
The Quest for Hemispheric Asymmetries Supporting and Predicting Executive Functioning. 1679-1697 - Jacob A. Miller
, Mark D'Esposito
, Kevin S. Weiner:
Using Tertiary Sulci to Map the "Cognitive Globe" of Prefrontal Cortex. 1698-1715
- Marisa K. Heckner, Edna C. Cieslik
, Simon B. Eickhoff, Julia A. Camilleri, Felix Hoffstaedter, Robert Langner:
The Aging Brain and Executive Functions Revisited: Implications from Meta-analytic and Functional-Connectivity Evidence. 1716-1752 - Daniella J. Furman, Zhihao Zhang, Christopher H. Chatham
, Maxwell Good, David Badre, Ming Hsu, Andrew S. Kayser:
Augmenting Frontal Dopamine Tone Enhances Maintenance over Gating Processes in Working Memory. 1753-1765 - Sandra Arbula
, Alessandro Della Puppa, Serena De Pellegrin, Luca Denaro
, Domenico D'Avella
, Carlo Semenza, Maurizio Corbetta
, Antonino Vallesi
Rule Perseveration during Task-Switching in Brain Tumor: A Severe Form of Task-Setting Impairment. 1766-1783 - Michael K. Yeung, Ami Tsuchida
, Lesley K. Fellows:
Causal Prefrontal Contributions to Stop-Signal Task Performance in Humans. 1784-1797 - Saeideh Davoudi, Mohsen Parto Dezfouli
, Robert T. Knight, Mohammad Reza Daliri, Elizabeth L. Johnson
Prefrontal Lesions Disrupt Posterior Alpha-Gamma Coordination of Visual Working Memory Representations. 1798-1810 - Jenny R. Rieck, Giulia Baracchini
, Cheryl L. Grady:
Contributions of Brain Function and Structure to Three Different Domains of Cognitive Control in Normal Aging. 1811-1832 - S. J. Katarina Slama
, Richard Jimenez, Sujayam Saha, David King-Stephens, Kenneth D. Laxer, Peter B. Weber, Tor Endestad, Jugoslav Ivanovic, Pål G. Larsson, Anne-Kristin Solbakk, Jack J. Lin, Robert T. Knight:
Intracranial Recordings Demonstrate Both Cortical and Medial Temporal Lobe Engagement in Visual Search in Humans. 1833-1861 - Matthias Liebrand
, Anne-Kristin Solbakk, Ingrid Funderud, Macià Buades-Rotger
, Robert T. Knight, Ulrike M. Krämer:
Intact Proactive Motor Inhibition after Unilateral Prefrontal Cortex or Basal Ganglia Lesions. 1862-1879 - Nicole Sanford
, Todd S. Woodward
Functional Delineation of Prefrontal Networks Underlying Working Memory in Schizophrenia: A Cross-data-set Examination. 1880-1908 - Jenkin Ngo Yin Mok, Leonard Green, Joel Myerson, Donna Kwan, Jake Kurczek, Elisa Ciaramelli
, Carl F. Craver, R. Shayna Rosenbaum:
Does Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Damage Really Increase Impulsiveness? Delay and Probability Discounting in Patients with Focal Lesions. 1909-1927 - Ariana E. Giuliano, Kyra Bonasia
, Vanessa E. Ghosh, Morris Moscovitch, Asaf Gilboa
Differential Influence of Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Lesions on Neural Representations of Schema and Semantic Category Knowledge. 1928-1955 - Anne-Kristin Solbakk, James I. Lubell, Sabine Leske, Ingrid Funderud, Anaïs Llorens
, Alejandro O. Blenkmann
, Maja Dyhre Foldal, Torstein Meling
, Robert T. Knight, Tor Endestad:
Monitoring of Self-Paced Action Timing and Sensory Outcomes After Lesions to the Orbitofrontal Cortex. 1956-1975 - Erik A. Wing, Maria C. D'Angelo, Asaf Gilboa
, Jennifer D. Ryan:
The Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and Basal Forebrain in Relational Memory and Inference. 1976-1989 - Todd S. Braver
, Alexander Kizhner, Rongxiang Tang, Michael C. Freund, Joset A. Etzel:
The Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control Project. 1990-2015
Volume 33, Number 10, October 2021
- Grace W. Lindsay:
Convolutional Neural Networks as a Model of the Visual System: Past, Present, and Future. 2017-2031
- Kshitij Dwivedi, Radoslaw Martin Cichy, Gemma Roig:
Unraveling Representations in Scene-selective Brain Regions Using Scene-Parsing Deep Neural Networks. 2032-2043 - Katherine R. Storrs
, Tim C. Kietzmann, Alexander Walther, Johannes Mehrer
, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
Diverse Deep Neural Networks All Predict Human Inferior Temporal Cortex Well, After Training and Fitting. 2044-2064
- Katharina Koch, Lorena R. R. Gianotti
, Jan Hausfeld
, Mirjam Studler
, Daria Knoch
Different Behavioral Types of Distributional Preferences Are Characterized by Distinct Neural Signatures. 2065-2078
- Khoi D. Vo, Audrey Siqi-Liu
, Alondra Chaire, Sophia Li, Elise Demeter
, Tobias Egner, Marty G. Woldorff:
Neural Dynamics of Conflict Control in Working Memory. 2079-2092 - Stefan Elmer, Eva Dittinger
, Julia Brocchetto, Clément François
, Mireille Besson, Lutz Jäncke, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells:
Phonetic Skills and Verbal Memory Capacity Predict Phonetic-based Word Learning: An Event-related Potential Study. 2093-2108 - Ulrike Senftleben
, Stefan Scherbaum
Mid-frontal Theta during Conflict in a Value-based Decision Task. 2109-2131 - Megan T. deBettencourt
, Stephanie D. Williams, Edward K. Vogel, Edward Awh:
Sustained Attention and Spatial Attention Distinctly Influence Long-term Memory Encoding. 2132-2148 - Chiara Spaccasassi, H. Chris Dijkerman, Angelo Maravita
, Oscar Ferrante
, Maartje C. de Jong
Body-Space Interactions: Same Spatial Encoding but Different Influence of Valence for Reaching and Defensive Purposes. 2149-2166 - Yaser Merrikhi
, Mohammad Shams-Ahmar
, Hamid Karimi-Rouzbahani
, Kelsey L. Clark, Reza Ebrahimpour, Behrad Noudoost:
Dissociable Contribution of Extrastriate Responses to Representational Enhancement of Gaze Targets. 2167-2180 - Robert Steinhauser, Sebastian Kübler, Marco Steinhauser, Torsten Schubert:
Neural Correlates of Task-order Preparation in Dual Tasks: An EEG Study. 2181-2196
Volume 33, Number 11, November 2021
- Erik J. Kaestner, Thomas Thesen
, Orrin Devinsky, Werner K. Doyle, Chad Carlson, Eric Halgren:
An Intracranial Electrophysiology Study of Visual Language Encoding: The Contribution of the Precentral Gyrus to Silent Reading. 2197-2214 - Yulia Lerner
, K. Suzanne Scherf
, Mikhail Katkov
, Uri Hasson
, Marlene Behrmann
Changes in Cortical Coherence Supporting Complex Visual and Social Processing in Adolescence. 2215-2230 - Hyein Jeong
, Emiel van den Hoven
, Sylvain Madec, Audrey Bürki
Behavioral and Brain Responses Highlight the Role of Usage in the Preparation of Multiword Utterances for Production. 2231-2264 - Kenny Skagerlund, Mikael Skagenholt
, J. Paul Hamilton, Paul Slovic, Daniel Västfjäll
Investigating the Neural Correlates of the Affect Heuristic Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2265-2278 - Qi Lin
, Kwangsun Yoo, Xilin Shen, Robert Todd Constable, Marvin M. Chun:
Functional Connectivity during Encoding Predicts Individual Differences in Long-Term Memory. 2279-2296 - Nicole K. Bolt
, Janeen D. Loehr
Sensory Attenuation of the Auditory P2 Differentiates Self- from Partner-Produced Sounds during Joint Action. 2297-2310 - Mingli Liang
, Jingyi Zheng, Eve A. Isham, Arne D. Ekstrom:
Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and Occipital Alpha Oscillations in Coding Temporal Intervals and Spatial Distances. 2311-2327 - Saana M. Korkki
, Franziska R. Richter, Jon S. Simons:
Hippocampal-Cortical Encoding Activity Predicts the Precision of Episodic Memory. 2328-2341 - Giulia Avvenuti, Davide Bertelloni, Giada Lettieri
, Emiliano Ricciardi, Luca Cecchetti, Pietro Pietrini
, Giulio Bernardi
Emotion Regulation Failures Are Preceded by Local Increases in Sleep-like Activity. 2342-2356 - Ivan Grahek
, Antonio Schettino
, Ernst H. W. Koster, Søren K. Andersen
Dynamic Interplay between Reward and Voluntary Attention Determines Stimulus Processing in Visual Cortex. 2357-2371 - Talia L. Retter
, Bruno Rossion
, Christine Schiltz
Harmonic Amplitude Summation for Frequency-tagging Analysis. 2372-2393 - Pieter Verbeke, Tom Verguts
Neural Synchrony for Adaptive Control. 2394-2412 - William Saban
, Richard B. Ivry:
PONT: A Protocol for Online Neuropsychological Testing. 2413-2425
Volume 33, Number 12, December 2021
- Bradley N. Jack, Miranda R. Chilver
, Richard M. Vickery
, Ingvars Birznieks
, Klimentina Krstanoska-Blazeska, Thomas J. Whitford, Oren Griffiths:
Movement Planning Determines Sensory Suppression: An Event-related Potential Study. 2427-2439 - Haena Kim, Namrata Nanavaty
, Humza Ahmed, Vani A. Mathur
, Brian A. Anderson:
Motivational Salience Guides Attention to Valuable and Threatening Stimuli: Evidence from Behavior and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2440-2460 - Stefanie Duyck
, Farah Martens, Chiu-Yueh Chen
, Hans P. Op de Beeck
How Visual Expertise Changes Representational Geometry: A Behavioral and Neural Perspective. 2461-2476 - Grant T. Fairchild
, Francesco Marini
, Jacqueline C. Snow
Graspability Modulates the Stronger Neural Signature of Motor Preparation for Real Objects vs. Pictures. 2477-2493 - Reem S. W. Alyahya, Ajay D. Halai, Paul Conroy, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph:
Content Word Production during Discourse in Aphasia: Deficits in Word Quantity, Not Lexical-Semantic Complexity. 2494-2511 - Kobe Desender
, Martyn Teuchies, Carlos González-García
, Wouter De Baene
, Jelle Demanet, Marcel Brass:
Metacognitive Awareness of Difficulty in Action Selection: The Role of the Cingulo-opercular Network. 2512-2522 - Vikki Neville
, Peter Dayan, Iain D. Gilchrist
, Elizabeth S. Paul, Michael Mendl
Using Primary Reinforcement to Enhance Translatability of a Human Affect and Decision-Making Judgment Bias Task. 2523-2535 - Joonkoo Park
, Sonia Godbole, Marty G. Woldorff, Elizabeth M. Brannon:
Context-Dependent Modulation of Early Visual Cortical Responses to Numerical and Nonnumerical Magnitudes. 2536-2547 - Nan Liu, Pedro Pinheiro Chagas, Clara Sava-Segal, Sabine Kastner, Qi Chen, Josef Parvizi:
Overlapping Neuronal Population Responses in the Human Parietal Cortex during Visuospatial Attention and Arithmetic Processing. 2548-2558 - Wei Liu
, Nils Kohn
, Guillén Fernández:
Dynamic Transitions between Neural States Are Associated with Flexible Task Switching during a Memory Task. 2559-2588

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